Author Topic: Post My Bloody Valentine V Press Conference.  (Read 107623 times)

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Post My Bloody Valentine V Press Conference.
« on: February 19, 2024, 09:23:48 AM »
This is an open thread to everyone in SCW, or who may have been backstage at the show. All you need to do is reply with this format. Just one rule.

You get one go at it. No having your character come back in to say something after you've posted once. No one ever came back to these things and said "Oh yeah, I forgot to say...". One and done.

This is pretty fluid so suspend belief if you want to take part. Your character might have already tweeted they're going home or what not, but there's no set timeline to this, so this could have been done before your character went home, or went partying, or the hospital.

Anyway, if this gets a few replies that isn't me, I'll make it a regular thing. Have at it.

The scene opens with Hot Stuff Mark Ward sitting in a room full of reporters with a table in front of him and a bottle of water.

HS: Welcome to the My Bloody Valentine V press conference. Been a while since I've done one of these things, but a lot happened last night that we can talk about, so I'm gonna sit out here and talk about the show, the company, the future, all of that and I'm pretty sure there's a few people who are willing to come out here and talk to ya. Probably trying to force our hand in to giving them title shots or something.

Hot Stuff laughs.

HS: So first question.

Hot Stuff picks up his bottle of water.

Reporter: Great show Mark. What's the mood like backstage right now?

HS: People are happy. A lot of stuff we've been working on and putting together has been coming together well. I've had no complaints as yet but the day is young yet but everyone seems in a good mood.

Reporter: Are there any injuries coming off this show?

Hot Stuff shakes his head.

HS: Nothing major. There's a few walking wounded back there. Cuts, bruises, stitches but nothing major. We have a lot of medical staff at a show like this and everyone was checked coming through the curtain and no one is seriously injured. There will be a few that will be absent from television through planned vacations and such and a couple of people getting checked out today but as far as I know, nothing major has sprung up.

Reporter: Are you happy with the numbers for this show?

HS: Supercards, especially the first ones of the year if they're held in the first 2 months are tough for numbers with the holidays and stuff and people don't have the spare money to spend, but we did really well for this show. Better then I thought which is a great sign of things to come for us. I know we're gonna have a big year this year and number wise, it started off great.

Reporter: Were you happy with the show?

Hot Stuff turns his head and smiles.

HS: Look, you know I'm no bullshit so no, I wasn't happy with the show completely to the point I told Christian some of it was dog shit for me, but I'm a perfectionist when it comes to these things. I wasn't happy with some stuff, I expected a lot more from some people but it balanced out for me because there was some incredible stuff on the show that balanced it out. To me, Supercards should be about giving it your all, no matter what your job is and some people let me down a bit but others showed they can very much step up and push things.

Reporter: Let's talk about your three new champions, Eddie Lyons, Tempest and Finn Whelan, what's your thoughts on those three?

HS: First off, let's look at Peter Vaughn and Courtney Pierce, who did amazing jobs as champions, and of course J2H before Finn. They had great runs, but I'm excited for this. Eddie is a guy that needed to be trusted with the ball and now he has a chance to show the world that he can lead a division and step up to show something Christian and I have seen in him from day one. Tempest has come on leaps and bounds lately and deserves her moment in the sun. Finn for me is one of the best wrestlers in the world right now, I think we're going to do some great things with him stepping up to the top and showing the best version of Finn we've ever seen. It's new eras, today starts their era and its something I'm looking forward to seeing.

Reporter: Julianna called out Kayla Richards on the show, which is unusual for a champion going in to a title match, is that something we can look forward to seeing in the future?

HS: You must be a new fan.

Hot Stuff smiles.

HS: That's very old school for us, because years ago things got ended and started at Supercards. To answer your question, of course it's something to look forward to but we'll see how Kayla responds to this. She's seen her partner become a double champion and might want to do the same.

Reporter: We saw Dawn Warren announce she is taking Ruby Steele's place in Blast From The Past and Mark Cross has already said he'll be back for that. Can we expect to see them on SCW TV leading up to the tournament?

HS: I hope so. I would love to see all Blast From The Past people on the shows, building up to the drawing and most former SCW people who have worked for us in the past are always welcome at our shows. Personally, I would love to see these guys on our screens.

