Author Topic: Time To Shoot Em Up [BoG II RP 2]  (Read 830 times)

Offline Kevin Carter

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    • Kevin Carter
Time To Shoot Em Up [BoG II RP 2]
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:30:29 PM »

    The weekend for Blaze of Glory II had finally arrived. It had been the event that every single person within SCW had been waiting for. There was so much set to take place on that night. On this one night the entire landscape of SCW could be changed forever. It could be a bad thing or it could be a good thing just depends on who you asked and how things went by the end of the night.

    On this particular night several stars were hoping to make it their night and make history for themselves. Kevin Carter was no exception to this as he had one hell of an opportunity that would be presented to him on this night. He was headed into a battle where it wouldn’t be easy to win and all kinds of odds as well as obstacles would stand in his way.

    He had to face four other men that would be gunning for the same prize he was. They’d all be gunning for the briefcase that would be sitting in the middle of the room. That briefcase contained a title shot at any male title at any time the person chose to cash in at whatever show they wanted to do it on. It would give the winner so much power it wouldn’t even be funny.

    As much as Kevin would be gunning for the win and as hard as he’d be trying to win. Those other five men would be doing the same thing which would no doubt cause a problem among them all. It would also create for one of the best matches seen in SCW. Hell, it could be a 2013 Match of the Year candidate easily. Be sure to tune in this Sunday night to see how it all ends up.

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    In less than a week I’d be competing in my third match since signing a deal with SCW. I had that riding on my mind but on top of that I had some other projects outside the ring I had to deal with. Today was one of those days where I had myself locked up in my office trying to get work taken care of, but that’s when I heard my office door open followed by the voice of my secretary.

    THE SECRETARY ;; AMANDA DAVIS:Mr. Carter, your ex-wife is here and she insist on seeing you.



    On that note she walked right back out of my office and I heard the door shut again. Now, I should have known better. My Ex-Wife was a crazy ass ratchet bitch and she didn’t take rejection too kindly. That’s when my office door came exploding open hitting the wall behind it. I looked up and sure enough there was the ex.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:Busy… looks like you are sitting at a desk doing fucking nothing.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Nicole, I do not have time for this shit today. I don’t got the time to be playing calm the psycho down. What the fuck is it that you needed so badly that you couldn’t just leave a message with Amanda?

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:I’m not talking to some white bitch, especially if her name is Amanda. Secondly, you call me a psycho again and I’m going to show you just how psycho I am. Don’t fucking play with me Kevin.


    It shouldn’t take me to have to raise my voice to get the bitch to listen or to get her to calm the hell down but it did. I looked at her with my eyes narrowed a little bit and sure enough she was glaring right back over at me.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:Mhmmm keep playing boy, and you’re going to get it. What I want? More like what I need you to do. I know it’s hard for you to do, but I need you to be a father for this weekend. I have some plans and I need you to take Lacey for a couple days.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:No can do Nicole, I won’t even be in California this weekend. I’ll be out of state for a match I have in SCW. You’re going to have to ask your mother to watch her or something.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:I don’t give a damn what you think you are doing this weekend. You’re going to step up and be a father. You’re going to take Lacey for the weekend. You’re going to put that stupid match of yours aside and be an adult.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Last time I checked Lacey, my mother passed away a few years ago and even then she didn’t tell me what to do when to do it. I am an adult. I take care of myself. I pay my own bills and all that good shit. Sorry, that you think you can tell me what to do. Sorry, that I have something to do and I can’t take Lacey. I’d be more than happy to but, I’m busy. It’s a big match and I’m not just going to put aside because you want to pawn our daughter off on me for a weekend so you can go out and be a whore.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:Excuse the hell out of me? What did you just say to me?! Go ahead Kevin, repeat yourself. I dare you to say it again. C’mon grow a set and ay it again!

    I knew when to pick and choose my battles – this wasn’t a time to fight with her. She was nuts and I knew the moment I repeated myself was the moment she’d think it was a good idea to charge me and do something stupid which would only result me in having her arrested, which would leave to me having to take Lacey, and causing a strain for this coming weekend.”

