Author Topic: SCU Underground Ep 122 (Results)  (Read 6671 times)

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SCU Underground Ep 122 (Results)
« on: February 28, 2022, 04:57:38 PM »

Sin City Underground Ep 122 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 40% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Golden Ring Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 11:59pm PST on Saturday, February, 26th 2022.

The show opens up with SCU Spokeswomen Donna Beauchamp and GM Lexa in the middle of the ring.

Donna: Welcome back; everything is how it was before taking your leave.

Lexa: Is it, now?

Donna: Of course, everything is under control, morale is at an all-time high, ticket prices are up, the crowd attendance has picked up. I can go on and on.

Lexa: All-time high… ?

Donna: Well, I mean, you can't please everybody, but yes, I'd say it most certainly is.

Lexa: Let me be transparent with you, Donna; most in the locker room are not happy with what's been going on. I'd say yous been doing a shit job, but the truth is I can't. The truth is, yous haven't been doing YOUR job at all.

Donna: Profits are up.

Lexa: Fuck the profits; I'm talking about everything. None of this is YOUR job. I went through all of the contracts in this company, all of them, including yours, Donna.

The crowd reacts with "ohh."

Lexa: I understand that you're the girlfriend to the owner Erik Staggs, but your contract is a talent contract. Yous is not hired as any kind of backstage official. You signed a one-match deal, and then used that to sweet talk Erik into letting yous do whatever it is you think yous been doing! 

The crowd is unsure how to react to this.

Lexa: So, in good faith, most want you gone, but you have a contract to honor.

Donna: I'm not a wrestler.

Lexa: You signed the contract. I will pick out an opponent for you to wrestle at Blaze of Glory 10.

Donna: And if I don't agree to that?

Lexa: Then nothing, you'd have no reason to show up unless you have a ticket to sit with the crowd.

Donna: I'll talk to Erik about this.

Lexa: He's the owner, not the boss. I'm the boss, what I say goes. HE signed your contract, he knows he has to honor his word. Now it's your turn to honor yours. Plus, something tells me that the crowd will want to see Donna Beauchamp vs Ariana Angelos!

The crowd breaks out to an Ari chant.

Lexa: Sounds like the crowd wants to see it.

Donna: Oh please, Ariana? She couldn't beat me no matter what.

Lexa: Funny, she’d probably say the same thing about you, Miss “I’m not a wrestler!”  She’d probably even say something crazy like Donna couldn’t beat me even if I had both hands tied behind my back or something!

Donna: Whatever, she can’t beat me!

Lexa: Okay then, so you have no reason not to face Ariana.

Donna: Fine, if I have to face Ari then I expect her to have her hands tied behind her back. I'm sure she would agree to it.

Lexa: Tell you what, you beat Ari and I'll give you a staff contract. You lose, I'll let Ariana be the one that removes you from the building. As for Ariana having her hands tied behind her back... we’ll make this interesting. Ari will be handcuffed for five minutes. You fail to beat Ariana in those five minutes then the bell will ring, the handcuffs will come off and Ariana will be free to do what she pleases.

Donna: Five minutes... That's more than enough time to wipe the floor with her.

Lexa nods and Donna takes the cue to leave. Lexa turns to face the camera.

Lexa: As for tonight, the winner of Angel of Filth and Cordelia Clark will defend the Underground against Merlot Ayano at Blaze of Glory 10!

The crowd cheers.

Lexa: Given the controversy surrounding the Underground Championship, the Championship will be contested in an eight-man Warrior’s Brawl Match! Hitamashii will start with Javier Gonzalez. Inside the six pods will be Stewart Mason, Alex Rush, Mz HollyWood, Daxton Beckett, Rory Rockefeller, and Helluva Bottom Carter!

The crowd pops huge at the mention of the last name.

Lexa: Should 2 Broke Chicks be successful tonight, their next match will be against the Three Way!  Now, enjoy the show!

<<< Earlier Today! >>>

The scene opens inside the Matcha Cafe Maiko café, where we see Amy sitting by the window, however, she isn’t alone as opposite her is Marissa Henry with her camera man just off to the side.  Marissa takes in the café before returning her focus to her coffee and takes sip as the camera man calls actions, which gets a few stares from other customers.

Marissa: Thank you for this interview, what have you been up to?

Amy: Mainly working on stuff outside the ring. I did make an appearance in the Blast From The Past tournament a few weeks back but nothing else.

Marissa nods and asks her next question.

Marissa: So why haven’t we seen you inside the SCU/GRIME ring?

Amy: Well I took Christmas off to recuperate and spend time with my little girl except for that Christmas day show. But I haven’t been booked since. I did say I would choose when I would want my rematch, but I said nothing, and nothing was said from management. Management allowed it to go on. Their fault. Too much infighting.

Amy shrugs.

Marissa: So what are your thoughts on Winter defending against Omasa?

Amy: オマサの幸運を祈っています (I wish Omasa all the luck in the world).  Omasa not only has to contend with Winter, but she also has to contend with Winter's glamourous valet poking her unwanted nose into shit. Omasa and I haven’t seen eye to eye recently, but I will back her up like I backed up Ariana but only if she needs it. No one wants to lose a title due to outside interference or silly mind games.

Marissa: Is this you conceding the fact that you might have missed out on the chance of your rematch?

Marissa says as she sips her coffee as Amy takes a moment to think.

Amy: I still want my rematch, but it all depends on the outcome of the Winter/Omasa match. If Omasa wins it’s not the end of the world. I will still get a match against Winter because of our unfinished business. I am just hoping that it will be GRIME rules and Mercedes banned from ringside.

Marissa: So your match later against Linnea Lacroix.  How much will you be focused on that?

Marissa shifts in her seat.

Amy: Oh 100% focused.  I am effectively starting from the bottom, but I know that I get back on top pretty damn quickly and Linnea is that bottom rung.  But the thing is Linnea is no slouch… hell she is the SCU combat champion. Congratulations by the way on winning that.  But as I said Linnea isn’t a slouch and will have my work cut out.  Linnea while I want this to be an easy match… I know it won’t be the case, however, as we have only faced each other once on Episode 113 in an ultimate x match I can’t really base anything on that.

But I’ve watched your matches and got a general idea of how you work, and you will probably state the obvious that this isn’t GRIME, which I would say duh and I have wrestled regular matches before joining GRIME. And if you state anything else about age, retirement etc… then fuck you.

