Author Topic: Levels  (Read 529 times)

Offline Mikah

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    • Mikah
« on: January 08, 2021, 10:36:12 PM »

TIME:10:30 A.M.

Mikah sits outside of the office that she hadn’t been to in almost four years before looking over at her passenger’s seat where Masen Christian Othniel was still sitting. She was still unsure if she wanted to go inside and tackle whatever problem she was avoiding. She looks at him, tears filling her eyes unwillingly as she thinks about the possibility of not seeing him anymore. She knew that he wasn’t real and that this was just some sort of trick her mind was playing on her but she didn’t care, she didn’t want to face the reality and pretend that he wasn’t here anymore.

;;Mikah “I know that you’re not really here. But I still just…I don’t want to face it.”

Did she honestly expect him to say anything back to her? She knew that he would, however because he was a part of her imagination, something she conjured up because? She wasn’t sure of the why. She was hoping that Dr. Parker could steer her in the right direction of clarity or peace of mind, or whatever it was she was searching for.

::CO  “You know that this isn’t going to help you. You don’t actually want to get rid of me.”

She knew that he was right; she knew that she didn’t want to get rid of him. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t want to know the cause of the issue at hand. Or why she was so desperately hanging onto him and his memory.

;;MIKAH “Something is telling me that I need to, though. I might not want to get rid of you, Mase. But this…this isn’t right. I shouldn’t be talking to a ghost or a figment of my imagination. Masen, I love you. I will always love you, no matter where I am in my life but this…this isn’t sane.”

She didn’t want to just let him go as she wasn’t sure that would even work. She was sure that somewhere in her subconscious, she wanted him around as long as she possibly could have him around. She takes a deep breath before opening the door to her car and stepping out of it before shutting the door and locking the door behind her. She looks at the building before walking to the doors and walking inside and taking the correct elevator to the floor where her psychologist was located. She puts her mask on before walking into the lobby and checking in with the secretary. She sits to wait for Dr. Spencer Parker and she barely had time to cross her legs before his door opens and he smiles warmly at her.

||DR. PARKER “Mikah, please come in.”

It always impressed her that he made it a point to make sure that he called her by her name instead of by her last name. It was something she had requested in one of their first sessions and the fact that he made sure to call her by the name she requested he use, left an impact on her. She follows him into his office and sits in the chair that was offered to her and smiles at him, even though he couldn’t see it through the mask.

;;MIKAH “Thanks for seeing me today, Dr. Parker. I know that you’ve probably had a busy schedule..”

He smiles at her, the smile reaching his eyes as he sits next to her.

||DR. PARKER “Actually, it’s been quiet around here. A lot of my patients are doing Zoom meetings because they’re scared to leave their home. And I can’t say that I blame them; it’s a scary World out there. 2020 has been rough to a lot of Americans. How has 2020 been treating you?”

Mikah raises an eyebrow at him before chuckling and shaking her head. She wasn’t sure she wanted to dive into the shitshow that 2020 was. Or at least, maybe not yet and she was good at deflecting.

;;MIKAH “I couldn’t imagine doing a Zoom meeting for a session. I’m not sure that I would get anything out of a session from a Zoom call. I think it’s important to meet face to face, even with one of these horrid things on.”

She was definitely talking about the masks. She knew that they were important and slowed the spread of the virus but it definitely wasn’t easy remembering to have one on her everywhere she went.

||DR. PARKER “I think you’d adapt if you had to.”

Mikah raises an eyebrow at him, not sure if she believed where he was coming from. She was sure that she could have adapted if she had to but she preferred in person sessions and she was glad that Dr. Parker agreed to see her. She had to figure out this Christian Othniel situation.

;;MIKAH “Maybe. But it’s doubtful, I think I personally do better with in person sessions rather than the ones that happen over an electronic device.”

He just chuckles to himself before looking at her.

||DR. PARKER “But you’d adapt, most people have enjoyed doing the Zoom meetings, actually.”

Mikah shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “It’s just another excuse for them to stay home. I don’t believe in living in fear. I believe that the virus is very real but I can’t just…not live my life. I don’t think that it’s going to go away anytime soon. And there’s so much that the scientists still don’t know about this virus that I’m not sure that this vaccine is going to be the cure all for the virus either.”

Dr. Parker nods his head, understanding where she was coming from. He of course had learned about a lot of people’s fears when it came to the virus and understanding it.

||DR. PARKER “That’s completely understandable. And it’s completely up to you on whether or not you get the vaccine.”

Mikah nods her head; she understood that. But she wasn’t sure where SCW was going to stand on the vaccine end of things. Would they want everybody to get vaccinated to be safe?

;;MIKAH “Or it’s up to SCW if I get vaccinated and if I still want a job. But that’s not really why I’m here, and I’m sure that you know that, Dr. Parker. You’re not stupid.”

