Author Topic: Chapter 10: Return  (Read 251 times)

Offline The Seraphinas

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    • Lucy Seraphina
Chapter 10: Return
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:53:33 PM »
 Book 1: Silent Shadow
Chapter 10: Return
~Part 1: Operation Bolshevik-Strike (#NP: “Justice” by: Rev Theory” or “In the air” cover by: Non-Point)~
Lucy was ready for this. She didn’t know how Maxim and Rachel talked Mel into this but it didn’t matter. Lucy knew she was going to take down anyone that was in that house. Her blood intake was at full so she wouldn’t end up tempting biting anyone. She knew blood was gonna fly either way. Maxim came into Mel’s line of view while the rest of the Assassins were around her getting ready. The earphone was on and Lucy felt her heart beating.

Mel: Leap time.

Lucy: This is Master Assassin, commence Operation Bolshevik-Strike phase one!

The squad jumped down and started to run toward the home. Lucy felt herself speed run to the place and she waited for the others. Maxim, Aliceandrea, Cordelia, Ramsey, Hawk, Laura and Tidus quickly joined her and they surrounded it.

Lucy: Everyone ready?

The others nodded.

Lucy: Three…two…one.

Lucy kicked the door in runs in with Maxim. Lucy and Maxim start taking people out left and right. Lucy whistles and the rest run in. The Assassins focus and quickly take bodies down. Blood was spilled like Lucy thought.

Maxim: Alright make sure no one else is alive unless it’s Anisim.

The other nod and ran off minus Aliceandrea.

Aliceandrea: What are we looking for minus your Father?

Lucy: Any info we can use. Maxim we might need your hackerness.

Maxim: I’m in.

The trio look around slowly trying to find any hidden walls or doors that could have anything good in them.

Aliceandrea: I have an idea.

Maxim: What is it?

Aliceandrea: Let me call Ramsey.

Aliceandrea tapped on the earphone.

Aliceandrea: Rams, I need you in the main hall.

Ramsey: Been there in a moment.

Lucy didn’t understand why Ramsey out of the eight of them.

Ramsey: Sup boss?

Aliceandrea: Create a powerful lightning spell that’ll knock out the main power but for any computers it’ll keep on. It should make it easier for you to focus in so we can find something faster.

Ramsey nodded and Lucy understood why now. Ramsey Kafele’s deity was Hadad, a middle eastern storm God. It made sense now and then they heard a storm coming over the house. Suddenly static came over the coms.

Melanie: Are you causing this!?

Ramsey: Yes we are; sorry about that!

The power gets knocked out but the computers stay on. Lucy say a strange glow from below and smirked.

Lucy: Max, below.

Maxim nodded and punched the ground hard. His eyes turned red to give him some extra power behind it. The wood broke and goes down into the basement. Aliceandrea, Ramsey and Lucy looked at him in shock. Maxim wasn’t known to be that strong but rumor had it that the red eyes could be adapted for extra power. Maxim jumped down the hole landed on a chair near the broken wood. The other three shrug and jumped down after him.

Maxim started to keystroke with easy. Lucy could tell her cousin was in the zone. His pupils were dilated as he focused. They gather around him and the glow from the computer illuminated their faces.

Lucy: Well hot damn.

Ramsey: Man he is skilled.

Aliceandrea: Yeah but we couldn’t get Katrina to join us. She got busy.

Maxim stopped suddenly.

Maxim: We’re in!

The other three laugh.

Maxim: I got a flash drive plugged in that’s taking the info on it. All we need to do is to be caref-

Gun shot![/color]

Lucy: That was from Mel!

Aliceandrea: Oh not good.

Maxim: I need you to cover me if it is resistance!

Lucy hits the com.

Lucy: Attention squad! We need to keep Maxim safe, four of you go to the outside and assist the others, the other thee cover all exits. Do not let anyone get into the basement!

Lucy heard footsteps running out of the house.

Ramsey: I’ll go help, AA let’s go.
Aliceandrea and Ramsey runs off leaving the two behind.

Lucy: What do you think we’ll find?

Maxim: Info we wish we knew years ago.

Lucy: I believe that.

Maxim didn’t look over, he kept his eyes on the computer.

Maxim: You know you don’t have to watch over me.

Lucy: And leave you alone? Fat chance.

Maxim: They need you.

Lucy: They have Aliceandrea.

The two look over and see the percentage is at the half way mark.

Lucy: Alright fine, get this done and erase his computer. But be careful.

