Author Topic: All Five Will Go Down, One Will Remain Standing!  (Read 1442 times)

Offline Kain

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All Five Will Go Down, One Will Remain Standing!
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:05:13 PM »
 I am always training. Why do you think I haven’t been heard again until now?

Training is something I obsessively think about all the time. As a man in my position, I must do so in order to prepare myself for the unexpected and to overcome all obstacles standing in my way. After all, my mentality is survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive and all the weaker men or women below him must perish horribly, which is why I throw weakness out of my mind and body. So I train everyday and it’s not just a two-hour workout, I throw everything into the kitchen sink and make sure to run the gamut from working out on my chest to legs. I have to be an animal of dominance and my body has to back it up at all times, just so that I can be an intimidating force to be reckoned with inside the ring! After all, the ring is my home, the one environment that I am truly comfortable with, besides being with Ariel or working out in some gym at some town. I use it as my form of artistic expression, to make a statement that incurs pain, suffering, and agony. See, anyone that gets in my way of accomplishing that goal will experience those feelings in one night. Believe me when I tell you, that adventure won’t be a pleasant ride from start to finish! Of course, I must thank all the discipline and control I attained during my two-year sabbatical, because it’s going to pay off again in the long run. Soon, everyone in the Sin City Wrestling organization will do exactly what I want them to do once I show them all that I mean business. I’m no child that wants to play games with anyone. I just want to cut to the chase and annihilate my opponents viciously and without any hint of remorse. That’s my game plan while I’m here, really. But how am I going to do that? I can’t tell you that at all, because I’m protective of my own secrets and refuse to share them to any of you pathetic ingrates that can never hold a candle to my superior greatness!

That is why I haven’t been heard from as of late, but don’t worry! I haven’t forgotten about you fools, the first of my three victims. And I heard about your latest bullshit that you spewed on the air. Didn’t I tell you douchebags already? Whatever it is that’s said of your worthless mouths does not frighten me in the slightest! You are literally conversing to a God that cannot be touched! Fact is, boys, I’m immortal and I refuse to bow to your words of stupidity and empty threats! More to the point, all you’re doing is signing your death warrants once I step foot into the ring and get my hands and feet on you! See, your demise is inevitable and I am the only one in this federation that’s powerful enough to make it happen in the blink of an eye! See, the leaders of this place can try every tactic in their disposal, throw any man or woman in my way, somehow thinking that I can be stopped. That’s simply not true! You see, I need to make sure that everything goes my way! And when you retards decide to make unintelligent choices regarding your well-being and not give me what I desire, I get angry. My rage takes over and I’m far too stronger for anyone to handle, so you better do your fucking jobs right and give me what I want the moment you see me. Fact is, I desire to be on top of the world again, so you better give me a championship match VERY soon. The more fools you send my way, the more pissed I will be. So when you have me deal with guys like Spike Staggs, it’s going to be a bad day at the office for you, because that just means that I’m going to exterminate the rest of your roster in order to demonstrate my superiority over the rest of you dismal weaklings! January 8th is going to be a show of my excellent skill and amazing charisma and once I earn the victory ALL TO MYSELF, all of you will start to fear the name Kain and all of you will have no choice but to get on your knees, bow to me, and acknowledge me as the rightful king of the SCW!

After a week’s worth of staying away from the spotlight for awhile, it was time for me to enter the world of the public and allow my awesome presence to be revealed. I arrived in San Diego, California earlier today. Waiting for me, as I entered the airport, was a mob of reporters already asking me pointless questions, their cameras flashing, wanting to get a piece of me and my girl on their news. They couldn’t see my eyes, for I bore sunglasses and could only keep a straight, serious face as security escorted us outside and into our limousine. The door closed from behind as reporters continued to scream out their questions, but I decided to leave myself as a mystery. I’ll let the world know that my actions will speak louder than any words I speak now, but the truth is, my words do back it all up when it’s game time. Ariel got closer to me and laid her beautiful head on my chest as I gave her a kiss or two on the forehead. The limo is taking me to Paradise Point, considered one of the best five-star hotels in the area. This will allow me a chance to unwind and relax until the big show. All of my training is complete, although I will more than likely do some more until the show is around the corner. It doesn’t take long, but the limo finally arrives at my destination and there’s a slew of more idiotic reporters waiting to greet us as hotel security is on-hand to escort us into our room, already paid off and taken care of in advance. Ariel and I were in the middle of security as they took us inside, cameras lighting up everywhere like Christmas lights as both fans and reporters alike called out my name, begging for autographs or for questions to be answered. I didn’t have time for those poor souls at all. We finally arrived in our hotel room, as we dropped off our bags. I walked over to the window and glanced outside, getting a perfect view of San Diego. It was now a cloudy afternoon, but January 8th will be a nightmare for all of my opponents…

