Author Topic: Her Mania Moment  (Read 8473 times)

Offline Laura Jackson

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    • Peter Siddorn
Her Mania Moment
« on: April 22, 2013, 06:47:15 PM »

Wrestlemania! The idea the quote wrestling genius Vince McMahon came up with in the 80’s to have a wrestling show that was more than just matches. It would have a mainstream crossover that no event of its kind had before but now 28 years later and 9 years after she expected the event as a fan, young diva Sally Mason was set to compete in her first ever Wrestlemania match. She was going be representing not only Team Teddy aka Team People Power but also the brand known as Monday Night RAW! All this for a woman who basically only been a wrestling for the past two years. Some questions about if she was right for the match but at the end of the day she was here and she had chance to claim the divas money in the bank briefcase. She looked to add her name to the list of winners of the female vision of the briefcase. Legends like Beth Phoenix, Mar, Michelle McCool and Ivory as well as the likes of Christy Hemme, Roni Jonah, Kaitlyn and last year winner Cookie to hold a briefcase that meant at any time over a year long period they could use it to face the champion for the belt. So would Sally earn the win or was she going to come up short in this battle royal!

So how did Sally end up here? How did she end up wrestling in a stadium just minutes from her hometown in front of eighty thousands fans who had and would be coming in from all over the world. Well it started like this

June 8th 1996 New York City New York

The camera came up in a small apartment with a woman who seemed to be going through a handbag. She was wearing a white shirt, black skirt and black shoes as she did this she called out.


The woman was Nicole Mason who was the mother of Sally Mason! She mumbled to herself as she picked through the bag. Just then a 5 year old Sally come into the shot and looked at her mother. She had on a white t-shirt and black pants.

Sally Mason
Yes momma!

Nicole Mason
I’m off to the doctor office. I’ll be back at 6! Now I want your homework done when I get back understand?

Sally nodded at her mother request.

Sally Mason
It will be!

Nicole smiled at her and then lent forward.

Nicole Mason
Good Love you Sally?

She gave Sally a kiss on the forehead Sally smiled at her mom as she pulled up.

Sally Mason
I love you too!

With that Nicole left the apartment as she did this Sally closed the door. She waited for a few moments before she bolted to a blue armchair that was sitting in the corner. She launched herself into the chair and grabbed the remote.

Sally Mason
A few cartoons won’t hurt! I mean it’s not like I was given a lot to do.

However she as flicked through the channels all she found nothing and was about to turn it off when she was stopped by the voice of the one and only Good Old JR speaking.

Jim Ross
Welcome back to WWF superstars everybody! Now in a just a few weeks away from Shawn Michaels will be putting his WWF championship on the line at the King of the Ring when he has a rematch with British Bulldog! Of course it was at Beware of Dog that Shawn Michaels retained his WWF title when the match ended in a double pin. However there wasn’t must rest for the champion as he was putting his title on the line this past week on Monday Night RAW when he took on his former tag partner Marty Jannetty

With that the footage cut to RAW where Marty had Shawn in a side headlock and was cranking on it. Sally then watched as Shawn Michaels fought out of the hold and took over the match. Sally watched on in awe as HBK did his thing. Sally had never watched wrestling before! She heard of it in passing but at the moment she just couldn’t take her eyes off Shawn. Everything he did just left her looking on in awe. When it was over and Shawn had gotten a 3 count Sally was cheering for him like she was watching the New York Giants win a game. She then watched the rest of the show disappointed that Shawn wasn’t on it anymore. When Superstars was over she clicked off the TV and started to work on her homework but the whole time all she could think about was what she saw Shawn do. How he just flew through the air like he was a superhero, how he could deal with everything that was thrown at him and could deal with it. It seemed similar to what she was going through with her mom where they had to deal everything that was thrown at them yet they found a way to keep going. Sally couldn’t wait for her mom to get home so she could tell her all about it.

