Author Topic: Hotwire 1/9/14  (Read 8097 times)

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Hotwire 1/9/14
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:46:09 PM »
DISCLAIMER: The following contains content that may or may not be confirmed as fact. Tune in Climax Control too find out…

’Ship to Shore’ by the Stanfields begins to play as the HOTWIRE logo comes across the screen. Action from last week’s Climax Control recaps on the screen as the logo centers in the television screen. It fades to Kenny Chisholm, standing in a blue blazer, white shirt and green tie, and a pair of dark jeans, in front of a large screen with the “SCW” logo fixed behind him.

I am Kenny Chisholm and welcome to the very first edition of the Hotwire. You may have seen on two editions of Sin City Wrestling’s Climax Control Review but unfortunately, that show doesn’t exist anymore. Yes I’m sorry…I know…get over it. Starting this historic week you will get to see me during this expanded hour of television not only recap all of last weeks action but also in several other segments. These segments will include but not be limited to the ‘Weekly Top 3’ and my personal favorite...the “Newsreel”. But let’s stop wasting valuable screen time, this last episode of Climax Control was monumental when talking about the landscape of nearly all of SCW titles…

Music begins to play as pictures of Amy Marshall and Mercedes Vargas show up behind Kenny.

In the fashion in which they normally do, Amy Marshall and Mercedes Vargas put on a highly competitive bout with Amy’s Bombshell Roulette strap on the line. Despite besting Vargas in their last two matches, Marshall was unable to put away the challenger in their third straight match and Vargas walked out of Laughlin a two-time champion. There were some grumblings on the internet with some hardcore fans complaining we’d have to see the same match yet again at February’s My Bloody Valentine and to them I just have this to say…SHUT UP! Go back to your You Porn and stop complaining. These bombshells are hot and they look good rolling around on the mat together! Plus, these two have put on some of the better Bombshell matches over the past few months and I never argue with good wrestling.

The ‘My Bloody Valentine’ logo appears behind Kenny.

As I just alluded to a moment ago, the name of February’s Supercard has been announced. ‘My Bloody Valentine’ will be live February 2nd from the Star of the Desert Arena right here in Las Vegas. And when I say right here in Vegas, I am in no way referring to the nice, comfortable, air conditioned television studio that I am in, in Los Angeles.

The images behind Kenny change to Connor Murphy, Steve Ramone, Mickey Carroll, and Jimmy Ringo.

We finally got to see the team of Jimmy Ringo and Mickey Carroll together and in action. The downside of this match was the last minute, thrown together team of Connor Murphy and Steve Ramone. Although I happen to be a fan of Ramone, the pairing with the newcomer Murphy seemed a bit off. Nevertheless, all four men were in great form. As usual, Ringo came out insulting the crowd for some cheap and effective heat and even Mickey Carroll joined in. Team Jordan tried to make an appearance but couldn’t get their in time as Ringo picked up the pinfall on Murphy. The most exciting about this matchup was the looming matchup between Ringo and Carroll and Team Jordan. Yes I did coin the name Team Jordan and I really don’t care if anyone else likes it.

A picture of ‘Pro Wrestling’s Pedigree’ shows up behind Kenny.

Max Burke made another appearance this past week on Climax Control and he made it known exactly what his intentions are. With just two Climax Control’s remaining before the big event in February, the question remains that who will face Giani di Luca for the SCW Heavyweight title. Giani did make an appearance later in the night to a massive POP from the Laughlin crowd to rebuff what Burke had said. The heavyweight title scene seeming to be wide open at the moment, it’ll be interesting to see if the former Roulette champion gets a crack at the big prize or if someone else steps up to steal his thunder. Apparently there was a sighting of Nick Jones last week. Would love to see what he has to say about all of this.

Pictures of Kain and Erik Steel show up behind Kenny.

In what turned out to be squash match, Kain beat the living bejesus out the underwhelming Eric Steel. The King of Kings sent a message on Sunday night, letting the SCW Universe know that he is on an upward climb in 2014. As for Steel, well not so much. After failing to hit the promotional marks that SCW brass like to see, and being carted off to the hospital on Sunday night, Mark Ward and Christian Underwood have executed their right to terminate his contract. Adidos!

The pictures change to that of Jon Dough and Aaron Matthews.

