Author Topic: "The snake who catches the rat.."  (Read 323 times)

Offline Gavin Stephens

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    • Gavin Stephens
"The snake who catches the rat.."
« on: December 05, 2014, 04:12:19 AM »
    Here we go once again..  SCW Climax Control.  Another take after everything that had happened in the debut match of both Alex Kaelin and Gavin Stephens.  It didn't go according to plan, but - it was salvageable.  There was room to do something more from it, room to evolve and learn from any and all mistakes made during that particular contest.  There would be a reckoning for the Players Club eventually, and it seemed it had came early.  Because now - the one dubbed 'Hydro' had been chosen to be the next opponent of Gavin Stephens.  That was particularly significant, as Stephens had a little bit of a loosely knit group going with his fellow former Uncensored talents in Andrew Watts and Alex Kaelin.  And they seemed to be constantly on a collision course with this group, with Watts having already defeated Hydro on a previous edition of the Climax Control program.  And now it was up to Stephens to do the same.  But - Stephens was in a similar plight to the previous week, he had never really dealt with Hydro outside of one brief twitter exchange.  The two weren't exactly closely tied together, their careers had never crossed paths, or anything of the sort.  Thus - it was as if Gavin was going in fresh once again.  But where as Gavin had never been that big of a fan of tag team competition..  this?  This was singles.  This was where the Visionary thrived. He was best in one on one situations, and he was absolutely relentless when he wanted a victory..  And right now?  Gavin wanted nothing more than to make his mark here in Sin City Wrestling.  And he would do so.  It was no longer a matter of time.  To steal a phrase, the time was now.  Heh.


    The scene picks up in a very simple method.  A black screen with a voice speaking out over it, as slowly but surely..  the picture begins coming into view.  A dark room with a light shining down from the ceiling, barely lighting the place.  The outline of the shape of a male was seen in the background of the room.

    "I believe..  I believe that everything happens for a reason."

    The light seemed to brighten up to reveal Gavin Stephens standing by on his own, his back turned to the camera.  We get a close up view of his black t-shirt with the words 'DIE HYDRO' painted across the back of it.  Seemed he'd taken the notion of his battle with him and his little group a bit further than he needed to.  Stephens stood there, contemplating the manner in which he needed to deal with things.  Before finally turning in the direction of the camera.

    "Some doors open, some doors close..  Things don't always go exactly as what you've had planned out in your head.  Such is the way things work.  If things went as I planned, all of the time well, where would the fun be in that?"

    He spoke oddly calm - much calmer than you'd really expect from a man who had suffered a loss.  But - one loss wasn't the end of the world, there was room to bounce back.  Room to come back from it as something more, something better.  Gavin certainly had that capability..  He stood there in the darkened room, peering around the place a bit, the only thing lit up was the center of the room where he stood.  Stephens paused for for a moment, thinking once more about the way things things worked, and the overall lay of the land here in SCW.

    "Some see the debut here in Sin City Wrestling as a loss..  I saw it as a sign, that Caleb Houston, or JT Midas..  Either one of them.  That it took both of them to get me down and pin me for the three count.  It took both of them to be able to finish me off.  Guess what boys?  When we end up facing off - one on one?  You won't be so lucky as to have a partner to have your back and assist in beating me down, oh no."

    Certainly was one way of looking at it.  He took on a rather charismatic tone of voice as he preached that, proudly.  There was some truth to it, at least, as far as he was concerned.  Pinning him was hard enough for many of a man to do, the fact that it took two of the Players Clubs 'so called best' was a sign that perhaps those men weren't as good as they thought they were.  Given they seemed to have a lot of trouble with Gavin in that contest.

