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It’s been a hot minute since they actually were even close to the east coast, that wasn’t a layover for a flight that they were taking to an even further destination.

Coming out of Climax Control in Gettysburg, Miles was so damn riled up following what happened that night that there was no way in absolute hell that he was going to be able to check into a hotel and just settle for the night or even be remotely comfortable on a plane to head back to Vegas.

There were a lot of things that he had to settle in his head and he knew exactly where to start.

Both he and Carter had climbed into the rental, with him taking the wheel and with a couple touches of a button, in the late hours of that Sunday night, he threw it directly into drive and just went.

It was only 30 minutes or so in the time that passed and Carter realized that he wasn’t going to the airport. “Where are we going?

We’re gonna take a bit of a detour, love. Hope you don’t mind.” Miles simply stated before his phone went off with the name LJ in bright letters across the screen, “Shit. me a favour, babe? Hit accept for me on that?

Carter looked at the screen and grumbled, “Do I gotta?

Babe, please.” Miles said looking at him briefly, and Carter just rolled his eyes and reached up to hit ‘Accept’ followed by the speaker button, “Hey, bro.

Miles, Jesus, where the hell are you?

Yeaaaah, sorry about that mate, I needed to get the hell out of there.” Miles said, “I know we had made plans but-

Yeah, dinner. You gonna meet me somewhere?

No, man...” he took a deep breath, cursing silently to himself, “I’ll owe ya one, alright? But we’re about to get onto the turnpike.

Turnpike? Where the hell are you heading?

New York.” Miles stated flattly which caused Carter to look at him with those blue eyes wide, “It’s a long story that I’ll tell you about later but I have some business that I need to handle.

Do ya need anything?

“[/color]Appreciated but no, it’s something that I need to do,” Miles said shaking his head at first and then with a quick glance at Carter, “Besides, I got Carter with me just in case I need bail money, which I won’t. But yeah, I think I’ve put this off long enough.

Alright, man. You two be safe and at least message me when you get there.

If not, I'll call in the morning.” Miles sighs, “Sorry again.

Nah, it’s alright. I can figure this shit out myself.

Miles realized that this was pretty much the first time that his little brother had indeed been on his own but he is a 22 year old man. But Miles just couldn’t help himself, “Maybe Ally is still around...” Miles smirked when he heard Carter laugh.

Hanging up now.

Awww, come on little bro, don’t be like that.” And then the line went silent and the GPS screen lit right back up. The couple sat in silence for a moment, Carter watching the darkness and Miles' eyes on the road. Miles just sighs and as he makes a turn he glances again at his fiance. “You alright over there?

Carter just nods, sometimes his man confused and worried him with how quickly he was able to change his general course but this was something impetuous even for Miles, but hey...road trip, “So New York?

New York, if the roads agree it should be only about 3 hours, give or take...” Miles grips that wheel a little harder, “Sorry I didn’t tell you but- Let’s just say that I saw the opportunity and there is no way in hell I was gonna be able to settle myself tonight so I figured take it while I could. I checked, the old place is empty by some miracle, so I closed it off for our stay. I know it’s last minute but we can visit Bella and Mal if you want. Maybe her, Mattie and Alanah can show you some of the best places to shop. Of course if I know Mattie like I do, she’s going to want to show you her fashion house-

You had me at ‘New York’ but I think I need to ask this...What are you going to be doing while we’re there?” he asked, “I mean, not to pry but this is all rather spontaneous, even for you.

Something that I’ve put off long enough.” Miles just breathed out releasing the wheel just enough but still in control, “Why don’t you just kick back, relax and get some sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there.

If I-95 doesn’t do it first. If you need me...

Miles reaches over and takes his hand, the hand where he slid that engagement ring on and brings it up to his lip and gives it a kiss, “I’ll wake ya. Sleep, love.


It’s been a year and almost a half.

He left New York on a whim, took what he could fit into his suitcase and a couple of things that he couldn’t be without into a couple of boxes and just left New York with very little warning.

He had always intended to come back every now and again. Instead, he rooted himself in Las Vegas.

Some would have called it selfishness.

He would call it ‘Finding His Happy’. Blissfully happy and he wasn’t about to leave it and lose it.

But what he left behind would come back to haunt him on more than one occasion. Austin and Finn, on more than one occasion, as a prime example. He owed Wolfslair so much, one for bettering him in that ring, him being able to claim control of himself in that ring instead of his old devil-may-care style. The other was an ability to stand up for himself. For so long he took a lot of narcissistic abuse from people in his life and they showed him that he had no reason to even entertain that.

The Lukas Sisters, those two helped him work through a lot of that.

Kallie, and by proxy Aiden, helped him realize that he needed to stop hiding from the things he wanted the most.

Alex Jones, brought him into focus in the ring along with every single talent that he had ever worked with in the ring at the Wolfslair gym in New York.

Austin James Mercer...the heated rivalry that they had should have given Miles plenty of clues that he fucked up with them, and he knew it.

And then there was Finn Whelan, the man that took him in when he had to get out of the rat infested shithole that he lived in when he was snapping out of his latest hell of a relationship. Finn gave him sanctuary in a way when he didn’t have to.

Miles was never shy about making it known that his stay at the Wayward Home that Finn had was strictly temporary. In fact, that’s why Miles even HAD the modest two bedroom apartment quite literally 5 floors down from the penthouse of Finn’s. That was going to be his next step if he hadn’t let his heart lead the way to Vegas.

He never forgot about any of it but if anyone were to ever ask him as to why he just never came back, he would simply say “I found my happy.”

He still proudly took everything that he had learned at Wolfslair and implemented it into his time in Vegas whether it was working with some of the younglings when the door was open for him to work occasionally at GoGym or into his own training with Fenris.

Hell, he would even see Zoey more than anyone because she would come in and spend time with Aron so much that it was amazing that she just didn’t move in the Baltasarsson’s condo. And of course he and Bella were still extremely close as they always were, she also knew better to ask him about everything especially after how her and Mal’s story began.

You go where you are happiest and you hold on and don’t let it go.

But if Miles really wanted to be truthful about all of it....Maybe all of it was a tad bit of cowardice.

After a month turned into 4 months, that turned into 9 and then into a year and even to the hell was it going to be for him to just show back up in New York and look at them all in their faces after ALL this time?


They got to New York and right into the apartment and nothing had changed much. He was thankful that Carter had talked him into hiring a decorator and maid for the place when he officially decided to rent out the space as an AirBNB, so when people came and went things were cleaned and fixed almost immediately.

They were here once before already back shortly after Bella had her daughter, and Carter was right, it really was a pity that he spent no real time here as the view even from a few floors down from the penthouse where he decided to pursue his heart’s desire, was absolutely spectacular even at night.

Carter was fast asleep and Miles...was the complete opposite.

He had to pull the proverbial band-aid eventually.

Dawn hadn’t even cracked in the city that never sleeps, he left Carter a note and he was out the door. He took the route he took when he lived at Finn’s just like had been doing it every day. It barely changed at all, except some of the graffiti, hell he ever recognized some of the faces along the way that he saw a year and a half ago.

Once he reached the gym, it was only then when his steps slowed.

The outside still had the basketball court where they would goof off and have a little fun with each other and the neighborhood kids. He walked onto it and just looked around, he sucked at basketball but none of them were made for the NBA which made it just as much fun. Just a bunch of the guys fuckin’ around, heckling the hell out of one another while the girls watched in amusement because they were all shit.

He kept his feet moving into the parking lot that somehow they managed to have and that’s where he stopped himself.

The front door.

He did this shit the last time he was in the city. He got this far and punked out. No one but he knew and he wasn’t about to pass it around. He told everyone that he still proudly waved the banner of Wolfslair but he was too damn chicken shit to make amends. At the least, he owed them an apology.

At the most, he was content on running drills until he puked, because hell he deserved it at this point.

That was even depending on if he could still get into the place.

The keypad is still in the same spot by the door.” A voice, normally bubbly with her attitude, came across slightly snide. Miles turned his head in the direction and found himself staring at Kallie. She had her bag on her shoulder and her arms crossed. Aiden was coming up behind her, and his expression became somewhat of a frown.

Miles placed a hand behind his head, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah…I wasn’t sure if my card still worked.

Might as well try it, mate. Sonja doesn’t update the thing though, hey.” Aiden replied, shrugging his shoulders. “If she has, well, you’ll ‘ave an answer.”

Miles reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet and it took a bit of finagling but he did manage to remove that keycard from the spot that it had stayed, “As you can tell, it hasn’t been moved in a while. Carter is driving me nuts to get a new wallet but I just couldn’t.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped up to the pad and held the card in front of it and once again as if no time had passed at all his card activated and unlocked the door. Miles just stopped as if he is even amazed by this even being a possibility, and he opened the door up to his shock, “I’ll be damned.

Lucky you,” Aiden pushed past him. Kallie, with her arms still crossed, pursed her lips slightly and then moved past him as well, holding the door open with her index finger.

Miles swallows hard before stepping inside the front area of the facility. Sonja was seated at the front.. Alex’s wife ran all of the overhead, and it was rare to see her down here at all. She glanced up and did a double-take. “Miles?” She questioned.

Hi Sonja,

It’s been a while.” She tilted her head backwards, at the gym area itself. “They’re all in there.

Miles nodded, and swallowed at the same time. This was the moment in time that he had been dreading, but at the same time, he needed to do this. He headed past the desk and into the large warehouse that had been converted into a full-fledged gym, complete with a wrestling ring and a variety of equipment to keep them all in the best shape.

He felt like a pariah when he opened the doors and felt the eyes of the others on him. Alicia threw down what she was doing and walked away in a huff, Zoey following while also trying to explain Miles’ absence to her. In the corner, by the rock wall, was Austin, who nodded in understanding, but his expression didn’t change. Aiden and Kallie had disappeared into their respective locker rooms. Kallie’s brother, Zach, was new to the gym, but he wasn’t unknown to Miles – he raised an eyebrow but went back to what he was doing. Alex, however, seemed mildly annoyed as he leaned over the ropes, nevertheless nodded.

Look what the cat drug in.

Miles looked over from the place at the entrance in the direction of the offices that the heads of staff held. Finn Whelan, the SCW World Heavyweight Champion, leaned on the metal bannister outside of his door, an eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on his face. He inclined his head into his office, and then headed inside of it, heading directly for his desk and sitting down. Miles followed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

‘Lo, Finn.” Miles replied.

Finn turned to his computer and clicked on the mouse. “Sightseeing with Carter?

Actually, we made the trip up last night after Climax Control specifically for this. Well, I made it, Carter just came along. Left him back at the apartment, still sleeping.” Miles shrugged, “Told him to not worry about me, to call Bella when he got up. But I really needed to come here.

A smirk slipped onto Finn’s face, and he chuckled, pushing his chair back and sliding to his printer. “Feeling nostalgic or guilty?” He glanced at Miles’ face, which betrayed more than he thought would. “Ah, the latter. Well, you and me can just be the heathens they keep around to point and laugh at if you’re feeling up to it. I mean, it’s not so bad. I still have an office.

Yeah, well I did just run off to Vegas to originally help Carter get comfy and then just sort’ve stayed for someone I fell stupidly hard for and just stayed put. Truth be told, I never in a million years thought for one iota of a second that I wouldn’t have been back here more but the longer I waited, the worse that feeling got.” Miles sighed, “I know I fucked up. Hell I still have dreams of the hell Austin put me through, and you as well. I just- I don’t even know. I don’t even know where to start with even trying to make up for it.

Peering at him over his desk, Finn leaned forward onto his elbows as he crossed his arms. “Be here.

Miles raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not saying all the time, I’m not saying once a week. Maybe one week a month, work it out with Alex.” The Irish-American nodded his head. “There’s a lot of shit that goes on in this place – everyone has fuck ups. But the one constant is that they are here. They are putting in the effort for the benefit of this place to benefit ourselves in return. You’re gonna have to run your paces. I mean…if you want.

Well,” Miles leans against the wall he was standing by, “I haven’t slept for shit because of how nervous I was about all of this think they’d let me start now?

Wanna be hazed today? Because I’m sure McWaffletwat would be happy to provide that judging by her adorable demeanor.

Miles smirks and looks back for the moment, “Well, I do believe the saying is ‘No time like the present’.

Then I would say…get to it.” Finn chuckled as he stood and clapped Miles on the shoulder. He tightened his grip though. “Be careful. And welcome back, kid. If Alex says something, just have him come to me. You know I love to have arguments with him.

Miles snickered as he rose to his feet. “That’ll never end, will it?

Nah. It’s forever.


Peter, let’s be full on fucking obvious here. No matter how you paint it, you are the absolute asshole in all of this.

And I don’t fucking get you, mate. You are actually proud of the things you accomplished after our match of the year candidate, like it’s some big badge of honour to be an absolute shit-heel of champion right off the bat because no matter how hard you tried, you KNEW that you on your best day couldn’t beat my ass cleanly.

And hell, good on you, bruv. There isn’t a whole lot of people that could say that they wouldn’t do the same damn thing, and if they would, they would be a liar. The extreme desperation of what you did and have done is nothing short of breath-taking. Not only from the standpoint of someone who has watched this damn business for a long ass time, but as the man that you STOLE that Internet Championship from. You didn’t beat me bruv, you took it like a thief in the night and because- as the saying goes- the referee’s decision is final, you got away with an absolute sham of a win.

You have been walking around SCW like you won the lottery when we all know you robbed a piggy bank. And it’s a shit move but you just had to keep piling and piling and piling onto that. First of all, you are SO damn lucky that in that match that got your ass knocked out of the Blast From the Past, that it was Bobbie that ate that pin and not you. If you had dropped that title to Raven, I would have never forgiven you ever.

You may be a tosspot but he’s fuckin nuts and I just don’t have the time to deal with that right now.

But that match...that tag match in Turkey- I bet you have been praying since you had to use chloroform to knock Carter out, that I wouldn’t catch you. You’re lucky that our training staff knows what the hell they are doing because of how that country treats those of the LGTBQIA community. You put Carter in a lot of danger because your ego will never let you lose ANYTHING fairly. And you better fucking believe that I am going to take a whole lot of anger about that out on you because you honestly fucking deserve it.

You proved that time and time again. You are without a shadow of a doubt a sham of not only a champion but even as an SCW Superstar. I thought the Saviors were better than that but sometimes I really shouldn’t be allowed to think. But I think the fact that even I have hit my limit with your bullshit is why I even remotely agreed to this match to begin with. When approached with an idea of what it should be, there was one passing moment of potentially getting some flesh eating fish but- been there done that and I don’t think Carter would forgive me ever again if I had another scar on my ass from that.

Hell I even suggested possibly chucking someone off the side of the boat but that was frowned upon as well because the United States Navy can’t seem to bare the insurance costs...because the BILLIONS of dollars that this country spends on its military is just pulled a little too tight right now. BUT I DIGRESS! No, mate, if we’re going to end this, we’re going to end this properly. You, me and no more bullshit, no more fucking excuses. We’re going to beat the absolute piss out of one another.

Actually, nah, scratch that, I’m gonna beat the ever loving piss out of you. WHY? Because you deserve it, mate. You have been taking a piss out of everyone that you possibly could for a long time now and there have only been a handful that have managed to put your ass in your place. I could have been that a while ago but hell, I always loved the chase a little bit more.

You, Peter Vaughn, Savior and SCW Internet Champion are about to find yourself in the roughest situation of your entire life. I’m not out for JUST the Internet Champion. I’m out for redemption. I’m out for revenge. I’m out for your blood, bruv.

The Internet Championship is just the prize at the end of that particular rainbow.
Supercard Roleplays / In Sickness And In Health P1
« Last post by Peter Vaughn on June 01, 2024, 11:52:29 PM »
~The picture slowly comes up on a long beach, with plenty of couples and individuals hanging out all along it The beaches are popular in Oahu, Hawaii, as many people who just want to get away come here exclusively to bake themselves on the hot sand, then cool off in the ocean waters. The drone comes down lower, but not towards the beachgoers, as it's clearly frowned upon to spy on people in their bathing suits... or less. Instead, the drone heads to the side, where we can see Peter Vaughn standing on his own, checking the time on his watch. He looks less than enthralled with the setting. As the drone settles down into the hands of his cameraman, Vaughn turns towards him, raising an eyebrow.~

Peter Vaughn: They actually flew you out here, huh, friend? I figured they would cut the budget down since we're in Hawaii.

~The camera bobs for a moment, as if unsteady. It was really the switchover, though, from the drone to the handheld camera, which our technician seems to be getting better and better at.~

Cameraman: It's in my contract, Mr. Vaughn. Wherever you are going, I can go there as well. I've been following you all across this world tour, haven't I?

Peter Vaughn: I suppose you have been. Fair enough. Still, I've been here on the island for a few days now, and this is the first I've seen of you. Been out... enjoying the sights? You appear to have a pretty significant tan, bordering on a sunburn.

Cameraman: I, er... was doing other work for SCW. That's all.

Peter Vaughn: Uh huh.

Cameraman: But let's not waste time talking about me. We're here about you, the Sin City Wrestling Internet Champion. How are you feeling after recent events?

Peter Vaughn: You mean Goth & I winning the tag-team match over Milo and HB? Or his overreaction on the next Climax Control?

Cameraman: Both. I'd say both.

~Vaughn laughs to himself, shaking his head as he stares back out at the beach and all of the people wasting their time just laying around.~

Peter Vaughn: Nobody can say that I haven't warned Milo all along the way. I've told him that I would do anything to win, and that he needed to come up with his own solutions to get past me. I've instructed him on what he needs to do to take me down and become a winner again. But Milo is just too stubborn. He won't take that last step. That's how once again I was able to get a victory over him, with perfection, I might add.

