Author Topic: Getting Back What Belongs To Me  (Read 266 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
Getting Back What Belongs To Me
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:31:55 PM »
 Crystal Hilton sat down in her Hollywood like chair. There was a huge star with her name of the back of her chair as she was looking the part. For a woman who had just lost her Bombshell Roulette Championship she actually has a wide grin on her face although we can’t tell what kind of expression she is making with her shades as they are hidden by her shades. The Hollywood hottie can’t help but crack a wide grin as she stares right at her reflection. She slowly takes her shades off as she begins to speak.

Crystal: Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the best wrestler of them all?!

Crystal leans forward a bit as she just shakes her head. She slowly turns around as she finally makes eye contact with the camera that is beaming on her. She shakes her head in disgust as she begins to speak.

Crystal: We don’t have to wait for the mirror to reply back because we all know what the mirror is going to say. Of course it is me I mean who else could it be?! But as great as I know I am. As happy as I might seem to be right now. The truth is I am honestly holding my tongue for as long as I can because at Into The Void I was robbed of my Bombshell Roulette Championship. I did what I normally do. I went out there and handled my business. You could say that I took out the garbage… Literally as I demolished Candy Overton and was happy to raise my hands proudly in the air as a champion, but out of nowhere. This sad pitiful excuse of a wrestler has to come down and cash in on me. I find that to be a load of bullshit and to say that I am unhappy would be an understatement. In all honestly it was a load of crap, and Keira took the easy way out.

Crystal shakes her head in disgust as she sighs and continues to speak again.

Crystal: Out of all the people she could have chose to cash in on she decided to do it against me. At into the Void. It truly was my night. I demolished Candy and yet here comes this carpet munching bitch Keira Fisher and she decides to cash in me. That is absolutely stupid and idiotic if you ask me. Not that I am underselling the Roulette Championship in any type of way because it has importance in the history of SCW, and it’s something that should be fought over. That is desirable to have. But that Bitch chose to go after this Championship instead of trying to go all the way to the top and win the big one. Instead of watching closely to the likes of Raynin and Mika she decided to go after me. Congratulations… I will admit you did catch me when I was sleeping and I honestly never saw it coming. Not because I don’t value Keira as a credible wrestler…

Crystal smiles widely as she looks into the heart of the camera and speaks again.

Crystal: In all honesty I don’t respect that decision. Anybody knows that if you have the option to challenge for any championship in the company you need to keep your eyes on the highest prize. You need to go big or go home. You don’t settle for something lower than that, and by using it on me that is what Keira did. I hope that Keira is taking this all in. I hope she is happy to be riding high on cloud nine. That she honestly enjoys where she is at right now because as of the next Climax Control she will be nothing more than a transitional champion at best. She was never meant to hold the championship for that long. She was never meant to be a champion in the first place. I know that on this upcoming edition of Climax Control she is going to be all excited that she won the Roulette Championship and not only was able to go out and win the title but actually have a title defense in addition, but to be honest…She really can’t get all that excited over beating Traci Patterson because EVERYBODY is able to beat her. That isn’t something credible. That isn’t it special. You did what everyone else in this company has already done. So you expect a congratulations for that?!

But this coming week it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee Keira and sadly all good things must come to an end. I am aiming to take back what you stole from me and in the world of the Roulette division anything can happen. Spend that wheel round and round, and whatever it lands on nobody knows. However while I couldn’t predict you coming out and cashing in on me what I can predict this week is that we will be facing one another straight up. There won’t be surprise moments. There won’t be you planning to face me after I have already gone through an intense match. It’s just going to be me beating the living snot out of you, and doing what I do best in that very ring. When we are facing on an equal playing field do you really think you have what it takes to beat me when it matters? Do you have what it takes to go out there and defend your hard fought and won championship?! The answer is no because never in a million years could you possibly beat me.

Crystal seems really disgusted as she scoffs right in front of the camera and looks absolutely disgusted.