    "Allow me to illuminate you..  It is with that knowledge that I am vindicated.  But - something else happened on that edition of Climax Control.  For a man who calls himself the Visionary, I'd always looked at wrestling in the wrong way.  I lacked the vision to see things clearly, to see things for what they were.  Adversity has hit me from all sides in professional wrestling.  People jealous of me, for who I am, for what it is I do, for marrying who I married.  People look at me as a guy who 'doesn't deserve what he has'.  The success I have had, in the business?  I worked hard for, twice as hard as most.  But - still people choose to look down on me.  But, I held out hope.  I held out hope that wrestling..  no, that this business could be saved.  That was - until that edition of Climax Control."

    As he said the word 'illuminate' the lights came on to reveal the home that he shared with Mikah.  The newly dubbed 'Mrs. Stephens', after that whole whirlwind wedding thing that had seemingly came out of nowhere weeks prior.  He walked over to a seat, flopping down upon it as he propped his feet up, turning his eyes over into the direction of the camera that seemed to be so intent on following him around his home.  It hadn't been too long since he'd been on his honeymoon with Mikah, he'd just gotten back in and apparently had camera crews waiting.  Because - there was a lot of things he had needed to get off his chest.

    "And then..  And then my eyes were opened, and I saw the truth.  I, the Visionary, saw clearer than I ever had in the past.  This business is foul, people like Hydro, the Players Club, that whole little group is a scourge.  A cancer eating away at the very core of what we do."

    A hint of passion in his voice, and for one reason or another, his passion was eliminating what he thought was 'wrong' with the wrestling business.  That just so happened to be Hydro and those he associated with.  They presented a problem, a problem that Gavin Stephens very much wanted to solve.  And with renewed vigor, a renewed interest in doing what was right not for everyone else, but the wrestling business he wanted, he'd came into this looking for a good reason to pick Hydro apart.  And as it turns out - he'd found it.  

    "Pitiful, pitiful little attention whores who thrive on doing everything that makes people laugh at this business.  It's because of you, Hydro, and your little group that I have lost all faith that this business can be saved.  And it is for that reason - that I will be the one to destroy you.  That I will be the one to put that last nail in your coffin after you lost to Andrew Watts one week ago.  The funny thing is..  You are the quietest member of your little group.  You've done the least, said the least..  You're the one who deserves this the least, at least, based on your actions thus far.  You're the weak link in their little web of annoying individuals..  And yet, here we are."

    He said with a chuckle, getting some sort of enjoyment out of this..  Why?  Because - despite this fellow being the most silent member of the group, for one reason or another, Gavin was looking forward to stepping into the ring with another member of the group.  Hell, this would help towards his point that neither of his little pals could beat him in singles..  When he defeated one of their group in singles competition to prove that.

    "Here we are - punishing you for the sins your friends have committed.  And while some would think that makes you exempt, for those are not your wrongs..  I disagree.  People should be judged, not based on what they have, or haven't done.  But the company they keep.  You don't keep very good company, do you?  I judge you - for condoning everything wrong with this business through your association with worthless little pissants.  And it's because of this, that I'm really looking forward to hurting you, son."

    Propping his feet up on the coffee table in front of him, he leisurely sat there, still running all these thoughts through his mind.  He hated everyone equally, he even had a t-shirt once that said that on the front.  But - for one reason or another, he'd found himself especially hating his opponent this week.  Having a particular problem with the man who called himself Hydro.  He kicked back, still smiling with a devilish look across his face.

    "You give it your all, by the way.  No excuses.  No take backs.  No fucking bullshit.  When I've beaten you - I expect to see 'Oh, I wasn't ready' blah, blah fucking blah.  But we'll both know that's a lie.  We'll both know that you sir, were a failure.  Just like against Watts.  Just like in Combat Entertainment, when you went so far as to make up achievements to try to tout yourself as something better than what you were..  You will be left lying in the ring, looking up, wondering why..  Why you deserve to get a beating on the scale of which is far beyond anything you've done personally to me.  You haven't said anything 'mean', other than that Visionary thing on Twitter the other day.  Hahah - Drug use references.  You're so cool and edgy.  A regular Jack Black. That's me saying you're not edgy at all, by the way.  But no matter what you do..  You will pay for the sins of those whom you choose to associate with."

