Author Topic: MILES KASEY (c) v PETER VAUGHN - INTERNET TITLE  (Read 2907 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:53:30 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline MiloKasey

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The Improbability of Miles Kasey
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2024, 11:19:13 PM »
Two Weeks Ago
Tucson, AZ

Poor Justin Smith, the kid has heart but at the end of the day, even with his future opponent Peter Vaughn trying to make a statement.

As if he was so easily startled.

First it was trying to pin the blame of being behind his match against Rodrigo. AS IF he had that kind of power, and nothing against Afonso but if there was anyone that Miles would set up against this man to supposedly ‘soften him up’ Afonso and Barnhart weren’t exactly on the top of the list.

He may have been Internet Champ since October, but the amount of pull this man seems to think he had is a next level delusion that even Alexander Raven would have to admire.

Some would think that after their recent matches, and the seemingly inability of getting past the former Roulette Champion...well lets just say that Miles was pegged as being “scared” of Vaughn.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

That’s why he went out at the end of Vaughn’s match against Rodrigo. He wanted to show Peter that he was watching and was impressed, well until Peter took advantage of things and decided to make a statement.

Did he not realize this was the same man that stared down the likes of Austin James Mercer and Michael Harris and lived to tell about it?

Actually the only thing that night that remotely surprised him was Vaughn not coming at him for some cheap shot to supposedly ‘Make it easier’ to beat him for Blaze of Glory. But to Peter Vaughn’s credit, he stayed stoic while Miles finished off Justin Smith.

And just to show the differences between the two men, Miles shook Justin’s hand, because the point was made in the match, there was absolutely no need for intimidation. He was the bigger man.

When he returned to the locker room, he replayed the events of the match in his mind, Miles couldn't help but scoff at Vaughn's feeble attempt to intimidate him. Despite the numerous times Vaughn had bested him in the past, Miles refused to be cowed by his opponent's tactics. He had faced far greater challenges in the ring and had emerged victorious almost every time. You can’t win them all.

With a shake of his head, Miles rose from his seat and began to pace the length of the locker room. The upcoming match against Vaughn at Blaze of Glory loomed large in his mind, but he refused to let fear or doubt cloud his focus. He knew that Vaughn would stop at nothing to secure the victory, but Miles was more than ready to meet him head-on.

He sighed heavily, “Fuck it.

He would open the door to the room and look down and they were still set up for any post match interviews and hell, he had something he needed to get off his chest.

He had snagged a towel along the way, wrapped it around his neck, gripping the SCW Internet Championship and throwing it over his broad shoulder and stepped out into the hall.

Oi! Camera crew! Need ya to hit the record button for me.” he called out as he stepped onto the set.

The crew was on a bit of a break but they needed to hear this one themselves and took their places behind their respective pieces of equipment, even the guy that controlled the boom mic was up on his feet and was quickly in place. They were told when they were hired to be ready for anything at the drop of a hat, and after a while in their respective positions, they had this shit down to a science. And no one in the business did it better.

“Alright, Miles, we are rolling!”

Miles rolled his head back and forth a few times and tried to keep himself from pacing but that feeling went from the toes all the way up to the ends of those curls on his dirty blonde head and a broad smile crossed his face.

"Peter Vaughn thinks he can intimidate me?" Miles muttered to himself, his voice dripping with contempt. He tilted his head, ever so slightly, "He's got another thing coming. Look Peter, I may have lost to you in the past on multiple occasions, but that doesn't mean a damn thing. I've faced bigger, tougher opponents and come out on top every single time."

With a determined glint in his eye, Miles clenched his fists and squared his shoulders. He refused to let Vaughn's mind games get the better of him. This was his chance to prove once and for all that he was not to be underestimated, that he was a force to be reckoned with in Sin City Wrestling.

"So, Peter Vaughn, you think you can scare me?" Miles said, his voice carrying a steely edge. "You think you can beat me with mind games and intimidation tactics? Well, you're dead wrong. Because when we step into that ring at Blaze of Glory, I'm going to show you exactly what I'm made of. Before we went around and around, I was trying to figure out exactly who the hell you are and now I get it. Now I understand. You are hella fuckin’ talented, bruv....but- could it be that you are the one that is really afraid? Survey says and action says after tonight, that you know I am right. I’m not that same shithead that you have beaten."

He looks down at the title, while wiping the sweat from his face with the towel. He knows how much he’s grown. THEY know how much he’s grown. He no longer takes anything lightly, even himself.

Nah, see- YOU KNOW that the Miles Kasey you are facing in just a few weeks at Blaze, he’s not the guy that scratched and clawed his way to the Roulette Championship, he’s not the guy that took it on the chin every single time just to get a moment. I’m the bloody SCW Internet Champion, you want this title, you have to beat ME. You take your intimidation, mate, and you shove it up your arse. I’ll see you in Flagstaff.

With a wink and a final nod of defiance, determination and confidence, Miles headed off the set and back down the hall, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only: victory. In a few weeks time, he had to bring it all together, he was going to put in the work, he was going to overcome something that he considered a black mark.

He was going to beat that bastard, once and for all.

Even if it killed him.

Must Needed

From then on out, for 2 weeks straight Miles found his way into a gym somewhere and would put in as much time as he could. He was even working extra with Fenris inside the Go Gym as of late, but something wasn’t feeling right about the whole situation though. He was strangely moody, not really interacting with people like he usually did.

He wasn’t sure what it was.

Carter did though.

The minute they landed Carter saw it, Miles let go of a breath he was holding on to for a long long time. Miles would look over to Carter and grab his hand that had the ring that he just placed the ring on just a couple months ago.

There you are.” Carter said, looking out the window to where they landed, it was just sunrise there, “Is that the sun?

Yeah, it shines here once in a while.” Miles said with a smile, one of the brightest that’s been seen in days, “I wanna get out there and just take it all in.

Feeding off the excitement of his fiance, Carter laughed and he let Miles take the lead once the plane was stopped and they could get through everything that they needed too, “What’s the plan?

Get to the rental and straight to the surprise.” Miles was biting at the bit, customs better be quick about it because he was hell bent on getting to where they really wanted to go.

And they have no idea?

Miles just shook his head, “
Not a one. I’m actually really excited about this, we haven’t really seen them since they all came over for Christmas beyond the video chats.

Between the insanity of their engagement, on the road every week since and all the legal issues with Karen and then Carter’s other grandmother, the whole thing was wearing on them both and it was nice to get a break, and get a chance to do this. Something Miles needed desperately.

I really wish you had said something about being homesick though. You picked a fight with Fenris when he was trying to help you with that submission you guys have been working on.

Miles nodded and then moved to shaking his head, “Yeah, well...” he was good about opening up his feelings for Carter but for other things, sometimes, not so much.

Carter grabbed Miles’ hand a little more tighter and pulled it to him to pull Miles' attention to him, “No well about it babe. Especially when you told me lately that you’re thinking that you were gonna ask him about being in the wedding on your side of everything.

Miles just sighed, and laughed at the whole situation. K was gonna stretch him for sure the next time he saw him. Even he was getting on his own nerves from the situation so he’d welcome it, “I’m aware. I’ll apologize when I get back and ask him then. But we got some other things to take care of first. And thank you again, love, for this and for everything else.

About 45 minutes later...

As the morning sun began to cast its golden rays over the quiet London street, Brianna sat in her living room, sipping on a steaming cup of tea. It was a peaceful moment, the only sound the gentle ticking of the clock on the wall. Riley hadn’t woken up yet, Garrett had a rare late day start and her mother, who had moved in with them from Manchester recently for a better job and to be closer her daughter and first grandchild, was already busy for the day.

Suddenly, her attention was drawn to the window as she noticed a car pulling up outside. Frowning in confusion, she set her tea down on the coffee table and moved closer to get a better look.

"Who could that be at this hour?" she wondered aloud, her brow furrowing in curiosity.

Mora, her mother, who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, glanced over at her daughter with a questioning look. "What's going on, Bri?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Brianna shook her head, still trying to make out the figure stepping out of the car. "I'm not sure," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I think... oh my god...It’s Miles!!!."

At the mention of her son's name, Mora's eyes widened in shock, and she hurried to join Brianna at the window. Together, they watched in stunned silence as Miles stopped for a moment and took a deep breath of the air and then joined Carter as they made their way up the path to the front door, hand in hand.

Mora's heart began to race with excitement, her hands trembling slightly as she reached out to grasp Brianna's arm. "It is him," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's Miles."

Brianna could hardly believe her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched her brother approach. Before Miles even could reach the door though, Bri ran over and ripped open her front door and jumped right into her brother’s arms. “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!!!!” she screamed out as she engulfed her twin brother.

Miles simply grinned in response, his eyes shining with excitement as he wrapped her up into a tight hug. "Surprise!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

Tears welled up in Brianna's eyes as she hugged her brother back, feeling a rush of emotion wash over her at the sight of him standing there in front of her. “I hate you sometimes, you know that?”

Don’t lie, sis.” When the duo finally let go they looked to their mum, the woman that raised them by herself from about 2005 on stood there in shock. “Hi mum, I’m home.

Mora couldn't help but let out a choked sob as she wrapped her arms around both of them, feeling overwhelmed with happiness at having her son home again.

“Oh, you are such a sight for sore eyes.” Mora steps back, “And Carter...” she holds out her arm, “It is wonderful to see you too, dear.”

You can thank him for this too,” Miles said, as he let go of his family and wrapped his arm around his fiance’s shoulder, “We have just been on the go so much and it was wearing on us both, and while we saw his mum and grams quite a bit, he realized that we hadn’t really had a chance to visit and really celebrate like we want with you guys.

