Author Topic: SELEANA ZDUNICH v KRYSTAL WOLFE  (Read 3874 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: October 09, 2023, 08:16:48 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“The Path To Redemption Part IV: The Chips Are Down!”
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2023, 09:02:26 PM »
Krystal had managed to last a decent amount of time in the Battle Royal, outlasting favourites to win like Kat Jones and Sam Marlowe only to be eliminated whilst she was in the middle of eliminating Tempest! In the end the Battle Royal came down to Ariana and Luna with Luna managing to win her second title in SCW and, as per the rules of the match, Ariana would serve as Luna’s first challenger at High Stakes.

But where did that leave Krystal? Well, the Aussie was still on the card and taking on someone else who had come up short in the Battle Royal, namely Seleana Zdunich, Seleana and Krystal had faced each other before, most notably when Krystal was the Bombshell Roulette Champion and Krystal was in search of challengers in the lead up to her first High Stakes, can Krystal get the win and keep her High Stakes winning streak going?

Backstage at Climax Control 375, Reno, Nevada
Sunday the 8th of October 2023, 23:00pm

Always next time, right?

Since my reign with the Roulette Title ended last February that’s been the story of my SCW Career to date as far as the title scene goes, since then I’ve only had a taste of the Roulette Gold twice, first when I challenged Kat Jones for the Roulette Title in the leadup to last year’s Summer XXXTreme and again when I entered myself in the Open Invitational Match at Inception VI at the beginning of the year, outside of those two instances? I’ve been hanging around the Internet and World Title Divisions since.

Which sucks because, due to how my reign ended, I have a lot of unfinished business in that division.

Tonight’s Battle Royal was another case of me competing in the Internet Title Division, no matter who won the match one thing was certain, that would be a new Bombshell Internet Champion at the end of the next and her first challenger would be decided immediately afterwards.

Much as I’d like to say that I’m entering my third High Stakes as a Bombshell Roster Member with that title around my waist? Ariana had other plans, she caught me whilst I was trying to eliminate Tempest from the match and if she was trying to help me throw out the biggest threat in the match? She had a funny way of showing it! In other words? I’m pretty sure that was Ariana’s revenge for the attack that set in motion the events that would take up most of my 2023.

Now Ariana’s got her wish in a way, she’s challenging for a title at High Stakes, not the World Bombshell Championship as she would’ve preferred (and that’s a whole new can of worms) but the Bombshell Internet Title as she’s challenging Luna in what’s sure to be an absolute banger! But that left one question for me, what was in store for me at High Stakes? This was to be my first Supercard since the whole Sin saga ended at Violent Conduct and unlike 2021 where I defended the Roulette Title against Char Kwan and 2022 where I had that one sided rivalry with Mercedes Vargas? I had no idea what, if anything, I was doing at High Stakes!

Gotta say, I’m not a huge fan of this feeling.

”The bosses should be releasing the card for High Stakes at any minute.” I commented to myself as I waited beside my rent car in the parking lot, I was flying back to Vegas first thing in the morning and I needed to get as much sleep as possible if I was going to be alert and ready for the flight. ”The last time I had no idea what I was doing at a Supercard was last year’s Violent Conduct in India and I ended up missing that show.”

”If only that was the only bad thing about that show.” Cassie’s voice rang out and I glanced over my shoulder spotting my Italian Australian half sister approaching me from behind. ”Or do I need to remind you of everything that happened at the feast Ari threw for Carter?”

”Nope, and I’m still pissed at myself for not noticing the signs a lot sooner despite being an abuse survivor myself.” I sighed in response before I turned to face Cass. ”And on that note, what are you doing here Cass?”

”Oh come on! SCW’s hosting a Climax Control right on my doorstep and you expect me to NOT buy tickets for me and my girlfriends?” Cass asked as she motioned over her shoulder and I glanced up, seeing Zoey and Becky talking amongst themselves across the parking lot from us. ”When I saw you hanging around I told them that I wanted to chat with you and that if they start having sex behind me I’ll be pissed.”

”I’ll let you know if they start getting frisky with each other.” I commented as I shook my head and Cassie grinned in response. ”So, what’s on your mind? You’ve seen for yourself that my bitch days are behind me.”

”I don’t know, you can still come off as a bitch at times on your Twitch Streams.” Cassie teased me and I just rolled my eyes in response. ”Though seriously? We were rooting for you to win the Bombshell Internet Title after everything that’s happened this year.”

”We? As in, you, Becky, and Zoey?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and Cassie nodded. ”Funny, because when I paid you a visit the week before my match against Georgie they were so deadest against me seeing you that you basically had to browbeat them into letting us talk.”

