Author Topic: Brothers In Arms Chapter 2: Vacation  (Read 732 times)

Offline Jack Washington

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    • Jack Washington
Brothers In Arms Chapter 2: Vacation
« on: September 23, 2022, 11:41:48 PM »

It has been some time since Jack was around. Last time he did emerge victorious over Alexander Raven, but since then, it has been a wave of silence from Jack, and he has taken the opportunity and ran with it. Taking what he felt was a much needed and deserved vacation, despite being on a cruise only a couple of months ago. Jack has been taking it easy and living the good life as he seemed to have made amends with his brother and family, and this time away has seemingly brought the family together.


The question now comes up with Jack headed back to the ring, will the family bond still be as strong as it was during this break? Or will all the work done by Jack and family to come together be erased with Jack’s return to the ring?



Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Boulder City, NV

24 mi East of Las Vegas

Two weeks ago.


It was rare that the family got together like this. In all actuality, Jack never thought there would be a moment like this. Just thinking about his own life and how everyone was separated, and how he was the one exiled from Philadelphia. Jason was away in the army. Brian was branded with the traitor label much like Jack was. It felt like Jack was destined to be alone. He felt more comfortable alone anyway. He always felt like he was never going to escape his past, and that what was the Washington legacy in Philadelphia was going to be forever tainted. 


But yet, here they all were, the survivors. The last of the Washington’s were together. And it wasn’t some last-ditch shootout or on the run for the law, or visiting each other’s graves. They were all here. Out on a lake, fishing. Like an actual family. It was at this point that Jack felt a sort of semi-peace inside of him. What could have been so much worse, and really because of his own actions at certain points, it wasn’t. It wasn’t as bad. It was the most semblance of family Jack had felt in a long time. And he felt a large bit of pride swell up inside of him it was, and this was also largely his doing. He had brought the family together, and now with all the major hiccups out of the way, maybe this could be a family led thing. Maybe this was a new beginning for Jack. 


The three Washington’s were fishing on the lake. It was the first part of September, but it’s Vegas, and it’s closer to Arizona, which is pretty hot all year around anyway. Now, there’s just them, having a good time on a boat in the middle of the lake, enjoying the time together. 


Something in Jack’s mind made it feel like it wasn’t going to last. But he was determined to enjoy it.


Brian: Gotta say Stick, this is pretty damn nice.


Brian was sitting on the front of the boat, fishing pole in one hand, a beer in the other as he chugged on it, before making sure his pole was steady.


Jack: I never knew you liked fishing.


Brian: That’s because nobody ever wanted to go fishing with me.


Brian’s line begins to tug as he stands up, chuckling to himself as he strains to catch a fish. 


Brian: Because I’m so damn good at this. Come on, you bastard!


Jason is also fishing off the side, but watches intently as reels in the big fish he’s been fighting with, and gets it on and out of the water. He laughs to himself as he pulls it one board.


Brian: You see that, kids? That’s how you fish! Right there! Look at that guy!


It is a pretty good-sized fish Brian brings on board. He is obviously very proud of himself as he poses with the fish after taking it off the hook. Jack, as always, seems unimpressed by all this.


Jack: I can’t imagine why nobody wanted to fish with you.


Brian laughs at the sarcastic comment.


Brian: Don’t be mad because I caught the fish. That’s what I do. I’m just really damn good at it. 


Jack: Yeah, but it’s not like Jay and I have much experience.


Jason: I mean, I used to fish a lot when I was in the Army. When there’s not much to do, you find ways to keep yourself entertained. 


Jack: Thanks for that.


Jason: Anytime. 


Brian: Don’t be a spoiled sport, Stick. Come on, take the picture.


Jack annoyingly took out his phone and snapped a picture of the fish in the grasp of Brian. His smile is wide and proud. Jack shook his head as Brian brought the fish on board to behind preparing it to eat.


Brian: That’s gonna be some good eating.


As Brian prepares the fish, Jack just watches at the boat just floats in the water, looking at the sun and the clear sky, then over to his brother, casually fishing and enjoying the moment.


Jack: I never thought this would be a thing.


Brian: What?


Jack: The three of us. Out here together. I figured we might be long dead by now.


Brian: Jesus, you love to bring down the mood, Stick.


Jack: I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that...we’re all just here, you know? Like, we don’t have any issues at the moment. Like, God damn man, I don’t know if I’ve ever had this feeling before.


Jason: It’s all good, bro. Sooner or later, we won’t have to have any worries. Just gotta keep at it.


Jack: Yeah, but I know they’re going to call me back to the ring at some point. But God damn this is a vacation I’m gonna remember.


