Author Topic: ▫ RIGHTING THE WRONG  (Read 484 times)

Offline Kevin Carter

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    • Kevin Carter
« on: September 26, 2013, 11:32:30 PM »
›› prologue ‹‹

Over three weeks ago the then SCW Heavyweight Champion, Kevin Carter walked into the main event of Climax Control to defend his newly won title. He was defending the title in his FIRST match as champion. His opponent was none other than Goth – someone whom had basically fallen off the map within SCW. It should have been an easy match, at least that's how it felt and that's how everyone saw it... until something shocking happened. Goth somehow was able to defeat Carter in the middle of the ring to name himself champion. It was something not a single person saw coming. It was something that would go down in the history books of SCW as one of the greatest upsets to ever take place within SCW. It was also going to be something that the self-proclaimed Main Attraction would never forget. In fact this one loss caused some behavior in Carter to change.

That very night Carter took it to twitter and made it clear that he felt he was robbed. He felt he was screwed. He felt that title was taken from him because someone higher up didn't want him as champion. Therefore he would be going back into retirement and he vowed to never come back to SCW. As one could imagine that shocked a lot of people as well as rubbed quite a few people the wrong way. Not much was said on Carter's end. He stuck to his guns. He never appeared in SCW, but then when it was announced that he was going to be booked against Drake Green in the main event of this previous Climax Control. Again, Carter took things to twitter and made it clear that he wasn't returning. So therefore his “previous” employer was booking him and using his name illegally. Course the match was changed soon there after.

Then that name came and the SCW Heavyweight Champion: Goth was found backstage out cold. Many people thought it was Kain up to his tricks due to their on going feud. It wasn't until later in the night when I battered Goth made his way out to the ring to confront Kain that everyone found out whom was truly behind the attack and that person just happened to be none other than the former SCW Heavyweight Champion, Kevin Carter. The Main Attraction revealed to the world that he attacked Goth to send a message and that message was he was taking back his title. He wasn't going to allow politics within SCW or certain people within SCW hold him back from what he was destined to be. He made it clear he was done with those non-believers and made it clear he blamed a lot of people for what happened to him, but now he was going to right the biggest wrong of his career.

Now here we are just one week away from the rematch. Goth will defend the SCW Heavyweight Championship against Kevin Carter in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. Which one of these men are going to be able to seal the deal? Can Goth prove his win wasn't a fluke. Can he prove he's worthy of being called a Triple Crown Champion? Or will Carter right the wrong and become a two time SCW Heavyweight Champion? Will he shove it down the throats of everyone that counted him out and wanted him to lose the title? It's all a matter of time till we find out firsthand.

›› scene one ‹‹

Moments ago the entire SCW crowd got to witness The Main Attraction: Kevin Carter make his return to the company. It was reported weeks ago by him that he was done with SCW. He was going into retirement and that he wouldn't be back. Yet he appeared tonight and when he did so. He had quite a bit to say and he didn't hold back in saying it either. Needless to say the star was making headlines.

By now he had made it into the back after leaving everyone on the edge of their seats for the match that he made official next week on his own call. Kevin walked with confidence but also with speed. Obviously he wanted to get out of the building as fast as he could. However it would appear that Ms. Rocky Mountains was going to make that an issue for him because she was approaching him and she was approaching him fast.

Kevin didn't bother to stop. In fact he started to speed up when he saw her coming towards him. However it wasn't going to stop her from attempting to get an interview with him.


▫ KEVIN CARTER: Don't even bother, I have nothing to say.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Judging by what just happened out there I would go ahead and say that's a lie.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Then take it as I've said everything I've needed to say!

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: C'mon Kevin, please just a moment of your time.

It seemed that her constant following behind him and just being overall annoying was going to do the trick. Kevin stopped in his tracks as he turned around to face her. Obviously he was pretty annoyed at this point. His face said it all and that's when he started to snap off in a way like he had never done before.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Are you like every other bitch in the world and don't understand the word no? I made it clear I have said all I needed to say. I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again. I've got better things to do then stand here and waste my time.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Like you had better things to do when you lost. Only for you to take your ball and go home?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: What the fuck did you just say to me?

