Author Topic: "One Last Run"  (Read 1522 times)

Offline Electra

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"One Last Run"
« on: March 26, 2014, 10:12:45 PM »
 This takes place 3 weeks ago....

The scene opens on a very expensive looking den. As the camera pans around there are two Trophy cases, one is overlapping with various title belts and awards, the other is significantly smaller, more feminine but inside is only 1 belt. The shiny front gleams showing the words, 'NYCCW ALL-ACTION CHAMPION - ELECTRA STEVENS' The rest of the shelves in the case are bare. Panning around some more one wall is filled with pictures, they are all with different people but one long blonde haired man is the same in each one. Swinging around again the camera sees a bar, the front is decorated with padded black leather, behind it are various bottle of alcohol but the thing that really stands out is the 60' LCD to the right of it. On the screen is a wrestling Match in full living colour. Moving closer the camera catches a long legged blonde curled into the soft black leather of the couch. The glasses she wears are nearly half way down her nose, her expression is nearly unreadable. She's wearing a loose fitting cotton shirt over a pair of grey sweat pants. Her hair is tied back but wisps have fallen free around her almost perfectly unmarred face but when she turns, there is a very faint red line down her cheek. Something that was healing. She's still intently watching the television but she has the sound off. Studying the people on the screen

"What you doin'?" She looks up as the same blonde man from the pictures enters the room but his hair is now shorter in a type of buzz cut, sits beside her. He looks at the screen and then back to her.

"This is the North American Title qualifying match."

"The one you lost to 'Bleep'?"

She nods

"Guess I can't play my PS3 then?"

She turns to glare at him and his response is simply a half smile and a smirk


"Ryan you can be such an dick, you know that?"

"Yup but you married me...twice..."

Electra shakes her head, pushing her dark rimmed glasses up in the process.

"Yes I am reminded everyday of that unfortunate arrangement."

He gives her a smirk, watching the match finish and 'Bleep' get his hand help up in victory. The image of him on screen pulled at her stomach. It was a mix of regret, maybe a tiny bit of love she had for the non crazy 'Bleep' but about 80% of the feeling was pure hatred. Ryan watches her a second before taking the remote from her fingers and switching it to the PS3 welcome screen

Electra stands and starts to walk away

"Wait, Lex what's bothering you? You know I'm not this sensitive guy and I never will be but I do know you well enough to see when there's something on your mind"

She sighs before answering

"When I left wrestling it wasn't supposed to be permanent or for this long. I left to help Chrissy..."

"And run away from Drake Hunter..."

"No..."But she knows he can read right past her lie, "Ok maybe. Look I have never been good at picking boyfriends and I'm even worse at leaving them."

"Naw, I'd say the picking them is still pretty terrible. Let's see... Justin Fischer.... Jimmy....Me... Drake Hunter... 'Bleep'... And me again. Look Lex your taste of men is horrible but... Its only cuz you have such a big heart and have this incessant need to fix or help everyone. Its a fault but its also one of the things that make you, you"

His eyes go wide and he shakes his head as he picks up his PS3 controller

"There's my good husband deed of the week, now time to have the Seahawks crush the Broncos again!"

He starts to play and Electra stands thinking then finally speaks, "I think I want to get back in the ring."

He stops for a minute and looks up at minute, "You serious?"

"Yes. Ever since Outcast kidnapped me its just made me feel like I've gone soft. That I'm just some old house wife now. I need to validate myself again."

"Babe you are far from old... Or weak. Nobody thinks you're weak. Outcast is a sick perverted Fuck. We made him pay. "

"I'm the one with the physical reminder." She points to the healing red line down the left side of her face.

"The laser treatments will fade that out, it will hardly be noticeable in a few weeks. You really need to get back in a ring again?"

"Yes. Its been almost two years Ryan. Now is my last chance before I will have to retire for good. Would you train me?"

He smirks while continuing to play his game. "If this is what you want then I will support you but what about the kids?"

"'Bout time your old ass did something useful around here."

He gives her a narrow eyed expression.

"So you're making a house husband outta me are you?" He shakes his head as his team scores a touch down, he puts his controller on his lap and rubs his hands together in excitement, a trait that Electra had grown quite used to in the almost 10 years they had been together.

"It's my turn, and I will be home on weekends. I think you can manage the two of them for a few days at a time."

"You already have a place lined up don't you? Why not go to WWO?"

She shook her head. "You know why that's a bad idea. I will be at everyone's mercy simply because I'm married to you. I don't want to have a target on my back."

He continues to stare at the screen. Most women would get angry at their husband not giving them their full attention but Electra had grown to understand that this was simply the way Ryan was.

"I start talking contracts with a few places in a few weeks. I want this scar to be almost gone before I do. Plus I need some time in a practice ring. Kahlan said we can use the one at Olympia."

He nods his head and Electra rolls her eyes. She bends down and kisses his temple before heading up to bed. She opens one bedroom door to a low lit bedroom adorned with Various famous wrestlers, Ninja Turtles and Superheroes. Against the wall is a single bed. Electra walks over, bending she moves the comforter to reveal the dark blonde head of her eldest child, her son Matthew. She brushes some hair stuck to his temple before kissing his head and leaving the room. She continues to another bedroom with a minnie mouse decal on the door. This room is a soft pink. The crib is in the center of the room, its a Queen Anne style. The first gift Ryan had bought his daughter after learning the results of the paternity test. Looking in, Alyson is sleeping peacefully, curled up with a crocheted blanket that Electra's mother had made previous to her death. It brought a tear to her eye seeing her daughter clutching it so intimately. Kissing her as well she finally goes to her own bedroom that she shares with Ryan. A huge King size bed dominates the room. She disappears into a walk-in closet and returns moment later dressed in a pair of cotton pyjama bottoms and a T-shirt with an old fed logo from a very long time ago.

Sitting on the side of the bed she stares for a few moments, wondering if she really was serious about returning. She had been thinking about it for the last year...since Aly was born. She did miss the action, the excitement, the feeling of being a strong independent woman in a male dominated industry.

No. She was still determined to do this. Even if she never won another title that wasn't the point, the point was that she was good at this, it was the only thing she was good at besides being a mother and wife.

Her resolve was there and it was finally her time to shine again.