Later that day

The sound of a click was heard and a door opened. Sally was back sitting in the same chair she had been in earlier. Her mom turned and looked at her with a smile.

Nicole Mason
Sally I’m home

Sally got out of the chair and walked over to her mom.

Sally Mason
Hi mom how was work?

Her mom let out a sigh.

Nicole Mason
Not good! Our brilliant computer system crashed again I tell you Sally I don’t care what they say give me the good old pen and paper. All this Windows stuff is a fad and I be glad when it’s gone. So now is your homework done?

Sally nodded and pointed over to a table which had an open book sitting there and a pencil laying across it. Her mom smiled at her as Sally giggled.

Nicole Mason
Good girl now let get a start on tea!

The pair then headed into the kitchen. Sally watched as her mom looked through the cupboards as she did this Nicole spoke to her.

Nicole Mason
So beside your homework what else you do today?

Sally Mason
I saw the most amazing thing on TV today Momma?

Nicole grabbed a can of sweet-corn and as she closed the cupboard door she turned to look at her daughter!

Nicole Mason
Oh what did you see?

Sally Mason
I saw a man fly in the air?

Her mom giggled as she took a can opener and started to turn it!

Nicole Mason
Was this man called Clark Kent by any chance?

Sally Mason
No it wasn’t you come on now mom I would be telling you about it if it was!

Her mom just laughed as she answered her.

Nicole Mason
Ok ok sorry I mean you tell me I can’t make a joke?

Sally Mason
Yeah but it wasn’t funny!

Nicole Mason
So who did you see fly?

Sally Mason
His name was Shawn Michaels he just fly through the air like it was nothing and I couldn’t believe and he reminded of us in a way!

Nicole Mason
Oh why is that?

Sally Mason
Well the whole time things were being thrown at him he was able to overcome it! You are like that!

Her mom nodded as she grabbed a couple of Jacket potatoes. She give them a quick wash under cold water before taking a knife and making a cross in them.

Nicole Mason
Well that’s nice dear?

Moments later she put the Jackets in the oven to let them cook as she closed the door Sally spoke.

Sally Mason
Yeah and it’s giving me an idea of what I want to do when I grow up!

Nicole Mason
Oh and what that?

Sally smiled and excited as told her mom of her newly found idea of a dream job.

Sally Mason
I want to be a pro wrestler!

Sally was waiting for her mom to answer back with the same kind of energy and joy she felt but she was just met with a standard answer.

Nicole Mason
That’s nice dear now can you lay the table?

Sally walked over to a nearby draw and pulled it open. She reached into the draw pulling a pair of knife and forks on the table. Meanwhile her mom put the plate of a Jacket potato and sweet-corn together. She then placed it in front of Sally who stared at it for a moment before looking up at her.

Nicole Mason
What wrong dear?

You didnt believe me when I said that I wanted to be a pro wrestler#33\'>

Sally looked at her mom who leant over and put her hand on Sally shoulder!

Nicole Mason
Of course I believe in you Sally! I have always said that no matter what you do I will be proud of you. If you want to be a wrestler you be a wrestler ok!

Sally nodded at her and tucked into the potato. She knew it wasn’t the true answer she wanted but still she meant it. All she hoped was when that time came her mom would be as good as her word.

Of course her mom never had that chance to show it before her passing. Sally was sure she would have but still since she hadn’t seen it she couldn’t be completely sure. Still as she looked at on the Jersey skyline from the hotel. It was so strange to be close to home and yet so far away. One thing that she had never thought about was how much goes on behind the screens. Hell she was told most of the people would get a police escort to MetLife. That was crazy hell she was going to getting for the Hall of fame soon and she was going to be riding in a limbo to the Garden! It was insane but likely she wasn’t going alone!  

