Author Topic: A Very Goofy Day  (Read 359 times)

Offline London Underground

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A Very Goofy Day
« on: June 07, 2018, 10:27:17 AM »
 Odd couple of weeks, don't you think? To me, it has been. Champions again as expected but we thought certain differences within the Gabriel brand group would be solved, clearly not, but still it's been slightly inspiring for us, very eye opening. I guess it's the nature of our game, friends become enemies, enemies become friends and we always start to question things. Wrestlers are like curious five year olds, questioning everything around us, including who we are. Now on a personal level, we know who we are, but in the eyes of others, we need to keep things fresh, and that's what we're doing. We decided to follow Evie Baang's lead you could say and put some distance between us and the gym crowd. No more all the time in our ear advice from Gabriel and Odette, let them worry about their upcoming addition to their family. No more comedy show stealing moments with Despayre, not even appearing with Dani as often and her one player game of trying to make Os smile, and no more sitting there watching Fenris brag, while Aron looks at him though eyes that just wanna reach out and tell him to shut up.

Heard he's blagged a seat on your tour bus Ben, I know it was probably done for groupies or to hang with man's best friend, or whatever, but good luck with that and take a lot of butter, gonna need it to grease his ego off the thing and get him through the door once he starts talking about how great he is. I kid, I kid, well sort of...

Anyway, back to my point. It's simply about time to learn who we are without being those guys Gabriel and Odette trained, or those guys who end up doing fun stuff with Despayre, or those guys that unleashed Fenris on the world. The four of us are our own group, me, Os, Kenzie and Charley are our own tight knit group, it's time for people to see that, so here's something fresh for ya. No gym, no surrounded by everyone else, no urge to try and fix the civil war within the gym group, none of that. This is gonna be one that focuses on us and us only. No cameos from SCW people, nothing like that, just us, London Underground.

It was a relatively short flight between Las Vegas and Orlando to head to Disney World, Florida for the first leg of the tour, around about four and a half hours getting from one side of the country to the other, but there was no need to do it in an uncomfortable manor. The four members of London Underground had no problem blending in to a crowd when they needed to but today, it was pointless. They were champions again, and needed to project that image across to any fan that may be watching. While the belts were in their possession, it was first class all the way, and this is where we join them.

Focusing on the girls, Mackenzie Page and Charlotte Elliot sit side by side, Mackenzie with the window seat, her eyes focused on a tablet in her hand, playing online poker with people around the world for real money, taking easy money off casual players. Her earphones are in her ears, listening to relaxing music as she wins another hand, watching her funds rise. Charlotte on the other hand leans back in her extra spaced seat, her mind clearly drifting off in thought. In front of the girls, sits Osbourne, his head tilted back and his eyes closed, lost in a deep sleep. Late night last night, Osbourne? Nah, he was just a man who could sleep anywhere at any given time. Across the row from Osbourne, Daniel also had his eyes closed, although not asleep. A few niggling aches and pains ran through his body, without over doing anything lately, just one of those things where no one knows where they came from but they're there and the whiskey wasn't helping.

Charlotte looks across at him, sensing that he wasn't actually asleep, and stands up, moving across the first class cabin and sits in the vacant seat next to her boss.

"And how are you Charley?" Daniel says without opening his eyes.

Psychic? Nope, just a good nose that can tell the difference between perfumes.

"I'm alright." She tells him. "Have you got a minute?"

"I ain't going anywhere." Daniel tells her.

He opens his eyes, rubbing the top of his head, trying to focus on the dark haired woman next to him. His eyes slowly begins to focus as he looks towards her.

"What's on ya mind?" He asks her.

Charlotte looks at him with silence, trying to pick the right words to say to Daniel.

"Well, I'm a little worried here." She starts. "This tour is kinda taking us away from what we're meant to be doing in Vegas. I think we're getting a little too distracted with wrestling and not doing what we came here to do."

Daniel rubs his chin calmly as he looks towards her.

"What do ya mean?" He asks thoughtfully.

Charlotte looks around her, making sure no one is in earshot of the conversation.

