Author Topic: Family Ties Chapter 5: Overachiever  (Read 579 times)

Offline Jack Washington

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    • Jack Washington
Family Ties Chapter 5: Overachiever
« on: February 25, 2022, 11:29:08 PM »

Jack was of course, unsuccessful in his bid to team with Krystal Wolfe and win the Blast from the Past tournament, as the team was eliminated in the first round two weeks ago, but as wel all know at this point, any team with Jack Washington as part of it is not long for this world, and pretty much doomed to fail, since Jack does not get along with people in general, and trusts no one anyway. Jack voiced his displeasure with this match to start with, but did lower his guard, but since the result was not a win, Jack feels more than validated in his opinions of other people. And since he was not the one pinned or submitted, Jack had even more reason to feel the way he feels about teaming with people. One would have to question why Jack even volunteered to be in this tournament in the first place, if he pretty much knew he could not trust any partner. Of course, Jack has never been a team player, so it’s really more unfortunate for the bombshell that has to team with him, rather than the other way around. 


Jack’s focus now shifts to wrestling for the Internet championship at Blaze of Glory, but first, he must face a familiar foe in Alex Jones, a man who Jack has a long and hateful relationship with, so we all know sparks will fly and Jack has a lot to say.


Outside the ring, It appears that Jack’s brother Jason, wants in on the ownership and partnership with Jack on the casino, and all the trouble it beings. Jack was obviously hesitant to bring Jason in, not wanting him to fall into the same life as Jack did, following in their father’s footsteps. Jason appears insistent on being part of this life now, which leaves Jack with a moral dilemma about dealing with his brother being sucked in. Jack never wanted this for Jason, but now it appears Jason has made the decision for Jack.


Also Jack made a deal for added protection and security around his home by dealing with a man named Eric. All Jack really knows about Eric, is he is big, and a man of few words, but apparently quality results. Jack still wants to protect his family from any revenge acts by the Mexicans, and he still doesn’t trust Sonny, despite what was seemingly a mutual parting of ways. 


One has to wonder if Jason will have an impact of Jack’s business.



Washington Estate

Las Vegas, NV


Jack was staring once again out the window. A glass of whiskey in his hand as he sipped gently from it. It was Brian this time that going through the books on the Casino, as this was his area of expertise anyway. Jack never gave thought to why Brian almost never looked at the books first, but Jack got his eyes on it so that if he saw anything out of the ordinary, that he could tell Brian, but Brian was going to go over it with a fine-tooth comb. 


Jack was watching out the window as his new security team was stationed outside, walking around his gate and at least, being a visual deterrent.


Brian: Your boys out there?


Jack: Yeah.


Jack continued to watch as Jason finally came into the room. There was a bit of an awkward silence as he sat down near Brian, almost watching what he was doing.


Jason: Is that the books?


Brian: Yeah.


Jason began to closely examine things himself, and he started scratching his head in confusion.


Jason: So, I gotta ask this, why is Benny a part of this?


Brian peered over his glasses at Jason and then his gaze shot over to Jack, before he went back to reading. Jason followed Brian’s eyes to Jack.


Jason: Why? I thought Benny was no good.


Jack: He’s isn’t. 


Jason: Then why put him on?


Jack: I needed someone who had some clout here in order to do things my way. I was just using Benny to act as the figure head. That way if anything went wrong, I’m not the owner, I’m just the spokesperson. I don’t anything about what goes on at the casino.


Jason: But you had the deal, right?


Jack: Benny didn’t know about it, and that was part of the plan from the start. If he didn’t know, then there’s no connection to us. It would have amounted to he said-she said and that wouldn’t have gotten Benny anything outside of some long and expensive attorney fees.


Brian: Yeah, Stick actually had a real good plan there for a minute or two.


Jason: So, I fucked that up then?


Jack signed and shook his head.


Jack: You weren’t supposed to know either, because you weren’t supposed to be part of this like that. You would have worked in the casino and that’s it. You don’t know anything, then you can’t get in trouble. They wouldn’t have been able to hold you for anything. It’s pretty simple. 


 Jack took a drink and turned back to the table before sitting at it as well.


Jack: You didn’t fuck up anything. I did. I told you that. You weren’t supposed to get hurt, but they went through you to get to me. And I am forever going to apologize for that. That was never supposed to happen.


Jason: But it did. 


Brian: Don’t beat him up over it, Jay. Your brother is actually telling the truth. He was ready to go kill all of them to get you back.


Jason looked at Jack whose head was down as he continued to drink.


Jason: Seriously?


Brian: Until I talked him out of a suicide mission, yeah. Look, Jay, Are you sure you want to be part of this?