Crystal: Truth be told I am focused on you and nothing but you. Can you say the same thing about me? And truth be told the answer is no because the minute you won the championship you had your eyes on stepping into the ring with Amy Marshall. You have had your entire focus on everything else but the very thing that you should have your focus on and that being me, and because you seem so concerned with fighting your wife’s own battles instead of dealing with your own that is ultimately going to be your own undoing. I know you can get quite worked up over situations that deal with your wife. when somebody talks bad about Roxi there you are right in the thick and thin of things. If someone looks at her the wrong way, guess what there you are. Instead of keeping your focus on a house sitter or scrubby Amy Marshall. Why don’t you have your eyes on something a little more beautiful. A little more perfect… Something such as myself?

Crystal grins wider than before as she turns her attention back over to the wall.

Crystal: This week everything goes back to the norm. The Roulette Championship goes back to it’s rightful owner and your reign as champion will simply be history. You are simply a two week champion at best. All good things must come to an end. Sorry to burst your bubble Keira but nothing will stop this rose from blossoming… For I am the Rose that refuses to wither away. Perfection simply doesn’t fail. I hope your knees aren’t hurting too much because you will bow whether you want to or not… For all shall bow before the mighty and all powerful Rose Goddess… See you in the ring Keira and good luck. You definitely are going to need it…

Crystal can’t help but grin as we fade out on this image.


Crystal arrived at the hotel in Colombo and she was doing her best to be incognito as she made sure to wear a hood over her head. A pair of shades to cover her eyes among everything else. On any other day the arrogant Hollywood hottie wouldn’t mind gloating for all of the cameras. She didn’t mind the paparazzi following her everywhere she went but she felt embarrassed as she was titleless. She didn’t have anything to gloat about. She was left feeling empty. All she wanted to do was to check into her hotel and be far away from the public eye as she could. She just received her hotel room key from a hotel clerk and all that was left was to make it into her hotel room. Crystal walked over to the hotel elevator and that is when a voice called out to her. One that spoke in Spanish.

Mercedes: Holas mis amiga. Donde vas?!

That person that called out to her was none other than her longtime friend Mercedes Vargas. The two had often competed around the world with one another and with them both being in SCW Crystal really felt as if she had a true friend on the roster. Crystal really didn’t want to be seen but it couldn’t be helped. She slowly turned around and greeted Mercedes with a simple.

Crystal: Si?!

As Crystal turned around she was meant a hug from the Argentine beauty. Slung over one of her shoulders was the SCW Bombshell Tag Team Championship. Crystal looked away in disgust as she didn’t even want to bother looking at Mercedes right now.

Mercedes: Oh what’s wrong?! You know you don’t have to act like that Christina. It was one simple match. I am sure you are going to get right back on track. After all that’s what you tend to do anyway isn’t it?! Crystal get’s beaten then she begins to rise back up in fashion like the rose that she is. She showcases her thorns and she pricks whoever pisses her off or rubs her in the wrong way. Isn’t that about right?!

Crystal just scoffed as her eyes were drawn back to the gold on Mercedes shoulder. She crossed her arms as she looked back into the eyes of Mercedes.

Crystal: Do you really have to bring that damn thing everywhere you go?! It’s just getting a little irritating to even stare at it right now.

Mercedes: Why because Keira beat you?! Look you already know how I feel about the entire situation. It’s was absolutely ridiculous. Of all the ways to lose a championship and you had to lose it in that way?! That’s simply ridiculous but I guess I should be happy for something. At least Keira did me a favor.

Crystal: And that would be?!

Mercedes: She made sure that my six month reign as champion would live on and that potentially the woman who might have the best potential to break that length of a reign was cut short. Not to mention it’s not easy being a three time holder of the belt either. Seems like I have a few records within that division that will never be broken or even matched. But hey if you somehow do manage to get your way past Keira. You could at least say you were a two time champion and you will be right on my heels right?!

Crystal couldn’t help but give Mercedes a simple blank stare as she shook her head in disgust.

