Author Topic: ENDEAVOR LII  (Read 1579 times)

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
« on: March 29, 2024, 10:57:22 PM »
[Mercedes Vargas sat in the corner of the locker room, her head hung low and fists clenched in frustration. With a deep breath she stares at the floor, replaying each defeat in her mind, especially her latest to Erika Moore in the opening match. The disappointment weighed heavy on her shoulders, the frustration evident in the way she kicked her gym bag across the room. Her resolve was wavering, but deep down she knew this defeat would only fuel her determination to come back stronger.]

"I'm starving. What are you still doing here?"

"I'm solving world hunger. I'm packing my fucking things. What do you think I'm doing?"

[Standing by the door is Ricardo and Irma, who picked up on Mercedes' sarcastic reply. Mercedes continues shoving clothes into her suitcase, not even caring if her friends were waiting on her.]

Ricardo: I don't want to be here longer than I need to be. Could you hurry up?

[Mercedes shuts the suitcase and zips it up before standing up from a kneeling position and shoulders her overnight bag and pulls her rolling tote bag behind her.]

Irma: Another rough night?

Mercedes: You don't miss much, do? What gave it away?

[Mercedes steps towards feints a smile as she fishes through her purse and comes up with the car keys. As she is walking, Mercedes aims her car remote as two brief flashes from the headlights comes from her Porsche.]

Ricardo: Just getting your butt kicked doesn't put anyone in a good mood.

Mercedes: Well, damn, when you put it like that, then I guess I can’t argue.

[Mercedes follows her friends down the orphaned hallways. Even though her match was on the early part of the show, Mercedes stayed until the main event ended. Mercedes steps through the double doors of the arena and into the cool night air.]

Irma: Are you ok?

Mercedes: What did you say?

Irma: Are you ok? You haven't been yourself lately.

Mercedes: No no...I'm fine. I just need to decompress.

[Mercedes, Ricardo and Irma hurriedly enter into the car. Mercedes settled into the driver's seat, adjusting the position of the seat and steering wheel to her liking, Ricardo squeezed into the backseat with a sigh of relief and Irma calmly gets into the passenger seat. The car soon roared to life as they all settled in, ready for their journey ahead.]



Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 24 al 31 de marzo de 2024

Well, that could have gone better.

Actually, now that I think about it, that could have gone much worse.

Another match and yet again I couldn't get the job done. This doesn't make the realization any better, not to mention my mood lately. To be known as someone who can talk the talk, who always come up short, who is always so close and yet so far gets irritating after awhile and people start to lose faith in you that you'll never anount to anything. I'm starting to even question that myself though my foolish pride or ego refuses to let me dwell in on those fears. I'm a two-time Hall of Famer, a two-time Bombshell Champion, the most decorated champion of all time. I've beaten countless Bombshells, past and present, and while 2024 has gotten off to a rocky start, hope springs eternal and it will only be a matter of time, a matter of when, not if, and a matter of who I'll have to go through to get another title opportunity.

And what about Erika Moore? Did she leave an impression on me? She did. I'll give credit where credit is due Now, depending on who you ask, some say her win list week was plain dumb luck. Not to say that she's dumb, or that she won by luck. Others may see that she were there at the right time and place. What do I say? She's still undefeated in only her second match here. Good for her. I hope she enjoys these next three weeks, because I'm telling you now, going against Ariana Angelos at the go-home show and Krystal Wolfe at Blaze of Glory, you know they're bringing their A-game, they're bringing everything they got.

But let's bring this back to where it should be. Now, I know that come the next Climax Control, I'll be in Phoenix, Arizona. I love Phoenix. It's a bit more casual and laid back than other major cities, everything is more approachable than you might expect. They have great Mexican food. There are so many different things you can see and experience. It's hard to be bored. I can do without the triple digit temps, though.

Another reason why I Iove Phoenix? I've lost only once here, at Blaze of Glory. I lost the Bombshell Roulette Championship to Jessie Salco in 2016 and that April day still haunts me. It's a repressed memory.

This year's trip, should be fun. Almost as fun as my match against my next opponent, Georgie Robertson. The current Golden Briefcase holder who hasn't exactly been setting the world on fire. Last week, though? She took out Julianna DiMaria, Bobbie Dahl and Tempest - the top three Bombshell singles champions in the company, the only other undefeated women on the roster in 2024 - in one fell swoop in the main event. The Georgie Robertson I saw last week was a few fries short of a Happy Meal, mentally unstable, an evil, sick, twisted, demented heartless bitch, if I may. If what she did last show wasn't making a statement, I don't know what is.

I also learned Georgie will be at Blaze of Glory. But before she has her triple threat match against Ariana Angelos and Seleana Zdunich at Blaze of Glory, Georgie has a date with me, and I don't think she's going to like this date very much. In fact, I'll make sure of it. I get to put my hands on the girl who tried to make a statement at my expense. And you know what happens when someone makes an example out of me? It lights a fire under me.

