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Climax Control Archives / •-•Ready For It•-•
« on: May 10, 2024, 11:04:42 PM »

Location: Vimy, France.
Date: May 9, 2024

Eiley sighs as she walks through another tourist spot in Vimy, France and was not finding what she wanted. She was trying to find a spot that she wanted to film her promo for Sunday’s episode of Climax Control. But everything had been a little too touristy and she wasn’t sure if that’s what she wanted. She had done the private tour of Vimy Ridge and Arras battlefields the day before but it wasn’t what she was looking for. She had looked at the many different museums that the place had to offer but they hadn’t worked either. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was she was looking for but she knew it wasn’t any of those. She stops just outside of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial and looks at it. She knew that there was going to be people around but she could see the potential for a promo spot.

••eiley•• “This could be it…”

She turns to look around her before frowning as she sees Kaleb walking up to her. She just gives him a half smile as he stops alongside her.

ΘKALEBΘ “Is this it?”

He gestures at the buildings in front of them and she moves her body back so that it was facing the buildings. Her eyes scan over them before she looks over at him, a slightly worried look in her own eyes.

••eiley•• “What…are you doing here? I didn’t…think that you were supposed to know…here.”

Her voice was hushed as if she didn’t want her words to be heard but it wasn’t like anybody around them was paying them any attention. But the worry in her eyes showed him that she was worried about somebody noticing them and hearing her words as well.

ΘKALEBΘ “Don’t worry, everything’s fine.”

He places a hand on the small of her back as a way to reassure her that things were fine. However, the look on her face screams that it did nothing to comfort her or reassure her worries. She carefully brushes his hand off of the small of her back and she steps just two steps closer to him, trying to ensure that they were the only two that would be able to hear one another.

••eiley•• “You don’t know that. People could see you, see me, see us together.”

There was a sense of urgency to her voice and it was not lost on Kaleb. He tries to give her a look to tell her to calm down without actually saying the words. But she didn’t seem to calm down at all as her eyes darted around, trying to see if she recognized anybody that was around them. Kaleb rolls his eyes, annoyed with the blonde’s actions and behavior and only wanted her to calm down and not freak out in front of everybody that was at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial as he knew it would only draw attention to them if she were to act out. He gently pulls her into him and hugs her, the gesture looking sweet to those who would look at them but the feeling was different for her as it was tight and his lips are close to her ear as he whispers.

ΘKALEBΘ “You need to calm the fuck down. Nothing is wrong and nobody is going to see us together. Nothing is going to happen, just fucking calm down. Got it?”

His whisper had been harsh and she just simply nods her head in response to what he was saying. She didn’t want to rock the boat and she didn’t want to upset him anymore than he seemingly already was because of the anxiety that was eating at her.

••eiley•• “Okay, I’m sorry. I just wanted to be sure, I want everything to be perfect.”

He lets go of her, releasing her from the hug and she takes a deep breath in through her nose and slowly lets it out through her mouth. She adjusts the shirt she is wearing to smooth out any wrinkles that his hug had caused.

ΘKALEBΘ “So you think this is the perfect location? Something that you’d pick?”

He looks at her and she could tell that he was putting her to the test. She looks at the memorial buildings in front of them and studies them for a moment, trying to decide if this was it. If this was the place where she wanted to film her promo against Diamond Steele and Jayden Harris. She slowly turns her head to look at him before slowly nodding her head to confirm that it was.

••eiley•• “I think so…it is important to this city, and I know that it would hold some sort of importance in the background of the promo piece. I think the importance of the buildings will be enough without explaining why.”

She looks back at the buildings as she contemplates the ideas that move easily through her head.

ΘKALEBΘ “You have to be sure. We can’t afford to be wrong; we cannot ever afford to be wrong, Eiley. Things always have to be spot on.”

The firmness to his voice was not lost on her, either. The tone of his voice matches the look in his eyes as well. She knew what was at stake and she knew exactly what he was talking about and she nods her head at him.

••eiley•• “It’s not wrong, it’s the right choice for what I want and what I want to do. I don’t need anything flashy for my vision. I don’t want the focus of the promo to be on the memorial but instead on me. I want myself to be the focal point of the promo this time and I want to direct it at what is important, and I don’t think the past is important.”

She was trying her best to put emphasis that the past was not important and that it was all about the future. She tried to hold the conviction in her voice as she confirmed the choice she made by looking over at him.

ΘKALEBΘ “Good. What else?”

He presses her for more and she frowns for a moment, looking at him as she tries to think about what he could possibly mean. But in her mind, she was drawing blanks. She couldn’t think about what else there could be or if there even was anything else that could be added. She was sure that he was testing her, but she wasn’t entirely sure, either. His moods were often hard to navigate and she was doing her best not to upset him again.

••eiley•• “What…else? I … um…”

She stumbles over what else there could be or what he was trying to get at. She couldn’t find anything else that he might be talking about and her eyes meet his, the anxiety written in her own. She knew he was trying to get her to think about what else there could be.

ΘKALEBΘ “Think, Eiley. What else could you need?”

He pushes her toward something but she still couldn’t put it together in her own brain. She looks around, her eyes scanning the people that were also visiting the memorial before she sighs.

••eiley•• “I don’t think I need anything else, Kaleb. I just need me and those buildings to be in the background. I know you think I need something flashy, but flashy sometimes doesn’t always work. I tried to change it up last week and I feel like I failed and that Mark and I just barely got by with the win against Aiden Reynolds and Melissa. I can’t afford for that to happen this time. The focus has to be on me this time, nothing else.”

He looks into her eyes, holding them for the moment before smirking and nodding his head. She relaxes, seeing that she had gotten his approval. She looks at the memorial once again as she lets her body and her brain relax. She wanted the anxiety to disappear as she thinks about the upcoming promo that she would have to record for Sunday’s match against Diamond Steele and Jayden Harris.

ΘKALEBΘ “Good, because that’s what the focus needs to be from here on out. You, nobody else.”

A frown falls on her face as she processes his words and she slowly turns to look at him. A slight confused look in her eyes as she contemplates on how to respond to his statement.

••eiley•• “And Mark Cross, he’s my tag team partner for this tournament. I just can’t disregard him and cast him aside like he doesn’t mean anything. He’s important for this match and for my own success.”

This time, it was Kaleb’s turn to frown.

ΘKALEBΘ “He might be your tag team partner, Eiley, but he’s not what is important. You are what is important and proving yourself is what is important. It is why you came back, right? To prove yourself?”

She slowly nods her head, looking at him. It was something that they had discussed as it was something that she wanted more than anything.

••eiley•• “Yes…I want to prove myself to everybody. To prove I have what it takes to be the best.”

Kaleb grins at her.

ΘKALEBΘ “Good then Mark will only be something that will only be helpful to you in advancing in the tournament to get you what you want. Nothing more, nothing less.”

She seems conflicted for a moment, trying to decide how she felt about what Kaleb was saying. She didn’t necessarily agree with him about her tag team partner but she wasn’t going to upset him by openly disagreeing with him, either. She was learning how to navigate his moods and she didn’t want to set him off.

••eiley•• “O-okay. But there’s no need to not let the focus be on him, too. It’s not going to hurt me if the attention is on him too. It will only benefit the both of us if we are in the focus and in the spotlight. It doesn’t mean anything else.”

Kaleb just smirks a little bit.

ΘKALEBΘ “If that’s what will help you propel yourself into the main event, then that’s what you need to believe. I am not saying that you shouldn’t trust your partner, I’m just saying that in your promo, you need to be the focus. Because what you have to say is important.”

Eiley nods her head as if she understands where he was coming from. She takes a deep breath again and then slowly lets it out once more. She was trying not to get on his bad side as she didn’t like to see the angry side of him, the side of him that he rarely let out unless he couldn’t control it.

••eiley•• “Right. I’m just planning on sitting on the sidewalk with the buildings in the background. I don’t think I am even going to mention them, just let them be in the background. I know it’s not usually something that they would like and I’m almost sure that mentioning them might be good, but I think making my focus me is more important.”

Kaleb nods his head, agreeing with what she was saying. Kaleb watches her, taking in her body language as she seems to become a little more comfortable in his presence.

ΘKALEBΘ “I agree. Now let’s go find something that you can wear for the promo that will make you stand out.”

She shakes her head no, this time openly disagreeing with him. This movement makes him raise an eyebrow in curiosity but he doesn’t really react yet, letting her speak.

••eiley•• “Nothing flashy. Just a pair of jeans and a cropped tee. Nothing flashy, nothing special. I don’t want them to take anything away from my words.”

He grins at her, seemingly proud of the idea that she had in her own mind for her promo piece. She smiles back at him, seemingly happy that she has gotten his approval for the idea she was talking about.

ΘKALEBΘ “Perfect.”

The two of them turn to walk away from the memorial, leaving their thoughts there. The two of them walk towards the parking lot where the vehicle that Eiley had been driving was parked. Kaleb pulls her into him in front of the car and hugs her gently this time and she relaxes into him just a little, hugging him back as the anxiety melts away.


Location: Vimy, France..
Date: May 10, 2024.

“Last week was my first match back from an extended absence from competing. And I’ll be honest, it probably wasn’t the best that I’ve ever been in the ring. But that doesn’t matter because Mark Cross and I still walked away with the win and we eliminated Aiden Reynolds and Melissa. But while it doesn’t matter, it is important to look back at the match and see what I can do better to improve myself. Because that’s what it’s about, right? Proving that you’re the better wrestler. And in this case, proving that you’re the better team when it comes to advancing in this tournament.

This is my second time being in this tournament and last year, my partner and I only advanced to the second round. But to be fair, we were going up against J2H and his partner.  And going up against one of SCW’s legends is no easy task. Some would say that facing Devona is no easy task, either but if you ask me, she is not to legend status just yet.  The second round, last year, was the round that bounced me and my last year’s partner out. And maybe this year will be the same but I’m hoping that this year, this second round proves to be vastly different from last year.

In this second round of the Blast From the Past tournament, Mark and I go up against Jayden Harris and Diamond Steele. And while I do not have to worry about the semantics of facing Jayden Harris, because that job in itself lies in Mark’s hands, I am sure it is not something that Mark is going to take lightly. Jayden Harris is the offspring of former SCW World Heavyweight Champion, Michael Harris. I don’t know a lot about Jayden or really Michael, other than Jayden’s father was … controversial to put it nicely. And maybe Jayden isn’t the same, but he’s got a long ways to go to prove that he isn’t just like his father. But there’s a saying that goes that fathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their fathers did before them. It’s going to be hard for Jayden to prove that he’s not the same as father. But hey, I’m all for believing that people can prove somebody wrong but Jayden has pretty big shoes to fill. And a lot of people to prove that he’s not the same as his father and only time will tell.”

Eiley just shrugs her shoulders.

“I understand about having big shoes to fill, even if I am not related to Mikah. She’s a SCW legend herself and you’ll be hard pressed to find somebody who doesn’t agree. There are a lot of people out there that want to argue that I haven’t even began to fill her shoes, and realistically, they’re right. The most I have done is hold a tag team championship belt with Oz for a few months, nothing more. I haven’t had the opportunity to go for the World Bombshell Championship and I have yet to go for any singles belts, either. But you know what? I don’t even fucking care anymore. I am tired of being compared to her and I am not her, so people can stop assuming that I’m going to be just like her in the ring. And while she did train me, it’s not like we’re the same person in and out of the ring. And I’m done trying to prove myself to her…especially after she kicked me out of her gym. So I’ve had to find open gyms that allow people to walk-in to train and that is not something that has been easy for me. And it’s even harder trying to find somebody that will work with me in the ring but I’m used to having things not be easy for me and I’ll persevere through it and I’ll come out the better person. And I am going to make my mark in SCW and do whatever it fucking takes to be better than she was in the ring.

This tournament is going to be the thing that launches me into that superstardom…something that sets me in that direction that I deserve to be going. I know a lot of people look at this tournament and have a jaded view on it. But the way that I look at it, it lets the winners of the tournament shoot themselves into the main event and into the spotlight. And that is something that I am personally wanting for myself. I want to be in the spotlight and to be in the center of attention. This is something that I have never had in my entire life and I am going to prove that I can handle being in the spotlight.”

Eiley smirks a little at the camera, the arrogance reaching her eyes as she sits in front of Canadian National Vimy Memorial.

“Many of you will call this kind of behavior childish and that I am acting as if I am entitled to something when in fact, many of you believe that I am entitled to absolutely nothing. And for a little bit, you’re right. I understand that there are other Bombshells in this tournament that have put in the work to get where they are and I am just coming off of a four month hiatus and I don’t deserve to be in this tournament. And most of that belief comes from the fact that if Mark and I were to win this tournament, the two of us would be reward with championship opportunities. And I know that there are idiots that believe that I don’t deserve a reward of that status. But this tournament is something that absolutely anybody can enter to receive that reward. And if those whiners want to change the playing field, they could have entered this tournament just like I did and everybody else.

Moving on to Diamond Steele…”

Eiley makes a face as she looks at the camera.

“It took me a moment to realize that Diamond Steele is the same person as Kate Steele. Because for some reason, I thought that they were somehow two different people but I was corrected when I looked it up. I am not sure why it is so hard to keep track of the names of the Steele family, but sometimes I forget who is who. But at the same fucking time, I don’t fucking care either.

Diamond Steele might have something to say about the fact that her and I have both trained at Jet City or that we have some of the same connections. Or something of that nature but the fact is, I was mostly trained by Mikah. My affiliation with Jet City is due to Mikah being happily married to Kris Ryans. She might also mention something about Mikah and the training, but I am not a mind reader. I have absolutely no clue what goes on in the mind of Diamond Steele and I’m not going to pretend that I do. All I know is that she’s going to be on the opposite side of the ring of me and my job is to face her in the ring and do whatever I can to get the win for our team. Or at least, make it so that she doesn’t get the win.

Last week, Diamond claimed that this tournament was the right time for her to return to SCW and that it was the perfect place for her to assume her rightful place at the top of the card and at the forefront of the Bombshell division.”

Eiley just shakes her head a little bit with a slightly amused look on her face.

“While that is quite funny, it is not too bold of her to say. She does have history in this company and has been around here much, much longer than I have. It is not too bold of her to say but she has to remember that there are a lot of Bombshells in this division fighting for that same exact thing. Every bombshell that is signed with Sin City Wrestling wants to prove to the bosses that they have what it takes to be the face fo the division and to shoulder everything that comes with being said face of the division. But I don’t think Diamond Steele has what it takes to carry a division like the Bombshell Roster on her shoulders. How many times has she crumbled before? How many times has she walked away as if this company was nothing? Granted, I don’t know her exact record with doing that but it seems like it’s a revolving door for her. But it’s nice to see that there is something inside her head that is making her aim for more than being just a bottom feeder. At least there’s that.

I will give her props and agree with what she said about Jet City being the gym to bring out the best for SCW’s Bombshell division. It is not something that can be argued if you look at statistics or how many success stories has come out of Jet City. But I’m going to expand on that because I don’t think that Jet City’s success is only limited to the Bombshell division. People like Oz, Jaycee, and Kris Ryans came from Jet City and so did Kris Ryans’ brother, Jason Halich and Coby Quik. It’s not just the Bombshell roster that reaps the benefits from Jet City’s gym, it’s SCW in its entirety. However…

Diamond seemed to get one thing wrong or perhaps, mistaken…”

Eiley smirks a little to herself as she leans back on the sidewalk leading up to the memorial.

“Mikah wasn’t trained by Jet City. And while I am desperately trying to distance myself from her shadow, it is important to point that out. I’ve heard the story about where she came from so many times, that I could practically tell it myself. But no, Diamond got that wrong because Mikah was trained by a woman named Ally Johnson and she was trained in New York City. And maybe Diamond wasn’t lumping Mikah in with Jet City but it sounded like she had. But Mikah does work with Jet City now, doing coops with them for her own gym but her success in SCW cannot be  directly linked to the success of Jet City. By association? Yes, but not directly. Her success came before she was even friendly with her now husband.

And you would think that Diamond would be able to get things right because she sure likes to list her own accolades that she’s achieved in SCW. You would think that she would be able to get a little history down right so that she wouldn’t sound like a complete baboon when talking about Jet City and other gyms to push talent into SCW to see how their training worked and if they were good at their jobs. Diamond wants to talk about how certain Bombshells that were trained by SCW legends should emulate their trainers’ attitudes. But a good trainer shouldn’t want their student to be exactly like them but to exceed their expectations from them and become their own person inside the ring. And I’ll be as clear as I can be, I am not saying that Mikah is a perfect trainer and while she’s not perfect, she is one of the best. But her own narcissism prevents her from being able to be the perfect trainer because she wants everything to be perfect and expects perfection from her students. It is why she is so hard on them and why she is-was so hard on me before she kicked me out of her gym. She wants her students to be perfect in the ring and she expects them to be perfect because she believes that it reflects back on her and she doesn’t want her name dragged through the mud. But I disagree with Diamond saying that students should emulate their trainers’ behavior and attitudes….

And it might be a little ironic for me to be saying because the first year of my career, I was so focused on trying to be like Mikah that I was missing the fact that I wasn’t her. It made my mind go crazy with anxiety because I was always so worried about what she would think and if I was doing right by her. It got to me more than I ever thought it would. I had to take a break and step away to see that I couldn’t be her but I could try to be as good as she was in the ring and that’s what I am going to try to do from here on out. Even if she did kick me out of her gym.”

Eiley smiles at the camera and shrugs her shoulders.

“But this match against Diamond Steele and Jayden Harris has absolutely nothing to do with Mikah or any of those trainers who have achieved legend status here in SCW. It is about us and what we’re going to do in that ring to get the win. How far each of us are willing to go to get the win. I know that I will do anything I can to get the win because it means something more to me. I want to prove myself to everybody and that I wasn’t…I’m not some flash in the skillet and just a competitor who’s only around when things go her way. I want to prove to everybody that I’m going to be a force to be reckoned with when I step foot in the ring.

I know that Diamond has a history here in SCW and a long list of accolades and accomplishments for this company. However, there isn’t  going to be any red carpet that’s going to be rolled out for her on Sunday. This match isn’t a movie premiere or a rock concert for her. It’s not something that is going to just be given to her and she’s going to have to do whatever it takes to help her partner come out with the wind. But she’s not going to be given anything and nothing is just going to be fucking handed to her. I’m going to treat Diamond on Sunday as if she’s fresh to this company. Because I don’t give a FUCK about what she has accomplished before in this company. She could have fucking kissed Jesus’ feet and I still wouldn’t give a fuck about that because it’s not important. Those accolades and accomplishments aren’t going to be something that steps in the ring. Those things that she proudly listed off last week in her promo against Harper Mason mean jack fucking shit to me. Just like my previous mixed tag team championship reign isn’t going to get me any fucking leverage on Sunday because that’s not what’s on the line. Those things? They’re only important when you’re listing them on a resume for a job but you already have a job here, Diamond. I don’t need to fucking hear about what championships you’ve previously won or who you’ve beat to retain them or win them. Because you’re not the champion of those championships now, which means that you also lost those championships. It is easy to talk about your success in this company or in life but it’s a lot harder to talk about your failures in this company and I am sure that you have a lot. Just like my failure is not being able to re-capture the mixed tag team championships with Oz back in December or being able to beat Boring Kayla Richards in January. Those are my failures. Or at least, the most recent failures. I know there’s more but those are the two that seem to reign supreme in my life. And I’m sure it will be mentioned by either Diamond or the Boresome Bombshell Champion about how I have been MIA for four months and I’m sure both of them will credit that to the Boresome Bombshell Champion and how I was scared. Blah, blah blah.

But I wasn’t scared. I was just done. I needed space and time, something I couldn’t get while being booked in matches and I know that the quality of my in-ring work would have suffered. So I took the time that I personally needed to get my head right. And I did just that and came back to compete in this tournament to prove that I am going to be one of the best Bombshells that this company has seen.

Diamond, you’ve had your time to shine in previous years and it’s time for you to step aside to let somebody else have their time. I don’t give a fuck about what you’re going to say about me or what you’ve said about me, I have everything to prove and you’re just in my way. And I’m going to do whatever I can to ensure that Mark and I walk out of Climax Control on Sunday as the winners so that we can move on in this tournament. You’re nothing more than a roadblock on my itinerary. And I’m going to destroy that roadblock on Sunday.

Hope you’re ready for it.”


Climax Control Archives / •-•The Beginning of the End•-•
« on: May 03, 2024, 10:18:19 PM »

Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii
Date: April 29, 2024

Eiley carefully adjusts her tank top and simple pair of spandex shorts as she stands outside of Mikah’s gym in Kaneohe, Hawaii. She takes a breath before gaining some confidence before cautiously walking through the front doors of the gym. She looks around the gym, only standing in the entrance to the gym and she could see that the upstairs work out area was  buzzing with activity and then her eyes move to rings that were set up in the main level of the gym. She could see that Mikah was in the ring, working with Kendall and maybe a new student or two, she didn’t really know. The place was buzzing with activity and Eiley was for the most part, going unnoticed.

Eiley jumps back as three kids run in from outside and nearly knock her over.

••eiley•• “Hey!”

Two of the kids mostly ignored Eiley but the youngest, Myles, turns back at her. She watches the frown on the four and a half year old’s face before the look of realization hits him. Eiley watches as he stops to look at her before giving her a cheeky grin and then running off to follow his siblings through the gym. Eiley just stands there for a moment, trying to think thoroughly about her next step. She doesn’t have a lot of time to think as she has seemingly gathered Mikah’s attention.

Eiley watches as a few different emotions seem to run over Mikah’s face before Mikah seems to gather control of her emotions and returns to a neutral state. Eiley sighs as she moves towards the ring, walking slowly as she does as she wasn’t sure what sort of reaction Mikah would have towards her. Mikah steps out of the ring and Eiley sort of shrinks back as she sees the slightly angry look on her face. She wasn’t sure what to expect from Mikah but she didn’t expect that Mikah would be this angry.

;;MIKAH “You have some nerve..”

Eiley just swallows, hard as she moves to stand her ground, not wanting to back up from Mikah. She wanted to show that she wasn’t scared of the Hall of Famer and that she was confident enough to stand her ground.

••eiley•• “Uh…”

She barely has any time to think about what was going to happen next or even contemplate what she was going to say because Mikah cuts her off.

;;MIKAH “Do you know how long you’ve been out of reach? Do you know how many times somebody in this building has tried to contact you? Or do you even care?”

Eiley just looks at Mikah with a deer in the headlights sort of look as she tries to think quickly of an excuse for her absence. But it is clearly not something that she has thought too much about as she struggles to come up with a reason or an excuse. Mikah was still looking at her as if she was waiting for a proper response and Eiley continues to struggle with a proper reasoning.

••eiley•• “I’m sorry! I just…needed some space.”

The look on Mikah’s face did not scream that she was impressed with the reasoning that Eiley had given her. Eiley shifts her weight a little uncomfortably under Mikah’s stare as it doesn’t seem to waiver at all, staring at Eiley as if she was waiting for the actual truth and not just something that Eiley was saying to save face.

;;MIKAH “Space? As if the ocean isn’t enough space for you to be able to collect whatever feelings that you were feeling? I’m pretty sure Hawaii would have given you enough space to sort through whatever shit you needed to without disappearing on everybody.”

Eiley just looks at her for a moment, processing what Mikah was saying. But it was almost as if Mikah didn’t have that much patience for Eiley anymore. Eiley couldn’t understand why Mikah didn’t understand where she was coming from.

••eiley•• “You wouldn’t understand. And how could you? When you were in SCW, you always had a following and you had run the division for so long. You never needed to have space to think.”

The words that spill from the young woman’s mouth do not even seem to phase Mikah that much as she holds her own ground. The look on her face was emotionless for the most part except for the fact that Eiley knew that Mikah was upset with her.

;;MIKAH “Did you ever stop for one moment to think about how your absence has affected those around you?”

Eiley had noticed how Mikah had completely disregarded what she had said and Eiley boldly rolls her eyes in front of Mikah, not bothering to hide the motion.

••eiley•• “Why do I have to think about how my decisions affect other people? Nobody has ever thought about how their decisions affected me. So why do I have to be the one to think about how my decisions affect other people. I doubt you’ve ever thought about anybody other than yourself. Until recently, that is.”

The tension between the two was thick as Eiley hadn’t ever really stood up to Mikah before. The look on Mikah’s face, however, said it all as she looks at the twenty-one year old with a dirty look on her face that soon morphs into a smirk.

;;MIKAH “I get it, you’ve had a hard life, Eiley but things are different around here for you, now. And they have been for over a year now. You can’t walk in here like you haven’t been gone for months and act as if your absence hasn’t affected anybody. Things aren’t like they were in your childhood.”

Eiley was growing frustrated with the way that Mikah was avoiding some of the things that she had been saying to her and only picking and choosing things to respond to. She takes a moment to try to organize her thoughts before she responds to Mikah again. Eiley stands there for a few moments and Mikah just raises an eyebrow at her as she too waits for Eiley’s response. There could be sounds heard throughout the gym of people working in the ring and up above in the weight area of the gym.

;;MIKAH “Don’t worry, I have all the time to wait, Eiley.”

••eiley•• “Oh, what? You’re not chasing after your heathens that run around thinking they can control everything?”

The words had slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. She knew that the kids were the one subject that Mikah would be defensive over and Eiley could see the mood within Mikah change.

;;MIKAH “Those heathens can run around this gym and do whatever they want, it is their second home. Kristopher and I want them to feel safe here. And don’t worry, every single person who steps into this gym through those front doors knows not to lay a hand on them or discipline them. And you will follow suit.”

Eiley just clenches her jaw for a moment, trying to keep calm and to try to gather a stronger hold on what she allowed to slip out. Eiley knew that she had to be calculated on how to talk with Mikah and she knew that Mikah had a quick reaction as well. She also knew that people liked to call Mikah dumb but she was well aware that Mikah was anything but dumb and that she just let people make up their own assumptions about her.

••eiley•• “I just think it’s unfair that I’m expected to think about how my own decisions will affect other people when it’s not the same the other way around. It’s kind of hypocritical, if you ask me.”

The smug look didn’t seem to leave Eiley’s face and Mikah just shakes her head. She stops for a moment, hearing a scream and Eiley listens as well. She watches Mikah’s face and then takes a moment to recollect her thoughts. Mikah soon turns her attention back to Eiley after determining that the scream was nothing to be really concerned about.

;;MIKAH “Well, I didn’t ask you if you thought it was hypocritical, Eiley. You should be taking some sort of accountability for your actions. You’re acting as if you’ve only been gone a couple weeks and not since the middle of January, which was nearly four months ago.”

Eiley lets out an exasperated noise as she looks around, trying not to throw her hands up in the air and just walk out of the gym. She knew that Mikah was pushing her and trying to get her to admit that she was in the wrong.

••eiley•• “I know how long I have been gone, Mikah. I know when I left to get some space and to think. I realize it has been a long time but I wasn’t even sure that I wanted to come back! And right now? I’m regretting that I even stepped through those doors. I just thought that maybe I could step back in that ring and try to work on whatever skills I need to improve on.”

Eiley watches Mikah for a moment and can see her switching gears and she was fully ready for a new sort of tactic to come from Mikah.

;;MIKAH “What about Oz? You didn’t think about him? Or coming back to him? Or for him? Hell, you haven’t even sent him a message and he’s also been gone for a while, looking for you. I had thought that if there was one person that you would have told your location to, it would have been him.”

A blank look crosses over Eiley’s face as Mikah mentions Oz. It wasn’t the tactic that Eiley thought that Mikah would use. She blinks a few times, trying to think of an answer for Mikah.

••eiley•• “I-don’t…I…it’s….I tried to, I just couldn’t bring myself to…text Oz.”

She had stumbled and stammered over her words. She curses at herself in her mind, hoping that it didn’t give anything away. She should have known that Oz was going to be brought up in the conversation; he was just as important to this gym as she was. She watches as a smirk crosses Mikah’s face and that cold, determined look is now in the Hall of Famer’s eyes; a look that many of Mikah’s opponents had seen before when she had figured something out in the ring.

;;MIKAH “You know, I knew that you would show back up. I told Kristopher that you’d be walking through those doors after I heard your name being called and then being paired with Mark Cross at Blaze of Glory for the Blast From the Past tournament.”

Eiley lets out a breath that she hadn’t known she had been holding as Mikah switches the subject from Oz.

••eiley•• “I…thought it would be nice to finally come back and try to win the tournament. I had hoped that Oz was going to be in the tournament so that we could be paired together randomly. But apparently, he wasn’t entered in the tournament.”

Mikah shakes her head at Eiley.

;;MIKAH “How can he enter a tournament when he’s been looking for you, Eiley? Did you not think about letting him know before you entered your name into the tournament? It might have encouraged him to enter his name.”

Eiley stumbles over a few things in her head, trying to think of something that would counter what Mikah had asked. She could see that Mikah was already feeling as if she had the upper hand and she probably did. Eiley could feel how she was slipping up and things weren’t making sense to Mikah and she could feel herself struggling to keep her head above the water.

••eiley•• “I didn’t know that Oz was looking for me…he n-never contacted me….”

A slightly sinister laugh spills from Mikah’s lips and it sort of surprises Eiley and she takes a step back. She didn’t like the calculated look that was now in Mikah’s eyes.

;;MIKAH “I just told you a few moments ago that he was looking for you, Eiley. This is the second time that I’ve mentioned it.”

The look on Eiley’s face falters just momentarily as she looks at Mikah, a bit surprised and she blinks a few times.

••eiley•• “But I didn’t…Oz didn’t…he didn’t get ahold of me. I would have told him that I was going to enter the tournament and come back.”

Mikah just shakes her head at Eiley and Eiley glances around her, feeling uneasy as her mentor looks annoyed with her.

;;MIKAH “I don’t believe that, Eiley. You know why?”

Eiley just shakes her head no and Mikah steps a little closer to her. Eiley sucks in a breath and holds it as she feels her heart beating fast inside her chest.

;;MIKAH “Because I know that Oz had tried texting and calling you a week or so after you left to get space. And I’m pretty sure or at least ninety-seven percent sure that he’s tried since then. So your little claim that Oz hasn’t tried to get in touch with you doesn’t sit well with me.”

Eiley chews on the inside of her cheek, sure that she was going to chew a piece of it off as she tries to calm her racing heart down. She tries her best to think about what to say next to Mikah but there wasn’t anything that she could think of that would appease Mikah.

••eiley•• “But how do you know it was me that he was texting? Maybe Oz just told you that he was trying to find me. Maybe he was lying to you to disappear too.”

Mikah laughs again, the noise sounding anything but joyous as Eiley feels that feeling of anxiety settling in. She takes another step backwards as she sees the sinister look in Mikah’s eyes.

;;MIKAH “While I’m not too friendly with one Oliver Zahn, I know that he was looking for you and texting you. The two of you? You don’t have many friends or people who you keep close. But you and Oz kept close to each other. So I know it was you that he went looking for when you never returned any of his text messages or phone calls. Don’t treat me like I’m stupid, Eiley, because I’m smarter than you.”

Eiley swallows hard as she feels the wrath that Mikah was easily portraying toward her. She glances around the gym, looking for anybody that she could hopefully use as an ally but she didn’t see anybody.

••eiley•• “Um…I…”

She stammers over her words but both of them are pulled away from their own train of thought as Kris walks into the gym, his phone in his hand and he stops when he sees Eiley and Mikah talking.

;;MIKAH “Exactly. You don’t have anything else to say to me. So I want you to get out of my gym, Eiley. And by the way….”

Mikah takes a step closer to Eiley and leans in, her lips next to Eiley’s ear.

;;MIKAH “You’ve never called Oz, Oz.”

The color drains from Eiley’s face as she realizes that she had slipped up and she just turns and walks out of the gym, not wanting to argue with Mikah anymore. She wasn’t sure where she was going to go, but she knew that she couldn’t stay there anymore. She looks up at the Hawaiian sun and takes a moment to think to herself before starting to walk in the direction of the highway. She pulls her phone out of her pocket to call for an Uber as she tries to think of what she wanted to do next. She needed to find somewhere to train and she knew now that Mikah’s gym was off limits and she couldn’t step foot in there again as she was now not welcome there any longer.

••eiley•• “Fuck.”


Location: Normandy, France at the landing beaches..
Date: May 3, 2024.

The scene opens up to the landing beaches  and gets a shot of the ocean before the camera moves to get a view of what has been set up on the beach. For the time being, the beach is pretty much empty but a few rows of chairs have been set up, facing the ocean. There wasn’t anybody sitting in the chairs, but there was a distinct aisle in between the sets. While there weren’t people in the chairs, there was something sitting in a few of the chairs.  A minute goes by before a figure can be seen in a black dress with a head drawn over their head, shielding their face. The figure is looking down at the sandy beach  as they walk the aisle toward the ocean. The person is holding something in her right hand but is sort of dragging it behind her, tracing a line in the sand with it. The camera zooms in closer to see that the object that the woman is dragging behind her is a sledgehammer. The woman stops at one of the chairs that holds an item on it and the camera zooms in to see a picture of Eiley’s pinned tweet printed out and put in a frame. The woman carefully grabs the sledgehammer and lifts both hands before slamming it down onto the frame, shattering the glass and destroying the frame.

“There comes a time when all good things must come to an end so that a new era can begin…”

The voice is low and almost disguised as the sentence was said slowly and the person was enunciating every world so that each word would not be mistaken for something else. She rips the hood from her head, a disgruntled and angry look on her face as it is revealed to be Eiley.

“And on Sunday? The road to that new era is going to begin for me…”

She sets the sledgehammer back down behind her and drags it to the next row, where a replica of the cruise ship that SCW hosts fans for a week on and then has a show on sits. She raises the sledgehammer up once more and brings it down on the mini replica of the ship and smashes it into many pieces.

“There will be no living in the past for me….”

She lets her gaze linger on the broken pieces of the mini replica of the cruise ship, the sledgehammer sitting on the ruins.

“The last time that you saw my face on a SCW screen was in January when I lost to Kayla Richards on an irrelevant Climax Control, who ironically is the Bombshell Champion right now.”

She takes a moment to let the words sink in for a moment. But the moment doesn’t last as she holds the camera’s gaze, appearing more confident in herself than she used to look. There was something different in her eyes that the camera couldn’t quite differentiate from anything else.

“The date of that Climax Control is irrelevant and that match is irrelevant in itself. But it is the last time that anybody has seen me step foot in a SCW ring or a wrestling ring in general. It is almost as if I disappeared off of the face of the Earth and it may have seemed like I was never going to be seen again.”

She pulls the hood back up to cover half of her face again, indicating the disappearance. She pushes it back down and fixes her blonde hair to keep it out of her face. She turns to face the ocean, her eyes scanning the horizon as she places the sledgehammer back down in the sand behind her and begins to drag it forward once more, making the line behind her longer. She stops at another chair to look down to see a replica of a tag team championship belt sitting on it.

“And this is what was important to me at that time; fighting for a championship belt that I only got half credit for….”

She takes a breath as she stares at the championship belt. The look of disgust is soon written all over her face and she raises the sledgehammer up and over her head before smashing it down on the fake replica of the belt. She does it a few more times, mangling the item into practically nothing.

“But that’s not going to be what happens anymore. Not this time, not this new era.”

She lets the sledgehammer fall down in the sand before she walks to the front of the rows of chairs and she chooses one to sit in. She is quiet for a moment, staring out at the ocean as she lets her words resonate for a moment.

“That’s why I entered the Blast From the Past tournament. I didn’t enter it for giggles or to see who I would be teamed up with. I entered the tournament for the right to choose to challenge for the Bombshell Championship once the winners of the tournament have been crowned.”

She leans back and crosses one leg over the other. She doesn’t seem rushed to talk again as she takes in the view of the ocean. There’s some sort of calm about her as she watches the waves crash onto the sandy beach.

“On June 6, 1944, the allied forces launched the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare. The Allied landings on the beaches of Normandy marked the start of a long and costly campaign to liberate north-west Europe from Nazi occupation. This is also known as D-Day or the beginning of the end of the Second World War in Europe.”

The little history lesson was not something that Eiley had planned, but she had come across it when she was doing her research on the landing beaches of Normandy, and she couldn’t help but use it to her advantage.

“That’s what it feels like returning to SCW for this tournament. Or at least, it feels like the beginning of the end of a lot of things.”

She bites her tongue, not wanting to overstep and completely miss on what she was supposed to be talking about. She wanted to leave it vague and that’s what she was going to do.

“In the past, I’ve been compared to Mikah and I’ve been called a miniature version of her and not my own person. I’ve also been given compliments from J2H on a few occasions that people hate to be reminded of. But there’s also a lot of things that I’ve done wrong that don’t seem to get as much credit for. But that’s not what the future is going to be for me.”

She shrugs.

“I am sure that there are a lot of expectations that people in SCW are holding for me and that there are a lot of assumptions that are being made about me, and that’s fine. Everybody can say or think about whatever they want about me because they will no matter what I do in the ring to prove them wrong or what I say in order to try to prove them wrong. I was always in the shadow of my mentor and people weren’t going to take me seriously when it came to wrestling. They never believed that I was going to be anything more than a rip off of what Mikah was in the ring. And I guess I sort of cracked under the pressure and walked away when it didn’t go my way.”

She shrugs her shoulders, letting the movement easily move through her body. She doesn’t move her eyes from the ocean.

“But that’s not today, that’s not how it’s going to be moving forward. I’m going to be just … Eiley. And prove that I can stand on my own two feet without the help of Mikah and her little gym.”

A flash of anger passes through Eiley’s eyes but as quick as it was there, it’s gone even quicker.

“And I’m going to start with using Melissa as an example this Sunday. And I’m sure Melissa is an alright person and I’m sure that a lot of people are picking her to win because it’s just me. The bombshell who clearly has had some fluke wins in her past. There’s no possible way that I can win on Sunday against Melissa. However, my last couple of losses? They were mistakes. Mistakes that shouldn’t have been made and I’ve been working on cleaning those mistakes up. But…”

She smirks a little to herself at the thought.

“This time, there will be no mistakes made when it comes to stepping into the ring against Melissa. I’ll be brutally honest with you.”

She leans forward just a little, placing her elbows on her knees.

“I don’t know a thing about Melissa or who she is or what she can do in the ring. I tried to do my homework and I got bored watching your old promos. But the one thing I can say about you is that you have been trained by decent people. Goth is a SCW Hall of Famer, so at least we have comparable backgrounds in training when it comes to who SCW deems to be important. And Whisper is well known throughout the wrestling community as well, so you’ve had training by people who have their own following and know what needs to be done in the ring.”

She doesn’t seem to hold much emotion on her face as she stares at the ocean for a moment before glancing at the camera, her lips turning up in a grin.

“But being trained by legends can only get you so far, Melissa. And I would know as I’ve had a small amount of success here in SCW. I’ve been one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions, a division that Oz and I carried for a long time because the two irrelevants took over, who have completely ruined the division because I don’t even know the last time they defended them. But that’s not the point that I’m trying to make. I had success and I wanted to make my success be reliant on what Mikah had taught me in the ring, but she could only teach me so much. Which, is the same for you. Goth and Whisper can only teach you so much before you have to learn some things on your own.”

A smirk stretches across her face as she looks at the camera.

“Sunday is only two days away and only two days until I make my in-ring return for SCW. This time, however, I will not be teaming with Oz but instead Mark ‘The Dragon’ Cross, which is controversial in its own right. He has a reputation in this company and I’ve been told he can be a loud mouth and maybe a little annoying, but he does seem to know how to win this tournament, so for me? That’s a plus. Because I too want to win this tournament.”

The confidence in her eyes is different than before and maybe this time, it was something she actually believed.

“He has the experience in this tournament to know what it takes to win. And I don’t even care if I’m piggy backing off of his success because I know what I want. I also know that he’s perfectly capable of taking care of Aiden Reynolds and I won’t have to worry about some wannabe Finn Whelan wannabe.”

A small glint passes through her eyes before she refocuses and replaces the look with a blank look instead.

“I don’t care what I have to do to win on Sunday, either. I know that I am going to do whatever it takes to beat Melissa and be the better competitor in the ring. Melissa might think she is the better competitor and that she has the upper hand, but she’s going to be proven wrong on Sunday. I know I might be a little rusty in the ring, but I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure that I walk away with the win.”

She smirks again.

“Because this time around?”

She pauses for the dramatic effect.

“I’m not here for the Mixed Tag Team Championship, I’m here to fight for the right to challenge for the Bombshell Championship. Whoever that champion may be when it comes time.”

She shrugs one shoulder up as she looks at the camera.

“It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.”

She winks at the camera for a moment.

“And it’s going to start at the bottom, with Melissa. Hope everybody’s ready to watch it happen.”

She stands up and kicks the chair over with her foot.

“Because it’s going to happen whether you’re ready or not.”


Climax Control Archives / •-•Give Me One Good Reason
« on: January 05, 2024, 11:44:41 PM »

Date: --


A nine year old Eiley walks up the steps to another foster home after being kicked out of the previous one. Her social worker had done their best in explaining why she had to leave the previous house but Eiley had tuned her out because she simply didn’t care to hear it again. She was used to it because it happened so frequently that the reasons why she got removed from the homes didn’t seem to matter to her. She looks down at the black trash bag that held her belongings before looking up at her social worker, Lauren Palmer. She was nice enough and Eiley was probably more comfortable with her than she was most of the foster homes that she had been in.

LAUREN “Eiley, I know that this is never easy for you, but I promise Mr. and Mrs. Alberts are nice people and they have twin girls your age! You’ll get to play with kids your age this time. I believe their names are…Riley and Rachel.”

Eiley noticed the hopeful smile that Lauren had on her face and she wanted to smile back at her, but she never trusted foster homes that the parents had children of their own. Or at least in her experience, it had never been a good thing.

•EILEY• “Okay.”

Her voice was small and her answer had been short and she watches as Lauren presses the doorbell to the house. Eiley takes a deep breath, trying her best to settle the anxiety that she was feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was used to the many different homes that she had to move to and she was sure that this home would be no different than any of the other homes she’d lived in, temporarily.

She watches as the door opens and a couple stands there with smiles on their face that Eiley was sure were meant to be welcoming, but instead they were kind of terrifying in their own way. Eiley just gives them a small, shy smile of her own as Lauren clears her throat to do the introductions.

LAUREN “Hi David and Georgie Alberts, I’m Lauren and this is Eiley Finch.”

Eiley wants to shrink away and disappear as they look at her, sizing her up. But she knew that she didn’t have much of a choice because living in group homes were worse than foster homes.

•EILEY• “Hi…”

Her voice came out almost as a squeak and she tries her best to plaster a smile on her face.

GEORGA “Oh my gosh! She’s just darling, Lauren! You didn’t tell me how adorable she was. Isn’t she just adorable David?!”

Eiley grimaces a little bit, hoping that it was not as noticeable as Georgia gushes over her a little bit. She couldn’t help but think that her words were only for show in front of Lauren.

DAVID “Of course she is, please, please. Come in.”

Eiley watches as they step aside and she looks up at Lauren, an unsure look on her face before Lauren smiles before nodding her head and leading the two of them in. David takes it upon himself to grab the trash bag of Eiley’s things as Georgia ushers Eiley and Lauren into the living room.

LAUREN “Thank you for taking Eiley in on such short notice, Georgia.”

Eiley could tell that Lauren and Georgia have interacted before due to them being on first name basis with one another. She also had the feeling that Lauren’s placed children with them before on a last minute’s notice.

GEORGIA “Oh nonsense! You do not have to thank me at all, Lauren! We’re happy to do it, I just can’t stand to think about all of those poor children that need a place to live.”

Eiley just watches as Georgia clutches at her heart and has one of those empathetic looks on her face. However, she keeps quiet, not sure what she was supposed to say to either of them. She was never very vocal when it came to new foster parents as she only knew about the abusive types of foster parents, never those who actually wanted to help children thrive in a world where they weren’t wanted.

LAUREN “I promise she’s a good kid, she’s just had a rough few years.”

Eiley was used to being described as a good kid by Lauren but the sentiment usually never transferred to the foster parents once Lauren left. Eiley expected both David and Georgia to turn into monsters once Lauren’s car drove away.

DAVID “I am sure she’s a wonderful kid, Lauren. She seems quiet, everything okay?”

Eiley didn’t like the way that David’s eyes moved over her young body but she just forces a smile and nods her head. She knew that they expected her to speak, but she didn’t know what to say to them.

•EILEY• “I’m okay.”

Eiley tries her best to put a convincing smile on her face as she didn’t want to send red flags to the parents so early. She had always been told in previous home that she was a bad girl and an even worse kid and she didn’t want that to be what these two saw in her.

GEORGIA “The girls are upstairs playing…let me go grab them.”

Eiley just watches as Georgia goes upstairs to find the girls and the introductions soon don’t take long. Eiley already was sure that the twins didn’t like her but the act they were putting on for their parents and Lauren was convincing enough. The first few minutes were never hard but Eiley could tell that Lauren was getting ready to go and that she would be left in the care of the Alberts and she’d have nowhere to turn to.