Reporter: Calvin Harris was on social media back in a wrestling ring. Could we see him in SCW again in the future?

HS: I think it was his first time in the ring after a bad ankle break. Right now, he still has work to do to get fit but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in bringing him back to SCW but our conversations are friendly, not work based. For me, his health is important and trying to rush people back is never a good thing. I'm sure when the time comes, we'll have that conversation but until then, we're just happy to see how things progress.

Reporter: Can we expect any new faces in SCW?

HS: We're always looking for talent, but I love to showcase what we have. We have a talented bunch that works hard. These are the people I have faith in and want to step up and show what they can do.

Hot Stuff clears his throat.

HS: Ok, that's enough from me, it's about time we gave some others a chance to come out here and talk, so let's see who we have.

Hot Stuff looks towards the door, waiting for the first SCW star to walk in.


Offline Alexander Raven

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Re: Post My Bloody Valentine V Press Conference.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2024, 07:08:03 PM »
Maybe not the face people were expecting, but a battered, starting to bruise and covered in wraps and bandages, Alexander Raven walks through the door.

Slight chatter, slight murmuring from the attending journalists.

Raven: No, no. Nobody help me. I'll be fine.

Raven sighs heavily as he finds himself a seat next to Mark Ward on at the table. Taking one of the bottles in front of him, as he motions to the reporters to sort themselves out.

Reporter 1: Mr Raven, great showing out there tonight. How are you feeling after that brutal match?

Raven: Hope you're not getting paid for these hard hitting questions. How am I feeling? How do you think I'm feeling? If you listened to the man holding me hostage, Mark Ward, you'd be led to believe that people are happy. That everything is just hunky dory and we're all singing kumbaya. But, let me answer your question. How am I feeling? Cheated. Cheated again. In any other circumstance they would have raised and dropped my hand, three times, to call the finish. Any other time. Today? Today, Jasmine, decides to invoke referee's discretion to make that call. Now I'm not one for conspiracies, clearly. But I think it's funny that they she can make a call like that, in a match of that magnitude, especially when Ben Jordan is pretty much out on his feet. That goes five more seconds, and I bet he can't keep hold of that chain.

Raven snorts in disgust at the reporter who quietly retakes their seat. Jotting away some notes on their pad still. He points at another reporter, a portly man sweating somewhat profusely around his neck.

Reporter 2: Speaking of Ben Jordan, what are you intentions moving forward from the Supercard? You said some pretty intense things in the lead-up, and taking a metal spike to someone seems very personal.

Raven smiles a little, taking a long slow drink of water.

Raven: I actually like that question, you can sweat a little bit less piggy.

The man dips his head a little. Some mutters of annoyance at the bullying and attitude coming out of Alexander Raven.

Raven: Suck it up. Now, Ben Jordan? I'm not done with that prick. For me, until October 26th, the day my contract finally runs out. Three years to the day of my signing, in fact. I'm going to make life hell for anyone that I see needing a kick up the ass. If it takes a few metal spikes to the head, a few pipes to the ribs and a few fingers to the eyes, then so be it. I'm not done with Ben Jordan, not yet. Not even close. I'm going to make Ben Jordan's life a, and excuse my French here, fucking hell. And if you need someone to blame for what I'm going to do over the next eight or so months, you need only look at the man sitting here, and the other cretin who prances about acting like the world is owed to him.

Reporter 3: We saw the crowning of two new male champions here in SCW tonight, in Eddie Lyons and Finn Whelan. Do you have your eyes on either men as a future opponent?

Raven laughs a little, leaning forward to rest both elbows on the table.