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: I didn't stutter Kevin. Why now? Why tonight? Why did you choose this night of all nights to cash in on your rematch after telling everyone you quit? And why next week of all places to cash in on your rematch when you could have easily done it at Highstakes III?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Why? Why?! WHY?! … I'll tell you why, it's because that walking Emo Kid is a joke. He doesn't DESERVE to walk into a Super Card as the Champion. He doesn't DESERVE that championship at ALL, but he got lucky. I let the kid live his dream. I let him believe he was good enough – despite me getting screwed over by the powers that be around here. He got his moment. He got his shine. Now it's coming to an end. This was the best way to do it … when he and no one else even saw it coming.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: So in other words, you chose to blindside him? You hose to be a coward?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Call it what you want, but I did what was right. I did what was fair. I did what the people in SCW did to me just three weeks ago. They set me up and that's all I did. I set Goth up... at least when we get in the ring I won't have any people in my back pocket to make sure I win like he did. I won't have any people pulling the strings to make sure I win. No, instead I'm going to go out there on my own and win with my own god given talent. I will take back the SCW Heavyweight Championship all on my own account – regardless of what people might think.

There was truly no love lost at all when it came to Kevin and his opinions about the company. He was getting it all out in the open. He was going right for the throat of things. He wasn't holding back in the least bit. There was a good chance that this could end up backfiring on him but at the same time he also seemed like he had it all figured out.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: I think the way that you are carrying yourself is disrespectful. I think the accusations you are making towards this company are completely and utterly out of line. How can you even be that way to a company that has given you basically everything you've ever wanted?!

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Correction, this company didn't give me everything I ever wanted. Before I even signed my name on the dotted line I had everything I ever wanted. I was a legend. I had done it all in just a short amount of time. All SCW did was give me a place to come out of retirement and do my thing better than anyone else once again. That's the only thing this goddamn place gave me. I on the other hand was giving this place every fucking thing I had. I was the one busting my tail off in that ring every single night. I was the one that was giving this company all I had when others weren't doing jack shit and then this entire company screws me over and turns their back on me? Fuck them. I don't care how “out of line” or how “disrespectful” that might be. I stay true to my word, Fuck SCW.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: You're going to get what's coming to you Kevin, I can promise you that. You taunt and you poke to gator long enough. It will end up biting you, but here's a question for you. If everything you're saying is true. If everything you believe is reality. If SCW did hand Goth the title. If they didn't want you as champion. Then what makes you think that it's going to be a different outcome this next time around?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: You're right. You are one hundred percent right. What is going to stop them from doing it again? How is this time going to be different? … Well, this is how it's going to be different. Last time I didn't see it coming. Last time I walked into the situation blindly. I had no idea at all that people were out for me. That's why I lost in the first place. Because I forgot the first rule of wrestling: expect the unexpected. Now this time I'm expecting it. This time I've got my eyes pealed. I am going to keep an eye out for anything and everything that could go wrong. This time I won't be screwed again and that's exactly why I know I'm going to leave with the SCW Heavyweight Championship once again.

▫ MS. ROCKY MOUNTAINS: And what just makes you think you've got all the tools to make this happen? Huh? I am sure that everyone is just dying to know what makes you all of the sudden a man that is going to be unbeatable and untouchable? What makes you different from before?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: … Simple, I'm better than ever.

There was an arrogant smirk that formed over the creases of his lips as he slowly turned himself around and started to walk away from her. Those were the very words that were going to stick out in everyone's head. That one statement would replay in everyone's mind over and over again for the next week. When the following Sunday did roll around, Kevin was going to have to live up to those words. He was going to have to prove that he was better than ever and the only way to do that was by leaving with the SCW Heavyweight Championship. He just better hope he didn't dig his own grave.

›› scene two ‹‹

Laying there on a bed that had sheets barely covering it was Kevin Carter. He had his hands behind his head with this smirk spread across his lips. Not to mention his eyes were closed. Looking rather peaceful, that was until he heard his phone ringing and vibrating there on the bedside table. His eyes popped open as he reached over with one arm grabbing his phone. He looked at the caller ID as he rolled his eyes a little bit before sliding the icon over to answer.