So, Georgie, I'm going to leave you with a little word of advice: Don't come looking for me, because I'm waiting for you. Revenge is an act of passion, vengeance is an act of justice. This time, I'm ready for you, mamita. And it's going to be a little bit different than our last meeting because there will be nowhere to run, and no one to help you. When that bell rings, your ass is mine, little girl. Your ass is mine.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


[The scene opens on light traffic. Taxis and buses are a blur bypassing a number of neon and LED signs. Carmen seems to be waiting for someone. The camera shifts to one section of the crowd as people start turning around. Mercedes swarms through the crowd and her cousin turns around at the sound of her voice.]

Carmen: I was wondering where you went off to.

Mercedes: Sorry, had to stop to pick up something. So, what did I miss?

Carmen: Well, other than Taylor Swift and that Korean rapper everyone's talking about?

Mercedes: Psy? Gangnam Style?

Carmen: Yeah, that. Not much. You brought grapes. Why?

Mercedes: It's tradition.

Carmen: I don't know if anyone told you this, but we're not in Spain.

Mercedes: I know. I was just hungry.

[Mercedes reaches into her trenchcoat and pulls out the folded piece of paper that was her accomplishments. Carmen pauses from checking something she received on her cellphone.]

Carmen: What's that?

Mercedes: Just my goals for 2024, which I never was able to accomplish.

Carmen: Well, I wouldn't say that.

[Before she knew it, Carmen already had the list in her hand, reading it aloud.]

Carmen: Defeat Bobbie Dahl. Win Bombshell Championship. Audition for host for American Idol?

Mercedes: Well, a girl can dream, right?

Carmen: I don't know about American Idol, but at least you're not selling yourself short like you always do.

[Mercedes snatches the paper away from Carmen, clearly offended.]

Mercedes: I'm always coming up short, but thanks for your concern.While people like Bobbie Williams and Julianna are enjoying their careers, it seems as if mine is at a standstill. My supposed “comeback”, has been anything but these last few years.

Carmen: So what if you weren't able to accomplish everything on your 'to do list, Merce, there's always next year.

Mercedes: Thank you Little Miss Sunshine. Next year can't come soon enough.


Micheltorena Stairs
L O S A N G E L E S, C A L I F O R N I A


[Mercedes Vargas pursed her lips together and applies another coat of lipstick. A deep dark shade of red, the perfect complement to her personality – passion, energy, enthusiasm. But not so much these days. Especially these days. The camera peels back just a bit to show us that the SCW Hall of Famer is sat on a flight of stairs that made up the Micheltorena Stairs. The iconic landmark made famous by its bold red hearts and colorful steps, all 177 of them, in fact.]

“Looks like today is shaping up to be another beautiful day.”

[Mercedes turns and speaks directly to the camera, though she has a surprised expression on her face.]

"Is it just me, or is it fair to say that Georgie Robertson has now become the most hated person in SCW? She's got charisma, she's got style, she can outwrestle just about anyone on the roster. Oh, and did you see how she beat the breaks off of Seleana Zdunich last week? Oh my God."

[She pauses for a moment.]

"What am I saying? Georgie Robertson didn't win last week. Mattter of fact, she got embarrassed by someone who hadn't won a match on Climax Control in well over a year and hadn't won in SCW since late November. I bet she's not too happy about that.

"Well, Georgie. Here we are again. Just another random Bombshells match on Climax Control. After a while they start to feel the same. I beat you, it means nothing. You beat me, it adds another defeat to my record. At least you got booked again this week, at least you notch another victory, at least you build a little momentum on your ongoing mission to get another shot at any championship your heart desires so long as you hold that briefcase. Quite a charmed life. And I know Georgie, I know. You're just chompin' at the bit, because, hey, you've got yourself an easy win this weekend against Mercedes Vargas. And why not? You've already beaten me once so far, and I'm starting to think you enjoy these encounters so much that perhaps you'll convince Christian Underwood to have you booked against me every weekend.

"As you get ready for your promo, it's no secret you'll set aside your special time to humiliate me and tell anyone who would listen that it would have been better if I had forfeit our match. If I was a mind reader, you're probably thinking to yourself, 'Yeah, I've got this. It's only Mercedes Vargas, after all. No charisma, no personality, and perhaps the biggest waste of space on the roster. What's the worse that can happen?'

"Let's face it, 2024 has to be the worst year I've had since I debuted in SCW. I've had zero wins in five matches so far and it's certainly something I'm not readily to admit nor am I happy about. But make no mistake about it, Georgie. I'm not some newcomer. I'm not Addisyn Starr or Cynthia Warren. You know that I'm going into our match Sunday and keep up with you from the opening bell until the very end. Competition makes me stronger...and I like to think I play to my strengths.

"Look, Georgie, if you didn't get anything out of my rambling musings, I just want you to know that you are so much better than this, and you can do much better than this.

"What is the worst thing that could happen Forfeiting the match? Lying down so you can get the easy pin on me? No, that's not it. How about getting embarrassed by yours truly? Don't think so? Let's see if lightning strikes again this Sunday, hmm?"


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)