Author Topic: SCU Presents... Supernova 5 (Results)  (Read 120140 times)

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SCU Presents... Supernova 5 (Results)
« on: July 16, 2022, 05:00:10 PM »
Sin City Underground Presents… Supernova 5

Supernova 5 - 7/9 - BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Sin City Underground presents Supernova 5, and it comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, July 16th, 2022.

Supernova cuts to Andrea Hernandez in her own personal internet studio and as she takes in her surroundings, she finds herself in an amused mood. She’s more or less acting as if she’s not taking Cordelia Clark all that seriously but nevertheless, she’s definitely in the mood to run her mouth and express her thoughts without any filter whatsoever. Andrea has a smirk on her face as she begins to express her thoughts.

Andrea: So this is Sin City Underground, huh? I mean, I look around and I see the locker room and who’s involved in this promotion and to be completely honest with you, I can see why this place is about to go under. I never was THAT impressed with the talent that was part of this company for the most part. I mean… look around and see who has been employed at one point or another. Angel Kash? Veronica Taylor? Really? You had has beens like THAT on this roster? Wait, who else was here? Oh right, GRIME. HA! Let’s talk about GRIME for a second. It was quite sad that this company more or less revolved around GRIME for a while and then GRIME wound up falling apart so fast. Oh sure, they got their own title and all of that, but when CHELSEA LECLAIR is the GRIME World Champion what does that say? And hey, speaking of Chelsea… let’s be real here. The biggest reason why Chelsea chose SCU is because she saw ME on the SCW roster and decided that the SCW roster was going to be too tough for her.

I mean, am I wrong?

That’s probably why she interrupted my hosting duties in Greece because she wanted to be on SCW TV. I mean seriously. The honest to god truth is that people never saw SCU on the same level as SCW. HOW many people used SCU as a springboard to SCW? A LOT! Royal Purple did just that. O’Malley did that. Krystal Wolfe? Yeah, that’s another one. Ariana Angelos? Same thing. Deep down, to some degree, every single person employed by SCU wanted to be on the SCW roster… even YOU Cordelia Clark. I bet you anything that you never made it to SCW either because SCW had no interest in you… and really, I don’t see why they would to be honest… or because you wisely want nothing to do with SCW. You know the stories of people that have tried to make the jump from SCU to SCW only to be failures in the end and you decided you didn’t want to be one of them.

This match here?

Yeah, this match is ALL the proof in the pudding that you would NEVER make it on the SCW roster even if you wanted to go there. To me? You’re someone that’s on the same level as… well… honestly? The comparisons aren’t good. Hell, I’ll throw one at you right now. You’re the Alicia Lukas of SCU… formerly dominant and ruling this company with an iron fist once upon a time only to fade into total irrelevance. You lost your edge when you lost your title. You’ve done nothing but whine and bitch about how things have been SO HARD… spare me that bullshit. Your sister was always the superior wrestler in my book.

Hell, if this roster knew how SOFT you really are right when you walked in that door, you’d be in and out faster than your father the night your mother got pregnant with you. You would’ve been the biggest Sin City universe failure this side of Levana Cade. You’d never have been Underground Champion. Hell, I’d be willing to bet that you’d be the pushover of the whole roster. All this and I haven’t even mentioned FAMILY SUPERIORITY! You know the deal: five generations of greatness with ME being the EPITOME of greatness! You? I mean… your sister is the best of your bunch but that’s not saying much when the competition is you and your disgrace, piece of shit cousin that died and FAILED to be a world champion because she was never fucking good enough. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never get out of her shadow and you’ll never erase the shame she brought to your family.

Well after tonight? When I put you in your place?

I’m going to leave you a broken, crying piece of shit just like your cousin was every time she failed to take the next step. You’re going to regret ever wanting this match with me, you whiny, softhearted little BITCH! Get used to the taste of dirt because just like your cousin, hell just like SCU… THANKFULLY, because to be honest, everything about SCU SUCKS…your entire career will be SIX FEET UNDER when I’m done with you.

And THAT is a message I can approve…

Andrea delivers a scoff before she turns and makes her exit from the studio. The audience is definitely letting her have it as the scene fades.

Supernova cuts in on an understandably angry and frustrated Cordelia Clark as she soaks in the words that Andrea Hernandez had to say earlier. She’s doing the best that she can to stay composed through it all, especially considering that she took some very personal shots. Still, the former SCU Underground Champion is as composed as she can be as she begins to express her thoughts.

Cordelia: You know, there had always been that feeling in the air that Sin City Wrestling personnel, as far as the in-ring talent is concerned, saw SCU as a ‘developmental’. And if you STILL don’t believe me on that, go ahead and watch Andrea’s promo from earlier tonight. Hey Andrea, if SCU is as beneath you as you made it out to be, why the hell did you come here to bitch and cry and beg Chelsea to give you a shot at her GRIME World title? Seriously! What kind of two-faced hypocritical nonsense even IS that? It’s pathetic and ridiculous! Are you a freaking graverobber or something? Because you SURE loved spitting on graves… whether it’s SCU’s or whether it was my cousin’s…

Cordelia takes a pause, looking extremely annoyed that Andrea brought up her deceased cousin.

Cordelia: Yeah, maybe my cousin had her quirks and sure, she had her flaws. I’ll even admit that she brought shame to our family. But you know who brought our family’s dignity back? I DID! I’M the one that became a world champion! I’M the one that delivered in the clutch when she couldn’t. And you know what? The last thing I am going to tolerate is YOU running down this company because this company means the world to me. I’m SAD that this is the final show more than I am letting on right now. I mean really… my CAREER started here and I have nothing but good memories to say about it. I APPRECIATE everything that my first ever company did for me… I mean… that’s WAY more than I can say for YOU. What was your first company? GCW? Yeah, you split from there REAL quick and you almost never talk about them. Some ‘appreciation’ that you have. Hell, you don’t appreciate ANY company you work for: GCW, OCW… though I can’t blame you for OCW but still… Sin City Wrestling… which you conveniently leave out the fact that you DON’T EVEN WORK THERE ANYMORE.

You don’t appreciate ANYTHING… not even your family or the heritage it has in this business since you only even BRAG about that when it is CONVENIENT for you. Sure, my cousin brought shame to our family, but who’s to say YOU aren’t at the moment just by acting the way you are? You don’t get to come into this company… a company that I will always love with all my heart… and trash it like it’s nothing. The crap you put me through was one thing, but you’ve REALLY made it personal now. You’ve done the absolute worst thing that you can do is piss me off. Why don’t you find Hayley Halsey at whatever psych ward I wound up sending her to and ask her what it’s like to deal with me when I’m pissed off, huh? I’m NOT going to let you get away with trashing SCU the way you did.

You want to say that Morgan was the better sister? Petty, but whatever. We’ve buried the hatchet it’s over between us.

You want to bring up my cousin and mock her career and how she affected our family? You’re pushing it… but I can get past that.

You want to drag SCU through the mud and bury it? Pardon my language but…


You’re NOT going to spit on the hard work I’ve put into this company! I’ve grown SO MUCH since I’ve been here and I will always appreciate that. I’ve EVOLVED from that stuck up, obnoxious person that would preach about the dumbest things regarding class, dignity and all of that old Ivy League stuff to someone with one of the brightest futures in all of professional wrestling. I’ve become an even BETTER wrestler than when I started, more or less one of the biggest prodigies in this business and, honestly, the greatest prodigy SCU has ever seen. I’m going to stamp that with a win over you tonight… when I beat you… when I WRECK the “UNDEFEATED” that you once were. You want a message to approve, Andrea? Here’s one to approve… in French by the way…

Bow at my feet…. BITCH… because that’s what you’re going to be doing when I’m done with you… piece of SHIT!

Cordelia sighs and stays as composed as she can be as she makes her exit from the scene and the scene fades out.

Somewhere backstage.

The camera finds Raisa and the Jeckels, Jack is repeatedly flipping a coin.

Raisa: Tonight to challenge the Jeckels for their GRIME tag team title, a flip of the coin will determine one team's faith.

Jack: Heads you lose, tails you also lose, Jerry, Kandy it doesn’t matter who the coin flips favors or what match it will turn out to be, it will not end in your favor.

Helena smiles and tilts her head back and forth.

Helena: Tonight in this misery that is this city, Jerry, Kandy your faith will be sealed by the flip of a coin, the advantage is our, and we always know how to use the advantage to our success, and you do not know whom you will be facing, but it really doesn't’ matter, you will not survive.

Jake: They have given their final instructions, tonight they have sealed your faith, Tonight we will remain GRIME tag team champion, for they have written it, and it shall be done.

Jack flips the coin one last time, Raisa flicks her wrist and the coin is engulfed in flames then disappears.

Grudge Match
Cordelia Clark Vs Andrea Hernandez

The bell rings and Cordelia and Andrea have a lock up for a few seconds before Andrea delivers a headbutt that causes Cordelia to stumble to a knee. Andrea kicks Cordelia in the gut and beats the crap out of her into the corner before she picks her up and nails her with a vertical suplex. She goes for a cover, but Cordelia kicks out. Andrea gets a bit cocky and goes for a springboard moonsault, but Cordelia blocks it. Cordelia starts to get back into the match a bit, doing what she can to keep Andrea down onto the mat. After being in control for a while, Cordelia manages to get Andrea up to nail her with a sitout facebuster. She goes for a cover in her own right, but Andrea kicks out.

For the next segment of the match, Cordelia continues to keep Andrea at bay. Andrea doesn’t have much of an answer for her offense as Cordelia unleashes some pent up anger she’s been holding back for weeks. Cordelia eventually nails Andrea with a scoop slam, but Andrea kicks out of the ensuing pinfall. Andrea counters with an eye rake to regain control and she completely pummels Cordelia for the next few minutes. She begins to use her high octane offense to confuse her quite a bit and she’s eventually able to knock Cordelia down with a springboard DDT. Andrea decides to go for the cover after that, but Cordelia manages to kick out.

This doesn’t stop Andrea from continuing her dirty tactics and attempting to feed Cordelia some lies that she will never be good enough. These mind games keep her in control as after a few minutes of dominance, Cordelia is worse for wear. Andrea nails Cordelia with a Tigerbomb right into a cover, but Cordelia kicks out. Andrea is pissed and she goes for a spinning heel kick. Cordelia ducks it. Cordelia takes the next few minutes to get back into this match, surprising Andrea for the most part. Cordela outwrestles her for a while before she takes her down with a springboard forearm. This leads right into a cover and Andrea manages to kick out.

Cordelia starts to get angry in her own right at this point. She drags Andrea up and focuses on a suplex based offense for a while, knocking the wind out of Andrea on a constant basis until she is able to pick her up and deliver a gutbuster. Cordelia makes the cover at this point, but Andrea manages to kick out. Cordelia tries to drag her back up, but Andrea counters with a hair pull and throws her down to the mat. Andrea unleashes some more anger and goes back to her high octane offense to confuse Cordelia. Andrea is able to knock her down, go to the top rope and go for a corkscrew moonsault right into a cover. Much to her annoyance however, Cordelia kicks out.

Andrea starts to get a bit desperate at this point doing all that she can to shatter Cordelia’s spirit. She chokes her out and constantly knocks the wind out of her. After constant shots to the face and further mind games, Andrea manages to knock down Cordelia with a buzzsaw kick to the head. Cordelia still manages to kick out of the ensuing cover. Andrea is now angry and she goes for the Rise of the Phoenix immediately. However, Cordelia dodges the move, then unleashes one last burst of anger, outclassing Andrea as she makes a big comeback. This eventually leads her to nailing a direct hit on Andrea with the Educated, knocking her down and knocking her out. The fans erupt with cheers as Cordelia makes the cover for the winning three count.

Cordelia Clark wins by pinfall.

After the bell, Cordelia begins to celebrate the huge win that she just got, obviously happy and relieved that she finally silenced Andrea after a few weeks of dealing with her nonsense.

Recorded Earlier

Outside of the locker room, referee Jade Pham stands in the middle of Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine and Jake, Helena, and Jack Jeckel. Marissa Henry and Dev Khatri are standing by to bear witness as Jade holds out a coin, showing both sides to both teams.

Jade: Just a reminder, in just a moment, I will be flipping the coin to see what stipulation will take place for the GRIME Tag Team Championships later this evening. Once the coin is in the air, a volunteer member of The Jeckels will call their choice between “heads” and “tails” as part of their champion’s advantage. If The Jeckels win their coin toss, the match will take place in a Transylvanian Fun House Match. However, should Jerry and Kandy win the coin toss, the match will be held under Kandy Kingdom rules. Are we clear?


Jack: Yes.

Jade nods her head and holds the coin out for all to see. She backs both teams up a couple feet and then flips the coin high into the air.

Jack: Heads will roll.

Jade catches the coin and places it down on her hand. She raises her other hand and shows the coin.

Jade: Tails.  Jerry and K…

Jake: He never said “heads”. He simply stated that heads will roll.

Jade doesn’t have time to argue as Helena pulls the coin off of Jade’s hand and flips it in the air.

Jack: Tails!

Helena slaps the coin down in the palm of her hand and raises her other hand off. It is, indeed, tails. The Jeckels celebrate and start to head out to get ready for their match, but Jade grabs Helena’s hand and picks up the coin. She turns it over and laughs. She shows the camera that both sides of the coin are tails. She shakes her hand as Helena glares at Jade.

Kandy: Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!

Kandy points in an accusatory fashion. Jerry pulls a coin out of his pocket and hands it over to Jade. She checks both sides, feels for any differences in weight. Once satisfied, she flips it into the air.

Jack: Tails…

Jade grabs hold of the coin and slaps it down on top of her hand. She reveals… “heads”! Kandy jumps up and down, hugging onto Jerry before they go to prepare for the match.

Coin Toss Stipulation: GRIME Tag Team Championship Match
The Jeckels Vs Jerry Cann & Kandy Kaine

The camera pans out to ringside to find the ropes reinforced with licorice, tables made of oversized chocolate “bars”, the ringside mats covered in broken shards of hard candies, and oversized lollipop “hammers” resting around.

Liam:  The following contest is a Kandy Kingdom Match, and is for the GRIME Tag Team Championships!

"Candy" by Far East Movement begins playing over the speakers as brightly colored lights of all shades flash across the stage. Kandy Kaine comes out onto the stage, and she lets out a squeal as she jumps up and down as the fans cheer for her Jerry Cann joins her on the stage. Kandy dances from one side of the stage to the other before working up as she stands center stage next to Jerry

Liam: On her way to the ring, from the Kandy Kingdom, she is Kandy Kaine, and her partner from Las Vegas, NV he is Jerry Cann!!!

Kandy squeals again, hearing her name. They charge down the ramp, slapping hands on one side each before switching sides. They then dash under the bottom rope. Kandy is jumping up and down for the fans as Jerry salutes.

Liam: Coming to the ring from Transylvania, Romania, they are The GRIME Tag Team Champions… The Jeckels!!!

Smoke and fire cover the stage Raisa emerges from the flames and smokes followed the Jeckels, she leads them to the ring, they walk slowly, Helena slides under the ropes, Jake steps through the ropes and sits in the corner, Jack leans through the ropes, placing his hands on Jake's shoulders, Helena sits by the ropes and rocks back and forth.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Rob: Helena gets up while Jack rushes right at Jerry. Jake begins picking up pieces of the broken hard candies and throws handfuls inside of the ring. Raisa slides in the oversized lollipop hammers.

Ada: Jerry ducks underneath Jack’s outstretched arm and lifts him up into a Spinebuster atop the broken candies. He clutches his back and leans up, showing the gashes on his back.

Rob: Kandy ducks Helena and rushes her into the corner. She hits a few rapid kicks to the gut and then backs up, running to the second rope to hit a Heel Kick to Helena’s face.

Ada: Kandy goes to pick Helena up, but Helena throws the broken candy bits into her eyes. She picks up one of the lollipop hammers and smacks her across the face. She swings again, but Kandy falls back.

Rob:  Kandy rolls to the outside and takes a bite out of one of the tables. She seems to catch her breath and “power up” as she slides the table inside of the ring with ease.

Ada: Raisa rushes at her, but Kandy does a Drop Toe Hold into the gingerbread ring steps. Jake rushes at her, but Kandy ducks and trips him up right on top of Raisa.

Rob: Jerry gets Jack in the Cobra Clutch, but Helena breaks it up almost instantly. Kandy sets up the table while Helena shouts in Jerry’s face, slapping him a few times.

Ada:  Kandy gives a silent signal, ready to win this match in a rather quick fashion. It’s her signature match for a reason. Jerry picks Helena up and nails a Samoan Drop right through the table!

Rob: Kandy dances around, getting the crowd behind her. Her and Jerry drop down for the cover!


Ada:  Jack breaks up the cover. He grabs hold of Kandy and does a Scoop Slam on top of the broken candy bits. He hits several stomps. As Jerry tries to go after Jack, Jake trips him up and drags him outside…

Rob: The crowd is booing loudly for the numbers tactics that The Jeckels are using. Cheap, but effective.

Ada:  Jerry and Jake brawl with one another, but Jack and Helena are working Kandy over pretty good. Helena goes outside to pick up another chocolate bar table and slides it inside.

Rob:  Helena sets it up while Jack picks Kandy up. He climbs up onto the table and goes for the No Laughing Matter (Tombstone Piledriver)! He taunts the crowd, getting them to boo even louder.