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:Mhmm, that’s what I thought. You don’t got the balls to repeat that last line. Why do you even have to take the damn match in the first place? Doesn’t it have that Ace Baldwin guy in it? It seems like it’d be a waste a time because you’d just lose to him again.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Simply a matter of opinion there Nicole, but it’s good to know that you are still so obsessed with me that you actually bother to watch matches that I’m in and keep up on what I’m doing with my career. Don’t worry though, I won’t tell anybody.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:You have done lost your mind boy. I don’t pay attention to anything you do. I could care less about your career. I just happened to be flipping through the channels that night and witnessed you tap out in the middle of the ring like a little girl. I also just happen to know that you’ve got no chance in that weird ass match they have you in.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Yep Nicole, you so don’t pay attention to my career or anything that I’m doing, but yet seem to know that I’m in a unique match up – which wasn’t announced at the show I competed on last. Again, I won’t tell anyone that you are obsessed with me or anything. I’ll be sure to also prove you wrong with all the others that have proceeded to doubt me. Keep it up though Nicole, it’s good motivation.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:How pathetic Kevin, you are still living in your glory days that were about five years ago and newsflash hunnie. You weren’t all that great back then. It’s just a matter of you being in a company that had little to no competition at all and you dominated based on that. Things are way different now. You have competition and you better get that through your thick skull before you end up falling right on your face… again.

    I looked on nodding my head a little bit with each word that came out of her mouth. Nicole really thought she had me worked up and really thought she was getting under my skin but truth was she wasn’t. I found the whole situation funny and I thought it was doing nothing aside from making her look stupid. That’s when I looked back at her to say what I felt needed to be said on my end.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER: don’t give a rats ass what you think Nicole, especially considering the fact you want to say that I wasn’t that great back in the day when you know that’s a lie. You rode my dick harder than anyone back in the day. You preached about how good I was more than I did. So, I don’t even want to hear the crap coming out of your mouth right now because that’s all it is pure crap. And as far as the competition aspect goes in SCW, I know what I got myself into. I know it’s the best competition out there. I know it’ll push me more than what I had to be pushed back in the day. That’s fine with me though, because I thrive off competition. I thrive off proving that I’m better than everyone they have in that company. All a matter of time until I am the top guy. Just you wait and see.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:I don’t have the time to stand here and argue with you about your stupid little career. You should know that what I say is right and I always prove to be right but whatever. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so when you fall flat on your face and once again lose the opportunity to become anything SCW. Anyway, are you going to take Lacey or are you going t continue to be a pain in my ass?

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:I told you Nicole, I am busy this weekend. I have a match to win. I am sorry that you don’t understand common sense or understand the word no. Not sure if you trying to get under my skin was an attempt to get me to do what you wanted all along or what but none the less the answer is no, I’ll come get her Monday when I get back in town.

    MISS RATCHET ;; NICOLE AUSTIN:Ugh, I swear you are useless sometimes Kevin. I’ll be sure to tell our daughter when she grows up that her father would have rather competed in a match where he was the loser and the one that no one gave a damn about over spending time with her. Trust me Kevin, Lacey is going to grow up and find out what kind of piece of trash you are. I can guarantee you that much.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:You go ahead and do that… I’ll be sure to tell her what kind of slut you were and always will be when she gets older. I think she’d be more proud to have a Heavyweight Champion for a father than a SLUT for a mother. Just my opinion of course, but sometimes opinions are actually facts.

    As I expected it didn’t settle well with Nicole at all. She turned herself around with a bunch of attitude, grabbed a hold of the door, and walked right back out of my office slamming it shut behind her. I couldn’t help but smirk a little bit. After all this time I knew how to get her going and I knew how to get what I wanted. Truth be told, she set herself up for the most of it. Now I had one more person rooting against me for Sunday, only gives me that much more encouragement to prove them wrong. It’ll just mean more personally when I shut my ex-wife up… and not the way I used to, haha!

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    I was two days away from getting in the ring with at Blaze of Glory II and showing the entire company what I could do. Thus far I had one win and one loss. Not too many people were impressed by me. Not too many people were looking in my direction or gave a damn about me. Call it being egotistical but I didn’t feel accomplished unless I had every single person’s attention on me. Well, today was going to be straight shoot day.

    I had managed to book a SCW camera crew and had them meet me in my office in downtown Los Angeles. Once they had arrived I put them right to work and had them set everything up. I didn’t have time to be wasted and was going to make sure I got my point across. There was so much that I had been wanting to say for a while now and the moment that I had been given the green light. I sat up at my desk with a smirk on my face and started to speak.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:In two days I’ll find myself in possibly the biggest match since I return. I’ll be ring side with four morons fighting it out to climb inside a cage and achieve one goal. That goal is to grab the briefcase that is sitting in the middle of the ring and claim right to a championship match at any time I want for any belt I want and I don’t think it’s a secret that I’ll be gunning for the Heavyweight Championship.

    I was well aware that was a statement that could piss a lot of people off. No one wanted to see the new kid go out of his way to achieve this goal. No one wanted to see me swoop in and do what so many had been trying to do for the longest time. However it didn’t matter what they wanted. I was doing what I wanted and it was that simple.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Blade Alexander, Ace Baldwin, Argento, and Tommy are the four men I have to fight to get what I want. Four men that aren’t good enough to lace of my boots. Four men that worthy enough to wash my jockstrap. Four men that shouldn’t even be in this position considered the fact that not a single one of them has done anything special and I don’t see that changing any time soon

    Take Tommy Staggs for example shall we? From what I gather the son of a bitch hasn’t been seen in months. Now all of the sudden he’s making a return. Now all the sudden he has something to say. Now all the sudden he’s got a fire lit under his ass and is planning on doing something huge like win this match. Well, that’s not going to happen Tommy. It isn’t going to happen on my watch let’s put it that way shall we?