Cameraman: While it's true you got the win, Mr. Vaughn, many aren't happy with you using an illegal substance on Helluva Bottom Carter... especially Mr. Kasey.

Peter Vaughn: No, it's clear he felt cheated once again. But how many times can I tell him the outcome before it becomes his fault he lost? At some point, Milo needs to take some responsibility for his own actions, or lack thereof. I can't do everything for him. I can't just let him have the 3 count with no effort whatsoever. That just goes against my nature. He's got to EARN it, and so far, he hasn't come up with the plan to do so.

~A beach bunny walks by in a matching two-piece swimsuit. She gives Vaughn a nice up-and-down look, since he's dressed in normal, everyday clothes, instead of his usual coveralls. Vaughn doesn't even seem to notice her. She'd just be a distraction to him as he talks.~

Peter Vaughn: Maybe our 'final' encounter will finally open his eyes up. I'm glad they've made the stipulation to make this a last chance for Milo. It puts all the pressure on him, knowing that if he comes up short again, I'll be keeping 'his' Internet Title until someone gets lucky against me. He's got to feel the weight of the world on his shoulders, wanting to get revenge while also knowing he's out of opportunities. I hope that pressure refines him. I would prefer to face Milo at his absolute best with everything on the line, because then it truly becomes worthy to me to join into the fight.

Cameraman: I thought you always fought hard, no matter who the opponent is.

Peter Vaughn: Eh, I'd say it depends. If it's someone that I can beat hands-down, why should I pull out any major misdirects or trickery? Why make it more interesting? Just pin the man and be done with it. But if I am faced with a direct challenge where anything can happen, forcing me to use everything in my disposal... it just feels better, doesn't it? It feels more worthwhile.

Cameraman: I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

~Vaughn studies the beach and its occupants one more time, bitterly shaking his head, before turning away.~

Peter Vaughn: I have my doubts about what Milo is willing to do. But I'm still excited about our contest either way. If this is to be the end of our feud, then by all means, let it be an epic one here in Hawaii. We can show all of these overweight fools what it truly means to make every second count. When we steal the show for the second time in a row, everyone will have to take note of the greatness of Peter Vaughn... and the fabulous last gasps of Miles Kasey.

~Vaughn turns and walks away, disappearing into the crowd. The cameraman moves as if to follow him, then hesitates, turning back towards the beach.~

Cameraman: You know, I've done my job for the day... I might as well make the most of it, right?

~The cameraman heads towards the changing area, shifting the camera around as he turns it off.~

~As we pick up on another, masked feed, we now see Peter Vaughn getting out of some local transportation down the street, handing the driver inside her pay before walking away. He's heading for a large restaurant seemingly built into one of the hills. It's Haleiwa Joe's Haiku Gardens, one of the most famous restaurants on Oahu. Vaughn heads inside, dusting off his clothes uncomfortably. At least this shows why Vaughn is not wearing his coveralls, as he probably would have had more trouble getting into the door. As it is, he gets a few steeled glances as he walks up to the serving area.~

Peter Vaughn: Hello, I'm meeting my party here for dinner. Miss Sadie Anderson? She should have gotten here already, I believe.

~The lady checks her board and nods before directing Vaughn to follow her. He heads through the restaurant, a little surprised to not being seated nearby. But soon, he sees why, as they come to one of the window tables overlooking Oahu. There, Sadie is sitting, quietly admiring the view. She turns when she realizes that Vaughn is approaching, getting to her feet.~

Sadie Anderson: You're late.

~Sadie says this in a jesting tone, but Vaughn seems to take it seriously, immediately defending himself.~

Peter Vaughn: Sorry, the camera guy found me again and wanted some quotes. I feel duty-bound to give them to him.

Sadie Anderson: You care for him that much that you'd help him out?

Peter Vaughn: Of course not. But if he's replaced, who knows what kind of individual I'd have to deal with next? Better the devil behind a lens you know, right?

~Sadie gives this a laugh, leaning forward to share a kiss with Vaughn. She, out of pretty much everyone on planet Earth, is the only person who seems to truly understand him. It's no wonder that they've been planning to get married. Who else could possibly take on that responsibility? Vaughn steps around to the other side, taking a seat, as Sadie gestures to the plate in front of her.~

Sadie Anderson: I went ahead and ordered us a plate to try. These are black & blue Ahi, a delicacy here.

~Vaughn studies the sashimi style seafood plate, his lip curling to show a bit of disgust. He picks back up the menu, looking it over.~

Peter Vaughn: They cook steaks here, right?

Sadie Anderson: Hah! You need to broaden your horizons whenever possible, Peter Vaughn. This food is delicious, trust me!

Peter Vaughn: I do, Sadie. Of course I do. But with a big match coming up soon, I have to watch what I eat. Nothing destroys a career quicker than having the runs during a PLE match.

~Sadie laughs again, sampling another Ahi, as Vaughn studies the menu. The waiter walks up, clearly having been watching.~

Waiter: Hello, have you had a chance to make up your...

~Vaughn immediately hands the menu back to him.~

Peter Vaughn: I'll take the New York Strip., medium rare.

~The waiter's eyebrow goes up at the order, but he maintains his calm as he turns to Sadie.~

Waiter: And you, miss?

Sadie Anderson: I'll have... the mauka makai. I'm sorry if I mispronounced it...

Waiter: No, miss, you did fine. I'll have your orders to you soon. Thank you!

~The waiter departs, with Sadie pleased with her selection. She looks back at Vaughn, smiling at him.~

Sadie Anderson: Coming thousands of miles to get a New York meal. Typical.

Peter Vaughn: You stick with what works.

Sadie Anderson: I'm getting used to that. I'm just glad I apparently 'work'.

~Vaughn looks at Sadie, surprised.~

Peter Vaughn: You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Sadie. You know that.

~Sadie nods having heard this before. But this time, she seems a little less certain. She leans over the table, holding Vaughn's hand.~

Sadie Anderson: I guess I'm looking for a bit more assurance, Peter. You want me to join you on these trips, but you wander away on your own at times. Every time I've tried to arrange for us to schedule some time off for the wedding, you've had commitments you had to take care of. I know you're a super-busy wrestler, Peter... but at some point, I do need you to put me first, once and for all.

~Vaughn nods, having heard this before. He leans forward, taking hold of Sadie's hand and bringing it close to him.~

Peter Vaughn: You know that there are times, even back at the ranch, where I have to... get away for a while. All from my past... experiences.

Sadie Anderson: I know.

Peter Vaughn: But I always come back to you, don't I? I always seek you out once I'm good again.

Sadie Anderson: I suppose that's one way to look at it. You usually find me at the ranch, after all.

~Vaughn slides himself around, getting closer to Sadie.~

Peter Vaughn: Who knows if I'd go back to the ranch if you weren't there.

Sadie Anderson: Awww, that IS sweet that you'd tease to give up your business if I was off somewhere else.

Peter Vaughn: Hey, a guy's gotta have priorities. And you're a high one to me, Sadie. You're a high one indeed. I love you.

~Peter leans in closer, ready for another kiss. Sadie goes to meet him... and then suddenly urps in front of him, covering her hand across her mouth. She quickly gets up and runs off, heading straight for the women's bathroom. Vaughn watches her go, a little thrown off. He looks down at the remaining Ahi sitting on the plate.~

Peter Vaughn: This is why you don't experiment.

~Vaughn gets up, smiling, and heads over to the restroom, listening for a moment. He can't hear much, though, so he waits patiently for his fiance to come back out. But time passes, and she doesn't. Confused, Vaughn flags down a female waiter.~

Peter Vaughn: Excuse me, I think my fiance ate something that didn't agree with her. Can you go in and check to see if she is okay?

Female Waiter: Of course, sir. Let me see. Miss? Are you okay?

~The waiter goes inside... and then, seconds later, lets out a scream, startling Vaughn. He shoves the door open, looking in to find the waiter leaning over Sadie, who appears to be unconscious near the stall.~

Female Waiter: Someone call for an ambulance!

~Stunned, Vaughn leans on the other side of Sadie, checking her head. He holds onto her arm.~

Peter Vaughn: Sadie...

~As someone yells that the ambulance is on its way, Vaughn stays with Sadie, looking absolutely lost.~

The world can have a vicious right hook, can't it?

I'm sure you've been feeling it, Milo. You were on your way through the stratosphere, heading for the top of Sin City, when you ran into... me. Your course has been deeply altered since that first interaction, hasn't it? Here we sit, ready to face off against, with my holding four straight victories over you. Some have come in the course of the match, with my athletic ability allowing me to scale the ropes and snatch a championship. Some have come due to my intelligence, turning your own weaknesses against you. But now, you definitely have a heavy weight around your neck, weighing you down.

I guess I'm your albatross. Good to know.

But I haven't given up faith on you yet, Milo. Do you know why that is? Well... I'm not sure myself. I should have already moved on. There are other individuals desperate for their shot at the Internet Championship, after all. The line is long behind you. And yet here we are, facing off one more time. Maybe it's because I want to see you at your absolute peak. What's going to lead to that? The fact that all rules have been thrown out the window. The fact that you will be able to do absolutely anything, and it will be perfectly legal.

You won't be able to cling to that morality this time, Milo.

The fans will know that you have the opportunity to extend your repertoire in this one. It's not about flying sky high or tagging in your partner to save you. It's about you being willing and able to use any weapon that comes into play in our contest. It's about you maybe planning on having your guy HB Carter ambush me in the back before our contest. It's about you having all of those options on the table.

You're welcome, Milo. Please take advantage of my generosity.

I will be extremely disappointed if this match gets arranged this way, with the entire arsenal of the greatest wrestlers available to you, and you try to do things the exact same way you've failed against me numerous times now. How could you let that happen, though? Will your pride and stubbornness drag you down for a fifth time? Or will you FINALLY take it to the next level?

I want you to do this, Milo. Do you understand that? I NEED you to do this.

It's the only way, boyo, for you to take that next step forward. You say to yourself, why would Vaughn want this? Well, Milo, it's my way of giving back to this company after a year and a half of being here. I'm working to build the next generation of talent to take over this place. I'm not going to be here forever, after all. There needs to be a wave of talent like you and Eddie taking things over, continuing the legacy of the 'cheaters'. Without that, wrestling will just get... boring.

You're the one, Milo, that can keep the lineage going. And the best part is, in this match, it won't even be seen as illegal. You can't resist this, Milo. You just can't.

I won't let you.

You're going to take those extra steps, Milo, and you're already on your way by brawling with me on Climax Control. You've shown the willingness to lose control. Now you just need to continue forward onto the logical conclusion: that my way is the right way.

And once you get there, Milo, HB will be so proud of you. You'll have regained a championship and proven to the world that you deserve to be the next fighter for the Heavyweight Championship. You'll have the additional talents that could see you taking down Finn and placing yourself at the pinnacle of success here in Sin City.

Or you'll blow it all, once again, and I'll have to shelve the Milo Project forevermore.

Damn, I hate failing. Don't let me down, Milo.

Don't let me down.

~The ambulance is now at the side of the restaurant, with Sadie being loaded inside of it. She appears to be conscious now, holding her midsection and groaning, as Vaughn stands next to her, holding her hand.~

Sadie Anderson: Peter... I don't know... what's happening...

Peter Vaughn: Just hang in there, Sadie. They're going to take you to experts to get the medicine you need, okay? Stay with me.

Sadie Anderson: I... I didn't... I didn't even get... to the entree....

Peter Vaughn: I'm not sure you would have wanted it anyway. Look, they need to get you going. Just lay back and try and rest on the way to the hospital, okay?

~Sadie can only nod, as they place her into the ambulance. Vaughn starts to follow, but is stopped by the driver.~

Ambulance Driver: I'm sorry, sir, we don't allow ridealongs. Just meet us at the hospital.

~Ashen faced, Vaughn can only watch as the doors shut and the ambulance pulls away, its sirens blaring away as it hits the road. Vaughn watches it go, uncertain, as a man walks up next to him.~

Man: Excuse me, I'm the owner of this restaurant, and I just want to send my deepest sympathies to whatever...

~Hearing this, Vaughn immediately spins, knocking the man down with one punch. He glares at him, standing over him as the man leans away in fear.~

Peter Vaughn: This is all your fault. Your restaurant made her sick.

Man: No, that can't be right, our product is taken straight from the sea and is perfectly prepared...

~Vaughn leans down, threatening to hit the man again, and he quickly stops talking. Vaughn gets closer to him, with a menacingly dark look.~

Peter Vaughn: If she... if something happens to her... I'll be back... and you will pay. Understand?

~The man gives a weak nod, terrified.~

Peter Vaughn: Now... how do I go about getting to the hospital?

Man: Oh, OH, we'll have someone drive you there right away! That's no problem at all!

Peter Vaughn: ... Good.

~Vaughn walks forward, impatiently waiting as the man rushes off to get someone under his employ to take the risk and drive Vaughn to the hospital. Vaughn is shaking his head, feeling a lot of rage threatening to overtake him. He fights it down... for her sake.~

Maybe I'm feeling a little of what you're dealing with, Milo.

Were you enraged after I knocked out HB Carter and won our match? You certainly didn't appear to take it too well. Is that still driving you, I wonder? That rage can be a wonderful addition to your wrestling talents. It can give you the strength of 10 men. It can cause you to refuse to give up, no matter what's happened to knock your brain stems together.

But it can also be a massive hindrance. Take it from someone who knows.

I've been there, Milo. I've had times where I was so furious that I couldn't control myself. I went into those contests with no plans. I just wanted to hurt that individual that enraged me. And you know what usually happened? Well, to be honest, I mostly won anyway. I'm just that damn good. But there were a couple of times where my fury caused me to overlook a critical juncture in the match.

My rage against Jim Caedus allowed Joe Montuori to steal away my WGWF World Championship.

My uncontrollable anger allowed Junko Souma to become the TPW International Champion.

I can look back on those matches now and know where I made my mistakes. I've since fixed the ones that I can. I regained the WGWF World Title after that loss, taking down J-Mont. I can't do much to Junko, since TPW closed afterwards... but I'm still considering options to get that one 'resolved'. Both matches were winnable. Both ended up out of my control, through my own fault.

And now, Milo, you face the same challenge.

I still want you to go all out, Milo, using anything and everything you can find. But I need you to be clear-headed while doing this. You think I just 'happened' to have chloroform on me when we had our tag-team match? No, I was fully prepared beforehand for this eventuality. I clearly knew what I was going to do if the opportunity arose, and there it was, perfectly aligned for me.

I was sure about what I was going to do, because I wasn't angry at you.

I was just focused.

So that's your second lesson, Milo. Be willing to break any ethical rules you find weighing you down... but don't be out of control. Don't be a loose cannon. Because then you completely waste your last opportunity against me, and it'll be a complete disaster, for you, for HB, for everyone who's close to you.

Their shame they feel for you will be all encompassing, and there will be no way for you to finally release that rage. It'll probably ruin your relationship and leave you a sad, wasted piece of trash sitting along the side of the road, unloved and unwanted.

So don't let that happen to you, Milo.

Find the balance. Challenge me the right way. And we'll put on the show stealer to end all show steals.

~We now find ourselves at the hospital, where Vaughn is stalking forward, having left his driver behind. He runs up to the main desk, knowing that this is where to go to get the information he needs.~

Peter Vaughn: I'm here for Sadie Anderson. Which room is she in?

~The nurse takes her time, typing away, with Vaughn's fingernails scratching along the counter as he tries to control himself. Finally, the nurse looks up.~

Nurse - It looks like she's being moved to Room 105. I don't see that she can have visitors yet, though... sir? Sir, wait...

~But Vaughn is already moving, charging around the side and heading towards the room. The nurse seems to consider calling security, but decides to hold back, seeing that this is extremely important to the man. Vaughn turns the corner and rushes to Room 105, quickly barging in to find Sadie laying there in bed, with her doctor talking with her. They both stop as Vaughn hurries up to them.~

Peter Vaughn: Sadie? Are you okay?

Sadie Anderson: I'm doing fine now, Peter. Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: I'll let you get some rest. You two have a lot to talk about.

~The doctor leaves, as Vaughn steps closer to Sadie.~

Peter Vaughn: So what do we need to do? Did they pump your stomach? I'm ready to sue that restaurant into obliteration if that's what you want me to do...

~Vaughn is seething, with Sadie quickly grabbing his hand to try and calm him down.~

Sadie Anderson: Peter... it's not the restaurant's fault.

Peter Vaughn: It's not? But... you ate their food... and then you threw up...

Sadie Anderson: I did... but there wasn't a connection between them according to the doctor.

Peter Vaughn: He's already run tests? That seems awfully fast.

Sadie Anderson: Well, he had a suspicion, and the test here confirmed it...

~Sadie reaches to her side, grabbing a test sitting on the table. He shows it to Vaughn, who looks at it with deep confusion.~

Peter Vaughn: This... this is a...

Sadie Anderson: That's right, Peter. It's a pregnancy test. And it's come back positive.

~Vaughn looks from the test to Sadie, multiple times, trying to recover.~

Peter Vaughn: You mean... you mean you're...

Sadie Anderson: That's right, Peter. I'm pregnant.

~Vaughn looks absolutely mind blown as Sadie looks at him, waiting for a reaction. We slowly fade out.~

Supercard Roleplays / •-•Unraveling
« Last post by Eiley on June 01, 2024, 11:52:02 PM »

Location: Santa Monica, California.
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024.