Saturday 13th April 2013

In one week time WWE would be hosting it’s famed Hall of Famer. An evening where those who were apart of the company history were honoured and basically people actually got dressed up for it. However there was one thing Sally didn’t have that a lot of the roster did. A partner to go with and well she didn’t want to seen at the show alone and despite the offer of a date to the Hall from a seven year old she had gotten someone who would be going with her. She was in her flat and she was sipped away at a a coffee in her hands. Just then the buzzer to her flat went off. She walked over to the intercom and pushed the button.

Sally Mason

Yeah this is who they!

Sally Mason
Who they!

Who they said going to beat them Bengals!

Sally giggled shaking her head!

Sally Mason
Come on up you little!

Sally buzzed the intercom before placing the cup on the counter top, she then walked over to the front door. She opened the door and smiled as she saw her friend Tyler Adams standing in front of her. Tyler had on a black t-shirt with had the logo of the NFL team of the Cincinnati Bengals on it as well as black jeans and black trainers with a white Nike Logo on her. She smiled as she saw him standing in the doorway.

Tyler Adams
Yo Sally what’s up.

Sally Mason
Not much come in!

Sally was hoping Tyler would give her the answer she wanted. She knew that they were friends after all like Sally Tyler was raised by a single mother who struggled growing up. However unlike Sally he knew never his father as he had walked out on the family the moment he found out Tyler was coming along and never tried to be involved in his life. Tyler had gotten into wrestling in the hope of making it to the big time and given his mom a better life. This is part of the reason he had left Cincinnati to come to New York since there were more promotion in the area. She watched as he walked over to the kitchen and smiled.

Tyler Adams
So you ready?

Sally stared at him for a moment.

Sally Mason
Ready for what?

Tyler Adams
Don’t you remember you said you come with me to my show tonight? We set it up weeks ago

Sally eyes widen and then smacked her forehead.

Sally Mason
Wait that was tonight?

Tyler Adams

Sally Mason
Fuck! You know completely forgot you know what Wrestlemania has thrown me all out of whack listen can you give a minute and I get changed?

Tyler Adams
Yeah l can wait!

With that Sally disappeared into a nearby room and started to talk to Tyler through the door.

Sally Mason
So what indy are we going to again?

Tyler leant against the door and spoke to her.

Tyler Adams
2CW! I’m in a 6 man tag match that’s all I know sadly. From the sounds of it things have gotten moved around so just want to get out there and wrestle!

Sally Mason
Oh well I just hope it all works out for you man! Hate for you to have a bad match because of things beyond your control.

Tyler shrugged at her answer after all what could he do about it .

Tyler Adams
Yeah well I just got to suck it up and get on with it! So Wrestlemania they give you a match yet?

After he asked that the door opened and Sally came with a green top, blue jeans and black boots. She smiled at Tyler.

Sally Mason
This look alright?

Tyler Adams
Yeah it’s good Sally!

Sally nodded and walked out to grab the coffee cup once more before turning to Tyler.

Tyler Adams
By the way you never answered my question you got a match for Mania?

Sally looked at him blankly

Sally Mason
Oh you ask me that sorry must have not heard it yeah I’m booked?

Tyler Adams
Oh who did you get?

Sally Mason
I’m in the female Money in the Bank match representing People power along with Jillian?

Tyler smiled and nodded his head as she said that!

Tyler Adams
Nice you got any insane ideas for the ladder?

Sally Mason
Tyler we in a battle royal there is no ladder involved?

Tyler looked a little disappointed as he heard that.

Tyler Adams
Damn that’s a shame but I guess a battle royal is ok! So you and Jillian are in who else?

Sally scratched the back of her head before she answer.

Sally Mason
Well AJ and Mickie are as well as I got them in a match on RAW not completely sure who is in from Smackdown but should be some talented women and make for an interesting match?

Tyler Adams
Well you know I am sure that you will kick ass and if you win go on RAW and say your cash in at Mania!

Sally looked at him and kind of scrunched her face up.

Sally Mason
So you think that a good idea?

Tyler Adams
Well to the best of my knowledge no-one has ever done that and it would certainly put you in the history books!