”Everything that’s happened since Violent Conduct changed that minds about you, including everything Ari has said over the past few weeks.” Cassie explained and I frowned at my former friend’s name being mentioned, but before I could say anything else? My phone went off and I grabbed it from my jeans pocket. ”Either that’s a text from Makayla or they’ve released the full High Stakes Card.”

”It’s the High Stakes card, and much like my last singles match, it’s against someone I’ve wrestled before and just had a match against.” I responded as I looked at the third match on the card and second Bombshell Division match. ”Though this time around? The last match literally just happened; I’m facing one of the other competitors from the Battle Royal.”

”Well, that rules out Luna and Ariana for obvious reasons, Tempest?” Cassie asked and I shook my head. ”Mercedes? Sam? Kat?”

”Okay, I’ve got a flight to catch in the morning and I don’t feel like playing the guessing game with you for the rest of the night, Sam and Mercedes are facing off AGAIN, this time in a regular singles match, Kat and Whisper are serving as Team Hero’s final opponents and Tempest isn’t even on the card.” I responded after going through the rest of the card and Cass nodded as she got the idea. ”And you’ve probably figured it out by process of elimination but I’m facing Seleana.”

”At least they are keeping some continuity between the other Battle Royal participants, and hey, an easy win for you is a lot better than being left off the biggest show of the year, right?” Cassie pointed out and I had to admit, she was right. ”So, what’s your take on the whole Ariana situation? From what I’ve seen and heard, they are calling her you 2.0.”

”I don’t know what’s going on with her, I haven’t spoken to Ari or any of the other Go Gym Graduates in months.” I responded with a deep breath and Cassie nodded. ”It’s not like I haven’t tried to reach out to Gabriel since the Sin debacle ended but he’s yet to return my calls, beginning to wonder if I nuked the bridge I had built with him when he confronted me in Scotland?”

”Hey if he was willing to make amends with Jessie after the whole “Jessie Deserves Better” debacle? Than nothing’s impossible, right?” Cassie pointed out and I had to admit, she had a point, Cassie was just shy of fourteen when that happened off course but she was still an avid SCW watcher. ”And hell, you threatened to end my career at Blaze of Glory yet we’re talking in the parking lot after Climax Control.”

”Yeah, can we just never speak of that again? And skip over that segment entirely if we ever find ourselves in a Blaze of Glory marathon?” I requested and it didn’t take my half sister long to agree to that idea, then I spotted something across the parking lot and grinned. ”I need to get going Cass, and besides, remember when I promised I’d warn you if Zoey and Becky started getting frisky?”

”Oh don’t tell me…………..” Cassie trailed off before she turned around, it wasn’t as if her girlfriends were making out or stripping each other’s clothes off, but the way they were looking and holding onto each other? There was foreplay and there was “these girls are literally seconds away from choking each other with their tongues”, Becky and Zoey fell into the latter category. ”For fuck’s sake! I TOLD YOU GUYS TO NOT START WITHOUT ME!”

I had to laugh as I saw Cass run across the parking lot to stop Becky and Zoey from going any further without her but I wasn’t about to stick around to see if that progressed into a three way, both because I had a flight to catch like I said and because whilst I’m related to Cass through marriage? I wasn’t about to stick around and watch my little sister have sex in public.

My relationship with Seleana from a wrestling point of view was an odd one, I didn’t wrestle the Swede for the first time until after Violent Conduct had come and gone, by which point I was well into my Roulette Title Reign and they had decided to give me a bigger challenge than any of the other Roulette Division regulars, well, the regulars at the time, I won that match and every other encounter I’ve had with Seleana since, including the five pack challenge which served as my last defence before my first High Stakes.

Following that match, there was a gap between matches between us, just over two years at that and right after my third consecutive elimination from the opening round of the Blast from the Past Tournament, during the early days of my bitch phase and before that we met in the Open Invitational Scramble, counting the Battle Royal this marks our sixth match against each other, I’ve only technically lost two, the Battle Royal and the Scramble, but the very nature of those matches meant that a whole bunch of people were going to lose those matches anyway.

Would the fourth time in singles competition be the charm? I doubt it but after Bea got her surprise win over Harper? I’m not leaving anything to chance.

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 10th of October 2023, 16:00pm

The further I get from my first High Stakes back in 2021, the more it seems like a distant memory.

I’m not saying that I peaked in 2021, it’s just taken me a bit longer than I would’ve liked to regain any momentum from that year and considering that was my first full year in SCW as a Bombshell? That’s saying something.

As for this year? Do I even need to go over it again?

