Author Topic: My Painful Past  (Read 1970 times)

Offline O Malley

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    • O'Malley
My Painful Past
« on: February 15, 2012, 08:51:30 PM »
 They say everything happens for a reason, but who really believes that?  Let’s face it, not everyone’s lives are jam packed with sunshine and daisies.  Life comes with its ups and downs, but some people are dealt far worse things than most other people.  Some deal with it and move on, while others let each and every blow bring them further down the latter, closer to rock bottom.

Every memory we have shapes us into the people we are today.  Whether it is a positive experience or a negative one, we carry these memories with us every day.  The positive experiences we choose to remember, and look back on them with a smile on our faces.  The negative ones, however, can affect us far more than any good experience we might have.  Some memories we consider so horrible, we store them away into the back of our minds for as long as we possibly can.  How else can we expect to move on with our lives and show any shred of happiness, right?  It’s better to just forget some things, than to ever dwell on it for the rest of your life.  Right?


If there is experience or event in your life you wish had never happened, do what you can to confront the situation.  Heal from it.  Forgetting is not healing.  Forgetting is only stowing the problem away temporarily, only to have it return at an expected, and in some instances, inopportune time, ten times worse.  These memories can eat away at you, and sometimes, slowly kill you.  Whether it be from guilt, or some other situation, a bad memory needs to be addressed.  Before it’s too late.  Don’t let the anger…the hate…the shame…don’t let it build up inside of you until one day you just snap.  Because it’s bound to happen sooner or later.

And in Misty’s case, seventeen years later.

Misty is sound asleep on the sofa in the living room…again.  She is tucked under a blanket, and a pillow is under her head.  She appears to be sleeping peacefully, until she suddenly starts to stir.  She begins kicking her feet, and low whimpers, almost like a child having a nightmare can be heard.  Not long after, she springs up into a sitting position and looks around.  A tear falls down her cheek, and she wipes it away.

“Damn it.  I’m in serious trouble if this doesn’t stop.”

She pulls her knees up to her chest and buries her head into her knees with a sigh.  Just as she tries to relax, a familiar voice startles her.

“Bad dreams again, Misty?”

Misty raises her head just enough to glance in front of her.  Next to her on the sofa is the ghostly image that has been haunting her for weeks now.  Her friend from her teenage years just won’t seem to leave her alone, and only continues to cause more problems and distractions for Misty.

“Like you don’t know what I’ve been dreaming about?  Please, Syd, I’m not stupid.”

“You know as well as I do that they’re not dreams.  You just refuse to talk about them and admit that what you are seeing in your mind at night are memories.  They are memories you repressed into the back of your mind that are begging to be let out.  Just admit it, Misty.”

Misty laughs and reaches to the table next to the sofa, grabbing the remote for the TV.  She turns the TV on, and begins quickly channel surfing, checking to see if anything can catch her interest this late at night.  

“If you keep ignoring your past the way you are, your future is in a padded room, Misty.  A padded room, or possibly worse.  Trust me.”

Misty looks at Sydney from the corner of her eye.  She growls as she continues to flip from channel to channel quickly.

“I’m not ignoring anything, Syd.  I’m just fine thank you very much.  I know what my future holds for me.  I’m not some crazy nutjob that needs to be locked away.”

Now Sydney is the one laughing.  Misty finally turns the TV off, not interested in anything she briefly saw at the moment, and she tosses the remote back on the table.

“How did we become friends, Misty?”

Misty looks at Sydney, slightly confused.

“What does that have to do with anything?  You know how we became friends.”

“Just answer the damn question.  Don’t try and lie and say you don’t remember, because I know for a fact you do.”

Misty nods, and rolls her eyes.

“Of course I remember.  How could I forget?”


October 1993…

It’s halfway through the first semester of the high school year.  It’s the first Wednesday of the month, and as is customary for this local high school in the Chicago area, school is being let out early today.  During the final passing period of the day, the students are heading to their lockers to get their supplies for their next classes.  Friends congregate around each other’s lockers.  A group of four or five friends crowd around one girls locker in particular, and when another dark haired girl is walking past, one of the girls stops her.