Miles had always said that his family worked almost every day, “I do hope this is alright, we got a whole week where we don’t have to be anywhere and well...

Mora just pulled Carter into a hug, and after a moment we hear, “Thank you.”

“Trust me, Carter you guys are ALWAYS welcome. We’re family after all.”

Mora steps back and motions to the door, “Come on in, I’ll put on a fresh pot of tea, you boys must be hungry.”

Bri just laughs as she follows her mom inside, and Miles just stands there with a smile, as Carter is a little dumbfounded still, “I think you just earned a lot of points with mum and Bri.

And we’ve only just begun.

The Improbability of Miles Kasey

"Sometimes, life throws you a curveball. You think you've got it all figured out, you think you know where you're headed, and then bam! Everything changes in an instant. But you know what? That's okay. Because it's those unexpected moments, those surprises that make life worth living.

Take today, for example. Here I am, standing in my family’s home in London, surrounded by the people I love most in this world. And how did I get here? Through a series of twists and turns, through ups and downs, through moments of doubt and moments of triumph.

But through it all, there's been one constant: love. Love for my family, love for my friends, love for the journey itself. Because at the end of the day, that's what matters most – the connections we make, the memories we create, the love we share.

So here's to the unexpected, to the surprises that keep life interesting, to the moments that take our breath away. And here's to love, in all its beautiful and unpredictable forms. Because as long as we have love in our hearts, we can weather any storm, overcome any obstacle, and find our way back home."

"Life's funny, isn't it? One moment you're on top of the world, and the next, you're staring down your toughest opponent yet. Peter Vaughn. The name alone is enough to send shivers down the spines of most wrestlers in the business. But not me.

Sure, Vaughn's got a reputation. He's beaten me before, more times than I care to admit. But you know what? That doesn't faze me. It doesn't intimidate me. Because I KNOW that I have faced tougher challenges in this ring, and I've come out on top every single time.

Vaughn likes to play mind games, likes to think he's got me all figured out. But he couldn't be more wrong. It may sound cliche but I'm not the same guy he faced in those matches. I've grown, I've evolved, I've become something he never expected.

And sure, he may think that he has the upper hand right now. He may think he's got me right where he wants me. But he's in for a rude awakening. Because when we step into that ring at Blaze of Glory, I'm going to show him what I'm made of.

I'm going to show him that he's not dealing with that Milo anymore, the one that he beat down on a few occasions. No, this Milo is something different, I'm the SCW Internet Champion, damn it, and I didn't get here by backing down from a challenge. I didn’t remain here for 7 fuckin’ months by sherking at the opportunities that were put in front of me. I beat the odds, I overcame what many said was not possible. I made it all and I still am standing. So, Peter Vaughn, you better bring everything you've got. Because I'm coming for you, and I'm not leaving without that elusive victory.

And when it's all said and done, when I've got my hand raised in victory, I'll look back on this moment and laugh. Because Peter Vaughn may be tough, but he's no match for the improbability of Miles Kasey."

Offline Peter Vaughn

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The Battle For PMV Ranch, P1
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2024, 11:37:49 PM »
~The picture comes up on our faithful cameraman, who has worked with Peter Vaughn since he came to Sin City over a year ago. This, though, is the first time we've seen him this... exposed, as he looks into a mirror in front of us. He straightens his bow-tie, moving the camera left and right for a moment, showing that the bowtie is actually a hidden camera. Satisfied, the cameraman walks off, leaving the restroom, which was thankfully otherwise unoccupied at the moment. He walks down the hall, nodding to a bailiff, as he goes through the courtroom doors and takes a seat about halfway in, so he can get good footage as we see the trial of the PMV Ranch currently underway. Judge Trebur finishes a bit of paperwork, then looks forward towards the plaintiff's desk.~

Judge Trebur: Please call your next witness, Mr. Michaels.

~The lawyer nods, standing up.~

Mr. Michaels: We call Augustus Raymeth to the stand.

~The crowd murmurs as Augustus stands up and walks to the front, getting himself sweared in before taking a seat.~

Mr. Michaels: Now, Mr. Raymeth, we know that your father, Samuel Raymeth, was said to have signed over his land to Mr. Peter Vaughn, for a less-than-adequate payment...

Elisa Dartum: Objection, your honor. The payments shown in Exhibit C have already shown that they were on average for the time period of this sale.

Judge Trebur: Objection sustained. Move on, Mr. Michaels.

Mr. Michaels: Yes, your honor. Mr. Raymeth, were you consulted on the sale of said land?

Augustus Raymeth: No, I was not.

Mr. Michaels: Why do you think you should have been involved?

Augustus Raymeth: I was promised that land since I was young. it was a birthright.

Mr. Michaels: So why do you believe your father sold the land?

Augustus Raymeth: My father was not well at the time. He was starting to show signs of dementia, among other issues, and it would later take his life late last year. He was not competent to be making a sale of that measure to Mr. Vaughn or anyone else, for that matter.

Mr. Michaels: Your witness.

~Michaels sits down, while Dartum stands up, immediately grabbing a piece of paper and bringing it forward.~

Elisa Dartum: I'm entering this into evidence, Your Honor, as Exhibit K.

Judge Trebur: So noted.

Elisa Dartum: Mr. Raymeth, as you can see here, this is your father's diagnosis from the Dallas Medical Center. This is when he was first diagnosed with dementia, wasn't it?

Augustus Raymeth: Ummm, the date looks right, but I'd have to check...

Elisa Dartum: But this date is more than a year after Mr. Vaughn's purchase of the property, isn't it? How do you explain that?

Augustus Raymeth: ... The diagnosis is not the start of it, Ms. Dartum. He was showing symptoms long before this.

Elisa Dartum: So you say. And yet we have talked to multiple witnesses who will state that your father was in sound mind during the time he signed the contracts, and only began to show deterioration many months later. It seems you're trying to stretch the truth, sir.

Mr. Michaels: Objection!

Elisa Dartum: Withdrawn. I tender the witness.

~Elisa goes to sit down, as the judge checks his watch.~

Judge Trebur: This feels like a good time for a recess for lunch. We'll get back together at 2.

~The judge hits his gavel, as Vaughn immediately stands up, smiling as he sees the lawyer furiously discussing with Augustus how Vaughn's team could have that document. Vaughn nods to Elisa, then heads towards the exit, with the cameraman following him.~

Peter Vaughn: This is feeling more and more like victory, something I know well. How are you doing, chief?

~Vaughn smirks at the cameraman, although he couldn't possibly know about the camera... could he? The cameraman just shrugs.~

Cameraman: It's sounding good so far. But I never assume things in a court case. My cousin seemed to have a clear win in his fight against his ex-wife. He's still in jail at the moment.

Peter Vaughn: Thanks for the vote of confidence. It's all going to work out in my favor, you'll see, man. I'm looking forward to my ranch being secured and my Internet Championship having come home by the end of the month.

Cameraman: "Your" Internet Championship?

Peter Vaughn: True, i've never held it before. But doesn't it feel... destined for me? Like it was always meant to be? That's just how I feel, just like I knew that the Roulette Title record would belong to me. I really need to do some research and find out how long I need to be the Internet Champion before I have the record there as well.

Cameraman: Just to ask, though... why not the Heavyweight Title? Why not go to the top?

~Vaughn's expression changes slightly, as his smile fades.~

Peter Vaughn: I know others have asked me that. But after falling in the tournament to Finn Whalen, I felt like I... hadn't proved myself worthy of that title shot. I'd rather my friend Goth go for the gold, while I take a step up the ladder and continue to build my Sin City resume. That means getting another championship around my waist, which I'm going to make sure happens...

Cameraman: If it's any consolation to you, I think you're going to get there sooner rather than later. And I plan to be there when you're holding that Heavyweight Title high in the air.

Peter Vaughn: I'm glad to hear you say that, friend. It's good that you have such faith in me. After all, you're here just listening to me talking about what I'm going to do to Miles Kasey to win the Internet Title, for no obvious reason other than friendship, right? Right?

~The cameraman swallows audibly, seemingly nervous. As Vaughn steps forward, seemingly looking right towards the bowtie, he's suddenly grabbed on the arm. He turns, surprised, as his fiancé, Sadie Anderson, is standing there with a dark expression on her face.~

Peter Vaughn: Oh, hey, Sadie, I didn't expect to see you here. Want to get some lunch? The guy here will probably treat.

Cameraman: What? Me? On my salary??

Sadie Anderson: Peter... we've got a problem. I need to talk to you... right now... alone.

Peter Vaughn: What, we can't trust Bill Nye over here?

~Vaughn gestures towards the cameraman, who nervously straightens the bowtie again. Vaughn takes note.~

Peter Vaughn: Yeah... you're right. I'll talk to you later, boyo.

~Vaughn turns and hurries after Sadie, as the cameraman is left with nothing more to do than keep fiddling with the camera tied around his neck.~

"By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail."

That's Benjamin Franklin right there. Sure, the guy's got some dents in his reputation now, but he sure had a way with quotations.

I've never failed to prepare for battle, be it in a courtroom or in the squared circle. I've definitely prepared for you, Miles. But I wonder how much you've put into this one, setting yourself up for possibly your greatest challenge ever. Have you been hitting the weights like a madman since this match was announced? Have you been losing sleep due to nightmares about what's to come? Or have you pushed it all aside to simply enjoy the ride, alongside HB Carter? I mean, I wouldn't put it past you just to accept the inevitable.

Nah, I take that back. I'd be insulted if you weren't training your ass off right now.

