Author Topic: A New turn?  (Read 558 times)

Offline Keira Fisher

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    • Keira Fisher
A New turn?
« on: December 17, 2021, 02:05:34 AM »
The scene opens up in the medical room of SCW. The last match Keira had was with Jessie Salco. In that, both had an exciting match that sadly led to a double countout. But considering how it was led, it wasn’t fun at all. Keira is seen on the bed, being checked on by the SCW doctor. She was going through the last of her concussion tests as she nods. The doctor smiles and says

Doctor: Ok, Keira. You’re good to go. I swear, you took a nasty bump on the head. Could have sworn you had got a concussion.

Keira: Just got lucky, I guess.

Doctor: REAL lucky, Keira. But you’re cleared, surprisingly.

Keira smiles and nods as she sits up and gets to stand. The doctor says

Doctor: You’re free to go. Just try to take it easy for the next few days.

Keira: I will, I think I earned it.

Keira turns and walks out of the room. She goes over and heads to the locker room of Team Hero as she enters it. As she does, Roxi is seen coming close to her. She checks on her as Keira quickly says

Keira: Baby. I’m ok. I’m sorry. I figured that’s what you’re about to ask.

Roxi: I was, I didn’t mean to leave you in the room like that.

Keira: It’s ok. We’ve done this for so long. I’m not shocked by it. Plus, I’m not concussed. Was able to walk here on my own. Doctor said I should have been though, with the way I took that bump.

Roxi: I know. But I’m glad it wasn’t serious.

Keira: Same, doc said I was REAL lucky. But for now. I’m fine.

Keira goes over and sits on the couch as Roxi joins her. Keira lays her head back a bit, saying

Keira: Have we gotten old?

Roxi raises a eyebrow, saying

Roxi: Why would you ask that?

Keira sighs a bit, saying

Keira: I guess because of all the things I’ve been hearing lately. Having a bit of a mindset as you. The new blood coming in and the veterans like us are slowly being phased out.

Roxi: I honestly don’t know, Keira. But in a way, I’m taking your advice. Considering Kat was part of the women I wanted to face in my career.

Keira: Funny, she’s on mine as well. Wasn’t expecting her to come in SCW. But, at least it’s someone we know from a training school we can trust. I trust Kat more than I do Alicia the Place Holder.

Roxi: How did I know you were going to take a potshot at her that soon?

Keira: She deserves it. I know we have to be ready for Krystal and Jessie for the final Climax Control and all. But Alicia Lukas is nothing more than a stain on this federation. She can win as many titles as she wants. But once she starts acting like Crystal Hilton, there’s no turning back and you know it.

Keira gives a sigh as she turns her head to look at Roxi. She then says

Keira: I’m sorry. I feel like my anger is getting me back to the old days. The ones where I was always angry, unpredictable.

Roxi: That’s what you don’t need, Keira. You’ve become a lot better than that.

Keira: I know. But it feels like the world wants me to go back to being that or at least some sort of new Keira. But I can’t. Not after what I’ve been through. What WE’VE been through.

Roxi: I know, Keira. Trust me, you and I aren’t going down that path. We’ve made too many friends. We’ve fought too hard for this.

Keira: Yea. I just pray to God that I don’t get my own version of Cyrus in the near future.

Roxi: In all honesty, Keira? You did in a way. In the form of Sin.

Keira sighs again over this. She knew Roxi was right. She was right about that part. She just shakes her head and says

Keira: True. I guess the next few months as well will be a bit of a steep climb. For now, let’s get to doing what we do best. What Team Hero does best.

Roxi: Showing the world that we’re the best tag team of all time? Not just in SCW, but all time?

Keira: I was going to say get some food. But that works too. I can fit that into my busy schedule.

Roxi giggles as she playfully slaps Keira’s arm, saying

Roxi: Keira Fisher-Johnson, you are the worst.

Keira giggles back at it, saying

Keira: Yea, but you love me for it.

Roxi leans in and kisses Keira on the lips. The two break away as Keira smiles a bit. She then says

Keira: That reminds me.

Roxi: Which is?

Keira: I need to go ahead and get some things ready for Toys for Tots. I know they don’t do money, unless it’s a exception. But I’m going to do a mix of it as well as donate Nate’s baby toys.

