Author Topic: J2H v THE ENTITY  (Read 3145 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:32:51 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline J2H

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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2024, 09:02:16 AM »
J2H: So, The Entity.

His eyes were still covered by the dark sunglasses as the scene opened in a very dimly lit room. There was an air of displeasure on the face of J2H as he sat in the room, his face seemingly emotionless but the tension was there to be felt by everyone near by.

J2H: The man finally has a name. No more Mr. Video Guy, but The Entity.

He seemed to grit his teeth as he mentioned his name, a jolt of anger shooting through his body as he softly growled.

J2H: I can't believe I gave up the World Heavyweight Championship for this shit, just to end up blinded by some guy who shows up, having done his fucking homework on people and targeting me. I gave that championship up because I didn't need it, I wanted to do something fucking good and let others feel some worth and this is how I get repaid? I get some fucking clown spitting shit at me. What ever happened to good karma?

He knew he had never been the greatest guy in the world and did so much to deserve this through the years, but doing good for a change did him no favors at all.

J2H: I've been a bastard for years, I know that, I get that, I understand that I wouldn't piss on people if they were on fire, so this just might be my punishment for that, but who gave you the fucking right to be my judgement? Who gave you the right The Entity to pass judgement on me? You fucking no name prick, just show up here with your little notes on everyone, done your homework on me and this you, a man who hides behind a mask can judge me for my actions? That's what this is all about bro, it's you being a judgemental prick, deciding I'm bad, deciding I have done no good for SCW when without me, you wouldn't have even had a place to send those videos. You should be fucking worshipping me but instead you judge me?

His voice grew in anger as it flowed through his body, the more he spoke about judgement.

J2H: I've always been straight up front with people, I'm a fucking dick, and I'm good at that. I step in front of a camera or in an SCW ring, I'm a complete dick and I do what I want in SCW because I fucking can. I am star power, I am the biggest draw this place has ever seen and will ever see. When I'm done, there will never be another one like me and I know it. I'm out there to be judged by people who matter. My face is on the posters, my name is the first fucking name people think of when they think SCW. I'm young and I'm legendary. I put myself out there to be judged by people, but what about you? You're hiding behind that mask so you can't be judged. I mean I'm sure you're an ugly motherfucker anyway, most wrestlers who wear masks don't have the look for television but you might just be hiding behind that thing to judge me for a reason.

His teeth gritted, but a small smirk appeared on his face, his eyes still dead behind the glasses as he turned his head away for a second before turning back.

J2H: Let's switch this around on you. Let me tell you the real reason you sit there and judge me from behind a camera, from behind a mask. You do that because you know that you're not my fucking equal, you're not my peer, you're fucking inferior to me and you know anyone who gives a shit about wrestling, about SCW, would have shit on you if you would have stepped up face to face with me. You hide behind that fucking thing cause no one would take you seriously if you actually stepped up to me and challenged me. That's what it's all about, You want your five minutes in the sun with the best wrestler in the world, but you were scared that these people wouldn't know who you are. You're clearly a guy who is not man enough to face me, so you create all this bullshit and play games to get my attention, to make them think you're a threat.

J2H slowly tilted his head.

J2H: Well, you're not a threat but you do have my attention. I don't play fucking games when it comes to getting in that ring and that's something you're gonna find out bitch. Look at you, ya fucking coward, spitting that shit in my eyes just because you needed to get an advantage. Well that shit don't work bro. I got hit by a fucking car recently and I still got in that ring and wrestled, bled, won. You already know that though, don't you?

He felt confident in his words as he shuffled in his seat.

J2H: You already know I got hit by a car and came through it to become a champion again, because you've clearly been watching everything that's happened to me lately. You've had your eyes firmly on me just waiting for a long time to step in. Looking back, there's always been eyes burning in to my back, it's nothing new because everyone wants their time in the sun with me, everyone wants to be remembered for a big supercard match with me, but I now know your eyes were also there, peering from behind a cheap mask, counting your bottles of mist, they were always on me, so you know my history. You've seen me go through opponent after opponent. Let's be real bro, if it wasn't for me giving up that championship, I'd have been champion forever because I'm unstoppable. No matter what gets thrown at me, no matter what get's spat in my fucking face, I always get through it. Did that ever enter your tiny little mind that no matter what's thrown at me, I get through it? You've clearly watched everything I've done and why the fuck wouldn't ya? I'm J2H! The man every wrestler wishes they could be, so you've seen it all, so what makes you so fucking special?

It was a question he had asked many opponent that had fallen before him.

J2H: Fucking nothing!

