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Climax Control Roleplays / Mend the Bonds
« Last post by LJKasey on May 24, 2024, 11:59:28 PM »
Mend The Bond
Manchester, UK
A Few Weeks Ago

It was a rare beautiful day, and along the streets of Manchester stood LJ Kasey along with his mother Rebecca Collins. It had been practically a month and a half since the whole truth came out and well it seemed like the Gods were offering a chance for all parties to finally come together for peace talks, if one would be so inclined to call it that.

Conversation after conversation between the “kids” had come to the conclusion that there was no bad person but ONE in the entire situation that was remotely bad, and that was the one that provided the seed for all three to walk to face of the earth.

The innocents were the women that he took advantage of and the children he left behind.

So with the chance that was given to them that work brought them remotely close together, the brothers made the agreement to bring the once ‘Best Friends’ together once and for all to say their peace and hopefully things would begin to heal the way they should.

It wasn’t going to be easy, in fact if anyone had even thought that the two would just come together and all would be sunshine and rainbows, they never lived in reality for one iota of a second. It took a lot for LJ to even talk his mother into making the trip south from her humble abode to have this little meet-up. Promises made that he would protect her if things did get bad. But that promise was made by the brothers too that if things got bad, the brothers would protect what matters to them, their mothers.

So here LJ was standing with the woman that gave him life and raised him, standing in front of a local coffee shop and his mother was constantly fidgeting with everything from her hair to her blouse and then switching out to his hair and his shirt, which LJ had to occasionally swat her hand away with an annoyance. He gets it, she’s nervous but it was like he was back in grade school again and it was picture day with how she was picking at him.

“I really don’t know about this, dear. It’s been forever since I’ve even spoken to Mora and so much has happened-”

Yeah, like my birth and about 19 years since he up and died and then those other three pesky years before that. Mum, you have to eventually come to grips with the fact that you and Miles’ and Bri’s mum need to have this conversation. Uncomfortable as it may be, you both were taken advantage of by our father.” LJ turns on his heels and places his hand on her shoulder and looks right in her eyes, “I’m going to be right there with you, Miles is going to be there with his mum. Besides, if we thought this was going to be a fight, we would have called for a camera and possibly made millions.

Despite the foot height difference between him and his mother, Rebecca still managed to reach up and whack him upside his head, “Lyle Augustus Kasey, you may be 22 and a foot taller than me, but...”

OW, I’M SORRY MUM!! GEEZ, I was just joking. Trying to lighten the tension. Especially when you are acting like you are about to go into the Lion's Den without an ounce of protection.

“LJ, she was my best friend-”

And you were both taken in by a man that promised you the world. Miles told me all about how he was before he and Brianna came along, it damn near mirrored everything you have told me, on top of how he was after. It’s downright frightening to think what would have happened if I had finally grown up with him around.” LJ glances over his shoulder and spots Miles, making his way down the road with his mother Mora by his side. LJ gives them a quick wave, “And there they are. Pity that Bri couldn’t come, she has the most adorable son that would have probably made this a little easier.

As he turns around he sees his mother grab at her stomach and start to cry, “Mum?

“She looks exactly the same. It’s been over 20 years and it’s like she hasn’t aged a day.”

I’m sure if we found a picture of you from all those years ago, we could say the same for you.” LJ quipped with a smirk.

“Flattery will get you nowhere with me, son.”

LJ just looked at the sky and silently cursed because if his mother got any tenser she was gonna snap like a rubber band pulled way too tight.

Jesus, maybe we should have met at a pub.

“Alcohol solves nothing.”

LJ just sighs and mumbles, “Yeah but I know a couple of shots of whiskey could definitely lighten you the hell up.”

And before his mother could even get a retort in, Miles along with his mother Mora got into an ear shot, “I told you they’d beat us here, mum.

Mora stood stoic next to her son and held a small smile on her face, “Yes, I can see that.”

Yeah, we hit no traffic from Middleton.Surprisingly. Anyways, I’m sure you already know who this is but- Miles I’d like for you to meet my mum Rebecca. Mum, this is Miles.” LJ decided to get these introductions out of the way as fast as possible, “And you must be Mora.

“I am and it’s finally wonderful to meet you, LJ- sorry, Ly-”

Please, Mora, I prefer LJ. Obvious reasons, I’m sure. But it is a pleasure.” LJ looks to his mum who is fighting back tears, and slowly backing away, “Mum?

“I- I’m sorry, I can’t.” Rebecca turns to run away but Mora takes to long strides and grabs her by the wrist.

“Becks, don’t. Please don’t run away.” that officially opened the waterworks for LJ’s mother, there was just no stopping it now, “Look, I know there has been a lot that we have both gone through. He hurt all of us and nothing we say or do today is going to change anything that we have all been through. So let me say this one thing before I let you go and then you make your choice.”

Mora looks at the two young men that brought this chance for her to make peace.

“Yes, I was upset when I found out that Lyle went to you at one of our worst times in my family’s history. Yes, it hurt when I found out that you had a baby and it had appeared that- that he gave everything that he had to you. Lyle abandoned me and the twins and I thought-”

“That he was loving his new life with his new family?” Rebecca quietly said.

Mora just nodded and eased her grip, “Yes, precisely. He was gone for DAYS at times and I thought that he had died some days and then maybe with you and LJ when I found out.”

“No, believe me, he wasn’t with me.” Rebecca turned around, “He told me that he left you, and that there were problems and I was stupid and impetuous in a way, but the minute LJ came into the world...the things he’d do.”

“You don’t have to tell me, I know. He was evil. And I’m sorry you boys had to be put into the middle of this at all but the man had no good bone in his body and your mothers were taken in by all the smoke and mirrors of practically a peddler.” Mora stands up straighter and looks at the woman she once called her best friend, “I’m not upset anymore, not at you. Not at LJ. And there is no point in being angry at a man that is worm food.”

That causes Rebecca to laugh, “An excellent way to put it.”

“Oh he’s lucky he didn’t get buried in a cardboard box.”

I offered to set it on fire so we could all piss on the ashes but then I got popped upside the head.” Miles spoke up, as everyone looked at him, “By Bri, she was closer. Look, Rebecca...da was a lot of things but a good man was not one of them. We were all his victims at the end of the day. It’s why I think I am able to connect with my baby brother so easily. I could easily be pissed that he even exist but the fact that Bri and I have a chance to connect. Hell, I’ll take that any day over another chance to go back and correct the bullshit mistakes that the old man made.

Honestly, same. I was used to being an only kid with you and Joan raising me.

“Wait, Joan?” Mora speaks up, “Who’s Joan?”

My other mother,” LJ says with no change in his voice, “If it wasn’t for her I would have never been able to go to uni, let alone travel to Vegas.

Mora’s face breaks out in a smile, “Becks? Care to share?”

And as if it all eases, Rebecca can’t help but laugh at Mora’s face as she shows the rings on her left hand, “I mean you always suspected, but she’s been my rock for almost 17 years now. We got married as soon as we could but...”

“Becks that’s...That’s so amazing!” Mora said, smiling ear to ear, she just grabs the ‘other’ woman and wraps her up in a big hug. After a long few moments of the women finally hugging it out, Mora pulls back, and takes a deep breath, “Ok you know what, we can cry later. I need coffee and we need to catch up on so much. Boys, I think we got it from here.”

Uh, are you sure?” Miles asked.

Yeah, we made sure that Bri kept Carter occupied and everything for this.” LJ adds in with a confused look.

The two women hook arms and Rebecca just looks at Mora, “Oh look at our boys, Mors. Always so protective.”

“I know! It’s not like we survived through the absolute worst of people in our lives. Boys, we will call if we need anything. Now shoo, your mothers have the rest well in hand.” Mora says, with a wave of her hand and the two make their way into the little coffee shop.

The two Kasey boys just stand there in shock.

Wha- ...what in the hell just happened?” Miles asks.

I have no bloody clue.” LJ says shaking his head, “I think they just shoo’d us away.

We have indeed been dismissed by our own mothers,” Miles just runs his hand through his curly dirty blonde hair and tries to knock the cobwebs loose, “You know, maybe we should have done this in a pub.

LJ and Miles stand at the window and watch the two women fully catching up like no time or children had come along. LJ looks over at Miles and smirks, “I did see one not that far from where I parked.

“Then by all means, after you.” Miles motions in that particular direction and the two brothers walk away as Mora and Rebecca are seen still chatting away. Best Friends Reunited. Women standing strong.

And no one comes between them ever again.

A Wild Opportunity
Gettysburg, PA
Present Time

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
-Abraham Lincoln

The scene is simple that stands before you. LJ Kasey, looking dapper in an all black suit, walking through the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum that stands on the ground just outside the original battlefield. The halls are currently empty in the spot that LJ finds himself in.

For those that do not know, LJ prides himself on being an educated man, especially when it comes to history but when it comes to American History, he finds himself fascinated by it all. There was some study of it but he wanted to soak it all in when he had the first opportunity.

So when he found himself staring at an exhibit that featured the former President, he found his eyes trying to take in every bit of it.

Such a spectacular man that attempted to heal a nation that was so splintered by differences of ideals and the belief that no one individual should be held captive by those that claim to be better than, just because the color of their skin.

LJ smiles glancing over his shoulder briefly.

Sorry about that, I just had a moment and don’t worry, I’m sure it will all come together in a few moments.

So, imagine my surprise after coming up short in not only the Blast From the Past BUT the match that I had against Aiden Reynolds that I find myself in one hell of an opportunity. Look, I’m going to be the first to tell you that I am not worthy of such an amazing chance. There are so many others that could have been named but seeing that the tone of the match itself is ‘Fresh Faces’ who am I to say no to such a gracious chance.

So he just turns and begins to walk and talk, he occasionally glances at another spot and just for fun, he presses a button as it plays a random fact. He smiles but continues along the way anyways.

I’m pretty much the green horn here, let me say that I gladly did my research on almost everyone here. We’re gonna start off with the man that quite literally holds a golden chance in his hands and has for a number of months and yet he still sits like he has a thumb up his ass. Yes, Rodrigo I am speaking about you. Man, how the hell can you be standing there with that chance and yet not use it for your big moment? You could have easily gone after ANYONE at any given moment and yet it seems like you are content on just pissing it all away.

Bruv, if I were you...I probably would have jumped at the chance and who knows maybe you are looking to bank here but if you don’t...then what? You just don’t seem to know, do ya?

That just makes LJ stop and scratch his head.

Then we come to Caleb Storms. I did actually have to ask my brother about when was the last time that he even seemed to even really be around in any sort of capacity and even Miles had to dig into the archives and....well lets just say that it’s been far too long, Caleb. In fact, it seems like you hit a ceiling and just gave up.

Could you imagine putting our bodies through the hell we did and just pop up whenever, when it’s just so damn convenient that a chance at the top title is on the line? Ooof, bruv, bad form.

Now for the next you Teddy, in fact I feel like there were rules against fighting women in SCW....Oh wait, no I’m sorry, you're just a bitch. And usually I’m not one to take the low hanging fruit here but there is just something about you that screams that you never have ever really had it all together. From your career to your- *cough* “Family Life”. My brother warned me about you, hell Fenris warned him to warn me.

It seems like, I dunno, you are overcompensating yourself for covering up for something more. BUT that is neither here nor there. Darling, you seem to be ripe for another one of your breakouts when you claimed your chances and became something more than a joke. But, mmm...I don’t know...maybe you don’t know either. I just...I can’t place my finger on it but dammit man, I should have more to say! You’re a former Roulette and Internet Champion, for Christ sake! But it’s just another one of those moments where you are only there when it’s convenient for you instead of putting in the work.

Jaime Dean, a former tag champ...and that’s about it though. I’m sorry bruv, I wish I knew more. Hell, I wish Miles knew more sometimes beyond just that you have been there, done that and like the rest of us sorry lot, you never got that breakout moment as a singles competitor. Though I will say that I do love being under the proverbial learning tree, as it were, when it comes to working with and against the true veterans of this business and particularly this company.

I wanna soak it all in, mate. Win or lose, I would love every single chance I get to be in that ring with the likes of you. I think we could have a jolly good time...that is until I dump you over the rope. Nothing personal, mate, it’s just business.

Now we get to the Bulldog, BILLY BOY, man I have heard and seen a lot about you. Some good, some bad...some say you keep slipping at the biggest and best chances. Slumming your career down in the Roulette division for so long that sometimes you even forget that you are a multiple time champ! YOU perhaps have the best odd out of ALL of us to win this thing, but when you stand and face the fact that Finn Whelan is at the end of this particular rainbow, will you truly finally step beyond just being the man that is constantly mid.

Mid and one-dimensional. Sorry, are boring. Hurts but so does life.

And finally, Justin Smith. First things first, you come at me for what my brother did to you last week and I will gladly remind you that while my last name is Kasey, I had absolutely NOTHING to do with that. You can hate me for what Miles did all you want but that’s a ‘you’ problem. And if you try to make it mine, then let’s just say that I am not above dropping you.

I look at this as a golden opportunity, mate. We all have a chance to perhaps make history. Finn Whelan is the MAN of SCW and seems practically untouchable. Don’t let hatred cloud your judgment.”

For if you do, I will make you regret every single moment. I am a man that ...well...

He looks to the picture of President Lincoln and presses the button and we hear:

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.

Climax Control Roleplays / Plight of the Older Gay Man
« Last post by Jamie Dean on May 24, 2024, 11:35:24 PM »
“There is one universal truth within the LGBTQ community that we as members have to accept as fact; and that is once you hit the age of thirty and over, your social life pretty much slows down considerably, compared to when you were in your early twenties. And once you hit forty and above, if you’re single, you are almost looked down on with pity and to some degree, contempt, by those younger than you. A far cry from the unity that the LGBTQ community cries for when facing the challenges from the outside, isn’t it? When we face the prejudices of the heterosexual and religious communities, we’re all about standing together. But when all we want is companionship, the ageism within ourselves is extreme. We tend to keep the older generations at arms length, even if all they want is a friend.”

“I think the saddest fact about this entire outlook is that I was guilty of it myself. I can remember times when I was in my early twenties and out clubbing, every time an older ‘daddy’ with silver in his hair tried to hit me up, I’d make my excuses and turn the other way. Not my proudest moments, but at the very least I was not one of those rude little shits who get approached by anyone with silver in their hair, make a face and go ‘Ew!’ I just … didn’t give them the chance to make their pitch, whether they were simply looking for a friend or possibly more. I was young. I was stupid. And only now am I realizing what those same guys must have been feeling at the time.”

“Only once can I remember where I was outright cold to the guy trying to get in my pants, but he just wouldn’t take the hint or wasn’t able to accept ‘no’ for an answer. I finally told him that he was just too old for me. His response? ‘Age is just a number.’ That’s when I looked him dead in the eye and told him, ‘Yeah, but yours is a pretty big honking number!’”

“I can still see the stricken look in his eyes, and how he just deflated right in front of me. It’s a memory that’s haunted me for almost twenty years.”

“And it is not just the younger generations of gays, lesbians, trans, bisexuals and queers that are the result of the older men and women becoming marginalized. But also social networking due to homophobia, heteronormativity, heterosexism, prejudice and blatant discrimination.”

Pacific Palisades

“You need to stop kicking yourself.”

The voice called to Jamie from across the table at the diner where he was eating dinner with his close friend and I suppose you might call ‘protege’ of sorts. Chad Campbell.

You remember him, don’t you? From back in the Team BJ days, the flighty and sassy young gay college student who Jamie – alongside Sandra and Kathy – had rescued from the streets as a homeless gay youth. It was thanks to Jamie and those lovely ladies’ support that Chad had graduated college and was currently working in the fashion industry, both as a hair stylist with his own clientele list, along with being an intern at a successful fashion house. Chad’s long-term goal was to be a fashion designer himself, with his own house, his own line. He wanted to succeed at designing his own visions, not using his visions to make another designer successful and richer.