Jason: I’m in It, man. I got my ass beat and kidnapped, so hell yeah, I’m part of this now. 


Brian: You’re sure? Because once you are in, you’re in.


Jason looks at both his brother and uncle with a vast determination.


Jason: Not only do I want in, I want Benny’s spot.


Jack and Brian look at each other and then back to Jason who still has a serious look on his face.


Jack: What are you talking about?


Jason: You know exactly what I’m talking about bro. You know damn well we don’t need Benny at this point. Let me take charge. He knows too much already.


Brian and Jack again just look at each other without speaking. They both share the same look, trying to put everything together about what Jason is proposing.


Jack: It’s too risky. Benny does know a lot, and what he can say about us, especially if he is removed would be bad for business. It’s not a good idea.


Brian: I have to agree with Stick here Jay. Removing Benny will cause way more problems than it solves. He’s a risk being on the outside. Keep your friends close, enemies closer type of thing.


Jason listen to both, and shakes his head.


Jason: I’m not taking about firing him.


Jack: Then what are you talking about?


Jason: Getting rid of him. For good.


Jack: …


Brian: Jay, that’s not what we do.


Jason: That’s how you tie up loose ends. You don’t think I know that dad had people taken out? That people wound up missing and found in the trunks of cars and shit? I know what he was doing, and this is a family business, you know that putting Benny out is EXACTLY what we’d do.


Both Brian and Jack again look at one another without speaking.


Jack: People are going to ask questions, it’s not worth the headache.


Jason: Who’s going to ask questions? Benny isn’t doing shit for you right now, and you know damn well we can’t actually trust him to do a damn thing anyway. So, the old man takes a hike, and maybe he has an accident. Maybe he retires. You can make up a story and be fine. 


Jack: Jay, you’re suggesting a lot here, and the consequences are not worth the risk. You know that. He’s fine right where he is. Especially since we don’t really have a reason to fire him anyway.


Jason arches a brow.


Jason: Not yet. But ask yourself how long before he starts taking a little more than he’s supposed to? Before he starts asking for more than he’s supposed to. He’s dealing with a lot, since I assume he knows about the Mexicans now, right?


Jack: Yeah.


Jason: You don’t think he’s thinking right now how to fuck you out of money and try and justify it? He’s going to. And when he does, then what? Then he has the leverage. It’s a simple tactic people use. You negotiate when you’re out of options and have no leverage. You make demands when you do.


Jack and Brian once again look at each other, this time they are both impressed with how well thought out Jason’s reasoning is. Jack takes one last swing of the glass of whiskey and puts it on the table, closes his eyes and sighs.


Jack: Tell you what, you find out he’s doing that, and then... we’ll think about this again. But for now, he’s staying put, but we’ll keep an eye on him.


Jason does not want to agree to this, but nods, accepting it as a compromise.


Jason: Fine. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you if shit hits the fan.


Jack: Jay, I know you. If you’re right, you’ll never let us forget about it.


Jason: Damn straight. Now, got any more of that whiskey?

Jason stands up and heads over to the fridge, while Brian leans into Jack and whispers.

Brian: Kid's got ambition, doesn't he?

Jack: Yeah, real overachiever.


On Camera:


Jack is standing, shaking his head in disappointment, ready to get this going.

Jack: What did I tell you? This is why I will never put my faith in anyone else in this business but me. The moment you TRY and have a little faith in people, you put a little trust in people. BAM. They let you down. I knew I should have never entered the stupid Blast From the Past tournament, and now, all my initial thoughts were correct. As you saw, my partner Krystal Wolfe, sucked, and she got beat in the middle of the ring in the first round! I mean my god, I may be the top when it comes to SCW, but I’m not a miracle worker. I can only do so much, and I did. I whooped the stupid Machine’s big ass and I handled my end. I tried to make this as easy as possible, but no. Krystal Wolfe is a loser, and wouldn’t you know, she lost her championship last week. Never mind the bullshit, but that’s just the facts of the situation. So obviously, she was riding too high and now, she realizes she’s not at the top like she thought she was. It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad.


I mean, I did everything I could, I simply asked Krystal to hold up her end of the bargin and she failed. So now, I’m actually glad I’m out of that tournament, because now I can focus on me, instead of worrying about how someone else is going to fuck it up for me. This is how it should have been from the very beginning.


Now, is it just me or is this company just full of terrible groups of people? Maybe that’s why everybody gets random partners for that tournament. But this is just a sad state of affairs really. Thank the good lord above that I am going to be able to work on my own from here on out, and soon enough, I will win the SCW Internet championship. Now, apparently bum ass Ken Davison has some sort of title defense this week, so I get to watch that closely. Now, of course, I don’t really give a rat’s ass who win that match, because at Blaze Of Glory, I’m going to wipe the floor with whoever the winner is, and I will win the Internet championship. Though, I have to admit, I don’t give a shit about the internet. 


