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« Last post by Julianna DiMaria on August 02, 2024, 09:57:09 PM »
July 27, 2024

“If anyone outside of your family knows what it was like when it came to you and your brother, it’s me…”

Chelsea LeClair says this with a sigh as we’re in my mother’s living room following the promo that I did against my two opponents.

“I saw him bully you and treat you like total crap and I don’t blame you a bit for feeling how you feel.”

“I appreciate your support, Chelsea…” I said with a sigh. “I just don’t know what Eddie was thinking trying to blindside me by getting us in the same room like that. How can he betray me like that?”

“He wasn’t betraying you, Andrea….” Chelsea said with a sigh of her own. “He was just trying to help you get past everything. I know Roddy was never someone that I would want to be around because he was gross and disgusting and I remember he made some… ‘advancements’ toward me before he got arrested and all… but sometimes prison changes people. I’m not taking his side, but it’s not good for you to be holding onto this pain much longer…”

I took a bit of a deep breath as I thought about what Chelsea was saying. A part of me knew she was right, but as I reflected on so much of what he put me through growing up, all I can focus on is how happy I was when he was sentenced to prison, how ecstatic I was that he was staying in there as long as he was in there, and how upset I was when he got released early for good behavior.

“But to forgive him for all of that? When he openly called me an accident? When he didn’t even want me to be born? When he had a hand in ruining every birthday that I can remember up until the age of 14 and how it only stopped because he ended up going to jail?”

“Andrea, please have a more open mind about this. I’m not saying you have to have any sort of personal connection with him in any way. Forgiving him doesn’t mean that such a relationship is going to happen. But, you truly deserve better than this. Don’t you think that if you were able to move past all the pain, then what wound up happening with your first run in Sin City Wrestling wouldn’t have happened at all?”

At this point, I was less angry and flustered and more confused than anything.

“How does Roddy and the way he treated me when we were children have anything to do with my first run in SCW?”

“Think about the things he was saying about you and how he was treating you when you messed up with something or made a mistake. Remember when you lost your mother’s debit card when she was getting you a dress for Homecoming that year and he made fun of you and called you a dunce and the ‘stupidest person ever’?”

“A gross exaggeration if there ever was one…”

“And how many times in the early part of your SCW career did you have to deal with Kate Steele and Evie Jordan making gross exaggerations if not outright lies about everything going on with you at the time for better or worse?”


“Think about how he was always rooting against you to ever amount to anything from a talent competition in 8th grade to wanting to be a wrestler at all. How is it any different than those times during that hurtful part of your SCW career where you had other Bombshells rooting against you when you didn’t do a damn thing to them aside from beating them in the ring? How is it any different from some of those women celebrating your failures all those summers ago? It affected you the exact same way that it affected you whenever your brother would celebrate your misery ranging from falling off your bike to getting grounded by your parents for scoring a “D” on a quiz. It’s not any different, Andrea…”

Something really lit up inside of me when I was really beginning to compare how Roddy treated me growing up to how idiots and horrible women like Diamond Steele and Evie Jordan were treating me in the early part of my first run in Sin City Wrestling. This was of course, without mentioning how the likes of Krystal Wolfe and Roxi Johnson took cowardly cheap shots at me while I was gone and took no accountability or responsibility for their bullshit. My brain was flashing back to the misery I was feeling and in my heart, that pain was just beating through me. I never wanted my first run in SCW to go down the way it did, but I realized that my regrets were starting to fade a bit when an epiphany entered my brain.

“...that’s why I collapsed so badly the first time I was in SCW…”

Chelsea widens her eyes, not quite understanding what I meant at that point.

“I was triggered, Chelsea. I allowed those bitches I dealt with at the time to trigger me. I handled it all horribly because I never got a true resolution with Roddy. The way he bullied and tormented me isn’t that much different then the way I was treated around the time I was the SCW Bombshells World Champion. The only reason why that bullying stopped was because he went to prison and I never overcame all that trauma directly. So… when I was dealing with similar crap from the likes of Evie and Kate…”

I sighed, expressing some regret and seeing the bigger picture of why I fell as hard as I did.

“I had no way to cope with it or face it because I never did with Roddy. All I did was just cower in a corner and cry with him because I felt powerless… just like I felt powerless when everything around me in Sin City Wrestling was collapsing. When I became what I became… it wasn’t because I wanted to be that person, it was because I felt like I had no other way out. When you had the likes of Keira Fisher celebrate my downfall after a battle royal at one point… I just didn’t know what else to do…

Tears of regret were flowing down my face.

“How the hell could I, when I never learned how to overcome the abuse I endured from my own brother?”

Chelsea gives me a huge embrace and wipes the tears away doing everything that she can to help me push through this.

“That’s why forgiving him is the best thing for you to do, Andrea. I know it’s hard and I know it feels like you are excusing his abuse toward you, but trust me, that’s the last thing that you’re doing. You deserve better than to experience this pain on a repeated basis. You deserve to have peace and you deserve to have a better time in Sin City Wrestling than the first time around. I worry that if you can’t move past the pain from Roddy that you’re going to eventually fall back into what you were before and nobody wants that and you, especially, don’t want that.”

“I completely agree on all of that, Chelsea. But I don’t know if I’m ready…”

“Girl, look at how you’ve improved and been a hell of a wrestler and an even better champion in between your SCW stints and tell me again that you’re not ready to let it go and move forward…”

Putting it that way, I could definitely smile knowing that she was right and that despite everything I’ve ever been through, I’ve somehow been able to be better and stronger as a wrestler and a person with time.

“There’s no way I am going to deny that truth…” I admitted with a sigh of relief. “You’re right. I’ll… find a way to get ahold of him and…”

Just the thought of contacting Roddy made me cringe a bit but I knew it had to be done.

“...we’ll go from there…”

I took a deep breath as I pulled out my phone and texted Eddie asking if he had Roddy’s number knowing more than likely that would be the case. There was silence for a bit before my phone went off and I saw that Eddie responded back to me with his number. My nerves got jumpy knowing I was a phone call away from finally putting a painful past behind me for good.

August 1, 2024

On this night, I was on the deck of the cruise. I was thankfully alone as that’s exactly what I wanted to be when what I was about to do were to take place. I dialed Roddy’s number, closed my eyes, said a bit of a prayer in my mind hoping that this didn’t blow up in my face, and I pressed “SEND” to officially make the call. I waited and heard a few dial tones before I heard his voice.

“Yeah? Who is this?”

“...hey….” I said nervously. I heard silence on the other end and those few, tense moments were really getting to me.

“Andrea?” he asked, sounding a bit surprised.

“Yeah… it’s me… I asked Eddie for your number.”

“I see… so… what’s happening here?”

“You hated me when we were growing up and on the few times I even bothered visiting you in prison to tell you how wrong you were about me, you continued to root for my failure and you continued to insist that if you were never arrested, you’d be having my success and not me. You’ve always been a horrible brother up to the last prison visit which was early 2018. But now, you’re out of prison and you want to make things right with me? Why should I believe that? Tell me, WHY?!?!??!”

I could hear Roddy sighing on the other end.

“People change…”

“And suddenly because you’re out of prison, you’ve changed?”

“You remember when I got my former girlfriend pregnant right? Just before I got arrested?”


“Between your last prison visit and my release, I met that child… my daughter. As it turns out, she almost didn’t make it when she was born… epilepsy. She had some developmental struggles as her mother detailed to me and when I met her and had a conversation with her for the first time, it was like… none of it happened. She overcame that. She leads a normal life. She’s just like any other teenage girl…someone that has a bright future ahead of her. I was a sexist douchebag when we were growing up and I thought women had a ‘certain role’. But seeing how strong my own daughter is… it changed me, Andrea. I realized how wrong I was about women… how wrong I was about you…”

I was a bit surprised hearing this from him, considering the years of abuse including “women belong in the kitchen” from him.

“...but I heard about, and when I got a chance, saw how you fell apart after Dad passed away and what you became in Sin City Wrestling when you were there the time before…”

My eyes widened a bit, definitely intrigued.

“You know what I felt when I saw you turn into that?”

“Happy…” I said with a scoff. “ were overjoyed to see me suffer. You always were.”

“Andrea, that’s where you’re wrong… and if you don’t believe me, Eddie and Mom can vouch for this. I wasn’t happy to see you like that. In fact, I felt guilty… guilty to the point of tears, Andrea… because deep down in my gut, I couldn’t help but feel like that was my fault… that I was the reason why you became what you became. I broke you down so badly that when Dad died and you were dealing with the same treatment from a couple of your peers in SCW that I gave you when we were growing up, you collapsed… and I feel horrible about it to this day. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry for all of the pain that I caused you and for everything I’ve done to you. ‘Young and stupid’ is nowhere near an excuse and I’m going to be a man and own up to that. I was extremely, incredibly wrong about you and you have had a much better wrestling career than I would’ve. I was wrong in ever telling you that you only ever were successful because I was incarcerated. Knowing you, you still would’ve found your way into the business even if Dad refused to train you.”

The tears were filling up my eyes again as I didn’t know what to think hearing this from him.

“You’re a courageous, beautiful young lady Andrea… a sister that I took for granted…”

Be still my healing heart…

“...a sister I should’ve made an effort to know, someone very special that I missed out on. I fucked up and I’m sorry… I’m sorry for the long term damage I caused you. I’m sorry for how my actions for years affected your wrestling career… and especially your previous run in SCW. I take full responsibility that you ever were that person. You became that because of me, because you didn’t know how to handle those shallow bitches you were dealing with back then. And for fuck’s sake Andrea, don’t let ANYONE treat you the way some of those people did the first time you were there.”

I did what I could to compose myself and get back to a level playing field emotionally.

“You’re a special person, Andrea… and if it’s coming from ME, you can’t deny it anymore…”

“Thank you…” I said softly, still absorbing all the shock that was going through me at the moment. “I forgive you…”

I sighed before I continued on.

“I can’t hold onto this pain anymore. I have to let it go and that’s what I am doing. I truly believe you mean what you said. But, I do need to make something very clear.”

“What’s that?”

“While I do forgive you, it’s going to take an enormous amount of time and so much of your efforts for us to come anywhere close to having any sort of relationship with each other…”

“I understand. I was expecting you to say that.”

“I appreciate the apology and your kindness and I will always be grateful that this very moment was the first time you’ve ever been nice to me. I don’t mind seeing you at family parties and even having small conversations with each other, but don’t expect me to just welcome you into my life with open arms… not after everything you’ve ever done to hurt me. You’re going to have to earn my trust if a relationship between us is even going to be on the table.”

“I understand. I’m not going to force you into anything. But I’ll be here for you if you ever decide you need me for anything…”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Have a good night, Andrea.”

“Yeah… you too…”

I hung up at that point and I took a deep breath. My eyes were drying and I felt this huge sense of relief that after all the years of carrying such a horrible pain within me that I was finally able to let it go. I was numb for a bit, not knowing the effects of what just happened, but I knew in my heart that forgiving and letting go was the right thing to do. I was also feeling pretty relieved knowing that with the source of my pain that drove me to what I was prior in SCW the first time around being gone, that the risk of ever relapsing back to that person just became significantly reduced. Still, with Summer XXXtreme ahead and some people expressing skepticism about me, I knew I had a long way to go myself.

August 2, 2024

I was reliving a haunting memory being in a familiar cabin of the cruise. While a part of me still hated being in this particular cabin, just like with the forgiveness of my brother, I knew that revising a painful experience as far as SCW is concerned had to be done. The camera was on me and I was still remaining strong and confident as I began to express my thoughts.

“I remember this particular cabin all too well. Four years ago, I was in this cabin of the cruise feeling like I was an absolute failure… feeling like I was a complete fuck up to my family. I was broken and shattered and I literally just wanted to dock back on the United States mainland and go home. I’ll be the first to admit that after I left the cruise that particular day, I didn’t know if I wanted to come back to Sin City Wrestling at all. I had thoughts of leaving at that point. In hindsight, maybe I should’ve taken a hiatus for a few months and then maybe come back stronger. But when I was in this cabin after losing a triple threat match for the SCW Bombshells World Championship and being pinned by Evie Jordan again… I was seriously spiraling toward rock bottom. I still remember hating myself for losing to her again… I still remember feeling like she was right even though we all know the truth in that someone garbage and stupid like her was never right about me to begin with… I still remember imaging my father getting on my ass and telling me that I let him down. I don’t have the strongest or the brightest memories of the Summer XXXtreme Supercard, I will be blunt there. I remember being in this cabin hating myself for being a failure and truly believing that I was a flash in the pan and that there was no way out…

It was a disgusting, horrible experience… one that the next year at the same event didn’t erase. I mean, yeah I beat Samantha Marlowe in a majority falls match the next year, but I had already become who I was in my last run and I was deep in my own darkness. Even though I beat Samantha Marlowe the year after that horrible triple threat experience, it wasn’t exactly a shining moment for me. I won the match, bragged about it that night and the next day and just carried on with my miserable business and then shortly after that, I won the SCW Bombshells Internet Championship. By the time I beat Sam at this event three years ago, I just didn’t care anymore. I was actually dead set on quitting SCW THEN but I held off because I suddenly found myself in a tournament where I won that aforementioned championship. It’s been hard to forgive those that wronged me back in 2020, I will be the first to admit that. But the person that has been the hardest to forgive hasn’t been Evie or Diamond or whoever was rooting so hard for me to fail back then…

Hell, the hardest person to forgive isn’t even my own older brother…

The hardest person to forgive has been myself… for making the mistakes that I’ve made. You know, for so long I had been armchair quarterbacking this thing thinking “maybe if I did this different” or “maybe if I won THAT match” or “maybe if I didn’t say this that made so many people want to root against me”. I take my share of the blame for the way things were back then and I am done wishing that things would be different and I am especially done with giving anyone that ever wronged me back then any power over me. I made my mistakes and I lost the matches that I lost at the worst possible time and anyone can throw that in my face as much as they want but the fact of the matter is I still managed to dig myself out of the grave and I still managed to carve out an impressive career the first time around even though I was my own worst enemy. Right now, all I am thinking about is the future and how great I can prove to be in this company now that I am no longer in my own way. So yes, I forgive myself for screwing up, for losing the matches that I did, for allowing useless people, a particular one that thankfully doesn’t work here anymore by the way, to get the better of me.

I am done being a victim of my own past and I’m going to fight for my future and that’s what is going to put me over the top this Sunday because as coincidence would have it, I am going into ANOTHER triple threat match on the cruise. A title isn’t on the line, but for me, it might as well be because winning this triple threat match would absolutely ERASE the awful torture I put myself through in this very cabin and if you don’t think I want this match more than my two opponents combined, then you REALLY need to take into account the fact that I’m the only person of the three of us that has actually said a word. I don’t know what’s going on with you, Kallie Reznik. I thought coming out of the Blast from the Past tournament on the run that you had considering the circumstances with having a greenhorn partner and all would have motivated you to rise up the ranks and start challenging for championships and yet, all we’ve seen from you in Sin City Wrestling since that tournament ended is…


I can’t even think off of the top of my head any matches you’ve been in lately since that tournament even though there’s a chance you might have been but unfortunately, you have thrown that momentum from the tournament down the drain. I don’t know what happened to you. I don’t know if you’ve lost your fire or if you’re just content palling around with the people of Wolfslair and being in the background, but the way I see it, that’s not going to fly with me. If you don’t want to win this match, if you don’t even want to be a part of this match, then that’s your prerogative. I don’t hold a personal grudge against you or anything. You’ve never said a word to me. We’ve never met in the ring until Sunday and honestly? There’s not much more I CAN say about you considering that I barely even know you  and that there’s nothing for me to forgive you for. I just HOPE you show up and bring your best… I want to see that fire that led you to the final four of this year’s mixed tag tournament but if your silence up to this point is an indicator of anything, I’m not exactly sure that I will see that fire from you…

Which is crazy considering you were very vocal during the tournament…

And speaking of “vocal”... lord knows four years ago, Kate Steele was one of my most vocal critics because… envy? I don’t know. We’ve never liked each other and I’m pretty sure that fact remains true today. The history between us, to a degree, is my fault too. I know I said some things to you in which I should’ve chosen my words more carefully and while it’s been four years and I obviously don’t remember word for word anything I said that got you angry at me to the point where you were rooting for me to fail, I do acknowledge even then I wasn’t everyone’s favorite person because my way with words rubbed people the wrong way.

But at the end of the day, Kate?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I remember how you were one of the people rooting for me to fail and running up the score when I did. You even went as far as writing me off calling me ‘old news’ which has aged horribly considering that I was away from this company for two years and STILL accomplished more since that time than you have. I had a memorable Internet Championship reign because I had an undefeated streak attached to it while the only thing your reign is largely remembered for these days is being the predecessor to Myra Rivers’s 350 day reign and that’s a truth I’m not going to apologize for bringing to light. You, Kate, are the last person that should be calling ANYONE old news and I’m not going to hold back on you because I really AM facing a hell of a mountain here… a mountain of regret stemming from old experiences and you were a part of that considering Blast from the Past that year and everything. You were shading me AFTER I lost the title because me losing the title wasn’t good enough for you to just shut the fuck up with your shade, right?

No, you had to run up the score the way so many did back then all because why? You were butthurt over a few little misplaced words that came out of my mouth during a phase of my career where I was learning and growing? That speaks to the kind of person that you were back then and that you still are now because seriously, I have seen some of the crap you’ve been posting on Twitter the last day or two about how people are coming down on you, making you public enemy number one and not giving you a chance and yeah, perhaps that context wasn’t Sin City Wrestling related in the slightest, but for fuck’s sake Kate, look back at your track record here and tell me why you should be treated any differently than how you’ve been with what you just described there when you just follow the same flow and the same pattern over and over and over again? That right there, that tweet that you posted with all the moaning that you did about that?