Maxim: On it.

Lucy jumped up to the first floor and saw a battle from the outside. Lucy grabbed her dagger and got her hiddens ready. With a breath Lucy lets out a battle cry and rushes to the outside.

~Part 2: Truth revealed  (#NP: “Chalk outline” by: Three Days Grace or “Truth Revealed” from Final Fantasy X)~
Lucy tapped her fingers on the wooden table she sat at. She had a feeling that something was going to happen but wasn’t sure of what. She tried to focus her mind but couldn’t. It was driving her crazy but Lucy knew she had to calm down or something would end breaking. Lucy doesn’t get angry that easy like Rachel but when Lucy was mad everyone can feel it. Lucy sipped from her mug as her hand shook in anxiety. Lucy felt her lungs inhale sharply as she wanted to let out a loud scream. Lucy set the mug down slowly so she wouldn’t break it. She then got up just as slow and grabbed a green candle praying that it would help.

Lucy found one of her favorite candles; it was a green one with the smell of lilac. Yes she knew were purple but green represented one half of her blood color and the scent was her favorite. Lucy set the pillar candle on the table and grabbed a lighter.

Lucy: Earth, please bring me some peace or an answer on why I’m feeling so wired.

Before the lighter could touch it, the candle light up harshly causing Lucy to look away. Lucy felt herself fall back into the chair but her vision turned black.

Lucy: Am I blind!?

“No, not quite.”

She knew the voice and flicked her wrist, she blades came out and Lucy was ready to put it all on the line.

“Child, you don’t need to do that. We cannot see each other and I bet it’s because Earth is protecting you from me. So why are you here?”

Lucy: Where are you?!

Anisim chuckled.

Anisim: Sorry my daughter, but I’m not about to tell you. Now why are you here?

Lucy: I guess Earth told me I can get my answers.

Anisim: You want answers? Well I’m willing to do that but on one condition.

Lucy: Which is?

Anisim: Let me see you.

Lucy felt a pit in her stomach from that. She could hear the pain in his voice and this also shocked her. Every time she would encounter him, he’d only show anger and nothing else. Lucy took in a breath and Earth’s shielding came down enough for him to see her but not enough to give away where she was at. Her Father was aging slowly like she was. He had to be in his sixties but he looked at least in his thirties, forties. Her Father had a surprised look on his face and walked over to her.

Anisim: My…my daughter.

A tear rolled down his face and he lifted her face with a finger by the chin.

Anisim: You look so beautiful like your Mother.

Lucy didn’t say anything.

Anisim: So what are your questions?

Lucy: Why…why would you do all of this?! I don’t understand why! Why would you kill my Aunt and Uncle and frame it on your own son!? Why would you try to take the rest of us out?! Why would you force my Uncle to will you his power?! God damn it why, why, why?! I…I don’t-

Lucy fell to her knees in anger, sadness, shock and any other emotion she felt come up.

Anisim: Lucy, for many of aeons our people have been trapped in a never ending cycle. Two sides fight and we all end up dying in the end. The Edge of the World turns to crystal and we all turn slowly, it kills us. Our bodies break and we get send to the nursey where we pick our afterlives. The cycle repeats over and over again. I thought this time around though if I got the First born to will me their power I could stop the cycle.

After your Mother went to Brookhaven I used my powers to search for you all. Lucien I was able to tap in first out of you all because his abilities were slowly waking up. I had the truth shown to him and I was able to manipulate him into do what I asked. For nights on end we planned on what to do.

So the night of the fire I was able to get in thanks to your brother. I asked him to set the place ablaze and he fled after doing that. I found your Uncle first and demanded he will me his power. I…I needed more. After he did, he died and I left his body to burn. Serenity and I ended up falling to the basement after she found Robert dead. I heard her scream like a banshee.

I casted a fire spell to encircle us but I didn’t expect Mel to fall in. I didn’t know it was her at the time and well you know what happens next. Lucy the form you see of me right now is the real me…the one you see out of here is the power taking over me. My deity has corrupted me by promising me if I get more power I’ll be able to stop it. Lucy, every person who has died in this by my hands are trapped for the most part. They won’t let them go and Lucy…I feel bad for what all had happened.

Please Lucy listen to me. You need to kill me! Please…We need to get rid of it before it kills your sister. I regret what all happened but if this stops the cycles for good then let this be my good bye.

Lucy looked up at her Father.

Lucy: Daddy…

Anisim pick his daughter up and looked her in her eyes.