Now, I would say I’m actually happy to be back in the ring, and back to take control of things, but for fucks sake I have to see Garbage-ass Alex Jones again? I’m beginning to think that the suits up there either really hate me, or they really, really hate Alex Jones to want to see him get his ass whooped once again. But me, I’m tired of this. I’m tired of Alex Jones. Seriously, why can he not just go the fuck away, take the rest of that trash heap called Wolfslair with him, and everyone else will be better off because of it. It’s pretty easy to see that the divisions are much better off when these losers are on the sidelines where they belong. But no, now let’s dig up Alex Jones again, send him out there to try and get something out of him, and milk that Wolfslair cow despite the fact it’s been bone dry for months, hell YEARS now.


Jack wears a look of pure distain on his face. He looks like he feels dirty having Said Alex Jones’ name.


Jack: Look, Alex, I get it, you were world champion like 3 months ago. And I know that’s a major accomplishment for someone like you, because you’re overachieving. That’s been your whole fucking career at this point. You show up, and whether it’s nostalgia, or people not taking you seriously, you wind up winning way more than you have any right to. And because of this, you actually think you are good. I hate to... no scratch that, I HAVE to be the person to tell you this, because nobody else will say it to your face: You are trash. You are pathetic and the moment you get a little success, it goes to your head and feeds your massive ego, and so, what you do is you then begin to believe your own hype. 


I’ll say that the only thing that does, it makes you slightly less boring. It’s makes you sound incredibly stupid all the god damn time, but at least it’s something to laugh at instead of listening to you babble about the good old days when you were somebody. I mean, I already tore that shit apart with your incredibly awful list of ring names, you just need a championship in order to give yourself any credibility or believability. When you speak, all I want to do is just run into wherever you are and shout “BULLSHIT” to make you stop. Without having a championship in your lap, or your recent past, you have nothing of any value to say. I’d rather have nails on a chalkboard then listen to you talk about anything. Because nothing you say means a damn thing. Because you will sell all that shit out, morals, character, integrity, all of it, just to hold a championship so that you can be relevant. 


The rest of pro wrestling would be better off, if you just shut up, and walked away. Seriously. But, no, you keep coming back up, you’re like a god damn cockroach. You’re like a stain that won’t come out of the wash. Your continued existence in SCW is annoying to me, and to so many other people. Just when we all take that breath, that sigh of relief, you pop back up like a fucking pimple. I’m just so fucking tired of it.


But, I can already hear the words “Last time we wrestled, I beat you.” 


Let me just say it here and now. You did beat me. You did, and looking back at it, it was something. It was something for that to happen. They say you have to give credit, where credit is due. I never thought that you had it in you Alex. And now that it’s all said and done, there’s really only one thing to say about it.




Yes, the sun shines on a dog’s ass every once in a while, too. You won the match, I know, this is a massive achievement for you at this point, because it’s rare that it happens, and it’s rare that I just straight up lose a one-on-one match. But, here, I will do you a favor, let me give you a standing ovation for that fluke victory so that everyone thinks you’re actually good.


Jack scoffs, shaking his head in disgust.


Jack: Like I said, you are an overachiever and you know what happens to those types of people? Sooner or later, reality catches up with them, and they end up getting a reality check, that where they were, and the success they enjoyed, it comes to an end. I just hope that this time, this ass whopping sticks, and you never fucking bother me again. I’m tired of you, tired of your garbage ass group, and I will continue to shit on them, and you, for as long as it takes. Just the sight of you, it just makes me sick to my stomach. Every time I see you, I want to punch you in your fucking face. 


Look, there may be some folks of Wolfslair who think you are actually worth a shit, but nobody else does. I tried to tell you before all this, to just stay out of the way, or, I would end Wolfslair for good. So, after I beat your ass, you did the smart thing and tucked your tail between your legs and ran away, and then let your big goofy of a trainee try and avenge you and he failed. I would have thought you got the message that you guys were fucking through, but no, you decided to keep sticking around where you have no business anymore, and you are lucky the cowboy fucking sucks and so, you pull a god damn horseshoe out of your ass, and low and behold you become world champion and again, and just like that, all the hard work I did is for nothing, because now you have something else to latch onto as you continue your death grip on relevancy. And now, you’re full of yourself once again because now, you can say you pulled an even bigger horseshoe out of your ass and you beat me. 


It’s what you do, Alex. You overachieve. And then what happened? Why are you not world champion right now? Oh, that’s right, the fucking cowboy beat you and took the title back making your wins look like even more of a fluke. That’s the reality of this situation creeping back up on you again. So now, my job is really, really clear Alex. It’s crystal clear.