“Hey, Misty, do you have a problem with me?!”

Misty turns and looks at her, confused and surprised by her outburst.

“Sydney what are you talking about?  Why would I have a problem with you?”

Sydney steps forward, nearly getting nose to nose with Misty.  A look of hatred appears in her eyes, and her cheeks start to turn slightly red from anger.

“I don’t know, you tell me, bitch.  I hear you’ve been spreading rumors about me behind my back.  Something about me supposedly being a lesbian or something?”

Misty laughs and shakes her head, vehemently denying any wrong doing.

“Are you serious?!  I don’t know who told you that, but I never said anything about you.  Chill out, okay?”

Sydney’s eyes suddenly widen, and just as she is about to punch Misty, three of her other friends pull her back, though one of them looks as though she wished she hadn’t and would much rather witness the impending ass-kicking.

“Chill out?!  You’re telling ME to chill out?!  You better stay as far away from me as you possibly can, because if I have the chance, I’m gonna kick your ass you lying bitch!”

The other girls struggle to hold Sydney back.  They urge Misty to walk away, and she slowly does.  Misty takes a few steps back, but Sydney continues to glare at her with evil eyes.

“Syd, I don’t know who told you whatever you heard, but I didn’t say or do anything.  It’s probably someone trying to start shit, which they obviously have, so think what you want.”

Misty then turns around and walks away.  The sound of Sydney’s fist meeting her locker follows, as Misty walks down the corridor, heading to her own locker.


Misty is sitting on the sofa, laughing almost hysterically as she remembers that day from their freshman year of high school.  She looks at Sydney, who is also laughing with her.

“God that was such a crazy day, wasn’t it?  After school let out, my sister Jackie picked me up, and we drove over to McDonald’s for some lunch.  You were there, along with Amanda, Rachel and someone else I can’t remember at the moment.  Amanda threw a fry at the back of Jackie’s head.  You started talking shit, and Jackie got involved.  For some reason you started walking back to the school, so Jackie drove me back.  I still can’t believe she forced Mr. Grace to sit us in his office and hash things out.  I thought for sure you were going to kick my ass in there.”

“But I didn’t, did I?  We screamed and yelled at each other for a few minutes until we figured things out.  The next day we were talking in school, and by the end of the year, we were almost like best friends.  Your sister did us a favor if you ask me.”

Misty nods, and her laughter subsides, as does Sydney’s.  Sydney looks at her, her expression now turning serious.

“You remember the good memories and you can talk about them, but what about the others?  What about the following year, Misty?”

Misty closes her eyes and sighs.  She begins shaking her head.

“I can’t do this, Syd.  How many times do I have to tell you I can’t bring up all these feelings from the past?  I have two important matches coming up in the next two weeks.  I can’t lose these matches.  Don’t you get it?  I can’t keep failing.”

“I’m trying to help you here, Misty.  If you don’t get over this guilt you’re carrying, you won’t be able to face Kittie, let alone Brooklyn and Raynin.  It’s what’s keeping me here.  This is eating away at you, and you know it.  Stop denying what happened and just TALK about it!”

Misty shakes her head, doing exactly what Sydney wants her to stop doing.  She further denies everything Sydney is telling her.  Just then, Misty’s cat, Dero, jumps on to the sofa, and rubs against Misty’s leg.  She pets him, and he immediately starts purring.

“I don’t feel guilty about anything, Syd.  I have nothing to feel guilty about.”

“You’re only lying to yourself then.  Tell me, when was the first time you saw me?  When did I first appear to you?”

Misty doesn’t respond right away.  She picks Dero up, placing him in her lap where he makes himself comfortable and relaxed.

“You know the answer to that.  You scared the shit out of me at December to Dismember in my match against Kittie.  I lost the Bombshell Title because of that.”


Misty is now more confused than ever.  Dero stares in Sydney’s direction, letting out a low growl as if protecting his owner.  Misty couldn’t tell if he could see Sydney, or just sense her presence.  Whatever the case, he wasn’t leaving Misty’s side.

