Author Topic: On the Prowl  (Read 1933 times)

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
On the Prowl
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:54:44 PM »
Act 1: After the Show

The scene opens on the San Jose Civic Auditorium. The crowds had gone, except for the brave few that waited on their favorite superstar to emerge from the arena for the night. But one stalks the hallways on silent feet, and in a very bad mood. Her dark eyes peer around every corner in search on Misty. Necra had to know why she had gotten involved in her match. She and Amy had retained their titles, but Necra had it won even without Misty's help. Necra soon spots an open door, and heads toward it. She soon reaches it, and knocks waiting for a response.

TBC Misty  
I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
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Offline O Malley

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On the Prowl
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2012, 06:43:01 PM »
 Moments later the door opens.  Misty's female disciple, and loyal follower, Ruby, stands before Necra.  She eyes the Goddess of the Dead up and down with a look of disgust as she stands in the doorway protectively.

Ruby: Whatdo you want?  My Queen does not wish to be disturbed.

Ruby snaps at Necra and is prepared to slam the door in her face when Misty walks up behind her.

Misty: Who is it, Ruby dear?

Ruby steps aside as Misty stands next to her.  She takes one look at Necra, and a wicked smile grows on her face.  Ruby steps behind her.

Misty: Ahh, Miss Kane.  To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

Misty stands there with her arms folded across her chest, knowing all too well why Necra is there, though she waits for a response.

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
On the Prowl
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 08:39:24 AM »
 Necra steps past her, and into the locker room, and smiles as she sits upon the throne. Misty's servants try to stop her but there is something in her eyes that tell them to stay back, and let everything be. Misty turns around, as Necra leans forward looking as if she were meant to sit upon the dark throne.

Necra: I have to say you have an act for picking out the perfect furniture. But that is not why I am here. Tonight... You got involved with my match, and I want to know why. I didn't ask for your help, and I am disappointed in you for that.

Necra's eyes seem to shift slightly into a red before they shift back to normal.

TBC Misty
I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
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Offline O Malley

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On the Prowl
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2012, 02:44:21 PM »
 Misty can't help but laugh at the Goddess before her.  Ruby hisses, ready to defend her Queen if given orders to do so.  Misty holds her off for the moment and takes a step towards Necra.

Misty: You are disappointed in me, Miss Kane?  What makes you think I give a damn?

Misty laughs again, as well as Ruby.

Misty: I make my own decisions and I do not need anyone's permission to do anything, especially not yours.  You don't run the show around here.  I do!  My business is with NXT...With Odette Ryder. Do you expect an apology that my involvement in that match just happened to interfere with you?  Because you're not going to get one.

Misty glares at Necra, growing more frustrated with her presence.

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
On the Prowl
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 08:59:38 PM »
 Necra smirks knowing she was trying Misty's patience. She could sense it, and it was all worth while.

Necra: I don't expect you to apologize, because you are too big a bitch to do so. But the next time you get the bright idea of getting involved, you better think again. After I'm done with my opponent, I will come after you, and make sure there is nothing left for your little servants here to find. I'm not threatened by a mortal, and I am sure as hell that I'm not scared of you, any of you for that matter. At least I can keep my nose out of other people's business...

She could see Misty's anger rising, and it just made her that much stronger as she watched Misty begin to pace.

TBC Misty
I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
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Offline O Malley

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On the Prowl
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2012, 09:31:33 PM »
 Misty smiles wickedly and stands her ground.  Her disciples are none too pleased at the events transpiring, but she is not intimidated by Necra or her threats.  She approached Necra, as if daring her to do something.

Misty: Let me make myself very clear here, Necra.  I'm not intimidated by you.  I'm not scared of you, and I sure as hell don't give a damn how you feel about the decisions I make.  I do what I want and when I want.  If you don't like it, that is your problem, but I'm not going to run around changing the way I do things just because some wanna-be Goddess whines and cries when things don't go her way.  I'll continue to do things MY way.  If you have a problem...Well, that's too damn bad.  Try coming after me.  I'll beat you again like I did before, only I'll make sure to finish the job.  I'll make you regret ever threatening me, and that Goddess, is a promise.  Now, if you're done wasting my time, I have more important things to deal with than worry about you or your problem with me.  Go back to your tag team partner and focus on keeping your titles, because you simply don't matter to me at the moment.

Misty folds her arms across her chest, glaring at Necra.  Her patience is nearing a breaking point, though she manages to remain as calm as she can.

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
On the Prowl
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 08:30:48 AM »
 Necra's eyes seem to change into a opulent white. The air in the room has turned cold, and Necra is actually floating a few inches above the floor. Her olive colored skin is now a pale white, as she looks down at them.

Necra: Quod ludis pueri non ignoras. Adhuc unum tibi vivat temporis. Dea sum mortem, quam ego testa legenda sunt mortalia nisi quando dies proximos. Nescitis enim metuant nunc locum mortis, non ego. Si vero dolores et scietis me transire dolore te autem non appropinquabit mortem petere.

(Do not mock what you do not understand child. You have yet to live one life time. I am the Goddess of Death, and you are nothing more than a mortal shell that I will collect when your time is neigh. Fear me for you know not the time or place of your death, only I do. If you cross me you shall know true pain and suffering, but when you ask for death it shall not come.)

With that the lights flicker and go out. When the come back, Necra is gone, but in the floor was a scorch mark, and the smell of brimstone filled the air.

TBC Misty
I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
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Offline O Malley

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On the Prowl
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2012, 12:31:10 PM »
 Misty and her disciples stand there for a moment.  Misty rolls her eyes and smiles as she turns around to face them.

Misty: Just another example of the trouble the Bombshell Division is.  Miss Kane is simply trying to distract me from my true mission here, but it's not working.  She is of no concern at the moment, but if she wants to feel important, let her.  I am not afraid of her and I never will be.  Now, come along.  We have work to do before next week.  I have a very special surprise to plan for Miss Odette Ryder.

With that, Misty and her disciples turn and walk out of the locker room and leave the building.