During a prolonged commercial break, SCW Tag Team Champion Jon Dough had come out to address the packed house. Let’s take a look what he had to say…

Jon Dough: Thanks for the love.

Jon points to his SCW Tag Team Title that is tied around his waist. The SCW Crowd on hand starts to go nuts.

Jon Dough: So Tonight’s the night huh. A-Matt and I get to defend the Tag Titles for the 1st time.

Crowd: Yes! Yes! Yes! Crowd cheers a bit.

Jon Dough: I glad some people are happy. You see since I arrived here earlier I had some of the SCW Stars shake their head or give me these sod looks. I almost feel like they’re letting me know that A-Matt and I have no chance on winning tonight.

Crowd; Boo!!!

Jon gets a little louder on the mic

Jon Dough: Well now look guys.

Jon walks up to one of the turnbuckles and climbs it to sit on the top turnbuckle.

Crowd: SCW! SCW! SCW! SCW!

Jon Dough: I agree SCW!! But like I was saying Maybe there right maybe this is the day I lose my title maybe not. One thing is for sure, very show that follows this C.C. in 2014 better be up to par because I plan on giving you fans the best dam Main Event ever.

Crowd: Jon Dough! Jon Dough! Jon Dough!

Jon Dough: I just hope A-Matt does his part to make this the best match of the night, because something tells me that Guns for Hire are going to be more than ready for this fight.

Crowd is heard cheering.

Jon Dough: However I just have something to say to Gun and hire.

Jon looks at the camera.

Crowd is heard cheering.

Jon Dough: Look guys I know you guys won your last match via some Bullshit but remember that A-Matt and Jon Dough are not I repeat are not The Saviors. So please keep that in mind tonight.

Jon uses his free hand to point at his title, while he hops of the turnbuckle.

Crowd: SCW! SCW! SCW!

Jon Dough: So just keep in mind this match is for the titles, not a match for revenge or avenges. However we do want to put on a good match just not one were we injure are selves to the point that were out of action for a while.

Crowd is heard cheering.

Jon Dough: Ethan Brody I know your pretty pissed off right now because of what took place two weeks ago. For those who have been living under a rock I have a clip of what happened.

All eyes focus on the SCW Tron

“Katu quickly gets into the ring only to get speared by Ethan, Jasmine watches Jasper closely waiting for the tap-out…..that never comes as Scott Pandora slams a chair into Landon’s head sending him to the mat!

Adams: Well, you were correct!

Justin: Your winners by Disqualification, the Guns for Hire!

Simone: And I don’t think The Saviors care!

Ethan gets a chairshot of his own before Scott discards the chair and orders to other two Saviors to join in on the beat down off Landon and Ethan; they do so immediately putting the boots to the prone forms of Landon and Ethan!

Simone: A great match ruined by interference!

Scott Pandora directs Katu and Jasper to the Guns for Hire and they triple team L.A. for a few seconds until he is down, then they do the same to Ethan. Once both of the Guns for Hire are down, Jasper and Katu drag them to their feet as Scott Pandora grabs a microphone. He then makes a cut throat motion with his thumb and Jasper and Katu hit synchronized pile drivers and the Guns for Hire's heads bounce off the ring.”

Crowd: Boooo!

Jon looks down to his waist, Jon is looking at his Tag Team belt. Crowd starts going a little nuts.

Jon Dough: So yea like I said this match of ours tonight is for the Tag Titles , not a match to take out your frustration.

Crowd: Boo!

Jon Dough: Shit! I know I’m not getting booed. I’m Jon Dough!

Crowd: Jon WHO?

Jon Dough: I said I’m Jon….

Crowd: DOUGH!!!!

Jon Dough: That’s right the SCW Champ of the fans. The man that wishes Gun for Hire good luck in this match. The match that should be match of the night.

Crowd: SCW! SCW! SCW!

Jon Dough: So With that said I need to get ready for tonight.

The crowd starts cheering as New Low starts to play thru the speaker system. Jon Dough leaves the ring and starts walking up the ramp way while giving out as many high fives as he can.

The camera cuts back to Kenny.

I will say this of Jon Dough, he’s always supportive of his fellow SCW Superstars and that’s probably why the SCW Universe gets behind him the way that they do.

Pictures of ‘Big Tiger’ Jeremiah Hardin and Brother Grimm show up behind Kenny.