One things for sure as we speed towards 2024, that will be the year of my redemption, it’ll be a slow progress and the Sin debacle ended too late in the year for me to make any serious headway in the remaining two months, especially with the Christmas break that will follow High Stakes, still, if I can end my last Supercard of 2023 with a win? I’ll be a step in the right direction, especially when you remember that, off the five SCs that have taken place thus far, I’ve only won a match at one of those events.

Even then, Ruby’s incompetence cost me the match at Summer XXXTreme and as I said before, the Open Invitational Scramble was going to leave a lot of Bombshells on the losing side of things by its very nature anyway.

”Almost two full years since I asked Makayla to marry me.” I muttered to myself as I looked at the date of this years High Stakes on my computer’s Callender. ”A marriage that Sin nearly made me throw away in a vain attempt to get noticed, god I wish I had never recruited Marty and Matthew.”

”Let’s be honest, you’re hardly the only one to wish that.” Makayla commented as she shook her head and I glanced over at her as she sat on the couch. ”And it’s like you said, you likely would’ve met Cass again without their help, fate has its way with things sometimes.”

”I said it once and I’ll say it again, fate has a funny sense of humour, just look at how we got together officially.” I commented as I shook my head and Makayla frowned as she realized what I was getting at. ”You helped a borderline anorexic goth girl with undiagnosed autism escape her shitbag of a dad and just a few months after his trial for the murder of her mother among others, including Cassie’s biological mom, you started dating her, need I say more?”

”No, but you did leave out the part about me nursing you back to a healthy weight for a girl of your height, just saying.” Makayla reminded me and I had to agree, normally I kept my weight around the midpoint of the ideal weight for a woman who’s 5ft 5 anyway but it was still a lot healthier than I was after I escaped. ”Almost makes me wonder why you cheated on me with Jessica.”

I sighed, I knew this was bound to come up sooner or later but it was still awkward as all hell. ”Keira told you that I wasn’t completely in control of my actions, right?” I asked and Makayla nodded without hesitation. ”Besides, you had literally just told me that you wanted a divorce whilst I was in London for Into the Void, even without Sin I wasn’t exactly thinking straight!”

”And I could never bring myself to make the divorce official because I still believed that there was good in you.” Makayla pointed out that fact and I had nothing to say about that. ”Do you have any idea how much pressure I was under from my family to divorce your ass after you made out with Jessica live on PPV? Believe it or not, barring you from seeing the twins after they were born and not even telling you that I had gone into labour until I had Penelope call you on my behalf was a compromise!”

”A compromise that led me to using my old house keys to sneak into the house just to see them, I still don’t know how I didn’t wake up the dogs.” I commented with an exasperated sigh as I ran a hand through my hair. ”Maybe that was an early effect of Sin’s magic at work?”

”If that was Sin’s magic then we should count ourselves lucky that the worst thing it did to Tali and Garrus was give the doggos a good night sleep.” Makayla nodded in agreement as she glanced out to the garden where the German Shepherd Garrus was laying around with the Golden Lab Tali. ”I should probably let them in before I get started on dinner, nights are getting shorter and all that.”

”Yeah, sure.” I responded with a nod before Makayla stood up and made her way over to the door to the back garden. ”But for what it’s worth Makayla? I’m sorry that the first thing I did after you announced the divorce was have sex with another woman, if it makes you feel any better? Jessica hasn’t even tried to contact me since that show in Rome, I think she’s ready to wash her hands off the whole saga.”

”It’s a shame really, she was a good wrestler before her injury but her stint as your manager was probably her one and only chance at getting an SCW Contract.” Makayla commented as she shook her head and I nodded in agreement. ”And your apology is accepted Krystal.”

Makayla didn’t say much to me over the next couple of hours, her first priority was bringing the dogs in and once they were inside the house she got to work on dinner for me, the girls and off course, the dogs.

What was I doing in the meantime? Well, the conversation with Makayla had left me with a lot to think about.

Walking through the streets of Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 10th of October 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Well, well.

”It’s funny, I didn’t think my Path of Redemption would lead me to so many familiar faces, yet that’s exactly what happened after my win over Georgie.” I stated as I held three fingers. ”Street Fight against Roxi? Check, last week’s Battle Royal practically being made up off my Rogues Gallery from this past year? Check, and now it’s come full circle because for the third High Stakes in a row? I’m wrestling someone I’m familiar with, g’day Seleana, we really need to stop meeting like this.”

This will be good.

”I mean seriously, there’s two Bombshells the bosses just love to book me against, if it’s not Roxi, it’s you Seleana.” I commented as I shook my head. ”Only, whilst my one and only win over Roxi is not something I want to talk about again, you’ve only failed to beat me twice Seleana and those two occasions were matches where we weren’t the only participants and no matter who won, there was going to be a lot of disappointed Bombshells, aside from those two matches? I’ve beaten you time and time again.”