    He crossed his arms, leaning over in the direction of the camera, which zoomed in as he eloquently spoke about paying for sins.  It was a recurring theme that Gavin had spoken of in promos prior to joining SCW..  Paying for those whom you happened to be associated with.  He was the kind of individual who felt you should be judged by the quality of the company you keep, and as a result of the company Hydro kept..  He would be judged, and treated just as if he were his team mates, despite the fact he was a far more silent member of their group than the rest.

    "It's like I'm fighting a wrestler from the fuckin' 1990's.  Drug references all around.  You're as tired as this Players Club bullshit."

    It was so uncreative to play up drugs, or pretend you were a 'player'.  It was just a sad, sad state of affairs when everything continued to evolve around them.  Yet people remained stuck in the past, where terrible gimmicks such as that one reigned supreme.  It was 2014, and Gavin was going to make absolutely certain that he kept SCW as a part of the future.  Not the past.  He picked up a ball off a nearby table and tossed it back and forth in his hands, occupying himself for a moment, before looking up at the camera.

    "For those wondering why I'd been so quiet the past two weeks, by the way..  It's called a honeymoon by the way.  Sort of got married to Mikah in a hurry, and things went from there.  It even hit me by surprise.  But, I'm glad everyone was worried.  Fact of the matter is though - I'm still here, I'm going to be here for the forseeable future.  And you'd better get used to it.  Because - I'm not going away.  I'm not disappearing.  You're all going to get so much Gavin Stephens, I promise you that."

    Pointing in the camera as he spoke rather angrily in tone with those last few words.  The phenomenon of Gavin Stephens was not yet over.  There was more to come, more of Gavin Stephens to see.  There was more than what he'd done.  More to see than what he had already offered up.  The illumination spoken of earlier in the piece?  It wasn't about light.  It was about bringing Gavin Stephens, the real Gavin Stephens to light before them all.  And show them just why he was one of the most feared individuals on the planet.

    "If there's one thing I could give you - Hydro, one thing that I could say, to make this all easier to accept..  I would.  Because - I know the song and dance, I know what's coming.  You're going to come out here pretty soon, and you'll talk some big talk.  You'll stand there in a daze as if you're Keanu Reeves in Bill and Ted, 'Hey bruh, I'm going to win!' and speak of a number of different points.  A number of different reasons why I won't succeed.  But - it's really all just fluff.  Pomp and circumstance to try to cover your ass, to try to hide what everyone else already knows."

    Speaking in a calmer, more assured tone now.  He dictated the things he spoke with a series of hand gestures, cultivating a line of statements that called into account the credibility of his opponent, his team, and generally everything about the person he happened to be.  He straightened up his t-shirt, a smile on his face as he seemed..  oddly rather proud of the things he were saying here.

    "That I'm smarter than you, superior to you, and everyone else in this company for that matter.  In ring, on the mic, in the bedroom, at Call of Duty 4, and everything else in between.  So go ahead.  Come out, do the whole song and dance.  Dance monkey, dance.  Do what everyone does, and fails at when stepping up to face me.  Go on, you're not really original already, so, copy the crowd.  Pretend.  That's all you'll do by the way, is pretend that you can even hold a candle to me.  Because soon - all this pretending stops, for good."

    And all the pretending would stop, as far as Stephens had anything to say about it.  He tossed the ball he had been playing with across the room, off in another direction.  Signifying not just was the time of pretending long since gone, but the time for playing.  The time for fun and games was over when this promo aired.  He and his opponent were going to have a battle, and Hydro would fall at his hand.  That was his goal, it was something he'd promised himself.  And as far as he knew, it would happen.

    "So do it while you can..  You've been left on a pretty slippery slope - get it?  Slippery slope?  Hydro?  Hah.  But you failed in your singles debut.  But I won't make the same mistake..  Ya see - when you're done doing what I suggested, and it comes time to step into the ring together.  It won't matter what you've said.  What you've done.  Or anything like that.  What will matter is right then, right there.  My fists will be flying toward your face at an ever increasing velocity.  You won't know what to do.  You really won't.  Because - like a vulture, I'll systematically pick apart the carcass that is Hydro.  I will leave NOTHING.  You'll be lucky to see another Climax Control, when it's all said and done.  And when you're looking for someone to blame?"