Jack’s eyes tell the story of pure hatred as he continues.


Jack: I am going to CRUSH any hopes you will ever have of being a world champion again. I’m going to beat your ass, and finally, with any luck and an act of god, if need be, put the final nail in Wolfslair’s fucking coffin, and I will double tap you just to make sure you don’t rise up out of the ground like a zombie. I’m just done with you and I don’t want to deal with your garbage group, ever again. I have warned you numerous times to stay the fuck away from me and stop getting involved in business you have no longer any need to be in. Your time just comes in spirts Alex. It’s not sustained, it’s not anything that you can look back and be proud of. I mean, you’re still rocking a twitter handle from a company you helped fucking kill. How many people were VWS or whatever the fuck world champion? Just you. Because the company couldn’t get off the ground with you as the world champion. You are a failure that has been riding off bullshit for your entire career, and because you randomly won two world title in the past two years after many years of being a fucking loser, you think you’re hot shit again. 


The mere fact that you have gotten so far on so little, quite frankly is fucking offensive to me. It annoys me that people like you can just fluke your way to world titles because you just happen to have a good day. That’s all it is. You catch people on bad days and you call yourself GOD. You hold a title for more than a couple of weeks and you’re the best thing since an egg-white omelet. It’s insulting to the real stars who can actually do this and not be so shocked that they won something that they instantly try and milk it for the as long as possible. The facts are in, Alex. Without a championship, NOBODY in Wolfslair is anything but shit. You NEED a championship to have any semblance of anything. Just like your big goof of a trainee, you are just as white bread as he is, and the rest of this bullshit group. 


Wolfslair did this, Wolfslair were all champions at one point!


Yeah, and those days are fucking over Alex. They are done, and all of NOBODY is asking for them to come back. Nobody gives a flying fuck about you, or your crew. They’re weak, and you are weak. So, all this legacy bullshit you wanna talk about? I am aiming to DESTROY everything you have ever worked for. I am going to expose you for the bitch made dude you are, and I’m going to show everybody in SCW that Wolfslair needs to DIE. I’m going to fucking end this shit at Climax Control Alex, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. I am going to show the world that YOU have no business in the ring with me anymore. I’m going to show the world that you need to go. I’m tired of you and this is not going to be a match. It’s going to be a massacre.


Jack takes a breath for the first time in what seems like forever. He is clearly riled up, but he calms himself down before continuing.


Jack: I want you to savor the last couple of days you have before this match, and then, Sunday, I would normally say don’t take this ass beating personally, but you, you’re different. Any match I ever have against you, or Austin, or fuck, Alicia or Johanna, I take it personally. I am personally OFFENDED any of your crew ever steps foot in my ring.  You, and the rest of your crew can fuck off and I want to be the guy who does it. Alex, I despise people like you. I hate fake ass people, and you and the rest of your crew are as phony and see-thru as plexi-glass. I will have to get my hands filthy touching your stupid greasy hair, and I’m already annoyed I will have to listen to you talk and suffer through you try and act like a tough guy, or some kind of legend like you’ve done something. 


You are, and forever will be, a bitch who happened to catch lightning in a bottle once or twice, and you’ve been coasting on that shit for years, trying to make it seem like you matter. It’s just the simple fact that you try and take up as much spotlight as you can so people can remember you for longer than five minutes. You are what they call snap finger famous Alex. When they talk about the big stars, when they talk about the greats, you will be the other guy they struggle to remember. That’s your legacy. 


And even that, is too much for you. That’s too good for you, Alex. You don’t deserve any of that. Not a damn bit of it. I just want to finally, finally take out the trash and be rid of you, once and for all. This is it Alex, once this shit is done, and you take this beatdown I’m fucking giving, I’m telling you to hit the fucking road. Get the fuck out the ring, take your sorry ass to the locker room, get your shitty luggage, and RUN your bitch ass out of the building, and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Last time Alex. Don’t EVER think about crossing my path ever again after Sunday. 


Because if you do, if you get a wild hair up your ass about trying to come back for me, or getting some weak ass attempt at revenge, just remember that you will be dressed down and exposed time and time again, and if you keep trying me, I will put you out of this game, and you can walk around with a fucking limp and back and neck problems the rest of your life. 


But at least, you will have a story to tell any other pieces of garbage that end of training at Wolfslair. The story of “Don’t FUCK with Jack Washington.”


You aren’t shit. Wolfslair ain’t shit. And Sunday, I’m going to whoop your ass, boy. 


Jack stares intently into the camera as we fade to black.


Trust. No One.