Thinking about the carnage already, my love?

I didn’t give her a glance back, but a quick, short nod was all the answer she needed. It is the only thing that I can think about, at this point.

I’m not worried about the end result, baby. Like I said last week, leave it to me. I will deal with the problem and eliminate it so quick that they can’t remember much afterwards…

We’ve already heard what they had to say after you spoke and quite frankly, all of them are afraid of them.

They have every right to be. They simply have no idea of the terror that’s about to unleashed upon them. They can put up their game faces on the air, but I’m a terrifying demon. And demons is something that most mortal men, like my victims, are completely afraid of.

I felt my girl’s touch as she approached me from behind, kissing my neck, smiling evily as I continued to stare at the city.

Well, Kain, I’m not worried. Destruction will be created by your hands and there’s nothing they can do about it. I’m going to get myself a tan. You’ll be alright, my love?

I nodded once more as she kissed my neck one last time before walking away from me and entering the bedroom, getting herself into more suitable clothing as I thought of the match. A slow chuckle started, then I reared my head back and roared in laughter, knowing how awesome the slaughter will turn out to be. All in my favor!

* * *

Do you hear that, boys? That’s the wind blowing in a different direction. That’s the wind of change! Times around here are changing and for you people, it’s not for the better. As of this very moment, we are three days away from the biggest ass-kicking the world has ever seen! Up until this point, all of you have been wrapped up in your abysmal, puny worlds, thinking that nothing will change and that everything will remain the same. If that’s the plan you’re sticking with, by all means, carry on and keep on underestimating me and my skills. But once that bell rings, I doubt that you’ll be able to swat me like a pesky fly that easy. The day that I start to kick ass and take names is the day that you’ll begin to tremble when my name is spoken. Already I can tell that none of you are happy with my presence, but it cannot be avoided! I seek what is rightfully mine and that’s holding the top prize in my hand! Thus, like I said before, it’s disappointing that I am placed in a situation where I’m dealing with complete strangers, for and against me, I have no choice but to initiate the fracas and live to tell the tale, all the while stealing everyone’s thunder and making myself the badass that I know to be! It’s a shame that none of you clearly get the message as of right now, but you will receive it very shortly. I mean, there’s really nothing you can do but to accept the brutality that I look forward to delivering upon your doorstep and to enjoy every second of it, whether you mortals like it or not. It’s the way of life, really; you either get behind my program or suffer the consequences. Clearly, all of you made your choice to go against me, so I will happily oblige and destroy you all. It’s really that simple! So really, the main question arises – are you truly ready to face the awesome strength of the King or will you cowards run away at the first sight of me? My money’s on the latter, boys, but that’s good news for me, because you can never outrun me. I will find you and I will terminate you and end your careers in a short amount of time, leaving all of you defenseless and helpless. For now, it’s time to put all of your place one more time, through a ferocious, verbal lashing that will assault the senses and render you incapable of retorting with anything but useless jabs thrown at my way!