Later tonight I will return back to my winning ways… and back to my dominance on the GRIME division.

Amy sits back.

Marissa: Well… thank you for your time and thank you for the coffee.

Amy smiles and nods, as Marissa Henry wraps up things as she scene fades out with Amy finishing her drink and then stretching as she looks around the café.

Opening Match
Father Gerald and Andrew Borg vs Daxton Oliver Beckett and Rory Rockefeller

Once the bell rings, Andrew and Dax start things off with a series of punches, showcasing their Combat skills.  Dax ducks and weaves, but Andrew catches him with the back of his heel.  He then grabs onto Dax with an Abdominal Stretch.  He has it locked on for a moment before Rory comes in and breaks it up.  Gerald Irish Whip’s Rory to the ropes and nails a Clothesline From Hell on him to send him outside.  However, Dax lifts Gerald up and over as well.  Andrew comes around to go for a chokehold, but Dax ducks and does an Arm Drag to Andrew.  He rolls across the ring, but catches Dax with an Uppercut that causes him to stumble back into the ropes.  He charges with a Shoulderbutt, but Dax ducks underneath, and Andrew collides with Gerald, forcing the tag.  Dax bounces off of the ropes and hits a Discus Punch to Gerald.  He comes off the opposite ropes, looking for a Bulldog, but Gerald returns the favor and spins with his own Discus Punch.  He then lifts Dax up and tosses him right into Rory, forcing the tag.  He grabs onto Rory’s neck and does a Vertical Suplex to bring him into the ring.  He gets a two count before Rory powers out of it.  Gerald raises Rory up and goes to send him into the ropes, but Rory pulls Gerald into a Short Arm Clothesline.  He ducks under a strike from Borg, and then lifts him up for an Atomic Drop.  Dax jumps off the top ropes for a Frog Splash onto Gerald.  This allows Rory to nail the Screwdriver (Spinning Piledriver) on Gerald, as Rory goes for the cover. Rory Rockefeller and Dax Beckett win via pinfall.  In a showing of good sportsmanship, Dax and Rory help Gerald up to his feet before checking on Andrew.  Andrew pushes Rory and then shouts “I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!”, getting an unlikely cheer from the crowd as all four men take a bow for their performance.

Cameras go backstage. We see Jamie Staggs getting thrown into a dumpster by Skag. The dumpster sits on a forklift being driven by Angel of Filth. Skag closes the dumpster, FIlth gets out of the forklift with a tow chain and two padlocks. Filth hands one to Skag, they take the chain and place it on top of the lid then wrap the chain around the handles on the side to lock the dumpster with the padlocks. Skag gets in the forklift and raises the dumpster as high as he can. Skag drives the forklift about 30 feet then jumps off as he reaches a 4 foot drop ledge in the loading area. The Dumpster takes a fall of about 8 feet along with the forklift landing on top of the dumpster with the fork on the of the lid and the machine itself hugging the button of the dumpster trapping Jamie inside of it. Security and other SCU officials including the medical staff are seen running down a hallway rushing to the loading dock area of the arena. 

Marissa: I’m here with the Jeckels.

Raisa: You seem nervous Miss Henry, you have nothing to fear from us.

Marissa: You are once again tag team champions, how does it feel.

Helena: They are very delighted.

Marissa: They?

Jack: To you Miss Marissa it doesn’t matter who they are, but it’s their will we follow.

Marissa: Tonight you face Ms. Hollywood and Kelli Torres in a non title match, what are your thoughts?

Raisa: We are very aware of the accomplishments of Ms Hollywood and Ms. Torres, as they are aware of the accomplishments of The Jeckels.

Jack: They represent an interesting challenge, but there is no challenge we cannot overcome.

Helena: Ms. Marissa, it was very foolish to have Ms. Hollywood and Ms Torres oppose us tonight, they will not be successful in their effort to defeat us.

Marissa: Thank you for your time.

We go outside to the back parking lot of the arena. We see GRIME Champion Winter Elemental in the passenger seat along with her manager Mercedes Vargas in the driver seat of a black 2022 Mercedes Benz SL. Mercedes puts the top back on the car as the two sit in the car. Once the top cover is secured, the two exit the vehicle. As Mercedes and Winter get to the back of the car to unload the trunk, SCU reporter Dev is seen approaching.

Dev: Mercedes, Winter, hello.  </color>

Winter: Dude, are you serious? We haven't even entered the goddamn building yet, bud.  </color>

Dev: I was waiting inside, but you're late, and I want to get this interview out the way.  </color>

Mercedes:  Why? Do you have somewhere better to be than standing next to the top Champion of this company?  </color>

Dev: The top championship.  </color>

Winter: The best of the best, eh.  </color>

Dev: You get to prove tonight against Omasa Tazu.  </color>

Winter looks at Mercedes.

Winter: Is this dude serious, mama?  </color>

Mercedes:  What she means is, you came out here to ask us that. That bonehead of a question could have waited; better yet, it never needed to get asked to begin with.  </color>

Dev: Like it or not, Omasa is a threat in the ring.  </color>

Mercedes: And yet her only claim to fame is winning the Mayhem Survival and outsmarting Amy Santino from owning GRIME. Real impressive. I'm sure Omasa felt the same way when she walked into SCW trying to stroke her ego, only to get humbled by yours truly. Not to mention, but I’ll mention, I beat her twice.</color>

Dev: She's done a lot since then.  </color>

Winter: Yes, and beating Mercedes or myself ain't one of them, eh bud?  </color>

Dev: I guess I'm not going to get a proper interview with you, huh Winter?</color>

Winter: We ain't got nothing to say, right Mercedes? </color>

Mercedes:  Nothing that hasn't been said before, Hija.  </color>

Dev: Well then, I guess maybe some other time.  </color>

Winter: Hey, you want a scoop? A real scoop?  </color>

Dev: Yes, but coming from you, I doubt it.  </color>

Mercedes:  Winter said at the start of the year that everyone was in for a long Winter in 2022. If you think that stops with the GRIME Championship, then you're in for a treat.  </color>

Winter: Meet me in the ring after I retain my GRIME title from Omasa to get the scoop, eh.  </color>

Dev: No bull?  </color>

Winter: Nope, this is the biggest scoop of your career, that's for sure, bud.  </color>

Dev: Okay, well, you all heard it here first. Winter and Mercedes have something important to share with us tonight.  </color>