That’s exactly what I meant when I said that you’re the kind of person that doesn’t take responsibility for anything that you’ve said or done that has either rubbed people the wrong way or that has hurt someone. I’m going to be really open with you right now about four years ago when you ran up the score, throwing the shade that you did going into your title defense against Myra, throwing cheap shots without coming to me and asking me what I meant when I said a certain thing, saying I was old news before I rock bottomed in that battle royal and all of that…

It fucking HURT, Kate.

It did… because aside from whatever I said that offended you, I did NOTHING to you but you took the liberties that you did to run me down and pour dirt on the grave of my title reign just because you could. You were one of the faces of my downward spiral during the worst summer of my life and I don’t expect you to even apologize. I don’t expect you to acknowledge that the way you treated me back then was entirely fucked up. I know you never will and I’m at peace with that, but I guess in a way, beating you… and especially pinning you, would feel like I’d be reversing the damage and finally overcoming that summer quite a bit. Most people would say I’d be CRAZY to forgive you… or hell ANYONE… that played a role in that summer of hell from four years ago that actually made me want to LEAVE this company, if not QUIT WRESTLING altogether.

But you know what, I am going to.

I’m forgiving you for your role in that…

Because someone like you and someone like Evie or anyone else that decided to pile on me and write me off for dead and massively overreacted to ONE summer slump during a time when I was grieving my father doesn’t deserve, and will never have, any power over me or how I feel about myself as a wrestler and as a person. I forgive you with the realization that you’re never going to come around and apologize for how you treated me back then, but that’s okay. I don’t need your apology Kate, I just need to go into that ring on Sunday, beat you, and continue to prove that I am better than what I used to be. I don’t wish you any ill will and I’m not going to sit back and root for your failure during this latest trip down SCW Avenue for you… because I’m not stooping to that level…

I’m not going to treat you the way you treated me…

I’m just going to step in that ring against you, beat you, and step off this cruise with a MASSIVE weight from the past off of my shoulders…"

I narrowed my eyes for a bit and felt that determination in my heart. It wasn’t easy, but I shut off the camera without feeling any anger or hatred for Kate Steele at all given how she was one of those people that treated me awful back then.

For me personally? That’s one hell of a sign for my future…
~*~Far From Her Heart~*~

Bells, I am begging you, put the phone down and let's just go and enjoy a little bit of this cruise.

It had been a full week since Bella and Malachi had stood on Miles' side and witnessed their friend finally complete an incredible chapter in a ceremony that fit both men’s tastes to a spectacular capital T. Everything from the setting of the ceremony and right down to the details of the reception made her smile and if you walked away from the night with an empty stomach, that was your own fault.

Laura and Nick had taken the little ones back to the hotel about halfway through the reception, because the excitement of the whole day had completely zapped both Aaron, who was the ring bearer, and Máire completely out and that allowed Mal and Bella to kick back and enjoy the night with their friends, and both were able to just relax and dance the night away. Mal couldn’t help but shake his head and have a good laugh at his adorable wife when she finally kicked off those spiked heels and spent the rest of the night barefoot on the dance floor.

They had watched as Carter and Miles were sent off to begin their honeymoon before everyone had dispersed for the night.

The next day, they were back to New York to finish packing and enjoy some family time before heading back to the west coast to LA to board the Sun Princess to begin their journey for Summer Xxxtreme.

....sans Máire.

It was offered by Bella’s parents and Mal’s sister to take care of Máire for the time that they were going to be aboard the cruise just so for the first time in a long time they could just enjoy it, instead of being parents first and having to keep an constant eye on an extremely active 11 month old.

And this was the longest time that Bella and Mal had spent away from their daughter ever since she was born.

So again we hear, “Bells, I am begging you, put the phone down and let's just go and enjoy a little bit of this cruise.

But there Bella sat at the edge of the bed, already set to head out to the pool in a colorful purple two piece with a wrap around her waist and flip-flops on her feet, typing away a message to Alanah. She had been in full on panic mode since she woke up this morning, not really eating at breakfast, blowing Alanah’s phone since her eyes opened, “I am just checking in with your sister and making sure that she’s alright.”

My sister and Jack have everything well in hand, mo chroí. We’re not going to miss anything.” Mal stated as he stood in front of her, with his long hair pulled back tightly, also ready for the pool in loose fitting board shorts. “And I’m sure if something happened or is about to, she would call us right away and video chat.

Oh my god, what if Máire takes her first steps and we’re not there to see. I will never forgive myself.

Love, you have got to relax. You are in full on worst case scenario mode.

How are you not?” Bella glared up at him, “This is the longest and farthest that we have been away from her since she was born and we’re only 2 weeks away from her being a whole year old. We’re hitting milestones like they are going out of style now and her taking her first steps is the next biggest.

Yes, I am aware and the timing of the whole thing is a bit on the ridiculous side but our little girl will wait for us.” Mal said, sounding pretty sure of himself, “Then when we get back to New York, you are going to be going in full on party planning mode, and giving her the biggest first birthday ever. ...even if she won’t remember it.

Bella grumbles, “Yeah, but I will. That’s what this is all about right? Making amazing memories for our daughter and ourselves?

Yes but considering I just got a text from my sister that she’s another text rant away from blocking you for the rest of the day if you don’t chill out and relax, I’m going to leave you in here and go get drunk without you and perhaps make a whole ass out of myself.” Mal was actually very light in his voice, to tell her that he was joking....maybe. “You told me very plainly just a few days before we left for this that because you missed it all last year because of being in a very pregnant state that you didn’t want to miss a moment of this whole week. You finally have a break between your duties as a SCW Bombshell to enjoy things at the pool side with your husband, who is hell bent on making sure that you don’t. So, my love, my light, you need to relax and yes I will allow you to take your phone with you but I will be keeping a firm grasp on it.”

And with that he plucked the phone from her hands and quickly tucked it away and before she could even protest, he planted a firm and heated kiss on her lips. It was a nice distraction as Mal got her up on her feet and pulled her even closer.

After several moments, Mal pulled away with a shit-eating grin, “Might I add that you look absolutely down right dangerous in that bikini and you are lucky that I am letting you leave this room looking as hot as you do?

We are not on an impregnation vacation like your brother did a couple of years ago.” Bella smirked, her husband always knew exactly which buttons to push to get her to focus and relax.

That brought out the lecherous smile from her husband of 3 years, one that still looked at her like she was the most gorgeous demon that he had ever seen, “I seem to recall we were on one too, sort’ve.

Bella felt herself being lifted off the ground and walked backwards, and she placed a small kiss on Mal’s lips with a smirk, “While still working.

I wouldn’t mind that attempt that whole scenario once again, if you want.” he mumbled against her lips.

That made her only giggle and scrunch her nose, “If only I didn’t make a promise to myself to win singles gold by the end of this year.

Damn, maybe next year.” Mal smirks, putting her down on her feet before giving her one last heated kiss before this time she breaks it.

Can I have my phone back now?” she asked, almost pleading.

After some time at the pool. Ask one more time and I’ll jump into the pool with you and the phone still in my pocket.” well that certainly caught him a pout, “Besides, I already told Alanah that we do a video chat before Máire goes to bed tonight as long as you found a way to enjoy the day. And besides, we’re out here on the ocean, it’s not like we can just run home at the drop of a hat.

True. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss her.

I miss her too, but she will be just fine, I promise.

Were you really gonna go without me and make a complete ass out of yourself?” Bella asked as she reached for her towel.

No, love. I would never go whole ass without you around to get the video evidence.” he joked, “I think that’s part of the reason I’m gonna keep a hold of your phone from here on out. Last thing I need is for you to send it to my brother and sister. I do have a reputation to uphold, ya know?

The same reputation that actually had you wrap your arms around me at Miles and Carter’s wedding when they recited their vows?” Bella joked back as she turned around and began to walk out of the room.

Ok I am a sentimental sod and it brought back fond memories of our wedding, okay? Sue me.” Mal said as he trailed after her.

That brought a laugh to Bella, “That’s why I told Miles to tell the photographer to give me plenty of extra shots for the photo album and maybe a few for the Christmas cards.

I swear, woman....

Give me my phone back then.

Nope, I’ll take that bullet, thank you very much.

~*~This Is Gonna Hurt...You, not me.~*~

Do you, or have you ever got the feeling that no matter how many times you trip up, people are actually extremely jealous of you?

Like you could have all the success in the world, even be crowned and given the royal treatment, rule over it ALL...even for a day...and you can still hear it in the tone of the voice. Jealousy makes some amazing green eyed monsters of some of the most talented people in any locker room.

The current SCW Bombshell Roulette Champion has the biggest green eyes of us all. She is beyond super talented and yet is constantly demanding that people respect her. The problem is, she goes about it in the completely wrong direction. The simple fact that she’s a bitch is only just the beginning, but she’s also condescending as fuck and doesn’t seem to grasp that the simple act of kindness can go a long way. But of course that would mean that the ice queen would actually need to have a heart to go along with the courage and the brains.

I will give Victoria Lyons all the credit in the free world. She is indeed smart but it’s that connection between her brain and her mouth that has caught her in a no-win situation. With everything that she has ever done....there isn’t one person that isn’t gunning for her ass now and I’ll happily be a part of it. She needs to learn, even if it’s at the expense of my ultimate goal.

As far as it comes to Mercedes, I have been here so many damn times with you. I do not for one minute care about your experience, that experience hasn’t brought you a damn thing in recent YEARS, let alone to this very day. You wanna talk about bridesmaids? When was the last time any one on this roster remotely looked at you and wondered just what was going to happen next?

That’s me now. Yeah I am unpredictable, because I have nothing to lose. Win or lose in this match, I’m going to work my way right back up while you go back into the incredibly average and barely matters file. You only seem to matter when they need a warm body. And that’s sad for someone that has a Hall of Fame resume like you do. But you don’t intimidate me like you did back then. I have thrown everything into anything at any given time because I have a goal. That goal is to show each and every bombshell on the SCW roster that even the smallest of dogs have the biggest fight in them.

And as for Ally. Ally, girl you need to get it into your head that you are so much better than any bombshell gives you credit for and that includes me. If I am cheering for anyone in this match to win, if it’s not me it needs to be you. I know you said the same thing about me but our types need to look down that pipeline of all the naysayers and all the adversity that we constantly face and make it our blanket. We can’t let jealous twats like Vicky and Mercy tell us that we don’t belong.

They are quick to punch down on the worst times and ignore the best times. We cannot let them win. Under any circumstances. One of us needs to walk away with that Roulette Title.

I know I screw up a lot, I know I’m punching up a lot but that’s because I have no other choice. I would love to just have one moment where what I say is how it goes. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

If I end up getting soaked on Sunday, then I do and I’ll start my path all over again. It can get exhausting but that’s exactly how I like it. I love it. I love the chase and I live for the moments. One day it’s going to pay off and I’m going to try like hell here.

Maybe I’m tapping into my mom’s train of thought here. Make them pay attention, make them be jealous of you. Make them sit in their own fear and wonder if today will be the day that they finally realize that this is it that you are going to reach that moment.

My moment is coming, whether it’s on the Sun Princess or.... Well I didn’t hold back when I said that 2024 I was going to be a singles champion. I am worthy no matter what people say and I am going to make my unpredictability pay off at the cost of Victoria, Mercedes and if I have to

I was given the name Belle of the Brawl, I didn’t name myself that. And you are all about to find out exactly just how dangerous I really am.

Supercard Archives / Screaming Liberty
« Last post by Luna Pasilno on August 02, 2024, 09:16:23 PM »
Morning Scream Therapy
Scene One | Off-Camera

She wasn’t entirely sure how she had been roped into this one. She knew a bit of yoga. The idea that she was a screaming banshee had somehow become public knowledge, and she was originally just going to lounge around on the cruise, soak up the sunrays and think about better days. Instead, Alex had been given a bar takeover, and she was expected to run a 6AM Scream Yoga session. Part of her wondered if this was just an elaborate rib.

Regardless, the hungover lady rolled out her mat and set herself up in the allocated space on the deck. There was a surprisingly decent crowd who had turned out. Maybe a case of some people thinking it’d be funny. For others a good excuse to just let out some excess energy. Confessional for those who wouldn’t quite understand the scream part of scream therapy. Much to Alex’s disappointment, she had not in fact purchased a Grinch suit to wear.

Much to her sorrow, Alex had brought his giant bird outfit that he had worn to the Triad Draft Party, that she had first bumped into Sean at. Which meant, in the crowd of sunnily dressed, athleisure wearing ladies, and too many blokes in their speedos and briefs, there was her husband.

Dressed up in an outfit covered in feathers, a fake beak and a headpiece. Sweating up a storm in the clearly poorly aerated outfit. Sometimes she truly wondered what attracted her to him. She was certain that in the throng of gatherers that had also gotten up this early, there were a few other SCW talents. Scouting, looking and attempting to discern what it was that these crazy people were doing. None that she could discern from first glance. No time better than the present. She clapped her hands together, gathering people’s attention.

“Alright, ground rules. Keep your hands to yourself, stick to your mat. Don’t look at anyone else, don’t be a fucking creep. Please ignore the giant chicken man, and whilst I encourage you to be liberal with getting your inner turmoils out, be aware that everyone here can and will hear you.” Luna shouted out, looking around at people. Bringing attention to the giant chicken man, in turn made a lot more people notice him. Sitting front and centre.

She already needed a drink. Hair of the dog.

“Alright follow along. Be considerate. You don’t have to make noise, you don’t have to scream. If someone else is releasing, let them have their moment of peace. If I’m talking, you’re listening. If I am moving, you are following. If I tell you to fuck off, the big scary security guy over there is going to rough you up and then politely ask you to fuck off. Alright, stand with me.”

The group stood on their mats watching intently. Something soothing about being the centre of attention. She was more narcissistic than she let on. Even if she did currently look exactly how she felt. She took a deep breath in, holding her palms together, and slowly exhaling. Nobody was being a weirdo just yet. Well, just one. But that was understandable.

Fucking Alex.

She took in another deep breath and at the peak of her breath in…

“My husband is a fucking moron!” She shouted out at the peak of her breath. A few people were laughing, losing focus. A smile settled on her face. She was at least going to have a bit of fun herself.

What she didn’t realise was this was going to unleash the floodgates. Another deep breath, followed by a slow transition into a low lunge. This in turn resulted in a few people just letting out primordial screams. More laughter, and then more screams.

“My wife doesn’t know I know she’s having an affair and likes watching from our nanny cam!” A random person shouted out rapidly. Luna screwed her nose up a bit. A few people fell from the pose as they broke into laughter. The person looked instantly embarrassed.

“Not sure we needed to know that, but you do you.” Luna said, straightening up as she in turn transitioned to a Natarajasana, watching as a few people’s eyes bulged out of their heads. Clearly a lot had turned up to participate in the yelling, not realising that the yoga component was going to be a bigger part of it.

“My wife wouldn’t wear matching outfits, and it hurt my feelings!” Alex shouted out this time. Doing his absolutely best to try and match the pose. His pants had a surprising amount of stretch in them, even if he was going red in the face trying to do it.

“I don’t know who Song is, and at this point I’m too afraid to ask!” Another random voice. Luna was doing her best not to laugh as more and more people started yelling out random things. From the gratuitous and frankly borderline gross, to the dumb things and simple observations.

This continued on for the next thirty minutes or so. More and more people are joining in, non-attendees now standing at the edge of their little circle, listening and watching in. Fifteen or so minutes in, people seemed far more relaxed. Smiles on their faces. A genuine surprise it would seem at the humanity that The Conspiracy couple were capable of. A real split from the on-screen persona that people would be so akin to.

“My wife is going to be world champion, and I couldn’t be prouder.” Alex shouted. A few cheers, a few whoops. A moment of embarrassment for her. There was always going to be part of her that couldn’t handle hearing nice things. A few murmurs and nods, a few agreements. She knew that come showtime, she was going to be booed almost off the ship. She knew that in a scenario where she won the championship, the crowd might be muted.

That was her fear. The fear that if she won, nobody would care. Or they’d be so shocked that they just would reject her. Reject the idea of her as champion. Reject the idea that someone from The Conspiracy was going to be the world champion. That was her fear.

“I’m afraid of the reaction if I win.” She mumbled to herself. Nobody heard, but Alex could see the sudden wash of concern. No rest for the wicked. She went through the rest of the session, more strange admissions from people. More laughter, and by the end of it, most people seemed to be in good spirits. There were smiles all around, and people seemed to be in good spirits.

She was doubting herself. A camera crew were on their way over. She’d front loaded her morning, in order to ride out her hangover for the rest of the day. But she was feeling slightly too lucid for the moment. She had to flick that switch in her head. To turn it on for the cameras. To be slightly less raw than she had been. To be the fighter that people knew her to be.

“You made people like you today. You made an impression. You have a connection now. There won’t be silence when you win. They will cheer or they will boo, but either way. It’s going to be the loudest reaction you’ve ever heard. These waves are going to hold their voices, and you’ll know. You’ll know you’ve made it.” Alex said as he stepped up to her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, his yoga mat in his other hand. The smile, the happiness. The smell of sweat from the man that had been boiling inside his stupid chicken suit.

“You stink.” Luna said back, smiling at him. The words were kind, but the doubt was in her head. The doubt that she would be rejected. The woman desperately craved being idolised. The Idol and The Masochist. Conflicting and competing ideas.

“You need a drink. I’ll grab you one.” Alex said, rubbing her arm slightly, before pulling away from her.

“Grab my sunnies too. I can’t stand to look at that garish outfit in full colour.” Luna said in response, screwing her nose up as she looked at him. He just smiled and nodded. And she breathed out heavily.

This was really it.

Taking Liberties
Scene Two | On-Camera

Luna is sitting cross legged on a yoga mat. There are a few people milling about, but they appear to be leaving. Rolling up their own mats, talking about where they are going next. A few standing around gawping at Luna and the camera crew that had arrived.

“A poignant question. Can I do it? That’s the question you asked me to ask myself. To ask myself, if I do this can I handle the pressure? Can I handle putting the bombshell division on my back? Can I fight off the demons of my past and be the champion you want me to be? To be the champion that this place needs me to be. It’s a question I ask myself over and over. It’s a question that people constantly throw at me. The holding over my head of the bullshit expectation of perfection. To be more full of vanity than I ever was. That’s the expectation, and the insults that come from not matching them.”