He didn't seem to thrilled with the way he said hello. Kevin was anything but nice. Obviously sounding rather annoyed by whomever it was on the other end.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Well, I'm not at the house because I'm not home. And by not home, I mean I'm not even in Los Angeles... I'm back out on Vegas.

He laid there listening to whomever was on the other end run their mouth a little more. His facial expressions said it all. He wasn't impressed. He wasn't thrilled and he didn't give a rats ass what this person was saying.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: I must have missed the memo where I had to run everything by you before I did it. Sure, we're engaged but I have my own life too ya know... but whatever. I'm in Vegas for business related stuff.

Ah... that's who it was. Amy Marshall – his fiancee and someone he had distancing himself from ever since he “quit” SCW almost three weeks ago. At the same time he should have expected her to blow up his phone due to his surprise return this past week and considering he didn't bother to see her during the time he was there.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: I might be home in a day or two, why do you want to know so badly?

He was hoping that the tone in his voice of him being irritated when responding to her was going to make her get the hint and make her want to get off the phone with him. However it wasn't exactly working out for him.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Look, I'll be home when I get there. We'll spend time together then. I just need my space right now. You've got to understand that.

There was nothing wrong with having space and having time to yourself, but the way he was going on about it was pretty much him completely shoving Amy to the side. Something that she was catching onto but wasn't going to make too big of a deal out of because that would lead to the obvious happening.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Yeah, love ya too.

The way he said it came off so nonchalant that it wasn't even funny. Before Amy had a chance to say anything on the other end. He pulled the phone away from his ear and hit the end button. To take things a step further he went ahead and shut his phone off completely as it was clear that he didn't want to be bothered anymore. No sooner than he put the phone down on the bedside table the sheets to the blanket had popped up only for a woman to start crawling out from under the blankets planting herself on his chest.

▫ WOMAN: As sexy as it is to be giving you the greatest blow job you'll ever receive in your life while you're talking on the phone with your fiancee. Kind of kills the mood when you don't seem to be enjoying it.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: You have lost your mind if you think for one single solid second that I wasn't enjoying it. I was, it's just that she frustrates me and I let myself get wrapped up in her bullshit. I apologize.

▫ WOMAN: There's no need to apologize... I mean the woman that you are supposed to marry has zero confidence in you. The one person that is meant to believe in you doesn't believe in you. The one person that's supposed to support you doesn't support you and I could only imagine how that feels.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Well trust me when I tell you it isn't something that you want to ever experience.

▫ WOMAN: And you can trust me when I tell you, while she might not believe in you. I do believe in you. I believe that you're the best wrestler on SCW's roster. I believe that you were screwed. I believe the title was taken from you unfairly. I believe that you are better than Goth. I believe that this Sunday, you're going to believing a two time SCW Heavyweight Champion. But more importantly, I believe you're the greatest man that's walking on this planet right now.

It was no secret at all that Kevin loved it when he had his ego stroked. This woman – whomever she was really knew how to do just that. Before he could get a few words of his own out. She had found herself straddled across his lap while leaning in to press her lips against his. It was a kiss that seemingly lasted forever but in reality he was a kiss that only lasted a couple of seconds before she pulled herself back with this seductive smirk spread across her lips.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Talk about making a man feel special... hit the nail right on the head don't ya think?

▫ WOMAN: What can I say? I like it when the man I'm with knows just how important he is to me.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Uh huh, and this wouldn't have anything to do with you wanting a favor out of me would it?

▫ WOMAN: Oh whatever do you mean Kevin?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: All this attention and all this so called believing in me wouldn't have anything to do with you wanting to be my manager? You know the idea that you hinted at thirteen times yesterday.

▫ WOMAN: I am applauded that you would even think such a thing Kevin. Sure, my idea is lovely and sure it's an idea I want to see happen – because I know that I can provide you many-many valuable assets out there. But I wouldn't lie about how I feel about you or believing in you just to get the job. I am many things, but a liar and a user isn't any of them.