Amy Santino vs Linnera Lacroix

Amy opens the match by the taste out of Linnea’s mouth. Linnea is in trouble right out of the gate! Amy is assaulting her in the corner. Amy is laying the boots to Linnea !She turns her attention away for a moment as Linnea gets up. Linnea just plants Amy with a Springboard Bulldog! She shoves her over, and goes for the pin to nearly get a 2 count. Amy pounds the mat in frustration. She backs away from Linnea, realizing she’s underestimated her.  She reaches into her gear inconspicuously to the referee.   Amy points to Linnea, and the referee looks as Amy gives the knucks a kiss.  Linnea rushes past the referee, and Amy swings, but Linnea ducks underneath.  She comes off the ropes, and Amy goes to swing again, but Linnea slides underneath Amy’s legs.  Amy turns and punches down at Linnea, but stops when the referee points at the knucks.  Amy curses as she slides them off her fingers. The referee walks over and picks them up, dropping them to the outside of the ring and scolding Amy.  Linnea goes to roll Amy up, but Amy grabs onto Linnea’s arm and gets her into a Crossface Chickenwing. Linnea tries to get to the ropes, but Amy holds her spot pretty firm for a while.  Finally, Linnea goes into panic mode and drags herself to the ropes for a break.  Amy holds on until the referee nearly disqualifies her.  She lets go and then gives Linnea’s shoulder a few good stomps.  She sizes Linnea up as she starts to rise.  She goes for a Shining Wizard, but Linnea rolls out of the way.  She scrambles to her feet, and kicks Amy in the gut, looking for the Bourbon Street Blues (Future Shock DDT).  Amy throws punches into Linnea’s side to stop it from happening.  She then whips Linnea across the ring.  She tries for the Bad Girl (Double Knee Facebreaker), but Linnea moves her head and tosses Amy back down to the mat.  She charges and tries to knee Amy in the face, but Amy grabs hold of the knee and trips her up.  She maneuvers into the Punk Lock (Crossface Indian Deathlock).  As much as Linnea tries to fight her way out of it, after nearly two minutes in the hold, and the inability to move across the ring to the ropes, Linnea taps. Amy Santino wins via submission.  Amy lets go of the hold and steps over Linnea.  She raises her own arms up in the air before exiting the ring and going to the back.

Some pre-recorded footage takes place at a funeral home. The home itself is empty minus the presence of Morganna sitting on a closed casket. There are “Morgan Clark” banners appearing in the area that she is sitting in, indicating exactly what she is about to talk about.

Morganna: We are gathered here today for a special funeral commemorating the life and career of “Morgan Clark”. Today marks the start of a new day! It is a day where I finally free myself from the FAILURE that is associated with that name. You see, “Morgan Clark” was nothing but a sidekick to other people. If she wasn’t trying to avenge a cousin that never appreciated her, she was blindly following that cousin before she eventually turned on her and sicced a bunch of thugs on her to try to end her career. If it wasn’t that, she was nothing more than a sidekick to her little sister, always being in her goddamn shadow and there was a point where she was just about sick of it. The fact of the matter is that “Morgan Clark” had been dying for months and she was never going to be more than a failure that was never going to win a singles championship all on her own. That is why “Morgan Clark” is officially DEAD! You are NEVER going to see that name in a Sin City Underground ring again! You are never going to see me associated with a failure like that. It’s time for me to show you all that I can be truly iconic. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much of a chance to do that lately all because I’ve had stupid tag partners dragging me down and I just happen to not be wrestling tonight, but that’s another story

It’s funny hearing the shit that BUBBLES had to say in her silly little interviewer. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that interviewer was trying to fuck her the entire time. Cordy, you want to talk about how you’re not going to allow a certain side of you to come out in SCU like it did in 5BW? Are you serious? Cordy, that side was in you all along, don’t you get that? You’ve still got boiling anger toward me and I don’t blame you. I’m the reason why you are not a world champion anymore. But why so angry when you consider the SPECIAL TREATMENT you just got in getting a fucking rematch that you don’t even deserve against Angel of Filth, huh? Where is MY title shot? The last one didn’t count because I sacrificed myself to make sure that you didn’t leave with the title, it’s as pure and simple as that. Besides, why is it that it’s YOU getting the title shot?

YOU’RE not the one that pinned Angel of Filth last week, it was your random partner in Chelsea LeClair… and speaking of Chelsea…

Morganna takes a bit of a pause so that she can laugh at what she saw between Cordelia and Chelsea last week.

Morganna: That’s REAL CUTE that SHE wants to be your friend considering that she used to be just as useless as you’ve become. What? Is Chelsea going to be your mentor now? Is that how this is going to work? You think that just because you may have a new best friend in her that suddenly, things are rosy? Cordy, NOBODY in SCU likes you… not after the way you treated this roster for more than a year while you were dominating with the championships that you’ve held here. EVERYONE here STILL thinks you’re a snob… which you are because you STILL think you’re better than me! You are NOT better than me! Just because Chelsea, a former enemy of mine in a company that doesn’t fucking matter these days, decided to cheer you up doesn’t mean that things are suddenly going to turn around for you. Oh no, Cordy… your hell is just starting… and it’s not going to be too long before you are joining “Morgan Clark” in the grave. Because at the end of the day, BUBBLES, by the time I’m done with you? I’m going to become ICONIC by being the person that ends your career and runs you out of this business to never be heard from again…

Not that you’d be the FIRST person in our fucked up family to be run out of this business by someone else by the way…

You can ask our cousin in HELL what it feels like when I send you there to join her…

Morganna slides off the casket and rips off a few “Morgan Clark” banners along the path to her exit. She disappears from the funeral home and the pre-recorded scene fades to black.

