Author Topic: Hotwire 11/11  (Read 7135 times)

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Hotwire 11/11
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:05:57 PM »
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Looking for all the hot gossip behind the scenes of Sin City Wrestling? Look no further!

OOC DISCLAIMER: The opinions of this article are for fun and entertainment purposes only. They are not real opinions but that of fictional character Kenny Chisholm. And PS- Some of this stuff is blatantly made up.

A Dark New Day
The un-thinkable has happened. Sean Jackson is now at the top of the heap in Sin City Wrestling and now the sky is the limit for one thing…ratings. According to Neilsen, SCW’s last three Climax Control’s have been the most watched of 2014 and with the heralded success of last Sunday’s ‘High Stakes IV’, SCW brass is looking at its most profitable quarter ever and there is a growing sentiment that the ‘Mental Rapist’ is a big drivin force behind the recent his success. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing even more of Jackson on television, as if that were even possible.

A Former Champion’s Homecoming?
Rumors were flying that former two-time SCW Heavyweight Champion Simon Jones is in talks with SCW brass for at least an appearance at the Birmingham show in January to help kick off the 2015 World Tour. It would be nice to see Jones back in a Sin City ring, even it were a one night only type of deal. Simon is a class act and was hugely popular when he decided to call it quits and walk away and spend time with his family. He left a giant hole on the card and in the hearts of all of us fans. Plus…he’s English…so it would make sense.

A New Storm is Brewing
The Player’s Club made their intentions known at High Stakes IV and they were dirty intentions indeed. All three of these guys look dangerous and extremely focused on their goals. On top of their explosive debut, the three men known as Hydro, Caleb Houston, and JT Midas have been overly active on Twitter trying to make their presence known and felt. I for one and am looking forward to how much more chaos and havoc these three compadres can cause as we near the end of what has been an outstanding year of SCW television.

100 and Strong
As hard as it is to believe, we are approaching the 100th edition of Sin City Wrestling’s Climax Control. Word coming out SCW headquarters is that the bosses have some special segments planned and even a few special attraction matches. I would expect to see at least one returning familiar face as former Heavyweight Champion Spike Staggs has been advertised to appear. It has been a crazy ride for Sin City Wrestling and what better way to celebrate 100 episodes than a salute to the great talents that have helped build SCW legacy.

Melancholy Misty?
Former three-time SCW Bombshell Champion was noticeably distraught after her match with current Champion Delia Darling this past Sunday at High Stakes IV. She had put nearly four months of effort into dethroning Delia and her best efforts unfortunately came up short, despite an impressive display of why she is all-time talent. Rumors were swirling that her current deal with SCW is coming up and she was considering not renewing as now that she has fallen short of her big goal that she’s not sure which direction she would like to go in and is feeling like she may need a break.

Stronger Than Ever
Speaking of Delia, many assumed that the loss of the ever-hated Liz Smalls had signaled the unwinding and demise of the much maligned female stable the Mean Girls. But with three successful title defenses (even with a tag title defense with a new partner who despises Veronica Taylor) Delia, Mercedes Vargas, and Taylor are still firmly placed at the top of the Bombshell mountain and there is seemingly no end in sight to their reign of posh and overused catch phrases.

Angry Man of The People?
Drake Green was irate Sunday night after his loss to Sean Jackson at High Stakes IV in West Point, NY. He walked out on a press conference after the event and was seen in a verbal shouting match with head of SCW’s Talent Relations department, Erik Staggs. The word is that Green was trying to enforce his rematch clause for the Heavyweight Title for the very next episode of Climax Control but SCW brass was hesitant in granting the wish. Rumors are that they are looking toward other contenders or at the very least, saving the rematch for the 100th episode of Climax Control.

The Quiet Guy In The Corner of the Room
Who is Matheson? That’s it…that’s all I got.

Why Gi, Why?
Giani Di Luca shocked us all when he turned on Equinox during the Roulette title match on Sunday, costing him the title. However, after the initial shock wore off, the shame is on us for falling for it. Despite a short run as a babyface Heavyweight Champion, Giani has been known for his evil trickery. He turned on Spike Staggs and NXT and lest we forget, had a long successful Tag Team Championship reign with none other than…J2H! We’re all idiots for falling for this one and now the joke is on the rest of us. Di Luca now makes J2H and the very hate-able J N Ringo legit and now we have a very scary trio of Stars that seem unified and intent on doing something. What that something is…hopefully we’ll find out soon enough. Btw…who is the Roulette Champion?

From Fan Girl to Fan-tastic
One last great story coming out of High Stakes IV is the emergence of Bombshell Melody Grace. The one time fan-girl is now a legitimate Star and contender in the Bombshell division. She looks completely comfortable in the spotlight and has the crowd hanging on every word she says. Word is that SCW brass is extremely excited about the prospect of Grace being on the 2015 World Tour and they see great things on the horizon for her.



”Blaque Hart” Bruce Evans
Bruce Evans has arrived. After wallowing in toward the bottom of the card since his return, Evans has now made his mark. After an explosive and powerful victory over Horace Jackson, Evans seems primed for run at some Gold.

Mercedes Vargas
Mercy has again vanquished her competition. If my calculations are correct, our current Bombshell Roulette Champion has the best win/loss record in SCW over the past year by anyone not named Delia Darling. Kudos…

Sean Jackson
When you win the SCW Heavyweight Championship, and pin Drake Green to do it, your stock can only go up. The biggest question is whether or not Jackson can sustain his current level of success. Only time will tell.

Melody Grace
Melody is on fire and the crowd is firmly behind her. It’s been reported that SCW brass feels that they have their next big star on their hands.


Chris Shipman
Not only did he lose his namesake match to Steve Ramone in a surprising upset, but he also got beaten down by all three member of the Player’s Club afterwards.

Gene Banton Jr
Once tapped as the next big star, Gene has been rather quiet as of late. Being left off the card of High Stakes IV is surely a sign that he may not be entering the Main Event scene again

After being unable to tackle Delia Darling’s undefeated streak and her Bombshell Championship, The former ‘Queen of the Damned’ seems to be a bit down and out. Hopefully she can power through and not get lost in the shuffle.

Crystal Hilton
Where did she go?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 12:09:36 PM by Mark Ward »