Author Topic: Happy holidays? Not for a certain someone!  (Read 263 times)

Offline Traci Patterson

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    • Traci Patterson
Happy holidays? Not for a certain someone!
« on: December 18, 2015, 04:53:13 PM »

Traci was annoyed as hell as she walked through the curtain at December to Dismember 3. She was sure saw had ended the year on a low note after all getting tossed out second in a battle royal for someone of her size just made her mad. She truly thought she was going to win and give herself the perfect set-up to the new year but no she was done early. As she walked into the changing room she walked over and slammed a locker door with her fist. Katie soon followed her in keeping her distance since she was worried that Traci would attack her if she got too close.

Traci Patterson
Fucking hell that was awful I mean god what’s wrong with me!

Katie Patterson
Traci it’s ok it was just a bad night is all!

Traci turned and looked at her sister.

Traci Patterson
Just a bad night? Katie all I have been recently is bad night I mean other then beating Twisted sister who the hell have I beaten recently or even looked close to beating recently?

Katie just looked at her and Traci yelled at her!

Traci Patterson

Katie freaked out as her sister yelled at her.

Katie Patterson
I don’t know what to say Traci I mean I can’t think of an answer that won’t result in you twisting me ear. I’m sorry

Traci looked at her sister and sighed at her.

Traci Patterson
Sorry Katie I don’t mean to yell at you it’s just the frustration of the last few weeks.

Katie Patterson
I know but still it’s hard to be around you at a time like this I mean you know I love you and all but when you get mad it’s scares me.

Traci walked over and put her arm around her sister.

Traci Patterson
You know what forget it. The year is over we can go back to Texas for the holidays and just relax.

Katie Patterson
Ummm Traci the thing is you are not done you got one more match this year.

Traci looked at Katie a little confused.

Traci Patterson
Huh what do you mean?

Katie Patterson
Well SCW is having one final show in 2015 back in Vegas and I said that you would compete on it. Hope you don’t mind!

Traci Patterson
Oh and when exactly were you going to tell me about this?

Katie Patterson
Umm after the match I thought you be cool with it you know but if you want I can get it cancelled I’m sure management will be able find someone to fill the spot!

Katie turned to the room but Traci called out to her before she left the room.

Traci Patterson
No you are not! If you got me on the show I will do it I mean given how my record hasn’t been great recently so I can’t exactly go around saying unbook me because I don’t want to work, IF I do that then I won’t have a job come the new year. Look I take it just do me a favour and find out who I will be facing while I go grab a shower.

Katie looked at Traci and nodded as walked out of the room as she did this Traci walked towards the shower area. As she did this the screen turned black.

When it came up once more we see Traci standing outside the Gold Coast Casino wearing a black tank top, blue jeans and black trainers. She was leaning against a wall as she spoke into a camera.

Traci Patterson
So for one last time I’m going to be stepping into the ring in SCW I mean it’s does make me a little mad to be honest because right now I could be at home in Texas sitting in front of a fire with some eggnog in my hand but I can’t because I got a bit of business to take care of tonight. That business is in the form of you Candy Overton!

Traci let out a chuckle as she said that name of her opponent.

Traci Patterson
Oh Candy it’s seems like you have gone and got yourself a new attitude nowadays don’t you one you think that will go kick start your career. Now I will say that is a brave move after all if this doesn’t work out for you there is a question of where the hell do you go from here? I mean you could be screwed here in SCW! There is one other major flaw in your little plan and that is looking across at the ring tonight is me! A women who is not going to let you walk over her and a woman who damn sure is not going to be used as a stepping stone for a rebuilding project. So yeah Candy you are probably thinking that it’s ok Traci has been struggling in recent weeks and well she will be an easy target for me tonight. Let me tell you right now Candy it’s not going to happen like that. All you are going to get this holiday season is a beating at my hands because I will say right now 2015 wasn’t the best for me and I plan to go out on a high.

Traci paused for a moment and looked off screen at something before she turned back and finished up.

Traci Patterson
Now I know that they say Candy is bad for you and can ruin your mouth. Well Candy tonight you are not going to be bad for me but I will promise that I will ruin your teeth here tonight with my fist and give me myself a nice early present. So while I wish the fans of SCW a happy holiday for you Candy it will be a holiday you want to forget!

With that Traci turned around and headed inside as she did this the screen turned black.

End of RP
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