"Well we came to Vegas for a certain reason." She tells him. "To get ourselves involved in the casino game, to pull out cash from that to sink in to London. So far, it hasn't worked out that way. Our debuts and all that was on a tour of Australia and New Zealand, so we couldn't exactly pop back to Vegas every day and get things done. Then we was back and James Tuscini old fart of an uncle dicked us about, no progress made. Then SCW closed down and shipped us back to England, then we got caught up in gym crap trying to stop things we should have stepped away from, and now we're on another tour, that ends on a bloody boat. We're just not getting things done."

A part of Daniel was proud that Charlotte had stepped up to say this. He knew while Mackenzie had the tendency to snap and attack, and Osbourne followed orders, he knew Charlotte was the well thought out member of the group. She was his go to for information, knowledgeable and researched everything well. No stone unturned when Daniel asked her to find out anything.

"To some level, I agree." Daniel admits. "We got pulled in to the drama and actually become wrestlers, very good wrestlers I might add."

He too was surprised at how well the group had progressed as wrestlers.

"We've lost sight of what we're really here for." She tells him. "We got caught up in the hype of being wrestlers and not who we truly are."

There was no denying that, the wrestling world had a strange hold on the group. None of them knew what to expect when they started training, when they stepped in to the ring, when this hair brained scheme was born, but something about it kept them there. All four would admit to thinking more of their next match at times, rather than what they were meant to be doing there.

"You're probably right." Daniel admits

"I know I am." Charlotte says confidently. "We need to make a change and get what we came to America to get. Sure as hell wasn't on the agenda to be more focused on these titles, rather than taking a piece of the gold mine that is Las Vegas."

Daniel nodded in agreement with Charlotte, understanding her concerns.

"We do need to refocus a little, but this tour..." Daniel says shifting in his seat. "It's not a million miles away from where we need to be, we're not on the other side of the world in the land of kangaroos and Fosters, it's a few hours away and we get closer to home every single step we take on it. We could always pop back to Vegas at any time. Realistically, I ain't exactly a theme park kinda guy. I know some people will get their jollies off to being in a theme park all the time, but it ain't exactly me, so we could really skip in to shows and skip out right away. We could be out of Vegas for twelve hours tops and back to deal with things."

Daniel looks at her with a smile.

"Now I know you've been probably looking for an in for a while." Daniel says with a wave of him finger. "And I know you know how my mind works. Start small, find an in, let people know we're about. So what have you got?"

Daniel looks at Charlotte with expectations in his eyes, and is not disappointed as she smiles back at him.

"Small casino, off the Vegas strip." She tells him. "Getting crushed out by the bigger casinos being as it's not in a touristy location. In fact there's nothing around, but a little crime family in Vegas is trying to muscle in on it, even though it doesn't take anywhere near the money the one's on the strip cream out of people."

Daniel thoughtfully rubs his chin.

"And why would any little family want something that's small potatoes?" Daniel asks her.

"The land." Charlotte replies. "Casino owns the land around it, can't afford to put things on it and make it a ton more profitable, expanding the area and pulling people in."

Daniel looks at her, his eyebrows lowered in to a frown.

"And why would they just not make an offer to the owner and take it from them, legally?" Daniel asks genuinely.

"Pride." She says. "It doesn't make millions a day like some of the places on the strip, maybe ten tops, but ten grand a day is better than nothing. Live a nice little comfortable life on ten grand a day. What you'd sell it for, you could make in a month, but ten k a day isn't exactly money it would take to redevelop. We're talking millions to do that."

"We don't have those sort of millions." Daniel says to her. "Four or five tops, we're talking hundreds of millions to redo that land."

"We don't have to redo it." Charlotte says with a smile. "We just need to use it to get noticed."

"So we make him an offer he can't refuse?" Daniel asks.

"Not what I had in mind." Charlotte tells him "This small family, and I use the term family loosely, just a bunch of amateurs, try and hit the place every so often, do some damage, try and force the guy out. All we need to do is be there when it happens, take them to bits to send a message. Someone might be willing to sell just a part of it to their protectors, over someone trying to take it from them."

Daniel leans back in his chair, thoughts running through his mind.

"We'd need to know when they're gonna hit there again." Daniel muses. "We can't exactly sit around there all day until they show up on the off chance."

"It's Vegas." She informs him. "Always someone willing to spill their guts for a few quid. Just gotta find the right person to do so."