Non-title Match
Jack Jeckel and Helena Jeckel vs Mz Holly Wood and Kelli Torres

The contest starts off with Jack Jeckel and Mz Holly Wood meeting in the center of the ring. Holly goes for a tie up, but Helena kicks her hard in the side. Helena bounces off of the ropes, looking for a Clothesline, but Holly catches her and plants her with a Sidewalk Slam! Holly drops a knee down to Helena’s chest. She goes for another knee drop and lands it. Holly picks Helena up off of the mat and sends her into the ropes. As Helena rebounds, Holly lifts her up for a Back Body Drop, but Helena lands on her feet. She catches herself on the ropes. As Holly turns around, Helena boots her in the gut. She then drops her down with a DDT as Helena rolls her over onto her back for the 1. Holly pushes Helena off of her and struggles to get up. Helena goes to her corner and tags in Jack. Jack steps inside of the ring and begins rapidly stomping at Holly. He peels her off of the mat and lets out a roar as he flings her up onto his shoulders with ease. He lifts Holly up in an impressive display of power. Jack goes for a Military Press Slam, but he showboats just a little too much, bench pressing Holly a few times until Holly slithers off of him and to her feet. Holly brings Jack back with a German Suplex. She nearly gets a two count. Jack sits up, holding onto Holly, with a look of determination on his face. He floats Holly over behind him and points back to Helena.  The crowd boos, and Jack laughs before tagging in Helena. In the meantime, Holly crawls over and tags Kelli in. As Helena notices this, she goes for a Big Boot to Kelli’s face, but Kelli ducks under it. As Helena turns around, she attempts a Discus Lariat, but Kelli does the Matrix Evasion. As Helena passes Kelli, she grabs onto Helena’s neck and drags her down into a Neckbreaker. As Helena gets up, Kelli tosses her into the corner. She gives her several kicks to the midsection before doing a Corner Foot Choke. The referee begins his counts, and Kelli rides the count to “4” before letting go. Jack is taunting Kelli from his corner, which prompts Kelli to send Helena over toward her own corner. Helena reverses the Irish Whip as she sends Kelli into his corner. She charges forward with a Spear… to Jack! As Jack falls off of the apron, Helena then hits a series of Shoulderbutts to Kelli. Kelli sinks into the corner as Helena runs to the other side of the ring. She is looking for a knee to the face of Kelli, but Kelli dodges it and Helena’s knee rams right into the corner. Kelli receives a back elbow from Helena as she tries to walk off the bumped knee. Helena goes to lift Kelli up, but she uses the hurt knee as a way to whip Helena across the ring. The momentum allows Kelli to nail a Japanese Arm Drag.  She goes for another, but Helena shoves her hand into Kelli’s mouth for the Devil’s Whisper (Mandible Claw)!  Holly tries to come in to break the hold, but Jack catches her and lifts her up into the No Laughing Matter (Tombstone Piledriver).  The referee eventually counts Kelli out at 3. The Jeckels win via TKO.  They don’t celebrate their win, but rather walk off with a sense of accomplishment, leaving Kelli and Holly out in the ring.

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Re: SCU Underground Ep 122 (Results)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2022, 04:59:04 PM »

The camera cuts backstage. A number of referees and officials move out of the way as a woman passes them. We are first introduced to an over the shoulder shot of her walking. Her hair is tied into a ponytail. She’s also wearing a swanky red leather jacket. She stops and turns her attention towards a particular backstage hand. That person quickly points to a hallway down to the left. The woman nods her head and treks off in that direction.

That hallway leads to a small clearing. The woman stops right in front of it before her voice rings out.

Woman: Oi.

Her voice is one that can be recognized immediately. Albeit, it’s a bit more gruff than it usually is. The Camera shows the tag team No Fucks Given looking back at the women getting there attention. Javi nods as Omasa speaks.


Javier: That means “What”. I know that cause homey here yells that to me in the daily homez.

Javi smiles, moving away from Omasa one step to get a step closer.

Javier: So what’s up mommy, how yo fine ass doing girl.

Omasa smacks Javi in the back of the head with her briefcase that grants her an Underground title match at any time.

Javier: I’m just playing… Anyways, I gotta go do something anyway vato.

Javi holds the back of his head while leaving the scene. Merlot shakes her head before her gaze returns to Omasa.

Merlot: No more Tweets…

She steps forward.

Merlot: No more misconceptions…

A couple more steps.

Merlot: No more bullshit.

She halts and stands in front of Omasa.

Merlot: Have always Merlot’s undivided attention. Now have it. What now?

Omasa takes her translation device from her pocket and places it over her mouth so that her Japanese words will convert over to English automatically.

Omasa: Was concerned because tweet said Ayano in pain and Merlot took upon herself to shit over friendly gesture of wanting to help.

Merlot began speaking Japanese to make things easier.

Merlot: Come on, Omasa. You have disrespected me many, many times in the past. Even the way you approached me with your aid was sarcastic, as if you had different motives. Therefore, you must have known I’d be hesitant to accept your help. You would have reacted the same had the roles been reversed out of the blue.  I am no fool. So, what is this really about? What do you really want?

Omasa puts her device away…

Omasa: You took it that way; how is that my issue? I have never lied to you. When I said I'll leave you alone and wait for a match to fight. I never attacked. When GRIME tried to attack you in the ring, I ran in to have your back. The point is, I was always upfront with my intentions, whether they were ones you liked or not. I won the 2021 Devil's Advocate award. Not because I was hated or loved. Not because I tell lies and truths half the time. I won it because no matter what, I'm direct and honest with my intentions.

Merlot shakes her head.

Merlot: You were sarcastic. You are often sarcastic towards me. So I took it as such. That is an issue that lies with you. You may not like how I respond to you all the time, but you need to understand that you helped shape that response.

Merlot shrugs.

Merlot: But I guess that’s the dynamic of our relationship huh? Always opposites. Always in conflict.

She shook her head.

Merlot: So, again, what now Omasa? Do you want to be my enemy? My rival? My lover? What is it that you want from me?

Omasa shakes her head.

Omasa: If that is what you prefer, then fine. I try to help, but I guess Omasa not posting pictures of her body like some old reject gravure makes me untrustworthy. It's fine like I said before. I was trying to help. I don't need to have different motives.

Omasa takes a few steps to get close, the two ladies facing each other with just 3 inches of space between them.

Omasa: If I wanted to fuck you up, I'll do it and tell you I'm doing it as I have before. Nothing and I mean nothing, is stopping me from hurting you this very moment now and ending your career right where you stand. No one in this building would or could stop me.

Omasa gets her arm up and playfully smacks Merlot in the face. Afterwards, Omasa keeps her hand on Merlot's cheek. She uses her index finger to gently caress Merlot’s  before Ayano removes the hand.

Omasa: Yet here I am talking to you instead. See, I have no motive; you are painting this out to be more than what it is or was. As for lovers? I’m not your type so you need not to worry about that.

Omasa shrugs

Omasa: I was being respectful to my partner, tag team partner, a fellow Japanese warrior who got hurt during our tag team match.

Omasa puts her head down as she looks sad.