“Krystal Wolfe was the queen of asking me to doubt myself. To try and throw my two short reigns in my face. To try and throw this idea that simply because I stumbled soon after picking up my first ever title wins, that I am somehow lesser. That my victory meant nothing. I don’t quite agree. I don’t quite agree with the idea that because someone didn’t hold it for the eons known and made a historic and record breaking run at the top, that their achievements are diminished. We can all have a bad day. We can all have an off day. We can all have a learning experience.”

“That’s what I chose to take from my failings, Kayla. I chose to take them as lessons. I chose to take them as ways for me to better understand what it takes to be champion. What it takes to hold up to that pressure. What it takes to be the one that people are watching and wanting to fail, because then it validates all their negative remarks. It validates every negative thing they’ve ever said. It validates the criticisms, it validates the hatred. See I think the telling thing here Kayla, is the way you talk about things.”

Another raw look at the woman. No make-up again, simple athleisure wear, her hair tied back in a messy and loose bun. The bulk of her hair swaying with the slightest movement, the sway of the ship swinging it about. She rubs a hand over her face, massaging under her tired looking eyes.

“You say you doubt that I can take the championship from you. You backtrack on what you’ve been saying for months, because now you have to play the adversary. You have to be on the same level as all the others that can’t admit that maybe someone can beat them. That maybe someone can be their better. Except… you do think I can beat you. You know why I know that?”

“It’s the words. You’re not asking if I can handle the pressure of being in the main event. You’re not asking if I can handle the pressure of standing across the ring from you. You’re not asking if I can do that. You’re asking if I can handle what comes after. You’re asking me, if I can handle the pressure of being the top bitch in the Bombshell division. You’re asking, because deep down. There’s this little part of you that doubts yourself. That doubts that you can stand up to Luna Pasilno. That doubts you can run it back again.”

“There’s this nagging feeling in the back of your mind. That this might be the end of two belts Kayla. I can hear it, I can feel it. All that confidence, bravado and arrogance. It means nothing when you’re already looking at if I can succeed in being the bearer of the weight. You can hide it with affirmations of belief, you can hide with claims of grandeur. You can hide behind your own protections all you want, but the truth is Kayla. You don’t just think I can win the championship.”

“You know I’m going to win it.”

She raises a hand to her hair, slowly pulling it out from its bun, standing slowly. We momentarily see Alexander Raven, handing Luna a pair of sunglasses with a quick thumbs up before quickly jetting off and out of frame. A quizzical cocking of the eyebrows, followed by a head shake as she puts the sunglasses on. Hiding the growing irritation in her eyes. Scream yoga clearly not doing its job.

“This is more than just a possibility in your mind. This is more than a possibility in everyone’s minds. See I might have lost more in my journey to the top. I might have stumbled more, I might not have the stunning pearl white home and away record. But I do have the ability Kayla. I have the ability to be the upset. I have the ability, the fucking talent and the skill to be the top of the division. Going into that Blast from the Past, there isn’t a single person that would have believed Luna and Sean were going to win the whole thing. Why would they? Luna is just a loser, and Sean was an unknown here.”

“So we went out every fucking week and smashed it. We went out every week and worked in sync. Tandem pins, tandem wins and we proved that we are the danger team. I proved that when the pressure is on, I can fucking perform. I can stand on my own two feet and be the winner. I can stand on my own feet and pull anyone to a victory. I proved that I am the woman of this year. Truthfully? Alex and I are probably on track to be the winners of most hated this year. We’re on track to be the standouts this year, and we are fucking on track to be the two most powerful fucking people in Sin City, and that? That is because we haven’t sat back on laurels. We haven’t rested.”

“We are the workhorses. For better or worse, there is nobody that is here more than us. There is no one getting more reps in the ring. There is no one racking up more wins, and hell we’ll take the losses too. Nobody comes fucking close to us. So yeah, you might be pretty and pristine in your record. So few losses, but they’re always at the big events where it matters. You want to talk about pressure? You want to talk about not being able to handle it? Evidence points to you not being able to handle it when it matters the most. You dragged Juliana to the main event, due in part to her infernal and incessant squealing for recognition. The faux humility of the second most arrogant cunt in this company.”

“Who is number one?”


Another quick cameo. Raven hands her a glass, of what appears to be her new favourite, a mimosa. Another thumbs up and then he is gone again. A flicker of irritation jetting across her features, her lips curling into a scowl. Angry, angry lady.

“Unapologetically so, and I don’t blame you for it. I’d be an arrogant insufferable cunt too if I had the record to back it up. I’m already an arrogant, vainglorious insufferable fucking cunt, but that’s just part and parcel for who I am. You know what my issue is, Kayla? I’m too nice to those who I think deserve just a modicum of friendship. I’m too nice to those that I think deserve to have one friendly person in their purview. To have one respectful opponent. To have one person who gives a damn about the friendships that we can actually have in this business. I’m too nice.”

“I was too nice to Ariana, and that cost me. A point you made abundantly clear about your disdain for. A point I hold with vitriol in my heart. A woman who for better or worse, is a selfish and self-idolising bitch. But I’m learning my lesson. I’m learning that if I want to be champion, if I want to be the woman that all others lust after. If I want to be the number one, I have to be ruthless. I have to be hateful. I have to be angry. I have to tear down this semblance of kindness that I build up for those I thought deserved it, because the truth is, they fucking don’t. None of them deserve it. Not Ariana, not Tempest, not even fucking you.”

“My love for people is my greatest undoing, and I am tired of being doubted because I think myself worthy of being respected. Being hurt because I happen to care just a little bit about the woman across from me. I’m the bad guy, and I’m the crazy one. Just because I happen to be able to show love to people. Always love, and in return? Hatred. Doubt. Fear and accusations of being irrelevant. Tied to a shadow, tied to a person who I am soon going to exceed in success. I love Alex, but this is my fucking time.”

“So if I have to break you Kayla? I will. If I have to hold you under the water in a nearby pool, I will. If I have to throw your fucking limp body over the edge of the ship, I will. That’s not hyperbole, that’s fact. I will do anything I need to, to make sure you fail. To make sure that you stumble. To make sure that you fall. To make sure you understand that this wasn’t just another title defence. That this wasn’t just another match for me. That this was the be all and end all. See if I lose here? I don’t know what comes next. I get thrown back to the bottom of the pile. Have to crawl up and through Krystal Wolfe, Ariana Angelos, Alexandra Calaway and hell, probably even Juliana, who at this point probably has a bigger bone to pick with me than anyone else.”

She takes a long, deep drink of her mimosa, as she crosses over to a railing of the ship. Looking out into the sea. Out toward the rising sun. The light reflecting off the water’s surface. A gold and blue morning.

“What you need to remember Kayla, is I fought my fucking way here. I beat Kat Jones, Kallie Reznik. I have repeatedly beaten Alexandra Calaway. Samantha Marlowe hasn’t been seen since I beat her fucking ass. Kim Pain? Gone. I stepped up to Tempest, I got myself thrown about by Courtney Pierce, Krystal Wolfe and Tempest. I have spent this whole year fighting. Clawing and biting my way to this match. I didn’t drag anyone to a match, I made them do everything they could try and escape it. I’ve made every person I’ve fought understand that if they don’t care to show me respect? I’ll claw their fucking eyes out.”

“This is everything to me Kayla. Can I do it? You’re damn right I can do it. I can beat you, I can take the championship, and I can continue bringing the Bombshells of this company to the main event. I can beat the Kayla Richards of the world and remind everyone who the fuck Luna Pasilno is. Because I think everyone is quick to forget. I think you’ve been quick to forget what it took for me to get here. I’m not going to spout off a sob story about doing this for my brother. I’m not going to spout off more woe is mes, and pretend like I am owed the world because of it. I am owed this because I fucking worked for it. I deserve this, because there isn’t anyone who is putting in the work that I am. There isn’t a single person, yourself fucking included, that has done what I’ve done. I’m going to be a three time champion, and I’ll be a fucking grand slam champion. You can peddle about in the Mixed Tag division, and when Alex finally gets his way? Maybe we’ll come for those again.”

“See, this is about more than just proving I belong. This is about proving everything The Conspiracy has said over the last two years, true. About proving that we have been continuously overlooked. That we have been slighted at every turn. That people have done everything they can to deny us, because in accepting us? They lose all their power. They lose all control that they have had, because the Workhorses will not let them ignore it anymore. No one will be able to say I don’t deserve this. Nobody will be able to ignore me any longer. So I hope you’re ready Kayla.”

“I hope you’ve asked yourself can you do it? Can you stop the inevitability that is Luna Pasilno? Can you take another loss? Can you come back stronger next time, or have you achieved everything you can? Have you reached your zenith, and now the only way for you is down? I know what I’m putting my money on, bitch.”

“I am the fucking Conspiracy.”

She stretches her arms out wide, basking in the morning sun. Basking in her own arrogance. Basking in the idea of what is to come.

And then…



Supercard Archives / Re: SELEANA ZDUNICH v EILEY
« Last post by Seleana Zdunich on August 02, 2024, 09:09:46 PM »
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Zdunich Cabin
Onboard ship
8:04 AM  PDT

Inside the cabin she’s sharing with her wives, Christina “Crystal Hilton” Zdunich and Alexandra “Diamond” Caldwell along with their thirteen year-old daughter, Aurora Zdunich, Seleana Zdunich smiles as she watches Aurora getting ready to enjoy her day on ship.   

Seleana Zdunich: You have everything that is needed, ja?

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: I do, I’m ready for a fun day!

Seleana smiles at her daughter.

Seleana Zdunich: You will stay in certain areas?

Aurora nods obediently.

Aurora Zdunich: I know where to stay. Juliet and I really enjoyed the arcade. We’re probably going back there.

She pauses before grinning.

Aurora Zdunich: Probably more than one. 

Seleana snickers knowing this is the absolute truth.

Seleana Zdunich: They have good games?

Aurora nods excitedly.

Aurora Zdunich: They have some old ones, some not and then a couple of like riding ones. Juliet tried to get me to do the hammer game a couple of times but it usually has a line. 

Seleana’s smile widens even further.

Seleana Zdunich: You enjoy it, ja?

Auror can’t nod fast or excitedly enough.

Aurora Zdunich: I saw Nurse Loti at the dance class so we might try that too. It looks fun.

Seleana smirks playfully.

Seleana Zdunich: It is not just that Dance game you used to play a lot?

Aurora shakes her head.

Aurora Zdunich: No but they have that game too. It still has a line though you can tell how old the people are by who wants to play it still.

Seleana smirks amusedly.

Seleana Zdunich: You do not?

Aurora starts to answer but stops herself as her mother just gives

Aurora Zdunich: I didn’t say that, just that the first ones in the line are usually old people that remember when it first came out.

Her amusement growing exponentially by the second, Seleana tries hard not to laugh.

Seleana Zdunich: So what do you like to play?

Aurora shrugs as if the answer is the most obvious answer to ever answer.

Aurora Zdunich: Whatever has the shortest line, especially if I get to play it with Juliet.

Again, Seleana has to try hard not to laugh.

Seleana Zdunich: She is your best friend, ja?

Aurora nods happily.

Aurora Zdunich: Bestest ever!

Just then, a knock on the door gets their attention. Aurora runs over and opens it find the aforementioned Juliet standing there.

Aurora Zdunich: Juliet’s here, Mommy!

Seleana nods approvingly.

Seleana Zdunich: Okej, you have everything you might need, ja?

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: Yes…

Knowing her daughter is actually annoyed and exasperated but suppressing it, Seleana smiles and nods to her.

Seleana Zdunich: Have fun. 

Aurora and Juliet both squeal excitedly.

Aurora Zdunich: Tack, Mamma!

The two thirteen-year-olds run off happily, anticipation on both faces as they go. Just then, Diamond comes back from the gym while Christina comes out of the bathroom.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: The girls look happy.

Seleana snickers.

Seleana Zdunich: They’re going to the arcade again.

Crystal grins.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: I mean, of course they are. Aurora is going to dominate that like we do everything else! She’s our daughter, she can’t help it. It just happens!

Diamond and Seleana both just look at each other knowingly.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: They’re so cute together. God help us later when the boys start coming by trying to get with them and hit it.

Crystal smirks as only she can.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Again, of course, she IS our daughter. Look at us and look at her already. They will be stunning!

Selena nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Remind me to look up mace and tasers, ja? 

Diamond laughs.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: We’re gonna teach them how to use those right?

Seleana nods affirmatively without hesitation.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, show them how to keep safe.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: You know price is no barrier.

Seleana nods again.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, we will look into things before we buy.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Damn right.

Crystal nods.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: So, what plans today?

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: I have none. I would look around ship first.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Me either.

Crystal smirks lasciviously.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Well, I know some…

Diamond smiles.

Alexandra "Diamond" Caldwell-Zdunich: Yeah?

Crystal nods and they look at Seleana.

Seleana Zdunich: Let us enjoy ourselves, ja?

The three step together and kiss, knowing full well they’re about to do just that.

Friday, August 2, 2024
Onboard ship

4:04 PM PDT

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich sitting on a deckchair in a pink bikini, holding a drink with a little umbrella in it.

Seleana Zdunich: It is that time, ja?

She nods and sets her drink down on a nearby table.

Seleana Zdunich: We come to this ship to enjoy ourselves and cruise away the time for Summer XXXTreme XII! I have been coming for six years’ time and it does not feel like it has been that long at all.

She nods, looking around the pool area of the ship.

Seleana Zdunich: However, here we are.

She snickers to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: At least I do not have to worry about falling into the pool during Ultimate X this time. I have done that before and it sounds fun, it is fun until you are the one paddling your way across the pool to climb out because somebody else will be winning it this year.

She shrugs, smiling but with a hand up to stop a response from coming at her.

Seleana Zdunich: Do not get me wrong, it is better than landing on the hard mat in the ring but losing still sucks even if it means you just did a cannonball into a pool instead of getting dropped on your head in the ring.

She nods to the pool as a child executes a perfect cannonball to make a big splash.

Seleana Zdunich: So this year, I do not need to worry about getting my gear dipped into chlorine-infested waters..

She shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: No, I simply have to worry about a bog standard wrestling match that my opponent does not care for and while I am disappointed, I cannot say I am that surprised.

Seleana glares into the camera as if she kne this would happen.

Seleana Zdunich: Eiley is a woman who has made her way to championship standing before so right thre, I am held in her contempt as I always am with others of her ilk but she won a championship i have not yet managed to attain.

She shrugs slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: While it is true that I have not managed that because I have not yet had a mixed tag team here to compete for it, that would not stop anyone from trying to use it as a cudgel on me.

Shaking her head, Seleana allows her annoyance to shine through.

Seleana Zdunich: They would simply say it is because I am neither good enough, nor talented enough to warrant anyone taking that chance with me and further they would say that no one would have me as a partner anyway. 

Again, she shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: Perhaps this is true, perhaps it is not but this match does not hinge on that so it does not matter if that is true. All that matters is that when the bell rings, I am in the ring with somebody that won championship status previously and thus is a threat to take whatever I have from me.

She glares straight into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Eiley, as I said, I am disappointed that you did not use this opportunity to let me hav it with both barrels. Perhaps you will give me one, perhaps you will give me none. I do not know and I do not care. When we get in that ring, I am bringing everything I have with me and you had better do the same or I will show you what happens when a cat is handed something and does not want to just play with it.

A slight smirk forms.

Seleana Zdunich: Du kommer att ha gjort ett misstag som kräver åtgärd.

She nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: Välkommen till djunglen!

Supercard Archives / Once more for those in the back...
« Last post by Tempest on August 02, 2024, 09:04:12 PM »
Previously in the Life of Tempest…

Honolulu, Hawaii

Gabriel: I understand.

Tempest had finally found herself to the point where she could divulge some of her past to the man who had taken her in under his proverbial wing and helped her to become the woman that she was right now in the sport of pro wrestling. For the longest of time, she had preferred to keep her private life just that … private. And she was not about to share such personal woes with what, at the time, amounted to more than just colleagues.

But slowly over time, the seemingly unthinkable had happened. Tempest had taken many of those within the gym close to her heart and bonded with them, whether she wanted to admit it openly or not. And the man that she was currently seated beside in the White sands of the Hawaiian beach, he had been right about what he had said earlier. If she could confide with a man such as Austin James Mercer, and she could confide in him.

And so she did. She confided everything. Or as close to everything as she was willing to expose herself with at this point. Doing such things was still somewhat alien to her, but it still was a weight lifted from her shoulders when she was able let someone in past those walls she had erected so many years ago.

Gabriel: I have to admit that if I had suffered a loss like that, I don't think I'd want to revisit the source. Whether it's the same ship or not.

Tempest: And obviously it's not, but the memories still linger.

Gabriel nodded in understanding.

Gabriel: Of course they do, and chances are likely they always will. I'm grateful to say that I've not suffered a loss like you have, I can't imagine that sort of pain. I can only say that you are a formidable woman. It will get easier.

Tempest sighed, watching as Hazel and her own stepdaughter had just about finished burying Gabriel and Odette's son in the sand.

Tempest: I wish I could believe that. I really do.

Gabriel: Well, at the very least you have a related memory that can help you heal.

He nodded his head forward, indicating the young girl that had befriended his own son.

Gabriel: Similar wounds cause similar scars Alleyne. But heals one set of wounds…

Tempest: … Heals the other.

Gabriel could only smile at her understanding of his logic. They remained silent, comfortable in one another's company as they watched the children at play until finally, the head trainer and patriarch of the GO Gym addressed her once more, but this time without taking his eyes off of his children or her own.

Gabriel: Are you taking her on the cruise?

But Tempest shook her head in the negative, whether he saw it or not she was unsure.

Tempest: I'm not sure it's the best idea, if I'm going to be honest. Not just because she'd end up seeing me in a match, but she's never been on a cruise before. And I worked hard to keep her from being exposed to the business.

