Author Topic: Sin City  (Read 1428 times)

Offline TJ Codair

  • The Massachusetts Wrecking Machine
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    • TJ Codair
Sin City
« on: June 02, 2014, 08:23:41 PM »
 [ooc, this was just a bit of a warm up, just to get people a quick feel of who the charector is.)

"I been in Sin City for about a couple of hours now, and find myself in this dive bar, girls are dancing around like they don't have a care in the world, god she is horrible.  Why couldn't it be like someone with some talent or something, then again if she had talent she wouldnt be dancing in this place now would she.  Ahh gotta love the Dives.  She definatly ain't Nancy."

I stand up and kick the bar chair out from the guy next to me, and shove my face into his as a look of shock and astonishment comes across his face.

TJ "Where the fuck is Marv?"

The man looks at me more confused now as he just shrugs looking around trying to find this Marv I am talking about however he does not seem to see him.  I stand up, and just turn and look around.

TJ: "Aww come on, where is Hardigan, where is the creepy kid that don't talk with the sharp nails, I thought this was Sin City."

A man steps into the frame of the camera, as Codair just gets a sadistic grin on his face.

Man: "Your out of line here, you need to leave before you find yoursel....."

Codair cracks his neck and looks at the man.

TJ: "Wait a minute guy, ya ain't that guy that protects the waitress and all the hookers.  Shut up before I come over there and...."

In an instant the man throws a punch, but Codair catches it, smashes his hand off the bar top several times.

TJ: "Your that cop, pussy mother fucker who has to shoot a guy trying to save a lil kid aint ya, Hell of a way to end a partnership douchbag."

Man: "What the hell are you on."

Codair gets a grin on his face as he looks at the man.

TJ: That plats the manes of horses in the night,
And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,
Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes:
This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,
That presses them and learns them first to bear,
Making them women of good carriage:
This is she

Codair turns and looks at everyone in the bar looking at him.

TJ: "What, no one familiar with Shakespeare.  You guys are kidding me, oh alright.  If that be the case I suppose i can enlighten you a bit.  See its what Mercutio said to Romeo about dreams.  Also known as Queen Mab's speech.  The context of it is a bit crazy but hey who the hell is actually........... Wait a minute guys, lets talk this out."

Codair doesnt move as a several other men step forward towards Codair as Codair rolls his eyes.

TJ: "Alright seeing as no one really wants to recite Shakespeare with me, let me try soemthing a bit more straightforward with you clowns."

Codair points at a man wearing colors and gets a sadistic grin on his face.

TJ: "Ya move any closer to me, im gonna hurt ya in ways ya aint even thought about.  Your biker buddies are going to be laughing like little girls and im going to be looking down at ya balling your eyes out like a virgin chick who just lost her virginity finding out she was just a conquest from a guy thinking with the three year old in his pants."

The man stops and looks at him, as Codair takes off his leather jacket, revealing his arms, and the shape he is in from the tight tank hs is wearing.  The man backs up a little bit as Codair moves towards him a little bit.

Tj: "Or would ya prefer me to tell ya a rivetting tale of how I stuffed your old lady last thanksgiving like she was the turkey."

The mans eyes go from shock and confusion to out right rage.

"Ok, this may have been a bad move. Oh well fuck it he seems froggy lets see if i can push him a bit further."

Man: "I am going to kill you, you little."

Codair immediatly lunges forward and punches him repeatedly in the head with rights, as the man stumbles back and hits the floor.  He gets back to his feet, his eyebrow busted open, and his nose bleeding heavily. Visibly shocked and shaken Codair closes his fist, as the sound of knuckles cracking is heard. The man lunges at Codair as Codair kicks him in the chest, then smashes his head repeatedly off the bartop.

TJ: "I suggest if anyone wants to call the cops, now is a good time."

Bartender: "We don't like Cops here." [/color]

TJ: "My kinda place."

Codair pulls the mans head up, as he is unconcious, he just shakes his head, and sits him down on the barstool and lays his head down.

TJ: "He can't hold his booze, i will cover his tab tonight by the way. Now about that next round of Guiness and Shot of Jameson."

Codair lights up a cigarette and turns to the guys still looking at him.

TJ: "At least if ya guys are gonna jump, put some music on will ya, and i swear to god if ya put on that honky tonk bullshit we were just listening to im throwing someone through the jukebox."

Codair takes a drag off his cigarette as they all just seem to step back. As the bartender hands Codair his beer and his shot of Jameson.

TJ: "Thanks. Now can we cut the camera before they have proof on me."

The scene ends abruptly as Codair looks at the guys seem to back up, and Codair takes the shot of Jameson and takes a puff off his cigarette.
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