He smiles at her, the emotion reaching his kind eyes as he leans back against the chair and looks at her.

||DR. PARKER “Do you think that they will try to make you get the vaccine?”

She hadn’t thought about it like that and hadn’t voiced her opinions or concerns to neither Mark Ward nor Christian Underwood. She hadn’t even thought about wrestling since she came to NYC before Christmas. It was nice to get back to where she had always felt at home.

;;MIKAH “Um…I’m honestly not sure what their policy is going to be when it comes to the vaccine. I don’t think it’s been brought up on Twitter or any place else.”

Why was she delaying the inevitable and what she exactly wanted to talk about? She was enjoying just talking to him about anything, though. And it was nice not to worry about whether or not he had an ulterior motive. And he was nice to look at..

||DR. PARKER “I see. It’s been almost four years since I’ve last seen you, has anything happened that you’d like to talk about?”

And there it was. The words that she didn’t necessarily care to hear but knew that it’d come up eventually. And it was technically the reason she was here, in one way or the other.

;;MIKAH “Well…I retired from SCW in September of 2018 to just spend time with my now ex-husband. Had a baby in June of 2019 and he’s the most precious little boy I’ve ever been around. Got a divorce in March of 2020 during the quarantine life and moved to San Diego, California to spend time with a…friend. Oh, and I’m talking to my dead best friend’s ghost. Or a figment of my imagination, I’m really not sure which.”

She watches his face, trying to decide how he was going to decipher everything that she had just told him. It probably wasn’t every day that he heard that somebody was talking to somebody that was dead. Or at least, somebody that wasn’t scared to admit that out loud anyways.

||DR. PARKER “It sounds like your life has taken a few twists and turns since the last time that we met, Mikah. How are you doing after your divorce from Drake Green?”

It was impressive to her that he even remembered her ex-husband’s name. Attentive people were her favorite kind of people to be around. Ones that remembered what she liked and didn’t like or one that remembered people’s names.

;;MIKAH “I’m alright. It wasn’t that surprising, really. Things had been going downhill for awhile. He and I were both good at faking appearances. And I just decided I couldn’t just be that same person anymore. I wanted a better example for my daughter and my son to. And that’s not me bashing, Drake. But I want my daughter to get into a healthy relationship, instead of one that was solely based on whatever it was Drake and I had. Plus, I didn’t want Myles around the drugs that Drake was into every other month or whatever.”

She knew that separating from Drake was the best choice she could have made and she hoped that he felt that too. She hoped that he didn’t think that she just wanted to leave him to be free to fuck around with Kris whenever she wanted because that wasn’t the case. She had to make decisions for her children and things that he was participating in wasn’t always safe for a baby to be around. And she didn’t feel comfortable leaving Myles in his care because she could never be 100% sure that he was going to stay sober.

||DR. PARKER “It sounds like you made a responsible decision for your family, Mikah. I’m proud of you that you put your children first.”

Mikah cracks a half smile, even though he couldn’t see it.

;;MIKAH “But was it really a responsible decision to move to San Diego?”

Her eyes move up to his as she leaves the question out there for him. It was no secret that her and California never really meshed well together. There was something about the way that Christian died in California and the way it left her feeling every time, just never set well with her. But she had to admit that the sunsets on the west coast were beautiful.

||DR. PARKER “Why would it not be?”

She hesitates for a moment, looking at him as she tries to think out the answer she wanted to give him. She was amazed that Christian Othniel hadn’t appeared in Dr. Parker’s office. But maybe that was because she didn’t want him there.

;;MIKAH “Malibu is where Christian OD’d on heroin. Oh, and I almost OD’d on heroin in 2018 as well. Let’s add that to the list of things that shouldn’t have happened but did.”

She still felt guilty about that night and about the fact that Kris had been the one to find her. She hadn’t planned on taking the drugs that night but she was in a dark place and she just did.

||DR. PARKER “Do you still have that problem?”

She knew he wasn’t asking to be intervening or anything.

;;MIKAH “No, I don’t. I don’t even understand why I did it two and a half years ago, honestly. It wasn’t even a problem then, to be honest. It was just something that I chose to do on a whim and I regret it now.”

She tried explaining it the best that she could without going into the details that she had found herself in the in-between and had been able to talk with Christian Othniel. She didn’t want to talk about the fact that she hadn’t really wanted to come back from that point either. That she enjoyed the time that she spent with Christian Othniel in the in-between.

||DR. PARKER “I’m glad to hear that, Mikah. So, why did you choose to move to San Diego if you don’t like California?”

She smiles underneath the mask again, her eyes twinkling just a bit with a memory dancing behind them. She looks at him before chuckling.