After all, Milo, you've already been humiliated by me twice. Once when nothing was on the line but pride, when you had a chance to stop me before I'd even begun. Once when you could have denied me the Roulette Championship, keeping me from the record run that would take place over the next year. Now, it's the third time, and we all know what that third strike would mean.

And I hear the nerds in the audience screaming "There was also that time-limit draw between you!" And yes, that did take place. Obviously, that's the closest you ever came, Milo, getting me at my lowest and nearly stealing away the win. But even then, you failed to put me away. Really, the less said about that match the better. The two matches that matter? I took you out and was victorious.

But I'm sure the talk out of your camp this week will be about redemption. It'll be all about how this is your chance to prove how much you've grown, and how this is the time you can take down the great Peter Vaughn and wipe this smear of crap from your record once and for all. It's the right speech to give, I'd applaud it. The problem isn't with the statement. It's with the execution of it.

I'm really not sure I believe you can beat me, Milo.

I have supreme confidence in everything I do, champ, and that includes going into a match like this. I'm fully prepared to reign hell down upon you from every direction until I knock you into next week, where you'll wake up to find your championship is no longer around your waist. I'm not going to lay back and give you a weak showing, oh no, I'm coming at 110% or more, whatever I can bring to tear you down from that Internet perch you ended up on.

I mean, let's go through who you've beaten as champion. You took down Lyons, a guy I beat multiple times before he slipped by in a multi-man match. Oh, and Braddock. Braddock, that's just funny. Let's see, there's Austin James Mercer, I suppose he counts as a name, although he hasn't been himself lately, has he? Then there was Oliver Zahn... who actually beat you, didn't he? But in a non-title match, so I guess that doesn't count. Really, I'm struggling here, man. I thought the Internet Division was supposed to be tougher than Roulette. That's what people tell me.

Are people lying to me, Milo?

Maybe it's all been a fluke. Or maybe you've just been waiting for the right competition to come along. Someone like me. I mean, it's not going to end well for you, but it will certainly raise the value of the Internet Division for sure. Especially with me as champion.

But I do think your redemption is still possible, Milos.

There is a path for you to do what you've never been able to do before. That move that has eluded you since the beginning of 2023, when I came into Sin City and made an impact that nobody expected.

And that path is you reclaiming the Roulette Championship, finally.

Just think of it, Milo. Once I've torn you limb from limb, you will have your chance to recover and prepare yourself, and you can look down at good ol' Eddie Lyons, who's sitting there at the top of his game after taking over the Roulette Division. Now, I'm not saying it'll be easy for you. Lyons has come a long way. But you could conceivably go down there and get that championship back around your waist, where you used to think it belonged.

I'd say that's a goal worthy of pursuit.

It's much more likely than your chance against me, boyo.

~Having left the cameraman behind, Vaughn joins Sadie in a back stairway. Sadie looks around to make sure they're not being joined by anyone else. Vaughn raises an eyebrow, wondering about all the concern, as Sadie steps back over to him.~

Peter Vaughn: So what's going on, Sadie? Did the travel agency call? If there's a problem with our Hawaii honeymoon, trust me, we can find some other great locations.

~It's an attempt at humor, but it falls flat. Let's face it, Vaughn's never been known for his sense of humor. Sadie shakes her head.~

Sadie Anderson: It's about Anthony Jenkins, Peter.

Peter Vaughn: Augustus Raymeth's brother in law? What, he wants more money or something? We're already covering his debts...

Sadie Anderson: No, Peter. Anthony got arrested.

Peter Vaughn: ... Say again?

~Sadie shakes her head again, leaning on the railing, as Vaughn looks at her, shocked.~

Sadie Anderson: You know how Anthony thought he could break into Augustus' safe? I told him not to bother with it, but I guess he thought he could do it when Augustus was at court and out of the building. But apparently there was some extra security that Anthony didn't know about, and he was stopped before he could get in. He's at holding right now.

Peter Vaughn: Damn fool...

~Vaughn looks annoyed, but not tremendously concerned. He gets out his phone, checking on something.~

Peter Vaughn: I know a few guys who might be willing to bail him out, if we want to go that route...

Sadie Anderson: It's worse than that, Peter. You know Anthony isn't exactly... trustworthy. He was only helping us because of his gambling debts. From what I hear, he told the police that he was just trying to make sure that Augustus wasn't swindling his sister in the family business. But if they offer him a deal... who knows what he might say.

Peter Vaughn: But what can he say? We just offered him some help...

Sadie Anderson: In exchange for some information. But what's stopping him from saying that we TOLD him to break into the safe? Could you put that past him?

~Vaughn finally nods, seeing her point. But he still doesn't seem that bothered by it.~

Peter Vaughn: It'd be his word against ours, and I still have some ammunition to use on the man.

~Sadie sighs. She never wanted to be involved in this in the first place, but when it comes down to it, she loves the PMV Ranch just as much as Vaughn, if not more. She's been the force behind keeping the ranch growing, allowing Vaughn to focus on wrestling while building his dream business. Vaughn notes her concern and steps over, putting an arm around her shoulders.~

Peter Vaughn: Look, Sadie. This is all going to work out. I'll make sure and get it fixed, okay? I'll contact my sources at the police station, see what they can do. Just trust me, it's going to be fine. Alright?

Sadie Anderson: I'm just worried, Peter. You know how devious that Judd Harrison is. He's probably already trying to work this to his advantage, whether he knows about Anthony or not.

Peter Vaughn: True. Which is why I'm going to get on this right away.

Sadie Anderson: But... but what about the trial? Don't you have to be there??

Peter Vaughn: Technically, there just needs to be a representative of the PMV Ranch. You certainly fit that description.

~Vaughn gives Sadie a confident shake, before releasing his hug and stepping away. Sadie seems to appreciate the show of support by her fiance, although she's still uncertain that the trial won't be affected. Vaughn, though, is puzzled by another matter.~

Peter Vaughn: So you said there was additional security around Augustus' safe? Why do you suppose that is?

Sadie Anderson: I have no clue. You'd think it'd just have money in it or some paperwork...

Peter Vaughn: Yeah... well, it's something to think about, anyway. Alright, I'll go take care of it. Rain check on the lunch?

Sadie Anderson: Always.

~The two share a deep kiss, showing their bond, something Vaughn never thought would be possible for someone like him. He breaks away from her reluctantly, nodding to her, before heading down the stairs. Sadie takes a deep breath, somewhat calmer, as she watches him go. She then heads back through the door, towards the courtroom, although there's still plenty of time. But she needs to let their lawyer know what's going on. We cut away.~

Everyone's got at least one weakness.

For some, it's drugs or alcohol. For guys like Jenkins, it's a unstoppable craving for gambling away their money. You can struggle with addictions to the Internet, to cigarettes, even to escape rooms. I heard this one guy had visited every escape room in his state multiple times, until they all started to ban him, and he went a little nuts. He probably tried to escape from jail after that. Let's face it, he'd been training for it for quite a long time, hadn't he?

But I digress. For someone like you, Milo, the weaknesses are a little less obvious. They don't stand out as a neon light. But they're there, nonetheless, a soft glow in the darkness. Maybe like fireflies, floating through the night. Now I know, Milo, you're not going to accept what I say here. You're going to have a strong urge to deny every point I make, refusing to see any of them as credible. But when I'm victorious over you once again, I want you to rewatch this promo and take it to heart, okay?

Let's start with the clearest one to me. It's the fact that you, Milo, aren't willing to go the extra mile when it comes to being a champion. The most recent example of this happened two Climax Controls ago. You see, I respect Rodrigo Afonso, even though I've beaten him multiple times. But when you walked out, trying to act unbothered by my win, I had to send a message to you. That's why Afonso had to go down one more time, left laid out as a representation to you. I knew it would get into your head, and I was right.

You had the opportunity, Milo, to return the message to me, and I would have respected it. After all, you were fighting Justin Smith, a guy I have absolutely zero respect for. But what did you do, when given the opportunity? You shook his hand. After he had let you down, failing to test you and help you prepare for someone like me, you let him off from the punishment he deserved.

Believe me, that was a disappointing sight, Miles. And not just to me. Did you hear the crowd when you shook his hand? Sure, some gave you cheers, but many felt disgusted by your actions. It wasn't just me. You lost some supporters with that simple gesture. It just showed everyone that you still haven't let go of your scruples. You still want to be seen as this amazing good guy, someone that people can look up to.

That is so 1980's. Wrestling has changed, boyo.

This is a major drawback for you, Milo. You have to be willing to do what it takes to retain the championship, if you want your reign to make record lengths. But you're soft. I hate to say that, but it's true. And that softness is an incredible weakness that can't just be fixed with a pill.

And that's not your only weakness, Milo. How about the fact that you've proven unwilling to divert from your high-flying plans in the ring? The viewers know that I've been able to adapt to any situation. You can't survive in the Roulette Division without being able to change things on the fly. I've trained to win in the air, on the ground, or using any weapons that happen to be nearby. I've even gotten some victories with a quick roll-up, just to prove I could. Every victory counts, after all, and that's all that mattered to me: being the one with his hand raised at the end of the night.

But what happens to you, Milo, when you can't quite pull off that 450? When the Blast From The Past isn't working for you? Do you move to Plans B, C, and D? Or do you keep trying your best moves, wanting them desperately to be your ticket to a win? Against a man like me, you've got to be able to adjust your battle plan. It's the only way I can be taken down. But I've never seen that from you, Milo. You come in dead-set to win the way you want to win, and when that can't happen... you lose.

It's a sight we've seen in the past, isn't it? And a sight I'm betting we'll see again, very, very soon.

But let's talk about your final weakness, Milo. It's a weakness that the two of us actually share, to be perfectly honest with you: we're both cocky.