LAUREN “Well, thank you again. I am sorry that it was so last minute but things were not working out for Eiley at her previous home. And just a reminder, I will pick her up on Thursday afternoons for her therapy appointments. Eiley, please be good and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask, okay? I’m just a call away.”

Eiley already felt the anxiety settling in and while she knew she had to stay with them, she still didn’t want Lauren to go. She had asked Lauren before to adopt her but Lauren said that she couldn’t and that since she was a young, twenty something female, she wouldn’t be approved. Eiley just nods her head and lets Lauren give her a hug before she watches her leave. She glances at Georgia and David and the happy looks on their face don’t fade once Lauren’s gone. She feels a little bit of hope in the pit of her stomach but tries her best not to let it linger.

GEORGIA “Girls, why don’t you go show Eiley the playroom? Your Daddy and I are going to wash Eiley’s things. And please, behave yourselves.”

Eiley listened as the girls agreed with what their mother said but she wasn’t sure that they were compliant and she didn’t like the look that Georgia had given them, either. But nonetheless, Georgia walks away with David and Rachel and Riley turn to look at Eiley, sneers already on their faces once their mother is out of earshot and sight.

RILEY “You know, our parents are never going to be your parents, right?”

Eiley watches as Riley folds her arms over her chest in a slightly defiant way before glancing at Rachel.

RACHEL “Yeah, they never keep strays very long.”

The girls snicker before motioning for Eiley to follow them to the playroom. Eiley drags her feet but eventually follows the girls upstairs to the playroom, that was filled with toys and things to play with. Eiley glances at the girls before chewing on the inside of her lip. It was all a little too much for her to take in and she wasn’t sure what Rachel and Riley were planning but she already was acutely aware that they didn’t want her there.

•EILEY• “This is a nice room.”

It was a simple sentence and an olive branch that Eiley was trying to extend to the girls. She didn’t want to be in their way and she didn’t want to make trouble. She didn’t want to be enemies with them, but there was something about their attitudes that made her feel like an outcast.

RILEY “Probably nicer than anything you own. And you shouldn’t touch anything, we wouldn’t want your disgusting germs to be on any of our things.”

Riley lets out a laugh that only makes Eiley shrink back into herself even more. She wasn’t sure what the two girls were playing at but she already wanted out.

RACHEL “Yeah, you look filthy. When’s the last time you took a shower?”

Eiley looks down at her feet, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she tries to ignore the words that came from the girls’ mouths. She knew that she needed to take a shower but she hadn’t been given that opportunity very often at the previous home she had been in.

•EILEY• “I…um…yesterday.”

She knew that it was a lie, but she didn’t want to admit the truth to the mean twins. She already knew that they knew she was lying but she wasn’t going to admit that out loud.

RILEY “Yeah right. You probably don’t even know how to shower. You’re worthless, just like all of the other kids that have been here.”

Eiley doesn’t say anything, not even trying to defend herself as Riley gives that holier-than-thou look that Eiley’s seen on so many kids before.

RACHEL “Yeah, we only like the money our parents get for having you here. It lets us have all the nice things in this room.”

It was honestly nothing that Eiley hadn’t heard before. She was used to kids being mean, especially if the parents took in foster kids while having their own biological children. She knew that it was just the way things were and that she’d have to suck it up because she had nowhere else that she could go.

•EILEY• “Money that is supposed to be going towards things I need, not you two brats.”

The two of them looked appalled that Eiley would even dare speak out against them. But Eiley didn’t care as she tries her best to hold her ground. She hated feeling like she was worthless and she hated letting other kids speak to her the way that these two were speaking to her. It was not her fault that she didn’t have parents that wanted her and it wasn’t her fault that she had gotten placed at their house because the previous foster parent couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

•EILEY• “I bet nobody wants to really stay with you two, anyways.”

Eiley doesn’t give them the opportunity to respond as she turns around and walks out of the playroom. She didn’t really know the layout of the house or where anything else was, so she walks back downstairs to the living room and sits back down on the couch, waiting for David or Georgia to ask her if she needed anything.



Location:Denver, Colorado.
Date: January 5, 2024.

The scene opens up to Eiley sitting in the seats in the Denver Coliseum dressed in a pair of black leggings and a cream colored sweater. Her blonde hair is down in waves and she has a burgundy stocking hat on her head. In her hands is a cup of hot chocolate and she’s placed her UGG covered feet on the seat in front of her. She looks at the camera before taking a small sip from her hot chocolate and then giving a smirk at the camera.

“I thought about finding some off the beaten path type of location to do this in, a place where nobody else would have even dreamed of filming their promo at.”

She leans back, stretching her back out a little bit.

“But then I remembered who I was booked to face this weekend…”

An arrogant smirk crosses her face as she gets comfortable in the slightly uncomfortable seats.

“And thought why the fuck should I even bother?”

She raises her eyebrows at the camera before shrugging her shoulders.

“Because Ms. Irrelevant isn’t going to do anything spectacular for her promo; it’s always some sort of the same thing. Over and over again, and nothing she says is ever anything close to being special or even truthful, for that matter. And if I’m being honest, she always puts me to sleep with her monotonous voice and her annoying face.”

Eiley takes another drink of her hot chocolate before setting it on the ground down beside her. She looks back at the camera and simply shrugs her shoulders.

“I might not have the best voice or the prettiest face, but at least I try to make what I am saying interesting and something that people should want to listen to.”

The emotion she was trying to convey showed through her voice but it did not seem to reach her face. Rather, she seemed uninterested in the whole idea of doing what she was doing.

“And if I’m being honest, this is getting a little repetitive and boring.”

She fakes a yawn and pats her hand over her mouth a few times as she crosses her feet at her ankles.

“But before we get into that, let’s talk about what I know to be true. Things that have happened since October.”

She doesn’t move from her position in her stretched out, comfortable position as she stretches her legs out straight, leaving them crossed at her ankles.

“Ms. Irrelevant and her partner beat Olly and I for our Mixed Tag Team Championships at High Stakes. Fact. Olly and I struggled for the next several weeks after that. Fact.”

If she had been interested in what she was doing, she might have ticked each item off with her hand but she couldn’t be bothered to do so.

“And Olly and I didn’t beat Ms. Irrelevant and her partner back at December to Dismember. Fact. And I’m sure she’ll bring all those valid points up and it will be the only things that she says that will be truthful because she can’t come up with anything interesting to say otherwise. Because even though she is half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions, she’s still so fucking boring. And still nobody gives a flying fuck about her presence in this company and I’m not even sure her partner gives a flying fuck about her if I’m being honest, again. And why should he? She’s nothing special.”

Another shrug of her shoulders and another look of indifference crosses her face.

“In matter of fact, this match is so uninteresting that when Olly told me I was booked in a match and I looked who it was against, I went back to doing absolutely nothing. It’s not an important match and it doesn’t matter who wins or loses this match other than the fact that it will improve one person’s win streak and give the other a tally in the loss column. That’s all this match is.”

Another indifferent look passes over her face and another shrug from her shoulders.

“I know that I am supposed to care about every match that I’m booked in. And I know that I am supposed to put forward some sort of effort to show that I am trying my best to do what is expected of me. But what am I supposed to do when I’m booked against the same person that I’ve been in matches with over and over again since High Stakes? It’s boring and repetitive and I guarantee the fans will use this match as their designated bathroom break and snack break.”

Again, another look of indifference passes over her face.

“AND to make things worse, we’re in fucking Colorado. It’s fucking cold here and it’s not California or Hawaii and I already fucking hate it here. I can’t wait for this match to be over so that I can get on an airplane and getting the fuck out of here.”

The girl spent most of her time in the states that rarely got cold and she had spent the last few weeks with Olly in his place in Barcelona, hidden from the world. It was barely cold anywhere that she frequented and she was not a person that was fond of wearing layers or pants, for that matter.

“There are always going to be comparisons made when it comes to me and my trainer, Mikah. There’s always going to be somebody saying that I will not ever measure up to the type of Bombshell that she was. There are always going to be those that doubt what I am capable of in the ring and that’s fine. I’ve never been the person that people root for or the type of person anybody has ever expected to make something out of themselves.”

No emotion reaches her eyes as if she has been disconnected from that part of her life.

“In fact, I’ve had several foster parents tell me that I was worth nothing more than the money the state gave them for fostering me. I was always told that I would end up on the streets as some sort of trash, working the streets to make money. There was not one person in my life from when I was younger that believed that I was worth anything.”

Again, no emotion reaches her eyes but the look of disconnect is still there.

“And you know what? Maybe I’m not. Maybe I’m not worth anything more than a paycheck. But you know who’s decision that is to make? Mine, not some whore that looks like she needs her face rearranged by slamming it into a table.”

It might not have been something that was recommended for her to say and if she had an agent of sorts, they would have been disappointed in what she was saying. But she didn’t and she didn’t care.

“Ms. Irrelevant doesn’t get to say that I’m nothing and that I am not going to amount to anything in this company.”

It’s the first time that a flicker of emotion reaches her voice but there is no fiery look to match her tone.

“She doesn’t get to make claims that I will not amount to much or that I will not ever be on the same level that Mikah was. And maybe I won’t because honestly? That’s a task that’s hard for anybody to reach and I’m pretty sure that Amber Ryan is the only bombshell that has ever reached that status.”

She smirks a little bit.

“And honestly? I can see it. I also know that Mikah respects Amber Ryan as a person and as a competitor. But this? This isn’t about Mikah or who she respects. It’s about me being the best that I can be and whether that is something that is similar or close to Mikah and what she used to be in SCW.”

She smirks again.

“And while people still seem to have some sort of problem with the fact that Mikah’s the one who’s trained me, it’s not going to change the fact that she is the one who trained me. And the fact that she is considered to be the best and the literal measuring stick for what a Bombshell should be.”

She glances over to her right, frowning just a little bit as she hears a noise. It takes her a moment to regain her focus before she looks back at the camera once more.

“There’s always going to be criticism when it comes to me because of my affiliation with Jet City and Mikah’s gym. But yet, Ms. Irrelevant comes from a gym that is so irrelevant that they should change their name to Irrelevants Lair. Because when have they done anything interesting? It’s been a long time since any of them have done anything worth talking about. But yet, their gym isn’t as harshly judged or criticized when it comes to the talent that pours out of their doors, if you could even call it talent.”

She fires off a half smirk before reaching down and grabbing her hot chocolate and finishing it off.

“Maybe this is sour grapes, maybe it’s not. But what I do know is that people want me to care. They want me to care that Olly and I lost to Team Irrelevant at December to Dismember. They want the two of us to be all mopey and sad. But do you know what?”

She makes a face before shrugging her shoulders again. She grabs her phone and scrolls through something and is clearly reading something on her phone.

“We’re not. I’m not and I don’t fucking care about somebody like Ms. Irrelevant or her partner. I don’t give a fuck that management thinks that I should be booked against Ms. Irrelevant again and try to prove something that I don’t care to fucking prove. And the card that was released on Sunday claims that there’s heat between Ms. Irrelevant and I but I’m not sure where the fuck that heat is. Because I don’t fucking care about her or this match. In fact, I do not even care that she exists in this world.”

She rolls her eyes, the irritation showing through.

“This is just something that the management wants to push and wants to pretend that is there, when it’s really not. They want to write the narrative that Ms. Irrelevant and I are at some sort of war with one another when I really do not even care that she exists in this world. I do not even care that we’re employed by the same people and I don’t fucking care that her and her partner are the Mixed Tag Team Champions. Because other than Olly and I? Nobody wants those belts. Nobody gives a fuck about that division. And here’s a little insight for those who don’t really pay attention…”

She moves a little bit, placing her feet on the ground and leans forward, looking directly into the lens of the camera.

“It is obvious that we are working under a dictatorship.”

She pauses for literally sixty seconds, letting her words sink in and the silence surrounds her as she just stares into the lens of the camera. She just cracks a smirk after the sixty seconds and leans back in her seat.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering what I mean by that, and don’t worry. I’m going to tell you. Just give me a moment to relish in the fact that we work under a dictatorship.”

She lets out a chuckle before adjusting the stocking hat on her head.

“I’m going to let everybody in on a little secret as to why Olly and I partly lost the match at December to Dismember. And it might shock you but management? They don’t want Olly and I together. And no, I’m not talking about as a team and while that’s part of it, they don’t want us together in our personal lives.”

She raises an eyebrow at the camera, the smirk still plastered on her face as she lets the silence surround her once more.

“But I wasn’t aware that they had the right to tell anybody who they can and can’t be with outside of the ring. I’m sure that they haven’t told Court and Ruby that they can’t be married, even though they’ve expressed their distaste for Ruby. And I’m sure that they haven’t told HBC and Miles that they can’t be together. But yet, they don’t seem to want Olly and I together.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“But I’m going to make one thing clear, what I choose to do in my personal life and in my time away from this company is nobody’s concern. I can choose to see whoever I want and that just happens to be Olly. And management doesn’t get to dictate who I can or can’t date; SCW isn’t a dating service. I’ve known Olly since I was a teenager, way longer than I’ve known anything about SCW. And I’m not about to jeopardize my personal life to make management happen. So, they’re just going to have to accept the fact that I want Olly in my life in every form that he can be. And there’s nothing they can fucking do about it.”

She smirks at the camera again, that arrogance and confidence showing through.

“But Ms. Irrelevant and I do not have to worry about Olly or Finn being at ringside because apparently they’re banned from ringside.”

She makes a face and shakes her head.

“I am not even sure how that is relevant to a singles match, anyways. I’ve never had Olly accompany me to the ring for a match of mine before and I am not sure why I would ask him to do so now. Or why he would, in a match that isn’t about him but is more about me. And the “heat” that Ms. Irrelevant and I have between one another. Something that management wants to be there but isn’t because nobody cares about this match. However, I had to look at the card again and maybe we won’t be the designated bathroom break match or the designated snack break match because after our match is Bill Barnhart’s match, and that’s another snoozefest as well.”

She lets out a chuckle at the thought before shrugging her shoulders once more.

“To be honest, the match that Ms. Irrelevant and I have will probably be the bathroom break match and the next match will be the snack break match because nobody’s going to care about the two matches before Court’s match against the whiny Ariana Angelos. And to be honest? They shouldn’t care.”

She smirks a little again.

“Oh? Is that surprising that I would say something like that? I’ve only been saying it the entire time I’ve been talking tonight. This match is not important, and it lacks everything that a match should be. A match should inspire me to want to win, but instead? It’s only making me want to get the night over with so I can escape back to my corner of the world and out of the fucking cold. It is just something that I have to do so that I don’t get fined money from the dictators of this company. And I will show up, even if I don’t care about how this match goes because I haven’t been given a reason to care.”

She knows that it sounds childish to want a reason to care but she doesn’t care.

“There is nothing important that is going to come out of this match. Nothing of any importance, anyways. It isn’t going to matter if I win, or if I lose because it’s just another match that I’m booked in because the dictators couldn’t find anything else to put there on the card. Essentially? I’m just a fucking pawn in their game of chess. They don’t have a plan, they’re just drawing up matches for their own gain. And more power to them.”

She gives the camera a thumbs up with her right hand before rolling her eyes once more.

“I’ll do what I’m supposed to do on Sunday. I’ll show up and get dressed in my gear and I’ll go out to that ring….”

She points to the ring and the camera pans over to the ring that was already set up for Sunday’s event before it moves back to Eiley.

“And I’ll try my best to give Ms. Irrelevant a match that she deserves and I’ll try to come out with the win. But I’m very aware that I’m not the favorite to win because of my personal life choices. And probably because of some of the things that I’ve already said tonight, and that’s fine. I’ve never been anybody’s favorite and I’m probably not going to be anybody’s favorite. That’s fine, I’ve gotten through the majority of my life surviving just fine and I’m sure that I could survive this match on Sunday too without my ego being bruised…”

She smirks a little bit again, the emotion this time reaching her golden-brown eyes.

“Afer all, it’s just a match against Ms. Irrelevant and she’s nobody important.”

She adjusts her hat once more, feeling it having slouched down on her forehead just a little bit.

“Do I want to win? Obviously but it’s not something that I’m going to hang my hat on. I’ve become hyper aware of the fact that I’m not favored to win anything anymore. And that I’m nobody’s favorite. It’s a lot more fun being the un-favorite anyways, that way when I do win matches, nobody will see it coming and it will hurt those who lose that much more.”

She smirks before standing up and fixing her leggings once more. She glances around before focusing on the camera.

“See you all on Sunday.”

She starts to walk away before stopping and looking back at the camera, a smirk on her face once more.

“If you’re lucky.”



Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Date: December 12, 2023.

Eiley sighs as she turns over onto her back after trying for what seemed like the billionth time in trying to go to sleep. She had been trying for hours to fall asleep but her mind just would not shut up about some of the things that Jaycee had said when she and Oliver were helping him with his new place. She had a notion to send him a text message and call him a jerk for putting the thought into her head. She wanted to get some sleep because they were going to have to get on an airplane in a matter of hours and she never slept well on airplanes. But it appeared that sleep was not going to come to her for a while and she knew it was because her brain would just not shut up and let her fall asleep. It kept moving in circles and going on and on about things that she didn’t know the answer to.

She wanted to lay there but at the same time, she knew that just laying there wasn’t going to bring sleep to her any time soon, so she growls a little bit before getting up and straightening out her shorts and cropped tank. She figured she could at least waste some time watching TV or sitting outside on their very small balcony to watch the ocean. She walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, scanning the shelves’ contents before realizing neither one of them were exactly good at grocery shopping. So she grabs a bottle of water and then walks out into the living room and jumps a little when she sees Oliver sitting on the couch, aimlessly scrolling through something on his phone. She walks over to the door that leads out to their small balcony and pulls the door open so that they could hear the waves crashing against the shore. It was a soothing sound to her ears and she thoroughly enjoyed the sound.

•EILEY• “I didn’t realize you were awake.”

She gives him a small smile before sitting on the opposite end of the couch, moving her legs up underneath her as she looks out the window. She couldn’t see too much as it was pretty dark out and she hadn’t even realized what time it was as she hadn’t looked.

•EILEY• “I’m taking it that you couldn’t sleep either?”

She was guessing because she thought he had gone to bed as well and now, here he was. She opens her bottle of water and takes a small sip before setting the bottle down on the end table next to her. She watches as he nods his head, agreeing with what she had asked.

•EILEY• “Are we thinking about the same thing? About…what Jaycee said?”

She was a little hesitant to ask him but she couldn’t hold it back much longer and her brain wouldn’t leave her alone about it. She couldn’t talk to anybody but him about it because it involved him. She flutters her eyes over to look at him, chewing absent-mindedly on her bottom lip. He wordlessly turns off the screen of his phone and sets it aside, but doesn’t look over at her at all.

○OZ “You ever wonder why we are the only two that don’t see it?”

That was certainly one way to answer her question. He had skipped right over it and instead of deflecting, actually engaged with the topic. Most of the time when the subject came up, both of them acted the way they did with Jaycee, or blew off the subject all together. Engagement was a step forward at the very least..

○OZ “I mean people have a point. It’s not just that we’re a team. We live together. We travel together. We share an apartment, a car, and literally all of our bills come out of the same pile of cash. Neither of us ever hang out with anyone else. I mean, we aren’t doing anything to dispel the rumors….”

Eiley didn't say anything for a moment, thinking about what Oliver had said and was trying to process it the best that she could. She could understand and see where they were coming from when Oliver brought up all the points that he had. They did live together and pretty much share everything except maybe beds.

•EILEY• “I…just thought that…maybe the other people were just seeing what they wanted to see. But if Jaycee sees it…”

She couldn’t deny what Jaycee had seen or saw because he wasn’t a stranger or just some co-worker; he was one of them, a friend. But he was seeing them just as the others seemed to see it.

•EILEY• “I…don’t want to hang out with anybody else. I like hanging out with you.”

She said it softly and it was almost inaudible at that. She was a little hesitant to admit her feelings or that maybe she could see it too. It wasn’t too far of a reach when it came to them; they did spend a lot of time together.

○OZ “He’s been saying it for a while, like even before High Stakes. I went to go see him on my own, and he told me that I needed to ‘cut the shit and go get my girl’ or something to that effect.”

He chuckled at the thought like it was ridiculous, but Eiley caught the smile that it brought to his face out of the corner of her eye. Regardless of what he was saying about the idea, everything in his body language told her that he didn’t really think it was as crazy of an idea as they always pretended it was.

○OZ “I used to tell myself it was because you were too good for me, even before Sin City and the noise that came from the dirt sheets or social media. Then after all that started, I kind of always shut it down because it seemed like everyone would jump all over us if it ever happened. Felt like it would just end up being part of the show, and not anything more than that. Seemed cheap.”

He shrugs his shoulders, and tries to downplay how much it had been weighing on him in the last couple of months in particular. She’s quiet for a moment, thinking about what he had said and it made sense in her brain, everything he had said seemed logical.

•EILEY• “I’ve never been too good for you, Olly. Never, even when we weren’t getting along. Plus, if anybody is too good for anybody, it’s you being too good for me. After all, you’ve never killed a person.”

She was trying her best to lighten the mood, even though the subject was a little on the dark side. But there was something there, whether either of them wanted to admit it just yet.

•EILEY• “I think…you’re right. I wouldn’t want something to happen and only for SCW or the like to use it to their advantage. I think I’d want it just for us, nobody else. For a little while, maybe.”

The indecision and hesitation was still there but they were at least talking about it, which was a huge step in the right direction for the two of them.

•EILEY• “Do you think it means more coming from Jaycee? Compared to the others that say it?”

She turns her eyes over to him, looking at him.

○OZ “I think that he is one of the few people that we both kind of have to listen to. For as long as I can remember, you two have been the only two that I ever considered close enough to be real friends, and we all saw how that played out last year…”

She could see that even though he hadn’t been the one pulling the trigger, that the whole Kris and Jaycee situation still weighed on him exactly the way that Dean was still a weight around her neck. They have both been involved in situations that they wished ended differently, and yet they hadn’t abandoned each other after learning about them. They were still stuck together, and maybe they really were just pretending that it wasn’t more than it actually was.

○OZ “We all came from a place where everyone said we were nothing and never would be. I never saw either of you like that but it felt true enough for me. That’s why even back then I never really acted on anything. I figured I would eventually just be a funny memory for each of you, but look at how things ended up? We’re all still in the same place, and all still leaning on one another when we need support. I guess I am just tired of pretending that we don’t need each other.”

It was more of a statement about their entire group than just the two of them, which made the words easier to say. However, once they were out he raised his eyes from his lap, and actually met her gaze for the first time.

○OZ “...and trying to convince people that the two of us aren’t what we are. It’s silly, and completely obvious the more that I think about it. I can’t believe we have ignored it for as long as we actually have. I’m kinda just done with that game though, ya know? I’m done lying to myself about it too.”

A smile starts to spread across her face as she thinks about his words and what they meant for their future. Or what they could potentially mean when it comes to their future. She knew that there would be a lot of people judging them and comparing them to Mikah and Kris, which to be fair was a lot of pressure for either of them to live up to.

•EILEY• “That makes two of us.”

The words were simple and there didn’t need to be anything more said that wouldn’t seem repetitive or genuine. She moves just a little bit closer to him, a light pink color flushing her cheeks before she presses her lips against his cheek, kissing it softly.


Location:Tuscon, Arizona.
Date: December 15, 2023.

The scene opens up to what looks like a winter wonderland and Christmas has thrown up. There was fake snow everywhere and one long lane lined with red and white striped candy canes on both sides. There was a large Christmas tree at the end of the lane that was probably closer to 8 feet tall and was decorated pretty effectively and maybe a little over the top. There were presents under the tree and some Christmas music playing lightly in the background. Eiley steps out into view dressed in a red and white Santa themed costume that was pretty skimpy on all accounts. She wasn’t sure if she was fond of this idea but Mikah had told her that SCW loved the whole themed ideas, so she was going to roll with it, even if it was out of her repertoire..

“December to Dismember is in roughly two days, give or take a few hours depending on which timezone you are in and when you are watching this.”

She holds up two fingers and wiggles them a bit before placing her hands back down at her sides. She didn’t mind that the outfit was skimpy, but the fake white fur was a little bothersome. And by bothersome, she meant that it was itchy.

“And that’s two more days that …”

She frowns as she tries to remember the current champions’ team name. She knew that it was something related to Wolfslair but she couldn’t be fucked to remember the exact name.

“Whatever their team name is gets to hold the championships that do not belong to them.”

She kicks a snowball that was off to the side.

“And let’s not waste any time, because I don’t have time to waste. Let’s get right to it, and talk about what the boring and irrelevant one of the group had to say, shall we?”

She smirks a little bit, her arrogance showing through..

“The first thing that I’m going to say is that I am not sure what you are talking about when it comes to social media; I purposely do not talk about what I am doing in my professional life so that idiots like you can’t use it against me nor do I make many tweets about my personal life. I have not sent out any tweets regarding anything SCW related in months. Yet, you seem to claim otherwise…but I’ve combed through my tweets with a fine-toothed comb, and it’s come up empty. So, wherever you’re getting your information, isn’t very reliable or refutable for that matter. But that’s what one is supposed to expect when it comes to the likes of you. The type that has to even mention social media in their promos. I don’t give a flying fuck about what you tweeted or didn’t tweet a month ago, it’s irrelevant…kind of like you.”

She smirks a little to herself as she walks down the lane, letting her fingertips brush against the oversized candy canes. Her eyes watch as her fingertips touch the tops of the candy canes before she looks up at the camera.

“You are still a nobody and I am still not even sure I know who the hell you are or if I even care, other than the fact that you’re holding my championship. That’s really the only relevant thing about you and most definitely the only exciting thing about you. Otherwise, there’s nothing there. No emotion, just a monotonous voice that appears to be going through the motions.”

She glances to her left and the camera follows her gaze, and it captures what looks like elves just sitting in a circle, staring at one another with no emotion on their faces. She watches them for a moment or two as they still just sit there, not saying or doing anything.  Eiley just shrugs her shoulders as she continues to walk.

“Besides Olly and I, you and Finn have only had one other team to defend your championships against and we both agree that they’re not much competition and you were hand fed an easy win. And I can’t really blame the bosses for giving you the easy match, the easy win because they wanted to make sure that the championships stayed relevant, even though one half of the champions is anything but relevant.”

Another easy smirk appears on her face as she slows her walk down a little bit. She didn’t want to get to the end of the lane before she was done with her promo.

“But nonetheless, Miles and Alexandra never seem to go away and they do have grit, something that you wouldn’t even dream of giving them credit for. Because in your eyes, you’re the only ones that deserve those championships, but do you know what I see?”

Eiley’s golden eyes flicker to the camera, a slightly sinister look in them for a few seconds before she smirks.

“A team trying to push themselves as being something that they’re not. And I’m not going to say that Olly and I are invincible as a team, because clearly, we’re not. But before we faced you two? Even Miss Irrelevant has to admit that we had reason to believe that we were. We had dominated the entire division without any trouble because there was nobody that could hold a candle to our talent in the ring. Even if we struggled in singles matches here and there, as a team? We were pretty much unstoppable and that’s not something even the two of you can argue against, the history books can and will tell you that much. And you’re right, we underestimated you two as a team because we were expecting an easy win like we’d had multiple times before, but we can’t be blamed for that expectation, either. It is what we were used to but there is one beneficial thing that has come from losing to the likes of you…”

She flickers her eyes up to the camera once more and smirks. She couldn’t keep the arrogance from her eyes even if she had wanted to.

“We won’t ever underestimate another team ever again and we will do better to be prepared when stepping into the ring. We need to be better about giving the other team credit, even if they have yet to deserve it. And you’re right, we have been struggling as a team since we lost the championships but did you also notice how quickly we were able to turn it around? And yes, it was the Barnharts, anybody can beat them but it was a start and it was an easy way to get us back on track.”

She continues to walk along the lane and stops for a moment before she sees a snowman to her right. She smirks before kicking it over.

“But Miss Irrelevant and Finn should know all about not being on the same track as they were pretty open about their trainwreck of a partnership when Olly and I first faced them. They were both open about it and Olly and I should have known that it wasn’t going to matter because when it comes to the ring, most people can put their differences aside to achieve the success that they want. But we hadn’t learned that yet because up until the past six weeks, we had been on the same path. We knew how to work well in the ring and had not encountered any struggles that teams sometimes have when after a loss. Or among other things. But now, we have that under control.”

She continues to walk, pacing herself as she talks.

“Miss Irrelevant wants to claim that I am the one holding Olly back and that I’m the weak link in our team, which is funny because she is the weak link in her team and maybe that’s her projecting her own insecurities and self-doubts onto me and Olly’s team. She’s well aware that without Finn, she’d be back in matches against the likes of Bea Barnhart and Alexandra Callaway. While it is pertinent to mention that there’s several other people that do not believe her because of things that have been said and awards that have been won, Olly and I are a team. And without the other, there would be no success for either of us. But if we were to dive off into singles competition, there’s no doubt that the both of us would be dominating the division. But without one another, there is no strength in our team, which has also been proven over the past several weeks. When we’re not on the same page? We suffer in more ways than one but when we’re on the same page? Everything works out.”

She stops and looks to her left, seeing a group of kids lining up to see Santa and she just shakes her head before continuing to walk down the path.

“Miss Irrelevant also wants to fault me for being arrogant but yet, she’s also arrogant. But the way I see it, she’s reaching because she doesn’t have much else to say about me. But she wants to fault me for being arrogant because she doesn’t like that I can hold my own and it’s literally the only thing that she thought about calling me, other than a bitch. But as a woman, we all know that no woman cares about being called that anymore and rather takes it more as a compliment. There is nothing wrong with being confident in your ability and the most successful wrestlers in the ring are almost always arrogant because they believe in their own talent. And you’re damn fucking right I believe in my own talent in the ring because I shouldn’t have to rely on somebody else in-ring ability to bring out the best in me because you can guarantee that I’m going to be the best in that ring when it comes to the females in this match because it sure as hell won’t be Miss Irrelevant. She’s nothing flashy in the ring and while that is true, it’s also safe to admit that she’s at least consistent and can hang with the best of them….but has she? Has she ever stepped in the ring with the likes of Amber Ryan or Mikah or Roxi? Or even Crystal? Because if she hasn’t, she can’t be even one step remotely close to being the best. Or even being seen as being able to hang with the best. And granted, I haven’t stepped foot in a ring against any of them either but I have been trained by one of them…

A smirk crosses her face for a moment before she stops in the path to look to her right, seeing a gingerbread house set up.

“Which is another thing that seems to get under Miss Irrelevant’s skin. She hates it so much that I have been trained by Mikah and that I “emulate” her in the ring. But if I’m not mistaken, that is something that is bound to happen when one is trained by a person of Mikah’s caliber. And while some of her choices might not be ideal or her choices she’s made in the past of SCW, she is one of the best Bombshells that SCW has ever seen, if not the best of all time. And of course I’m going to want to be trained by the best because if she can even share an ounce of her talent with me, of course I’m going to soak it up and try to be like her in the ring but even better. I haven’t even been employed by SCW for a year yet and I still have time to work and grow my craft in the ring and that will come with time. But do you know what you can’t work on? A shitty fucking personality, which is what Miss Irrelevant has. And she wants to claim that her and Fin earned their shot at us at High Stakes when that’s not exactly true and then she wants to claim that Olly and I haven’t earned our shot…”

Eiley lets out a slightly bitter chuckle as she walks down the path a little more.

“I was under the impression that when a champion or champions lose their championships, they get a rematch. Granted, we didn’t ask for it to be right away. But nobody said that we had to ask for our rematch right away. And maybe it’s a good thing that we didn’t because we would have lost our rematch if we had pulled the trigger and demanded the rematch right away. Things weren’t good between us and the disconnect was obvious when we were together on screen or in the ring together, there was something missing and Limitless suffered as a team because of that missing component.”

She stops again to see a table set up with decorated Christmas cookies and she grabs one that was decorated to look like Santa Claus. She makes a face before tossing it aside and continuing on down the path.

“But that was then and we’ve already corrected several things that needed fixed. Things that neither Finn or Kayla will have to worry about on Sunday….speaking of Finn..”

A small smirk crosses her face once again.

“When did you become a fly on the wall when it comes to Olly? Because some of the things you said about him, are things that I know he has never said on camera. Things that you could only know if you’ve been stalking him or if you’ve placed a listening device in his bag. And I’m going to be specific here so you understand where I am coming from and what I’m talking about. Last week you were mocking Olly by saying that he believed that I didn’t like him because he failed. However, I’m not sure where you would have gotten that sentiment…”

She raises her eyebrows at the camera, an annoyed look in her eyes.

“Because I went back and watched all of Olly’s promos that he’s done since High Stakes. And those words never once came out of his mouth when he was on camera. So, where did you get that from? Because you can’t say that it was a genuine guess or a theme that you took from his promos, because it wasn’t there. He never explicitly said it on camera. But perhaps he has when he’s not been in front of the camera and something that he has said to a friend or in passing…”

Eiley raises an eyebrow at the thought, the look of annoyance on her face.

“I didn’t realize we were stooping to the level of stalking our opponents to find out what they do when they’re not in front of the camera. But clearly, Finn, that is something that you were doing or had somebody doing for you because you seemed as if you knew what you were talking about. But here’s the thing, Finny boy…”

Eiley smirks as she stops and glances around before focusing back on the camera.

“Stalking is a criminal act in all fifty states. And I’m not sure how Mark Ward or Christian Underwood would feel having a criminal as one half of their Mixed Tag Team Champions.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders again before continuing to walk in the direction of the Christmas tree.

“Another thing, the two of you both seem fixated on the fact that Kris Ryans and Mikah are mine and Olly’s mentors. Almost to the point where it’s coming off a little obsessive and weird that that is something that you’re fixating on. Kayla wanted to mention it in her promo last week and Finn, you did as well. It’s not a pretty look for either of you as champions and sounds like sour grapes, if you ask me.”

She makes a face before shaking her head as she gets to the Christmas tree and she stops to look at it, taking in the sight of it.

“What I don’t really understand is where I’ve been crying and whining about the loss at High Stakes. Like I said before, I make it a point to not talk about this stuff on Twitter or Social Media because I know it bothers morons like the two of you that I don’t. But I do it on purpose, just to see it eat at my opponents and so that they make shit up like the two of you have. And it’s rather comical to listen to the two of you bitch and whine about social media in a fucking promo. And that’s not exactly the point that I’m trying to make. You two are grasping at straws and reaching for something to say about Olly and I in a way to make what you say the truth. But the truth is in the evidence. Go to my Twitter page and you will not see much if any mention of SCW in the past two or more months. You will see pictures though because that’s all I really post about. It’s nothing SCW related and the captions on those pictures? They have NOTHING to do with SCW either. But I’m guessing you two stupid fucks think that it is. Maybe copy and paste those captions into google and see what comes up. You’ll be looking pretty fucking stupid…well, more than you already look that is.”

She raises her eyebrows before chuckling and shaking her head.

“I also find it ironic, Finn, that you want to base your tag team with Miss Irrelevant on professionalism and that you don’t have to like her or her actions in order to be successful…”

She rolls her eyes as she grabs one of the oversized candy canes from the ground.

“But I disagree. That can only get you so far before it will implode on you. Look at Olly and I these past few weeks. We clearly struggled as a team because we were not sure about where we stood but at the last Climax Control, we got our shit together and we’re back on track. And even in our disconnect, there was still a glimmer of hope for us. We never stopped liking one another, that was never the issue. But we did stop communicating as we both had different thoughts and ideas that we didn’t want to discuss yet.”

She twirls the candy cane around a few times as she stares up at the Christmas tree.

“Time is ticking away. December to Dismember is going to be here before we know it. Olly and I are back on track.”

Eiley takes the candy cane and swings it at the tree and effectively hits one of the glass ornaments and breaks it on impact.

“And just the way these ornaments shatter, Finn and Kayla’s dreams of being more than transitional champions are going to shatter too.”

Eiley swings the candy cane again and smashes another ornament.

“I’m not going to say that you two aren’t talented in the ring, because clearly you are as you beat us once before. But I am going to say that Olly and I are still better than you two and we’re going to prove it again on Sunday. We’re allowed to have a loss here and there but the point that needs to be made is that we always come back and we always come back stronger.”

She smirks before swinging against at another ornament, smashing it as well.

“Because we’re…”

She smirks before tossing the candy cane behind her.




Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii
Date: December 5, 2023.

Mikah’s gym was filled with a lot of people to promote SCW’s December 2 Dismember Pay-Per-View that would be happening in a week and a half. Eiley and Oliver were supposed to be sitting behind a table to promote their match, talk with fans, and whatever else Mikah and Kris shot their way. There were also other booths similar to theirs that had to do with wrestling and SCW in general. Eiley was not too enthused about being close in proximity to Oliver but she didn’t have much of a choice as Mikah had threatened her to stay put or she’d be on Ridley duty. Eiley was still amazed at how Mikah let a two month old baby run their lives but it was at least mildly entertaining to watch both Mikah and Kris interact with the two month old. She also watched as Mikah and Kris’ older children ran around the gym as if it was second nature to them, which it was but Eiley always kept an annoyingly close eye on them ever since they locked Oliver in a storage closet on Climax Control.
However, she needed a break from everybody and from trying to act as if everything was okay between her and Oliver.  So she had gotten up about three minutes ago to take a breather from being just mere inches from him and had found herself in a hallway when Myles walks up to her and she gives him a skeptical look.

♦MYLES♦ “Eiwey, I need your help.”

She was always skeptical when it came to both of Mikah and Kris’ kids because they almost always outsmarted her and Oliver. And Myles was almost always the one to lure them to their trap because he was the youngest and knew how to use his charm. But she hesitates to say something as he looks at her with his big eyes and she falters a little bit, already knowing that she was going to give in. She looks into his eyes and sighs but makes a mental note to steer clear of the kids the best she could in the near future.

•EILEY• “What do you need help with, Myles?”

She always had the belief that she was not good with children and they kind of terrified her but for some reason, trying to tell Myles no was no easy feat. His eyes light up as he realizes that she’s about to help him with whatever he needed and he grabs her hand, pulling her in the direction of where he needed her.

♦MYLES♦ “It’s over here, my bouncy ball got stuck on a high shelf and I can’t get it down. I tried to climb it to get it but Mama caught me and made me get down but didn’t let me tell her what I needed up there.”

She wasn’t sure if it was normal for a four year old to talk as much and as well as he did but she was almost always impressed with how he talked and how well he talked at that. Eiley just nods her head, not thinking about the four year old’s logic in searching her out as her height was barely 5’6. But she could climb the shelving units and Myles wouldn’t get hurt, which would save a lot of drama in the long run. Myles leads her to a storage closet and he opens the door and the second she steps inside, he closes the door behind him just as Kris and Mikah step around a corner. Kris grins and high fives the four year old and Mikah gives the two of them a skeptical look.

;;MIKAH “What did you two do?”

Her eyes did not leave Kris even though the question was aimed at both of them. Kris just grins at her before shoving his hands in his pockets.

::KRIS “Going to make the two scaredy cats talk to one another, so we’re locking them in this closet. Myles already lured Oz in there looking for a missing, non-existent bouncy ball and we only needed Eiley in there, so we figured the same trick would work.”

MIkah gives her husband a look, not sure if she approved of his ways or the fact that he was including Myles in on his schemes now. She just shakes her head as she watches him lock the door from the outside, figuring that he flipped the door handles around so that it was able to be locked from the outside instead.

;;MIKAH “The two of you together is not a combination I think I like.”

Kris just gives her a smirk before they walk off to leave Eiley and Oz in the closet. Meanwhile, Eiley had yet to realize that she was locked in the closet as she was trying to determine if the bouncy ball was in there or not. She jumps a little bit when she realizes that Oliver is in the closet as well. She gives him a slightly confused look before she remembers it was Myles who lured her in the closet in the first place and then groans as she realizes that she’d been tricked. She tries to open the door but find that she can’t, as it’s locked and then glances at Oliver.

•EILEY• “Fucking kids.”

She glances at Oliver again before she moves to sit on the floor, figuring that there was no way that they were getting out of the closet until they were let out of the closet by somebody who had a key.

○OZ  “You’d think that we’d learn our lesson at some point….”

It didn’t sound like something he thought was possible. They both knew that the one time that they refused to play along would be the one time that there was actually something wrong. The two of them were destined to fall for the trick every time just to avoid the imagined backlash from Kris and Mikah.

○OZ  “I’m not going to complain about not being stuck out there at that table though, ya know?”

He had never really enjoyed being the center of attention, and being at these events always felt like having the spotlight shine on him all day. Being at the table felt like being under a microscope, and there were only so many ways he could skirt around people asking him if he thought that they were going to win back their Mixed Tag Team Championships at December 2 Dismember. At least in the closet they didn’t have to put on a smile and pretend everything was great between the two of them.

○OZ  “...I’ll hang out all day if it means I don’t have to take another picture with people that’ll be booing at their television when we come on it.”

Eiley just looks at him as she leans back against one of the shelving units in the closet. She wasn’t sure how she felt being locked in a closet but she was growing bored of putting on a fake act in front of people that neither one of them really cared about.

•EILEY• “Maybe they won’t be booing….maybe they’ll be cheering.”

The sentiment did not reach her eyes as she let her head rest back against one of the ledges of the shelving unit. She relaxes the best that she is able to in the closet. She wasn’t sure what they were going to talk about or if they even wanted to talk to one another. Things were still tense between them and they had yet to even agree on a topic.

•EILEY• “But I don’t care if they cheer or if they boo, it’s not going to matter. There’s always going to be some sort of stigma surrounding those who represent Jet City. We’re not the golden stars from the GO Gym, so there’s always going to be people dirtying our names.”

She glances at him before looking back up at the ceiling. Maybe it was a blessing that they didn’t have to be in front of the fans and were able to take a break, even if they were being forced to be around one another.

○OZ  “They’d cheer us if we were a little closer to home. It didn’t seem to matter what we did in San Diego. The people there were happy to blow the roof off the place cheering for us anyways, ya know? Every night won’t be like that though.”

San Diego felt so long ago for both of them that it didn’t really matter anymore. Dwelling on it certainly wouldn’t get them out of the closet any sooner, assuming that someone was out there listening to them to make sure they got back on the same page. Oz took a shot at appeasing whomever was forcing them to talk, speaking more than loud enough for someone in the hallway to hear him through the door.

○OZ  “Don’t know why they feel the need to do something like this though. It’s not like we’re not good or anything. We won. We beat The Barnharts. We have momentum. Problems solved.”

Everything that he was saying was technically true, but he wasn’t saying any of it like he believed it actually changed anything. She just gives him a look, raising her eyebrows at him. She was not sure that his sentiment would be shared with the person who was presumably listening outside of the door.

•EILEY• “It’s the Barnharts, though. It doesn’t take much talent to beat them.”

She didn’t really want to play devil’s advocate and she knew that both Kris and Mikah were smarter than that and would see through whatever facade that Oliver was trying to show. She’d even gone back and watched a few past Climax Controls and could see that their two mentors were smarter than most of their co-workers and their brains were always were three to five steps ahead of everybody else.

•EILEY• “Finn and Kayla are obviously not the Barnharts and clearly, we had an issue with beating them eight or so weeks ago. I can see where their concern is coming from.”

The game of playing fake nice was not something she was enjoying anymore and it was becoming a lot more taxing than she wanted it to be. They had been tiptoeing around one another for weeks and it was not getting them anywhere, so she didn’t figure that it would get them anywhere at the moment.

○OZ  “I can’t. I don’t see why they pretend to give so much of a shit. So we aren’t undefeated anymore, who cares? They are the only ones that ever were, and we aren’t them. Basically everyone in the division has made sure to tell us that at every opportunity. We fell a little short just like literally everyone else does from time to time.”

It wasn’t exactly easy for him to admit out loud, but if that is what they wanted to hear in order to unlock the door and let them out, he was willing to cut himself down a little.

○OZ  “It was my fault. And then I overreacted afterwards. I shouldn’t blame you for costing us the titles, or for my losing streak continuing a couple of weeks ago. You’re obviously perfect and I just need to make sure that I stay out of the way.”

She frowns a little at his words before she looks at him, the look still on her face. She processes what he told her her before looking back up at the ceiling for a moment.

•EILEY• “I don’t think anybody but us cares about our win-loss record, Oz.”

She wasn’t sure if that was true but she wanted to believe that it was. She wanted to believe that people didn’t care if they won or lost as much as the two of them did.

•EILEY• “And please, nobody thinks I’m perfect because I’m not perfect, I’m human, just like you are and just like everybody else. And losses happen, neither one of us is to blame for the loss we suffered to Finn and Kayla. It does not fall on just your shoulders, it falls on both of our shoulders. You are the only one that is blaming yourself for the loss. I have never once blamed you for anything.”

She looks over at him, this time not looking away from him like she was earlier. She didn’t feel the need to steer her gaze away this time.

○OZ  “Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there…”

The words are quiet, almost under his breath, and it cut all the way to the disconnection they had the last time the topic came up. She had walked out of the room when he finally came clean about what was bothering him, and shifted the focus back to herself. Instead of dealing with it, he had walked out and caught an earlier flight out of town. Neither of them seemed to have that option now though. Whatever came out of his mouth was going to have to sit with them in the room.