Casey. I was expecting you to come at me with everything you got. Instead, you have, without a shadow of a doubt, have given me the weakest performance I have EVER seen from your side of the street! One of the worst things about you is that you will always be a creature of habit; a nice guy. Nice guys, Casey, always finish last and what’s worse, Casey, is that they don’t get the best things in life. You see, I was once a goody two-shoes, just like you. I went to school, got great grades, and was doing just fine until tragedy entered the picture and changed my world upside down. As I found out the hard way, being nice can only take you for so long. So I became angrier by each passing day until I arrived at my breaking point and I no longer cared about anyone or anything except for myself! Eventually, Casey, I became a man whose soul became corrupted by greed and power. I walked away from the path of good and embraced a road of darkness, a decision I have never regretted. Because of that one act alone, Casey, it has made me stronger than ever before. Being bad, Casey, has given me wealth, power, and fame beyond my wildest dreams! Meanwhile, I take one glance at a slob like you and I see nothing but wasted potential! In fact, I witness a broken, useless man that’s just pounding his chest and act like he’s tough just because I rubbed him the wrong way. It’s all in your eyes, Casey. Your eyes tell me different. Your eyes say to me, Casey, that you will forever be haunted by the memory of the day that I destroyed you, made a mockery out of you, and that you hate me for it. You really want to kill me, Casey, but you can’t, because being nice held you back. It has always held you back from accomplishing your dreams and watching as your hopes are dashed and your vision of so-called greatness crushed into the dust. That’s why, Casey, you will never win. You will never emerge victorious until you finally realize, just as I did, that being evil has its uses and can take you to a place far beyond your dismal comprehension! Yet here you are, once again expecting ME to carry all the load for you, because alone or with someone like me, you honestly cannot get the job done. Quite frankly, Casey, you are nothing but a broken record, telling me yet again to stay out of your way when it really should be YOU that should be staying out of MY WAY! Be glad, Casey, that you are given another chance to witness, first hand, the god-given talent that was bestowed upon me since birth! Unfortunately, thanks to me, you’ll emerge victorious. Fortunately, however, once the match is completed, I’m going to immediately turn my back and nail you with one of newest kicks so hard that you’ll be knocked out, along with Nick Jones, and only I will be able to savor the win! The spotlight will be on me, Casey Williams, and you will once again be filled with rage over it. Challenge me in the future, Casey, and you will be dealt with. What I did to you before? You got away easy, but I gave you a taste of what I am fully capable of. The next time, you won’t be walking out of that ring alive. So do me a favor, you worthless motherfucker, for the last time, step aside and let a grown man do the job! Got that, you worthless piece of shit? Good! I thought so!

Jordan P.S. Williams. Finally you spoke. Twice, in fact! Want to know how I feel? Not impressed! It’s obviously disgusting that my eyes have to digest at your grotesque physique the first thing when your stupid bullshit airs. What are you trying to score? A deal with Playgirl, so that thousands of girls and maybe a bunch of boys can gawk at you? Seriously, boy, get the fuck over yourself! To be honest, you really hadn’t said much, except for being gone for seven years and that once we are in your world, it’s all over. Is that it, kid? Is that really the best that you can do? If you were gone for seven years, it’s because you weren’t a legend to begin with. Last I checked, Jordan, all everyone asked about was ME, Kain, the King Of Kings! Everyone wanted to know what my next move was or why I wasn’t wrestling in the ring for the past two years. You see, Jordan, I have eclipsed you, meaning that I have surpassed you and every man in the world. Fact is, kid, you are out of my league! It’s hard to imagine what you can possibly do to me, Jordan. Let’s face it; I’ve continued to fight. A lot of people would have quit if they had gotten a broken ankle to deal with. Not me! I decided that becoming stronger was the only goal left for me to do, so that I can survive in the jungle for the longest. I accomplished that goal and will continue to exceed my capabilities. Why? Because unlike you, a man who has left for seven years, I have the urge to remain the most dangerous entity the world has ever seen. A man like you, Jordan, cannot harm me. I am the most complete fighter in the world, Jordan. I know all the tricks of the trade. I know how to devastate a man within seconds! Not just by breaking bones, but by pressure points and how to correctly harm them in order to turn the tables on weaklings like you! I have studied the art of fighting and have forgotten more of the subject than anyone else in the world. That’s how dangerous I am, Jordan. Of course, like the rest of my opponents, you fail to realize this. You fail to understand that I am the only, visible threat in this fight. Neither Nick Jones nor Casey Williams factor into this, Jordan. Because of that, you are most certainly afraid to face me alone, so consider yourself lucky that your allies are there to back you up. Not that it really matters anyway, Jordan, because it will be a matter of time before I get my hands on you and you won’t enjoy the hurt that I will like causing to rodents such as yourself, men whose glory days are behind them. Oh, you have NO IDEA how much I am going to enjoy my first fight and the result that is promised to me, Jordan. I expect a victory at my hands and it will come to me, all in due time. So you may as well do me a favor, Jordan. Stop talking to your fans, stop getting them excited, stop putting up ugly, disgusting pictures of your pitiful, unimpressive body. Instead, it’s time for you to face the music and overcome the biggest challenge of a lifetime. Believe me when I tell you, Jordan, you will most certainly fail. You will fail to make an impact and reclaim that piece of glory which I spoke of. What you will receive, instead, is a realistic reminder that all things come to an end. I’m afraid, Jordan “P.S.” Williams, that your time in the SCW has finally come to an end…