Raven: I'd have to be a fucking moron to step between the ropes with Finn as he is right now. That's the truth of it. I've beat the man before, twice. The Finn Whelan I beat? A shadow compared to our current World Champion. These final few months? If I have to take out Eddie Lyons and remind him of his place, beneath his betters? Then I will. If I have to look across the ring at Miles Kasey again, and remind him that he is keeping warm the championship that I made relevant again, then I fucking will. But Finn? The only way you'd get me in the ring with Finn for that World Championship? Is if, and it is a might big fucking if in this place. No, The Conspiracy, that is Luna and I. We've got our eyes on those pretty and shiny Mixed Tag Team championships, and that is where I'll take my shot at Finn Whelan. It's one thing to be on that apex as a single's wrestler. It's another to dethrone both of them. No, ideally. I'll finish up my grievances with Ben Jordan and Samantha Marlowe. Then, The Conspiracy will take aim at Finn and Kayla. And considering Juliana's demands? We might just take the entire company by the throat.

Big claims from Alexander Raven. Nodding a little he holds his hand up and points at one more person.

Raven: Last question, I can feel people's eyes burning a hole in my back.

Reporter 4: Thank you for your time Mr Raven. We're seeing a major attitude change from you, coming from off back to back losses to J2H last year, and in general a pretty harsh losing streak. You've come up short again here tonight. Do you think that maybe your eyes are just a bit bigger than your stomach, in this incident?

Raven's face screws up in disgust. Standing up and pushing his chair somewhat aggressively.

Raven: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was talking to a fucking expert. I'm well aware of my past, you moron. I'm well aware of my streak of unluckiness. Tonight, I was screwed, no two ways about it. Both times, I took J2H to the limit, and a single moment either which way and I'd have been the man standing in the main event tonight, probably against the same two men who decided the new World Champion. Attitude change? I'm just sick of attempting to play and placate to the masses. I am who I am, and if people have an issue with that? That's on their head, not mine. So my eyes? They work perfectly fine. Maybe the deadbeat dad cosplayer should remember why he is on that side of the microphone, and I'm the one up here ripped to ribbons and still taking time for your dumb ass.

Raven spits at the reporter, turning away as a nearby member of security steps up. Raven shakes his hands off him as he walks towards the door. A limp to his step, obviously feeling the evening's events.

He is escorted through the door, and away from the Press Conference as the attendees await the next SCW star.

Offline Eddie Lyons

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Re: Post My Bloody Valentine V Press Conference.
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2024, 01:05:27 AM »
The door opens, and the one of the newly crowned champions “Unbreakable” Eddie Lyons walks into the room, Roulette Championship on his shoulder and a huge smile on his face, just behind him is Coach Kaiser, who also looks to his student proudly.  Once the two find themselves a seat and most of the cameras stop flashing the questions start rolling in.

Reporter 1: Congratulations on your big win tonight Eddie. How does it feel to capture your first career championship?

Eddie Lyons: It feels great. You know after my loss to Peter Vaughn at December 2 Dismember, I didn’t know where I was going. I thought my championship dreams were going to be shelved and I was going to have to prove that I deserved another opportunity. I started to think maybe I wasn’t good enough to be anything more than a decent hand. Then Peter Vaughn himself said he wanted me to have another shot, because I had earned his respect after our previous two encounters.I knew that this time, I HAD to win. I couldn’t let a championship slip away from me a fourth time, and I did it. I fucking did it.

Eddie gives the reporter a respectful nod, and points to the next.

Reporter 2: Peter Vaughn held that championship for I believe 287 days if my count is correct, he broke records and many consider him possibly the best Roulette Champion of all time. How do you expect to follow such an incredible reign?

Eddie Lyons: Excellent question. I didn’t care much for Peter when we first met, I’ll be honest and I don’t think we’ll ever be actual friends. But as an athlete and an opponent I have a great deal of respect for Vaughn. But now he finds himself in my old shoes, looking to prove himself at a higher level and try to become the World Champion. As for me? I’m just going to go out there and do what I always do and fight. I understand there is a target on my back now and I’m ready for it. I’m ready to prove myself as a champion. Whomever SCW wants to throw at me first, I’m ready. Peter Vaughn's reign is in the history books now. It’s time to write my chapter.

Eddie looks around and points to another reporter

Reporter 3:  Tonight we also saw Finn Whelan and Tempest capture championships. Any thoughts on your fellow new champions?

Eddie Lyons: Good on them, I know both are incredible talents. I don’t know Tempest too well but I do have history with Finn Whelan.  I can’t say I like the guy much, but I can’t deny his talent. He’s going to be a tough champion to beat and if Peter Vaughn is going after him now, well as someone who’s had encounters with both men, that just might end in all out war. But right now, the only champion I’m worried about is Eddie Lyons.