○OZ  “I get that you aren’t paying attention to the things people say about us, or the tweets that go out daily, but I am. I can’t help but to follow that shit. I spent so much time trying to be invisible, that I can’t help trying to figure out what everyone thinks about me now that I have to be in the spotlight. For so long I had myself convinced that I was invisible, so nothing mattered. That’s not the case anymore. We got people’s attention, and then they blamed me when we fell short. It wasn’t you. It was never you. But just because you aren’t the one saying it doesn’t make it not there.”

He slams his mouth closed and bites on his bottom lip in an attempt to cut himself off, but since he started unloading his frustrations, it felt worth it to just get it all out.

○OZ  “The things that I do right don’t matter, because all of our success is your success. You get the highest of the highs, and avoid all of the lows because everyone is kicking me whenever we are down. It’s been messing with my head for like two months now and all you ever do is shrug and pretend like it’s not a real problem.”

He shakes his head, and laughs out of frustration. It was bad enough that it felt like nobody else saw the response that he was seeing, but he couldn’t even get himself out of the trap no matter how hard he tried.

○OZ  “ I went and got a match by myself to fix it, and the story was all about you all over again. We walked into a match with The Barnharts, but instead of the story being about how I made sure we picked up the win, the whole thing was about you pinning Bea. In everyone else’s eyes, we aren’t equals. I’m just along for the ride.”

Of course, he knew that all of those complaints were just symptoms of the real problem. Neither of them could control what the dirt sheet writers wrote. They couldn’t control what the fans debated about. They didn’t write the cards, and couldn’t censor their opponents. None of the problems that he listed were problems that Eiley could solve, but they had all led Oz to the same conclusion.

○OZ  “You’re too good to be wasting your time with me.”

She’s quiet for a moment, trying to process everything that Oliver had told her. She didn’t want to just brush it off but she didn’t know what to say or what to feel about it. She didn’t want to ignore it but if she didn’t, it would eat at her just the same and she had to compartmentalize it and had to ignore it.

•EILEY• “Because I can’t pay attention to the tweets or what other people are saying about us, Oz. If I do, it will be the entire situation with Dean again and I will spiral. I can’t let myself spiral because it won’t end up well.”

She didn’t know how to make him feel better or how to make him see the way that she looked at or the way she saw things. She chews softly on her bottom lip as she looks at him for a moment, trying to think of how she wanted to respond.

•EILEY• “I don’t want all the attention, Oliver! I never wanted that. Sure, I might act like I do but I don’t. When you presented the idea of us as a team, that’s what I wanted. Something that was supposed to be good and is good. I know it bothers you when I say that you shouldn’t give a fuck about what the others say but you should only be worrying about what I say. We are equals and fuck what everybody else says.”

She seems a little hesitant as she looks at him before getting up and straightening out the shorts she was wearing before walking over to him.

•EILEY• “I am not wasting my time with you, Olly. And I’m not too good.”

She tentatively reaches up and cups his face gently with her hand for a few seconds and then goes to pull her hand away, not sure if the touch would be welcomed.

○OZ  “That’s nice of you to say, but we both know it’s not true. It’s never been true. It’s always been this way, and even Jaycee knows it. You knew it back when we ran into each other at the beach and you still had a few real jobs. I don’t know why I thought anything could change.”

He looks down at her, but it isn’t her eyes that draw him in. Instead, a flicker off of one of the pins in her hair gets his attention, and he reaches out to pull it free before holding it up in between them.

○OZ  “Turns out we could have left the whole time.”

He turns away from her and goes to work on the lock. Within a few moments, there is a click from the other side, and he is able to push the handle down and open the door. He takes a look around the hallway, surprised that none of the responsible parties were lingering nearby to overhear their conversation.

○OZ  “They must have known that one of the two of us would have figured out how to get out eventually. Or they were willing to just let us die in there.”

He knew that if he gave her the opportunity to turn the conversation back to the two of them, it would likely result in an incredibly uncomfortable afternoon at the table trying to sell both Sin City and Mikah’s gym to newcomers. He turned back to her and she tried to say something, but he cut her off.

○OZ  “I’ll see you back out there…”

And without waiting for her response, he was through the door and headed back out onto the floor.


Location:Honolulu, Hawaii.
Date: December 9, 2023.

The scene cuts open to show Eiley sitting on a bench, looking at the ocean. She is wearing a simple white with gold stripes bikini with jean shorts over the bottoms and her blonde locks are down around her face, clearly damp from having beeni n the ocean and beads of water were dripping down her sun-kissed skin. She watches as the sun is in the beginning stages of setting and she glances at the camera, a smile tugging on the corners of her mouth.

“There is nothing prettier than the sunsets her in Hawaii.”

She motions discreetly for the cameraman to turn around to catch the beginning of the Hawaiian sunset. After watching it for a few seconds, it turns back around to look at Eiley.

“But the funny thing about that is that the sun is going to set on Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards’ Mixed Tag Team Championship reign. Hopefully sooner rather than later but I cannot predict the future.”

She glances at the ocean again, a slightly far-away look in her gold eyes.

“Because if I could have predicted the future back when Oz and I lost the championships to Finn and Kayla, I would have never believed the last several weeks if they had played out in my head the way that they happened. I would have never believed that mine and Oz’s paths would be so misaligned and there’d be such a feeling of disconnect there. I would have never guessed that we would have lost to Finn and Kayla, either because Oz and I were so confident going into that match because we had beaten everybody else that had stepped up to the plate and we had expected to do the same when we stepped into the ring against Finn ad Kayla.”

She pauses as she thinks about what she wanted to say next.

“But clearly, Oz and I lost the championships to Finn and Kayla and shit went downhill pretty quickly for the both of us. We had walked into that match on top of the World, believing that we were the best tag team that SCW had to offer but we were knocked off of the World and reminded that everybody can be beat, no matter how good they are separately or even together. Did that feel good? No, it absolutely did not feel good but it is something that I have come to accept because there’s nothing else that I can do about what happened at Violent Conduct because I do not own a time machine nor can I invent one. So the only thing that I can do is learn from what happened and try to be better in eight days time.”

She runs her fingers through her hair before leaning forward slightly, focusing her attention on the camera.

“But before I do a deep dive into what everybody can expect next Sunday or what I hope that they can expect, I’m going to clear one thing up. About Oz and myself.”

The look in her eyes turns more serious.

“It does not matter what you think about me or what you believe to be true about me or whether you all think that I’m the one in this team that is the one to watch. Or whatever it is that you are all saying about me because that shit does not matter. What matters is this: Oz is not replaceable, and he is not the weak link in this team. Him and I? We’re a fucking team and we’re better together than we are apart. I am not better than he is and he is not better than I am, we are a team and we are better together.”

She gives the camera a look, trying to put some emphasis on what she had said. She fully believed that her and Oliver were better together than apart and she did not believe in the comments that constantly plagued him.

“And now, back to the regularly scheduled program.”

She sits back against the bench, straightening herself up a little bit.

“There’s a lot that has happened since Violent Conduct and I’m going to be honest, Olly and I havevn’t been our usual selves. We have been struggling and anybody who has eyes that work can clearly see that. Loss after loss and argument after argument that all led to the feeling of defeat. We had been defeated and we couldn’t get our shit together to give a fuck about the matches we had been booked in and we could barely stand being in the same room as one another and it was looking as if doomsday was going to be here before we even made it to our rematch next Sunday.”

She shrugs her shoulders as she was being a lot more open and honest about the last few weeks.

“But things started to turn around last week and for the better. Olly and I beat the Barnharts and we’re going into December 2 Dismember with a win under our belts and we’re starting to feel more like a team again. It’s small, baby steps but it is better than being at each other’s throats and not able to get along. We needed something that was going to help us get back on the same page and a match against the Barnharts was clearly something that we needed. An easy win, something to unite us on something rather than something that makes us be at one another’s throats. Clearly the bosses know what they’re doing when they want to get a team back on track.”

She smirks a little bit as she starts to slowly gain her confidence back.

“I was wrong when it came to Finn and Kayla; they clearly had whatever it took to beat us back at Violent Conduct. I underestimated their ability to get things done in the ring. I figured they were like the other members of Wolfslair and Olly and I would be able to do the same to Finn and Kayla. I thought it would be just as simple as that, but I was wrong. But you know what I wasn’t wrong about?”

An arrogant look passes through her eyes as she looks at the camera, that smirk stretching across her face.

“I wasn’t wrong about Kayla Richards. She is the weakest link of their team.”

She raises an eyebrow at the camera.

“Oh, what? That’s not fair to call her the weak link when every-fucking-body has been calling Olly the weak link of Limitless? I’m just calling it like I see it and everybody else can fuck off for all I care. I’m done being nice because it hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I don’t care about what people say about me or claim that I’m the future star, I would not be here if it wasn’t for Olly and I can say that with full confidence. I wouldn’t want to be here without Olly as my partner. But let’s talk about what Kayla and Finn have done since they’ve become champions, shall we?”

She smirks again at the camera.

“Because you can bet that Kayla and Finn are going to talk about the troubles that Olly and I have had over the past few weeks. They’re going to believe that Olly and I have zero chance in beating them in eight days but what have they actually done as champions since they beat us for the belts?”

She raises her eyebrows at him.

“Other than defend them one time and retain them against two challengers who can’t really be considered to be challengers? Finn’s had a singles match and Kayla? What has she done? I’ll tell you what she’s done and that’s absolutely fucking nothing of any importance other than proving that without Finn, she wouldn’t be one half of the mixed tag team champions. She’d be in stupid matches against the likes of Bea Barnhart with dumb stipulations or something similar. She wouldn’t be in a high profile match like she is with Finn against Olly and I next Sunday. She’s interchangeable when it comes to her team with Finn. He could find another body to take her place and I am sure it would be the same as teaming with her because she doesn’t seem to carry her own weight. And I don’t care if I’m being petty, everybody else wants to make that comparison when it comes to Olly and I and I’m going to use it against them. She just wants a free ride to success and nothing more. She doesn’t want to put the actual work in to be a part of the mixed tag team champions; she just wants the fame and glory, nothing more, nothing less.”

She was probably wrong and she was definitely letting the bitter side of her show. She knew it probably wasn’t a good look for her, but at the same time, she didn’t fucking care. She was tired of listening to people complain about it or get under Oliver’s skin about it. She didn’t see it that way.

“It’s not fair of me to assume that Kayla is the weak link, just like it’s not fair of everybody else to assume that Olly is the weak link of Limitless. Because he is absolutely not the weak link and I’m sure that Kayla brings her own qualities to the team she and Finn have but what they are? I am not sure.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders at the camera.

“But what I do know is that when Olly and I are on the same side and on the same page, we can’t be beat and we are unstoppable as a team. Even if we do not win next Sunday, that’s not going to be the end of Limitless because there is not going to be a me in SCW without Olly and I hope he views it the same way. When we’re together and on the same page, we can’t be stronger. And you can bet next Sunday, we’re going to be the best that we’ve ever been and prove just why we deserve the Mixed Tag Team Championships once again.”

She stands up and adjusts her shorts.

“And there’s nothing anybody can do about that.”

She smirks as she starts to walk away and then glances over her shoulder at the camera.

“Because we’re Limitless.”


Climax Control Archives / Stepping Stones
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:52:11 PM »

Location: Tempe, Arizona
Date: November 27, 2023.

Eiley had thought she had been doing a good job of “hiding” from Oliver as she knew that he was going to be upset about her involvement in his match against HBC and that he would blame her for his loss. She had thought that maybe he would have thought that she left the state and gone to Vegas or Hawaii but in reality, she found it to be silly to have left the state when the next Climax Control was going to be in Phoenix and she didn’t feel like traveling. So instead she had found a hotel that was not extravagant by any means but wasn’t sketchy, either. Just a normal hotel room in a normal hotel that maybe Oliver wouldn’t check where she was. She felt horrible for interrupting his match and ending up costing him the match but now, there was nothing more that she could do. Plus, it wasn’t like they were really speaking with one another.

She wasn’t even sure who’s fault that was, either. First she thought it was his fault but then she thought it was her fault and now, she couldn’t remember who’s fault it was at all. All she knows is that it has been a long time and it doesn’t even seem like they’re much of a team anymore and it only made her feel that much worse. She glances at the clock as she lies in the hotel bed and sighs as she sees the time nearing 3 p.m. and she rolls from her stomach onto her back, feeling as if she’s wasted most of the day just laying in bed but she didn’t feel like going out or doing anything and the TV was keeping her company just fine.

She sighs again as she hears a knock at the door and she tries to ignore it, figuring that it was housekeeping and they’d see the privacy please sign on the door and go away soon. But the knocking continues and doesn’t seem to stop, so she lets out a frustrated noise before rolling off of the bed and onto her feet before walking to the door. She adjusts her grey short pajama shorts and matching long sleeved top before opening the door.

•EILEY• “Can’t you read the fucking sign?! Oh…it’s you.”

She got the question out before she realized that it was Oliver but she doesn’t move from the doorway for a good twenty seconds before she turns and walks away from him, hoping the door would shut on him before  he could catch it. However, she knew that he was quick and that he’d catch it before it would shut and the conversation that both of them were avoiding was going to happen.

○OZ “I thought that you would have jetted out of town as quickly and quietly as you slipped in….”

He steps across the threshold and into the room before letting the door close behind him. Instead of making his way across to her, he simply leans against the wall next to the door frame.

○OZ “Then again, I didn't expect you to be here at all, and I expected to win my match, so it makes sense that you're here considering that I am apparently always wrong.”

She could tell that he was still frustrated about how Climax Control had gone, but he was trying his best to hold back his irritation about their current position in Sin City. She shoots him a look, her eyes slightly narrowed as she moves to the hotel chair and sits down, pulling one leg underneath her body and the other bent in a slightly defensive manner or in a way to make her seem smaller than she already is.

•EILEY• “Honestly? I thought about it. It’s not like you would have cared either way.”

Her answer was in regards to his first statement about her not having jetted out of Arizona. And she couldn’t help but take a small jab at him at the same time. This time, however, she contemplates on how she wanted to respond to his last statement. She avoids his eyes as she thinks about what she wanted to say to him, trying not to just react on pure emotion.

•EILEY• “Trust me, I’d rather be anywhere other than Arizona, but I don’t pick the Climax Control locations. And I never said that you were always wrong, not once, so I am not sure where you’re getting that from.”

It wasn’t a jab but just something she could say in regards to his statement. She was still trying her best to figure out her own emotions and unravel the last month or so but it was still a mess in her head and she couldn’t make heads or tails from it.

○OZ “It's not you, it's everyone. We don't ever fail together, it's always just me. Everyone thinks the world of you, and thinks you're the next big things. I am just out there holding your back…”

He stops himself, albeit temporarily, from saying anything too harsh. He didn't want to make their situation any worse than it already was.

○OZ “I just wanted one night to prove I wasn't absolutely worthless, and that went wrong too…”

She presses her lips together as she can feel the insinuation just lying right there under what he was saying. She thought it was something that he wanted to say but was holding back in regards to not hurting her feelings.

•EILEY• “I never said that, either. I cannot control what the other idiots say about you or what they say about me. And I never once blamed you for any of our losses, you made that up in your head.”

She was quick to defend herself as it was a knee jerk reaction and something that she almost always had to do growing up because if she didn’t defend herself, nobody else would do it for her.

•EILEY• “Do you want me to say it? Because clearly you want to say it but you aren’t saying it. I’m not a little kid, Oliver. I grew up a long time ago and I’m pretty sure you did too. But fine, it’s my fault you lost on Sunday. Does that make you feel better?”

She hadn’t intended for what she was saying to come out as harsh as it might have sounded but regardless, it did seem to come out that way.

○OZ “No. It doesn't, but winning would have gone a long way.”

He couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth, but once they were out in the open he just let everything else out with them.

○OZ “I had that. I was literally on the verge of winning and took my eye off the ball. That is my fault, but you didn't need to come out and make that happen. For just one night, it didn't have to be about you,  but it was anyway.”

She raises her eyebrows at him and is quiet for roughly a minute before she looks at him as she processes what he had just said. She remains quiet a moment or so longer before glancing over in his general direction.

•EILEY• “I did not intend to make you lose, Oliver. That was not why I even went out there. And! You shouldn’t worry about me, anyways! I can handle myself!”

Sometimes, she felt like nobody believed that she could handle herself but she had taken care of the Dean problem by herself. And she hadn’t even wanted to involve Oliver in it but he had got it out of her. And then there was the Kaleb situation, which he had helped her with but she believed she could have handled it.

•EILEY• “You and I are both trained to be in that wrestling ring, which means that I can handle myself outside of the ring as well.”

She sighs a bit, it coming out more as a huff of air rather than a sigh.

•EILEY• “I’m sorry I made you lose, I won’t even show up at the next Climax Control where you’re booked by yourself and we’ll save everybody the trouble.”

She pulls her one leg closer to her body, not moving from the chair as she glances at him once more before focusing on nothing in particular.

○OZ “It won't change anything…”

It was obvious that he knew that no matter what he did, people were still going to look down on the two of them due to the comparisons to everyone else in Jet City.

○OZ “Winning that match probably wouldn't have changed anything either, but it was worth a shot. I am just tired of being blamed for every little thing that goes wrong. I wanted to prove myself capable of handling shit alone, even if most people still would have rolled their eyes. I don't have some Future Star award to fall back on.”

She frowns a little bit as she moves just a little in the chair she’s sitting in.

•EILEY• “I didn’t vote myself that and that's not fair of you to throw it in my face.”

And maybe that wasn't what he was doing but it sure felt like it was to her. She couldn't control what other people thought about the two of them any more than he could.

•EILEY• “You shouldn't be worrying about what others think. Maybe you should be worried about what I think. But that would mean That you'd have to stop making shit up in your head and talk to me. But that's probably scarier than believing in what others say.”

She gives him a look but doesn’t take it back.

○OZ “If your opinion was all that mattered, I wouldn't be in this mess to begin with!”

Again, it seems like he wanted to say more but he stops himself and takes a deep breath that he holds for a few moments before attempting to rephrase.

○OZ “It's not your fault that this whole thing about me being the weak link started. It started before we were ever even in the ring together. It started when Austin snapped during our match and beat me down with a chair.”

He shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head.

○OZ “It doesn't matter that I saved you for us to win the Mixed Tag Team Championships. It doesn't matter that I made sure we kept them by any means necessary before High Stakes. People see me taking the falls when we lose, and see everyone patting you on the back for your effort all the time.”

He looks up and tries to meet her eye with a second shrug of his shoulders.

○OZ “I had one chance to turn that around before we get a rematch for our titles, and because of what happened, I blew that too. I never said you had anything to do with this losing thing becoming the narrative of my career, but it is your fault that I wasn't able to cut that off at Climax Control. All you had to do was stay away and let me prove I can hang on my own. Instead, I just ended up as the punchline again, and that isn't something that you have to deal with. It's on me. It's always on me.”

She just looks at him and presses her lips together. She was trying her best not to snap at him but it was growing harder and harder to do so.

•EILEY• “Fine. If that's what you want..”

She stands up and fixes her shirt and shorts before walking over to her suitcase. She rummages through her suitcase before grabbing a dress and other things.

•EILEY• “I can easily make that happen for you.”

She moves past him to go into the bathroom. She doesn’t even look at him as she tries to slip into the bathroom without him grabbing her. She slams the door shut behind her, choosing not to add anything else and she presses the lock button to keep him from barging in on her. She takes a deep breath as she tries to control the emotions that she was feeling. She didn’t want to give into the sad feeling that she was feeling and did not want to give him the satisfaction that she was feeling that way. She takes a deep breath and shakes off what she was feeling as she looks in the mirror and starts to get ready to leave and to find something to entertain herself with for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening. She didn’t have to deal with Oliver’s shit if she didn’t want to and she could ice him out even further so the feelings she was feeling didn’t leave a lasting effect on her.


Location:Phoenix, Arizona.
Date: December 1, 2023.

“It’s been very…”

She couldn’t think of the word that she was searching for. The word seemingly was gone from her head. She hesitates, willing the word to come to her as she appears in front of the camera in a simple pair of jeans and a raspberry purple colored crop top. The exact location was not something that could be figured out as she was only standing in front of a brick wall.

“Dismal for Limitless since we lost the championships back at High Stakes. Actually, it has seemingly been that way for most of us who consider ourselves to be Jet City.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders as she looks at the camera. She did not really have much emotion on her face at the moment and she seemed to be just talking.

“Court lost the championship to whatshername and didn’t get it back in her rematch. Oliver and I haven’t been in sync for a long time and if I’m being honest, we’re still probably not there.”

She frowns for a moment.

“No, scratch that. We’re definitely not there and I’m going to be honest, maybe a little too honest, I haven’t spoken a word to him since Monday. And that might not bode well for us come Sunday…well, it wouldn’t if we were facing anybody other than the Barnharts.”

A small smirk crosses her face, the first real glimpse of emotion that has been seen from her since she started talking.

“If we were facing Finn and whatshername in two days time, there’s no chance in hell that we’d win. We’d lose and fail so badly that it would almost be funny. Of course, losing isn’t funny but the fact that he and I have been on a downhill slope since High Stakes, it would be the only way that we would be able to cope with a loss to a team like the Barnharts. Because what else could we do? A loss to them is nearly unimaginable. And then Oliver and I would be the laughing stock of the entire company because the Barnharts are the worst team that the company has employed.”

She just shrugs her shoulders as she felt that it was common knowledge throughout the entire company. She felt that everybody knew that almost anybody could beat the Barnharts.

“The problem is not that we can’t beat the Barnharts, because we can. But after Climax Control, Oliver and I are going into December 2 Dismember on terms that are not ideal. But even if we’re not on the same page, we can still hold it together longer enough to beat the Barnharts on Sunday. We know how to work in the ring well enough to put whatever is bothering us outside of the ring aside to get what’s done in the ring.”

She just simply shrugs her shoulders again. It was hard for her to be serious in front of the camera or to admit that her and Oliver weren’t on the same page. But there wasn’t much else she could say about it.

“And we’ve faced the Barnharts before and we’ve beaten them before; there’s not much left that we can say about them that wouldn’t be redundant. Because everybody’s heard it before because they are the worst team and anybody with any sort of talent could beat them. The one thing that they have going for them is that they are consistent…consistently bad in the ring and bad as a team.”

A smirk once again stretches across her face as the emotion reaches her eyes this time.

“Look, I don’t have much more to say about the Barnharts because it’s not going to be anything that you all haven’t heard before. Even when Oliver and I are at our worst, we’re still better than the Barnharts could ever dream to be.”

She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

“And that’s only me speaking facts. Oliver and I will get back on track, it’s only a matter of time if we’re talking honestly. And the Barnharts will only be a stepping stone to get us back on track and back to the way that things are supposed to be. And I’m not ashamed that we’re going to be using them as a way to get our notoriety back because we are still the best team that this company has signed, no matter who is holding our championships right now. And time is ticking for them.”

She presses her fingers to her wrist to signal a watch ticking.

“And soon enough, the championships will be back where they belong, and we’ll be back on track.”

She smirks a little again.

“See you all on Sunday.”

She pushes herself off of the wall and begins to walk away before stopping to look over her shoulder, a smirk on her face.



Climax Control Archives / Apologies
« on: November 17, 2023, 11:52:41 PM »
OOC NOTE: Sorry to mine and J's opponents. J is not going to be able to post as his power is out and his phone had only 4% battery life left three hours ago. I was not going to post at all because it's not really fair that my partner can't post and then I got wrapped up in my college coursework and so I am just posting this even though it is literally nothing.

Sorry to Sam and Mark for the poor showing. I am ready for college to be over.

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Date: November 13, 2023.

It has been a while since Eiley had been in Hawaii and in the apartment that she shares with Oliver. Ever since they lost the championships to Finn Whelan and whatshername, she had been keeping herself busy in other states and cities, trying to keep her mind from spiraling. It didn’t help that her and Oliver hadn’t had much of a conversation since they lost the championships and to her, it seems like they’ve been on uneven ground ever since. She wasn’t sure where he stood but she was tired of tiptoeing around him and she just wanted to be home for a few days before she had to travel to Flagstaff, Arizona for the next episode of Climax Control.

She had most recently been in New York City, doing whatever her heart desired and because she had never really experienced the city before. She didn’t have any connections to the city or any friends there, so she had resorted back to her scheming ways to get money from wealthy men and she was pleasantly surprised to see that they were still willing to give it to her. She had squirreled their money away, opting to just spend enough to afford a simple hotel room in the city before she would return back to Honolulu, to hopefully face Oliver for the first time in a few weeks.

She walks into the apartment that she shares with Oliver to find it just as they had left it the last time that they had been here. She could tell that a few things were in different locations, which gave her the indication that Oliver had been there at some point but she wasn’t sure when that would have been. She could feel the slight disconnect between them  and she didn’t like. She also hated to admit to herself that she missed him.

•EILEY• “Of course, he’s not here.”

She wasn’t sure where he was and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to go looking for him at the moment. She wasn’t sure where they stood and she was too anxious to find out.

Climax Control Archives / Some Grit
« on: November 03, 2023, 11:58:33 PM »

Location: Las Vegas, NV.
Date: November 3, 2023.

Eiley had decided to stay in Las Vegas after her and Oliver’s loss to Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards but she really hadn’t had a real reason for the decision to stay. It was more of a decision based on the face that she didn’t want to face Mikah and the disappointment that Eiley knew would be coming. She hadn’t intended to stay in Las Vegas for almost two weeks, but she was still there when the card was announced on Sunday before Halloween and then she decided it was best if she didn’t have to fly to Hawaii on a long flight and then back to Vegas. She had felt that it would have been a waste of her time to make the trip, so instead she stayed in Vegas in one of the rooms at the Aria. She had gone back to her ways of finding men to use to give her money so that she could afford to continue to stay at the Aria.

She also hadn’t expected to have been found by anybody to have found her, either and she didn’t think that anybody would have been looking for her either. She sighs as she hears a knock at her hotel room and expected it to just be house keeping, seeing if she needed anything for the day. She had them clean the room every other day at the most but it was never too messy anyways. She opens the door and is a little surprised to see Mikah standing there with her and Kris’ one month old daughter, Ridley in her arms. She had not expected Mikah to have traveled from Hawaii to Vegas so soon, since Climax Control was not going to be anything overly special besides Court hopefully winning her championship back.

•EILEY• “…Mikah…”

Mikah gives Eiley a look as she bounces Ridley a little in her arms in what Eiley assumes as an attempt to keep the baby calm.

;;MIKAH “Are you going to let me in? I really don’t like being in the hallway where scrubs can see me and my daughter could be exposed to their diseases.”

Eiley just simply sighs before stepping to the side to let Mikah step inside and she looks at Ridley, who was wide awake and seemingly happy. Eiley was always amazed at how the baby looked like a perfect blend of Mikah and Kris’ features.

•EILEY• “How did you know where I was?”

It was the first question out of her mouth and she really couldn’t do much to stop it from coming out if she had wanted to.

;;MIKAH “I know people, Eiley. You shouldn’t worry about how I found where you were but why I found you.”

Eiley watches as Mikah carefully lays the baby in the middle of Eiley’s made bed. Mikah moves pillows around to ensure that Ridley was safe and wouldn’t roll over or anything.

•EILEY• “Okay, why are you here then?”

Eiley sits down in the chair as Mikah carefully sits on the edge of the bed and looks at Eiley.

;;MIKAH “I wanted to see where your head is at because it’s clearly not on SCW or your partner. Do you know that Oz is currently getting yelled at by Kris in San Diego? Or do you even care because it seems like you do not even care about him.”

Eiley just blinks a few times as she processes what Mikah had just told her.

•EILEY• “I…it’s just…I didn’t want to go back to Hawaii to face you. Olly and I? We’ll be fine but disappointing you? That’s worse than anything I could imagine that Olly would say to me. I know how you and Court fell out after everything and I don’t want that. I don’t want to be the student that disappoints you and brings your reputation shame. I just want to make things better and I didn’t think that facing you would be the most ideal thing to do.”

Mikah listens to the young girl but simply nods her head.

;;MIKAH “Understandable but disappointing me is not going to happen after one loss, Eiley. Losses happen and I understand. You should be more worried about your partner, not about my reaction.”

Eiley gives a slightly sheepish look as she hadn’t wanted to reach out to Oliver and didn’t want the disappointment to set in like it had the previous week. She felt like a sham of a competitor and that her worth in SCW was diminished because of their loss.

•EILEY• “I am worried about Olly but it will be fine. Everything will be fine. Everything will work out.”

Eiley wasn’t trying to be dismissive of what was happening but she wasn’t ready to face Oliver yet. Or the fact that they had lost at High Stakes.

;;MIKAH “It doesn’t always work that way, Eiley. Things might not work out if you don’t put the work in. Try to talk to Oliver before Sunday otherwise, Sunday’s match is going to be a shitshow. He’s your partner and if my intuition is right, he’s probably more than your partner, even if the two of you are scared to talk about it. I have to go mind Myles before he drives Leighton crazy. Please talk to him.”

Eiley doesn’t have the chance to answer as she watches Mikah pick up the baby from the bed and walk out of her hotel room quickly, leaving Eiley to think about what had just transpired.


Location:Las Vegas, Nevada.
Date: November 3, 2023.

“Sunday is closer than I want it to be, if I’m honest. The week off wasn’t as great as it should have been for me and I will be honest, I’d much rather not show up and not compete again, so soon after Olly and I lost the championships to the new Mixed Tag Team Champions, or should I say Finn Whelan, mainly. Because we sure as hell know that Kayla Richards didn’t pull her own weight and that Finn is the only one carrying that team. But that’s not important at the moment.

What’s important is that Olly and I are in this match against two people that I don’t even want to talk about. Are they important? No. Is this match important? No. Can we lose this match and be fine? Absolutely. It’s just another random, useless match that management booked us in as a way to rub it in our faces that we don’t have our championships. Because they seem to enjoy the fact that Jet City walked out of High Stakes with nothing but disappointment.

Is that true? Yes, because it happened. Court lost her championship to the fraud that is Julianna DiMario and Olly and I lost ours to the above mentioned people.  It’s a fact that it happened but I think a little adversity will help in the long run and that Olly and I will do our best to get those championships back in the very near future. Our worth is not defined by one loss to two people who are only going to be transitional champions. And that’s how they will be referred to from now on; their names do not matter as it’s not going to be too long before Olly and I get them back.

But let’s look at Ariana, shall we?

She’s got something good going for her, doesn’t she? She got a shot at Court at the previous pay-per-view before High Stakes and she lost. But now she’s some champion and thinks she’s relevant to what’s important in this company. But she’s nothing more than a sham of a wannabe Bombshell. She will never amount more to what she currently is. She will never be the Bombshell Champion as she is not that caliber of a competitor. Everybody knows it and I’m sure people have whispered it, but I’m going to say it out loud right now. She’s never going to win the Bombshell Championship in her career and that’s fine, she can live in the mid card range and be just fine. She’ll maybe earn a spot in the Hall of Fame or maybe she won’t but she will be consistent.

You know what?

It doesn’t even matter to me if Olly and I win on Sunday or if we lose. Maybe losing will give us a little grit, something to work on and be better together than we were at High Stakes. Losing could give us that little push that we might need to get that fire back that we should have had at High Stakes but I’ll be honest, we became complacent and used to fighting talent off by any means but we have time to work on that and to get better. And a win against Ariana and Carter? That’s not going to prove anything. But losing to them and then avenging that loss? It might just do something more for us than winning would on Sunday.

Or maybe I’m crazy, who knows. Maybe I’m speaking something that doesn’t make any sense. But I think if we lose and we most likely will, it will give us something to use to our advantage.

It will make us want to be better and we will come back from it better and stronger than before.

Because there really isn’t any other choice.

Failure is only temporary and the feeling of disappointment isn’t going to last too much longer, anyways.

I’m not worried or bothered about Ariana and Carter in any fashion. It’s just another match and I’m looking more forward to being done with the match than anything else.

So, hopefully Sunday is over before we know it and I can get back to my life.



Supercard Archives / It's Not Your Time, It's Ours.
« on: October 20, 2023, 10:48:38 PM »

Location:San Diego, California.
Date: October 15, 2023.

There had been constant turmoil in Eiley's life since Summer XXXtreme. For a while, she had felt as if everything was going to be okay; Dean was presumed dead and gone and nobody but her and Oliver knew about the real reason for his disappearance. That was until she discovered a letter that had been sent to his parents. How she had obtained the letter didn't really matter but now, she could only think about the fact that Kaleb was involved in some fashion.

She had literally run out of the area that she and Oliver had been in with Jaycee after the revelation of Kaleb's involvement. She didn't want to believe that he was involved or that his agenda may have had sinister intentions behind them. It was baffling to her because she had been out on his boat multiple times and he had not even remotely tried to do anything harmful to her. But now, she wondered if he had been luring her into a false sense of security.

After she had run out of meeting with Jaycee, she had been physically sick and had thrown up onto the side of the road. That then led to dry heaving as she couldn't comprehend the fact that Kaleb's intentions hadn’t been pure or genuine. Then she thought of the times she had done things with him that she never would have done with Dean, willingly.

Now, she was trying to figure things out. She hadn’t wanted to go to Vegas to try to confront Kaleb, so instead of facing Oliver, she was locked up in one of the rooms in the Jet City South building, trying to hide from her partner. She moves a little to get comfortable as she keeps her phone’s ringer on silent and her media volume was low so that hopefully it wouldn’t be heard through the closed door. She glances up as she can hear somebody walking in the hallway outside of the room/closet she was hiding in and she pulls her feet up on the crate she was sitting on and then pulls her knees up to her chest. She focuses on her phone for a little bit before sighing to herself as there’s a knocking on the door. She chooses to ignore it but the knocking doesn’t seem to stop.

•EILEY• “Please go away!”

The stealth mode clearly wasn’t something that Eiley was good at, especially when it came to Oliver.

○OZ  “You’re going to have to learn some new tricks if you don’t want to be found.”

She can tell that he was leaning up against the outside of the doorframe just from the sound of his voice. However, as he talked, it sounded like he had squatted down so that his voice would more easily carry through the small crack under the door.

○OZ  “You’re going to have to come out eventually, and I don’t have anything better to do, so I’ll just be here to talk whenever you’re ready…”

She frowns at his words and presses the side button on her phone to lock it before looking/glaring at the locked door. However, she doesn’t move as she looks around the room/closet before looking back at the door.

•EILEY• “What’s there to talk about?”

She knew what they needed to talk about but she was really good at avoidance. It was how she had originally handled the Dean situation that had happened back in April.

•EILEY• “I can hide in here just as long as you can wait out there…”

But she knew that she would probably cave first as she usually did. She sighs before grabbing her phone and standing up before opening the door to see her partner there, however squatted down. She gives him a small, half fake smile.

•EILEY• “Is this what it feels like to be tall?”

She gives him a smirk, trying to change the subject. He pushes himself back to his feet, and looks down at her. He was more than willing to give into the change of subject if it meant getting her talking.

○OZ  “I wouldn’t know. I am looking up at most people too. It’s really just you that sees me from that perspective. Well, you and children.”

And they both knew that the children he spoke of didn’t think that he was too big to mess with either. Kris’ team of terrorists had beaten them up at the gym and stolen their titles after several exhausting days.

○OZ  “...and Kris cut me a couple of days of slack. We’ve been going pretty hard and he doesn’t want me to burn out or get hurt before High Stakes even gets here.”

Eiley gives Oliver a skeptical look, unsure if Kris had underlying intentions or not. She chooses to ignore the comment about her height as she knew that she was short.

•EILEY• “That seems a little suspicious…Kris cutting you some slack…”

She raises her eyebrows at him as she relaxes just a little bit. She leans against the door frame, her eyes still on him. She looks around the hallways, noticing that it was relatively quiet around the gym and that was okay with her.

•EILEY• “Kendall seems to have a similar idea. Or she’s just fed up with my lack of interest in training. Can’t be too sure.”

She shrugs her shoulders at the thought. He didn’t seem surprised that everything seemed to link up. Things had a way of happening like that around the Jet City crowd.

○OZ  “You know they have eyes and ears everywhere. If we are thinking about something, they already know about it somehow. It’s not like a couple of days would be a bad thing either….”

He didn’t just mean the Kaleb situation either, but the other problems could probably wait until after the two of them handled the cloud hanging over Eiley’s head. Although, he didn’t want to feel like he was pushing her to do something that she didn’t want to do.

○OZ  “....unless it’s not something that you have the brain space for. I totally understand if you want to just try to push through and focus on the match. It’s been working for us for a couple of months already.”

She looks at him, a slightly hesitant look on her face as he suggests talking about it or not, if that’s what she wanted. She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out as she chews on the inside of her bottom lip.

•EILEY• “But…it’s not going work long-term…”

She knew that it would be best to just talk about it.

•EILEY• “I…don’t know where to start…”

She takes a deep breath as she looks at him, an unsure look on her face. She then looks around the hallway before looking at him and then grabbing him by his shirt and pulls him into the closet and shuts the door. She didn’t want to take the chance that anybody could be listening.

•EILEY• “I don’t remember Kaleb being a part of Dean’s group when we were teenagers, but he had to have been. But…I don’t really understand his motive? Or what his endgame was…I had been on his boat multiple times and he didn’t … try to get rid of me. And…I’ve done things with him..”

She avoids looking at him as she spills the words out of her lips quickly, not sure that she would get the words out if she didn’t do it quickly.

○OZ  “For all we know, the whole thing is a big coincidence…”

Granted, he felt that was probably a longshot at this point. Without being directly involved in any of it, everything sounded like it added up for him. The way that Jaycee pulled the name out of nowhere, and triggered the reaction that it did made him believe that on some level she must have believed it too. Although that could have just been wishful thinking. If Jaycee was wrong, they still didn’t have any idea what was actually going on. Oz wasn’t willing to let himself think about that possibility.

○OZ  “...on the other hand, the only person with any of the answers is Kaleb, and you’re the only person that could get him to talk. That doesn’t mean that you’ll have to do it alone though. We’re a team, remember? That goes a lot further than Sin City.”

She looks at him and while his words should be comforting, it only made her feel a little more unsettled. She didn’t think that it could be just a coincidence and now all of her memories with Kaleb were tainted with whatever this was or could be.

•EILEY• “That means we have to go to Vegas..”

She knew that’s where Kaleb was and she could get ahold of him but she hadn’t talked to him since the one tour where she had been sort of elusive toward him. She wasn’t sure that he would even take her call this time.

•EILEY• “Are we going to drive or fly?”

She looks at him. She knew that a flight was only an hour or so from California and driving from San Diego would be a little over five hours. But not that she had even know where they would get a car.
Location:Las Vegas, Nevada.
Date: October 16, 2023.

The flight to Las Vegas from San Diego hadn’t taken them too long and Eiley had explained nearly everything to Oliver on the flight from San Diego to Vegas, even the dirty details that she necessarily didn’t want to but did so anyways. And she had sent a text message to Kaleb, asking to meet up at neutral location at some cafe off of the strip to talk. She wasn’t sure it was the best idea and now, as she and Oliver wait for him to show up she looks at Oliver.

•EILEY• “I think we should just go. Just forget it and go and maybe he’ll just…disappear.”

She looks at Oliver with a slightly hopeful look on her face that he would agree with her. Even if she did want to know what Kaleb’s hidden intentions were, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know about his involvement with Dean or Dean’s schemes.

○OZ  “There's really only one way to make that happen…”

He directs her eyes back to where a camera sits behind a window over her shoulder. The street signs in front of it helps to obscure it from view, but he had made sure it was getting a good shot.

○OZ  “Just remember, I am only ten seconds away if things get weird and I can hear everything….”

He looked down at this watch, knowing he had limited time to get out of sight.

○OZ  “Don't admit to anything, and try to get him to say anything to make himself a suspect and by the end of the day we will never have to see him again.”

Eiley nods her head as she chews on the inside of her cheek, anxiously. She doesn’t require him to say anything else as he slips over to a table not too far away. She tries to sit still but every time the door opened and the little bell rang to signal the door had been opened, she flinched. She looks up as she sees him walk into the cafe and he was on time, which she figured that he would be. She forces a smile on her face, hoping that it was friendly enough that it wouldn’t raise suspicion. Kaleb notices her before nodding his head at her with a smile on her face as he walks over. She swallows hard as he leans down and plants a kiss on her cheek before sitting down across from her and she resists the urge to wipe it from her face.

•EILEY• “Thank you for coming…”

He smiles at her as he leans slightly onto the table, his blue-grey eyes looking into hers.

♠KALEB “Not a problem at all, in fact I’m glad you messaged me because we kind of left things in a bad place the last time we talked.”

She vaguely remembered the talk they’d had in Peru but she knew that he had disapproved of whatever it was she had with Oliver and she wasn’t sure if that came from jealousy or from disgust.

•EILEY• “You’re right we did. I have to say I was a little scatter-brained then and my head was not in the right place. But I have a question…about Dean…”

She looks at his face and she can see the recognition on his face and she forces a smile, trying to appear as if she was calm and collected, even though her heart rate was saying otherwise.

♠KALEB “Ah…yes, what about Dean?”

There was a look in his eyes that Eiley could now read as something sinister and she grabs her glass of water and takes a drink from it to calm herself down.

•EILEY• “I…haven’t heard from him lately and I was…just curious if you had? You see, his parents have been asking me where he’s been...”

She looks up into his eyes, hoping that he was buying her lies. But she didn’t know what he knew and what he didn’t know. A smirk plays over his face as he watches her squirm in her seat.

♠KALEB “You and I both know that isn’t true, Eiley. I thought I told you in Peru that we both know you’re not dumb…so I am not sure why you are trying to act like you are. You know where Dean is, just as much as I do.”

He leans forward and says in a quiet voice.

♠KALEB “And we both know he’s not coming back, don’t we?”

She knew that he was trying to rattle her and stir up things that she didn’t necessarily want stirred up. She has to keep a straight face as she looks at him, using all of the strength she could and remembering the some of the tips she had learned over the years.

•EILEY• “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, Kaleb. I haven’t talked to Dean in a long time, but I remember that you used to run around with him when you were teenagers.”

She watches his face as the smirk turns a little more sinister and he leans back in his chair. He didn’t seem too bothered by the fact that Eiley had connected the dots.

♠KALEB “I’m surprised it took you this long to remember, Eiley. I wondered if you were ever going to figure it out. And don’t worry about Dean’s parents, they think he’s on vacation somewhere.”

It was all she needed to hear and all she could stand to hear again before she stands up to leave but he is quick to grab her wrist.

•EILEY• “Let go.”

He just smirks at her, looking up into her golden brown eyes, his hand still holding onto her wrist.

♠KALEB “Don’t be a stranger, Eiley. I know I won’t be.”

He lets her wrist go and she walks outside to get some air, breathing it in quickly once she is outside.


Location: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2023


The scene opens up to show one half of the mixed Tag Team Champions, Eiley sitting on a bench in front of the newly finish Las Vegas Sphere. And behind her the Sphere’s image was the usual emoji that it has currently been sporting. She is dressed in a pair of jean cut off shorts and a black, ribbed cropped tank top. Her blonde hair is pulled up into two messy space buns on each side of her head and her mixed tag team championship is sitting next to her on the bench.

“Time is a funny thing, really. Time is something that most everybody takes for granted and usually has some sort of  view that there will always be time to do something at a later, future date. But time moves faster than anybody realizes and we spend at least seven hours of our day sleeping and for those who have a normal job, they spend eight or more hours at work, away from their families. However, wrestlers have a different sense of time and usually view time as something that they have to use wisely when they are young because that’s when they are in their prime in the ring. Or time that they spend chasing after something that they may never get in their career. Things like World Championships or any championship, for that matter. And that’s just what Kayla Richards and Finn Whelan are doing right now, wasting time in chasing after the Mixed Tag Team Championships.”

She glances back at the Sphere, smiling at the cute, confused expression the emoji was currently displaying.

“A lot of previous teams have wasted time in chasing after the Mixed Tag Team Championships and their tries have been fruitless for them. They wasted weeks of their lives chasing after a fever dream that Olly and I both knew was never going to happen for them. But Kayla and Finn? They’re on borrowed time already as a team. Kayla already stated it last week in her own promo that she was not used to being in a team and that she has been chasing after singles titles. She even went on to make the statement that she completely tried to avoid teaming up with somebody to chase after these championships.”

Eiley looks down at the championship for a moment before looking back at the camera that was currently recording her for her promo.

“Then what is really the point in going after these championships now? Clearly, Kayla, you think you’re above these championships. Because you spent a few minutes talking about the championship that you lost three times and how you it taught you something after losing it that many times. That, to me, makes me think that you think that these championships are beneath you or at least, that’s the way it sounds when you first even started talking about the championships and you wanted everybody to know that you’ve had success outside of the Mixed Tag division and that your previous championship reigns happened three times. You wanted that to be an important fact and you wanted everybody to think that you’re a better competitor than I am in the ring because I have not held a singles championship….yet.”