    I nodded my head just a tad bit. I had quite the beef with Tommy just returning out of nowhere and thinking that he was going to come into this match specifically to make a huge return and make an even bigger statement but I had a chance to stop it.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:I might be the new kid on the block but I’m not just going to roll over and let someone take what I want because they decide now is the time they want to return or because of what their last name means to this specific company. I was the new kid on the block years ago and I didn’t let the likes of Shawn Michaels push me around because he was a legend and an icon in this business. No instead I took what I wanted from him.

    Just like I’m going to take what I want from you Staggs, and what I want is that briefcase the same thing everyone else wants. I get it though I know that you picked now as the time to return to shock the world and now was the time to return because of what was on the line, what would be hanging in the balance, and what would be yours if you were to win the match. Smart thinking, no doubt but you aren’t just going to walk in and take something I want. Sorry jack that shit doesn’t fly with me.

    You can bet your ass Tommy that the moment you even think about climbing  that cage and getting anywhere close to the prize that should already be mine. I’m going to grab a hold of you and I’m going to bash your skull in. I’m going to launch you off that cage with not a care in the world as to what could happen to you when you hit the floor. Hell, as far as I’m concerned I’ll put you right back on the leave of absence list if that’s what it comes down to. Point is that’s my briefcase, this is my match to win, and you need to take your bitch ass on somewhere else.

    I couldn’t help myself as I chuckled a little bit. I could be quite the asshole when I wanted to be but it wasn’t so much about me being an asshole as it was about me being right and calling it like I saw it. Staggs wasn’t going to come in and make a return or a statement at my expense. He might think otherwise but soon he’d be slapped with reality.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:And there’s someone like Argento that wants to come along to take what I want. You know a former champion around here and the man that I actually gave credit to. A man that I actually considered someone to be a threat to me in this match, but then what happened when I do something out of the kindness of my heart? What happens when I decide to show a little respect when in reality he hadn’t done shit to earn it?

    He decides to show me the lack of respect and he decides to be cliché and shit on me because I’m the new guy. Talking about how he doesn’t care about what I have to say. He wants to point out that my downfall is going to be the beef that I have with Ace, well that proves that Argento doesn’t know jack shit. Cause let me tell you something dude. My beef with Ace is a big deal and I’m going to settle it this Sunday, but it certainly isn’t going to be my downfall.

    With a light shake of my head I looked right back up at the cameras. I hated when dumbass people made stupid accusations and what not like they knew what they were talking about or like they had everything covered. Truth is he knew nothing about anything and he should shut up as well as stop trying.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:I know that there’s more than Ace in the match but the thing is let’s be honest shall we? This match is going to come down to Ace and I – so it makes sense that our attention will be on each other but I’m not stupid. I know that I have to keep eyes in the back of my head. I know that I’ve got to keep my attention on every single one of you. I know that you’re going to be aiming for the same thing but just because I know something and just because you are trying to do something doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.

    I said what I said the first time around because it’s true Argento. You are losing your chance at glory when you step into the ring with me. I’m not going to come up short against someone that doesn’t even have the ability to keep a championship in their possession. Try as hard as you want and you can say what you want but the point is the moment we’re out there you’re going to fail like the others. You will fall flat on your face and you will be forced to watch me go on to be the winner.

    Argento wanted nothing more than to get some momentum back in his favor and have a small taste of glory again since he hadn’t had any due to losing the title. However Sunday night was going to be my night and therefore with it being my night. All that matter is what I wanted and I was going to get what I wanted regardless of how hard it might be.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Blade Alexander – the man I have the biggest problem with being in this match. He had a shot no more than a few weeks ago to become the SCW Heavyweight Champion and he blew it. Now he’s being put into a match where he has a chance to be put right back into that position? That’s a bunch of bullshit and that tells me exactly how the people in this damn company are going to run things. They give shots to become champion to losers that couldn’t close in to become champion in the first damn place.

    Had I not been in this match though, it would have been a given that Blade would leave with the briefcase but I am in the match and regardless of what Blade wants. Regardless of the experience he might have and regardless of the urge he has to be put right back in the spot he was once in. It won’t make a difference because there’s not a chance in hell, I’m letting a sorry piece of shit like him take my spot. You had your chance dude. It’s time for you to move the fuck on. Course, you don’t quite get that but after it’s said and done. After I kicked your ass and made you see it. It’ll sink in and it’ll be game over for you officially.