She sat there all straddled across his lap with her arms folded across her chest with her bottom lip sticking out a little. Obviously expressing that she wasn't too pleased with him at the moment. Kevin kind of chuckled a little bit and shook his head before offering what he considered to be a proper response.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Oh c'mon lighten up will ya. I was giving you a hard time.

▫ WOMAN: … That's funny, cause I can't feel it.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Now-now, we both know that you're lying through your teeth.

▫ WOMAN: Didn't I just say I wasn't a liar?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Yes, but there's never been a woman in history that hasn't actually felt it when I gave them a 'hard time' get with the program here chicka.

▫ WOMAN: Huh... you might have to make me.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Oh I will... right after I make this last phone call.

▫ WOMAN: And who could be more important than me right now?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: The person that decides in whether or not, you get this job as my future manager.

He gave a small little wink as the woman smiled. Kevin grabbed his phone and turned it back on so he could begin to make the appropriate phone call. What Kevin was doing wasn't just for this woman. It was for him as well. He was stacking the odds in his favor. He was making sure that he had a way to beat the system when he headed back to SCW full time. He could even be setting the seeds for this coming Sunday. All of that remained to be seen but the one thing people did know is that Carter had been and always would be a smart man in this business.

›› scene three ‹‹

Today the man known as the Main Attraction, Kevin Carter had made a call for to have a SCW camera crew sent to the Los Angeles County Funeral Home. When the camera crew got there they didn't expect what they had walked into, but never the less they had a job to do. That job involved recording whatever Kevin told them too. With that being said those cameras began recording and when everything came into focus.

There stood Kevin Carter dressed in an all black suit standing in front of a podium. There were several people sitting down on seats facing him. Men, women, and children of all ages and colors. Not a single one of them seemed to actually stick out though. That's what made things odd, but it wasn't the oddest part about the scenery. The oddest part came when the cameras zoomed in on Kevin to reveal he was standing next to a casket.

On that closed casket just happened to be a photo of SCW Heavyweight Champion: Goth. It was clear what Kevin was up to. He was holding some type of funeral for the champ. Now it was about that time before Kevin began speaking out loud to all of those people that were in attendance for this 'funeral' of some sorts.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Family and friends. We are all here today to honor the career of Goth. Although we are a few days early in the celebration. We all know that on Sunday – September 29th, 2013 – Barbados of all places in the world that Goth's career is going to end. It will end by my own hand... but that's a few days away and that's not what today is about. Today is about celebrating everything that has made Goth what he is today.

There was a brief pause and in that brief pause a protecting screen had dropped down in the background behind Kevin where he was deliver his speech. At which point he would step aside so people could see and that's when a photo of some little kid with white facepaint on, black lipsstick, high heels, and some black oversized nightgown. People were chuckling in the crowd as Kevin started to speak.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Before we can celebrate what he is in wrestling. We must take a step back into Goth's path. You see that is a photo of a young Goth. Yes he is wearing his signature face paint. Yes, he is wearing his mother's black lipstick. Along with her high heels and her sexy little nightgown. This was a regular occurrence for Goth. He always told his mother that he felt he was “different” from all the other little boys and girls his ages. He told her he never really felt like he “fit” in with anyone. At one point Goth even told his mother that he felt that he was a “freak” because he felt this way, dressed this way, and acted the way that he did.

Of course like any parent would do. They lied to their children when they are at such a young age. Goth's mother told him that none of that was true and that it was okay to be different. She openly let him dress like this. She openly let him go to school like this. She let her son set himself up for a lifetime of disappointment and teasing. But you would think that at some point when Goth got older. His mother would have stepped in and made him change. She would have stepped up and made him stop wearing her nightgowns, his high heels, and her makeup. You think she would have eventually stepped up and did what was right for her child... however she never did.