Chad had filled out since his college student days when he worked at Kathy’s coffee house ‘Brew Ha-Ha’ while continuing with his studies. He was no longer the skinny ‘twink’ he had been before, as his body had filled out in the years since. Also his flamboyant feathered/upswept hair was now shorter and smooth as silk. And of course, Chad had support elsewhere, as in Jamie’s own circle of close friends. Names such as Ben Jordan, Amy Santino and Samantha Marlowe. When Chad had to come up with a ‘fashion line’ to showcase for his college final, Jamie helped enlist the above mentioned three to serve as runway models for Chad, all but ensuring his passing grade.

“I’m not kicking myself.” Jamie said as he picked up his glass of red, seated across from his young friend at Vittorio Ristorante & Pizzeria restaurant. Of course, Chad snorted back his derisive laugh of disbelief. The younger man shook his head and turned back to Jamie and gave him a look reminiscent of expressions Jamie can remember sporting ten years ago when talking to those older than him. Men and women he had been trying to hold a blanket cloud over the eyes of those around him, those who did not want to burden him with troubles atop of his own. He could remember a time or two he had played that same tactic with Kathy, much to her chagrin.

Oh how the wheel turns!

“Bullshit.” Chad said as he twirled his fork in the plateful of rigatoni pasta that laid before him. “You’ve been down in the dumps ever since you had that match a few weeks ago. Kathy and Sandra have both said you’ve been moping about…”

“I do NOT mope!” Jamie said, perhaps a little louder than he initially planned in protesting. Chad just tilted his head slightly like a curious puppy. “Really?” He asked. “You haven’t been answering calls or agreeing to meet anyone up. You just go to work at Oasis and go home and shut yourself away.”

“I’m here with you now, aren’t I?” Jamie pointed out. “Doesn’t that count for something?”

“It would,” Chad seemingly agreed. “If Kathy and Sandra didn’t both have to threaten you to get you to agree. You know when Ben called…”

“Ben?” Jamie interrupted, his brow knitted into a frown. “Ben Jordan called you?”

“Yes?” Chad answered with a hint of snark in his tone, this close to uttering the dreaded “duh”. “He has my number, just like he has Kathy and Sandra’s. Your friends are his and vice versa.”

Jamie sighed gently, looking elsewhere as Chad went on, “He’s been as worried as the rest of us.”

“Well you don’t need to be.” Jamie turned back to him. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” Chad shook his head. “And given you’re a certified counselor now, you’d think you of all people would be able to recognize and acknowledge the fact. That match…”

“If you can call it that…” Jamie murmured as he reached for his personal pizza, to which Chad wisely pointed out, “There, that’s what we’re talking about! It’s been bothering you more than you want to admit! That match meant more to you than you want to admit…”

“Of course it meant something, Chad!” Jamie barked. “It was my first match in ten years and … I admit I miss it. Missed it." He self corrected. “But we lost and it’s over…”

“You didn’t lose.” Chad pointed out. “Your partner did. Now…” He held up both hands in mock surrender. “I don’t get it. I don’t know why anyone would wrestle or watch it … if it wasn’t for the half naked muscle guys that is. But if it means that much, you could always…”

“What?” Jamie questioned. “”Make an actual return?” He shook his head. “Hard pass. With Ben semi-retired and Amy elsewhere, it just wouldn’t be the same. Plus, I’m not exactly getting any younger.”

“You’re, what? Thirty-nine?”

“Forty-one.” Jamie replied with the barest traces of a smile. “But I love you for that two year loss.” Chad smiled as he went for his own wine, as Jamie went on, “I’m still working my way through these little nagging injuries from when I competed a decade ago. I don’t think I can go through a regular schedule again against guys half my age.”

“Sounds like dating in the gay scene.” Chad jested, to which Jamie shrugged his shoulders and said half-heartedly, “I wish it was that good.”

C Frenz

One of the top gay nightclubs just outside of the limits of Pacific Palisades, in the better part of Los Angeles itself. If you tried to imagine the prototypical gay dive in your mind, you would probably come up with the spitting (pun intended) image of C Frenz. With its brick walls, colorful lights and pulsating music, it was one of the top gay dance clubs in better LA. And the weekend following his team’s elimination from the 2024 Blast From the Past, Jamie had made the hard decision to take a night off from Oasis with the desire to drown his sorrows in multiple kamikaze drinks.

Jamie had went to great lengths to make himself presentable, as style was his middle name. He just had not made the effort to go out in … well, it had been so long that he couldn’t remember the last time he had done so. Especially alone. His hair was styled flawlessly, goatee trimmed and neat and wearing his cream colored button up and matching slacks, he just wanted to drink, and not worry about trying to BE Jamie Dean, the social butterfly. He sat at the bar and made idle chatter with the bartender, a lesbian in her middle years while people watching around him. And his efforts would have been successful were it not for the young man who had clearly set his eyes on Jamie.

The moment the young gay man, his name Roman Himes, perhaps 22 years of age, simply walked right up to Jamie and he planted a hungry kiss on the surprised Jamie who almost spilled his drink as a result. Roman spent the remainder of the night, practically glued to Jamie’s side; talking, drinking, dancing and yes - making out.

That is until the inevitable question happened. Roman asked Jamie how old he was because of the lightning and Jamie saw no reason to lie. He answered truthfully and he could see the vast wave of disappointment in Roman’s eyes. The young man made some random excuse that he had work early in the morning and he ditched Jamie in the partying crowd.

Truth be told, Jamie had never felt so hurt, not even with everything he had gone through in the world of pro wrestling.


“Hey!” Jamie came from out of his self absorbed thoughts with Chad snapping his fingers in his face. “I thought I lost you.”

Jamie said nothing really, just shook his head.

“Are you okay?” Chad asked, with the honest concern of a tried and true friend. Jamie looked at him and smiled, shielding everyone around him from just how miserable he felt. “I’m fine.”


There was just something … classical, about the majesty of a cage elevator. They were so old fashioned but they had charm and character. A flashback to days when things just seemed so much easier than they were currently. And in the brick loft building in which Jamie Dean called home, he took something akin to sanctuary in this ‘gilded cage’ of sorts as he rode up to his fourth floor loft.

Jamie simply remained there, in the shadows and feeling the depressive state threaten to engulf him like a suffocating shadow. He just sat there, with the Siamese curled up on his lap, his fingers idly scratching him under the chin, his eyes closed with a purring contentment. Jamie closed his own eyes and felt as if he might have dozed off under the strain of being emotionally tired rather than physically. He only ‘woke’ when the sound of his phone was going off from where it rested on the stand to the sofa’s immediate right.

He had strongly considered simply letting it go to voicemail when his eyes caught the name ‘Ben Jordan’ on the screen and he sighed. Try as he might to want to simply be left alone with his private thoughts, he could not ignore Ben. Thus, he leaned over at the waist and Anubis, at the indignity of being disturbed from his perch, hopped off of Jamie’s lap to the floor in search of something to better amuse the feline dignity. Jamie’s hands closed on the phone and he hit ‘answer’.

“Hello?” Jamie’s voice was tired, and he was certain Ben would be able to tell, even given the vast distance that lay between the two men.

“Well it’s about bloody time!” Ben barked from his end of the phone. “I’ve only been trying to get in touch for the last hour! Been calling your damn phone and you won’t pick up!”

Jamie frowned and withdrew the phone from his ear and looked at the screen, and it showed that he must have slept deeper than he thought as there were three missed calls from Ben. Jamie then set the phone to speaker and Ben's voice was continuing the friendly tirade. “...I  called Oasis and Kathy told me you weren’t there, that you had gone out with Chad so gave it some time to try again.”

“Sorry.” Jamie leaned back into the cushions of his sofa and rubbed his eyes, more so from the mental strain he had been feeling as opposed to trying to wipe the sleep from them. “Just been a long, hard couple of days.”

“Oh yeah?” Ben quipped, as was the nature of the friendship between the two. “What’s his name?”

“Oh ha ha.” Jamie half mumbled. “I should be so lucky.”

Jamie then righted himself and sat up, his fingers clasped together from both hands and rested on his bent knees. “Never mind, Ben. What’s going on … and why are you still up? It has to be …”

“Eight a.m.?” Ben finished, and Jamie could just sense the smile on his buddy’s face. “Mate, I’ve been up, got in my run and having breakfast. If anything, I should ask why you’re not asleep? Or at the very least, shackin’ up with the barkeep?”

Jamie closed his eyes, the sad smile on his face as he shook his head briefly. If Ben only knew.

“I was asleep.” Jamie then pointed out. “Remember? You woke me up.”

“Hunh…. Right.” Ben responded, realizing Jamie had caught him. “Anyway, about why I’m calling…”

“Oh are we getting to that, are we?”

“Shaddap! Mark Ward was trying to contact you for a few days now. Didn’t have much luck so he got in touch with me and asked me to tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

Ben said, “To tell you they need you in Pennsylvania. You got another chance at the gold.”

Jamie had slowly been rising from his seat to retrieve something to snack on, when he froze in mid crouch. He turned his head to the phone with a disbelieving frown. He said, “Say what now?”

We find ourselves back to the industrial loft home owned by the former Sin City Wrestling Superstar, Jamie Dean. But this time we were not visiting on the inside as a guest, but watching on the outside. More specifically, on his seldom used patio from four stories up. It had originally been a ‘fire escape’ during the building’s prime when first constructed, but upon his purchase and the realization fire escapes were as passe as phone books and wearing underwear … ahem.

Jamie has turned the iron railed structure into a cozy little retreat where he could sit and overlook the cityscape that surrounded his building. That was where we found him as he sat under the sunset and colorful skies, wearing a floral print button down, white shorts and his eyes hidden behind a pair of shades.

“Fresh Faces Battle Royal… ha!”

“I’ll be the first to tell the world that despite my rising age, that I am still adorable as all Hell. But, I’d hardly call myself ‘fresh faced’. Of course, I could easily say the same about one or two others in this match but I’m not the sort to just talk trash about random individuals.”

Jamie snorts back a restrained laugh but soon loses his control and leans back, his head tilted almost the entire way back and he just laughs uproariously. After several moments in wait, he finally calms himself and wipes a false tear from his eye and waves a hand at the camera.

“No, no. It’s alright. That one was just for me. I mean, talking shit is pretty much the trademark of gays the world over. After all, we invented it! So if I tend to go off the rails here tonight, I’m hoping you’ll understand. It’s just in my nature to be catty.”

Jamie set his mint iced tea down on the tray and leaned back in his chair, exhaling gently as he surveyed the world beyond him and all the possibilities that were there throughout.

So I thought when Shay Owens and I went down … pun not intended, in this year’s tournament, I felt that everything had been for naught. Big word, I know, but it fits. I thought my so-called return after a decade away that it was time wasted. I had friends who were excited to see how far we’d make it. The kids at Oasis were the most excited. They watched Ben compete all the time and that fact alone made him a legend in their eyes, especially when he turns up to help out and they just look at the man in amazement, like they couldn’t believe someone like him, a genuine celebrity, was as down to earth as he had come to be known as. The man would sit at their bedsides to talk, help them with homework and regularly took them out shopping so they could have something to call their own. But me…? Aside from the original Oasis kids, they never really got to see me save for streaming videos of some of my matches when I was active way back when. That was why when they found out I would be wrestling, they went through the roof. They were legit excited and were hamming it up about how I’d make it to the finals and eventually get my hands on that elusive singles championship.”

He chuckled sally, running his hand through his hair.

“So imagine their surprise - and disappointment - when Shay and I didn’t even make it out of the opening round. Just like that…”

He snapped his fingers.

“Snuffed out, just like that. The only saving grace I suppose is that I wasn’t there to see their reactions. I can’t imagine it was very pretty, and to this day, I have trouble handling whenever one of these kids experiences disappointment. Let alone the entire group. So once it was all said and done, I was ready to just dust myself off and get back to the work that matters most to my heart when lo and behold, I get a call from Saint Ben.”

“Imagine my surprise that my Blast From the Past contract actually had a stipulation that I was contractually obligated to a follow up match of the bosses' choosing, should I be eliminated early. And considering the hell booking must be when this many top stars are otherwise engaged, they had to do something to determine the next challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship. I mean, that is one of the perks of the entire tournament, yes? A chance at the World title, held right now by Beetlejuice - I mean, Finn Whelan. So why not give some of the guys eliminated early in the tournament a second chance in a Battle Royal?”

Jamie shrugged exaggeratedly with his bottom lip jetted out.

“If I’m going to be honest, I’m experiencing a bit of deja vu here, because I was in one - only one - Battle Royal before in my career and yes, I did win, and the prize was the same then as this one is now. An opportunity to challenge for the World Championship. Nobody, and I say that in all seriousness, thought this gay party boy would have a chance against all of those big, bad Superstars but … I won. And I went on to challenge J2H for the championship and I do not mind admitting that I was thoroughly schooled. Humbled and humiliated would be an apt description of what happened in that title match but here I am again, history repeating itself in the lead up. But as for history repeating itself in the inevitable title clash?”

Jamie held up a finger and shook his head in the negative.

“That is one piece of history that will remain where it belongs; in the past. I’ll win the Battle Royal, but when I go on to look in the mirror and say Finn’s name three times to summon him for our title match, well I’ll just be shattering his reflection, everything he has, and his storied double title reign. But, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, aren’t I? There are six other guys that I have to go through if I have any hopes of even making it as far as Into the Void XIII, six guys who have as much chance at going the distance as I do. Well…”

Jamie paused in contemplation, then shook his head.

“No, I guess out of fairness I would have to say all six. After all, this isn’t just an ordinary wrestling match where wins and losses matter. This is a Battle Royal, where just avoiding getting thrown out of the ring is the key to victory. That, and a good deal of blowing up the skirt of Lady Luck. And nobody in this match has to rely more on luck than the hardcore fanatic, Justin Smith. I’ll be the first to admit that out of all the guys in this match, Justin seems to have lucked out the most in gaining one of the coveted spots. Oh sure, he made it farther in the tournament than I did, but that was more for the efforts of his partner than his own doing. But, to his credit, the guy is a pretty bad ass fighter and in a Battle Royal, that sort of tactic seems to be the best strategy to employ. And aside from Bill Barnhart, Justin would probably be the best brawler in this match. Still, taking the fight to everyone or hand picking one target at a time, that is just going to paint a target on Justin’s back and just like his name was the first in my long list of opponents, his name will also be the first to get tossed out of the ring and eliminated. Mark my words.”

“Then we have Teddy Warren, a man that is as confused about his sexual identity as a virgin in a prison rodeo. I don’t get this guy, I honest to god do not! He has come and gone from SCW more times than the crew that cleans the rings. I don’t even know why the man bothered to even sign up for the Blast From the Past in the first place. Even had his team gone the distance and won the whole thing, even if he had earned for himself a World title shot against Finn Whelan, he never would have made it as far as going to Pearl Harbor. Teddy’s commitment to this sport is erratic at best. He has proven it time and again; he shows up, starts to build some momentum for himself, and then he just up and …”

He snapped his fingers.

“Poof! Disappears without any explanation. The man has no goals, he has even less commitment. I mean, just look at his personal life. The man spent how long portraying himself as the RuPaul of SCW, then vanished. Then he starts fawning over Fenris every time the man showed off his bulge, even going so far as telling the world he’d give anything for one night with the man! Then all of a sudden, we’re expected to fall for this happy family man act that he has going on? His commitment to this new life of his is about as stable as his commitment to wrestling and SCW overall. If Fenris were to show him any interest, Teddy would be doing the full on cowgirl faster than you could say ‘Yippee Ki Yo, KY!’”