Omasa: You turn it into Omasa telling a lie; that is hurtful. I was showing the world how Japanese warriors respect and would treat each other, and you, in turn, pissed all over it. Apologizing to me for trying to paint me as a bad person for trying to help you would be nice.

Omasa says as she raises her head to look at Merlot. Meanwhile, Merlot shakes her head.

Merlot: You don’t listen.

She pauses for a moment.

Merlot: It is true that you have protected me in the ring. I thank you for that. However, the way that you act and the way you say things are often the opposite of what you claim. So how can you expect someone to put their trust in you?

Merlot: And I will explain this for the last time. Emi and Rika? They are my sisters. We belong to the same wrestling academy. We live in the same building. We teach together. We train together. We eat together. They are my family. And I will always support them, because they are two of the fiercest warriors I have ever met. And that is something you should understand, Omasa.

Merlot looks into Omasa’s eyes

Merlot: You want me to respect you. You want me to trust you. I get that. But you don’t really know anything about me. You don’t know how I think about things. You don’t seem to know what makes me angry. You don’t know what keeps me getting out of bed in the morning when I feel like the whole world is against me. You don't know anything about me except for the fact that I wrestle pretty well. And likewise, I don’t know you―

There's a short pause before she continues.

Merlot: So give me a reason why I should trust you, Omasa. An honest to goodness reason.

Omasa: They announced earlier that Merlot Ayano gets chance at Underground Championship next. Clark sisters at war with each other. Angel OF Filth and Skag attack anyone and everyone. I offered to help with pain with no luck; I offered friendship with no luck. Hopefully, you do not bump into the Jeckels. You see how GRIME still attacks people backstage. If Filth beats Cordelia tonight, you'll be next on GRIME radar. Your little friends back at your school won't be around to save you. Like your friends, I, too, will be watching them attack you. Well, good luck, Merlot, we both know you will need it. Well, I leave you alone now, have match to prepare for.

Omasa steps back away from Merlot and turns to head towards the locker rooms.

Cordelia Clark sits all alone in the hallway thinking through some things knowing that she’s got a chance to regain the gold that Morganna all but screwed her out of. She’s definitely got an intense train of thought at the moment when she realizes that the cameras are on her. She does the best that she can to maintain her composure as she begins to express her thoughts.

Cordelia: I’ve had so much to think about and while it starts and ends with my sister, she’s not even the only thing I am dealing with. I’ve been doing some thinking and yeah, I was a bit of a jerk when I first got here. I came in here thinking I was better than everyone else and everything and I know that I treated other people like garbage. I own that because there’s no way around it and there are only so many ways I can say ‘I’m sorry’. I’m not putting blame on my sister or anything and i am not saying what I am about to say to make excuses and all, but ultimately, Morgan influenced me in a way that isn’t good. I remember when we were growing up, she would always try to drill things into my head. She would always tell me to never have compassion for your competition and to never have respect for those that are in your way. She would always tell me that making friends and having compassion was a sign of weakness. Of course, she would constantly drill inside my head our cousin and how “BAD” she was and how she wasn’t going to let me be like her and she would constantly berate me and say “You’re just like Valentina” every time I messed up in training or every time I had a setback on the Independent scene.

When I got pinned by Ariana Angelos a few months ago, that in and of itself was humiliating. But what you all don’t know is that Morgan… or Morganna as she likes to call herself now… found me backstage after the show and she berated the hell out of me. She verbally abused me to the point where I was in tears because she couldn’t stand the fact that I had one setback… a setback that I would ultimately make up for when I retained the title against Ariana eventually… but still… I became a perfectionist as a result of all the pressure that I’ve been under…

Cordelia takes a pause and sullenly sighs, reflecting on what she’s revealing.

Cordelia: Being champion for as long as I was, wasn’t as easy as I would make it look sometimes. Behind the scenes? The pressure. Oh god, that pressure. She was breaking me down. So when I lost the title because of her, I honestly felt like I had nothing and like I was all alone in this. I figured that the locker room here would turn a blind eye to me and I honestly wouldn’t have blamed them considering how I’ve treated them for so long. At heart, that’s not the person I am. That was a manufactured persona that was drilled into me. You all don’t even know who I am because I’ve hid it this entire time. But I felt alone for a while… and then two weeks ago? Chelsea LeClair came up to me and was so warm and kind to me and I never imagined anyone would treat me that way with all of that patience, compassion and understanding after the way I’ve been. It really opened my eyes. Maybe I’m not alone in this after all. Maybe I’m really not as worthless as my sister has made me feel over and over again. I’m not going to go out there and guarantee that I am going to regain the title that I just lost… but what I AM going to guarantee is that this is my chance to show that I really AM what I know I am inside of that ring WITHOUT the need for someone else to pressure me for for someone else to manufacture me into a persona that I’m not and I never was. I know that Angel of Filth is a vulnerable champion not just because Chelsea pinned her last week, but because Angel of Filth didn’t even beat me for the title. Morganna all but laid down for her and let her have it just because she didn’t want me to have it.

Tonight? I can correct that wrong, starting with regaining that title. When I DO, I WILL put that title on the line against her and I WILL give her that ONE title shot she’s been crying about for so long not because she actually deserves it, but so that I can retain the title against her and shut her up once and for all. I’m not done fighting. Hell, I haven’t even STARTED fighting…

And she’ll never admit it… but deep down? Not only does my sister know it too… but it scares her…

Cordelia heads down the hallway at this point having said all that has needed to be said. The crowd is cheering louder for her than before as the scene fades out.