    A long pause..  He sat there patiently, allowing that to sink in.  He wanted people to contemplate just who this man would choose to blame.  There were a lot of people he could throw out there.  A lot of people he could force this on to excuse himself, but - Gavin was cutting that off at the past.  Ensuring that the only thing he could do was accept his responsibility and take any losses like a man.  And he would.  He'd accept them, or Gavin would make this a habit.

    "It wasn't Alex Kaelin that did this to you.  It wasn't Andrew Watts, as you people so often like to blame for any misfortunes.  Even to the point Caleb and JT, your little butt-buddies couldn't focus on the tag match last week without mentioning them.  Oh no.  And don't even blame me.  It's not my fault.  What's happening to you?  It might be at my hand.  But - there's no one to blame but.."

    Another pause as he heard a door nearby open, peeking over to see Mikah peering into the room.  He realized they had to get back to it.  And by it well..  the obvious.  He and her had been alone together all that honeymoon, and still he wanted to go back with her.  For some reason, he couldn't get tired of that lady.  But right now - he had to focus.  He nodded in her direction, signalling he wouldn't be long as he heard the door close, and he turned his eyes back in the direction of the camera in front of him.

    "Yourself.  And - by extension, your teammates."

    Turns out there were a few more people to blame than he'd initially suggested.  A smug, confident look appearing across his visage as he looked to the camera man that had been filming this.  Then back into the lens of the camera.  Figuring now was the perfect opportunity to put an exclamation point on this piece, and leave the rest up to fate.  As far as ends were concerned, he knew this wouldn't be the last time Hydro came up.  These two were tied together at least till show time, and, it wouldn't surprise him one bit if Hydro said something prior to then.

    "See you soon, Hydro.  Sincerely, truly..  it will be a pleasure to put you down, permanently."

    With a wink in the direction of the camera, the scene slowly faded to black with that.  The very last glimpse we received was of Gavin Stephens sitting there with a very confident smile across his face.  He knew what was coming - and he was more prepared than he had ever been.  Never the less - this particular scene came to a definitive end..  But it was the first we were hearing from Gavin Stephens since he had returned from his honeymoon, and it was obvious we'd be hearing more soon.


    During the previous Climax Control 100, while Gavin had been away on his honeymoon, Sin City Wrestlings people had gotten him away to talk a bit about his favorite moment in SCW history.  He had initially been supposed to make some sort of contribution in this manner to that program.  But – something happened during his segment.  So, with that, we bring you 'failed Climax Control segments' starring the one and only Gavin Stephens.  Doing what he does best, ranting about what he dislikes, rather than what he likes..  Stephens sat in a studio of sorts, with a camera crew in front of him, having broken away from Mikah for about an hour or whatever it would take to film this particular piece.

    “...  You really came all the way here to find out my favorite segment in Climax Control history?”

    Picking up in the middle of his conversation, the cameras were rolling and it had been meant to be aired, once again.  But unfortunately, some things got in the way of that.  Never the less, Stephens sat there, thinking about his favorite segment in the companies history.  He hadn't been here as long as most, hell, he wasn't even deeply rooted into the history of the company like most would have been.  But – he certainly had some answers if they were seriously asking.

    “Yeah, it's a big event.  Sorta want to bring everyone out for it, you know?  So if you could, relay your favorite moments, whatever.  And we'll get out of your hair.”

    The man behind the camera spoke, as Gavin turned his eyes toward the camera.  Smiling from ear to ear..  What to say, what to say?  So many options.  He hadn't been here too long, sure, but SCW was a particularly eventful place.  And he'd actually enjoyed meeting people, learning about the company and all that.  'Course, he'd never say that out loud as he had a reputation to uphold as an evil bastard and all.  But he thought it, and that was what counted.