Roxi: Why did you hold onto them?

Keira: I don’t know. Guess I didn’t want to let the past go.

Roxi gives a smile, saying

Roxi: I don’t blame you, Keira. But we still got time. Now, I think we need to get out of here. I’ll transmit us home tonight.

Keira: Thank you. Even though I’m not concussed. I need to take it easy as much as I can.

Roxi: Agreed.

Keira grabs the bags and gets close to Roxi. She places her hand on Keira’s shoulder as the two transmit out of the locker room and going home. The scene fades on that.

A few days later. The scene opens up at the grocery store where Keira is seen was getting a few groceries for the house while Roxi was taking care of Nate. She grabs a ton of hamburger meat to make tacos for dinner. The butcher looks at this and asks

Butcher: Miss?

Keira’s eyebrow raises, saying

Keira: Yes?

Butcher: I’ve seen you in here a few times. Each time you get any kind of meat, you buy a lot of packs. If we run out of family packs, you sure buy the regular ones. Do you do a lot of gatherings?

Keira: No, I like to stock up to last a few days. Considering it’s Hamburger meat, I can make anything that’s good for a few days.

Butcher: True, but that’s a lot of food.

Keira: Yea, it is. But it’ll be gone quicker too once it’s cooked and ate.

The butcher gives a nod, saying

Butcher: Ok, ok. I won’t ask anymore. Next time you want meat like that. Tell me and I can special order it for you. Makes it easier.

Keira: Well, I will just do that. I’ll start around 2022. Make it one of my new year’s resolution.

Butcher: Sounds good to me Miss…

Keira: Mrs. Johnson, Keira Johnson.

Butcher: Wait, Keira? From SCW? That Keira?

Keira: I am…

The butcher smiles at this as he says

Butcher: I take every Sunday off to watch SCW. You and your wife, Roxi are the highlights of my day each time you two are wrestling other opponents.

Keira: Well, thank you. I mean that.

Butcher: Anytime. I don’t normally do this. But remember that special order thing I mentioned?

Keira: Yes?

Butcher: Consider me putting a discount on it each time you do.

Keira: But won’t that cost you your job down the road?

The butcher laughs at this as he says

Butcher: Don’t worry, Mrs. Johnson. I can get away with it. Never a problem.

Keira nods as she bids the butcher farewell for now. She continues to get the rest of the groceries and goes to check out to pay for them. She smiles as she gets them to the car and puts them in. She goes to her phone and calls Roxi real quick

Keira: Hey, hunny. I got the groceries. Are you ok with Tacos tonight?

Roxi: Yea. I haven’t had them in ages to be honest. Wait, are you cooking tonight?

Keira: I thought about it, since I’ve been wanting to cook Tacos for ages now.

Roxi: Is it too late to call for takeout?

Keira: Oh Har Har! You know I’ve been practicing, Roxi. Just like how you’re hitting the gym each day to be ready for Jessie and Krystal.

Roxi: Also Kat now.

Keira: Yes, dear. Also Kat.

Keira gives a chuckle as she says

Keira: Anyway, I should be home soon.

Roxi: Right, see you soon. I love you.

Keira: Love you too, Rox.

Keira hangs the phone up as she gets in the car and begins to drive off. She turns on the radio and begins to listen to some music. But as she does, she hears a new bulletin. The lady on it says.

Newslady: This just in, a break in at the fifth national bank just happened 2 minutes ago. The known well villain, Hammer was at the scene with someone else who we could not identify at this time. Police is urging residents to stay away from the area until they can arrest the two. More as this story develops.

Keira sighs, saying

Keira: Crap. There went me cooking dinner.

Keira takes the car and pulls it over in a deserted parking lot. She looks around and makes sure no one would see her. She places her hand on the car and transmits it outside her and Roxi’s home. Roxi would hear the sounds of the car landing and rush out real quick. She sees Keira quickly getting out of the car and asks

Roxi: Ok, mind explaining why you didn’t take a normal drive instead? Cause I know you just transmitted the car–

Keira: Hammer’s on the loose. Had to get back here real quick.

Roxi: Weird. Vision should have called.

Keira: Yea, but I just found out on the radio. So Vision should be calling soon. Can you put up the groceries real quick while I change?