“Now the one person I am legit to see in this match was a guy I thought had all the potential in the world to go the distance, and would have were it not for an injury, is Caleb Storms. This kid had everything going for him - everything! But fate can be an outright bitch and that injury all but derailed everything that he had going for him then, and everything he could have accomplished since. I - just like everyone else out there - was shocked, surprised, when Caleb showed up from out of nowhere to announce he was back. For the tournament at least. It was disheartening to see him get jipped in the first round so I am glad to see him get this new chance, and I hope he makes the most out of it. I mean, I’m still planning on winning but I hope he sticks around after all this.”

“Now if there’s anyone else out there besides Justin that doesn’t fit the fresh face moniker, it would have to be ‘Bulldog’ Bill Barnhart. Now, this is the guy who lies more about his age than some old Southern belle from Atlanta. The guy continues to this day that he’s only in his thirties, meaning he wants the world to think that he’s younger than I am.”

Jamie pointed a finger at himself with a questioning look.

“Bill, you’re in your thirties about as much as I’m a Trump supporter. If anything, I’d say you’re the senior statesman of this match. THE veteran. Which isn’t a bad thing, but if I can admit my age, I should think you’d be able to do the same. You’ve done so much in this sport… so many championships recorded to your name and how many Hall of Fame inductions? Is the idea of you walking away from this match as the winner and being Finn’s next challenger really all that unbelievable?”

Jamie scrunched up his face in thought and then nodded.

“It really is!”

“Then we have who has to so far be the biggest disappointment in this match, a total washout and that’s even going so far as to include Justin Smith! And I’m talking about the so-called ‘Mister Golden Briefcase’ Rodrigo Afonso. Now I say so-called because even though he’s picked up a win here and there and bested some bright stars to get that name, has he really done anything - anything at all - to push it or himself? Rodrigo went so far as to outlast all those other guys to win the Briefcase, but he’s done nothing with it. Now I’m not suggesting he use it to cash in before he’s ready … but he hasn’t done anything to push the fact he won it at all! No interviews, no subtle threats, no getting in the face of any champions anywhere! He won it, and he’s been gliding along on the coattails of that win ever since. He thinks going into this match that his win then, will play a factor now.”

Jamie shook his head.

“It won’t. It’ll just make his early elimination all the more humbling for him, and all the more sweeter for the rest of us.”

“Now, we’re saving the best for last. Well, the cutest for last at any rate. The half-brother of an already established star in Miles Kasey, Lyle Kasey Junior. The fact that this young guy has shown up from out of nowhere and being the lost family of a popular fella like Miles makes Lyle here the sentimental favorite of the fans. True, Lyle has yet to secure that first win in his career, and his early elimination in the tournament is, like for many of us, the reason why he’s here now. And, as I stated before, your track record on paper isn’t as important in a Battle Royal so much as luck itself is. Staying away from the ropes, working together with someone else when it calls for it to get rid of a more dangerous or bigger opponent, etc. You could be the absolute greatest in the world and still be the first one out in a match like this simply because your track record worked against you. Your success rate made you a target early on. That’s not something Lyle has to worry about this time around and I don’t mean that in a bad way. Believe me! Lyle’s lack of that first big win works in his favor here, and with the fans behind him, he has perhaps the best chance out of anyone at walking away with this chance against Finn Whelan.”

Jamie then gave it thought.

“Second best chance. I still wouldn’t be Jamie Dean if I were to think any less of myself or my chances in this match. And I hate to toot my own horn but…”


Jamie flinched and looked over the railing to the street below to see an eighteen wheeler roll past his building. He then sat back and looked into the camera, jetting as thumb in the direction of the truck.

“See? He agrees with me!”
Climax Control Roleplays / I Don’t Need or Want Any Help!(Artie RP)
« Last post by Bobbie Dahl on May 24, 2024, 11:19:28 PM »
Sunday May 19th
The Fall Out

I should have seen something like that coming. But I guess I was a little too naive, or just wanted to believe that my own friends wouldn’t bother to do something like that to help me out to get the win. I mean, I expected something like that from Bobbie at least to protect me, but the fact that Miles did what he did? Well, I’m not exactly happy with him. He and Bobbie- and everyone else really- should understand that a tainted win in a tournament like this isn’t exactly something to be proud of.

After the match I headed straight backstage. Miles and Bobbie both tried to talk to me, but I didn’t want to hear anything they had to say at the moment. They exchanged a few words out of my ear shot and Miles went on his way to go find Carter for their match. I don’t even know how long ago that was, because I’ve been brooding in the locker room for a while. Bobbie is still out in the hallway, giving me some space, when I suddenly hear a commotion just outside. I jump up from my chair and head over to the door to see what is going on.

When I peek into the hall, I see Carter being helped into the medical locker room with Miles right with him. I don’t even know what happened, but Bobbie looks concerned, which is understandable. Miles stays out in the hall, reluctantly, giving the medical team a few moments to check Carter over and Bobbie checks on him. He’s overwhelmed with concern for Carter’s well-being, and while I am, too, I’m still mad at Miles for interfering in my match. This might not be the time to say anything, but I guess that is what anger does to you. It breaks your brain to mouth filter.

“Why did you do it?” I ask and Bobbie and Miles both turn their attention to me. Bobbie shakes her head at me, quietly pointing out what I already know, but I don’t really care right now.

“Excuse me?” Miles asks, confused? He must be too caught up with whatever is going on with Carter to remember what happened earlier. “Why did I do what?”

I shake my head and step closer to them. “Why did you interfere in my match earlier?” I feel my eyes narrow, almost out of my control. “Why did you help me win?”

Miles lets out an annoyed laugh and shakes his head. Bobbie steps forward, trying to talk me down and insists on having this conversation later, but we’re past the point of that. It’s now or never. “I guess I was wrong in expecting a thank you, huh mate?” Miles responds, his patience very low. “Maybe when you make it to the finals and then win the World Heavyweight Championship, you’ll thank me then.”

“Artie, sweetie,” Bobbie starts, placing a hand on my arm. “Can we talk about this later? Miles needs to check on Carter.”

I shake my head and pull my arm out of her grasp. “I don’t need anyone’s help.” I snap back, looking at both Bobbie and Miles, because I wanted Bobbie to know as much, too. “If me and Kallie make it to the finals and if I win the World Heavyweight Championship opportunity and eventually the title, I’m not going to thank you even then, because I’ll have done it by myself.”

Bobbie lets out a sigh and shakes her head. She knows how angry I am right now, so she should understand why I am speaking my mind, regardless of whatever is going on with Carter in the medical locker room. She looks to Miles and quietly apologizes for me, even though I don’t need her to do that.

“I’m in no mood for this right now.” Miles bites back. “Be angry all you want, mate. I need to go check on Carter.” And with that, he disappears into the medical locker room, not bothering to wait for the all clear to enter.

Bobbie turns her attention back to me and just stares at me, eyes wide and almost surprised. “What was that?” She asks, holding her hands up to further her confusion.

“You know what it was.” I bite back, turning around to head back into the locker room. “I don’t need or want anyone’s help winning, Bobbie.” I say with my back turned to her. Before I disappear back in the locker room to be by myself again, she grabs my arm and spins me around.

“No you don’t.” She says, and I’m not sure if it means she is agreeing with me, or if she is saying that to stop me from shutting myself inside again. “Maybe Miles was wrong to help you out there, but your attitude towards him just now wasn’t right, considering what happened to Carter.”

I shrug. “I don’t even know what happened to Carter. I’m sure he’ll–”

“You know what? You need to confront your mother.” Bobbie blurts out, interrupting me.

My eyes narrow even further and I shake my head. “What? Absolutely not.” I refuse. I hadn’t seen or talked to my mother recently since my father told me of her affair, and I still have no desire to either. As far as I was aware, she still had no idea that either my father or I had any knowledge of her affair. He was trying to figure out this situation himself, which is understandable.

“You have to.” Bobbie replies calmly, more out of concern than anything. “The fact that you know what you know is eating at you, Artie. One minute you’re fine, and the next you’re not.” She was right, if I’m honest. Lately I just couldn’t help being on this rollercoaster of emotions and the slightest thing setting me off.

“This has nothing to do with me not wanting Miles helping or anyone helping me.” I reply, but I’m not lying. Even if the situation with my mother was not the way it is, I’d still be mad at the interference. “Someone helping me like that just makes me look weak. And you know it.”

“It might not have anything to do with it, but it’s certainly adding to your short temper.” She quickly replies. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. “I’m not used to this side of you. I’ve been trying and trying to be as supportive as I can.”

“We’ll, if you are tired of it, just leave.” Stupid brain to mouth filter malfunction again. I really should not have said that, and instantly regret it, but my attitude certainly says otherwise. Seriously, what is happening to me? “It’s obviously not that hard to do.”

Bobbie’s jaw drops as I leave her shell shocked. I don’t give her a chance to say anything else before I turn and disappear back into the locker room, preferring to be alone in my own thoughts. What I said wasn’t fair, but to me it was the truth. Bobbie and I had been in each other’s lives for so long, but together as a couple much less than that. Our history was complicated. How sure could I be that she wouldn’t step outside of our marriage if she couldn’t truly handle me at my worst? I am so busy worrying about that, that the real question I should be asking I still haven’t.

What happened to push my mother to do just that to my father?

Monday May 20th
Back Home In the States

The last few weeks of the tour have been the hardest as we have been traveling to different countries. Our next stop is in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania so it makes it easier to fly home to Vegas for a few days before the next show. We have been itching to see Loki, and I know he is just as excited to see us, too. Especially Bobbie. I love him just as much as she does, but they have a particular bond that Loki and I don’t, which is fine.

We’re not that far from her parents’ house to see Loki and I am more than ready to just relax for a few days. Jet lag is no joke. Bobbie hasn’t spoken much to me since last night. I will eventually break the silence, but I just need some time. It would make it easier if my father knew what he was going to do about it all, because the longer he doesn’t say anything, the more her infidelity will go on.

When we pull into the driveway of her parents house, I see Loki come running to the fence line from the backyard. His huge wiggle butt starts wagging once he sees us, and the Lyft driver barely has the car in park when Bobbie jumps out of the backseat. I thank the driver and grab our bags as Bobbie goes running to see Loki.

Bobbie’s father greets me at the front door, grabbing Bobbie’s suitcase and helping me inside. No sooner than I walk in the door when I am left shocked as who should come running up to me but my mother! She smiles and has her arms outstretched as she embraced me in a huge hug before I can back away.

“Artie!” She squeals, happy to see me. “Oh I missed my baby boy! Why haven’t you called?!” She steps back and looks me over, as if checking to make sure I am healthy or unhurt. I glare at her, not returning her enthusiasm to see her. Just as I am about to question what she is doing here, my father is the next to enter the room, confusing me even more.

“Son.” He says, greeting me as we share an awkward knowing glance.

“What are you two doing here?” I ask, glaring once again at my mother.

She is taken back by my demeanor, and she should be. She looks to my father, then back to me. “What is with the attitude? Did we do something to upset you?”

I let out a laugh. “I don’t know, Mom. You tell me. Is there something I should be upset about?” I fold my arms and wait for her to answer, but she is genuinely confused. Ken just quietly steps away, getting the sense that this should be a private matter between us. I pray Bobbie hasn’t told him or her mother anything.

“Artie, what is going on?” She looks to my father. “Do you know what he is upset about?”

I know it is against my father’s wishes, but just being face to face with my mother sets me off. My father is about to stop me from saying or doing something stupid, but it’s too late. I throw my hands in the air, and let it all out. “You! Mom! I am angry at YOU!”

“Artie, son…” My father tries to interrupt, but I stop him. This has to happen. She has to be called out on what she’s done.

“No, Dad.” I snap at him, just as angry with him for choosing to continue dealing with her lying. “She has to hear this. She needs to know that we know what she’s done. And how, while you may end up forgiving her, I sure won’t.” I think she is starting to figure out just what I am talking about, but she’s trying to hide it.

“I…I haven’t done anything.” She’s. Terrible liar. Even my father knows. I stare at him, giving him a look that says it’s now or never. He needs to break his silence as much as I did. He is reluctant, but he finally gets it off his chest.

“Enough with the lying, Amelia. I know that you’ve been having an affair!” I can immediately notice the incredible weight that has been lifted off his chest as he says the words. Bobbie has also stepped inside from the door leading to the backyard, but she stops dead in her tracks when she hears my father. My mother looks mortified.

“Thought we didn’t know, Mom?” I say, and I make sure the words are like daggers. She can’t speak. She’s trying to come up with another lie, no doubt, but she just stumbles on her words and is on the verge of tears. “So do either of you care to tell me who she cheated with?”

“H-How? How did you find out?” She looks at my father. Because that is her main concern. She’s more upset that she got caught, than she is about actually destroying our family.

“That’s all you are worried about?” I snap back. I will never understand how I could think so highly of her, only for her to destroy it all with one decision.

“Your father and I should go.” She is panicking, searching around for her purse or something. “We…we need to talk about this in private.”

“What else don’t I know?!” I throw my hands in the air. I’m so tired of being lied to for one reason or another. “Forget this. I’m going home. Bobbie, I need some time alone.”

My mother is even more horrified when she realizes Bobbie has heard everything. At this point, I don’t even care. I just need to get out of here and away from everyone. I’m spiraling out of control, and I don’t know what to do or how to feel about anything. I grab my suitcase and pull my phone out to call another Lyft to take me home.

Seriously…what is happening to my life right now?

I’m beginning to realize that the further I make it through this tournament, the more some people are actually starting to root for me. The fans at least, because they sure have been cheering me on like crazy every match so far. Whether or not they think Kallie and I will actually win, that’s a whole different story, but maybe they are starting to believe now, anyway. They sure should believe, because we’re so close, I can taste it!!

I can’t tell you how happy I am that we’re finally back on American soil. Not because I don’t like the other countries or anything, because it was amazing getting to travel to all of those historic cities. It’s just that traveling such long distances just wears me down pretty fast. And this week, we’re going to be in Gettysburg, which is just…surreal. To be wrestling in the place where Battle at Gettysburg happened is a once in a lifetime experience. And let me tell you, this Battleground Tour is finally starting to make sense to me.

I won’t get into too much detail but I’ve been fighting my own battles this entire tour. And battling against opponents who think I shouldn’t be in this tournament or that I’m stupid for having made such a mistake with the contract. Generally just mean things they’ve said about me. Which is whatever to me at this point, because I’m in the semi-finals and they are not. But let me make one thing clear to everyone about what happened last week.

I did not ask Miles, or anyone else, to help me. And I did not want his help. I’m very aware of how bad that looks, and I’m sorry to Kallie that our last win was a tainted win. I want us to make it to the finals on our own, and not because someone interfered. I don’t want people to think less of us, or that we don’t deserve it so I can promise you…it won’t happen again. No matter how we win on our own, we got this! We’re about to go down in history in SCW and I can’t wait!

Now..I guess focus on the two people standing in our way this week. Sean Parker and Luna Pasilno. So…they seem like a pretty cohesive team right now, which probably isn’t super encouraging for Kallie and me. It’s hard to compete against teams that actually work together outside of the ring to try and be on the same page. Things just haven’t worked out the same way for me and Kallie, but it doesn’t mean we don’t still work together pretty well when we have to!

Sean Parker…he seems pretty good. Like, really good from what I can tell. Better than my last two opponents. Obviously, considering we’re both in the semi-finals and we’re not. But, even really decent teams have been eliminated already. Bobbie and Peter Vaughn being one of them. The best teams don’t always make it to the finals. And the best teams don’t always win the whole tournament. You know who does?

The underdogs. The ones that everyone bets against, because underdogs have spirit. They have fight, and that’s what me and Kallie are! Sean might think he deserves this, and maybe he kinda does. But who is he really? Other than another SCW outsider that joined just for the chance to maybe win some gold. They’re trying to take away what everyone else works hard for in SCW. But I guess I shouldn’t complain because the tournament is open to everyone. And it is used to hopefully get some of these people to stick around.

I have a question for Sean, though. He’s teamed with Luna..who is married to Alexander Raven. Raven just so happens to be in the semi-finals, too. So I have to wonder…how much can Sean really trust Luna? Let’s say they beat Kallie and I and end up facing Raven and Alexandra Calaway. Is it possible that Luna is working with Raven to ensure he wins it all in the end? She could very well turn on Sean if that match were to happen and cost them everything. Is that really what is happening? Maybe not. But…stranger things have happened.

Out of the four teams left in this tournament, Kallie and I are probably the lowest on the pole who stand a chance at winning. That’s fine, because we have something that perhaps the other three teams don’t have…people rooting for us to win. We may be the favorites to win just because we’re the rookies.

I want us to win this so bad. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so bad in my life. I know the odds are stacked against us, but that just makes me want to win so much more. I don’t even know what to else to say about Sean Parker and Luna Pasilno. I’m not good at this trash talk nonsense so many of the others excel at. I’ve never understood it. And I’d be a hypocrite to sit here and try and make myself seem better than them, because I’m really not. I’m only like two months into my training, and they’re years into it. I know what I’m up against, but I’m ready for it.

I’m not scared. The nerves are calming down with each match. I’m excited to step into the ring with guys like Sean, and then maybe Alexander Raven or Mark “the disappearing Dragon” Cross. Or whatever his name is. I’m excited because if I put up a good fight against them, it proves that no matter what anyone else thinks, I can defy the odds. I can do this on my own. I don’t need anyone’s help or their pity or worry about me. All I need is the drive and the willpower and magic will happen.

And this Sunday in Gettysburg, the best magic will happen when Kallie and I advance to the FINALS of the Blast From The Past tournament when no one thought we would make it past the first round.

Look at us now, people. LOOK. AT. US. NOW!

The Underdogs are coming for it all!!
Climax Control Roleplays / Just a short video about the match.
« Last post by Rodrigo Afonso on May 24, 2024, 11:15:49 PM »
"I'm not going to take too long here mainly because I know there's a lot of things not cleared up, including the briefcase stuff. I can't and won't say any plans for that because it'll give away anything planned I have for it and besides, right now, it's not my main focus with what's going on in my life. Why should I have to tell people what I'll do with the briefcase? Granted, I've not been on a good run as of late, but I've had tough opponents, including Finn lately.

Out of all of us, I'm the only one who's recently been in the ring with him and honestly, I need to get that win back. I'm not going to do traditional name-calling and name every single opponent in the match because rumbles aren't about who's in it; it's about yourself. The only ones I've not come across are LJ Kasey, Caleb Storms, Teddy Warren and Jamie Dean.

The fact is we're all in it to win the shot for the SCW World title. I feel LJ, Jamie and possibly Teddy are the main threats here as I don't know anything about those guys, apart from their obvious efforts in the tournament. I'd say the same for Caleb Storms, but he's made a name for himself in SCW already. I wasn't in the tournament granted because I didn't feel I needed to be, but I was given an opportunity by the man who quite frankly should be here, but I respect his decision because he wants a full time roster member to take advantage of the situation. If I knew back then about his wrestling school in Germany as I do now that involves Portugese talent like myself, I certainly would've joined it.

But that's the past and I still got a lot to work on with my wrestling to develop my skills in the ring. That's partly why I've not cashed in yet, but I do have plans for it. I hear you all, I've held it a long time and need to speak in front of a wrestling audience. Truth is that my focus isn't about wrestling right now. Some of my focus is what I'm going through in real life, and some of my focus is the Olympics coming up to defend my skateboarding Olympic gold medal.

The point is I'm still wrestling and I'll wrestle every single match I've been placed in, whether I'll win or lose. I don't care what any of you have to say about me and I'm going to eliminate everyone, well if I can because of my size, it's easy for me to be eliminated than anyone in the match, but smaller wrestlers have overcome the odds before and my focus currently is to win the rumble match for the SCW World Title match against Finn. If I don't, it won't affect me as much as it would on the rest of you if you all lost. That's all I will say."
Climax Control Roleplays / thebutterflyeffect 7.0 🎔 family matters
« Last post by missreznik on May 24, 2024, 11:02:27 PM »
the butterfly effect 7.0 family matters


I wasn’t happy with how we won.

I can’t say that Artie was, either, but I didn’t get the chance to say anything. He stormed off into the back with Bobbie and by the time I got back into the back, they were gone. I know it must have hurt to think that everyone thought he wasn’t going to be able to do anything, but I mean…we’ve all trained for this, we wanted to be a part of this, and Artie…well, he didn’t. It was a catch 22 and I felt bad, but at the same time, I was also angry. I know Miles and Fenris had been working with Artie. But Miles getting involved? And saying stuff all week about Wolfslair when he abandoned us?

It didn’t make sense. None of it really made sense, and I knew eventually I would be confronting Mr. Kasey whenever I saw him next. Not that it would be any time soon – he never came to New York for anything.

Nevertheless, I decided to make a pitstop to Colorado on the way home. Being in one of those mythological sites, being able to be a part of history for a moment – I could have bet that my dad was so stoked about it, since he was an ancient history buff. And besides, it wasn’t like they’d seen Dax…really at all, to be honest.

Flying into Denver International was always a trip, and I found myself running forward and jumping on the travelators that existed on all the concourses, getting excited every time I saw one. The train back to the main terminal was great, and Aiden merely laughed at me as I gleefully hung onto the rails and stared out the window into the cold concrete tunnels.

Aurora wasn’t far from the airport – not even fifteen miles. My parents lived in a nice four bedroom house that they’d purchased upon arrival back into the city. My mother had somehow finagled it so that she never had to be stationed anywhere else, and continued to make her ten minute drive down to Buckley Air Force Base for work every day. It was a constant cycle that really never deviated, even when Zach and I lived here. Dad would make breakfast, she’d go off to work, he’d head for his lectures at Denver Metro and then they’d both come home, eat dinner, watch television and go to bed.

When we pulled up, no one came out to greet us. It was a Tuesday, so I assumed my mother had gone off to work and my father was somewhere in the household. But there were cars in the driveway, so maybe it was an off day in their schedule. I picked up Dax, set him on my hip, and then put in the code on the garage to open the door. I had a key, and maybe I could have knocked, but there was no point. It wasn’t like they ever checked their phones for their Ring they installed a couple years ago.

Aiden and I entered the kitchen from the garage. “Mom? Dad?” I called, waiting to hear some kind of response. In all honesty, I didn’t expect to hear anything from them.

Downstairs!” I heard my dad call.

Of course, I’d called them before just showing up, but that was in our layover in Vancouver and I’m fairly certain my dad has the memory of a bot fly. With Dax on my hip, I descended down the staircase into the basement and set my feet on the floor. It looked different down here – the carpet was gone, replaced by vinyl, and the backyard seemed to be remodeled.

My father sat at his desk that looked outside into the backyard in an offshoot of the main room with a door. It was new – this hadn’t been here when I lived here, and it must have been his version of a mancave. He was surrounded by his books and his annals, and pictures of the Athenian Acropolis and Roman Colosseum were visible on the wall. He turned around and looked at me with a wide, but tired smile. “Hey Kallibear.” He said, rising to his feet.

Hi Dad,” I smiled. He stood and placed a hand on my shoulder, kissing my forehead, and then looked behind me and extended his hand like he always did to Aiden, shaking it. I used to get upset by it, but Aiden and I learned a long while ago that my family wouldn’t really ever accept him. They were cordial, but they thought I could do better. I’m sure they told Zach the same thing too, and they all commiserate on it.

What brings you into town?” He asked, guiding us out of the office and back out into the family room.

We were on our way back from Turkey…” I started, and his ears literally perked up. He looked at me. “The show was in um…Hisarlik?” I looked at Aiden. “Right?

Troy?” My dad questioned. He didn’t reach for Dax, he didn’t ask to see him. I held him as I sat down on the sectional. “I suppose it would make sense for a wrestling show to be there. How was it?

I frowned slightly. My family and I had sort of a strained relationship, in a sense. They weren’t happy with my choice to become a professional wrestler, but they also didn’t stop me. They weren’t happy with my choice to marry an Australian, but they still also didn’t stop me. Instead, they always made references to what I could have done, or showed a bit of interest, but not enough for it to be interesting to them. I thought, though, they could have at least turned it on long enough to see my matches.

Kallisto did great,” Aiden said for me, respectfully addressing my father. “Like she always does.

Well then that’s great…” he trailed off, and then looked at me. “Have I told you about the archaeological dig they’re doing in Egypt right now? It’s fascinating, they’re unearthing Saqqara…

And then he was off, talking about his interests. And what he wanted to talk about.

I regretted coming home at all.


If you asked me at the beginning of this tournament if I would have gotten here, I would probably have some complicated answers. If I were cocky and confident, I would say that, yes, I expected myself to be here because I know how good I can be. Or, also yes, but by luck alone. Last week, Artie and I had the pleasure of facin’ off against Cordelia Clark and Justin Smith, and while we won, I can’t say I’m happy about the win.

I mean, I know that Fenris and Miles have been training with Artie. And all the better for it, right? I’m not a part of that, and I don’t really belong in that scene, but to have Miles Kasey come down and save our match up…for why? I mean, I know he’s new pals with everyone, but he kinda like…forsook all of Wolfslair when he was having his rebellion crisis a few months back. Miles hasn’t been in Wolfslair for months, and all of a sudden, he wants to root for us and push us forward, help us?

Something sounds sketch, and I don’t trust him. Like. He abandoned us. Finn put him in his place, and while he became an Internet Champion without us, he still forgot about all of us. Wolfslair is a family. We’re not blood, and blood doesn’t run thicker than water either. But we have each other’s back, we support one another, we want to be around one another…and Miles erased us as soon as he could.

That hurt. I thought he was my friend. I thought that he was someone that would always be there, like everyone else is. But he wasn’t, and he has the audacity to put his nose into my business because he’s helping out someone else?

It was sad. And like, it makes me sad, because I don’t trust him.

After all was said and done, when I got back to New York City this week, I sat down with my mentor at Wolfslair. You don’t know her, and that’s okay, but Aaron Asphyxia was wonderful in her own day, and boy, did she also let me know that she was disappointed in my prowess. For a second, I wondered why. I wondered why she would be disappointed when in Sin City Wrestling, I’m four and one. Across wrestling, I’m like, twenty and seven and that’s like some positive percentage. Even with Miles comin’ in and, like, doing what he did, Artie and I came out with the win and we continue on in the tournament.

But she told me why.

It’s because I lost my oomph.

My sparkle.

The thing that makes me me.

And maybe it’s true, but I don’t think it’s permanent. Blast From the Past was really just a chance for me to sit there and get some experience under my belt in this company. I won’t like, lie at all…I never thought that I would get to the end of it, or even to the semi-finals. Like I said, it would have been by sheer luck, but now that we’re here…she told me I need to figure myself out.

As a kid, I was never one of those high achievers. I wasn’t like Finn, or Kayla, or even Johanna. I did what I did, and what I was good at made me happy. Cheerleading, gymnastics, ice skating – I wasn’t inactive, and I worked at what I did. Things came easy to me. I was always flexible, I learned to move quickly. So when I became a wrestler, things came easy for me. Until I got to Wolfslair, and until I got to some of my more prominent places, I didn’t have to try hard.

But Aaron reminded me that eventually, skating by won’t get me by, and at some point, I’m going to have to sit down and actually grit my teeth and get into it. This next match isn’t going to be Bea Barnhart. And as much of a fight angry Cordelia put up last week, we barely squished in. So now, when I look ahead and see what’s in front me…I realize that my usual method of going in and doing my best and hoping that my best is good enough isn’t going to work.

I have to do my best. That means that I have to come at this from a different angle. That I need to look at this not as just another match, but a match that has my life on the line. Everything that I hold dear to my heart needs to be thought of as I do this match. Aiden, because he believes in me to carry on where he couldn’t. Kayla, my bestie, because she’s waiting at the end of the line for me. At least, right now she is. And I believe that she will also be the champion after her match with Julianna DiMaria, because no matter what anyone thinks, Kayla has always put business first. And I have to do my best for Daxie, because he is my heart and my soul and my stars and everything I love, and I want to make everyone in my life proud to know me.

I don’t ever want to walk into Wolfslair again and have the feeling of disappointment saturatin’ the whole building. As much as I, like, love my real family, Wolfslair is just as much a family to me as anything else. We push each other, we build one another up – even if we don’t like each other. Hell, Aiden and my brother can’t stand one another, but if it meant success for the team, they would fight like hell together to win. I don’t want to come back there with egg on my face and a sad moment of regret this week that I didn’t do enough. I want to walk in there, and feel like I’ve made them all proud that I’m a part of them.

Do you know what that’s like?

Do either of you know what that’s like?

Like, is that why you bounce from company to company, Sean? And what about you, Luna? You an’ your hubby seem super angry about something that you feel exists.

Do either of you know what it’s like to have people feel proud of you?

I’m sorry guys, in this semi-final for the Blast From the Past, you’re not gonna get happy-go-lucky Kalliekins. You’re getting the one trained by some of the best. And while I’m gonna still be nice…

You’re not going to like what I have to say.


It was later in the day that my mother came home. She was dressed in her Air Force navy blue uniform, complete with the skirt, and took off her hat as she entered the door. My mother, Brigadier General Lauren Reznikski, hung her uniform jacket up in the closet and set everything as neatly as possible within it so that she could retrieve it in the morning. I looked a lot like my mother, with soft hazel eyes and blonde hair. Hers, of course, was in a tightly slicked back bun that was off her collar, no matter what the new regulations said.

Kenneth,” she said quietly. That was my mother’s tone of voice all the time – almost silent, barely above a whisper. I swear that was more frightening as a child than anything else. “There is a rental car in front of the house. Perhaps we need to contact the HOA–

She turned the corner. We were all in the kitchen, Aiden actually at the stove, cooking up some spaghetti bolognese. Dax and I sat at the counter, him on the counter in front of me and I was playing with him as he sat there, on his own. He giggled and cooed heavily and laughed hysterically as Aiden adopted an extremely high nasal tone and kept sayin’ “Hi, how’s it goin’?

Hi Mom,” I said when I saw her, giving her a smile.

She barely even smiled back. She looked at where I had Dax and frowned. “You should probably play on the floor, Kallisto. The baby could fall.

My smile faded and I looked at Dax, who giggled again. He was the baby, not even a name she could remember. Aiden looked at me from the stove and then piped up again, “Ah, Mrs. Reznikski, the tyke isn’t gonna move, hey. He’s just gigglin’ up a storm.

Oh, well…” my mother smiled, but it was a cold one. “I must have missed the chapter on poor choices in my parenting schema.” She turned her head and sniffed the air. “What is that smell?

Ah, it’s mince with a bit of–

It is what?

Mince,” I interjected. “It’s ground beef, Mom. That’s just what the Australians call it.

Another cold smile. “Well, we’re in America, so perhaps we should call it what the Americans call it.

Neither of us could say anything as she walked out of the room. I looked up at Aiden, who shrugged his shoulders. Her behavior embarrassed me on most occasions, and more than once I hoped that time would heal how she approached my relationship with Aiden. He was remarkably calm about it, as if he knew what it was like to be the disliked partner. Even when we were first dating, and we went to my house to meet my parents the first time, I would apologize profusely when she kept interrupting him to ask him what he said because she couldn’t understand his accent.

She could. She just wanted to be snarky about it.

Maybe we shouldn’t have come here…” I started.

Nah, love,” he shook his head, “you wanted to come see your family and get some time in with Dax, yeah? They’ll be right. Your dad did some readin’ with ‘em today, and yer mum–

Mom still calls him the baby.” I turned Dax to look at his father, and he cooed again. “How could you not say anything sweet about this face!” I pointed at his rosy cheeks.

Just a reminder that her little girl is gone and now is a woman makin’ her own choices,” he pointed the spoon he’d just had in the sauce at me. “She doesn’t like it, and she’s gonna rebel. Let her be a child about it and pout.

Aiden didn’t always offer sage advice, on account of everyone thinking he was a complete idiot. And he was content to let them think that too, because no one expected anything of him. I suspected it was honestly a buffer to his past – of which he gave me snippets of, but never let me know all of it. That was also okay. I wasn’t horribly angry about it. I just wanted him to be okay.

I nodded and looked at my baby, fully engrossed in him now. He was a year and a half almost, sitting up on his own, babbling his own words, imitating us. He knew how to say mama and dada, bottle, the unusual words that we said to him often enough.

Besides,” Aiden added, “if she doesn’t get with the program, we can just tell her it’s fuckin’ bullshite and move on.

Dax looked back at him, and then looked at me. “Fuhcen boolsheet!” He raised a hand with small rebellion.

Aiden stared at him and snorted. The color drained from my face though, although I wanted to laugh too. Eventually, I would tell him that wasn’t okay to say, but right now, the imitation was hilarious. I shook my head as my mother rentered the room, dressed in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt that was tucked in. She would never be caught dead appearing anything less than perfect.

I suppose I should check out the child,” she said, stepping forward and looking at him. She reached forward and picked him up, examining him as she held him up like Simba from the Lion King. “He seems healthy. Are you feeding him his proper nutritional cycle?

Yeah,” I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “He gets food four times a day, and he’s starting to eat solids. Doesn’t really like green beans though…

Dax knew exactly what I was saying, because he shook his head and slammed his eyes shut. “Fuhcen boolsheet!” He yelled.

My mother glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. I shrugged, but inwardly, I wanted to die. She was disappointed. And there was nothing more disappointing than a mother who hated her child.


Let’s talk about you first, Sean, shall we? A lot of people like to bring up the fact that you’re like…everywhere. I’ve been in a couple of companies at the same time, but you bounce around more than like…what’s his name…Matt Knox? Does. There’s one thing to say that you go from place to place, providing your talents and like…services…

Oh, don’t mistake me at all, okay? Like, it’s cool that you can bounce around to the Trials, and NPWA, and like, XWF, and all the places that everyone frequents. It’s like one big party and I guess I shouldn’t be, like, super surprised at everything you can do. I’m sure you make someone super proud. It’s just there there’s a saying for staying exclusive to a company. You gain more respect, and the rest of the roster doesn’t end up lookin’ at ya like an usurper to the progress everyone else has. Mark Cross over there comes in once yearly, sometimes wins the tourney and then ultimately loses and we all kinda have a giggle about it.

But I guess it’s like, here’s everyone ya know too. Your buddies you…erm…hang out with, they’ve graced these halls. You know Alexander Raven, who happens to be the husband of your partner, Luna Pasilno. And you knew Matthew Knox, who kinda comes around like the plague every so often and disappears when he doesn’t like…get accolades. I mean, you’re as guilty as the company you keep, ya know? That’s why my mom always instilled in me growin’ up so that I’d have good, ethical people around me. Especially since I’m such a rule follower…

But you’ve done pretty well. I know you’re gonna say all this hoopla about how you guys are great and me and Artie aren’t…but that’s where you’re wrong, mmkay? See, while you’re galavantin’ all over the world, Artie works here. He works hard, and from the minute he got thrown into this thing, he’s had the thought of proving everyone wrong. You can’t tell me the first thought that went through your brain wasn’t that this was gonna be a cake walk, right? Right.

I know Cordy-Wardy last week was all about saying how somehow everyone believes we were gonna make it into the finals, but I find that super hard to believe. You saw Artie and you assumed that you had it in the bag if you had to face us. He, the ROOKIE-Rookie and me, the Semi-Rookie who just had a baby last year and seems to be plucky as heck. I mean, at first I thought I was doomed, but then I got to work with him. And he is wonderful, okay? A little rough around the edges, but he fights hard and he doesn’t relent just cause people think less of him.

So Sean, I think you’re gonna find that this might be a little bit harder than your well-travelled butt was thinkin’. Artie’s got a lot of friendos in the back, and they’re rootin’ for him just as hard as my friends are rootin’ for me. Sometimes they get involved when they shouldn’t, and believe me, we’re gonna be havin’ some words about that when I see ‘em next, but I want you to be prepared. This isn’t gonna be easy. This isn’t gonna be fun. Artie is gonna fight harder than you expect, and I just want you to make sure that you take this as seriously as he’s takin’ it.

We want to be champions.

We’re going to be champions.

And now, I know I’m supposed to devote a lot of time to Luna, but I feel kinda like that’s what she wants. You know, being part of The Conspiracy. This awful thought that they’re stuck in this kinda Rocky Horror Time Warp where they can’t leave because Christian and Mark seem to have their figurative b…balls in a sling. Gosh, that was hard to say. She calls herself The Idol, but I wanna question that…like…

An idol is an image of someone or something to worship. A symbol. Like historically – my dad would get all excited about this – in Egypt, there were idols made for all of the gods, and they would wash them daily, they would leave offerings for them to eat. They were someone to love.

You make it really hard to love you, Luna.

Oh, I’m sure Mr. Raven does. I’m sure he loves you and would move the sun and the stars for you, but let’s face it. No one here loves you, and no one here can be forced to love you. Because you’re stuck here, you’re throwing what equates to a temper tantrum. Listening to you week in and week out talk about how you don’t deserve this and that, and that what you deserve is to be on top of this whole field…it’s grating. Extremely grating, and not all that deserving of veneration.

You talk about how everyone thinks you’re crazy. I don’t think you’re crazy…per se, I just don’t think you’ve had positive attention for anything….like…ever. You’re constantly fightin’ this battle that exists for primarily you and the mirror; you keep talkin’ about how no one thinks of you as a decent competitor. That you’ve had to prove yourself by throwing people into tables and being an absolute monster.

Funny story!

I’ve done that too. My first company was totally a deathmatch company, and like, I won the Brightburn Championship in a street fight in a frickin’ like…aquarium. I used a piiiiirrrranha to bite my opponents arm and I threw her into the tank and there was water everywhere, and–

Sorry, I got excited.

See, that’s the thing I love about this business. The crazier it is, the more fun it is, and like…this opportunity that lays in front of all of us is crazy. It lays out the best contenders, it brings out the best in people. I want to win this just as much as you do, and as much as you’re like, salivating to see your hunny at the end, you have to also face the fact that if you pass me, you might have to face him.

And that’s never a good thing, especially for your cohorts in crime.

You were confident and you were certain against Roux…more confident and certain than you were when you faced Courtney last year. Even when you had a one up on Zoey Lukas, and when you’ve faced Kat Jones over and over again like she actually like…matters…at this point. So I gotta assume that you’re gonna come up confident against me and you should be! Just like I am against you.

This isn’t a one-sided battle between us, Lulu. I’m good at what I do and I can cause much more damage than you think. Because like...I’m not just a cute little blonde with a happy-go-lucky personality and a silly husband. I’m not just a rookie who doesn’t deserve to be here. I’m a fighter, I’m a member of Wolfslair, and I am one-hundred-percent more interested in kicking your butt so that I can get higher and higher. You need this opportunity to fix your blunders in this company. Me? I need this so I can prove to you, and to every other woman in this tournament that I deserve to be here. That I want to be here, and that I can do all the same things that everyone else can.

Want me to slam you into a burning table? Sure.

Want me to hurl you into a glass case? I mean, that doesn’t feel so good, but bring me one and we can do it.

I want this. I want the opportunity. I want to help Artie succeed in his endeavors, and I want to make sure that my name goes down in infamy as a leader in this company. I look at my friends and I see what they can do, and I know that with their strength behind me, I can do anything that I put my mind to.

And that means defeating you, Luna. Defeating you and Sean Parker, who’s here for a cup of coffee and probably gone tomorrow when the title opportunity fades into like…dust. Fwoosh, there it goes.

You’re gonna underestimate me. Just like everyone else does, but unlike everyone else, I think you’re gonna understand where I come from. They don’t want people like us at the top, Luna. They don’t want people with drive, and they want people they can control. But the less control that there is, that means the more eventful the end result.

Assuming Kayla wins the championship again? What better to be seen than Kayla Richards facing her bestie and hurling all the insults she can at her while simultaneously knowing that said bestie is gonna fire back at her? The War of Friends, the War of Fam, the War of Bestie. BESTIE TROUBLE! I would pay for it.

Because Kay and I would make it something special. You? I mean, I know you’ve gotten better and more resilient in this company, but let’s face it Lu…when it comes to the things that matter…you choke harder than like…the chick in 50 Shades of Gray. You’ve had so many opportunities, and what have they given you except a bad attitude and a bitter mouth?

I may have lost to Harper, but at least I kept that with grace in my hand. I could never be as bitter or self-centered as you, my new friend. Because I want to face the best, and if I lose? Then I’ve learned something.

But don’t mistake me, kay? Luna, Sean…I don’t care that you guys think you’ve got the best ticket in the house. Artie and I are gonna come up in your zone and we’re gonna kick butt. You can bet on that. And when your backs are on the mat, I’ma come over and raise your hand. Because you’re good at what you do. But you’re not me.

Like, good luck, new friend! I wish you the very best, and I hope we have a great match.

I’ll see you on the other side, okay?

Climax Control Roleplays / “Another Chance!”
« Last post by Caleb Storms on May 24, 2024, 09:32:41 PM »
Caleb and Nakita would get knocked out in the first round of the Blast from the Past Tournament but Caleb’s return to SCW wasn’t done yet as he had been entered into the Fresh Face Battle Royal that was serving as this week’s main event! But who were his opponents?

Teddy Warren, Jamie Dean, Bill Barnhart, Rodrigo Afonso, Lyle Kasey Jr., and Justin Smith! Winner faces Finn Whelan for the World Heavyweight Championship and Finn was on commentary to boot! Can Caleb win?

Caleb’s hotel room, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Friday the 24th of May 2024, 13:00pm

Didn’t think I was going to get this second chance but here I am, competing in SCW for the second time this month!

Hell I was relaxing at home when I got the call, it literally went “hey Caleb, we need faces for a Battle Royal, winner is Finn’s challenger at Into the Void, you in?” and, well, how could I refuse? And just so we’re clear that was before I knew that Teddy and Bill where in this thing as well.

Throw in a guy who I never faced in my original run because he was before my time (Jamie Dean) and two new opponents (Rodrigo Afonso and Justin Smith) and yeah, this is going to be a hell of a match, and probably my last chance to get on the Into the Void card so yeah, there’s that part of it too.

“So, partnership with Nakita didn’t work out but she landed on her feet at least.” Katie commented as she just finished getting caught up on SCW programming since my run in the Blast from the Past Tournament got cut short. “And it looks like The Conspiracy will be laughing all the way to the bank because there’s a decent chance that Alexander and Luna’s teams will meet in the finals.”

”I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t want to see that.” I commented with a shrug as as sat down on my bed. ”Not too familiar with Raven or Luna but tag team partners clashing in the Blast from the Past Finals is something I’m surprised has never happened in SCW before.”

“Won’t be a true clash off course, due to SCW’s gender rules and all.” Katie responded with a shrug and I nodded in agreement. “And after all that you’ve got this Fresh Face Battle Royal, thoughts on this Caleb?”

”You know my history with Bill and Teddy! Hell I faced Bill in my one and only Blast from the Past Match.” I responded with a shrug and Katie nodded as she got the idea, ”Jamie was before my time off course but Rodrigo, LJ, and Justin? I’m interested to see how I stack up to those new guys.”

“Well, from what I’ve seen Rodrigo and LJ are also high flyers but Justin’s just a hardcore brawler, he also didn’t have any wins prior to joining the tournament so good for him on that front.” “Katie commented with a nod as she looked at her information. “But the nature of a Battle Royal means that high flying isn’t a good idea because all it would take is one opportunistic opponent to send you flying and you have history with two of them.”

”Yep! And Bill and Teddy are about as opportunistic as they come.” I nodded in response as I rested my hands behind my head. ”Either way? My Blast from the Past return may have been a dud but at least I’m getting a chance to make up for it.”

“Damn right!” Katie nodded in agreement before the topic shifted elsewhere.

Gettysburg Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Friday the 24th of May 2024, 16:00pm

*promo time*

Guess who’s back? Back again.

”What? Did you think you were done with me that quickly? Well, you were half right! I did return home to Syracuse after my elimination from the Blast from the Past Tournament but after I got the offer to compete in this Battle Royal? I jumped right on it!” I stated as I walked through the Gettysburg National Park. ”and that was before I knew Teddy and Bill were in this thing as well as Jamie, LJ, Rodrigo and Justin! What can I say? I missed this place!”

Let’s start with my old enemies.

”We can’t escape each other Bill! That seems to be a unwritten rule of SCW, doesn’t it? Whenever we are both around “The Metal Storm” has to face Old Fart Barnhart!” I stated with a grin as I folded my arms. ”And believe me, I’ll use this Battle Royal to finish what we started in the match with Nakita and Roux! Which of course means I’m going to beat you!”


”Teddy Warren, the persistent cockroach of the men’s division, how many returns is it now Teddy? And once again, this one has fallen flat on its face.” I started as I folded my arms. ”Remember what we feuded over who was the better musician? Good times, remember when I eliminated you from this Battle Royal? Well, that hasn’t happened yet but it will!”

And the rest.

”I don’t mean any disrespect to LJ, Jamie, Rodrigo, and Justin but I don’t know enough about you guys to address you one at a time, I know Jamie was before my time, I know LJ and Prodrigo would be great individual match ups for me because we’re all high flyers and I know Justin is a flat out brawler who recently won his first match, but aside from that?” I could only shrug. ”I don’t have much to say to you guys except good luck!”

It's that simple.

”Because you will need it! Last time I held a title not only did I lose it after one defence but my arm got dislocated, why yes it did hurt!” I patted my once injured arm ”And this Sunday I’ll show you all that I’m back with a vengeance when I win this battle royal and book my ticket to Into the Void!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Finn, I know you’ll be watching and all I can say to you is good luck in our title match!” I added as I grinned broadly. ”I’ve waited three years to return and I’m not letting it go to waste so to my opponents? Just let the Metal Storm descend upon you!”

I walked off as the scene fades.
Climax Control Roleplays / Revenge
« Last post by JustinSmith on May 24, 2024, 07:43:13 PM »
The scene opens up with Justin Smith exploring the various Battle of Gettysburg sites in Gettysburg PA.  He stops to talk about him losing to a manager in the Blast From The Past Tournament.

Justin-I am not happy about losing to Artie in the Blast From the Past tournament due to outside interference by Miles Kasey, but I am getting another opportunity for the World title shot, so I guess I can’t really complain.  Even though I’m going to be in a multi man match, I’m not liking my chances, but to be considered for this match is an honor nonetheless.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can continue exploring the sites and seeing any re-enactments as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to explore more of Gettysburg, but turns to call out his opponents for the Fresh Face Battle Royal.

Justin-Teddy Warren, Caleb Storms, Jamie Dean, Bill Barnhart, Rodrigo Afonso, and Lyle Kasey Jr. 6 men that I am facing in order to face Finn Whelan for the World Heavyweight Championship.  6 people I have to eliminate, if I play my cards right.  Odds aren’t in my favor, but I do not care because I am going to do whatever it takes to become the next number one contender.

Justin then turns his attention to Finn Whelan.

Justin-Finn, regardless of if I win this battle Royal or not, know that your title reign is coming to a close at the next show, so hold that title tight, shine it up real good because your days with that title are numbered.

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.
Meeting up with an old friend
Battlegrounds Café & Grille
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had received a call from her old boss, Star Stormz, saying that she wanted to meet up with her to talk about an offer.  Alexandra knew that Star was one of the best bosses she had ever worked for and if the truth be told, she would work for any company that had Star in the spot she had been in with PWS: Apex.  Arriving at the little cafe, Alexandra found her quickly and spoke.

“Hey Star.” She took a seat and made a quick order with the waiter.  “So what was it that you needed to talk to me about? Is PWS: Apex coming back?”

“In a manner of speaking… yes. We have rebranded and are now PWS:Legacy. As our last World Champion I felt it only right to bring a contract offer to you personally.” Star kept her eyes on Alexandra, knowing what she had to offer her.

She looked at Star, that wasn’t something that happened every day. A personally delivered invitation back. She took a sip of her drink. 

“Now that’s not something that happens every day.  And I can’t say it’s something I’ve had happen before.  So PWS is back, but different.  Are the issues of the time passed as well?”

She leaned back in her seat relaxing a bit. Star let out a slight chuckle.

“Yes, our past problems are no longer problems. I have a brand new staff, 2 of which are returning and well trusted legends. I am quite confident in this relaunch, and I hope you find the details in this offered contract sufficient.”

She slides a manilla folder towards Alexandra. Alexandra takes the envelope and opens it, rolling over the contract deals.

“Wait.. so I get a chance to claim the PWS Legacy World Championship in a match against an unnamed opponent at the first pay per view?” She thought about that for a moment, giving it some real consideration. PWS had been very good to her and the talent there had been top notch. “Wow, I must have left a lasting mark on Apex.”

Alexandra gave another giggle, listening to everything that Star was offering her. She knew that Star was honest.

“That's an understatement,  to say the least. I always held you in high regard, as do the fans. Should you decide to rejoin us, you are correct. Our first pay per view event you will automatically be in the World Title Match against an opponent who wins a qualifier on our return show. I do hope everything under the… perks and bonuses… section is to your liking?”

Alexandra chuckled hard and nodded.

“The perks and bonuses are icing on the cake Star.  I must say you are really making it easy to say yes.” She gave a soft chuckle at the added bonuses. “Well Star, I would say you got yourself a deal.  I would love to help launch PWS: Legacy.”

She extends her hand. Star reciprocate with a firm handshake before sliding a pen over.

“All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Welcome home, Alexandra.”

Alexandra signed her name on the dotted line and smiled. 

“Now.. let's make history. Give me your best and I'll show you that you haven't placed your trust in someone who can't handle it.”

She smiled and slid the contract back over to her.

“Perfect! I’ll have a copy made for you. Now… onto a bit less of business. How have you  been?”

Alexandra looked at her with a soft nod of her head.

“Well I’m sure you know that I divorced Sanders.  That was clear before the sad closing of PWS: Apex. But life now has become, well, interesting…” She gave a soft giggle. “Just know that even with my schedule, PWS: Legacy will have my attention.”

“Yes, I heard about the divorce. I'm glad to hear we have your attention. You have a bright future in PWS, I'm sad it got cut short. Glad to see you have been thriving here in Sin City Wrestling. They are good people here.”

“They do. I’ve made friends with Miles Kasey, he became my tag team partner. And Carter, is amazing.  Sin City has been good to me.  Now, I have a tournament to finish trying to win.” She laughed softly. “How have you been?”

“Working tirelessly to get things going again. Running a company and getting everything set is a Never Ending process. But it was worth it. Cut some red tape here, knock out some drama there, sign my life away…"

She chuckled softly as she took a sip of her drink

“But things are falling into place.”

“I’m glad to hear that they are. I know it couldn’t have been easy. I remember from when I ran American Made Wrestling.”  She gave her a smile and sipped her drink.  “I heard through the grapevine that there was a lot of red tape and knocking out to deal with. Sorry I couldn’t be there to help out. I would have taken great pleasure in busting his skull.”  She winked.

“I believe that there was a line. But we handled things. It has opened the doors for a lot of returns. Great things are happening, that's for sure.”

“Well how about this?”  Alexandra pulls a ticket out for the show. “Come see the show.. Enjoy the show for the night.”

Star smiled and nodded

“Deal. It's been too long since I've just watched a wrestling show I had no hand in producing.”

“Well now you have an excuse.”

The two old friends have a laugh and share a meal.  Alexandra knew that it was only a matter of time before PWS: Legacy would see what she was like now. With the contract signing out of the way, she was going to need to focus on winning the tournament.

Queens Blog
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

What’s up everyone? I hope that you are all doing well.  It’s great to be back on American soil. I’ve missed being home so much. Flying back and forth was getting crazy. Still, I do it for the love of the game. Who could have known that the team would make it this far. Not me and I still feel like I’m dreaming. I can’t wait to see my family, not that I mind letting my family spend time with my daughter, but it’s been her and I through everything. Despite my shortcomings, she’s never stopped believing in me. And I’ll never stop being her biggest supporter.

Goodness so much has happened hasn’t it? From weeks of losing to weeks of winning match after match.  Who ever could have known that the woman who couldn’t make it past round one last year, has stood next to the same partner, week after week, winning match after match, until we have finally reached the semi finals?  No one. If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be teaming with Raven again and win, I’d laugh and ask you what drugs you were on and if I could get some. Last year didn’t go well for us, this year, look at us soar.

But here it is and it’s really happening. Just look at who we’ve gone through so far. Shay Owens and Jamie Dean, both of them gave us a pretty good fight and for a moment there, it could have been the same outcome as last year, out in the first round. Then we went on to face Peter Vaughn and the VERY woman who cost us the match last year, Bobbie Dahl.  Now, I wont say that they didn’t come carrying a strong chance, because they did. They gave us a run for our money and could have gotten there, if it wasn’t for one misstep. That misstep, was what opened the door to the pin and the win.

That win brought back my Bombshell Roulette Title. It brought back the first title I ever held in this company and I intend to defend it with everything I have in me. Until I have no blood to bleed and no breath left in my lungs. To take this, you’ll have to end me. You will have to spill every drop of my blood until there is nothing left. It’s not going to be easy work either.  I plan on proving to everyone that my winning this wasn’t a fluke, that it wasn’t just a bad day for Bobbie Dahl.  I will defend this title until the time comes when someone isn’t afraid of what that wheel can give us. It seems that it was always the luck of the draw and when it comes down to brass tacks, that’s just what life is. You take the cards you're dealt and you show that you are capable of living with what happens next.


Video Message
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra had just finished up her blog posting when her phone vibrated on the table next to her. She looked down to see the name there. 

                                             ALEXANDER RAVEN

She took a deep breath, she knew that they were supposed to have a sit down together.  To talk things through, but they kept having missed connections, or delays in flights. It was crazy. To think that even at three weeks in while most of the other teams are meeting up and having conversations, but Alexandra and Raven seemed to work better without the constant conversations and sit downs. They worked better this way.  Maybe that’s what caused them to do badly last year. The sit down. They could talk after. Hitting the button, she started recording a message back. At least they would know each other’s thoughts on the match.

“It’s alright. I’ve started to think that maybe our not hanging out constantly helped us this time. We are showing a great amount of trust in each other. A trust that these other teams aren’t showing. There was too much going on between our sides last time, this time.. We did this. After this is all over, we should sit down and have that drink. Either way, however this goes, we’ve made it this far.”

She took a moment to pause her body was sore, but she would make it through this match and the next and the next. She missed her family, but something told her everything would be worth it in the end.

“We both kicked ass so hard. I’m proud of us. I thought it was going to be you for a minute there. But thank you for the congratulations. I would have been happy for us either way. But think about this, if we get there to the end, think of what we can get. I know that we can do this. It will be an honor to stand across the ring from Luna again. This time, perhaps we both will respect each other more. In the end I’ll have your back too. I want you to know that. I need you to understand that no matter the outcome, I’m proud of what we’ve done here and I hope that you are proud of your spot too.”

She paused again, her eyes closing for a moment and she opened them nodding.

“How about this, let’s meet up once this tournament is over. We can celebrate the win! I know that we can do this, we just need to maintain focus and keep kicking ass like we have recently. See you at the show Raven. You're welcome.”

With that she pressed the button to end the call, seeing that another call was coming in.  She answered it.

“Hey bro what’s up?”

Alexandra smiled hearing her brother’s voice.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know that Ashlynn wanted to come see you. She wanted to be there for the match, so we booked her the first flight that we could. She should be landing in about two hours. I know she can’t wait to see you.”

She laughed softly. Always leave it to her brother to know just what she needed.

“Thank you Damien. I’ve missed her.”

“She’s missed you too. Now go out there and show her just what all the time apart is worth. Go out there and win the match for her.”

“I will and I’ll head to the airport now. It’s about an hour drive up there. So I want to be early, that way just in case the flights are early. I don’t want her sitting around the airport with nothing to do while waiting for me.”

“Good call.  We will be watching from Dallas.”

“Thanks. Say Hi to Mika for me.”

“Good luck. Don’t do anything too stupid. And I will, you have my word.”

“I wont.”

She hung up the phone and headed to the airport. Sometimes family was the best medicine. She couldn’t wait to bring Ashlynn to the show.

The Best Medicine is Family
Harrisburg International Airport
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Alexandra Calaway stood near the arrival gate at Harrisburg International Airport, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and excitement. She glanced at the large digital clock on the wall. The flight from Dallas was due to land any minute now. Adjusting the collar of her black leather jacket, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing thoughts. It had been months since she last saw Ashlynn, and the separation had been difficult for both of them.

The airport was bustling with activity, travelers rushing past with luggage in tow, families reuniting, and business people making their way to their next destination. Despite the chaos, Alexandra felt a sense of calm wash over her. Soon, she would be holding her daughter in her arms again.

She scanned the crowd, her sharp eyes searching for any sign of Ashlynn. Her thoughts drifted to the last time they were together, recalling the tears and promises exchanged. As a wrestler, Alexandra’s schedule was grueling and unpredictable, but she had always made a vow to be there for Ashlynn as much as she could. The weeks of separation had been hard, but the thought of this moment had kept her going.

The loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing the arrival of the flight from Dallas. Alexandra’s heart skipped a beat. She moved closer to the gate, her eyes fixed on the doors where passengers would soon emerge. The minutes felt like hours, and she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, her patience wearing thin.

Finally, the doors slid open, and a stream of passengers began to flow out. Alexandra’s eyes darted from face to face, searching for the one she had been longing to see. Then, she spotted her—a petite girl with dark hair and sparkling eyes, dragging a bright purple suitcase. Ashlynn.

A wide smile spread across Alexandra’s face as she pushed through the crowd, her focus entirely on her daughter. “Ashlynn!” she called out, her voice breaking with emotion.

Ashlynn’s face lit up when she saw her mother. She let go of her suitcase and ran towards Alexandra, her arms outstretched. “Mom!”

They collided in a tight embrace, both of them holding on as if they never wanted to let go. Alexandra buried her face in Ashlynn’s hair, the familiar scent bringing a rush of memories and emotions. “I missed you so much, sweetheart,” she whispered, her voice thick with tears.

“I missed you too, Mom,” Ashlynn replied, her voice muffled against Alexandra’s jacket.

After a long moment, they finally pulled apart, but Alexandra kept her hands on Ashlynn’s shoulders, as if to reassure herself that her daughter was really there. She studied Ashlynn’s face, noting the changes—the slightly longer hair, the hint of maturity in her features. “You’ve grown,” she said with a smile.

Ashlynn shrugged, a shy smile playing on her lips. “Maybe a little.”

Alexandra chuckled and ruffled Ashlynn’s hair. “Let’s get your luggage and get out of here. I have a big surprise planned for you.”

They retrieved Ashlynn’s suitcase and made their way to the parking lot.

“I wish I could come to the show this weekend,” Ashlynn said as they reached Alexandra’s car, a sleek black SUV.

“Well I guess it’s a good thing you came this weekend then isn’t it? Because you are getting to come to the show.” She giggled and tousled her daughter's hair, before they drove back towards the hotel.

They arrived at the hotel, it was a charming place. Alexandra had chosen it specifically for its cozy, welcoming atmosphere. They checked her daughter in and headed to their room, where Ashlynn immediately claimed the bed by the window.

“This place is amazing!” Ashlynn exclaimed, bouncing on the bed. “Thank you, Mom.”

Alexandra laughed, setting her bag down on the other bed. “I’m glad you like it. And this is just the beginning. We have a lot to do before showtime.”

After unpacking, they decided to take a walk to get dinner at the cafe by the battlegrounds.  While walking they had time to talk.

As they walked, Ashlynn suddenly stopped and looked up at her mother. “Mom, do you ever get scared?”

Alexandra was taken aback by the question. She crouched down to be at eye level with Ashlynn. “Sometimes,” she admitted. “But being scared isn’t a bad thing. It just means you’re about to do something really brave.”

Ashlynn nodded thoughtfully. “I get scared sometimes, too. But I feel braver when I’m with you.”

Alexandra’s heart swelled with love and pride. She hugged Ashlynn tightly. “And I feel braver when I’m with you, too. We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”

Ashlynn smiled and nodded. “The best team.”

They continued their walk, eventually finding a small café where they stopped for hot chocolate and pastries. They sat by the window, watching the world go by as they talked about everything and nothing. Alexandra cherished these moments, knowing how fleeting they could be.

Later that night, back at the hotel, Alexandra tucked Ashlynn into bed. As she sat on the edge of the bed, brushing a strand of hair from Ashlynn’s face, she felt a deep sense of contentment. No matter the challenges and obstacles she faced in the wrestling ring, nothing could compare to the love she felt for her daughter.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” she whispered, kissing Ashlynn’s forehead.

“Goodnight, Mom,” Ashlynn murmured, already half-asleep.

Alexandra watched her daughter for a moment, her heart full. Then, she stood up and walked to the window, looking out at the city lights. Tomorrow would bring new adventures and challenges, but for now, she was exactly where she needed to be—by her daughter’s side.

As she gazed out into the night, she made a silent promise to herself and to Ashlynn. No matter what the future held, she would always fight for their moments together, ensuring that their bond remained unbreakable.

This isn’t a war, this is just a small battle
Undisclosed location
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

The camera opens, focusing on a dark, shadowy place. The atmosphere is tense, with only a single flickering light casting eerie shadows on the area around the camera. Alexandra Calaway, dressed in her signature dark attire, steps into the frame from out of the shadows. Her face is a mask of determination and intensity.

“Eiley... we meet again. How long has it been since our last encounter? Weeks? Months? A year? Time has a way of blending together when you're constantly battling in the ring. But one thing remains clear in my mind... our last match. The night you beat me. I remember every detail. The crowd's roar, the pain coursing through my body, and the sight of your hand raised in victory. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but I took it. I took that loss and let it fuel the fire inside me.”

She took a deep breath, knowing she needed to keep the focus she’s had this round of the tournament. She had been working hard to make sure that her team would walk out on top each and every time they stepped into that ring and so far, they had.

“You see, Eiley, losses are like scars. They might fade with time, but they never truly disappear. They remind us of our past, of our weaknesses. I have a great many of those scars in my twenty four years in this industry. And I've spent every single day since that match confronting my own weaknesses. I've trained harder, fought fiercer, and pushed myself beyond my limits. All because of the many failures I’ve had in that ring. But there is none greater than the loss of my first Blast from the Past tournament. That loss stung and the last time I stepped foot into the Sin City Wrestling ring, I took out the very same person who took my shot at winning this whole thing last year. You know it’s funny, we’ve now come full circle. Because it was roughly a year ago that you, yourself beat me. Only difference is, in that time I’ve made myself a two time Bombshell Roulette Champion.”

She allowed a moment for everything she had just stated to sink in. All the hard work that she and Raven had put in, the battles they had fought to get to this point, she refused to let it be in vain. Each time she won, she wasn’t just winning this for Raven or Herself, she was doing it for her family.  She did it for each person out there who was told they couldn’t do it.

“You may have beaten me before, but the woman standing before you today is not the same woman you faced then. I've evolved. I've grown stronger, smarter, and more ruthless. Every victory since then has been a testament to my resilience, to my unwillingness to be defined by my many losses. We all have our good and bad days, don’t we Eiley.  You’ve had your fair share, I’ve seen them. But what about you, Eiley? Have you grown complacent with your victory? Have you convinced yourself that you have my number? Because if you have, you're in for a rude awakening. Underestimating me would be the biggest mistake of your career, but I’m sure you are well aware of this by now.”

She stayed within the candle’s glow, something inside her swelled. Was that pride? She hadn’t been on that much of a losing streak, look at her record so far. It wasn’t that bad. She had been on a roll of late and she wasn’t going to stop now. Not for anyone.

“Each match I step into, is another chance at redemption. Another shot to prove that I am more than you all seem to think. Most people look at me and see a veteran of the ring and yet, show none of the respect. They laugh, they make jokes and they attack the very foundation of the industry that has paid my bills. This is about proving that no matter how many times I’m knocked down I get back up and I keep fighting, until there’s nothing left in the tank. It's about proving to everyone that I rise back up each and every time. And each time I come back it’s more dangerous than before, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win.”

Eiley had talent, she had style, but she lacked in the department of any means necessary. She wouldn’t be able to face up against Alexandra in that department. She wouldn’t do it, couldn’t even if she wanted to.

“I said it earlier, the Alexandra you faced a year ago, she’s not the same woman now. That woman was a shell of who she had once been, still heartbroken over the kidnapping of her daughter, unsure of herself and her career, personal life in shambles, brain all over the place. That woman isn't the one you look at now. This one is different. I’m not afraid to do what must be done. I can’t wait to show you what it’s like now that this fire inside of me burns brighter and hotter than ever.”

Everything Alexandra did now was for her daughter. She did it to show her that you can do anything you put your mind to. People like Eiley, are flash in the pans, they start bright, burning fast and hard, like a shooting star and then fizzle and crash. 

“Eiley, you have been doing so well in the tournament, but it’s time you rest now. Let me take it from here. I’m certain that you could use the break darling. So you are two for one this year, so far. Well it will be an honor to put you at two for two, this year alone. However I must give you your props, so far you have been on a roll, you are two wins deep, but it ends here. Just in case you haven’t noticed, my team has been on fire, already taking two teams out of the tournament. I was the Bombshell Roulette Champion for one hundred and forty-seven days. Tell me Eiley, do you think you honestly have what it takes to face me, now that I’ve changed.  The question I must ask you Eiley, is are you willing to do the same? I’m sure I already know the answer to that. Your record speaks for itself my dear. But, knowing your partner, he might see things differently. He might push you beyond the limits you have set for yourself. Whereas my partner and I, if you haven’t noticed, are on the same page.”

She got a smile on her face, bright, and excited.

“Which brings me to your partner, Mark Cross, Mister I’ve won this tournament before. Just because you’ve won, doesn’t mean you’ll always win.  Isn’t that right Mark? You know that better than anyone here. You win some, you lose some. At least, in my years of experience that’s always been the case. You see, I understand you Mark, I get it. You are seasoned, like me. You’ve won this before, that’s the only difference I see between us my dear.  Your little friend Eiley, seems to think that you two can defeat myself and the Raven. Its her own personal conspiracy theory.  Perhaps teaming with you has been a good thing for her. But she’s still being someone else’s shadow, not her own wrestler. Not the woman she dreams of one day being. You know, someone more like.. Well me.”

There was something so freeing about being able to speak her peace, knowing that her tag team partner will have her back.  Having received a video from him earlier that day, assuring her that no matter the outcome, he was in this to win it. And she believed in him, she believed in their team.

“You see Mark, I respect you. I respect what you have done in this industry. Your name is well known and I’ve heard the people that say Raven and Calaway cannot beat him.  That’s the thing my friends. We don’t need to beat him. All it takes is one solid mistake, one misstep and the win is ours. You don’t even have to be the one who’s pinned. That’s the beautiful part in this. You don’t have to be the one who fails your team. But, let’s face the facts here. Alexander Raven is primed. The man is off the chain and willing to do whatever it takes. Hell each week that we’ve stepped into this ring since the tournament began, we’ve put our bodies on the line. I’ve stepped into each and every match with the same goal. Walk out the winner. I know what Raven is capable of doing to you. I know that he is in this to win it. He will march on my command into that ring and destroy you. Just as I will for him.”

She took a moment to pause again, knowing each second counted. Each word held meaning. When she and Raven stepped into that ring, they both had the same goal in mind. Win by any means necessary, including hurting themselves or their opponents.

“That’s the difference between all of us. Raven and I, we aren’t afraid to destroy either of you. Eiley may believe she has the upper hand because she’s beaten me before. She may assume that I underestimate her. In my twenty four years in this industry I’ve never truly underestimated my opponents. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes as a competitor. I’ve taken my losses with dignity and pride. I don’t wallow or whine. I pick up and keep going because that is what a champion does. That’s what a warrior does. Tell me Mark, do you have the balls to stand in the ring across from us and not look at your opponent and know you’ve already lost? She wants to be more than someone’s shadow. She wants to be a champion, but from where I’m standing, she’s still in someone’s shadow, riding the coattails of another to greatness. She did it to Oz and she’s doing it to you. Look me in the eyes and tell me I’m wrong.”

She took a deep breath, her next words, pointed like a knife’s edge.

“Mark, Eiley, these are your last moments in this tournament. You will walk into that ring with your head held high and go out, with it hung low.  Perhaps not in shame. Because I respect you both, despite what Eiley believes.”

She pauses looking at the camera, with a smile.

“This is your final warning. When we step into that ring, there's no turning back. No mercy. No hesitation. Only the relentless pursuit of victory. And I promise you, Eiley, this time, it will be different. This time, your team will fall. And Raven and I... will rise.”

With that she backs into the darkness, fading from view.
It’s really funny how the world works at times. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in the moment. One can have a dream but it’s really going above and beyond to make it a reality that counts at the end of the day. When I first came to this company all of those years ago it truthfully it was to just try something different. It was to have fun and to support my wife Kate Steele at the time. I know I became larger than life. I ascended through the ranks. I became a household name by winning the Roulette Championship and even going as far as winning the Internet Championship.
I felt like I was having the time of my life. Add in the fact that I gained a lot of notoriety by making a name for myself as a cross dresser and even winning most hated star. That felt like it was the icing on the cake and wrestling became as fun as it possibly could. It didn’t matter if people booed or cheered. As long as I was getting a reaction I knew that it was worth it. When I had won the Mixed Tag Team Championship with Kate Steele. I knew at that very moment that there was something special about me. I knew that there was much more than just the simple dream of supporting my wife.
That is when the dream slowly started to change, and in that moment I only had one thought on my mind. I wanted to be considered the best. I want to go down in the history books. Hell if things work in the way that I really wanted them to work. I could even go as far as being a Hall of Famer. I now know that is the end goal and I would do anything in my power to get there.
So with this new dream of simply trying to be the best I did what I could to get there. I signed up to be in the Blast from the Past and I poured my entire heart into that tournament. I was overly excited when I got paired up with Kat Jones. I mean Kat is the younger sister of Kimberly Pain who had been training my sister. She is also the woman who took the Roulette Championship away from my former wife. I know she had all of the drive in the world to go out to that tournament and do the unthinkable.
The way I saw things and the way she saw them must have been different because she just didn’t show that drive. As a matter of fact, she hasn’t really said anything about the tournament or anything like that after getting eliminated. At the end of the day it’s unfortunate because she didn’t have it in her. Normally I wouldn’t mind and I was Kat all the best in the world
However, what she did has affected me and now I was forced to take an early exit from the tournament. The moment that Luna had pinned Kat Jones I knew that my journey had ended. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I took a long walk of shame back to the locker room.
How was I to handle with the reality that my dreams were going to fade away?!
How do I go back to my wife Michelle and tell her that her husband couldn’t deliver on his promise?!
Most importantly how do I hold my seven month old daughter Marlene and tell her that her father was a failure?
There were so many negative thoughts running through my mind and I just wanted to run away from it all. Things were looking as bad as they could possibly be but that was until I received a phone call from Christian Underwood last week that would change my entire world. He told me that there was no active challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship and that a battle royal would happen to determine who would face Finn Whelan at the Super Card. I am not a member of the active roster but the very moment that he asked me that question is the moment that I realized that I just couldn’t say no.
When life seems to chew you up and spit you out, you think it’s all over because one door closes in your face. However, in the midst of everything that is when another door opens. Now the way has been shown to me, you can bet your bottom dollar that not only will I walk through that door but I am going to break that thing off of its hinges and storm through the thing.
Opportunities like this don’t come often and there is always more than one way to get to the destination. Of course I am entering the Battle Royal and you better believe that I will win this match. I don’t care who is in this match but I know it’s all or nothing. I can get what I want and unlike the tournament I don’t have to rely on anybody but myself.
Watch out world because it is indeed Teddy time and he refuses to be stopped. Not now and certainly not ever. Of course I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that the dreams of a 37-year-old man come true but more importantly than that. I am doing this for my thirteen-year-old and my seven month old daughters.
I want them to learn the valuable lesson that just because things don’t go your way that doesn’t mean you should give up and quit on your dreams. One needs to persevere and you keep on going no matter how hard the journey might seem. As long as the heart is beating you have it in you to make ends meet and to prove to the world that you are deserving. The more you try at something is the better you get at it, and with enough hard work you can accomplish anything.
I will win… I refuse to give up, and I won’t until I have a chance to make my dreams come true…

Long Island, New York
Where it all began
One phone call had changed Teddy’s entire perspective about where he was in his life. He could hear the sentence from Christian Underwood as clear as day. It was as if it was happening over and over again, “Do you want to be in a fresh face battle royal to determine a World Championship contender.” That is the only sentence that had played in Teddy’s head, and of course with the response of “yes” Teddy Warren knew he had work to do. Climax Control was set to take place in the city of the site of one of the United States most famous battle grounds in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. However, before Teddy would dare to step foot in such a historic place he wanted to go back to the basics. He wanted to go home which going back to Long Island, New York.
Teddy had arrived at a medium sized hi-ranch home on Long Island. He smiled as he ran up the steps until he reached the front door of the house. He pulled a key out of his pocket and thought about sliding it into the door but instead he decided to ring the doorbell. He waited in anticipation and it wasn’t that long until he could hear the steps of somebody in the background. The door swung open and standing on the opposite side was an older woman who smiled at him in return.
“Todd is that really you?! Long time no see…”
Teddy had tears in his eyes as she kept looking at the woman. He was slow but he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her in tightly for a hug.
“I missed you so much mom… I feel like I have so much to tell you and I don’t even know where to begin…”
She just smiled as she kept her eyes locked on him.
“Todd you don’t’ have to say anything. Why don’t you come inside and make yourself comfortable?! Your brother and sister are both here… I prepared supper and I thought we could have a big family dinner. It has been so long since I had all of my kids at the house. This is definitely going to be a good day indeed. I hope you brought my grandchildren because if you happened to come all the way from California without bringing them I am really going to be upset…”
Teddy just shakes his head as an uneasy expression escapes his lips.
“Actually I wasn’t really planning on inviting them. I just wanted to come over so I could clear my head. I got a big wrestling match coming up and…”
Before he could say anything else he could feel the footsteps of somebody coming up from behind him. It happened to be from that of his wife Michelle Chavez and she was holding little Marlene against chest. Running up from the steps was Teddy’s eldest daughter Juliet. She quickly runs past all of them as she goes to the elder woman.
“Grandma Mary, it has been a long time. I missed you so much!!!”
“I miss you too Julie… It’s going to be an amazing time. You know your cousin Terra is here and…”
It wasn’t long before Teddy’s thirteen-year-old niece Terra ran after Juliet and the two of them hugged each other tightly. “Julie it feels like forever. Let’s go play fortnite together…” Both girls just smile as they run off. Meanwhile Teddy is still confused as he turns around to look at his wife Michelle who just smiles.
“I didn’t know you were coming; you could have told me you wanted to come to my mother’s…”
Michelle however just shakes her head at her husband as she sighs in return. “That would require you and I to actually communicate or more so you not holding your feelings in. I love you and I enjoy being married to you but you don’t need to hide your mother from me. I want to know you more Todd… I want to know your world and your intermediate family…I don’t understand why I have to hear from your sister Dawn and my sister that you were going to come here…”
Teddy’s mother just smiles as she hugs Michelle as tightly as she can as she smiles at her.
“It’s about time we could finally meet one another. I am so sorry that I didn’t get to attend the wedding last year. If I wasn’t in the hospital, I would have definitely been there… Is this my little granddaughter Marlene?! She is beautiful just like her mother. You are definitely a keeper. Stay on top of my son and make him realize he has something good in life…”
“I will try my best Miss Mary…”
“Please… Just call me mom. It would make me feel so much better…”
With that Michelle and Mary walk away with the baby leaving Teddy to just stand there with a sigh. He slowly walks up the stairs until he makes his way into the living room. He looks at the various pictures that are plastered everywhere. As he stands there he looks at different pictures and they are of his siblings James (Jimmy) and Dawn. Teddy just shakes his head as he sees a picture of Dawn holding a World Championship in her hands. He looks over at a different picture of his sister in-law Cindy holding a World Champion and one of his former wife Kate Steele-Warren holding different titles. Teddy looks at his own picture and just sighs but that’s when two voices begin to call out to him. One of them is from his little sister Dawn.
“What’s up jerk face loser… You should feel ashamed of yourself! You totes could have told Shelly that you were going to mom’s house. You don’t have to feel ashamed! Mom hasn’t even met Marlene yet. You don’t even make an attempt to visit that much and it’s not fair to her!”
Dawn begins to vent her frustrations but that is when their older brother Jimmy just smirks. He looks at Dawn pulling her away before glancing into the eyes of his brother.
“Dawn you do realizing that yelling at him isn’t going to solve anything right?! Why don’t you just cut the man some slack. He’s been through a lot and I am sure he didn’t come all the way to New York to get badgered to death by his baby sister. I am sure he deals with enough of that in Los Angeles. You don’t have to bring that to Mom’s house…”
Dawn looks like she is going to say something else but Jimmy shakes his head. “Don’t even say anything. Why don’t you go in there and talk to Cynthia, I bet you two have some catching up to do…Besides I think I would love to speak to my brother. It’s been a while since us bros got to speak without having a certain pink puppy in the midst of everything.”
Dawn pouts as she storms away leaving Teddy and Jimmy just standing in the room by themselves. Jimmy smiles as he has a seat on the sofa before she looks into the eyes of his younger brother.
“Why don’t you have a seat Todd… We could use a good heart to heart. It certainly has been a while. If Juliet and Terra can catch up, if mom can talk to your wife, and our sister can speak to my wife. I believe it’s time for our chat especially considering you don’t really visit North Carolina that much…”
Teddy just sighs in return. “Bro I am all the way on the other side of the country in California. I don’t know what it is you want me to do…”
Jimmy grins. “Dude just relax! You don’t have to get so defense with me. I am your brother, let’s just talk… You know I am going to be honest with you… Let’s start with something easy. Why did you wait so long to come visit mom?! Our mom was in the hospital last year fighting cancer and you didn’t even bother to check on her to see how her chemo treatments had gone. Instead you were in your own world. You were too busy finding a life of your own, getting married having a kid and not once bringing your family into any of this. What gives?!”
Teddy just looks at his brother as he shrugs his shoulders.
“I just didn’t want to bring mom into my mess. These past few years haven’t been the best. I guess I didn’t want mom to figure out that I failed Kate… I didn’t want her to know that we had divorced and it’s all because I was an abusive husband… Right after I would fool around with Dawn’s wife’s sister. I will admit it has been fun but I should have known better than to get this woman pregnant within a month of dating. It just doesn’t look right and it goes against everything that mom had taught us…”
Jimmy just shakes his head.
“Dude, it is what it is. Does it look bad?! No duh but she would understand. After all you are her son and she wouldn’t cast you out like that. I am her actual biological son but she always held on to you the most and how you felt about things. Why do you think when her and dad got divorced that I was quick to choose dad and leave with him to North Carolina?! Part of it had annoyed me how much invested she was into you when I was her flesh and blood…”
Jimmy takes a breath as he speaks some more.
“I would be a fool though if I said that I didn’t love you though. Even if you and Dawn were adopted in my eyes you are my brother and that is the only thing that matters. I love you and I think you shouldn’t hold onto what you might think may hurt somebody else. Did mom teach us better?! Of course she did… I know it probably felt weird dealing that her daughter came out as a gay woman, and it have hurt that I decided to move away from her or that you made some questionable decisions, but at the end of the day as long as we show her our love. That is all that she wants. We have to stay connected. Family is supposed to have each other’s backs when the world doesn’t…”
“Jimmy I know you could say that but it just feels like I am doing everything wrong. Even when it comes to the Warren name… I took my wife’s surname and…”
Jimmy laughs. “Damn bro, I always knew you were a little bi…”
He stops himself as he giggles in return.
“Who cares… None of that matters. You might have made mistakes but you want to know what mom sees, because it’s the same thing that I see… I see a man who has owned him mistakes. A man who apologized to his ex for putting his hands on her. Now that same woman that he abused he now has a healthy co-parenting relationship with. You found love again and are determined more than ever not to hurt the new wife in the way you hurt the old one. If there is something that we are proud about it’s that you have matured. You have learned from your mistakes and are striving to be a better man everyday… So why worry about your past… Your past doesn’t disqualify you from anything, it actually qualifies you to be a better man and to be a mentor to others…”
Teddy smiles. “You really think that?!”
“No duh I do… I give great advice. I mean I am the only one in the family that’s an actual doctor. It’s up to you if you want to actually follow what I say so you can live a long and prosperous life…”
Teddy nods his head as he keeps looking at the photos and Jimmy speaks some more.
“And dude stop trying to look at those photos questioning if you will ever be good enough as the other Warrens. It’s your destiny to go on to win the World Championship. Get past this battle royal. Go cement your spot and go handle your business. We will be there rooting for you. Stop looking behind and look ahead…”
Teddy grins. “Aight, bet… Time to make it happen… People will know who Teddy I if I have my way…Time to finally conquer what I set out to do…”
“Good go handle yours bro… You got this…”
With that the two siblings get up and hug one another as tightly as they can.

Good evening to all of my Teddy Bears out there. It won’t be that long until we will have the pleasure of competing at one of the most historical battlegrounds in American history. We get to compete in Gettysburg. That in itself is awesome because who knows what would have happened if the Union didn’t win such a pivotal battle. As a black man I am so overjoyed by that victory and it helped lead to the freedom that I have today. I could go on and on speaking about my country’s history but the thing that is on my mind the most is that at this edition of Climax Control I have the opportunity to do what I set out to do.

With the entire world watching I can close out another chapter of the book that is Teddy Warren, I can win this main event battle royal and I could march forward to challenging Finn Whelan so that I can become a World Champion. That has always been the end goal and now I can finally accomplish what I always wanted to do. In order to accomplish the unimaginable I need to get past a couple of people that currently stand in my way.

One of those men in question is Caleb Storms. Is Caleb Storms a good competitor?! Sure if that’s what you want to call him but let’s be honest here. is he worthy of being in the main event?! I highly doubt that but hey let’s promote the living hell out of Caleb because his resume seems to be up there right?!

One would get all excited seeing that he is a former Roulette Champion, former Mixed Tag Champion, and even a former three time Internet Champion but when you take a moment to really investigate and research what he did it’s not that impressive. I mean he WAS a Roulette champion but that was only for only two weeks. That means for two weeks he may have carried the belt but he really wasn’t a champion because he couldn’t get past a defense. Of course he won the Mixed Tag Team titles. With a partner with Sam Marlowe I could only expect something of greatness but once again when you look at the length of time he only had the title for three weeks.

At least losing the title came with an asterisk next to the match and when you research why there’s that small star next to that lost you will find out it was because Caleb got pinned....which confirms my suspicion that he’s just not ready for prime time.

You could look at his Internet reigns but he was GIVEN his first Internet title after J2H had beaten me, and the rest of his reigns are just one big mess. The fact is Caleb might look good on paper but the closer you look at things you will just realize he’s just a male form Jessie Salco. If he gets into the Hall of Fame it won’t be because he won the big one but mainly because of service. Get out of here with that nonsense he’s not ready for the big spot… Not now and not ever…

Of course we could talk up Bill Barnhart, he seems like a good dude but let’s be honest does anybody take him seriously?! Does anybody actually enjoy watching his promos because I think I would get more enjoyment watching a wall of paint dry instead of actually listening to him speak. Hey let’s give it up for this man. He actually she be thrilled because Kate and I felt like we won the Mixed tag titles to check that box off the list that he and his wife were able to win the Tag titles when they didn’t care about them anymore. This is too much of a big match for Bill to conquer. I know it’s not often he gets to be all the way up here on the show but it’s going to feel so good to bring him back down to reality. The fall is going to come fast and it will come fast so brace yourself Bill…

Your landing is just going to showcase that you suck and aren’t ready to play with the big boys…

Oh my goodness it looks like I get to stand in the ring with the one and only Jamie Dean. What’s happening Jamie?! Now when I look at you I see the definition of the word luggage. It must be awesome to be “carried” to success after all how else does one define that your only accomplishment has been a two time tag team champion?!

I bet Ben Jordan must have felt you were quite the suitcase to carry around and when you have Ben Jordan as a partner I guess winning is all you really could do. It’s a known fact that Ben Jordan is one of the very best to have step foot in the company. That has always been legacy but what does that say about you. Let’s be real. You were just there as he did most of the work. It’s nothing to be ashamed of as you got to reap the rewards of what he accomplished. Hell I can relate considering I was married to Kate Steele. Why do you think I always went around using the moniker of Teddy “Steele” I knew whose Bitch I was but can you be open and sincere, to admit the truth about you.

No disrespect Jamie, but a tag team specialist at best isn’t ready to be in the main event let alone competing for this company’s biggest prize. Maybe in a future far far away you might be ready but Sunday just won’t be THAT night and it won’t happen when I am standing in that ring with something to prove.

My main Rodrigo what’s happening buddy?! It must be nice getting to carry around a briefcase and be in control of your own fate. I am sure being in a match like this isn’t that important to you because you could get a title match whenever you see fit. Let’s talk about that briefcase though and be honest about it but holding it is not impressive. You won that briefcase by being in a match with Bill, Matty Mallow, and Justin Smith. One of those individuals just sucks as I shared earlier and I have no idea who the other two people are…

The landscape of the SCW superstars division must have been really weak if that’s who was in that match with yourself included of course. Hell me at ten percent would have won that match with ease. Let me give you some advice. Save your briefcase hold it for a Roulette match, an Internet title match. Hell go out there and call the best bombshell you know and get yourself a Mixed title because you damn sure won’t be coming ANYWHERE near the big title. Not when I am ready to get into the fray of being here.

Speaking of people I don’t know I guess that brings me to Justin Smith. It’s a tragedy that you lost to Artie. I could rub that fact in but I am more curious about your love for the Yankees. Trust me as a man who grew up in New York I know all about the Yankees even though if that isn’t the team I cheer for. I was born in the 80s and to be exact the year 1986 in which my team the Mets won the World Series. Do I remember it?! No because I wasn’t even born but what do you really know about the Yankees?! You were born in 2000 and by the time you got to an age that you could remember they might have been good but the Red Sox have pretty much dominated your team’s division.

Your team hadn’t been relevant except by winning a World Series in 2009 with steroid using A-Rod, and aside from that being known in the sports by having the highest payroll and not delivering shit. At least you got a man who broke the American League home run record but that fails in comparison to actually winning a title.

I am in this to be that champion and I think you will continuing to fade in irrelevance…

Last but not least there’s L J and out of everywhere I feel like I can relate with you. You are out trying to figure out your own identity and trying to bring out more about who you are. As a sibling to a fellow wrestler I know what you are going through. In my case it has always been about trying to be better than Dawn and my brother Jimmy. Trying to see how I stand out from my sister in-law Cindy or what my previous Kate did.

That’s why I am here right now to figure all of those things about myself but what are you really trying to accomplish?! I think you will find what you are looking for and will indeed get what you want. Just don’t assume that it’s happening on Sunday night because that’s going to be my night.

There are so many people that are included in this battle royal and it’s going to come down to who really wants it the most. Who is ready to finally broke out of their shell and showcase they have what it takes to be a main event star in SCW?!

I know I broke down everybody else but everyone in the world should know that it’s me. It has always been me. Fate has made it where I could have this opportunity so that the book of Teddy Warren can come to a close. I need to close this out. I need to be in the Hall of Fame and I damn sure need to be a World Champion.

SCW to me seems to be in a weaken state by the talent that is in this company. It’s amazing with the champions that are here but it needs serious work with everybody else and especially when it comes to the Superstars division. I have been in the ring with Fenris, with J2H, with Austin James and even Senor Vinnie. I have fought a list of the big names and it has all been for the sake of preparing me for this moment to be in the ring with the best.

It’s time to reach for the top and to take what belongs to me. Finn you better be watching because at the Super Card it will be you and I fighting for the biggest prize and I WILL beat you to make my dream come true. SCW brace yourselves because it’s Teddy Time!!!

NRP : Good luck rp came in at 4985 not including the gif image
« Last post by Andrew on May 24, 2024, 08:45:44 AM »

Narrator:  Bill Barnhart has an amazing opportunity to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship in an Over-The-Top Battle Royal. I know Bill is approaching this match in an interesting way so I will turn you over to Bill to get his comments directly from him.


The scene shifts and we get a shot of Bill and Bea Barnhart inside the Musselman Stadium in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Both are standing between the wrestling ring and the announcers table where Jason Adams and Belinda Simone present commentary on the matches. Both Bill and Bea are casually dressed and in blue jeans, pullover shirt, and white sneakers. When the camera person informs the two that they are live broadcasting Bill and Bea take their seats at the announcers table.

Bill:  Bea before I launch into my comments for my Over-The-Top Battle Royal to determine who gets a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship is there anything you wish to comment on?

Bea:  I would like to start by stating I feel bad that me and Bill did not get as far in the Blast From The Past Tournament as we wanted to but that is how that type of Tournament works.

Bill:  That is all you have to say at this time?

Bea:  Of course not. I want to comment to Nakita Niles. Nakita we will have a Grudge Match at Into The Void XII. Although the only information we have been given is that our match is a Grudge Match I am hoping that they will make it a Hardcore Rules match so that we can put our feud behind us. I want a match where there are no limits so that when I defeat you then you will stop hurling insults and accusations my way. And, NO, Nakita, I am not going to be at ringside for your match against Victory Lyons. I will watch your match from the dressing room. That way, when you lose to Victoria, you cannot try to accuse me by claiming I distracted you and interfered in your match.

Bill:  Are you done Bea?

Bea:  Yep! The camera time is all yours.


Bill:  I am in the Main Event which is an Over-The-Top Battle Royal with the winner getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Currently. . .and I say currently as things could change and substitutions of wrestlers may take place, the participants in this Over-The-Top Battle Royal include ME, Caleb Storms, Jamie Dean, Justin Smith, Lyle Kasey Jr., Rodrigo Afonso, and Teddy Warren.

Bill gives a wide-eyed stare into the camera.

Bill:  What the. . . My six opponents combined so not add up to one Bill Barnhart so this will be an extremely easy match for me to win. I could go over all the matches I have had against these guys but there is no need for me to do that. The only thing that matters is who the last wrestler in the the when the match is over. And, of course, that last remaining wrestler will be me and I will go on to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Bea:  Bill? Do you know if the elimination portion of your match requires that a wrestler gets thrown over the ring ropes and that they must land on the arena floor to be disqualified or if just throwing them over the ropes to the ring apron is enough for the disqualification?

Bill:  Most matches like this require that the person thrown over the ropes must land on the arena floor to be disqualified from the match. That is how I am approaching my match. This match will be an easy win for me.

Bea:  Please allow me to make something clear so that nobody in Sin City Wrestling will be confused. I will be at ringside for Bill’s match as I am legally and officially Bill’s Manager for his matches. I am not at ringside to interfere in the match. I am at ringside to ensure that, if by miracle or warp in time, someone manages to toss Bill over the ropes that the Referee does not automatically disqualify Bill from the match when he has not yet landed on the arena floor. I will not tolerate an on-the-take corrupt Referee cheating Bill out of a win.

Bill:  Thank you Bea. When there are seven wrestlers in the ring at the same time and there is always a chance the Referee might make a mistake. If they do make a mistake then you, as my Manager, have the right to challenge the Referee. At that point the Referee needs to stop the match for a short time to review the video of the action of the match. Replays on close or controversial calls is common in other sports so it should also be a common thing in the sport of Wrestling.

Bea:  Well, Bill, from what we have seen in the past we already know that several of the Referees have a bias against certain wrestlers so they tend to not see things that are so clear that a blind person can see them. I will ensure that whichever Referee is assigned to your match that they will call the match fairly and equally for all the participants.

Bill:  Thank you Bea.


Bill looks sternly into the camera.

Bill:  I will now tell you what is will take to win this Battle Royal. Does it take being the largest wrestler in the match? Nope! Does it take being the quickest wreslter in the match? Nope! Does it take being the most intelligent wrestler in the match? Nope! Does it take being the most cowardly wrestler in the match so they can hide from the assaults from the other wrestlers? Nope!

Bea:  So, Bill, if all those items you mentioned are not determining factors on who will win the Battle Royal then what is the item, or items, that define who the winner will be?

Bill:  It is simple Bea. I had Satan come after me to obtain my soul for a long time. I finally got him to commit to a face-off I knew I would win and he would lose and the dipshit took the bait, agreed to the face-off, and he lost to me. Since the stipulation was if I won against him again that he would never be able to challenge me for my soul again for eternity. My half-brother, Chris Shipman, vowed to kill me and he tried dozens of times to accomplish that. But look at the current situation. I am still here. I am still alive. I am still active in the sport of wrestling. But where is Chris Shipman? Nowhere to be found. I have no clue if he is still along or long deceased and to be honest I do not care. I’ve also had incidents where biker gangs, gang members, drug dealers, and other criminals, tried to take me out and my intelligence and agility took them all out of action.

Bea:  How do those incidents relate to your upcoming match?

Bill:  Simple. The wrestler who will win this Battle Royal will be the wrestler who is able to easily fend off attacks while at the same time aggressively attack the others. It will be the wrestler who can take the blows and hits and give the other wrestlers ten times more hits and blows than what they did to him. It will be the wreslter who does not allow distractions to take his attention away from the match. The bottom line, Bea, is that I will win this Battle Royal and I will face the World Heavyweight Champion and and I will defeat him and become the next Sin City Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion.

Bea:  Glad I will be at ringside to witness your win first hand.


Bill:  For my opponents let me enlighten you. Caleb Storms? Yesterday’s trash. Jamie Dean? Tomorrow’s trash. Justin Smith? A moment in time that turned out to be a failure. Lyle Kasey Junior? A joke of a wrestler. Rodrigo Afonso? The man with the special briefcase but he does not know how or when to use it. And, finally, Teddy Warren. The wrestler who is probably the most unliked wrestler in the sport of wrestling.

Bill flashes a huge grin into the camera.

Bill:  I enter this Battle Royal as one of seven participants but I will leave this Battle Royal as the winner to face the World Heavyweight Champion for the Championship. It does not get easyer to understand than that.

Bill informs the camera person that he is done with his comments for his match at Climax Control 395, The camera person cuts their camera feed and our screen goes dark.

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