Author Topic: LUPTA  (Read 896 times)

Offline KojiVerse

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    • Aleksei Koji
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:45:29 PM »
 The crater party. On the surface it is just another Party Horde. Hundreds of people gathered around Aleksei’s large purple and black tour bus. The music is blaring just like always. Tons of people are dancing like crazy. A massive bon fire rises in the center of crater. But look closer and you will see that something is different. Mixed in with wrestling fans and other American party kids is a large population of Romani. The amount of campers old and new are staggering and even though it is a party, the air seems more electric. It is clear that entertainment is not the only reason these people have gathered.

But for the moment inside Koji’s van spirits are very high. A group has gathered around a large flat screen television and most are laughing. Aleksei is in the center of the couch laughing just as much as the rest of them. Jamie and Gianni are there as well. On the TV you can hear Goth’s most recent promo. Aleksei paues the show.

Aleksei: Wait....I forget. Do we drink when he makes sense or when he doesn’t make sense?

Jamie: Man I don’t know dude but I am getting pretty toasted.

Gianni: Yeah bro, Goth is hella weird. But I am digging this new TV.

Aleksei: Thank you. I won it in poker game, I am on epic winning streak. Just hope it keeps going. Oh wait he is talking about babies again...we should drink.

Everyone holds up a shot glass and drinks. They all cheer and go back to watching.

Aleksei: What is with this focus on babies? Does he not know we are going to have a fight among men. I don’t get it. Oh wait he is talking about sign language again for no reason..DRINK!

The crowd cheers and then there is a pounding on the door. Aleksei keeps the promo going and gets the door. Jamie gets up to go with him, grabbing a beer along the way. When they open the door a frightening fellow stands before them. He is not a big man but appears to be build to battle. A scar runs along his face and scar tissue from burning cover his right arm. He wears track pants, and a black a-shirt. He also wears a couple gold chains and wears a sinister grin that shows up several silver teeth. Jamie just looks at him with a wide mouth. He looks at Aleksei and does his best stage whisper.

Jamie: I hope this gun is not one of Mark’s goons because he freaks me out.

Aleksei laughs and shakes his head.

Aleksei: Nah, this is my brother Emil.

Emil simply nods and mumbles something in Romanian. Then pushes past the men grabbing a free bottle of rum. The man walks as if at any moment he might strike.

Jamie: That is the guy who is training you?

Aleksei: Da. He owes me favor so he came in for a week. I explained to him about the sport of pro wrestling. He was amused that someone is paying a Koji to fight.

Gianni walks over to them looking at Emil try to hit on the pretty girls speaking mostly Romani and mostly scarring them.

Gianni: Yeah okay bro but how is he your trainer if he doesn’t know about wrestling.

Alkesei: yeah but he knows everything about fighting. He headbutted himself out of the womb.

Gianni and Jamie looks at each a little unsure but both look at Emil who is currently sniffing at a girl half his age. They laugh and go back to the party.

About half a mile from the party things get even stranger.  Near a couple piles of rocks and boulders is a site quite strange. At night it is just a pile of rocks but during the day it becomes a training facility. Every day Aleksei is out there with his older brother doing whatever crazy thing he can come up with. Emil does not only watch and scream but also lurks around corners ready to strike at Aleksei. It is not an advisable training routine for anyone yet it seems to work well for the Romani.

For days this ritual went unnoticed by the rest of the people crashed out in the crater but now it is days from the big event and word has spread. Today Aleksei is climbing up the rocks then being told to jump down. Then screamed at to do it again. Depending on where he lands Emil is there trying to hit him. Aleksei feels his body being pushed in ways he didn’t think was possible. It is not until Emil screams at him in Romani to take a break and hydrate that he notices Spike and Jamie watching him from a nearby rise. Aleksei tries to laugh but is too worn out so instead he walks over to the water. Spike and Jamie join him.

Spike: I had to see it with my own eyes. When Jamie told me you were training, I didn’t believe him.

Aleksei: It is not as much training as my brother is trying to kill me slowly.

Jamie: Why the hell are you doing this?

Aleksei shrugs, takes a drink and then dumps the rest of the water bottle over his head.