Ada: He lands the move, while Helena catches Jerry in the side of the head with one of the lollipop hammers. Jack goes for the cover on Kandy…


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here are your winners and STILL GRIME Tag Team Champions… Theeeeeeeeeee Jeckellllllllllllllllllllllllllllssssssss!!!


The Jeckels don’t even bother celebrating their win. They scoop up their titles, taunting the crowd as they quickly leave the scene, a very chocolatey, bit bloody scene.

Team Canada are inside their locker room and are joined by Marissa.

Marissa: Tonight is Supernova, and tonight all of you have championship matches Stewart let’s start with you tonight you challenge HB Carter for the underground championship, what are you feeling.

Stewart: it’s bitter sweet, we’ve been hearing rumors that Supernova is Sin City Wrestling final event, if the true it been a hell of a ride, for Team Canada, tonight Marissa it me versus HB I’ve seen him grow as a professional wrestler, and he’s a great champion, but tonight here in Vancouver in Team Canada Country, it would only be fitting for me to walk out as the final Underground champion, but I’m not taking anything away from HB, he could very well beat me tonight, either way the Underground title is leaving Vancouver with a more than worthy champion, hopefully that’s me.

Marissa: Earl tonight you defend your GRIME title against Joshua Acquin.

Earl: Stewart said it well, tonight may the our last hurrah, and I feel it a obligation to Sin City wrestling and everyone here tonight, to give them and GRIME championship match they will remember for years to come, Joshua is the perfect opponent for that, you may not like him, but he can go inside the ring, we’ll beat each other from pillar to post and the last man left standing will walk out GRIME champion, I intend to that to be me.

Marissa: Dahlia tonight you face an honorary team Canada member and someone you consider a friend, in Winter Elemental is a boxing match for the combat title.

Dahlia: indeed Marissa, I respect Winter, she has a fighting spirit, and she tougher than she looks, but I’ve been training hard and tonight, we’ll see if my Boxing skills are up to the task, tonight it would be a great feather in my cap to walk out as Combat champion, but to be honest I wouldn’t be disappointed if Winter walked out as champion, we’ll see how the match goes, and hopefully we can give the fans a great match.

Marissa: Thank-you for your time and good luck tonight.

Earl: No problem Marissa.

Streetfight - Combat Championship Match
Andrey Azarov Vs Javier Gonzalez

Referee Dylan Roberts is seen standing on the side street outside of the venue, smoking a cigarette. He taps on his ear and nods his head.

Dylan:  Headed this way? Copy that.

Dylan drops the cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out with his heel. He then loosens up his shoulders as the SCU Combat Champion, Andrey Azarov, approaches in his patented boxing shorts, taped wrists, and pads. His title is on his shoulder, but he hands it off to Dylan. He spits on the ground, looking around thoroughly.

Andrey: Did the kiska back down? Smart move…

Dylan shrugs his shoulders before tucking the Combat Championship under his arm. The crowd begins to form, mostly made of SCU stars past and present. The Fox Brothers stand by with Dorian B, Kader Hasheem, and Ahuevo… Andrey smirks and walks over to the masked Javi.

Andrey: Sneak attack? Really? You must think I’m fucking stupid…

Javier: I do…

Just as Andrey rips the mask off of Drew Masters, Javi jumps Andrey from behind and begins stomping him down into the pavement.

Javier: I’m gonna drill you the way I’m gonna drill Esther later tonight, pendejo, you know what I mean, homez?

Dylan:  Hey! Back up! Back up!

Javi holds his hands up and takes a few steps back, acting innocent. Dylan gives him a shove as he goes to check on Andrey. However, Andrey scrambles to his feet quickly and tackles Javi to the ground, throwing punch after punch, each one connecting.

Andrey: Nyet… I’ll fuck your face the way I am going to fuck your mother’s face later, kiska.

Dylan pulls Andrey off of Javi this time and pushes him back as Andrey tries to get past him. He breathes heavily before spitting at Javi. Javi catches it in his hand and slaps Andrey across the face. Andrey connects with a few more punches before Dylan pushes them to the side.

Dylan:  ENOUGH! Let me ring the fucking bell first!

Both men breathe intensely as they nod their heads. Javi jogs in place while Andrey air boxes, getting ready to give it to Javi. Dylan counts down in his head before he holds the Combat Championship belt high in the air. He then calls for the bell at ringside to signal the start of the match.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Javi and Andrey charge at each other, throwing punches and kicks without rhyme or reason.

Gena: Not exactly no reason. I think there’s plenty of reason for this animosity. Javi charges Andrey into the barricade, separating the crowd from the fight. The Fox Brothers yip while everyone else shouts encouraging words for both men.

Chad: Andrey takes Javi down with him, and both men brawl on the ground. Javi gets hold of Andrey’s head and begins pounding it into the concrete. He busts Andrey open as the crowd cheers them on.

Gena: Andrey whips Javi over and begins grinding his face into the concrete, shredding his forehead and cheek open in the process. Javi claws at Andrey’s eyes and kicks him off before scrambling back to his feet.

Javier: Ah, you wanna mess up perfection, vato? Lemme show you sumthin’.

Chad: Javi grabs onto Andrey’s head and nails a Bulldog right on top of a sewer cover. He goes to curbstomp Andrey, but Andrey moves out of the way. He gets to his feet and Javi charges him, but Andrey’s elbow meets Javi’s nose, causing it to pour blood.

Gena: Javi stumbles back into a car, and Andrey charges at him. Javi moves, and uses the momentum to throw Andrey face first through the passengers side window. Inside of the car is Orchid and Celeste, and a cloud of smoke pours out.

Celeste: Man, you’re really harshing the mellow…

Chad: Javi grabs onto Andrey and throws him down on the ground. He puts his foot over Andrey in an arrogant posed pin, showing off for the crowd outside to a mixed reaction.


Gena: Andrey gets a shoulder up. He grabs onto Javi’s leg and trips him up onto the broken glass. He locks on an STF hold that causes Javi to struggle. He shouts out in pain as Andrey mutters trash talk to him.

Chad:  Andrey is relentless as he’s defending more than just his title. He’s defending his wife’s honor, and his own honor. He wrenches tighter and tighter.

Gena: Javi shouts out in pain before grabbing a piece of glass. He jams it into Andrey’s hand and cuts through some of his wrist tape, as well as his hand. Andrey loosens up just enough that Javi can jam the glass right into Andrey’s cheek!


Chad: I feel like Winter started that wave that came over the crowd. Andrey lets up and Javi stands up, pulling pieces of glass out of his forearms and chest. Andrey pulls the piece of glass out and throws it to the ground.

Gena: Andrey ducks a discus punch from Javi and drops him with a Neckbreaker. He kicks the toes of his boots into the broken glass as hard as he can. He winds up his right foot as Javi starts to get up. He nails a punt kick to Javi!

Chad: The crowd is going nuts as these two tear each other apart, literally. Andrey drags Javi along the street and slams him face first into the brick wall. He then picks him up for a Scoop Slam on top of a closed dumpster.

Gena: He finds a fire escape ladder and climbs up near the top. He sizes things up and then leaps off with a Double Leg Foot Stomp through the dumpster lid! Dylan rushes over to find Andrey pinning Javi, and he drops down for the count!


Chad: Javi gets out from under Andrey, and he picks up a beer bottle and smashes it against the lid to make a shank. Andrey does the same and they have a standoff! Javi dives at Andrey, but Andrey ducks and swipes, catching Javi’s forearm!

Gena: Andrey goes for another cut, but Javi is able to swipe and cut a gash in Andrey’s chest. They continue to circle each other inside the confines of the commercial dumpster. Each additional swipe from either competitor misses.

Chad: Javi ducks and lifts Andrey up and over to the outside of the dumpster. He pulls out a rusted baking pan and holds it up as he nails a 360 Frog Splash from the lid of the dumpster! He hooks the leg!


Crowd:  GODDAMN!!!

Javier:  Awww, come on, mang!!!

Gena: Andrey gets a shoulder up, and Javi just can’t believe it. He picks up the rusted baking pan and tries to nail Andrey with it. However, Andrey rolls out of the way. He climbs up the ladder again, slowly this time.

Chad: Javi catches his breath before going after Andrey. Eventually, both men make it to the first level of the fire escape. They trade vicious punches, slamming each other into the brick facade.

Gena: Andrey gets in a groove, bobbing and weaving through Javi’s punches. He lands a few solid kidney punches, a harsh uppercut, and a jab to the temple. Javi stumbles and tries to go up higher.

Chad: Javi tries to get inside of an apartment, but Andrey rams a knee to his head. Javi falls down, and Andrey goes for the cover!


Gena: Javi rolls out and tries to go down the steps again. Andrey picks him up and drops him with a Guillotine Drop onto the railing. He dumps Javi, but Javi catches the railing, holding on for dear life!

Chad: Andrey leans over to talk trash, but Javi grabs him by the throat and drags him over too! Both men are hanging on like their lives depend on it… because they probably do depend on it!

Gena:  Javi swings at Andrey, and Andrey returns the favor. Both men adjust their grips and go at it again. When Andrey feels like he’s losing his grip from the cut in his hand, he swings down to the lowest level of the escape.

Chad: He yanks on Javi’s legs and Javi falls to the lowest level too. They continue to fight one another until Andrey maneuvers Javi’s neck under the nearest rung of the ladder. He puts his foot down on the rung and leans over.

Andrey: You can’t talk your shit now, can you Javi? Where’s your big talk now? Why don’t you tell me how you’re going to fuck my wife now, bitch…

Gena: Javi’s eyes are practically bulging out of his head! He swings his arms around wildly, trying to find some form of relief. He then begins tapping on Andrey’s leg!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Here is your winner and STILL SCU Combat Champion… Andrey Azarov!!!

The crowd cheers for Andrey as “Intoxicating” by Infected Rain plays at ringside. Andrey nails one last kick to Javi after letting up. Javi moves out from under the ladder, and Andrey climbs back down to the street below. He collects his title, breathing heavily and bleeding everywhere. He holds it up in the air by the strap.

Andrey: This title goes home with me, as it should…

Andrey wades through the crowd as the medical team is stationed near the arena doors. Some of the members go to tend to Javi, while others begin work on Andrey as soon as he walks up to them.

GRIME Championship
Earl Lockyer Vs Joshua Acquin

Liam: The following contest is a Tables Match, scheduled for one fall, and is for the GRIME Championship!!! Introducing first, the challenger, Joshua Acquin!!!

Judas Hits the PA as Joshua walks out from the back with boos from the crowd.  As he walks slowly to the ring he avoids all contact from fans.  Once in the ring he goes up to the middle rope of the turnbuckle, drawing boos from the crowd as he holds up his arms.

Liam: Coming to the ring from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, standing at 6’5” and weighing in at 256lb, he is your GRIME Champion… Earl Lockyer!!!

Earl steps on the stage accompanied by Dahlia and Sarah, they walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shines on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he gives the crowd an arrogant smile.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Rob: Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, the GRIME Championship is going to be decided in a Tables Match, and boy, do we have a big one here!

Ada: There are tables around the ring, there are three stacked right here in front of us as well as the three other sides of the ring.

Rob: It’s going to take a lot for one of these men to be beat down to a point where they can be put through a table.

Ada: Joshua gets the advantage lifting Earl into the air and hitting a suplex. Joshua moves in close and is able to kick Earl once as Earl gets back to his feet as quickly as he can.

Rob: They lock up again with Earl sending Joshua into the ropes and connecting with a spinning uppercut on the rebound. With Joshua staggering back for a moment, Earl moves in and hits a Russian Leg Sweep.

Ada: With Joshua down Earl gets in a couple of kicks of his own before grabbing Joshua by the head to get him back to his feet. There’s a snap suplex delivered by Earl. He really seems to be pressing the attack.

Rob: Earl measures Joshua and as Joshua gets up slowly Earl sends himself into the ropes and uses the rebound to hit a Spinning Heel Kick and with Joshua down Earl runs into the ropes again and delivers rolling thunder to his downed opponent.

Ada: Okay here we go. Earl is sliding outside of the ring and he walks over to one of the stacks of folding tables. Grabbing one off of the top of the stack he slides it into the ring while Joshua is still down moving slowly and holding his midsection.

Rob: Earl slides back into the ring and grabs the table and leans it into one of the corners against the turnbuckles. Joshua is getting back to his feet as Earl turns his attention back to his opponent.

Ada: He moves in to grab him. Joshua is able to grab Earl while applying a Hammerlock before hitting a quick clothesline. Joshua sends himself into the ropes as Earl sits up and Joshua runs at him from behind and delivers a rolling neck snap.

Rob: Big move there. Joshua takes a look at the table in the corner and then looks back at Earl down on the mat. Joshua runs over to the corner and leaps to the top turnbuckle. Joshua leaps off into the air and hits a flying double leg stomp.

Ada: Joshua picks up Earl by the head and quickly delivers a snap ddt. Joshua grabs Earl by the arm almost dragging him to his feet and then whips him hard into the corner where the table is. Earl runs face first into the table hard and just leans on it in the corner as it did not break.

Rob:  Earl looks out of it though. Joshua moves toward the opposite corner from Earl, backing all the way up into the corner and takes a three point stance while waiting for Earl to move. Just as Earl begins to move Joshua runs right at him going for a Spear.

Ada: Just as he does Earl turns and drops, rolling to the right as Joshua runs past him. Joshua skids to a stop, knocking the table on top of himself. The referee looks at both men laying down. No count will take place from the referee, so we’ll have to see who gets up first.

Rob: Earl places both fists into the mat as he begins to raise himself up and as he gets to his feet he looks over at Joshua and decides to slide out of the ring and he grabs another table. Only this time he sets it up on the outside of the ring.

Ada: Joshua starts to come to and as he slides out of the ring, trying to get his head together. Earl leaves the table and that side of the ring and sprints as Joshua turns around and sees Earl at the last moment Joshua lands a stiff martial art kick to the head of Earl.

Rob: Earl drops down, but drags Joshua with him, head first into the barricade! Joshua is the first to move as he gets up, he walks to a nearby stack of tables and picks one up, then slides it into the ring and slides in after it.

Ada: Meanwhile Earl is starting to get up and pulls himself to his feet using the ring apron as Joshua turns the table on its side and flips out and locks the legs of the table before setting it upright near the ring ropes.

Rob: Earl climbs up on the ring apron while holding onto the top rope and gets into the ring. As Earl and Joshua meet in the center of the ring they lock up. Earl with a quick advantage hits a pendulum suplex on Joshua. Earl picks Joshua up and hits a falling back breaker.

Ada: Earl is trying to clear his head as he gets up to a slow knee while Joshua moves back and as Earl gets up and just as he turns to face Joshua gets hit with a spear.

Rob: Joshua picks Earl up and kicks Earl in the stomach and hits his patented E.L. 91 (Michinoku Driver 2)! Earl picks Joshua up and goes to turn to drop him on top of one of the tables, but he doesn’t slam Joshua quite hard enough!

Ada: He goes to lift Joshua up once more, and he puts Joshua right through the table!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner and STILL GRIME Champion… Earl Lockyer!!!

The crowd cheers loudly as Earl rolls to the outside, breathing heavily as he takes his belt. He falls into the barricade to let the audience congratulate him as he holds the belt up high. One of the fans hands him a freshly opened pint, and Earl celebrates with a drink.

Pride Tag Team Championships
Rory Rockefeller & Unknown Vs Morganna & Skag

We cut back to ringside to see Morganna and Skag brawling down to ringside with Unknown and Rory Rockefeller. They trade back and forth down to ringside, getting the crowd hyped before the match even starts! All of the officials gather at ringside to separate both parties. It takes several minutes to get Skag and Morganna under control and in their corners.

Darlyn: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Pride Tag Team Championships!  First, the challengers… Skag and Morganna!!!


Skag and Morganna seem to channel the booing to get in the mood for this match. Morganna flips off the crowd while Skag flicks his tongue at them, Hannibal Lecter style.

Darlyn: And the champions… Unknown and Rory Rockefeller!!!

Crowd: *MEGA POP!!!*

Both Rory and Unknown soak in the cheers and work them up even harder. They prepare in their corner, waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  The crowd comes alive for the third chapter of this matchup as Morganna and Unknown stay in the ring, and the gents let them at it.

Chad:  Morganna steps to the center and Unknown meets her there.  They share some rather unkind words, but Unknown pulls Morganna into a Bear Hug right out of the gate! She swings Morganna around like a ragdoll!

Gena:  However, she flings Morganna away.  I think that was just a reminder of her strength advantage.  Morganna holds onto her ribs as she stumbles into the ropes.

Chad:  Unknown comes flying at her with a Clothesline, but Morganna ducks and rolls out of the way.  As Unknown trips into the ropes, Morganna rushes to the other side of the ring.

Gena:  She jumps over Unknown and lands a Roll Over Neckbreaker!  The crowd boos loudly as Morganna asserts her speed and agility advantage over Unknown. She climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off with a Missile Dropkick!

Chad:  Morganna rolls Unknown onto her back and drops down for an early cover.  But Unknown lifts her up before throwing her several feet.  Morganna looks shocked more than anything.

Gena:  Both ladies get to their feet, and they circle one another.  Morganna reverses the motion of the circle and gets behind Unknown.  She jumps up, looking for a Falling Knee Backbreaker.

Chad:  But, Unknown stands tall, holding onto Morganna as she walks around the ring.  She falls into the corner, crushing Morganna and forcing a tag to Skag.  As he steps inside, Unknown steps back and tags in Rory.