Brian: Gotta take the moments when they come, Stick.


Jack: Yeah, you really do...



On Camera:




Jack seems actually pretty relaxed as he begins, leaning back in his recliner, feet kicked up and a smirk on his face, replacing the usual scowl.


Jack: Well, it’s been a while, hasn’t it. Last time you were graced with the Face of the franchise’s presence, I was kicking the shit out of... uh... who was it? Alexander Raven? Yeah. That’s it. I beat his ass like it was nothing, as was expected, but you know, everybody had their little get togethers planned and the biggest star IN THIS GOD DAMN COMPANY was left, with nothing to do. You know, if I was there, I wouldn’t want to fight me either. Look at me. Chiseled out of stone. Body of a Greek God. Something you’d see in a museum. I am everything, and yeah, I’ve already accomplished so much, in a little over 2 years. They know, they all know, that if they step to me, and talk shit, I make them regret it. I have every single one of them, eating their words, and feeling like assholes, because I talk all the shit in the world, and I back it up. I have proven time and time again I am everything I say I am. Period.

So it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they all got together, and said, “Please, keep Jack Washington away from me.” I know the champ did. You know, I thought the Cowboy was better than that. I thought that the Cowboy could at least keep horrible, horrible Ken Davison from doing anything else to ruin this company, but obviously, he proved exactly why I don’t fucking trust anybody here. None of you can actually be relied on to do anything more difficult than making toast. And really, that’s like... 5 of you. The rest I wouldn’t even go that far. So yeah, I am of the full belief that it was a concentrated effort to keep me away from the ring, because they knew full well, I’d just embarrass them, like I’ve been doing for the past two years.

Rest assured, I will once again reclaim my spot at the top of this company, but you see, what those asshats failed to realize that when you keep me away from the ring, I get to watch. I get to study everybody and how they move. I got to see what everyone brings to the table, and it has made me even more dangerous than before. And I haven’t been dealing with these hard matches and long grueling brawls. No, I am as fresh as a daisy, and now, the time is right to strike. Or, maybe it isn’t. You see, that’s the thing, everybody, everybody knows that I am fully capable of doing what I say I’m going to do, and so, I don’t see the point in rushing to get anything done. Oh no, I can easily do all that right away, in one power move, but I want people to wonder. I want people to have to think about when and where Jack Washington will strike. In fact, I was perfectly happy to sit back and watch more of these train wreck champions kill each other, but it seems somebody out there wants to fight me. 

Why? Fuck if I know.


Jack shrugs, leaning forward in his chair.


Jack: So, it’s this... Finn Whalen dickhead, right? I think so, most of these dicks are so generic I don’t know who’s who anymore, but Finn is just another one of these “woe is me, and I see the darkness in everyone” types, from what I’ve seen. But he also hasn’t been around for quite some time. Last time I even saw him on the show, he was falling into a pool like a chump. Why I should have any fear of this kid is beyond me, but apparently, he has some kind of weird fetish for getting his ass kicked or something. That’s about the only reason I can think of that makes any kind of goddamn sense as to why he would want to fight me. But apparently, he wants to “test himself” or some shit. Sure, whatever dude, I don’t really care why you want to fight. I’m just making some small talk here because everybody knows it’s better than hearing him ramble on for 45 minutes about time and space and the duality of man or whatever other utter fucking gibberish, he wants to spit out in an effort to be different.  At least I think that’s what this is. I don’t know. All I know is, it’s fucking dumb and it won’t save Finn Whalen from getting his ass beat.

But seriously, I have to wonder who the fuck this dude even is. People act like I’m supposed to just know this shit. No, motherfucker, if I needed to know who you are, I’d ask. Which is what I’m doing. Because outside of your whiny bitching, I don’t know anything about you, because you haven’t shown me anything that I should care about. It is literally the first rule of wrestling, you are the supposed to make me care, Finn. And you don’t. You just expect I follow you and your career, because you list of bunch of random titles and victories, and only dickhead fanboys on the internet would have any goddamn clue who you are. And then act like they’re superior when the normal people are just shrugging their shoulders. “OH, MY GAWD, YOU DON’T KNOW WHO FINN WHALEN IS?! WOW YOU ARE JUST A STUPID CASUAL FAN!”  I’ve just heard it all too often and each and every time, I just roll my eyes, so much so that I may turn into a zombie because the shit bores me to death. 