"Getting a foot hold in a place like that, taking out a family, will put us on the radar of the bigger fish." Daniel says softly before looking towards Charlotte "Right, when we get back to Vegas, start looking for that person. We'll deal with this match first, fly back right after and we'll go check this place out, send a little message, and get the big boys thinking about who this new lot are out muscling people."

Charlotte nods her head at Daniel.

"I also wanna know everything you could possibly find out about that family." He says to Charlotte. "I wanna know who the boss is, who his seconds are, who his thirds are and all the little associates are. One's lower down the chain are just mercenaries, they'll work for whoever pays and scares them the most. Let's be the one's who scare them the most and make them flip."

"You got it." Charlotte says.

"Deal with this match first." Daniel tells her. "We don't wanna look like a bunch of mugs by losing in our first defence."

"It's against Casey and Dani." Charlotte says. "Someone with a proven track record of failure and someone we've been in the ring with in training so many times."

Daniel nods but wags a finger in the air.

"Be that as it may." He tells her with a cautious tone. "Getting a shot at these things could motivate some people. It's drawing some attention, I'm even hearing whispers that a certain little guy that we know may return to the ring, IF he can find the right partner to challenge for these things."

"Well other teams didn't exactly last." Charlotte comments. "Wyatt's pissed off for a bit, and Jessie has turned in to her selfish self. Loses a title match, runs off to face someone on her own and forgets her partner. Not that we'd ever let her have a match for the belts."

"Should have T-shirts printed up with not you Salco written on them." Daniel says with a smile. "But anyway, focus is what we should do on Casey and Dani."

Charlotte nods in agreement before standing up and moving back across the isle and Daniel turns his face forward, looking down a camera.

"She's probably right..." He starts "Caught up in the nostalgia of wrestling, but like everything I do in life, I'm a perfectionist. There ain't no half measures with me, it's all in or nothing. The other day on Twitter, I wanted to prove a point, this is why I offered for me, Os, Charley and Kenz to take on anyone at all, anyone on the roster. Well the cowboy packed up his boots and went home for a bit, ruling out the pornstar, the No Salco's rule took out Acquin... Pal, you should find a new partner if you want a shot at this gold, cause as long as you're with that bint, it ain't happening. The Seraphina's have become a fart in a Jacuzzi, just can't be found anywhere. Three teams who wanted the gold a few weeks ago, pretty much pissed off, great job boys and girls, great job and showing the world who you really are. Then a curve ball hit us."

Daniel smiles and shakes his head.

"Proper unexpected." Daniel says looking down the camera. "The guy who took our belts away from us, has now seen the error of his ways, praising us for wanting to be fighting champions, yet no one, no one at all wanted to step up. He knew something we didn't, he knew of another team sitting in the wings all freshly signed. Now we saw the Twitter exchange but nothing was official until Christian made it that way and gave a team who had never teamed together, a shot at this title."

Daniel shrugs his shoulders.

"Lesser people would moan like a tart getting done in an alleyway." Daniel says with a smile. "Most would be crying, about how they haven't earned shit. I'll let them off because only Jessie Salco don't deserve shit. They haven't begged for a shot, so I'm ok with them never having a match as a team before. It is more than a challenge because of that old cliche wildcard saying. Dani is that wildcard, but you Casey, you're not."

Daniel shakes his head again.

"We're more than familiar with you Casey." Daniel says to him. "More retirements than most and yet something keeps dragging you back. Retired before, and we dragged you back to kick the daylights out of Uncle Pinky, cause well, he deserved it and it was obvious who suspects number one was gonna be when they found him all mashed up. That fuelled a short return before SCW closed, retired again and boom, Blast From The Past and here you are again Casey, with golden ambitions and not a whole lot to go with it. We've seen you Casey, you're not the same as you was before, there's something missing behind those eyes, the drive has gone, the passion has gone, the power you once had is gone."

Daniel puts his palms out in front of him.

"Calling someone you've known for five minutes Queen?" He says trying not to laugh. "Come on mate, we can all see you're trying to get ya end away there. It's pretty bloody embarrassing for everyone who has to see that. You need to turn it in mate, and stop trying to get in her drawers and focus on this. Your first match and you could help her be a champion, it's not gonna make her swoon by helping her win a title, nor are you gonna win a title, because we ain't planning on losing these for a long time, but come on, it obvious what you're focused on, and it ain't me or Os."