Gena:  Rory jumps over the ropes and swaggers over toward Skag.  Both men stop, sharing a quick story about their time in GRIME.  Skag laughs as Rory pats him on the shoulder.

Chad:  Morganna shouts inside, telling Skag to get focused. Skag slaps his knee and then gets serious as he points off in the distance.  Rory looks, and Skag slaps him across the face!

Gena:  Rory holds his chin, and then points off in the other direction.  Rory looks urgently, trying to play out the bit, but Skag kicks out Rory’s knee and then hits a Headbutt.  Rory tries to get to his feet.

Chad:  He rubs his knee as they look around, fire in both of their eyes as the crowd raises volume and anticipation. Skag has gotten into Rory’s head now. Skag and Rory then go to blows as the crowd explodes.

Gena:  Rory hits a few stiff rights while Skag gets a left hook, then a right hook.  Skag then rushes Rory into the corner, hard, taking the breath out of Rory.

Chad:  Skag kicks Rory in the stomach twice.  He then roars as he begins smacking Rory’s belly repeatedly and intensely.  The crowd has to laugh as Rory’s stomach turns pink.

Gena:  Rory reaches out and grabs the back of Skag’s head and pulls him into a Headbutt before doing a Drop Toe Hold into the top turnbuckle. Skag’s head bounces off as Rory lifts him into an Atomic Drop.

Chad:  Skag falls back and tries crawling backward to his corner where Morganna is bouncing up and down for the tag.  But Rory grabs onto his leg and pulls him back.  Skag tries to kick Rory, but Rory dodges his attempts.

Gena:  Rory turns around for a Texas Cloverleaf, but Skag leans up and punches Rory right in the butt! Rory is stunned, and then turns around.

Rory:  Did you just punch me in my ass?!?

Skag:  Ja, And I’ll do it again!

Chad:  Skag dives as Rory, but Rory moves out of the way.  He slides through Rory’s legs and punches him right in the starfish!

Crowd:  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gena:  Skag dives across the ring and tags Morganna back in.  Morganna jumps over the ropes, and Rory stumbles to his corner, jutting his thumb back at Skag.

Chad:  Unknown steps inside of the ring and catches Morganna as she jumps up.  Unknown looks for a Sidewalk Slam, but Morganna turns it into a Tornado DDT.  She rolls Unknown over onto her back.


Gena:  Rory is ready to break it up, but Unknown gets it.  She pulls herself up on the ropes as Morganna rushes at her.  She hits a Back Body Drop to the outside!

Chad:  Morganna lands rough, and the referee goes to check on her.  Pain is etched all over her face.  The crowd gasps as Morganna writhes on the ground.  She might be injured, folks!

Gena:  Unknown steps back so Morganna can get inside. Morganna holds onto her back, showing the incredible amount of pain she’s in.  Morganna limps to her corner and goes for the tag… but turns around and hits a quick Enziguri to Unknown!!!

Chad:  Did Morganna just play possum?  Morganna circle stomps Unknown, going for a ground n’ pound on her! She lectures Unknown about cheating as she does so. Rory gets in the ring to try to stop it, but Morganna kicks him between the legs!

Gena: Rory is getting the raw end of the deal tonight! He stumbles back to his corner as Skag just howls. Morganna whips Unknown to a neutral corner, but Unknown reverses it with a hard Irish Whip that sends her back to the mat!

Chad: Unknown gets in a few licks before dumping her onto the apron. Skag attempts to get inside, but Unknown turns and kicks him right between the legs. She then tags in Rory!

Gena:  Unknown tags in Rory, but instead of exiting the ring, she charges Morganna and bumps her off the apron!  She follows through as the two begin brawling, with Unknown gaining the advantage!

Chad:  Rory steps inside gingerly, still feeling the effects of the crotch kick.  Skag does his best to shake his off as well. The two meet in the center of the ring and begin brawling once again.

Gena:  Skag gets an Uppercut that knocks Rory back a bit.  He then hits a Battering Ram to the stomach of Rory.  Rory goes down, and Skag’s eyes cross.  He goes for the cover.


Chad:  Unknown reaches in and drags Skag off of Rory, but Rory’s shoulders go up anyway.  Morganna jumps on Unknown’s back and begins clobbering away.

Gena:  Rory slowly gets up, still holding onto his stomach.  Rory ducks a Clothesline, and then he swings his leg back to Skag’s stomach.  He drops an elbow to the top of Skag’s head.

Chad:  Skag goes down, and Rory goes for the cover, but Morganna pulls him to the ropes immediately. Rory goes to grab Skag again, but Skag drops Rory onto the bottom rope and he leaps over with a Leg Guillotine!

Gena:  As Rory gets out of the ropes, Skag signals for something… Mello Yellow (Shooting Star Neckbreaker)! He gets Rory up, but Rory catches Skag in mid-air! He sets him up for the On the Rocks (An Atomic Drop followed by a Double Underhook Piledriver)!

Chad:  However, Skag rolls out of the way and connects with the Mello Yellow on Rory, and the crowd boos! Morganna grabs onto Unknown and begins struggling to unmask her as Skag goes for the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Here are your winners and NEW Pride Tag Team Champions… Morganna and Skag!!!

The crowd rains down on them with boos as Skag cackles. Morganna kicks Unknown in the stomach before rolling inside to celebrate the win, holding the title up and sticking her tongue out to taunt the crowd.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 05:02:33 PM by Underground »

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Re: SCU Presents... Supernova 5 (Results)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2022, 05:02:17 PM »

Supernova cuts to the hallway where Morganna is standing by and beaming with her half of the Pride Tag Team Championships. She’s in a hell of a mood considering that tonight, she finally got the big break that she had been searching for in Sin City Underground. The irony of this being on the final show isn’t lost on her at all, though she isn’t showing any sadness over it. All she cares about is that finally, she’s a champion in the company. Her bright mood continues as she begins to express her thoughts.

Morganna: FINALLY! Fucking FINALLY! Skag and I FINALLY dethroned the FLUKES! GOD, it took us long enough. On top of that, I’m FINALLY a fucking champion around here. I have finally escaped the shadow of my sister to accomplish something. I mean, for REAL… the grind was long, it was hard and it seemed like it was one chapter of bullshit after another, but at last, I have a title that I can call my own… and hell, a title that I get to keep. I mean… SURE… it IS the last night of SCU which makes this ironic in a bit of a… sad way… but…this company is STILL alive even though it won’t be for so much longer. I TOLD YOU ALL that I was capable and so few of you believed that I could do it. Like I’m EVER going to forget that one time I had a shot at the GRIME title and got written off like nothing. I mean, no hard feelings and all, but when that type of shit happens to you, you have two choices: you can either fold and prove them right, accepting your fate more or less… or… you can rise up and prove them wrong in the end…


Morganna raises the tag title in the air, clearly beaming from this accomplishment.

Morganna: Oh and to Rory and Unknown, the two FLUKES whose luck FINALLY ran out… I’ve got a simple message for you…

Morganna flips the middle finger at the camera, and effectively at the former Pride Tag Team Champions, before she continues on.

Morganna: So, what’s next? What am I going to do now? I mean, this is the last night of SCU and I finally got what I wanted. Perhaps now would be the time to take the rest of the night off and celebrate this title… NAH… FUCK that! There’s still ONE more order of business to take care of and you know what the fuck I mean: MAYHEM SURVIVAL! I’m REALLY pressing my luck but fuck it, I’ll just say it. I’m WINNING MAYHEM SURVIVAL TOO! That’s right BITCHES, I’m having my cake and I’m eating it too! What? You don’t like it? Too fucking bad! I don’t care! You’ve ALL had the spotlight LONG enough while it took me until the very last night of this damn company to FINALLY get my due! Whether my name is Morganna or Morgan Clark, I’m NOT someone that settles and rests on her laurels.

I don’t give a fuck about who you are. You’re in my way. I’m going to make it KNOWN that this company should’ve revolved around me from the moment that I got here. I am going to assert my AUTHORITY! Who you are doesn’t FUCKING matter, the only thing that matters is that I go out in a blaze of glory and make it known that ALL OF YOU missed out… that ALL OF YOU overlooked me… that ALL OF YOU are FORTUNATE that this company is coming to an end after tonight because if it wasn’t so help me God, I would’ve made HELL for all of you while I burned through this company and became the SCU Underground Champion myself. Hell, maybe if I WAS SCU Underground Champion at one point, I could’ve saved the company from its fate but too bad, so sad. You made your bed… or in this case… your grave… and you fucking LIE in it. I’m not going to be one of those people that are going to be all “I’m gonna miss SCU and it’s SO SAD that it’s going away”... because I’d be LYING! Life goes on! Get over it! It’s not MY FAULT that you missed out on me.

And hey, when the lights go out and when I’M the one that wins Mayhem Survival, you’re going to have the most BITTER taste in your mouths you could ever imagine…

But for me? It’ll be the SWEETEST REVENGE I could ever have as the sun sets on my time in Sin City Underground…

Morganna turns and confidently walks down the hallway with her newly won title as the scene fades to black.

Underground Championship Match
Helluva Bottom Carter Vs Stewart Mason

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is for the SCU Underground Championship!!! First, the challenger, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, standing at 6’ and weighing in at 235lb, he is “The Bounty Hunter” Stewart Maaaaaaaaasonnnnnnnnnnn!!!

“The Hunter” by Mastadon begins playing over the speakers. Stewart Steps on the stage, wearing black pants and combat boots, with Black Handwraps, he takes in the reaction of the crowd, and is joined by Gail Weston, together they walk to the ring, Gail climbs the ring steps and steps through the ropes and walks to the center of the ring, Stewart climbs the ropes from outside and points to himself then climbs down from the ropes, and joins Gail in the center of the ring.

Glee Cast Version of “I Know What Boys Like” begins to play and Carter steps through the curtains, holding an ankle length, sleeveless black robe closed in front of him. he then whips it open, revealing his ring attire of a printed belly t, booty shorts and thigh high boots. He holds one hand behind his head while running the other hand down his body while grinding his hips to the music.

Darlyn: From Seattle, Washington, weighing 176 pounds, he is the "Hardcore Bottom" -- Helluva Bottom Carter!

Carter drops the robe to the stage and runs toward the ring, slapping hands offered out to him all around the ringside area. He then hops up onto the ring apron in a split and slides beneath the bottom rope. He crawls seductively on all fours until he arrives in his corner. He pulls himself up and then lays across the top corner, awaiting the start of the match.

Chad:  Carter is ready to make a statement tonight, by going out as the reigning, defending Underground Champion. But, he’s got a huge challenge ahead of him as he takes on one of the single most dominant champions in NLW, SCU, or GRIME history…

Gena:  I think they are considering the possibilities as their eyes continue to go from each other to the curtains, even as they circle one another.  It’s all or nothing tonight.

Chad:  Suddenly, Stewart begins throwing and landing vicious punches at Carter.  He gets the champ against the ropes and then whips him to the other side of the ring.

Gena:  As Carter comes back, Stewart lands a Back Body Drop on him.  He then drops an elbow to the champ’s chest.  He stands back up and drops a second one.  He hooks the leg.


Chad:  It’s never that easy, especially with a hard fighting champion like Carter.  Stewart pulls Carter off of the mat and then throws him into the ropes.  As Carter comes back, he ducks a Clothesline and comes off the opposite ropes with a Spear!


Gena:  Carter goes for the cover on Stewart, but Stewart instantly puts his leg over the bottom rope, stopping it from happening.  Carter picks Stewart up and hits a gnarly uppercut that sends him into the ropes.

Chad:  Carter lands a Dropkick that does the same, and plants Stewart with a Spinning Side Slam.  He drops down and makes the cover.


Gena:  Stewart gets out from under that one.  Carter goes to pick Stewart up, looking for the early finish as he goes for the Passion Fruit (S.O.S.), but Stewart is able to ground his weight and then he reverses it with a Back Body Drop.

Chad:  Perhaps an underestimation of Stewart by our Underground Champion, and it cost him momentum.  Stewart picks Carter's legs up and nails a Catapult to the top turnbuckle to the pleasure of the crowd.

Gena:  Stewart then grabs the back of Carter's head and slams it into the top turnbuckle before dragging and grinding his forehead against the top rope.  Stewart then lifts Carter up and drops him with a Guillotine over the top rope.

Chad:  Talk about using your surroundings. He picks Carter up onto his shoulders and drops him with a Samoan Drop.  He drops down on top of Carter and goes for the cover.


Gena:  SCU gives support to one of the more active liaisons over the years as he powers out from under the pin attempt.  He gets up, using the ropes to get to his feet.  Stewart comes after him, but Carter ducks down and pulls the top rope with him.

Chad:  Stewart goes tumbling to the outside of the ring.  He gets up and stomps around angrily as he tries to cycle through that embarrassment.  He catches Carter off guard and trips and pulls him out of the ring by his legs.


Gena:  Stewart climbs on top of the Underground Champion and begins wailing away at him.  Carter tries to block, but Stewart is on a mission.  He goes until Carter has no choice but to tip him over and onto his back.  He climbs on top of Stewart and gives him the same treatment.


Chad:  Carter loses control as Stewart slams him face first into the barricade to get him off the attack. He kicks Carter’s head into the barricade again. He tries a third time, but Carter locks on a Figure Four on the outside!


Gena:  He knows he’s got a title to defend tonight, and he’s trying to do his best to take the challenge seriously, especially against the likes of Stewart Mason.


Chad:  Stewart is able to grab onto the barricade, and he pulls it over on top of them to break up the hold. He crawls away, but Carter jumps right back on top of him.


Gena:  Stewart is able to get out from under Carter and he sends him careening into the ring steps, knocking them over into a pile.  Stewart slides inside of the ring to break up the count, and goes back outside.

Chad:  Stewart picks Carter up and rolls him inside of the ring.  He climbs inside and he waits for Carter to get up.  He sets him up for the Paid In Full (Impact DDT), but Carter shoves him away!



Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here is your winner and NEW SCU Underground Champion… Stewart Mason!!!

Supernova cuts to the locker room where GRIME World Champion Chelsea LeClair is standing by with the title over her shoulder. She’s in a reflective, though a bit of a sad mood as she thinks about where things are headed and where she may go from here. Still, going into her final defense of the GRIME World title, Chelsea certainly is doing what she can to stay in the best spirits that she can be in as she begins to express her thoughts.

Chelsea: I can’t believe it’s over… or rather it’s going to be over. I guess if there are any regrets that I have about my time in Sin City Underground, it’s merely the fact that my time here felt like it was way too short and that it’s going to be over JUST when I feel like I am hitting my stride here and all of that. Well… that and the fact that there was far too much time wasted on the Veronica Taylor crap, but that’s neither here nor there. Ultimately, what’s most important at the end of the day is that I walk into that SCU ring for the final time, take on Angel of Filth in the final GRIME World title match and get that victory. I know that it’s easier said than done… especially when you consider what happened between us on the last Underground…

Chelsea narrows her eyes with anger as she really begins to think about that moment.

Chelsea: It was definitely a coward’s move, Filth. I’m not even going to call you “Angel” because “FILTH” is exactly what describes you. You want to act as if you were the end all, be all of GRIME and yet, when was the last time you held this championship? Hell, if you REALLY cared so much about GRIME, why the hell were you wanting to chase the SCU Underground Championship? Where in the world were you when the SCU-GRIME war for all intents and purposes… and GRIME as its own separate entity by the way… faded out of the picture? I didn’t see you being front and center of anything GRIME related. Let me ask you this, FILTH. When people think about GRIME, do they think about YOU? They DON’T. They think about three-time GRIME World Champion Amy Santino. They think about the likes of Javi Gonzalez who was a Blast from the Past finalist a couple of years ago. They think about the likes of Royal Purple who at one time was the SCW Roulette Champion.

They don’t think about you. But hey, tonight, you get a chance to make people think about you when they think about GRIME. I get why you wouldn’t want me to have this title. I know that I have never been someone that is all about GRIME and hell, I wasn’t even involved in that SCU-GRIME war at all. But does that make me any less of a deserving champion than someone that WOULD represent GRIME? NO! Because I BEAT Amy twice. I’ve retained this title whenever I’ve had the opportunity to. I KNOW how to get down and dirty if necessary. I know that I can keep up with the dirty tactics that someone like you would bring to the table. You know what else may eat at you aside from the fact that it’s ME holding the title?

This may be it for you…

What kind of career will you have after tonight? Where will you go? Will you even be anywhere else? Have you even said anything about what the future may hold for you? If the last year or two is any indication, I don’t imagine SCW would be interested in you. I’m not sure if there is any company out there clamoring to sign you or not. I know I would be okay, but what about YOU? You NEED this. You’re going to be desperate to go out a winner and that’s my window of opportunity to go in there and shut YOU the fuck up. You’re absolutely not going out on your own terms. That will be ME! And while I wish I had more time with SCU, that’s NOT going to deter me from making the most out of the opportunity that I had to be here, which is WAY more than I can say for you.

I never was just a pretty face, Filth, no matter how much you want to portray that image. Like it or not, I AM going out as the FINAL GRIME World Champion… and you?

It’s back to the dark for you…

Chelsea maintains an angry glare on her face as she makes her exit and the scene fades to black.

GRIME Championship Match
Chelsea LeClair Vs Angel of Filth

Darlyn: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the GRIME Championship!

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance.

Darlyn: Introducing first, the challenger! On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, she is “The Seraph of Sleaze”... Angel of Filth!!!

Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together.

Liam: And next… From Ocean City, NJ, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 128lb, she is your GRIME Champion… Chelsea LeClair!!!