I'll come into every match assuming I'm going to win, and I know you do the same. I mean, I don't see that as a major drawback, as confidence is key when you want to be the best. But here's the difference between us, Milo: I've got years and years of success to back up that cockiness. I have twelve World Heavyweight Title reigns and counting, over half a dozen federations. I've done it all in this business, and I'm just getting started.

And let's not forget the multiple victories I have over you. Those are important as well.

So I have every right to be cocky coming into this contest. But what about you? Are you coming in self-assured that THIS will be the time you plant the Mechanic into the canvas? Will you show Sin City that you actually deserve them being behind you, in a contest against a man like me? I'm fully expecting you to make our match the all-star affair of the night, the showstealer that blows the minds of the wrestling fans in attendance and the millions watching around the world.

But if you ask me, you don't deserve the right to be cocky... until you've become a winner. Let's face it, you need this victory 100 times more than I do, because you'll always be seen as an also-ran to me otherwise. So you should be coming in cautious and feeling the pressure, not as an egotistical, self-absorbed champ. But I don't think you'll manage it. I think you'll come in thinking, "I have the title, which means I'm better". And that's going to backfire on you like a Buick running on leaded gas.

And at the end of our contest, Milo, assuming you're still conscious, you'll have to look up and realize that you shouldn't have come into our contest thinking that you could beat me however you wanted. Once the credits have rolled, and you make your way to the back, you may never be cocky again.

That's what happens, Milo, when you take the Plunge.

~As Sadie is explaining to a flabbergasted Elisa that Vaughn has been 'called away' for the rest of the day, we catch Vaughn as he exits the courthouse, heading for his truck. He's already on the phone, waiting for a response.~

Sergeant Powell: Vaughny! How's your day going, player?

Peter Vaughn: Making the most out of life as always, Sergeant. How are you doing? I heard they dropped the charges against you.

Sergeant Powell: They had no choice when they saw that video you found. They were worried I was going to leak it to TMZ. And hell, I kept a copy, so I still might! Hah hah hah!

Peter Vaughn: That would certainly embarrass the senator, although that's probably not trouble you need, my friend. So listen, you happen to know anyone over in holding?

Sergeant Powell: Uh oh. Who got popped? I guess not you, unless you're using your one phone call on me, and let me tell you, that'd be a mistake!

~Vaughn forces a fake laugh out of his throat. Since it's over the phone, he doesn't have to worry about the correct facial mannerisms. He just has to make it SOUND real.~

Peter Vaughn: No, it's not me. I'm trying to check on a person I'm somewhat loosely affiliated with. A man named Anthony Jenkins. Got himself in a little trouble trying to look at his brother-in-law's safe, really stupid stuff, to be honest. You'd think family would just drop the charge, you know?

Sergeant Powell: Too true. But family does what family does. You want me to contact them for you, see what's going on?

Peter Vaughn: if you could, I'd be truly appreciative.  And, uh, if you could keep my name out of it?

Sergeant Powell: Of course. I'll let you know what's happening. Makes you just want to get into a ring and punch a guy, right? Hah!

Peter Vaughn: You're a funny guy, Sargeant. I'll give you a call later. Thanks a lot.

Sergeant Powell: No probem.

~Vaughn hangs up the phone as he gets into his favorite truck, Gabriella. He gives her a friendly pat, then goes to start her up. There's a strange noise, which catches Vaughn's attention. He listens closely, wondering if something's wrong with his baby... when he realizes that the sound is coming from the glove box. He pops it open, finding the burner phone he had stashed in there. He quickly flips it open.~

Peter Vaughn: That you, Cliff?

Cliff Sterling: Where have you been, man?? I've been trying to reach you for 30 minutes now!!

Peter Vaughn: Well, you've got me now. What's going on? Did you find anything out working with Judd Harrison's boys?

Cliff Sterling: Look, I don't have a lot of time to talk. They're searching for me.

Peter Vaughn: They're what??

Cliff Sterling: I'm hiding now, but I don't think it'll be long. I can't get off the property.

~Vaughn sits up, a more serious expression on his face.~

Peter Vaughn: Talk to me, Cliff. Tell me where you need me to go.

Cliff Sterling: There's no time, boss. Just listen. I overheard Harrison talking to his boys. He's got the trial rigged. It's all a set-up, him and the judge. I've left some paperwork where you can find it. You need to get to...

~Suddenly, there are shouts over the line, sounding like "There he is!" and "Get 'em!" There are sounds of a scuffle, and punches being thrown. Vaughn listens intently, hoping that Cliff is able to get away, but a few seconds later, the men can be heard saying they've got him. Another voice shouts out "Break that phone!", and a final crash is heard... followed by the silence of a lost connection. Vaughn sits there for a moment, staring at the phone, before dropping it onto the seat next to him. He looks from left to right, considering his options.~

Peter Vaughn: Looks like I've got a lot to take care of this afternoon. Should be fun.

~Vaughn slams Gabriella into gear, then peels out of the parking lot of the courthouse. He heads down the street, already formulating what he needs to do next, as we slowly fade out.~

A Mechanic's work is never done, apparently.

There's something to be said when you're known to be able to fix any problem. It feels like this just causes the problems to grow larger in the long run. But that's okay. I enjoy challenges. I wouldn't keep coming back to Sin City if I didn't. After all, the wrestlers here are some of the toughest I've encountered throughout my time in the business. To prove that I'm one of the best here makes a big statement to the wrestling world, a statement I'm always looking to get shouted from the rooftops.

And that's why I don't want to completely discredit you, Milo.

I talked about your weaknesses, and I fully believe in them. But I don't want to disvalue your strengths. You're a former Roulette and current Internet champion, after all. I've watched your talents grow over the year I've been here, and you're certainly not one to be discounted. You are an impressive high-flyer, even if you rely on it too much. It's gotten you some strong victories, to be sure.

I'm not coming into this match thinking it'll be a breeze. On the contrary, I think it'll be an incredible match. We'll tear the whole Walkup Skydome down to its foundation, giving the Blaze of Glory crowd a war they'll remember for the rest of their lives. Weaknesses or not, I know you're going to be great.

I'm just going to be greater.

Everything you can pull off, I'm going to make look better. Every maneuver that you think is technically sound, I'm going to put to shame. Every time the referee turns his back, well, you're just going to ignore him... while I'm going to take advantage. That's just the way things are going to work, Milo. I take everything up another level, because if I didn't, I couldn't say I'm one of the best in the world.

I'm going to be the Internet Champion. I'm going to use it as a stepping stone all the way to the top of Sin City. And the world will know that I'm deserving of my place here. If it means I knock you further down the ladder because of it, well, that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Get ready to swing, batter, batter, swing.

Strike three is coming your way.

You're out. And I'm in.

See you soon.

Offline Peter Vaughn

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The Battle For PMV Ranch, P2
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 04:41:51 PM »
~As the shot comes up, those astute viewers who watched our last video will recognize the court room where the proceedings against the PMV Ranch are taking place. We see Mr. Michaels off to the left, having a discussion with his client, Augustus Raymeth. They are trying to lay claim to the land around PMV Ranch, saying it should have never been sold to Peter Vaughn, but Vaughn and his associates are fighting the claim. To the right, we see the lawyer, Elisa Dartum, in furious conversation with Vaughn's fiancé, Sadie Anderson. They continue to talk, even as Judge Trebur makes his way back into the room. He goes up to his bench, taking a seat, before looking out over the crowd and taking note of who's there. He grabs his gavel, giving it a quick bang to catch everyone's attention.~

Judge Trebur: I do hope everyone had an enjoyable lunch. I believe we're ready to continue this case, but I notice that we're missing someone. Ms. Dartum, where is Peter Vaughn?

~Elisa gets up slightly nervously, brushing her dress down before stepping forward.~

Elisa Dartum: Your honor, I'm afraid that Mr. Vaughn has been unavoidably detained by a business matter.

Judge Trebur: Business? He's a wrestler, isn't he? He didn't get hit with a steel chair or something, did he?

~There are a few faint laughs, as the people in the room make sure to throw out a 'giggle' for the judge's joke.~

Elisa Dartum: No, your honor. I do not believe so. This involves more business from his ranch, I believe. But Ms. Anderson here is a top shareholder in the ranch, and she will be able to represent them here this afternoon.

Judge Trebur: Mr. Michaels? Any objections?

~Michaels stands up, straightening his own suit before answering.~

Mr. Michaels: While I find it a bit... callous that Mr. Vaughn would decide not to be here, I'm perfectly fine in continuing my case.

Judge Trebur: So be it. Call your next witness, Mr. Michaels.

~Michaels nods and goes to prepare, as Elisa turns back to Sadie with a frown.~

Elisa Dartum: This is a dangerous game your fiancé is playing, Sadie...

Sadie Anderson: That's about the only game Peter knows how to play. But don't worry. Wherever he ends up, Peter will succeed in what needs to be done. I believe in him.

~Elisa nods, before turning to see the next witness approaching the stand. She takes a deep breath, knowing that she's got to keep this case going... at least until Vaughn returns from wherever he's gone. We cut away.~

~We now find ourselves approaching a set of steel bars. It's a recognizable sight even for those who have never spent time behind them, thanks to television and films. We're apparently inside a jail. The camera continues to approach the bars, passing right through them in an implausible feat of technical wizardry... or just really good editing. Inside the jail cell, we see a man sitting there, scratching at his nails and looking extremely anxious. It is Anthony Jenkins, the brother-in-law of Augustus Raymeth, who was caught trying to break into Augustus' work safe earlier today. He sighs to himself, then jumps when he hears the door nearby slam open. He turns to look, as a police officer walks into the room, carrying a tray.~

Anthony Jenkins: So what is it? Time for another interrogation? I told you I didn't do nothing, man!