Daniel pauses for breath for a few seconds.

"Besides, Jamie Dean has more chance of picking her up than you do." Daniel tells him "And no, there's no secret little fling going on with me and her just cause we exchange tweets, so you can get that out ya dome too. Fact is you're a very unfocused man Casey Williams, very, very unfocused, and that is gonna cost ya. Dani ain't gonna lose this match, you are, because you're gonna be all eyes on her and me or Os will rip you to bits. It's a challenge, but it's not a challenge if that makes any sense."

Daniel tilts his head, thinking about it for a few seconds.

"On the one hand, never faced anyone your size before." Daniel says with his right palm up, before turning the other palm up. "But on the other hand, you're still Casey Williams, and Casey Williams ain't the same as he used to be. I know Casey Williams and I know he used to be focused, see something he wanted, grab it by the balls and go for it, but this Casey Williams is a shell of the man he used to be, nowhere near the beast he used to be. He took out a couple of people at a supercard, who looked like shit to be honest, but that doesn't mean he is anywhere near the person he used to be, doesn't mean he is even close to being that same guy again. Christian has put you in an awkward place here Casey, put the dreams back in your head that you're actually good enough to take this gold away from us."

Daniel smirks as he shakes his head.

"Couldn't be more wrong." He tells the camera, Casey and anyone watching. "Really couldn't be. You're there as a test for us, a test to see how we handle taking on a bigger guy. There's never any doubts on who's gonna walk away winning this one. Not even close, you're there to test us. Once we prove we can take down bigger men, trust me, the sky will be the limit for us. We will be backed constantly, we will dominate this division for years to come. Look at the bright side though Casey, you will have a lot to remember from this match. You was there when a future Bombshell World champion made her debut. You got to stare at her and drool, and you became the first team of many who will lose to the new Mixed Tag Team Champions."

Daniel smiles

"I don't deal in bullshit Casey." Daniel starts. "I deal in fact."

He leans back in his seat.

"And the fact is pal, you're gonna be on the losing team here." Daniel tells him. "We might be heading to a land where fairytales are the in thing, but this ain't got a fairytale ending for you. More a nightmare on Elm Street kinda feel for you because this ain't gonna end well for you big man. There's no golden moment for you here, there's no sweeping the princess off her feet, there's no happily ever after for you."

Daniel shakes his head slowly with purpose.

"This ain't gonna be your night Casey." Daniel says firmly. "Cause me or Os, doesn't matter which, will be defending the titles and we won't let you get ya mitts on them. We didn't come back to have the belts for a couple of weeks and give them up, we came back to make an impression on this division. We came back to show the world what this division can be and we have every intention to do that. We pissed through The Seraphina, the stupidly named Hell Raisers and the equally poorly named Country Punkins at the same time. Taking out an Odd Couple ain't gonna be too much hassle."

Daniel leans forward, closer to the camera.

"No offence Dani." Daniel says softly. "But you got three hundred and seventy five pounds of dead weight on ya shoulders and we will still go out afterwards as planned, just leave that three hundred and seventy five pounds Goofy at home."

Strangely, Osbourne wakes from his slumber, instantly snapping his head towards Daniel, a scowl on his face.

"Don't worry." Daniel tells him. "We're not there yet."

Osbourne turns back around, closing his eyes.

"You're probably wondering what all that was about?" Daniel says as he looks down the camera. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

He clears his throat.

"But anyway." Daniel says "I think I made things fairly clear to you, haven't I, Casey? I think I've made it crystal clear on the way things are gonna happen. You will turn up and you will lose, no middle ground here, you'll be done and back of the line again. Right, I'm done talking here so I'm gonna throw it over to those two and let them get on with it...."

Daniel looks across to Charlotte, who nods her head towards Daniel, allowing Daniel to turn back and rest his back on the seat...

This promo will continue shortly.

Twitter: @DanielJMorganEE

Offline London Underground

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A Very Goofy Day
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2018, 10:28:21 AM »
 And we're back.