“Exactly what?  Syd, you’re starting to confuse me even more, and I can’t handle this anymore.  I can’t handle all this stress you’re putting me through by being here.”

“Geez, Misty!  Do I need to spell it out for you?!  This feud with Kittie brought this all on!  That letter she wrote you reached the part of your subconscious that you stored all of this guilt.  Everything she said hit you like a ton of bricks.  It hit you harder than you want to admit to anyone, especially yourself!  It’s the reason you don’t want to read my letter.”

Dero keeps his eyes on Sydney, or in her direction as it seems, as he lays his head down on Misty’s lap, not moving another inch.  Misty continues to run her hand along his back slowly, his purring keeping her calm.

“Kittie turned her back on me, okay?!  I didn’t do the shit she says I did!  I didn’t do to her what I did to y---“

Misty stops herself from finishing the sentence.  Sydney smiles, knowing Misty can’t deny it anymore.

“What you did to me…It’s about time you admitted it to yourself.  That’s the first step.”

“And what is the next step?”

Sydney looks deep into Misty’s eyes, as if planting the memory inside her mind.

“You have to talk about it out loud.  You can’t deny it anymore, and you need to tell someone about it.  TALK, Misty.”

“I dropped you, Syd.  I just completely dropped you as a friend when you needed me the most.”

Sydney nods slowly as Misty continues to open up, unleashing a fury of emotion she never thought possible.  The events from her sophomore year come rushing back to her mind, and she is unable to stop them.


September 1994

It’s almost a year after Sydney very nearly tore into Misty, wanting to tear her eyes out and leave her scarred for life.  But, as is the case in most teenage girls lives in high school, they used words to fight it out, and now, they were close friends.  Misty went over to Sydney’s house after school on some occasions, as well as hung out there some weekends.  They had completely gotten over what had happened the previous year.

Sydney’s life was far from perfect, and Misty was well aware of the things her friend had to deal with at home.  Sydney’s father was a county police officer, an alcoholic, and was abusive towards her mother, and at times her as well.  Sydney’s mother was also an alcoholic, and a chain smoker on top of that, and chose to deal with the constant fighting every day.  In some cases, when Misty was spending time at the Campbell’s house, she and Sydney would be listening to music or watching movies in Sydney’s room, and they would hear the screaming and yelling downstairs.  Sydney would apologize, but Misty understood.  She might not have been in the same situation, but her home life wasn’t perfect either.  It was what made their friendship work.

So on this Friday night in September, Misty is preparing to head over to Sydney’s house.  It’s not a long walk from her house, and just as she is about to head out the door, her mother stops her.

“Where do you think you’re going?’

Misty rolls her eyes as she turns around and faces her mother.

“I’m going over to Syd’s house.  It’s a Friday night, and I’m not going to be cooped up in this house all night.  Sydney’s mom said it was okay for me to stay over tonight, so don’t freak out when I don’t come home.”

Misty was good at lying, but even if she wasn’t, she knew her mother would believe her.  Sydney’s parents rarely ever notice when Misty is there, and the times they do, they say nothing about it.

“Cut the attitude, Misty, I was only asking.  You had no plans on telling me where you were going, so I was just getting information on where you will be.  I trust Sydney’s phone number is on the refrigerator just in case?”

Misty nods, but doesn’t say anything in response.  The impatience is shown in her facial expression, as she taps her foot, waiting for the go-ahead to leave.

“Don’t be gone all weekend.  I’m sure you have homework to do, and don’t think you’re going to keep getting away with never being home.  Go ahead and go to Sydney’s, and be careful on the walk there.”

Misty wastes no time in running out the door with her duffel bag over her shoulder.  She heads down the block in the direction of Sydney’s house.  Just a few blocks down, she hears a lot of commotion coming from the backyard of one of the houses, and it sparks her interest.  She heads toward the backyard, along the fence separating two houses, and peaks at what is going on.  A makeshift wrestling ring is set up, though it’s not very sturdy, and several props and weapons are strewn about, including a steel ladder and trash cans.  Two boys, close to Misty’s age, are “wrestling” in their own version of a hardcore match, both with cuts on their foreheads, and looking extremely disheveled and tired.