Non-title Match
Hitamashii vs Javier Gonzalez

The match goes back and forth, focusing mostly on strikes between both men.  Javi gets lucky, hitting Hitamashii’s knee multiple times with swift kicks.  Hitamashii is caught off guard by it, and Javi gains an advantage with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.  He mounts Hitamashii, going for punch after punch.  After several hits, Hitamashii gets Javi by the throat and powers out from under the bigger fighter.  He rises up and kicks Javi in the gut several times, backing him into the corner.  He goes for the Concrete Heart (Dragonrana), but Javi barely powers out of it.  Hitamashii kicks Javi’s knees out and then nails a headbutt between the eyes.  He tries again, but Javi pushes him back into a corner with a Shoulderbutt, repeating it several times.  Hitamashii only narrowly misses a Big Boot from Javi and rolls Javi up to get a two count.  Javi tries to grab onto Hitamashii, who hits a Discus Clothesline to knock him down to the mat.  He goes for Evil Is Forever (This move sees the attacking wrestler behind a standing opponent, pulling them backwards into an inverted facelock and wrapping their legs around the opponent's body with a body scissors. The attacker then arches backwards, putting pressure on the opponents neck and spine), but Javi quickly reaches to the ropes, latching on for dear life.  The referee forces the release or he will face disqualification.  Hitamashii tests it a little, but lets go of Javi.  He shows off a bit as Javi rolls to the outside to recover.  He goes under the ring.  Once Hitamashii is finished showboating, he goes outside and looks for Javi.  He doesn’t find him right away, until Javi sneaks up behind Hitamashii and drops him into a Dragon Sleeper.  Just at 9, Javi is able to roll back inside, and outside once more.  He picks Hitamashii up and turns the tables, flinging him into the ring post, then the ring steps, and then the barricade.  He finishes him off by sending him right into the apron, where he shouts out in pain as he crumbles to the mat.  Javi picks Hitamashii up and rolls him inside of the ring.  However, before he can go back inside, Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell come rushing from the crowd and they begin clubbing at Javi’s back. Javier Gonzalez wins via disqualification.

Andrew continues to pound on Javi, while Ivan digs under the ring for a weapon.  He pulls out one folding chair, followed by a second.  He sets one down on the floor.  He smacks Javi with the chair a few good times before Andrew drops Javi with a DDT on top of the chair on the ground.  Hitamashii rolls outside, and the three give Javi several good stomps before Ivan goes to size Javi’s head up, looking for a con-chair-to.  He teases it a few times before he actually goes for it…  But Omasa rounds the corner, her bokken in hand as she swings it at the chair, knocking it out of Ivan’s hand.  She then smacks Andrew with it several times.  She then points the wooden sword right at Hitamashii’s chest and speaks their native tongue, telling him to back off.  Hitamashii mumbles something back to her, but eventually gives in.  He holds his hands up and backs away slowly as Javi coughs up a bit of blood.  He looks up at Omasa and smiles, making some sort of wisecrack as Omasa helps him to his feet.  However, as soon as they take a few steps, Winter Elemental comes out of nowhere and cracks Omasa over the head with the belt.  She goes to roll her inside of the ring before tossing her belt to the ground.

GRIME Championship
Winter Elemental vs Omasa Tazu

Winter gets in a few good stomps on Omasa.  Mercedes is coaching her from the outside.  Winter grabs hold of Omasa’s arm and puts a boot to her shoulder, pulling on the arm. After a moment of this, she begins stomping on Omasa’s shoulder. She turns around and shows off for the crowd, who give her a mixed reaction. Taking the distraction, Omasa gets up and nails Winter with an uppercut that sends her into the ropes. Omasa Irish Whips Winter across the ring. As Winter comes back, Omasa catches her with a Hip Toss, lowering down, she hooks the leg for a solid 1. Omasa lifts Winter off of the mat and sends her into the ropes again. As Omasa prepares for a Clothesline, Winter jumps up and spins, hitting a Spinning Heel Kick on Omasa. She points to the ropes before bouncing off, coming back at Omasa with an Elbow Drop to the chest and hooks the leg, barely getting a 1. Winter goes to lift Omasa off of the mat, but Omasa rams her straight across the ring with amazing force, hitting repeated Shoulderbutts to the veteran. She backs off for a second and then she charges forward, but Winter rolls out of the way and bashes Omasa’s head into the top turnbuckle. She backs up and then Baseball Slides out of the ring, grabbing Omasa’s legs as she goes, dropping her down to the mat! She grabs onto Omasa’s leg once more. She prepares to toss the leg into the ring post. But Omasa jerks her leg, causing Winter to ram into the post herself! She climbs back to her feet as she stalks Winter.  Mercedes begins taunting Omasa, trying to distract her.  However, Omasa pays her no attention.  Mercedes gets inside of the ring and spins Omasa around.  Omasa chops Mercedes in the throat.  Winter quickly gets back inside of the ring and nails a Dropkick to Omasa, sending her through the ropes.  Mercedes rolls back outside of the ring. Winter charges at the ropes, looking for a Suicide Dive, but Omasa slides inside of the ring. Winter holds her stance and brings Omasa up to her feet. Omasa throws an Omasa Punch out of nowhere to Winter.  She goes for the cover, nearly getting a three, until Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell pull Omasa out of the ring.  Hitamashii comes out of nowhere with Winter’s GRIME Championship belt, and cracks Omasa over the head with it.  The Dying Breed lift Omasa up and roll her back inside of the ring, where Winter happily crawls on top of Omasa for the cover. Winter Elemental retains the GRIME Championship via pinfall. Winter wastes no time rolling outside to check on Mercedes.  However, Amy Santino shows up, giving chase to Winter, chasing her backstage.

The scene cuts in on Chelsea LeClair who is in quiote the vibrant, confident mood. But, despite that, she is glaring at something in the distance that catches her eye and that is a fresh reminder about something that is still picking at her.

Chelsea: You know, that was supposed to be the first time I ever was supposed to compete on an SCW supercard… and that would’ve been great…

Chelsea sighs, lamenting the lost opportunity as she looks at an advertisement that promotes the recent Inception show that just happened.

Chelsea: I was supposed to face Veronica Taylor and finally put this whole shit between her and I to bed once and for all but NOOOO… she had to chickenshit her way out of our match probably because she knew that she couldn’t beat me. I’m not denying that she’s got the personal issues and everything, but COME ON… to conveniently use that as a crutch to get out of our match? Really? And so with that, this whole thing with Veronica Taylor is now a hanging cloud over my head and that is definitely something that I do not appreciate whatsoever. This is, without question, one of the worst instances of cowardice I have ever seen in my career. It’s crazy how she STILL hasn’t been back. It’s almost as if she is trying to avoid me. I guess that’s her way of ending things on ‘her terms’, right? She’d rather run from the fight because that’s a better outcome for her than facing me in the ring and losing to me again. I guess that makes sense, or it would make sense if you had the train of thought that she does.

After all, I USED to be just like her and the Chelsea from a few years ago would’ve done the same thing…

I suppose I now understand how and why it was so easy to get people annoyed with me.

Chelsea takes a pause, allowing herself to sigh and take a deep breath. She is able to maintain her composure despite her frustration.