;;MIKAH “Kristopher. He’s the reason.”

She didn’t expect him to know who Kris was as she hadn’t really talked about him before. Because during their last session, she hadn’t started anything with Kris yet.

||DR. PARKER “And who is Kristopher?”

Mikah looks at him before looking around his office, noting all the different but simple décor in his office that he had. She liked the simplicity look that he had. It was freeing to see and made her feel more at home.

;;MIKAH “A friend. Well, a little more than a friend, I think. I never know where I stand with him. But that’s what I call it now a days.”

She didn’t want to get into the adultery she’d committed because she’d have to explain that Drake also committed adultery as well. It was an open playing field between the two of them, or at least it had been back then.

||DR. PARKER “Oh okay. Do you feel as if you don’t have any other place to go?”

She shrugs her shoulders.

;;MIKAH “No, I still have my New York place because I wouldn’t ever really, truly give that up. It’s my home but Kristopher…is like my person, I guess? Or he is now. Masen will always be my favorite person but he’s dead. Or I thought he was but this ghost or figment thing seems so real…”

She didn’t know how to explain it because she herself didn’t understand what it meant. Or if it even meant anything.

||DR. PARKER “I don’t believe that it’s a ghost but more something that you’ve thought up and don’t want to let go of. Have you thought about the reason he showed up? Or how you’ve been feeling?”

Mikah looks at him with a blank look on her pretty face. She hadn’t really thought about it like that and now she was curious if he was onto something. Maybe she hadn’t really needed a session with him but it was helping more than she wanted it to.

;;MIKAH “I guess that makes sense. . .”

She was hesitant to admit that out loud to him. There was still a big part of her that didn’t want to let go of the vision of Christian but she had to. She couldn’t just hang onto him for the rest of her life; she had to try to move on with her life.

||DR. PARKER “I know you’ve had problems with letting go of him in the past, but it’s not healthy to keep holding onto him, Mikah. You’ve got to let him go so you can move on with your life and move forward. You have a daughter and a son to worry about and you want to be healthy for them. And hanging onto him like this isn’t healthy.”

Tears filled her eyes whether she wanted them to or not and she blinks, trying to blink them away but instead they just spill down her face.

;;MIKAH “It’s so hard to let him go, though. I love him.”

Dr. Parker looks at her, his eyes on her and she can sense that he’s smiling underneath the mask.

||DR. PARKER “I know, Mikah but you can still love him without holding onto him as much. He will always be a part of your life in some way. But seeing something that isn’t there isn’t healthy.”

She knew that he was right. After all, he was trained to do this and to help her through whatever it was that she was feeling at the moment. She takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out, thankful for once that she didn’t have to wear glasses.

;;MIKAH “I know it’s not healthy, that’s why I’m here. I don’t know how to let him go…”

She wanted to be able to think about him without making him appear in front of her. She didn’t want to seem crazy; after all she’d worked so hard to get to where she was in her life. She didn’t want to backslide.

||DR. PARKER “You have to take it one day at a time, Mikah. Just talk yourself through each day and get through it. Try not to think about him too much and try not to think that you want to talk to him. I know that you know he’s not really there, so focus that energy on something else. Like preparing for your upcoming match or into your children.”

She looks at him and completely understood where he was coming from. She was trying her best to focus on her career and her kids and ignore everything else. But Christian Othniel was a main topic in her life.

;;MIKAH “That’s actually a really good idea…”

He watches her, taking in the way she was taking in the information he was giving her. He writes something down in her file before looking at her.

||DR. PARKER “Do you think that you can do it, Mikah? Let him go and move on with your life?”

She looks at him, an unreadable emotion on her face as she looks at him.

;;MIKAH “I want to. I want to be able to have a life that I lived without any regrets. And I know that this whole thing about him is going to be something that I am going to regret. So I want to, and I’m going to try. I’m going to try like hell to let him go so I can move on with my life.”

She holds a hopeful look in her eyes, hoping that she could keep up with want she wanted out of her life. She wasn’t sure that she could be strong enough to do it but she was damn well going to try.

||DR. PARKER “That’s a great mindset to have, Mikah. I think that’s all the time we have for today. I will let you schedule a session whenever you feel like you need one; that is what I’m here for.”

He offers her another unseen smile as they stand up. He shakes her hand before she walks out of his office, a newfound sense of confidence about her. She felt strong now, but she wasn’t sure that she would feel that when she was by herself and left alone with her thoughts. Only time would tell.


TIME: 2:45 PM

The scene opens up to show Mikah sitting in a small room with clips of her matches playing on the walls via green screen. She was sitting on a white stool dressed in a pair of skinny jeans that met a pair of converse that were different. On her right foot was a turquoise converse shoe and on her left foot was an orange converse shoe. And she had on a simple light teal North Face hoodie and her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun. If there was one thing about New York City she hated, it was the weather. And she blamed Kris for making her enjoy the California sun.

