Author Topic: Facts. Get them straight.  (Read 859 times)

Offline Tiami Tyler

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    • Tiami Tyler
Facts. Get them straight.
« on: January 04, 2013, 09:30:20 PM »
 The scene cuts into Chicago. City streets lit up at night. A house comes into view and inside that house was Tiami Tyler. Blue and blonde hair was seen running around with her daughter laughing and having such a good time. After a few minutes of running around and laughing, in walks Ti's sister Danielle.

Annabelle baby, why don't you go with Auntie Dani bear while I take care of a few things.

The little girl runs over to her sister, and the pair take off into another room. Tiami then walks out on the porch. Grabbing a cigarette, she sits on the porch swing, pulling her jacket up and lighting it. Taking a drag, a small smile crept along her face.

I heard what Jesse Salco said and I must clear a few things up. First off, this match between you and I? It is my second match here. First, second, tenth for all I care. The first match I had, was a bit rusty and lost. First time in four years, but the reason was not my knee.

Thing is, it was my girl, my daughter that kept me away.

Was rehabbing my knee getting ready to get back after eight months out of action. Then, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. Which would I have done? Kept going putting my baby at risk? No.

Taking a drag from her cigarette, she looked out at the street, reminding her of her life on the streets of Ohio growing up. She smiled, knowing those times made her stronger. The funny thing was, and is that wrestling has been her strongest suit.

As much as I love to say your stepping in the ring Jesse with someone who has nothing to lose, your totally wrong. Wrestling is my passion, my game. I have done this for almost five years, nothing can stop me now. I have managed my brother Daniel to a world title and, while I recently lost the PWX tag titles, this is a new chapter for me.

She took another drag from the cigarette, putting it out on the swing arm before flicking the butt out the porch door. She walked out down the steps and down the street. There was a point she stopped under a street light on a corner. She looked on down the street to her right. It was dark, baron and loads of trouble. Tiami just smirked though.

SCW, just like that street is a load of trouble. I have been in trouble before and here I stand today. My whole life has been fights and struggle. Jesse, you are not walking in to a match with a girl who is a rookie oh no. You are walking in with a woman who has been hardened by life lessons and tough training. Hard matches and the fact that sometimes you win and lose. I am coming for one thing.

I want that Roulette title.

In order to win that belt, I start by going through you.

She smirked, heading back toward her house. This was not the end to the tale Tiami had to tell. In was only the beginning...

To Be Continued