With that being said that picture would disappear only for another picture to be placed on the screen. This time it was an older teenager in some tight jeans and a tight blouse. Same facepaint and lipstick. He just also happened to be holding a diploma of some kind in his hand.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: That is a picture of Goth – the day that he just BARELY graduated high school. As you can see nothing has changed about him. He was still wearing the fake paint and the makeup. He was still wearing his mother's clothes. Only thing is he had switched it up to her skinny jeans and her tight tops. Thankfully he got away from the high heels. Never the less his mother failed him in a sense of how she let him grow up. Goth was a walking punchline every single day when he was in school. He was made fun of. He was called names. He was beaten up. Basically Goth's four years of high school he being the punching bag to every single bully that existed.

Until one day it would seem that he'd hit puberty and let his balls drop. Because he came to his mother the day after he graduated and announced to her that he wanted to train to be a professional wrestler. He wanted to learn to be macho and he wanted to learn to be tough. He wanted to learn how to protect himself if he were to ever find himself being bullied again. That he would know how to defend himself. Now while Goth's mommy dearest didn't want her little girl... I mean boy to get hurt. She didn't want to discourage him or his dreams. She made all the proper calls and sure enough had her son enrolled to at a school to become a professional wrestler.

He stood up there shaking his head a little bit. It was almost like he was shaking his head in disbelief or in shock for whatever reason. Thing was everyone would eventually find out why. It's not like Kevin ever actually hid anything. Nah, he was always up front with the things he wanted to say. By now as many would have guessed another photo came up and this photo happened to be what appeared to be one of Goth's first matches.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: I'm going to level with you guys, Goth's days at the wrestling school that his mother enrolled him at didn't work out too good. In fact he was released from the school because the guy was the drizzling shits. He couldn't latch onto the basics of professional wrestling. Anything and everything he did sucked. Of course sadly in today's world of professional wrestling. All you have to do is tell a promotion that you have trained and they will put you on the card. I could only assume that's how the first couple of years of Goth's career went. I could only assume he went around to promotion after promotion lying about his experience and lying about his training. Stinking up indy promotion after indy promotion after indy promotion.

I can't even believe that he wasn't black listed when it got out that he was lying. I can't believe that he wasn't black listed for lying about his experience. I can't believe that he wasn't black listed for ruining the cards that he was on and completely disrespecting the business. Because eventually as we all know the story goes with Goth being picked up by the wonderful folks at Sin City Wrestling – and of course I'm being sarcastic. I wish I could say that I could understand why SCW made that mistake. I wish I could understand why SCW would make such horrible decisions and why they were the way they were, but let's be honest. No one will ever understand them. After all look what they did to me.

Kevin shook his head from side to side to show how irritated he was with the situation at hand. About that time though the photo disappeared and was replaced with two photos. Both of these photos just happened to be of Goth holding the SCW Roulette Championship. It's clearly a situation where it's a different photo shoot therefore implying two different times in which Goth had held this title.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Allow me to fast forward a little bit and jump head first into those achievements that Goth so desperately  and clingy-like holds onto. These two side by photos happen to be the first and the second time that Goth held the SCW Roulette Championship. One match Goth defeated Aleksei Koji to win the title. Someone that doesn't even exist now. Someone that isn't even mentioned – so clearly he wasn't that big of a deal in the first place and therefore it was an easy victory for Goth. A victory that was basically handed to him because he didn't actually have to work for the victory in the first place. Something that Goth is apparently accustom to ever since signing his name on the dotted line.

His first run as the SCW Roulette Champion was over before it could even really begin. Something that most of you would already know based on the history lesson I gave the first time around that I faced Goth. But what you didn't know is that Goth's second run with that very same championship was handed to him. He defeated Argento to win the title a second time. Now I have done my research and much like Aleskei. Argento is basically non-existent. He never made a true impact on SCW. He never did anything that was worth mentioning. That whole run as champion before Goth beat him was forgettable at best. So, again Goth found himself being handed an easy title match.

Now I could only imagine that SCW saw something in Goth – something that I haven't ever saw in him. Something you people surely haven't ever saw in him. Something that the real fans aka the fans that support me don't see in him. But clearly SCW saw something in Goth back then and that's why they took the proper measures to protect him. That's why they took the proper measures to put him in that division. That's why they took the proper measures to make sure that he wouldn't ever be the man on the losing end of the stick. That's they did everything they could to make sure that he would face people that weren't worth a damn so he could win the title. It all makes sense now... still it's something to celebrate because for so long it was something that was kept in the dark and regardless of how we all might feel about it is still an accomplishment that's in the history books.