”And it’s funny, because if it weren’t for the fact that our last meeting was when I was going through my bitch phase? I’d be running out of new things to say about you Seleana.” I commented with a shrug as I looked into the camera. ”Because I can only wrestle the same woman so many times before I need a change of scenery! I will grant that our singles matches have been spaced out enough so that it has yet to get too old, but how long before that changes?”

Good question.

”Who knows? Maybe with new wrestlers like Harper and Jane and incoming talent like Kandy Kline? I’ll finally start getting some new competition once the dust has settled on High Stakes?” I asked as I folded my arms. ”Because during this whole cycle my only fresh competition was Georgie and Luna, Georgie was a disappointment and is only getting that shot at Alexandra because she got a fluke win over you a couple of weeks ago, Luna? I was so focussed on trying to get Tempest out of the Battle Royal that I didn’t get a chance to test myself against her before Ari threw me out, something’s gotta change!”

It's that simple.

”And that change starts at The Path To Redemption Part IV: The Chips Are Down! I’m not a gambling person but considering this is High Stakes and it’s taking place right here in Las Vegas? The gambling reference seemed apt.” I commented as I shook my head. ”But as the late, great metal god once said, if you like to gamble, I’ll tell you I’m your gal, you win some, lose some, it’s all the same to me!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Sorry, I had “Ace of Spades” by Motorhead stuck in my head just now, but it’s fitting isn’t it? We’ve faced each other so many times, you’ve never beaten me, only ever failed to win multiperson matches that involved us where we both lost, as much as I’d like to say, “that’s the way I like it baby, I don’t wanna live forever” and continue the Ace of Spades references? I’d be lying.” I stated honestly with a shrug. ”Because these rematches are getting old fast, the winds of change are blowing and as the voice of the revolution? If I never wrestle Seleana again for the rest of the year after I beat her at High Stakes? It’ll still be too soon! See you at High Stakes Sel!”

I walked off as the scene fades.

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“The Path to Redemption Part V: Always Bet On Me.”
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2023, 07:08:09 AM »
(Gabriel was used with Mark’s permission)

High Stakes XII was finally here and so was Krystal’s latest matchup against Seleana Zdunich, Krystal has won every other singles match against Seleana to date but this was the first time the two Bombshells would be facing off on PPV (not counting the open invitational match from earlier this year), can Krystal still get the win or will Seleana break her streak of bad luck?

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 17th of October 2023, 18:30pm

Why is it that ever since my first High Stakes match, all my opponents since then have proven to be a disappointment?

People may point to my little feud with Char Kwan as “evidence” that my reign wasn’t as strong as people remembered, but I’ll remind you, Char Kwan wasn’t just another defence for me, she made it personal! First by dispatching Azurine Vebbins (in what ended up being Azzy’s last match in SCW) with my Long Rest finisher and then by attacking Ariana to get to me! Keep in mind, that was before Sin made me admit that I had been using Team Go to get ahead.

Yes, there was some truth to that, I never said I was perfect alright? But even then, the attack angered me to no point because Ari was still an SCU Roster member at that point as was Carter, it still made my defence against Char Kwan all the more satisfying alongside the Future Star and Most Improved awards.

As for the past two years? Well, the fact that my feud with Mercedes was a dud goes without saying, that woman basically shows up to collect her paycheques whenever she’s booked these days and her half assed effort in the Battle Royal confirmed that! But Seleana? This isn’t like her, she’s at least put the effort in the last few times I’ve faced her, in singles and in multiwoman matches, hell she was Ari’s challenger this time last year but has her bad luck this year beat her down that bad?

Hopefully Seleana proves me wrong come bell time but I have my doubts! Hell I’d face Harper instead if given the chance because she still has a fire in her that’s yet to be put out!

”Okay, what’s in the news today? Nothing weird I hope.” I muttered to myself as leaned back in my chair at the kitchen table and went through my Twitter feed. ”The Israel-Gaza war is still raging, Makayla will have some strong opinions about that given that her family is Jewish, Bandcamp’s laid off half of its workforce, fuck you Epic Games……”

My train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door and that combined with Garrus’s barking and he and Tali racing off towards the door to greet the new visitor caused me to fall over and land flat on my back, you’d think I’d be used to falling like this given how long I’ve been wrestling for but alas, I’m not. ”Charlotte can you get the door? I literally just got out the shower and I’m drying my hair.” Makayla’s voice rang out and I groaned as I started to get out of my impromptu laying position. ”Charlotte?”