Roxi: I can, but you know I’m not completely useless. We fought Hammer before.

Keira: We did, but he’s got someone with him. Hammer’s not the one to usually have assistance. I just don’t want the hamburger meat to get bad.

Roxi: I can get my mom to do that.

Keira smirks as she says

Keira: Yea, true. Ok, fine. Tell her and suit up. Considering this is unusual. Do you mind if I take the lead on it?

Roxi has raised her eyebrow at this, saying

Roxi: Sure. I don’t mind, Ke. But it’s Hammer, one knockout grenade and he’s done for.

Keira: Again, you’re right. But there’s still the thing of the accomplice he has with him. It’s not like him to have one.

Roxi: You have a point. Let’s suit up.

The two enter in and quickly tell Roxi’s mom to get the groceries. They head into the bedroom and suit up as Lady Bedlam and Lady Kat respectfully. The two go to the window and hop out of as they fly off to the city. The two land near the bank as they see the damage around it. Keira looks at it and says

Keira: Damn. This is more damage than usual.

Roxi: Yea, it looks like a battle. It might not be someone that was helping Hammer. It might be someone that was fighting Hammer and doesn’t know about Hammer’s power.

Keira: True, but I don’t know of any rookies that are stationed in the area either. Which is weird of itself now that I think about it.

Roxi nods at this as she takes her communicator out and contacts Vision. She says

Roxi: Vision, do you read me?

Vision: Loud and clear, Roxi. Funny, I was about to contact you. Hammer’s hitting the fif–

Roxi: We know. Keira heard it on the radio. We just arrived on the scene.

Keira: Yea, Hammer was with someone, but it doesn’t look like they were working together. It was more of a fight it seems. Do you know anyone, rookie wise that is stationed in our area by any chance?

Vision: No. No Rookies at all. Most of them are still in training, especially after the last one that went rouge.

Roxi: Damn. Well, we’ll keep you updated on the situation.

The transmission cuts off as Keira and Roxi sigh. Keira looks around and notices a trail going from the bank to the outskirts of the city. She then says

Keira: Looks like the trail leads out of the city. Which is good. No one will get hurt, except for Hammer and whoever is fighting him.

Roxi: Right. We have to stop them, no matter what.

Keira: Lead the way, LB. I’m right behind you.

Roxi nods as she flies off. Keira turns and looks again at the damage, saying

Keira: Whatever is happening. Hammer needs to be stopped…

Keira turns and flies off to join Roxi as the scene fades


Well, this has been a weird week. Not going to lie, me and Jessie had a great match on Climax Control. Hell, Jessie was getting stronger each time we fight. I was having fun with it.

And then the last few seconds happened. Both of us getting knocked out basically to the point where we got counted out.

I know Roxi has been saying that she needs to be better. She would say the same to me, but in all honesty? THIS IS WHAT I WANTED ALL ALONG! Now Andrea is strong as well. Don't get me wrong. But I wanted to show her that Jessie is as strong as her. But I was not expecting Jessie to get this good as of late.

That's why I love fighting you, Best Buddy!

You do bring out the best in me, no matter what kind of match we have and now it's starting to look like you're having that same mentality! That's what you need, Jessie. You want to beat Andrea? You want to finally beat me? You got to go beyond your limits, like I did. But in terms of this Climax Control. The last one before Inception in nearly a month?

I promise you this. It will NOT be a tie.

Jessie, I love you like a sister. The way we both grew in SCW will be a story for the SCW history books. Best Friends, Better Rivals so to speak. I wouldn't have it any other way. But let's be honest. You're facing Team Hero. You're facing the best tag team in SCW History. So you know your chances have drastically went down just by hearing it alone. Only a few rare teams have ever figured out how to beat Team Hero. I mean, we were the longest reigning Bombshell Tag Team Champions for a reason. But you don't need to hear all that, do you?

You know me and I know you. There are no more secrets to be given away. No more surprises between you and I. We are both after the same thing, as is Roxi, and as is Krystal. Becoming better each and every time. You, have hit that mark in the past few months. You did exactly what you said you were going to do and that makes me happy. It makes me happy to stand in the ring against you and see how much you have improved. I am in firm belief that you can rise to the occasion, but I also have been getting better.