Eiley winks at the camera as she gets comfortable on the bench, enjoying the illumination that she was getting from the Sphere.

“You see, my career is just starting out, Kalya. I have alllllll of the time in the world to chase after singles championships. Championships like the World Bombshell Championship or even the Bombshell Internet Championship. I don't have to rush to those championships right now because what I have going for me with Olly is just what I want. But this championship? The one that I share with Olly? It is the most important one to me because it’s another accomplishment that I am sharing with Olly, who is probably my best friend. If not anything else.”

She smirks again, a certain look in her eyes.

“I don’t want to ever feel like this championship is beneath me in any fashion. Because it’s not. And you should know how hard it is to rely on another person in a match after all, you claimed that being in a team is not something that you are used to. You even boldly state that you and Finn are not on the same page, essentially. And we all know that you and Finn are professional wrestlers, none of us would be employed by SCW if we weren’t.”

She gives the camera a slightly confused look before shaking her head.

“That point was a little redundant, don’t ya think?”

She just laughs it off as she leans back against the back of the bench and crosses one leg over the other.

“You seem to think that even though you and Finn aren’t on the same page, that you will be able to power through it to get the win on Sunday. And you are right, Olly and I? We are an effective team and probably the best team that this company has seen since Kris Ryans and Mikah themselves. And sure, people say that we’re the cheap knockoffs but if you think about it, we already get along better than they did their first entire first reign. So, essentially, we’re already better Mixed Tag Team Champions than they were.”

It probably was a bold statement to make and Eiley was well aware of that. But she believed that making such bold statements like she had was something that could make the difference in the pace of the match.

“Kayla, you can claim to be an excellent people reader all you want but fear? That’s not something that I feel while competing in the ring for the SCW audience. And I find it amusing that you and Finn quite literally contradicted one another as you claimed that I am riding Oliver’s success all the way to the bank but Finn sees it as the opposite. He wanted to point out that Oliver has not found success outside of the Mixed Tag Division, while I have. Whereas you, you seem to think that Oliver is the standout star of this partnership. However,, what you don’t seem to take into consideration is the fact that Olly and I? We’re a team. We’re not out to get something over one another and we work together phenomenally well. We are good at what we do and that’s why Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe couldn’t hack it at Violent Conduct and it’s why Austin James Mercer and Tempest always fall short when they’re booked against Olly and I. We’re just simply the best team that SCW has employed.”

She shrugs her shoulders as she looks at the camera.

“And honestly? I do not care how you got this championship match because I have zero room to talk Nobody thought that Olly and I deserved to be in the match at Summer XXXtreme and everybody believed that we were not going to walk out of that match as the Champions. Everybody claimed that we hadn’t paid our dues yet and that we hadn’t been in the company long enough to even earn that shot. And I don’t give a fuck about your previous singles championship reigns. That? Is irrelevant when it comes to Sunday because you’re not facing anybody for a singles championship. I don’t give a fuck who you think you are or what you think that you’re capable of in the ring that I’m not. Because I’m going to tell you that I’m just as capable in the ring as you are, if not more. And the fact that you and Finn aren’t on the same page? That’s only going to help Olly and I even more on Sunday because he and I? We’re always on the same page when it comes to competing.”

She hold an arrogant look on her face, one that could have rivaled her mentor, Mikah’s signature look.

“It seems like Finn is really the only one out of his team with Kayla that believes that they can manage to work together. I also thought that the month was October, not January? I don’t think you can claim, new year, new you this late in the year. We’re practically at the end of the year, you’ll have to wait until January of 2024 to claim that shit. And honestly? I don’t give a shit how many times you’ve flaked on SCW or how many times you’ve rose to the top only to fail because that doesn’t matter on Sunday. Go ahead and flake again, it’s not my concern. My concern is to defend my championship with Olly against you and Kayla, not laugh at the fact that you’re quick to note your own failures. That’s your problem, not mine. And while you want to basically shit on the competitors of Jet City, you can’t say that about me, not fully. I’m half trained by Jet City and half trained by Mikah at her gym in Hawaii. And plus, everybody that has come out of Jet City is more successful in the ring than the two of you combined and the one that is owner of Jet City? He’s considered a legend in this company.”

She smirks at her own words.

“Maybe it’s jealousy that’s coming out of your mouth because you’re not somebody that comes from Jet City, the gym that has probably cranked out more superstars than whatever crack shot of a gym you came from. I don’t know and frankly, I don’t fucking care, either. And I don’t give a shit about your sob story of a life before you became a superstar. We all have pasts and demons in our closet, it’s not SCW’s job to clean out our closets. Nor does that make you any better than Olly, Finn. And you can claim that you don’t need Kayla to get a win or for her to be the one to push you over, but guess what? In this match? You’re going to have to rely on her a little bit in order to somehow get the win. But it’s doubtful that it’s going to come to that.”

She just smirks again before glancing back at the Sphere which still had the emoji on it.

“You know what’s funny? Olly and I haven’t really dove into the singles division yet besides a few matches here and there. But yet, Finn, you seem to think the few matches that we’ve had without one another is sinking our potential singles division careers. But right now? We’re not singles division stars, we’re the Mixed Tag Team Champions and we’re the champions for a fucking reason. Sure, some of the outcomes of the matches we’ve had have been a little unorthodox, but a win is a win. You don’t see anybody discrediting any other champion for how they’ve won their matches, do you? No, but it seems to be a trend for everybody to do so to those champions who have come out of the Jet City gym. Personally, I think it’s jealous because they can’t fucking hack it in SCW but that’s just my opinion and it should be taken with a grain of salt. And if you must know or be reminded, the GOAT of SCW, J2H himself pretty much endorsed me and my career on Twitter, so yours and Kayla’s opinion of me? Irrelevant and unimportant because your opinion is never going to be as important as J2H’s. And that’s just facts.”

The arrogance was easily seen on her face. It had been a while since she had felt this confident in herself and her team with Oliver. And it was nice to feel confident once again.

“There’s a reason that High Stakes is SCW’s best show and there’s a lot effort that everybody puts into their matches and their promo work. Everybody wants to prove to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood that they are the best and they aim to prove it by winning their match. But Olly and I already know that we’re the best team that SCW has right now. Austin James Mercer and Tempest tried twice to beat us and they couldn’t get it done. Everybody’s favorite Ben Jordan and the ultimate good girl Sam Marlowe couldn’t get it done and they were definitely the handpicked favorites to get it done. And on Sunday, Kayla and Finn are going to fail just like the others have failed in the past. It’s not something that can be changed by time or by sheer luck.”

She smirks again as she looks at the camera. She ignores the people that seem to come in and out of the frame. Some seemed to recognize her but for the most part, they leave her alone.

“This is the show where Olly and I are going to be the ones to cement our names as the best in the Mixed Tag division, even though it should already be known. We’re unbeaten as a team and we’re not looking for a remedy for that on Sunday. We’re going to continue to be the best team that this company has ever seen. And we’re going to continue to work on being better than Mikah and Kris Ryans as a team. And while Finn likes to think that we’re limited…”

She smirks at her own words as she grabs her championship belt and slings it over her shoulder. She stands up and adjusts her top a little bit. She glances back at the Sphere once more before looking back at the camera with a confident look on her face.

“We’re going to prove just why we’re Limitless.”


Supercard Archives / The Better Team
« on: October 14, 2023, 07:53:23 PM »

Location:Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Date: October 10, 2023.

There was a disconnect that Eiley couldn’t get over and she couldn’t turn on the ability to care about anything as her mind went in circles over the fake Dean letter to his parents. She had hidden it in the apartment in Hawaii so that Oliver wouldn’t find it but she was still anxious that he would find it and there would be questions. She felt like she couldn’t grasp the concept that somebody didn’t want his parents to know that he was gone. And she also felt like she could handle it on her own and didn’t want to drag Oliver through her crap again because she didn’t want him to get his hands messy or treat her like a child again. And then there was the flickering thought that maybe it was him who had been sending the letters to Dean’s parents to keep them from wondering where their son was. But she wasn’t brave enough to ask.

She sits down on one of the benches in Mikah’s gym and chugs her bottle of water after a rigorous training session with Kendall. Kendall had walked off mad that Eiley’s head wasn’t in it and Eiley could only assume she was going to go talk to the big boss, which would only bring more problems her way if the newborn baby was sleeping and Kendall’s complaints woke her up. Eiley just shakes her head as she leans back against the wall and lets herself slump just a little bit to get lost in her thoughts once again. She wasn’t sure how Oliver’s training was going but she hadn’t much room to think about it as Kendall had been on fire in the ring and rather disgusted that Eiley herself hadn’t had the same fire.

Eiley finishes her bottle of water and chucks it at the nearby trash can and frowns when it misses the can and lands on the floor. She makes a disgruntled noise before getting up and walking over and grabbing the bottle of water and chucks it into the trash can, knowing that Mikah wouldn’t appreciate trash being all over her floor. She walks from the main area of the gym and over to the locker rooms to grab her stuff; she wasn’t going to hang around and wait for the wrath of Mikah to show up, she was going to go home for the day. She was not doing any good here, anyways and figured she could do something more productive with her time at the small(ish) apartment her and Oliver shared.

She walks out of the gym mere minutes later and fumbles through her bag to find the keys to the car that she shares with Oliver. It wasn’t that they necessarily each needed their own car as they usually only needed it for the twenty-one minute drive from Kaneohe to Honolulu. She grabs them as she walks through the parking lot to the simple, nothing fancy car. She unlocks it and throws the bag in the backseat before sliding into the driver’s seat and starting the vehicle up. The drive to Honolulu was nothing special and Eiley had pretty much disassociated the entire drive back to the apartment and parks the car in the usual parking stall. She grabs her stuff and climbs out of the car before heading to the stairs to go up to their top floor apartment.

Once inside she tosses her bag onto the floor as she shuts and relocks the door before heading into the kitchen and opens one of the cabinets before grabbing a box of cereal that was her favorite flavor and pulls out the letter. She leans against the counter as she reads over it once again. She jumps a little as she hears the door unlock and moments later her roommate and teammate and whatever else he could be considered, walks in. She quickly shoves the letter behind her and between her lower back and the counter as she gives him a small smile.

•EILEY• “Fun morning?”[/color[

It was not a special morning of any sorts and she wasn’t sure why she had asked that. She was not even sure what he had been doing all morning, either. But she didn’t know what else to say because she was sure she looked guilty by the hurried fashion she had shown of hiding the letter from him.

○OZ  “Not even a little….”

She could see all over his face that the day he had been experiencing must have been a whole lot like her own. He didn't have any of his usual confidence or bounce in his step.

○OZ  “I mean it is Hawaii, so there's that, but it is too pretty here to be having such a god-awful, shitty day.”

He sighs and then leaps up off the floor before landing up on top of the countertop with a sigh. He was dressed like he had just come from the gym, but she hadn't seen him there.

○OZ  “I couldn't get things going today. Kris canceled on me because I got a late start. Told me I couldn't interrupt you and kicked me out. Told me to think about it on the walk back…”

She was a little surprised that Kris had done that but it wasn’t too surprising and she was sure Mikah or Kendall would have had a similar reaction, Mikah more than Kendall. But then she frowns when he says he had walked back from Kaneohe to Honolulu and she couldn’t remember seeing him on the side of the road. But then again, she had disassociated the entire ride home, so it was likely she drove right past him.

•EILEY• “You could have waited for me, you know and we could have come back here together; you didn’t have to walk the entire distance.”

She gives him an empathetic look as she moves her hand away from the small of her back, pinning the letter between her and the counter as she looks at him. She looks him over, trying to judge if he was okay or not before sighing. What had they gotten themselves into with Kris and Mikah as their trainers? Eiley knew that Mikah held high expectations for everybody that walked through her doors and wanted to train under her and that’s why Kendall and Eiley had been the only ones in Hawaii. She didn’t know how to count Court in that situation.

•EILEY• “And you definitely could have interrupted me and Kendall, it might have been easier to train together, instead of separately. And plus, it wasn’t like I was there that long anyways before I pissed Kendall off and she left.”

She just shrugs her shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal that she had pissed one of her trainers off. She also knew that she’d most likely have a message from Mikah in the coming hours about her lack of attention on training and the partnership between her and Oliver.

•EILEY• “I…didn’t drive past you, did I?”

She looks at him, biting on the corner of her bottom lip in a nervous fashion. She really hoped that she hadn’t but from the look on his face, if she had, he hadn't noticed.

○OZ  “I didn't stick to the roads. Tried to shortcut it. Found out there was no shortcutting it.”

He seemed defeated more than anything. Although, will all the added effort of trying to get back home, she didn't think it could have been all that different than a gym day with Kris.

○OZ  “It was my own fault anyways. I didn't want my bad day to rub off on you.”

She gives a half smile at the thought of the two of them wanting to spare each other’s bad days on one another.

•EILEY• “It’s not like I had the best day either, honestly. I probably pissed Kendall off enough to go talk to Mikah. And that’s not going to end well for me.”

Another shrug of her shoulders as if she wasn’t worried about the consequences of her actions but she really didn’t have the room in her mind to think about what consequences her actions would have. She takes a deep breath and looks at him.

•EILEY• “It’s been a string of bad days, honestly. Something has to give, right?”

She gives him a hopeful smile, even though she didn’t necessarily feel hopeful about it. With the looming thoughts of Dean being alive or somebody not wanting his parents to know he was dead, there wasn’t going to be clear skies in her future. Or that’s how it felt.

○OZ  “Typically? Yes. But I don't see it this time. Look at where Jaycee ended up despite his best efforts.”

She could tell that their friend's situation had been weighing on him. Granted, that wasn't a new feeling. Oz had spent the majority of the last year feeling guilty about his actions and how Kris and Jaycee had to live out their punishments because of them. He couldn't help but link himself to where Jaycee ended up. It almost felt like he had been the one to give him the first push down that path.

○OZ  “That is part of it that bothers me. I mean we have come so far, and already kinda made a name for ourselves, but this shit could disappear tomorrow. It's a weird new feeling.”

Eiley listens to him with an empathetic look on her face as she tries her best not to move to keep the letter hidden.

•EILEY• “It’s called empathy which could maybe be a new feeling for you. Or one that matters now, anyways. And you’re realizing that you can’t take it for granted because it could be gone tomorrow as tomorrow is not promised.”

She hated getting all philosophical but it was more evident to the two of them that nothing is promised like most people believe that it is.

•EILEY• “But Jaycee will come out alright, Kris turned out to be alright. Granted it might have taken him awhile, but he’s there now. And maybe Jaycee will come out of it faster and sometimes, people need help and he needs help. He was not only a danger to himself but those he stepped into the ring against. It’s for the best.”

She forced a smile as she wanted to believe her own words and to an extent, she did believe them. But there was also that part of her that knew something had to give or it would be a repetitive cycle that never ends.

•EILEY• “Plus, I like this empathetic side of you, it’s cute.”

She scrunches her nose at him in an attempt to lighten the air around them.

○OZ  “You give me too much credit.”

He looked as if he wished it was empathy that was holding him back. Instead of agreeing with her, he shakes his head and lets out a heavy sigh.

○OZ  “It is more self-preservation than that. Like, I don't feel bad for Jaycee. He fucked around, and found out he needed help. What I feel bad about is that I may have done something to start that spiral.”

However, she could tell that still wasn't the whole story. Although, she didn't want to cut him off and give him the chance to try and laugh it off. In the rare moment that he was reflecting on himself, she thought it better to just let it happen. It had a way of softening his edges.

○OZ  “...and the dude just kinda watched everything slip through his fingers because he was trying to have TOO good of a time. That's definitely something that could happen to me. I guess I have never really had anything to lose before. Now I got a shining example of how all this can come crashing down in an instant. Kris put that stupid idea in my head last week. Haven't been able to shake it since.”

She listened to him and didn’t once try to interrupt him and she could understand where he was at. However, she did feel that Kris was a lot harsher on Oliver than Mikah was on her but she also knew that Mikah’d been pregnant for the last nine months and had held back in order to keep her blood pressure level.

•EILEY• “First of all, anything that you did should not have made Jaycee do anything. People are capable of making their own decisions, Olly. Jaycee had other choices he could have made to deal with the fallout from whatever happened and he chose to get into that lifestyle. He didn’t think he would land where he is now, but he did. That’s not on you, that’s on him. You did whatever you had to do to fend for yourself; it’s always been like that. And while Kris has had some trouble in his life, he hasn’t had to rely on himself for anything; he has a brother and most of the time a significant other to help bail him out. Who did you have?”

She raises her eyebrows at him. She was much better at giving advice than she was at taking it but she didn’t care as she didn’t really enjoy seeing Oliver beat himself up over Jaycee’s decisions.

•EILEY• “Nobody but yourself.”

The two of them had only just started to rely on one another and even then, that was far and few in between. They were both independent by nature and by their childhood, so it wasn’t like them to ask for help or look elsewhere for help.

•EILEY• “But you’re not the same Olly-Oliver that you were a year or so ago, Olly. You’ve changed for the better, whether you want to believe it or not. A year ago, I probably couldn’t really stand being in the same room as you for much longer than twenty minutes.”

She gives him a pointed look.

•EILEY• “And now look at us.”

She raises her eyebrows at him with a smirk on her face.

○OZ  “All it took for us to get our shit together was somebody dying and one of our friends ruining their life.”

He tries to force a smile onto his face but it doesn't take. It was a clear sign of the progress that she was talking about, even if he wanted to pretend it wasn't there.  A year ago, he probably would have been able to laugh about that. Today he couldn't bring himself to find any joy in it. He seemed to be able to pick up that she wasn't crazy about the joke either.

○OZ  “Probably too soon to laugh about that… My bad. ”

She frowns as she can sense the change in his behavior and his confidence and she wasn’t sure what to do with it at first. She sighs before moving over to him, forgetting that she had been hiding the letter behind her back and she doesn’t think about it as it falls to the floor. She moves closer to him and reaches up, gently cupping his face in her hands.

•EILEY• “Hey….Dean dying? That’s not on you, that’s on me. And Jaycee will come out of this better than he was before.”

Her voice was soft and tender, trying not to think about her own issues as she looks up into his eyes. She didn’t want him to place any of the blame on himself as it was not just his to hold.

•EILEY• “You might not be able to see it right now, but it’s going to be okay. Jaycee is going to be okay. You…are going to be okay.”

She was not usually the optimistic one but this time, she could be, if that’s what he needed from her.

○OZ  “We'll see…”

He shrugged his shoulders and did his best to shake off all of the negativity. It wasn't his style to get weighed down by things he couldn't control. He breaks eye contact with her and sits back on the countertop, stretching out his arms. It is in that position that he sees the paper on the floor and immediately points at it to bring the focus to anything other than himself.

○OZ  “Ha! And you think that I don't pick up after myself! What's that, huh? Floor trash? Uncool!”

She pulls her hands back from his face as he asks about the paper on the floor and she makes a face before she moves over and grabs it. She looks at it then at him.

•EILEY• “It’s nothing. And you don’t!”

It was the common argument about who’s mess was where and which mess was who’s. It was never-ending. She looks at the envelope that she’d half shoved the letter back into before looking at him. She gives him a half smile, but the gesture doesn’t reach her eyes.

•EILEY• “Not important.”

She is quick to hide the letter down her shirt as she looks at him and shrugs her shoulders. His eyes narrow, and he waves his index finger at her accusingly.

○OZ  “You can't just say something isn't important and then do something like that with it. It's suspicious.”

He studies her face for a second, and decides that something about it didn't add up.

○OZ  “It fell when you moved, which means you were hiding it behind you. Now you're hiding it again. Must be pretty awful.”

She shrugs her shoulders, trying to be elusive about it. She didn’t want to make it a big deal or burden him with it, either. He already had enough on his plate.

•EILEY• “It’s nothing. Honestly, don’t worry about it.”

She knew, however, that he wasn’t just going to let it go either as she looks at him, trying to push that deceitful look from her eyes.

•EILEY• “It also involves illegal activity on my part…which is not something you should worry about. I can handle it.”

She gives him a tentative smile. She chews on her bottom lip a little nervously before sighing and pulling the letter from her shirt and reluctantly hands it to him and avoids eye contact.

•EILEY• “It’s nothing. Probably.”

She doesn’t elaborate on how she got it but she was sure he could put two and two together to get four; it wasn’t difficult. His eyes scan over it and widen before confusion sets in.

○OZ  “It's something…. Proof of an afterlife maybe. Or someone else knows what we know, which isn't great.”

He tries to think back to that night, but nobody in his memory really struck out as lurking around or watching them. Granted, there were so many other things going on that night. It made him nervous to say the least.

○OZ  “...but I know where we might get an idea of where to look for whoever wrote this.”


Location: San Diego, California.
Date: Saturday, October 14. 2023


The scene opens up to the Jet City gym with Eiley sitting in the ring on a stool she had managed to drag into the middle of it. She was sporting a pair of black high rise leggings and a simple LIMITLESS raspberry purple-pink colored crop top and bare feet.

“Austin Mercer and Tempest couldn’t get the job done a few weeks ago when they went up against Olly and I, so now the bosses are pushing Kayla Richards and Finn Whelan as the next team to go up against us. Another team that really doesn’t have a chance in beating us, but they can sure try to.

Olly and I have been pretty much unstoppable as a team. Our record as a team together is spotless and I’d say almost untouchable. Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe couldn’t get it done at Violent Conduct and Austin Mercer and Tempest couldn’t get it done on Climax Control. Hell, even in a non-title match, Bill and Bea Barnhart couldn’t beat us, not that they’re worthy competitors but still, it shows that we’re the most important champions on this roster. And other than Court, our championships haven’t been playing hot potato and we haven’t been causing a scene backstage and getting suspended, either. We mind our own business and keep things in the ring, like they should be. But do we get praised for keeping our hands clean? Absolutely not. In fact, we’re probably the least thought about champions on the roster but yet, other than Court, we’re the most consistent when it comes to competing in the ring and winning. But we get no praises for that, but then again what else should I expect?”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“I was warned about that when Mikah agreed to train me, that I wouldn’t be praised for being successful in SCW because I was trained by her. She had stated that she had never been praised either for her legend status in SCW and she told me that I should never expect to be praised by anybody in management in SCW because it more than likely we wouldn’t happen because of the fact that I would be reliable at showing up and doing my job. So, I do not expect any praise but when the doubt that Olly and I are going to win settles in, it is hard not to have a chip on my shoulder. Because Olly and I have worked our asses off to be the Mixed Tag Team Champions. We are always in the ring in Hawaii or this one here to work on our skills in the ring and to build ourselves together as a team. We let Kris Ryans and Mikah yell and belittle us in the ring because we know it’s what is going to make us better. No, not better, the best. And there is absolutely no denying that they were the best team that SCW had employed.

And yes, I said were because Olly and I are going to be the ones that dethrone them from that title. Olly and I are going to be the best team that SCW has ever seen, whether anybody chooses to believe it, that’s on them. But we’re already on the right path in cementing our names as the best team to ever step foot in a SCW ring as Mixed Tag Team champions.”

She smirks a little before shaking her hair out behind her.

“I’m not going to claim that I know everything about Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards. And I’m not going to pretend that I care anything about them, either. Because I do not give a fuck about them as a team because they are not the better team. They are not better than Olly and I in the ring and I don’t care what Olly and I have to do to prove it, but next Sunday the 22nd, we’re going to prove exactly why we’re the best team this company has ever seen. There’s not going to be any question about who is better and why, because we’re going to prove just why we’re the best and why we are the Mixed Tag Team Champions, whether the fans or those in the back like it or not.

We’re not here to be anybody’s friend and sometimes, Olly and I can’t even stand one another. We’re here to build our resume and to prove that we’re the best, better than our mentors. I mean, that’s everybody’s goal, right? To be better than the ones that trained you? Look at the GO Gym, almost everybody that has came out of that gym has had some success and a few may be considered to be better than Gabriel and Odette themselves. That is what every single wrestling student wants once they are cleared to sign a contract to whichever company they want. They want to prove themselves as the best, better than their trainers because if they aren’t, what was the point of training under them? There is no difference here. I went to Mikah’s gym because she is the best Bombshell that SCW has ever seen, even if there are some that do not believe that claim. But I want to be better than her and I want to be the best that there is but first, I want Olly and I to beat her and Kris’ record as the Mixed Tag Team Champions and Kayla and Finn are just in the way, an obstacle in our path to get around in order to continue to break their records and prove that we’re not just some flash in the pan.

We’re here to stay and I think we’ve proven that as competitors, together as a team, and separately as singles competitors when we are booked in singles matches. We haven’t tucked our tail between our leg and went home, refusing to come back because a match didn’t go our way. No, we’ve fought for everything we’ve gotten and we’re about to do it again in a week. I’m sure that Kayla and Finn are good in the ring, and they are definitely an improvement in opponents since Olly’s and I’s last tag match against the Barnharts. But they’re not as good as us and allow me to be arrogant for just a second, I don’t believe that there’s another team in SCW that are as good as we are. We’ve beaten all the already known teams and Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe have not even voiced their opinion on trying again, we’ve beaten Tempest and Austin twice now and the Barnharts aren’t even in the same league as Olly and I are. So, it’s interesting to see who SCW pairs together as a team to go up against us but it’s funny to see how these other teams continue to fail when fighting against us because we’re the best they have and we’re smarter than all of the opponents we’ve had. And I’m going to say that we’re smarter than Finn and Kayla as well.

I know that Olly can handle whatever Finn Whelan throws at him, I am not even worried about that in the slightest. He’s got it handled. I wasn’t worried about Ben Jordan or Austin Mercer and I’m sure as hell not going to be worried about whether Olly can handle Finn or not because I have the utmost faith that he can.”

She smirks a little at the camera before shrugging her shoulders once more. The room was quiet except for the few sounds of doors closing somewhere else in the building. She is quick to wipe the look off of her face.

“And I can handle Kayla Richards, she’s not anything better than Tempest or Sam Marlowe. She does seem to have a chip on her shoulder and she has stated that she doesn’t even know if she and her partner can co-exist. And that’s a scary feeling, trust me, I know. Olly and I haven’t always been the best at co-existing in the same state, let alone the same room but now? We’re probably the best at co-existing when it comes to wrestling and other aspects of life. And Kayla wants to state that even an unfocused Finn Whelan is dangerous and maybe he is, in her world. But Olly? He’s always going to be better than the male counterpart of any tag team that we face. He’s focused on what he wants out of this business and he’s Limitless in the ring and he doesn’t stop, he knows how to get shit done. He's faced the wrath of Austin Mercer, which could be seen as one of the few Superstars of SCW that have anger issues, he can handle whatever Finn gives.

And as for me? I know how to get shit done too. I might not be the tallest Bombshell in the division or the biggest, but I am really fucking good in the ring. I hang my hat on the fact that I’ve been trained by the best and that’s going to be one of the many reasons as to why I am going to be so successful in this company. Kayla’s anger issues do not scare me; I’ve seen a lot worse things than somebody’s anger, so it doesn’t worry me that she’s going to be angry with her partner and wants to take it out on me. Bring it on; I’ve managed to piss Mikah and Kendall off for the past two weeks and their anger combined is going to be a million times worse than anything that Kayla is going to be in a week’s time. I can handle anger and pretty much anything else that Kayla wants to throw me. I can guarantee that I have seen a lot worse in the rich scumbags that run in this state. And plus, maybe her anger will lead to this match being one of the best in the year.”

She smirks again, running her fingers through her hair a little bit. Her eyes move over to the doorway and she frowns just a little bit, seeing somebody in the doorway but she doesn’t think anything about it.

“Or maybe not. Maybe this will just be another match that our opponents realize that they’re just not as good in the ring together as they thought. Maybe they will be bound by the limits that are placed on them as a team. But whatever it is, they’re not better than we are as a team. Olly and I have finally figured out that we are better as a team and that we know no bounds...

Because we are…LIMITLESS.”


Climax Control Archives / LiMiTlEsS
« on: October 06, 2023, 10:53:45 PM »

Location:San Diego, California.
Date: October 2, 2023.

Eiley knew that it was stupid to have come back to San Diego when they had not had a show in the area for a long time and her and Oliver had been training in Hawaii since Mikah had gone to the island a few weeks ago so that the baby could be born there. Eiley originally had been happy to have gone back to Hawaii, but her curiosity about Dean and his family wouldn’t leave her alone. She wondered if they were even worried about their son’s whereabouts but when she had walked down the street of the home that they lived in, it was pretty apparent that nobody was home and by the looks of it, they were on vacation somewhere. There was only one car in the garage and from staking out the place, she noticed that a neighbor had collected their mail and took it inside on a daily basis. It made Eiley nervous to know that they weren’t home and it made her wonder if they were out, searching for their deceased son. Or supposed deceased son; Eiley wasn’t too sure that he had died when he fell overboard, and his body hadn’t washed up on any shore but that didn’t necessarily mean anything either.

Eiley sighs as she tries to find her footing in the backyard in the dark as she carefully makes her way to one of the windows that she knew they left unlocked because they always forgot about it. Or that’s how it had been nearly five years ago when she had lived with them. She carefully pushes the window open and hoists her upper body up and into the window and carefully lets herself into the house. She hesitates in the spot she stands up in, hoping that the alarm system wasn’t set off but after what seems like forever, nothing happens and she grabs her phone to use the flashlight on it. She carefully and quietly walks into the dining room where she spots the mail that had been brought in by the neighbors. She glances around as if she was scared that there was going to be somebody that pops out from behind a corner to catch her in the act of what she was doing. She didn’t even know what she was doing here or what she was looking for. Other than Dean’s obsession with her, she hadn’t had anything to do with the Clemsen family in years. But she wanted to make sure that Dean’s disappearance couldn’t be linked back to her.

She goes through their mail before frowning when she comes to an unmarked envelope with the names, ”Evelyn and Daniel Clemsen” written in a scratchy handwriting. She glances around before opening the letter carefully to see what it was. She reads it before her eyes widen slightly as she sees Dean’s signature on the bottom and it was just a letter signaling that he was okay or at least, that’s what the note was telling Evelyn and Daniel. But Eiley knew that it couldn’t be possible, but she couldn’t tell if it was Dean’s handwriting or not as it had been years since she had even seen his handwriting. She reads it again, clutching the letter in her hands as the fear and anticipation settles in the pit of her stomach as her eyes read over the letter a few more times as she tries to process what she had just read.

•EILEY• “It’s…not possible.”

The words were barely above a whisper and practically inaudible as she thinks about what to do with the now opened letter. She didn’t know what to do about it or how to think but she knew that she couldn’t get caught just standing in the Clemsen’s dining room, reading their mail, which she knew was a federal offense. But instead of putting the letter back in the pile, she puts it back in the envelope and shoves it in the pocket of her jacket.

Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Date: October 5, 2023.

Eiley had not been focused for most of the day as she had been in Mikah’s gym, and she had not been doing well in the ring against Kendall. She knew that if Mikah were here, there would be dire consequences for how poorly she was doing in the ring and Eiley knew that she would deserve whatever it was that Mikah would say to her.

•EILEY• “I know, I know, I’m unfocused. I’m really trying, I promise.”

She knew that the Barnharts weren’t exactly a huge challenge for her and Oliver but she knew that she couldn’t go into the match, unprepared. She didn’t want to give them any excuse to find a way to get the win over them because she felt that if they were to get the win, it would discredit her and Oliver’s reign as the Mixed Tag Team Champions and even though her mind was not in the ring, she didn’t want to be the reason for it.

*KENDALL* “It’s really not me that you have to worry about. Mikah’s going to be here in about fifteen minutes and she’s going to want to see some sort of progress out of you. It’s her and Kris’ legacy that you and Oz are in the shadow of, not mine.”

Eiley gives Kendall a look as she leans back against the ropes in the ring. She was trying to catch her breath and had been trying to prove that she was fine and could hack it in the ring. But Kendall had always been one step ahead of her and had knocked her down every time Eiley had tried something.

•EILEY• “I thought she wouldn’t be cleared medically for six to eight weeks after having the baby…”

Kendall gives Eiley a confused look.

*KENDALL* “I didn’t say that she was going to get in the ring with you but she wants to see how you’re doing in the ring. Where’s your partner anyways?”

Eiley shrugs her shoulders at Kendall. She wasn’t sure where Oliver was at this particular moment in time and she wasn’t his babysitter or in charge of his whereabouts.

•EILEY• “I really don’t know. But I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to know his location at any given time. It’s not like he and I are married.”

The statement had come out a lot more snippy than Eiley had wanted it to and she grimaces as she sees the unamused look on Kendall’s face. They both look up as the doors open to Mikah’s gym and in walks Mikah with the baby car seat slung over her arm. They both watch as Mikah is quick and effortless as to setting the seat down and getting the baby out of the seat. Eiley had yet to meet the baby and was apprehensive about doing so as babies weirded her out, but she could see the excitement on Kendall’s face as she is quick to get out of the ring and goes over to wash her hands as Mikah walks over to the ring. Eiley doesn’t move from her spot in the ring as Mikah stands outside of it. Eiley could see that the baby is dressed in a pale purple ruffle romper and a cream-colored bow on her head. However, Eiley didn’t move closer to get a better look as Mikah seemed pretty content in holding the newborn.

;MIKAH; “How are things going Eiley?”

Eiley knew the tone in Mikah’s voice was serious but also curious and Eiley wondered how much Kendall had told Mikah over the past two days. She knew that her head was not in the right place and she needed to work to get to where she needed to be mentally and physically to be prepared for the match against the Barnharts. Eiley opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by Kendall, who had walked back over and Mikah easily placed the sleeping Ridley in her arms.

*KENDALL* “This is the most perfect baby I have ever seen. She is so well blended between you and Kris.”

Eiley watches the two women look at the sleeping baby and she couldn’t understand the fascination with the baby. If Eiley was honest, she was a little scared of babies.

;MIKAH; “I want her to have Kristopher’s eyes. But they’re still baby blue right now but she definitely has his temperament.”

Eiley sighs before getting out of the ring, figuring that Kendall was going to be infatuated with the baby and that the training would wait a little bit. She goes over to the station where the sink was and washes her own hands before grabbing a fresh bottle of water and walking back over to Mikah and Kendall. Eiley couldn’t help but notice that Mikah had seemed a lot calmer now since she was no longer pregnant, and she was not sure if it was a good thing or if there was something brewing.

•EILEY• “Babies’ eyes change colors?”

Eiley knew the bare minimum about babies and even less about their eyes and changing colors. She looks at Kendall, who was still holding the newborn before looking at Mikah. Mikah didn’t seem to be bothered by the question and Eiley just shrugs her shoulders as if it was normal for her to not know the answer.

*KENDALL* “Sometimes if their eyes aren’t going to be blue. My older sister had bright blue eyes as a baby but she now has brown eyes. It usually happens in the first year of their life. Do you want to hold her?”

Eiley freezes up a little but doesn’t have much time to refuse as Kendall places the baby in Eiley’s arms. Eiley struggles for a moment to get used to the feeling of the newborn in her arms, the panic settling in. Mikah smirks, sensing the discomfort in the young woman.

;MIKAH; “You’ve never held a baby, have you? It’s not that hard and she’s not going to bite, yet. Give her about ten months and she might. Here…”

Mikah reaches out and helps Eiley get better control of how to hold a baby. Eiley just looks at Mikah, that wide-eyed panicky look in her own eyes. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hold the baby but the baby didn’t seem to mind the jostling that was happening, either.

•EILEY• “How is she sleeping through the moving?”

Mikah chuckles as she sits down, and Kendall follows suit. Eiley thinks about sitting down but she doesn’t think she can manage to do so without dropping the newborn.

;MIKAH; “She’s become used to Myles holding her and he’s a little wild for a four-year-old. Out of the kids under ten, she prefers Lindsay because she’s the calmest when holding her. Myles can’t sit still long enough to be still with her as he always has to chase after KJ. But if we’re talking about all of the other four, Leighton would be the other obvious choice because she’s eighteen and has handled babies before. She probably does a better job than you.”

Eiley wasn’t going to object as she still felt uncomfortable holding Ridley, but she looks down at the newborn’s face and studies it. She could see that the baby had a blended number of features from both parents and could only wonder which one she was going to be more like. Eiley is quick, however, to hand Ridley back to Mikah, not wanting to hold the baby any longer.

•EILEY• “Yeah, well I haven’t been around babies before.”

Eiley just gives Mikah a tight-lipped smile before sitting down. Mikah moves so that she can sit on the floor with her back against the ring and her feet on the floor with her knees bent. She carefully positions Ridley on her legs so that the baby could be stretched out while asleep.

*KENDALL* “Eiley here is struggling with focusing today. I’ve knocked her on her ass several times.”

Mikah raises an eyebrow at the information that Kendall had spilled before looking at Eiley, a serious look on her face.

;MIKAH; “You can’t lose to the Barnharts, Eiley. You’ll be the laughingstock of the entire company. And nobody will let you live it down. You can’t have that blemish on your record, trust me, just ask Kristopher.”

A small smirk passes across Mikah’s face, but she is quick to replace it with a serious look. Eiley sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.

•EILEY• “I know, I know. And I’m trying but it’s hard. I don’t even know why I’m so unfocused today.”

Eiley wasn’t trying to be unfocused in any sense, but it was just happening and while she knew why, she couldn’t tell either of them the true reason as to why she is so unfocused.

*KENDALL* “Look, we know that the Barnharts are not the biggest threat to you and Oz’s championship reign. But you still have to treat this match like it is a high caliber match. It’s going to prepare you for the match you have at High Stakes against Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards. Plus, you and Oz need a little tune up before that match anyways. And this match can be just that.”

Eiley nods her head, knowing that Kendall was right.

;MIKAH; “Plus, you need to get your head in the game because whatever you’re thinking about right now? It is not as important as not losing to the Barnharts. Trust me.”

Eiley couldn’t deny that she was right. She didn’t want to lose to the team of Bill and Bea Barnhart as they were not somebody that her and Oz couldn’t beat when they are focused.

•EILEY• “How did you always stay focused?”

Mikah chuckles at the question that Eiley had asked. Eiley looks confused for a minute but doesn’t say anything as Mikah begins to speak.

;MIKAH; “Oh, I had plenty of distractions throughout my career. Most of the time Kristopher was a walking distraction but I also am really good at compartmentalizing and it’s something you need to learn to do in order to be successful in this career.”

It definitely seemed easier said than done. Or at least to Eiley as she didn’t know if she could push something to the back of her mind enough to focus on the match.

•EILEY• “Okay…I can try that. Are you ready to go again, Kendall? I think I’m ready to focus on what needs to be done.”

Kendall smirks and nods her head, getting up to her feet. Mikah carefully picks the sleeping baby up and moves to sit in a chair to watch, laying the baby across her lap.

*KENDALL* “You’re the one that needs to be ready, Eiley.”

Eiley nods her head as the two of them get in the ring.

•EILEY• “I will be.”


Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Date: Friday, October 6, 2023


The scene opens up to the view of the ocean as Eiley stands in front of it in a simple orange summer dress with her mixed championship sitting in the sand in front of her. She shakes her hair out a little bit as the camera shifts a little bit to focus on her after getting a good glimpse of her championship in the sand.

“Is it going to be worth it? Is it going to be worth leaving the beautiful island of Hawaii to travel to Reno, Nevada with Oliver for a match against the Barnharts? I can’t really say in good faith that the sight of the Barnharts is going to be anything worth looking at compared to the view of the beach in front of me.”

The camera pans away from Eiley to get a glimpse of the view of the beach and the ocean before it moves back to Eiley.

“The Barnharts are anything but impressive when it comes to the competition here in SCW. Their record speaks for itself but if they are one thing, they are consistent with being the most disliked on the roster. And I’m not talking about their behavior or how they act on screen but it’s because they do not try to put any effort in to beat any opponent they face. They don’t change or adapt to the culture in the company, they just keep doing the same old shit that gets them nowhere. Has Bea Barnhart even won a match this year? Because if not, I’m not sure why Mark Ward and Christian Underwood continue to renew their contracts unless they enjoy employing glorified easy wins for their opponents.”

Eiley smirks a little bit.

“Bea will compare me to some sort of animal as she did the last time I faced her because she has nothing else to say that’s worth listening to. She’ll ramble on about how she’s going to beat me even though it hasn’t happened yet and I doubt she’s even beat anybody above her own caliber. I don’t know what more I can say that would make it easier for her to realize that I’m better than her.”

Eiley looks down at her championship that is still in the sand before she looks back up at the camera, a smirk still on her face.

“Oz and I have been the Mixed Tag Team Champions since July and have not had any problems in defending our belts. Sure, there may have been some close calls, but at the end of the night, we retained our championships and are on our way to cementing our own legacy in SCW. What can the Barnharts say? Except that they are old, outdated, and out of touch with what is real and what is fantasy. In real life, they do not amount to the high caliber that SCW expects out of its superstars. If anything, I do not even know where the Barnharts would belong when it comes to the totem pole of SCW. Definitely nowhere near the middle or the top and I’d definitely say they were either at the bottom of the totem pole or even lower, if at all possible. I mean, what do they expect when they get booked in matches against champions like Olly and I? Do they believe that they even have a shot at winning? Or are they already expecting to lose? Because they cannot expect to be anything more than jobbers, at best. And sometimes, I even think that is too much of a good thing because even jobbers try harder than the Barnharts do. They don’t change the way they portray themselves on the screen and they don’t adapt to what the culture is like around them. They are stagnant in this company where they believe that they are able to keep up with the best of the best, but that’s just it. They can’t. They want their cozy, comfortable life that the money they get from SCW brings. The do not care about their win and loss record or that they are literally the laughing stock of the locker room and when people see that their opponent for the next show is one of them, they have a laugh because they know that it is going to be the easiest win of their career. Or the easiest wins of their career, if they get booked in multiple matches against the Barnharts.”

Eiley shrugs her shoulders before she sits down in the sand and digs her feet into the sand behind her championship belt. She looks at the camera again and takes a deep breath.

“In reality, this match that Olly and I are booked in against the Barnharts is only a warmup match before we defend our championships against Finn Whelan and Kayla Richards at High Stakes. The bosses already know what the outcome of this match is going to be they’re not stupid, they know that Olly and I are going to be the ones walking out of the arena on Sunday with the win. The only reason they booked us in this match against the Barnharts is to make sure that Olly and I are a well-oiled machine. They just want us to be well prepared for the more important match that will be happening at High Stakes. They don’t give a fuck about the Barnharts; they know the Barnharts are not the type of talent that is bringing them in the money that names like J2H or even Courtney Pierce brings them. They will never have that star pull that the top champions of this company have. Or even the legends of this company bring. Legends like Kris Ryans and his wife, Mikah. Or Delia Darling. Names like Despayre., The list really can go on and on, but the fact is that the Barnharts are absolute trash when it comes to this company. They are not taken seriously, and they are a laughingstock and are not to be taken seriously.”

Eiley moves a little more in the sand to get more comfortable. She stretches her arms out behind her to support her upper body. She shakes her hair out behind her, letting the sun hit her face and closes her eyes and relishes the warmth of the sun.

“This is the life. This is what everybody should dream about it when it comes to paradise and what they want their life to be like. I couldn’t imagine being somebody else where they’re stuck in an office with a boring nine to five job where all they get to do is look out a window at life passing them by. However, that is the life that the Barnharts should aspire for because they sure as hell aren’t good in a wrestling ring.”

She doesn’t move her head, letting the rays of the sun hit her face.

“I’m sure that if the Barnharts really applied themselves, they’d be decent in the ring but that’s even close to happening. They won’t change their ways because a zebra can’t change their stripes. But Olly and I?”

She lifts her head up and looks at the camera, a smirk crossing her face.

“We are the best tag team that this company has, hands down. There’s nobody that can touch us and our talent. We even beat Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe, which everybody doubted that we would walk away unscathed from that match. They were the favorites and Olly and I? We’ve never been anybody’s favorites, not once in our lives has anybody bet on us for anything. But we’ve always bet on one another. And that’s all that we really need to do. We don’t need to be the favorites or liked by anybody other than each other. I don’t need the popular vote because just like this country? We don’t need to rely on that vote to win. We only need to rely on each other.”

She sits up and grabs her championship and dusts the sand off of it. She admires the championship belt a little bit before looking up at the camera with a smirk still on her face.

“There’s not much time left before the clock runs out and Sunday is here. And there’s not much left that I can say about the Boring Barnharts and there’s nothing more that anybody can really say about them as they do not change and they will not be any better than what they are.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“I don’t make the rules and I only know that Oliver and I are the best team this company has. Nobody can touch us or upstage us. And we’re going to use the Barnharts to prove just that on Sunday. And it’s going to be the easiest thing we’ve done since we won these championships.”

She knew that she was sounding more confident than she probably ever had before, but it was the truth and it was how they were going to prove their worth on Sunday.

“When you take Olly and I’s star power and pit it against the shadows of the Barnharts, we can’t do nothing but shine and prove we’re just that good. And I am honestly looking forward to it. Probably more than I’ve looked forward to a match in the past couple of months.”

Eiley starts walking toward the ocean, draping her championship over her shoulder.