    “Okay, you, sit down.  Be quiet.  I am not going to pander to the morons watching by 'naming off my favorite happening' or whatever.  Forget that.  You know what my least favorite thing in Climax Control history is?  That travesty we saw last week.  Caleb Houston and JT Atlas are second rate.  They're losers..  Pathetic good for nothing Twitter divas.  They sit on there all day playing with Liz fucking Smalls, who might I add, is still the dumbest god damn bitch on the planet.  And the fact that she still exists makes me physically ill.”

    A stunned silence came from the man behind the camera, not sure of what he had just had laid out in front of him.  Stephens had went into full on annoyed rant mode, and it seemed that rant was turned at some people he'd had particular dealings with in matches, twitter, and even throughout his own history stretching all the way back into a little company he and Liz Smalls both used to work for.  Some old hatred, it seemed.

    “You want more?  Okay.  Equinox.”

    A pause as the fellow behind the camera looked to Gavin, and Gavin looked to him.  Stephens wondered if he expected something more, but never the less, he remained patient.  Wondering what the fellow would follow it up with.  He wasn't exactly answering the questions that were needed to be answered, oh no.  He was going about this in his own way, making this piece into something about him, and not the history of Sin City Wrestling.

    “What about him?”

    The individual behind the cameras remained confused.  Why did Equinox matter?  Sure, he'd been involved in a number of major points throughout the history of Sin City Wrestling.  But – just the name by itself..  what was he getting at?  What more was there?  Anything?  Anything at all?

    “He's my least favorite.”

    It wasn't really clarifying much at all to say that.  And least favorite?  All of that negativity when he was supposed to be submitting this not for those reasons, but for a celebration of the longevity of Sin City Wrestling.  But never the less – his dislike of Equinox remained no matter what he did, no matter where he went, those two were destined to have their issues.

    “Equinox is your least favorite moment in SCW history?”

    Still trying to discern what exactly the point Stephens was getting at was.  But – it was clear this was taking a sour turn.  Stephens had no reason to sugarcoat his thoughts, on anything.  He could have been the guy to come out and talk about all the good things, but, it was easier to point out the bad.  Or at least, what he himself perceived as bad things that were going on within SCW.  And right now?  Equinox had been the target.

    “...  Human.  And then – don't get me started on all the television time we waste on Caleb Houston, JT Midas, and Hydro.  Jesus christ if I wanted to see a bunch of dudes creepily pal around and play slap ass, I'd..  I don't know what I'd do, but it's certainly not watch them..”

    Physically looking as if he were about to convulse at the idea of that group, he shook it off quickly and moved forward, standing up as he looked into the camera.  Ready to go full on promo, rather than any sort of brief blurb about what he had thought about SCW Climax Control.  No, this was getting bigger than that.  This was becoming something even more..

    “And you know, while you're at it.  Who the hell is Hydro anyway?  For the entire first week I was here, I thought Watts was facing Hydrant.  Do you know how many 'you're going to piss all over him' jokes I made?”

    The base in his voice raising as he spoke, though, that would have been particularly embarassing had that extended into the present.  Had he went on and on about a 'Hydrant' only to realize the mans moniker was 'Hydro'.  Not 'Hydrant'.  Boy would his face have been red.  Instead though, it seemed Stephens had been corrected and everything was correct.  Though, there was some laughter from some folks in the room about the 'piss all over him' jokes.


    The man kept trying to cut in, but Gavin kept going despite his protests.  These things needed off his chest at the time, he had to throw all of those out there, otherwise he would of exploded.  And considering that they had came all of that way to get a piece of his mind, he was certainly going to give them all of that and more.  After all – it would have been rude to give them nothing after all that effort of coming all this way, right?

