Author Topic: Brothers In Arms Chapter 1: New Start  (Read 725 times)

Offline Jack Washington

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    • Jack Washington
Brothers In Arms Chapter 1: New Start
« on: August 05, 2022, 11:55:44 PM »

Jack was unsuccessful in his 2nd title defense against Goth, and is now a former Internet champion. Jack was pretty miserable the entire cruise anyway, spending a week away from the safety of his home and his casino, and forced to spend time with people, which obviously didn’t sit well with him. Jack is not known as a people person, and now that he was an ex-champion, the ridicule came his way the entire way back to land. People are now wondering what’s next for Jack as he has been radio silent for quite some time regarding his status, and he’s now got to worry about facing Alexander Raven this week on Climax Control. The questions about Jack continue to pile up, and now a bigger question is, is Jack actually ready to return to the ring and will he be up to the task of facing Alexander Raven, or will this begin a downward spiral for him?


Even though he was on the cruise, before he left, he gave his brother specific instructions now to make any major changes or do anything to cause any sort of disruption with the casino and the alliances and partnerships Jack kept going. But knowing his brother was prone to have some explosive outbursts and often flat out ignored him, Jack told Bobby, his right hand man and most trust ally, to watch over Jason and ensure this was the case. However, shortly before Jack lost the champion, he was informed by Bobby that Jason did attempt to fire Danny, the commisoner’s son, despite Jack making a promise that he would have no issues with Danny. Now Jack is forced to set that straight, and try and pick up the pieces to whatever Jason had done while he was gone.



Washington Estate

Las vegas, NV

Three weeks ago.


Jack returned home. He was in a sour mood and not happy at all. He almost kicked in the door to his house, finding it empty for the time being. And so, he waited. He waited for a long time, and his anger was boiling over. He had people he needed to yell at, vent to, scream his head off to, and none of them were around. And so, he paced. He paced back and forth and could have dug a trench with the amount of time he was doing so. 


Finally, Brian came through the door, spotting Jack out of the corner of his eye, sitting in his recliner, but his feet weren’t exactly kicked up. He sat in the chair fully, hands and fingers practically digging into the arm rest. Brian eyed him for a few seconds, before he went over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle and a shot glass. He put two ice cubes in the glass and poured himself a whiskey before taking a sip, and then motioned to Jack.


Brian: Well... out with it.


Jack stood up and walked briskly over to Brian, nearly getting into her personal space.


Jack: Why didn’t you do anything?


Brian: What exactly do you want me to do, Stick?


Jack: You know how he is, and you know he’ll go too far and he fucking did.


Brian: You put his name on the paper, he owns the Casino when you aren’t here. I can only advise him, I can’t stop him from doing anything.




Brian: Will you clam down?!


Jack: No, I will not calm down! I don’t like people fucking with my money! That’ what I don’t like. It makes me upset. Doesn’t it make you upset that Jason can fuck up the thing we have going where nobody is bothering us now? For the first time since we’ve been here, after dealing with the Mexicans, dealing with Sonny, and dealing with Jason and Benny, we were finally sitting pretty. Did you not see that?


Brian: Yeah, I saw it, but that’s how the world works, Stick, there’s only so much you can get away with before another problem comes along. 


Jack: We could be doing so much better than we are now, Brian. Where the fuck is Jason anyway?


Brian: He’s on his way.


Jack: Good. 


Jack sat back down, waiting for another long period of time, not saying anything to Brian, who tried a few times to speak to Jack, but he would hear none of it. Finally, it was Jason’s turn to come through the door. He was loud and boisterous as he saw his brother.


Jason: Jack! What’s up bro! How was the trip.


Jack: Why are you fucking with things around here Jason?


Jason: Whoa, calm down bro. I didn’t -


Jack: Then why am I getting messages from people telling me you’re trying to fire Danny?


Jason held up his hands, but also seemed annoyed.


Jason: I didn’t fire him, okay? I was.... I was going to, because I told you before he’s bad news and he’s going to fuck something up and we’re going to pay the price for it. That’s what I said, and I stand on that. But I didn’t fire him.


Jack: That kid, is the commissioner's son. Do you not get that? That will make our lives 100% easier knowing that we’re doing him a favor.


Jason: But we’re not doing anything that we need to hide, Jack. We’re legit.


Jack: You had our guys break the guy’s hand, they were going to sue us for that.


Jason: They shouldn’t try and cheat. That’s what we do to cheaters. Jack, bro... this is supposed to be about us, the Washington brothers. Our time, our name. And this is supposed to be our city. We should be in control of it, and make sure that people back home don’t get bright ideas about coming out here.


Jack sighed.


Jack: How in the FUCK are we supposed to do that Jay? I can’t trust you for 5 minutes let alone a fucking WEEK without you making some crazy decision and trying to fuck up everything we built because you think you have to prove yourself or some shit. IT’S ENOUGH. I CANNOT have this happen, WE cannot have this happen. Do yo understand? You cannot just try and take over when we’re the little dogs here. We don’t have an army, we don’t have the numbers. We have to bide our time and make shit happen. And firing the commissioner’s son gets us LOOKED AT. Maybe pressed down on a little bit. Don’t fuck up a good thing, Jason. JUST. DON’T.