Gabriel: She got exposed to the business the first time she met Austin. She got exposed to the business the first time you brought her to the gym and she and Lucas played together inside of the ring.

Gabriel turned his head to look at her with a smile on his face, knowing what buttons to push in the most light-hearted of manners.

Gabriel: Face facts. That there is a future Bombshell in the making!

Tempest: Over. My. Dead. Body!

Her reaction was enough to cause Odette to bark out in laughter and Gabriel to throw his head back and uproarious laughter. Tempest would give neither the satisfaction of reacting herself, but after a moment and when Gabriel had calmed himself enough, he spoke to her. Not in a jesting manner, but one of genuine concern and seriousness.

Gabriel: Take her on the cruise, Alleyne. It can be arranged. It just might end up being the best thing for the both of you.

She gave him a quick look from behind her own sunglasses, before turning back to her stepdaughter and the other two children.

Sun Princess Cruise -
Pacific Coast

Anela: Mom! Mom! Can we go swimming!? Please!

The 9-year-old stepdaughter to the reigning Bombshell Internet Champion Tempest, hold on her mother's wrist and pointed from the deck, directing the adult woman's attention toward the huge pool that was surprisingly not as full as would be expected.

It was an unfortunate thing that Anela had become attracted to the swimming pool because anyone who knew Tempest, knew she was anything but a fan of the idea of swimming in a public pool. In her own words, “I might as well have somebody just pee directly on me!”

This Outlook was a source of amusement from one of her few friends in the sport, her closest friend in life as a matter of fact - Austin James Mercer. He was successful once or twice in getting her into this very pool in previous years, but she made no bones about how much she disliked it. It had sparked at one point in time, a most amusing debate in which Austin rallied for the win.


Austin: Let me get this straight! You're willing to swim in the ocean but you hate the idea of a swimming pool?

Tempest: Give me one good reason why swimming in the ocean is worse than swimming in a pool!

Austin: Easy! Fish fuck in the ocean!

Tempest just stared at the man who had started off as just a tag team partner but had quickly evolved to being the closest friend she had ever had in life. The first man or person entirely whom she had divulged her past with. The smile on Austin's face spoke volumes at just how pleased he was to have rendered this volatile woman speechless.


Tempest cringed at the thought of jumping into that water but her stepdaughter's enthusiasm was unmistakable. Still, there was a proverbial light at the end of The tunnel, shining brighter than the sun off the water surface. Synn, a mainstay of the GO Gym and father to Despayre, was standing less than 15 ft away, leaning against the rails with his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark, wine colored shades.

A quick glance in the direction he was staring and she could see what had captured his interest. Despayre had taken the plunge in the swimming pool already and was splashing about, laughing in a childlike glee and just generally having the best time. A time that her own step daughter wanted to indulge in.

Tempest placed her hand on the Small of Anela's back and gently ushered her in the direction of the swimming pool.

Tempest: You go get started without me. I'll be right over here talking to that man.

Tempest could not have seen the flash of disappointed hurt that crossed Anela's face but the little girl did as she was told and made a beeline for the water, gently jumping off of the side of the pool and into the water with a loud splash. Keeping a close eye on her, and watching as Despayre swam over and her direction, only then did Tempest turn and approach Synn.

Tempest: I really appreciate you managing to pull these strings for me so I could bring Anela on the cruise with me.

Synn cast a sidelong glance toward the woman who only stood six inches shorter than his own impressive stature of 6’8” before he resumed watching his son. It was never a good idea to take his eyes off of Despayre for any length of time because history has indicated that anything can happen where that one was concerned. Hell! There was the time during a tour of Buckingham Palace when the Seven Deadly Sins went one way, and Despayre got lost and went another.

And he and Angel ended up having tea with the Queen of England. Seriously!

Synn: You’re giving me too much credit for that, Alleyne. Everyone on the roster was always welcome to bring guests along so long as the cabins were reserved. Up until now, you just never happened to bring anyone with you.

Tempest stood at the man’s side and mimicked him, resting her forearms on the rail and tried to watch Anela as inconspicuous as Synn did his own child.

Tempest: I never had a reason to. Hell … I never had anyone that I even wanted to bring on this godforsaken cruise.

Synn acknowledged her words with a slight nod. You never would have even noticed he did so unless you had been paying close enough attention.

Synn: I understand more than you realize.

Tempest: Yeah?

Synn: Mm. At least you knew your daughter from her earliest childhood. I  didn’t even know Joshua existed until the lad was just over fifteen.

Synn felt Tempest staring at him, her hard gaze not one of ill feelings but an intense interest behind what he was revealing to her.

Synn: By that point in time, he was a patient in a hospital for his mental issues. He had been trapped in those walls for years until I had managed to get him out and get protective custody.

Tempest turned her head just enough to lay eyes on the young man that she had met time and again inside of the GO Gym, mainly in the lobby as he spent hours playing on the computer – oh, excuse me. I mean, working as Gabriel and Odette’s administrative assistant. Or Angel did. Truth be told, there were times when Tempest couldn’t tell where Despayre began and the teddy bear ended. Or vice versa.

I said it was confusing!

Tempest: … Him? In a psychiatric hospital?

Synn sighed and stood upright from the rails that overlooked the Pacific Ocean churning in waves deep beneath them.

Synn: I don’t know if I would ever go so far as to classify Broodmoore as such. It was more like a Canadian torture chamber under the guise of a hospital but … yes. Believe me when I say that Joshua was not always as you see him now. He was worse.

Synn turned and looked straight into her eyes and as hardcore as she believed herself to be, she could understand why many within the Gym and the sport found it difficult to hold this man’s gaze for long.

Synn: Much worse. But a lot of time has passed, and a lot of work. It took so much work from so many people to help create an environment to allow Joshua to heal. And I am grateful for everyone.

Tempest could not help but joke - badly.

Tempest: Even Angel?

Synn: Especially Angel. Joke if you will but I dare say that my son would never have gotten as far as he has if it hadn’t been for that little friend of his. My point is … make the most of the time you have with your daughter. My son is thirty, and I still feel as if I’m catching up.

Tempest spent the next several moments taking in everything the man beside her had spoken. She herself had spent so many years, bitter and alone from the loss of her husband and - until recently - the loss of her stepdaughter. And while she found it quite difficult at times to be anything else other than Tempest, she was slowly coming to the realization that she was now something more.

She was a mom. She watched as Synn casually walked over to the pool side and effortlessly dropped into the water, his height allowing the deep water to come up only just above his waistline. His father joining him was reason enough for Despayre to whoop get up in the light, and that was the only catalyst Tempest needed. 9 years old or 30 years old, she could easily see the love of a child for their parent.

Tempest: … Oh what the hell…

And she too walked over to the pool, near her stepdaughter, Synn and Despy. Then, without warning, she jumped into the pool with a perfect cannonball splash! Water went everywhere, fans watching were amazed at seeing this ordinarily stoic and reserved Amazon figure just cut loose in such a simple way.

Tempest burst up from the water, and the sight of Anela cackling with childlike laughter so freely and openly at her mom's actions, it spoke volumes. Tempest then turned briefly to Synn whom Despayre had jumped onto his wide back, and he winked at her.

A mutual understanding.

It was well past when the sun had descended into the ocean waters, the bright, sunny sky replaced by the moon and countless stars overhead. And while there was still much partying to be done amongst many passengers and SCW stars alike, much of the fanfare had slowly dwindled down for the day, only set to resume when the next day would arise.

For the time being, Tempest stood at the patio door of the suite she had been lucky enough to be assigned, one of the many perks of being a champion for Sin City Wrestling. She turned her head and watched briefly the small form of her stepdaughter Anela sleeping beneath the comforter, her plush Stitch doll curled up against her for comfort and security. A gift from Build-A-Bear, courtesy of Despayre when she had first arrived in Las Vegas to live with her mom.

Tempest then slowly and as quietly as possible, slid the patio door open and set foot outside. It was amazing just how cool the night air was as it drifted across the waters of the Pacific Ocean. It often reminded her of the weather of her own native Hawaii.

She stood up against the rail, her hands wrapped tightly around the top rail, and her eyes looking out into the vastness of the star-filled night sky.

“Okay, Julianna. I get it. I think I understand where you’re coming from. You are openly frustrated because the women that you’ve been inside of the ring with don’t understand you - or they just don’t even try to. And this isn’t even necessarily about the women that you’ve already faced and in the vast majority of cases - defeated. Some of the women that have been standing on the sidelines watching you have been saying some pretty gnarly shit about you, about the things that you’ve accomplished. Really to the point that you could be forgiven for thinking you were back in high school or in the cast of Mean Girls as opposed to the locker room of professional wrestlers. Adult - professional wrestlers. So I can understand why at times Mark Ward or Christian Underwood might say that at times they feel like they’re running a daycare center as opposed to Sin City Wrestling. Because too damn many of us are acting like grade school children who are crying because the kid next to us took our favorite crayon!”

“And Julia… you and I? We ourselves are supposed to play the role of two adult women but there are two common misconceptions where not just us but all women are concerned. Number one? That women mature faster than men. Granted, I’ve seen my share of men around these parts acting like spoiled little brats - especially when there’s a woman involved, but women are really no different and sure as hell no better! We just manage to hide it a little better than the guys do. But everything we do and say indicates otherwise - especially when some chick is walking around with something that we want to have for ourselves. I don’t give a damn if it’s a man or a championship or just a higher spot on the show. If some bitch has it and we don’t, we let the world know just how unhappy we are. Even to the point of making up lies and talking trash just to justify our actions.”

“Which really, brings me to misconception number two. And that's how all women are expected to bring each other up rather than drag one another down along with us, straight into our own misery. I mean, why should anyone else have the right to be happy or successful if we think that we’re missing out? In the Bombshell division, there are plenty of championships to go around for everyone to have an equal chance at the spotlight, but that’s not nearly enough for us. Is it? That’s probably where men get the idea that women are never satisfied because we could be handed the most attractive and sweetest of all men on the face of the planet, win the Lottery and still we would find a reason why we deserve to have more.”
“Now Julianna, you said that you had people calling you into question, saying that you didn’t deserve to get the title shot that crowned you a champion. You even had people talk down about your reign itself, right up until the point you dropped it to Kayla. Well, sweetheart - welcome to the club!”

“Since I first showed up, I had people accusing me of being a one hit wonder. I was told by more than one opponent that the Mixed Tag Team titles would be the most that I could ever achieve and that was only because of Mercer! They said I used him, that I was riding Austin’s coattails and feeding off of his success and his reputation.”

Tempest turned at the waist and pointed a finger back inside of the suite, the nightlight reflecting off of the gold plate of the Internet Championship belt that rested up on her nightstand.

“Well…! Just look at me now.”

“But see, that is where you stepped in it, Julianna. Everything you said to me about everything I accomplished … you played your hand just a little too soon. You should have waited until Sunday before we are supposed to lock it up for the gold. When it would be too late to back out or look for that crack in your strategy that could be exploited until the proverbial walls might come crumbling down. This entire time, I was watching – waiting. I was left wondering whether or not you were the exception to the rules above being so flagrantly violated, or if you were being genuinely sincere in some of the things you’ve said both to me and about me. I man, up until now you seemed proud to be facing me as both a champion as well as a challenge to overcome. You were telling the world you didn't want me to lose to anyone lesser because you wanted to face me at my best. You wanted me to have no other blemishes on my record until I faced you because if I had lost to someone like - say, Eiley? That would have been as much a blemish against you as it would have been against me.”

Tempest smirked and shook her head.

“And I am ashamed to admit that I fell for it. Not just those things, but every line of crap that you’ve been feeding me and everyone else since our match was first announced and made official. Because since that point in time - and in your last chat up to the world especially - you’ve unraveled all of those pretty little words and showed me just what you really seem to think of me as both a competitor and as a champion. You … showed that you were really no different than those same women you were bitching about before. You went on and on about how the other women in the locker room call you names and disrespect you… But what the hell do you call what you were doing to me just this past week? I’ve had legit enemies inside of this ring who had better things to say to me than what you just did!”

“You want to talk shit to me because of the women that I’ve been up against until this point? Buttercup, talk to the people in charge of booking! Before I was a champion, after I was a champion, I didn’t give a DAMN about who they put me against just so long as they booked me! I was happy to fight anyone and everyone, and twice I even left it up to social media to decide who would get a shot at this championship, and both times I was given credible challengers and I won. Both times! If you think a defense against Crystal Zdunich is something easy to accomplish, well then let’s talk about your own debut inside of the ring against Dawn Warren! I mean, seriously!? Bea Barnhart? Who the hell HASN’T beaten the Bulldog’s better half!? So don’t come bitching to me about the level of competition that I’ve been matched up against because I’ve faced just as many top level women as you have, and I’ve scraped as low to the bottom of the barrel as you have. So… stones and glass houses, Julianna. Do you want to be the pot or the kettle?”

“Women like Mercedes Vargas you seem to enjoy taking a shot at my overcoming but let’s be honest between ourselves here, Julianna. Mercedes has accomplished more on her own than the both of us have put together.

“And yes, you’ve been to the very top of the mountain. You’ve been the World Champion and you held that gold for a respectable length of time – right up until you met Kayla Richards and lost back to back Supercard opportunities. Then you were like a lost little lamb, wandering the open field and wondering what would come next? Where would you go? The answer is right in front of you - literally! But the funny fact about your title reign is the fact that the woman you beat for the title, is the exact same woman I beat for mine. You know – the same woman that you implied was no big deal to beat inside of the ring. Funny how that works out, isn’t it? Funny how you beating Courtney Pierce is an accomplishment that is something to be heralded and proud of! But my beating the exact same woman…?”

Tempest shrugged her wide shoulders and scrunched up her face in as close to a comical way as she could manage.

“Meh. No big deal really. Quite the opposite, according to you. You beat the Courtney Pierce who up until that moment was a dominant Worlds Champion, whereas I was only able to defeat a woman who was tired and lost all interest in remaining the champion. Well…! Why don’t you just come out and say it, Julianna? Why don’t you just say she may as well have just laid down and taken a dive against me because that sure as hell seems to be what you’re implying! That my reign as Internet Champion has been worthless, and just because I hold some regard for women that you deem to be less than worthless!”

“Well, let me make one thing crystal clear to you! I know that my own career has had its ups and downs due to inactivity and injury! Hell, I’ve openly admitted to that very fact myself! Trust me when I tell you that you are not the first person to say those things to me! I beat Zoey Lukas in one of the best matches of my career and after that…? Nothing. I was given nothing. No title shots. No pushes against higher caliber opponents. I was just shuffled off to the sidelines to recover from one thing or another and Zoey herself asked what the fuck I was on about, beating her in a match like we had and just not riding out that momentum to a championship. But to flat out insult me to the point that you actually called me soft…”

She scoffed, shaking her head and the agitation was evident on her face, even beneath the starlight.

“That was the point where you crossed a line with me. Your last taste of championship gold was October of last year. And now you think that you’re just going to use me as a stepping stone to wash away that dry spell you’ve been experiencing?”

She scoffed, shaking her head in the negative.

“I am a lot of things, Julianna. I am a raging bitch! I am a loving mother! I am a best friend to those that have earned that right! I am loyal until you give me any reason not to be. I am a loving mother. But I am not a stepping stone for any woman inside of that ring! I am not someone that will be used as an example to anyone else! I am the Internet Champion! I am Tempest!”

Tempest stood straight up, knocking the chair over and sending it scattering over the waxed hardwood floor. She held up the Internet title belt and leaned over at the waist so she could gaze hard into the camera with one brow raised.

“And this, Julianna – is the calm before the freaking storm!”
Supercard Archives / Re: MILES KASEY v KRIS RYANS
« Last post by Kristopher Ryans on August 02, 2024, 08:54:23 PM »

Crybaby Ass Bitch
27th July 2024

I couldn’t believe how smoothly everything had gone with getting situated on the cruise. Sure, originally I was pissed that Mikah had invited my father and new mysterious sibling, but that feeling didn’t linger. By the time we were all aboard, it really didn’t affect me as much as I thought it would. All of the kids are a handful in familiar territory where they can’t get up to much trouble. However, the five of them in a new environment full of thousands of people and dozens of different events taking place every day, and hundreds of shiny distractions basically took up every minute of the day. Leighton was enjoying getting to be the adult on vacation for once. Lindsay and KJ were finally old enough to understand that I was going to be competing at the show, and were hyped to do signings with me so that I could prove I had real fans. Myles and Ridley were just happily along for the ride. Everything was a new adventure for them. I am sure in their downtime they were already plotting on how they were going to take over the show on Sunday, but they didn’t leave me with a lot of time to get to the bottom of their plotting. My job could have been made slightly easier, but one person that could help was the one member of our happy little group that was determined to have a bad time no matter what.

MIKAH: I don’t know how you have turned them all against me, but it seems like all of the children are enjoying life on the cruise ship.

She went through spurts of forgetting that she was supposed to be hating it where we had a legitimately good time. However, her own history at this event wasn’t as pleasant as mine, and all of the good times we have had on the cruise together haven’t been enough to tip the scale yet.

KRIS: This place is basically a floating amusement park. Sometimes I even forget that we are floating around in sea-monster territory.

It looked like her eyes almost rolled out of her head before I even got to the sea-monster. She saw where the sentence was headed and checked out halfway.

MIKAH: Sometimes I want to throw you overboard and let them have their way with you.

Over our years together I have learned that these little fits aren’t actually indicative of how she feels. She just gets stuck in a rough spot, or a bad memory, and it takes a little while to shake it off. Despite what the public thought about her, she was typically a sweet person outside of these moments.

KRIS: That feels uncalled for.

She shrugged, apparently she was determined to provoke an argument and drag me down to her level.

MIKAH: I’m not a fan, and it really feels like you are having too much avoiding Holdan and Max.

I leaned my head against the inside frame of the door separating our bedroom from the main part of the cabin and took a deep breath before I even considered saying any of the things that ran through my head.