Anisim: Lucy, I love you. I will always love you and your siblings. Tell your Mother I’m sorry…you know I never stopped loving her either.

Lucy: Really?

Anisim nodded.

Anisim: Yes…Lucy I need to go; it’s coming!

Lucy: Daddy no please!

Lucy was trying not to cry.

Anisim: I’m sorry child.

Lucy: Daddy…I love you.

Everything went black and Lucy blinked. The scene changed back to where she was at. Lucy was crying and the candle had burnt half way done. Lucy screamed out finally as her phone started to ring.

~Part 3: I’m back (#NP: “You’re not my kind” by: Five Finger Death Punch)~
Lucy: Well after weeks they give me a match and not the match I’m waiting for. Oh well it’ll happen sooner or later. I’m not going to kiss ass or push to get my rematch and nor is Mel. Whining and bitching gets you nowhere in the wrestling world; only actions believe me when I say that. So all of you are wondering what I’ve been doing all this time right?

Well it’s a long story but I’ll try to explain.

I’ve been more or less off the grid and training. Since my last match at SCW I’ve been very busy with things… I mean being who I am it wouldn’t surprise anyone. But I’ve been training more by going out onto the field. You know hunting stuff but the real test was the battle for Japan. What a very long two days of non-stop war that was. Oh and if you ask for the details I’ll rip your throat out. Don’t you dare ask! Respect the dead and that’s all I have to say on that. To think my Father is the cause of this still shock me to this day. To think we’re so close to the end of this after all of these years of darkness and light. I swear my Father will not get away with this and it makes me more driven to do the best I can in the ring.

Yeah I’m coming back swinging so hard you’d think I broke someone in half with a bat. I kinda have to blow off some steam. I mean just a little because in three days…you know what scratch that. I don’t want to talk about that now that I think on it. I don’t need anyone worrying about me…not like anyone really could care that is.

Or maybe I’m just being too harsh on that. I mean my family, friends and fans do so I redact that statement. Either way though I know if I let too much anger out it won’t get it back quick enough. Am I restraining myself for this match?


I’m going out there and whipping ass just like I always do. As Rhoda would say: “Don’t get it twisted because if you cross me, I’ll rip your throat out, and do a body shot off you when I’m done.” I mean everyone knows I can be deadly in the ring and that’s not a lie. Everyone knows it and I’m not boasting. While everyone else was at play I was off becoming better and getting ready to make it back into the ring.

You see I asked Mel not to talk about me. I wanted to stay hidden in the shadows away from the world. I have my reasons why and maybe you’ll see soon enough. Right now I’m at home getting ready to go Vegas tomorrow. I’m trying to relax but with the storm coming I can’t. I feel like I’m on pins and needles no matter what I do to take my mind off it. I got a cup of tea in my hand and I’m nursing it while writing this. I’m sorry I’m just…


I can’t even think of the words to express how I feel! Really to me talk is cheap and actions matter more. I dare my Father to show his face to my match to mess with me. Either way I’ll show him why he’s going down. That means for my two opponents, they’re in a bit of a mess. When I get aggressive bad things happen but you know what sucks? It’s a triple threat!

Everyone and their Mom knows since coming to SCW I haven’t had the best of luck with them. Well guess I’m going to have to change somethings don’t I? I mean I’m still undefeated in singles and tag wise with Mel I’m two and one, what does that tell ya ? That no one and I mean no one should underestimate me!

Damn I sound like a bitch but thing is I was able to back my words up. Anyways onto who I’m facing… I get to face against Crystal Hilton or Christian Millar or whatever she’s calling herself. Do I really give a damn seeing how it’s the same person?

First time around you beat me and Mercedes to move on in the tournament. But thing is I wasn’t pinned and you know I lost but I didn’t get pinned which does says something. You’re a one-time Bombshell Roulette Champion, a former one-time LAW tag-team champion if the records are up to date.

Crystal you are going to take the fight to me. You know what… in all my matches in the SCW, not a lot of people have said that. And the ones that have didn’t do it. So I am just waiting to see if you will be any different. Are you just running your mouth to make yourself believe that you can beat me. Are you trying to make yourself think that you are going to win just to fuel your own ego? Or can you really do it? Are you really going to bring the fight to me. If I hit you, are you going to hit me back? Are you going to hit me when I’m down or are you going to use that time to take a breather? Because Crystal, that would be a mistake. If you go down, you better believe that I am going to continue the beating. I’m not going to sit back and catch my breath. I am going to keep the offense on you! And Crystal, if you don’t do the same… well… lets just hope you don’t do that because that would be a mistake that you don’t really want to make against me. I’ll put it that way.