Jason: You really have to trust me on some things man. I’m not doing these things because I want to. I’m doing them for us.


Jack: JUST. FUCKING. DON’T. If I see or hear that you do some shit like this ever again, you are GONE, do you understand me? FUCKING GONE. I don’t care that you’re my brother. You’re starting to abuse that. This is it, Jay. You even straighten up and help me, or you can get the fuck out of the office, out of this house and out my LIFE. I’ve had it with you! I didn’t want you in this game, but I let you in. 


Jason: You gonna take me out of it, bro?


Jack gets into Jason’s face.


Jack: If I have to. For your sake, and for mine. This is a new start, right here, right now. Are you with me? Or against me?


Jack holds out his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, Jason accepts.


Jason: You got it, Bro.



On Camera:



Despite what would be a sour mood, Jack actually seems more chipper than usual. There’s still the trademark scowl and general unpleasant look on his face, but he paces not with anger, but with seeming excitement.


Jack: I suppose you all had a good fucking laugh didn’t you? Hey, I’ll be the first one to call a spade a spade, I lost at Summer XXXtreme, on a boat, which I didn’t want to be on, facing an opponent I’ve already beaten before, in a match that I didn’t like. But, at the end of the day, I lost. Does that make you happy? Are you all happy about that? Because you know what? I am now. I am fucking thrilled about it. No more old man Goth to deal with. I don’t care what he does with the championship, I don’t care if he has it for the rest of his life, which shouldn’t be long anyway, but the fact is, He’s out of my life right now. I no longer have to worry about this fucking guy constantly trying to fight me. It’s why I am so thrilled. I no longer have to deal with this dude. Because I don’t need to try and earn some rematch against him or try and wrestle him again. I was so tired of dealing with him in the first place that this may be one of the best things to happen to my career. 


I am no longer saddled with dealing with this old man over and over and constantly getting championship matches. It was sad the first time, and even worse the second time. I just got no time for people like that anymore. That was boring. It was draining my life away. I want to live for a long time, and having an old man drain your essence isn’t a good look. It wears on you, that’s really what happened. The man just wore me out and I’m just so over it now. Now I can take the god damn shackles off my career.


Oh yes, I am FREE now. And you know what that makes me? DANGEROUS. I am no longer sitting with a championship and trying to fend off the same old person 40 times. Now, I can do what I want, target who I want, and that’s bad news for a lot of people. Yeah, I’ve taken a few weeks off, because I am going to pick and choose who I want to dismantle. I’ve been doing it the entire time I have been in SCW and that is a fact. Nobody in this game can do what I do. SCW has sent its legends, its champions, and every single one of them get smacked down by me. Why? Because I can do it better than anyone else. I have already beat down so many people, that it’s a complete shock to me that anyone even bothers trying to verbally come at me. If it’s not someone claiming to a god, or someone claiming to be one with god, or someone trying to re-live their glory days, it’s someone just boring the shit out of me, because they cannot compete with me, in or out of the ring. And now, I can choose whoever I want to take out, because eventually, whether it’s the Cowboy, or some other schmuck, I will get back the SCW world championship and take my spot once again at the top. Because that’s what franchise players do. They sustain greatness. And that’s all I’ve done, since I got here.


Jack points at himself to emphasize the point. He also makes the belt motion around his waist for double the impact.


Jack: But anyway, let’s get to the yet another person who has done nothing but bore the shit out of me since I had to suffer through listening to him talk. Alexander Raven. Right? That’s his name, sure, whatever. Every time this man is on TV, I wonder if it’s just the people at SCW letting a grown man get his mommy issues out. It’s like one of those Emo kids spouting fucking poetry. He needs a god damn beret at this point. I bet you his facebook profile picture is him and it’s in black and white, and he’s looking off in the distance because he wants to make you think he’s deep. I’m just so over this type of shit, why did it not die with My Chemical Romance and HIM or whatever other fucking stupid music was around in 2007. If it’s not some dumb shit like that, it’s preaching like he should be on some gospel channel at 3am when people are half drunk and high and can’t be bothered to change the channel when he comes on. It’s ridiculous just how much time people like this Raven dude spend just trying to act deep and thought provoking. Let’s talk about the subconscious mind and the human spirit and all this all bullshit that just tells me that he watched the fucking Matrix movies one time too many and decided to pick of a philosophy book and believes he actually understands shit.


Again, If I was drunk, or high, maybe I’d actually listen to what Alexander Raven actually is taking about, but a lot of it just fucking gibberish that stupid people listen to and because they don’t know any better, they think this person has some sort of secret or he’s got it all figured out. 


