Author Topic: Jake Jeckel  (Read 7001 times)

Offline Raisa

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Jake Jeckel
« on: March 15, 2020, 03:26:28 PM »

Handlers Name:
Any Messengers:
Years Active:


You will be booked at least 2-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since tag team matches take place in an intergender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out a Tag Team application***


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List): Raven
Wrestlers Twitter: Jake Jeckel
Wrestlers Name:
Age: N/A
Height: 6' 1
Weight: 235lbs
Hometown: Transylvania
Personality: Father figure  to Helena and Jack
Strengths: strong technical striker, in-ring psychology
Weaknesses: Various injuries
Gimmick If Any: de-facto leader of The Jeckels, co-owner of the Jeckel family traveling freakshow
Alignment: Heel


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): AHS: Freakshow Main title theme by James S. Levine
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):
Liam:  Coming to the ring from Transylvania, Romania, standing at 6'1" and weighing in at 235lb, he is... Jake Jeckel!!! @@

Smoke and fire cover the stage Raisa emerges from the flames and smokes followed the Jeckels, she leads them to the ring, they walk slowly, Helena slides under the ropes, Jake steps through the ropes and sits in the corner, Jack leans through the ropes, placing his hands on Jack's shoulders, Helena sits by the ropes and rocks back and forth


Everyone gets one finisher and 3 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-Brawler (You just want to hurt them, you don't believe in making them tap out as you prefer to knock them out instead)

Signature Moves
1.) Diving Clothesline
2.) Savate Kick
3.) Reverse Swinging Neckbreaker

Finishing Move
1.) Hokus Pokus (Flowing Snap DDT)


Weapon Of Choice: Whatever is available
Match Of Choice: hardcore

Superstar Bio: The Jeckel family history is guarded, but what is known is Jake is the oldest member of the family, uses brawling tactics over technique
Past Accomplishments: N/A

***Be sure to fill out an NPC/Manager application as well***
Manager's Name: Raisa
Manager's Pic Base (Check Taken Pic Bases List):
« Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 06:02:43 PM by Underground »