Misty watches as they attempt high risk maneuvers, very nearly breaking their bodies in the process, but something about their stupidity intrigues her.  She almost loses track of time, as she sneaks away unseen by the group, and continues on her way to Sydney’s house, but she can’t stop thinking about what she had just seen.  And a huge part of her wanted in on the fun.  She knew she could take them on…and she would confront the group tomorrow after she left Sydney’s house.

Six Months later…

Sydney walks up the sidewalk leading to Misty’s house, holding a white envelope in her hand.  She has a blank expression on her face, as she walks up to the door, and knocks.  She stands outside the door for several seconds, before it slowly opens and Misty’s mother appears.  She offers Sydney a polite smile, as she opens the screen door.

“Oh, hello, Sydney, how are you?”

“I’m fine, thanks.  Misty isn’t home is she?”

Misty’s mother shakes her head.

“I’m sorry, she’s not.  I actually think she’s just down the street with some of her other friends if you’d like to go and speak to her?”

Sydney now shakes her head.  She holds the letter up in front of Misty’s mother.

“No, that’s okay.  Would you leave this for her, please?  It’s important that she reads it.”

“Sure, I’ll make sure she gets it as soon as she gets home.  Are you sure you’re okay?  You look like something is bothering you, sweetie.”

Sydney musters a small smile as if saying she’s ok.

“I’m okay, really.  Thanks for asking, though.  It was nice seeing you again, Mrs. Waters.”

Sydney turns around, and then waves goodbye to Misty’s mother as she walks off down the sidewalk, and back in the direction of her own home.  Misty’s mother watches as Sydney walks down the street slowly, her face to the ground the whole way.  She knew deep down that something was not right with her daughter’s friend, but she hoped she was wrong.  She looked at the envelope, tempted to open it and read what was inside, but she couldn’t do it.  Instead, she walked to Misty’s room and placed the letter on Misty’s pillow, where Misty would find it when she got home later.

*****BACK TO NOW*****

“Why didn’t you ever read the letter, Misty?  I know you saw it on your pillow, but you just tossed it aside like it was garbage.  Why didn’t you read it?”

The tears are now welling up in Misty’s eyes.  She’s fighting the emotions as best as she can, but the memories won’t allow it.

“I had every intention of reading it, Syd.  I was going to read it the next day, but then your sister called and told me what had happened, and I couldn’t.  I couldn’t get myself to open that letter and read the things I knew were bound to be written in there.  I knew if I opened that letter, I would be done for.  So, I just went on with my life.  I mourned you for a while, but I moved on and got over it…or so I thought.”

Misty opens her eyes to find that Sydney isn’t next to her anymore.  She looks around, wondering where she went.

“Syd?  Where did you go?  I know you’re still here!”

Dero yawns in Misty’s lap and his eyes dart around the room, looking for the thing he considers a danger to his master.  Just then, Sydney’s voice comes from behind Misty, causing Dero to fly sky high above Misty’s lap and onto the floor with a hiss.  He turns around, arches his back and hisses again, getting a laugh out of Misty.

“Well now is your chance.  Reading this letter won’t make you feel any worse than you already do, so just read it now.  You need to get it over with now so you can prepare for the Bombshell Match and then the Super J match in London.  Your mind won’t be focused otherwise.  So take the letter and read it.”

Misty turns around, spotting the letter on the table next to her.  Sydney is nowhere to be seen, having disappeared again, this time, giving Misty the time she needs to read the letter she should have read seventeen years ago.  Misty takes the letter, and holds it in front of her.  The tears continue to run down her cheek, as she turns the envelope over and very slowly, she rips the envelope open.


Thursday February 15th, 2011

The scene opens up inside Misty and Spike’s trophy room.  A single chair is placed in the center of the room.  It is placed strategically so the camera facing its direction can see the various trophies and mementos of the accomplishments she has from her career, including her framed GXW Women’s Championship belt, and photos from several of her prominent wins in both GXW, and her more recent matches in SCW.  A photo of Misty holding the SCW Bombshell Title high above her after winning in at High Stakes is enlarged and sitting next to the chair, also in the camera’s view.