Wyatt, you simply have no clue, do you? I’m someone special enough for the bosses to bring me in here? I’m more than special, Wyatt. I’m a GOD! I’m a DEMON! You combine the two into one and I cannot be stopped! You want to judge me for who I am in the ring? You should have done your homework, you weak, pathetic worm! Instead of using your brain and researched me, you want to find out, the hard way, how special I am, all because you don’t know ANYTHING about me? What a waste of time, dealing with a punk like you! As far as I’m concerned, you mediocre excuse of a cowboy, you have gained no achievements! Now me, I’m a former champion in multiple professions, all of them dealing with fighting. I always emerged victorious in each battle, save for a match or two that weren’t my fault at all. Why is that, Wyatt? It’s because I made the right moves! I saw what each guy was going to do, regardless if I knew their personal history or not, and did what was necessary to come out on top. You can’t seem to get that in your thick skull, Wyatt. But I’ll give you credit; at least, in your dim-witted mind, you apparently do see something great in me, but that’s as far as I’ll go on that issue. Like Jordan, like Staggs, you haven’t grasped a good idea on who you are facing for this week, Wyatt. And now, you wan to see, first-hand, what I am truly capable of? Your wish has been granted, Wyatt. Now that I’ve returned from my two-year sabbatical, it’s time that the world sees me in action for the first time. For the first time, they will be in AWE of my growing skill and incredible appeal! You are about to have a front-row seat as you sit there, like the little bitch that you are, and witness how easily a God can crush his opponents with one touch of his fingers! See, I’m simply amazing, a man that’s fully confident of his abilities. Not a single man on this planet terrifies me, Wyatt, but soon, you and your allies will be the first to start pissing in your pants, uncontrollably I might add, as I engage the three retards in combat and dispose of them in quick fashion. You might want to take notes during our confrontation, Wyatt, because it will the first and definitely last time you will ever witness a supernatural God take care of business like nobody else on the landscape can! So you see, you are out of luck and out of time. I hope that what I teach, inside the ring, will show you the error of your ways, Wyatt. I hope that you see me as a role model, someone that can show you the light, to make you see that being a ferocious, non-caring bastard can reward you in more ways than one! It’s unfortunate, Wyatt, that you are too stupid and ignorant to realize this, so the only prize that you’ll be given is a one-way ticket to hell! So sit down, Wyatt, buckle your seat belt and enjoy the fucking ride, because you will have finally meet your maker and I will be granting you a painful, horrifying death and when that happens, you will be nothing but a forgotten memory, destined to be extinct in the years to come!

