Author Topic: Total Beach Randomness  (Read 1061 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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Total Beach Randomness
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:11:01 AM »
 Sitting out on the beach, staring at the waves crashing on the beach in the sun, The Surf Boys, Narly and Radical are seen staring in to the blue ocean. Both men are dressed in Bermuda shorts, with palm trees on, Narly in white with blue palm trees and Radical in yellow with white palm trees on. Narly looks nervously at Radical.

Narly: Dude, I'm nervous

Radical's face crunches up, in a look of confusion

Radical: Duuuuuuuude, totally wondered what that smell was.

Narly's eyes go wide as he shakes his head fast

Narly: Nuh uh dude, that so wasn't me, I didn't do the crime.

Radical: You so cut the cheese

Narly: I don't like cheese

Radical bops his head slowly

Radical: Cool story bro

Narly smiles

Narly: Yeah it was!

Narly bops his head

Radical: So why are you nervous ol' Radical one?

Narly: Dude, you're Radical.

Radical: Sha I am!

The duo try to high five but Narly misses and lands face first in the the sand. He sits up spitting sand from his mouth

Narly: Weak dude.

Radical: That looks like it tasted just nasty

Narly: So tasted like sand

Radical: So it didn't taste like chicken?

Narly: Why would it?

Radical: Cause everything tastes like chicken.

Narly: Dude, speaking of chicken, I heard an awesome chicken joke

Radical: Is it the one about a chicken crossing the road? Cause I think I heard that one

Narly: Nuh uh dude.

Radical: Ok, what's your joke?

Narly: What do you get if you cross a chicken and a flea?

Radical: I dunno dude

Narly: An itchy co...

Radical: Whoa dude, family show!

Narly: What is?

Radical: Ummmmm

Radical looks at the camera

Narly: Well?

Radical: Erm, I dunno. That Christian dude told me to ignore the camera

Narly: What camera?

Radical: Ummmm.

Narly: Anyway, nervousness.

Radical: I'm not nervous

Narly: I am

Radical: No way!

Narly: Way!

Radical: Why didn't you say anything dude?

Narly scratches his head

Narly: Musta slipped my mind

Radical: So what's with the nerves oh dude of dudes?

Narly: Well, Summer XXXTreme

Radical giggles like a school girl

Radical: XXX

Narly bops his head with a smile on his face

Narly: I hear XXX, I think boobies

Radical: Dude, family show but boobies rawk!

Narly: Sha! They do!

Radical tries to high five Narly, but also misses and ends up with a face full of sand. Radical sits up, spitting out sand

Radical: You're right dude

Narly: YAY! Erm, about what?

Radical: Does taste like chicken.

Narly bops his head as he looks at Radical seriously

Narly: Tot-al-ly

Radical: So nerves

Narly: Yes, nerves, like big time nerves

Radical: Whhhhhhhhhhhy?

Narly: Dude, I never been on a boat before, like uh, what if I get seasick? Like when those wave get really high and the boat jumps and I get a bit seasick.

Radical looks down the camera, frowning and scratching his head.

Radical: But you surf dude

Narly: Sha, but not on a boat dude. Those things are like totally huge and jump up and down.... plus they will hurt more if they land on you, but a surf board just gives me a bump on the head. I think a boat landing on me like, might give me two bumps

Radical: Uncool!

Narly: Totally uncool, like so uncool, it's almost as hot as a roasted wiener.

Radical: But roasted wieners rawk too!

Narly looks at the camera, his hands flat out, before he turns back to Radical

Narly: Are you saying you like wiener?

Radical: Sha!

Narly giggles

Narly: Radical loves wiener! Radical loves wiener!

Two young women walk past the two, Narly points at Radical

Narly:  Hello ladies, he likes wiener

The two laugh as Narly bops his head. The phone rings next to them and Radical picks it up.

Radical: Hello?

The voice of Nelson from the Simpsons is heard

Nelson: you like weiner? Ha ha!

A dial tone is heard and Radical scratches his head

Radical: I so don't remember giving Nelson my number

Narly: whoa! Total animated celebrities are noticing us.

Radical: That must be why we got a tag title shot dude!

Narly: Sha! We are Nelson endoresed.

Radical: Don't focus on the motion in the ocean dude, focus on the tag gold dude, we can be champions on that boat.

Narly: Sha ah, it's gonna be awesome. I've never had a title before dude.

Radical: Wow! Freaky!

Narly:  What dude?

Radical: I've never had one either!

Narly: No way!

Radical: Way!

Narly:  Whoa!

Radical: Double Whoa!

Narly:  Sha!

Radical: It's awesome that we get to go against Sinful Obsession, those dudes have been like unbeatable for like forever, but we can do it, cause we're like the surprise team of SCW, we're like the team no one expects to win but we've like totally won here.

Narly: Sha! But I think we should worry, like Milfalicious has been missing since that Despayre dude, blew that magic dust stuff on her and she's like fallen off the face of the planet. Like poof! Disappeared like a cake in front of a chunky dude.

Radical: Sha! But we can totally win, like win and be champions and have like everyone chasing us.

Narly: A dog chased me once

Radical: You had a burger in your pocket though

Narly: Sha

Radical: And a crab chased you.

Narly: Sha! But that crab was just looking for trouble.

Radical: He was evil.

Narly looks uneasy

Narly: She dude

Radical: No freaking way? You run from a chickette crab

Narly looks sad

Narly: Ya ah.

Radical: It doesn't matter dude, once we get those titles, and everyone loves us, we'll totally have the respect of everyone and no one will chase you again, those crabs will deal the awesome and fearful Narly. Crabs will totally chase you for your autographs

Narly: And not to nip at my tootsies?

Radical: Your tootsies will be safe dude of dudes.

Narly: Good, cause I like my tootsies

Radical: See, we can be champions dude, your tootsie will be safe and maybe we can meet that bear from the movies.

Narly's eyes go wide

Narly: We could meet Ted?!

Radical: Sha!

Narly: That would be pretty freakin' sweet dude.

Radical: Sha! That beat is one awesome little bear dude. Not as awesome as Angel, but still, sweet.

Narly: I wonder if Angel knows him

Radical: Probably, and yogi too!

Narly: We need to hang with these bears

Radical: Right after we win those tag titles.

Narly: So motivation. We win the tag titles, from the funny dude and magician dude, we go out there and and put on a show, shake their hands afterwards, then we party on the big boat, eat a lot of shrimp, then we come home and party with Angel, Ted, Yogi, Boo boo, and Top Cat?

Radical: Top Cat isn't a bear dude

Narly: No, but he seems like he'll be fun to party with.

Radical: Sha.

The camera moves around the duo to behind them. Narly puts a hand on Radical's shoulder as the sun goes down behind the ocean

Narly: We will be champions and party.

The two stands up as the sun drops down future. The camera starts to fade out to Radical's voice.

Radical: Dude, is it me or did that sun go down really quick?