    It irked me to the very bone that Blade had been put in this match and had been given an opportunity that he didn’t deserve. He had his chance at being the top dog and he blew it. He shouldn’t have been rewarded for losing but clearly there was some logic fucked up somewhere with the people that ran things.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Now that brings me to the final piece of shit in this match and I’m talking about Ace Baldwin. I could go on and on about how I’m still pissed off at the fact you made me tap out. I could go on and on about how you took that one shot away from me of going my entire career without a submission loss added to my name. I could go on and on about how you already added a loss to my record here in SCW which isn’t settling with me well.

    But point is I’ve been there. I’ve done that and I have said what I needed to say about it. No real surprise you yourself had a lot to say about the situation. I can tell that you and your little bitch manager – who has never amounted to anything anywhere had a field day at my expense for the submission loss. I can tell you all thought it was the funniest thing in the world and I can tell that you two think that it is going to be the same thing that happens every single time we step into the ring against each other. Well, you couldn’t be any more wrong.

    I shook my head a little bit to the side once again. Truth be told I had been preparing myself for this entire ordeal with Ace. I knew he’d have a lot to say. I knew that he’d be going off and bringing up what happened. Well, he was about to be shocked when things didn’t go the way he called or expected them to go.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:You know what I find funny though? I find it hilarious that you are billed as a ‘face’ and you apparently want to be the good guy. Yet you turn around and act like a ‘heel’ and act like a bad guy. Yes, I’m breaking the fourth wall here and I really don’t give a fuck what any of you have to say about it. Fact is Ace, you are a very confused person and it seems like you act a certain way depending on the situation you have been placed in.

    When it’s a given that you are going to win, when you know you’re going to have your hand raised in victory, and when its clear that your opponent has no chance in hell then you want to play the good guy card. You want to kiss ass and suck dick, but the moment that you are presented with a challenge. The moment it’s clear it isn’t easy for you and the moment it’s obvious you gotta dig down deep to come close to winning. Then you want to change your outlook and you want be that bad guy. You want to start going on and on about how people suck and shit.

    All I could do was shake my head a little bit more. It was clear to me that Baldwin had a bit of an issue within himself. He needed to decided exactly which one he was going to be. Was he going to be the good guy that kissed ass? Or was he going to be the bad guy that talked shit to seem like a tough guy? Guess, we’d see in the long run.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:That’s just hilarious to me and it proves to me that you are quite bitch made. I tell you what though Ace, you can say what you want about me. You can say I suck. You can preach about being better than me. You can claim that you’re going to beat me once again, and you can be as desperate as you need to be grasping for whatever straws you can just to get yourself over and to prove a point but the fact of the matter still remains.

    This isn’t GIW, this isn’t EWE where your bitch of a manager worked, but this is SCW and things are different. It isn’t about how much you can talk but about what you can do out in that ring. It is about who can have the ability to actually get the job done out there when it counts. Well, I made my mistake running my mouth last time and going word for word with you. I won’t make that mistake again. Instead, I’m just going to go out there on Sunday. Kick you in the mouth, knock you teeth down your throat, and win. It’s just that simple.

    I made my mistake and I admit making that mistake – with making that mistake it was time to bounce back from it. I was man enough and smart enough to figure out where I went wrong to go back to fix it. I was going to do just that and I was going to make sure that it was thrown in Ace’s face. On that note I had one final message to deliver.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:I have said it time and time again – to the point I shouldn’t have to say it again but I will this one final time. I didn’t come to SCW to be in second place. I didn’t come here to be overlooked and I didn’t come here to be the guy that never went anywhere. No, I came here to be the number one guy in the company. I came here to be the best that I can be. I came here to take over this company and I came here to be the next SCW Heavyweight Champion. Nothing and no one can stop me from achieving my goal. Fact is I am the Main Attraction and whether you boo me or cheer me, you came to see me! Now watch me steal the show at Blaze of Glory II.

    I took a few moments to look at the cameras with that same smirk my face. I had said all I needed to say for now. I drove the final nail in the verbal coffin if you will.  At that point the camera crew started to take things down as my attention was directed to my phone that started to vibrate. I flipped it open looking at it for a second and let a few words escape my mouth talking to myself.

    THE MAIN ATTRACTION ;; KEVIN CARTER:Well, that’s interesting to say the least.

    I smirked a bit as I sat my phone back down on my desk and then leaned back propping my feet up on it in order to relax. Now it was time to wait it out the next couple days and see what happens when I actually stepped out there to deal with those four men. At the end of the night there was only one of us that could win. At the end of the night only one of us could have glory. At the end of the night only one of us would take a step forward into immorality and as far as was concerned it was going to be me!