    “Don't even get me started on all the lame drug use jokes.  Do we drug test?  We should.  The fact Liz Smalls, Caleb Houston, JT Midas, and Hydro have been, or are employed here at any point leads me to believe you can just walk around here in a drug induced daze.  It's freakin' ridiculous. The fact of the matter is, there's a girl here who makes more god damn sense entering with a bunch of fucking unicorns than all those people I've mentioned.  What the hell is wrong with wrestling these days?!”

    A reference to a friend he'd seemingly made on Twitter, but, also a reference once again to people he'd been dealing with for a long period of his career, in Liz's case.  And then these people he'd recently met.  All of them he had seemingly been intent on picking a fight with.  After all, a recurring theme of his rants were people who spent too much time trying to stir crap up on Twitter.

    “Gavin..  You're straying away from the point.”

    Once again trying to intervene and put Gavin back on the right track.  But somehow, Stephens was not getting on the rails they wanted him on.  They couldn't lead this man, he dictated where his words went.  And you could tell from the tone of voice the man in charge of the camera was getting a bit fed up with the antics of Gavin Stephens.

    “Screw you.  The best moment in Climax Control history is when we rid this place of these shit stains.  And if you keep cutting me off, you'll get the same.  Understand?”

    Stephens turned his ire in the direction of the man conducting all of this.  It didn't help to be the er..  help around this guy.  Because no one was exempt from Gavin Stephens sinister machinations.  Nobody at all.  And he'd just about had enough of this man and his overly condescending attitude.  

    “Okay, this isn't going anywhere, that's a wrap..  Oh my god..”

    Suddenly Gavin stood up and threw his stool he had been sitting on in the direction of the man, taking out a camera as we faded to static.  Though, sound could still be heard as it sounded as if the room just so happened to be being destroyed.  A few more crashes were heard as the scene came to an end and we brought that particular failed Climax Control segment to a close.  Off to live on in infamy in the annals of YouTube.


    It was finally the day of Climax Control.  No taped promos, no vignettes, no failed segments that had to be thrown out.  No nothing.  The newly married couple of Mikah and Gavin Stephens walked into the arena for tonight's edition of Climax Control.  Right out of the City National Civic in San Jose, California.  Stephens was in the best of spirits, a smile on his face that was well..  a stark contrast to what one might of expected.  While things were odd when he walked off the previous show, coming back now..  it was as if everything was truly, truly different.  Gavin carried a stuffed unicorn in his hand, as Mikah kept giving it a look as they sauntered down the hall.

    “Why did you bring that?  It's weird.."

    Mikah questioned - a bit curious.  Despite the strength in their relationship, she knew Gavin.  He had a lot of quirky, some might even say odd habits.  For whatever reason, this whole unicorn thing was a part of the odd habit.  He was working an angle of some sort, and she was trying to ascertain what that was..

    “You'll see."

    Passing by the locker room of Melody Grace, Gavin proceeded to sit the unicorn down on the ground in front of him.  Right out in front of the door, he pulled out a little bottle and dumped something on it..  Then held up a packet of matches, looking in the direction of Mikah as a devilish grin appeared across his face.

    “Do the honors?"

    Mikah looked at him, then at the unicorn.  There wasn't really anyone around to see, but, she proceeded to take the matches from his hand.  Grinning a bit herself, Mikah could be mean when she wanted to be.  The woman had a mean streak that, while not as bad as her husbands, could go a pretty long ways as well.

    “You evil, evil man."

    She said as she proceeded to pull a match out of the matchbook, then proceeded to strike it and light the unicorn ablaze..  Gavin then turned to Mikah, grabbed her and started pulling her away as they settled into a calm walking motion, leaving off the scene.  They continued to walk down the hall for a bit, when they came to a camera crew, looking guilty as all hell.   Stephens looked around confused, as he and Mikah shared a quick kiss and she went on her merry way.  She had a match to focus on tonight as well.  Stephens continued walking, trying to distance himself from all that as the cameras followed.  

    “What now?"