“I’d like to say more but talking about the Barnharts is boring me. And this state is too beautiful to be dulled down by the Barnharts. So, see you on Sunday.”

She continues to walk toward the ocean and glances over her shoulder, the smirk still present on her face.



Climax Control Archives / Gift Wrapped
« on: September 15, 2023, 11:22:58 PM »

Location: Honolulu, Hawaii.


There isn't a peep out of the second bedroom for the entirety of what was left of the afternoon. On several occasions she thought he might have been stirring, only for it to have been coming from one of the other suites on the floor. However, she wasn't completely convinced that he had actually crashed as opposed to having snuck out while she was gone. She had long since abandoned the kitchen space in the early evening, sitting out on the terrace as she heard doors opening and closing back in the suite. Had she gotten up to investigate the source, she would have seen the second bedroom door open, with one of the beds inside much more lived in than the other.

The bathroom door at the front of the suite would have now been closed instead, with sounds of the small stall shower inside running, as he had not wanted to invade her space in order to get himself woken up for another night. A half hour or so goes by until she hears the same doors close and open once more, assuming he had gone back to the room. When she comes back into the master bedroom from the terrace she is startled by him emerging through the door in front of her with a towel wrapped around his waist. Alarmed, he looks at her and points to the closet, wanting to make certain she knew this wasn't just some move.

○OZ  "Didn't think the guest room through. I didn't take my clothes with me…"

Granted that whole thing would have seemed like a real hassle by the time they got back from their party. The walk back after all the drinks had been hard enough. Before sleeping it off, he was operating at as low power as possible. He hadn't been thinking of tonight, and he couldn't exactly blame himself.

○OZ  "I'll be out of your way in a second…”

He enters the closet, and moves past the safe to grab his bag and throw it over his shoulder before grabbing two different garment bags with the other hand before folding them over his arm. He carries them out onto the bedroom, and uses his foot to push the door to the closet closed.

○OZ  "Find something that is going to be attention-grabbing tonight?"

The words didn't come with the same disbelieving tone he had taken with her before getting some rest. He almost sounded like he expected the answer to be resoundingly positive.

•EILEY•  “Maybe.”

She just shrugs her shoulders as she adjusts the length of the shorts, pulling them down her upper thighs a little bit even though it was pointless as they were pretty short. She found that living in less clothing was more comfortable in the tropical climate of the island. She was okay with being alone as she had grown accustomed to it and she was not the type to sit around, waiting for him to pay her any attention. She liked it better when nobody’s attention was really focused on her.

•EILEY•  “I guess you’ll have to be surprised.”

It was all she really needed to say to him as she walks over to the closet where she’d stashed her stuff before grabbing most of it and slipping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. She sets her bag on the floor before setting the smaller shopping bags on the bathroom’s counter before hanging up the dress on the hook on the bathroom door.

She wasn’t sure what he was expecting or how long he was hoping she didn’t take but after about roughly an hour or so, she emerges out of the bathroom, a completely different person. The dress she’d chosen was a little more out there but it would do. It was a a gold sequined dress that was form fitting and a little shorter than she had expected but it hugged her body in the right places. The top of the dress sort of looked as it draped down a little bit, giving a small glimpse of cleavage but not too much where it seemed trashy. The straps to the dress were skinny and the dress was practically backless.

She had done her hair in some sort of updo with a loose dutch braid on one side that pulled back into a stylish messy bun with a few tendrils of hair out in curls to frame her face. She knew how to do hair as it was something she’d picked up in one of the better foster homes she had stayed in as the mother had run a hair  salon out of her home and hadn’t minded when Eiley watched her do clients’ hair. It was also that foster mother who had taught her the basics of make up and Eiley had just learned the other aspects of a smokey eye, winged eyeliner, false eyelashes, and everything else from youtube or TikTok tutorials. She hadn’t needed a hair stylist or a make up artist to fix her hair or her face. The make up on her face was light enough to where it looked natural but enough where it enhanced her own beauty. She’d used false eyelashes to draw the attention to her brown eyes and had done a black winged eyeliner with a light gold smokey eyeshadow look. She didn’t want to overdo the make up, so she just applied a sheer nude pink glass to her lips.

She wasn’t entirely sure how the night was going to go but she was sure it would work out, it almost always did for Oz so she was sure it would for her. And schemes like she was thinking about had worked for her in California and it was how she ended up in Hawaii in the first place. She sits on the edge of the bed and carefully slips on the five inch stiletto heels that are a simple gold color with a strap just around the toes and one simple one around her ankle.

•EILEY•  “This better be worth this hassle.”

She was talking to herself as she finishes buckling the buckle on one of the shoes before standing up. She wobbles a little bit as it had been a while since she had worn heels and she takes a few steps before practicing a few times to walk up and down the length of the room to try to get it to look more natural. It didn’t take her too long before she felt that she got the hang out of it.

She walks out of the bedroom and into the main area of the hotel suite and she goes to look for Oz but she gets sidetracked by one of the window and the view of the sky through it. She smiles to herself as she watches the sky for a moment before hearing a noise, bringing her attention and focus back to the room and what she was doing. She turns around and subconsciously pulls at the short skirt of the very tight dress.

•EILEY•  “This is all you’re getting for tonight.”

She wasn’t sure if it was too much or not enough, but she was definitely underselling it. He had managed to have his initial reaction to seeing her, and also force said reaction off of his face in the time it took for her to hear him and turn. His appearance couldn't have been what she was expecting either, so he thought he would have a moment where she was too discombobulated by it to judge the look on his face.

Instead of having dressed up as she was, he had a simple white buttoned-down shirt, and cheap looking dress pants. Even the black dress shoes he was wearing looked like they had seen better days, but of course, that was the whole idea. He brings the bowtie up to his next and clips it in place, completing the look.

○OZ  "Good enough. If they're looking at you, they aren't looking at m---"

A knock on the door startles them both and cuts off his thoughts. He looks at the clock on the wall and mutters something under his breath about them being early before crossing over to the door, but waiting a moment before turning the handle.

○OZ  "Pretty sure it says do not disturb, ya know?"

He was loud enough to be heard through the door and forced enough feigned hostility into his voice to scare off any randoms that may have been knocking. Instead, the answer they hear from the other side is exactly like last night.

????: "We know!"

Without looking out, he turns the handle and pulls the door open as he walks back towards her in the room. Five others followed behind him, and four of them were dressed exactly the same as Oz was. With them was a taller fifth man who was dressed much differently. If someone had gone through every possible accessory option and picked the tackiest one every time, they might have a chance to look as cheap as this guy. His suit and pants were white, with a gold shirt underneath. He had rings on most fingers, and gaudy sunglasses on even though the sun was going down and they were indoors. Oz doesn't look back at them before talking seemingly just to Eiley.

○OZ  "These slackers are the rest of the team. Ja---"

The tacky one holds up a hand and shakes his head. Despite the way he looked, his speaking voice was entirely plain and monotonous. The clash was a little disturbing.

???: "We don't need to do all that with a random. Let her prove she can hang before the info dump man."

Oz sighs, but doesn't waste time arguing.

○OZ  "You got your loudmouth…"

He motions at the man that cut him off, but still doesn't look back at them. She had called him the mastermind of all of it earlier, but it didn't look like that had been much of a contest.

○OZ  "Two of us are going to be lifting. The other two will run all the cards so we can put them back."

And that was where the risk of the night once. If they made it to the end, there was no need for them to take off. The charges on their statements  would look like a few hundred dollars worth of drinks they didn't remember, but nothing would be physically missing.

○OZ  "Your job is to pretend like we aren't there. Don't interact. Don't make eye contact. Keep moving. Do what you can to put yourself near the ones that will keep an eye on you or make a move. The better you do, the better we do. Everyone gets paid."

Before he can continue, he is cut off once again.

???: "Speaking of…"

Oz wastes no time returning the favor for all the interruptions.

○OZ  "In the safe. Same combo. Take it all. We can break it all down and add it to the split. Once we leave, we don't come back to this room."

The loudmouth moved through the suite and into the master bedroom. He is gone for a few moments before reemerging with a sack full of the items from the safe. He passes it off to one of the others.

○OZ  "Don't all show up at once…. There are going to be a lot of servers down there but if we don't space they'll know some things up."

All of the members of the group nod before the five-man tandem heads out the door. Once they are gone, he turns the lock behind them and heads back to where she stands.

○OZ  "Sorry about all that…."

Eiley wasn’t too worried about the others that had barged in the room and she barely paid them any attention. She was used to many different people that would show up in places and talked over or around her like she wasn’t there and often treated her as if she wasn’t anything special.

•EILEY•  “It’s fine.”

She just shrugs it off as if it wasn’t a big deal. She was growing used to the scratchy/itchy feeling of the dress and she was growing used to  the extra height that the stiletto heels gave her as well. She wasn’t necessarily short but she was average height for a woman. She also wasn’t aware of the operations that happened in the background.

•EILEY•  “You don’t have to apologize for your friends or lackeys’ actions.”

She looks at him and pushes one of her loose pieces of hair out of her face. She was still getting used to the added weight the false lashes added to her regular lashes. It had been a long time since she had been dolled up to the nines with all the extra steps she had done in her makeup routine for the night’s events. But she wanted to look the best she could for whatever was going to transpire tonight.

•EILEY•  “The only actions that you’re responsible for being accountable for is your own. And I don’t see you apologizing for those anytime soon.”

She just gives him a look as she turns back to look out the window. She lets her eyes scan the beach and smiles as she sees a few different families still enjoying the beach and the ocean. There was one thing that Eiley had picked up since she had been in Hawaii was surfing. She didn’t own a surfboard but she’d managed to scrape enough money to rent a surfboard from time to time to practice.

•EILEY•  “When does this…thing start? I’m growing bored of watching people on the beach.”

He crosses the room back to her side and extends out his right hand, holding his palm up. Clipped to the inside of his pinky finger is one of the small card readers but instead of being plugged directly into a device, he had a cable taped up the side of his hand and into the arm of his shirt. He looks at it and smiles at her.

○OZ  "So downstairs is one of those lame hospital conventions. Pharmaceutical companies and tech companies are set up to try and bribe them to buy a bunch of shit they don't need. Because of COVID, the bar is cashless."

He was hoping that she was going to be able to follow the logic pretty simply, as there wasn't much to it.

○OZ  "You enter from one side. Loudmouth comes down the other. We work our way through to the middle. You too distract, we grab what we can and pass it off. Swipe any card handed to us to open a tab for a few hundred dollars. We bounce in about an hour before anybody knows what happened."

With that, he lowers his hand, and looks at one of the watches he had acquired in the last day or two.

○OZ  "I'll head down to be in position for your entrance. You come too close to anybody you just saw, go the other direction. You are just eye candy. We'll handle everything else this first time."

He was hoping that even though she was taking more of a back seat this time, it would at least give her a chance to see what a more organized and efficient game looked like.

○OZ  "Like I told them though, I am not coming back up here. I'll ditch the clothes in the alley between this place and the smaller one next door. Then I'll be headed too…."

He rummages in his pocket before finding the stack of keycards that she had seen the night before. He thumbs through them and holds the right one up.

○OZ  "....the Hilton Lagoon Tower…. Wherever the fuck that is…"

He shrugs his shoulders before looking around.

○OZ  "It's not as nice as this one but the penthouse does have an awesome spiral staircase up to the master. No giant terrace like this one, but a private hot tub on a balcony. If you want to keep living the high life there'll be space."

She was listening to him even though she was not looking at him, her brown eyes watching out the window once more. She watches as the people move about the beach and she looks even closer to the hotel to see people walking inside. She was lost in her little world for what seemed like a while but in reality it was only a minute and a half.

•EILEY•  “I’m sure it’s fine.”

Her voice was light and not at all like it had been the night before. She pulls herself away from the window to turn to look at Oz for what seemed like the first real time that day. She hadn’t really been paying much attention earlier but she let herself look him over before she gives him a shrug.

•EILEY•  “I don’t care where we end up.”

She was being honest about the end of the night's whereabouts. She really didn’t care about the location or where they were. She honestly didn’t even care if she had to go back to the house that she shared with her roommates. It wasn’t her favorite place but it was a place where she could sleep and shower and that was all she really needed.

•EILEY•  “And I’m not thinking that you really care, either.”

He wasn’t the type that struck her that he cared where he landed and he’d shown that to her over the past night. She hadn’t known a lot about his living situation in high school or back in California. She had assumed that it had been pretty similar; she’d slept in weird places to avoid the foster homes she was living in. She’d even slept on the floor in a few party houses and that was probably some of the worst places she’d slept.

•EILEY•  “Let’s get this thing over with. I’m already tired of being in these heels.”

She didn’t hate them but she definitely wasn’t used to them. She shifts her weight a little bit as she looks at him. She gives him a timid smile but doesn’t say much else.


Location: San Diego, California.
Date: Friday, September 15, 2023


The scene opens up to the ring that’s set up in Jet City South and inside of the ring is a large box that is wrapped up in shiny metallic purple wrapping paper with a big silver bow on top. And sitting on top of that box is Eiley dressed in what appears to be wrapping paper with a box on her head.

“Happy Birthday.”

Eiley is careful not to move too much as the wrapping paper she was wearing could rip.

“Or should I say Merry Christmas?”

She raises her eyebrows at the camera before shaking her head.

“Clearly we all know that it’s not Christmas and who the fuck knows when Tempest’s or Austin’s birthday is. But since Austin’s the King for the Day, he got to create matches and whatever. So he basically gift wrapped himself and Tempest this title shot.”

She just smirks at the camera before carefully reaching behind her and pulling out her half of the Mixed Tag Team Championships and sets it beside her..

“All because they think they deserve these championships. But why? Why dod they deserve them? They didn’t earn them and they fucking lost at Summer XXXtreme and haven’t heard much from either of them since. But since Austin won that stupid King for Day match, he got to make any match he wanted for one who show. Or really, he got to make all the matches but this, this is the match that he put himself in. And it’s fucking typical that the King for a Day and the Queen for a Day book themselves in championship matches. At least Zoey booked herself for a Bombshell Championship shot. And I’m not knocking these titles because I love being one half of the champions, but Austin could have booked himself in World Heavyweight Championship match. Which brings to the question, why he didn’t do just that…”

Eiley looks at the camera with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe it’s because he’s realized that he can’t hack it in the World Heavyweight scene. Maybe he knows that he won’t ever reach that status again, so he has to rely on the help from Tempest to even maybe reach championship gold. But really, how reliable is Tempest?”

She smirks a little bit at the camera.

“And who the fuck let her out of the nuthouse to compete this weekend? Because the last time I checked, SCW isn’t a mental ward, but instead a place where competition happens. And nobody should be subjected to watch a mentally unstable person compete in a championship match.”

Eiley shifts a little but is still careful not to move too much as she didn’t want to tear the wrapping paper she was wearing.

“I am not sure what all Tempest is going to say about me, if anything at all. But she has a plethora of matches to watch and content to absorb, so maybe this time she will focus on me rather than her weird obsession with Mikah and Kris Ryans’ marriage and pending baby. Which, I’m still not sure what her obsession with it is….does she want Kris? Or is she mad that Kris didn’t end up with Fenris? Or am I delusional and there’s no tie between her ire toward Mikah, a woman she’s never faced, and her match up against me. And this is the last thing I’m going to say about Mikah and Kris’ marriage and relationship, if Kris didn’t want to be there with her, he wouldn’t be. He’s very capable of making his own decisions and he chose Mikah, so whatever your obsession with them can stop now and you can shut the fuck up about it.”

Eiley rolls her eyes in sheer irritation.

“Now let’s move on to what really matters…Oz and me. Or Oz and I, whichever way you want to say it. We’re the Champions for a reason and it’s not because we were just gift wrapped the opportunity to fight for them at Summer XXXtreme. No, we had to earn our spot in that match but apparently, that’s not a thing here in SCW. You don’t have to earn jack shit, especially if you win one of those stupid Queen for a Day or King for a day matches. Because then, all the rules fly out the window and the two in charge can book themselves in any match that they want and their co-workers as well. Do you think Zoey Lukas earned her shot at Court? Absolutely fucking not. Do you think Court wanted to face an undeserving opponent after the way Ariana acted? Absolutely not. And do you think that Oz and I want to face the likes of Austin and Tempest in a few days time? No but we’ll do it because that’s what we’re supposed to do and that’s what is expected of us. But doesn’t mean that we’ll be excited about it.”

She holds an annoyed look on her face as she looks at the camera before scooching a little back on the present to get a better seat.

“Nobody can claim that we’re not fighting champions or that we do not deserve these belts because we won that match at Summer XXXtreme and we retained our championships against Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe which was a match that we were not favored in any way to win. But yet, here we are, still the Mixed Tag Team Champions, which has clearly gotten under Austin’s skin because he chose to book himself and Tempest in this match. A match that they do not deserve but desperately want because they are bitter that they didn’t have what it took at Summer XXXtreme to get the job done. And to be honest? That was probably the only real shot they had at winning these Championships as Oz and I were new and less likely to have succeeded then but now? We’re a solid team and we know how to operate in that wrestling ring together. Our in-ring work together is better than it’s probably ever been and it’s only going to get better as time moves forward.”

A look of confidence passes through her eyes as she stares at the camera.

“And when Oz and I are a solid unit, like we currently are, I doubt the likes of Tempest and Austin Mercer are going to be the ones to beat us to take the championships away from us. Because their make up as a team? It just doesn’t make sense in any fashion. They don’t vibe and they don’t seem like a solid team. Tempest herself lives in some delusional fantasy where I am pretty sure she thinks I am Mikah and not Eiley, so I am never sure what she’s talking about when I listen to what she has to say when she’s up against me. It’s like she’s speaking another language that hasn’t been translated into English.”

Eiley just shrugs her shoulders.

“But her in-ring work is okay, it’s not the worst that I’ve seen and I’ve seen some shitty in-ring work. She’s kind of like a wild card and tries to be what she  believes will work best. But she’s not me and she’s not better than me. Sure, she’s a little insane and lives in a delusional fantasy world, but that doesn’t mean she’s not capable in the ring, because it’s very obvious that she is. But she’s not better than me and she never will be better than I am in that ring. And she can try and try again to get it done, but it’s not going to happen for her.”

She gives a fake empathetic look before she reaches up to fix the box on her head a little bit, having felt it fall a little down her head.

“I really would love to live in a fantasy world, Tempest. It would have been a step up from the shitty deck that I got dealt from life. But I live in the real world where dreams don’t matter and where everything you choose to do has a consequence of sorts. A ripple effect.”

She grabs the bow from the top of her head and tosses it down onto the floor a look of disgust and annoyance written on her face.

“So your partner booked the two of you in this match with the hopes that you will beat Oz and I to become the NEW Mixed Tag Team Champions. That’s the stone being thrown into the lake. But what you’re not going to hear at the end of our match on Sunday is yours and Austin’s names being called out as the winners. And the consequence of Austin’s choice is going to be another loss for the two of you and another world of disappointment to reign down on you and him in the pathetic lives that you live.”

She shakes her blonde hair out a little bit.

“It’s not my fault that Oz and I are a better team in every single way but Oz and I will take the blame when we crush your hopes and dreams to shatter your fake reality. Because that’s the plan that Oz and I are going to complete on Sunday. We’re going to prove to the two of you and to everybody watching that our Mixed Tag Team Championship reign is not one that’s to be laughed at or to be overlooked. We’re here to stay. And on the off chance that we lose on Sunday, we’re not going to just go away because we’ll come back, and we’ll just take them back when that time comes.”

She smirks with a confident look on her face.

“We’re not going to be going anywhere and we’re not going to leave if we somehow happen to lose on Sunday. Because these…”

She grabs her championship and holds it up.

“Are ours. They don’t belong to the two of you but you will just be title holders on a temporary basis. That’s it. You’ll be the transitional champions for a little bit before we take them back.”

She scrunches her nose at the camera, a glint in her eyes.

“But that’s a very unlikely scenario to happen.”

Another shrug of her shoulders.

“Because Oz and I are going to continue our reign and beat every record that has been set in the history books. We’re going to prove just how dominant we’re going to be in this company and shatter that glass ceiling quicker than anybody else ever has.”

She smirks at the camera again and adjusts the wrapping paper, still trying to keep it from ripping.

“Because unlike our opponents on Sunday, we haven’t been gift wrapped anything. We’ve had to work for every single good thing we’ve had in our lives and this isn’t going to be any different.”

She glances down at the championship before looking at the camera one more.

“See you on Sunday.”

She smirks again.



Supercard Archives / Odds Against Us.
« on: August 25, 2023, 11:21:04 PM »

Location: Yucatan, Mexico.
Date:Thursday, August 24, 2023.

Eiley was not sure that she enjoyed a pregnant Mikah or the fact that Mikah and her husband had decided to come to Yucatan for Violent Conduct. She hadn’t had a real training session with Mikah or Kendall since SCW started the World tour and just her luck, Mikah had convinced Kendall and her husband, JD to tag along so that Eiley and Kendall could work in the ring together while Mikah watched and critiqued.

Eiley collapses on the mat of the ring, breathing heavy as she and Kendall had just got done working on some techniques in the ring. Kendall just laughs a little bit as she gets out of the ring to get a bottle of water. Eiley just scowls in Kendall’s direction but doesn’t move from her spot in the middle of the ring.

•EILEY• “Are we done for the day?”

Eiley looks over at Mikah, who was trying not to frown at her pregnant belly as she pushes gently on the side. Eiley watches with slight interest before chuckling softly.

;;MIKAH “Laughing at a pregnant lady is considered rude, Eiley.”

Eiley just gives Mikah a look before shrugging her shoulders as Kendall walks back over and tosses Eiley a bottle of water before down next to Mikah.

*KENDALL* “Have you and Kris thought about a name yet?”

Eiley rolls her eyes as the focus shifts from her to Mikah and Kris’ unborn baby. It wasn’t like Eiley really mattered anyways as she preferred to be practically invisible.

•EILEY• “Just don’t give her a basic name like Olivia or Emma. Those types of girls are always basic and if she’s anything like you or Kris, she’s not bound to be basic.”

Eiley doesn’t move to look at Mikah or Kendall as she continues to stare up at the ceiling of the building they were training in.

;;MIKAH “No, not really. I like a few names that I like but I haven’t mentioned them to Kristopher just yet. And don’t worry, it’s not going to be Olivia or Emma, Eiley.”

Eiley nods her head as she moves a bit to get comfortable, bending her right leg and putting her foot on the mat.

*KENDALL* “Naming a baby seems harder than actually giving birth to a baby. She will have that name for the rest of her life and that seems like something that would be hard to choose.”

Mikah laughs but agrees with Kendall as she pushes in on the side of her baby belly.

;;MIKAH “Yeah, that might be true but I knew what I wanted to name Leighton before I knew that she was even a girl. And with Myles, it was the only boy name that I had liked at the time. This time, I haven’t found a name that I think will fit her just yet.”

Eiley just nods to herself, even though she couldn’t really understand where Mikah was coming from. She didn’t have kids of her own and she didn’t know how she even got the name Eiley as she did not know her biological parents in any fashion. She had contemplated looking for them once before but it hadn’t evolved into anything. But now the thought wanders through her mind, wondering about how she came to be. But she didn’t want to focus on that so she smirks, shifting her own focus back to Mikah’s baby name dilemma. She sits up a bit, propping her upper body with her arms stretched out behind her with her hands on the mat.

•EILEY• “You should name her Courtney, just to spite Court. Just imagine how pissed off Court would be then.”

Eiley seemed to enjoy playing both sides as she liked being on friendly-ish terms with Court but she also knew not to get on Mikah’s bad side. It was something that took a while to learn but she was starting to come around.

;;MIKAH “If you think Court is pissed off at the world now, I couldn’t imagine how pissed off she’d be if Kristopher and I named our baby Courtney.”

Mikah shakes her head at the thought and it only makes Eiley chuckle. Eiley knew that she should focus on the match that she and Oliver has against Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan in a few short days, but this was a little bit of a stress reliever for her. She didn’t have to think about the match and the what ifs or her whatever it is with Oliver or the fact that she had pushed somebody over the railing of the cruise ship to their presumed death.

*KENDALL* “She would probably come to Hawaii just to burn you’re your first house.”

Mikah laughs before nodding her head.

;;MIKAH “Not that she would get very far; the security on that house is tighter than the one that Kristopher and I live in now. Having turned it into an AirBNB, I wanted to make sure that the guests that stay in that house have only the best security while staying there. So, Court and her chip wouldn’t get too close.”

Eiley knew that Mikah had sort of merged from a professional wrestler into some sort of business connoisseur. Mikah ran a successful training gym that was also multi-functional and open to the public. It had a walking track above the wrestling rings as well as all the work out equipment that one could one and it also had meeting rooms and the room that the wrestling rings were in could be transformed into a ball room that could hold events like wedding receptions and other things. And now, Eiley had learned since Mikah was in town that she was adding onto the building to include an inside and outdoor pool and two hot tubs as well. Eiley was impressed with all the additions that Mikah was adding to the building and could only see it being more successful than it already was.

•EILEY• “I don’t think she would go that far. I don’t think she would try to intentionally injure you or your family to that extreme.”

Eiley also wanted to give Court the benefit of the doubt as well. But she also didn’t know Court as well as Mikah once had, so she wasn’t too sure how far Court would go.

;;MIKAH “She really doesn’t bother me as much as she probably likes to think she does. Or wants to, anyways.”

Eiley nods her head in understanding as she collapses back down on the mat, staring up at the ceiling once more.

*KENDALL* “I think Kendall is a good name for a baby.”

Mikah laughs and Eiley glances over at them before resuming staring at the ceiling.

•EILEY• “I haven’t had much experience with names, honestly. But I like the name Ivy. People are always mispronouncing my name.”

Mikah laughs at Eiley a little bit.

;;MIKAH “Trust me, that’s the least of your worries. I have been called Mee-kah, Mick-ah and all sorts of things. I even had to give everybody in SCW the right pronunciation after being there for a while as nobody seemed to know which one it is. You could do that, give them a little lesson on how to pronounce your name because I doubt anybody other than Oliver has it right.”

Eiley just shrugs her shoulders. It really didn’t bother her too much and only amused her when people pronounced her name wrong.

*KENDALL* “Nobody rarely gets my named pronounced wrong. However, if I’m signing up for something online and don’t fill out my gender, they sometimes think I’m a male because apparently Kendall is a unisex name.”

Eiley chuckles a little bit at the thought. She was not even sure what type of name hers was or it it was just made up by her biological egg and sperm donors.

•EILEY• “I think I’ll let them keep pronouncing my name wrong. Maybe I’ll even get Olly in on it.”

The mention of Eiley’s nickname for Oliver seemed to get Mikah’s interest and she smirks a little to herself before looking over at Kendall and then at Eiley.

;;MIKAH “So…what is it with you and Oliver, Eiley?”

This also seemed to get Kendall’s attention and interest as well as she leans forward to look at Eiley. Mikah had an idea of where they were headed but she wanted to see where Eiley thought that they were.

*KENDALL* “Yes. That is the burning question that almost everybody wants to know. What is the situation with you and him?”

Eiley just smiles to herself as she looks up at the ceiling as if she knew the answer, but really she didn’t know either. They were on better terms than they were before but she didn’t really know what they were or weren’t, to be exact.

•EILEY• “I’m not sure that there’s anything there to discuss, really. Champions?”

It was a vague description of what she felt they were and it wasn’t necessarily a lie. Mikah just rolls her eyes at Eiley’s blindness to her and Oliver’s situation.

;;MIKAH “How’s that part of your thing with him going?”

Eiley shrugs her shoulders at Mikah’s question.

•EILEY• “Fine? We haven’t actually teamed together since Summer XXXtreme but I imagine not much has changed in that aspect. Maybe it’s changed when we’re not actively competing but I can imagine it’s only for the better.”

She didn’t elaborate that she had been staying with him at his place in Barcelona because she was sure that neither of them even knew that he had a place in Barcelona and she didn’t feel like that was her information to share.

;;MIKAH “I feel like you and Oliver have a better in-ring relationship than Kristopher and I have or had.”

*KENDALL* “But I don’t think anybody can beat the relationship that you and Kristopher have at all.”

Eiley frowns a little as Kendall compliments Mikah and Kristopher’s marriage. But it wasn’t like she and Oliver had defined them as anything exclusive or anything more than a tag team, so she couldn’t really be jealous. But that was easier said than done when it came to relationships and it sometimes scared her. She felt more for Oliver than she had probably felt for any other person and it scared her, so she did her best to keep it bottled up and to herself. He didn’t need to know how she felt about him, so she didn’t dare tell him.

•EILEY• “Do you have any advice for when I face off against Sam?”

She was shifting the conversation away from personal relationships. She didn’t have many personal relationships and she didn’t want to talk about her working relationships with either woman in the room, so shifting the focus to the match was the best idea that she could come up with.

;;MIKAH “You’ve already beat her once, Eiley. What more advice could I have for you?”

Eiley gives her a look but doesn’t say anything as she looks back at the ceiling. She had beat Sam almost two months ago but the stakes weren’t going to be high like they were this time. This time, it was her and Oliver against Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan.

*KENDALL* “It should be easy for you.”

Eiley lets out a sigh of irritation as neither woman seemed to be helpful with advice towards her and Oliver’s match against Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe. And it was frustrating to say the least.

•EILEY• “Yeah but now it’s me and Olly versus Sam and Ben. It’s not the same.”

Mikah rolls her eyes at Eiley before looking at Kendall and then over at Eiley.

;;MIKAH “It’s not that much different, Eiley. It’s basically two singles matches balled up into one match. You don’t even have to worry about Ben in any way, shape or form. And plus, Ben’s a good guy and is the least likely to put his hands on you. And Sam is going to be the same as she was in the singles match you had against her.”

Kendall nods her head, agreeing with Mikah.

*KENDALL* “Yeah, you shouldn’t be so worried.”

Kendall was never very helpful to Eiley when it came to her SCW opponents because Kendall had never been in SCW. But Mikah knew the ins and outs of a SCW ring and should be more helpful.

Eiley sits up before standing up and getting out of the ring. She walks over to Mikah and Kendall and stands in front of them. They just look at her with their eyes raised and she folds her arms over her chest.

•EILEY• “You could give me better advice than that, Mikah. You’re a SCW legend and in the Hall of Fame. And you know what they’re going to be looking for in the match. And you were friends with Ben Jordan at one point, don’t think I didn’t do my research on him. I know that you were married to one of his best friends more than three years ago. All I am asking for is a little advice on how to handle facing Sam Marlowe again with Ben Jordan in her corner, it’s not too much to ask for, is it?”

Mikah raises her eyebrows at the young Bombshell before sighing and nodding her head before motioning for her to sit down.

;;MIKAH “Lose the attitude and calm down. I don’t need your attitude or ego to rub onto my baby.”

Eiley gives Mikah a look.

•EILEY• “That baby is already going to have a bigger ego than anybody in this room. I don’t think you should be worried about how my ego or attitude is going to rub off on your unborn child.”

Mikah laughs before motioning to the chair with her hand.

;;MIKAH “This baby is probably going to be more talented than anybody signed to the roster. No offense, Eiley.”

Eiley didn’t seem to be too bothered by the comment as she figured that it was something that Mikah would say anyways. She easily could brush Mikah’s arrogance off as it was easily earned.

•EILEY• “Probably true. But I am wanting to be the best that I can be under you. People already compare me to you, so I just want to be the best by you.”

Mikah smirks, liking the words that was coming out of the young girl’s mouth.

;;MIKAH “That’s definitely the right mindset to have going into the match. Because you can bet that Sam is going to bring up the comparison of you and I and try to use it to her advantage. She’ll bring up the fact that she beat me in February of 2016 for my championship and have some sort of idiotic claim that she did the impossible.”

Mikah waves the thought away with her hand.

;;MIKAH “But it’s all in the past. Nobody views Sam Marlowe as a threat anymore and you shouldn’t either, Eiley. You’ve already beat her once, you can do it again. What you do have to worry about is how Oliver is going to fair against Ben Jordan. He lost to him a few weeks ago, so you need to make sure that it isn’t going to happen again. And Ben Jordan is a legend in SCW himself, so odds are already against you as him and Sam are probably the favorites to win the match. What you’re most going to have to worry about is keeping you and Sam in the ring versus Oliver and Ben. That would be the safest option.”

Eiley frowns at Mikah.

•EILEY• “Oliver was just having an off night, it’s not his fault. And he’s focused. I don’t think we really have to worry about him facing off against Ben on Sunday.”

Mikah gives Eiley a look.

;;MIKAH “Look, I am not saying that Oliver is not good enough to beat Ben. But the fact is, Ben’s already beat him once and has the upper hand on him. And while you have the upper hand on Sam, match wise, it doesn’t not mean that you are going to save this match. And while I do think you and Oliver have a good chance at beating them, I do know that there are people that are betting on Sam and Ben to win on Sunday. And that’s not an unrealistic bet for them to make. Anything that Ben Jordan is involved in usually has good statistics on his side. And don’t ask Kristopher, he probably has his own opinion. But mine is more important.”

Mikah smirks to herself and Eiley rolls her eyes. She was used to the little competition side between Mikah and Kris that was always playful and nothing serious.

•EILEY• “So, basically I need to try to keep Sam in the ring with me and keep Ben on the apron?”

Mikah nods her head, a smile instead of a smirk forming on her face.

;;MIKAH “Precisely. And ignore the doubters; Kristopher and I always had doubters. As a tag team and now even more as a couple and we’re probably two of the most successful people that came out of SCW. And I have faith that you and Oliver will get there. But I have to go find my husband and make sure that our children aren’t driving him up the wall. Have fun.”

Eiley just watches as Mikah leaves the area without saying anything else. She watches as Kendall grabs her things to leave.

•EILEY• “Going to go find JD?”

Kendall nods her head.

*KENDALL* “Yep. Going to convince him to make a baby.”

Eiley makes a face at the thought of it and shudders. She watches as Kendall struts out of the room with a sway to her step. Eiley shakes her head.

•EILEY• “And I thought I had an attitude problem.”


Location: Yucatan, Mexico.
Date: Friday, August 25, 2023


The scene opens up to Eiley sitting in the chairs that would be filled with fans in two days time.

“Mexico is such a…well, I don’t know what I would describe it as a country but it’s something. Being in Mexico is not as nice as some people would think it is and I am ready for this tour to be over so I can spend time not flying to countries with weird laws. And I am ready for everything to be back to normal and with easy access to.

But that’s not the point. The point is that there’s only two days left until Oz and I step into the ring against Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan to defend our mixed tag team championships. Two days before Olly and I prove to everybody that we’re here to stay and that we’re not just transitional champions. Because, that’s what everybody is saying, right? They think that our win at Summer XXXtreme was just a fluke and that there is no way in hell that we can beat a SCW legend like Ben Jordan and the inconsistent bombshell, Sam Marlowe. It’s no secret that they’re the favorites to win this match. Hell, even my mentor, Mikah stated that they were the favorites and had all the odds in their favor. But she did tell me that she believed it was because of Ben Jordan and not Sam Marlowe, so technically the odds are only half in their favor.”

A small smirk crosses her face as she looks at the camera as she leans back to get comfortable.

“But it’s honestly no surprise to me that everybody thinks that Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe are going to win. Olly and I have always been the underdog, the un-favorite when we’re booked in a tag-team match. It will be no different from how we felt going into our match at Summer XXXtreme, except this time we have something to defend and an even bigger point to prove. And the point we’re going to make is that we are the best mixed tag team in this company right now. And while some people might say that it’s a bold claim, it can’t be called a bold claim when we’re holding these…”

She reaches under her seat and pulls out her championship and places it in her lap with the front facing the camera.

“This right here states that Olly and I are the best in the mixed tag division. There are no other claims that can be made that would be true. Because any other mixed tag team aren’t holding these. And this is what all of those other mixed teams want, right? So it’s only fair that Olly and I are sitting at the top and god-fucking-damn it, we should not be considered the fucking underdogs in this match. We should be considered the ones that are going to win this match without any hesitation. We should be the favorites to win and everybody should be betting on us and not the sorry excuse of a bombshell, Sam Marlowe.”

She makes a face at the thought of it.

“Is that nice of me to talk so…poorly of Sam Marlowe? No, but do I fucking care? All she’s going to do is compare me to Mikah and how I am not as good as her or that I shouldn’t aim to be just like her because imitation is not the sincerest form of flattery. Except I should want to be like Mikah because she is still something that everybody should aspire to be. She is a legend in SCW all her own and just because somebody like Sam Marlowe likes to base her whole entire career on the fact that she was the one to beat Mikah in February of 2016 for the Bombshell Championship states otherwise, doesn’t mean shit.”

Eiley rolls her eyes in annoyance again.

“I had wanted to give Sam the benefit of the doubt when I first faced her back in July. I wanted her to be better than she was and I did not get what I wanted out of her. Sure, I got the win and have already proven that I am better than she in the ring. But I don’t get all the hype that surrounds her. She comes and goes as she pleases and is inconsistent at best. Half the time, I don’t even know if she’s employed by SCW or if she just shows up randomly and they sign her up for a match. Maybe she has one of those types of contracts, I guess I don’t know. But for somebody that is getting the chance to face me and Olly with Ben Jordan as her teammate, should be a little bit more consistent.

And that is coming from me, somebody who doesn’t understand what consistency is but I’ve been in SCW since the Blast From the Past Tournament and I’ve only lost one real match, two if you count the match I had in the Blast From the Past tournament. And I would call that pretty damn consistent. AND I got a compliment from the fucking current World Heavyweight Champion himself. So if there is something that I can claim over and over again is that. AND the fact that I’m being trained by Mikah, who is considered to be the greatest Bombshell of all time by Tommy Knocks. I am already better on paper compared to Sam Marlowe. Especially when her…”

She pauses to make air quotes with her fingers.

Biggest accomplishment is dethroning Mikah from her legendary reign as Bombshell champion. Something that happened seven years ago and is not even relevant to today. That’s such a boring thing to rely on. But then again, I am talking about Sam Marlowe, who has the personality of a fish. The only thing that she could have going for her is the fact that she is considered to be one of the nicest Bombshells of all time. But even that is lame in comparison to pretty much everything else. Because being nice never got anybody anywhere and it damn sure has never got me anywhere in my life. I’ve always had to fight for and take what I wanted for myself. And this Sunday does not seem like it’s going to be any different.”

She shrugs her shoulders before looking down at the championship in her lap before looking back at the camera.

“This is the reason that Olly and I are going to be the best on Sunday. We don’t have anything else to lose but these championships. And sure, Olly lost to Ben a few weeks ago, but everybody has a bad night here and there but that doesn’t mean that Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe have the upper hand on us because as I see it, we’re even. I have beaten Sam one on one and Ben has beaten Oz one on one. Even.”

She smirks at the camera, a similar look that her mentor Mikah always wore when she was in front of the camera.

“I don’t even think I care what Sam is going to say about me. Or how many times she is going to compare me to Mikah. Because in the end, the only thing that is going to matter is that I already have a win against her and heading towards a second. What she has to say is not important because she’s not the champion and she is nothing compared to me in the ring. Am I a rookie? Yes, but I still feel that I am better than her.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“But let me play devil’s advocate for a minute, or two.”

She smirks again as she leans back even more, placing her feet on the chair in front of her to make herself more comfortable in the uncomfortable seat.

“She will make the claim that I want to be Mikah. Or something of the sort. But she’s wrong. Because I don’t want to be Mikah, I want to be better than Mikah was in SCW. I want to be the best that I can be and I already think that I’m on my way to make that claim a reality. And I’m going to start with beating you for a second time, Samantha. I’m going to prove that you’re not as good as you think you are in that ring. And even though you managed to snag a good partner in Ben Jordan, that isn’t going to matter. Because Benny Boy can’t put his hands on me in the ring. He can try all he wants but I don’t think that’s legal in a mixed tag match. And while you have faith in your partner to be there for you every step of the way, I have more faith in Olly so that he and I can walk out of this arena on Sunday as the defending and reigning Mixed Tag Team Champions.”

She smirks again, the confidence reaching her eyes just as it had filled the tone of her voice as she spoke.

“There’s not much more preparation that any of us can do but to be ready on Sunday for this match to start. It’s not going to be pretty but it’s going to be a match that everybody is going to want to pay to see and if we’re lucky, it’s going to steal the show on Sunday. Or at least, Oz and I will. Sam and Ben just lack everything there is when it comes what a champion should be. And if we’re being honest, which I always am, Ben is more of a World Heavyweight Champion material than being mixed tag team champion material. It’s not something that I am proud of saying because I fully support J2H in being the World Heavyweight Champion, but Ben would make a good challenger for J2H. And that’s where he should be spending his time and not wasting his talent on teaming with a has-been like Sam Marlowe.”

She just shrugs her shoulders before looking down at her championship in her lap once more. She runs her fingertips over the nameplate with her name etched on it. She doesn’t look up for a moment or so as she lets her fingers run over every letter of her name. After a moment, she looks up at the camera with a smirk on her pretty face.

“The fact is that time is running out for anybody to believe that Sam and Ben are going to beat us. And while it may seem like the odds are in their favor, I can promise you that they aren’t..”

She stands up and adjusts the shorts she is wearing and hoists the championship to be placed over her shoulder. She looks at it with a look of adoration on her face before looking back at the camera.

“There’s only one way that this match is going to go on Sunday, and Ben and Sam better prepare for the worst. Because Olly and I are going to retain and that’s what everybody can bet on.”

She smirks again before starting to walk towards the end of the aisle she was sitting in. She glances over her shoulder with a glint in her eyes.

“Because we’re Limitless.”


Climax Control Archives / The Time When Dinosaurs Walked the Earth
« on: August 04, 2023, 11:51:24 PM »

Location: Cuzco, Peru.
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2023.

Eiley had been spending a lot of time with Oliver over the past month, since they disembarked from the cruise and he had taken her to his place in Barcelona, which had been every bit of surprising to her. She had not expected him to have shared such an intimate place with her and had been even slightly flattered that he had done so. She was still trying to fight off the nightmares that she had of Dean coming back more pissed than before and sometimes, in her dreams he was a zombie and it was even more frightening than when he wasn’t. She didn’t want to alarm Oliver with the screams that sometimes came with the nightmares, so she tried to sleep at opposite times or if she couldn’t avoid it, she’d pop a couple of sleeping pills to hope for a dreamless, restful sleep.

She sighs as she looks at her phone as she sits in a coffee shop in Cuzco, Peru. She was not sure what Oliver was doing but she looks nervous as she scrolls through her phone, looking to see if any bodies had washed up on the coast of California. It was something that plagued her and she was almost terrified to step back on U.S. ground in case his body had washed up. But so far, nothing had been found and there had not been any bodies washed up from the ocean. But that was not really why she was in the coffee shop at the moment. She had told Oliver she wanted to go for a walk when in reality she was meeting Kaleb. He kept harassing her phone, telling her that he wanted to see her and that he knew that she was going to be in Cuzco, Peru because he had done his research on SCW and where they had gone. She didn’t want to meet Kaleb as she was enjoying whatever it was with Oliver. But she also didn’t want him showing up at the hotel where they were staying, either, so she figured that it was best that they meet at a neutral ground. She glances up as Kaleb finally slides into the chair across from her and she gives him a slightly tense smile.

•EILEY•  “Hi Kaleb…”

Kaleb grins at her before winking as a waitress stops over to take their order. She feels a little fidgety as she watches him as he orders and then she just orders a muffin and a water with a lemon, not feeling like being even more jittery with the caffeine that the coffee would give her.

 ♣KALEB♣  “It’s been a long time, Eils. I was beginning to think that you were avoiding me…”

She masks the guilty feeling with a smile as she sets her phone face down on the table as she tries her best to focus on him.

•EILEY•  “It’s been really busy with the tour being over here in weird countries; I haven’t had the time to fly back to the United States.”

It wasn’t necessarily a lie because she didn’t feel like there was enough time to fly back and forth from the United States to the weird countries that SCW traveled. And she enjoyed the time she got to spend with Oliver.

 ♣KALEB♣  “It seems like it…Jordan, Peru, what’s next? Istanbul?”

He gives her a cheeky grin, letting her know that he was joking and she gives him a forced smile but doesn’t seem laugh. She was not entirely sure where the tour was all going to go and she didn’t really care, that much.

•EILEY•  “Maybe? I am not sure where the tour is going, honestly. But it’s definitely easier to fly from the countries over here than from the US to these smaller countries. And takes up less of my time; I’m not too fond of being trapped on a flying vessel.”

He laughs as if she’s said something hilarious and she just gives him a slightly timid look as the waitress brings over their orders. She grabs her water and takes a long sip from the straw before setting it back down.

 ♣KALEB♣  “And here I thought you were avoiding me…”

The feeling that fills her body is a sense of dread or uneasiness as she watches his face. She had been avoiding him because she knew that he wanted more from her and she wasn’t wanting to give anything more to him. She was wanting to actually ghost him but he was clearly not taking the hint.

•EILEY•  “Nope…just busy, I swear.”

