Author Topic: Old Skool Rulz  (Read 1916 times)

Offline cashus_clay

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    • Old Skool
Old Skool Rulz
« on: November 26, 2011, 03:35:10 PM »
 The sounds f Bow Down by Ice Cube starts to play as The Sin-Sational One Old Skool makes his way down the ramp, going from one side to the other high fiving or shaking hands with the fans. He stops by a group of children and kneels at the base facing the camera thumbing over his shoulder at the kids as they pat him on the back cheering. "This is what its about right here!" He shout before getting up and sliding under the ropes to a one kneed position with his head bowed before exploding to his feet running to a corner and hopping up on the middle corner rallying the fans!

After going to all four corners he talks to the announcer for a second taking the microphone from him and giving him a pat on the back. "Good job sir! Thank you thank you!" He says ushering him from the ring as he listens to the crowd chanting his name and smiles with a shake of his head. "You know I came out here with the intent of winning a match...but..." he walks over to each rope putting his right hand up to his brow as if searching far out for sommething.

"I don't see my opponent anywhere. Anyone out there know Virgil?!" Looking out towards the wrestlers entrance way with hope in his features or more of a question. When he gets no answer he looks to the crow and just shrugs. "Now given my reputation some would say I had the match already out back...that I beat him down before he even reached the ring!." Holding his hand up to silience the crowd as they begin to wonder. "Hold on! Hold up a moment! Let Old Skool assure you he has not foul played your right to see a good match. In fact one of my simple basic rulz is 'I aint gotta cheatcha to beatcha ya."

The crowd cheers more as Old skool begins pacing about while speaking further. "You know I bet I know what happened? He missed his bus or he didn't have any bus tokens so he's walking here right now. What? You aint never been late missin a bus to your place of interest? I know I have...when I was a teenager." Looks to the crowd for a moment with innocent eyes and then laughs with them. "Ok! Ok! I get it, I do. You all came for a match and instead your getting my whitty and smart mouth, well let Old Skool tell you this as I live and breath this buisness I swear to you the next time I'm in this ring I will give kinfolk out their wat you crave! HOLLA!!! With a loud war cry of his very own Old Skool puts down the microphone as his music plays and once again rounds to corners of the ring hyping up the fans as they chant his name once more.