Spike Staggs. I knew exactly how you react and it would be out of rage. Perfect! I guess you are angered, isn’t it? Angered because I mentioned your stupid, precious daughter? I love it, Spike Staggs. I love the fact that I am about to get the upper hand in this beautiful massacre we are about to participate in. And now that you bring your son into the picture, it’s going to make the chaos even sweeter. Bring them to ringside, Spike, and I’ll make sure that they watch in horror as I do exactly what I promised you last week. I will grant you no mercy and you will feel my wrath, starting with your head bleeding profusely to your legs and feet broken, unable to move any longer. Next thing you know, your kids will try to sleep it off, thinking it was some sort of bad dream…until the nightmares come into play. That monster you speak of? He’ll return, in their minds, raping them with images of The King destroying their father, over and over again, laughing gleefully. See, I don’t care if you call me boring, uneducated, repetitive, or whatever useless term you throw in my face. Fact is, Spike, you are nothing but a delusional man, grasping at straws, hoping to find some peace with the rankings that you earned in some other place. But once I leave you broken, helpless in the ring, all of that will change. Eden and your son will be given the most harmful pain ever given to them in their existence, that other federation will see what a punk-ass bitch you’ve turned out to be, and in the end, there will be nothing left for you to have. I am going to enjoy humiliating you, Spike Staggs, because for all the big talk you’ve given, you are nothing but an annoying bug that’s just WAITING to be stomped on. I brought out your wrath for a purpose and you will regret your choice when you and I clash in the ring. I am going to enjoy destroying your reputation, Spike Staggs, making you wonder exactly why in the hell did you decide to get in my face and stop my never-ending journey of fame and fortune. You talk about putting me in the hospital? Don’t you fucking realize, you worthless ingrate, that you cannot achieve the impossible? No matter how many times you try to come at me, you will not succeed in bringing me down. Let’s face it, Spike Staggs, you literally have no chance. Eden will cry like the little, stupid girl she is and beg for her father, pleading for his life to be spared. I won’t grant you any mercy, Spike and I can’t wait to see your precious daughter cry constantly at seeing how much of a failure her father has become. You are next in MY crosshairs, Spike Staggs, and you are about to see THIS MONSTER unleash the beast within him, at full rage. For all your ineffective bravado, you will most certainly lose this battle. Everything that you’ve worked so hard for, that drive you think I brought out in you, and so on – all of that will be gone instantly. I am going to be happy, watching as your world fades away, your daughter and son HURT by the suffering I delivered to your puny state, both physically and mentally. So be ready for me, Spike Staggs, and face true terror for the very first time!

As far as Nick Jones goes, he really hasn’t said a great deal about me, but I’m OK with that. That’s his loss. He’s currently the #1 contender for the biggest prize of them all and completely dropping me off the radar. What a BIG mistake to make! The truth is, everyone in this league should be completely afraid of me. I’m the strongest of the pack and only I can lead the SCW into the greatest era of them all! Nick Jones, I hope that you are listening to me VERY carefully. Whether you realize it or not, I’m also gunning for the title and if it means facing you in the future and having to break all your bones in the process, so be it. In fact, I have every intention of turning my back to you delusional idiots and committing such a crime after I’ve won the match. NOT YOU. NOT CASEY WILLIAMS. BUT ME! Far as I’m concerned, like the rest of the fools that surrounds the Sin City Wrestling organization, you are nothing to me. Hopefully, this match will end quick, because I am going to unleash everything I have and I will continue to do this at every house show and every pay-per-view that airs with the SCW name branded on it until Mark and his cronies decide that it’s time for me to have my match for the world title and if they don’t give it to me, Nick, I will take it by force! The sooner, the better, Nick! You understand me, Nick? Your time as the #1 contender will come to a close quicker than you believe and I will be the one to challenge you for the right to bear that title and eventually take on the champion of the SCW, hoping to win his title. So you may as well do us all a favor and be like Casey – stay the fuck away from me and watch as I take matters into my own hands and show Spike, Jordan, and Wyatt that, despite their combined forces, it just simply wasn’t enough to crush the most complete fighter IN THE WORLD! Believe that, Nick! Believe that!

Gentleman, the time for talk is over! Climax Control is the show that I’ll finally be debuting in! This time, you won’t see demolish one man! This time, you’ll get to see me kill three birds with one stone! I do not care about anything but my own hopes, my own dreams, and the way I’ll achieve it is by becoming the biggest badass the world has ever known! Spike, Jordan, Wyatt, you three are about to observe the day of reckoning, the day when the world, as you know it, has finally changed! I am not only the King Of Kings, but I am an all-powerful God, a frightening Demon that will terrify children, make men jealous and make any woman want me for my good looks and personality! January 8th will be the time to either put up or shut up! I’m going all-out on you three weaklings, showing you the type of strength that may be proven to be too much in the end! After this, maybe you fools will make a better decision in the future and decide not to come after me. Maybe you will finally get with the program and accept the fact that I’m here to stay and cause nightmares, casting a shadow of fear and doubt over every man or woman that dares to cross my way! I am Kain, The King Of Kings, and at Climax Control, this will most certainly be the day when you bow to me for ALL ETERNITY!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion