Author Topic: rp 2  (Read 796 times)

Offline Goth

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rp 2
« on: January 11, 2013, 07:21:46 PM »
 Autobiography part 4, you talk too much!!!

“I have often been told the same one thing, that I talk too much. Hey, if you got the vocabulary like me, you talk. You express your entire desire through the microphone towards the masses, is it my problem that your mind can’t go on after A-B-C… It’s as easy as 1-2-3? Like Do-Re-Mi? I know it’s a song, but hey man. If you want me to use shorter words, more pictures to get you excited and spoil the surprise half way?? Then why don’t you go and read the story book of how the Turtle beat the Rabbit… IN 3D!!!!”

“I remember the night of Psycho Circus, I was one of the first that qualified, I was the one that watched as others came in through the weeks that followed. Those that thought that they were better, those who thought that they had something to say. Well, if you got something to say? Then enlighten me!! Then make me jump off joy and foam from the mouth as I’m so freaking rabid as hell!! But no, I always had the final say. It’s that what makes people exciting to watch wouldn’t you agree?”

“Here you should just be either like a deer and stare mindlessly in the headlights that is a car driving your stinking head off. Or just pretend that you get it and just grin, nothing sounds more exciting to watch than uncle Doofus getting a blow job from a toothless tooth ferry. Now I know that these are just big words, just words that have no meaning behind it. Nothing that tells the world how good I really am right? RIGHT?? WRONG!!! It shows the world how easily I can focus upon you my opponent or opponents and make you realise that I’m qualified to express the world in more than one way. Who gives the crap about someone saying that I’m going to beat you, just because it’s personal boooooooooooooooooooring!! Even the Brooklyn Brawler had more depth than that. No, I always tell the world that if you want to do something, express it. Show your determination, show the world that you can talk smack without saying any curse word. That’s what you get from Metamania and Kane, they are the curse word vocabulary personified!! Oh man, I have to copyright it before any of those two goons take it and abuses it. Like Kain still thinks he came up with the whole it’s good to be King… the King of Kings. Evolve idiot, breathe, take a breathmint and swallow it through your oxygen pipe”

“But we all know that the original will never been beaten, so what would I have to write even more to tell that? Oh wait, I forgot. I have had a night where I was challenged to a street fight, a street fight by a guy that wanted to take away my United States championship belt. In a street fight… he wanted to take it to the streets!!! He was all worked up, pumped up. He was the guy that hit me with a illegal object in my head after an hour match. Pinned me in the Psycho Circus the year after I won the at then last one. Only to lose it the moment after to the winner. The guy thought just because he did that, that he would take away my belt. How fucked up on M&M’s can you be to assume the greatest deed in your life? To come up short once again in a title match!! You see, that man was Darius O’Hare… yes Kain and Meta will remember that guy, he is just as ignorant and so last years replay of the first season of Dallas. He was brought to my level of the knowledge of the streets, hell it was like I was talking to a young kid out of the book of Little Red Riding Hood. He was eating out of my hands and I was directing him to directions that he never thought that his spine would bent to. But that’s ok, I know that when a woman gets in my hands they all turn into puddy, but somehow Darius is just a spineless … well I can’t say that now can I??”

“So what am I saying? I talk a lot, but at least I say what matters. I speak out the honesty that you never dared to speak off, or just because your girlfriend never allowed you to talk crap to someone that wears more makeup than her!!! In any other way, I own you in every single aspect of life… get used to it… Because nothing will change about that!!!”

We open up in a penthouse hotel room in down town New York. Where a man is standing talking to a cell phone, he is not wearing any shirt as he is showing his upper body utterly naked. He is wearing pants and black shoes as he stares through the window to the limelight in front of him.

“You are so damn right, I got people worked up with words. Mere words, I guess the magic is still there. I just never allowed to grace them with the utter perfection that I am bringing to the dance. You see, I’m the guy that makes Matthew Kennedy utter out the fact that he is already considering several agenda’s in one match. He does want to avenge his loss to me that he suffered a while ago, yet he does not want to concern himself too much about me. Because he feels that I’m only in it because Mark is a coward. So yeah, he is wearing a lot of yellow lately, but then again. I get paid to hurt people. But seriously Matthew? I’m a legend, where’s your freaking excitement to face a legend and get his name on your freaking notch? I know this isn’t the age anymore of the cowboys, but man. Grow some freaking balls and tell the world the following!! :”Yes, I know that Goth is better, yes I know that I probably will get beat once again. But at least I grew some hairs on my nutsack, so I try to excite him with a stinkface for a change. At least you would get me to focus on you a little bit more than the fact that you dared to bring up the Brooklyn Brawler. But then again, I feel you man. I know that you were hoping to be in a same team like me that you just focus on one thing and one thing only. Your retreat out of this match. Or should I have said something else baby?”