KRIS: Is that what you see while I am enjoying my time with the children?

It was my best shot at saying something that I could keep at an even tone of voice. I didn’t want to give her what she wanted.

MIKAH: The same children that you openly call terrorists?

I got halfway through another deep breath before it caught in my throat and I stepped back into the bedroom from the doorway. She was laying with her head half-hanging off the end of the bed while she looked at me upside down with a smirk on her face. That expression brought out the worst in me.

KRIS: I invited them on the cruise. They came. I can’t help it if I have been a little busy with all of you. I mean, we are also floating around with a few thousand fans. I can’t possibly do everything all at once.

She wasn’t impressed with the explanation.

MIKAH: Well it’s been days, and you have put in zero percent effort. What’s with the excuses?

I balled up my fists but fought the urge to throw them into the air and scream at the top of my lungs. That is probably the reaction she was trying to get out of me, and giving it to her would be the worst way to lose the argument. I just wanted out of it.

KRIS: What’s with trying to make me miserable because you don’t like being on the cruise?

She flipped over, sat up on her knees, and pointed her index finger at the end of my nose.

MIKAH: Don’t turn this around on me! We are talking about you right now. You keep blowing this kid off. That doesn’t really mesh with who you are as a person. It’s a totally valid question to ask, and you just don’t want to answer it.

I shook my head, and gave her the most honest answer that I could force out of my mouth.

KRIS: I don’t need to rehash who I am as a person with some kid that I don’t know.

I thought maybe that would inspire her to see my side of things for once, but she shrugged her shoulders, shook her head, and didn’t soften a bit.

MIKAH: Stop being a crybaby. He’s your brother, and you’re one of the few family members that he actually has left. Don’t you think he deserves a chance to get to know you?

I swallowed the scream without letting it out. I forced the blazing rage out of my eyes, and fought every impulse in my body in order to control my voice for three simple words.

KRIS: Fine. You win.

I didn’t wait for a response. I turned and walked out of the door without closing it. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfying slam, but I wasn’t going to let her taunt me any longer either. Holdan’s room was only around the corner from ours, so if she wanted me to go talk to him and the kid, that was exactly what I would do. Our kids could be her problem for a while. I took out all of my bottled frustrations by beating on Holdan’s door like I was the police, so I wasn’t surprised when there was scuffling inside before the door hastily yanked open.

HOLDAN: WHAT?! I have told you people he’s no--

He stopped when he realized that it was me, and then looked around the hallway like he wasn’t convinced it had been me knocking.

KRIS: ”You people?”

I looked around just to make sure that there wasn’t something about the hallway that I was missing, but he snapped out of it and started explaining.

HOLDAN: A few of the more rowdy fans put together who I was and keep beating on the door trying to see if you are here. I assume after a couple days of failure they will give it up; or at least that is the lie I keep telling myself.

It wasn’t surprising. Usually I kept my room booked under someone else’s name to avoid this kind of problem. Trying to stay away from where the rest of the roster were housed on the boat came with it own set of disadvantages.

KRIS: I can see if I can get you guys moved to a different room.

I knew that it probably wasn’t likely, but I was also hoping that the thought would count for something. He immediately shook off the idea though.

HOLDAN: ...and what, just hide inside for the rest of the week? I’ll pass.

I wouldn’t have been able to deal with the constant intrusions if I were in his shoes, but I also had a handful more kids to worry about than he did.

KRIS: Gotta be better than assholes beating on the door all hours of the day.

He shrugged, but a smile came across his face.

HOLDAN: You mean the people that are excited that my kid is back on the roster and competing at Summer XXXtreme for the first time in years? Yeah, fuck those guys…

KRIS: It’s still rude.

HOLDAN: Well, you should take a good look at the guy they idolize then. He’s kind of a bitch.

It was like he had been talking to Mikah in the short time that it took me to walk to his door.

KRIS: Wow…. Here I was trying to do the right thing, just to be insulted.

He seemed confused, not that I could blame him. I hadn’t even gotten to explain the reason that I was beating on his door.

HOLDAN: Trying to do the right thing?

I nodded.

KRIS: I came to talk to the kid.

I could see a slight bit of approval come across his face but it faded quickly, and he looked back into the room before frowning.

HOLDAN: He’s not here.

Now it was my turn to be confused.

KRIS: ...but you are?

He nodded, clearly taking a different approach with Max than I was in micromanaging all of my tiny terrorists’ every second.

HOLDAN: He’s a teenager. We are stranded on what is basically a floating island. What trouble could he possibly be getting into? I’m not keeping him cooped up in a tiny room all week.

I sighed, and ran my fingers through my hair as I took a deep breath. It felt like everyone on this boat was determined to make this trip difficult.

KRIS: You are surprisingly unhelpful.

He was quick-witted enough to turn that back around on me without missing a beat.

HOLDAN: Well, at least that’s a quality that you should be intimately familiar with.

He managed to time up the swing of the door to punctuate the end of his sentence and cut off any chance that I was going to be able to get in the last word. There were so many instances when I found it hard to believe that he was actually my biological father, but then there were times like these where I couldn’t deny it even for a second.

KRIS: Good talk.


28th July 2024

I didn’t go looking for the kid, but I also didn’t go back to the room. I was content to let Mikah play the parent for the evening, and hopefully she wouldn’t have the energy to keep trying to pick a fight with me later. I wasn’t going to let her convince me to carry that negativity into my return like she did last time I came back. Plus, I hadn’t really gotten to take a lap around the cruiseship on my own yet. The kids were always pulling me into a hundred different directions, and fans were always trying to grab pictures and get drinks. It was nice to kind of just slip around under the radar for a few hours while there wasn’t a whole lot of traffic moving about the boat. I must have spent hours making my way around the whole thing, but stopped on my way back to stare out at the open water and just appreciate how awesome it was to finally be back at my favorite event of the year. As it turned out, sometimes taking that moment is all that you need for life to catch up to you.

MAX: So you’re kind of famous around here. You don’t seem super excited about it though.

He startled me, having apparently spotted me on his way back to the room. This is what I get for get lost for a moment and admiring my surroundings.

KRIS: There’s just a few other… uh. I mea---

He cut me off. I wish I could have been this bold at fourteen.

MAX: Look, I know that you didn’t know that I was a person until Holdan told you. You don’t have to make it weird. I get it. It was kind of the same thing for me.

I was so worried about myself that I hadn't even considered that the kids might have been in the same position I was.

KRIS: Nobody ever told you that you had some significantly older siblings?

He shook his head, genuinely looking like the thought had never crossed his mind.

MAX: I wasn’t even sure who my parents were until recently. I never knew either of them. Neither of them ever made it out of the hospital with me.

I laughed.

KRIS: It’s awfully ambitious of you to think that the man that fathered you would have actually been there at all.

The words came out so effortlessly that I didn't even consider the ramifications of shattering any of this kids notions about his parents.

MAX: Well I am not sure our mom would have been there either if she had the option. From what little Holdan has told me, they weren’t very good people. Jason knew them, and he wouldn’t even speak to me. You knew them and you have avoided me for the last six weeks.

How was this kid already better at this kind of thing than I was.

KRIS: That’s unfair to you though.

MAX: Yeah, well, I am used to that. Are there any more of us?

KRIS: Not anymore.

The quick question caught me off guard, but the way my defenses immediately went up hit the kid like a slap in the face.

MAX: I was kind of just holding out hope that there would be one of you guys that was going to be happy to know that I existed. All of the counselors kept telling me how lucky I was to have found a family friend to take me in instead of another random person. A few months ago having siblings was a fairytale thing, you know?

I couldn't help but feel like I had let the kid down already.

KRIS: I am sorry that the two of us come with a lot of baggage.

MAX: Holdan told me that I should consider it a blessing that I didn’t grow up in that house. He has made all kinds of excuses for why the two of you weren’t as excited to meet me as I was to be introduced to either of you.

I had to commend the old bastard for having my back, not that I hadn't fucked it up anyways.

KRIS: He does that, but guilt will do that to a person. He never stepped up to claim me when I was a kid, so he does a lot of enabling Jason and I as adults. I am sure that plays a role in taking you in as well.

MAX: He seems sad a lot. He talks about you all the time though. It’s like he’s been trying to make sure that I was going to like you before I ever met you.

KRIS: That’s because I rarely make a good first impression. He tries to buy me a little bit of good will with new people.

MAX: That makes sense. I can see how people might not like you.

Not only bold enough to confront me, but confident enough to insult me.

KRIS: I am sure that there are a few hundred people on this boat that could give you entire lists of reasons not to like me.

He didn't seem like any of them mattered at all.

MAX: Yeah, but that’s just for the show isn’t it?

KRIS: What do you mean?

MAX: I mean I could watch every match you’ve ever had. They are all online. I could watch every show you were on. I could know your whole career forwards and backwards, but would I actually know you?

I shook my head but he continued before I could actually respond.

MAX: So their reasons for liking you, or hating you don’t really matter. All of this being famous stuff is cool, but it doesn’t really tell me anything about you. It’s just a job.

KRIS: Pretty awesome job though, right?

I saw his face light up like I had given him permission to actually enjoy himself without keeping his guard up. Even if his words made Miles' ring in my ears a little more. First my opponent says I am not the same guy anymore, and now this kid says I was never really that guy anyways.

MAX: Yeah! It’s not like I had ever even been out on the ocean before, let alone on a floating city.

KRIS: I said the same thing the first time that I did this show! It’s great if you can get over the fear of sea monsters.

To my surprise, he took that in stride as well. He didn't roll his eyes. He took the fear at face value.

MAX: We’re way too high up for them to get us with the tentacles. Although if we were on one of the bottom floors we could totally get sucked through a window.

Maybe I was a little bit too worried about meeting this kid. After all, he got half of the genetics I did. He can't be all bad.

KRIS: I said the same thing and everyone acted like I was crazy!

>Not The Same…

”There was something that Miles said that stuck with me all week…”

”Usually that isn’t the type of thing that I would ever admit. The last thing that we want to do in this business is let our opponents get in our heads. Most of us take pride in our ability to shrug off the insults and the curses when the bell rings and the fighting begins. I would bet there’s a big group of people in that locker room that don’t even give their opponents the chance. I don’t like that. I have always thought that if I am going to get into a ring with a person I should really get to know them. I should hear what they have to say. It’s rarely ever flattering. I’ve been called a nobody. I’ve been told I wouldn’t amount to anything. I’ve been called a sham champion. I am apparently too old, too unreliable, too injury prone, and sometimes too dead to be taken seriously. I am an old joke, and married to a former Bombshell who worked her way around the talent in this company until she made it all the way down to me…”

”You can see why it is an occupational hazard to carry those thoughts around with you for too long…”

”I have heard it all. I have overcome it all. We have been through the accomplishments. We have already listed all of the accolades. We all know that Kris is SCW and SCW is Kris. None of that negative bullshit ever mattered. None of my opponent’s opinions have ever threatened me. Time after time, this company lined up people that I got to prove wrong in front of the world. They doubted me. They hated me. They tried to lower the glass ceiling and box me in at the bottom of this industry. I rose to the absolute peak of this company anyways. I refused to let anything said about me weigh me down. I used it as the jet fuel that propelled me all the way to the top. A few years ago my story stopped being ‘miraculous’ and started feeling ‘undeniable’.”

”...but we will get there in a second…”

”...because all of that has to do with the thing that Miles said that really stuck with me over the last week. Despite all of my training to block out all of the white noise and focus on the job in the ring, I kept hearing those words over-and-over again. It played on a loop in my subconscious, and haunted me in my sleep. I am still not sure if I can shake it off.After listening to what I had to say about LJ ahead of my return, and then watching the match I had with his brother, Miles said:”

”This obviously isn’t the same Kris Ryans. This is something completely different.”

”It was hard to wrap my head around. For a couple of days I couldn’t even figure out why it bothered me so much. Sure, I haven’t pulled any punches in my career whether that be in the ring, or in front of a camera with a microphone. I can certainly see how he could see that as me looking down my nose at people, or being condescending, but I always felt like I told things how they were. I didn’t lie. I didn’t embellish. I pointed out the flaws in my opponents as I saw them, because that was part of the job!”

”...and it worked! I didn’t know if it was the things that I was saying, or the things that I was doing in the ring that were responsible, but whatever the equation was, it was producing results. People may have hated what I was saying, but they were loving what they were seeing in the ring. Plus, the things that I was saying had to be true, because I was going out to the ring every single week and proving it to whoever’s feelings got hurt by something I said. If I told an opponent they sucked, it was because when they were standing across from me, they did. If I called people too big and slow to keep up with me, they were. If I had to explain a joke real slow, it is because I thought they were too stupid to keep up.”

”When you’re winning, that snowball just keeps rolling down the hill and picking up steam. It didn’t matter what I said, because nobody could do anything about it. If I had a week where I wasn’t really feeling it, people would think that I softened and could come after me even harder. I spent my entire time at the top of this company fighting to keep what I felt was mine, and daring people to come take it all at the same time. It didn’t seem like there was anybody that was capable of knocking me off of that mountain either. Despite the fact that Miles thought my career was missing a Hall of Fame ring, I added that to my collection a couple of years ago on the night that J2H and I had the most hyped match in this company’s history.”

”Undeniable was the word that I used earlier…”

”...and it really did feel that way until the moment that it all got taken away. The brash personality. The immediate shit talk. The feeling that there was nobody in this world that could put me in my place anymore. I spent a lifetime with people telling me that I would never amount to shit, yet I was standing on top of the world. I had everything. The overwhelming entitlement that came with having been right time-after-time-after-time wasn’t just something that I carried with me in front of the camera. It bled into every single part of my life. Eventually, it was the very thing that nearly ended my life. There’s no amount of ring ability that is going to stop you from getting gunned down. There’s no series of words you can say to make someone walk away from a real fight.”

”The year of my life I lost to those thirty seconds of bravado was bad enough. The two years of my career that slipped away from me as a result were salt in a nearly fatal wound. It didn’t matter how full of myself I was. It didn’t matter how important I was to this company. It didn’t matter if I was the best. It was over, and for those two years I really thought that it was going to be over forever. I never considered that I would be in a position to be the guy that I used to be ever again. I am a little older, maybe a little slower. I am a little rusty, and carrying a couple of nagging career-long injuries and a whole lot of emotional baggage to that ring with me.”

”....Miles hit the nail exactly on the head. I am not the same Kris Ryans. This is something totally different. I think that bothered me because if I am not that guy, I am not undeniable anymore. That feeling isn’t going to come back. Maybe I am never going to be that good ever again. Maybe I am not destined to reach all the way back up to those heights. Miles might not have intended for the words that he said to creep into the back of my head and expose my most negative intrusive thoughts, but they did, so I have to listen to them, right?”

”After all, they are no different from all of the things that I have heard before. So maybe I won’t be able to rise back to the top? Well I was never supposed to be there in the first place. People don’t think that it is worthwhile to have me back on the roster? Well I have earned my place here more than once. People don’t think that I am the competitor that I used to be? Well… nobody thought I would be back in the ring either, but I am feeling like we are about to steal the whole fucking show at Summer XXXtreme!”

”Miles doesn’t look at me and see a broken down, over-the-hill, has-been that shouldn’t be in the ring. He sees the guy that used to be in the main events of this company. He sees the guy that put on some of the greatest matches in the record books. He looks at me, and sees the absolutely fucking highlight reel that this match has the potential to be bell-to-bell. When he is standing across the ring from me, he is looking at me as a former World Heavyweight Champion, and a guy that has done all of the things that he has left to do. People usually say it as a negative, but to Miles I am the stepping stone to the main events that have just been out of reach. Beating me is the win that he needs to kick the fucking doors off of the hinges and finally take his big leap forward. For Miles, this match is the glass ceiling, and he is tired of knocking on it and not getting any answers.”

”There is a time that I might have been offended. There is a time where I genuinely thought that there wasn’t anything bigger than being in a match with me. I thought that I was above the championships themselves, let alone the talent on the roster. I would have torn into an opponent that was looking past me to bigger and better things, but now I welcome it. Miles, all you have to do is look at my career. The people that tell you that you can’t do the things that you dream of, they are wrong. The people that say you don’t belong, are wrong. If you want to be ‘the guy’ in this company, it’s possible. It is absolutely possible. There is not one single fucking thing that anyone on this roster can say to take that away from you. It is yours for the taking. Believe me. Once upon a time, I reached out and took it for myself.”

”If you think that the next step on your path to getting where you need to be in this company is through me, then bring your ass out to that ring and prove it to everyone in attendance. Come out and leave everything that you have inside that ring. Give me your best shot. Give me ALL of your best shots. I am absolutely certain that the two of us could fight forever, and the fans that got to witness it would be on their feet the whole time. The battle that we could have is capable of sinking this fucking boat, so if you are finally ready to step up to that next level, come take your spot kid.”

”....because I am not the same Kris Ryans, but the kind of fights that we are talking about are the reasons that I came back. I don’t want to play games. I don’t want to sling insults. I want to step in the ring with the people that truly love to be out there, and I want to do things that nobody is ever going to forget. The first thing that I said when I decided to return to the ring was that I saw my spotlight start to flicker. I know that I am running out of time to end things on my terms, and I don’t want to be remembered as the guy that looked down his nose at everyone. I don’t want to be the guy that was too good to show up.”

”I want to be the guy that was never supposed to make it, and did.”

”I want to be the guy that was supposed to die, and didn’t.”

”I want to be the guy that was never supposed to come back, but came back better than anyone could have imagined.”

”...and what I believe, Miles, is that I have to go through you to do that.”

”By no means does that goal feel ‘undeniable’...”

”...but doing so would qualify as a MIRACLE.”