She forces another smile on her face as she takes a piece of her muffin and pops it into her mouth. She looks around the coffee shop and watches a family with a baby before he makes some sort of noise with his throat, drawing her attention back to him.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Then why do I get the feeling that you’re not being entirely truthful with me, hm? I mean, after all the money that I’ve given you, I feel like you can at least be honest with me, Eiley.”

She could feel the hostility in his voice and she feels her blood run cold in her body. It was a tone that Dean had used with her quite often when she had been in his parents house as a foster child. She gives him another smile, trying to force the warmth of the smile to her eyes.

•EILEY•  “I’m not lying, honest. I’m just a little distracted. It’s been a busy, busy month. And I haven’t been able to fly back home since before the cruise, so I’m just kind of existing.”

At least that wasn’t far from the truth, either. For the most part, she was just trying to be alive and exist, not placing much effort into anything. She found if she did so, the panic attacks would come full force and if she were to go out on her own, she had a fear that Dean would be around every corner. So this time, being out and meeting with Kaleb was the first time she had gone out on her own, without Oliver with her. It had almost induced a panic attack when she had stepped out of the hotel on her own but she somehow managed to push past it and head to the coffee shop.

 ♣KALEB♣  “The cruise must have been good to you, Eils. You have that golden, sun kissed look about you. It suits you.”

She gives him an appreciative smile.

•EILEY•  “Thank you…the cruise was good; I spent most of my time in a bikini.”

 ♣KALEB♣  “I bet everybody was staring at you.”

He hadn’t even missed a beat and she looks at him, her eyebrows sort of furrowing together at his words. She was not sure that she liked what he was saying or insinuating but she tries to push it down. This was different behavior from Kaleb that she had not experienced before she left for the cruise and she could not tell where the conversation was headed. But she didn’t like the gross feeling it was giving her.

•EILEY•  “I’m not too friendly with my co-workers, actually.”

She gives him a little shrug as she takes another drink of her water. It wasn’t exactly a lie either but she didn’t feel the need to tell him about Oliver. That was something only for them, not for Kaleb or anybody else to really know about.

 ♣KALEB♣  “That’s a shame, you’re a blast to get to know.”

She once again forces a smile on her face as she watches him take a drink from his coffee, his eyes still on her. She could feel something brewing but she didn’t exactly know where it was headed or what he was trying to get at. Or maybe she was crazy and thought everybody but Oliver was the bad guy now. She takes a deep breath and tries to still the panicky feeling inside of her as she shakes her leg a little under the table, feeling the need to slip back to the hotel room and out of the public’s eye. But she also did not want to bring that type of attention to herself nor give Kaleb the excuse to follow her back.

•EILEY•  “I’m glad you think so.”

It felt different between her and Kaleb and she wasn’t entirely sure why. Before Summer XXXtreme, they had been really close and had gotten along well. But now, it seemed like something had shifted in her absence with him and she didn’t know what it was. It was almost as if he had a secret he was keeping from her and he was wanting her to guess.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Well, we always had fun, didn’t we? On my boat, in my limousine, at the Vegas Knights game…”

He wasn’t wrong because at the time, she had had fun with him and had enjoyed spending time with him. But that was before Dean and before she had killed Dean by pushing him over the railing of the cruise ship. A secret that only she and Oliver knew and she couldn’t tell anybody or let anybody close enough that she’d want to tell.

•EILEY•  “You’re right, that was fun.”

Another forced smile as she agrees with him, not wanting to set off any alarm bells in his head. She watches as he leans back in his chair and looks at her, studying her for a minute before a smile crosses his face.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Is something wrong, Eiley? You seem…different.”

She shakes her head no as she lifts her glass and takes another drink out of the straw. She curses herself quietly in her head as she was aware she had brought attention to herself without wanting to do so.

•EILEY•  “No, not all. Just…thinking, I suppose. I have a match on Sunday and my head is kind of all over the place.”

She wasn’t really worried about facing Mercedes Vargas, figuring that the match would be okay and that she’d come out okay whether she won or lost as the match was not an important one but a throw away one. But Kaleb didn’t really need to know her thoughts about that at the moment. She just needed to keep him focused on anything but her weird behavior.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Ah…for some reason, I always forget that you’re a wrestler.”

He says it with a slight distaste to it as if it was not something that Eiley should be proud of. She lets the annoyance show on her face as she picks at her muffin, her golden eyes looking down at it as he sits across from her.

•EILEY•  “It doesn’t sound like you approve.”

He raises an eyebrow at her words as he taps his fingers on the handle of his coffee mug. She watches him, that uneasiness settling back in the pit of her stomach as he slowly takes a drink from his cup.

 ♣KALEB♣  “It’s not a job that I thought you’d have, honestly.”

She watches him, trying to brace herself for whatever it was he was getting at. She knew that when they had met she was essentially an escort but they had developed some sort of friendship after that for a couple of weeks but now, it seemed like it had fizzled out and it reminded her of why she usually never did repeat customers.

•EILEY•  “What kind of job did you think I’d have?”

He smirks as he looks at her before pulling his phone out for a moment. She watches as he thumbs through something on his phone before he lies it face down on the table.

 ♣KALEB♣  “You and I both know what kind of job you really have, Eiley. Let’s not play dumb because I know that you’re not dumb.”

She just looks at him, feeling annoyed with the words that were coming out of his mouth. She honestly didn’t feel like she should have to deal with whatever crap he was going spew out of his mouth.

•EILEY•  “You’re right, I’m not dumb. But maybe you are because you’re the one that willingly gave me the money. So, what do you really want, Kaleb?”

He chuckles as he turns the phone over and shows her a picture of Oliver that she had tweeted. It was not obvious to everybody that she was the one in the picture with him but Kaleb seemed to know.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Is this who you’re spending all of your time with now, Eiley? Some fuckboy who isn’t going to give two shits about you in a few weeks?”

Eiley just blinks as she looks at him then at his phone, looking at the picture of Oliver and her before looking at Kaleb. He was jealous and now she could read it on his face. It was why his behavior was off and he was not acting like he had before she had gone on the cruise.

•EILEY•  “I do not believe that that is any of your business, Kaleb.”

He just shakes his head before pocketing his phone and looks at her.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Do you think he can provide you the life that I can, Eiley? It doesn’t even look like he’s interested in you like I am. You should be thinking about your future and how it can look if you stick with me. I can show you the finer things in life.”

A frown crosses her face as she realizes where he was going with this and she didn’t like where he was heading with it. She didn’t think it was fair that he was trying to compare himself to Oliver when he didn’t even know Oliver. And she had never once expressed any sort of feelings to Kaleb of wanting to be with him, exclusively.

•EILEY•  “I…uh…what?”

She didn’t know how to respond to him and she stumbled over the words as she looks at him with a bamboozled sort of look on her face. She had never once said anything in his presence that should have made him think that she wanted some sort of future with him. If anything, the only thing she had wanted with him was the fun and the money he provided her. But she didn’t have feelings for him and she didn’t want to be with him long-term.

 ♣KALEB♣  “I thought we both agreed that you are not dumb, Eiley?”

He shakes his head as he looks at her.

 ♣KALEB♣  “This kid that you’ve been hanging around can’t give you the life you want. So I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with him. You should be with me, sticking with me because I can provide you with anything that you want and more. And you can quit this silly job as a wrestler and just do whatever you want at all time.”

She blinks again as if the words he was saying were jumbled up and she didn’t understand where he was coming from. She sighs before finishing her water and setting the glass down, not wanting to come unglued or unhinged in front of him because that would only lead to another fiasco.

•EILEY•  “I don’t think you understand, Kaleb…”

She started off slow, not wanting to set his alarm bells off as she wants to take her time in spelling it out for him.

•EILEY•  “You and I? We weren’t exclusive, I never said that I wanted to be your girlfriend or that I saw a future with you. And even if I did or had, I wouldn’t quit my job as a wrestler because it is something that I enjoy. And you don’t get to take my joy away from me; I’ve had plenty of other horrible people do that.”

She stands up and adjusts her leopard print skirt that she had paired with a black tank top. Kaleb frowns a little bit.

•EILEY•  “And you don’t get to talk to me about him because you don’t know him. And you don’t know what he wants or how he feels. You do not even know his name.”

She goes to say something but he stops her by holding a hand up.

 ♣KALEB♣  “Oliver Zahn. That’s his name.”

She is speechless for a moment but she’s quick to recover as she looks at him. She can see the look of amusement on his face.

•EILEY•  “Okay, so you know his name. But that doesn’t mean that you know him. And you know nothing about the life that I want for myself and I hate people telling me that they know what I want when I do not even know what I want. So go back home, Kaleb…”

She throws some money on the table, giving him a slightly icy look.

•EILEY•  “Because whatever this is?”

She gestures between the two of them with her right hand and gives him a disgusted look.

•EILEY•  “Is done and over with. Because I will not continue to be around somebody who only views me as a trophy or something pretty to look at.”

She doesn’t give him any time to respond as she walks out of the coffee shop. She freezes momentarily, remembering that she was not in her normal bubble and has to think for a moment. She hesitates before turning to the left to head back to the hotel where she and Oliver were staying. She shakes her head, mumbling to herself about the audacity that Kaleb had and she doesn’t seem to care if he watches her leave or takes note of where she was going. She just wanted to get back to her hotel room and be able to breathe without that panicky feeling setlting in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to go back to her little land of normal.


Location: Cuzco, Peru.
Date: Friday, August 4, 2023


“Before we get this started, I am just going to say that I cannot wait to go back to normal where the locations are not in some weird corner of the world. Normalcy has never been something I craved but after going to weird countries with weird rules, normalcy seems a bit nice. Compared to the last country I competed in with the weird laws, Las Vegas seems like heaven.

But this is not what we’re here for. We’re here because I’m booked in a match against SCW’s oldest dinosaur, Mercedes Vargas. Some people might view her as a relic, but I personally much prefer the comparison to a dinosaur because how long has it been since she actually won a match that really matters? Not that this match matters for anything, anyways. Win or lose, I really do not care. But it’s one more match closer to the end of this silly tour.

Mercedes has done so much in this company that it’s hard to encompass exactly what she is to this company but I feel like she’s highly overrated. She hasn’t a clue that nobody really cares that she’s around anymore because she’s too old and stale and she’s taking up valuable space on the roster. I am pretty sure the fans use her little spots on the show as a bathroom break and her matches as a food break as well.

I know, I know, what do I know? I’m new to the scene, not even a full year into SCW and I don’t have as many matches under my belt but I do believe that I will know when it’s my time to retire and hang my boots up. But I don’t think Mercedes has any of that figured out. And sure, she’s somewhat important to the company as a person who is good at getting news out and promoting events but, do they really need such a dinosaur in the ring?

And I know that Mercedes will have some sort of comparison about me and Mikah and I’m sure it won’t be a pleasant one and it won’t be something that I haven’t heard before. Because that’s all my opponents ever have to say about me. That I’m not going to be as good as she was or that she’s not a person that I should want to be. Or as Sam Marlowe had said something about how I shouldn’t want to be compared to her. But you know what’s funny? I am not Courtney Pierce. I don’t think being compared to Mikah is a bad thing because she is considered to be one of the best Bombshells of all time in this company.

But I know that she never really receives the respect she deserves, so let’s not dwell on Mikah because she’s thousands and thousands of miles away and she’s not the person I am booked against. But she will be something that Mercedes talks about repetitively and drones on and on about it. And some other facts that nobody really gives a shit about anymore. Stuff about her record and maybe something about how she was a part of the Mean Girls stable. And blah, blah, blah.

I really do not know why she is so…well talked about in this company. Because I try my hardest to pay attention to anything she says but it’s so boring that I just fall asleep and sometimes, the nap is better than whatever’s coming out of her mouth. It’s not something I’m proud of but I just want to be able to fast forward in real time to get through her shit because I just do not like being bored to death.

But enough about how boring she is or how many times she will mention her record or how many times she will compare me to Mikah. That stuff isn’t going to be what helps me win on Sunday or to be well prepared for the match. Because I know that she is a force to be reckoned with in the ring and that she knows her way around the six-sided ring. I am not trying to take away what she can do in the ring because her record shows that she can show up in the ring when she wants to. But I’m not going to take away my own ability in the ring, either. I might be new and not as experienced in the ring as she is, but I am half of the mixed tag team champions and that has to count for something. Actually, I’m going to state that it counts for more than something because it means I at least have a championship currently. That’s not something that Mercedes Vargas can say.

People have already started to discredit Oz and I’s championship reign and have already put the stirrings out there that we are just transitional champions until we face Ben and Sam at Violent Conduct. Everybody is already saying that they’re going to win and I’m pretty sure they’ve already started rolling out the merchandise to support the two. And I can say that people are already trying to discredit me as a competitor because I’m new to the scene but I only have one true loss if you do not count the Blast From the Past match. And while I am still relatively new to SCW, I still have a lot more already going for me than some of the others who have been here longer.

Mercedes is a dinosaur and she should have been retired ages ago. And I’m going to prove just that on Sunday because I’m young and agile, ready to go. And I’m trained by the one Bombshell that she has never beat one on one. It will almost be as if she’s losing another match to her on Sunday.

I wish I had better things to say and wish that I could say that I am looking forward to Sunday, but this match is nothing. It means absolutely nothing and is just a filler match that they used to put on the card. But I guess I’ll show up and do my job because that’s what I am supposed to do. But this match receives no feelings on my end. I do not care about it nor do I care about Mercedes Vargas, the SCW dinosaur. What I do care about is my championship that I have with Oliver Zahn; that’s what’s important to me, nothing more, nothing less. And once this match with Mercedes is done, I can focus on how Oliver and I need to work together as a team to continue on our winning streak and to prove to everybody else that we are not just transitional champions and that we are here to stay.

And even if I lose on Sunday, it does not matter. Because losing to SCW’s dinosaur means absolutely nothing because nobody thinks about Mercedes that much. She’s struggling to stay relevant, grasping at straws to make her name be out there more. And while she is SCW’s walking record book, she does have my record wrong. I have only lost one mixed tag team match and that was the Blast From the Past match in the opening round. And I lost to that one chick that I don’t give a fuck about in a singles match. But I have not lost two mixed tag matches since signing my SCW contract. So, the dinosaur did get something wrong in her little facts she likes to spout off about. That is something everybody should be surprised about because she is known not to be wrong but I know the matches I’ve lost and I know that I have only lost one mixed tag match, not two like she claims.

But then again, as many times as her face and head have been slammed into the mat, I cannot blame her for forgetting some facts. Concussions and amnesia often go hand in hand and definitely effect the brain in ways even doctors cannot understand.

But there’s not much time left before Sunday when we meet in that six sided ring. And whatever we say isn’t going to matter. But I’m bound and determined to prove that you are just a dinosaur that is not as agile in the ring as you once were, Mercedes. So you better come prepared and you better take all of your vitamins from now until Sunday so that you don’t break a bone or pull a muscle, because you’re going to have to learn how to keep up with somebody who’s a lot younger than you.

See you Sunday.



Climax Control Archives / Relevance.
« on: July 21, 2023, 10:32:33 PM »

Location: Read Below.
Date: Monday, July 3, 2023.

It had been a hard time for Eiley to sleep after she had witnessed Dean falling overboard; presumably to his death. She had been scared to sleep in the cruise cabin with Oliver close to her in case she woke up with a nightmare. While she had told him what happened and he seemed to be okay with it, she was still struggling with the aftermath of it. It also did not help that she was also struggling with the fact that she had not told anybody about what happened in London and she was having an even harder time putting it out of her mind after witnessing his demise.

Of course, the silver lining was that she managed to compartmentalize it enough to focus in the match that she and Oliver had been in the night afterwards. She was comforted by the fact  that the exhaustion of it all would crash her into  a dreamless sleep and she would be spared the nightmares she knew were coming. And she had been right. The second they had gotten off of the cruise liner and boarded Jet City’s private jet, she had crashed. She didn’t ask where they were headed, and Oliver hadn’t offered her any of the details. She wasn’t certain how he had talked Kris and Coby into letting them borrow it, but wasn’t sure that she actually wanted to know the answer either. She didn’t have the energy for that, and frankly, it didn’t matter. Wherever they went, and whatever happened, she would adapt, because that was life. For instance, in all of her pondering what her first championship win would be like, it never involved a death. Yet here they were. And she  had wanted to celebrate their big win but the second that she had sat down and the plane took off, she was out. Such is life.

She hadn’t the slightest idea how much time had passed when she woke up. It had to have been a significant chunk of time because while she didn’t feel very well rested by any means, she wasn’t tired. The windows that had been covered to block out the light earlier were open now that the skies were dark around them. For a moment, she thought she remembered that they touched down at some point, but wasn’t convinced that hadn’t just been her imagination. Oliver was no help. He had been very dismissive any time she even came close to bringing up the subject. The pilots were also closed-lipped in their announcements to the cabin area, so she assumed Oliver had instructed them to keep their mouths shut. After minimal effort, she just let it be, figuring it didn’t matter as they’d have at least two weeks before they had to report to Rome for Climax Control at The Colosseum. When the plane finally landed, the two of them gathered their bags and descended down the flight of stairs to the ground below. Once her feet were firmly planted back on earth, she looked around in an attempt to find any kind of identifying feature that would give her a clue to their location. The fact that every sign that the two of them passed as they moved through the small airport was in a language that she couldn’t read wasn’t any more reassuring than Oliver’s avoidance of the subject. As they made their way through the front doors of the airport to a line of cars waiting to pick up passengers, Oliver ran out and stuck his head into the window of one of them before saying something Eiley didn’t understand. Apparently he came to some kind of agreement with the driver because he tossed his bag through the passenger side window, and then opened the back door for Eiley to get in. She didn’t move.

•EILEY• “Where even are we?”

She looks to Oliver, hoping for some sort of answer but when she only gets a shrug and a more impatient motion to get into the car. Realizing that she doesn’t have much room to argue with him, she concedes and hands him her bag before sliding into the back seat.

•EILEY• “You know that this could be considered kidnapping, right?”

She wasn’t sure that it could since she willingly got on the plane and now into the car.  Technically nobody was forcing her to do any of it, but that didn’t change how the situation felt. She frowns again when he plops down beside her in the seat and closes the door. When the car takes off  without a  response from him she decides to finally press a little harder about it.

•EILEY• “I don’t even get a hint? Or did you forget how to talk to me?”

She gets a small smile of sorts from him and he sighs, but doesn’t offer any kind of explanation. It should have annoyed her, but it didn’t. The whole situation should have been a gigantic red flag, but for some reason, it wasn’t. She thought if she ever found herself in a situation like this one, she would try and run for her life to get away from the person. However, not only did she not feel the urge to flee, part of her didn’t want to spend any time away from him. She had gotten used to sharing a bed with him, albeit platonically thus far. They had even survived sharing the smallest space imaginable together for over a week. Deep down she was thankful for wherever it was they were going, because they were going together. The worst part of stepping off of the boat had been the realization that they were both going to be leaving that small bubble that they had made their own. It was safe there.

•EILEY• “Are we even in the United States?”

She assumed as much because nothing that they had passed in the airport or so far in the car looked even the smallest bit familiar to her.  Other than a few words here and there, she couldn’t read any of the signs. She caught a glimpse of the driver looking back at them through the rearview mirror with worry on his face that maybe he was becoming an accomplice to a kidnapping. For some reason, it was reassuring to her to know that he understood them at the very least.

•EILEY• “ Can you at least tell me what side of the world we are on?”

Oliver maintained his amused silence for the entire ride, not that it had taken very long. From the point that we left the airfield, we were basically on the highway for fifteen minutes before the car came quickly to a halt. Eiley did her best to keep track of how far they went and in which direction as a passive self-preservation trick that she taught herself for her dates. She guessed that they couldn’t have been in the car any longer than twenty minutes before it came to a stop outside of a large apartment building. Oz reached up and handed the driver a stack of bills that definitely weren’t the currency she was used to seeing, and then got out of the backseat. He managed to grab both of their bags through the window of the vehicle in the time it took her to slide out of the backseat, and simply shouldered both of them instead of giving hers back to her.

•EILEY• “Still nothing?”

He smiled again, and shrugged his shoulders. Wordlessly, he led her through the lobby of the building. Neither the doorman, nor the woman sitting behind the desk said a word to them as they passed through like they had been there their whole lives. They stepped into an open elevator and Oliver pressed one of the buttons without appearing to have to think about it at all. By the time that the doors shut in front of them and the elevator started to rise, Eiley’s curiosity was boiling over.

•EILEY• “You’re going to have to say something eventually, so you can just tell me now…”

Despite her pleas, they stood in silence until the chime signaled that they had reached their floor. When the doors opened, Oliver led her down the hallway, and passed only a couple of doors before he pulled out a set of keys that she had never seen before. In their time together she had seen him handle an endless stream of hotel keycards, watched him use credit cards that he had definitely stolen, and she had even ridden around in cars that she knew there was no way he could afford. However, the most out of place thing she had ever seen him do was produce something as normal as a set of keys. When he put them in the door and unlocked it, she was dumbfounded.

•EILEY• “Not breaking in for once?”

He opened and walked through the door without actually answering the question. She followed him into the furnished apartment, and watched as he hung the keys on a hook near the door. He dropped the bags onto the couch at the end of the hallway without breaking his stride and then went to work adjusting the sliders for all of the lights in the main room. Most importantly, he was doing it all as if it had been his everyday routine for his whole life. There was no hesitation or pause to any of it. He moved from task to task with the kind of ease that one only had at home.

•EILEY• “You LIVE here?!?!”

Oliver stopped in his tracks and seemed legitimately confused by the question. It was a good sign after what felt like an excruciatingly long time stonewalling her.

○OZ○  “Why are you surprised? Everyone lives somewhere.”

It was such a shitty and condescending answer. She knew that he knew what she meant. For the entire time that they had known each other, the commonality was the fact that neither of them had a place to call home. In their early teenage years they had popped from place to place. When they were working together in Hawaii, he had been adamant about not being caught in one place for too long because it drew attention. Since then, the two of them had been on the road with Sin City, or bouncing back and forth between Jet City and Mikah’s gym in Hawaii. In her mind, not only did he not have a home, neither of them really had time for one anyways. That whole worldview got flipped on its head the moment that he started moving around the apartment so freely.

•EILEY• “You’re the one always talking about it being dangerous to ever be in one place too long. Yet…”

She motions to the room around them still waiting for some kind of better explanation.

○OZ○  “When you’re stealing stuff from people, it’s best that they don’t ever have any idea where you are…”

It was the same spiel that she had heard so many times before and she was even able to mouth the words with him as he said them. She could tell that he didn’t appreciate her mocking him though, because his tone changed a little bit when he kept going past the words she knew.

○OZ○  “ you never take anybody home.”

He looked around the room, and then back at her.

○OZ○  “That’s what this is. This isn’t supposed to be a place for everyone else. It’s a place for me, and a place that nobody is ever going to find me, because nobody even knows to look here. I figured it was a good spot for us to escape to. We kind of earned it, ya know? We’re champions.”

He tried to leave it there, but there were still the other underlying reasons that the two of them might want to lay low that went almost without saying. For the sake of keeping things focused on the fact that he had successfully hidden all of this information from her for so long, he didn’t actively bring up the cloud hanging over her head.

○OZ○  “Just a few days away from it all to decompress, ya know?”
The sentiment wasn't lost on her at all, but she didn't want to press it, especially after being slightly reminded of needing to get away and why. It was almost like her curiosity had pushed the other thing to the back of her mind and it was almost irrelevant. In the absence of that anxiety, everything else came back, crashing into her like a wave. She nods her head as she looks around but doesn't really move from her spot.

•EILEY• "It's nice that you have a place like this…"

She says the words quietly and almost hesitantly as if it wasn't right to say them. It was something about saying them that she thought might make everything just disappear.

•EILEY• "Everybody should have a place to call home."

[color=#928BAO]She had wanted a home as a child but instead, had been bounced around from foster home to foster home. And then the past few months, she had been hiding from Dean and had been grateful that she hadn't had a place to call home. She runs her fingers through her hair before looking at him, studying him for a moment or two.[/color]

•EILEY• "Thank you…for bringing me here. You really didn't have to…and you still don't have to deal with…"

She hesitates, not sure how to word it. She had watched her phone like a hawk after the Dean incident, terrified that Dean's body would have washed up on shore somewhere. Or that somebody had seen something and reported it to law enforcement.

•EILEY• "My mess with Dean."

She never had anybody to rely on or go to for help as for the most part, it had just been her. This was new territory for her. What made it even stranger, was that Oliver was not typically the type of person that would go out on a limb like this. He was the same person that had sold out Jaycee. She had never seen him do a single thing without knowing that there was something to gain from it. It was a pleasant break from their usual reality.

○OZ○  “Your mess is my mess. We’re friends. We were in the same room. We were partners on the show.”

It was nice to know that despite his selfish nature, he was still somehow able to put himself aside to have her back. She was about to respond with some platitude about how much it meant to her, but he cut her off and took his point a step further.

○OZ○  “You know… it’s kind of funny. That room was so small, and we had so many signings, events to attend, and then training for the actual show, that I am not sure we were ever out of each other’s sight the whole time we were on the boat. If anything weird happened, it couldn’t have had anything to do with us.”

His eyes didn’t leave hers, and he said the words in such a casual nature that she wouldn’t have seen through them if she didn’t know for a fact that every one of them was a lie. That wasn’t the point though. It was simply his way of telling her the same thing that he would tell absolutely anyone else that asked. But he wasn’t done. He pressed one of the buttons on the panel that controlled the lights, and the blinds on the far side of the room parted. He motioned for her to join him by the window so that she could see the lights of the parties going on down below. Just a block from the skyscraping apartment building was a pier where the nightlife appeared to be in full swing. The beach surrounding it didn’t look any different than the beaches that she had been accustomed to her whole life.

○OZ○  “...and it’s not like we ran away to some kind of dark hole in the world. We just won the Mixed Tag Team Championships; our first ever championships I might add. We weren’t running away from anything, we were running to something: a vacation. We’re just celebrating, Barcelona style.”

She couldn’t tell if he was avoiding everything with Dean like he had been all of her questions during their trip here because it made him uncomfortable, or because he was still just treating her with kid gloves. She had a feeling that if it was anything other than the latter, he wouldn’t have brought her here. For someone like Oz, having a place like this was probably his most closely guarded secret. This was his escape, and his safe place, and he had brought her into it. That didn’t sound like someone who was avoiding a problem. It sounded like someone trying to protect someone from a problem.

•EILEY• "...."

She had opened her mouth to say something or anything but no words would come out. She didn't know how to say what she wanted to say without it being too much and she didn't want to ruin everything he had just said. However,  she also didn't know how to exist in a world where she didn't have to be running away from Dean; or hiding from him, in better terms.

•EILEY• "I am not sure I remember how to not run away from things."

Surprisingly, she admits it out loud. The words came out slowly, and almost hesitantly, as if it would make reality crash down around her. The fact was, she wasn’t good at this kind of thing, and that is why she avoided it. If there weren’t people around that she let get close to her, she didn’t have to deal with the traumatic experiences that haunted her. For that reason, she didn't keep friends, and to be honest, Oliver had lasted longer than anybody else in her life. Dean popped back into her life, but she didn’t want him around. She never had,  but for some sick reason he had wanted to be around her. There was always something to run from, yet Oliver was telling her that this place was not for running.  This was a place for staying, and a place where she could simply exist.

•EILEY•  "I've been running from Dean since…London."

It was another shocking admission, and something she hadn’t admitted to anybody, not even herself. She had kept that locked away and repressed with the hope that one day it would just go away even though that had never worked with any of the things she had bottled up in the past.

•EILEY• "It would be nice to just… live."

She gives him a half smile as she looks at him before averting her eyes back to the window. She lets her eyes scan over the nightlife of Barcelona and she tries her best to relax. The two of them didn’t actually make it down to partake in any of the night time adventures that first night. Instead, Oz was more than happy to give her the grand tour of his home. Despite all of the negativity that hung over them, it wasn’t actually the worst way to spend an evening. They had an entire city of things to explore, and more than enough time to do anything that they wanted. It didn’t seem like either of them were anxious to leave their new shared space though, and not even just because it was much bigger than the last.


Location: Rome, Italy → Barcelona, Spain.
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2023 & Monday, July 17, 2023.

The Climax Control in Rome had been nothing too exciting but she and Oliver had done their thing and she was ready to dip out and go back to Oliver’s place to hide out. Or maybe it was because she enjoyed spending her time with Oliver and not having to share it with the world. She was glad that neither she nor Oliver had been booked in a match and got their little celebration thing out of the way so that they could return to Barcelona with no hesitation and it wasn’t going to be that long of a flight back to Barcelona and it could be almost like they never really left.

Eiley was in the bathroom in their locker room, making sure she had everything packed back into her bag and made sure to wash her hands after using the bathroom. She was not sure where Oliver was but she was assuming he was in the main part of the room, making sure his things were in his own bag. She looks into the mirror and fixes her hair before sighing and going to open the bathroom door. She frowns a little bit as it seems a bit jammed and can’t get it open.

•EILEY• “What the…”

She checks the lock on the door and can see that it was not locked but for some reason, the door was sticking. She frowns and pushes on it again but it wouldn’t budge. She was trying her best not to panic, but she could feel it settling in the pit of her stomach as she tries to pull next, but it didn’t seem to matter either, the door was not budging. She can feel her heart start to race a little bit as she pushes again, a little more frantically than before. She was trying her best not to let her memory go back but it was becoming harder and harder to do so as the last time she had been stuck in a bathroom was when Dean had locked her in one in London, in April.

•EILEY• “Hello!? Olly?”

She bangs on the door with her hand, trying to get the attention from somebody and could only hope that Oliver was in the main area of their locker room. She begins pounding her fists on the door, trying to make as much noise as she can as her heart begins to race and the panic attack sets in.

•EILEY• “Oz?! Oliver?!”

She could feel her breathing becoming slightly ragged as she tries again to open the door, not sure why it was stuck. Or what was stopping her from opening the door. She closes her eyes for a moment, trying to catch her breath and work on her breathing, even though she really didn’t know many breathing techniques. It seems like forever goes by before the door is finally opened from the outside. Eiley opens her eyes to see Oliver standing there and she gives him a slightly embarrassed look as she could feel the panicky feeling still there and her heart still racing inside of her chest.

•EILEY• “Sorry….the door wouldn’t open…”

It was a lame excuse and it made her feel like a child that she had reacted in that way. She had originally thought she had put what happened in London behind her, but apparently things could trigger her mind and it would send her right back to that moment. She could still feel her heart racing as she grabs her things, her hands a little shaky from the panicky feeling as she avoids Oliver’s eyes for the time being, the embarrassed feeling still setting in.

•EILEY• “Are we ready to go back to Barcelona?”

She was quick to try to change the subject and get the attention off of her at the moment. And she would try to keep it off of her while her heart went back to its normal rhythm. She knew that eventually she would have to tell him something but at the moment, she wanted to delay the inevitable as much as she possibly could. She is grateful that he doesn’t press the matter and they both grab their things to leave the arena, ready to get out of Italy.


The weather in Barcelona had been pretty good while they had been in the city and Eiley was enjoying that there was nobody other than Oliver that she knew. She knew that she realistically didn’t have to look over her shoulder every five seconds to see if Dean was there. Because most likely, Dean was dead and in the middle of the ocean and his body quite possibly may have been eaten by sharks. Or at least, it was kind of what Eiley was hoping for in the long run.

The two of them had gotten back to Barcelona late the evening before and Eiley was grateful that Oz had not mentioned the little freakout she’d had in their locker room. If she was honest with herself, she was embarrassed that she had reacted in that fashion. But her mind had taken her right back to that dingy bathroom in London that Dean had locked her in while he was out. It was at least better in the bathroom of the dingy hostel than it had been in the bedroom area, but still, it elicited a horrible trauma response from her and she was not proud of the moment. And now the two of them sat outside in a restaurant’s outdoor seating, looking at a menu to try to decide what they wanted to eat. Eventually, they both order off of hte menu and the waiter goes away to put their orders in.

•EILEY• “Too many options.”

She wasn’t sure what she ordered was going to be too good but she figured it couldn’t be worse than some of the food she had encountered in dirtier, cheap restaurants.

•EILEY• “So…do you like Barcelona?”

She didn’t know why she had even asked that as they had been here nearly two weeks before the Climax Control in Rome. Eiley closes her eyes and shakes her head to herself.

•EILEY• “That was a dumb question. Do not answer that. What I mean, is that you seem more at peace here. Or at least, you have in the past two weeks.”

She had observed him while they had been here and she noticed that there was something different about him, but in a good way. And she liked it and liked the way he was in Barcelona compared to the way he had been in Hawaii over a year and a half ago.

•EILEY• “It suits you.”

She raises her glass of white wine up to her lips and takes a drink.

○OZ○ “It serves its purpose…”

It was an unintentionally vague answer. To Oz, there was no other way to explain it, but he realized that the words sounded ominous on their own.

○OZ○  “Sin City doesn't know about this place. Neither do any of the people I have worked with in the past. And I haven't ever done anything wrong here. I almost don't exist when I am here. It's that feeling that I like.”

She is quiet as she thinks about what he was saying. It made sense and she wanted to not exist for once in her life. But instead, she seemed to create problems wherever she went.
•EILEY• “Not existing sounds nice. It sounds like a better alternative than…”

She doesn't finish her sentence as she looks down for a moment. She didn't want to explore it but she knew that she couldn’t hide it from him forever. But she honestly didn't think it was that bad. Minus the minor freak out in the locker room bathroom, it had been manageable.
•EILEY• “I appreciate you sharing your little corner of the world with me. You didn't have to.”

She had probably told him that at least five times a day over the past two weeks. She never wanted to be a burden to him because she had always felt like a burden to every foster family she lived with.

○OZ○  “Given everything that you have told me about, and everything else that you've kept to yourself, it seemed like you could use the time away to decompress.”

Granted, there was something selfish about his actions. He couldn't very well have Eiley implode while they were the Sin City Mixed Tag Team Champions. Also, she was the only person not bothered by this presence. It was beneficial to have a partner in crime.

○OZ○ “Most people haven't had as rough of a life, or even as rough of the last few months as you have. Just trying to look out for you and be someone to talk to.”

Even if he never expected to be in the situation she was in due to Dean, it didn't change things. They were stuck with one another regardless of how rocky things got. She goes quiet again as she thinks about what he was saying and she continues to look down at the table or her phone, trying to decide which was more interesting. There were things that she hadn’t told anybody, including Oz. There had been horrors in her life living in foster homes and she’d had an attitude all throughout her teenage years, which caused a lot of contention between her and Oliver as teenagers; she hadn’t been particularly nice to him and often lashed out at him because of her living situations.
•EILEY• “Maybe not.”

She was not used to people looking out for her, realistically as she always had to look out for herself. There hadn’t ever been one person that she had felt too comfortable around until Oliver and it was still sort of weird to her.
•EILEY• “I never thought….that it would be like this for us. Especially when we were teenagers and my life was a living hell. And Dean…that’s a mess. A bigger mess than you probably even realize or know about.”

There was a part of her that wanted to tell him but there was also a part of her that was terrified to talk about it out loud. Then it would be real and somebody other than herself would know about it. She takes another drink of her white wine before looking at her phone as Oliver takes a drink from his wine glass, just a fan snaps their picture, unbeknownst to them.


Location: Amman, Jordan
Date: Friday, July 21, 2023


”In just a matter of days, it will be my first match since Summer XXXtreme when Oll-Oz and I won the Mixed Tag Team Championships, much to pretty much everybody’s dismay. Oz and I were not the team that hardly anybody had picked to win because according to them, we haven’t paid our dues and we’re too new to the scene; too fresh. But here we are, the champions and there’s nothing that anybody can do about it until they challenge us for the championships. Which is where Sunday is going to lead us to….I face off against Samantha Marlowe in a one on one match in preparation for the match that Oz and I will have against her and her partner, Ben Jordan at Violent Conduct.

That’s not what I am going to focus on at the moment because that’s not what is going to be happening in two days at Climax Control. Instead, it will be Sam and I facing one another with Oz in my corner and Ben in hers. It is going to be the match that sets the tone over the next few weeks that will be leading up to Violent Conduct. And it’s only fitting that I go first.

Compared to Sam Marlowe, I’m a rookie. But what a lot of people do not realize about Sam Marlowe is that she is [u[not[/u] consistent or reliable as a competitor in SCW. Is that harsh for somebody who is as new to the scene as me? Probably but I really do not give a fuck. Sam Marlowe disappears at any given moment when it comes to SCW and comes back to try to be relevant for a few months before disappearing again when she realizes that nobody cares about her or her boring personality. The only interesting thing about her is that she’s friends with SCW’s nicest superstar, Ben Jordan. And if you ask me, there’s probably something a little more there but that’s just me speculating on what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard about happening in the history of SCW. Ben Jordan is the nicest guy on the roster that’s chosen the most boring Bombshell in the history of SCW as his tag team partner.

Her record on paper might make her look impressive to the naked eye because she is technically a decorated performer in SCW. She’s held championships and is even know for knocking Mikah off of her championship reign when Mikah was considered to be the best at the time. But Sam had paled in comparison to Mikah when it comes to Sam’s reign as Bombshell Champion especially when she lost her first reign to Mercedes Vargas who is mid at best. She has never claimed to be the best but that’s because she knows that her claim would be false as she is nowhere near the best. Sam, if anything is mid at best as well.

This is not me saying that going up against Sam is going to be a walk in the park because I’m well aware that she knows what to do in a wrestling ring. There is no doubt about that. But what I am saying is that she’s just the average Jane when it comes to her character. She’s too nice and most people like her but that’s only because they think that they’re supposed to like her. And the support from Ben Jordan simply doesn’t hurt, either. But really, what more is there when it comes to Sam Marlowe? Because I really cant figure out the appeal she brings to the table, other than a few cheers from the marks in the crowd. It’s not like she’s exciting to watch or even consistent with her employment here in SCW. And sure, she’s nice but being nice is overrated and I’d much rather be hated for something I am than cheered and loved for something I am not. I fully believe that Sam Marlowe is not as nice as she leads everybody to believe. I have never met a person in my life that is that nice because they want to be. Most people who are that nice have an ulterior motive but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what her ulterior motive would be, if she were to have one.

I get a lot of flack because I am trained by Mikah, who for some reason does not seem to get the same level of respect that other Hall of Fame Bombshells get. I get that I have big shoes to fill but that’s not why I get flack. Take the current Bombshell Champion, Court for example. She has this notion that Mikah’s only leading me to fail and does not want to see me succeed because she believes that Mikah is a horrible human being and a horrible trainer. And maybe to Court, Mikah was not a good trainer, I don’t know because I wasn’t around. But Mikah’s done her best to be supportive of my young career, even while hiding a huge chunk of her life from her gym and from the SCW universe. She has done the best she can with training me and when she found out she was pregnant, she made sure that Kendall James could train me just as well and then she took on the portion of training me on how to cut a promo. Is this something that I think Sam Marlowe might touch upon? Possibly. I wouldn’t count it out because nearly everybody does and wants to discredit Mikah for everything she has done in the company. And maybe that is not going to be what Sam is going to say, I’m not a mind reader and I do not even know how Sam feels about Mikah as a competitor as Sam is very quiet and doesn’t really talk a bunch of shit.

Or maybe she will say that she was the one who dethroned Mikah’s legendary reign and therefore she could claim that she could beat me on Sunday. It’s a possibility that she could win on Sunday but it’s not going to be because she beat Mikah over seven and a half years ago. I am not Mikah in the ring and I am only aiming to be better than she was in SCW. It’s a hard pill for most people to swallow but if anybody’s going to be better than her, it’s going to be somebody who has been fully trained by her.

I am not saying that Sunday’s match is going to be easy but it’s not going to be as hard as the match at Summer XXXtreme was. It’s only going to be me and Sam in the ring and I do not not have to worry about two other Bombshells that might have the opportunity to stop me from making the pin. And I doubt that I have to worry about Ben Jordan’s presence at ringside because he does not strike me as the type to interfere in a women’s match and even if he tries, I fully trust Oz to take care of it. Because I trust in my partner just as much, if not more than you trust in Benny, Sam. And while you and Ben have known each other a long time, Oz and I have known each other for a long time as well and have been through some shit together. But we always come out on top.

And that’s what is going to happen when the four of us meet at Violent Conduct but that’s not Sunday. What is going to happen on Sunday is I’m going to get the best of Sam Marlowe and I’m going to win. I’m going to walk out of the arena on Sunday as the winner and with all of the leverage in mine and Oz’s corner. It’s not going to be a walk in the park but it’s going to be something that is going to happen and I’m going to do everything in my power to assure that it happens. Because I have no limits when it comes to winning and on Sunday, Sam, you’re going to find out why Oz and I are called limitless. And this is just going to be the beginning of what’s to come and I hope that you’re prepared. Because the clock is ticking down and there’s not much longer for you to have time to prepare.

This is just a precursor to future events, Sam, but it’s going to give you all the insight you need and after Sunday, you’re going to want to disappear again and go back to being irrelevant. But I know that you won’t do that because you do not want to disappoint Ben. But don’t worry, after Violent Conduct, you can slink off to your corner of the world and stay irrelevant. Because I’m going to prove on Sunday that I am better than you and I am going to prove why Oz and I are the champions by winning this match.

You can do all you can to fight it, Sam, and you can try your best on Sunday but I’m telling you now, it’s not going to be enough. You are not enough for Ben Jordan as a partner and you are not enough as a Bombshell either. You’re just mid and I’m already stirring up the water and bringing attention to the mixed tag division. And you’re struggling to stay relevant.

Nothing matters to me other than winning on Sunday, to prove that I have what it takes to be one half of the Mixed Tag Team Champions and you’re just the tip of the iceberg, Sam. It’s nothing personal, but you’re going to accept defeat because there will be no other choice for you. Hope you’re doing the best you can to prepare because it’s almost over for you.

Tick tock.



Supercard Archives / I Ain't Worried
« on: June 30, 2023, 06:45:03 PM »

Date:Wednay, June 27, 2023

The way that Eiley and Oz had been cohabitating had been going pretty well and it surprised her. She had expected them to be at each other’s throats nonstop, but they were doing well in the smallish cabin. She didn’t mind sharing the bed with him and it was quite easy “living” with him. Easier than she had expected it to be and they were coming together more and more as a team and she could only expect that to transfer over into their in-ring chemistry. And she couldn’t wait to see if it was correct come Sunday.

The week had been pretty fun as well. Eiley had attended a lot of events that were offered as a way to branch out, even if she hadn’t really cared about being friendly with her co-workers. But she was trying, at least. It had to count for something, anyways. It was better than hating and having feelings for him at the same time. This was probably the closest they’ve been since when they first ran into each other in Hawaii.

At first, the cruise hadn’t bothered her and she had been having fun but every so often she swore that every so often that she saw Dean in the distance or in the crowd. The first couple of days, she could talk herself out of it and convince herself that it wasn’t Dean and that she was just seeing things. She didn’t want to let him ruin her time on the cruise but there was a nagging feel in the pit of her stomach that Dean was on board and that something bad was going to happen. She as trying her best to not let it affect her and the way she acted but she knew that it was. She knew that she had been flighty and jumpy with Oliver and she couldn’t deny that he had noticed, because it was obvious that he had, even if he wouldn’t say anything.

She knew that it was dark out and the only light was from the what the decks from the cruise liner had on to light up the areas. She knew that she was probably safer in her room at this time of night but she didn’t want to go stir crazy or alert Oz about any other problems she has. She was trying to sleep less in fear of having nightmares about the London altercation with Dean. She leans against the railing of the cruise liner, looking out over the ocean. The day had been pretty eventful as she spent most of the time either in the pools, laying out, or at the spa. She had taken the part seriously when she had stated that she was going to pretty much live in a bikini for a week and she had for the most part. She had spent the evening in the casino area of the cruise liner, trying her hand a few different games but she couldn’t really commit to putting and wasting money in a machine. She had changed out of her bikini and into a two piece thing that was a skin tight, short skirt with scalloped edges that was an off white color with gold scalloped designs on it. The top was a matching crop top and showed a few inches of her upper torso. She’d had on gold stiletto sandals but she had taken them off when she left the casino and came out onto the deck to look out at the ocean and they now sat on the ground by her feet.

•EILEY• “I’m going crazy.”

She was only talking to herself, he eyes still out on the ocean even though she really couldn’t see very far. The darkness of the night sky and the water made for a vast veil of darkness and she didn’t mind it. After all, she had lived in Hawaii most of her adult life and it was insane at how fast it got dark once the sun went down. She was not even aware that somebody had appeared next to her and was leaning against the railing next to her as well.

∞DEAN∞ “Can you already go crazy if you’ve always been crazy?”

Eiley freezes in her spot, recognizing that voice instantaneously as if it had been drilled into her brain. She glances at him, the fear already written in her eyes and she watches as that evil look is in his eyes. She doesn’t get a chance to move away from him as he firmly grabs her arms and pulls her in closer to him, holding her in place next to him. She breathes a little heavier as she feels his fingers digging into her skin. She looks at him, trying not to let the fear take over but it was hard to push that feeling away.