The camera switches around to Charlotte, sitting in the aisle seat chair next to Mackenzie, Mackenzie's eyes still glancing down at the screen of her tablet, still hell bent on parting fools with their money playing online poker. Charlotte looks down the camera in front of her.

"Wise words from Danny." She starts. "Very wise concerning Casey and his real intentions. You're a woman Dani, you're not naive, you know what he's doing, so word of warning, don't get so close to that guy, he's as bi-polar as Crystal whatever she wants to call her last name these days."

A smile breaks out on Charlotte's face.

"We come from the same stock Dani." Charlotte says seriously. "We come from the best trainers in the world, two people who sit there and work out every single detail about every single thing you might face and leave the door open for a refresher course or if something new pops up. They did with us, they showed us how to be well oiled when it comes to being in this Freebird thing. They gave us that advantage, but that puts you at a disadvantage. See, you and Casey have never been in a ring together under big match pressures, and trust me, this is a big match pressure. This is something that might surprise you. Your head can get all over the place in these situations, but we're used to it, we're that well drilled in this, we know who has our back, but you and Casey will be on different pages, you will be singing from different sheets. We won't be. You know how good Gabriel and Odette are, right? You've seen them, you've learned from them, you heard the pearls of wisdom coming out of their mouths. Now take that and imagine them dedicating six weeks to making us work in different combinations, in different styles against different styles. Sat down and worked with us on that, have you and Casey had that advantage?"

Charlotte shakes her head.

"No." She says firmly "You've not come anywhere near having that advantage. You've never had that chance and that already puts you in a bad place. It's your first ever professional match, first ever and realistically, you don't know if it's me or Kenz in the ring against ya. You don't know which one of us, which style you'll be up against with a partner who has a less than stellar record, too busy looking at your arse to think about how to win. I know it's a lot to take in. I remember our first match, I mean me and Kenz, a battle royal and boom, Bombshell Tag Champs just like that, it can be done, difference is I was in the ring with someone I grew up with, someone who had my back, you're in there with someone who wants to look at ya back with a handful of hand lotion."

Another smile breaks out on Charlotte's lips.

"Even doing a little promo to sell your match must be intimidating." Charlotte says honestly, slightly sympathetically. "The cameras go on, and you have to be interesting, you have to make people sit there and take notice of who you are, make fans want to sit there and see you. Let me give you a quick refresher course in all this."

Charlotte clears her throat.

"Cutting a promo is about putting you over." Charlotte says pointing at the camera. "You, no one else, you. You put yourself over, you talk about the match you talk about you. You don't waste time making anyone else look good but yourself. You cut out the side crap, and random's, other than the occasional barman or whatever who signs a waver, but for love nor money, you don't sit there and make someone else look better than you make yourself look. It's how people come to like you, and take an interest in you. Why would you waste air time on anyone else in YOUR promo? Look down the camera and say things like you mean then. You wanna say you're gonna kick our arses, we all know you won't make people believe you will. Make people sit there and take notice of you. You won't come out with a win because if it, but hey, people will remember you tried."

Charlotte nods her head firmly and convincingly.

"I don't dislike you Dani, you do grow on people, you are the classic underdog." Charlotte says. "But I like winning more. It's in my blood, it's in my nature, and it doesn't matter who you are, I will come up with a win. It will take more than you have to beat me, it would take more than you have to beat Kenz. It will take more than you have in the tank to get through us. Enjoy your first match, it will be a great experience for you. Sorry it won't come along with a win."

Charlotte pushes her left elbow in to Mackenzie, who looks up from her game, flipping her ear bud out of her ears and stares at Charlotte.

"What?" She asks in a harsh tone.

"You wanna talk about the upcoming match?" Charlotte asks her.

Mackenzie had spent the entire flight in a world of her own, taking money off players from around the world playing online poker. She was good at it and she knew it, and had no problems risking her own wealth to gain more.

"I wanna take this guy for all he's worth." Mackenzie tells Charlotte, looking back at her screen. "And I got a full boat."

Charlotte nods her head, knowing what a full boat means, a full house, three of one, two of the other to non poker players.

"You wanna hurry up and finish that one?" Charlotte asks

Mackenzie grows as she looks at the screen, tapping away at it to finish the hand. A smile crosses her face as she slowly shakes her head.