Sergeant Powell: Calm down, prisoner. You're getting yourself too stressed out. I'm just bringing you lunch.

~The sergeant moves the tray over to the side, putting it where it can easily slide through the bars. Anthony looks at it suspiciously, as he's never trusted cops.~

Anthony Jenkins: You guys are losing it. I've already had lunch. Hours ago.

Sergeant Powell: Ahhh. Well, maybe you could just call this a special mid-afternoon snack, then? A man has to keep his energy up, right?

Anthony Jenkins: I... suppose.

Sergeant Powell: Besides, it never hurts to have someone looking out for you, does it?

Anthony Jenkins: Huh?

~The sergeant tips his hat at Anthony, and then turns and walks away, whistling a tune. Anthony watches him go, looking like he's sure a few bats have escaped that man's belfry, before walking over and taking the tray. It's not like there's much else to do in a jail cell. He takes it over to the small, ratty bed and sits down with it, only now noticing that it's not just a plate of fruit... it's also got a note. Curious, he opens it up, reading as he begins to munch on a banana. He quickly loses his appetite, though, dropping the banana remains to the side, as he rereads the note. He then shakes his head, looking more anxious than ever, as he drops the note onto the bed. The camera moves in to get a good look at it.~

Stay Calm, Stay Cool, Stay Quiet.
    You Haven't Been Forgotten.
    We Know About Panama City.

~Anthony slides to the side, rocking back and forth on the edge of the bed, as he considers his options. He then reaches over, grabbing the note and taking it over to the small toilet in the cell, shredding it in order to make it disappear. He's made his decision. We fade out, leaving him to wait in his small room for what's to come.~

Sometimes you have to remind people of the facts of the matter.

Like, for instance, you, Milo. You ever heard the quotation where you can't see the forest for the trees? All you seem to be able to view is my "mind games", bringing them up multiple times. It's funny to me, really, that you think my best weapon is getting inside your head, when it's clear that I don't really need to do anything. I'm already dug in there deeply, as far as I can tell.

Sure, I took out Rodrigo to send a reminder message to you, but it was to test your reaction to it. I wanted to let you know that I'm still going to be ruthless, but I also wanted to see how much Miles Kasey has grown since I last faced him for the championship. Well, I got my answer. In your heart, deep in your soul, you really haven't changed. You're the same guy I defeated multiple times in the past. But I wonder, has your view of me changed? Will that make a difference?

After all, when we first faced off, obviously there was no mind games. It was you vs. me in a one-on-one match, and I came out successful. It probably sat there in the back of your mind, though, when we faced off for the Roulette Title. It could be why you didn't hold onto that rope long enough, allowing me to become the champion while you had to dry off after a dip in the pool. You just didn't fight hard enough.

After that, we have the World Title Tournament, where you and I faced off as equal champions. Honestly, I barely even acknowledge this win, probably because of how that tournament ended to me, but I suppose I shouldn't ignore it, should I? You felt like the superior champ going into that one, that much was clear... but was the uncertainty still in there, gnawing at you? Because you came up short again, with me moving forward in the tournament and leaving you in the dust. For a third time.

So will all those losses, stacked up like a Jenga puzzle, be rolling around in your noggin as we face off again? Will you be picturing me as someone you can defeat, or am I someone you just have to survive? Do I appear as the Boogeyman in your bad dreams, always taking away the things that you want? Or will it be the opposite? Are you working hard to see me as just another roadblock that you need to clear to be the best? That would probably be your best course of action, but if that was the case, you would have just taken out Justin and been ready for me.

No, Miles. I don't need mind games to win. But I'm not going to deny that it's still an advantage I'll make use of.

When you land your best moves and I'm still kicking out, I'm going to enjoy that look of anguish on your face, as you realize that the Boogeyman is indeed real... and he's ready to come take you down for a third time.

Sunday is going to be fun, Milo.


~The picture shifts out to the ranch of one Judd Harrison, located down the road from the PMV Ranch. For the last year, Judd has been the main force trying to keep Peter Vaughn out of the ranching business. He always claimed that Vaughn had no right to be a rancher, having bought his way in, and it's hard to disagree with him. But Vaughn has persevered in spite of Judd's attempts to keep him from the cattle board and out of ranching. He's succeeded, which has just made Judd even more certain that he doesn't belong. It's also had the older man on his guard, which allowed him to realize that something wasn't right about his newest ranch hand, Cliff. That same man now sits in front of Judd, tied up on a chair, glaring at him as Judd limps past him, clutching at his silver cane.~

Judd Harrison: Now I may be an old-fashioned kind of man, but that doesn't mean I cannot be merciful. You just need to talk to me, son, and maybe everything can be forgiven.

~Cliff doesn't say a word, still just staring meaningfully at Judd, who just smiles at him.~

Judd Harrison: I know you were listening in on our conversations, and we caught you going into my stateroom. I don't know why you thought you would get away from us. This is MY land, son. I rule here, and nobody can just escape me without my knowledge. But as I said, we can end all this now. Just tell me who you are working for, and what you had hoped to gain from it. And I give you my word that you will walk out of here.

~Behind Judd, there is a minor guffaw that is quickly stifled. Judd glances that way, his smile faltering, before he locked the mask back on. He leans forward, staring deeply into Cliff's eyes.~

Judd Harrison: I treat my friends well, Cliff. Don't you want to be a friend? Tell me what I want to know.

~Cliff finally seems to react, as a slow smile cuts across his bruised face.~

Cliff Sterling: Mr. Harrison... I'm gonna decline that invitation to be your friend. I happen to know that you're gonna be going down soon, and I can't wait to see how it happens.

~Judd thinks about this for a second, and then smirks as he turns back to his most trusted ranch hands, the ones who won't say anything about what happens here.~

Judd Harrison: I think Cliff here needs some more special attention. I'm sure we can talk again later, when he's more agreeable...

~One of the men steps forward, grinning evilly, as Cliff begins to brace himself. But everyone in the room stops moving when a loud siren can be heard, building up in the distance.~

Ranch Hand #1: What the heck??

Ranch Hand #2: That's our coyote alarm! The cattle's under attack!!

~The two men start to head towards the door, but Judd stops them, eyeing Cliff before speaking.~

Judd Harrison: We barely ever have troubles with that, and in April of all times? No. This is a trick, boys. They want us to leave Cliff alone so they can rescue him. We've probably got another imposter on the crew. Who else is here, Cliff??

~Judd grabs hold of Cliff's shirt, leaning down at him. Cliff does nothing but smile back, making Judd want to wipe that smile off of his face. Instead, he lets go, stepping back, just as the door to the room comes smashing open. The two ranch hands turn, ready to attack, and grab hold of the man... before realizing that it's one of their own, a man named Cobb.~

Cobb: Boss! We need help out here!!

Judd Harrison: It's all a hoax, Cobb, you can trust me on this...

Cobb: No! Sir!! I'm the one who set it off! There are coyotes in the cattle pen!!

Judd Harrison: WHAT?!?!?!

Cobb: I don't know how they got in, but they already took down one cow and are looking for more! I need your keys for the gun safe, boss!! We've got to take them out!!

~Judd looks back and forth between Cobb and Cliff, before finally sighing.~

Judd Harrison: I'm going to go take care of this. You two stay here, I'm sure Cobb and I can handle it!

Cobb: Are you sure we don't need...

Judd Harrison: GET MOVING, COBB!!!

~An angry Judd Harrison storms out of the room, with Cobb right behind him. The two ranch hands look at each other, fighting not to laugh at hearing Cobb get told off. One then turns back to Cliff, who still can't do anything other than stare.~

Ranch Hand #1: As long as we're staying...

~The man steps menacingly towards Cliff... right as an object comes flying through the nearby window. It rolls to the center of the room, with all three men looking down at it. It appears to be a soda bottle that's been plugged up with something, something that's smoking. Within a few moments, the bottle pops with a loud bang, sending a cloud of smoke throughout the room. Everyone begins coughing from the fumes, as the door swings open... and Peter Vaughn steps through, wearing a COVID-style mask around his face. As the first ranch hand turns towards him, Vaughn unleashes his best shot... spraying Windex right into the guy's eyes!! He staggers back, screaming, as Vaughn turns and sprays the second man as well. They're both in agony as Vaughn turns to see Cliff, who's fighting his own tears from the smoke.~

Peter Vaughn: Be with you in a minute, Cliff.

~Vaughn then puts the bottle back in his pocket and grabs both blinded men by the head, smashing them together. They drop to the ground, with Vaughn quickly yanking them over to the side. He secures them together through a cabinet handle, using a set of zip ties to keep them from getting up. Vaughn then comes over to Cliff, popping out his favorite Swiss army knife to quickly cut away the cords holding him down. Cliff sags forward, exhausted, but Vaughn helps him up.~

Cliff Sterling: You didn't... have to come for me... boss...

Peter Vaughn: Eh... unlike Anthony, you've been a saint, Cliff. Nothing to blackmail you on, so I might as well just rescue you before they beat the truth out of you. Now let's get going. The coyotes will only work for so long.

Cliff Sterling: There really were... coyotes?

Peter Vaughn: I needed to get them off my land, somehow. This seemed to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone...

~Vaughn drags Cliff out of the room, heading for the other side of the property. He looks back at the two men still tied up inside the smoky room.~

Peter Vaughn: Enjoy the sauna, boyos.

~Vaughn kicks the door shut again, leaving them behind.~

You always have to beware the wolves at the gate, Milo. Even if sometimes they're coyotes at the fence instead.