Eiley paces around the living room of Kaleb’s childhood home. She was a little nervous as Kaleb had gone to get some groceries and other necessities that they would need while they were there. Eiley hadn’t found that she could focus too much on what was going on in the house and she didn’t know the house very well, so it was hard for her to just sit still. She paces back and forth in the living room and every now and then, she walks over to the window to peek out through the curtains to see if Kaleb has returned. She sighs when she doesn’t see his car in the driveway and turns back around to go to another room, hoping that if she could distract herself, it would help her brain not focus on what has been happening with the boat being left unattended and everything else.

She walks into the kitchen and over to the fridge to hopefully find something that would help distract her from her own thoughts. But after being eliminated from the tournament, she hadn’t really thought about what would happen for her afterwards. She had thought maybe she’d get another break but that wasn’t good enough for Kaleb. She grabs a can of strawberry flavored Poppi and opens it before taking a drink. She looks around the somewhat small kitchen as she leans against the counter, trying to think of what her next move was going to be. They didn’t really have much of a plan if she had lost because it wasn’t something that the two of them had thought about. But now, it was a reality. They had to think about what was going to happen next but Eiley felt that she couldn’t do that without Kaleb being here but he felt that he needed to go get necessities for the house.

He never explained to her where his parents or family were at or why his childhood home was still empty and after she asked once and didn’t get an answer, she didn’t bother asking again. She didn’t want to waste her breath on the question and her energy in trying to get the answer out of him. She knew that it was essentially pointless and that he would only tell her if she wanted to and there was this feeling that she had in the pit of her stomach that he didn’t want her to know. She flinches a little as the front door makes a noise before it opens and slams into the wall behind it before she hears Kaleb shut it once again before he stalks into the kitchen, in a darker mood and carrying as many sacks as his arms could carry. Her eyes flicker up to him as he starts putting some of the groceries he’d bought away.

••eiley•• “Took you long enough.”

She knew better than to smart off to him, but she also couldn’t help it as it was so easily to just snap at him.

kaleb “Shut up.”

She frowns just a little bit as she sets the can of Poppi down on the counter and walks over in front of him, stopping him from putting something in the cupboard. He gives her an annoyed look and a slightly disgruntled look.

••eiley•• “Don’t tell me to shut up, Kaleb.”

She was trying her best to sound assertive but the confidence was lacking in her voice and it waivered, just a little bit. Kaleb, on the other hand, knew most of her quirks and knew how to get under her skin. He just looks down at her, an eyebrow raised with an unimpressed look on his face.

kaleb “Shut. Up.”

He said the two words to her again but this time, there was a distinct tone to his voice and it was one that Eiley knew not to mess with. She takes a step backwards before closing her eyes for a moment before looking up at him once again.

••eiley•• “Stop it, Kaleb. You were gone too long, and I don’t even know if it’s worth it anymore, Kaleb. What’s the point? I didn’t win the match and I don’t get to go to the Blast From the Past finals. The match that they booked me in for the big show isn’t even one I care about. And I know it’s not one that you care about.”

She was rambling, just a little bit but it was enough to drive him to slam a container of spaghetti sauce down on the counter. The glass jar makes a loud noise but thankfully, it doesn’t shatter.

kaleb “The entire point of this has NOTHING to do with Sin City Wrestling or matches. And if you haven’t fucking figured that out yet, then you’re never gonna. God you’re so fucking stupid; I should have just brainwashed…you know what, I’m fucking going out. Have fun here alone.”

He goes to walk away from her but Eiley grabs his arm to stop him from leaving the house.

••eiley•• “You can’t just leave because I said something you didn’t want to hear or that you don’t want to discuss. You’re the one that came up with this idea that you want centered around the tournament. And I did my best in that tournament, but things…aren’t the same and you know that. You knew that it was only a matter of time before things started slipping up. And it isn’t even my fault that things started slipping up. It was your fault that the boat was left unattended, and that Haden had gone off to chase some tail. You hadn’t thought it was important, but surprise, surprise it was. Because when you went back to check the boat, they were missing. And you didn’t even seem to think that it was important or that they’d try to show back up.”

Kaleb was listening to her, rather patiently as he just stares down into her eyes. He just shakes his head at her, a slight menacing look in his eyes.

kaleb “Do you ever shut the fuck up? Or think before you speak? Because I don’t think you understand what’s happening when you’re focused on SCW. You are not supposed to be worried about the boat or Haden. You are supposed to be worried about your opponents and you’re your opponents. And I can handle them and Haden, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s not your concern.”

She looks at him with an incredulous look on her face and shakes her head.

••eiley•• “If you believe that, you’re fucking dumb, Kaleb. I cannot just be concerned with the wrestling stuff if you don’t fucking take care of the shit that you’re supposed to be taking care of. I couldn’t even fucking concentrate on Sunday because I was worried about everything being ruined!”

There was a slight desperation to her voice and Kaleb easily picked up on it. It was always easy for him to pick up on the parts of her statements that were vulnerable.

kaleb “Then I guess that’s on you, isn’t it? It’s not my fucking problem that you can’t handle your shit in the ring. Not my fucking fault that you’re a little baby that can’t control her emotions. Fucking suck it up and don’t suck in two Sundays, or it’s all over.”

She just gives him a look before rolling her eyes at him in irritation. She couldn’t understand where he was coming from and she didn’t like how he was throwing her emotions back in her face. She couldn’t control the fact that she nearly couldn’t focus the previous Sunday as much as she had before because of worrying about the boat situation and everything unraveling.

••eiley•• “Maybe it should be over. Maybe I should just walk away and you’ll be fucking scrambling by yourself to finish this out.”

It was a weak threat, but she made sure that her voice held some sort of confidence. Kaleb’s eyes darken and he steps towards her and she swallows hard before stepping back until her back hit the edge of the counter. Kaleb moves directly in front of her and grabs her by her upper arms, squeezing them hard. The fear easily starts to spill into her eyes as she feels her heartbeat start to quicken inside her chest.

kaleb “You will fucking finish what we started. You’re not going to fucking walk away because I will find you and you will regret it, do you understand? This isn’t over until I say it’s fucking over. You might think you have some control and are somewhat in charge but you’re not. Now fucking leave me alone.”

He pushes her even more against the counter before walking away from her and within a few moments, Eiley hears the door slam shut. She breathes heavily as she tries to think through everything that has happened in the past few months before she starts to slide down the cabinets and sits on the floor. She pulls her knees to her chest, trying to calm her racing heart down and to erase the fear that was still there.

••eiley•• “What have I done, what have I done?”


Location: Santa Monica Pier, California.
Date: June 1, 2024.


“A Queen For a Day…that wasn’t the fucking end goal that I wanted for myself. It wasn’t what was planned or what I had envisioned for myself. I didn’t fucking want to be in this match; this wasn’t the fucking goal for me but yet, here I am. Booked in this match because I couldn’t fucking do it to make it to the Blast From the Tournament finals. I’m clearly not as good at mixed tag team wrestling as some people once thought I was. Because if I was, Mark Cross and I would have won last Sunday and he and I would be in the finals and not the dimwits that are currently in the finals. But oh well, that’s in the past and the past is not something that I prefer to focus on anymore. Because the future can be bright, if I want it to be and if I choose it to be.

Some people might argue that this match is even better than the Blast From the Past finals because it gives the winner the opportunity to make whatever they want happen on an episode of Climax Control. That would give the winner the booking power to make whatever matches that they see fit. They could book themselves in championship matches or their friends. Or they could make everybody else’s lives hell, if that’s what they wanted. It gives the winner a sense of power that a lot of others would want for themselves.

While it would be nice to win, I can’t say that I can see it in my future. And the odds are definitely not in my own favor. There’s five other Bombshells in this match that is going to make it nearly impossible for it to be an easy win and that’s not something that I’m looking for, but it’s not going to be an easy win, either. And it’s not something that I asked for. But yet, here I am. If we look at the other names that are in this match, Bobbie Dahl, Diamond Steele, Harper Mason, Seleana Zdunich, and Victoria Lyons. All of which I am sure are perfectly capable in this ring. Some bigger than myself and probably more skilled than myself as well. But all of them also are facing the same problem as I am, trying to find an advantage in the ring to get the win in eight days time. It’s nothing new for me to come in with not much information under my belt and try to get the advantage.

AND if we’re fucking talking advantage, I wasn’t even originally booked in this match. I was announced as an edition a day later. I am obviously a fucking afterthought and not to be taken seriously within this company. And it is no doubt connected to the fact that I am not well liked around here and the fact that I have a bad attitude and that I don’t care to socialize with those who are in the backstage areas at most times. I come to work and get my shit done and I fucking leave because nobody’s ever shown any interest in me, so why should I show interest in those mother fuckers? It’s 2024 and I fucking match energy. You don’t like me? That’s fine, the feeling is mutual. I’m not going to put in more effort for something or somebody that doesn’t give me the same effort. I’m not that person that’s going to go over the top for people who clearly don’t give a fuck if I’m here or not. It also doesn’t mean that I’m just going to fucking disappear, either. Although, I am sure that would make a lot of people in the back happy if I did just disappear. And …. what if I actually have? What if who you’re seeing isn’t actually who you think it is? Would that make my opponents’ words invalid? It is a curious thought, is it not? What would happen if I’m not who I say I am? What then? Because there’s no proof that any of us are who we say we are and the bosses are just going on blind trust that we come to work who we’re supposed to be and they don’t question jack fucking shit. But maybe that’s a part of being an adult.

You know, I could sit here and talk trash on all of my opponents. Say how they’re shitty in the ring and that they’re shitty fucking people and while some of them probably are shitty people, it’s clear that they have some kind of in-ring talent to still be employed by SCW. I already know the in-ring talent I possess and I’ve proven it before. And…I’ve already beaten Diamond Steele in May, so I can probably do it again. It won’t be hard and I’m not fucking scared of her or her thousand name changes. Bobbie Dahl? I’ve never faced her in the ring but I’m not too worried there either. She will probably be too worried about Artie to be overly focused on her own match at Into the Void. It might be something that she should be worried about because how the fuck is he going to survive his own match? Not my fucking problem, but it’s probably her problem. Who the fuck knows or cares. Harper Mason is another one that I really don’t fucking care about. She’s another one that could probably  be a wild card in this match and maybe I should watch her a little more closely or care just that much more, but yet, here I am telling you that Harper Mason? Not the most intense competitor I’ll be facing in the ring. And Seleana is just…boring. I often forget that she has a job here other than the times that she’s randomly booked. Does she even have anything interesting to say? I do remember that her native language doesn’t always translate well into English. That could make things interesting, at least. Otherwise she’s mostly known for being…Crystal? Christina? Whatever her name is today’s wife. And that’s only when Seleana isn’t being screwed over by her own wife for a championship or a championship shot. And then there’s Victoria Lyons…who’s probably the biggest wildcard that this match has. She’s relatively new to the company, if I can remember right, not that I fucking care if that is right or not. The point is, she’s the actual wild card in this match as nobody probably knows too much about her other than her relative, Eddie is employed by SCW as well. Maybe she’ll be worth competing against but then again, I’m not sure if I want to find that out right away.

The point is, that the six of us are going to be fighting each other for the right to be called Queen for a Day and in order to control an episode of Climax Control. And I know that everybody already thinks what each of us will do if we were to win the match and I’m sure most people will assume that it will be the winner being selfish and book themselves in a championship match against the Bombshell champion. And maybe they will but maybe, just maybe they won’t. I haven’t decided what I would do if I were to win in eight days. I don’t have a plan as to what I would want to do on an episode of Climax Control.

You know? I’m probably the Bombshell in this match that many expect not to care and maybe a part of me doesn’t care, because it’s just a match and I’ll get a paycheck for it. But this is the start of something fresh, something new. And I think it’s about fucking time I fight for what I want out of my career and to have a little bit of direction. What that means exactly? I am not entirely sure. I need to sort that out for myself but I’m going to make winning the Queen for a Day match one of my goals in order to find out what I want for myself in SCW and in the wrestling world. I am stepping out of my own shadow that the Mixed Tag Division has given me because that’s just…that’s not happening right now. That division is clearly dead at the moment and I don’t see it being resuscitated anytime soon. So it’s time for me to fucking throw myself into a singles career, and try to make my own path. Pave my own fucking way so that I can be proud of my career when I’m older and not ashamed that I tried to take the easy way. Nobody said that this job was easy and I don’t have to take the easy way in order to be successful. And my success doesn’t have to be linear; it can be up and down because that’s how I’m going to fucking learn how to get shirt done by myself.

I’m not going to just roll over or step aside to let my opponents fight it out in eight days, although that could be a smart tactic to try. Let them beat the fucking shit out of one another and I’ll take over when the time is right. It would be the smart move to make so that I’m not exhausted toward the end of the match and so that I can snatch the win away from those idiotic twits and take it for myself. And claim the Queen for the Day title, giving me the power that I rightfully deserve. I want to prove to everybody in the back that I don’t give a fuck if you like me, but you’re going to have to deal with me because I’m not fucking going anywhere and you’re going to have to deal with my shitty attitude and my presence. I’m going to make sure that what I bring to the ring in eight days is enough to give me the win and even more. I’m going to fucking prove that I’m going to dominate the division and that this match? It’s the only fucking start to what I’m going to do. Everybody has to start somewhere and I think it’s time I start with this match to boost my own career in the direction that it needs to go.

Bobbie, Seleana, Diamond, Victoria, and Harper, I hope that the five of you understand what you’re all getting into in eight days. I hope you understand the severity of this match and what it could possibly do for all of our careers. It’s just going to be a lot harder for the five of you to win when all of us want it so desperately. It’s not going to be an easy fight but I can guarantee that I’m going to give everything that I fucking have and more in order to get the win. Because it’s only the beginning of Eiley here in SCW and I’m ready to show just what I can fucking do.

Because what you’ve seen in the past? That’s fucking nothing.

I’m just getting fucking started and I hope everybody’s ready for the fucking ride because I know I am. See you all soon.”


Location: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Date: Sunday, June 2, 2024.

The flight from California to Hawaii wasn’t too terrible but being in Honolulu made Eiley feel on edge. It was a place that was sacred for Eiley and Oz and she felt as if she was out of place. Especially since Oz hasn’t really been around as much. She glances at the door before chewing on her bottom lip as she tries to will Kaleb to walk through the door of the hotel room that they had booked because she didn’t want to be alone in this city. She jumps just a little bit as she hears a knock at the door and she hesitates, not knowing who it was going to be. She thinks about ignoring it but jumps a little more when the knocking becomes harder, and she takes a deep breath before standing up. She smooths down her shirt as she starts to walk over to the door and pulls it open, forgetting to look through the peephole. The color drains from Eiley’s face as she sees just who it is on the other side of the door.

••eiley•• “Oh…fuck.”

”Eiley” was looking at an identical version of herself as she stands in the doorway, paralyzed and unable to move. Except the version she was looking at looked worse for wear. There were bruises scattered along Eiley’s arms, legs, a fading black eye, and her lip was starting to heal. Her hair looked dirty and she looked rough. The anger, sadness, and fear was still in her eyes as she stared at the imposter in the hotel room.

•EILEY•  “Time’s up.”

Supercard Roleplays / Odyssey Pt. 1
« Last post by Julianna DiMaria on June 01, 2024, 11:45:42 PM »
September 2017

I was a month removed from my WCG West Coast Championship win. My best friends Christy and Ally were at my home seeing the championship for the first time since I won it the month prior. They showered me with congratulations and I was feeling happy until Ally said something that irked me.

“You’re now officially the best wrestler in NGW’s developmental territory…”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t mean that as an insult. I mean, you’d think that title would give you a ticket to the main roster, right?”

“I’m just going to pretend I never heard that. But, let me share something with you ladies. This title was more about avenging a loss that should’ve never happened to a wrestler I was always better than, than it was about being the face of a stupid developmental. Yes, this, for me, is a golden ticket to the main roster. Aside from that, it doesn’t mean much to me.”

My best friends were taken aback by this.

“I hate that I even struggled to beat them… that it took me multiple tries… that I’m not the first WCG Champion as I should’ve been…”

“That doesn’t matter, Julianna…” Christy told me, trying to get through to me in vain. “Your predecessor was garbage as champion and you can elevate that title to better heights…”

I shrugged, clearly not caring about that at all.

“When you have people on the main roster talking shit about me, I really just want to get up there fast enough so I can beat all of their asses! You know, that idiot that is a main event player up there? What’s her name again?”

“Kayla Richards?” Ally answered meekly.

“Yes, HER! She’s already talking shit about me. All I did was say that I was going to prove myself to be THE best champion in these parts but OH MY GOD, she took offense to that. I mean, it’s not my fault that she can’t be a main event player without surrounding herself with goons, am I right? Not to worry though, when I get to the main roster, I’m going to beat the shit out of her too.”

“Julianna, that’s not such a wise thing to say…” Christy said, out of concern for my well being.

“Why? Because I’m in DEVELOPMENTAL? Is that it? I shouldn’t be here! I should’ve never BEEN HERE at all! I should’ve gone straight for the main roster! I would’ve won a championship up there by now. But noooo… they had to fucking screw me by sticking me in WCG which I have always seen as a personal insult. You both want to act like this title means a damn to me? To me, it means that I overcame the bullshit of losing to my opponent previously, that I shoved it up the ass of NGW management, and that I have that ticket to the main roster I should already be on!”

There’s the familiar sigh of my best friends knowing that trying to convince me to think differently was pointless.