Boarding the Ship
Princess Cruise

Once Alexandra had boarded the ship, he headed directly for her room. She had lost focus her past few matches, rather than going all out, she had been holding back and it cost her, dearly. She lost her Bombshell Roulette Title to Victoria. Someone who at first had played friend to her face, talking about how she supported Alexandra and wanted to prove it, to a low down two faced piece of shit. Alexandra had never been one to take losses so badly. This was less about the loss and more about the betrayal of trust. But right now, Alexandra was going to take the rest of the afternoon to relax and take in the festivities onboard the Princess Cruise line. Upon arriving at her Vista Suite, she unpacked her suitcase and smiled at herself in the mirror. She knew that her real friends, LJ, Miles, Carter and Bella were on board and she could take the time to really relax. She and Bella would be facing each other soon enough in the Ultimate X match.

“This is beautiful. My goodness management really stepped their game up. I don’t even care that I’m not in one of the fancy suites. This one is nice, perfect for a small working vacation.”

So many thoughts were running through her head, but she knew that if she just sat down and took a breath, she could focus. She needed to focus. This was about more than just a pay-per-view win, this was about revenge. Not only did she still want to get revenge for what had been done to Carter and Miles just mere weeks before their wedding, she wanted revenge for herself. No, she needed it. There was still time. More than enough time. Physically she was ready to take on what was ahead of her. She looked forward to at least eliminating Victoria, if she could do that, she could take the lead and show everyone that Victoria was a fluke. Victoria’s time would come, she would see that she couldn’t be a Queen anymore. Just like Alexandra had. So what if Victoria wanted her to face the darkness inside of her. Alexandra had done that multiple times over. Now, this was time for Victoria to see who she was.

“It’s time to focus on what needs to be done. I have a match to win and sitting around pouting about losses isn’t what’s going to make it happen again. They want a show, they’ll have it. My focus is on winning back my title.”

Alexandra was in a cheerful mood, for once in a long while. Her phone rang and she noticed it was a call from her daughter. Ashlynn always knew exactly when her mother needed her the most. She answered the phone with a smile crossing her face.

“Hey Ash.” she held the phone to her ear.

“Hey mom.. Did you make the boat?” She heard Ashlynn’s voice and smiled brighter than before.

“I sure did.”  The two carried on a conversation about Camp and the Cruise for a few hours.

Getting down to Brass Tacks
Later that night
Princess Cruise

Alexandra took time to pause, walking the deck of the ship. The air was cool, but not chilly. With Alexandra being from Texas, she was no stranger to heat, but the eighty degree weather was a perfect fit for this cruise. She smiled as she passed a few people, nodding her head before she smirked at the person standing behind the one holding the camera for her.

“You know I told myself I was going to take tonight to relax. To chill and hang out with my friends. People who have enriched my life in ways that no one else has. Instead I found myself feeling out of sorts and unable to actually enjoy my tiny little vacation, thanks to Sin City Wrestling. I should be hanging out with LJ, Miles and Carter, or hitting up the spa with Bella.  Instead I’m out here, walking the deck and taking a moment to really focus everything on this match. You see, there are people in this industry who have busted their ass, paid their dues and earned their place in the spotlight. Then there are people like one of my opponents, who never really paid her dues and got in on the fact that she trains with a prestigious wrestling academy.  The Lyons Den. You see, people like Cleo and Alexander, people who Victoria also thinks she rules over, trained there as well and you don’t see them out here parading around calling themselves a title they haven’t earned. But I’ll get to that later, right now, this is my time.”

She takes a few moments to pause, leaning against the railing and looking up at the stars. She turns back to the camera and nods.

“I fully intend on walking out the winner. I don’t care what it takes. You see last Summer Xxxtreme also saw me walking out the winner. And in the words of a great opponent, this is my show. I won last year against Bobbie Dahl and this year I’ll do the very same, only this time, sadly, Bobbie isn’t here to compete and I actually wish she was, cause I’d love to see her tear into Victoria. She and I pushed each other to be better and now, I’m going to do what she isn’t here to do and that’s rip my Bombshell Roulette Championship back from Victoria’s grip. The title wasn’t in the balance for me last year, but I still took the win. This year, there’s more riding on this win. We have the broken former champion, The Hardcore Pixie, The Hall Of Famer, and the Twisted Queen. Hanging above the ring, we have the Bombshell Roulette Championship. A Title I have bled for many times and will gladly do so again.”

She ran her fingers through her long hair, taking a deep breath. Keeping her anger in check, building it up to use in the ring. It was what she needed to do. The salty air off the water caused her to close her eyes for a moment, bringing herself back down to where she could speak without clenching her teeth.

“I made a promise to my daughter that I would bring that title home. I won’t fail her again. Run your mouth about me all you want. Say things about my friends, about the people I care about and you will find out something about me that you don’t want to know. I will use every drop of my blood, every bit of sweat and all the air in my lungs to make sure that I walk out the champion. I pose this question to both Mercedes and Bella, do either of you think she is worthy of the Bombshell Roulette Championship? To stand before you demanding your fealty on a false pretender? Do you feel right with yourself to bow before her? To bend your knee to a woman whose mind is so twisted, that she pitted a happy couple against each other? A woman who uses her own family as pawns in a sick game of chess. You see I won’t stand here and say that I will beat either of you. I’ve been in the ring with both of you and I know what you can do. If it’s not me, I want to see one of you two with it.  Moreso, I want to see Bella with it more than you Mercedes.. sorry..”

She started to walk, her hand sliding along the metal railing as she spoke, the camera following her. She stopped after a few moments and turned back to the camera. There was so much to say, so many things she needed to get off her chest.

“Oh dear sweet Mercedes, I know what you think of me. I’ve heard everything you’ve said. But you also seem to forget the grueling matches I’ve been in, while I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion. I didn’t get to sit around having a match here and there, whenever I wanted it. No,I defended it every time I was booked. Those matches weren’t anything new to me. Here I am, sitting here well after defending that championship and holding it for a record number of days and you still see me as scum on the bottom of your shoe. You still see me as a nobody and that’s fine.”

Alexandra gives a soft little laugh, knowing that Mercedes underestimated what she could do, what she had done to keep the Bombshell Roulette Championship in her hands.

“I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion for one hundred and twelve days during my first run with it, defending it against a great number of competitors. Never once did I falter, until Bobbie Dahl got her chance and I was glad to lose it to her. Honored even. She had proven she was worthy. Then I took it back only a short time later. And in my second run, I held the title for sixty-three days, all while competing in the Blast from the Past Tournament. So I would say, I did damn good for myself. Meanwhile, if I remember correctly I took you out of the running in one of those attempts to grab the title for yourself. But you seem to forget that. It’s alright though, I don’t mind giving you a refresher course on just who the hell I am.”

She steps closer to the camera as she speaks that last sentence. She licks her lips and steps back, holding her hands up.

“But I can’t blame you for seeing me as a threat. Come on, we both know that’s what you really meant to say. I’m not going to stand around and say you don’t have what it takes to end my shot this time. But we both know the outcome of our last match, you couldn’t get the job done. You won’t do it this time either. You can only hope to get taken out of this match early on, so that you don’t risk any future chances you might have had at glory. Because I can promise you, if Victoria goes out before you, or hell even me, I don’t see you having much of a fighting chance either darlin. Bella’s on fire. I know, I just faced her not too long ago. Bella could take this whole thing home with her, and you know what, I’d be damn proud of her.”

Alexandra nods her head, looking out over the water again, collecting her thoughts. Bella was an easy one to talk to, they had a mutual respect for each other.

“Which brings me to you Bella. You speak truth my dear, a truth that many people seem to forget. Sometimes there are ups and downs in this business, life comes at you fast and sometimes you either have to face it, take the losses and victories in stride, or step aside and let it fly by you. I know that neither of us will just step aside. We lay it on the line every single time. I saw that spark in you, you just needed to see it for yourself. You say you look up to me and I’m honored. Just as much as you learned from me, I learned from you. I learned to never take for granted who and what really matters in life.”

She gave the camera a warm smile, one that was reserved for her friends and family. To her, Bella had been someone that she grew to trust and respect without ever having to really try. They had earned in the way all great warriors did, through battle.

“I’ve learned that sometimes, even the best laid plans and promises unravel no matter how much you fight to protect them. I vowed to get back at her for what she did to Miles and Carter and it cost me the title, but that doesn’t change anything. I’m still going to fight with everything I have in me. And it’s because I know people like you are watching and hell, now fighting against me to win our beloved Bombshell Roulette Championship.  While some people look at that title and see it as nothing other than a consolation prize. We see it for what it’s truly worth.”

She took a deep breath. Bella had shown her a kindness that very few other’s ever had. She never belittled her in the hopes of getting Alexandra to follow her lead. She watched as Alexandra grew and changed as we all do, all through life.

“Bella, you and I both know that at the end of Ultimate X, it should be one of us. Let’s take out the competition and then show the fans what they really came to see, two women who know just what it takes to truly hold that championship. People who won’t use it as a crutch or something they see as the one ring.” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s give that title the champion it deserves and no matter who comes out on top, we shake hands and prove that true competition isn't dead, despite a Queen’s desire to end everything we stand for.”

She froze in her spot, turning away from the camera for a moment, her hands now tightening their grip on the railing.  She closes her eyes for a moment again, opening them she turns to look in the camera, as if she was staring into Victoria’s soul.

“Dear Sweet Icarus, you should learn to listen to those who tell you fables, for fables have meaning my dear. He tried to warn you and yet you refuse to listen to him. He speaks of what he knows, for he once stood across from me. But unlike you, he didn’t see fit to attack those I held dear. He came straight at me and flew FAR too close to the sun. However, unlike him, I will not be so kind to you. I will not accept you into my fold, nor will you ever have my trust and friendship. You can continue to try your attempts at turning him against me. You can continue your attempts to turn me against Miles, the truth is, you are bitter and alone. You attack those who have the happiness you, yourself cannot achieve. I have friends and the respect of my peers, Miles and Carter have love, and you long for those things and cannot find someone to give them to you, because of your bitterness.”

Alexandra sits down on one of the chairs on the deck, smiling up at the camera. She continued on, knowing that time was growing short.

“You think you are so high above me, above any of us. You see, I’ve danced in the ring with Queens and I can tell you that you my dear are no Queen. You sit on a throne of lies. You see yourself as someone above us, when I can tell you all it takes is one wrong move, one bad night for that crown to slip from your brow. Whatever will your kingdom think then? I can tell you this, your kingdom will fall, be it by my hand or anothers. You see, you say that I failed. You act as if Miles and I getting a title shot was a gift from you. No. It wasn’t. We were amusement in your sick little game. In your twisted fable, you see yourself as a Queen, My Roulette Championship as your crown, and all of us as your noble subjects. Wake up from your fairytale kiddo and realize that this is the real world. Or if you insist on carrying on this charade, be prepared for the uprising and your beheading. For what does one do with treacherous ne'er-do-wells, who claim a throne and fail to lead. Why don’t we ask the French?”

She rose, looking into the camera. She licked her lips again, before she clicked her tongue. With a dark smirk on her face that she had not used in a very long time, she focused all of her energy into her.

“Victoria, I’m not going to sit around and play the what if’s game with you. I’m not going to sit here and act like I’m scared of you. You can talk every bit about how you think I’ve gone soft. Believe whatever you would like to believe, think very hard about everything you’ve seen me do in this company, now make a call and ask Alexander, ask Cleo, oh wait, you can’t, your kingdom is falling and in ruins around you. All that needs to happen now is for me to take your crown. I plan on doing whatever it takes. So carry on, hob nob with the other champions, that way you at least have the memory of how great it feels to be on top. After the dust settles on Ultimate X, a new champion will stand in your place and when you look up, you’ll see ME standing over you with my arm held high in victory. You want to play in the shadows, in the darkness, then let’s play your highness.”

She gave a quick bow and then stood up straight, her eyes focused on the camera again. This time the look in her eyes was cold.

“The time is drawing near, we are staring down the barrel of the gun. The only thing left to do is decide whether you are willing to take the risk for glory, or step aside and let the rest of us finish the ride. My focus is on this match, despite people’s thoughts otherwise. I’m not focused on the losses of the past few weeks. I’m driven, I’m on fire and I WILL take back my Bombshell Roulette Championship, ending the reign of the tyrant Queen, Victoria Lyons.”

She paused looking into the camera.

“No matter what it takes.”

She blows a kiss at the camera and walks towards LJ who has walked into frame. He offers her his arm and the two walk off. On the back of her jacket in blood red letters is the word….


And the camera fades to black.
Supercard Archives / "Settling This!”
« Last post by Krystal Wolfe on August 02, 2024, 08:04:40 PM »
We see Krystal leaning on the balcony of her cabin on the Summer XXXTreme Cruise.

”Three fucking years ago I was on top of the world, getting ready to defend the Bombshell Roulette Title in the Ultimate X Match, now? I’ve been reduced to wasting my time in a nothing match with Prudence Pierce!” Krystal shakes her head. ”While idiots claim that I’m not as good as I think I am! I’m fucking done with this shit.”

Krystal runs a hand down her face.

”I don’t know where I’ll be after this cruise but I need to refocus my energy somewhere, far away from the Juliannas and Kaylas of the world! Guess it’s fitting that I started my SCW career with a feud against Ruby and now I’m potentially ending it.” Krystal spat to the side. ”A woman who, alongside her moronic merry band of idiots, RUINED and TAINTED the end of my Roulette Title Reign two years ago and got rewarded with a Roulette Title Match against Keira, and where was I? Wasting my time against Evie fucking Jordan!”

It’s that simple.

”All because Mark Ward refused to do the logical thing and make it a Triple Threat Match, the bosses and their precious, unwavering plans, fucking joke.” Krystal shakes her head with a grunt. ”I don’t give a shit what you call yourself Ruby because you’ve been a thorn in my side since day one and I took you out during the last tour of 2023? You should’ve stayed gone!”

And with that Krystal decided to wrap things up.

”Because I did the Bombshell Division a huge fucking favor by making sure that your useless ass wasn’t around to stink up arenas! And I don’t give a shit what Courtney says either, she’s just as bad as you!” Krystal shakes her head. ”See you on Sunday Ruby!”

Krystal turned off her camera as the scene fades.
Supercard Archives / The Good Side of Karma.
« Last post by Eddie Lyons on August 02, 2024, 08:01:11 PM »
He stood looking at the bow of the ship, and he knew he had to do it. Many had done it before him, and many would after. Eddie wasn’t even alive when the movie came out, but you can’t go on a boat and NOT do it right?
He stood on the bow, stuck his arms out wide and yelled.

“I’M THE KING OF THE WOOOOOORLD!!!!” Eddie declared, as some other passengers rolled their eyes around him, but at least it was out of his system. What wasn’t on out of his system was the desire to be Roulette Champion again, a desire he intended to fulfill at Summer Xxxtreme.

He knew it wouldn’t be easy, he had lost to Aiden Reynolds once already, and Bill Barnhart as well. Either of them could beat him again, and Alexander Raven was an unknown quantity that Eddie had yet to face, but he was the champion, and as a former champion, Eddie knew that winning a championship didn’t come easy, and keeping it came even easier.

Of course Victoria had all but demanded victory from him, so The Lyons Den could have both Roulette Championships, and as much as she annoyed him, he did like the idea. The Lyons Den wasn’t as big of a name as something like Wolfslair, but they still produced some of the most respected talent, even someone as cruel as Victoria couldn’t have her skill denied.

He leaned against the rail of the ship, just watching as it sailed through the blue waters of the open sea, it was relaxing and the serene nature did well to help Eddie clear his mind so he could be fully ready for his match.

“You got this Eddie.” he said to himself ”Just focus, and do what you do best, and you’ll bring that championship home.”

He sighed, and took in some fresh sea air before finding a free lounge chair to lay back in, he had a championship to win true, but this was still a cruise and he’d be a fool not to find some time to enjoy himself, and just relax.

Earpods in, he laid back on the chair and closed his eyes, as he drifted off into a relaxed state, with only his music in his head.

~It's time to get back in the swing of things, When my life crashes, I'm not the guy that'll flee the scene….~

Get back in the swing of things…yes. That’s what he needed to do, leave it to music to speak to him once again. Regaining the Roulette Championship would be the perfect way to make that happen. He was ready, ready to give his all so he could leave his cruise as a champion once again.


The cameras is open on Eddie Lyons standing on the starboard side of the ship somewhere, looking over the rail just observing the scenery of the nice blue sea and watching the seagulls fly overhead.

"Lovely scene isn't it Bill? I do hope you and Bea are having a nice time on this cruise and did find some time for yourselves" said Eddie. “Especially because you’re going to be vastly disappointed when you don’t walk out as champion. Because like it or not, you are the weak link in this match. Aiden, Alexander and myself all have a better track record than you. Somehow you keep squeaking into championship matches, you just never seem to be able to win them, and you can lord your one victory over me because you know it will never happen again, even if I don’t walk off this ship a champion, I know you won’t either. It will be Raven, Aiden or myself.

Eddie pauses for a moment

“If you think I’m wrong, then show me.” said Eddie, “Because everytime you talk this big game and can never really back it up. Alexander Raven is a douchebag, but he at least backs up his  mouth. I don’t feel I can say the same for you. Maybe you’re not as delusional as someone like Justin Smith, but you’re closer to him than you are the three of us. If somehow you DO walk out as champion and make me eat my words, then I’ll do the honorable thing and admit that I was wrong and you were the better man, but somehow I just don’t see that happening.”

Eddie shrugs.

“Prove me wrong I guess” he continued, “I just don’t see the winner of this match being Bill Barnhart. The rest of us want it so much more. Alexander Raven will have no intention of losing the Roulette Championship and will do whatever he can to remain champion.  Aiden is going to come harder than before because he had a small taste of being champion before my cousin Victoria involved herself for her own ridiculous bullshit. But none the less, that small taste he got is going to fuel him even more this time. Then you have me, who never got my rematch, because my cousin decided I didn’t deserve one so she gave it to Raven, also in hopes he would destroy Aiden for good. He didn’t do that, but he did take the championship from him, so I guess she was half successful in her mission there. But now, I finally get my chance to get back on top. I didn’t whine or complain about my rematch, I just waited because I believe in karma, and that good things happen to good people, and I believe that I will leave this cruise as a two time Roulette Champion."