”Just gimme a minute, fell out of my chair when the doorbell rang.” I called back before I stood up and dusted myself off, when I left the kitchen I saw Makayla at the top of the stairs clad in only a bath towel wrapped around her torso with a hair dryer in one hand and a concerned look on her face. ”I’m fine before you ask, but you might want to get dressed since we’ve got company.”

”Yeah, good point.” Makayla admitted before pointing to her still wet hair with her free hand. ”But I still need to dry off my hair before I put any clothes on, if they ask just tell them that I’ll be ready in a minute.”

”Fair point, wait, why did you have a shower now?” I asked before checking the time on my iPhone. ”It’s just gone 18:30.”

”I know, too make a long story short? A kitchen mishap occurred whilst I was cooking dinner and I got food stuff all over me, and I do mean all over.” Makayla explained with an exasperated sigh and I gave her a raised eyebrow. ”It was a lot faster to hop in the shower and grab a change of clothes whilst letting you handle the plating up for you, the girls and the dogs.”

”I’m not even going to ask how someone who graduated from culinary school managed to screw something up that badly whilst cooking and not have any burns on her body.” I responded as I shook my head in disbelief and whilst Makayla went into her bedroom to get dressed/finish dying her hair I went off to answer the door, and if I was still sitting down for some reason? I would’ve fallen out of a chair again upon seeing who it was, why?

Well, for one thing, it was a man who I hadn’t spoken too in months, not since he confronted me during one of the shows in Scotland earlier this year. ”It has been too long Charlotte.” Gabriel greeted me once I had gotten over the surprise and opened the door and the dogs raced out to greet him. ”I hope you are doing well after that whole Sin debacle.”

”Well let’s see, the last we spoke I pie faced you and we would’ve come to blows if not for SCW’s security team, I broke a young girl’s arm after the first public workout and you made amends with Jessie right before she won the Bombshell Roulette Title for the last time.” I responded before calling the dogs in and standing aside to let the German Shepherd and Golden Labrador return to the house. ”Anything I’m missing or is that the gist of it?”

”We’d be here for the rest of the night if we were to list all your indiscretions from this past year, I vote we leave it at that.” Gabriel responded as he shook his head and I quickly nodded in agreement. ”May I come in?”

”Err, sure.” I responded after hesitating briefly and letting Gabriel in, at this point Makayla had gotten her hair sorted out and had changed into her evening wear but when she saw Gabriel walking through the house? She nearly fell down the stairs from the shock, only just managing to regain her balance before she lost her footing. ”Hey, if you think your surprised Makayla imagine how I feel!”

”I don’t doubt that for one second Charlotte.” Makayla responded as she shook her head before hopping off the last few steps and walking up to Gabriel. ”I’m afraid you just missed dinner Gabriel, otherwise I’d cook you up something now.”

”That’s fine, I had dinner before I came over.” Gabriel assured my Greek Australian ex and she nodded in understanding. ”But I will take a cup of tea, I need to chat with your wife.”

”That’s fine by me, but I’m not officially back together with Charlotte yet.” Makayla explained and I suddenly got very, VERY uncomfortable because I knew exactly what she was talking about. ”We’re still figuring things out but for now? We’re housemates.”

”Yeah, that was another casualty of the bitch phase I went through, which I’d be regarding as a mistake even without the Sin shit attached.” I sighed in response as I rubbed my arm uncomfortably. ”Can we not dwell on that and just get to business? This is already uncomfortable enough as it is.”

”Of course, lead the way.” Gabriel nodded in understanding before I lead them into the kitchen.

Krystal and Makayla’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 17th of October 2023, 19:00pm

Calling this moment surreal was putting it mildly.

The last time Gabriel paid me a home visit was when I last challenged for the Bombshell Roulette Title in singles competition, if you need a refresher? That was the time where I checked myself out of hospital barely a day after a brutal match (off Christian’s design because why wouldn’t it be) in a vain attempt at getting some training in.

To make a long story short? I had barely reached the Vegas outskirts before Christian called Gabriel to let him know what had happened and told me in no uncertain terms that the match against Kat Jones would be called off if I didn’t pass a concussion test, I passed said test but lost the title match but the Roulette Wheel must’ve had a sense of humour that weekend because it landed on Stretcher Match.

A fact that I’m sure had the bosses laughing their asses off at for the rest of the night.

Anyway back to the present day, with that bit of context in mind it should be no surprise that Gabriel’s home visits are rare, the first time he visited me was right after I had moved to the US from Australia and that was to see if I was settling in okay, aside from that and the aforementioned incident? Gabriel never really came to visit me and his other students because he was too busy running the Go Gym, more often than not when a graduate needed advice on an upcoming match they went to him which meant a visit to his office at the Go Gym.