Sally Mason
Well if I win I will suggest it but listen I need to ask a favour of you?

Tyler Adams
Sure Sally you know I do anything for you!

Sally Mason
You booked next Saturday for anything?

Tyler Adams
Nah I couldn’t get a booking with everyone and their mother coming in for Mania I got nothing!

Sally Mason
Sorry about that but the reason I ask is I need you!

Tyler Adams
Find what do you need!

Sally Mason
I need you to be my date to the Hall of Fame!

There was silence as Tyler looked at her and then burst out laughing.

Tyler Adams
Oh that’s a great rib Sally I mean yeah but seriously what did you want from me?

Sally just walked over and drilled Tyler in the arm with a punch. Tyler out a cry of pain and started to rub his arm.

Sally Mason
I was being serious you jerk!

Tyler Adams
Sally you know I love you as a friend but as god knows I always said the only time I would wear a suit in my adult life was my mom funeral you know that? I just don’t think it’s right for me to do this!

Sally Mason
Look Tyler I don’t know who else to turn to I mean how many time to you see someone alone at the hall? It doesn’t happen!

Tyler Adams
I don’t know!

Sally Mason
Please Tyler it’s just for a night and I tell you what you do this for me I will help you out!

Tyler looked at her and arched his eyebrows

Tyler Adams
Oh how you going to do that?

Sally Mason
I can give management you stuff to look at!

Tyler Adams

Sally nodded at Tyler as he said that

Sally Mason
Yeah I will give them to Travis Kooper who can take them to FCW and show the management there what you can do! I can’t say it would lead to a job but hey it would be a way that they would have your name on their list so to speak!

Tyler Adams
You do that for me?

Sally Mason
Only if you come on me to the hall of fame!

Tyler looked at her and was clearly weighing up in his mind his options, He finally looked at her and nodded.

Tyler Adams
You know what I’m fine with the suit you just have to promise me you live up to your side of the bargain?

Sally Mason
I swear on my mom grave to pass it on!

Sally looked him dead in the eye to show what they meant.

Tyler Adams
Well then Sally you got a date for the hall?

Sally smiled and then she wrapped her arms around Tyler giving him a hug.

Sally Mason
Tyler you’re the best!

Tyler looked at her and just nodded as they embraced.

Sally Mason
You know what the bonus for this is right?

Tyler Adams
What’s that?

Sally Mason
Your momma gets to see you in a suit!

Sally giggled as she pulled back and Tyler just shook his head.

Tyler Adams
Let get going?

Sally nodded and then the pair exited the kitchen. With that we cut back to Sally looking out of the window. It pulled back to show Sally had gotten into her hall of fame dress and looked nice. She was finally pulled away from the door by the sound of a knock on her hotel room door. She walked over and opened it to reveal the head of people power Teddy Long standing there. She smiled as she saw her boss standing in the hallway wearing a suit like only he could.

Teddy Long

He took a step back and looked at and smiled at her.

Teddy Long
Damn baby girl you look great!

Sally Mason
Thanks Teddy but you know what I should be thanking you that personal shopper you got for us ! They basically picked it out for me. I would never have picked it up if I was picking out a dress would have talk myself out of it.

Teddy then walked into the room and smiled.

Sally Mason
Anyway what bring you here I thought you would be getting ready for the Hall!

Teddy Long
I know but I just wanted to come by and say thank you!

Sally looked at him with a shocked looked on her face!

Sally Mason
Thanks? For what?

Teddy Long
For what you said on Monday Night! I mean you didn’t have to do that!

Sally Mason
But I wanted too Teddy! See I know I’m not the kind of star name the likes of Shane Helms or Ciaran O'Donnell but I think that I…

Teddy held his hands up and Sally stopped talking.

Teddy Long
Look Sally I said when we first sat down and talked I said I don’t care about big names or things what I want is people who are going to work hard and give the fans what they want fun in their wrestling. Sally you have done both since this started. I wish that the likes of Shane and Ciaran had your heart and drive!