You don’t fear me, Crystal? You don’t think that I am intimidating, Crystal? Good. I’m not some big giant freak or something. There really is nothing to fear in me. I’m not the biggest guy or the strongest. And really… I don’t feel that my stature is that much intimidating. I just rely on my wrestling skill to do everything for me. Just like you don’t fear me, I don’t fear you, Crystal. I don’t think that you are intimidating at all. Sure, you have accomplished a lot, but that doesn’t mean much to me. I know that you must be an incredible wrestler to accomplish those goals, but it won’t mean a damn thing to me until we get into that match and go at it. Nothing will really click until that match begins. Then we can see who is the better wrestler.

People like to put a comparison on cockiness and confidence. Hell, my own twin even tried to do so. But here is the true difference. Cockiness is simply having an overwhelming amount of confidence. And confidence is believing in both yourself and your skills. I am cocky because I have confidence within myself and my skills. If I didn’t believe in myself, I wouldn’t have the huge ego that I have nowadays. See, I believe that I can beat any given person on any given day! And this upcoming match is no different. I know I can beat you if I give it my all. I’ve accomplished so much in my career that I basically have a right to be cocky. I have a record that can be matched by only a few wrestlers here in the SCW. I have accomplished more than so many other wrestlers here in the SCW. That gives me a right to be cocky. That gives me a right to be arrogant. And I got this way through my confidence. I had confidence in myself and my skills from the beginning. I put that into action in each of my matches. And as my career grew older, my ego began to get a little boost which gave my cockiness a little boost. And that’s where I am today.

I am going to guarantee something this week. I am going to guarantee… I am going to PROMISE you that I walk into CC, kick your ass, make you bleed, take your pride, and walk out still the winner!! Words are meaningless! Take is cheap! Actions speak louder than words. PROVE ME WRONG!

Then we have Alexis Morrison…don’t know her, can’t judge but I have done research. She’s a two time SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion, a two time WEW Champion, a one-time WEW world champion, a WEW Unified Champ, and an EWC King of the cage runner up. Interesting record for sure. She reminds me of Mel a little.

So Alexis welcome back, I’m Lucy and well I’m not really one to talk about myself to be honest. Talking has never been my strong suit. But I can tell you I am not the type of girl who says I am going to do something only to half ass it. When I say I want something, I damn well mean it, and I am willing to do whatever I have to in order to get it. I am not going to sit and complain, because I know that it will help me get closer to that goal. Whining and complaining only makes the process longer. You have to get it in your head that you are going to do it, and then you have to make sure that it becomes a reality. Because if you don’t do that, you are going to be a sitting duck! You aren’t going to amount to anything. Those guys that go out there and pass out because they have been training too hard… those guys that throw up because they have been training too hard… those are the guys who will be on that t.v.! Those are the guys who will be driving around in faster cars with even faster women! Those are the guys who will be walking around with World Title belts around their shoulders.

I can tell you’re the same way as Mel and myself. You’ll do whatever you can to get the job done. I respect that! There is going to be blood. There is going to be sweat. There are going to be stretchers. One of us… both of us might end up having to be wheeled out of that damn arena, but I am willing to sacrifice myself just to win! You talk about hurting people and yourself! I DARE YOU TO TRY AND TAKE ME OUT! I DARE YOU TO END MY CAREER! I DARE YOU TO HURT! Many people have tried, and NO ONE… I repeat… NOONE… HAS EVER BEEN SUCCESSFUL! This body has felt more pain than a lot of other superstars can say. I don’t give up Alexis. If I get hurt, I don’t piss and whine about it. I keep going. I’ve broken my fucking arm and kept competing! I DON’T PLAN ON LETTING SOME WOMAN HURT ME JUST TO TRY AND TAKE THE WIN! You can try, but I am going to keep getting back up. You can smack me across the face with a sledgehammer, but I am going to get right back up and ask for another one! Some call me crazy! Some call me stupid! I CALL IT GUTS…

In my opinion, success in business requires training and discipline and above all, hard work. However, if you're not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. I've been previously told that that there is a distinction between achievement and success. 'Achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice, too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success.' Really, if you aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. If your success is not on your own terms, such as cheating and all that, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.

So Alexis can you be successful in your first match back? Only time will tell…

Good luck ladies.

Fade to black.