"Like candy from a baby." She says with pride. "Ok then...."

Mackenzie looks towards Charlotte.

"So..." She starts. "Casey wanting to nail Dani covered?"

Charlotte nods her head.

"Both Danny and I covered that." Charlotte tells her.

"Nerve talk and Casey and her being disjointed." Mackenzie asks.

"Check." Charlotte replies.

"So what have you left me?" Mackenzie asks.

"The we're gonna kick your arse in a brutal fashion stick." Charlotte tells her.

Mackenzie smiles at Charlotte.

"Awwww." She responds. "Always leaving me the fun parts."

Mackenzie turns and faces the camera, looking down it with an intense stare.

"It is my favourite part." Mackenzie admits "Because it's so damn truthful. I'm sure these guys are looking at you Dani with rose tinted glasses because we know you, you know us, but the thing is we're not in Gabriel and Odette's gym anymore, they're not our teachers anymore, they've released us back in to the while and shit, the wild is a lot different place than you think. It's a lot different place than you can even imagine. There are no friends out here, that bell rings and you're just another faceless person to beat on, just another faceless person that is a threat that needs to be eliminated. Fuck, you know we don't lose, you know that survival instinct kicks in and people get hurt, but it sure as shit ain't us that get hurt. Go look down everyone who faced us and see that they have got nothing but hurt constantly, you think cause you know us, things are gonna change?"

Mackenzie shakes her head.

"You must be out of your fucking mind if you think that." Mackenzie states. "You must be potty is you think you knowing who we are outside the ring means you're gonna have an easy ride. We don't give easy rides to anyone. We don't try and give easy rides to people, because it's all about us. There's been a lot of groups in SCW, who have done shit, we know all about them. We're not one of those groups that have done shit, we're one of those groups that like to hurt people and show them who's boss and the fact of the matter is simple when it comes to this match. You're next to feel that. I'm not one that's gonna sit there and play all nice, that's not how this thing works. You have to learn lessons the fucking hard way in this game and trust me, you're gonna learn hard, and you're gonna learn fast just how different this is than being in the safe environment that Mama O and Papa G gave ya. No matter what they could have done, would ever prepare you for Sunday night."

She pauses for a few seconds.

"In your wildest dreams, you could not imagine what's gonna happen when that bell rings." Mackenzie tells her. "In your worst nightmares, you couldn't imagine how bad this is gonna be and trust me, this is gonna be very, very bad for you. But you should be more than thankful for this, because you'll get to taste that bitterness of defeat, you'll get to know right away what it's like to lose. Believe me, you don't have to look too far in this business to see the one's who feel more than entitled because they don't lose that often, fuck, you look at Jessie Salco who feels she's entitled even while losing. This match with us is gonna show you to be humble, to keep those feet on the ground and not to believe the hype. People like us are made to believe the hype because we're damn good at what we do, there's fuck all out there that can phase us at all. When Danny made this challenge to everyone, we knew there was no one that was gonna step up and worry us and we was right, cause we're not worried in the slightest."

Mackenzie pushes her hair behind her ears.

"We knew it would be inexperienced teams coming up against us." She tells her. "The most experienced team out there is the one who likes to ride a horse and the one who gets paid to ride a dick. When your name got put on the card against us, nothing but smiles, because this one is in the bag Dani. When that heart starts racing when you see either me or Charley across the ring from you, that's when you know you've already lost the match, that's when you know you're well and truly fucked and not in the way Casey would like you to be."

A smirk crosses her face.

"We don't come here to take it easy." Mackenzie says. "We don't come all the way across country to give up and hand over our titles. What I suggest you do little Miss Dani is use this as a learning experience, take every bit of pain that you get given and wear it like a badge of honour and know that no matter whoever you face in the future, they can't hurt you the way we can, they can't give you the pain we can."

A very serious look runs across Mackenzie's face.

"I just hope to God that you end up facing Charlotte." Mackenzie says in a low tone. "She likes you more than I do, she might hurt you a whole lot less. I treat everyone the same, I beat everyone the same. No one gets it easy. You can take that as fact."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking." The crackling voice over a tanoy can be heard saying. "Please take your seats, the seatbelt lights will be on shortly as we make out way in to Orlando."