Although it was an accomplishment and even though it was in the history books. It didn't change the fact that by Kevin's opinion that it was wrong. Now those people that were involved in this mock “funeral” all seemed to be supporting his opinion even if it was a bit out there. By now the screen was showing a picture of Goth with one of the SCW Tag Team Titles.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Now what we have is a picture of Goth during his run as one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions. Now, I know what those ignorant people are going to say. I know what those people that don't really support me will say. I know what even the assclowns like Mark Word and Christian Underwood will say. They will all talk about how Goth proved that he was better than me before we even got to the stage of this issue with the SCW Heavyweight Championship. All of those people will base that on the fact that he along with his partner end my run when I was one half of the SCW Tag Team Champions. But no one from that side of things will talk about what really happened.

None of them will talk about how the match was a gimmie for Goth and his partner. None of them will go into detail about how Goth nor his partner ever actually pinned me or my faggot of a partner to become champions. No one will talk about the fact that Goth's run as half of the Tag Champions didn't last long, but I sure as hell will be that man to talk about it. Because I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I'm not afraid to tell the truth. I'm not afraid to call it like I see it. That entire match – despite me not knowing it at the time was made to cater to Goth and his partner. The other team wasn't worth a fuck.

Then of course Ace Baldwin and I could never get along. I carried his pathetic ass. I was the reason the guy was champion from the start. Yet he never followed my lead and he never had any respect for what I did hand him, but that's a different story for a different time. Fact is Goth and his partner had it easy from the star. This win was going to be handed to them all along. SCW and their wonderful management wanted new tag champions and that's what they got. They made sure that Ace and I were going to be arguing with each other. Made sure that one of the other teams was in the ring Goth and his partner in order to make sure the outcome became what it became. Again the favoritism for Goth struck and it was shown even if no one didn't know it. And still worthy of a celebration despite it becoming so obvious how often he was favor.

With each word that came out of Kevin's mouth. It was obvious that he was doing anything and everything that he could to destroy the creditability of SCW and destroy the creditability of Goth. If this kept up then he might end up getting his way about the situation. Kevin turned and saw that the picture of Goth holding the SCW Heavyweight Championship was now up there as he turned back around with this arrogant smirk of his

▫ KEVIN CARTER: And then finally that would be a picture of Goth holding the SCW Heavyweight Championship. The very championship he beat me for just a couple weeks ago. The very championship that he doesn't deserve to have. The very championship that was unfairly taken from me. Now, I know that all of those non-believers and I know that all of those people that are full of shit are going to disagree. It's going to be one of those situations where they all say that I wasn't screwed. It'll be a situation where they all said I'm paranoid and that no one truly has it out for me. It'll be a situation where those people all say that I'm full of it. It'll be a situation where people will say that I'm jealous and that I'm in the wrong because I'm the one that made the mistake in underestimating Goth.

Well you people can all suck my dick with your sheep like opinions. I'm not that egotistical where I will take something away from someone when they deserve, but by god Goth doesn't deserve to hold that championship. He doesn't deserve to be considered the first ever Triple Crown Champion within SCW. He doesn't deserve all the credit he's getting and doesn't deserve to be in the spot that I busted my ass off for. It's all there plain as day and those people that don't see it have lost their fucking minds. I mean think about it for a second why don't you? Goth hadn't done a single thing prior to being randomly tossed into a SCW Heavyweight Championship match with me. Doesn't that come off the least bit fishy?

A guy that was forgotten about. A guy that hadn't made waves around SCW in weeks – even months. A guy that was on a losing streak. All of the sudden finds himself being put in a SCW Heavyweight Championship match. If that doesn't raise a red flag for you then you are blind. That right there should tell people that Goth is favored by someone in management. It's painfully obvious. And you know people think that I'm upset that I had to defend the title so soon. No, what I was upset about was the fact that it was against someone like him who hadn't done a damn thing. Had I been defending the title against any man I faced in the Six Pack Challenge when I won the title in the first place. I wouldn't have gave two shits. But it was all against Goth that made an issue.