Venom was attached to every word that past his lips, his dislike for the man behind the mask was more then evident.

J2H: The only thing special about you was the bus you rode to school! You have to be slow in the head to think you can just show up here and think you're better then the man who built SCW on his very own back. You must have been hit repeatedly in the head Entity if you think you're stepping in to my world and actually walking out of it alive. I didn't give a shit who you were when you showed up, you wouldn't be the first person to try and get my attention with riddles and all that bullshit, but you took something from me.

He pointed to his eyes.

J2H: For weeks I've been here trying to live life through blurred vision and blindness, for weeks I have been barely able to see my hand in front of my face. Do you know what that's like? Do you fucking know what it's like to have to be helped everywhere? Do you know what it's like to hear voices and not know where people are. Fuck, I've been hearing voices in empty rooms because the mind plays tricks on you, but the time for tricks are done. The thing is when you can't see things around you to distract you, all you can do is live in your head and I've been living in mine for weeks and you know what I've seen in my head? I've seen how many ways I want you to pay, I've seen how many ways I want to hurt you. I don't give a shit if I walk down to that ring blind, my other senses are sharp and I'm gonna know everywhere you fucking are and hurt you at every turn. Me being blinded isn't a fucking advantage, it's further proof of how damn good I am. You can take away anything from me but the only way you fucking beat me is to take away my life.

He knew he had been in bad situations before, in pain while walking down to the ring, but never had one of his senses taken away, yet for some strange reason, he still felt confident.

J2H: You've done all this homework on me, you know there's no quit in me, so do you really think taking away my vision is gonna help you much? You're more deluded then people think if you think you're walking away beating me. You're just another guy showing up, trying to make a name for yourself using prison yard mentality and going for the biggest dog in the yard. I will always be that guy as long as I'm here, I'll always be everyone's target so you doing this, just another bitch shooting your shot and failing. Just another bitch with stars in their eyes, head in the clouds thinking they can do something hundreds have tried and failed doing. So many think they can just step in here and take down the best here and fall on their faces without all the bullshit and you will do the same.

He had been in this situation before, facing the unexpected and always seemed to come out on top.

J2H: This isn't no bullshit little place where the top guys can't hang anywhere else. This is the place where the words top guys actually mean something. I made it that way and no little bitch is coming in here and taking that away from me. The Entity, you are that little bitch and no, you will not be taking down the palace that I built. You will not be ripping down what I created for your own little fun and games. This is where I take care of my business and blind or not, I will still take care of business, I will still fight for everything I got, I will give everything I got and I'm gonna make you fucking getting out of bed on Sunday. I'm gonna make you wish your momma had a headache that night because every action has an equal reaction and my reaction is gonna hit you harder then you've been hit in your life.

He felt the determination run through him.

J2H: You're gonna regret every fucking decision you ever made. From the second you decided I was the one you wanted to fuck with. From when you started to put together a plan in your head. From when you thought to yourself that you was gonna find a cool mask and find some red shit, to you accepting my challenge, to you stepping in the ring with me. All these things are gonna be regrets after Sunday. You should have picked someone you have a chance again to try and make a statement cause I'm gonna come at you with everything I have and you're not ready for that. Every scenario you have in your head about how you're gonna get through me, how you're gonna beat me, it's all delusional bullshit. You live in a fantasy world Entity and in the real world, there's only one person walking out of that winning.

He pointed his thumb at himself confidently.

J2H: You thought you were hunting me. That shit's changed because now I'm coming for you. Your mind games didn't work on me and now I'm coming for you. There's no hiding behind a video, there's no lurking in the shadows, there's no more playing. It's time for you to see if you're a man or just a little pussy trying to get a little bit of attention. Show up, man up, stop hiding, stop being a little bitch. I'm bringing everything I got and it's way too much for you to deal with. I hope you got a plan B after I'm done with you because I'm gonna make you look like the pathetic little joke that everyone knows you are. Let's see if you can back up all the shit you've been spewing, because I'm J2H, the best there has ever been and you're about to disappear faster then you got here, by my very own hands, and that's real talk bitch!

J2H leaned back in his chair, satisfied with his words as the scene fades out to black.

Offline "Scumbag" Kevin Carter

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« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2024, 11:42:47 AM »

Camera: ON

“What a shame.”

Those very words were heard loud and clear in such a booming voice. A voice that was becoming heard fairly often amongst the Sin City Wrestling universe. A sharp cut of the cameras revealed where that voice was coming from.

A masked figure sitting there in what appeared to be a rather expensive looking chair. Surrounding the background behind them were pictures of J2H and his family. Framed posters with his face on them from various events for SCW over the years.