"Chelsea" by STEFY hits and the fans cheer as Chelsea LeClair walks through the curtains, poised, confident and determined to make things happen in this match as she begins to walk down the aisle. She soaks in some cheers a bit as she gets to ringside and at this point, she's all business as she slides into the ring. Soaking things in a bit more, she climbs up the corner to the second rope with a smile, a fist raised in the air and a quick point to the crowd before she hops back down to the corner, leans against it and waits for the match to begin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ada: Filth starts pointing at Chelsea as she lets Chelsea know that she's nothing while walking towards her. Filth stops and walks back to her corner, then steps outside to the floor. Filth bends down and pulls the ring apron over…

Rob: Filth starts pulling a trash can out, telling Chelsea that she’s about to educate her on what it means to be GRIME Champion.

Ada: But, it’s not just a trash can as it looks like it's filled with stuff; I see a bat, kendo sticks. Who knows what else is in the trash can.

Rob: Filth slides under the ring. She brings the trash can in the ring as Chelsea looks on, still standing near her corner. Filth tilts the trash can, dropping everything that's inside…

Ada: Bats, kendo sticks, a GRIME chain with a padlock, cookie sheets, a bowling ball, a baton, and a bag that I can only assume are thumbtacks.

Rob: Chelsea has yet to move; she looks on, watching Helana, letting her make her point, while remaining unimpressed.

Ada: Filth throws the trash can at Chelsea, then quickly drops to grab the chain with a padlock…

Rob: Chelsea jumps doing a spin kick that kicks the trash can back at Filth… Filth immediately turns to her to look up at Chelsea, only to get nailed in the face with the trash can.

Ada: Filth falls on her ass as she lands on the mat sitting up. Chelsea stands at her corner, watching Filth.

Rob: Filth touches her face; lucky for her, she looks fine but really pissed after that one. Filth gets up with her chain in hand. Filth rushes at Chelsea swinging the chain around. Chelsea grabs a kendo stick from the ground…

Ada: Chelsea swings the kendo stick and inserts it in between one of the chain links… The stick stops Filth as the tip of it is on Filth's chest. Chelsea lifts the stick, hitting Filth in the chin with the tip.

Rob: Filth backs up back to her corner; Chelsea removes the chain from her kendo stick and throws the chain out the ring. Filth grabs a bat and charges at Chelsea; Filth comes in swinging the bat at Chelsea, but Chelsea blocks it with her kendo stick, then steps in and nails Filth in the gut with a fast, stiff front kick.

Ada: Filth backs up, then throws the bat at Chelsea. Chelsea swings her stick, causing it to break, but blocking the bat. The bat goes flying out the ring and hits the barricade before hitting the floor. Filth grabs two more kendo sticks.

Rob: Filth rushes Chelsea, swinging both kendo sticks. Chelsea blocks them both as Filth keeps swinging them around. Chelsea blocks each swing with her forearms, feeling the sting as she does so.

Ada: Filth doesn't hold back as she keeps swinging for the fences, but with no luck. Filth lowers one while the other goes for Chelsea's head. Chelsea blocks the top but gets nailed on her left kneecap with the second.

Rob: Chelsea blocks the top one and counters the low attack as she jumps over the stick on the second swing. Filth swings them both low as Chelsea lands on her feet but drops to the mat as she gets nailed with both kendo sticks on her knees on the third go around.

Ada: Filth swings again but Chelsea gets a trash can lid over her to block both attacks. Filth drops the sticks as Chelsea gets to her feet. Filth grabs Chelsea around her head for a DDT, but Filth knees Chelsea before nailing the DDT!!!

Rob: Filth gets to her feet; she goes to grab the bowling ball and rolls it towards Chelsea. Chelsea does a push up as the bowling ball rolls underneath her. Filth rushes over, going for a kick to her chest but Chelsea grabs Filth's foot and uses the momentum to lift herself to her feet.

Ada: The two ladies tie up in the middle of the ring. Chelsea goes for a hip toss, but Filth corners it and lifts Chelsea for a backdrop. Filth grabs Chelsea by her hair and starts dragging her around the ring.

Rob: Filth stands in the middle of the ring turning in place as she manages to get Chelsea up in the air, spinning her around by her hair!

Ada: Never seen the airplane swing done like this before… That's one sure way to wake up with a massive headache!

Rob: Filth keeps spinning and spinning… If she keeps this up she'll make herself go dizzy.

Ada: Filth has spun Chelsea around six times now but let's go… Chelsea's back lands on the bat. Filth grabs Chelsea's leg to drag her off the mat. Filth drops down for the cover!


Rob: Chelsea gets out to Filth's shock. Filth gets to her feet and grabs a roll of barbed wire. Filth runs as Chelsea and grabs her by the hair as she gets Chelsea to her feet. Filth tangles the barbed wire in Chelsea’s hair, raking it as she pulls Chelsea to the ground!

Ada: Filth continues to rake the barbed wire. She wraps it around the top rope as Chelsea bleeds profusely. Filth goes to pick Chelsea up to throw her to the ropes, but Chelsea reverses it and throws Filth right into the barbed wire. She then wraps the barbed wire around Filth and hits a Sidewalk Slam, right onto the trash can!

Rob: Filth with her back on the mat and Chelsea standing over her bend down, Chelsea picks up the bag of thumbtacks and begins wailing on Filth, leaving tiny gashes across her entire body!

Ada: Filth tries to block them, but she just can’t. She rolls out of the way, and uses a stop sign as a shield. She then smashes it into Chelsea’s stomach. She bashes her over the head, and then begins wailing away with the bag of thumbtacks, leaving little nicks across Chelsea’s entire body now! She then goes up top, looking for the Defibrillator (Top Rope Double Leg Stomp) and cover!


Rob: Chelsea gets a shoulder up but looks weak as she finds a way to get the TTFO (Tap The F*** Out) (Charlotte's Figure Eight)! Filth shakes her head, knowing she can’t get a break. She struggles to get free, but can’t. She drops back onto her shoulders…


Ada: Filth gets her shoulder up again…

Rob: She looks out of it, and Jade sees it too as Jade grabs Filth's arm and lifts it. Jade lets go watching the arm drop. Filth continues to shake her head. Chelsea un-arches her back and finds the barbed wire. She lassos it around Filth’s neck!

Ada: She arches her back into the TTFO again! Filth is choking, and bleeding! She refuses to tap, even as Chelsea extends her back and tugs on the barbed wire! Filth eventually passes out and the referee stops the match!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Due to medical stoppage… Your winner and STILL GRIME Champion….. Chelsea LeClair!!!

The crowd cheers as both ladies lie there, bleeding heavily. The medics rush down to ringside, and begin to treat them. Filth shakes her head and stumbles across the ring. She demands a microphone. Reluctantly, she is given the mic. She can barely talk, but she tries anyway.

Filth:  You… proved that… ugh… you are GRIME…

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!*

She allows the team to treat her once more, but not without shaking hands with Chelsea in the process, much to the delight of the audience.

Underground Championship Match
Merlot Ayano Vs Halo Annis

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCU Underground Championship… On her way, from Hollywood Hills, CA, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 144lb, she is… Halo Annisssss!!!!!!!!!

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” starts up to a pop as Halo comes out the curtain with a burst of excitement. She makes her way up the steps and slips through the ropes. Halo gets to the middle of the ring smiling as the crowd chants her name loudly.

The fans sit and wait as the lights in the arena phase out. Everyone sits in silence until the chaotic rifts of symphonic sounds of exist†trace’s “Futatsu no Roe” begins to pump throughout air. A couple of lights at the base of the entrance ramp flicker on.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from Osaka, Japan, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 133lb, she is… Merlot Ayyyyyyyyyanooooooooooo!!!

Merlot Ayano stands with her back turned as the beams illuminate her. She quickly raises her right fist in the air before using both of her hands to blow kisses into the air. She then spins around and lets out great shout just as the song begins to ramp up. She scans the cheering crowd and stretches out her right arm as she makes her way down to the ring. Merlot heads directly towards the steps upon reaching the end of the entrance ramp. She wipes her boots on the apron before stepping through the ropes. Merlot strolls around the ring as the lights return before heading to one of the corners. She uses the ropes to get loose and stretch out her legs before the bell rings

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: Halo walks precariously up to Merlot. Looking Merlot hard in the eyes before raring back and striking the champion hard with an open hand.

Chad: As expected by Halo who seems to be strictly business tonight after going through hell to win the opportunity to dethrone Merlot tonight.

Gena: Merlot holds her face as the previously confident look on her face turns into one of anger. she moves to a defiant Halo and the staredown commences.

Chad: You can almost hear the words as she questions if she really wants to hold back right out of the gate

Gena: The defiant agreement is obvious as Merlot looks to defend her title valiantly… Halo brings her arms up to tie up. Merlot ties up with Halo, Merlot shows off her strength as Merlot easily backs Halo into the corner.

Chad: The ref tells her to break off, which she does. Halo isn't happy and shoves Merlot in the chest. She doesn't move, and audibly laughs at her attempt. A vicious slap to the face, Merlot's smile changes to anger at Halo.

Gena: Merlot begins backing Halo into the corner with a barrage of rhythmic knee strikes and one solid punch that seems to do the trick. She then nails a Roundhouse Kick… to the corner, as Halo ducks out.

Chad: Halo rushes Merlot into the corner and begins nailing roughneck punches and kicks. She tries to set Merlot up for the Hung Out to Dry, but Merlot slides right out. She rolls away from the ropes, and Halo follows right after her.

Gena: Merlot tries to slap Halo but Halo blocks it and pushes Merlot again. This time Merlot falls onto the mat. Merlot gets up as the two lock up again in the middle of the ring. Merlot overpowers Halo, despite her size disadvantage, and tosses Halo to the mat.

Chad: Halo gets right back up and rushes at Merlot, throwing punches and chops at her torso in a fury. Halo strikes her several times in the head… Merlot shoves her off to get some breathing room.

Gena: Merlot circles around as Halo tries to follow. Both women catch their breath, ready to go back to war. Halo rushes at Merlot, but Merlot uses the momentum to whip her into the ropes, and hard.

Chad: Merlot goes for a Hip Toss, but Halo rams a knee into Merlot’s face and then tries to reverse it. Merlot smacks the back of Halo’s head, and ducks out of it altogether.

Gena: Halo wastes little time and comes off the ropes, running back with an arm extended. She goes for the Clothesline, but Merlot ducks, Halo keeps running and bounces off the other ropes to try again.

Chad: Merlot stares at her in disbelief then bends over to catch her. Merlot tosses Halo up into the air with hang time. Merlot smashes Halo hard into the mat with a modified Spinning Spinebuster!

Gena: Merlot goes for a cover!


Chad: Halo kicks out, Merlot gets up and helps Halo up to her feet… Halo grabs Merlot and drops her with an MMA takedown! Halo gets on top of Merlot now. Halo nails an elbow to her face, Halo hits a second elbow to the nose! Halo moves to go for the cover!


Gena: Merlot gets her shoulder up at two. Halo gets off of Merlot. Merlot takes a second, then sits up to see Halo rebounding off the ropes, unable to avoid contact as she leaps and connects with a dropkick. Halo goes for the cover… No Merlot rolls them over for the cover on Halo!


Chad: Halo kicks out, Merlot gets up and gets kicked in the shin bone by Halo. Merlot bends down and gets kicked in the side of the head. Merlot drops to her butt and Halo does a kip up to get to her feet… But falls on her ass as Merlot kicks her feet from underneath her!

Gena: Merlot gets to her feet and tries a Spin Kick that misses as Halo does a back roll to get to her feet. Merlot runs over to Halo… Halo nails a left, then a right, with another left to the chest of Merlot. Halo turns around for a spinning fist… Merlot grabs Halo’s arm and drops her with a Monkey Flip!

Chad: Merlot bends down to grab Halo but gets kicked in her face. Halo rolls to the side to get to her feet.  Merlot runs over but gets nailed with a Superkick! Merlot stumbles into the corner, banging her head off the turnbuckle. Halo wastes no time and goes for a roll-up!


Gena: Merlot gets a foot on the rope, and Halo almost can’t believe it. She peels Merlot off of the ground, and plants her right back with a Scoop Slam. She gets the champ ready and in position for the Black 13 (Claymore Kick)!

Chad: As she nails it, the crowd cheers. Halo wastes no time in dropping down for the cover!


Crowd:  YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gena: Merlot barely kicks out! Merlot gets to her feet quickly, and she isn't happy. she charges at Halo, Halo goes for another spine fist… Merlot grabs the fist with one arm and wraps the other arm around Halo's head as she locks in her Vanguard Killer (Lebell Lock)!!!

Chad: Merlot jumps back to get them both off their feet. The two land on their butts as Merlot locks her legs around Halo’s body, trapping her in the center of the ring!

Gena: The ref looks down at Halo, Merlot applies more pressure on the head of Halo… Halo knows she’s beat as she taps out!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Your winner of this match… And still the SCU Underground champion… Merlot Ayano!!!

Merlot can’t help but feel grateful as she kneels down, accepting the title back, cherishing it more now than ever before. She then stands up and walks each of the six turnbuckles, holding it up for the audience as they cheer loudly for her. Halo gets up and the two shake hands, getting an even bigger pop from the crowd as they celebrate the match together.

The scene opens backstage in the BC Place in Vancouver, where we see Amy sitting alone backstage with music blaring away as she lace s her boots up in preparation for the 40 person battle royal. Lacing up her last boot, as she adjusts them before looking up and removing her ear buds and pressing pause.

Amy: It will be sad to see Sin City Underground close, a few years back I criticized it for being something I wasn’t interested in, and it was beneath me.  But seeing what GRIME did etc…  when I was on my hiatus slash pregnant with Beckett, it opened my eyes and now with this placing closing… I deeply regret not joining sooner.  But where to go from here….

Obviously focus on the main event battle royal since I have do not get an option to beat on Winter in a singles match but maybe a slight chance in the battle royal. But after the battle royal… once SCU closes… what to do?

Retire – win this main event… take the money, the car and the ring and head home and focus on family and businesses

Or still win this main event but find a new company and kick some ass there.

Decisions decisions…

Anyway…  back to the task at hand.  Tonight a 40 person battle royal.  Who is in it?  I am guessing everyone who is wrestling tonight plus many more.  I am guessing inter gender rules will go out of the window but that is fine by me.  My first company I faced off again men… I am not afraid to step up and come face to face with male wrestlers and kick their ass.

No matter how big or small they are or if they have been friends in the past.

And speaking of foes… Winter Elemental. I hope to god she is in this match… and if she is and I will be wiping that horrible ugly smirk off her face and I will make sure that it will be me kicking her ass and eliminating her.  It’s such a shame that we weren’t able to finish what we had.  But seeing her in this match.. and eliminating her will make my day.

Anyway… this is a message to everyone in this match…


I am taking the fifty thousand, the car and the ring… and I will be the last ever winning in Sin City Underground, just a shame that I don’t hold any title other than being the longest ever GRIME champion…. Twice.

At least I have that accolade.

So I wish everyone luck tonight in their prospective matches because I hope you pick up silly little injuries and it slows you down.  Harsh I know but I want to win.

See you all soon.

Amy smirks as she puts her music back into her ears as she stands to her feet as she adjusts her boots once more before starting her warm up procedure for the match. The scene fades outs as Amy begins to stretch out first.

Boxing Match - Combat Championship Match
Winter Elemental Vs Dahlia Rotten

Darlyn:  The following contest is scheduled for three rounds, and is a Kickboxing Match for the SCU Combat Championship! Coming to the ring from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 285lb, she is… Dahlia Rotten!!!

Earl steps on the stage accompanied by Dahlia and Sarah, they walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shine on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he gives the crowd an arrogant smile.

“Gimme Chocolate" by Babymetal plays over the speakers.

The beat kicks in as we all wait for Winter to come out the curtains. A bigger pop is heard at one side of the arena. We see Winter walking through the crowd making her way to ringside.

Darlyn: On the way to the ring, she is from the all the snowy mountains of Canada!!! Standing at 5’6”, she is a Kawaii Dragon member and your SCU Combat Champion... Winter Elemental!!!

Winter hops over the barricade as she stares down at the ring. As she makes her way to the ring, Winter just gives her the middle finger to the camera as she milks her time by walking around ringside forcing everyone to listen to her theme song. Winter stomps each ring step in a dramatic form. Winter gives the finger again then turns to look at the crowd, and a smile creeps upon her face.

Round One
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Winter and Dahlia walk to the middle of the ring. Dahlia goes for a low stiff kick but Winter jumps and nails Dahlia with a front kick to the chest. Dahlia stumbles back a bit but stays on her feet. Winter takes a step towards Dahlia.

Gena: Winter goes for a low kick but misses as Dahlia steps back then comes in extending her arm with a left jab followed by a right cross! Dahlia follows with an uppercut but Winter leans away to avoid contact. Winter goes for a sidekick but Dahlia blocks it.

Chad: Dahlia raises her arm bending at the elbow then quickly straightens her arm hitting Winter with a back hand!. Dahlia sees Winter stumbling, Dahlia looks as, Winter steps at Dahlia, Dahlia turns her body going for a roundhouse kick…

Gena: Winter ducks the kick then counters with a half-hook. Winter tries a jab but gets a side kick to the gut from Dahlia! Dahlia hits a jab then a second jab. Winter counters with a cross-counter punch then a hard low stiff kick!