Aleksei: I am going to war. Back home I know how to go to war but often times if involves setting a camper on fire. This is the best I can come up with. We work the rocks until Emil gets bored. Then we spar and I just hope to survive.

Spike: This match means a lot to you.

Aleksei: It is everything to me. Listen I know I have been what they call the fuck the past. I know that I didn’t show up to things or I didn’t take it very seriously. I can’t promise that I am going to be any better after this match...but this Sunday I swear to you on the blood of my family that you will have the best of me.

Jamie: Yeah man, thats great and all but don’t kill yourself over it. Its just a match man.

Spike: No its not. Aleksei has it right, it does matter.

Jamie: Yeah well let me buy you a gym membership or something, that guy is crazy.

Aleksei: Gyms are no good. All I would do is look at the pretty ladies. Listen I am going to go back to it...but Saturday should be here. If you can.

Aleksei nods to both men, then punches Jamie in the arm grinning like a mad man before heading back to the boulders. Emil does not appear to be around anymore until Aleksei gets close and then the man leaps up from behind a boulder to tackle him. Jamie looks at Spike.

Jamie: Don’t get me wrong. You still suck as a brother, but at least you’re not that guy.

Spike: Yeah but maybe it will be enough.

The two Stagg brothers walk off as Aleksei continues to train as the desert sun continues to rise.

It is Saturday night and the crowd has swelled to the largest Party Horde of all time. There are so many people that small camps have stareted outside the crater. Surrounding Aleksei’s bus is an inner circle of campers. Outside those campers the party still rages but inside the circle things are serious. Romani from across America and Canada have gathered to show support. The Koji clan has called in many favors to gain blessing from many Romani of status and some of Aleksei SCW family has been allowed to be there as well. Inside his tour bus Aleksei is alone.

Aleksei will never look well groomed but he has definitely cleaned himself up. He wears his famous coat and his charming smile. There is no rum in his hand. He looks directly at the camera.

Aleksei: I want to take a moment to address every man that I do battle with. I will keep this brief my friends because the time for words is almost done.

Goth, while I struggle to understand what you say most of the time but I understand that you have something to prove. When I came to SCW you were a man with history in this sport who was struggling to get noticed. Nothing has changed. You were added to this match as an afterthought but our business is personal ya? One last time lets see who is the better man.

Tom Dudley you are a warrior but also a sad little man. You have joined up with Mark’s goon squad to move up in life and I get that. Little men trying to be big will do stupid things. Like attack a man when he is wounded when you don’t know what that man can do, but this Sunday you will find out.

Now onto Jordan Williams, I hate that you are in this match. I watched your career when I was  trying to break into this sport. I liked your style and was excited to be working in the same federation as you. But you have changed into this blunt weapon for a power hungry jerk. I look at how your team looks at you. You’re a glorified lackey. It makes me sick friend. I hope we can fight another day when your have better friends.

And finally Nick does it feel to not be the biggest douche in the SCW anymore. I think maybe you joined up with Mark so that people might hate you a little less. I don’t know...but I have never liked you. Something about your face makes me want to hit you, but I have never gotten the chance. I am glad we have this opportunity for me to hurt you.

And that is it...oh but wait. There is one other guy. The douche canoe himself. Mr. Mark Ward. I don’t have much to say you because you are sitting this one out. I do want you know that we have unfinished business.

Aleksei then stands up and heads for the door. When he opens up the door people are ready for him. A massive man with a beard walks up to Aleksei first and gives him a hug. As he walks down the line more people come up to him. Some hug him, others shake his hand and a few of the women kiss his cheek. Many members of NXT are there, and even Karina is there though she does not touch her brother. As he gets closer to the fire a chant starts up among the old Romani. LUPTA LUPTA LUPATA It soon gets picked up by the others in the group. By the time Aleksei reaches the fire the chant has reached out past the inner circle and into the rest of the part.LUPTA LUPTA LUPTA Aleksei stands there with arms raised. He calls up Spike and Casey to join him. The chant gets louder. LUPTA LUPTA LUPTA LUPTA LUPTA
All Aleksei can do is smile and ready himself.
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