It should also be obvious that this management team has been against me since day one. Think about it, when I came in they instantly put me with Ace Baldwin someone that I couldn't stand. Someone I never liked and someone that I made it clear I didn't want to team with because I wasn't a tag team guy. But of course that didn't matter to them in the least bit. It didn't end there either. Because I would go on to win the Going For Gold briefcase. Something that these people didn't expect and something that the people clearly hated. Because when I got suspended for quote unquote not following the rules. I was stripped of that briefcase. That briefcase became null and void. I never an explanation for it at all. But it was clear they didn't want me to have it because they didn't want me anywhere near the SCW Heavyweight Championship.

And then I defeated their odds. I found myself in that six pack challenge and despite me facing all the “big names” of SCW. Despite me facing all the “Main Event” talent of SCW. Despite me going into that match as a “afterthought” and an “underdog” as so many people put it. I defeated all five of those men. I defeated the odds and I walked out with the SCW Heavyweight Championship. Something that pissed Mark Ward and Christian Underwood off to no end. On the night I won the title I am willing to bet that the two of them stayed up into the wee-hours of the morning trying to figure out a plan to get the title off me and eventually that's when they went to their go to guy: Goth.

More shaking of his head was shown as the people sat there listening to his every word. Some of them looking rather concerned and some of them looking pissed off FOR him rather than at him.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: That's when their little plan came into motion. That's when you all saw me lose the title. That's when the Era of Goth was born. All of it was a screw job plan... And this funeral we're having right now for Goth's career is the same funeral that Ward and Underwood wanted to have for my career. They almost got just that when I lost my cool about getting screwed out of the title. But then I wised up and then I realized what was going on. Once everyone least expected it. I came back and I decided to take back what's mine at any cost. I waited until the right moment and this Sunday is going to be that right moment. Because Goth has had his fifteen minutes of fame.

That's right Goth, you've had that fifteen minutes of being the top dog something that you have craved for years. You've had that fifteen minutes of being the top champion. You've had those fifteen minutes to celebrate your career and what you have become. I could only imagine it must mean the world to you that you came from being a freak that dressed in his mommy's nightgowns and put on her make up to being one of the “BIG” names in a company. Yes, I use that term very loosely. Either way you've had your time. Now it's up and when I take back what's mine. You're going to be forgotten about which is exatly what you deserve after all this shit.

Kevin had continued to bury Goth and the company that he worked for. He continued onward with his accusations. He continued onward with his sarcasm for this celebration they were meant to be having. Something that had just turned into a complete bash-fest. However with that being said Kevin did have one final message that he wanted to deliver and nothing as well no one would stop him from delivering it.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Goth, may you and your career rest in pieces. You worthless spineless son of a bitch!

For the first time in a long time Kevin looked like pure evil right then. With that smirk, the way he worded everything, and the way he was dressed. Of course in his mind he wasn't evil and that wasn't his plan. His plan was to take back what was his and make SCW right along with Goth pay for everything they had done to him. On that note everyone that was there started to “celebrate” which basically meant all of them taking their turns in SPITTING on the coffin with Goth's picture on it. Kevin stood back watching this take place over and over again. It seemed to be too much for the SCW camera crew and with the point obvious being delivered. That lead to the cameras fading out to static leaving so many images and statements in people's minds to think about till Sunday Night rolled around.

›› scene four ‹‹

Sunday Night had finally arrived. It was exactly one hour before show time and where did Kevin find himself? That was simple he was in his locker room on the other side of the building completely and utterly away from everyone else's locker room. He personally made sure that this was done because after all that had happened as of late. He didn't think there was a single person within SCW that he could trust.

Kevin had just slipped on his skin tight wrestling tights when there was a light knock on the locker room door. Before he could respond the man in charge Hot Stuff, Mark Ward was allowing himself in the locker room. Something that just got a glare out of Kevin because Ward was going to beat him to the punch in the terms of speaking.

▫ HOT STUFF: Kevin, do you have a minute?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Sure do... just not for you.