Chad: Just like the last match, we’re seeing a great back and forth between the two. Winter goes for a second low kick but Dahlia backs away from it. Dahlia goes for a superkick but Winter gets her hands up to block it. Winter goes for a right hook but Dahlia blocks it.

Gena: Winter goes for a left right combo but Dahlia blocks each punch. Dahlia goes for an uppercut but Winter leans back to avoid it. Winter goes for a body shot hitting Dahlia with a hard shrt strike to the ribs. Dahlia backs away. Winter runs at her, Dahlia jumps and hits a jumping front kick!

Chad: Dahlia goes for a…

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Dahlia stops mid motion as we end round one. The crowd cheers both ladies on as this match has been dead even so far.

Gena: What better way to award them, than with a spot on the last ever SCU show…

Ding! Ding! Ding!
Round Two

Chad: Round two now under way, both women leave their corners. Dahlia walks to the middle of the ring. Winter takes a few steps towards Dahlia but stays closer to her corner. Dahlia takes a step closer to Winter… 

Gena: Winter charges going for a superwomen punch but Dahlia jumps on her back to avoid contact. Dahlia does a kip up to get to her feet but gets caught with a right then a left hook to the chin and chest!

Chad: Dahlia staggers a bit, Winter steps in and turns her body going for a spinning back fist that connects. Dahlia staggers again, Winter runs as Dahlia turns and jumps, nailing Winter with a Somersault Kick! Winter now stumbles back!

Gena: Dahlia comes in with a spin kick to the gut. Dahlia follows with a jab but Winter blocks it. Dahlia goes for another jab but Winter blocks it. Dahlia now goes for some short quick punches but Winter blocks them. Dahlia however keeps them coming as Winter does her best and manages to block them all.

Chad: Dahlia backs away, Winter comes in and gets a hard low kick to her knee but Dahlia. Dahlia hits another low kick to the knee. Winter starts backing away from Dahlia as she pushes forward going for low kicks.

Gena: Winter leans, then side steps out of the way. Dahlia pushes towards Winter with quick weak kicks to the knee. Winter hits Dahlia with her own low stiff kick. Dahlia nods and kicks Winter, Winter kicks Dahlia!!!!

Chad: The two battle this out with exchanges of stiff low kicks… Testing each other to see who’s going to back down first…

Gena: We both know that neither one will back down…

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: We reach the end of round two. Both ladies head to their corners. The crowd loves this match between their fellow Canadians here tonight. Dahlia and Winter are not holding anything back.

Gena: Dahlia is the wrestler out of the two but her roughneck style is holding up against the trained combat fighter.

Chad: I expected this to go three rounds and it is. These two dominant forces in SCU have three minutes to end this bout.

Ding! Ding! Ding!
Round Three

Chad: The crowd gets to their feet as they cheer the two on. Both ladies walk to the center of the ring and shake hands in respect as they start this final round.

Gena: Dahlia throws a jab at Winter that gets blocked. Winter throws a jab that gets blocked. Dahlia faces a low stiff kick then brings her foot up for a kick to the gut that connects. Dahlia goes for a hook but Winter blocks it.

Chad: Dahlia takes a step towards Winter but gets hits in the chest with a push kick that drops Dahlia to the mat! Winter backs away, Dahlia gets to her feet. Winter runs in with a superwomen punch… Dahlia side steps and counters with a roundhouse kick!

Gena: Winter gets dazed, Dahlia runs in and hits a running high knee! The red gets between them to warn Dahlia as knees are illegal. Winter shakes it off, Dahlia and Winter bow then back on attacking each other as Winter comes in with a jab that Dahlia blocks it.

Chad: Winter comes in with a half-hook as Winter swings at Dahlia with a wide jab/hook. Dahlia gets nailed in the chin. Winter goes for an uppercut, Dahlia leans away then nails Winter with a shot to the ribs as Dahlia hits a left then a right.

Gena: Dahlia hits a low stiff kick then hits Winter with an uppercut. Winter stumbles to the ropes. Dahlia rushes Kell oner for Winter to catch Dahlia with a back kick. Dahlia takes a step back. Winter walks towards Dahlia…

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: This one’s over and went all three rounds!

Gena: Winter goes to Dahlia for a handshake, Dahlia goes to shake hands but Winter brings the challenger in for a hug. The crowd is going crazy for the two as now we wait for the judges' score cards to get a winner.

Judges score card.
Dahlia Rotten
Round one 10-10-8
Round Two 9-10-9
Round Three 10-10-9

Judges score card
Winter Elemental
Round one 9-10-9
Round two 10-10-9
Round three 9-9-9

Darlyn: Ladies and gentlemen, the judges have tallied up the scores. After round bouts the score for Dahlia Rotten… 85… Combat Champion Winter Elemental… 84… Therefore… Your NEW SCU Combat Champion… Dahlia Rotten!!!

COMING SOON: 40 Person Mayhem Survival Match! Stay tuned!

Offline Donna Beauchamp

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    • Donna Beauchamp
Re: SCU Presents... Supernova 5 (Results)
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2022, 02:56:38 PM »

Darlyn: This next match is the 40 wrestler Mayhem Survival Match! The rules are as follows… @@

Darlyn gets cut off ass 韻踏合組合 - "一網打尽 (REMIX) feat. NORIKIYO,SHINGO★西成, 漢" starts to play. The crowd gives out a mix reaction as Omasa Tazu comes out heading to the ring.

Darlyn: On the way to the ring, entering at number one… Omasa Tazu!!! @@

Omasa slides into the ring and gets to a corner as she waits for number two. The crowd turned to look at the rampway. However, the crowd won't have to wait long as they pop loudly at the start of Kawaii Dragons' theme song, Give Me Chocolate, from Babymetal. Tatsu runs out and makes a Beeline to the ring. Darlyn runs out of the ring to not get caught in the middle. As Tatsu slides into the ring, the bell sounds. Omasa catches Tatsu as she tries to get to her feet. Omasa Irish whips Tatsu to the ropes, and Omasa runs behind her. Tatsu hits the ropes as Omasa nails Tatsu with a clothesline. Omasa tried getting Tatsu over with that move but failed. Omasa now grabs onto Tatsu's right leg to lift Tatsu over the ropes. Tatsu starts firing off a few elbows to the side of Omasa's shoulder. Omasa lets go of Tatsu to block the next elbow shot. Omasa backs away as Tatsu throws the elbow. Omasa then lunges in for a headbutt but Tatsu counters with her Red Kawaii Mist! Omasa steps back as she wipes her face and mask. Tatsu runs in with a running dropkick which drops Omasa to the mat. Tatsu drops down on Omasa with an elbow drop to her ribs. Tatsu quickly gets Omasa to her feet. Tatsu gets Omasa up in the air for a suplex. Little Tatsu keeps Omasa up as she walks around the ring showing off her strength.


Tatsu drops down to drop Omasa on her back.


Tatsu gets up and looks towards the rampway.



Andrew Borg's Theme starts to play. Andrew comes from the curtain and takes his time walking down the rampway. Tatsu turns around and goes to Omasa. Tatsu goes to grab Omasa, but Omasa grabs her by her neck and starts choking her while using Tatsu's pulling herself back as Omasa's way to get back to her feet. Omasa pushes forward as Tatsu keeps walking around until Tatsu's back slams into the turnbuckles. Tatsu tries to break Omasa's hold on her neck but isn't able to get the grip off of her neck. Andrew finally gets inside the ring and leans on the opposite turnbuckle watching the action. Omasa lets go as she comes in with a stiff knee to the gut. Tatsu bends over, and Omasa pushes Tatsu to the mat, then charges over to Andrew Borg. Andrew runs out of the way as Omasa places a foot on the turnbuckle to stop herself. Andrew goes to grab Omasa but Omasa ducks and jukes while lands a left and a right to his ribs. Andrew golds his ribs, opening his face for Omasa to land a right hook. Andrew stumbles to the ropes. Omasa runs at Andrew, and Andrew bends over; Omasa gets close as Andrew pulls back up, lifting Omasa up and over him and the top ropes, but Omasa lands on the apron. Andrew throws a haymaker; Omasa uses the ropes to pull herself into the ring by sliding in from the bottom ropes. Andrew turns around;


Omasa gets to her feet.


Tatsu grabs Omasa by the back of her head.


Tatsu runs towards Andrew, dropping Omasa with a running bulldog.



Rory runs out before his music starts playing. The crowd raise their drinks for the bartender as he slides in the ring. Tatsu stomps on Omasa. Andrew waits for Tatsu to turn around then he charges her with a clothesline from behind. Rory's smiles change to upset after seeing Andrew hit Tatsu from behind. Rory runs over and tackles Andrew to the mat. Tatsu gets to her feet and starts stomping on Andrew now. Omasa sits up before getting to her feet. Rory grabs Tatsu and lifts her over his head. Omasa gets to her feet, but Rory tosses Tatsu over at Omasa and hits a crossbody that sends Omas back to the mat with Tatsu in a cover position on top of her. Andrew does a kip-up to get back to his feet but gets dropped back down as Rory goes down and slides his foot over for a leg sweep. Tatsu gets off of Omasa; Rory goes to grab Andrew off the floor but gets met with a hard right to the face. Rory steps back as Andrew sits up but gets nailed in the face by a low dropkick from Tatsu. Rory and Tatsu get Andrew back to his feet as Omasa gets to her feet. Rory and Tatsu Irish whip Andrew towards Omasa. Omasa grabs Andrew by the back of the head, then runs with him to the ropes and throws him over for the first elimination.

(Andrew Borg, eliminated by Omasa time in match 3:41)

Omasa turns around, ready to take on a two-on-one situation. Instead, Omasa waves for both Tatsu and Rory to come at her.


Tatsu takes a step forward but gets pulled back by Rory.


Omasa waves for them to come at her again.


Rory looks to be making a plan with Tatsu.


Omasa cracks her knuckles as she waits.



Rory's tag team partner Unknown comes out from the curtain and runs to the ring as fast as possible. Omasa now outnumbered three-to-one waves for all three to come at her. Unknown starts pointing at Omasa, and she walks towards her. The two exchange words in the middle of the ring. Rory pulls Unknown back; she looks at Rory and Tatsu, then points at the back of her mask. Rory begins to unite the laces as the crowd gets excited to see who's been under the mask for the past two months. Rory seems to have a hard time with the knot. Tatsu helps but pulls the taller Unknown down to Tatsu level. Tatsu then uses her teeth to free up the tie knot to loosen it up. Omasa waits, shaking her head as it doesn't matter who is masked up. Omasa plans on taking them all down. By the time the mask gets loose, the count down begins for number six to arrive.


Rory starts to remove the laces.


Tatsu looks at the rampway to see who's next.


Rory backs away so that Unknown has room to remove her mask.


Unknown grabs the bottom of her mask.


Unknown removes the bottom, just enough to see her jaw before she stops as everyone jumps off their seats as the first mystery entry theme is heard. The crowd sings along to The Golden Age by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour as Stacy Ruin emerges from behind the curtain. Unfortunately, Omasa knows she is out numbed as Omasa was the one who had fired Stacy a year ago along with her sister Melissa Ruin. Tatsu gets ready to fight Stacy as Stacy runs down to ringside, but Rory stops her and points at Omasa. Stacy gets in the ring, Rory gets behind Unknown and Stacy Ruin, and so does Tatsu. Unknown finally removes her mask as the crowd popping for Stacy explodes when they see that Unknown was Melissa Ruin this whole time. The Ruin sisters charge at Omasa. Omasa goes for broke as she runs at Melissa and Stacy. The sisters start swinging at Omasa as she laughs at them, blocking four fists coming at her with just one hand. Rory and Tatsu stand in a corner watching the action. The Ruin Sisters get the advantage as Moasa blocks a punch from Melissa; Stacy lowers herself to grab and wrap her arms around Omasa's legs. Melissa wraps he arms around the upper half of Omasa. The Ruin Sisters tackle Omasa to the mat.


Omasa starts using her head to hit Melissa with headbutts, but Omasa cannot reach her.


Melissa holds on tight as Stacy lets go of Omasa's legs to return to her feet.


Rory turns to face the rampway.


Tatsu turns to face the rampway.


Omasa throws punches at Melissa's back to get her off of her as Stacy continues to stomp on anywhere and everywhere of Omasa's lower half o keep her down. Meanwhile, Rory and Tatsu wait to see whos coming out of the curtain. The crowd starts booing as no one nor any music is heard. Cameras go backstage as we see security and EMTs attending to Jamie Staggs. SCU GM Lexa is seen pacing trying to figure out what to do. Finally, she notices someone and starts putting it together in her head before going off on them.

Lexa: You did this, didn't you. Jamie was next to come out, and you attacked him, huh. You wanted to be in this year's Mayhem Survival so bad that you took out your own friend to do it well; good job. The fans are waiting for number 8 to come out, so go out there. @@

Cameras return to ringside as Rory and Tatsu still wait to see who's coming out. Omasa has broken free from Melissa but is seen now holding on to the ropes as the Ruin Sisters try to get her over the top ropes. A catering cart covered in a white tablecloth is coming from the curtains and rolling rapidly down the rampway. It stops after ramming into the ring apron. Tatsu goes through the middle ropes to check it out but gets stopped by Rory. Tatsu points at the catering table but Rory shakes his head no.



The lights go out for a second as "Gangsta" by New Year's Day begins playing. The crowd cheers as one-half of 2 Broke Chicks Jane Harper makes her way to the ring. Omasa manages to fight off the Ruin Sisters. Tatsu punches her fist, waiting for Jane to get in the ring. Rory takes a step back to watch on. Jane stops in front of the catering table. Jane bends down and lifts the cloth up. Jane gets sprayed in the face; She stumbles back, all covered in white. The crowd pops when they see Shorty coming out from under the catering table, holding a fire extinguisher. Shorty resprays Jane before wobbling up the ring steps. Shorty gets in the ring. Tatsu goes to high-five Shorty, but Shorty sprays Tatsu. Rory runs at Shorty but gets sprayed in the face. Shorty runs over to the Ruins and Omasa and sprays Omasa. Melissa and Stacy start to laugh, as does Shorty then Shorty starts spraying Melissa and Stacy. Shorty walks over to Omasa and hits her chin with the fire extinguisher. Shorty swings again, but Omasa grabs Shorty by the throat and lifts him in the air. Omasa throws him over the top ropes. Shorty grips her hand with his arm, keeping the choke hold. Shorty kicks off the middle ropes, which forces Omasa over the top rope sending the two outside the ring resulting in a double elimination.

(Shorty, eliminated by Omasa time in match 3:56. Omasa, eliminated by Shorty time in match 11:56)

Shorty and Omasa fight at ringside. Referees run in to break it up as the countdown begins.


Jane slides into the ring.


Tatsu runs at Jane for a clothesline that does nothing to the powerful Jane.


Stacy and Melissa still wipe their faces.



The crowd starts loudly booing as Jack Jeckel runs out from behind the curtain. Rory slides out from the bottom ropes and meets Jack at ringside. The two start brawling as Jane is seen in the ring, suplexing Tatsu. The Ruin sisters rush Jane. Stacy goes for a takedown, but Jane counters with a double axe handle to her back. Melissa nails a still chop that has no effect. Jane gives Melissa a chop back that knocks Melissa on her ass. Jack has the back of Rory's head and forces Rory to kiss the ring post as he sends him to it face first. Jack slides into the ring, and the top of his head meets the heel of Tatsu as she nails a baseball slide. Tatsu gets to her feet. Melissa holds onto her feet as Stacy drops Tatsu with a lariat. Jack gets to his feet; Jane gets in front of Jack. The two tie up in the corner. On the other side, we see Tatsu biting Stacy's arm as Melissa is seen trying to pull Tatsu away by her hair. Melissa gets Tatsu to stop biting Stacy's arm but at the cost of Tatsu now biting Melissa's arm. Stacy grabs Tatsu's legs and tries to get her over the top ropes. Tatsu stops biting Melissa to wrap her arms on the ropes, clinging on so she doesn't get thrown over them, while on the other side of the ring, we see Jack bodyslamming Jane to the mat.


Jack goes for a leg drop but misses as Jane rolls out of the way.


While Stacy keeps trying to get Tatsu's feet over the ropes...


Melissa tries punching Tatsu's hands free from her grip on the ropes.


Jane gets back to her feet, as does Jack.


Stacy gets Tatsu's feet above the top ropes, but then somehow, Tatsu frees one of her legs and uses it to land a kick on Stacy's fingers.



"Nail In My Coffin" by Jared James Nichols starts playing around the arena. The crowd pops for this next unexpected entry as former GRIME Champion Max Burke emerges. Max heads down the ramp and slides into the ring. Max sees Jane and Jack tied up in one corner while Tatsu fights off the Ruins across the ring. Jack and Jane trade chops and Max heads over to the Ruin Sisters as they try and get Tatsu over the top ropes. Max grabs one of Stacy's feet with one hand and one of Melissa's feet in the other. Max lifts them both over the top ropes eliminating Stacy, Melisa, and Tatsu in the process.

(Stacy Ruin, Melissa Ruin, and Tatsu were eliminated by Max Burke. Time in match Stacy, 8:15. Melissa, 10:15. Tatsu, 16:15.)

Max runs over at Jack and nails him from behind with a dropkick. Jack and Jane's heads collide. Jane leans on the turnbuckle as Jack stumbles right into the hands of Max Burke. Max uses the momentum to guide Jack to the ropes. Max throws Jack over.

(Jack Jeckel, eliminated by Max Burke. Jack's time in match 2:20.)