“Julianna, seriously! You’re biting off more than you can chew. Focus on what you have now, for your sake…” Ally warns me.

“I agree with Ally. You’re not ready for the main roster yet…”

“WHAT?!?!?!!?” I said, about to snap on Christy. “I’ve ALWAYS been ready!”

“If you were ready, you would already be on the main roster…” Christy reasons.

“Get out…” I said to both of them, freezing them in the moment.

“Did I stutter? GET! OUT!”

Both of my friends ask me why I have to be so immature before they ultimately leave my house. I looked at my WCG West Coast Championship and just chucked it on the floor, clearly not caring much about it.

“I’ll play their fucking game… I’ll be that worthless developmental’s champion… and I WILL get my promotion. When I do? EVERYONE that’s picking on me, ESPECIALLY Kayla Richards, will be SILENCED!”

I calmed down, not realizing that the years long, on and off saga between Kayla and I was only getting started.

May 29

I was coming out of remembering that attitude I had as I sat on Hickam Beach near Pearl Harbor.

“That’s how it started…” I thought to myself. There was a sweeping anxiety that was beginning to crawl over me. “...and it still hasn’t finished with her. Kayla being cruel to me is nothing new. She was even before we ever shared the same roster. She’s never given me credit. She leaves out how I even beat her once when we were both in NGW and years ago, she even openly said ‘it never happened’. I remember that.”

I sighed as I continued to reflect.

“Part of that was my own fault though. I mean holy crap, if someone that was my age then had that kind of attitude in the SCW locker room, I’d want to beat the shit out of them…”

I looked down at the sand in front of me, feeling a bit melancholy.

“The worst part about losing her and the possibility of losing to her again is that if it were to happen at Into the Void, I might never be able to erase all of those awful memories I have of such a horrible wrestling company. Those memories make all the criticism I took about my title reign look like child’s play. I have to beat her. I’m at the back of the line… and maybe in the void myself if I don’t…”

I knew I had to get out of my own head but I couldn’t help myself. Those horrible memories from years ago were starting to drown me a bit.

“Kayla wasn’t the only one that bullied me back in NGW. Almost all the locker room did the same! That company went out of their way to make me a laughingstock. Some of the worst losses that broke my psyche for years happened at that company. Being there broke my relationship with my mother, turned me into a perfectionist, and brainwashed me into an ‘all or nothing’ thinking for years…”

“Hey there champ…” I heard my mother say out of nowhere, thankfully snapping me out of my anxiety. I was so relieved to be out of that horrible headspace I sprung up and hugged her.

“What are you doing here?” I said with an excited surprise.

“I’m here to help. Whatever you’re facing, whoever your’re facing, you’re not going to do it alone! You’re going to train with me!”

“WHAT? Mom, you haven’t trained with anyone since you and Dad separated!”

“I’m not THAT out of practice, honey. Listen, when you won that title to begin with, you were there for me. I was in that life threatening situation with my kidney removal and you never gave up on me. You won OUR world title for US. I’m paying back the favor that you did for me last fall. Not only am I going to train you to beat Kayla, I’m going to WATCH YOU win a world title for the first time. I’m not going to miss it this time.”

My anxiety was gone and I was incredibly excited.

“I was thinking about so many things regarding the past that were weighing on my mind…”

Trust me, I know…” my mother said with an amused eye roll. “I remember how bad you had it with Kayla whether it was her starting shit with you or whether you brought it on yourself. I understand how important beating her is to you. We’ll meet back at your hotel, alright? But, I’ll leave you with this. The secret to beating her is to focus inward, not outward.”

My mother and I exchanged an embrace before she left. I was feeling relieved, yet puzzled.

“What does she mean by that?” I sighed and stayed at the beach knowing I had more old memories to sift through.

December 2017

“FINALLY!” I shouted as I was walking into an NGW locker room for the first time! “I got my well earned PROMOTION!”

Moving up from WCG to NGW was a moment that should’ve been amazing. I was feeling like I proved a lot of people wrong. But when I walked into that room for the first time, a couple of the ladies that were on that roster suddenly squirted mustard into my face and near my chest.

“Welcome to the big leagues bitch…” I heard one of the women say as two others were laughing. I was already feeling deflated. “Now you’re going to be exposed as the nothing you really are.”

My youth really came back to bite me in the ass here.

“Fuck yourselves…”

“What are you going to do, Julianna? Talk shit on Twitter and go offline when everyone gangs up on her?”

“I bet she’s used to being ganged up on, if you know what I mean.”

More snickering from those women.

“I earned my way up here! In fact, I should’ve been here in the first place. I was the WCG West Coast Champion… THE top champion! I even defeated one of the main roster wrestlers here and sent them back home crying to retirement!”

“Yeah, but that’s someone low on the totem pole and you know it, Julianna.”

“Besides, nobody cares about your WCG title run. You faced a bunch of nobodies down there so that belt doesn’t mean anything.”

“I WILL be a success up here…” I said, among the laughter of those three women. “I’ll prove EVERYONE here wrong! I’ll fight like hell to prove you all wrong!”

“Hey what’s with the Kayla Richards obsession? Isn’t that kind of creepy? You have a thing for her or something? Don’t you have a boyfriend?”

I was trying so hard not to snap at those three shallow bitches, none of whom are actively wrestling today.

“Funny how she’s not here to talk shit to my face. She’d rather run her mouth off at me on Twitter.”

“Oh please, you’re not worthy of her talking shit to you to your face.”

“Laugh now, but I will get her in the ring one day and I will beat her and silence her and when I do, all of YOU are going to be silenced. I didn’t move up to NGW to get treated like a joke!”

“Honey, you ARE a joke! Read your own social media feed lately? Everyone here including the powers that be laughs at you behind your back.”

“Yeah! They don’t think you’ll make it.”

Before I can even say anything, another woman comes up from behind me and dumps mayonnaise all over my head. She then shoves me right to the floor and they’re all pointing and laughing at me. I look up and there are already tears running down my face.

“AW! The poor baby is CRYING!”

“Go back to mommy, okay? I’m sure she has a big bottle for you!”

“You’re ALL going to be proven wrong! You’ll see! I’ll be a bigger star than all of you combined!”

“Yeah, maybe when hover cars happen…”

“Go be a stripper or something, because you’ll never make it in wrestling…”

The laughs I heard for those few seconds would haunt me and shape me for years. I was angry, sobbing, cursing, saying that I wanted to prove everyone wrong and shut every hater (especially Kayla) up for good. The broken women I was at this moment was searing my thoughts when I met my mother back at my hotel later.

"I've always had a problem with feeling the need to silence people."

My mother wasn’t shocked when I told her this.

“Lately? It’s felt like I really need to do that with this match. You’ve got people in that dumb tournament already assuming Kayla is the champion they’re going to face. They clearly don’t believe in me and it bugs me. But what bugs me more is knowing I put myself in this situation.”

My mother continued to listen.

“I fell for Kayla’s trap and I know it. All I had to do was ignore her and let her earn her shot. I’d still be world champion now if I did. I’m so stupid, mother. I shouldn’t have taken the bait just because I wanted to silence her and be done with it.”

“What’s regretting going to do?” my mother sternly asks me. I couldn’t muster an answer. “Julianna, you’ve always felt the need to prove others wrong and it’s NGW poison with how you were treated there that’s the root of that problem. But don’t talk to me…”

My mother went to the door, grabbed a six foot tall mirror and placed it in front of me.

“ to the woman that you see.”


“My trainer used to do this exercise for me when I was wrestling. Look into the eyes of your reflection…”

I was suddenly entranced by the mirror and my reflection, being deep in thought.

“Filter out all of your wrestling problems and tell me, honestly, what you see looking back in the mirror…”

If it wasn’t my mother doing this for me, I wouldn’t have even bothered to listen. But I did, and I was feeling a glow in my heart.

“I see a woman that’s overcome so much… a warrior… I see someone that was always strong and brilliant enough to overcome anything in her path and always will be. I see a woman that is one of the best in the world at what she does with a stronger, brighter future than ever.”

Those self-affirmations strengthened that glow and my burdens felt like they were melting away.

“Does losing to Kayla change that?”


“Would losing to her again change that?”


“Did losing to her in the first place prove all those people in NGW right?”


I was surprised that I had the strength in me to come to those conclusions on my own.

“So why do you feel the need to prove yourself to everyone else when the only one that matters is you?"

I made an attempt to come up with an answer, but I went a bit cold and numb when I realized that I couldn’t. It was almost as if an epiphany was growing right in front of my eyes and it was so bright and so wonderful I almost wanted to cry tears of joy. Every single negative thing I ever heard about me from the petty comments to the burial comments, from NGW to SCW, was flashing before me and my brain felt like it was being drained of all of those negative thoughts I’ve ever had to suffer through.

“...Mom? I’m realizing how silly that whole mindset is…”

“GOOD! That’s progress. You’re the only one that matters. You don’t have to prove SHIT to Kayla. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone in SCW. You never had to prove anything to your former companies. You never had to prove anything to your father. That woman in the mirror is the only person that matters here and don’t you EVER forget that. I’ll give you some time to really filter out your mind from all the toxic crap it got cluttered with from NGW and any subsequent bullshit since then too. All that shit from those toxic sexist pigs in this company and from those incompetent fools that treated you like a joke in that company… all that shit Courtney said to you, all the shit Kayla is saying to you… take the next few days to purge it from your mind. Because next week? We’re going to bury that NGW past for good.”

I had nothing else to say as my mother left me alone. I looked back at the mirror, still numb, but realizing my mother’s teaching.

“That’s what she meant by inward, not outward…”

Now? I was realizing exactly how strong I’ve always been…

June 1st - USS Missouri

I was standing on the deck of the museum ship with a burlap sack in hand and a part of me was feeling really good for what I was about to do. Thinking back to that mirror exercise my mother had done for me, I knew that she would’ve wanted me to do what I could to declutter my mind from the past. She said that we’re going to bury said past for good and what I was about to do was make my point by digging that grave for those memories just a bit deeper.

“I’m going to start off with some acknowledgements. First off? I fucked up. The smart thing to do was to ignore Kayla Richards and her constant sniping at me instead of falling for an obvious trap. I didn’t do the smart thing. I did the RIGHT thing, ultimately. And as much as that decision was a big fuck up for me when Blaze of Glory went on the air, I would do it all over again. Why should I regret it anymore? Why should I punish myself? I’m not going to do that. I chose to do the right thing over the smart thing and the outcome is what it is. I can’t change that. Regaining the championship in this rematch isn’t going to change that. The point that I am making at this moment is that you don’t grow without fucking up and man, in my early career? I did that a LOT! I want to also acknowledge some of the whispers and some of the chatter about how you have certain people in that Blast from the Past tournament, either those that remain or those that have long been eliminated, that were talking about facing Kayla Richards after this event, as if the outcome is set in stone. I bring this up to say that I’m not fighting this match to prove you wrong and the only opinions that matter are those of my own. I’m not going to go into an angry rant. I’m going to handle my own business. I’m going to regain the SCW Bombshells World Championship in that two out of three falls match at Into the Void. It’s easier said than done, it goes without saying. But if I’m the only one that believes in me? Then I’m the only one I need. Because really… for most of my career? All I’ve done is let the opinions of other people matter…

…and I’m done with that shit…”

I paused, giving an angry glare to the camera and opened the burlap sack to pull out a replica of the first championship I ever won in professional wrestling.

“This is a replica of the WCG West Coast Championship I won 7 years ago in my first company’s developmental territory. You know what this belt represents to me?”

I scoffed before I threw the replica of the belt overboard into the ocean.

“A bunch of bad fucking memories that have done nothing but shape the weakest parts of me as a professional wrestler and I am NOT going to be driven by vengeance or feeling like I need to make up for the past. I am NOT going to be driven anymore by a need to erase my fuck ups! Back then? I fucked up so much! I didn’t do myself any favors, but I was in a toxic environment that did nothing but hold me down for so long, especially psychologically and what I am working on as far as coming back stronger for this rematch is purging every piece of the past that I can… the most toxic pieces of what I’ve had to deal with over my career, so I CAN be stronger, so I CAN be at my best. It’s a work in progress, but no longer is ANY piece of my career or my worth as a person going to be defined by that experience. You WERE part of that experience, Kayla. You know that. You brought it up. Fine. I’ll embrace that and use that to my advantage.

I’ll start off with the obvious…

Blaze of Glory?

Stung. Hurt. It cauterized me. It was painful to swallow the reality of that outcome.

But that’s what I did.

But what you didn’t do then was break me. Oh I know there was a large part of you that wanted to break me. You don’t have to say it. But you didn’t. I’m still standing, growing, evolving…

You beat me. You hurt me. You stung me. But you didn’t break me. I might have lost, but I wasn’t defeated and every single day since then, all I’ve been thinking about is this rematch and regaining that championship by any means necessary. If I have to fight dirty, I’ve shown you based on my actions over the last few weeks, that I WILL fight dirty. I will leave no stone unturned to get that title back from you. I’ve watched back that match countless times over. I know where I’ve fucked up there. I know there were points in the ring and leading up to that match where I clearly showed that I was trying to overcompensate for some shitty fucking experience at a fucking hellhole that has been dead for almost 6 years and any experiences I’ve picked up that have jaded me ever since and I am NOT going to fucking overcompensate anymore, Kayla. I’m not going to make the same mistakes that I did. You got what you fucking wanted. You got that championship.

And you know, I actually had some hope for you that you would actually mature and evolve and grow with the title and not be the same bitter, unsatisfied bitch you’ve always been. The first thing you do… after you were done running up the score on social media that is… is moan about having to defend the championship against Ariana Angelos and while I GET IT in terms of whether or not she was deserving considering they had me defend that title against the likes of fucking Bea and Mercedes, you were the one that was supposed to be better than me right?

You were the one that was supposed to show me how it’s done? Yeah, I admit I bitched about defending the title against subpar competition, but that’s the thing. You’re boasting about how you’re going to be better than me, yet you went down the same fucking path that I did. You’re talking about all the other names you could’ve maybe should’ve faced. I heard what you said about Ariana and while I understand Ariana isn’t someone that is championship material, we can agree on that, but I hung onto every word you said and I couldn’t stop smirking. I felt like maybe I was onto something…

I KNEW I was onto something when you all but admitted that facing Harper Mason was a waste of time. I heard you go on the song and dance you’ve been on before about the annoyances you’ve had to deal with from the women on the roster acting like you didn’t exist, I heard you puff out your chest and talk about what you’ve done in your career, I heard you go on about how you’re going to restore the title back to where it needs to be…


By being the same old shit you were as a challenger then as a champion? You want to give the lecture about how a champion makes the title and all of that, but when you’re the champion you HAVE to evolve, you have to grow. You have to change with the title and you of all people, having been a world champion multiple times over, should know all of that. Yet, there you go again degrading your title defense as a ‘waste of time’, saying Harper is a ‘waste of time’. So what the fuck kind of champion are you if everything and everyone is a waste of time? See, NOW I know the advantage that I DO have over you, Kayla: and that’s PERSPECTIVE! I take the time to learn from my mistakes, I dissect everywhere I went wrong, I look back at what I could’ve done different, better, I evolve and grow from my mistakes but you keep making them repeatedly but that doesn’t matter does it? Because the results justify it, right? You fail to see the big picture much of the time. You were getting on me for complaining about my title defenses and who I was facing in the ring, but you’ve been going around and doing the same thing since you won the title yourself? You carry yourself the same way that I am learning to CEASE carrying myself and that is allowing whatever you’ve been through to push you…

You’re the champion, you got the belt you wanted so fucking bad, but all you want to focus on is this ‘waste of time’ that happened to you, or this inconvenience, or how you were fucked over in one company or how such and such happened in some other place and how it drove you. You’re living a fucking dream, Kayla. You’ve got what everyone in this division should want and that’s not good enough for you, clearly it isn’t. You’re still the same, miserable… and possibly self-loathing though you’ll have too much of an ego to ever admit to that if it’s true… person that is harping on about having to face Ariana X amount of times or how you and Finn Whelan had to deal with Jet City and how Eiley was an idiot toward you and all of that…

You’re still going on about losing the Internet belt to Keira or the inconveniences Ariana caused you…

You’re focused on what you had to overcome to get what you have, NOT on what you can do with what you have. I’m no therapist. I’m not even close to one. But the biggest reason why I can observe something like that in you is because I USED to be the same way. I’m WORKING on getting OUT of that toxic mindset that you happen to find yourself in. If you want to hang onto the past and if you want to keep bitching about it, that’s up to you. You do you on that. As someone who used to live life the way that you do, I actually feel SORRY for you because I know how self-destructive a mindset like yours is and I would never wish that upon my worst enemy, not even you. What you have shown me since you won that championship is that it’s entirely possible that you’re not ready to be world champion here just yet.

If you did? You’d grow with the title and so far? You haven’t. You’ve stayed stuck in place. I know it’s still early for you, but if people want to criticize me two weeks into my reign as some did, then hey, fair game right?

I’ve learned to look myself in the mirror and realize there’s more to this business and this life than being a world champion. Don’t get me wrong, I want to fucking beat you and reclaim that championship, but I’m not going to go into a bunker or a corner somewhere and cry my eyes out if I don’t. I’m not that kind of person that I was six, seven years ago… the person that you know. You even admitted as such in recent weeks. I can hold my head up high no matter what happens in that two out of three falls match because I am learning that the opinions of other people, your opinions, Courtney’s opinions, Luna’s opinions… or I guess they’re LIES honestly…

They don’t mean shit.