You know how you make a name for yourself? You actually do something to get yourself noticed. And something that people actually care about. I don’t care if Finn has dove off the highest balcony, smashed anther asshole with a a light tube, or put on a five-star classic in front of 50 people. I have yet to see or hear a reason why I should give a flying fuck about Finn Whalen, other than he is my opponent and he actually wants to fight me.

Jack actually snickers at the thought of this challenge.


Jack: You want to test yourself against the top of the heap. Well, I would have suggested starting elsewhere and NOT trying to call me out. What? You think you’re a tough guy? Is that what this is? Wanna show all those kids who bullied you that you’re tough? I got news for you, hitting somebody in the head with a chair, or falling through 20 tables doesn’t make you tough. It makes you stupid. It makes you look like a complete idiot. A real fighter doesn’t need those type of things, Finn. That’s cheap, it’s easy, anybody can do that. To me, that’s just you crying out for attention.

Or, with a name like Finn, I am assuming you’re Irish... wait... are you leaning into the whole “I’m Irish and I love to fight” thing? I would say that’s beneath you, but is that just all the Irish people have? Drinking and fighting? There has to be more than that, right? Seriously. Why can’t there just be an Irish wrestler who doesn’t enjoy just fighting people? Why are you just a goddamn stereotype Finn? Why is this you? Is that where we are now? You just wanna be Irish and fight people? I mean, you could have stayed in Ireland and done that right? Because apparently that’s all that exist there. Just stop this shit, Finn. You should be better than that, and really, you know that. Just don’t show up drunk or whatever to this match.

But the thing is, you are making a pretty big mistake by assuming that because you love to fight, that I CAN’T. Because you are fucking wrong. I have been fighting my whole goddamn like, my guy. I have to square up with these hands and maybe a pool cue or a broken bottle or something, but mostly, I’ve used these two hands to beat the shit out of people in the streets. I know what it’s like to get punched in the face, so if you think that some wacky Irish style bar-fight thing that you wanna do scares me, it doesn’t. And it never will. Because I’ve been through the wars the streets can bring. I’ve had to sleep with a damn gun under my pillow for a long time because people wanted to take me out. Not just beat me up, not just kick my ass, no, they wanted to end me, and guess what? They failed. I’ve spent years of my life on the wrong side of good, and I’m just now trying to restore just a little bit of honor to my name, but at the same time, you wanting this match, it makes me think that I'm going to have to do some shit that I used to do back in the day to survive. And if you don’t think I’m willing to do them, well, you have another thing coming, Finn.

Jack stands up, stretching out as he shakes his head.


Jack: So look Finn, I know you have had some crazy visions of having some kind of dream match or something, but that shit isn’t happening. You’re little choice is going to backfire in your face and I’m going to beat your ass because I am better than you. All you will be in an example in this match. You will be nothing more than a visual example of how great I am, and how much you are beneath me. And then, who knows, I may just kick the shit out of the cowboy, I may beat the hell out of the garbage champion, or I may just kick back and let these idiots continue to beat each other up. I mean, I have all the power in the world right now. All the momentum, and I will be damned if I’m gonna let somebody like you, just stroll in and emo it up for me. I don’t care where you’re from, I don’t care what your stupid little background is, I don’t care how much you’ve been wanting this match. All that is to me, is another day, of me proving how great I really am, and how much better I am than pretty much everybody here.


But hey, you can take solace in the fact that you’re not going to fare any better than anybody else who’s tried. It’s not because you suck, even though you do, it’s because I’m just so good, hell, fucking great, that it puts everyone else to shame. You’re not going to be any different Finn. That’s just the way it is. You will learn, like everybody else around here, that I may be an asshole, I may have a dickhead, I may talk shit about every single person who works here, but you know what it is? The truth. I speak the truth when I say what I say. You can ask around here, and you will know that even though that everybody puts on the brave face when they are in front of the camera, behind the scenes, they are dreading the fact that you are trying to get me back in the game. They were all so desperate for their chance to let their dim bulbs try and shine, but let’s just be real, nobody, NOT ONE FUCKING PERSON ON THIS ROSTER... shines as bright as I do. They are all going to hate for you it. I would say it’s not really your fault, but it is. You brought me back, and now, everybody else, is going to pay the consequences for your stupidity. 

So come Sunday, after I beat you, I want you to take a good, long hard look in the mirror, and ask yourself if it was worth it. Ask yourself if it was everything you thought it would be. Ask yourself, “Am I really that stupid, to have brought Jack Washington back from vacation, and ruined everything for everybody else.”

The answer to all those questions, will be a resounding... yes.

You done fucked up Finn. And you have nobody to blame, but yourself.


With that, we fade to black.