I've been preparing for this confrontation with you for weeks now, ever since I learned I would be coming for you once again. I will admit, it's taken a bit of a shift in focus, being the pursuer instead of the pursuee, but I've adapted to it. I spent some time watching footage of many of your recent matches. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get through all of them, so that I could have a better sense of "the champion".

For instance, your battles with Austin James Mercer. You talked about ME trying to get under your skin, but he kept going after HB Carter, didn't he, just to incite you? Hell, I'm a saint compared to him. Maybe in the past I would have done something like that, but once you have a fiancé I guess that option goes out the window. Still, it almost worked, didn't it? You were distracted, and almost fell to both the Legacy Bomb and the Mercenary. If Austin had actually been able to equal the mind games with actual skill, we would have had a new champion at December 2 Dismember.

Of course, I know all about your next major match, in the tournament... when I cleaned your clock and got yet another victory over you. But I still watched the recording back, to see if there was anything else I could learn from it. The biggest thing I noticed? You tend to telegraph your maneuvers the later into the match you go. I mean, you all but told me "Hey, block this move, will you? I don't want to hit it." And I obliged, putting you down with the Keyholder.

Maybe you were still shaken by that, but you sure didn't perform up to snuff in your next major contest, tagging with Alexandra Calaway against Alexander Raven & Luna Pasilno. Now, true, Raven DID cheat by grabbing the ropes in that roll-up. But you weren't able to counter it, were you? So what's to stop me using that very same strategy, now that it's proven successful?

But these string of losses are getting old. Let's jump to My Bloody Valentine. Now this one, against Oliver Zahn, was a dream match, I have to say. Not because of the competitors involved, but in how the match itself went down. Counters after counters, some great stuff throughout. I must say, I gave this match a standing ovation once it was over. Truthfully, Milo, this was the first contest where I thought, this is Miles at 100%. And that's the one I want to see at Blaze of Glory.

This was probably the match that saved you some pain, actually.

You know what the "devious wrestler" codebooks says, Milo. I should have assaulted you in the back at some point. I should have tried to break an arm or tweak a leg, leaving you vulnerable for when we face off. I could have ambushed you at almost any time over the last several shows. But I chose not to. Because all-in-all, Milo, I want this one to be definitive. I don't want you broken and beaten until AFTER the bell rings.

I want to face Miles Kasey, Internet Champion, at his best, so that when I'm victorious, nobody can say it wasn't deserved.

When I come in there and end your long reign, Milo, it'll be because I've used every single bit of knowledge I've learned about you. I'll have you as frustrated as a kid playing a wrestling video game, helplessly mashing buttons with no success as the reversals keep coming. Truth be told, I want this victory more than any match I've had in 2024 so far. Because this will be the proof that I'm evolving in Sin City. I'm rising to levels I've never been before.

The wolf is at the gate, Milo. And it's ravenous for gold.

Be forewarned.

My bite is just as dangerous as my bark.

~As Vaughn gets Cliff down the hillside, Cliff has to fight not to fall. Vaughn holds him up, though, getting him around to where his truck, Gabriella, is parked. Cliff leans against it, fatigued, as Vaughn pops the back tailgate open. He goes to grab Cliff, who looks at him with a pained expression.~

Cliff Sterling: In the back? Really, boss?

Peter Vaughn: Well, I mean... you're a little bloody...

Cliff Sterling: It's just my lip. They hadn't done much else to me...

~Cliff winces, touching at his fattened lip. Vaughn sighs, then pulls out a handkerchief, handing it over. He then shuts the tailgate and turns, going to the passenger door and opening it up.~

Peter Vaughn: Just be careful where you put your hands.

~Cliff obediently hops in, with Vaughn going to the other side and starting up the truck. They drive off, leaving the borders of Judd Harrison's ranch. Cliff dabs at his mouth for a few seconds, before suddenly his eyes go wide.~

Cliff Sterling: Wait!! We have to go back!!

Peter Vaughn: Why?

Cliff Sterling: The documents I found! The proof! We've got to get it!

Peter Vaughn: Oh, those. I already grabbed them before I got you. They're in the back.

~Confused, Cliff looks in the back, where there is indeed a stack of papers placed in a folder.~

Cliff Sterling: But... but how? I never told you where I hid them...

Peter Vaughn: Please, Cliff. Once you said you had something, I knew it was hidden in the downstairs closet of the bunkhouse, on the upper right shelf.

Cliff Sterling: .... Are you clairvoyant, boss??

Peter Vaughn: Hah. That would explain how I've won so many wrestling matches, wouldn't it? It would give ol' Milo another excuse to hang his hat on. But no. I'm not psychic. I've just known for months about your hidden magazine stash on our own ranch. Figured you would use the same spot here.

~Cliff's face turns a little more red as he realizes what this means, swallowing for a second.~

Cliff Sterling: Does... does Sadie know?

Peter Vaughn: Oh no, if SHE knew, you'd already know about it. But I don't see the harm. Anyhow, that's how I knew where to find these documents. You got some good stuff here. Even I didn't know about the land deal between Harrison and Judge Trebur.

~Vaughn nods, pleased with the information, knowing he can make it work to his advantage. Cliff, though, looks a little more pensive now.~

Cliff Sterling: So... you searched the property, found the documents, and got them back to your truck... before you came to rescue me?

Peter Vaughn: Well, I couldn't very well do it in the reverse order, could I? You can't search when people are looking for you.

Cliff Sterling: But... but I...

Peter Vaughn: Trust me, Cliff. it all had to happen this way. Trust a guy who knows.

~Vaughn tapes the side of his head, as if once again referencing being some sort of psychic. He smirks, as he takes another turn, getting onto the highway back to Dallas. Cliff notices that they've taken a different direction than he expected.~

Cliff Sterling: We're... not going back to the ranch?

Peter Vaughn: No time. We need to get this paperwork into Elisa's hands as soon as possible. Then maybe a deal can be made, before my property is taken away from me.

~Just the thought of this wipes the smile away from Vaughn's face. He's been called many things over his wrestling career, and it'd be fair to say one of those things is definitely being possessive. He hangs onto championships, and he damn well plans to hang onto his ranch. The accelerator is pressed down, and the truck goes even faster, heading towards Dallas as Cliff just hangs on, still looking a little shellshocked.~

~As the picture returns, we now find ourselves outside of the courthouse where the trial has been taking place. We can see Sadie checking on Cliff to the side, giving him something to help the cut on his lip heal. She shakes her head, talking with him, before turning and walking back over to Vaughn.~

Sadie Anderson: I still can't believe that Cliff got attacked like that. I also can't believe you didn't tell me he was going undercover like that!!

Peter Vaughn: Well, you see... you would have said no.

Sadie Anderson: Damn straight I would have!

Peter Vaughn: And then we wouldn't have the evidence that Judd Harrison bought off Judge Trebur.

Sadie Anderson: But does that really solve anything? Technically, Harrison isn't even a part of this trial. Augustus is.

Peter Vaughn: True. Which is why while I was rescuing Cliff here, I had my custodial friends launching an operation on Augustus' safe.

Sadie Anderson: You... you what??

~Sadie's mouth drops open in shock, even as Vaughn just simply shrugs.~

Peter Vaughn: I couldn't do it all myself. There wasn't time. And thankfully, they were willing to do it, although I will have to pay the college fees for one of their sons. But hell, I'm all about higher education anyway. Maybe I can disguise it as a PMV grant, think we could pull that off?

Sadie Anderson: But, uh, wait... there was extra security on Augustus' office, that's why Anthony got captured.

Peter Vaughn: Right, Anthony. I still need to get him sprung from the slammer. Eh, I'll work on that tomorrow, it's been a long day. But it was Anthony that got me interested. I didn't care about Augustus' safe until I saw how heavily it was protected. And trust me, a custodian can get into anything they want. ANYTHING.

~With that, Vaughn brings up his phone, showing off some of the pictures there to Sadie.~

Peter Vaughn: As you can see, Augustus decided to keep copies of all his correspondence with Judd. Guess he didn't trust him. Smart guy, really. And from what he wrote, it's clear that Augustus wasn't happy with the way things were coming out. But he's in a bind, really needed the land, so he went along with it. I gave all of these to Elisa too, by the way.

~Sadie slowly slumps to the ground, sitting on the first step going down from the courthouse. Vaughn sits next to her, puzzled.~

Peter Vaughn: Everything's working out, Sadie, just like I promised. The ranch is going to be safe.

Sadie Anderson: You've done some... amazing work, Peter. Truly amazing.

~Smiling, Vaughn leans in, expecting a kiss. Instead, Sadie grabs the front of his coveralls, pulling him in closer to glare at him.~

Sadie Anderson: But we ARE going to work on our communication in the future, aren't we?

Peter Vaughn: ..... Yes, ma'am.

Sadie Anderson: And DON'T call me ma'am!

~Sadie pushes Vaughn off, leaving him to sit in bewilderment a few feet away. She can't hide the sneaky grin cutting across her face, though, as she thinks about all the good that's come out of this. The picture slowly fades out.~

Well, Milo... looks like the time for talk is over.

You have confidence in yourself, believing that you've turned a corner and you can retain that Internet Championship of yours.

I know the truth, and I know that I'll be wearing that title around my waist sooner rather than later.

I'm going to be bringing it all to the table, Miles, so I won't have any excuses, either, if I falter in the end. You'll have that win you always wanted on your resume. A victory over Peter Vaughn. It's meant a lot to others in the past, although most have fallen to me since then. I guess this could be seen as your golden opportunity.

And it'll be just that. An opportunity that goes nowhere.