With that being said Kevin turned himself around seemingly nothing else left to say in his mind. He took a seat in a steel chair to begin putting his boots on. Ward on the other hand didn't get the hint or chose not to get the hint more like it as he took a couple more steps inside the locker room aiming to get his attention.

▫ HOT STUFF: Kev look...

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Oh it's Kev now? Are we suddenly pals? Are we suddenly friends? Are we suddenly buddy-buddy? Cause if so I missed the memo.

▫ HOT STUFF: There's no need to be like this. We shouldn't have any animosity between the two of us.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: And maybe you should have thought about that before you and Christian decided to become all buddy-buddy with Goth to put together a plan to screw me out of what I was most deserving of!

▫ HOT STUFF: That's exactly what I want to talk to you about Kevin! I have no idea where you got this idea where I put together a plan with anyone to screw you out of the SCW Heavyweight Championship, but it never happened.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Oh it didn't?

Ward would shake his head to answer Kevin whom finished lacing up one boot. He looked up at Ward with probably the straightest face he could give before responding.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Well by all means let me just go ahead and apologize now for making up such accusations. Boy oh boy was I wrong about you.

▫ HOT STUFF: I thank you for...

▫ KEVIN CARTER: It was sarcasm you ignorant fuck. I don't believe a goddamn word that comes out of your mouth. You wouldn't confess to doing something like that because I'd sue the shit out of you. Not to mention, you don't want that “image” on you... Nice try though Mark, nice try.

▫ HOT STUFF: Think about it Kevin, seriously think about it. What could I possibly gain out of screwing you out of the title?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Is that a legit question? Or are you just that stupid? It's clear to me you gain a lot out of it Mark. You get the champion that you and this company wants. I mean let's be real shall we? I haven't always “followed” a straight line. I haven't always been a “company” guy. I haven't always “kept” my opinions to myself.

▫ HOT STUFF: And you aren't the first star to do so. You won't be the last either. So, I'm failing to see how I gain anything and you've got no real proof to back up your accusations.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: I've got no real proof you say? Then why don't you explain to me how a guy that wasn't doing anything other than losing left and right gets a title shot at the biggest prize in the company despite not doing anything to deserve it or even beating anyone that was in contention for it? Can you explain that?

Kevin had finished lacing his other boot as he forced himself up into a standing position. He folded his arms across his chest as he glared at Ward wanting an answer. Ward stood there for a couple of seconds trying to come up with the right words to say but it seemed that he wasn't in a position to give a proper answer.

▫ HOT STUFF: I don't have an answer for you Kevin, I wish I did but I don't. Maybe it was just a bad judgment call on giving Goth a title shot when he hadn't done anything to deserve it BUT he did make the most of the opportunity. He did win the title after all.

▫ KEVIN CARTER: With the help of you, Ward, and the referee. You aren't getting out of this Ward. I know you had a hand in this. I know you people screwed me over. I know that you all had a problem with me being champion.

▫ HOT STUFF: No, you think you know and in reality you don't know a damn thing. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you underestimated Goth? Has it ever crossed your mind that on that one night, just that one night that Goth stepped it up and proved to be better than you?

▫ KEVIN CARTER: Oh, so now you are implying that I'm not good enough? Was that some kind of confession there Mark? Did you just say that the reason you did what you did is because I wasn't “good enough” to be champion?

▫ HOT STUFF: What?! Have you lost your mind?! I didn't say anything even close to that!

▫ KEVIN CARTER: But it was implied... and that's fine Mark. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show Christian. I'm going to show Goth. I'm going to show all of SCW just how good I am when I take back MY championship. Then when I do that you and your whole cliq can go fuck yourselves!

With that being said Kevin pushed himself right on past Ward and walked out of his own locker room leaving the owner standing there in complete confusion. It's like he didn't even know what happened and how it got to this point. Never the less we were already there and nothing could be done about it. It was all a matter of everyone sitting back and watching and waiting to see how tonight ended. Either way for one person it'd end in heartbreak and for the other it'd be one of the greatest nights of their lives. Tonight SCW would make history once again.