Eddie turns to look to the cameras, straight on as he continues

“You’re going into this match with three hungry animals, a Raven, A Wolf and a Lion” he continued, “I’m not sure the bulldog can last. Can you clip the ravens wings? Can you tame the mighty lion, or the vicious wolf? Even as a former Roulette Champion yourself, I don’t believe you can. You just haven’t shown me the drive Aiden Reynolds has, or the willingness to do whatever it takes like Alexander Raven. I don’t think it’s too crazy to think you have the most to prove in this match. Your record should speak for itself. I mean a couple years ago, Alexander Raven won this very same match. Back then you were able to eliminate talent like Finn Whelan and Miles Kasey at the same time. Yet now look at the landscape since then, Finn Whelan is the best in the world right now, Miles Kasey isn’t too far behind him either. Alexander Raven is back on top of the division again, but you’ve fallen faster than the anchor of this ship.”

Eddie pauses, taking in a nice breath of fresh sea air.

“I just want you to show me Bill.” Eddie continued, “Show me the Bill Barnhart that’s been Roulette Champion twice. Because I’m an honest person, and my honest opinion is I’m just not that impressed, and I think your mouth is bigger than your ability to win matches. There is nothing YOU will be able to do to stop me from winning this match. I will win my championship back, and this time I won’t be getting ahead of myself with trying to break records. This time, I’ll just focus on being a fighting champion for a long as I can. If I do break a record, cool. If not, well then as long as I lose with honor as I did to Aiden Reynolds, then I’ll just pick myself up once again and fight my way back to the top, once again. Because as far as Eddie Lyons is concerned, it’s still and always will be HONOR BEFORE GLORY.

Eddie looks confidently into the cameras, as the scene slowly fades out to black.


It was still a few days before the show, and this was a cruise. Eddie knew he would be a fool not to make the best of it. A nice relaxation session by the pool was more than welcome. While he wasn’t much of a drinker, he was enjoying the nice margarita he ordered, again it was a cruise so why not enjoy it?

As he laid back on one of the lounge chairs around the deck, in shorts and a pair of Raybans, he found his rest interrupted by one of the staff.

“Fresh towel sir?” the voice, female said to him.

“Oh, no thank you.” Eddie said, pushing his sunglasses up to his head, “I’m alright.”

The girl tilted her head, and looked at Eddie for a lingering moment.

“...Is that Eddie Lyons?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s me.” said Eddie, “You want a picture? It’s totally cool if you do.”

“No, Eddie…” she said, “You don’t recognize me?”

Eddie raised an eyebrow, and sat more upright, the girl DID seem familiar, but from where?

“Sabrina Woods!” she exclaimed, “From High School! We were partners in chemistry during Junior year!”

Eddie’s eyes widened, as he remembered his old lab partner.

“Oh my gosh yes!” he said, “How have you been?”

“Just living life.” she replied, “Needed some extra cash so I took a job on this cruise. What about you?”

“I’m actually competing this weekend in the pro wrestling show.” he replied.

“That’s right!” Sabrina replied, “You’re family had that school, your dad wrestled too right?”

“He did.” Eddie nodded, “My uncles did too.”

“Hey whatever happened to your cousins?” she asked, “Victoria and Vincent. They were always pretty cool.”

Eddie smiled and laughed to himself.

“Well Vincent wrestled for a while too.” he said, “But now he left on some journey of self discovery on a sailboat, and Victoria is actually on this cruise too, she competes at the show as well.”

“Oh cool, I’ll have to say hi if I see her.” said Sabrina.

“I wouldn’t.” Eddie warned her, “She’s changed, and I doubt she’d be so receptive. I’m not sure what she’s going through but she’s done some pretty cruel things and made a lot of enemies in SCW. She’s even ruined a few of my matches."

“...Oh.” Sabrina seemed disappointed in the news about Victoria, “Such a shame, she was such a nice girl back then.”

“I know.” Eddie said, “Not much one can do about it though. She’s gonna be who she is.”

“Well, I’m glad you turned out alright.” Sabrina said with a flirtatious smile, “Good luck to you this weekend. I wish I could talk longer, but I’m on the clock and people need towels.”

“Damn..” Eddie said, disappointed he still wanted to catch up. He always thought Sabrina was cute in High School and could see the years were kind to her, “Well, when are you off?”

“My shift ends in a few hours.” she replied, “Why?”

“Maybe we could catch up over dinner?”
he said, “My treat? You pick the place?”

“Are you asking me on a date Eddie Lyons?” Sabrina said with a smile.

“Something like that.”
he said wish a sheepish grin.

“Well, how about Crown Grill at nine?” she replied, “I can get us am employee discount too.”

“Sounds good.” Eddie replied happily.

Then the two were interrupted by the call of another passenger.

“Towel girl!” the voice called, “Can I get a towel please!”

“Duty calls.” said Sabrina with a sigh, “See you at nine, Eddie Lyons.”

She winked at him, and smiled before going about her business and getting the passenger the requested towel. Eddie hadn’t expected to get a date on the ship as well, maybe it was just karma rewarding his good nature. Whatever it was he now had..just a few hours to get ready so he quickly made his way back to his room to get cleaned up for the evening.


The cameras are rolling, and they open on Eddie on the balcony of his room, he’s leaning against the railing with a casual posture as he begins speaking.

“Your elbows are like bricks you know Aiden.” Eddie said, “I’m gonna have to do my best to avoid those if I am to recapture the Roulette Championship. It’s gonna be a tough battle, but I have my full confidence going in. I’m not coming to lose this match, and I doubt you are either. You took the belt from me after all, and I make no excuses about it. You were the better man that night. Case closed."

Eddie paused for a moment, and took in a breath

“Now Alexander Raven has the championship, all because my cousin wanted to be a bitch.” he said, “You know she’s demanding victory from me now? Suddenly she likes the idea of the two of us having Roulette Championships in SCW. I mean it’s not the worst thought, but I’m not going to act like her and guarantee victory in my match. I will say, if I don’t win. I hope you do Aiden. You deserve a better run than what you have, and we both know someone needs to shut Alexander Raven up. Bill, well he’s Bill. We know he likes to act tough, but has never been able to truly deliver. You and I Aiden, we are the heart and soul of this match, it’s up to us to give those other two knuckleheads a dose of reality.”

Eddie pauses again.

“Raven and Bill, they don’t truly understand what it means to be a champion.” Eddie continued, “They don’t understand the honor that comes with being a champion, they just want to pad their own records, and be able to tout their own ego. You and I would hold that championship proudly, with honor and respect. We would act as proper champions, and inspire the wrestlers of tomorrow to keep reaching for their goals. None of us are better than any of the other. It’s more a matter of character, and Bill and Raven both have no real positive character to speak of. At least you show respect Aiden, and I hope you show me the respect I deserve when I recapture the Roulette Championship. And you know what? I think you will. No, I know you will. Should you manage to regain the championship, then I will do the same.”

Eddie pounds his chest with his fist, to show some solidarity or respect to Aiden.

“We need to do this Aiden. We need to restore some honor.” Eddie continued, “One of us needs to take that championship and restore some honor to it. While I’ll be happy to see you as champion, and will show you the respect you deserve, don’t get it confused. I’m still coming for blood, and if taking your head and punting it into the sea is what I need to do to win, then I will. Because when that bell rings, all I understand is that it’s go time and everyone else, sans the referee is my enemy.  That includes you, respect or not. From bell to bell you’re nothing but an opponent trying to take me out. One that’s already done it before, so I know how dangerous you really are. So I need to up my game, and that means taking no prisoners and putting it all on the line.”

Eddie nods, and exhales heavily.

“Does suck this cruise has to end soon, I’ve been having a really good time enjoying some of the shows and the food, and just the  nature of the open sea. It’s very serene and has done well to calm me, and get me in a more focused state." [/color]said Eddie, "Just something about the open sea I find relaxing. Come Sunday however, the relaxing will be done and it’s back to business. My business, and my business is that Roulette Championship and winning it once again. I’m coming for a fight, and that goes for all three of you. I’ll see you and those other two goons on Sunday Aiden, until then you and Kallie enjoy yourselves and good luck when that bell rings, cause it’s gonna be nothing short of a war."

Eddie looks into the camera with confidence as the scene fades out.


Eddie wanted to do something nice for his date with Sabrina later than evening and had bought a Stanley Bear from one of the cruises gift shops as a gift for the young lady, he was on his way back to the hotel when he came across a group of young men,  slightly drunk and being a little raucous, he sought to ignore them when he noticed one was wearing his cousin Victorias crown. Most in SCW would keep walking, feeling as though Victoria deserved it and he did consider it, however his honor got the better of him, and despite Victorias transgressions he felt he had to do the right thing.

“Hey guys, check it out.” the one wearing the crown said to his frat boy looking friends as he talked in a mocking tone “I am your Queen! The great Victoria Lyons! Join me, we can be STRONGER TOGETHER. Please will somebody worship me? Please? Pleaseeeee? I need attention!”

“Hey, where’d you get that my friend?” Eddie asked, getting the young mans attention.

“Oh woah! Eddie Lyons.” said the guy, “Dudebro, your cousin left this next to her when she was sleeping, since she’s such a bitch to everyone I swiped it. We’re all tired of hearing about her being some sort of queen.”

“What’s your name my friend?” asked Eddie politely

the guy replied.

“Well Chad.” said Eddie, “I know she’s not been very nice, but you shouldn’t stoop to her level. The crown doesn’t belong to you. You need to return it.”

“Why would I do that?” Chad said with a flair of arrogance

“Because it’s the right thing to do man.” Eddie said, “You took someones property, that’s not cool man. Even if it is someone like my annoying cousin.”

“But she’s going to FLIP when she wakes up.”
said Chad with a laugh, “It’ll be hilarious.”

His other friends seemed to agree and laughed along with Chad.

“C’mon guys.” said Eddie again, “Just give me the crown, I’ll take it back to her, or do we need to get security involved? I imagine Victoria already did, so they’re probably looking for it now. You’re here for the show right?”

“Yeah man.” said Chad, “Good luck to you by the way.”

“Well thank you for that.” Eddie said, “But if you get caught, they might put you in boat jail for the rest of the trip, and you’ll miss the show.”

“They won’t catch me.” Chad replied.

“Just give me the crown man.” said Eddie, “Let’s not make this difficult, because I see a security guard just down the hall.”

Chad looked, and indeed there was a guard at the other end of the hall.

“Hey Secur…” Eddie started, but was cut short by Chad holding out the crown.

Eddie took the crown into his own arms, and was even nice enough to take a picture with the frat boys before he headed up to the Grand Suite area where SCW had roomed all it’s champions to knock on Victorias door.

She answered the door after a moment and he held the crown out to her.

“.....Lose something?” he asked.

She glared at him, with a look of annoyance.

“WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?” she said as she snatched the crown from his grasp, “WAS IT YOU? DID YOU STEAL IT?”

Eddie couldn’t believe it, she really thought he had done it.

“Seriously?” he responded, “Seriously?”  “You really think I would do that? No I didn’t steal your crown, but I did find it. Some fan had it. I had to convince him to give it back. You should really be more careful with your stuff. I’m only bringing this to you, because it’s your property and it’s just the right thing to do.”

“Well, isn’t that noble of you.” Victoria said rolling her eyes.

“Just doing what’s right.” said Eddie.

“Well, at least I have it back. Now I can look like a proper queen for my match.” said Victoria.

”Indeed.” said Eddie with a disinterested tone.

“See you around cousin.” Victoria said, as Eddie found the door slammed in his face.

“...Thank you Eddie?” he said to himself, but he knew he should have expected no less. Still he felt good enough with himself he had done the right thing. Not only was it just the ring thing, but had he not he knew she would never stop complaining about it, and nobody on the SCW roster deserved to deal with any of that.

“Good luck to you this weekend cuzzo.” Eddie said as he walked off from the door, back to his own hotel room, as he still had that date to later to get ready for.


As the scene opens, Eddie sits shirtless on his bed, a towel around his neck after just finishing up a shower. He looks up to the camera and starts speaking.

“How we doin’ champ?” he said, clearly addressing Roulette Champion Alexander Raven, “Well I hope, because after SummerXXXtreme you won’t be doing so well, because that championship is coming back to me.”

Eddie took the towel to wipe some water still left on his face.

“You sure don’t like me do you Raven?” said Eddie, “And for what? What have I done other than go out there and fight each and every time? Because you don’t like my attitude? Well, that’s your prerogative but all I’m doing is being true to myself. If you don’t like that, then that’s your problem. I’m not changing myself or my beliefs for anyone.”

Eddie continued to look into the camera.

“I’m sure to people like yourself, that means failure.” he said, “You can mock me for losing my belt, blah blah blah. I’m not letting that get to me, you win some you lose some and come Sunday you’ll have to deal with the losing side of things because you are NOT walking out Roulette Champion. I am.”

Eddie paused for a moment, before continuing.

“The only reason you even got a championship match is because of my cousins power trip.” Eddie continued, “And to your credit you capitalized and won. Now you have to be on the defense and I can assure you this lion is hungry and he’s coming for blood. I can assure you the wolf is coming for blood of his own, and the Bulldog? Well he’s gonna show his might as much as he can as well. The numbers are really against you in this one, and your chances of survival are minimal. But like I said to Aiden, and Bill as well. You win, I will admit you were the better man that night, and move on to whatever the company has planned for me next.”

He took another moment to pause, as he continued his address of Alexander Raven

“You’re about to find out what I’m really about Raven.” said Eddie “You’ve wanted to try and take me out since you mentioned my name at the press conference the night I won the championship. You said you wanted to remind me of my place beneath my betters.”

Eddie laughed to himself.

“I don’t know what your deal is with me man” said Eddie “But I guess it’s time you learn who Eddie Lyons is, and you learn the true meaning of being UNBREAKABLE. My drive, my spirit will never be broken. Especially not by the likes of you. You can run your mouth all you want, but after SummerXXXtreme, you will learn why Eddie Lyons is one of the toughest fighters in the company. You will realize that I am a whole lot better than you give me credit for and you will be forced to witness me become a two time Roulette Champion at YOUR expense. Right now, I have nothing to lose and that’s where I become most dangerous. Taking me lightly is going to be your biggest mistake, you better open your own eyes real quick or else I am going to clip the wings of the raven, and send him crashing into the waters below and I will do it with HONOR BEFORE GLORY.”

Eddie gives his best look of confidence and determination as the scene closes.


The Crown Grill was really nice, and Eddie had worn his bets button up and did look rather charming for the occasion, across from him sat Sabrina Woods, the old high school friend he ran into earlier in the day in a lovely yellow dress of her own, she smiled at the Stanley Bear that Eddie had gifted her.

“Awww he’s cute.” said Sabrina with a smile, “Thank you Eddie.”

“Of course.” Eddie said kindly.

They both smiled at each other, as they waited the arrival of their food. Eddie had gone for the Rib-Eye, while the lady had opted for the New York Strip. A bottle of white wine also sat iced on the table for them to share.”

“Wine?” asked Eddie.

“Please.” Sabrina replied, to which Eddie promptly poured some wine in her glass, and then some for himself.

“Salud.” he said, as they clinked glasses and took a sip. It did taste pretty delicious.

“So how have you been?”
he asked her.

“Pretty good.” she said “Still living in North Carolina, sort of between jobs at the moment. What about you?”

“Just doing the wrestling thing.”
said Eddie, “Keeping up the family legacy and all that. It’s been fun I got to tour Europe. The travel can be much sometimes, but it;’s worth it when I get in the ring and hear the fans cheering and chanting for me.”

“Wow I’ve never been to Europe.” said Sabrina, “Never really been out the US. This cruise might be the farthest I’ve traveled from US soil.”

“Ha, well it’s a beautiful world out there.” said Eddie.

“I’d love to see it sometime.” replied Sabrina.

“Well, maybe I can arrange that.” Eddie said with a smile.

The two continued their evening laughing together, talking about old stories from high school like when some Freshman hit a beehive with a baseball, and the following chaos of screaming students, or when Jimmy Nelson came to school in a dress. Good times and great memories, and it seemed like the two of them were going to be making more at the rate the date was going, the food was delicious as well and as his day came to an end and he bid Sabrina goodnight, he did indeed get the kiss and a promise to stay in contact after the cruise ended. It was then, with that kiss Eddie knew that even if he lost his match this weekend, he would still feel like a winner.
Supercard Archives / Re: JAYDEN HARRIS and ENTITY vs J2H and ALEXANDER RAVEN
« Last post by Jayden on August 02, 2024, 07:58:37 PM »

In less than twenty four hours Sin City Wrestling would set out for their summer cruise which consisted of the supercard event Summer XXXtreme taking place. One of the most talked about events of the summer and rightfully so. Now with the cameras rolling in they found themselves on the very cruise that was set to take sail. In particular the cameras opened up on the Captain’s cabin.

Focused on a chair that found itself spinning around in a matter of seconds to reveal the person sitting there was none other than the second generation sensation, Jayden. An arrogant smirk crossed his lips as he put his hands behind his head and tossed his feet up on the desk before him. Not taking long at all for that arrogance to ooze out of him.

Being a captain isn’t something that you can just become overnight.

A tiny little shake of his head could be seen.

To be a captain, it takes years of experience. It takes years of dedication. Requires a bunch of knowledge. You need to know the ins and outs of the ship you’re in charge of. There’s a lot that comes with it. By no means is it considered an easy job, but every now and then. Someone will come along that won’t have to work as hard as everyone else when it comes to being a captain.

Now there’s a couple different reasons that may happen. That person could have been born into a family of captains. Something that they had been around, introduced, and showed at such an early age. That it’s something that was maintained when they became an adult and decided to pursue that career. Or it could simply just be something that person was born to do. All raw natural talent.

Following those words, it was the little point to himself that drove home the point he was trying to make. From there he dragged his feet off the desk and stood himself up starting to walk around the desk.

The people that have all the natural raw talent. The people that are just good at it. The people that are just natural born captains. Boy oh boy are they hated by so many others. It’s usually the former captains that were just never that good or people that could never quite be a captain. How fitting of our situation when you think about it am I right gentlemen?