And maybe you'll land on your feet afterwards. You'll have the tag tournament to fight for, and let's face it, I'm far weaker when it comes to tag-teams. Maybe that's where you can take me down. Or maybe you can, like I said, go for the Roulette Title... or maybe losing to me is going to propel you forward once again, and you'll be the man to take Finn or Goth down.

These are all possibilities. So is your potential retirement after Sunday.

But I don't expect that.

We're going to be all anyone talks about after Blaze of Glory, Milo, and you'll have to live with the conversations you hear. As we'll both be praised in the end, but I'll be walking out of there with a new championship to brag about, and you'll just be there cursing my name.

Remember, it's Peter Vaughn.

The Mechanic.

Aka the one who's going to make you take the Plunge.

Offline MiloKasey

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Improbable but not Impossible
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 07:52:05 PM »
Saturday Night
Westminster Hotel

While it wasn’t the most popular choice, at Miles' insistence, to keep from crowding his sister’s home with two more bodies, he checked himself and Carter into a hotel for the stay. And if anything after having to deal with Garrett’s mother, they could always use some split time away from one another to just breathe.

“Miles, are you sure everything is okay?” a female voice came through the phone as Miles rode down the elevator, “You and Carter just seemed so drained even after we got that ...witch out of there.”

Trust me, Bri, it is fine.” He would look up and around, one thing about London, cameras everywhere and here was no exception, “Carter is feeling horrible about the things he said to Garrett’s mother, so be prepared for a never-ending string of texts, DMs, calls, and maybe even some amazing arrangements of flowers and whatever he comes up with Garrett as an apology.

“That’s really not necessary, the way she has treated Carter since our wedding, then mom and how she was so snooty to you...”

And to you and to her own damn son. I’m honestly at the point where if my brother-in-law doesn’t at least go no contact with that bitch, I may lose a little respect for him."

The elevator dings, and Miles steps out onto the marble flooring.

“Oh, don’t you worry about that. What are you up to anyway?”

Came down because we ran out of towels and the front desk wasn’t answering so I’m taking matters into my own hands.” But as he turned to talk to the front desk, no one was there, “Lovely, apparently they decided to pop off to have a smoke.

“Maybe they're getting freaky in the back?”

If this wasn’t a highly respected hotel, I would say perhaps,” he laughed, looking around, but his eyes stopped short when he caught a figure sitting in the lobby, staring with so much distance and fire that if it were all possible, she would probably be able to drop him dead where he stands, “Oh, apparently the bitch’s broomstick still works.”

“She’s THERE?!? Alright, fuck this, I’m coming right over.”

No, don’t bother. It’s time I handle this bitch myself. If I need help hiding the body...

“I’ll keep the kettle warm.”

Wendy Barnes. This woman is a thorn in his family’s side, and it is going to come to an end.

Miles would set her right, once and for all.

In about five wide strides into the lobby, he practically stood over her, her eyes never leaving his, “Wendy, taking to stalking your in-laws now?

“Mm, something like that. Honestly, Miles, the way you and your lot acted tonight...”

Was exactly what you deserved, Wendy. First of all, you are lucky my sister can handle herself and Garrett won’t stand for your... what’s a polite way to put this... snobbery?

Wendy's expression remained cold and calculating as she tilted her head slightly, studying Miles with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. “I have every right to be concerned about my son's well-being, Miles. And after what I witnessed tonight, I have serious doubts about the stability of your family dynamic.”

Miles gritted his teeth, his patience wearing thin with every word that came out of Wendy's mouth. “Our family dynamic is none of your concern,” he retorted sharply. “And as for Garrett, he's a grown man capable of making his own decisions. It is really true what they say that you can pick your friends but not your family, at least the ones by blood. But, seeing as he even had enough of your shenanigans at dinner, I would seriously reconsider how you handle yourself around your son, if I were you.

Wendy's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Miles could see the flicker of anger behind her cold facade. “You think you know everything, don't you? But let me tell you something, Miles Kasey. You may have everyone else fooled with your charming smile and your flashy wrestling career, but I see right through you. I know exactly what kind of man you are.”

Miles felt a surge of anger bubbling up inside him, but he forced himself to stay calm. He couldn't let Wendy get to him, not now. “Oh, do you now?” he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “And what kind of man am I, in your esteemed opinion?

Wendy leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. “Besides the filthy lifestyle with your...partner...You're just like your father,” she hissed. “A coward and a failure.”

The words hit Miles like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, he was speechless. His father had always been a sore subject, a painful reminder of everything Miles had tried to escape from. And here was Wendy, throwing his father's failures back in his face like a weapon.

But Miles refused to let her see how much her words had affected him. With a steely glare, he straightened up to his full height, towering over Wendy as he locked eyes with her. “You have no idea what you're talking about,” he said, his voice cold and hard. “And if you ever dare to compare me to my father again, I swear to God, you'll regret it. I hated that man, even in death and what he did to my mum and to Bri and I and God knows who you excuse me.

Miles turned to try and grab the attention of the front desk staff and to leave this woman in her own self-pity and Wendy recoiled slightly at the intensity in Miles' voice, but she quickly composed herself and stood up to face him. “You can threaten me all you want, Miles. But I won't stand idly by and watch you destroy my family.”

Your family?” Miles scoffed. “Last time I checked, Garrett was the one that married Bri, he is the father of your only grandchild, who for some reason absolutely adores you. The only reason you seem to have a problem with any of it is because Bri’s twin brother is in a committed relationship with another man. And somehow you think that destroys your precious family dynamic. That has been obvious to practically everyone since you had the pleasure of meeting me. You really need to get your priorities straight before you end up utterly alone, Ms. Barnes.

With that, Miles turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Wendy standing there in stunned silence. Making his way over to the front desk and finally making a request for the towels that he originally came down here for and maybe see if he could get a bottle of whiskey after having to deal with this woman for the 2nd time in a few hours.

When the attendant left to go grab what he needed he could hear Wendy huff and grab her large oversized purse from the floor. Shortly after that that’s when she stomps over with her Louboutin heels and slams a folder down next to him, “Don’t think you know everything about your family, Mr. Kasey.”

And with that she walked away, the file sitting to his left. He looks at it for a second and almost grabs it but then a big pile of fluffy white towels drops on top of it. “There you go, Mr. Kasey and sorry about that once again. I’ll make sure that the rest gets to you as soon as we can.”

Yeah, thanks.” as he scoops the whole thing along with the file.

As Miles made his way back to the elevator, his mind was reeling with thoughts of his father and the painful memories he had long tried to bury but the file in his hand told me that the sins of his father were about to rear their ugly head again. He knew Wendy Barnes was trying to get under his skin, to provoke him into reacting. But he refused to let her win. He had come too far, fought too hard, to let someone like her tear him down.

When the boys returned home to Las Vegas, the file Wendy had given him remained tucked away, untouched, in his bag. He couldn't bring himself to open it. But as hours turned into days, the file seemed to taunt him, its presence a constant reminder of the secrets lurking within.

Time and again, Miles found himself on the verge of looking inside, only to be interrupted by work commitments, training obligations, or simply his own apprehension. He knew that once he opened that file, there would be no turning back. He would be forced to confront the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

But finally, one quiet evening, with Carter asleep beside him, Miles summoned the courage to face what lay inside. With trembling hands, he opened the bedside table’s drawer, reaching for the file and pulled out the stack of papers within. As he flipped through them, his heart pounding in his chest, he felt a surge of emotions wash over him.

The documents revealed a truth he had long suspected but never wanted to acknowledge: his father had indeed led a double life, with another family in a small town just north of Manchester, a little town called Middleton. According to the records, his father had taken up with a woman named Rebecca shortly after Miles and Brianna were born, and they had a son together in 2002, the child was not even 3 when their dad died.

Miles stared at the papers in disbelief, his mind reeling with questions. Who was this half-brother he never knew existed? What had his father been thinking, keeping such a massive secret from his own children and the woman that put up with his drunken bullshit for so damn long?

As the weight of the truth sank in, Miles felt a mixture of anger, sadness, and confusion. Did this brother even know that he had two older siblings? And what was worse...there was a name, Lyle. It would be better if he had a picture but to name this child Lyle...The same damned name of that bastard that gave his seed to the three and who knows how many other Kasey spawn.

With a heavy heart, Miles tucked the documents back into the file and set it aside. He knew that this was only the beginning of this adventure, that there were still many challenges ahead. But for now, he would take things one step at a time, determined to uncover the truth and make sense of the tangled web his father had left behind. He may have been blindsided by his father's secrets, but he refused to let them define him. With Carter by his side, he knew that he could face whatever the future held, no matter how daunting it may seem.

Inside the Go Gym
Las Vegas, NV

The Go Gym was alive with energy as Miles stepped through the doors, the sound of weights clanging and trainers shouting filling the air. He made his way over to the wrestling ring where Kristjan, known to many as K or Fenris, was waiting for him.

"Hey, K," Miles greeted him with a nod. "Ready to put me through the wringer?"

K grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Always, Milo. Today, we're going to work on something special."

Miles raised an eyebrow. "Special how?"

K motioned for Miles to step into the ring, a smirk playing on his lips. "Remember how we’ve been talking about the one thing you think you’re missing? Well, I've been thinking about it and I think I’ve found that new submission move to add to your arsenal. Something that'll catch your opponents off guard but something with your strengths that you have will be damn near impossible for them to escape."

You have my attention,” Intrigued, Miles climbed into the ring, his mind momentarily distracted from thoughts of his newfound half-brother. He focused on the task at hand, eager to lose himself in the world of wrestling.