In other words? It felt weird having my trainer sit at my kitchen table waiting for my ex wife to make him tea.

”Let’s get the basics out of the way first Charlotte, Keira filled me in on what happened between you and Sin.” Gabriel explained as he sat down at the kitchen table and I nodded before sitting opposite him and resting my arms on the table. ”If you had just been honest about the whole situation from the start perhaps things could’ve worked out differently.”

”That’s just it Gabriel, no one was more surprised at Sin taking over my body than me.” I sighed in I ran a hand through my long, blue hair. ”Marty and Matthew didn’t exactly kidnap me in the dead of night, tied me to a chair and then cast the spell that resurrected Sin in my body, for one thing considering Marty is an out of shape middle aged man who’s main form of exercise is likely waiting in at a fast food joint and that Matthew, despite being taller, heavier, and stronger than me, is a long retired wrestler? I’m pretty sure I could’ve taken them both in a straight up fight.”

”Assuming off course they didn’t come equipped with weapons in that scenario or threatened Rachel, or both.” Makayla chimed in and we glanced over at her. ”I was still in the early stages of my pregnancy at the time, I wouldn’t have been able to help Charlotte without jeopardizing the twins’ health if they did go for the loud approach.”

”I appreciate that, but we’re going to play “what if” in regards to their involvement we’d be here all night.” Gabriel nodded in understanding before he turned to me. ”Back to the matter at hand, I know you’ve been trying to rebuild the burnt bridge between us Charlotte but I needed to be sure of one thing before I came to see you.” Gabriel added and I nodded as I followed along with what my trainer was saying. ”I needed to make sure that you were genuine in your repentance, it’s as you said yourself, half the stunts you pulled between Blaze of Glory and Violent Conduct would’ve gotten anyone else arrested.”

”And yet here I am, still with a spotless criminal record, still a US Citizen with dual Australian citizenship, and don’t even get me started on how that would’ve affected any potential extradition process, don’t think I need to say that I’m not an expert in that field!” I responded as I shook my head and Gabriel nodded in agreement. ”It’s a weird business that we’re apart off, isn’t it Gabriel?”

”Indeed.” Gabriel nodded with a chuckle before Makayla brought him his tea and myself a coke. ”As for what triggered my desire to welcome you back to the fold Charlotte? It was a combination of things, your confrontation with Ari after her controversial actions at the start of the cycle, your promos against Roxi and the other competitors in the Battle Royal, the match against Georgie was hardly a factor because she’s the only new opponent you wrestled in singles action this cycle.”

”And if it weren’t for Ari dumping me out when I was trying to eliminate Tempest from the Battle Royal I’d possibly be facing two new opponents this cycle since the winner and the runner up of that Battle Royal are facing off at High Stakes, I know Ari and Luna will tear the house down but I’ve been trying to get back in the title scene for a lot longer than Ari so I can’t help but feel a bit bitter about it.” I explained with a frustrated sigh and Gabriel nodded in understanding. ”Speaking of Ari, is anything being done about her? I imagine that the last thing you want is a repeat of my situation from 2022.”

”I’ll spare you the details for now but I had to give Ariana an ultimatum last week, either she gets help or she’s no longer welcome at the Go Gym.” Gabriel explained catching both mine and Makayla’s attention, that wasn’t exactly a threat that Gabriel made lightly to say the least. ”From what her husband has told me she will be getting help following High stakes, regardless of whether she’s the Bombshell Internet Champion by then or not, but along those same lines? The other reason I came here today was to yell you that your ban from the Go Gym has officially been lifted, you can start training there again from tomorrow.”

As happy as I was to finally put that behind me? I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be that easy. ”Gabriel, have you forgotten how much I’ve managed to anger the other Go Gym Graduates since I attacked Cass? That mini program I had with Tempest, London Underground’s tag team match against me and Alexandra, my attacks on Ari, that one time I made Despy cry and when I outright admitted to using Team Go to get ahead, you may be willing to forgive me but I doubt the others will be so quick.” I pointed out as I shook my head. ”And that’s not counting the graduates who live outside of Vegas, I know Chelsea watches SCW programming often but Adrienne’s been quiet on Social Media for months.”

”I haven’t spoken to Adrienne since she left SCW, I don’t think she ever got over how fast her mental health declined during her time there.” Gabriel responded as he shook his head sadly. ”As for Chelsea? We keep in regular contact, her band’s in the middle of recording their label debut so she’s going to be busy for the rest of the year, but the others? That’ll take time but they’ll come around.” Gabriel added before he finished his tea and stood up. ”There’s only one thing left to do.”

”And that is?” I asked and I quickly got my answer as Gabriel offered me a handshake which I accepted without another word.