Chelsea: But that’s alright, because it’s not like I’ve gotten any worse ever since she’s been gone. While she’s been gone, I’ve been making things happen. Two weeks ago, I teamed up with Cordelia Clark and I wound up PINNING the new SCU Underground Champion in Angel of Filth. That was a statement victory for me. That proves that I AM here for the long haul and that I am going to be one of the names to watch in this company. In fact, I am going to go as far as saying that it SHOULD put me in the front of the line to receive an SCU Underground title shot in the near future but unlike SOME people… MORGAN… Morganna… whatever the fuck her name is these days… I’m not going to make an open campaign clamoring for the shot every single week. Yeah, I can make that argument, but the bottom line is that Cordelia deserves first crack considering that she was practically SCREWED out of the title by her own sister. And I’ll be rooting for her because like I said, if she needs someone to talk to, she’s got me. As for me? I’m going to keep doing what I am doing whether Veronica Taylor is here or not. Mark my words, when she does come back… because she can only run and hide for so long… I AM going to get my hands on her and I AM going to finish this my way just the way it should’ve ended at Inception. Until then? And after I am done with her? I’m going to keep making that march to that third career world championship that I am starting to hunger for at this point. Last show was that statement that I’ve been looking to make and for those of you that want to doubt me, I am nowhere near done. I am just getting started and you are all just starting to see exactly what I am all about.

Chelsea is feeling quite good about herself in light of the positive recent events that have happened for her. She maintains that determination and confidence in her eyes as she heads out of the scene and the scene fades to black.

The cameras go backstage to see security separating Amy Santino and Winter Elemental, but they have gotten things cooled down to the point that Amy is walking away, and Winter is steaming, but not struggling against security.  Mercedes places a hand on Winter’s shoulder to calm things.

Mercedes: Cálmate hija (Calm down daughter).  It is done.  Don’t let her make you do something stupid.

Winter:  It’s not hard to do. Stupid is contagious!

Mercedes straightens up her posture as Dev approaches.

Dev:  Sorry I’m late, but there was a line of security blocking me for some reason…

Dev quips, but no present company finds it funny. He clears his throat and gets down to business.

Dev:  First, let me congratulate you on your victory. Nobody thought that you were going to beat Omasa out there.

Mercedes:  You’re correct, Dev.  I know I certainly didn’t think Winter was going to defeat Omasa.  I knew Winter was going to defeat Omasa tonight.  I knew] she was going to walk out as the champion. I knew she was going to be standing before you tonight, in victory.  Anyone with half a brain knew it was going to be like this, because Winter has come, and she is a force to be reckoned with.

Winter seems to calm down, and finds these words endearing as she places her hand to her heart.

Winter:  Aww, mama, that’s so sweet.

Mercedes:  There’s nothing sweet about common sense, hija.  It’s the truth.  You have gone from being a hardcore tag legend in this business, to a flat out hardcore legend. You fought GRIME, even though you are GRIME, and now, you’ve made GRIME your proverbial bitch. When people think of GRIME, they don’t think of 2 Broke Chicks.  They don’t think of Joshua Acquin.  They think of Winter Elemental. Period. Mission accomplished.

Winter listens intently, and nods along, not in an arrogant way, but she is being brought to that level.  She looks at Dev, and then to Mercedes.  Mercedes gives her a nod, and Winter takes a deep breath.

Winter:  Mama is right.  I’ve been carrying GRIME on my back for a long time.  I inspired GRIME. I became GRIME.  Who can argue that?  And after tonight, I beat the best thing that ever came out of GRIME when I pinned Omasa Tazu.  I had a lot of doubters like Dev here.  Maybe a part of me wondered if it was possible.  But then I did it, and I proved all of the doubters wrong.  I made sure that there is no doubt when it comes to me being the true face of GRIME.  And honestly I’ve done it all at this point.  I’ve beaten everyone in the division. I can’t do any more for it, and it can’t do a damn thing for me.

Winter’s intensity grows as she looks from the camera, back to Dev.  Dev straightens his tie, feeling the promised scoop from earlier.

Dev:  What exactly does this mean?

Winter:  What do you think it means?  I’ve grown better than my championship belt.  I hold way more value than this thing can ever show me.  I’m relinquishing the belt under one condition.

Dev:  You want to go after the Underground Championship?

Dev’s eyes widen as he looks over to the camera in shock.  However, Winter scoffs at the idea.

Winter:  I could easily take that belt.  I want something that challenges me, and no Angel of Filth or Cordelia Clark could ever do that for me.  But, it is a title that I’m after.  It is a great challenge that I’m after.  I have beaten the best in this company, all except one person.  And I want real competition, real skills, real fights.  I wanna weed out the weak like I was Darwin’s Theory itself.  I want to go after Jenifer Lacroix and the Combat Championship.

The crowd gives off a mixed, but very loud and strong reaction to Winter’s statement.  Winter lets the belt drop from her shoulder and into her hands neatly.  She holds it out to Dev as if her request were a done deal.

Dev:  Jenifer Lacroix is a beast in the ring.  Undefeated for years, 39 match undefeated streak.  And that was in wrestling.  She is in her element in the Combat division!

Winter:  And I just got done saying that I wanted a real challenge, stupid. I didn’t get to this point by playing it safe.  I made it here by defying the odds.

Winter is cut off by the chirpy voice of Tatsu Ikeda coming from off camera, until it slowly pans over to see her standing there.

Tatsu:  Winter-san.  I thought we were going after GRIME Tag Team Championships together.  You can’t do this.

Before Winter can speak, Mercedes steps forward and looks at Tatsu with a disingenuous sad expression.

Mercedes:  Tatsu.  You are definitely… a competitor.  You have done some amazing things while riding along with Winter.  You two have made some very strong statements over the years.  But, the only one that you’ve made has been that none of it would be possible without Winter.  Your best friend has done amazing things lately.  And by lately, I mean without you.

The crowd boos, but Mercedes continues to play empathetic.

Mercedes:  Look at her.  Aren’t you proud of her?  She’s finally going somewhere under my leadership.  You don’t want to be responsible for holding her back, do you?

Tatsu just stares, and we can see tears welling up in her eyes under the bright lights.  Her bottom lip quivers.

Mercedes:  I didn’t think so.  Now, come here.  Do you need a hug?

Mercedes opens her arms wide for Tatsu, but before Tatsu can walk over to Mercedes, the hand of Delia Darling comes from behind and stops her.  Delia’s famous chortle can be heard as she walks around Tatsu, with an arm around her.  She studies Mercedes, and then Winter, very quickly, but very carefully.