As K began to demonstrate the new move, Miles watched intently, taking mental notes of every twist and turn. Together, they practiced tirelessly, K offering guidance and encouragement every step of the way. The poor trainee that turned into their practice dummy had been put through it with those two with how much they were determined to perfect it.

Meanwhile, in the corner of the gym, a new face caught Miles's eye. A young wrestler, barely out of his teens, was shadowing one of the trainers, his movements hesitant yet determined. But every once in a while, he would catch the young man watching him and Fenris rather intently.

Curiosity piqued, Miles approached the young wrestler, extending a hand in greeting. "Hey there, I'm Miles. What's your name?"

The young man looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes before he offered a shy smile. "I'm LJ," he replied, his British accent tinged with nervousness. "I'm part of the exchange program from the UK, invited personally by Gabriel Stevens. Sorry I was staring, just couldn’t help it."

Miles nodded, impressed by LJ's determination to train in a foreign country. "Well, LJ, welcome to Go. Also, don’t worry about the whole starring thing, it tends to happen around here when I work with Kristjan. I have a feeling you're going to fit in just fine. Just avoid the big brooding sweaty asshole in the ring and you’ll live to make it back to your family in one piece."

I FUCKIN’ HEARD THAT, MILO! Get your ass in here!

They both cringe and Miles shakes his head, “He’s also got ears like a dog. Either way, pleasure meetin’ ya, mate. Good to meet people from the home country anyways.” he shook LJ’s hand one more time before Miles returned to the ring, ready to continue his training with K.

As the time flew by, he threw himself into the practice, the weight of his family's secrets momentarily forgotten in the thrill of the fight. Even Carter had joined them and taken a seat at ringside to watch his fiance work hard.

By the time the session came to an end, Miles was drenched in sweat but grinning from ear to ear. With K's help, he had mastered the new submission move and felt more confident than ever about his upcoming match against Peter Vaughn.

Now to just come up with a name for it,” Miles laughed, running his hands through his soaked curls.

Oh I’m sure there are several there but I’m coming up absolutely blank at the moment.

Well I can’t have you do all the work, I’m sure there has to be a name that fits absolutely per-

THIRST TRAP!!!” That caught both men’s attention as Carter blurted it out before covering his mouth. “I mean...It works!

Miles and K look at each other for a moment and Miles gets a shit eating grin on his face, “Thirst Trap it is.

K just sighed, “Sweet Christ, of course you’d go that way. Get out of my ring and go home before we go another round.

Miles laughed as he rolled out of the ring, to greet Carter with a kiss as a thank you. “I think a shower is needed before we leave.” And Carter mumbled about a shower at home before he agreed. Miles told him to give him a few minutes and as he made his way to the locker rooms he glanced over at LJ, who was still deep in conversation with the trainer. Something about the determined look in LJ's eyes reminded Miles of his own journey to become a wrestler, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with the young man.

My Mt. Everest
Las Vegas, NV

Miles sat behind his desk in his office, a room that sometimes doubles as his own personal game room in the home that he and Carter built together, well, not the building persay but the inside was all them. But the condo that they called home...THAT he was able to buy with his money, saving practically everything he could just so he could find a place to call his own and eventually Carter could call his.

To his right, sat his SCW Internet Championship gleaming beside him. As he listened to Peter Vaughn's disparaging words on his laptop screen, a mixture of anger and determination surged through him.

Miles leaned back in his chair, the words of Peter Vaughn echoing in his mind like a relentless drumbeat. With a furrowed brow, he mulled over each arrogant remark, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.

"By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail," Peter had said, his voice dripping with condescension. The quote, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, had struck a chord with Miles, igniting a fierce determination to prove Peter wrong.

"Sure, the guy's got some dents in his reputation now, but he sure had a way with quotations," Peter had added, his tone laced with mocking amusement. But Miles wasn't about to let Peter's smug commentary go unchallenged.

"So, Peter thinks he's some kind of sage now, spouting off inspirational quotes to justify his own arrogance," Miles muttered to himself, a wry smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, here's one for you, Peter: 'Pride goeth before a fall.'"

Miles's gaze hardened as he recalled Peter's dismissive remarks about his preparation for their upcoming match. The implication that Miles hadn't been training his ass off, that he wasn't fully prepared to face Peter in the ring, lit a fire in Miles's belly that threatened to consume him.

"Peter seems awfully confident that he's got me all figured out," Miles muttered, his voice tinged with quiet determination. "But he's about to learn that he's underestimated me for the last time."

With a sense of purpose burning in his chest, Miles rose from his chair, his championship belt clenched tightly in his hand. The weight of the gold felt like a talisman, a symbol of his strength, his resilience, his unwavering determination to overcome whatever obstacles stood in his path.

"Peter Vaughn may think he's got the upper hand and he will tell everyone that is remotely within ear shot that he has the proverbial ball in his court," Miles declared, his voice ringing with quiet resolve. "But he's about to find out that I'm not the same man he faced before. I've been preparing for this moment my entire life, and I'm not about to let him stand in my way."

Miles's fingers drummed impatiently on the desk as he replayed Peter Vaughn's words in his mind. Each barb, each insult, each smug declaration fueled the growing fire within him.

"And he seems to think he's got me all figured out, and they always do. They ALL do, especially the egocentric dickbags that always think that they are so much better than me" Miles muttered to himself, his voice laced with quiet contempt. "Thinks he can waltz in here and belittle everything I've worked for, everything I've sacrificed, with a few clever words and a cocky smirk. I’d claim that shit but we all know how many have come and gone with that same bullshit attitude and have left just as fast."

The memory of Peter's mocking tone, his arrogant swagger, made Miles's blood boil. Who did Peter think he was, to pass judgment on Miles's dedication, his commitment, his integrity?

"He's got it all wrong," Miles growled, his voice low and dangerous. "He seems to think I'm just here for the ride, to coast along on my laurels, to bask in the glory of my championship without putting in the work. Thinks I'm some kind of amateur, some kind of joke. And I’m not going to lie, Peter Vaugh is my Mt Everest, and I’m bound and determined to make it not only a personal victory but one of my best yet."

But Miles knew better. He knew the truth. Knew the blood, sweat, and tears he'd poured into every training session, every match, every victory. Knew the sacrifices he'd made, the obstacles he'd overcome, the demons he'd battled.

"He wants to talk about preparation?" Miles scoffed, a bitter edge creeping into his voice. "Fine. Let's talk about preparation. Let's talk about the countless hours I've spent in the gym, pushing myself to the limit, honing my skills, perfecting my craft. The amount of learning trees that I have sat under, shaking it for all it’s worth to see what will fall out of to get that much fucking better, Peter. Let's talk about the sacrifices I've made, the pain I've endured, the setbacks I've overcome."

Miles's eyes blazed with determination as he spoke, his voice growing stronger with each word. He refused to let Peter Vaughn's arrogance undermine everything he'd worked for, everything he stood for.

But no, this son of a bitch thinks he's got me all figured out," Miles declared, his voice ringing with quiet defiance. "But he's about to learn that he's underestimated me for the last time. He wants a fight? Fine. He's got one. And when all is said and done, it'll be Peter Vaughn who's left lying on the mat, staring up at the champion. And then maybe, just maybe, I’ll peel your ass off the mat and offer my hand, to shake, because mate, despite how little you think of me, I will always be the better man."

Miles leaned back in his chair, picking up the belt he fought so hard for to have and to keep all this time. The weight of the SCW Internet Championship rested heavily in his hands. For seven months, that title had been more than just a symbol of his success—it had been a validation of everything he'd worked for, everything he'd fought for, everything he'd sacrificed.

"You want to talk about what being the SCW Internet Champion means to me?" Miles said, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and determination. "It means everything. It means proving to myself, to the world, that I belong here, that I'm worthy of this spotlight, that I'm capable of achieving greatness."

Miles's eyes sparkled with emotion as he spoke, his passion for the sport evident in every word. Being the SCW Internet Champion hadn't just been about winning matches or collecting accolades—it had been about pushing himself to be the best, about rising to the challenge, about proving his doubters wrong.

"For seven months, I've poured my heart and soul into this championship," Miles continued, his voice growing stronger with each word. "I've defended it with everything I've got, against some of the toughest competitors in the world. Some that Peter Vaughn would look down upon but I KNOW BETTER! I've fought tooth and nail, time and time again, to keep this title around my waist, to prove that I'm not just a flash in the pan, that I'm not just a placeholder."

The memories of his hard-fought battles, his triumphant victories, his crushing defeats, flooded Miles's mind as he spoke. Being the SCW Internet Champion had been a rollercoaster of emotions, a journey filled with highs and lows, twists and turns, but through it all, Miles had never wavered in his determination to be the best.

"And now, Vaughn thinks he can come in here and take it all away from me," Miles said, his voice hardening with resolve. "Thinks he can belittle everything I've accomplished, everything I've sacrificed, with a few clever words and a cocky smirk. Well, he's got another thing coming. Because I refuse to let him tarnish everything I've worked for, everything I've fought for, everything I've sacrificed."

With a resolute nod, Miles rose from his chair, his championship belt clenched tightly in his hand. The fire in his eyes burned brighter than ever, fueled by the desire to prove Peter Vaughn wrong, to silence his taunts once and for all.

"Let's do this," Miles muttered, a fierce determination coursing through his veins. "It's time to show Peter Vaughn what I'm made of. And trust me, he's not going to like what he sees."

With a steely glint in his eyes, Miles marched towards the ring, his heart pounding with anticipation. Peter Vaughn may be a formidable opponent, but Miles was ready to meet him head-on, armed with determination, grit, and a burning desire to emerge victorious. And when the final bell rang, it would be Peter who was left standing in the shadow of Miles's triumph.