The camera shakes a bit as Misty hits the button to start the recording process.  She walks in front of the camera, then sits in the chair, looking at the photo next to her, a smile appearing on her face.

“I want you all to take a good look at this photo next to me.  It wasn’t that long ago that I was hoisting the Bombshell Title high above me.  The referee was raising my hand in victory and I was announced as the very first SCW Bombshell Champion.  It was a night I’m sure many of you remember vividly, because I know I do, and I will never forget that night.  I walked into High Stakes guaranteeing that I would walk out as the Bombshell Champion, and I did.  I pinned Kittie fair and square, as much as she would like to tell you all differently.”

Misty laughs.  She folds her arms across her chest and crosses her left leg over her right before continuing to speak into the camera.

“In eleven days, I plan to do EXACTLY the same thing.  I’m going into Blaze of Glory as a challenger, but you can bet your ass that once all is said and done, I’ll be walking out as the NEW Bombshell Champion…a TWO-TIME Bombshell Champion at that.  There isn’t a damn thing any of my three opponents can do about it.  Take a look around me, and you’ll see proof that I am a real champion.  I am the only TRUE Bombshell Champion that SCW has to offer.  Kittie has simply been keeping my title warm for me.”

Misty reaches behind her and pulls three photographs off of one of the shelves.  She holds the first one up, showing a picture of the current SCW Bombshell Champion, Kittie.  A weird smile appears on her face.

“Let me start this off by talking about our current Bombshell Champion, and the newest member of The Seven Deadly Sins…miss Kittie, the Sin of Envy. *chuckles*  That title is quite fitting if you ask me.  Ever since I won the Bombshell Title, and even before that, Kittie was walking around, spewing more and more false accusations about me.  She claimed I stabbed her in the back, and was only thinking about myself.  She kept whining and crying that I just couldn’t let her have what she deserved…that I had to take it for myself.  Kittie was basically claiming that I am what she is today…envious.  Kittie may be the champion, for the moment, but deep down, she always envy me, even if I’m not the champion!  She has EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted in my life, and she still envies me.  I’m flattered, honestly, but also confused.  At the moment, Kittie can honestly say she is better than me, but she still chooses to dwell on the past.  That will be her ultimate downfall.  Kittie, you think I stabbed you in the back?  Think what you want, but get over it already!  Focus on the present and what I’m doing right at this very moment.  I’m admitting that you are the better woman, at least until Blaze of Glory, but I bet you’ll still find something to say to turn this around on me.  I’m lying through my teeth.  I’m only thinking about myself…blah blah blah blah blah.  I can’t change what you think in your head, but I can damn well defend myself and prove myself to everyone out there watching this right now.  I hope you’re ready to say goodbye to your baby, because at Blaze of Glory, she’s coming home with me.  Quoted from truth, Kittie Kat…Quote from truth!”

Misty tosses the photo to the floor, moving on to the next, with a roll of her eyes…a photo of Raynin.  

“Onto little miss Raynin…Oh what can I say about Raynin.  I’ve watched her very closely these last few months.  After I lost the title to Kittie and December to Dismember, I knew Raynin would be next in line.  It was only a matter of time.  She has always made it very clear that she has that one very attainable goal.  The same goal we’ve all set from day one…to be the champion.  About a month ago, she got her shot.  She fought like hell…she did her best, but ultimately, she failed.  Much like she will do at Blaze of Glory.  That goal will be a little bit harder to achieve at Blaze of Glory.  We each have three opponents walking into that match, but one thing I don’t have in common with Raynin, Kittie and Brooklyn…I don’t have to face myself.  Raynin has to get through ME to win that Bombshell Championship.  She was giving a shot at the title before I was even given my rematch against Kittie, and you know what, I hold a grudge against her for that.  Now, I know it wasn’t her fault, but I don’t care.  I’m also a little sour that she always comes so close, but falls oh so short to achieving stardom.  Don’t claim to be worthy of the title if you can’t prove it in the ring, sweetheart.  I don’t care about all this training you’ve had or anything else you’ll try and use as a reason you’re a true champion.  Until you’ve won the belt, you’re nothing in my eyes.  Nothing.  Until you’ve worked as hard as the rest of us, and put in as much effort, if not MORE than the rest of us, don’t claim to be something you’re not, and if I have anything to do with it, will NEVER be.  Good luck, Raynin.  You’re going to need it.”