•EILEY• “What…are you doing here? I…looked on the passenger’s list and your name wasn’t on there. I double, no triple checked.”

The words came out of her voice softer than she had wanted and her tone was laced with fear. It would be hard for Dean to not realize that she was scared of him and for what she thought could be coming.

∞DEAN∞ “I figured that this was gonna be the only way I would be able to get to you again. You’ve been quite out of reach since London. And you think that I’m going to use my real name to book a room on a cruise where I know you’ll be? I ain’t stupid, Eiley; I know that you’d check to make sure. I had to make sure that I could be on the cruise without your suspicion.”

She tries again to pull herself way from him and a whimper-like noise spills from her mouth. She was surprised that there wasn’t anybody else on the deck with them and he was able to corner her like he was. It was a little alarming to her that he was able to get this time alone with her without so much of a struggle.

•EILEY• “I thought you would have figured out that was all done on purpose. The being out of reach thing wasn’t because I wanted to be away from Oz, but from you.”

A certain look of amusement passes through his eyes as he looks down at her and she just glares up at him.

∞DEAN∞ “Still have a thing for that loser? I doubt he’d feel the same if he knew you were messin’ around with me.”

She frowns at him, not liking what he was insinuating and she tries once again to jerk herself away from him. However, this time he jerks her back into him and grabs her other arm to keep a better control of her.

•EILEY• “I have not been messing around with you. I would never do anything willingly with you. And Oliver knows that.”

She was confident in her own statement but the way that the laugh comes out of Dean, almost makes her reconsider her stance. Dean moves in front of her and pins her against the railing of the cruise liner. A small little squeal spills from her lips and Dean just laughs, thinking that it was the funniest sound that he had heard come out of her. He looks at her, letting his eyes wander over her entire body.

∞DEAN∞ “How do you know what Oliver knows or doesn’t know? How do you know that Oliver and I aren’t friends and that he helped set this up?”

She didn’t want to believe what Dean had asked her; she wanted to believe that Oliver wouldn’t do that. She wanted to trust that Oliver was not the same as Dean and he had proved he wasn’t like Dean before. He had not even remotely put his hands on her and had not even had any similarities to Dean.

•EILEY• “You’re lying.”

Dean grins at her, a sinister look in his eyes.

∞DEAN∞ “Am I? How do you know that I’m not telling you the truth? You know that Oliver is just as shady as you are.”

The seed of doubt had been planted and Eiley now could not separate Oz from places where Dean had been in the past few months. She couldn’t deny that Dean had not been a part of her life since sixteen and until Oliver came back into her life. She struggles to keep a poker face as she feels the tears in her eyes at the thought of Oz betraying her. She didn’t want to believe it because she did trust Oz in a way that she hadn’t trusted anybody ever before.

•EILEY• “You’ve always been jealous of him…”

Her voice falters a little bit and she could only hope that Dean didn’t catch it. But by the sneer and smirk on his face, she knew that he had. She tries to breathe to calm her nerves and to tame the fear that was coursing through her veins. Dean did not seem to like her statement as he pushes her a little roughly against the railing, his eyes darkening a little bit.

∞DEAN∞ “I am not jealous of that little asshole. There isn’t anything to be jealous of, Eiley. He ain’t never had you like I did.”

His grip on her arms tightened and she wines as she feels the way that his fingernails dig into her skin. She tries to pull her arms free again, struggling harder against him as he sort of shakes her a little bit to try to get her to stop struggling.

•EILEY• “Just let me go, please!”

She knew that he wouldn’t but she couldn’t help but to ask him to and to beg for him to let her go. He just laughs as he lets go of one arm and grabs her chin, holding her head in place.

∞DEAN∞ “You’re so pathetic, Eiley. Why would I ever just let you go? You’re my favorite little game.”

She breathes out as evenly as possible, trying to remain calm as he pushes her firmly into the railing, enough where she could feel the bars digging into her back. She turns her head away from him, the second he lets her chin go.

•EILEY• “I hate you.”

She knew that the insults and statements of dislike toward him never helped but she couldn’t help it. He had her at a disadvantage and for some reason, everybody on the ship was either in their room or at the other end of the boat. He doesn’t move, keeping her pinned between his own body and the railings of the cruise liner.

∞DEAN∞ “That’s what makes it so much fun, Eiley. The hate, the power struggle, and then you realizing that you will never be able to escape me. I’m always going to be one step ahead of you.”

The color somewhat drains from her face as his words sink in. She realized that he didn’t plan on keeping her “hostage” tonight but only wanted to continue his little game of cat and mouse. She didn’t want to play that game for the rest of her life and she didn’t want to live in fear of what could happen in the future. She just wanted to be free of him and not live in fear but she didn’t know what she could do. She didn’t have a good rapport with law enforcement and it was always going to be his word against hers. And what evidence did she have against him? Nothing and that was going to be the most problematic of the entire situation if she were to go to the cops.

•EILEY• “No…”

The word comes out of her mouth quietly as she couldn’t believe him and what he was saying. And she didn’t want to believe him either. She wanted to believe that he’d leave her alone, even though he hadn’t left her alone at all since she lived with him and his parents as a foster child. The only escape she’d had was when she was in Hawaii and he didn’t know where she was.

∞DEAN∞ “Oh yes. You think that I haven’t been tracking your movements since London? I know about your little rendezvous with Kaleb on that boat. I know about your little crush on Oliver.”

He snickers as he says it as it was hilarious to him that she’d had some sort of thing for Oliver. She frowns at him, feeling that rage against him and she tries to shove him but he easily grabs a hold of her arms once again, laughing at her futile attempt of retaliation.

•EILEY• “You’re just jealous that nobody’s ever had a crush on your ugly ass.”

It was a weak attempt at insulting him and he just looks at her before grabbing her chin again, forcing him to stare at him.

∞DEAN∞ “I ain’t need nobody else but you, Eiley.”

He leans down and forcefully presses his lips against hers and kisses her. She struggles against him, trying her best to push him away from him before feeling her stiletto heels down by her feet. She realizes that she can’t push him away so instead she does her best to knee him and manages to get enough where he backs off a little bit. This gives her a small moment to squat down and grab one of her stiletto heels and without thinking about the consequences and just as he goes to grab her, she thrusts the heel of her stiletto shoe into his chest. The stiletto heel blocks most of the blood from spilling out of his body but a few droplets land on her.

She watches as he stumbles a bit and the blood from the wound is all over her and he goes to reach for her but she ducks and moves out of the way. She moves from between him and the railing and now in front of him and when he spins to face her, he loses his footing and a lurch from the boat has him spill backwards over the edge of the railing and into the ocean.

•EILEY• “Fuck…”

She hurries over to the railing and grabs onto the top railing and looks over into the ocean. But like before, she couldn’t see much due to the dark, night sky. She glances around, her breathing becoming quicker and heavier as the realization of what happened hits her. She starts to panic, internally as she thinks about the consequences of her actions but she then the realization hits her that she will not have to deal with Dean ever again. She grabs her other shoe and tosses it in the ocean to get rid of it, since the other one was stuck in Dean’s chest. It was very unlikely that his body would never be found with the sharks that inhabited the ocean.

•EILEY• “Maybe….he’ll never be missed.”

Her eyes scan the water again before chewing on her bottom lip as she slowly heads away from the railing and to head back to the room that she shares with Oliver. She is careful to avoid corridors where she could hear other people and when she has to interact with them, she forces a polite smile on her face and then when she finally gets to her room, she relaxes. She reaches into the side of her outfit and pulls out her key from the side of her bra. She unlocks the door and steps inside, letting the door close behind her. She walks over to her bag and grabs a change of clothes, consisting of a pair of Nike shorts and a simple white tank top. She walks into the bathroom and looks down before seeing the few droplets of blood on her outfit.

•EILEY• “Fuck.”

She is quick to remove the outfit and leaves it in a pile before pulling on the Nike shorts and simple white tank top. She grabs the pile of clothes and hides them discreetly under her clothes before leaving the cabin. She walks in a normal to fast paced to the stairs and is as polite as usual to the other passengers in the hallway. Once to the stairs, she jogs up them quickly, smiling at the other passengers. She finds it a little weird that she was now seeing other passengers, when before there wasn’t any of them to be found. Once she makes it to the deck, she discreetly walks over to one of the railings and tosses the clothes overboard. She didn’t know how else to get ride of them and they had a few drops of Dean’s blood and she didn’t need that to come back to her in the future. But all she could feel was relief that she didn’t have to worry about him coming around again and that essentially, she was safe.

•EILEY• “Goodbye.”

She watches the ocean for a few more minutes before turning back to go back to the room that she shares with Oliver.


Location: Pacific Ocean.
Date: Friday, June 30, 2023


The scene opens up to the Spotlight Bar on the cruise ship where the piano is set up in the middle of the room. The room is only dimly lit for a moment or so before the spotlight shines on the piano where Eiley is sitting, dressed in a silver fringed mini evening dress similar to something you may see on a Vegas Show girl or something that Taylor Swift would wear at her Eras concert. She is sitting on top of the piano with her legs apart with her feet on the keys and a piece of sheet music in between her legs on the spot where it’s supposed to go. Written on the sheet of music is: MIXED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS: Eiley and Oliver vs Luna Vanity and Alexander Raven vs Austin James Mercer and Tempest vs Kim Pain and Peter Vaughn.

She was still trying to shake off the events that had happened on Wednesday and thankfully, she was good at compartmentalizing and ignoring trauma; she’d had twenty long years of practicing. She takes a breath before plastering a smile like smirk on her pretty face.

“It’s been a long week of fun in the sun.”

She focuses the best she can, trying to fight whatever inner demons that she had that were threatening to spill over.

“But it’s time to focus on what is going to be happening in just two short days. The entire reason that the SCW roster is even on this dumb boat. All of us have different motives and reasons for being on this cruise ship, but ultimately, if we’re booked in a match, everybody’s goal is to win. But not everybody can win, there has to be losers or it would make the whole point of wrestling gone. Not everybody can be a winner and as SCW has proven, there are a bunch of losers that are on their roster.”

“Which is what Oz and I’s opponents are going to be come at the end of Sunday evening. And you can call that cockiness or arrogance, but I’m going to call it manifesting what I want in life.”

She smirks at the thought of winning on Sunday.

“I think that’s what all the cool kids are calling it, anyways. But is that going to get Oz and I the win on Sunday? Of course not. Manifesting is just something that you’re putting out in the world and believing that it’s going to happen for you. So that’s what I’m doing. But I also know that Oz and I are going to have to work our asses off to prove that we are the best team in this match. And that’s not a far stretch to make, either. Have any of these teams even thought about what they really want after Sunday? The only team that might have thought about the future is Austin James Mercer and Tempest. And even then, it’s a stretch to even claim that. Both of them have the potential to be ticking time bombs that could combust at any moment. And not in a good way, either. I do not see them being a profitable team because who wants to see two basket cases running the division?”

She makes a face before rolling her eyes before she carefully stands up, moving and standing on top of the back of the piano.

“Everybody wants to see a good show, that’s what it’s about, right? But who wants to see two people like Austin James Mercer and Tempest throw tantrums like children? It’s almost like they just want people to believe that they are the best team in this tournament. And they do have a history, one that this company knows about but Oz and I have a decorated history together as well. We’ve been working together long before we joined SCW and have always done well as a team. And we’re not combustible together. We know how to get what we want out of any situation that we’re put in. And we want those mixed tag team championships. Personally, I wouldn’t want to bet against Oz and I. We also know how to put on a show, which is what everybody wants, essentially.”

While Eiley was talking and had stood up, a man in a suit had walked in and sat down on the stool to the piano and began playing the piano. He was playing a piano version of Taylor Swift’s song, Style.

“What I’ve learned over the last week and after watching our opponents’ silly little promos, is that nobody is taking Oz and I seriously in this match. The general consensus is that we’re too young, too new to the scene to be able to win these championships on Sunday. Austin James Mercer wants to claim that he and Tempest are the only ones that are going to be able to rebuild what he calls a shattered division. But I’m sorry, I’m not sure I see his point because his points were not very valid. He wanted to credit Mikah and Kris’ reign as what shut the division down. But how can he say that when they were dominating the division and that people were scared to face them? They beat everybody that stepped up to the plate and they made it look effortless. And maybe he shouldn’t be focusing on so much as to what Mikah and Kris did as Reckless Elite but instead, looking at what is in front of him. You can’t always look back at the past, that doesn’t do well for the future. And I’m not sure what the fuck he is talking about earning this spot in the match because I know for a fact that Oz and I did just that. We beat Miles and Alexandra in the qualifying match to be booked in this match and just because you and Tempest have been around longer, does not mean that you two idiots earned this spot any more than Oz and I did. But if that’s what you want to hang your hat on, then go ahead. It will just make you look as stupid as you sound. And yes, that is me calling you stupid, if you needed clarification.”

She rolls her eyes in sheer irritation.

“I’m not even sure Austin’s partner Tempest can be considered sane. She sounded like her and Austin already had the championships won and are already looking forward to facing Sam Marlowe and Ben Jordan down the road. I’m sorry, but when did you become a psychic that is able to see the future? Because we have not had the match because this would be redundant if it had already happened and you and Austin were crowned the champions. I’m sure you are thrilled to face off against Kim Pain in this match, after all she is a considered to be a veteran in this sport. She is also delusional in the fact that all she could talk about was Mikah and Mikah’s relationship with Kris.”

Eiley laughs at loud at the fact before sitting back down, this time making sure the heel of one of her stilettos on one of the ledges by the sheet music and then crossing her other leg over the other. The pianist starts to play the piano version of Bad Blood by Taylor Swift.

“I didn’t realize you were so into Kris and wanted him for yourself. I’m sure I could pass along the message for you, he’s here on the boat somewhere. But I’m going to break this to you gently, you don’t remotely seem like his type. I’m not sure if you’re on Twitter and frankly, I don’t give a fuck. But you’ll be upset to realize that Kris has been openly stating that he was the one that liked her first. Which essentially means that he chased her first. But I’m not sure that will penetrate your thick skull, because you seem to have such strong opinions about a woman who is not even in this match; a bombshell who has had a better career than you will ever have here in SCW. And yes, I am going to defend her because she is not able to do it herself. And the fac that you wanted to insinuate that her child is not Kris’ is repulsive and paints you as a jealous, revolting human being and you should feel absolutely horrible about stating something like that. Maybe you should think twice before you throw accusations around. I texted Mikah the other day, laughing about what you stated and just a second, I’ll read you what she said.”

She holds a finger up before reaching down behind the sheet music and pulling out her cell phone. She unlocks it before scrolling through some text messages before finding the right one.

“The message she sent me after I relayed what you said, because trust me, she can’t be bothered to watch your petty shit, was: Who the fuck is Tempest? So clearly, you are not even on her radar like she is on yours. I find that amusing and hilarious because you spent most of your time talking about her and Kris rather than what I can do in the ring. You’re going to be surprised in a few days when you realize that I’m not Mikah and you won’t have a clue what fucking hit you. You want to call me Mikah 2.0? Fine, go ahead because it’s a compliment, not an insult like you want it to be. If I’m anywhere as good as she was when she was competing here, then I’m obviously doing something right. You can only dream of being as good as she was because you will never be on her level. Therefore, I am not even remotely worried about your delusions.”

She just laughs as the man starts to play a piano version of One Republic’s I Ain’t Worried.

“As for Kim Pain and Luna Vanity, they were so irrelevant with what they had to say about me in their promos, that I’m not worried about what they think they’re going to do to me. Luna was more worried about whether I loved myself or not enough to win, which makes zero sense. She has a lot more to be worried about other than whether I have self love. She should be worried that I’m going to kick her ugly face in instead. And Kim Pain really only focused on the loss I had at the last Climax Control, which I didn’t even try in, like I usually do. She seemed to think that my loss was me becoming weaker. But that’s not the case, I just didn’t give a shit about a match against a nobody that I do not care about. I can promise you that I will be showing up on Sunday and giving you everything I have, that’s what you should focus on. Not on the one loss that doesn’t matter. Maybe the fact that she’s probably had one too many concussions to not recognize when somebody is focused on other things, bigger tings rather than a one off match that does not matter in the grand scheme of things. And both of your partners want to write Oz and I off like we don’t matter and that we can’t win on Sunday. That’s fine, we’re good at proving everybody wrong.”

A smirk stretches across her face as she looks at the camera.

“This is what matters. This Sunday’s match for the belts is what matters and while every single one of mine and Oz’s opponents want to call us children and discredit us as real competitors in this match, it doesn’t matter what they think. It only matters how we’re going to prove everybody wrong on Sunday. We’re going to be the ones that walk off of this stupid cruise ship with the championships in our possession. Not two delusional idiots like Tempest and Austin James Mercer, not a washed up team like Kim Pain and Peter Vaughn and definitely not two morons that don’t have any clue about us like Alexander Raven and Luna Vanity. We’ve got what it takes to win and we’re going to prove it on Sunday. That’s all that there is to say, bring your best because even that is not going to be enough. Oz and I are going to prove just why we’re the best and there ain’t shit anybody can do about it.”

She smirks as she carefully steps off the piano.



Supercard Archives / No Other Choice
« on: June 24, 2023, 11:22:49 PM »

Date:Thursday, June 22, 2023

Eiley had left the previous Climax Control immediately following her match and flew back to Hawaii to meet back up with Kaleb to spend more time on his boat. She hadn’t expected to not care so much about the fact that she had lost her match but it hadn’t really mattered to her; not as much as her opponent had tried to state that it did. And she did not try as hard as her stupid opponent thought she had. It hadn’t mattered to her because she was going to go back on the boat and spend a few days on the ocean in the sun. She had been thankful that Kaleb had been thoughtful enough to stock the downstairs with food and had been happy to stop if needed.

But now it was Thursday, and she knew that needed to get focused for the match that she and Oz had at Summer XXXtreme. She couldn’t be the one to fuck up their careers that were intertwined; it was one thing to do it to her own career, but she didn’t want to do it to Oz’s. She wasn’t that selfish. She sighs as she walks through the beach of Kaneohe, carrying her shoes in one hand after being let off on the shore. She sighs as she looks around, squinting as the bright sunlight hits her eyes. It was around noon and she had to find a way to get to Mikah’s gym, get dressed, and work on something other than putting suntan lotion on.

The sand felt nice on her feet and she didn’t mind that she was still in her black bikini and a pair of shorts over the bottoms that were unbuttoned. She smiles to herself as she thinks about all the time that she had been spending on the boat with Kaleb. She continues to walk along the beach, enjoying the warmth of the sun and lost in her own little world when she stops as she sees Oz laying in a chair on the beach. His clothes gave her the impression that he was still up from the previous night of partying, but with the sunglasses over his eyes she couldn’t tell if he was actually conscious. He didn’t move at all as she approached, but once she was close enough to try and nudge him with her foot, he spoke up without stirring in his chair.

○OZ “I figured if I hung out on the beach long enough eventually you would show up.”

His voice cracked, likely from a night of partying. It almost sounded like he had been inhaling sand all evening the night before. However, from having partied with him before, she knew it was probably just a side effect.

○OZ “I would have thought that you would be staying away from boats being that we are about to get trapped on one with all of our co-workers for a week.”

She looks at him, her eyebrows raised for a moment as she processes his words. She just shrugs her shoulders as she looks him over, letting her eyes wander over him, shamelessly.

•EILEY “You weren’t wrong because here I am.”

She doesn’t seem too worried about the fact that she had been literally out of reach for practically everybody. She didn’t really care to think about what she was missing out on while she had been out of reach. She chuckles softly at his words, her eyes dancing with amusement.

•EILEY “I’m not too worried about being trapped on a cruise liner with our…co-workers for a week. There are ways to get away from people on that ship. Plus, there’s also other people that will be on the ship that aren’t our co-workers. Fans or whatever.”

She had not really put too much thought into the cruise liner, if she was going to be honest. It didn’t bother her too much to think that she was going to be stuck on a large ship with many amenities. It could possibly provide her with other opportunities as well.

•EILEY “Are you sure that you can handle being around a lot of people? I remember how you said you don’t like attention. It will be hard to be…invisible on that ship.”

She gives him a smile as she fidgets with her shorts, debating on re-buttoning them but in the end, leaves them alone.

○OZ “Kris kind of forced me to give up on being anonymous. The dude laid me out in the middle of the ring and turned me into a meme. People know me as ‘that guy Kris knocked out’ as soon as they lay eyes on me.”

She could tell that the loss of his anonymity was a sore spot for him. It was understandable given that the two of them had made a living off of being able to go unnoticed by everyone around them.

○OZ “I can’t be too upset. He has caused me to have to level up my game. I have to try three times as hard to walk away with half the normal haul at the end of the night.”

He reaches into the pocket of his unbuttoned shirt, and pulls out a roll of cash. She had gotten pretty good at being able to eyeball and estimate the value of the rolls through all of their travels together, and he wasn’t lying. It was lighter than normal, but he couldn’t really complain a whole lot. Realistically, it was still some of the easiest money they could make.

○OZ “The Summer XXXtreme boat is different though. Being trapped for a week with the people I am trying to steal from doesn’t sound smart. There is no exit strategy. We’re stuck. I guess that makes it more of a vacation than a work thing.”

She runs her fingers through her hair, watching him before shifting her weight a little bit in the sand. She was used to the uneven ground but that didn’t mean that she was comfortable all the time on it.

•EILEY “The vacation life could be nice. And for what it is worth, if anything, I don’t know you as the guy that Kris knocked out.”

She was not sure it was much of a consolation prize because she had known him before either of them had been involved in SCW. She also wasn’t trying to make it sound like it was a consolation prize, either.

•EILEY “I am sure that there are still ways to get around it on the ship. It would definitely be a lot harder, and would probably have to involve disguises of some sort. But I wouldn’t say that it’s impossible.. Could even be considered thrilling, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

She’d had close(ish) calls before and while that would have stopped other people from continuing on, it only seemed to make her want to continue on. She chalked it up to that same feeling of the thrill of the chase.

•EILEY “But I also don’t think getting in trouble before the big match would be ideal…”

She looks at him again before adjusting her bikini top a little bit.

○OZ “Big match…”

The two words made him laugh sarcastically. He had gotten disenchanted with the whole idea of competing for Sin City after his last outing.

○OZ “Everytime I go out there alone, I get my ass absolutely handed to me whether I win, or I lose. I don’t think it would be all that bad if I got caught lifting things off of fans. It would probably get me fired and save me a lifetime of nonsensical beatdowns.”

It was a bit overdramatic, but she could understand why he would feel that way. The games that Oz usually ran were low risk. Most of the time, nobody would even think to lay a finger on him. However, all of that changed in Sin City. People squared up first, and asked questions never. That is the most radical part of the lifestyle change for Oz.

○OZ “I mean it is not even like I really wanted to be here originally. I got sent here. Maybe I should just walk away and stop trying to make the best of it.”

She listens to him and could understand where he was coming from. It was not nearly as fun going out there and losing compared to winning. She had lost her match against whatshername and while it didn’t feel the best, she really didn’t care. Nobody could win every single match they were in.

•EILEY “Every time? And I didn’t take you to be a quitter, Oll-Oz.”

The two were both seemingly competitive but in different ways. She preferred to be more discreet about it.

•EILEY “I don’t think every match has been a disaster, has it? The one where we teamed together seemed to go okay…”

She had been pretty much disconnected from anything SCW related for a few weeks. And disconnected from people, as well. She couldn’t seem to keep any connection with anybody, except Kaleb. But she knew that whatever it was with Kaleb wasn’t real; she didn’t feel anything real with him. He didn’t make her feel anything other than normal feelings. It wasn’t the same sort of feelings she had around Oz. But she wasn’t going to admit that outloud to anybody.

•EILEY “But if you’d rather give up, I guess that’s your choice. It’s just something I can hold over your head.”

She scrunches her nose at him with a smirk on her face. She didn’t mind if was taunting him in a sense, if it worked.

○OZ “Maybe you just haven’t had the target painted on your back like I have. Things seem cool because even when you lose, you get complimented. You come up a little short, and still get to walk away. On the other hand, even when I have won, I’ve lost.”

It was the kind of self-pity that she wasn’t used to hearing from him. Usually Oz was the perpetual optimist. He was always trying to work some new angle to make every situation eventually go his way. She almost didn’t believe that it was possible for Sin City to have beaten that out of him already.

○OZ “I’m not saying that I’m not showing up. I’m not saying that I am not going to compete or anything like that. Imma be there, but not because of Sin City. I wouldn’t send you out there alone. I don’t want to leave you hanging. That’s really what matters. We have been partners a lot longer than we have been in SCW. That won’t change.”

There was a small glimpse of something positive under the surface, but it didn’t sound like he actually believed the sentiment. Maybe he was just telling her what he thought she wanted to hear.

○OZ “It just feels like it is going to be a lot less fun than what our lives used to be.”

She listened to him, keeping pretty much a straight face through his entire little speech or whatever and she could understand where he was coming from. Before SCW, they had been pretty much anonymous and could do whatever they wanted. They weren’t under a microscope like they seemed to be in SCW. And he’d had a rough few matches and had essentially, made enemies with Kris at one point, even if it seemed to be in the past now.

•EILEY “What is it you told me when we first ran into each other in Honolulu?”

She raises her eyebrows at him and taps her index finger against her lips. She looks down at him before choosing to sit next to him in the sand. She couldn’t really remember everything about that night but she had remembered that originally, they hadn’t gotten off on the right foot right away.

•EILEY “You had stated that you weren’t going to let anybody drag you down. Of course, that was you talking about De–not about SCW. But it can still apply here.”

She didn’t want to say the name as it usually sent her in some sort of spiral. She hadn’t touched or even thought about London or what had happened there. Out of mind was a better way to deal with it. She gives him a kind smile before tossing some sand at him.

•EILEY “Don’t let the idiots in SCW drag you down, Olly. You’re better than they are.”

She takes a breath and looks away from him and back out to the ocean. They were both making revelations about how they felt about one another.

○OZ “I don’t really care about them. I care about myself.”

That was about as honest he could be about the situation. Of course, it sounded a lot worse than he meant it without some kind of clarification.

○OZ “I have spent the majority of my life trying to avoid getting stomped out. Now that shit happens on a near nightly basis. It’s not like I have ever been afraid to square up. I don’t hate having to fight my way out of situations. The problem is, even when I win, I lose. I think I could do a lot better for myself by not having to eat a beatdown every Sunday.”

She opens her mouth to correct him, but he cuts her off.

○OZ “Yeah, I know. Not EVERY Sunday, but close enough. I can’t help but feel like my talents are being under-used, and my face is getting over-abused.”

He didn’t want to inspire her to pity him as well though, so he attempts to shift the conversation away from himself.

○OZ “Which I guess makes teaming with you a better deal for me. No matter who rearranges my face, I will still be standing next to you. On occasion, you are good looking enough for the both of us. As a champion, probably even moreso.”

She expected the backhanded compliment, it was something he was rather good at doing. But it doesn’t stop her from rolling her eyes just the same.

•EILEY “Look, you’re on good terms with Kris now. I don’t think you have to worry about that anymore. And before you say that it has happened from other people, it’s just the beginning of your career. Do you think that everybody starting out had an easy go at it?”

She raises her eyebrows at him. She was not used to this type of behavior from him and he was the one that usually talked her into things.

•EILEY “I’m definitely more attractive than you. And I have the endorsement from the next World Heavyweight champion, so I’m pretty sure that means more..”

She gives him a small wink.

•EILEY “But if you want to continue this little poor me party, go ahead. But…I’m going to go to the gym. Or something. I need out of this bikini.”

She carefully stands up and brushes the sand off of the backs of her legs and from the back of her shorts and then pulls them back up as they had drifted down, due to not being buttoned.

○OZ “I could help you out of the bikini, but I think that is frowned upon at the gym.”

The words come out in a completely flat tone, just like the rest of everything he has said. It makes it near impossible to know if it was just some off-color joke he was making or a serious declaration of interest. It wasn’t like he was going to let her dwell on the answer to that question though.

○OZ “Then again, knowing who owns the place, probably not. I have already heard a bunch of wild stories backstage at Climax Control. Makes me feel a little dirty about everyone saying we are the new versions of them.”

For the first time, the sound of his voice actually shows just a pinch of interest. He pushes the bridge of his sunglasses down his nose, revealing his eyes. They weren’t nearly as bloodshot and tired as Eiley expected them to be.

○OZ “Although, I am pretty sure they never got beaten as a team. If we can be that good, maybe not everything will suck in the long run.”

She was trying her best to not let his comments affect the color of her cheeks. It wasn’t like it bothered her, but it was a natural reaction.

•EILEY “Knowing those two, they’d probably encourage you to help me out of the bikini.”

She knew that she probably wasn’t too far off, either. Eiley was also the type that did not really want to believe that all of the stories about their mentors were true but she had a feeling that they were true. But she didn’t want to dwell too long on that, not wanting to draw the comparisons either. Not that too many could be made backstage between her and Oz.

•EILEY “And we’d probably be lucky enough to be as good as they were as a team, honestly. I’ve watched some of their matches on old tapes, and it is practically scary at how well they worked together. And still work together.”

She just shrugs before smirking a little bit as she looks at Oz, letting her eyes wander a bit before she looks back out at the ocean.

•EILEY “I probably don’t need help out of the bikini…but the gym attire later…”

She doesn’t finish her sentence as she starts walking up the beach, leaving Oz there. It takes a few seconds for her words to really sink in, and then he takes another few struggling with himself about whether or not to follow. Eventually his cool and calm demeanor lose the battle, and he rises out of the chair.

○OZ “I should probably join you then.”

He looks back at the chair before discarding his stolen sunglasses on it and sprinting through the sand to catch up to her.

○OZ “....because if we are actually going to win, we should probably take this more seriously than we did the qualifier. We need to make it out of the gym ahead of Kris and Mikah this time though. I’m not trying to get locked in again.”

She chuckles to herself as he easily catches up to her and she just shrugs her shoulders at him.

•EILEY “It wasn’t too bad last time.”


Location: --.
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2023


“One loss means nothing to me. If you want to be technical, it’s two losses as  my Blast From the Past partner got pinned by J2H in the first round which by association, I have that loss in my win loss record. But I technically didn’t sign a contract till after that match. So, in my eyes it is almost like that match and that loss doesn’t matter nor count to my record here in SCW. But the loss last week to whatshername? I don’t think I can expunge that from my record but I still do not care about it. And that stupid, ugly bitch wants to think that I actually tried, kudos to her. But she doesn’t know what it’s actually like when I try to win a match. Because that? That was me barely trying to do shit. And she can continue to be butthurt about it, because she is a nobody and does not matter to me. And that’s all I’m going to say about her. Because my match on the ship is going to be more important because it’s for the mixed tag team championships.

These championships are being brought back after a little over a year of being terminated because nobody could beat Mikah and Kris. They retired the championships after they both beat everybody that challenged for the belts. And it’s fitting that Mikah and Kris are mine and my partner’s mentors. It is almost like they brought these championships back for Oz and I once it came out that he and I were trained by the best of the best. It’s almost like it’s fate that we won our match against Alexandra Callaway and Miles Kasey. It was almost like the higher ups had wrapped the win for us and handed it over to us, wanting Oz and I to advance to this match coming up in a week. And I can’t really say that I blame the; I’d want Oz and I in the final match for the championship match. I wouldn’t bet against us but that’s just me, being biased on what I know that Oz and I can do in the ring.

Is this me, tooting my own horn so to speak? Yes, because I can and I feel that it’s appropriate. I’ve been nothing short of impressive since signing my contract with SCW. I have only suffered one loss and that’s because I didn’t even care to try to win. I didn’t care about it enough to try as I was busy trying to focus all of my energy on this match for Summer XXXtreme. Silly? Maybe, but this match is more important than a silly little singles match against somebody who doesn’t matter. Because you know what does matter? Oz and I as a team.

I’ll be honest, Oz and I took a while to get on the same page and sometimes, we still aren’t really on the same page when it comes to outside of the ring. We both have different…ideas but we both know what’s important once we step foot in that ring. And we know what we want out of it and how we need to go about it. We can’t let things that do not have to do with competing affect the way we are in the ring. You know who else was really good at keeping things that didn’t matter out of the ring? Mikah. So it is only fitting that I, her prestigious student, picked up on that mannerism from her. Oz and I do not have to see eye to eye when we’re not in the ring because that’s not practical; nobody is going to agree on everything, that’s just not how the world works. Because if it did work that way, the world wouldn’t be going to shit and everything would just be peaceful. But it is not that way, and Oz and I have learned that early on. We know what to bring to the ring and what to keep bottled up in the back.

As for our opponents, which there are plenty of them in this match and it’s definitely going to be a struggle to keep everything straight, I think they’re going to chalk Oz and I up to being the rookies that we are and not count us for shit. They’re not going to believe that we have it in us to win. We are the youngest in this match and we might even be the youngest in the company, I’m not sure. But that doesn’t mean that what we’re bringing to the match isn’t worth taking note of. I have a feeling that we’re going to be under looked and not even be anything more than an afterthought. But the most fun thing about that is going to be proving everybody that we’re facing wrong. Proving them that we are the team to beat because we are the ones that are going to be coming prepared.

I’ve looked at the teams that Oz and I are booked against and they seem solid. Tempest and Austin James Mercer have held these championships before, so they’re obviously going to be the biggest challenge in the match because they’re going to know how it operates. But it isn’t going to be impossible to beat them. Because the card said that they were former champions, which means that they aren’t unbeatable. And just like Oz and myself, they’re also going to be fighting for the championships. Plus, I believe Oz has a little bit of a thing to settle with Austin, so I’m not sure that they have what it takes to walk out of this match as champions.

Kim Pain and Peter Vaughn could be another big threat when it comes to this match. They might be another wild card in this match. But Peter Vaughn might be a little exhausted from his first match in the night to be able to focus too heavily on the match at hand. He’s involved in a triple threat match for his roulette championship against Miles Kasey and The Troll and that match has all the potential to take most, if not all of his energy. Kim, however, could be the one to carry this team. I know a little bit about her; Mikah told me as much as she could be bothered to remember about her. Of course, Mikah’s information about Kim comes from years ago, but how different could it be? People do not change the way that they compete in the ring that often and she did prepare me enough to tell me that Kim was good at submission holds. But here’s something that she should know, Mikah’s also trained me well…okay, well Kendall has trained me the best she could in submission at holds under Mikah’s supervision, given Mikah’s pregnant condition. So, I’m not going into this match blind to the fact that Kim is good at submission holds. She is, however, considered to be a veteran of the sport, even if her accolades have not come from SCW. I’m not going to pretend that she is a nobody in this match, because her past holds up and she’s going to give it her all. But I do think that she’s going to be one to maybe underestimate me when it comes to what I bring to the match. Maybe not, maybe I will be wrong but only time will tell.

And the last of our opponents is Alexander Raven and Luna Vanity. They are probably the only team that I cannot figure out or what they’re even about as a team. And they’re probably one of the teams in this match that could be considered dull and boring. Or maybe I just find it hard to sit through their little promos and can’t find a reason to want to find anything decent about them. I am not even sure how well they are as a team because I can’t seem to force myself to sit through their promos. But I can’t discredit them either because they did make it to this match, so that has to mean something, right? They’re not going to be pushovers because I do not think that they would have made it to this match if that was the case. But looking at them separately, rather than a unit, Luna’s style is nothing like mine and that could definitely be a toss up in this match. However, I do not think it’s going to be something that is going to count me and Oz out as a team. I think that Oz is very capable of holding himself against Alexander as well, if there is a need to do so, which there obviously will be. I do not think that Alexander is any better in the ring than Oz is. And I’m going to bet that Oz is even better. But hey, I’ve already stated that I’m biased, so might as well stick with the theme.

This match is not going to be just a normal match because there are four teams competing for the mixed tag team championships. That’s eight people that want the same thing and it’s going to be a fight to the finish to get the win. Everybody in this match wants it and there’s not one person that is booked that I feel doesn’t care about the outcome. I know that everybody is going to do whatever they can to get the win for their team. And the only thing I can say about that is that Oz and I are going to be the best team in a week from tomorrow. There’s not much else to it. We know what we want and we know how to get it, and size other people aren’t going to stop us from trying to get it, either.

And on the off chance that Oz and I lose, it’s not like we’re not going to get another shot at it. Because we’re going to be here, fighting for that chance every time we get the opportunity. And it’s not going to go away just because of one match where the outcome might not go our way. We’re here for the long run and we’ve got everything to prove. And we need to prove that we’re better than our predecessors and we have to break their records that they’ve set with these championships. There is no choice but to win.

And there’s nothing the six other people we’re booked against can do about it but try. But they will lose and we are going to prove just why we’re the next best thing to happen to SCW.



Climax Control Archives / •-•Eh
« on: June 16, 2023, 11:26:12 PM »
**Note to my opponent, I am sorry that this isn't better. And it's not anywhere close to my best work. But I have been in vacation hangover mood all week and have not had the energy to write as my sleep schedule has been all over the place. But I figured that this was better than no showing. You deserve a better performance but I just did not have it in me this week.**

Location: In the Pacific Ocean
Date: June 12, 2023

Eiley had found herself  with Kaleb more than she could remember being with any of her previous “dates” and she was actually enjoying her time with him. She couldn’t remember anybody other than Oliver that she had willingly spent time with and enjoyed herself. She watches from her spot on the boat that Kaleb had rented for the week and she just lays back, relaxing against the towel she had laid down.

•-•Eiley “You know, if you keep inviting me on these sort of things, I’m going to be thinking you want more out of this.”

He was busy trying to anchor them in one spot while she was in the front of the boat, working on her tan, even though she didn’t really need to. She was in a black bikini and was enjoying herself more than she liked to admit. And he was essentially paying her to be there with him, even though there wasn’t an event going on.

Kaleb “Then I wouldn’t have to pay you, and that wouldn’t benefit either of us.”

She was sure that whatever he was saying was a joke and that he really didn’t want to pay her for her company. But she also knew that he didn’t mind, either. And she was not the type to settle down with him.

•-•Eiley “True and we both know that that can’t happen.”

He laughs before walking over to her and sitting down next to her. He hands her a drink and she smiles.

Kaleb “No, we can’t have that.”

She smiles at him before shrugging her shoulders as she takes a drink. The two of them were pretty calm in one another’s company and it was a lot more relaxed than Eiley was used to. With Oliver, it was different but she actually felt real things for him and she did not have those same feelings for Kaleb. But he was an easy distraction.

•-•Eiley “Definitely not. I wish I didn’t have to go to wherever the fuck SCW is next weekend. I’d much rather stay on this boat, with you.”

He smiles and nods his head, agreeing with her.

Kaleb “I’d much rather you stay here as well. Your company is better than no company at all.”

Eiley just laughs as she lies back down against the towel on the boat. He follows suit and she takes a deep breath as she stares up at the crystal blue sky. It was cloudless and it was gorgeous and she enjoyed the way it looked without a cloud in sight.

•-•Eiley “Thanks, I think. Your company is better than most people’s.”

He chuckles as he pokes her side in an affectionate manner. She squirms from the poke and gives him a slightly annoyed look.

Kaleb “I’m glad my company beats than most people’s. But serious question, did you enjoy the hockey game I took you to?”

Eiley’s attention moves to him as she watches his face for a moment. She nods her head and couldn’t believe that she had indeed enjoyed the Vegas Knights hockey game and now they were at game five where they could potentially win the cup. But that was tomorrow night.

•-•Eiley “I did. I wish I was there tomorrow night; you’ve kind of turned me into a Vegas Golden Knights fan.”

He grins at her before leaning over and kissing her cheek softly.

Kaleb “Good…but back to SCW…you apparently have a match on Sunday?”

Eiley sighs before nodding her head at him. She didn’t really want to talk about it and she was done trying to care anymore. It didn’t seem to be getting her many places and she had actually enjoyed teaming with Oliver a few weeks back.

•-•Eiley “Yeah, against some Aleesha chick. I really don’t care if I win or lose this time and might just let her win because I don’t care.”

He raises his eyebrows at her.

Kaleb “Well, let’s get your little video out of the way right now. Gimme your phone.”

She reaches over and grabs her phone that was under her towel. She hands it to him after unlocking it and he moves it to record.

Kaleb “Tell me your thoughts, Eiley about your match against Aleesha?”

Eiley gives him a look before chuckling.

•-•Eiley “That would require me to have any thoughts about it at all. And currently? I don’t give a fuck about the match. Aleesha can win for all I care. I’ll gladly lay down in the middle of the ring and let her win because being on this boat, in the middle of the ocean is a lot more relaxing than trying to care about a match that isn’t going to matter in the long run.”

He smiles at her from behind the phone.

Kaleb “So, you’re saying that you do not care if you lose on Sunday?”

Eiley shakes her head no.

•-•Eiley “Nope, I used to think I cared but I just do not have it in me anymore to give a fuck. It’s Summer and I have more promising things to worry about, rather than a silly match against a silly bitch that I do not care about. So congratulations, Aleesha. You win the match on Sunday, because I don’t care and I’ll gladly let you win. I’m not even going to try to win on Sunday, you can just have the win. Happy Birthday, or whatever.”

She waves the thought off, giving the impression that she really did not care if she won or lost on Sunday. And she really didn’t. And why did it matter? She was getting a shot at the Mixed Tag Team Championships at Summer XXXtreme with Oliver as her partner. A silly singles match did not seem to matter. And she did not care.

Kaleb “Anything else to say?”

Eiley shakes her head no as she looks at him, a lazy smile on her face.

•-•Eiley “Nope. See you on Sunday, maybe. Or maybe I’ll stay on the boat. It’s a guessing game. Ciao.”


Climax Control Archives / The Most Unlikely Team Pt.1
« on: June 02, 2023, 11:03:31 PM »

Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii
Date:Thursday, May 25, 2023

While she had won her match against Ruby Steele and proved to those watching that she was the better protege of Mikah, she still didn’t feel any different than she had before the match. She had hoped that the win would have made her feel anything but numb, but unfortunately, that did not seem to be the case. It also didn’t help that she was gaining traction and garnering some attention to her and she could only imagine how that was going to blow up in her face in the future. But she was doing her best to try not to think about Dean and what had happened in London and she was doing her best at swallowing those emotions down and burying it under a lake of alcohol. She thought maybe the alcohol would help, but it hadn’t really done anything but make her feel even less than before. If that was even possible.

So here she sits in a bar in Kaneohe, Hawaii, trying to stay out of the limelight and to avoid nearly everybody but Mikah. And even some days she avoids her, knowing that the training regime that Mikah usually wanted Eiley to complete was intense, even if Mikah wasn’t the one training in the ring with her. And Kendall seemed to be just as good as Mikah and knew how to follow Mikah’s regime, which Eiley appreciated, even though she had wanted to train under Mikah but she understood that Mikah’s pregnancy threw a wrench into that plan. But Eiley had this coming week off from competing and she had no desire to leave the island for the mainland, even though she knew that Dean knew where she usually resided. But she hadn’t seen him since London and she was hopeful (as one could be) that he had given up on her.

She smiles at the bartender as he sets down another cherry coke and rum and she gratefully takes a drink from the glass through the small black straw.

•-•Eiley “Thanks.”
The bar was nothing too special this time as Eiley wasn’t trying to pull a scheme as she was taking the night off from that lifestyle. She didn’t want to be somebody she wasn’t for some rich tool that she did not really care about. It was another reason she was sporting a simple orange dress that was pretty much skin tight. It was not something she would wear to impress a man and it was more comfortable than she thought it would be.
○-○Oz “You’re looking aggressively mediocre. Not working?”

He basically threw himself down onto the barstool, with his back against the bar. He turned just far enough to set his empty glass down and motion to the bartender for another. From the look of him, he had been there for a while. That probably wasn’t the best idea for someone with a recent head wound, although nobody ever accused Oz of being the most intelligent.

•-•Eiley “I’d rather look mediocre than be mediocre like you.”
She doesn’t even look at him, not really giving him the attention that she believes that he wants. Instead, she focuses on the television in front of her that was playing some random game that she didn’t care about. She didn’t care to see his reaction or care to try to see if he cared about anything. She didn’t care at the moment anyways; her drink was much more important than him. She did not even care that he had chosen to walk over and sit next to her, she could ignore him just the same as if he was across the bar instead; it was the easy thing about distancing oneself from people in general.

•-•Eiley “But please, sit down. Your presence is so obviously wanted.”

She rolls her eyes in sheer irritation as she watches the bartender give him his drink of choice and she rolls her eyes again for good measure. She was not even sure why he was sitting this close to her at the moment and she had hoped she had picked an inconspicuous bar to lay low in. Apparently not.
○-○Oz “Mediocre? Please. All you’ve done is beat the lesser Pierce. Or lesser Steele. Both? Doesn’t matter….”

He wasn’t one to give anyone any credit, whether they deserved it or not. Although, she had gotten mostly positive feedback on each of her matches, while Oz ended the majority of his interactions in the ring on his back win or lose. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy either. He had earned the beating he got from Kris. Austin James Mercer was another story, but Oz did more than his fair share of insulting him before their match. If anything he had been learning not to run his mouth like he did in his normal life.