If someone wants to assume they face you after the tournament? So what. It means shit for me. I can at least look in the mirror and say that.

I can hold my head up high knowing I’m okay and that I am BETTER than being a person that is self-obsessed with their own, borderline unhealthy ego.

But can YOU, Kayla?

Because if you can’t even be happy at a time where you SHOULD be at your happiest, fresh off of beating me for that championship that I’m about to win back, then how the FUCK are you going to properly function without that championship?

How the FUCK are you going to live with yourself KNOWING you didn’t set out what you wanted to do, KNOWING that you’re going to feel like shit because of it, KNOWING that you flushed away an opportunity to back up your words and to SHOW you deserve to be a world champion?

Because losing that belt back to me reduces your reign to a title defense against Ariana, a win against Harper AND?!?!?!

I’m a work in progress, I’ll be the first to admit that. But if I can win a world championship here BEFORE I even started being a work in progress, then I KNOW in my heart that I can, I WILL regain that championship from someone so psychologically fragile and in their endless narcissistic loop that will eventually lead to their own self-destruction.

You still NEED this to validate yourself, Kayla.

I don’t need to validate SHIT… not anymore, not to anyone else, and especially not to someone like YOU.

How the fuck are you going to function knowing you failed yourself as the SCW Bombshells World Champion?

That’s the first question you’ll be asking yourself after I beat you and win that title back…

At this point? I shut off the camera and sit on the deck of the Missouri taking in the sounds of the ocean and preparing myself for whatever my mother had in store for me for my psychological training for the rematch to come.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Diamond Head
Honolulu, Hawaii
3:04 PM  Local Time

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing on the beach barefoot and dressed in a pink bikini. She glares at the camera for the intrusion before nodding slightly as if she knew this would happen but thought she’d have more time to prepare.

Seleana Zdunich: Here we are, ja?

She nods grimly.

Seleana Zdunich: We will fight in paradise to see who gets to be Queen For A Day in SCW between me, Eiley, Victoria Lyons, Harper Mason, Bobbie Dahl and Diamond Steele. 

She pauses, the annoyance softening slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: It is billed as a ladder match between six SCW Bombshells as if we are all equal but…

She snickers, knowing how that will be received.

Seleana Zdunich: I know firsthand that this prize is used as a cudgel to beat others over the head if they are given something by the so-called Queen that others believe is undeserved or unearned. .

She nods again, knowing how this has gone in the past.

Seleana Zdunich: Or even if it just seems like they were given something even if it was just an opportunity.

She nods, pointing at herself in the chest.

Seleana Zdunich: I was afforded an opportunity by somebody who was the Queen and just because of who it was, it had never mattered that I capitalized on that opportunity or turned away others both in the process and after the fact. It is a cudgel that is used against me to this day.

Glaring into the camera, Seleana’s anger starts to bubble up. 

Seleana Zdunich: I say the same thing every time it is brought up, you no like, do something about. Stop the Queen from winning, we never have this problem. Stop me from capitalizing, we never have this problem. Stop me from defending so it doesn’t come off like a fluke, we never have this problem.

She shakes her head as she glares accusingly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: But all of you involved at the time could not so here we sit, broken hearted. Paid my dime and only…

She nods knowingly.

Seleana Zdunich: So we have Eiley and Victoria Lyons who will inevitably complain about being forced into this match with those of us who are beneath them as if they should simply be handed the crown rather than be forced to cimb over us and up the ladder to take their…

Making air quotes with her fingers, Seleana

Seleana Zdunich: “Rightful place” because it’s just that clear that they should be afforded things.

Annoyance enters her eyes.

Seleana Zdunich: There are so many entitled…

She shakes her head, stopping herself from what she was going to say.

Seleana Zdunich: No, they do not deserve that word… 

Now looking almost angry with herself for getting so close to letting that word fly out of her mouth, Seleana all but slaps herself.

Seleana Zdunich: Neither of them have done anything enough to be bestowed with such a word on them. It would mean they have power over others when they do not.

A look of revulsion comes across her face.

Seleana Zdunich: Such a waste of talent…

Again, she shakes her head, this time in disgust.

Seleana Zdunich: Harper Mason and Bobbie Dahl have been the opposite. They have simply been looking for an opportunity and now they find themselves with one.

She nods approvingly.

Seleana Zdunich: They can go out there and show everyone who they are on this kind of stage and make everyone take notice that they are both not to be trifled with or simply discarded because they are not the loudest or the squeakiest wheel. They did not require speaking something into existence just to make it so.

The harsh glare of her gaze returns.

Seleana Zdunich: They are who they are and now they get a chance to prove that to everyone and allow them all to take notice.

She shakes her head, looking away.

Seleana Zdunich: I wish I can say I am surprised but I am not.

Her gaze moves back to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: It is the usual M.O. for many to dismiss because they cannot stand to admit someone else has any talent at all much less in the same stratosphere as them. Many of them almost sound if they are delusional…

She nods slowly.

Seleana Zdunich: Which we must wonder if we will hear delusional in this match, ja?

She nods grimly.

Seleana Zdunich: Not from Eiley or Victoria. Not from Harper or Bobbie.

Seleana shakes her head almost sadly. 

Seleana Zdunich:  It is sad.  We are friends.

She pauses, and nods in acknowledgement.

Seleana Zdunich: Sometimes.

She takes a deep breath, looking down at her feet.

Seleana Zdunich: Our daughters are best friends. They do everything together.

She nods to herself as she looks back up.

Seleana Zdunich: We are family.

Looking the camera dead in the eye, Seleana all but pleads.

Seleana Zdunich: That is why it hurts to ask, who are we actually getting at Into The Void?

She points at her hand as if there is a list to go down written on it.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the Jem and the Holograms knock-off who half the time never remembers to tap her earring and say, “Show’s over, Synergy?”

Seleabna scratches her head as if this is painful just to go down the list.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the girl who thinks she’s the punker chick that should actually be called the Misfit?

She cocks her head to the right.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the sweet English girl who can be a wonderful person to everyone and especially her daughter?

She moves her head so it's cocked to the left instead.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the woman who calls herself Diamond because she thinks she’s “God’s Gift” to everything?

She sighs heavily.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the woman who cannot decide if that is actually true?

She nods slowly.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting Kate?

Seleana sighs again.

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting Kath-Lyn?

She raises her right hand, palm up like she’s weighing one side of the argument..

Seleana Zdunich: Are we getting the woman who is our family friend?

Her right hand goes down and the left hand goes up in its place.

Seleana Zdunich: Or are we getting the woman who tried to destroy our family? 

She shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: We shall see…

She nods again, her focus coming on stronger. 

Seleana Zdunich: We shall see who takes the prize, who climbs the ladder and who will be Queen. There are six of us in this match and we are all capable of great things. We shall see who stalks the prize and takes it all! 


”You ever look at a match and think “Christian booked this for shits and giggles? Well, I don’t need to think that way regarding my third Into the Voice match in SCW, because he more or less confirmed it on Twitter.

And what is that match you ask? Why, it’s the clash of the Crystals! Except not really because one’s Australian and spells her name with a K and the other has gone through so many name changes over the years that you need a giant conspiracy board just to keep track, who also happens to be a multi time champion and a Hall of Famer.

And probably one of the more controversial Hall of Famers at that, that’s right I’m talking about Crystal Zdunich, someone who at one point was so hated that they were legit considering booting her out of the Hall of Fame.

Pretty sure Jessie said that the Troll had more Hall of Fame credibility than her too, either way? She’s on her latest redemption arc, will it stick who knows? Will I beat her? Abosofuckinglutely!”

Krystal’s hotel room. Ford Island, Hawaii
Tuesday the 28th of May 2024, 13:00pm

It’s the day after Krystal’s last minute match at Into the Void was announced and the Aussie wrestler is bemused.

”I’ve been in SCW for nearly four years and they waited this long to book me against the other Crystal.” Krystal commented dryly as she looked at the matchup in question, or rather the tweet from SCW Co Owner Christian Underwood announcing said match. ”I’d say the fact that he didn’t reply to my quote tweet wondering which commentator pissed in his cereal that morning pretty much confirms that yes, he booked the match for the lols.”

”Charlotte, did you seriously just say “for the lols” without a single shred or irony?” Makayla asked with an amused look on her face and Krystal shook her head. ”Just don’t use it in the promo against the other Crystal, you’ll never hear the end of it otherwise.”

”You mean like how I never hear the end of it from idiots like Julianna and Kayla who only look at my recent record and not what I’ve done for the division as a whole?!” Krystal frowned in response as she rolled her eyes. ”Besides, Crystal’s just another pretender to my throne, someone who was one Bombshell Roulette Champion, held it after me and failed to come close to my legacy, Melissa was the first opponent I’ve faced since then and Crystal will be the second.”

”Not to be pedantic but wasn’t Alexandra the first? You faced her when she was gearing to challenge Julianna, a match that could happen again if they win their matches at Into the Void I might add.” Makayla responded and Krystal rolled her eyes in response. ”What? I’m just saying!”

”And I’m just saying that being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic doesn’t suit you Makayla, besides, Alexandra doesn’t count, because no one was sure what she was going to do in the wake of losing the title to Bobbie.” Krystal responded as she shook her head and Makayla nodded. ”There’s also the King and Queen for a Day Matches and what effects, if any, those will have on the title scene.”

”If history has taught us anything, probably very little, I think the last time a title changed hands during a Queen for a Day episode was after Crystal won it herself now that I think about it.” Makayla responded as she sat down on her bed and Krystal nodded. ”When the title was usually being hot potatoed around and decently long title reigns were few and far between.”

”Another trend I don’t get enough credit for ending, sure there’s a chance Luna will take the title off Alexandra next Sunday but does anyone not named Luna actually see that happening?” Krystal responded before pausing. ”I’d excuse Raven from that but I think he’s more interested in securing a World Title Match at Summer XXXTreme.”

”No doubt about that.” Makayla nodded in agreement before Krystal stood up and went over to the door. ”Where are you going?”

”Off for a walk, maybe I’ll get my promo done, who knows?” Krystal responded with a shrug before she headed out.

(Krystal’s inner thoughts)

”Who’s the more divisive Bombshell who happens to have the name Crystal hmmm?

One’s an extremely talented, gorgeous young woman who has put on banger after banger since she signed with SCW in the dark days of 2020, and the other is Crystal Zdunich, the difference should be clear as day but some people just don’t see it.

You’d think the fact that we have different skin tones and are from different parts of the world would’ve clued people in by now but now, we’re like that meme where a woman is being asked by corporate to tell the difference between two pictures and she says that they are the same picture.

If she says that about us then she’s deaf, blind, and dumb, there’s no other way around it.”

Walking down the pier. Ford Island, Hawaii
Tuesday the 28th of May 2024, 15:00pm

*promo time*


”So this is something I’ve been wondering ever since the tour started, did Christian book this tour after watching a bunch of History Channel Documentaries? The good ones I mean, not the shit with the idiots saying that Aliens built the pyramids.” I commented as I walked down the pier. ”Or more specifically, war documentaries, look at the places we’ve visited, Hastings, two locations in France that played key roles in WW2, Troy, Gettysburg and now Pearl Harbor, if I seems like I’m stalling for time, what the fuck else do you expect me to do when this match against the other Crystal got sprung on me at the last minute?!”


”For those keeping track of my Into the Void score at home, I’ve gone from winning the Roulette Title at my first, Queen for a Day Ladder Match at my second, dealing with Tempest being a hired gun sent after me by the Go Gym because of my actions at least year’s Blaze of Glory, and thrown together match with the other Crystal, I can only assume that this is for shits and giggles!” Krystal added as she folded her arms. ”And in case the different skin tone, accent, hair colour or literally anything else that’s different between me and the bad Crystal didn’t give it away? My name’s spelt with a K, hers is spelt with a C, remember that!”

It's that simple.

”Crystal with a CC, we’re both viewed as the Bombshell Division’s pariahs by idiots who can’t grasp that we’ll be more memorable than them in the long run but who is truly better between us? Mae, and I’ll prove it at Into the Void!” Krystal stated with a scowl on her face as she folded her arms. ”And at Influencing the Division Part IX: Different Spellings? Believe me, you’ll wish that you had stayed fired.”

And with that Krystal decided to wrap things up.

”Was this match booked for shits and giggles or did Christian truly have it in for the commentators? Either way? I’m about to tie my Into the Void score up at two apiece, this won’t be as career defining as my Roulette Title Win but beating your useless as will be satisfying all the same.” Krystal added as she started to walk off. ”Because I kick ass for the content!”

Krystal walked off as the scene fades.
Supercard Roleplays / Re: GOTH v ENIGMA - INFERNO MATCH
« Last post by ENTITY on June 01, 2024, 09:56:43 PM »
// Google Docs: 4993 words! Good luck \\

DATE: September of 2013 | CAMERA: Off

Each step he took everything hurt. Even with it being two days removed from the previous event. His body was still beat up.

Agony and pain shot down the middle of his spine all the way to his legs. That was the price you paid being a professional wrestler though.

One of the many reasons why he never complained. He knew what he signed himself up for. This is what he wanted in his life. He just had to deal with it.

Thankfully though today was the flight home. Leading to the next couple of weeks off that would ultimately give his body time to recover and heal.

As he limped through the airport, he happened to look up and see a familiar face. One that he actually wanted to speak to. From a business front more than anything.

Doing his best to catch up to the man.

“Hey Mr. Ward!
Hey Mark!”

The closer he had gotten. He was getting closer to one half of the owners of the wrestling company known as Sin City Wrestling:Mark Ward.

Briefly Mark looked behind him when he heard his name being called. Taking notice to the man approaching him. He stopped there with his cell phone to his ear.

“I’ll have to call you back.”

Pulling the phone away from his ear. Now putting his attention on the man before him.

“What can I help you with?”

“I know our dealings with each other have been limited.
Since I signed a couple months back.
But I was wondering if I could have a quick moment of your time.”

“I haven’t been a hard man to find.
We could’ve talked plenty. I don’t have much time.
Plane is about to board here in the next fifteen minutes.
If you can make it quick.”

“I am not going to take too much of your time.
Promise, just a few words.”

Following the words that came out of the man’s mouth. Mark sat his suitcase on wheels off to the side. Put his phone in his pocket and gave his undivided attention.

“Go on then.”

“Well for starters. I’m thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given.
I understand that it was kind of a big risk to sign me for a year.
My reputation was a bit wild. . .
And just because I had a good run somewhere else.
It doesn’t mean the same magic is going to be captured here.
Thank you for that.”

“As a man with a keen eye for talent.
I tend to look past certain things.
Your reputation and attitude aside.
I knew it was going to be a good signing and a big one at that.
It’s clearly worked out. Your success has come fast.
Something to be proud of.”

“It’s an honor to hear that sir. Honestly.
I know you’re a busy man. Probably don’t have time to keep tabs on everything.
But to hear that truly means more than you know.”

The only detailed conversation he had with Mark prior to this was the day he signed his contract. Other than that it was just a Hello type greeting at the shows.

To know that one of the highest figures in the company truly knew who he was and knew what he accomplished. That was a boost of his ego.

A true shot of adrenaline that he needed. As well as a little bit of a confidence boost in the real reason he wanted to have this conversation to begin with.

“That brings me to my next point.
We got a little over six months left on my contract.
And I’m not want to try and extend it right this second.
Nor am I asking for more money.
I figured that’s a better conversation for around the three month mark.

But I do want to talk to you about being more involved,
Be featured more and become a bit more of a household name.
A way to sell myself and make SCW more profitable.
Figured after that match with Goth I just had.
Now would be the perfect time. Feel like it really put me on the map despite the loss.”

“For starters let me start off by saying.
What a match you and Goth had the other night.
I can see by the limp it put you through the ringer. . .
But it was a phenomenal match. One for the ages.
A qualifying match for the Match of the Year if you ask me.

Plan to get with Christian when we land back in America and talk numbers.
See how it did for attendance and for the webcast.
However everything I’ve heard so far has been nothing other than positive.
Kudos to you and Goth for that.
But. . .”


“There’s always a but in this business.
Being in it as long as you have.
I’m sure you understand that.”

“Of course. . .
However, what is the but about?”

“I don’t think right now what you’re asking for is ideal for us as a company.”

The instant feeling that overcame him in that moment was not a good one. It felt like he had been punched in the gut. However it was going to get worse.

“And the reason for that being involves Goth.
The match the two of you had put a new light on Goth.
It made him shine in ways we have never seen before.
Made us change our view on him.
And the way the crowd reacted to that big win for him.
It was next level stuff.

And then with you. . .
I’m not saying there’s not a chance in the future for you to be featured more.
As well as be a bigger household name for us.
But this match kind of just showed us where you’re at at this moment.
Very much what we expected.
Keep working hard though.”

“Keep working hard?
All due respect I have been.
And what does that mean. . .
I’m what you expected?
That seems like it’s meant to be disrespectful as hell.”

“Calm yourself down there, pal.
I assure you there was no disrespect or ill intent by my words.
It’s just a very accurate statement.”

“How is it accurate?
I want to know what it means.”

Every bit of him was trying to remain calm and respectful. After all, the man before him was his boss. That man did sign his checks. He couldn’t help but feel slighted.

“Listen. . .
I respect what you’re doing for the company.
And I respect where you are right now.
But Goth is just a little more valuable and marketable than you are right now.
Again that’s how the business works.
Right now just isn’t your time.”

“All due respect sir.
I’m not trying to sell Goth short here.
But before that match. . .
He wasn’t considered a main event player.
No one was ready to strap a rocket to his back.
And send him to the moon.