The man listens to the other person talking to him on the phone as he chuckles a little bit before returning the answer.

“Yeah I know Sapphy, Koji was not any better. He claims that I have not changed since the last time that we met. He could not understand what I was saying, but he at least wanted to let me know that I talk much. We should get him on the National Enquirer. Or even better, have him on Larry King. Is that old fucker still on btw? I mean seriously, I thought that this guy would light a fire under his ass and burn off some ass hairs that way. It would make movement so much more fluently than it would normally do. But then again, he just tied it up in a bun of tails and tried out for another role in the werewolf saga of Twilight. Pathetic to say the least”

The other person can be heard laughing, then mentioning something to the man that makes him scratch his head and be silent for a few moments.

“Well you made a good point, something I have yet to hear from Casey. Oh wait, Casey?? Give me a freaking break. What did he do? Read the entire book of the Prophecy?? Or have you started watching Dr. Phil and learn some valuable quotes that would make mothers be proud of you dating average girls? Seriously babe, I am now understanding exactly why I was not on crack or was fucked up on the best drinks when I fired him. He still does not get it does he? I fired him, because I had no need for him anymore. I look for men that can rise from out of nowhere and be something. I guess Mark is just too nice on him”

The female asks something else and Goth is starting to nod for a change in agreement

“Yeah, I agree. That Spike guy is at least someone that does not get all excited and worked up over a bunch of words. But at least he knows what it is like to be a champion and lead a federation. Not like the triplets of crapzoids that need to have a change of diapers every five seconds. But that’s all good for now hun, I need to do my work for a bit. Will we talk later??”

The two exchange words before he hangs up and turns his attention towards the camera. Who shows it that the man is Goth. One man of the four men that is in the Main event, representing Mark.

“Is that all ladies? I mean seriously? I wanted to get people going, I wanted to get people excited. I wanted you guys to try something new, something different. Oh that besides Spike tho, but I feel he might just have to carry the entire team on his own. Not a great way to start when you have to face three great wrestlers and this multi tasked legendary name. No, I said tasked Casey, not talentless. But you will understand that when you grow some older and have had some more matches under your belt. You know, I applaud you Casey. You just became that what I expected you to become. You use profanity now, good for you. I guess you watched some episodes of Jerry Springer and realised that this could benefit you. Good for you, just don’t mix Jerry with Dr. Phil man. I mean seriously, I think that Gordon Ramsey would benefit you better. I mean seriously, he curses like a mad man. He brings people down with his brilliance and at least he can cook some great food. You should try it man, perhaps you won’t walk around like a hemmorrhoid on crack. You see athletes like me, we have no limitations man. I can talk the talk, walk the walk and do the thing in between. You talk about Mark seeing potential in you? I saw potential in you too, but that’s about IT!! You see Casey, I’m not like the Voice. You know that show where people sing and the judges turn around when they like the contestant? I am a man that needs to earn money, big time money. I spend it on men that are talented superstars that can carry the federation, you only carried your jock strap. Backwards I may add”

He rubs his chin and chuckles about the joke as he makes a gesture as if he wants to apologise.

“I should not have said that, not in that way though. I mean, I already fuelled your anger in a way that you show the world that you are no longer a laughingstock. So you admitted that you were huh? That’s the first lesson that you get taught in wrestling school Casey, don’t admit anything!! It’s one of the reasons why I dumped your ass years ago, you admitted to the truth. It’s a mind game man, it’s how you get under the skin of your opponents and you let me without even trying. So what is next? Oh yes, you will prove me wrong, that success is not measured in wins and losses, but how well you look while winning or losing”

Goth looks silent for a few moments, scratches his head and raises his shoulders up and agrees.

“You are right, you are absolutely right. I do look good when I beat your carcass across the ring man. I mean seriously, I never broke a freaking sweat. I must admit that I forgot that and how you look when I beat you down is priceless. I mean I should have prepared myself and showed past clips of how great you looked when you lost. Sorry man, I just have to stop myself from laughing. It’s all about how you perform inside the ring, how you make the people in the crowds go nuts. Make them say how in the fuck did he or she do that? Getting up every single time as if it was the final moment of you living on this planet. It’s about the fact that you get applauded when you head to the back, it’s how you get noticed by the people in the back. It’s about the fact that I talk a better game than people critique Dave Mustain for being a new born Christian. Hell son, I’m down with everything that makes sense, but you? You don’t make sense man. Hell if you would come up with explenations like that, then I would have taken you seriously. But now? I’m just going to take you down Casey, just watch me Mark.”