○-○Oz “That’s why you’re clearly going to need someone like me. All I do is win, even if it’s ugly. People like you. I have the talent. Put us together, everyone wins.”

He took a long drink from his glass, emptying nearly half of it. As upbeat as he was trying to make himself sound, she could tell that he wasn’t the happiest about how his first few weeks in Sin City as a solo act had gone. After all, it had been bad enough for him to come running to her for a team up. She is quiet for a while, trying her best to ignore his presence and sips on her drink and orders another one once the glass is empty. She glances at him before sighing and reaching over as he goes to take another drink and she taps the bottom of the glass toward him, making it spill down the front of him.

•-•Eiley “I think it’s you that needs my talent, Olly; I’ve not made any enemies when it comes to SCW. Yet.”
She was quick to add the yet as she knows that her career is still young and there’s always that chance that she could fuck everything up and make enemies. But probably not to the extent that Oz had done.

•-•Eiley “At least I haven’t gotten my ass handed to me because I fucked over the wrong people. Or person, should I say?”

She just gives him a look before turning her attention back away from him as she tries once again to ignore his presence next to her. It was proving, however, to be extremely hard even if he wasn’t talking and she did not want to admit anything else to him. He finishes his drink and sets the glass on the bar before ever trying to pat himself dry. It wasn’t the first time that he had ended up wearing a drink during an outing. He usually tried to take it as a compliment.
○-○Oz “Sure, some people are going to get all hung up on that. Just like people are going to give you more credit than you deserve because you’re nice to look at.”

He laughed, and then spun around on his stool so that he could track down the bartender for another drink.

○-○Oz “You could have the personality of a bag of bricks, and they would still give you the time to go out in front of the crowd. I mean, at least for a few months. Think about it. That is what made all of our schemes work out. You’re great at drawing attention. Not much needed below the surface.”

She was trying not to let his words sink in as she notices that he was pretty much making himself at home next to her at the bar. She gives him a look.

•-•Eiley “You do know that you contradict yourself. In one sentence you’re telling me that I look mediocre and in the next, you’re telling me I’m nice to look at. It’s hard to believe anything that comes out of your mouth, Olly.”
She points it out but she wasn’t too bothered by those comments as it was pretty typical of him as it was usually a part of their normal, every day banter. Or every day banter if they were to talk every day. She wasn't sure if they didn’t because of her choosing to distance herself from everybody, on his end, or a mix of both. And most of the time, she didn’t have the energy to think about it.

•-•Eiley “Is anybody other than yourself giving you praise, Olly? Because last I checked, management was told by the best to give me a contract. I do not believe that you have those same bragging rights. However, you can brag that you got your pretty face all busted up by a Hall of Famer.”
She scrunches her nose up at him before thanking the bartender once more as she grabs her drink and takes a long drink from it, feeling the need to do so in order to deal with Oz.
○-○Oz “There is so much wrong with that. First, technically my face was busted up by a chair. And the  chair wielded by someone angry because they probably won’t make it to the Hall of Fame by their friends. Kris just made that possible for him. Without getting laid out earlier in the night, maybe I would have had something left to defend myself. I still won.”

He seemed frustrated at the fact that his new drink hadn’t come, despite the fact that the bar was fairly busy, and he wasn’t exactly taking his time drinking them. Although, if he had any respect for bartenders they probably wouldn’t have run into each other a year ago.

○-○Oz “And second…. I don’t think J2H would have been complimenting you if you were a dude. You lost. What good could he have seen in you, other than what you looked like standing across the ring. And you actually try to look nice out there… not like right now.”

It could have been the head wound, the drinking, or a combination of the both but Oz was being more hostile than normal. Maybe it was just that the comments were actually getting to him for once.

○-○Oz “...and that’s why you’re getting everything handed to you while I am getting beaten to a pulp.”

She is quiet for a moment, battling something inside of her own head for a moment as her eyes shift over to him for a moment before she takes a deep breath and attempts to push whatever it was back down. She takes another drink of her cherry coke and rum before setting the glass down.

•-•Eiley “As opposed to you where nobody sees anything good out of? Other than a human punching bag, of course.”
She glances at the door, feeling slightly jumpy but relaxes just a tiny bit as there didn’t seem to be anybody walking in that she would be remotely worried about. She looks back at Oz and gives him an annoyed look before watching the bartender mix up the drinks.

•-•Eiley “And you won on a technicality and I won by making Mrs. Pierce tap out, so therefore my win over Ruby Steele-Pierce is more legit than yours over whatshisname. And I have never been handed anything but a shitty hand in my life, Oliver and I have the scars to prove it.”
She does not elaborate as she sips her drink once more, letting the alcohol hit her bloodstream and wishing it would be quicker than it already was. There was a part of her that wishes she had stayed in Vegas as she seemed to be more invisible there and harder to find.

 ○-○Oz “Obviously you have to see something positive in me. I am not the one that starts drinking and leaving voicemails on your phone.”

It was a cheap shot considering that he had already taunted her with it at Climax Control. Though, if Oz thought that it was a button he could push, he was going to give it a shot.

○-○Oz “I know that you know I am right, even if you’d never admit it to my face. That’s more than enough for me. If I was so bad, you wouldn’t have agreed to team up in the first place.”

She clenches her jaw a little bit as he brings up the voicemail and she takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out as she looks at him. She was trying to mind her emotions the best that she could while she could also tell he wanted to get under her skin.

•-•Eiley “Maybe I felt bad for you, did you ever think of that?”
She gives him a look, trying to keep her voice even and her face void of all emotion. Sometimes, alcohol helped with that and other times it didn’t. This was one of those times where she couldn’t tell if alcohol was making it worse or helping it.

•-•Eiley “That voicemail…”
She hesitates, but only for a moment.

•-•Eiley “Was left when I was drunk, yes. But…I was also feeling different emotions than just being drunk. I’d had a great night with a better guy, so I was riding the high of that. Maybe it shouldn’t have been left, but it was. But it’s not all what you clearly want it to mean.”
Or at least, that’s what she was telling herself. The bartender finally returned with Oz’s drink, which pulled his attention, even if only for a moment. The annoyance written all over his face didn’t disappear once the drink was in his hand though.
○-○Oz “I thought it was pretty clear. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were just you feeling sorry for me though. You spend so much time feeling sorry for yourself that you’re probably pretty good at it by now.”

He took a drink from the glass, and kept his eyes focused on the screen straight ahead. She looks at him, narrowing her eyes at him before tucking her hair behind her ears.

•-•Eiley “I’m surprised that you could think that far. But you know what I wouldn’t be surprised about?”
She looks at him, her eyes locked on him as she contemplates whether or not she wants to say the thought running through her mind. She knew once it was out there, it couldn’t be taken back and she was not sure if it would be a low blow or if it would affect him or not.

•-•Eiley “I wouldn’t be surprised if you’d sell me out to…somebody just as you had them. You’ve already said in  so many words that you could do better without me.”
She just shrugs her shoulders at him as she grabs her drink and finishes it off and sets it on the bartop. She had to stop herself from spilling out Dean’s name as she hadn’t wanted to bring any other attention to her history. Or theirs? She wasn’t sure what it could be considered.
○-○Oz “That’d be pretty hard. Jaycee was easy to sell out because someone out there actually gave a shit where he was and what he was up to. Wouldn’t be the same for you.”

All of the words came out colder than what she was used to hearing from him. He was typically abrasive, but now it seemed like he was actively trying to be mean. Clearly she had struck a nerve by bringing up Jaycee. She wasn’t exactly sure on the details of how that all played out, but she knew that it hadn’t ended up good for Oz even if he somehow got to walk away from it.

○-○Oz “...not that I can complain. Since nobody else gives a shit, when I asked you to do the mixed tag thing you jumped right on the opportunity. Whether it was whatever feelings you have, you feeling sorry for me, or me being right doesn’t matter. It still worked out for me.”

She doesn’t say anything as she gets lost in her mind for a moment or two as she could only wish that was the case. But she just takes a deep breath.

•-•Eiley “Right.”
She couldn’t help but let the words get to her as she looked at him and she stood up, balancing herself on her own two feet as she looks at him. For the most part, her face remains emotionless and the emotion does not reach her eyes as she looks at him. She shakes her head at him as she grabs some money out of the side of her dress and throws it on the bartop.
•-•Eiley “Maybe it would be better if you found somebody who actually gives a shit then. Because I don’t, not anymore. Have a nice fucking night, Oliver.”
She doesn’t wait for a response as she walks out of the bar in a slightly hurried fashion. She didn’t want to give him enough time to follow her or stop her to try to get the last word in. She sighs as she walks along the road in the direction of Mikah’s Kaneohe house that she let Eiley stay in since she’d moved to Kailua.


Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii.
Date: Friday, June 2, 2023


“There’s never a better time to start something new other than when you’re already experiencing a high like no other.”

Eiley appears in view in front of the ocean, standing on the beach.

“I’ve experienced so much success since I signed my contract with Sin City Wrestling that I thought about ways that I could capitalize on that success. And that is the smart thing to do; everybody should aspire to be successful in whatever they do in their life and if we’re being honest, it’s human nature. However, some human beings do not have the drive it takes to be successful if it does not happen right away. And I can tell that there are some of those people in SCW already and I’ve only been around a short amount of time. It’s a shame, really.”

The wind blows her blonde locks around her face just a little bit and she glances behind her at the ocean before turning back to face the camera.

“There are many ways that people can measure success and people have different versions of success. But my version is the best.”

She lets a smirk roll off of her face with ease, not worried about the confidence now.

“Because I’m the best student that has been trained by Mikah.”

She knew that it was a bold statement, considering that Courtney Pierce was also trained by Mikah and was now the SCW Bombshell Champion. But Eiley would cross that bridge when she needed to.

“Is that bold to say? Probably and our current Bombshell Champion might disagree but right now? She’s not relevant at the moment because my success is not the same as hers and it will be vastly different. This time my success will be linked with my partner, Oz’s success.”

A slight blank look passes through her eyes but she is quick to change it to a half smirk.

“He’s currently being trained by Kris Ryans, who everybody now knows is alive and well. And who is Kris Ryans? Well, he’s a SCW Hall of Famer and recognized as one of the best in the business in SCW. His name holds a lot of respect in the halls of SCW, so therefore him being willing to train Oz must mean something in regards to what the higher ups see in Oz. Or maybe our opponents will see it as the higher ups putting their trust in the wrong person. But the fact remains that Oz and I as a team?”

She smirks once more, her eyes focused on the camera.

“Are going to be the next unbeatable team. Just like Mikah and Kris were in their second run. Where the higher ups had to shelve the mixed tag team championships because everybody was too scared to step up to the plate to face them. Because they knew that if they did go up against Mikah and Kris, they would lose. And that’s just what our opponents on Sunday are going to feel when they step into the ring with us.”

The confidence that her statement held reaches her eyes this time, which was definitely different than her first two or three promos.

“And their level of success is the level of success that Oz and I are going to have. I would say that is a bold statement but if it’s the truth, is it really all that bold? I also understand a lot of people have a hard time swallowing the truth and accepting what is. But there is not anything that either Alexandra or Miles can do about it.”

A simple shrug of her shoulders is followed by a smile as she thinks about the upcoming match and their opponents.

“You know what else that they can’t do anything about?”

She pauses for dramatic or theatric effect, whichever you the reader prefers.

“The fact that Oz and I are already better than they are. And this isn’t me being cocky, this is me stating facts. Facts that shouldn’t be overlooked. I will hang my hat on the fact that J2H endorsed me as a competitor. That is not something that either Miles or Alexandra can say.”

She was going to run with that as long as she possibly could. And she wanted to make sure that he didn’t put his faith in the wrong competitor as she wanted to prove that whatever he had seen in her, is actually there.

“Miles, I’m sure that you’re okay in the ring. After all, you had a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at Into the Void. So you can’t be horrible in the ring and while Oz is new to the scene, I do believe that he has what it takes to beat you and to be better than you. Because I believe that he is better than you, even if he’s just starting his career out. You are just grasping for straws now, trying to find your way into a championship match once again at the huge show. But I’m not sorry to tell you that Oz and I are not going to be the ones to bend to your will because we want it more. And we will get what we want.”

She nods her head as she agrees with her own words.

“And your choice in picking a female for a tag team partner is definitely suspicious at best. You had the entire Bombshell roster to look at to try to find a tag-team partner for this opportunity to earn a spot in the fatal four way match, and you chose Alexandra Calaway as your partner. What I want to know is if you are clinically insane?”

She raises her eyebrows at the thought.

“Because who in their right fucking mind would pick Alexandra Calaway as their tag team partner. Miles, do you realize that you’ve basically chosen to lose before the match has even happened? You cemented your fate the second you agreed to this team.”

She just once again shrugs her shoulders as she looks at the camera.

“Alexandra Calaway has not won a match since she signed with SCW. She in all aspects is a loser in all definitions of the word. And does that make me sound like I am grade school? Probably, but is it the truth? Absolutely. You cannot sit here and call her a winner because she’s not. She has had no success here in SCW, not one little ounce of it. She’s nothing compared to me and what I already am in this company.”

The confidence she was showing was definitely something that she had gained in the past few weeks and it could be rivaled to Mikah’s or anybody else who had the same attitude as Mikah.

“I’m already more successful than you, Alexandra.”

She shifts her focus to Alexandra.

“While a lot of people would try to hype you up and encourage you to not give up, I’m going to be the opposite. You haven’t won a match here yet but on your resume on the SCW website, it says you have all these accolades from companies where you’ve previously worked and those accolades make it seem like you have at least tasted success before. But that brings up the question as to why you haven’t had any success in SCW as of yet? I’d like to think it’s because you are not as good as your resume states that you are. Because if you were as good as your resume states, you’d have won a match by now. You would not be this pathetic shell of what competitor should be.”

Another smirk crosses her face.

“Another reason that I think you’re not gaining any traction in SCW is that you went from a little kiddie pool, swimming with minnows to an ocean and swimming with sharks. The talent here is just that much better than the talent you’ve faced before in the companies you used to work in and you’re feeling miniscule in the grand scheme of things. And you should feel that way, because you’re not as good as you’d like everybody else to think you are.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“Up until now, I’ve never been one to toot my own horn, so to speak. I was the person that did not want that attention. I wanted to be in the dark, working in the shadows so that I could get by and not draw attention to myself. But you, Alexandra, it does not seem that you’re the same. You listed your accolades on your profile as if it’s such a good thing that you’ve been so many companies and you’ve accomplished such things there. But how does that pertain to SCW? Because your success in those companies does not translate into SCW.”

She grins at the camera as her eyes glint in arrogance.

“I don’t give a fuck what you did in your previous companies because your time in SCW has been lackluster. And it’s laughable that you think that you even have a chance to win on Sunday. It’s hilarious because you and Miles have absolutely no chance in beating us. You both are not better than Oz and I and there’s nothing that can be done so that you are. You can try all you want on Sunday and I really hope that the two of you do but you’re not going to be better than Oz and I.”

She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out.

“And speaking of Oz or Olly as I like to call him.”

She smirks to herself, knowing that Oz did not like her calling him Olly but she was still going to do it.

“We might not always get along or be on the best speaking terms. And I might want to watch him get pummeled every now and then…”

She smirks, knowing that the importance of her words would resonate more with Oz than anybody else.

“And it’s still probably going to be something that I might want to see, but it does not mean that he and aren’t going to be a good team. Because I already know how he and I are going to work together. We’ve been working together for a little over a year even if it hasn’t been wrestling related.”

She smirks to herself.

“Us as a team just makes sense; he’s already going somewhere here in SCW and I am also on the same route as he is. And while we are the most unlikely team in this tournament, we are going to be the team that makes it to the end and earns those belts. Because we know what we want and we know how to get it.”

The last sentence definitely had a double meaning that only Oz would understand. They both had similar backgrounds and she knew that he would understand.

“So, Miles and Alexandra, Sunday is only two sleeps away.”

She holds two fingers up and wiggles them.

“And that’s when your fate is going to be sealed as the team that lost to the team that’s going to win the championships at Summer XXXtreme. So you’re welcome for giving you something worth talking about.”

A smirk again crosses her face.

“Prepare the best you can. Or don’t, I really don’t give a fuck. All I care about is winning in two days time.”

She starts walking up the sand and the cameraman follows her. She glances at the sky before looking back at the camera.

“And I hope you’re ready to win, Oz. Because it’s going to happen on Sunday.”

She winks at the camera before looking down and then back at the camera, her signature smile on her face.


She continues to walk up the beach to the pavement as the scene fades to black.


Climax Control Archives / •-•Acceptance
« on: May 19, 2023, 11:12:10 PM »

Location: Las Vegas, NV
Date: Friday, May 12, 2023


Eiley tried to keep herself secluded from most of the world after winning her match against Bea Barnhart. She didn’t want to give Dean a way to find her, but she had to continue to keep the cash flow coming in, so she figured there would be single men in any of the casinos that would need an evening date of some sort, so she headed to Las Vegas, NV. And she had seemingly found the money pool and maybe a halfway decent guy that had given her a credit card and told her to book herself a suite at the Cosmopolitan and she had no problem taking advantage of the situation and booked herself a ten day stay in a terrace suite with a balcony overlooking the Bellagio fountains and she was thankful that her fake I.D. was similar to her real I.D. but just dated a year before her actual birth date.

She had been ignoring phone calls and text messages from Mikah and anybody else who tried to contact her. There was nobody on Earth that she wanted to talk to and she wanted to stay pretty much off of the radar to keep Dean in the dark about her whereabouts. And she knew if she were messing around with Oz in some scheme, it would draw attention to her. Instead, she chose to schmooze men in Las Vegas by doing what she had learned over the last year and a half. She could dress herself up and do her make up so she wouldn’t look like herself and she could blend in with the other women in the casinos along the strip.

This is where she found herself around 7 p.m., in a glittery-sequined black mini dress that was backless. She was struggling to stay standing and not find a barstool in the Chandelier bar as the five inch gold-glitter Jimmy Choo stiletto heels were killing her feet. While she had won her first official match in SCW against Bea Barnhart, her body was still a little sore from the remnants of being in a physical match. She had forgotten that Mikah had warned her that her body would not be quite used to the physical strain that a match would bring her. But she needed to get her own little game to moving again and she didn’t have time to worry about the soreness of her muscles; there were men to win over and take their money.

It didn’t take long as she leans against the bar, and she tried her best to make her legs look long to attract attention from men with money to spend. Or to give to her. She simples on her virgin Shirley temple and smiles at the thought of the typical child’s favorite drink before flickering her eyes up as she feels a presence to the left of her. She glances to her left to see a man who could have been in his early thirties or late twenties, she wasn’t sure. She gives him a smile and he looks her over and smiles back at him. She never put ads out for her “services” but word of mouth seemed to have traveled fast. What she was doing wasn’t technically illegal but it wasn’t exactly legal, either. She was essentially just a date for wealthy men to important dinners or events, or if they just wanted to appear important in bars or casinos, she didn’t care what they wanted her for, as long as it wasn’t sex. Not that sex hadn’t happened with “clients” before, but she never got paid for the sex and it was usually her choice after the time had ended.

Man “Are you Eiley?”

She watches him for a moment as his greyish blue eyes look her over once more. She finishes her drink off and then sets the empty glass down on the bar top as she looks at him.

•Eiley “Maybe…who’s asking?”

While the question could be seen as defensive, the way it rolls out of her mouth was definitely in a more flirtatious manner. She lets her golden-brown eyes twinkle a little as she looks at him, wondering what he was going to say next. She always found the bantering and flirting part enjoyable before they talked money.

Man “My friend Elijah told me about you and your services; said you saved him from being forced to go to some relative’s wedding reception with his sister. He said you could help me out for this little thing I have tonight.”

Eiley raised her eyebrows at him and smiles a little bit; Elijah had been a good guy and had been very grateful that she was willing to be his date to the reception so that he wouldn’t be forced to have danced all night with his sister.

•Eiley “Elijah’s a good guy.”

The guy nods his head in agreement with her and he looks at her. She gives him a small smile.

Man “Probably better than I am, I admit. I’m Kaleb and I have horrible manners.”

Eiley smiles a little at him, feeling a little more comfortable around him already. He didn’t seem too bad and if he was friends with Elijah, he couldn’t be a monster.

•Eiley “Eiley, as you know.”

She slid her hand into his and shook his hand as he offers it to her. She never gave out her last name but it wasn’t that her last name really mattered anyways. Nobody really knew if Finch was a real last name or something her birth parents put on the birth certificate so that they couldn’t be traced. And Eiley never tried to look for them because she didn’t truly care.

Kaleb “It’s nice to meet you.”

Eiley just gives him a half fake smile as she places her hand closer to her own body. She tucks her pin straight blonde hair behind her ear as she looks at him.

•Eiley “So…what is this thing that you need a date for? I cannot agree to being your date unless I know what it is.”

She was not picky with the type of events that men wanted dates for but she was curious. And she did like to know what they were before accepting a man’s money. She did have some rules, even if they were more like guidelines.

Kaleb “Of course, I understand.”

Eiley watches as he takes a seat on an empty barstool and she carefully sits on the one that she was standing next to. She watches as he makes himself comfortable and flags a bartender down. Once the bartender walks over, he orders a simple beer on tap that Eiley didn’t hear the name of.

•Eiley “Oh…uh…the wheel of fortune.”

She had been looking over the menu before he had walked over to her and the wheel of fortune was Kylr Rum, strawberry infused Mezcal, hibiscus Aperitivo, and fresh lime mixed together. And to her, it sounded like it would taste good. The bartender nods and Kaleb hands the bartender a hundred dollar bill and tells him to keep the change. Eiley raises her eyebrows at the exchange but says nothing. She gives him a grateful smile as he turns to look at her.

Kaleb “You don’t have to thank me, it’s just a drink.”

She just gives him a small smirk and shrugs her shoulders. Kaleb just smiles at her as he watches her but doesn’t say anything for a moment or so and within a minute or so, the bartender walks over and sets the drinks down in front of the two. She grabs the glass and takes a  sip and smiles at the flavor of the drink, enjoying the way it tasted on her tongue.

•Eiley “So…this event?”

Eiley’s curiosity couldn’t be held back any longer, which affected her patience. She watches his face and watches as he smiles, clearly enjoying the impatience she was showing him.

Kaleb “Ah…right. Might as well tell you now, huh? And if you turn me down, I can sulk the rest of the night. And be jealous that Elijah got to have such a beautiful date to a disastrous wedding.”

Eiley hadn’t thought that the wedding reception was too bad but she hadn’t been to the ceremony. And she figured that Kaleb had, or he wouldn’t have commented on it. But to her knowledge, Elijah hadn’t gone to the wedding either, just the reception. But she didn’t want to ask Kaleb about it because it would delay the information she wanted out of him.

•Eiley “It would be beneficial to know what I am potentially saying yes to.  Or no to, really.”

For the most part, she tried to go with the flow but in situations like these, she had to make sure that the person wasn’t a serial killer. Or wasn’t going to hurt her to the best of her abilities. She watches as he chuckles a little bit before taking a drink from his glass.

Kaleb “Can’t deny that, can I? Anyways, it’s nothing really too special. Just a Knights game that I have two tickets to a pressbox suite for some important higher ups in the company my family runs. Something about I have to prove myself and can’t just be handed things in life.”

He shrugged it off, like it wasn’t a big deal to him and she could tell by the tone of his voice that he hadn’t been offended that he had to work for what he wanted in life, instead of just being handed things. It was definitely something that was admirable about him and she was feeling more and more at ease the longer she was in his presence.

Kaleb “I do not think the game will take long, two, maybe three hours tops. And there’s free drinks and food there and all you have to do is be my date.”

It might have been the easiest date that she’d acquired since she had started this little game of hers. And to boot, he seemed like the most level headed client that she’d ever run into. There wasn’t much that could talk her out of taking the date and whatever money he offered her.

•Eiley “Sounds pretty easy to me. But…I don’t have any Knights gear.”

He gives her a grin, having expected an answer out of her like that. He downs the rest of his beer and she follows suit with her drink, not wanting him to one up her any.

Kaleb “Don’t worry about that; we’ll stop at the Armory before we go to the game.”

A confused look passes through Eiley’s eyes for a moment. She really didn’t understand what hockey was. Or even really the concept of it but she didn’t want to admit that to him; she could adapt.

•Eiley “Alright, sounds fine to me.”

The hesitation she was feeling hadn’t reached her voice and for that, she was thankful. She didn’t want to seem like she didn’t know what he was talking about.

Kaleb “You don’t have a clue about hockey, do you?”

Eiley blushes a little bit but she did not seem to mind that he had caught her. It wasn’t like she had been in Vegas before and hockey wasn’t really a thing in Hawaii. Or at least, she didn’t think it was.

•Eiley “Sorry, I’ve been in Hawaii since I was seventeen and it’s not as popular there as it is here.”

Kaleb gives her a kind smile as he throws a few five dollar bills on the bar even though he’d already generously tipped the bartender before. Eiley tried her best not to be impressed by his generosity but it was impressive. She had been around wealthy men before but not all of them were good in the tipping department when it came to waiters, waitresses, or bartenders.

Kaleb “Then you’re in for a treat.”

It seemed to be simple with Kaleb and she was eager to see what the rest of the night would bring her. They walk together to leave the Chandelier bar and towards the area where drivers could pick up people. She watches as Kaleb uses his phone in the elevator to the parking garage where most of the rideshare and other types of transportation were picking up people. She doesn’t say anything as they step out and as soon as they do, a white limousine pulls up and she watches as an older man gets out of the driver’s side and moves around the front of the car and walks to the back and opens the door to the back for them. Kaleb smiles at her before motioning for her to go first.

She blushes before easily moving into the back of the limousine and finding a seat. She looks around, taking in the ambience lighting and then watches as Kaleb slides in next to her and gives her a gentle smile. While she’d had wealthy clients before, she had never really been in the back of a limousine as most of the dates were in the same location or had sent an Uber for her.

•Eiley “This is…really nice.”

He smiles at her as he grabs two bottles of water and hands one to her. She raises an eyebrow at him but takes it from him. She watches as he takes a drink out of his own bottle of water and she does the same.

Kaleb “Hydration before drinking is important, in my opinion. It lessens the effect of the hangover the next morning.”

She shrugs her shoulders as she takes another sip of her bottle of water. She doesn’t say anything for a moment or so before looking at him again.

•Eiley “This is nice. Do you treat all of your dates this nicely?”

He smiles at her as he finishes his water in two or three swallows before putting it in a small trash can. He grabs another water bottle and leans back against the leather interior of the limousine.

Kaleb “That would imply I have time to actually date. And if I had time to actually date, I wouldn’t need to pay you to appear as my date.”

His words made sense and she nods before chugging the bottle of water and then throwing the empty bottle in the trash as well.

•Eiley “That makes sense.”

He smiles before handing her another bottle of water and she just sips on it as they enjoy the ride. The ride did not take too long before it stops just outside of the T-Mobile arena, near the area where The Armory was. She looks out the window, frowning just a little bit as she takes in the appearance of the arena and doesn’t have much time to think too much on it as Kaleb’s driver opens the door and Kaleb gets out first before holding his hand out for her. She places her hand in his and steps out.

Kaleb “Thanks Alvin. We’ll be ready to leave by midnight.”

Eiley watches as Alvin nods his head and then gets back in the limousine to go do whatever it was they did when they were not needed. Eiley fixes the skirt of her dress before looking at Kaleb.

•Eiley “Lead the way…I do not know my way around Vegas just yet. Or even what The Armory is.”

Kaleb chuckles but grabs her hand in a gentle way before leading her in the direction of The Armory.

Kaleb “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of you tonight, don’t you worry, Eiley.”

And that he had. He had bought her a gold Golden Knights Jersey at The Armory. Then they had spent the evening in the press box suite watching the game and drinking and he had even given her some other things that she didn’t care what it was. She had been surprised at the thought of him partaking in such illegal activities. Midnight had come fast and they had not seemed ready to end their date and things had escalated in the back of the limousine and Eiley almost felt bad for Alvin.

But now it was nearly 2 A.M. and she was still drunk and still high. She had spent an extra hour and a half with Kaleb before he had to leave and promised to call her if he needed a date again. She had been dropped back off at the Cosmopolitan and now she was making her way up to her hotel room, surprisingly remembering where it was and on which floor. There were still a lot of people in the elevators and she was trying not to gag at one of the women’s overpowering perfume and she was trying even harder to keep her mouth shut about it. She wore perfume too but it was more soft and sweet rather than in your face, like this woman’s perfume was. But somehow, she manages as the doors open to her floor and she steps out and takes deep breaths of the fresh air and then meanders down the hallway to her room.

Once she was in the safety of her room and she made sure the door was locked, she easily takes the stiletto heels off before peeling the dress off of her body from underneath the jersey. The jersey might be her new favorite piece of clothing she currently owned. She grabs a scrunchie that she had left on the counter and pulls her hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head before grabbing her cell phone and turning it on as she walks out to the balcony and collapses into one of the chairs. She thumbs through the contacts and her thumb hovers over Oz’s name.

•Eiley “Fuck it.”

She was too inebriated to care as she presses the little telephone icon that would send the call to Oz’s phone. She knew that it would go to voicemail as it was late and they had maybe been playing phone tag. If she had been sober, she would not be making this phone call, but she was anything but sober. And she was past the point of caring in her inebriated state. She waits until the phone stops ringing and she hears the automated message to Oz’s voicemail and she chuckles to herself as it was something typical of Oz to not set a personalized message for it. She waits for the tone as she thinks about what she wanted to say.

•Eiley “You’re such an asshole, you know that? Probably a bigger asshole than Dean, and that’s saying something. Considering what he did-.”

She pauses as if she was waiting for him to answer and as if she had forgotten that she was talking to his voicemail. And she knew, even in her inebriated state that she didn’t want to admit that Dean had done something to her. Not to Oz, not to anybody.

•Eiley “Of course you know that; it was probably your plan all along. You and your stupid ideas and your stupid face…”

Her words were slightly slurred but they were definitely identifiable.

•Eiley “First you got Jaycee in trouble and that innocent…Mikah’s whatever shot…”

She didn’t care to elaborate on the name.

•Eiley “And then! You act like you’re fucking…invincible or untouchable. Or fuck, even both!”

She looks over at the Bellagio fountains, her brain becoming slightly fuzzy and forgetting where she was or what she had been saying. She then refocuses, trying to bring her brain back around to what she was saying.

•Eiley “Was it your plan, Olly? Was it your plan to make me have these feelings? I don’t want to like you but I do. And if this was your plan then fuck you. I hate…that I feel this way toward you. So fuck you. I don’t even care anymore…just like everybody else.”

She hangs up the phone, really leaving the voicemail open ended as she tosses her phone into the room and watches as it thuds to the floor and she leans her head back against the chair and looks up at the bottom of the balcony above her. Ever since the incident with Dean, she could not function normally, and she could not sleep if it was dark out. But she was too inebriated to wander the strip and she didn’t want to make more friends.

She sat outside for a few minutes, thinking about Oliver Zahn and everything that had happened in the past few years. The emotions she felt swirls inside of her as she couldn’t really make heads or tails of it. And all it was doing was confusing her and making her angrier than before.

•Eiley “Fuck him.”


Location: Las Vegas, NV
Date: Thursday May 18, 2023


Eiley had spent more than enough time in Las Vegas in the past two weeks that she was starting to know her way around. She had a few more dates with Kaleb and some other men but Kaleb was the only one that she cared to do extra things with. This morning, he had asked her along for a breakfast date to impress his colleagues and it had gone better than she had imagined. But now, it was nearly 11 A.M., and she was exhausted. She just wanted to go back to her hotel room and sleep until 4 P.M. or later.

She runs her fingers through her hair as she uses the key card to open her door and steps inside and sets the keycard down on one of the counter tops and she looks up before jumping as she sees Mikah sitting in a chair with an annoyed look on her face. Eiley notes the baggy hoodie but was not surprised to see that she was wearing shorts.

;;Mikah “It’s nice to see that you’re alive.”

The tone that came out of Mikah’s voice did not match the sentiment that that sentence sometimes had. To Eiley, it seemed as if Mikah would have preferred the opposite and it struck her as odd.

•Eiley “Uh…yeah.”

Eiley was not sure how she was supposed to answer Mikah or what sort of answer the blonde bombshell was looking for. Eiley did, however, know that she was intimidated by Mikah and had this overwhelming feeling of not wanting to disappoint her. But she could read the disappointment all over Mikah’s face already. And Eiley struggles not to let it bother her or to plead with her to give her another chance.

;;Mikah “A simple text message telling me that you were in Vegas and fine would have sufficed, Eiley. It’s not rocket science.”

The tone was serious and Eiley knew not to mess with Mikah and what Mikah wanted out of her.

•Eiley “I know…but…I just-.”

Mikah rolls her eyes and has no problem in cutting the young girl off.

;;Mikah “You just chose to waste my time again, right? Because that’s what you have been doing since the Blast From the Past tournament started and you’ve been acting like a child. There is only one adult human on this Earth that is allowed to waste my time and even he does not do it very often.”

Eiley knew that Mikah was talking about Kris and it wasn’t surprising to her, either. She knew that the couple had a record and from what she gathered, Kris was the only one that could push Mikah’s buttons and get away with it.

•Eiley “I’m not trying to waste your time. Honest.”

While the words out of her mouth had been sincere, her voice had been quiet and lower than she had wanted. But she felt that feeling of disappointment from Mikah and it was not a feeling Eiley was enjoying feeling. It almost felt as bad as feeling what she felt for Oliver.

;;Mikah “I’m sorry, Eiley, but I do not believe you. You’ve been in Vegas since last week and have not even tried to reach out to set up a training session or anything. And while I know that I currently am not physically training you, I am working with you on your promo skills. But clearly, that is not something that you want as you’re wasting my time by fucking off in Vegas.”

Eiley looks at the floor for a moment, feeling a little shameful of her actions since her return from London.

•Eiley “I do want your help. I do but I just…I wanted to just disappear for a while. I needed a moment to breathe.”

Eiley watches as Mikah’s face falters just a little bit as if she was trying to understand where Eiley was coming from. Eiley hoped that she could but she wasn’t sure that it was conveying correctly.

;;Mikah “Who have you been fucking around with? I know that it’s not Oz as he’s been…well, it doesn’t matter where he’s been; he’s not my student. You are and you are setting a bad example of what it takes to be trained by me.”

Eiley ducks her head down again, the shameful feeling settling in once more. She takes a deep breath and slowly looks at Mikah, trying to contain her emotions.

•Eiley “Nobody, honest. I just…it’s been busy in Vegas and I got wrapped in everything that this city has to offer. I’ve never been here before and it’s just…mesmerizing. I should have sent you a message, telling you that I was in Vegas and wouldn’t have time to fly to Hawaii to work with Kendall. I am sorry, Mikah. I know your time is precious and that I shouldn’t be wasting it. But I’m not purposely trying to waste it, honest. I just have been wrapped in my own head.”

She takes a breath as she had spoken quickly to get the words out without letting Mikah stop her or interrupt her. She was not sure if Mikah believed her any but it was important to have tried to tell her what she felt. Without telling her everything.

;;Mikah “You have not been acting like you even care about training or working on your craft. I understand that you’re only twenty years old, Eiley but it’s time to either realize what you want out of your life or it’s time to grow up. Or maybe it’s a little bit of both. Did you like the feeling that beating Bea Barnhart in your first official match gave you?”

Eiley slowly nods her head because she did. She enjoyed the endorphins that the win gave her, and she wanted to experience again. And she fully believed that Mikah was going to be a huge help in pushing her in that direction.

•Eiley “I did. I really did and I want to win again on Sunday against Ruby…I know she’s also one of your students. Or was, at least. I don’t know if you’re still working with her…”

Eiley watches as Mikah simply shrugs her shoulders as she does not confirm nor deny if she’s been helping Ruby. But it was no secret that Mikah had trained Ruby Steele and it was something that Ruby liked to gloat about.

;;Mikah “That is not your concern at the moment, Eiley. Your main concern should be what you’re going to do to beat Ruby on Sunday. Have you thought about where you’re going to be shooting your promo? Because I can promise you that this time, the location could give you a better edge. Mark and Christian love when their stars use a special location to film a promo. I’ve done promos all over Las Vegas before and while it’s not easy, it isn’t too difficult to do. But they’re sucker for that sort of thing.”

Eiley just looks at Mikah as if she was speaking a foreign language. She had not thought about that as she was just going to do something simple. But now, simple did not seem like it was possible.

•Eiley “I…I had not thought of that.”

That shameful feeling was back and Eiley didn’t enjoy the way it felt. She swallows, trying to push it away as she looks at Mikah.

;;Mikah “Figures that you wouldn’t have thought that far in advance. So, I set something up for you. T-Mobile Arena tomorrow before the Knights Game on the ice. I hope you know how to balance in ice skates because you’re going to be on the ice. And if you don’t know how, maybe you should learn.”

Eiley was a little surprised and then looks around her room, looking for her jersey that Kaleb had bought for her the week previous. She watches as Mikah gets up to leave and Eiley moves out of the way, not wanting to stand in her way.

•Eiley “It’s a good thing I’m a quick learner.”

Mikah stops in front of her before leaving.

;;Mikah “Do not fuck this up, Eiley. I’m handing you the idea on a golden platter, all you have to do is show up and be better than Ruby.”

Eiley nods her head, vigorously.

•Eiley “I won’t let you down, I promise.”

Mikah just gives her a look but doesn’t say anything before walking out of the hotel room. Eiley takes a deep breath before sitting down.


Location: Las Vegas, Nevada.
Date: Friday, May 19, 2023


The scene opens up to the T-Mobile Arena and to the hockey rink where Eiley was in the middle of the hockey rink and on the middle of the Golden Knights logo. She was dressed in a pair of  black leggings tucked into a pair of white ice skates and gold socks bunched up just above the skates and her gold Golden Knights jersey. Her blonde hair is pulled up into two space buns and she had done her make up to match her aesthetic. The cameraman moves closer to get a closer view of Eiley.

“We are just two days away from the first Climax Control after Into the Void.”

She holds up two fingers and smirks to herself.

“Two days until I step into the ring against Ruby Steele and have to fight for my second win for SCW. And to prove to Mikah that I’m worth her time and her training.”

She holds her breath for a moment or so, trying not to shiver as she is still on the ice. She had practiced most of the morning and had gotten the hang of it rather quickly.

“As most of the SCW audience knows, Ruby Steele won the Blast From the Past Tournament in 2021 with her partner, Mark Cross. She is also known as the person who gloats that she was trained by the best Bombshell of All Time, Mikah.”

Eiley agreed that it was something to be proud of and she would not shame Ruby for gloating about it.

“Another thing that Ruby Steele can be known for is being married to Mikah’s first ever student, Courtney Pierce. And as everybody can tell on Twitter, is still bitter about the fact that Mikah did not seem to give Courtney the time of day when she was working with her. But in my opinion, Court’s waited too long to hash that out; it should have been taken care of five years ago, not in the present. And I have to wonder how that is going to affect Ruby in the ring or even Ruby’s view of Mikah. Or perhaps, maybe Ruby will be jealous to know that Mikah has been working with me on the art of shooting a promo. It was her that set this up and take a look, cameraman zoom out. Give them a glimpse of where I am standing and the importance of this location to Las Vegas.”

The cameraman skates backwards a little bit, zooming out the best to give a  better view of the hockey rink.

“This is the T-Mobile Arena, which is where the Las Vegas Golden Knights play their home games and tonight? They play the Dallas Stars in the first round of the West Finals. This is an important game for the Knights and you can bet that all of Vegas will be tuning in and cheering for the team to win. Because if they win this round and the next four games, they will advance to the finals for the Stanley Cup. But why is this important to me or to SCW? Or even to Ruby?”

The cameraman skates closer to her and zooms back in.

“Because this is exactly something Mikah would have done. She would have shot a promo right here to get the hype of the game into SCW as well. She told me that location is an important part of shooting a promo and Ruby and I both know that outside of the ring, Mikah’s ability to shoot a promo is amazing. So I am soaking up all of her pointers that she is willing to tell me but the one thing she wouldn’t tell me is if she’s still working with you Ruby.  Or will your wife let you? Do you have to ask Court for permission to work with Mikah? Because it sounds like you might have to in order to keep things happy at home with the wife. What’s that like?”

She shoots a smirk at the camera.

“I do not have to answer to anybody but myself. I have to rely on myself to make the correct choices and while I’m still new to the company, I know that I’m going to do everything I can on Sunday to beat you Ruby. How long has it been since you’ve stepped foot in a SCW ring to compete? Do you even remember how? Or have you been too focused on other things in your life that you haven’t had time to work on this part of your life? I know that I’m a newbie and that I still have a lot to learn, but I’m learning from the best. And she’s still working with me as she sees potential. I believe in Hawaii she told me that I remind her of herself when I was her age. Something about the stubbornness and the unwillingness to give in.”

She simply shrugs her shoulders again.

“I know that it’s going to be a question that is going to float around when it comes to our match. Which one of us is the better protégé of Mikah? Is it going to be you? Or is it going to be me? And that is a heavy load to carry and while it is heavy, I’m willing to take on that burden because there’s nothing like working with the very best. I’m sure that you understand that, Ruby as you’ve worked with Mikah before and you know how she is.”

She skates backwards a little bit before moving forward to be back in her original place.

“While you were also trained by the best bombshell of all time, I am going to prove that I am better with you. Because I’ve had the best version of Mikah training me. While you, Ruby, might not have had the best version of her training you. During the time she would have been working with you and training you, she was going through a divorce with Drake Green and there was turmoil between her and Kris Ryans at the time. And a lot of things in her life had been up in the air. She did not have a lot to give to you during that time of her life. But now? Or in the past year and a half? She’s had all of the time in the world to focus on training me and making me better in the ring. She’s put more of herself into training me than I’m sure that she did you. And now? You don’t get to be the only one that hangs their hat on the fact that they were trained by the best bombshell of all time. Because I get to say that I’ve had the better training. And probably even more training as she’s been teaching me how to promo.”

The confidence was shining through as she was finding her stride and she was starting to feel more at ease with what she was saying.

“I looked over your profile on the SCW website as I wanted to see what sort of move set that they had listed for you. And I have to say, the moves that appear to be your signature moves do not seem like something Mikah would teach you, Ruby.”

Eiley raises her eyebrows at the camera.

“I am not trying to discredit you by any means but Mikah was known to keeping her feet on the ground and as many of the matches I’ve watched of hers, she was not one that went to the top rope ever. She has even said that she avoids those types of moves and even refused to teach me any high flying style of moves. She told me that they were unnecessary and a hazard to one’s body. So the question has to be asked, are you even telling the truth about Mikah being the one to train you?”

Another smirk spreads across Eiley’s face as she looks at the camera. The cameraman struggles just a moment to stay balanced on his own ice skates.

“Because I wouldn’t put it past you to lie about it. Or maybe stretch the truth a little bit. You could take a page out of your wife’s playbook and claim that Mikah was barely around and you had to find training from others as well. But that would seem a little out of character for you because you seem quite proud of the fact that Mikah trained you and you should be proud of that fact. It does not seem like Mikah is the type to train many people and she likes even less. But the question still has to be asked because it seems rather suspicious on my side.”

Another shrug of her shoulders before she continues on.

“And on another note, who’s always that happy? I do not understand what is so fucking good in life to always be that happy. Are you high all the time? Because that would be more understandable as if I was high all the time, I wouldn’t have the energy to be mad at anything. But that’s probably not the case as you more than likely wouldn’t be employed  by SCW or be booked in matches to compete. So, why the fuck are you so happy all the time? What is there to be happy about?”

Eiley didn’t seem to care if her own view of the world started to slip into her promo. She didn’t care that her jaded view was going to be evident in her promo, maybe it would help her a little bit.

“This world is not something to be happy about. People like you make me want to puke because you believe that there is always a reason to be happy. Even in the darkest of times or at least, that’s what it seems. You do not seem to have much of a care in the world and you are way too chipper for my liking but then again, I do not keep many friends. I willingly keep people at an arm’s distance. I do not believe that people are inherently good as I’ve seen firsthand that they are not. I know that it is not realistic to be as happy as you are. But you know what you’re going to have to accept on Sunday, Ruby? Do you know what I’m going to make you accept on Sunday?”

She smirks again and raises her eyebrows.

“The fact that this world is cruel and that I’m the best student that Mikah has and has had. I’m going to prove to the entire company that I’m the best protégé that she’s worked with and I’m going to start with you on Sunday. I’m going to show you why I’m better than you in the ring, even though it’s only my third match ever. I’m going to show you what it’s really like to be trained by the best bombshell of all time. One that showed me how to calculate the exact move that is going to happen and how to maneuver around it. I’m going to be the one that’s victorious on Sunday. And there’s nothing you can do about it but accept it.”

She takes a breath and slowly lets it out.

“Time is ticking down, Ruby. I’m going to tell you good luck because like Mikah said, luck is for losers. And that’s what you’re going to be on Sunday. A loser.”

She smirks and shrugs once more.

“And I’m not sorry.”

She turns to leave but then looks at the camera.


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