Max runs over to Jane, and he nails a stiff chop that wakes Jane up. Jane goes for a stiff chop of her own, but Max ducks it. Max grabs onto Jane's legs and pulls himself back up while tossing Jane over the top ropes. Jane lands on the apron. Max kicks her in the gut, which sends her to the outside floor.

(Jane Harper, eliminated by Max Burke, time in match 4:30)

Max looks at the crowd as the only one left in the ring. However, from behind, we see Rory sneaking back into the ring after recovering from that headshot to the ring post by Jack earlier. The crowd tries to warn Max as Rory slides into the ring. Max leans on the ropes talking with the fans. Rory runs at Max for a sneak attack. Max drops down at the last second, holding the ropes with him to lower them. Rory cannot stop on time, goes over the top ropes, and lands on the outside floor.

(Rory Rockefeller, eliminated by Max Burke, time in match 12:55)

Max looks at the SCUTorn and sees he has 60 seconds before the next wrestler enters the match. He uses this time to interact with the crowd sitting at ringside in the first few rows. A fan yells for a photo; Max first ignores the fan until he sees the fan is at the show with someone in a wheelchair. Max leaves the ring through the middle ropes and walks over to the fans. Along with the fan, the section where the fan is seated pops with excitement. Max heads over to take a photo. Max goes over to sit next to the fan in the wheelchair who is wearing an Alex Rush t-shirt and holding a stuffed rhino in her hand. The fans all around get their phone out to snap photos and record short videos.



"Let's Get Rocked" by Def Leppard starts to play. The crowd pops as Alex Rush gets a ride to the ring by Robert Edwards the Rhino. Alex gets off his buddy; he looks at Max, who waves him over. Then, Alex jumps the barricade and walks over to Max and the fans. The fan in the wheelchair stares at Alex with the biggest smile on her face. Alex leans in and talks to the fan. Max taps Alex's shoulder before heading back to the ring. Alex sits on her lap; she blushes as her companion takes photos of the two. After a few pictures, Alex gets up and waves for the fans to move out of the way. Alex gets behind the fan and moves her wheelchair close to the ramp; Edward turns his body to face them and lowers his horn. The fan leans a bit and touches the rhino's horn. The fans chant Alex, but Alex yells out Anna, the name of the fan in the wheelchair. The crowd stops chanting Alex and starts chanting Anna. Once Anna lets go of the rhino, he brings her back to her spot. They hug before Alex jumps the barricade and slides into the ring from the bottom ropes. The rhino heads to the back as Alex gets to his feet; he and Max pace the ring a bit, then walks to the middle of the ring to tie up. Max gets the advantage by grabbing Alex's arm to lock in a wrist lock. Alex ducks underneath it to break the hold, then goes in for a nose squeeze as Alex holds Max's nose between his index and middle knuckles. 


Max smacks Alex's hand away.


Alex grabs Max's ear and yanks it down.


Max pushes Alex's arm off his ear.


Alex leans down for a headbutt but Max counters by grabbing the back of Alex's head and forcing it down to plant it on the mat.



Take 5 by Dave Burbeck starts to play, and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to Eric Weaver as he makes his way down to ringside. Alex gets to his feet while Eric slides into the ring. Alex slaps Max. Max smacks Alex even harder, so hard that Alex spins in a 360, swinging his arms which strikes Eric so hard that he goes over the top ropes and lands on the outside floor.

(Eric Weaver, eliminated by Alex Rush, time in match:02 seconds)

Max grabs Alex and sends Alex to the ropes. Alex bounces off and heads back to Max. Max extends his arm out for a clothesline. Alex stops and grabs Max's arm to hold his hand and hugs him with the other as he leads them into a tango dance. After a few steps, Max pushes Alex away, unassumed, but the crowd can't stop popping for Alex's antics. Alex moves his hip to keep dancing. Max goes to grab Alex but gets stopped as Alex sticks his finger in Max's belly button. Max smacks Alex's hand down, and Alex leans in for a headbutt hitting Max in the nose. Max knees Alex in the jar, then moves back to check his nose. Alex runs at Max. Max gets his foot up, nailing him in the gut. Max then grabs Alex and throws him over the top ropes. Alex lands on the apron.


Max grabs Alex's head and presses Alex'shis neck hard on the top rope, then headbutts him off the apron onto the floor.

(Alex Rush eliminated by Max Burke, time in match 3:54)



The lights in the arena go out. The crowd is heard chanting, wondering who's next. Bagpipes start playing Amazing Grace as lights flicker at the rampway to the beat. The crowd pops loudly once the drums kick in, realizing it's Amazing Grace by Dropkick Murphys. Finally, the returning Mickey Carrol pushes through the curtains. He pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and drops it on the ground, quickly putting it out as he marches back and forth across the stage. The light cuts back on. Max is in the ring, pumped up and waiting for his long-time friend/rival to get in the ring. The crowd chants "holy shit" as Mickey enters the ring. The two waste no time as fists start flying. Mickey backs up from an uppercut by Max. Mickey kicks Max in the gut and then grabs him for a snap DDT. Mickey grabs Max's head to get him to his feet. Max quickly knees Mickey in the stomach and then grabs him to drop Mickey with a swinging neck breaker. Max gets to his feet and stomps on Mickey's chest. Max starts to get booed by the crowd. The boos get louder when Max plays it by taunting the crowd before hitting another double stomp to Mickey's chest. Max grabs Mickey's head to get him to his feet. Max goes for a superkick but Mickey counters by holding Max's foot and locking in a heel lock.


Max crawls to the ropes


Max uses the ropes to get up


Max bounces on his free foot.



AHS: Freakshow Main title theme by James S. Levine starts playing. The crowd boo for the Jeckels' arrival but then start cheering a bit when they see that Jack Jeckel comes out with a shopping cart full of weapons. Jake pushes the cart down the rampway while in the ring; Max keeps hopping around, swinging his arms, trying to land a punch on Mickey. Finally, Jake gets to ringside and starts searching his shopping cart for a weapon. Jake tosses a kendo stick and then throws a stop sign followed by a frying pan. Next, Jake throws a trash can lid in the ring, hitting Mickey in the back. Mickey lets go of Max's foot; Mickey turns around to face Jake.

Jake throws a hammer at Mickey. Mickey blocks it but gets grabbed from behind by Max. Max lifts Mickey for a German suplex. Next, Jake holds a pipe made of copper from the cart and slides into the ring. Max gets Mickey to his feet. Jake nails Max in the back with the pipe, then nails Mickey in the gut. Jake hits Max in the back, then hits Mickey in the chest. Jake stomps Max, then Mickey. Jake drops the pipe and heads to the ropes. Jake slides out to get to his shopping cart. Jake pulls a small bag he holds up in the air to a pop as the crowd knows what's coming up next. Jake slides back inside the ring. Mickey and Max sit up, and Jake grabs the copper pipe with his free hand.


Max and Mickey get to their feet.


Mickey points at Jake; Max nods and agrees.


Max and Mickey spread apart, making Jake have to cover more ground.



AHS: Freakshow Main title theme by James S. Levine starts playing. Helena Jeckel runs down the rampway. Helena grabs the frying pan Jake had thrown on the ground before sliding into the ring to stand next to Jake. Mickey and Max slide out of the ring and run to the shopping cart. Mickey grabs a barb-wired bat while Max pulls out a billy club. The two get on the apron as Jake opens the bag and turns it upside down. Hundreds of thumb tacks rush out of the bag and onto the mat. Mickey and Max get in the ring. Helena charges at Mickey with her frying pan. Mickey blocks it with his barb-wired bat. The impact makes sparks as the frying pan bends some of the sharp edges of the barb-wired bat. Max and Jake run at each other. Max swings low, hitting Jake in the knees with the billy club while Jake hits Max in the arm with the copper pipe. Max drops to one knee; he grabs a handful of thumbtacks and throws them at Jake. Mickey and Helena swing again but both blocks the other. Max lunges off his knee to spear Jake on the mat. Helena swings the frying pan, but Mickey steps back and then rushes in, hitting Helena in the gut with the end of the bat. Helena bends over; Mickey drops the bat to grab Helena. Mickey gets Helena up for a powerbomb.


The crowd gasps as Mickey steps closer to the middle of the ring and drops Helena back right onto the thumbtacks!


Jkek hits an elbow on the top of Max's head, which gets Max to roll off of Jake.



Down "On March The Saints" starts playing. The crowd pops for Linnéa Lacroix as she heads down to ringside. Li goes to the shopping cart and finds a crowbar. She gets on the apron, then goes through the ropes and stands at a corner holding her crowbar high, ready to protect herself. Nickey looks at Linnea and points at Helena for her to fight. Max and Jake start to get to their feet. Mickey nails Jake in the back with the bat. Max gets to his feet, grabs Mickey from behind, and tosses him over the top ropes. Mickey lands on the outside floor. Linnea runs at Max, nails him in the back with the crowbar, and then throws him over the top ropes. Max lands on the floor next to Mickey.

(Mickey Carrol eliminated by Max Burke, time in match 6:41)
(Max Burke eliminated by Linnea Lacroix, time in match 12:45)

Jake starts to get to his feet. Linnea sees this and heads over. Linnea grabs Jack's head; she runs and jumps over Helena while dropping Jake on top of Helena with a running bulldog causing Helena to pierce through even more thumbtacks. Linnea drops the crowbar to grab Jake. Linnea gets Jake to his feet. Linnea sends Jake to the corner. Linnea grabs Helena by her hair to get her to her feet as Jake slams into the turnbuckle.   Linnea holds Helena and sends her to the same corner.


Helena slams into Jake, and Linnea runs over and hits Helena in the back with a high running knee.


Linnea grabs Helena's feet and tosses Helena over the top ropes onto the floor.

(Helena Jeckel eliminated by Linnea Lacroix, time in match 3:54)


Linnea hits Jake with a stiff chop to the chest.


Linnea grabs Jake and tosses him over the ropes. Jake lands on the apron.



Linnea nails a dropkick on Jake, eliminating him from the match as    "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" by U2 starts playing in the arena. The crowd gives the 2-time SCW Hall of Famer Mercedes Vargas boos and cat calls former the others.

(Jake Jeckel eliminated by Linnea Lacroix, time in match 6:00)

Mercedes goes to the shopping cart and grabs out a broom. Linnea goes to pick up the crowbar as Mercedes slides into the ring. Linnea gets her crowbar up. Mercedes shakes her head with a smile as she begins to sweep the thumb tacks into a pile. Linnea drops the crowbar and picks up the bag that had the thumbtacks. Mercedes starts making a second pile as Linnea picks up the first pile by hand to put back in the bag. Next, Mercedes crosses the ring to sweep the one that fell off of Helena in the corner to make a third pile as Lineea crawls over to the second pile. Mercedes then walks over to the crowbar and tosses it out of the ring. Linnea heads to the last pile as Mercedes walks over to the barb-wired bat to throw it out of the ring. Linnea tosses the bag out of the ring. Mercedes charges at Linnea and nails her in the back of the head with the broom. The crowd boos Mercedes for that, but Mercedes doesn't care. Mercedes hits Linnea in the back of the knee with the broom. Linnea drops to the mat. Mercedes grabs Linnea to get her to her feet; Mercedes takes a step back to go for her Savage kick. Mercedes nails Linnea but fails to get her over the top ropes. Mercedes grabs Linnea and scoops her up for a side slam.


Mercedes jumps down on Lineea's chest with an elbow drop.


Mercedes grabs Linnea by the hair and gets her up to her feet.


Mercedes sends Linnea to the opposite ropes.


Linnea bounces off the ropes.



Lights go down low as "Starboy" by The Weeknd bounces through the speakers in a seductive tone, a returning Dorian Brown comes out in a brown leather biker jacket and matching pants....

Mercedes goes for a monkey flip sending Linnea to fly outside the ring. Linnea grabs onto the top ropes and hits the apron hard but keeps her feet up from touching the floor. Dorian slides into the ring. Mercedes turns her attention to Dorian. Linnea holds up; she slowly lifts herself over. Mercedes goes to grab Dorian, but he backs away. Linnea manages to skin the cat to get back in the ring. Mercedes tries again, but Dorian pushes her back. Dorian steps toward Mercedes and shoves her again. Linnea wraps her arms around Mercedes's waist and lifts her for a German suplex. Linnea keeps it locked in for a second German Suplex. Linnea goes for a third but makes it a release German suplex. Linnea spins for a backhand fist punch, but Dorian ducks it. Dorian drops down for a leg sweep that trips Linnea up. Dorian grabs Linnea's leg to lock in a leg hold, but Linnea kicks away before Dorian locks anything in. Linnea gets to her feet, as does Dorian. Linnea takes two quick steps towards Mercedes as Mercedes gets on all fours and nails a fameasser! Linnea turns around to face Dorian.


Dorian points at himself, then the rampway.


Linnea turns and drops an elbow to the back of Mercedes.


Linnea gets to her feet.


Linnea grabs Mercedes and sits her up.



Linnea runs to the ropes as "Smack A Bitch" by Rico Nasty starts to play; the crowd pops as Chi Chi runs down the rampway. Linnea bounces off the ropes heading back to Mercedes. Chi Chi runs over to the shopping cart as Linnea goes for a low dropkick but misses as Mercedes moves out of the way. Dorian watches Chi Chi as she grabs two kendo sticks and a metal bat. Chi Chi throws them in the ring. Chi Chi then holds the cookie tray and other weapons and throws them in the ring. Mercedes get to her feet, as does Linnea while grabbing a kendo stick. Chi Chi lifts the shopping cart over her head, she tries to throw it over, but it hits the top ropes and almost hits her on the way down. Chi Chi lifts the shopping cart and tries again but fails. The crowd chant one more one. Chi Chi wastes no time and raises the shopping cart a third time. Chi Chi manages to get the shopping cart in the ring to a huge pop. Chi Chi high-fives a few fans; Mercedes grabs the shopping cart and throws it back outside the ring to an eruption of boos. Chi Chi slides in the ring and charges at Mercedes; Mercedes runs at Linnea. Linnea swings the kendo stick but misses as Mercedes ducks underneath. Chi Chi grabs a kendo stick and throws it at Dorian.


Dorian swipes it out the way as Chi Chi charges at him and drops him with a spear.


Mercedes and Linnea tie up as Dorian blocks Chi Chi's fist from hitting his face.



Menage Et Trois By Paloma Ford starts to play. The crowd pops as Earl Lockyer makes his way out to the ring.

Dorian shoves Chi Chi off of him at one side of the ring as Linnea and Mercedes are seen trying to get the other over the top ropes. Earl gets in the ring as Dorian and Chi Chi get to their feet. Chi Chi runs over to help Linnea throw out Mercedes. Dorian runs towards Earl, but Earl gets a foot up to nail Dorian with his big boot. Dorian stumbles a bit; Earl runs towards him and hits a leaping lariat that drops Dorian to the mat. Mercedes has her arms wrapped between the ropes as Linnea and Chi Chi each hold a leg, trying to get her over. Earl jumps up high, sticking out his knee as he nails Dorian in the forehead with a spike knee drop. Chi Chi and Linnea manage to get Mercedes's feet up above the top ropes, but the way Mercedes tangled her arm with the ropes, the only way to get her out is to remove her arm from the socket. Earl gets to his feet and helps Dorian to his. Dorian quickly hits a few body shots to Earl, causing him to back up a bit. Mercedes is seen hanging upside; Mercedes lets go of the middle rope, which causes her to get the upper half of her body through the top and middle ropes. Dorian grabs Earl to send him to the ropes, but Earl reverses it, sending Dorian instead.


Mercedes slips through the ropes, landing on the apron.


Dorian bounces off the ropes. Chi Chi lets go of Mercedes's leg.


Linnea lets go as well but kicks Mercedes in the chest through the ropes.


Dorian gets lifted and dropped with a brutal power slam while Mercedes falls to the floor.



Jokes on You by Charlotte Lawrence starts playing around the arena. The crowd pops in shock as Vixen Staggs from out from the curtain. Vixen runs over to the side of the ring as Mercedes gets to her feet. Vixen runs over to Mercedes, and the two brawl outside the ring as Chi Chi and Linnea shrug at each other before getting into a grapple. Earl has Dorian in the corner, stomping him down with continuous kicks to the gut. Chi Chi and Linnea break the grapple as they are at a standstill. Linnea tries to tie up again, but Chi leans back with her hands, telling Linnea to wait. Chi Chi lets out a loud whistle that gets Earl's attention. Chi Chi asks Earl to move to the side. Earl does just that; Chi Chi runs towards Dorian and nails a flying jump kick. Linnea charges toward Dorian and nails a springboard elbow. Vixen and Mercedes brawl spill over the barricade onto the front row. Earl grabs Dorian's feet and throws him over the top ropes onto the floor.

(Dorian Brown, eliminated by Earl Lockyer time in match 5:33)

Chi Chi and Linnea quickly go to double team, Earl. Earl tries to fight them off to create space. Outside the ring, we see SCU security trying to get the crowd away as Mercedes and Vixen fight on the third row. More Security shows up to force them away from the fans and into the ring.


Earl picks up Chi Chi and throws her at Linnea.


Security gets Mercedes and Vixen by the guard rail.


Security gets Mercedes over the barricade.


Mercedes gets in the ring as Vexin jumps the barricade.


Vixen gets in the ring as Blasted Monk's theme starts to play. The crowd pops at the mystery entry. Monk runs down the rampway; Monk jumps on the apron, then holds the top ropes to flip himself inside the ring. Once inside, Vixen nails a super kick that sends Blasted Monk over the ropes and back to the floor.