“Talking about Mark, how are you Matthew? Oh yes, I’ll make it short. You need to focus on the other men that is in this match. That makes this team already 2 down to 4. I mean Casey is too dumb and you? You cannot count further than three. It gives me so much more joy to just end it like that”

Goth snaps in his fingers as he makes the point what he was saying.

“It’s good to know that you are a young kid, that is climbing the ranks and will be champion one day. Hell I’ll give you that son. But you need to understand, I’m on a different level than anyone out there. If you don’t focus on me, then you will be beaten down son. It’s as simple as that!!”

“On to Koji, oh son. What is this? Already 1 man to four after I rip this guy a new one. Koji, you should be on fire man. You should tell the world how much you hate me, how much you just couldn’t stand the fact that I beat you not once, but how many times? I made you look silly man. Hell I made you look good and still beat you silly to a point where you looked silly. Did you follow that? if not, then I’m going to make sure that I will bring some pictures to show you how exactly you suck and I don’t. I know that I should not be using those easy words like suck and lose, but hey. I talk too much according to the butt tying idiot over there. Son, I make sense when I talk. I make sense when I breathe in oxygen between sentences and I make sense when I just look that damn good”

The camera zooms out for a few moments, showing his incredible physique as Goth applauds it.

“I’m glad you got the hint cameraman and showcased my great body. Something I always keep in shape, something that will never backfire me. Even if I dare to smoke a cigar or drink a few glasses too many. I’m on the top of my game man, I’m the biggest and most dangerous man in this match. Why? I will tell you why Koji. I’m not emotionally attached, I’m not about here to prove another team wrong. I’m here to kick ass Koji, you want to avenge your loss? Grow some balls, talk some smack. Become something that you were never been destined before. Become a wrestling machine for crying out loud.  I am someone that never changes? You do, you have gotten even more lame in two promo’s than I have remembered you ever becoming. Is that it Koji? Then don’t waste my time and I’ll move to someone that is worth my time”

“Spike, I’m glad you are someone that is worth talking about, too bad that you need to understand that walking away is the best option you have got left. Facing four dangerous men, while babysitting three kids? Seriously man, I would do you a favour just giving you a day off card. Pay your check for the match, I got the money left. I would even bring you a nice bottle of champagne, some fine ass cheese to eat and who knows, even a girl for a lap dance. Some way to spend your evening huh? Seriously man, I know you are beyond that. You want to fight, you want to prove the point that you can make dreams happen. That you can make the unexpected happen, that you are the one man that people can look up to when things are looking down. Hell, I applaud you for doing so. But is this worth it Spike?”

“You speak off the monster, the monster is coming huh? I love monsters, it’s something different. I once annihilated a guy that called himself a monster. Hell he was a hall of fame legend, like I am now today. I was just a rookie, I was still wet behind the ears and I took on that monster. The monster that had to stop the beast that I unleashed. So it turned into the beast vs. the monster. Something like Aliens vs. Predator. But something completely different of course. No, I know you are looking forward to fight your way into this match, I know you don’t like my partners. Hell, I could care less if you go out and have a brunch with them. I’m here to fight you Spike, why? Because none of these so called superstars are worth mentioning the lacing up my boots for. They are just a waste of time, while you? I can see that I have got a challenge up ahead in you. The Goth vs. The Spike. A main event in the making? Is that what fuels you Spike? Knowing that you will not win this match, due to the fact that your team is just wasting everyone’s space and oxygen? Forget about pleasing one of the two owners for crying out loud. A federation with two owners never works, I know. I have been there before firing whomever it was that thought that could stand next to me. No, I can tell you just want to fight, you want to be remembered as being the one that took out four men on his own. I respect that Spike”

“But in every dream, a reality will bite them in their asses and make them scream out in pain before waking them up. I won’t tell you that you can’t do it Spike, because I know that just like me you just will use it as another motivation. And I know that deep down inside, you never needed motivation Spike. You are just that damn good, but so am I Spike. That’s my drive, that’s my motivation to get in that ring. To just fight you, I could care less if I have to wait before each and every other team member is eliminated. It makes it all just more the excited. But look Spike, this is just a two team thing… four men on one side and four on the other. It’s hiding behind excuses of teammates for failure. No Spike, one on one with me. That’s all what matters huh? Don’t hide behind the fact that you want my team mates. No, it’s about you and me Spike… just give in to the fact that being the best, you have to destroy the best. People talk about beating others, but I want to go out there and find out if I can see the final blood drop spill from you, the final drop of sweat pour from your face. To see if I can make you have second guesses for kicking out one more time. No Spike, I’m here to battle one man and one man only. I just hope, I just HOPE that you are ready to face this man. A man without the drama, the man without the lack of self esteem and with the knowledge about where I’m talking about. Come face to face with reality Spike, the rest is just a load of crap… “

Goth stares into the camera as the shot fades to darkness.

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>