You see, while I ignore most of it. I hear and see all that’s been said about me since I arrived here. Most of the time it’s from peanut gallery pussies. They aren’t worth the time of day of being addressed in the first place. But they’re just like you two. Jealous of the raw natural talent I have. Jealous that in that ring I’m better than them in year two than they are in year ten.

Jealous that I can easily take over as the captain of Sin City Wrestling and steer this ship into the right direction that it has so desperately needed for years. I just don’t care enough to do something for the whole company. All I want to do is benefit me and me alone. But because that’s who I am. Because that’s how good I can be. It bothers people. It bothers you, James and you, Alexander.

His lips remained curled a bit into that smirk. Something about it just drove the point home that he truly enjoyed getting under someone’s skin. In specific the two men he was talking about.

Let’s start with you, Alexander!

Why does it bother you so much how good I am? Well, it’s simple, I am without a doubt the future of professional wrestling. Whereas you have at no point in time ever been considered to be the future. At no point has anyone ever considered you to be a main eventer here. No one has ever looked at you and said you know that Alexander Raven guy. He sure has future World Champion written on him.

Since the day you stepped foot in this place. You’ve always been just looked at as just a good hand. Not terrible. Not great. But you're passable. You’ll have your moment in the sun against the likes of Rodrigo Afonso, Justin Smith, and Bill Barnhart. However, that’s where it ends. Your name put on the card against anyone else and people run to vegas to put their paycheck on you,

In the sense that it’s a guarantee you’re going to choke and it’ll get them some money. However you’re so goddamn delusional and refuse to accept what your role is around here. That you just had to come up with something to explain your shortcomings. It had to be everyone else’s fault. It had to be this company holding your back. It was Mark and Christian’s fault.

All this talk about conspiracies, being held back, and how you can’t wait until your contract is up in x amount of months so you can go somewhere else. How you are going to rejoice and be so happy that you’re working for a company that sees some much value in you. Working for a place that respects you. And working for a place that is going to see you as a main event star.

Jayden shook his head from side to side. Finding himself just taking a seat on the edge of that desk. His arms now folded across his chest with a disappointing look taking over his expression.

Dawg, I told you a few weeks ago when I beat the piss out of you. No one is buying the bullshit you’re selling. No one believes the conspiracy theories. No one believes you’re being held back. In fact they all believe what I already said. You’re just not that good homie. Never have been. Never will be. And just like I said before. You can leave at any given point.

I would bet money on the fact that you would receive no legal repercussions for breaking your contract early. Zero chance you get sued going somewhere else and trying to slander the company’s name. And the reason for that is because you serve no real purpose. Losing you doesn’t hurt the company in any way, shape, or form. So please take your ass on somewhere else.

As we’re all sick and tired of hearing you bitch. But in the same breath of saying that. I know you’re not going to go anywhere. You’re not going to be a man of his word. No, you’re just like a female Alexander. You want attention twenty four seven. Even if it's negative attention you’re getting said attention. Pathetic if you ask me, but what can I really expect from a man that acts like a true bitch?

Then of course I have to take the other thing into consideration. You’ve managed to convince James to allow yourself to leach to him. After that man has dog-walked you several times throughout the years. Somehow you’ve convinced him into allowing you to be by his side. Be his best friend and form whatever this stupid team is. And because it’s a thing you believe it’s going to change things for you.

You believe that by James dragging you along for the ride. It’s suddenly going to make you relevant and suddenly going to make you mean something. When in reality all it’s going to do is make you look like a glorified side kick. Even your wife outshines you, so really that’s something you should already be used to, Alexander. But trust me when I tell you, this alliance isn’t going to work out like you think.

Another little shake of the young man’s head. As he spoke with such certainty, almost as if he knew something the man he addressed didn’t know.

For crying out loud Alexander...

With J2H agreeing to let you latch onto his nuts. It should have been easy for the two of you to take me out a couple weeks ago. Because let’s be honest here. Two is always going to outweigh one. No matter the situation. I’m not an idiot. I understand realities, but with that being said the reality is you just aren’t good enough to put a permanent end to me. No matter who is carrying you.

You two did a good job in putting me down, but it wasn’t enough to keep me down. In fact all the two of you ended up doing was pissing me off a whole lot more than I already was. You also motivated me just a little bit more. Lit that fire inside of me that hasn’t been lit yet. Once we all see each other on Sunday. You’re both going to get a major reality check.

You can’t achieve what you’re set out to achieve against me. And when that becomes a reality. Also the reality will set in on James. That you’re nothing more than dead weight. You’re still the useless bag of shit you were months ago when he was punking your ass up and down the ring. Once that reality sets back in, he’s going to drop you like a bad habit Alexander.

Then you’re going to go from being J2H’s lackey back to being one of the resident punching bags for SCW. No one likes the truth. No one likes reality, but that’s what it is. Whether you want to believe it or not. Just like the way I see things with this match Alexander. The only way it can end now is when I gut you like a fish in front of the world to see!

The arrogance on Jayden’s face at that moment said everything it needed to say. Now whether or not the words he said were taken seriously or not. That was not his concern. His warning had been sent and now it was up to him to carry it out until the finish.

The days were ticking down before Jayden was set to head out to sea for what would be another big match. Not quite as big as he had back at Into The Void, but it was still pretty big for someone so young in his career. It had been months since Jayden had actually ‘come home’. It was a lot of being on the road and staying with his girlfriend.

Today, it was early enough that he didn’t think it would be a situation where he would have to deal with anyone when it came to using the family gym. Turning the lights on, the gym had just about everything you could ask for. The thing he needed the most was the ring though. Approaching it as he tossed his duffle bag down in the corner and pulled himself up onto the ring apron.

Wiping his feet off on the apron before swinging one his legs over the ropes and climbing in. First thing he did was lean against the ropes and start to stretch himself out. But it turned out that he wasn’t as alone as he had liked or wanted. Didn’t I tell you to leave it alone? was the phrase he heard causing him to turn his attention in the direction of the voice. Approaching the ring was his father.

JAYDEN HARRIS: I don’t have time to deal with this.

MICHAEL HARRIS: That’s too fucking bad.

The older man pulled himself up on the apron and climbed into the ring. Jayden turned his back to his father and started to approach the corner. However before he got far, Michael grabbed his arm and spin him around.

MICHAEL HARRIS: You will look at me when I talk to you.

JAYDEN HARRIS: Touch me again...

MICHAEL HARRIS: And you’ll what? I’ll knock your teeth down your throat before you had a chance to even swing first!

The comment from his father had Jayden seething.

MICHAEL HARRIS: I get it Jayden. I fucking get it more than anyone else would. At twenty one. I thought I could take on the world too. I thought I was untouchable. I thought I was invincible. I believed I could take on the world and make as many enemies as I wanted...

JAYDEN HARRIS: Let me just stop you right there, old man. Are we really going to do this again? Take a trip down memory lane of your career once again?! You’re insufferable sometimes.


JAYDEN HARRIS: You supposedly retired. You left it all behind but you can’t stop yourself from talking about your hay day. Ever since I got into this business. It’s all you talk about. Compare your career to mine.

The seething in Jayden was coming out a little more.

JAYDEN HARRIS: Making sure I understand that your career outshines mine. Making sure I understand that right now I’m nothing compared to you as far as the business goes. But you haven’t even given me a chance to stand out and see what I can do.

MICHAEL HARRIS: You have it all wrong. You selfish little brat!

JAYDEN HARRIS: Well, I wonder where I learned selfishness from.

That comment had Michael turned a certain shade of red in the face. Clearly not happy with the comment either. Both men seemingly knew how to get under the other’s skin.

JAYDEN HARRIS: I don’t have it wrong. You couldn’t even just stay away from Sin City Wrestling and let me have my time in the sun. No, you just had to be the host of Summer XXXtreme. And you can tell everyone else whatever you want to tell them. I’m your son. I know more than anyone else how you are. You agreed to be the host for your own selfishness and to boost your own ego.

The narrowed gaze on Michael’s expression said it all. He wasn’t one that tolerated disrespect, but to receive from his kid. That was a different story. Disrespectful on a whole different level.

JAYDEN HARRIS: I told you weeks ago. You don’t get to tell me what to do anymore. I’m an adult. I’m in control of my life now. I’m in control of my career. I did what I needed to do. Those two weren’t just getting away with what they did to me. And I know why it bothers you that I didn’t let it be. It has everything to do with the fact that I didn’t ask you to be in my corner. Newsflash Dad, I don’t need NOR do I want you in my corner. It’s a little too late for all of that.

Jayden found himself leaning in the corner of the ring now. Glaring back at his father, not backing down from whatever business he felt he needed to stand on.

JAYDEN HARRIS: That eats alive at you. I can tell, but you know maybe just maybe if you had been a better father. Been around more when I was a kid. Did more to support me back then. Today’s conversation might’ve been a little different. But you did what you did. That’s fine. It’s in the past. You can’t go back and change it. And I can’t change how I am now. But I’m going to tell you one thing.

MICHAEL HARRIS: Go ahead Jayden. Be the man that you think you are. Get it off your chest.

JAYDEN HARRIS: Stay your old ass in the back and handle whatever bitch tasks that comes with being involved as the host. Don’t come out there during my match. Don’t stick your nose in my business. Don’t alter any stipulations. As a matter of fact, don’t even bother watching the match. I’ve got this all on my own. The sooner you start to understand that. Maybe you can finally come to peace with retiring.

He found himself just looking back at his father. The tension between the two had gotten so thick so fast. Michael nodded his head a little bit.

MICHAEL HARRIS: There is so much I want to say to your stupid self entitled ass but clearly you’re a man now. You’re all grown up. You don’t need help. You don’t need guidance. No one can tell you a goddamn thing right, kid?

JAYDEN HARRIS: Glad to see dementia hasn’t set in yet, Pops.

MICHAEL HARRIS: That’s clever. Not the first person to use a remark like that. Since no one can tell you anything. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board when it comes to insults, junior.

He found himself taking a step back and started to exit the ring. Stopping right there on the apron to look back at his oldest.

MICHAEL HARRIS: I only told you to leave it alone because I know right now you aren’t ready. Your ego is still far too fragile and your skills aren’t where you want them to be right now. But don’t worry Jayden, I’ll let you be the man you think you are. But dont come crying to me when those two split your head like a fucking egg.

Following those words, the older of the two men jumped down from the apron. Finding himself walking on out of the gym. Leaving Jayden standing there in the corner. Still seething, still feeling some type of way in the pit of his gut. All the Brat wanted more than anything was to get out from under his father’s shadow and handle things on his own. Even if this was going about things the wrong way. He was going to have to learn to sink or swim on his own.


The Brat still sat there on the corner of the desk that belonged to the cabin. His eyes narrowing a little bit just by mentioning the man’s name.

Isn’t this getting old?

I mean the whole having to latch yourself to the last name Harris to have even the tiniest amount of relevance once again. That hasn’t gotten old yet? I get it. Last year was the most people have cared or given a shit about you in years. I get that it revitalized you in ways. I totally understand it was a chance for you to prove to people you still mattered, but jesus christ my guy. Get off our dick.

Can you be that hung up about me running you over? Sure, I messed up. I didn’t get the job done. You should be rotting in a grave somewhere. That’s totally on me. But are you really that obsessed over it? You’re making it sound like I did something to your family and how I made it so personal. Yet, at the same time you -- the man that claims that he doesn’t need the money or this company.

You’re the man that makes it sound so negative when you have to be around. A man that constantly vacates championships left and right because there’s supposedly no competition. Yet, you’re miserable ass is still around more often than that. Sounds like you’re the one doing more damage to your family. By being a failing father that chooses not to be home and watch his child grow.

By being a horrible husband, choosing that work is more important than how your wife feels and what she wants. Your displacement of blame on me makes no sense when you’ve been around all this time well before I ever showed up. You’re just too much of a coward to look yourself in the mirror and admit the truth. You’re a glory hound. You crave attention. You desire to be the captain steering the ship.

Jayden had finally pushed himself off the corner of that desk. Taking a couple of steps forward and within a couple seconds the entire control center for the ship became clear in the camera shot. Reaching out with his right hand, he let his fingers guide along the wheel.

You can try to deny it all you want, but the proof is all over.

Now there’s no denying the fact that at one point James. You truly were the captain of Sin City Wrestling. You steered the ship for many-many years. You were feared because of how you ruled with an iron fist. People pissed down their legs the moment that they knew they had to be in the ring with you. It was rare that your name ever came up in the loss column.

I’ve done my research James. I am more than aware of what I am up against. Been prepared for a long-long time. But in knowing why you feel the way you do as far as being invincible. I also see the cracks in your armor that you don’t see and have never seen. Yes, at one point you with the captain but that entire time all you were doing was leading this company down a horrific path.

You’re the primary reason this company has been sinking for a long time. There’s people that have come along and have tried to keep it a float. It’s why it still exists, but you’re the reason that it has started to sink. You’re the reason this company has been close to non-existing on a couple occasions. You want to act like you’re the man and want to pretend you’re everything to this company.

But the moment someone shows up that becomes threatening to you. The moment you might actually have to work to prove why you are what you say that you are. The second someone seems like they might be a challenge. You want to tuck your tail between your legs and run away. Disappear for a few weeks to a month. Drop your title. Abandon the ship. Leave it high and dry.

Without a single care in the world for what could happen. As long as you come out protected and looking like gold. That’s ultimately all that matters to you. But in reality it’s fucking pathetic and it makes you look like a quivering pussy. Just not very many people have had the balls to actually call it out as such. But I’m not a coward. I’m not going to back down. I’m not going to run away just because of your reputation.

Both of his hands now rested on either side of the wheel. Gripping it and giving it a little twist here and there. Almost as if he was just trying to get a feel for it.

Which if I’m being honest James.

That’s probably something that irks you to your core. That your reputation can’t scare me and make me back down like it has done to so many others in the past. But to get back to the point at hand. You will take your balls and essentially run home for a little while. However, after a little bit. That desire starts to burn deep in the pit of your gut. That craving for attention starts to ooze out of you.

Your ego starts to let you know it needs to be stroked. And that mindset of being a captain takes over. Leading to your eventual return. And as always because of your reputation. You don’t have to work for anything. You’re just thrusted back into the lime-light. You take what you want. You reach the top once again. Take back the seat of being captain. Until you decide to sink it again by running away.

Rinse and repeat. Over and over again. It just keeps happening and this company keeps allowing it to happen. It’s downright pathetic. Now I dare you to say I’m a liar James. I dare you tell me that I’m making things up. I dare you to try and deny any of this. Because it doesn’t take much to look at the history books of this place and see where you get exposed.

I get that it’s a bitter pill for you to swallow. A harsh reality for you to live in. But it’s a reality that you’ve created. It’s about damn time that you face it. Because as long as I exist within this company. I’m going to bring it up. I’m going to shove it in your face. I’m going to make it hard for you to run away from. Basically the way I see it James.

I’m going to make you along with all the followers that you have see it and start to believe in it. Once that happens. Once it starts to sink in. People begin to abandon you the way you’ve abandoned this place. Once you start to believe things as they are and it ruins your world. It’ll finally start to get better around here. Because the world that this place lives in that you are the end all be all will no longer exist.

Taking his hands off the wheel. Jayden found himself turning back around to face the cameras there in the cabin.

The thing I just don’t understand...

Why would you form this alliance with Alexander? What is it that you’re getting out of it James? How does it benefit you at all? It’s not like that man has ever been viewed as a true threat. Nor has he ever been viewed as a leader of any sorts. No one would ever consider Alexander the captain of anything. So, even wanting him as a co-captain just doesn’t make sense to me.

Deep down inside you, James. You know that man is going to disappoint you. You know that he’s the weak link of this alliance. You know as long as the two of you are associated with each other. You’re going to be laughed at and he’s never going to be viewed as your equal. So again, I have to ask. What’s the point? What do you gain here?

Unless the time that you never thought would come is actually on the horizon. Unless it’s clear in your head now that you know you can’t be what you once were. Unless the reality has started to set in that you cannot do anything on your own anymore. You cannot succeed. You cannot be at the top of the mountain without helping getting there.

If that’s the case. If that’s what you are using Alexander for. My oh my has the mighty fallen. But at the end of the day. You have to do whatever you think is going to benefit you. It may be laughable and pathetic in my eyes, but it isn’t going to stop you from doing it. However, let me just make it more than clear to you. Your days at the top are indeed done. You are never reclaiming that spot.

Another small little shake of his head could be seen. Keeping those eyes locked forward.

Gentlemen. I would have much rather this been a handicap match.

That way the two of you couldn’t whine and complain about anything. So you both couldn’t bicker like the little twats that you are. But my hands were tied and at zero hour someone decided to step up to be my tag partner. It was already bad enough that the two of you had to deal with me. Someone that doesn’t respect you and has no problem making you look like fools.

But now you’re also in the ring with someone that doesn’t care about your physical well-being. In the ring with someone that doesn’t care how many bones he has to break or muscles he has to tear. Someone that clearly thrives off of chaos and destruction. Very different from how I handle business, but if he’s going to aid me in what needs to be done. Then so be it.

But you are without a doubt outmatched. You are outclassed. You are about to be in a world of hurt. When in reality, once you really think about it and break it down. The two of you have no one to blame but yourselves for what’s waiting around the corner for you. You wanted to play with fire. Now you’re going to get third degree burns!

Jayden found himself then walking towards the door of the cabin. Before he walked out he stopped and reached up grabbing the Captain’s hat that sat firmly on a hook. Taking it in his hands and looking at it for a second. Before placing it on his head and looking right at the cameras a final time.

I’m the captain now, bitch.

Offering that smug smirk that only he could give. Jayden grabbed the door and slammed it shut on his way out of the cabin. Leaving the cameras to linger there for a second or two before fading to black. Leaving the entire SCW Universe to wonder what was going to happen when all four men collided with one another in twenty four hours time.
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