The roulette wheel was spun and it landed on what I consider to be the best gimmick match of all time; the ladder match. With ‘The Jersey Devil Diva’ Joanne Canelli on hand to watch them fight, both the current Roulette Champion Jeremiah Hardin and challenger Brother Grimm fought their way up the rungs and toward greatness, but in the end it was the creepy Grimm that grabbed the strap. This marks the first singles title in SCW for Brother Grimm. He had previously held the Tag Team Championships with Goth earlier in 2013. I have no doubt that we’ll see these two again in February and hopefully it will be every bit as good and entertaining as their first bout.

Pictures of JD Phoenix, Necra Octavian Kane, and Jessie Salco make their way to the screen.

In a classic palate cleanser before the main event, one Bombshell in particular looked great in what was one of the more entertaining bouts of the evening. Jessie Salco had boasted it was her time to make her run at another singles championship in Sin City Wrestling earlier in the week and unfortunately she started off on the wrong foot. The ‘Goddess of the Dead’ picked up the win when she was able to pin both Bombshells at the same time. Could this be the start of something good in 2014 for Necra? After a lengthy Roulette title run last year she has been pretty quiet. After this week I’d like to see more of her. On the exact opposite side of the spectrum, after what seemed like a promising start, JD Phoenix has been almost non-existent. Hopefully she’s able to turn it around in time for ‘My Bloody Valentine’ since I always hate to see potential wasted.

Pictures of Guns for Hire, Jon Dough and Aaron Matthews, and the Tag Team Championships come over the screen behind Kenny.

In the best bout of the evening the unlikely team of Jon Dough and Aaron Matthews defended their titles for the first time. Unfortunately, their lack of experience together was their downfall. Not to take anything away from either competitor but they just didn’t have that fluidity of teamwork that you saw with Guns for Hire. GFH picked up their first Tag Team Championship here in Sin City Wrestling and rounded out the THIRD title change of the evening. I’ve been a huge supporters of these guys since their debut in the old ACW and now that they are back, I consider them the premier tag team in SCW. It’ll be interesting to see how Tag Team title landscape shifts over the next couple of weeks. Will Jon Dough and Aaron Matthews get their rematch at ‘My Bloody Valentine’ or will the unlikely duo now go their separate ways. I can’t wait to find out!

The Newsreel logo comes on the screen behind Kenny as music begins to play

It’s time for my favorite part of ‘the Hotwire’…the Newsreel.

A picture of Misty comes over the screen behind Kenny.

The former ‘Queen of the Damned’ not only informed the SCW Universe that 2014 will be her last year with the company, but she also unveiled some pretty jazzy new theme music. The 3-time Bombshell Champion and sure-fire hall of famer will be greatly missed after she goes. There were some winds blowing backstage that she was in fact pregnant and her retirement announcement seemed a bit too sudden for something dramatic to not have happened. It would be highly unlikely for a pregnant Misty to still compete in the ring so I’ll have my eye on her this Sunday as she and Vixen prepare to defend their Bombshell Tag Team Championships against the Foshan Bombshells.

A picture of former SCW Heavyweight Champion Simon Jones shows up on the screen.

Simon Jones and his wife Jacqueline gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this passed Sunday. No word yet I believe as to her name but if I were Simon, I’d keep an extra lock on that nursery. Casey Williams already burned your house to the ground and I wouldn’t be surprised if he kidnapped your newborn baby…just saying…the dude is certifiable. I’m sure Jones is looking forward finally
putting this one to bed at ‘My Bloody Valentine’ but I’d be a little scared if I were him. Seriously….he burned his *BLEEP*ing house down.

Joanne Canelli comes up on the screen behind Kenny.

Rumors have been flying around that ‘The Jersey Devil Diva’ has been in talks with the families of the West Coast including Vegas about extending her connections out here. When reached for answers she New Jersey native had this to say…

"Yes I have been in talks with a few businesses here in Vegas but there are legit. I can't tell you who I've been talkin' to, but all you have to know is that this town needs me."

The FBI has been watching Miss Canelli for some time now but can't prove anything underhanded has been going on between her or any of the families from the West Coast. Hmmm…

A picture of Damien Kingston comes up on the screen.

Since losing his opportunity against SCW Heavyweight Champion Giani di Luca last month, Damien Kingston hasn’t been around. Even though the former Number One Contender was not booked last week or this upcoming week, he hasn’t remained quiet on twitter. All signs seem to be pointing toward Kingston making his second exit in four months. Hopefully this isn’t the case since I bet some money he’d be Champion by March.