Along with all of that was the SCW Heavyweight Championship mounted to the wall. The very championship he recently vacated and the one he held on four separate occasions. The setting of this very scene said a lot with the cameras zeroing in.

“For as long as you can remember.
You leave the comfort of your home.
You leave your young child behind.
You leave your wife behind.
You leave this perfect life you’ve built for yourself behind.
And for what? To continue to chase glory. To continue to chase fame.”

Briefly the masked figure shook their head.

“The same fame. The same glory.
That you claim that you don’t need.
That you claim means nothing to you.
That you claim you could live without.
Because you’ve supposedly done everything there is to do in your words.

But despite your claim. You still leave every week.
You still step into the squared circle.
You continue to be a deadbeat absent father.
You continue to neglect your wife and her needs.
Because your ego and your own needs are more important to you.

And at no point has that ever clicked to you.
For whatever reason the intelligence people claim you have
Lacks in this one department. It’s that or. . .
It’s the fact that you truly just don’t give a damn about them.
So, I have to ask the question, which is it J2H?
Are you not as smart as you and everyone else claims?
Or do you simply not care about your family?!”

Behind the mask the lips of the figure could be seen circling into a bit of a smirk. Almost sinister like before they pushed themselves out of the seat they had been sitting in. Taking a couple of steps around the room at a slow pace.

“Here soon, the question is going to be irrelevant.
No answer will be needed. Because your demise is right around the corner.
And I know, I know. I’ve heard it all the last couple of weeks.
You don’t take anything I say seriously. You don’t see me as a threat.
Nothing I’ve said has sunk in for even a second.
What have you called me on multiple times now?

Video man? Yeah, I believe that’s it. And that's you showing your true colors.
That’s just being who you have been for years.
You mock everyone. You laugh at everyone.
You refuse to see anyone as a threat.
And you refuse to give anyone respect.
Your ego is so damn big that it won’t allow you to see anything with a clear head.

Because of that ego and because of the way you carry yourself.
That is what has led to you having a sizable hand in erasing the legacies of people before you.
You had a big part in making sure the legends that created the road that you traveled down were forgotten.
Matter of fact J2H. I’m going to just say what people have been afraid to say for years.
You have done everything in your power to bury anyone and everyone you’ve had contact with!”

The masked figure had finally stopped their pacing. Their attention was diverted to the SCW Heavyweight Championship that was mounted to the wall. In silence they looked up at the gold plated title.

“From legends to equals to up and comers on the roster to even the bottom of the barrel stars.
You did everything you could to bury them. To make them look less than important.
To make sure they had no credibility.
And that even includes vacating that SCW Heavyweight Championship a few weeks ago.
You did it for your own selfish ways.

Couldn’t stand the idea of someone facing you for it.
Because your ego makes you truly believe you’re better than everyone.
And your ego couldn’t handle even the idea of losing.
So you made sure that couldn’t even be a possibility.
Then to make matters worse with that disgusting ego of yours.

You got to say you hand picked everyone that went on to compete for the vacate championship.
They might have been too ignorant to see it, but that wasn’t a compliment.
That wasn’t a term of endearment. That wasn’t your seal of approval.
That wasn’t you telling them that you believe in them or want them as your successor.
Instead all it was your ego once again shining bright.

And you devaluing them because now you can say that if it wasn't for you.
They wouldn’t have become champion. Something to hold over their head.
Something to constantly remind them of. Something to bring out of your back pocket whenever you want.
Also the same thing you would use as leverage whenever you want to bypass everyone for a title shot later on.
Because that’s just what kind of piece of shit you are and always have been.”

By this time the figure had turned away from facing the championship. From the few holes in that mask showcasing the Here.figures facial features. The scowl and utter disgust expression could be seen.

“Sad part is at the end of the day.
I don’t know if I can blame you for being a selfish prick. . .
Or being someone that is about cutting corners.
After all there was a time and a place in my life where I did the same thing.
However, I do blame you for being a man that has a big and I mean a big hand in my legacy being forgotten.

Long before you were a thing in this company.
I was doing everything you are doing.
I was the one with all eyes on me. I was the one that was turning every opponent away with ease.
I was the one that was a fixture in the main event. I was the standard.
It meant something to be in the ring with me.

Even if I wasn’t always the most loved person between those ropes.
Everyone knew that being in the ring with me meant it would make them better.
I’d turn them into a star. At one point I was even considered to be the face of Sin City Wrestling.
And then in a blink of an eye, I was forgotten about.
It was all taken from me, all because of people like you!”