My story is similar to yours, nobody expected either one of us to rise to the heights we have. Mine may be just a little higher, but we started out the same. People didn’t think I would do it. People still think I’m a fluke and a flash in the pan, and they still think the same thing about you. But we have proven all of them wrong, over and over. We have risen above the expectations that people set for us. You were never supposed to be anything but a middling wrestler, and neither was I. And what we have done now? That’s what happens when you take all those hurtful words and disrespectful comments and turn them into motivation.

But, as much as I believe in you, and as great of friends we are, that makes this all the more important. And now, you know as well as I do, that this match, this tag match, that’s where Team Hero shines. I hope you have warned your partner. You know all of that full well.

Krystal Wolfe on the other hand...

She might need a lesson on how Team Hero is when it comes to tag team actions.

Now I know you know about our history. You have followed us since the beginning. I won't grow a huge ego over it. But I am proud of the things we did. I never thought in my life I would inspire anyone to get into the ring. But despite the fact you wanted to face me after all this time. Did you really think I would just face you without having a bit of a warm up, do you?

That's why I asked for this tag match, Krystal! I want to see what you got before we duke it out one on one. With your title on the line. I want to see if you can handle what is coming. If I just give you a tiny little taste of what's to come, then you'll see why I'm your toughest opponent to date.

You have been very, very impressive as well, Krystal. You have held onto that Roulette championship with an iron grip. You have turned back challengers left and right, and now, I’m standing in your way. But I’ve been defying the odds for a long, long time. I have proven myself to be a worthy challenger to any championship, and you will find out all about that very, very soon. But this? This is just a little different and something I have been looking forward to, ever since the challenge was made and accepted.

Now Jessie is a hell of a partner to pick. She has tons of experience and she is one of my best friends. But she knows full well what Team Hero is all about. I know that being Bombshell Roulette Champion means you have to be ready to face all kinds of challenges, you have to be ready to compete and every different kind of match there is, and right now, you have passed every single test for that championship. But this test, it’s different. A tag team match, and let me just say that you are looking at one half of the BEST SCW tag team of all time.

I know, I said about ego earlier, but it’s not bragging if you back it up, and Team Hero has been able to prove themselves each and every time we went out there. And this time, it’s no different. Will you and Jessie be a challenge? Of course you will be. See, this match isn’t about giving me an advantage, though a win means a lot. You see, this is a role reversal for you Krystal. This is about you and Jessie, being able to knock off the best tag team in SCW history. While it’s hard to get to the top of the mountain at any level, but it’s even harder to STAY at the top. And while you’re run as the Bombshell Roulette Champion has been great, Team Hero has been at the top for YEARS.

Like I said, this isn’t bragging, this is just stating facts. I’m just going by the numbers, I’m like a far more accurate Mercedes Vargas. Wait, nevermind. I’m just looking at the numbers and the influence. Team Hero changed the whole game. And we continue to be at the top of our game when we are together.

I know you may think that asking for this tag match means that I am bringing in my wife as like backup, or that I am worried about you beating me. If you beat me, so be it, but that’s at Inception, this week, it’s you and Jessie, stepping up to US, and at Inception, I won’t have my wife to back me up, I won’t need or ask for her help. It’ll be just you, and me. For the title, like it should be.

You talk about how this is a dream to face me and Roxi? Trust me, anyone that has ever faced Team Hero, they do live to tell the tale. But they fail at beating the legendary team. You can read off the list. The Fallen, The Nobodies, the Angel Clan, we took the best from every team we faced, and we beat them. Like I said before. Only a few, rare teams have done that. We even beat The Metal and Punk Connection, the one team Jessie is one with Amy. We are the standard bearers for tag teams in SCW. So if you think that on Sunday you are going to take a win from us because it’s been a while since we teamed up, you are sadly mistaken. And if you are not careful, what happens to you on Sunday, will only carry over into Inception.

Everyone can be beaten on any day, Krystal. On Sunday, You will find out what it’s like to taste defeat, at the hands of Team Hero.

So be ready Krystal and Jessie. You wanted the best? You got it. Just don't expect us to take it easy on you.

Get ready for a preview of Inception.

I can’t wait.

Team Hero rides again.