Eddie scans the room to find the next reporter.

Reporter 4: I have a question for Coach Kaiser. We saw Eddie win a championship here tonight and we know that many Lyons Dens talents have found quick success in other companies. Have you any plans to introduce new Lyons Den talent to SCW?

Coach Kaiser: I appreciate the kind words, and in short no. Not right now. This is Eddies time and we want to make SCW his hunting grounds. If we bring in more Lyons Den talent to SCW then we risk losing some focus on Eddie. Please, direct your future questions to him, this is his moment.

Eddie finds another reporter in the room.

Reporter 5:  Now that you have a championship, what are some of your next goals?

Eddie Lyons: I just want to prove myself as a champion.  That everyone who believed in me and supported me. Helped me get here. I want to show they weren’t wrong. I earned this championship tonight because I played the game just a little bit smarter than Peter and Justin did. I fought hard to get this and I’m not going to let it go easy. It’s time to step my game up. Peter Vaughn had an incredible regin and I’m the guy who ended it. They say Peter might be the best Roulette Champion of all time? Well then I beat the best. Whomever dares try and take this championship from me, will find out exactly why.

Eddie scans the room some more, but a producer does the time hand gesture and soon Eddie and Coach Kaiser are escorted away.

Offline Tempest

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Re: Post My Bloody Valentine V Press Conference.
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2024, 01:50:31 PM »
The newly crowned Bombshell Internet Champion, Tempest, walks out onto the stage with the championship belt securely fastened around her waistline. She is met with scattered, albeit polite, applause as she draws out a chair as instructed by the boss man himself, "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward. Tempest removes the belt from around her waist and sets it front and center on the table, in front of the microphone before taking a seat. She then looks out at everyone and then turns her head to address not the reporters but Mark himself.

Tempest: I'm going out on a limb here and guessing it's too late to call this off?

Mark nods in the affirmative, but with a smile, as her words are met with laughter and chuckles - despite the fact she was dead serious. She rolls her eyes and turns to the reporters.

Tempest: Well then, let's get this over with. And be gentle. if you did your homework, you'd know this is not my area of expertise.

Reporter #1: First of all, congratulations of winning your first singles championship in SCW. How does it feel not only winning the Fatal Fourway, but pinning the champion herself in that match?

Tempest: First of all, there was a time where I actually felt some modicum of respect for Courtney Pierce. Back when she won the `18 Blast From the Past and when she was competing for the World Championship. Then she seemed to have fallen off the deep end and she started relying too much on her little missus Ruby Steele helping her to win matches. That was the only reason why she even beat Ariana for this very title...

She pointed to the Internet title belt before her.

Tempest: ... And why she kept it for as long as she did. That's when that respect for her was chucked out the window. I'm glad she was the one I pinned for the title because that leaves no shred of doubt who the champion is and why I deserve it!

Reporter #2: You said if you won the championship, you were going to bring the Internet back to the Internet Championship. Can you elaborate?

Tempest: It's simple, really. I already discussed this with Mark Ward...

The Boss Man nods in agreement from where he stands.

Tempest: And I got the blessing from Calvin Harris who broke ground with this concept in the first place. Starting on Sunday the 25th, I'm going to let the SCW Universe decide my challengers with a series of polls on social media. I have nothing to hide and I am far from afraid of who will be chosen. Let the people have some say in the matter of who gets a shot at me and the championship. It'll either be a matter of who they think deserves a title shot or who they just want to see put into the ground because... it IS me, after all.

Reporter #3: Did you pick the names that will go on the polls?

Tempest: Actually, those names were picked and divided up by this man, right here.

She motions towards Mark.

Tempest: It's just going to be a matter of who gets the big title shot at the next Supercard, and who gets a shot during Climax Control. Now, that being said...

She places her hands on the table and pushes herself to her feet, grabbing the title belt in the process.

Tempest: I've already talked more now than I have since my debut so sorry to cut this short but... I'm cutting this short.

Tempest takes her leave while ignoring further questions.