The expression stayed the same. Still twisted up and a sheer look of disgust. However the pacing around the room had begun once again. A dead give away that the inner thoughts and the rage was shining through.

“I have held onto that. . .
Each day I let it make me a little angrier.
I let it make me a little more bitter.
I watched it turn into undeniable rage.
I let it help me to form the plan that would lead to your demise.
It was simply just a matter of waiting in the winds.
Waiting for the perfect time to strike. Waiting to fill you with the poisonous venom.

The thought of seeing the look in your eyes when your blood runs cold. . .
And the moment that you realize it’s all over. That’s what I am craving.
That’s what I am living for. That’s what I cannot wait to see take place.
Think about it J2H. I’m already in your head. I’ve been in your head for weeks.
You might not be willing to accept it. You might not be willing to admit it.
But it’s true, it’s true. It’s lingering in the back of your head!”

Once again the pacing had come to a stop. The masked figure standing directly in front of the fireplace there inside the room. The figure proceeded to grip a hold of one of the log pokers and lifted it up. Swinging it around in the air.

“As big as your ego is J2H. As much as it blinds you.
As much as it leads to you burying people
As much as it aids you in legacies being forgotten about.
Looking weak. Looking pathetic.
Looking like you’ve been outmatched.
That scares you more than anything.
It’s the very reason you hesitated in challenging me.

And I know you hesitated.
The moment I showed up and blinded you in front of a venue for the people.
Showing that I can strike at any given moment. It puts you on the defense.
Something you didn’t like. Might have even been something you hated.
But it happened. Although, I give it to you for being a man
And making that challenge. Any other time you'd tucked your tail between your legs.
Congratulations for that, but it won’t change the outcome.

I didn’t crawl myself out of the shadows to come up short.
I didn’t make my way back to Sin City Wrestling just to fail.
I didn’t target you just to be another statistic in your storied career.
Failure is not an option for me.
And seeing as my legacy has been buried.
Seeing as my legacy has been forgotten about.
I know there is nothing that can be done to bring it back.

That’s why I don’t care about how this match goes on Sunday.
Having my hand raised in victory isn’t my concern.
Being named the winner of the match doesn’t motivate me.
It doesn’t fuel me. In fact the match itself means nothing to me J2H.
Way I see it, the only thing that's going to right all the wrongs done to me and my legacy. . .
Is following through with your demise and more importantly than that.
Being the man that single handedly erases your legacy from the history books. All by myself.”

Without a warning the masked figure swung that poker right towards a glass case there in the room. The sound of glass shattering filled the airwaves in an ear piercing manner. Particles of glass went flying all over the room and hitting the floor.

The figure proceeded to draw back the poker but only for a brief second. Swing it forward again and hit the glass case. More specifically hitting the shelves inside the case that had several of J2H’s more infamous awards sitting on them.

Awards went crumbing to the bottom of the glass case thanks to those shelves being broken in half. Again the figure drew back that poker and turned around for a brief moment hurling the metal rod with all their might.

It flew across the room connecting with the SCW Heavyweight Championship that was mounted to the wall. Instantly causing a massive crack across that gold plate. The crack ran right down the middle of the championship and ruined the name plate.

For a moment the masked figure just stood there and looked around the room. Seemingly admiring their handy work. Only for them to slowly turn back around towards the cameras. Letting their dark gaze fall upon them.

“J2H. . .
In your lifetime you’ve made countless mistakes.
It happens, we’re all human at the end of the day.
There is no such thing as a perfect person.
But it’s a shame that the mistake you made by being apart of erasing my legacy
Turned out to be the most costly mistake you’ve ever made.

It’s a shame I have to be the reason your wife never feels your lips on hers again.
It’s a shame I have to be the reason your child never feels your embrace again.
But the one thing I won’t be ashamed of is your crucifixion in front of every single SCW fan.
In front of all your peers. In front of all the backstage personnel.
In front of Mark and Christian. . .
Two men that I deem just as guilty as you are for my legacy being destroyed.
This is something that has to be done. I will be satisfied until it is.”

Following those words, the masked figure took a couple of steps forward. Allowing a close up of their face to be seen.

“Welcome to the end.”

Not another word spoken with the masked figure walking forward. Right out of the frame of the cameras. This led to a slow panning shot of the room that had been destroyed. The glass all over the floor was highlighted.

The broken shelves were revealed in greater detail. A close up shot of the cracked SCW Heavyweight Championship was seen. However the final shot being the Hall of Fame plaque of J2H. Eerily highlighting the demise that had been warned. Before everything faded to black.