Author Topic: Issue #10  (Read 432 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
Issue #10
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:50:50 PM »
 Roxi- Well, two weeks ago went awful. I feel like I just let my partner down, and we didn't win. I couldn't have done it at a worse time. It's not just the fact that we lost. But the fact that we really should have won, you know?

[ She of course, is talking to Herman, her favorite gargoyle. ]

Roxi- I know, you're right,  I should really stop beating myself up over it, I guess it's just that I really think we have a chance you know. We had it, and I let it slip away.

[ She pauses, as if listening to the statue. ]

Roxi- Well, I guess if you look at it from that angle, it's not the end of the world.

[ She looks at the statue. ]

Roxi- Exactly, Now he's the referee for my match this week against Aspen Chaud.

[ She stares blankly. ]

Roxi- Aspen Chaud? you mean you've never heard of her Well.. let me tell you all about her...

[ She stares blankly. ]

Roxi- Well...She's....Hmm...come to think of it, I've never heard of her.

[ She shrugs. ]

Roxi- But it seems the deck is clearly stacked against me. But that's not going to change any time soon. You know that, so do I. Being a world class athlete, great wrestler and a superhero to the stars is well, challenging.

[ She turns and looks out at the city. ]

Roxi- But, it's my gift, and my curse. I know what I'm up against. Aspen is going to be tough, but I know I can beat her.  But, It's going to be a big boost to beat Aspen, and an even better feeling to get right back into the swing of things.

[ Her wrist communicator goes off. ]

Roxi- Go ahead guild base.

Guild Base - Lady Bedlam, you're presence  in requested at the Guild for you psychological evaluation.

Roxi- Be there in a flash.

Guild Base - Roger.

[ She turns back to Herman. ]

Roxi- Well, duty call Herman.

[ She bounds off. ]

Well, it's comes down to me and Aspen I love the challenge of facing someone who has her supposed talent level. But, it doesn't matter, I need to come out on top. Regain the edge so to speak.

I know I can beat Aspen, and I plan to do it. I cannot allow her to derail my momentum as I continue my rise in SCW. It's time to continue on the right path, and save SCW and gain the recognition I deserve. I'll see her in the ring, and we'll see what she's got. But, I'm not holding my breath, considering she's shown nothing so far. But I cannot take her lightly. And I won't.

See you later, Herman.


Doctor - Welcome Lady Bedlam, please have a seat.

Roxi- Sure.

Doctor - Don't be nervous, this is just a basic eval.

Roxi- Okay.

Doctor - I'm just going to ask some basic questions and you just answer them truthfully.

Roxi- Gotcha.

Doctor - Now, when you think of a hero, what's the first word that pops in your head?

Roxi- Me.

Doctor - Okay...When you think of a villain, what do you think of?

Roxi- Hannibal Lecter

Doctor - Hmmm...

Roxi- What?

Doctor - Nothing. Moving on, when do you think you should use lethal force?

Roxi- When my life, or someone else's life is in danger.

Doctor - Very good. Now, I want you to picture a bank robber.

Roxi- Okay.

Doctor - Now, I have this pen and paper, and I want you to draw that villain.

Roxi- Okay.

[ After a few moments, she finishes. ]

Doctor - Done?

Roxi- Yup.

Doctor - Let's see it.

Roxi- Here.


Doctor - drew the Hamburglar.

Roxi- Yes.

Doctor - Right...

Roxi- He's a thief.

Doctor - I suppose.

Roxi- Hey, the man is a danger. I always wondered why Ronald associated with a guy like that.

Doctor - Uh-huh

Roxi- Can you imagine if he was successful? That would be a crime.

Doctor - Alright, one last question: Is there any situation where you would ....

Roxi- No..

Doctor - I didn't finish.

Roxi- It's obviously something sexual.

Doctor - No.

Roxi- Well, in that case...yes.

Doctor - So, you would destroy a town if it meant you could save Alf?

Roxi- ....Yes.

[ She gets up and storms out. ]
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