Alexander, you have nothing figured out, besides how to sound like a complete douchebag each and every time you are on a screen. That’s pretty much it. You may confuse people around here, or people who don’t give the proper effort in order to actually beat you. You beat some scrubs and you think it makes you something. I mean, Bill Barnhart? Miles Kasey? Max Burke? I mean, man that is a certain a “who’s that?” list of wrestlers isn’t it? But I am not one of those people Alexander Raven. Oh no, I see through bullshit, and you have been spewing it the entire time and maybe, after This Sunday, you will not be as stupid as you sound. I will do my damnedest to knock some sense into you, so you stop sounding lick a beatnik or whatever. I keep imagining someone playing a fucking bongo while you’re talking. That shit needs to stop.


Jack shakes his head, the old disgust is back.


Jack: But then again, maybe I should expect this kind of shit from someone who goes out in public and calls himself Alexander Raven. Why is it that people just can’t have names like a normal person? I get it, sometimes, you gotta live who you are, but you know what Alexander Raven screams to me? Someone who is just a fraud. Someone who’s boring and trying to make up for their lack of personality. You are a grown ass man, but you sit on street corners or in the middle of the fucking woods as if that’s supposed to mean something. It means nothing, Alexander. Not a damn thing. Just that you want to set these moody venues and act like it’s different. If I wanted to go out into the damn desert in Nevada, does it have some kind of hidden meaning to you? Does it make me more sophisticated that way then doing something in my house? Shit like that just screams of someone trying too hard to be something they are not. It’s would be funny, if it wasn’t so sad.


You are the kind of person that gets roasted in youtube comments and shit. You’re the person that gets made fun of over and over again by the Internet. All because you just aren’t interesting enough to come along on your own merits. You can’t be Steve Wilson or whatever your actual name is, because Steve Wilson is boring as shit and gets no bitches and plays Dungeons and Dragons and goes around fucking LARPing and shit. This is the kind of person you are man. I wonder sometimes how people like you can look at themselves in the mirror each and every day and think “Yup, I’ve got this.” No, you don’t Alexander. You really, really don’t. You think this stupid poetry think you’re doing is really something. Let me tell you, nothing is worse than phony. 


I don’t have to have that problem. People call me an asshole, it’s because I am. Because call me cocky, arrogant, smug, a dickhead, and everything under the sun, but you know what they don’t call me, Alexander? FAKE. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I don’t need this stupid fake ass haiku’s and shit to get my point across. You’ve understood every word that has come out of my mouth haven’t you? I don’t need to mince words or attempt to confuse you. Now Alexander, I make it plain as day. I don’t dance around the issues. I will call you out on your bullshit every single time. Because that’s who I am. If you didn’t know, you better ask somebody.


Jack smirks at his dated joke, but the effect is still there.


Jack: So, you know, when I tell you I’m going to beat your stupid ass in India, I think you understand where I’m coming from. I don’t need to write down my inner personal thoughts and make it sound more dramatic than it is. An ass-kicking is an ass-kicking and on Sunday, you will be on the receiving end of that. And then, that will be that. I will move on to something bigger and better, because the last thing I want is a god damn monologue about your feelings or your personal demons or whatever makes you have the sad, sad life you do. I’m cool on that Alexander. Because if I have to listen to the bullshit you spew any more after a solid 5 days of trying to find something interesting, I’m going to just throw up. I mean, you’re on my screen, talking, I get up and make myself a sandwich, I come back, you’re still talking. I count my money in the machine, you’re still talking, and all it means exactly nothing. It’s background noise, it’s white noise while I go do more important things with my time. So the reality is, I don’t know what the hell you’re about, because I couldn’t be bothered to listen when I’m hearing things like “I’m trapped in my own hell”. 


I mean, Jesus man, could you not? Could you please spare me and everyone else who are trying to get by and deal with their own problems, the need to take on yours. Do you need a hug, my guy? A person to pay you on the back and tell you everything is going to be okay? Well, you will not find that shit here. I don’t need to give you anything but this ass-whooping and you can take it, and then go back to spouting off silly poetry and pretending you are someone you are not. It’s just that simple, Alexander. I don’t need to bore you with a monologue, I just spit the facts.


If you, or anyone else was praying for my downfall, or that I wasn’t going to be just as hungry or just as good as when I was the champion, you are in for a rude awakening. No, it’s not me who has anything to prove, it’s you Alexander. You have to show everybody that you are capable of running with the top of the food chain in SCW, instead of being a big fish in a small pond. I came here and I went STRAIGHT to the top, Alexander. You have settled and this is the reason you are where you are, and I am where I am. At Climax Control Alexander, you will find out first hand why I am the face of this franchise, I’m going to show you exactly what I can talk all the shit I want around here, because there is nothing and nobody that can stop me. People like you were waiting for me to fall down to your level, but like a basketball, I bounce right back up. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do at Climax Control, bounce back, and remind everyone just who the hell I am.


And you, will be just another victim I take out.


Jack Washington is back baby!


And with that, we cut to black.



Face. Of. The. Franchise.