    Stephens paused, looking at Pussy.  Another buxom interviewer..  Apparently we had a lot of these running around.  He certainly had no issue with that.  While he was a married man, he could understand the appeal of a buxom interview lady.  He was certain that would be a popular thing amongst the fans and all that.  But unfortunately, Gavin was in no mood for big boob hijinks, or erotic jokes for names.

    “Well, we'd like a word with you about Hydro?  You'll be making your singles competition debut tonight..  Thoughts?"

    Typical, easy question.  But he'd said all he needed to really say about Hydro thus far.  Though, the man had plenty of thoughts that came to mind that he wouldn't of minded getting off of his chest.  He looked at Pussy with an annoyed expression across his face, considering what to say in response.  He could of wasted time being interviewed, but..  he felt like directing this piece was better, as he was the only one who knew what he wanted to get off his chest.  Couldn't trust some vague questions off the top of some bimbos head.

    “Just give me the god damn mic, and get out of my spotlight.  I don't need jokes like you sharing what belongs to me."

    Rudely grabbing the microphone from her hands, pulling her around until she finally let go of it.  He was needlessly physical with her, enough so that it was a bit scary.  He just glared at her once he'd finally retrieved it, looking to it, then to her.  Eyeballing her with hate in his expression, she wasn't needed here.  And as per the usual, he was victimizing the backstage help.

    “Go, now."

    Pointing her down the hall rather rudely.  Pussy looked all dejected like as she turned, walking in the direction of the fire he had pretty much told Mikah to set earlier.  Those two were regular pyromaniacs..  Stephens watched, waiting to make sure that Pussy had gotten completely out of sight.  Going so far as to call the popular reporter a joke, though?  It was harsh, and it was way, way too far.

    “Since she started us off..  my thoughts on Hydro?  Same as they always are.  He's not worth the paper his contract is written on.  Lotta that going around.  But that's beside the point - I came in at Climax Control 99, and - we put on a hell of a fight.  It was a fresh tag team, Kaelin and I'd never worked together.  A loss happened.  Not the end of the world, considering, contrary to the commentators weird..  turning on me despite their usual 'tude, we nearly beat those children.  On our very first outing as a tag team when they've apparently been teaming for years or whatever the schtick was they've made up."

    He heard a fire alarm going off and he decided to walk away from the scene, not letting anyone know he was responsible for whatever was er..  going on over there if he could help it at all.  A smile appearing across his face as he smugly walked off, the cameras following him as he could hear Pussy Willow, whom was still nearby, speaking about why someone would set a unicorn on fire in the hallway.

    “...  No idea what's going on over there, lets er..  stray away from that, shall we?  Listen, I know I sound like this mean, bitter guy.  But I'm not.  Things happen, it's wrestling.  Can't win em all.  I have my reasons for justifying things the way I do, and they're pretty plausible ones, so, it is what it is.."

    He walked and talked, still putting distance between himself and the scene of his earlier crime.  Though, it was going to be obvious, at least to the lady who wanted the unicorn whom had done that.  That wasn't really the point of this.  His fun and games had been brought to an end thanks to Willow.  And now - he was back to focusing on what he did best, wrestling.  Clenching his hands together, he looked to be mentally ready for this.  And even better, he was fully prepared to articulate some more of his thoughts.  More visions from the visionary, as it were.

    “But now - it's singles debut time, and it's against another member of that little group.  Hydro.  I know, I know, acknowledged this already.  But I'm just thinking..  still haven't heard a hell of a lot from Hydro lately.  Kind of odd, if you ask me?  Where's he at?  I mean - here I am, waiting.  But so far, nothing.  Not a single peep out of him."

    He shrugged, wondering aloud where his opponent even was.  It was unlike people to be silent these days, given Twitter was such an outlet for people to run their mouth whenever they had a thought.  But - never the less, it was oddly quiet on the Hydro front.  And that was strange for many of a reason, mostly considering he was in a group of loudmouths but..  Hey, Stephens wasn't opposed to him not making a peep at all, and showing up to fall.

    “I think, and this is just me guessing..  But I think I know what it is."