(Blasted Monk, eliminated by Vixen Staggs time in match:01 seconds)

Mercedes attacks Vixen from behind with a hard forearm to the back of the head. Mercedes grabs Vixen from behind for a German Suplex, but Chi Chi runs over and grabs Mercedes from behind for a German Suplex. Linnea runs away from Earl and grabs Chi CHi from behind for her suplex. Mercedes lifts Vixen; Chi Chi lifts Mercedes; Linnea lifts Chi Chi! Earl gets in the way of Vixen hitting the mat, so she lands on his shoulder. Earl takes two steps, then drops Vixen with a running power slam. The crowd goes nuts at the ring work. Mercedes, Chi Chi, and Linnea get up. Chi and Li double-team Mercedes. Li and Chi get Mercedes to the ropes. The two try to get Mercedes over. Earl runs over and grabs Chi Chi from behind. He lifts Chi over his head and tosses her over Mercedes and Linnea. Chi Chi lands on top of the shopping cart outside the ring.

(Chi Chi, eliminated by Earl Lockyer time in match 7:49)


Linnea lets go of Mercedes to focus on Earl.


Earl grabs Linnea; he sends her to the opposite ropes.


Linnea bounces off the ropes as Mercedes's nails a chop block to the back of Earl's knee, dropping him to his knees. 


Linnea runs back, hitting a running kick to Earl's chest.


Get Me by Twista plays; the crowd pops for Eyesnsane as he runs down the ramp. Mercedes goes to the ropes and holds them as she welcomes Eyesnsane into the ring. Eyesnsane can't help but smile at Mercedes's smartass ways as both have been in every Mayhem match, with Mercedes eliminating Eyesnsane in each one. Eyesnsane takes Mercedes on the offer and enters through the ropes she holds for him. They tie up as Linnea keeps Earl down with repeated kicks to his back and hands. Vixen sits up and holds on to the ropes to get to her feet. Linnea jumps over Earl and tackles Vixen back to the mat. Linnea turns to Earl and stomps on his back. Mercedes and Eyesnsane release the tie-up. They turn to look at the others in the ring and decide to attack them instead. Mercedes goes for Lineea as Eyesnsane goes to get Earl to his feet. Eyesnsane sends Earl to the ropes. Mercedes drops Linnea with a snap suplex. Earl bounces off the ropes and heads back to Eyesnsane. Eyes gets Earl up over his head in a military press, then drops Earl on Eyesnsane's shoulder before dropping Earl to the mat with a snap power slam. Vixen gets to her feet, as does Linnea, with the help of Mercedes. Vixen grabs a handful of Mercedes's hair and yanks Mercedes towards her. Vixen follows that up with a hard clothesline. As Mercedes falls to the mat, Linnea kicks her in the shoulder.


Vixen drags Mercedes by her hair away from everyone toward a corner.


Eyesnsane grabs onto Mercedes's foot and pulls her away from Vixen.


Linnea appears in the camera shot as she's seen flying over to Mercedes, hitting an elbow drop.


The Hunter by Mastodon starts to play; the fans get off their seats as Stewart Mason comes from behind the curtain. Vixen runs and spears Eyesnsane; Earl gets to his feet while Linnea gets Mercedes to her feet. Stewart slides into the ring. Vixen gets off of Eyesnsne; she bumps into Earl. Vixen turns to face Earl and then smacks him. Stewart grabs Vixen; Stewart lifts her over his head and tosses her over the top ropes onto the floor.

(Vixen Staggs, eliminated by Stewart Mason time in match 6:19)

Stewart grabs Linnea and sends her towards Earl. Eyesnsane gets to his feet while helping Mercedes get to hers. Earl lowers himself as Linnea approaches, then raises back in time to get her up and over the top ropes. Mercedes and Eyesnsane tie up near the ropes as Linnea lands on the apron. Stewart runs over and bounces off the ropes, which forces Linnea off the apron and onto the floor. 

(Linnea Lacroix, eliminated by Stewart Mason time in match 17:18)

Stewart and Earl head over to Eyes and Mercedes. Eyes and Mercedes see them coming and let go to grab them catching them off guard. Mercedes throws Earl over as Stewart gets thrown over by Eyesnsane. Both men land on the apron. Unaware they landed on the apron, Mercedes quickly grabs Eyesnsane and throws him over the top ropes and onto the floor.


(Eyesnsane, eliminated by Mercedes Vargas time in match 3:51)


Team Canada gets back in the ring.


They grab Mercedes from behind and toss her over the ropes landing on Eyesnsane.


(Mercedes Vargas, eliminated by Earl Lockyer and Stewart Mason time in match 15:57)



"Hollywood" by Collective Soul starts playing. The crowd cheers on as Mz Holly Wood comes out. Holly is in no rush as Stewart and Earl stand in the ring, waiting for Holly to enter. Holly high-fives fans taking her sweet time from getting double-teamed. Holly makes it ringside and starts walking around the ring, high-fiving more fans. Stewart and Earl invite Holly to the ring, but Holly seems fine, taking her sweet time. After making a 360 around the ring, she steps on the bottom ring step. Holly takes another step and then steps off the ring steps. Earl steps back as Stewart waves Holly in the ring. Holly slides into the ring and gets to her feet. Stewart waits till Holly is ready before stepping to her to tie up. Holly, however, lands a low stiff kick to Stewart's knee. Stewart goes again to tie up, but Holly goes for another low stiff kick. Stewart sees it coming and hops back to avoid contact. Holly steps toward Stewart and gets nailed with a fast straight punch from nowhere. Holly looks dazed by the hit. Stewart comes in for a spear, but Holly counters by wrapping her arm around Stewart's head to drop him with a DDT instead. Holly turns to Earl; Earl steps forward. Holly runs towards Earl, Earl goes to grab her, but Holly drops down and slides between his feet in a baseball slide.


Holly kicks Earl's feet from under him, causing him to fall.


Stewart gets to his feet.


Earl get to his feet.


Team Canada, get together, and head to a corner.



The opening of "Hail to the King" by Avenged Sevenfold begins playing, and red and white lights begin flashing across the stage and into the audience. The crowd gets excited as Daxton Oliver Beckett makes his way out. Holly gets to the ropes closest to the rampway. Dax slides into the ring; he looks at Holly Wood as we get ready for some tag team action. Earl and Stewart walk to the middle, as do Dax and Holly. Earl and Holly tie up. Stewart goes to tie up with Dax, but Dax hits a knee to the gut, followed by a stiff chop. Dax goes for a second chop, but Stewart nails an uppercut which dazes Dax. Holly gets dropped to the mat by Earl with a belly-to-belly suplex. Stewart goes for a left hook that Dax blocks by getting a hold of Stewart's fist. Dax uses his other hand to nail a stiff punch to Stewart's chest. Dax, let's go of Stewart and take a step back. Dax goes for a superkick but Stewart counters by dropping down and knocking Dax to the mat with a leg sweep. Earl gets Holly up to her feet and sends her to the corner. Earl charges at Holly, but she gets her foot up, making Earl's face meets her heel. Stewart runs over at Holly. Dax does a kip-up to get to his feet. Holly gets her other foot up to boot Stewart...


Stewart stops and grabs Holly's foot.


Stewart pulls her away from the ring post.


Dax stops Stewart from doing anything as Dax locks in a sleeper hold on Stewart.



"Way Down We Go" by KALEO plays in the arena. The crowd boos as Javier Gonzales runs down the rampway. With Stewart in a sleeper hold by Dax, Holly hits a chop on Stewart; Earl starts to get to his feet as Javi slides into the ring. Javi dropkicks Dax in the back, making Dax and Stewart collide with Holly Wood. Dax and Stewart fall to the mat as Holly bounces off the ropes before tripping p and falling on Dax and Stewart. Javi goes to Earl; Earl gets his hand up and grabs Javi by the neck choking him as he forces Javi to a corner. Javi forces Earl to break the choke with a kick to the nuts. Earl goes down while Holly and Dax reach their feet. Javi runs over and drops Dax and Holly with a running crossbody. Stewart gest to his feet; Javi ran over to Stewart but got nailed by a big boot from Earl to the side of the head. Dax and Holly get to their feet. Javi grabs the middle rope as he slowly gets up, looking around the ring, noticing everyone is now focused on him. Stewart grabs Javi, as does Earl. With Team Canada holding an arm, each of Javi's. Holly Wood and Dax take turns hitting Javi in the chest with chops. Javi tries to kick Dax, but Dax backs away. Holly grabs Javi's arm so Stewart can get some shots on Javi. Stewart nails Javi with a stiff punch to the ribs.



"Killpop" by Slipknot starts playing to a roar of boos by the crowd. Angel of Filth runs out from the curtain, making a beeline towards the ring. Dax walks over towards the ropes closest to the rampway as he waits for Filth to enter the ring. Filth gets to ringside, and Dax blocks her path. Filth Gets on the apron with one knee, Dax leans over the ropes to grab Filth, but Filth sprays him in the face with the Black Mist. Filth gets down the apron and grabs Dax's foot. She trips him up and pulls him out of the ring by his feet. Dax back and head hit the floor hard. Filth slides in the ring, and Stewart turns to face Filth. Earl and Holly let go of Javi, and they charge at Filth as she gets triple-teamed as Stewart joins in. Filth grabs Holy and pushes her to Earl to create room for her to run away to the other side of the ring. Stewart runs at Filth, hitting a running knee to her chest. The impact sends Filth through the middle and top rope to the outside floor. Holly goes to Javi and gets him to his feet. Holly goes to Javi, but Javi also kicks Holly in the nuts; Holly lets go of Javi as Javi grabs Holly and tosses her out of the ring from over the top ropes.


(Mz Holly Wood, eliminated by Javier Gonzalez time in match 7:50)


Stewart runs at Javi; Javi steps forward with a clothesline that drops Stewart.


Earl runs at Javi with a clothesline of his own but Javi duck it and counters with a super kick that staggers Earl but stays on his feet.


Javi hits Earl with a dropkick that drops him to the mat.



Offline Donna Beauchamp

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Re: SCU Presents... Supernova 5 (Results)
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2022, 02:58:22 PM »

"Intoxicating" by Infected Rain plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Then, Andrey Azarov runs out, making a beeline to the ring. Filth slides into the ring and stands next to Javi. Stewart and Earl get up and Face Javi and Filth. The four tie up as Andrey slides into the ring and hits a dropkick to Earl and Stewart, causing them to collide with Javi and Filth. Andrey hits Stewart in the back of the head with a forearm smash, then gives Earl a low stiff kick to the back of the knee. Javi grabs Andrey's arm and sends Andrey to the ropes. As Andrey hits the ropes, Filth kicks him in the gut and then grabs a leg trying to get him over the top ropes. Javi does the same, but Andrey punches Filth to get her off of him in time to nail Javi with a short jab to the jaw. Stewart grabs Javi from behind and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Earl blocks a jab from Andrey and then nails him with a European uppercut. Filth kicks the back of Earl's Knee, Stewart goes to grab Filth, but she sees it coming on time to drop to the mat and rolls underneath the bottom rope to get to the outside floor. Andrey grabs Stewart, but Earl hits Andrey with a hard shot to the ribs.


Earl and Stewart grab Andrey and send him to the corner.


Andrey holds on to the top rope as Stewart and Earl try to toss him over.


Filth slides back into the ring to help Andrey. Javi gets up and does the same..



Life of Agony "Lost At 22" plays, and the crowd pops as Halo Annis runs down the rampway. Stewart and Earl have Andrey in the air as he holds on to the ropes. Filth tries to get Earl's leg up and over the top rope as Javi tries to get Stewart's foot over. Halo slides into the ring. Earl tries to shake off Filth. Halo runs over and lifts Javi, tossing him and Stewart, along with Andrey, over; Earl gets tangles up and goes over as Halo then helps out by grabbing Filth's leg and throwing her over, causing Stewart, Javi, Earl, Andrey, and Filth to be eliminated from the match.

(Earl Lockyer, 20:10, Stewart Mason, 12:08, Javier Gonzalaz, 6:08, and Angel of Filth 4:10, Andrey Azaroz, 2:07, eliminations credited to Halo Annis. New record for total eliminations at one time.)

Halo circles the ring clapping her highs, pumping herself up as the crowd chat her name. She points at the ring announcer as Daryn claps at what she just saw. While Halo's back is turned, Dax sneaks back into the ring after resting for a few minutes. Dax runs and grabs Halo, throwing her over the top ropes and onto the floor. The shady move shocks the fans, and they start booing Dax.

(Halo Annis, eliminated by Daxton Oliver Beckett time in match 1:20)

Dax looks at the fans, shrugging; Halo sits up and looks at the ring. Dax yells at Halo. "Still love you, girl, but everyone for themselves." Halo nods before getting to her feet. Dax hops up and down while shadow boxing to get his blood going as he waits for the next wrestler to enter the match.



Yo Tengo El Don by La Liga Ft. Alika starts playing; the crowd jumps out of their seats, and some start dancing as Kelli Torres emerges from behind the curtain. Kelli jumps around on the rampway. She bumps fists with Halo as Halo walks behind the curtain. Then, Kelli walks down the ramp to conserve her energy. Dax lowers the middle ropes and invites Kelli into the ring. Kelli gets on the apron to go through the ropes Dax is holding. Once Kelli gets in the ring, Dax lets go of the ropes and quickly grabs Kelli to throw her out of the ring, but Kelli sense it coming and nails Dax with a roundhouse kick. Dax stumbles to the ropes and bounces off of them. Kelli grabs Dax and sends him to the opposite ropes. Dax bounces off the ropes and heads back. Kelli goes for another roundhouse kick that drops Dax to the mat. Kelli runs to the corner to climb the turnbuckles. Kelli says a quick prayer and then takes off Corkscrew Moonsault! Dax rolls out of the way at the last second. Kelli's chest and face hit the mat hard. Dax gets to his feet; Dax helps Kelli to her feet only to scoop her up in a military press. Dax walks around the ring before dropping Kelli to the mat.


Dax grabs Kelli by the head to get her to her feet... 


But Kelli grabs on to Dax's heel while pulling her legs up to wrap around Dax's knees.


Kelli forces Dax down to the mat while locking in an ankle lock.


Dax tries to break free.



"Spirit In the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum starts to play; the crowd gives a mixed reaction as Father Gerald Shepherd walks out from behind the curtain. Dax crawls to the ropes, trying to figure out how to break the ankle lock hold. Gerald slides into the ring; Kelli lets go of Dax and gets to her feet, facing Gerald. Kelli backs away from Dax. Dax gets to his feet, looking at both Kelli and Gerald. Father Gerald walks up to Dax. Dax grabs Gerald while Kelli stands back and watches. Dax gains the advantage on Gerald as he flips Gerald over with a judo hip toss. Gerald gets to his feet, and Dax grabs Gerald's wrist to lock in a wrist lock. Kelli walks over; she looks to inspect the hold on Gerald. Gerald looks at Kelli and gives her a nod; she nods back. Kelli nails a hard left to Dax's ribs, followed by a right hook to the face. Dax lets go of Gerald. Dax looks super red as he goes to grab Kelli. Gerald grabs Dax from behind to stop him. Kelli spins, getting her leg up to nail a spinning side kick to the gut. Gerald follows that by lifting Dax to drop him in a sitting position with a full nelson slam. Kelli nails Dax with a kick to his chest. Gerald does the same. The crowd boos Gerald and the once most loved wrestler Kelli as she seems to be working with Gerald.


Gerald kicks Dax in the chest.


Now Kelli hits Dax in the chest.


Gerald nails another kick.


Kelli kicks Dax in the chest again.



Blood by Breaking Benjamin starts playing. The crowd pops at the shock of the former Underground Champion. Mark the Dragon Cross come out from the rampway. Kelli and Gerald keep kicking Dax while watching Mark Cross slide into the ring. Kelli goes to grab Mark, but Mark lowers himself while grabbing Kelli. Mark gets himself up with Kelli over his shoulder. Mark gets Kelli over while raising his knee for the Go 2 Sleep! Gerald and Mark Cross stare down as the crowd eats it up. Gerald goes to kick Mark, but Mark grabs Gerald's foot. Gerald hops on one foot; Mark lets go of Gerald's foot as he steps in and hits him with a clothesline. Gerald quickly gets to his feet. Mark goes to grab Gerald, but Gerald pokes Mark in the eyes. Gerald picks up Mark for a body slam. Kelli starts to get to her feet while Gerald gets Mark to his feet. Gerald goes to grab Mark for a suplex, but Mark gets his foot between Geralds to block. Kelli nails Mark on the side with a short jab. Gerald gets Mark in the air with a suplex. Kelli gets on the top turnbuckle. Gerald drops Mark Cross to the mat as Kelli jumps off the turnbuckle and lands on Mark with a leap frog splash. Gerald starts kicking Dax. Kelli stops Gerald as Kelli gets Dax to his feet instead. Kelli holds Dax, leaving him open for Gerald. Gerald gets his hand back for the world's most brutal knife chop.


Gerald swings for the chop.


Dax breaks free, causing Gerald to chop Kelli instead.


Kelli goes down. Gerald and Dax tie up.


Gerald knees Dax in the gut.