;;MIKAH “If I was a better person, I’d welcome you all into the shithole that is 2021. But let’s be honest, I’m not a better person and I don’t think anybody should be welcomed into this shithole. Well, or maybe you all should be welcomed into this shithole of a year. Maybe it’s what you deserve.

But we’re not here to talk about the shitty new year or how it’s not going to be any different from last year. We’re here to talk about the fact that I have a match in two days against Johanna. Johanna is somebody that I’ve already been in the ring with since my return to SCW in 2020. I’m sure she remembers, right Johanna? Remember when Kristopher and I teamed up against you and Austin and Kristopher and I won? Do you remember that?

Because I do. I remember that night and that match. And sure, while the while might have been based on a technicality, it doesn’t mean that it’s not there in the record books. And while, it wasn’t myself who got the win, it’s still a win that I have over you Johanna. And that’s something that I can say when I walk into the arena on Sunday and out to the ring. I can hold it over your head and make you feel as if you’re not as good as me when it comes to that wrestling ring. And let me tell you something, you’re not. You are not as good as I am in that ring. And I’m going to be honest, there’s not many people in this company that could hold a torch to my talent in that ring. Is that a little arrogant? Maybe. But is it true? Yes, yes it is. I am what the Bombshells should be measured up to. I’m what every Bombshell should aspire to be.

And do you want to know why?

Because I’m the one that holds the most reliability when it comes to holding a championship. I am a three time Bombshell Champion and each time I held that title, I held it for an extended amount of time. I’m not a flash in the skillet nor am I a transitional champion, I’m one that everybody should want to be. And I’m the number one Bombshell in the company, Tommy Knocks said so. And what are you, Johanna?

I’ll tell you what you are, you’re another interchangeable Bombshell that they booked in a match against me because they had nothing better to do. And because they had to throw you a bone to keep you interested in the company somehow. Because who the fuck even cares about Wolfslair now? It’s all about the Black Sheep now. And why shouldn’t it be?

We’re the best thing that SCW has going for them right now. Our record? It’s shiny and fucking perfect as a team. And my record since returning? It’s fucking perfect. And I strive for nothing but perfection now. I’ve tasted what it feels like to be undefeated and I’m not going to just let somebody like you take away my perfect record, Johanna. I’m not easy to beat and I don’t give up, either. And I’m sure you’re decent enough the ring to be able to actual hold your own but you’re not me. You’re nothing compared to me in that ring.

You see, I don’t have to work as hard to be as flawless as I am in that ring; it’s just something that comes naturally to me. I’m that type of person and it’s something I’ve been into for almost fourteen years. This has been my entire life pretty much and so, walking into that ring on Sunday is going to be like second nature to me. It’s not going to be nerve wracking at all. I don’t have to worry about the fans that will or won’t be in attendance. And I definitely don’t give a fuck if they like me or not.

Because they don’t have to like me but you can bet your fucking ugly ass that damn well know that I’m the best that there is in that ring. I bring everything I have to every match I’m in and I give them the show that they deserve. And I’m sure you try to give it your all and put everything you are into a match but you’re just not on the same level as I am, Johanna. You aren’t the same caliber of competitor that I am. Or hell, even Alicia is. How does it feel knowing that you’re the least known member of Wolfslair? Does it eat at you at night? Does it make your blood boil to think about how nobody gives a fucking shit about you or your existence? Because I fucking didn’t know that you were a part of that group until Alex Jones tweeted about it back in August or September, whenever it was he told Kristopher and myself who we were stepping into the ring with. It has to bother you because why wouldn’t it? You don’t have hardly any accomplishments under your belt that screams that you have talent. Nobody’s going to remember you when you walk away from the company and it will almost be like you were never here. I’d say that it’s sad but let’s face it, it’s not. Not really.

There are so many people that walk away from SCW that are forgotten about and but there are only a handful that will never be forgotten. People like Simon Jones, JDoubleH, Melody Grace, and Drake Green just to name a few. There are a few more but I won’t bore you with the specifics. And as for the ones that are currently signed with the company? People like me, Kristopher Ryans, Ben Jordan, Evie Jordan, Fenris, Roxi Johnson, and even Alicia Lukas will be ones that walk away and have their memory etched into the walls of this place.

But interchangeable people like you?

You’ll be lucky if anybody even remembers you when your time is up. I, however, already have my name etched into the Hall of Fame. I doubt that you’ll get there, but good luck in trying.

I hope you’re ready for Sunday because I’m ready to prove to you and everybody else why I am the best Bombshell there is. And why I deserve a shot at Keira rather than Crystaltina.

See you Sunday.