    Leaning back against a nearby wall, he continued to 'think', tapping his chin with his finger tips as he mulled over what it could be.  He had a thought..  but could he at all be correct?  Was it really the case?  Huh..  There were a ton, a ton of reasons why someone would be as quiet as his opponent had been.  Maybe he'd come out of the woodwork with the greatest promotional piece that Gavin had ever seen.  Or maybe, just maybe it was something else holding him back from rearing his ugly head..

    “Fear.  I know, I know you'll back off the idea.  Tell me how you're not afraid, how I'm just trying to save face or something.  I get the schtick.  But - I sense it, I smell it.  You might not believe it yourself, but, deep down..  you are.  Big debut last week, and you failed in your first singles match here.  A mistake you know I won't make.  You were broken, cracked all to pieces..  And that my friend is where fear hides, where fear slowly begins to seep out.  Watts exposed the cracks, I'm just going to finish breaking you down.  Because once fears seed has taken root, planting itself in the darkest part of your mind..  Soon enough, it will come to light."

    Coming to light, illuminating, educating the SCW audience was a recurring theme.  A theme he often spoke of passionately.  He wanted to learn them all who he was, who Mikah was, and what they were both capable of.  With Gavin leaning against the wall, we got a nice view of his t-shirt which featured the character of Negan, one of the main villains from the popular Walking Dead comic book series, of which Stephens was a known and vocal fan of.  Along with a pair of jeans that looked a bit old and worn.

    “I'll be the one to bring it all into focus, Hydro.  And I will be your downfall.  People like you, you're so worried about being the future.  So worried about making your mark..  I'll show you why I am not only the future, but - why soon enough.  I'll be the freaking here and now!  I will be more than someone who will succeed 'in the future' at some undisclosed date.  I'm going to succeed in the present, and leave you behind in my dust.  Don't consider that hypothetical, consider it a fucking spoiler alert."

    He considered himself a prophet of truth.  A speaker of the things people were afraid to say.  But - when everyone else was afraid to be vocal, Gavin would tell it like it was.  He'd speak his mind, say what he needed to say, and take any blowback that may come from it.  He stood, unafraid of any dramatics at the hands of others, or any fall back from those whom had been in the company longer than him.  

    “This is the perfect opportunity to strike, Hydro.  And while some would feel bad about cutting you down when you're so young and in your 'prime', which by the way, isn't very prime at all..  But unlike you and your rodent pals..  I am no rat..   I am the snake who catches the rat."

    Glaring into the camera with those evil, devilish eyes of his.  He was certain that would go over his opponents head, and he would receive some sort of 'This ain't a zoo' response or something.  Though, there was significance in the comparison.  There was significance in saying he was what he was, and they were what they were.  Though - he figured it would all fall on deaf ears, as these things often did.

    “Best you remember that.."

    A not so veiled threat there, as Stephens continued to look right square in the camera.  His tone very eerie, very calm as he relayed that to his opposition.  They could have heeded his advice, they could have kept that in mind.  But he predicted they wouldn't.  Nobody ever listened in wrestling.  So he proceeded to sigh, shaking his head as he looked upward, mulling over the situation at hand.  Then he fixed his eyes upon the lens of the camera one more time, preparing to bring this piece to a close.

    “I'd tell you to pray..  But it wouldn't do you any good.  You've all earned what is coming to you."

    And finally, finally it all came to an end.  We saw a man with a fire extinguisher rush through the scene as Stephens sauntered off down the hall.  Leaving the camera crew confused as the scene slowly came to a definitive end.  Fading to black as everything came to a close..  Would Gavin Stephens overcome Hydro?  Or would Hydro finally capture the success she so desperately needed?!  Whatever the case - Stephens had drawn a line in the sand, and he was waiting desperately for Hydro to cross.  In fact - he was looking forward with it, frothing at the mouth at the chance to put the exclamation point on the end of Hydro, once and for all.  And as far as he was concerned, he'd do it, too.