Sally smiled at him as he said that.

Sally Mason
Well like I said on RAW you give me a chance when no one else would! You believed in me and believed that I could be a champion so that why I thanked you. I just hope that I can repay you for that I can give you the money in the bank as a thank you!

Teddy Long
Look Sally as long as you do your best I be happy if you win the briefcase then that is one hell of a bonus but still I’m proud of you and I can’t wait to see you in action! Holla Holla Holla!

At this point Teddy started to dance and Sally just giggled. It was hard not too when Teddy did this. Just then Tyler came over and walked into the room seeing what was happening.

Tyler Adams
Am I interrupting anything?

Sally looked at Tyler and tried to get back to a straight face!

Sally Mason
No Tyler I was just talking with my boss.

Long stopped dancing and looked at Tyler Sally decided she should introduce Tyler to Teddy.

Sally Mason
Oh I’m sorry Teddy Long this is Tyler Adams. Indy star and my date for the evening.

Tyler Adams
It’s nice to meet you Mr Long?

Teddy Long
Same to you son I got to say you are a lucky man getting to go to the hall of fame with Sally!

Tyler Adams
Yeah I am?

Teddy Long
I got to run remember what I said Sally!

Sally Mason
I will Teddy thanks.

As Teddy left the room Sally turned and saw Tyler in a black suit. He looked at her and sighed.

Sally Mason
You know what for all your moaning you look really nice in that suit. Your mom would be proud.

Tyler looked at her and sighed!

Tyler Adams
You think so?

Sally walked over and just adjusted it a tiny little bit smiling as she did it.

Sally Mason
I know so and when she see this she is going love it. I just hope she doesn’t think we are dating because of it.

Tyler Adams
She won’t believe me I told her we are friends pure and simple!

Sally Mason
Ok well I think you are ready.

Tyler Adams
Well in that case Miss Mason if you are ready our limo awaits!

Sally giggled as Tyler held his hand out and the pair then started to walk down the hallway. As she walked down the hall to the lift Sally slipped her arm around Tyler’s arm. For one night she could get dolled up and feel like a star for a night. Tomorrow night however she was going to be a part of history and do something that no one could ever take from her. She was going to compete on wrestling biggest stage she just hoped she left New Jersey with the title of Miss Money In The Bank!

End of RP

The camera cut backstage to Sally Mason sitting on a metal box in her ring gear a black top with white trim on the edges, black pants with Mason in white down each leg and black boots. She had tape on her right wrist she wrote down the word Mom on it. She then drew a little heart inside of the O and then she started to do speak

Sally Mason
5 years old! That’s how old I was when I discovered pro wrestling just flipping channels one Saturday and I saw the man who was going to change my life forever! That man was Shawn Michaels I saw him and I was amazed at how he easily he flow through the air I mean it was like gravity didn’t exist for him. From there I started to watch WWE every week just enjoying wrestling of course a lot of people were down on that era of WWE and they kind of mocked me back then for watching I can’t help when I was born or started watching. I would get my friend Olivia to tape PPV’s for me since I couldn’t see them and she had a really nice dad who agreed to do it. So yeah I was never really behind but the true moment I knew I wanted to be a wrestler was September 22th 1997 when after coming home from school I got a shock my mom was home. This wasn’t right as my mom worked 2 jobs at this point and other then a brief 20 minutes wasn’t home for a night but there she was and in her hands were two tickets. She passed one to me and smiled. I looked down and it was a ticket to the first ever Monday Night RAW taping in the world most famous arena. I may have been 6 but it meant so much and how my mom got them I never know but it matter so much to me!

Sally let out a short laugh as she put the cap back on the pen.