Again, I am not trying to slight the man.
Not trying to disrespect the man.
Not even trying to shit on your views,
I don’t share them, but I also truly believe,
I offer just a little more to the table,
And don't think what I’m asking for is much.”

“I don’t have time for the back and forth.
I really have to get on this plane.
All I can tell you is this is Goth’s time.
And maybe next time see to it you don’t lose
Seeing as this isn’t the first time you’ve lost to him.”

Mark turned to grab a hold of his suitcase and held it in his hand. Looking back at the man that stopped him.

“Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
This will give you some time to think about things.”

He turned and walked away to catch his flight back to the states. Leaving the man just standing there to think about the words left with him.

Truth be told there wasn’t a lot to think about. The mistake here was losing to Goth. Losing to someone that wasn’t as good as him.

Losing to someone that wasn’t on his level. That seemed to disqualify him from getting a chance to be a major factor in Sin City Wrestling.

More importantly than that. That loss painted him in a negative light. It made one of the owners view him as just another guy. Not someone that could be at the top.

That was the worst of it all. From this day forward he would never forgive Goth. It would never be a hatchet buried and any chance he got. He’d make Goth pay.

DATE: April 14th, 2024 | CAMERA: Off

Blaze of Glory XII had come. Blaze of Glory XII had gone. To some, it was a success. To others it was just another night. And to a select few, it was a horrible night.

One that they would likely want to forget in the near future. One of those few had to have been the man known as Goth. After competing for the SCW World Heavyweight Championship.

And once again failing to capture it. It was one thing to fail, but it was another thing to fail in what could have been the very last shot at the title.

The very last shot at being in the Main Event. The very last chance at being the man around Sin City Wrestling. Goth was surely feeling shame, disappointment, and guilt.

But has he thought about the ones that supported him? Has he thought about the ones that had his back? Has he thought about his so-called fans? Most likely not.

Walking out of the WalkUp Skydome side by side were two young men. Both represent Goth in some way shape or form. One wearing a t-shirt with Goth’s face plastered on it.

The other was removing a facemask that was designed to represent Goth. Taking it off his head and looking at his friend shaking his head.

“Man. That was disappointing.”

“I really thought tonight was going to be the night.
I really thought Goth would really reclaim the throne.
And we’d get one final historic run.”

“I don’t know why you thought that.
I don’t know why I thought that.
I don’t even know why we keep supporting him.
Goth has provided us with so many memories.
It’s been fun being a fan, but he has let us down a lot.”

“He’s gotten older. He’s lost a step.
It’s clear that he isn’t what he used to be.
But I couldn’t flake or be a fake fan.
He’s sacrificed so much for our entertainment over the years.”

“He has, but honestly as much as it pains me to say this.
I hope the rumors are true. I hope he is retiring.
It’s time for him to move on.
He deserves it, and there’s no point in ruining the legacy anymore.”

Both men had these somber looks on their faces. Truly disappointed but also a sense of sadness consuming them at the same time.

Little did either of them know that standing behind them in the bushes of the venue. Hiding out in the darkness was someone listening to their conversation.

All of the sudden from in the darkness and in the bushes. A voice was heard scaring both men as it wasn’t something they expected.

“Goth? Retirement?
You don’t say?”

Both of them had jumped and were looking behind them where the voice had come from. However with it being dark and the bushes. They couldn’t make a defined person out.


“Is someone actually there?”

“I asked a question, gentlemen.
Is the rumor of retirement true?!”

Of course it caught them by surprise again. Both of them straining their eyes still trying to see who it was, but it was truly no use.

“Well it’s the rumor.”

“You know how people talk.
And how the internet wrestling community can be.”

“But even then Goth himself has kind of hinted at it.
A little bit cryptic but it’s still been hinted at.
And I think since he failed at winning the Word Champion.
I think there’s a pretty good chance we’ll see him retire.”

“I honestly do feel bad for him.”

“Feel bad for him?
Why would anyone feel bad for him?”

There was a hint of hatred in that question from the voice that came from the darkness. Clearly not sharing the same mindset as the two men before him.

“I mean the man has given his career to this company.
He’s left a lot in and out of the ring. For us fans.
Many nights of blood, sweat, and tears pouring from him.
And all the man wanted was one more fun at the top.
It just didn’t happen.”

“But what about the people he has harmed?
Are we just going to forget about the tirade he’s been on for months?
Are you just going to look past all the evil things he’s done?
On his own and with the Saviors.
This is all forgivable because he couldn’t win
And he’s showing he’s weak - like he’s always been?!”

“I don’t know if I’d say that it’s forgivable.
It’s wrestling. Everyone does some bad things every now and then.
But you kind of learn sympathy for someone like that.
Especially when it’s clear they’re not what they used to be.
Despite them trying so hard.”

“Sympathy? How disgusting.”

Following those words. Out of the bushes and out of darkness stepped the masked figure known as the Entity. As soon as the two fans saw him step out into the light.

They found themselves jumping back. It had clearly caught them off guard. This was not something either of them were expecting.

“What the hell?!”

“Why are you hiding in the bushes like a creep?!”

“Eleven years later. . .
And no one understands still.
No matter what I say. No matter what I do.
None of you get it.
I’m the darkness. I’m the forgotten one.
Because of one man and one man only.”


“What has he ever done to you?!
You two have never even crossed paths.
Have you lost your mind?”

“Lost my mind? You don’t know half of it.”

A very demonic and almost sarcastic chuckle left that masked figure for a brief second. Those fans looked more confused than ever.

“But it’s funny to see people have sympathy for that coward.
Funny how you feel bad for him. Feel sad for his failures,
Especially when no one had any for what he did to me.
For what he cost me. For what he turned my career into.
For leading to my legacy being forgotten about.”

“Uh... what are you on, dude?”

“I have sat in silence. Sat in the darkness.
Watched my name be forgotten. All because of him.
And I knew there was going to come a time.
There was going to come a place.
Sooner rather than later, the perfect opportunity would present itself.
For me to get even. For me to get the revenge I deserve.”

“Okay rambling rabbit. We’re going to leave.”

“Oh wait before you do. . .”

Entity found himself slowly stepping towards the two men. This didn’t help their nerves by any means. Both men raised their eyebrows. Their fight or flight kicking in.

“I want you to pay close attention.
Pay very close attention to what happens next.
As I am going to ensure you get one last moment.
One last match. One last time seeing your hero.”

“What makes you think you can make that happen?
Are you even worth the man staying around?
His retirement and peace surely means more than. . .”

“Then what?!”

The soulless eyes of Entity narrowed on one of the men.

“I will get what I want.
I’ll make it happen.
That man does not get to walk away peacefully.
His sins don’t get to go unpunished.
What he did to me doesn’t get forgotten about.”

Shaking their head from side to side. Their statement clearly meant something to them. Despite the confusion it was causing.

“Goth and his career is going down in a blaze.
I’m going to be the one that starts the fire!”

That evil smirk crossed the masked figure’s lips briefly. Before they turned away from the two men and began to walk back into the darkness and into those bushes.

Disappearing within seconds. Both men found themselves just standing there looking at the darkness where the masked figure walked before looking at each other.

“That thing is playing with fire.”

“Goth is going to burn all his hopes and dreams down.”

“This is going to be fun to watch after all.”

Both men turned and started to walk across that parking lot of the Walkup Skydome. Their opinions were theirs, but they nor anyone else would have expected what Entity had planned next.


The shot found itself opening up to reveal the scenery under what appeared to be some type of bridge. All around was trash, old ratty looking tents, and trash cans burning with high flames.

And the smell? It was ungodly. This entire setting very much made it feel like it was where homeless people lived. Not exactly the best thing by any means.

Just then the shot cut over to the back of someone. They were holding what looked like to be a garbage bag and they were facing the flaming trash can.

All of the sudden a very familiar booming voice could be heard.

“We’ve all heard the saying before.
Likely as far as when we were kids.
The saying goes:
If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned.”

By then the shot had gotten close enough to face the person standing there. Revealing what the viewers already knew. It was the masked figure Entity.

“You might not get burned the first time.
Might not get burned the second or even the third.
But eventually you will and it’s not going to feel great.
And the sad part is. . .
Even after some people get burned that one time.
They don’t learn their lesson. They come back and play with fire again.
That’s when tragedy usually strikes.”

There was something about the way Entity stared into the fire. The flames made those already soulless eyes seem all the more evil.

“Eleven years ago Goth. You started with fire.
That fire I’m referencing is me.
Now by the time I came into the company, Goth.
You had already been here for a good little while.
Had a little bit under your belt.

Of course it was nothing to brag about.
A couple Roulette Championship reigns to your name.
That’s it. Again like I said nothing to brag about.
Honestly you were starting to look like a dude,
Like the company was going to move on from you at that time.

Certainly not the legend you fooled people to believe you are,
And our paths crossed rather early on in my career here.
I didn’t think much of you then.
Didn’t think much of our match then.
Although I’m sure it meant everything to you.

A chance for you to smack around a new kid.
And a chance for you to prove that you weren’t done yet.
You won that match, but it didn’t mean anything.
It didn’t slow me down or my momentum.
In fact I went on to do much better things shortly after that.”

A slight little head nod consumed the masked figure. Seemingly taking a stroll down memory lane for a brief second.

“I was someone when I first signed here.
No one saw much in me. Not a single soul expected me to go on
And accomplish all that I did. Kind of like you, Goth.
Only difference is I’ve always been better than you.
I was always going to do more than you.

And truth be told, my career SHOULD have outlasted yours!
But it didn’t and the reason it didn’t is because when I finally reached a certain level of success.
You were thrown at me once again. Why?
That’s something I still don’t know.
Part of me feels like it was malicious.

Almost like the powers that be here.
Mark and Christian were set out to see me fail all along.
And they were going to see to it.
But then again on the other side of the coin.
Maybe they did it to see you fail.

Maybe just maybe they were sick and tired of you.
Whining, complaining, crying, and trying to make them feel guilty for why you weren’t at the top.
So they tossed you to me to shut you up.
No matter what though. At the end of the day. . .
I’m the one that dropped the ball a second time.”

For the first time since the shot opened up. Entity let his eyes leave the fire to come up to the cameras.

“That second loss was the deciding factor on me.
Losing to you in that situation. It made Mark give up on me.
It made Christian give up on me. It made the fans turn on me.
Even laugh at me. That loss was the nail in the coffin to my career.
That nail didn’t come for a couple months later.
But it was the end for me.

That loss to you led to me not getting a contract extension.
It led to Mark telling me to my face I wasn’t worth the money I was asking for.
It led to me not getting a spot in the Hall of Fame.
Despite every other worthless tom, dick, and harry having a spot.
And in the end it led to my career being erased. My legacy is forgotten.

I admit that I’m at fault. I’m the one that dropped the ball.
But you’re to blame more than anything Goth.
Because you should have never been in that position to begin with.
To make matters worse though, you didn’t think about me or how that affected me.
Why would you after all Goth? You’re a selfish prick and you only cared about one thing.”

Their silence consumed them for a moment. Long enough for them to fumble with that black trash bag they had in their hand the entire time.

Digging inside the bag for a couple seconds before pulling out the SCW World Heavyweight Championship. Or rather a replica of said championship.

Entity held it up right there before all to see. The burning trash can putting a light on it like never before. All before their eyes settled back over.

“At the time this is all you cared about.
This was the only thing that motivated you.
This is all you ever wanted. And this is what you. . .
Along with so many others have considered the measuring stick to success
And eleven years later. It’s still the only thing you care about.

We’ve all heard it for the last few months.
Admitting that you’re a broken down old man.
And somehow someway like so many times in the past.
You’ve fooled this company into giving you a shot at this.
Not once, but twice in recent memory.

Only for you to fall flat on your face.
Pathetic if you ask me but. . .
Eleven years ago that wasn’t the case.
Eventually you got your hands on this. Your career was deemed a success.
In your eyes. And ultimately when I think about it. . .

By defeating me at that time.
Not only did you cause me to lose everything in the end.
But for you, you got to accomplish everything you ever wanted.
The title, the Hall of Fame spot, the legendary career. Everything.
And that has left a bitter foul taste in my mouth all this time.”

For a brief moment that shake of Entity’s head told quite the story. The masked figure was filled with bitterness, rage, and even jealousy.

“Then you thought you could walk away peacefully.
You believed you got to retire on your terms.
Without ever paying the price for what you did to me.
You really thought that you got to walk off into the sunset.
Like nothing ever happened.
That just shows you’re one stupid son of a bitch!”

Those last few words were soaked in venom. True hatred could be felt.

“I admit that I’m at fault.
I should have never allowed this to happen.
But you don’t get to go on and live your life in peace without paying for your sins.
This is where playing with fire gets you burned, Goth.
Because what you fail to realize is this. . .

The moment I decided to come back here after all these years.
You were always target number one. You were always my primary focus.
I just knew I couldn’t make it too obvious. Too quick,.
So I bided my time. I let you have this last little bit of time in the limelight.
As pathetic as it was to watch.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself.
Then I struck when you and everyone else least expected it.
You will never understand the adrenaline flowing through my veins.
The moment I released that fireball in your face.
You will know the true ecstasy I felt.

As I watched you roll around holding your face.
Screaming as the smell of burnt flesh hit my nose.
It’s hard for me to contain my joy knowing that in a few short days.
We’re going to face off and I’m going to get my revenge.
But in the best way possible!”

Taking that fifteen pounds of gold in their hand and without a care in the world. Entity tossed it right into that flaming trash can.

Briefly the flames shot up into the air having some fresh to burn. The heat could really be felt under that mask. Never letting their eyes leave the camera.

“I get the chance to burn everything about you to the ground, Goth.
Every memory these people have of you. Every single accomplishment you ever had.
Every single accolade you ever had. Even the thought and the want.
To have your career on your terms, That will also be burned to the ground.
And it’s not even going to take that much to make it happen.

All I have to do is set you on fire.
Doesn’t matter how it happens.
It doesn’t matter what part of your body.
The only thing that matters is I set you on fire.
I win and you’re gone for good.

Gone for good by my end.
Not yours, but you see Goth. . .
I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again.
It’s not about wins. It’s not about losses.
I’ve moved on from that now that everything has been taken from me.

I’m about pain. I’m about suffering.
I’m about bodily harm. I’m about mental disturbance.
All in all. I’m about destroying you in the worst way possible.
So what you need to understand is the danger that awaits you.
This is something you can’t escape, Goth.”

Entity once again shook their head from side to side. The word that came from their mouth had gotten very violent. Very disturbing. Something all should take into consideration.

“At Into The Void. . .
I am going to cross a line that’s never been crossed before.
I am going to set you ablaze in front of the world.
No one will be around to put you out. No one will be around to save you.
I’m making sure of that!

I will watch your flesh burn right off your bones.
I will watch your flesh burn to ashes.
I will watch you become non-existent right before our very eyes.
Then and only then. . .
Will I finally have the revenge I’ve desired for the last eleven years.”

For a brief moment those paintes lips could be seen curling into that sinister smirk that only Entity was known to give. The thoughts that filled their head.

Their game plan for the match was right around the corner. This may end up being the single most violent thing ever seen on a SCW broadcast..

Their eyes broke from the cameras and looked down at those flames once again. The final message escaping the mouth of the masked figure.

“Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.
You will burn for your sins. From this day forward,
In Entity, you trust.”

A very haunting chuckle began to escape their lips. Echoing from under the bridge into the night sky. Everything that had been said. Everything that had been planned.

No one - not a single soul within Sin City Wrestling would be looking forward to the end of the man they all knew is Goth. However it was clear they didn’t have a choice in the matter.

As the haunting laugh continued. The shot slowly began to zoom out a little bit at a time. The lasting image being of Entity before that fire before it all faded to black.
Sunday May 26th
After Climax Control
Artie did WHAT?!

Tonight didn’t go completely as planned for Kallie Reznik and Artie. They had come close to advancing to the finals of the Blast From The Past tournament, but in the end, Artie had been pinned and they were eliminated, crushing their hopes of winning World Title opportunities. Artie was perhaps disappointed the most, having been the reason they lost, no doubt eliciting a few laughs from everyone who doubted him, he thought. And to make matters worse, Bobbie had once again defended him after the match when Luna Pasilno started to mock him. Artie loved Bobbie and of course loved that she would defend him like that, but he had repeatedly made it known he didn’t want any help in any of this.

But it was all over now. His time in the tournament was officially done, so there would be no need for anyone to protect him. At least, that is what Bobbie thought. But Artie had other plans in mind. When she stepped away to use the restroom, Artie got an idea and quietly snuck away. She probably wouldn’t be happy with him, but this wasn’t about her, nor was this her decision. This was Artie’s decision, and he wasn’t about to let Bobbie stop him.

After sneaking away, he has stopped outside of a door labeled “CHRISTIAN UNDERWOOD.” The makeshift office for the co-owner of SCW. He stands outside the door for a few moments, really contemplating his decision carefully. He takes a deep breath and then finally goes to knock, but as soon as he does, the door opens and Christian Underwood appears in front of him.

Christian:: What are you doing?

Artie jumps back, holding in a startled scream. His heart races for a few moments before he regains his composure.

Artie: Oh, uh, Hi. Hi, Christian. Mr. Underwood.

Christian:: No need for pleasantries, Artie. I assume you have some sort of business you would like to talk about? Otherwise, I’m not quite sure what you were doing just standing outside my office door.

Artie scratches his head, almost embarrassed. But he stands up straight and nods.