Just like she did with the photo of Kittie, Misty tosses the photo of Raynin down to the ground, and moves on to the last photo, a look of sheer disgust growing on her face.  She holds the photo up, showing Brooklyn Carter.

“I’ve saved the WORST for last, just to be a bit different, here.  Brooklyn Carter will NEVER EVER be a champion, and I intend to fight like hell to make sure of it.  We’ve all watched Brooklyn Carter.  We’ve all watched as she’s done the same exact thing as Sean Williams.  She sits back and does drugs and uses her past and all the bullshit that happened as an excuse to justify her need to get high.  HA!  Bitch, please!  I don’t even know how you were even allowed into SCW, because I’m fairly sure you failed the drug test.  Unless of course you weren’t given one.  I know I was, and I passed with flying colors.  Or, I know, you taped a bag of a drug-free friend’s urine to your leg and submitted that as your sample, right?  It wouldn’t surprise me.  I’m sick and tired of sitting back and watching the same shit over and over again coming from the likes of Brooklyn Carter.  I’m pissed off she was even given a title shot, knowing she flaunts her drug use in front of the camera and shows NO remorse for it!  She claims she needs it!  I’m sorry, no deserving champion will EVER need drugs…period.  Brooklyn, I’m going to make one promise to you.  At Blaze of Glory, I’m going to beat the living piss out of you.  You may have had some nice things to say about me the first time we faced, but I’m not going to be very nice in this match.  I’m going to make sure that the Bombshell Title is never around your waist, and I’m going to show everyone how to deal with trash like you.  I despise junkies.  I hate that people like you use your horrible past as an excuse for your drug use.  I will no longer remain silent on this issue.  Brooklyn, we all have our skeletons in our closets, but some of us choose to deal with them properly.  We don’t all turn into drug addicted cry babies like you.  Until you give up the drugs you CLAIM you need, you’re no champion.  You never will be.  And that is a promise.”

Instead of tossing the photo of Brooklyn Carter down on the ground, Misty tears it up, slowly sprinkling the remnants on the ground, with a smile.  She looks into the camera, as if looking at each and every person watching.

“I’m going to make one thing clear right now.  The only person deserving of winning the Bombshell Championship at Blaze of Glory, is the person you are looking at right now.  I’ve vowed to make a name for myself to each and every one of you.  I’ve fought like hell in each and every match that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood have placed me in.  I’ve proved myself time and time again, and at Blaze of Glory, things will be NO different.  I’ve shown my loyalty to SCW since the beginning, and I’m going to continue to show my loyalty.  I’m a fighting champion, whether I have the title or not.  I am the woman SCW needs to represent the Bombshell roster.  Kittie is just nuts.  Raynin just isn’t good enough, and Brooklyn…well, Brooklyn is nothing, and she’ll always be nothing.  To the fans who are watching that will be attending Blaze of Glory, I want you to do me a favor.  I want you all to show my opponents just who you are rooting for.  I want you to cheer like hell when my music hits and show them who you WANT to see as your Bombshell Champion.  I’m not going to win the Bombshell title just for myself…I’m going to do it for each and every one of my fans, because I am what you need.  I AM the Bombshell Champion, whether Kittie, Raynin or Brooklyn Carter likes it or not.  Spoken from the heart.”

Misty grabs one last photo from the shelf behind her, holding it up in front of the camera.  It printout of the banner for Blaze of Glory, only the picture of Misty on the front has been enlarged just a bit.

“One more thing before I leave you all with your thoughts.  On Sunday February 26th, I will be going down in a BLAZE OF GLORY!”

**Scene fades to black**