I knew the last few weeks of the year weren’t going to be easy, but since when was anything in life worth having easy?

Nevada Desert
Tuesday the 17th of October 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

What’s there to say?

”I didn’t think my disappointment could be topped when I learned that my opponent for this year’s High Stakes was Seleana, then there was not a single peep from Seleana and I was proven wrong.” I commented as I shook my head before motioning to the area around me. ”Hell, this desert is the only thing more barren than my opponent’s comments, I only hope that for night year’s High Stakes I get an opponent who actually gives a shit!”


”You know it’s bad when the most interesting promo battle I’ve had at High Stakes to date was with Char fucking Kwan! Like Mercedes and Seleana, I had history with Char, like Mercedes and Seleana, Char was the latest in a long line of challengers for my Bombshell Roulette Championship, like Mercedes and Seleana, Char faced me at High Stakes but unlike Mercedes and Seleana Char actually put a fucking effort in.” I commented as I shook my head. ”And you know it’s especially bad when I’m favourably comparing a never was like Char Kwan to a two time hall of famer and a future hall of famer! I can only hope that this isn’t a sign of things to come for Seleana because at one point I held her in high regard.”

How the mighty have fallen.

”Back when Seleana challenged me for the Bombshell Roulette Title at Disney World I considered her to be my toughest challenger up to that point, that throne was quickly taken from her when Keira stepped in but still.” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Fast forward over two years later and what a difference time has made, Seleana is on an irreversible slide into irrelevancy and I’m slowly but sure making a name for myself away from the Bombshell Roulette Division!”


”I don’t really have much else to say at this point Seleana, other than the vague hope that my opponent for my fourth High Stakes will be a hell of a lot more interesting than my opponents for my second and third High Stakes!” I commented with a sigh as I shook my head. ”At least I’d get a decent promo battle against Luna if I was the runner up instead of Ari, at least I’d have some good back and forth with Laura but I can’t even say the same for you Seleana, and if there’s anything more disappointing than anything an apathic opponent for one High Stakes? It’s having an apathic opponent for two High Stakes in a row!”


”Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you a former World Bombshell and Bombshell Roulette Champion in Seleana Zdunich! Only she’s never beaten me and this match is shaping up to be like the previous encounters only less interesting!” I commented with a frown as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”To go from someone who, in our first match, was an opponent who I thought stood a real chance of ending my reign, to someone who’s remained quiet for High Stakes is quite the decline Seleana, I hope you get out of this spiral before it’s too late.”

It’s that simple.

”After all Seleana, no one wants to see you become a Swedish Mercedes Vargas!” I commented as I started walking towards my car. ”And by that I mean a Has-Been who clings onto past glories in a vain hope that people will overlook what a joke you’ve become not realizing that it’s far too late for that! Trust me Seleana, that’s not a fate I wish on anyone but at the rate you’re going?”

And wth that I decided to wrap things up.

”It’s a matter of when, not if you finish that decline.” I said as I leaned against my car. ”But it’s not too late to turn things around Seleana, remember that as I continue on The Path to Redemption Part V: Always Bet On Me against Seleana because Seleana has proven time and again that she can’t hang with me! The winds f change are blowing Seleana and as the voice of the new generation of Bombshells? I will blow past you! See you on Sunday!”

I got in the car as the scene fades.

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2023, 08:53:50 PM »

Friday, October 20, 2023
Gaming Floor
Luxor Resort & Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada
11:11 AM  PDT

The appearance had gone well. SCW High Stakes was to take place across the street at the MGM Grand but the Mandalay Bay, Luxor and the Excalibur had all wanted a piece of the action so appearances had been set up in all three places. The Mandalay Bay one had occurred at ten that morning and been a resounding success and Seleana Zdunich was walking across Luxor towards the Excalibur where the second one would occur later in the day. The third one would happen on Saturday here in the pyramid shaped Luxor at a Saturday night party inside one of the bars the hotel boasted.

Saturday night in Las Vegas, what could possibly go wrong?

Now as she paused in the middle of the hotel, Seleana quickly dials the number back to the apartment up the street where her daughter, Aurora, was currently sitting with her best friend, Juliet Warren, Seleana’s cousin, Freja Lindström and Freja’s girlfriend, Lucy Osman.

Aurora Zdunich: Mommy?

Seleana smiles at the sound of her twelve-year-old’s voice.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja.

Aurora Zdunich: How was your thing?

Seleana glances back at the walkway that connects the Luxor to the Mandalay Bay.

Seleana Zdunich: It was wonderful. I was asked what I thought of this match, how important the show was, all the usual, ja?

Aurora giggles.

Aurora Zdunich: It must be weird, fighting somebody you are not angry with.