Artie:  Oh, yeah. I have a favor to ask. If it’s not too late and if it’s at all possible.

Christian:: Color me curious. I suppose we should discuss this inside?

Christian steps aside, allowing Artie to enter his office. He closes the door behind them, before walking back over to Artie.

Christian:: So, I’m all ears. What is this favor you have to ask?

Artie takes a seat and chooses his words wisely. He was expecting Christian to laugh in his face as soon as he asks what he is about to, but he had to try. The worst that could happen was Christian would say no.

Artie: Well…I know that Kallie and I were eliminated from the tournament tonight, and I know Into The Void XIII is in two weeks and probably already set in stone. But I was kinda wondering if…you could make a match for me?

After sitting down in his own chair, Christian stares at Artie, shock written all over his face.

Christian:: You…want another match?

Artie nods. Christian folds his arms for a few moments, thinking his response over through carefully, and Artie takes his long silence as answer enough.

Artie: It’s okay. I get it. The card is already made, so there is nothing you can do. Not to mention, my contract was only for the Blast From The Past tournament. It was stupid of me to ask. I’ll just be–

Artie starts to stand up to leave, thinking he had been shot down, but Christian holds up a hand.

Christian:: Now wait a second…I didn’t say no.

Artie slowly sinks back down into his chair and stares at Christian.

Artie: Oh…

Christian:: Yes, the card for Into The Void XIII is pretty much completely booked but some tweaks can be made, and we were still finalizing a few things anyway. I think I might have an idea for you, yet.

Artie’s face lights up.

Artie: Really? You do?! What…what is it?! Who is it against?!

Christian grins and shakes his head.

Christian:: That…you will have to wait and find out when the card is announced later on. I have to admit my surprise that you want to continue being booked. Your involvement in the tournament was because of a mistake after all.

Artie: Oh, I know. But, there’s so much more I want to learn and achieve. I think I have what it takes so I want to keep at it.

Christian:: You still are not fully trained, so you agreeing to this is at your own risk. And I don’t want Bobbie coming at us if you get injured in any way.

Artie stands up and shakes his head. He’s almost jumping with excitement.

Artie: Don’t worry about Bobbie. I will handle her. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mr. Underwood. You won’t regret it!

Artie doesn’t even give Christian a chance to respond before he turns and skips off out of his office. Christian sits back in his chair, grinning and shaking his head.

Christian:: Good luck, Artie. You’re going to need it…

Unfortunately for Artie, he was already gone and couldn’t hear Christian’s last words for him. Christian sighs and shakes his head again and gets back to some paperwork before the scene fades.

SCW Exclusive
Interviewing the(hopefully)Future King
On Camera

Many superstars and Bombshells have passed through the SCW doors and hallways over the years. Some good. Some not. Others, not much of a clue as they didn’t even last longer than their first match to make an impression. Today’s very special exclusive is a sit down interview with one of the newest, and probably most talked about superstars. Manager and husband to Bobbie Dahl turned SCW Superstar- Artie Miller!

The camera opens up onboard the Battleship Missouri in Hawaii, where in just one week’s time, Into The Void XIII will be taking place for the select amount of fans who were lucky enough to score tickets to this once in a lifetime event. A designated area for this interview is set up on deck, presumably where the six-sided SCW ring will be set up next week. The camera is focused on Pussy Willow, seated in a chair shaded from the sun by a large canopy.

Pussy: Hello SCW superstars, Bombshells and fans watching around the world. Today I am being joined by a very special guest. A guest who is eager to have his first official exclusive interview to answer a list of questions and speak out about his match next week at Into The Void Thirteen. A match that should he win, gives him an advantage that many others dream to have. Everyone, please welcome…Artie.

The camera switches to the chair just across Pussy Willow, also shaded from the sun by the canopy, where Artie is seated. He’s dressed in a very casual set of shorts and an SCW Into The Void XIII T-Shirt. He smiles at Pussy Willow, appearing only slightly nervous.

Artie: Hello, Pussy. Thanks for having me here. This battleship is huge!

Pussy Willow smiles as they both look around at their surroundings. Indeed the battleship is quite large. Perhaps larger in person than it seems in pictures, and knowing the history of where they sit, is a lot to take in.

Pussy: That it is, Artie. And thank you for joining me today, although I’ve been told that you were quite eager in agreeing to this interview and somewhat excited also. A far cry from your once normal nervous and shy personality. You certainly have come a long way, haven’t you?

Artie nods, offering her another smile. He grips the arms of the chair a bit, gently sliding his arms back and forth, showing the first signs of nerves, but he manages to keep them in check for the most part.

Artie: I’d say I agree with that, yes. It’s no secret that I’ve always been considered the geeky shy guy and a bit awkward most of the time. But, being in SCW has helped a lot. Especially recently. I don’t know. It’s weird, because I never thought I’d be sitting in a directors chair putting on any sort of interview that so many people will watch.

Pussy Willow chuckles and nods. She adjusts her position in her chair slightly to get more comfortable.

Pussy: So how has SCW helped you in that way? Because up until recently, you were relatively quiet and only did your manager duties for Bobbie.

Artie shrugs as he thinks about his answer.

Artie: I mean, you have a point there. But, even all of that helped me. It forced me to step outside my comfort zone and do stuff I normally wouldn’t have done. But I did it all to be supportive of Bobbie. Because she needed me. Well…I think she needed me anyway. I think for as long as I’ve known Bobbie, and before we even started dating or got married, it seemed like I needed her more than she needed me.

Pussy: I think a lot of people would disagree. I think Bobbie definitely needed you more than you think. And she still does. She is also very protective of you, as we have witnessed on more than one occasion over the last couple of months with your involvement in the Blast From The Past Tournament.

Artie nods, but he frowns a bit after being reminded of the assistance he had received.

Artie: I know she is, and so are our friends. Miles Kasey for example. But, what they need to realize is that…I don’t need their help. I’m a grown man, and I need to do things for myself. I don’t want everyone thinking I’m this weak person who can’t do anything without help. That’s how the Blast From The Past mix-up helped me in a big way. It forced me to face my fears and to learn how to stand up and fight for myself.

Pussy: I see. You make a good point there, and your frustrations with the assistance you received is quite understandable. But certainly you can’t completely blame them, considering you hadn’t gone through the extensive training that everyone usually does within the wrestling business. It can take years for someone to be fully ready to step into a wrestling ring.

Artie thinks for a second and nods. He takes a deep breath before he responds.

Artie: You have a point, too, but…Bobbie didn’t go through that extensive training. I’m sure others didn’t either, because look how many of the current superstars and Bombshells on the roster have trained at the GO Gym or HERO Academy at such young ages and debut in SCW after less than a year of training? It’s unusual, but it happens. And I had been working with Fenris, Miles and Carter to get me as ready as I could be.

Pussy: And you did quite well for yourself, I think. You and Kallie made it all the way to the semi-finals, so despite anything that happened you should be proud.

Artie nods slowly, but the disappointment is apparent on his face.

Artie: I was proud of everything I was accomplishing, yes. And I wanted to make it to the finals and then win it. But I lost it for both Kallie and me. I can’t tell her enough how sorry I am for that, but at least I know she won’t rip into me like other Bombshells would have if they had been teamed with me in that situation.

Pussy: Well you know what they say. The tournament doesn’t get any easier the farther you advance. And I must say I think I speak for everyone else when I say how surprising it was to find out that even after being eliminated from the tournament, you were booked in the King For A Day ladder match. I think everyone expected you to be done once you were eliminated.

Artie manages to laugh as he nods. He sits up straighter in his chair, adjusting his posture that was beginning to lower.

Artie: I wanted to throw everyone for a loop with that one, and I think it worked. I wasn’t expecting to get put in the King For A Day match, but that is an added bonus I suppose. I just told Christian Underwood that I wanted to continue to be booked if he had any room for me.

Pussy: Why is that? You’ve been so vocal about not wanting Bobbie or your friends to be so protective of you, so why give them a reason to continue being worried and continue trying to help you if they wanted to?

Artie pauses for a moment, carefully thinking that question and his answer over in his mind. He knows she makes a very valid point in asking those questions, but his answer will surprise perhaps everyone.

Artie: Because I am not done proving myself yet. And if I am honest, I had a lot of fun in those first few matches so why wouldn’t I continue? Plus, if Bobbie, Miles and everyone else knows what is good for them, they will respect my wishes and let me wrestle on my own. I’m not afraid to lose. How else am I going to get the experience I need?

Pussy: Very well said. Tell everyone what was going through your mind when you found out that you were put into the King For A Day ladder match? Were you just as surprised about finding out about the mix up with the Blast From The Past contract signing?

Artie shakes his head, but he does so with a smile and a laugh.

Artie: Nah. Nothing could possibly beat the shock I experienced after finding out about that, but I was surprised about the King For A Day match. In a good way. Because this is the perfect opportunity to get the recognition I would have gotten had Kallie and I won the tournament. Maybe more recognition and attention if I am honest. Winning King For A Day literally gets everyone on the roster to pay attention to you, and avoid making you mad in any way, right?

Pussy Willow nods, also letting out a laugh.

Pussy: I would agree. Having booking rights to an episode of Climax Control following Into The Void is quite an advantage. Not to mention, everyone will wonder what matches you could possibly put them in. Or…put yourself in.

Artie: Like would I give myself a World Heavyweight Championship match? Or any title match for that matter?

Pussy again nods.

Pussy: It is the one thing most winners do when they win this match. Bombshell and men alike. Not that you could be blamed, as it would be well within your rights to do so. So…have you thought about what matches you might make should you become King For A Day?

Artie lets out a sigh and shrugs. He follows it up with a smile, thinking about just what is at stake with this match.

Artie: I have a few ideas, but I’m trying not to get ahead of myself. I do have to beat five other guys. This is going to be my toughest challenge yet, and the odds are stacked against me…yet again. I just have to hope that I am quicker than the rest of them.

Pussy: Let’s talk about those five other superstars, Artie. As you said, this is your biggest challenge so far, and in a match as physically dangerous as a ladder match at that. Originally it was supposed to be just four superstars, but two more were added just twenty-four hours after the card was announced. In addition to facing Lyle Kasey Jr, Bulldog Bill Barnhardt, and Helluva Bottom Carter, Teddy Warren and Guy With Cape were added.

Artie lets out a snorting laugh as Pussy mentions Guy With Cape.

Pussy: What is funny?

Artie: Guy With Cape…I just can’t help but laugh at a name like that. And not only that, from what Bobbie has shown me from Twitter…oops, sorry, I mean X…Guy is a few screws loose in the head. He was apparently making a bunch of noise as if he was already King For A Day. I mean…do I really need to be worried about him?

Pussy thinks for a moment and shrugs.

Pussy: I wouldn’t count him out. Individuals like him who make a lot of noise tend to find a way to walk out with the win.

Artie: Can you imagine the chaos if he were to win?! I don’t even know what sort of matches he could cook up in that brain of his, but I sure don’t want to find out. So I’m going to do everything I can to make sure he doesn’t win. He hasn’t even been around in how long? And now he comes back and is put into the King For A Day match?

Artie snorts again.

Artie: Mark and Christian sure do have weird senses of humor, don’t they?

Pussy: That decision may have been Christian’s doing. He has a way of making it so certain matches gather as much attention as they can get.

Artie: Seems so. He achieved it with Guy With Cape…and myself, of course. Bravo, Christian. Bravo.

Artie slowly claps as he looks into the camera.

Artie: And let’s talk about the others. Teddy Warren?

Artie laughs.

Artie: Look, I know I said that I’ve never been the best at the whole trash talking your opponent stuff that everyone seems to do before their matches. I’ve never really understood it, but Teddy Warren? I don’t even have to go back and watch any of his past matches and stuff to know he’s been just as weird as Guy With Cape. He gets married and changes his last name. He’s paraded around in women’s clothes.

Artie shrugs.

Artie: I mean, whatever floats your boat I guess. But he can’t expect people to take him seriously if he’s just so out there with all of his craziness and wild antics, right? Does that take away from what he can do or has done in the ring?

Artie shakes his head.

Artie: No, of course not. But it doesn’t exactly get people to like him or give him the support to win. Not to mention, people certainly won’t be interested in what matches he would make, either. Teddy Warren has been gone for a bit too until recently, so I’m not super worried. I think I can hold my own against him and hopefully do my part so that no one will have to worry about listening to him parade around if he were King For A Day. How annoying would that be, am I right?!

Pussy laughs and nods, not even pretending to hide how much she agrees with that statement. But she can’t say as much, as reporters and interviewers are meant to remain unbiased.

Pussy: Teddy has always found a way to make a statement in some form. I will say that much. If he truly makes an effort, he is definitely one to watch out for in this match. “Bulldog” Bill Barnhardt as well. He’s very accomplished and also has the size advantage.

Artie waves his right hand, putting any worry about Bulldog Bill out of mind.

Artie: Ehhh…Size doesn’t matter in a match like this, Pussy. If anything it puts him at a disadvantage, right? I may not be an expert, but I’ve learned enough to know that. Plus, I’m pretty sure the other guys will be targeting Bill to get him out of the picture first. And he may be accomplished, but I think last I heard and saw, his failures outweighed his accomplishments.

Pussy: You’d have to ask the resident SCW historian and statistician, I suppose.

Artie smiles.

Artie: Don’t really need to. Bill Barnhardt talks a big game, but when it boils down to it, he loses a lot, so he’s got nothing to back it up. I won’t underestimate him, though. I’m not stupid enough to do that. I’ll do my best to keep him from climbing that ladder, which probably means tiring him out by running him in circles or something. I dunno. I’ll figure it out as I go along.

Pussy: You seem to have all of this quite figured out. I think the last two you have to address may be toughest for you to go against, considering one is a friend, and the other is his fiancee’s brother. Helluva Bottom Carter and Lyle Kasey Junior. Both of course connected to Miles Kasey.

Artie nods. He takes in a deep breath and considers his feelings on his final two opponents. He places his palms on his knees and rubs them back and forth gently.

Artie: I don’t know Lyle all that well. I don’t think anyone really does considering he just recently was discovered and came onto the scene and all. But considering his last name? Well, that will make him a threat no matter what. If he truly wants to win this match anyway. It’s a big prize for anyone, but us newbies? It’s even bigger if you ask me. And as for Carter?

Artie nods, but he is showing no ill will towards Carter.

Artie: I have a lot of respect for Carter. He’s been a good friend to me and Bobbie, and he’s one of the most entertaining people to be around. He’s been through a lot over the last couple of years, both in and out of the ring and he deserves every bit of success he achieves in SCW. But as much as he may want this. As much as any of the others may want to win this one. I want to win it that much more. I have to win it.

Pussy: Why is that? There’s really nothing to lose if you don’t win King For A Day. Just as being eliminated from the Blast From The Past tournament. You can still continue proving yourself.

Artie shakes his head and he leans forward in his chair. He looks around the deck of the Battleship Missouri and closes his eyes as he thinks about next week in his mind. He imagines what it will feel like. The energy in the air and coming from the fans.

Artie: There is everything to lose, Pussy. Regardless of the fact that just like everyone else I will be walking into that match with nothing, but losing isn’t an option because if I lose, it just further shows everyone that I shouldn’t be here. No. I need to win. I need to show everyone that despite my size. Despite my lack of experience. I’m still capable of competing against the best. I can still shock everyone and BE the best.

He sits back in his chair again, folding his arms across his chest. He looks straight at Pussy Willow, having spoken his mind to the best of his ability.

Pussy: Well, I think that is all the time we have, but it has been a pleasure, Artie. I think we’ve all gotten to know you a little better and gotten a sense of just how much your heart is in this one. None of us ever expected to see you in this position, but I think after this, you’ll have many many more supporters and people cheering you on.

Artie: That was my hope, Pussy. If people didn’t believe in me before, I hope part of them does now, because I’m serious about this. I will be crowned the next King For A Day. No ifs and or buts about it.

Pussy: I wish you all the best of luck, Artie. You and Bobbie, too, as she competes in the Queen for A Day match. Who knows, maybe the two of you will become the next power couple in SCW after this one?

Artie shrugs with a not-so-sure smile.

Artie: Maybe. We will see. But thank you, Pussy. Next week can’t come soon enough.

The camera then focuses in on Artie’s face, full of a fiery determination. It stays focused there for a few moments before it slowly fades to black.
Supercard Roleplays / Re: RODRIGO AFONSO v JUSTIN SMITH
« Last post by JustinSmith on June 01, 2024, 05:27:23 PM »
The scene opens up with Justin Smith exploring the various sites of Pearl Harbor.  He stops to talk about him losing in the Fresh Faces battle Royal.

Justin-I should have known I would lose the battle royal, but not because I’m a loser, but facing multiple men at one time is always tough.  I am looking forward to getting my hands on Rodrigo Afonso once again in singles action at Into the Void.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can continue exploring the sites and getting some food as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to explore more of Pearl Harbor, but turns to call out his opponent in Rodrigo Afonso.

Justin-Rodrigo Afonso, I know you fared better than me in that battle royal, but barely.  You may be saying you didn’t need the win since you have the Golden Briefcase, but if I had that briefcase, I would have fought harder to have as many chances to face the champion as I could, but alas, I don’t.  I will settle on kicking your ass and showing the world how pathetic you truly are and you don’t deserve that briefcase.

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.
Supercard Roleplays / Focus
« Last post by Eddie Lyons on June 01, 2024, 03:06:36 PM »
“You doing okay Coach?” Eddie asked as he entered Coach Kaisers office in the back of The Lyons Den, he could tell his coach was under some sort of stress, “Someone think you’re German again because of the name?”