"Problem" by Natalia Kills starts playing to a mixed reaction as Esther Azarov comes out from behind the curtain. Gerald helps Kelli to her feet as he checks on her. Esther sees this and runs the ring. Kelli and Gerald share a hug before Gerald starts game planning with Kelli. Esther slides into the ring. Gerald goes to Esther as she stares down Kelli. As Gerald gets close to Esther, she pushes her dad to the side and charges at Kelli, spearing her to the mat. Esther gets her hands up and starts landing fists on Kelli's face. Gerald runs over and grabs his daughter to pull her off of Kelli. Esther gets to her feet as Gerald yells at her; Esther slaps her dad and then gets back on top of Kelli. Dax and Mark get to their feet. Gerald grabs Esther again but gets stopped by Mark and Dax as they each grab an arm and pull him away to let Esther and Kelli fight it out. Mark and Dax pick Gerald up and drop him with a double suplex. Mark gets Gerald to his feet and sends him to the turnbuckle. Dax charges at Gerald first and hits a clothesline. Mark then runs at Gerald with a crossbody. Dax gets in the way at the last second and catches Mark.


Dax does a Samoan release drop that sends Mark over Gerald and the top ropes but lands on the apron.


Dax goes to grab Mark, but Gerald grabs Dax by the legs and tosses Dax over.


Dax's legs hit Mark off the apron knocking Mark off as well.
(Dax Oliver Beckett, 17:55, Mark Cross 3:56 eliminations credited to Father Gerald Shepherd.)


Gerald goes over and tackles Esther off of Kelli.



"Dub On The Track" by Cher Lloyd starts to play. The crowd boos as Morganna comes out. Gerald and Esther argue with each other. Finally, Kelli starts to get up as Morganna slides into the ring. Morganna runs at Gerald; she grabs him from the side and lifts Gerald for an Angle Slam. Esther charges at Kelli, and Esther tackles Kelli to the mat. The two roll around, trying to get on top of the other. Morganna kicks Esther in the back of the head as she and Kelli continue to roll around. Once Kelli gets back on top, Morganna also kicks her in the back of the head. Next, Morganna points at Gerald and kicks him in the face to a small pop from the crowd. Morganna grabs some of Kelli and Esther's hair and pulls them towards her forcing them to stop rolling around. Morganna lets go of them both, then runs at Gerald, landing a senton splash on him. Kelli and Esther get to their feet. Kelli pushes Esther to the ground and then goes toward Morganna. Kelli grabs Morganna from behind. Morganna gets her hands up to grab the back of Kelli's head and falls on her ass to nail Kelli with a cutter. Gerald grabs the ropes as he starts to get up. Esther gets to her feet and charges at Morganna. She nails a dropkick to Morganna's back, sending Morganna through the middle and top ropes onto the outside floor.


Esther starts kicking and stomping on Kelli.


Gerald runs over and tackles Esther to the mat to get her off Kelli.


Esther pushes Gerald off of her.



Anti Hero by Dark Ride plays. The crowd pops as Amy Santino makes her way out. Esther and Gerald keep yelling at each other. Morganna steps away to view everything in front of her as Amy runs down the rampway. Kelli gets to her feet as she slides into the ring from one side as Amy slides in from another. Esther and Kelli start throwing punches. Gerald walks over to Amy, wanting to team up. Amy nods, willing to team with Gerald. As Gerald gets closer, she shakes her head no and kicks Gerald, then follows up with a snap DDT. Amy gets Gerald up and sends him to the opposite ropes. Morganna grabs Gerald while running to drop him with a running swinging neck breaker. Amy runs and jumps on Kelli and Esther, dropping and knocking them both to the mat. Morganna runs in and goes for a leaping lariat, but Amy moves out of the way. Morganna lands on Gerald. Morganna quickly gets up; Amy kicks her in the gut and then hits an elbow to the back of her head. Morganna drops to the mat and rolls out to the outside floor. Esther and Amy tie up as Kelli goes to check on Gerald. This pisses Esther off more and pushes Amy away from her to jump on Kelli.


Amy pulls Esther off of Kelli.


Amy hits Esther with a hard right.


Amy goes for another punch, but Esther runs back to Kelli.


Amy grabs Esther by her hair to pull her off of Kelli.



Futatsu no Koe by exist†trace, the crowd pops as Merlot Ayano makes her way out.    Merlot runs down the rampway, and Gerald gets to his feet as Kelli stands with him. Amy slams Esther down to the mat. Merlot slides into the ring. Gerald tells Kelli to go after Merlot. The fans cheer and agree as the two have never faced off. Morganna slides into the ring; Merlot walks towards Kelli. They go to tie up, but Morganna grabs Kelli from behind; Morganna lifts her and tosses her over the top ropes onto the floor.

(Kelli Torres, eliminated by Morgan Clark, time in match 12:30)

The crowd boo as Morganna laughs at Kelli. Gerald grabs Morganna and tosses her over the ropes. She lands on the apron. Gerald goes to grab Morganna, but Merlot grabs Gerald's arm and throws him with a Japanese arm drag. Amy runs towards Morganna. Morganna drops to lay on the apron to roll back into the ring. Amy kicks her, which rolls he back out but is not eliminated since she managed to roll into the ring first. Gerald gets up and runs at Amt, hitting her with a double ax handle. Amy lets go of Esther; Gerald grabs Amy and sends her to the ropes. Gerald follows behind; Amy hits the ropes, and Gerald tries to get Amy over the top. Merlot and Esther tie up.


Merlot flips Esther over with a belly-to-belly suplex.



"The End (Bury Me Down)" by End of Green starts playing to a roar of boos. Skag runs out with his violin. Amy starts throwing elbows at Gerald. Morganna gets up and slides back into the ring with Skag behind her. Morganna turns around and slaps. Skag slaps her back with the violin, smacking her in the face. Morganna falls to the mat and rolls just underneath the bottom rope. Skag kicks her off the apron onto the floor. Skag grabs Esther from behind and throws her over the top ropes. Esther lands on the apron. Skag gets the violin and smashes it on her head. The violin breaks as Esther falls off the apron onto the floor.

(Esther Azarov, eliminated by Skag, time in match 9:02)

Gerald runs as Skag with a flying superman punch. Skag moves out of the way, grabs Gerald's legs, and throws him over the top ropes landing next to Esther on the floor.

(Father Gerald Shepherd, eliminated by Skag, time in match 15:08)

Amy kicks Skag in the left leg. Before he can react, Merlot hits a low stiff kick to his other leg. Skag turns to Merlot, only for Amy to nail his knee with a stiff kick. Skag laughs and demands they kick him some more. Amy and Merlot do just that as the two keep kicking until his knees buckle. Amy goes to grab him.


Skag grabs her first and pushes her to Merlot before falling to the mat.


Merlot and Amy get up.


Merlot and Amy pick Skag up and get him to the ropes.



Superficial by Hedi Montang starts playing. The crowd pops at the shock of this return but then starts booing as they remember how much they hate them some Angel Kash. Amy and Merlot get Skag over the top ropes. Skag lands on the apron and quickly rolls into the ring. Angel Kash enters the ring and goes to the furthest corner to avoid everyone. Amy heads toward Angel. Merlot sits Skag up and kicks him in the chest. Angel leaves her corner to avoid Amy. Amy leaps and grabs Angel. Angel kicks her to break free. Amy hits a low kick back in return. Merlot hits Skag again with another kick. Angel and Amy lock up, and Merlot grabs Skag's head to get him to his feet. Merlot gets her arms around Skag's waist and lifts him for a gut wrench toss. Amy sends Angel to the corner. Angel hits the turnbuckle; Amy runs towards her but gets hit in the face with Angel's heel as she gets her foot up at the last second. Angel goes to grab Amy, but Amy nails Angel's chest with a hard chop. Merlot has Skag in a dragon sleeper while Amy goes for another chop, but Angel grabs Amy's arm and throws her with a hip toss.


Amy slides across the ring and back to her feet.


Angel runs over and hits Merlot in the back with her knee.


Amy grabs Angel from behind and drops her with a German suplex.


Merlot lets go of Skag to focus on Angel Kash.


The SCUTron lights up with the number 40 as we get to the Mayhem Survival's final entry. The crowd pops as "Gimme Chocolate" by Babymetal starts playing. Next, Kawaii Dragon Winter Elemental comes out, pointing at Amy in the ring. Amy slides out of the ring as the two runs to meet on the rampway. Amy goes to grab Winter, but Winter jumps over Amy and runs straight towards the ring, ignoring Amy altogether. This pisses Amy off, and she runs back to the ring. Winter slides into the ring; Amy gets to ringside but gets blindsided by Morganna as she spears her to the ring apron. Merlot gets DDT by Angel Kash. Skag grabs the ropes to help himself up. Morganna slides back in the ring as Winter runs over and helps Skag. Once up, Winter kicks Skag in the gut and then jumps to hit his chest with her knees. Morganna and Angel Kash double team Merlot. Amy grabs the apron to help her up, and she slides into the ring. Winter jumps towards Skag to hit him with a flying headbutt. Amy runs at WInter and grabs her from behind for a German suplex. Amy then grabs Skags and throws him over the top ropes onto the outside.

(Skag, eliminated by Amy Santino, time in match 6:45)

Amy wraps her arm around Morganna's head from behind and drops her with an inverted DDT. This allows Merlot to block Angel Kash and then wrap a foot around Angels for a takedown. Amy goes to Winter and grabs her by her hair. Amy swings Winter around one whole spin by her hair before dropping her. Amy returns to Winter and grabs her to get her back to her feet. Amy sends Winter to the corner. Winter's chest slams the turnbuckle hard; the impact forces Winter two steps back before Flair flops to the mat. Amy walks over to Winter but falls to the mat from a leg sweep from Morganna. Morganna lifts Merlot from behind and drops her to the mat with a backdrop.

Angel Kash gets to her feet but gets nailed with a superkick from Morganna that sends her back down. Merlot does a kip-up to get to her feet. Morganna goes for a discus clothesline, but Merlot blocks and counters as Merlot grabs Morganna's wrist while getting behind her to lock the cross-face chicken wing hold. Amy, Angel, and Winter get to their feet simultaneously. Amy runs to Winter as Winter charges at Angel. Angel heads to Merlot and grabs her by the hair to force a breakup. Winter grabs Angel from behind. Winter quickly lets go as Amy grabs Winter by the hair. Amy drags Winter back, but Winter stops Amy by grabbing Amy's hand and then hitting a sidekick to Amy's armpit. Amy lets go of Winter, but Winter holds on to Amy's arm. Winter brings her free hand in with a closed fist as she punches Amy's left elbow pit. Winter lets go as Amy starts bending her elbow, feeling the pain. Winter then follows that up with a kick to the side of Amy's knee, followed by a chop to the right side of Amy's temple. Amy falls to the mat as Winter gets into one of her Wushu stances.

Angel and Morganna double team Merlot again. Winter turns her head to see Morganna and Angel send Merlot to the ropes. Merlot bounces off as Angel and Morganna wait. Winter runs at them and throws her body at Morganna, hitting her with a flying headbutt. Morganna collides with Angel, and Merlot jumps to throw herself onto Angel with a crossbody.

Morganna gets up from being dropped to one knee. Winter nails Morganna with a roundhouse kick. Merlot goes for a suplex on Angel Kash, but Angel blocks it but gets Merlot up for a suplex. Amy grabs the ropes as she gets to her feet. Angel changes the move mid-air from a suplex to a powerbomb as Merlot lands on the mat hard. Winter runs over and hits a jump kick to Amy's ass, causing Amy to go through the middle ropes onto the floor. Morganna gets up and runs towards Winter. Morganna grabs Winter and tosses her over the top ropes. Angel stands on Merlot's hair while holding Merlot's hands to pull her up while holding her hair down. Winter lands on the apron, and Morganna goes to grab Winter. Winter grabs Morganna's jaw and yanks it down, pushing Morganna out of the way. Winter jumps on the top ropes and launches off. Winter wraps her legs around Angel Kash's head and then drops her with a frankensteiner. Amy gets to the ring apron, grabs Morganna's leg to trip her up, and pulls her out of the ring. Amy then slides into the ring and spears Winter to the mat. Amy jumps as high as possible and lands a double stomp on Winter's chest. Merlot sits up. Amy gets Winter to her feet. Merlot times out a Pele kick that gets Amy in the side of the head. Amy collides with Winter and sends her to the corner. Angel Kash gets up and charges at Winter. Merlot goes to Amy as Angel grabs Winter's legs to toss her over. Amy pushes Merlot away and runs at Angel Kash to stop her, but it's too late as Angel gets Winter over and onto the floor.

(Winter Elemental, eliminated by Angel Kash, time in match 16:20)

Amy grabs Angel from behind and throws her over the top ropes onto the floor.

(Angel Kash, eliminated by Amy Santino, time in match 18:23)

Amy gets on the top turnbuckle, and Merlot gets to the furthest part of the ring to avoid Amy. Amy, however, turns to Winter as Winter gets to her feet. Amy jumps off, hitting Winter with a missile dropkick. Winter goes two feet straight to the barricade face first.   

(Amy Santino, self-elimination, time in match 24:29)

Merlot looks around; the veteran isn't seen celebrating as the bell has not rung or her theme music has started playing. Meanwhile, outside the ring, Amy goes under the ring and finds herself a lead pipe. Amy holds the pipe in one hand while dragging Winter away from the barricade. Merlot slides out of the ring from the bottom ropes. Amy stops dragging Winter and kicks her to roll her over. Amy gets the lead pipe up, and nails Winter on her knee. Winter screams in pain as Amy gets the pipe up in the air for another. Merlot charges to the other side to stop Amy from using the pipe again. Merlot turns the corner and gets blindsided by a spear out of nowhere from Morganna. Security rushes Amy and gets the lead pipe from her while getting between them. Morganna grabs Merlot and throws her back inside the ring. Other security help Winter to her feet. Amy tries to get through security. Amy gets close enough to grab Winter, but Winter sprays Amy in the face with her white Kawaii Mist. More security comes in to hold Amy back as two others help Winter back up the rampway. Winter turns her head and sticks her tongue out at Amy just to piss her more off as Amy wipes her face.

Back inside the ring with the final two wrestlers of the Mayhem Survival, Merlot Ayano and Morganna. Morganna gets Merlot to her feet. She bends Merlot over while standing by Merlot's side. Morganna grabs Merlot's hand from between Merlot's leg and lifts her with a pump handle slam. The crowd boos Morganna which is music to her ears. Morganna taunts the crowd while she drops a knee to Merlot's gut. Morganna walks around the ring, taunting the crowd.

The crowd breaks out to a Merlot chant. Morganna joins them to really work up the crowd. Merlot sits up, and Morganna kicks the back of Merlot's head to no impact. The crowd chants Merlot's name louder. Morganna Kicks Merlot again to no impact. The crowd loves it and keeps chanting for Merlot as she appears to be hulking up. Merlot gets into a 3-point stance while getting to her feet. Morganna leans in for a headbutt that does nothing to Merlot. Morganna grabs Merlot and drops her with a bodyslam. Morganna celebrates, as does the crowd for Merlot as Merlot pops right back up to her feet. Morganna turns to see Merlot standing, Morganna kicks Merlot in the gut, but Merlot blocks it by grabbing Morganna's foot. Merlot throws Morganna's foot to cause Morganna to spin around. Merlot spins and nails a discus clothesline, followed by a spinning back fist punch. Merlot nails a low stiff kick, then grabs Morganna and sends her to the ropes. Morganna heads to the ropes and kicks off the middle rope, turning her body mid-air for a springboard crossbody. Merlot catches Morganna; Merlot lifts Morganna to place her over her shoulders, then drops Morganna in a death valley driver!

Merlot has the crowd on their feet cheering for the champion and previous Mayhem Survivor. Merlot gets Morganna to her feet. Merlot sends Morganna to the ropes again. Merlot runs behind her, and Morganna hits the ropes; Merlot hits Morganna with a clothesline that sends Morganna and Merlot over the top rope. The two land on the apron. Morganna rolls in the ring but then rolls back out to the apron. Merlot kicks Morganna off the apron, but Morganna lands on her feet. Merlot gets to her feet on the apron. Morganna grabs onto Merlot's attire and yanks her off the apron, causing Merlot's feet to hit the floor.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

(Merlot Ayano, eliminated by Morganna, time in match 31:44)

Winner of the 40 wrestler Mayhem Survival. Survivor Morganna. Time in match, 35:44

"Dub On The Track" - Cher Lloyd starts playing in the arena as Morgan slides into the ring, the crowd shocked. They start showering Morgan with boos, the fans at the first rows clap and cheer for Merlot coming close after already having a great match earlier. Morgaana starts a cocky dance that taunts the crowd to keep crying foul. Morgan takes it all in mocking the fans. Merlot gets high fives from fans as she makes her way up the ramp.

As the cameras are about to fade those watching at home get a split screen as cameras are in the arena's parking lot. A car is seen with broken windows. A van is seen with heavy body damage. Cameras follow a blood trail leading to the back of an SUV, where we see Amy and Winter brawling it out. Both women are busted open. Sirens are heard from a distance but getting louder by the second. Amy's hands are bleeding after going through the windows when missing punches. Winter is bleeding from the head after Amy throws Winter's face through a window. Winter grabs Amy by the throat and slams the back of Amy's head against the rim of the spare tire. Amy grabs Winter’s head and rubs the tire on her open wound. The sirens and lights are seen and heard now as four police cars arrive in the lot. Amy and Winter get ordered to stop at gunpoint. Both stop and drop to the floor, the cops rush in to help them as one calls for EMTs to arrive.

Cameras fade out as Supernova and SCU comes to an end…

« Last Edit: July 25, 2022, 03:12:37 PM by Donna Beauchamp »