Darling:  For… shame… Bo’s of you.  All s’ree of you, honestly.

Delia then walks past Tatsu, slowly letting her arm fall back to her side.  She chortles once more upon looking Mercedes up and down.  But, she looks right at Winter.

Darling:  It appears z’at people should begin to call me Ms. Cleo, because I have had striking revelations, no?

Winter rolls her eyes and looks right at Delia.

Winter:  Fuck off, princess cupcake.

Darling:  Hm, yes.  Perhaps I will “fuck off”.  But I would be remiss to pass up an opportunity to hand out an “I told you so”.  It simply is not my style not to gloat.  Now, Tatsu, what did I tell vous?

Tatsu hesitates.  She crosses her arms over her chest and looks down at the ground, tapping her foot.

Tatsu:  You say Tatsu being pushed out by these… bitches…

Darling:  And…?

Tatsu:  That Tatsu should see this coming because it is in slow phases.

Darling:  Right.  Phase one of Mercedes’s plan was to get a singles title on Winter, to make her superior to you, and to make her feel sorry for you.  Am I right, Mercy?

Mercedes grins, and her and Darling share a moment of mutual admiration through a simple look. And it stays present as Delia begins to speak once more.

Darling:  Wait! Anos’er revelation has come to moi.  Winter has bought into it, and doesn’t care about her friendship with Tatsu, the Blood Sisters bond broken.  And now, she s’inks she is unstoppable, and can take down Jenifer Lacroix.  As a fellow French woman, I can say one word z’at sounds z’e same in English, Spanish, and French… no. Vous are but a young lion cub, while Jenifer is a fierce lioness, ever since she listened to moi about Celeste Nor’s. Z’ough, she still hangs out wi’s z’e tramp, against my warnings…

Winter:  Is there an actual point to all of this, or are you just walking around, kissing your own ass as usual?

Tatsu stomps her foot and sticks a tongue out at Winter, who glares back at Tatsu and sticks her tongue out too.

Darling:  As a matter of fact, yes.  While Mercedes carries vous around, Winter, a strong mentor and her protege… I too will do z’e same.  Tatsu will forge her own pa’s to greatness.  Just because she took bigger risks and wound up injured for mon’s on end does not mean she isn’t just as capable.  Besides, Mercy and myself do love a good competition, no?

Mercedes:  Especially ones that I know I’m going to win, darling. Because, I must.

Delia nods her head and takes Mercedes’s hand into hers.

Tatsu:  Yes!  Well look out, bitches, because Bad Girl Tatsu is coming back! Hai!

Tatsu spins on her heels and turns to flip Winter and Mercedes off.  Delia smiles deviously as she turns to follow Tatsu.

Mercedes:  It’s just too cute to be mad at.

Winter:  Anger does make her tushy look better somehow.

Winter and Mercedes laugh it off as they walk off, leaving Dev trying not to squeal from the bombshell of a scoop just dropped on him.  However, he can’t help it and lets one out as the cameras cut back to ringside.

Main Event
Underground Championship
Angel of Filth vs Cordelia Clark

We start things off quickly as Filth comes toward Cordelia in the center of the ring. She fires off crosses, hooks, jabs, and kicks in rapid succession. She is handing it to Cordelia, but Cordelia is blocking each and every one of them. She lunges forward with a Headbutt that stops Filth in her tracks. Cordelia hits the stunned Filth with a series of her own jabs and kicks, backing her into the corner.   As Cordelia hammers her into the corner, Referee Dylan Roberts reprimands her, pulling her back. He shouts in her face as she gives Filth some space to recover. Filth catches her breath as she steps from the corner, talking trash to Cordelia. Cordelia nods her head as she approaches Filth. They get in one another’s faces. Filth shoves Cordelia, but Cordelia rushes her into the corner and rolls over with a Monkey Flip. She climbs on top of Filth and fires a fury of punches. Cordelia is showing a different side of herself right now. She pummels Filth before Dylan begins a count, reprimanding her for closed fists. Cordelia rubs at her face as she waves Filth up to her feet. As she does, Filth charges her into the corner, hammering knees to Cordelia. She tries to block as many of them as she can, but half of them get through as she finds herself on one knee. Filth goes for a Spinning kick, but Cordelia grabs her leg! Cordelia gets to her feet as Filth bounces up and down. She goes for an Enziguiri, but Cordelia ducks it and sweeps the leg out from under Filth, falling into a Figure Four Leglock. Filth claws her way across the mat as best as she can, but Cordelia pulls her back to the center of the ring. Filth shouts out in pain as she uses her upper body strength to flip Cordelia over, reversing the hold. Cordelia immediately grabs onto the bottom rope, but Filth refuses to let go. She keeps it locked on as Dylan tries to warn her. He gives her a bit of leeway, but is forced to count. Filth finally lets go of the hold at 4 as she stands up. Cordelia charges Filth into the corner. She rams her shoulders into Filth repeatedly before backing up. Cordelia charges forward, but Filth moves out of the way as Cordelia leaps up into the air. She catches herself on the second rope, and dives off as Filth turns back around. She nails a Crossbody! Picture perfect formation as she hooks the leg for a near 3. As Filth gets her leg up, Cordelia rips her off of the mat. She tosses her into the ropes, and as Filth rebounds, Cordelia hits a Kitchen Sink Knee to her face.  She wraps an arm around Filth’s neck and rushes toward the ropes, nailing a Springboard Bulldog.  She looks like she’s setting Filth up for the Heartbreaker (A spinning double knee right into the chest/heart).  However, as she rushes toward the ropes, we see Morganna walking slowly down the rampway, smiling wickedly.  She makes it to the edge of the ring, and Cordelia leans outside to give Morganna a piece of her mind.  Morganna speaks and dares Cordelia to do something.  She grabs hold of Morganna’s hair and drags her closer.  However, Filth wriggles underneath Cordelia, and in a showing of agility, she lifts Cordelia up into a Powerbomb position.  Cordelia punches Filth, nearly breaking it, but Morganna hides from the referee while holding onto Cordelia’s legs.  Filth finishes up with the Defiler (Sitout Powerbomb) to Cordelia. Angel of Filth retains her SCU Underground Championship via pinfall.  Filth sneers as she stands up, doing her Black Mist to the downed Cordelia.  Morganna steps backward with her hands linked behind her back, laughing as she backs up the rampway.  Filth is handed her title, and she raises it up as the show goes off the air.