"In that case." Mackenzie says. "I think that should cover it. Pray you're facing Charlotte rather than me Dani, I don't know the meaning of the word mercy."

Mackenzie sits back in her seat as the plane starts to descend....


The plane had landed, customs had been cleared and the four from Bethnal Green in East London found themselves in unfamiliar territory.... Surrounded by families in the apparent happiest place on east, Disney World. The four stood out like sore thumbs amongst the families, not just because of their smart dress, maybe overdressed in the Florida heat, but because four intimidating looking people around the smiling faces of children was an unusual sight. None of the four ever imagined themselves to be in the situation where they had to spend time around people, constantly promoting a show. Yes, wrestlers were on when they were in public, but rarely did they venture in to a place like this, a place as busy as this. The uncomfortable feeling of being out of place ran through them, but it was something they would have to get used to on this tour, something they would have to adapt to. They were easily spotted by wrestling fans who pointed and looked at them, some snapping photos from a distance.

Mackenzie had picked up on things as she stood to the left of Daniel, Charlotte to hi right and Osbourne slightly behind. Her face lit up with a sarcastic tone as she looked at Daniel

"Do you remember the times when we used to have to hide from cameras, rather than smile for them?" She says to Daniel.

"Oh course." Daniel told her. "Still, it's not  bad thing, is it?"

"How do you figure?" Charlotte asks him.

"While they're watching us smile and be somewhat approachable." Daniel starts. "They're not looking at what we're doing in the background."

"While everyone's watching your left hand." Mackenzie adds. "You're winding up your right hand to knock them the fuck out."

Daniel can't help but smile as they move through the park, people stopping and staring.

"The fuck are we doing anyway?" Mackenzie asks. "Is there not a bar around we can get hammered in for the next few days until the show starts? Or a card school or at least something where we don't have to be around these germ boxes?"

None of the four were very comfortable in their current situation but they had been briefed by Christian, just like every other wrestler on the roster.

"You know how it works." Daniel tells them. "Be in character but don't scare the daylights out of them."

"Blimey." Charlotte says surprised. "Tommy Crimson will have a hard time with that."

"No arguments from me on that." Mackenzie adds. "This should suit you down to the ground Danny."

Daniel looks at the shorter woman, a smile on his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks her.

"Well we don't have a gimmick, we are who we are." She tells him. "And who you are is a bloke who loves to smooze and charm people."

Daniel nods at her comment, agreeing with her assessment.

"It's a gift if I'm honest." He says matter of factly. "I can be a people person and rattle out the old charm when I want to."

Daniel straightens his shirt collar as if to prove a point and looks back at Osbourne behind him, Osbourne's eyes focused across the part, narrowed and looking at someone. The women turn around to see Osbourne's intense stare.

"What's wrong him?" Charlotte asks.

Daniel looks in the direction of where Osbourne is looking to see Goofy standing and waving at children. The pure sight of the oversized suit makes the anger run through Osbourne's body for some strange reason.

"He looks like he's about to blow his top." Mackenzie comments.

"Probably is." Daniel says before turning to Osbourne. "Os, chill out big man. It's just a geezer in a suit, not a real dog, not that dog anyway."

Osbourne doesn't listen as he barges through the group and towards the man in the Goofy suit. Mackenzie and Charlotte look at Daniel.

"Wanna explain that?" Charlotte asks.

"When he was a kid, he got bit by a dog called Goofy." Daniel tells them, trying not to laugh. "Looked nothing like him, was just a name, ever since then, Osbourne has just hated Goofy. When he's on TV, shoes get booted through it, when someone is near him dressed as Goofy, bad things happen."

"Maybe we should stop him before he does something stupid?" Charlotte says, looking across to where Osbourne had gone.

"Nah." Daniel says with a smile "let him have his fun"

Without warning, Mackenzie puts her arms out as something comes flying towards her. She reaches out to catch it to see the oversized head of the Goofy mascot landing in her arms.

"Ok, now we should stop him." Daniel says as the group move towards him.

The camera turns to see Osbourne with the poor man playing the mascot, in a headlock, surrounded by security....


The camera cuts to Osbourne sitting in a cell somewhere in the park, a sour look on his usual stone looking face. Daniel stands on the other side of the bar shaking his head at the bigger man.