Crystal: Go ahead brag it up… It’s always like you to be Miss stat book isn’t it?! At least I can say that I defeated the woman that ended your reign as champion. You really seemed to really struggle beating that British meathead but I beat her Mercedes! I beat Natalie McKinley and that’s something that even you struggled to do! Not only did I beat her but I did so twice.

Mercedes giggles again as she let’s a fake cough escape her lips.

Mercedes: Ahem… After you lost to her like three times as La Paloma… Guess that was one dove who let a newbie wrestler clip her wings wasn’t it…

Crystal: You really love your humor don’t you?! So anyway what did you want Mercedes?! As you could see I really didn’t want to be bothered. I was on the way to my hotel room as I didn’t want to be questioned or asked about anything having to do with what happened at the last show.

Mercedes: Actually I had a few things to get off of my chest. First thing is i appreciate you really being there for Delia and I. No one wanted to accept us after what happened  as being apart of the Mean Girls but you were right there, and I think you for it… Truthfully Delia and I both thank you for it.

Crystal: You don’t have to thank me for anything. I was never one to go with how the mass feels about people. Like I never gave a shit about how they felt with me. I simply just do what I do best. In the same way I still think that Amy Marshall is a disgusting slut that shouldn’t even be touched a stick, yet whether people think she is awesome or not. That’s on them, I won’t conform to how others feel. As far as Delia goes I personally think she’s a sweetheart. Both of you really and Mercy you and I go way back. It wasn’t that long ago when we were both cheering Argentina to win the Men’s World Cup. You know we will both forever continue to cheer on the fact that #LatinasDoItBetter

Mercedes: Actually what I wanted to talk to you about is about your attitude as of late. I have been noticing you have been getting a bit more verbal, more edgy, and considering we have been really close friends for like 7 years now I know what is about to come up next, and I want you to be careful. Don’t get too arrogant for your own good and don’t overlook Keira. Because the moment you do that, that is going to be your own undoing.

Crystal snaps back as she yells at Vargas.

Crystal: So you don’t think I am good enough to beat the snot out of Keira?!

Mercedes: It’s not that all all Christina… It’s just your holier art thou attitude. The fact that I have been noticing you associating with Mikah on Twitter as of late. Are you sure you are on the right path. If you need someone to talk to you know Delia and I are right there. You can come to us whenever you need us. We are only a phone call away…;

Crystal: Yeah that’s so easy for you to understand when you are waving a championship right in my face!

Mercedes: No it’s not that at all it’s just that…

Crystal: And Amanda and Veronica get rewarded for losing by being a chance to possibly earn a shot at the biggest prize in the company, and yet there’s Crystal Hilton. Stuck in the loop of seeing if she even has what it takes to beat Keira. If she can possibly regain what she lost. IT’S MORE THAN A FUCKING TITLE TO ME!!!! Me winning that Roulette Championship was something that my daughter got too see. Something my father was able to look down upon from heaven and see, it was something I worked damn hard into achieving, and just like that it’s gone. People however don’t want to feel bad for me, they instead want to praise that idiot like she did something smart, and that’s what’s bothering me!

Mercedes: Crystal…

Crystal: Don’t patronize me! You know what… Just enjoy your day Vargas! I am going to my room… I think we are done here….

Mercedes shrugs her shoulders as she watches Crystal walk away from her. Crystal did have two close friends she could go to. She knew that Delia and Mercedes were right there for her but something really caught a hold of her. She felt bitter. She felt envious at the fact that her friends Delia, Vargas, and even Mikah all had something she didn’t have. It was time to get even… And time to get back what she lost… and if she didn’t get it she would send the message that she wasn’t going to take anything anymore. It was going to be the Crystal way or no way… Crystal finally reached her room and as she closed the door behind her she couldn’t help but to crack an evil grin. Climax Control would indeed be the night where her life would change, and she didn’t give a damn how anyone felt about it. She was going to do what was best for her…

And that was make sure that Crystal Hilton was indeed the center of attention...;
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