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: It is refreshing. There is no extra with it. Other matches are much more fight than competition. Those are not fun. Those tend to become dirty and hurt in ways no one imagined before the start.

Aurora Zdunich: This one won’t?

Seleana shrugs again.

Seleana Zdunich: Krystal does not seem to want that anymore. She is seeking a second chance and I intend to allow her that opportunity.

Aurora Zdunich: That’s good. Juliet and I have been playing games all morning. Freja and Lucy played some with us too!

A bright smile crosses Seleana’s face.

Seleana Zdunich: Did you enjoy yourselves?

Aurora’s excitement is unmistakable.

Aurora Zdunich: JA!!!!

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Good. I will return to you after the second appearance. I am on my way to the Excalibur now. Jag älskar dig älskling.

Aurora Zdunich: Love you too, Mommy!

Seleana ends the call and continues walking to the connector between the Luxor and the Excalibur. This was going to be a great weekend interacting with fans before having this straight competitive match with Krystal Wolfe. As Seleana peels off to the nearest restroom, she opens the door and slips inside. Finding it surprisingly empty given the number of people inside the casino, she makes her way to a stall. As she sits down, she hears the sound of somebody clearly snorting something and then coughing and sniffing away. 

Voice: Oh fuck! That’s good shit…

The voice both catches her attention and makes her go dead silent in the stall, frozen in the moment. It sounded familiar but…

The door to the stall next to her opens and someone steps out. Seleana leans forward and looks out through the small opening between the door and the frame to see her estranged wife, Christina “Crystal Hilton” Zdunich sniffling and rubbing at her nose. Seleana’s eyes go wide as Christina steps over by the sink and uses a key to have another bump. She snorts the drug and sniffs a few times before checking herself in the mirror.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich: Better…

Christina leaves the restroom and Seleana sits down on the toilet in shock. Tears start to form in her eyes as the weight of everything starts to crash down over her.

Seleana Zdunich: Nej…

She shakes her head, her eyes snapping shut.

Seleana Zdunich: Nej, det såg jag inte bara! Det var inte sant! Jag gör höns av fjädrar!

She looks up and quickly finishes her business before leaving the stall. She steps outside the restroom and starts walking when she hears the voice again. Looking over at a bar, she sees Christina laughing with a glass in her hand. The glass gets set down where the bartender quickly starts to refill it with Grey Goose and cranberry juice. Seleana turns away and steps behind a post, tears in her eyes. She quickly pulls her phone out and texts Christina.

Seleana Zdunich: Please… no lie…

She quickly types the message.

“You still want to meet up? I am in Vegas this weekend for High Stakes.”

She sends the message and waits, hoping against hope. The answer ping comes back quickly.

“I’d love to but I can’t. I’m at a meeting and I don’t know how long it’ll be.”

Seleana reads the message and nods to herself. She glances back around and sees Christina still at the bar nursing her drink. Seleana nods to herself and types out the next message.

“You are certain?”

She looks back and watches Christina read the message and type out a reply.

“Yeah, I’m nowhere near there.”

Sighing heavily through her tears, Seleana types out her answer.

“I can see you, Stjärna.” 

She turns around and watches as Christina gets the message and suddenly looks up, frantically scanning the room. Their eyes meet and Christina almost drops her phone. Seleana stares at her wife, desperately trying not to just start sobbing right there, tears rolling down her face. Christina turns and pays for her drink before gathering her stuff and running out of the building. Seleana falls to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably, reality smacking her in the face.

Seleana Zdunich:  Hur fixar jag detta?

She shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag kan inte.

Seleana pulls herself together and disappears back into the restroom, locking herself into a stall. She starts sobbing again, now screaming some as she does so. Reaching up at the door for someone she knows will not be there.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag är ledsen!

Her hand starts to close on the door.

Seleana Zdunich: JAG ÄR LEDSEN!

Leaning forward, her forehead leans against the door.

Seleana Zdunich: Vad gör jag?

Her eyes closing as she starts to shake her head.

Seleana Zdunich: Vad gör jag?

She bangs her head against the door slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: Hur berättar jag för Brittany, Brayden och Aurora?

As the thought of telling her children flows over her, Seleana takes a deep breath and shakes her head to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: Pull together. Kia kaha…

Another deep breath and Seleana pats the door.

Seleana Zdunich: The appearance will not wait…

Seleana takes a second and starts to pull herself together properly.

Seleana Zdunich: The match will not wait. Aurora will not wait.

Opening her eyes, Seleana nods to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: You… can… do!

Steeling herself to meet the public, Sleana stands up and opens the stall. She goes out and checks herself to make sure she remains presentable before stepping back outside.