"You absolute plonker." Daniel says, half hiding a smile. "Who comes to Disney World to kick the shit out of a mascot."

Daniel points at Osbourne with both hands and a smile.

"You do Os." Daniel says trying not to laugh. "That's who."

Daniel turns around as a security guard walks towards him, Daniel waves his hand at the man.

"Oi you." Daniel calls. "What's gonna happen with my Goofy hating friend here?"

Just the word Goofy seems to infuriate Osbourne as he jumps to his feet, looking through the bars at Daniel.

"I will fill in a report and he will be banned from the park." The security guard tells him.

"You haven't started your report?" Daniel asks.

"Not yet." The guard tells him. "I had to check on my guys, he wasn't exactly easy to bring in."

Daniel looks in to the camera and smiles, raising his eyebrow twice. It wasn't the first time he'd been in a situation where an opportunity had presented itself for things to be smoothed over.

"I don't think that's a good idea if I'm honest...." Daniel says, leaning in and looking at the man's name badge. "John."

"He assaulted a mascot." John tells Daniel. "Not to mention three of my security guards."

Daniel puts his hand on John's shoulder, tilting his head and looking in to the man's eyes.

"I still don't think it's a good idea." Daniel tells him. "You see my friend here, he's a wrestler for SCW and he may be wrestling this Sunday. You've heard about it, right? You've probably been told to keep the wrestlers sweet because it's worth so much money to this park."

"I have but it don't justify what happened." John says to Daniel.

"You're right John." Daniel tells him.

Daniel had a way of buttering people up, making them feel important to get what he wanted. He often approached SCW bosses when he first arrived in SCW to make them feel like they was selling a supercard gold mine by asking for more opponents in a match, when realistically, it was the confidence he had in himself to defeat more people and make himself look better.

"But here's the problem." Daniel tells him with his best sincere face. "I know you don't have wrestlers knock around here a lot, but they're a very close knit bunch. If he was to get kicked off the park, not allowed to be on the show, well every other wrestler would walk out in protest, which mean there will be no show at all. Now people have spent serious money to be here even now to bump in to us, people will be arriving all weekend and spending money here, so your bosses won't be happy if you're to blame for the show being cancelled, and neither will the people who paid to be here."

Daniel says walking around the desk, leading a now nervous looking John to his seat behind it.

"Me? Why would they blame me?" He asks nervously.

"Well, you're the head security guard around here, aren't you?" Daniel says assuming. "You got the name plate on the desk and everything."

"I am." He mutters out.

"Now if you fill in that report, then my friend here will have to leave, which means I will have to inform my bosses." Daniel says confidently "Then the word will get around John, and every wrestler will walk out, then my bosses will have to cancel everything, and then your bosses will have to tell the fans that are paying their hard earned cash to be here, that you could have stopped it."

A nervous look crosses John's face as the sweat starts to run down his forehead. Daniel was lying through his teeth but it seemed to be working.

"And people will ask me and I'll have to say head security guy John started it. Do you know how the fans will react?" He asks with the best serious look on his face.

"How?" John asks, his tone becoming more and more shaking.

"Well wrestling fans are a passionate bunch, especially when it's costing them a fortune to be here." Daniel tells him. "You've seen Beauty and the Beast, right?"

"Uh Uh." John says, swallowing hard.

"Think the scene with the villagers, touches and pitchfork." Daniel says, trying to keep a straight face. "Your bosses will have to fire you to stop the angry villagers from lynching you."

Sweat starts to pour down the man's face as he buys Daniel's bullshit strewn story.

"All you gotta do, is not fill out that report, let my buddy over here go and everything will go back to normal as if it didn't happen." Daniel tells him as he walks around the desk. "No angry people baying for your blood...."


Daniel walks out of the security office, followed by Osbourne to where Charlotte and Mackenzie wait, hands on hips and looking surprised.

"How did you get him out so quick?" Charlotte asks.

Daniel smile at her.

"Charm..." He says with a smile. "Nothing but charm. Come on, let's go and find somewhere we can keep him calm."

"Don't think this place has a bookies." Mackenzie says sarcastically.

The four walk away as the camera fades out.

Twitter: @DanielJMorganEE