Sally Mason
So I went to RAW and I saw Austin stun McMahon for the first time. I never forget it I mean she everyone in the building was going crazy I mean it was a moment people had been waiting for but there was one person who was screaming for him to be part in jail! However the moment that settled it for me wanting to be a wrestler was Mick Foley and his 3 faces of Foley video where Dude Love was talking he bought out Mankind to talk and then said that Cactus Jack was back. I swear I have still to this day not hear a louder pop in my life .I still do hope to get a similar pop when I go out later tonight but I have a feeling it won’t happen. So yeah that was my moment that I would do this. Not only that I probably spent the next 11 years just going through things I would do when I got in. Names I would use, outfit I would be wearing and all that sort of thing. When I was 13 years old I was able to find someone who would take to indies show he was a guy at my mom work and every weekend we would go to show all over the New York Philly and New Jersey area. I made sure Uncle Smitty as I use to call him got tickets to show the little girl he thought could make it did! Anyway when I was 14 I was NYWC show and I somehow managed to get into talking with Mikey Whipwreck I was telling him how I wanted to be a wrestler and I ask him what it would take. He told me all the usual things and it would be 3 grand to train. For the next 3 years I did every kind of old job going to make some money for wrestling school. I finally got it and when I told Mikey he was surprised I had he thought I was just being a mark but you know what I did it. It was all set January 2008 I was going to take my first step into the world of wrestling but then in November 07 that plan stopped and my world stopped as my mom was told some news that changed our lives she had cancer! I was heartbroken she was my mom she was the one who worked her whole life to keep me save and such but this just it didn’t happened it just was unreal. So I put my dream on hold and because spent the next 3 years trying to help my mom but it was clear she wasn’t getting better and then on January 2011 she lost her battle. I just couldn’t believe it I mean I lost my biggest supporter to my wrestling dream.

Sally stopped for a moment and wiped away a tear that was in her eye. She then took a few deep breaths before making sure she was calm before carrying on.

Sally Mason
The next few weeks I tried to recover but I couldn’t I didn’t know what to do I had no real job or money still my Best friend Olivia took me to Orlando a holiday to help me overcome the grief I did it and ended up at an Impact taping just to get back into the swing of wrestling since I had basically been out of the loop while looking after my mom. It was there I got my big wrestling break as out for some fresh air was The Tattooed Beauty Laura Jackson. I told my story and then I don’t know why she did it she asked if I would train with her. It was like I was looking around for the hidden camera like deal I mean to learn from someone like that I be crazy to turn it down. So I went and I trained, learned wrestling just everything I could get my hands on I took in just wanting to be the best. Sally then put me on the indies to learn but the problem was I was trained by Laura so promoters thought I should be pushed as such I mean I was moved into matches I wasn’t ready for it was just crazy so I had to fight as lot of wrestlers didn’t like me getting push.  So I always had pressure on me to perform and be the best. This lead to me getting signed back in May of last year since then I have been working hard than ever to make it and I can say I have.

Sally then got up and looked at the camera with fire in her eyes

Sally Mason
So now I am here to compete in my first Wrestlemania with the chance to become the Money in the Bank briefcase holder. Not only that I am doing it in front of my hometown fans. I mean this is crazy I come here to watch the New York Giants play football it’s where Eli Manning throws passes to Victor Cruz. Where Ahmad Bradshaw barrelled over defenders it’s not where a girl who has been in wrestling like two years with a company for like a year comes in and wrestle but that is what I’m doing however I said it before tonight I’m the 07 Giants the team no-one thought would get to the Superbowl the team no one thought would like taking on the Patriots the unstoppable monster who has beaten all in front of her just like Eve. Now for those of you who are not NFL fans the Patriots were looking to finish a perfect season and the Giants were there to make up the numbers and be a footnote in history but in the end with a bit of luck and solid work the Giants pulled a major upset winning when few give them a chance. Tonight I am going to go into that ring and compete like my Giants that day. No matter what people say about me I know I can make history tonight! So I don’t care what I have to do I’m getting the win tonight and doing it for my mom!

With that Sally walked off down the hallway as the camera cut away to a different part of the arena.
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