Coach Kaiser chucked to himself, “No, nothing like that. I’ve grown to understand it’s an easy mistake to make, not everyone was into stuff like Final Fantasy or Yu-Gi-Oh growing up. Not everyone is going to think dragons when they hear Kaiser. Some even think of the bread roll!”

Eddie laughed to himself this time, as he took a seat across from his coach.

“So, going on then?” Eddie questioned

“Just, I think, maybe I’ve overworked myself with these contracts.” said Coach Kaiser, “I have four students to manage now. I want success for all of them, even Victoria.”

Eddie groaned slightly, he knew Coach Kaiser was right though, success for Lyons Den students meant success for The Lyons Den overall and that was Kaiser’s ultimate goal.

“Well, I’m sure Victoria isn’t going to want much of your help anyway.” said Eddie, “And Cleo’s gonna help out with Jazz. You know I’ll keep doing my best for you. It’s not like you haven’t managed multiple contracts before.”

“Yeah, I know.” Coach Kaiser sighed, “I feel a bit bad about Alex and Vincent,I just don’t think I can handle anymore contracts right now.”

“They’ll get over it…well Vincent will, I don’t know about Alex.” said Eddie

The two shared a laugh.

“You’re probably right.” Coach Kaiser said with a shrug, “Now they want Victoria in this Queen for a Day thing, so I have that to worry about too.”

“Well, part of this is your fault.”
Eddie grinned, “You shouldn’t have such talented students. Then nobody would book us. People out there, they dig us. Even our less savory members like my cousin.”

“Well, I won’t argue that.” said Coach Kaiser, “I work hard to make sure my students can be seen as top talent wherever they get signed to.”

“Exactly.” Eddie nodded, “And we all bring something different to the table. That plays into your talents. You molded us into the talents we are today. All of us have been champions, because of you.”

“Thanks Eddie.” said Coach Kaiser

“I mean it Coach.” said Eddie, “My rookie year in SCW led me to a championship. Despite our differences, I wouldn’t be surprised if Victoria did the same.  Cleo’s gonna bring her fight and swagger to PWS, and I’m sure Jazzy will find her footing and have a great rookie year herself over there.”

Coach Kaiser looked at his student with a smile. Eddie had grown not only as a superstar but as a person, he could see the leader growing in Eddie. He saw it when he stood up to the Entity and didn’t back down.  This was no longer the eager, but naive kid had came to SCW about a year ago. Eddie was a champion, and one of the toughest talents The Lyons Den had produced. Still there was another, more prominent school that had produced a lot of top talent across the board.

“Wolfslair.” Kaiser muttered, “Fucking Wolfslair. How does she even do it?”

He shook his head, it wasn’t the first time his students had gone against Wolfslair talent. Lyons Den students had defeated and lost to them in the past. Coach Kaiser knew they were top of the line talent, and you always had to pull out just a little bit extra when it came to going up against them.

“How does who do it?” asked Eddie

“Aaron.” Kaiser replied.

“My former boss in PWE?” Oh right, she trains at Wolfslair or something right?” Eddie said

“Yeah, I know Kallie is her student. I’m not sure she does much else at Wolfslair.” Kaiser nodded, “Aiden isn’t her student, but I’m sure they’ve crossed paths given her relationship with Kallie. In any case we know Wolfslair means business and their talent won’t go down without a fight…”

Eddie slams his fist on the desk, “And neither will The Lyons Den. We may be smaller, but we fight just as hard. We’ve beat Wolfslair in the past, and we can do it again. I can do it again. Aiden spent a lot of time as a tag team wrestler, with Dickie. He’s had some success as a singles but, if you ask me he could be doing a little bit better. Given his talents, you’d think he would have a better record going into our match. Still, I know better than to take him lightly. Wolfslair won’t take the Roulette Championship away from The Lyons Den, I won’t let it.”

“I know you won’t.” Coach Kaiser replied

“Well, if you’re good..I might go see if there’s a free ring, run some drills. It’s like you said, Wolfslair means business, so we need to remind those dogs that the cats reign supreme.” said Eddie with a determined smile

“Yeah, go ahead.” said Coach Kaiser, “I sent for Victoria as well, so I’m guessing you don’t want to be here for that.”

“You guessed right.” said Eddie, as he stood up.

“Need anything, I’ll be back here.” Coach Kaiser said.

Eddie nodded, and the two fist bumped. As Eddie turned to leave the door swung open and his cousin Victoria stood smirking in the doorway.”

“I understand my presence has been requested.” she grinned as she entered. “Oh hello cousin.”

“Hi.” Eddie muttered.

The two glared at one another as they passed each other like  a couple of gun slingers. It was almost like time stood still. As Victoria took a seat, resting her feet on the desk. Eddie sighed and went to find a ring to train in, he had a championship to defend and it was time to buckle down and get serious.

“So Victoria, you have quite the opportunity….” he could hear his Coach’s  voice getting quieter as he made his way down the hall.


Eddie sat on the edge of a bench in a locker room, towel around his shoulders, shirtless and in gym shorts. The Roulette Championship can be seen hanging in an open locker behind him next to a t-shirt reading “Unbreakable.”  He has his usual competitive demeanor about him but also seems a little more frustrated than usual.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t pissed off.” Eddie said, “Not at you Aiden, you didn’t do anything. I’m pissed off about Entity taking the cowards way out and blasting me in the face with that damn mist. I’m frustrated because my coach wants to divide his time among other students now too. Which maybe seems a bit selfish, but I was getting used to our repertoire  and now he’s going to be busy with Victoria, Cleo and Jazz as well.”

Eddie sighs and shakes his head with a shrug.

“I get it though. Coach wants me to start to stand on my own, and wants success for all of us.” Eddie continued, “Perhaps he has more confidence in me now that I don’t need as much help anymore. I know that whatever he thinks, or whomever he chooses to spend most of his time on this week I will still do everything I can to keep my Roulette Championship. With or without Coach Kaisers help.”

Eddie nods, keeping his face of confidence.

“This is our first encounter Aiden, but it’s not the first time you’ve gone against one of us before is it?” said Eddie, “Coach Kaisers talents, from The Lyons Den. I know you had a lot of issues with my cousin Alex back in PWS. You and Dickie both had issues with him and that band of goons he ran with. I get it, he’s an asshole. I know. It’s not my fault I’m related to him. But you know Cleo as well. Not sure if you ever faced off with her, but you at least know what she’s about. You know what The Lyons Den brings, but do yo know what I bring?”

Eddie grinned.

“I’m a much different animal than The Feral Prince of our family.” Eddie continued, “I guess I’m considered the weird one of the family, but when you have one cousin trying to turn SCW into Jonestown, one with some angst riddled rage issues and another who’s become nothing but an obedient puppy dog, it’s probably not that bad being the weird one.”

Eddie shrugs.

“I dunno man. I’m a pretty normal guy I think.” Eddie said, “I’m sure some think maybe I’m a bit boring. I mean I don’t make a lot of jokes, and most of the time I’m pretty serious and just focused on my match. I can’t help it, it’s just who I am. It’s just part of my character. I’ve done pretty well for myself jus being me though, right?  I mean I’m not the Roulette Champion for nothing, and that’s what you’re going to discover Aiden.”

Eddie looks proudly back at his championship and grabs it to place on his shoulder.

“I bring a whole lot more of a fight than my cousins.” said Eddie “I don’t need or desire to take shortcuts like they do. I don’t need to make jokes or have some sort of vibrant personality to be successful. I’m not saying you do either Aiden. You’ve had success in other places and are now rising up the ranks in SCW. Honestly, I can respect that. I did my own fighting to rise the ranks here as well. I know this is going to be a tough challenge, and you have experience over me, mostly as a tag team though.”

Eddie exhales, catches his breath and continues.

“I can’t say much about tag teams. I lost the only tag match I’ve ever been in. Granted my partner took the pin, but it’s still a team effort. Maybe some day you and I could team up and I could learn how to be a proper tag team from you. Perhaps you could even give me the personality I seem to be lacking. You’re a pretty witty guy after all.” Eddie said, “But that’s a hypothetical, the reality is you stand in my way of keeping the championship I fought hard to obtain, and I have no intention of just letting it go. I’ll get the Entity out of my head, I’ll step it up so Coach Kaiser can work with his other students, and come Into The Void I will walk out STILL the SCW Roulette Championship.”

He pats the belt resting on his shoulder.

“I know the circles you run Aiden.” said Eddie, “Kallies coach and my coach go way back. Or is Aaron calling herself a trainer? Whatever it is, I just know she works with Kallie, and was a great boss to me back in PWS. So I know what the Wolfslair crew is about. I know they produce some of the best talent you’ll find out there. But so do we. So does The Lyons Den, and we’re a bit smaller and more private but we will work just as hard as anyone out there, and our desire is second to none. That even goes for the annoying ones like Alexander, or Victoria. Especially when our back is against the wall, and the pressure is on we as my good friend Cleo might say, we SET IT OFF.”

Eddie laughs to himself.

“When you head back over to PWS, tell Cleo I said wassup, and be sure to tell her the story of me kicking your ass and retaining this championship.” he grinned, “See, I’m not that good with the jokes. I am good in that ring, and one day I’ll be great. I’m expecting a fight from you Aiden, and I hope you don’t let me down. I don’t think you will. It’s not in your nature. You’ll turn up and we’ll see wether or not the lion or the wolf reigns supreme. Which predator will come out on top? In nature it’s easily the lion, and in the ring it will be no different. I’m not gonna dick you around like Alex did, with me you’ll get an honest fight, the best man will actually win and it will be done with HONOR BEFORE GLORY.


Eddie had just finished a workout, and was sitting on the ring steps when Cleo approached. She was at least someone he liked, and even considered a friend. As nice of a guy as Eddie was, he didn’t have many people he called a friend. Most of it was his own doing, he was somewhat of a recluse and tended to keep to himself, or the small circle of people he knew.

“Yo, Eddie whats good?” Cleo said on her approach.

“Ah, same ol’ same ol’ you know.”
Eddie said, “Just did some drills, trying to get myself ready for Aiden.”

“Yah, I feel it.” Cleo nodded, “I got my debut, return, whatever you want to call it coming up too. Gotta show that ya girl still got it.”

“Ah, you never lost it Cleo.” said Eddie, to which Cleo shrugged and nodded in agreement.

“Anyway, you sure it’s all good?” Cleo said, “Coach said you were trippin’ a bit, bout what happened with the Entity.”

Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed.

“He said that?” Eddie grumbled, “Look, I’ll get past it alright? I just have to deal with Aiden first.”

Cleo raised an eyebrow of her own.

“You really gonna let the Entity in your head like that?” said Cleo.

“He’s not in my head.” Eddie insisted.

“He is.” said Cleo, “And hey, I get it. Back when I was locked up, we all di foul shit to each other when we had to settle our beefs. I once melted a snickers bar in the microwave, and threw it in a bitches face.”

“..Damn.” was all Eddie could muster.

“All because the bitch stole one of my ramen packets.” Cleo continued, “Then I got jumped by some other girls because they took our microwave away. But you let someone get in your head, and allow it to make you seek vengeance, it won’t end well for you. I let a lot of people get in my head both when locked up and when I ran the streets. You’re smarter than that Eddie."

“I know you’re right…” Eddie admitted, “But I had him where I wanted,I had him beat an he pulls that mist crap.”

“He knew it too.” said Cleo, “That’s why he did what he did. He knew you had him beat.”

“It’s not even just him.” said Eddie, “Victoria is going to become a nuisance, especially if she wins this Queen for a day deal.”

“Let Victoria be Victoria.” said Cleo, “She expects followers since she doesn’t have Vincent and Alex with her, but I doubt anyone will listen to her. Let her spew all the propaganda she wants.”

“She’s gonna try and screw with me somehow if she wins.” Eddie said.

“Then let her.” said Cleo, “And do what you do best. Overcome whatever obstacle she puts in front of you. You need to stop worrying about Victoria, stop worrying about the Entity and focus on Aiden Reynolds. I’ve shared a locker room with him before, and he will try and capitalize if he senses anything off about you or your gameplan.”

“Yeah..I know.” said Eddie, “It’s just not easy is all."

“It’s not supposed to be.” said Cleo, ‘“But you’re Unbreakable Eddie Lyons. You became SCW champion because you earned it. No shortcuts, you just kept your head high and kept fighting and made yourself a champion. Nobody did that for you. Not me, not Coach Kaiser. Certainly not fucking Victoria, YOU did that by being true to yourself.”

Eddie nodded, Cleo was right as usual and he knew it. With a sigh he stood up and shared a fist bump with his friend, and still his favorite training partner. He had to focus on Aiden, not Entity. Not Entity. Only Aiden.

“Hey Cleo, wanna run some drills?” he said motioning to the ring.

“You know it.” she grinned.

The two headed into the ring, and locked up to begin their session. Both had big matches in separate companies to prepare for. The rest of Cleos story could be found elsewhere in PWS. Here in SCW it was Eddie the story needed to follow, he Irish whipped Cleo into the ropes to start off drills.


The camera opens on Eddie standing at the bottom of a stairwell wearing a hoodie and, leaning against a wall, the championship around his waist. After a moment he starts pacing some before speaking.

“Coach says I need to focus.” said Eddie, “Cleo said the same thing. But it’s about the disrespect you know. Is this what he Entity wanted? To take me off my game heading into this defense? Get into my head and make me lose focus?”

Eddie turns and slams his fist against the wall before turning back to the camera.

“What would you do Aiden?” Eddie asked, “You’re the more experienced between us. If you were given the mist treatment like the Entity gave to me? Because it really feels like a strike against my honor, and that’s not something I can stand for. Now I have to defend my championship against you, I know you can get the job done if I don’t give 100%. You’ve started some momentum for yourself, much like I did when I started here. I even got an early shot at this very championship like you did. I gave it my best shot too, but came up short.”

He sighs, and continues pacing as he speaks.

“It’ll be the same for you Aiden.” said Eddie, “With all due respect, I earned my right to call myself a champion. I had to get beatdown, and rise up again so I’ll be damned if I let my championship go anywhere. You want this Aiden? You want to prove that you’re more than a tag team wrestler?”

Eddie holds the Roulette championship up to the camera.

“Then come and take it, if you can.” said Eddie with confidence, “But understand, I’m pissed off right now. So I’m going to have to unload some of this anger on you. It’s nothing personal. I actually like you, I do. You and I have the same sort of drive and desire, and I can respect that."

Eddie takes in a breath and continues.

“So I hope you can respect the fact that I’m going to do whatever the wheel allows me.” said Eddie “Whatever it allows me, so I can keep this championship around my waist, on my shoulder. However I choose to wear it, doesn’t matter. It’s mine and it’s going to stay mine. You won’t take it from me. Even if Rodrigo cashes in, he won’t take it from me.  I am Eddie Lyons, I am the SCW Roulette Champion, and you Aiden Reynolds will find out why they call me UNBREAKABLE.”

Eddie raises the championship high into the air, and stares into the camera with determination, as it fades to black.


He had hoped the back area of The Lyons Den was free, but at least Victoria seemed to be leaving as he passed her in the hallway.

“Eddie.” she nodded with a smirk., as she passed.

Eddie rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

“Victoria…” he muttered.

The knew better than to cause incident, as Eddie let himself into the back lounge area. He caught sight of his own reflection in the mirror. He stared to ponder the past present and future of his career.

“You’re worried.  You think you’re focus is off because of the Entity and it;s going to cost you against Aiden. You have concerns about Coach feeling a bit swamped with all the new contracts he put out. You are not his only active student anymore.”

“You probably will lose too. You know Aiden is talented, you know all about his wars against Alex. damn..if you lose this, Alex is not going to shut up about it, and how he not only beat Aiden but ran The Commonwealth out of PWS:Apex.  A lie, but Alex is a prick and a liar, so what do you expect from him anyway?”

“Cleo would tell you to, she DID tell you to get this out of your head. You know she;’’s right.So just do it already. You think Aiden is going to feel bad for you? No he’s going to take the advantage and take your championship, unless you FOCUS.”

“Just show why you’re the champion. Show why you are unbreakable. Show that it will NOT affect your match, and that despite it all you CAN fight through and still retain YOUR Roulette Championship.”

“And if you lose? Remember you can lose with honor and still hold your head high. You’ve been at this a year and championships don’t last forever, and besides you’ll win so many more in your career, you may even be World Champion someday. But don’t let that mean you roll over and die. You make Aiden earn this belt in that case Eddie. You damn well make him earn it.”

“You have one of the brightest futures Eddie. It will continue with you as Roulette Champion, and in the years to come you will win more and more championships. The Entity won’t break you. He is as you said, a coward. He took the cowards way out against you, because dep down he knows it too. He couldn’t beat you, and Aiden won’t either. You may lose the Roulette Championship someday, but that day won’t be at Into The Void.”

“You are Eddie Lyons and you are the most resilient member of the family. Victoria likes to talk, manipulate and confuse. But you let your actions speak and your actions are what led you to the roulette championships, not fancy words and a silver tongue. You’ve never needed to have a big personality, because that ring is your personality. You are a workhorse and you inspire a never give up attitude in people. You always keep your head held high, and fight to the bitter end. Into the Void will be no different, and you will still walk out Roulette Champion”

Eddie nodded, feeling more of a sense of confidence in himself, he exhaled heavily and smiled. A tough battle lay ahead, but he was ready to give Aiden Reynolds one of the toughest fights of his entire career.
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