Author Topic: Short, but sweet  (Read 371 times)

Offline Kain

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Short, but sweet
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:37:18 PM »

My wife, Ariel, handed me a folder quickly before returning her attention to our children, Arthur and Rose, who were on the swings in a playground about two miles from our home in Detroit, Illinois. Cecil and Lydia were on the strollers, sleeping peacefully. There were a ton of other kids and their parents were with them, but the cameras were solely focused on us and I had no problem with that.

After all, I am one of the biggest stars of the SCW, if not THE BIGGEST star to ever happen, so of course it has to be on me!

In any case, I opened up the folder and scanned the biography of this new kid that I'm booked to face. Unfortunately, the info that was attached to the dossier left me little to go on. An upstart kid that feels cocky? I've dealt with a bunch of kids like that in my life, from my days in the underground ring to now, so what makes him any special? And just because he's acquired a championship belt or two from a previous fed doesn't mean jackshit to me!

I handed back the dossier to her and shook my head in disgust.

Great. Another loser that I have to deal with. If that's the best Mark Ward and Christian Underwood can cook up for a future SCW heavyweight champion in the making, then that's seriously disappointing. No matter. Eric Steel will be dealt with and crushed in a moment's notice.

She nodded to me once and our children came to us, hugging us with pure delight. Besides wrestling and fighting? This is what life is all about...!

* * *

The Diary Of The King
Entry #2
January 1st, 2014

My name is Alex. I'm known as Kain, The King Of Kings, and within this diary is a chronicle of my thoughts on anything and everything that I chose to speak about.

Today, I have the need to write of a passion that cannot be overlooked. My love for fighting.

There is no doubt, within my mind, that this is the one art that I truly live for in my life. It has helped me gained a measure of self-confidence and belief beyond all measure. It has helped me become financially independent to the point of where I will NEVER have to worry about making ends money by taking out coins from a piggy bank. It has helped me to gain a further understanding of myself and my abilities as I continue to pave the way for wrestling altogether and ensuring great success as I move onward and into the stars as I attempt to realize my dreams in full. There's not a single man, woman, or child that could stop me at this point. Despite what Simon Jones did to me at the very end, I was right; his downfall lead to my victory. That's all I have to say about that piece of shit, for he did nothing but a great service for me. He easily gave me a championship opportunity and although I intensely dislike the fact that he beat down on me for NO REASON, it matters not in the end. A win is a win and I continue to become better and better at what I love; fighting. I gave guys like Simon Jones, Mark Ward, Casey Williams, Goth, all these nimrods the fight of their life, win or lose, and I walk away as the victor sometimes, other times I lose. That's how the game goes, but since I'm on a high momentum, I decided that it cannot be stopped. I cannot turn back now. This is my moment and if anyone tries to stop me, all it will get them is a severe taste of punishment!

So when I discover that it's a new guy named Eric Steel, a man that just barely started here, I can't help but wonder about the possibilities. Will he one of the few that somehow gets lucky to win? Or will he be one of the many foes that I get to easily stomp on my way to everlasting greatness? To be honest, I already know the answer; it's the latter. It's not a matter of being cocky or arrogant, unlike how someone else claims to be in his own biography. It's a matter of supreme confidence that just overflows through me, mentally, emotionally, and DEFINITELY physically. I know that you have to bring your kind of trash talk to the world just yet, but I'm pretty convinced that it will mostly be the same from you. And I hope that doesn't become a huge problem to you, because you're going to need all the help you can get to defeat someone like me. To you, you'll believe me to be an enemy. That's fine by me; no matter who I step into the ring with, I will always view them AS my enemy, Eric Steel.

Why am I even facing you at this point? Granted, you're a new challenge and I thrive on it and get even a little excited over it, but really? I was granted another step close to the big time and to challenge Giani for the SCW title and instead of being given what I earned, it's a slap to the face! I'm supposed to be the guy that's supposed to be headlining the next show or the next pay-per-view, whatever that may be, and this happens?! Ridiculous! 2014 is supposed to start off with a BANG and instead, it starts off with a DUD! There's simply no other way to explain my current frustration other than the fact that the guy that kicked Simon Jones's ass and received an inexcusable beating for it is the same guy that has to deal with a punk that carries little to no reputation around here. I'm dead serious! So in order to get to where I want to go, I have to kick your ass in Laughlin, Neveda, and walk away knowing that I got the job done. That's fine. I can do the job JUST FINE.

You want to take me on and show the world what you got? Go for it. But in the end, like a lot of the miserable cats that bit more than they could chew, they failed. They failed to destroy me. I don't care if I lose matches every now and then, Eric. Do you want to know WHY that is? It's very simple; I always get back up, because I REFUSE to let my enemies get the best of me in any way, shape, or form. That's why I have earned the amount of respect that I had to fight for, Eric Steel, and if that means forcing that respect out of you from your throat to every broken bone in your body, so be it. You're going to understand, the hard way, as to exactly what it is I am perfectly capable of, Eric, and that's setting the gold standard of fighting and, if need be, wrestling. I'm no God Of Wrestling, because I haven't earned that title yet. But I am the King Of Kings and that's a title that I have earned and I look forward to revealing exactly why I'm truly that gifted in the ring, Eric.

You've been warned....

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings!

So let it be let it be done!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 11:37:33 PM by Kain »

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