Scott, Jasper, and Katu come up on the big screen.

Shortly after making their long awaited debut, the Saviors announced via Twitter that they were leaving? Really? All that talk from Scott Pandora and now nothing? Something smells fishy to me. They created a serious buzz in the locker room and on camera and I can’t imagine they’d be making an exit that quickly. This may be pro wrestling but come on…

Pictures of Ben Jordan and Drake Green show up behind Kenny.

’The Cockney King’ and ‘Mr. Showtime’ were seen gallivanting around the city of Reno, Nevada together this week which to me was sort of surprising. Ben had been vocal over the past few weeks about his feelings toward Green’s current stint as the ACW World Champion since he was the last person to hold that title and never lost it. Who knows? Maybe Mark Ward will roll out Jordan as his next mystery opponent.

The SCW logo fills the screen

There have been former stars a plenty rumored to be backstage at recent SCW events. Names like Brandi Shotze, Joshua Acquin, Bo Dreamwolf, and even Geno Jr have been thrown around. No idea if this has anything to do with the upcoming Blast from the Past mixed tag team tournament or not but it will certainly be interesting to see if any of these rumors are true.

Kenny take a random sip of scotch.

On the flip side of all of the old names, there are some new ones too. Michael Hardy and JT Starr officially signed their contracts last week and are set to debut on the main roster some time before ‘My Bloody Valentine’. There are rumors of more deals being imminent and that can only mean less on-screen time for some of SCW’s current talent. It will be curious to see if anyone gets the old fashioned ax in the coming weeks.

The ‘NXT’ logo appears behind Kenny.

Last but not least there have been some rumors that some unnamed members of NXT have some legitimate heat backstage with some of SCW’s brass. No word as of yet as to why but I will pay close attention to this story as it grows.

Music begins to play as the ‘Top 3’ logo comes over the screen.

We finish up today with everybody else’s favorite segment, the top 3…

Honorable Mention:

This week’s honorable mention is former SCW Roulette Champion, Kain. The King of Kings demonstrated just exactly why he is a force to be reckoned with in the Heavyweight title picture and the Laughlin crowd really responded to him beating the snot out of Eric Steel. The powers that be have to notice the ride that Kain has been on the past few weeks and this just might get him up to the top of the card this winter.

Number Three:

Number three this week goes out to the creepiest of creepers, Brother Grimm. The Grimmster was finally able to capture some singles gold and he did it in impression fashion. His spear of Jeremiah Hardin through the ladder was one of the highlights of the whole show and I’m uber excited to see what he can do with the strap, provided of course he can get through his rematch with ‘Big Tiger’ that no doubt will come at ‘My Bloody Valentine’.

Number Two:

You have to give props to Mercedes Vargas. She lost two consecutive brutal matches to Amy Marshall, her title defense and her rematch, and everyone thought Amy would be moving on to a new challenger. As luck may have it, Mercedes got an entry into a Number One Contender’s match and found herself back in the six-sided ring with Amy. In what was one of the more odd stipulations in while, Mercedes was able to put away Marshall and regain her Bombshell Roulette title in impressive fashion.

Number One:

Number one this week has to go out to my boys Ethan Brody and Landon Axel. Two matches back from their extended hiatus and they are crowned Tag Team Champions. The pair has been working together for years and it show in the ring. These guys are going to be tough to beat and I think we might finally have a team that can rival the lengthy run of the famous Sinful Obsession. I’m really looking forward to seeing what these guys can do to some of the teams around here like the Surf Boys, Team Jordan, and Carroll and Ringo.

’Ship to Shore’ begins to play again as the ‘Hotwire’ logo comes back up on the screen behind Kenny.

This has been the very first edition of ‘the Hotwire’. I hope you enjoyed it but if you didn’t…oh well. I’m sure the IWC will complain all about what I didn’t say anyway. Don’t miss next weeks show when recap all the action from the January 12th edition of Climax Control, including Misty and Vixen’s Bombshell Tag Team title defense against the Foshan Bombshell ands the reunion on ‘Blood Omen’, the team of Lucian Frost and Kain. I’m Kenny Chisholm and go the *BLEEP* away.

Kenny gives the camera a fist bump as the scene fades out.