Author Topic: The King Has Returned...  (Read 281 times)

Offline Kain

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The King Has Returned...
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:32:05 PM »
 Home. It feels good to be home again.

Upon returning to the driveway of my famous mansion of my home, my wife and our kids were waiting.

I arrived home and hugged my wife and kids deeply, then went inside.

Before my arrival, I had already made contact with both Mark and Christian, who were genuinely surprised to hear form me. I expressed a deep desire to return to action after being gone for so long and I even manned up and apologized for the final part of my run.

They understood. They've gone through peaks and valleys in their careers and acknowledged the fact that sometimes, things don't go the way you would want them to. They welcomed me back and looked forward to seeing what I was capable of now that I was away.

They even gave me an opponent to deal with. Steve Ramone! But he's going to find out, the hard way, exactly how much stronger and faster I've gotten since the last time I was here. In fact, the next leg of my journey will be both different and interesting. I look forward to unleashing the beast within me.

But what of my family?

I had a conversation with Ariel. It was really interesting, but it turned out to be a positive result.

We agreed that we would no longer shed violence towards each other. In fact, we made sure that Kain would be a seperate entity forever. Basically, it came down to the point of where Alex would be the man inside of his home and outside. He would treat the fans with love and support, but when it came to Kain, he would be someone else entirely, but only in his work office. Even the oldest of my children somehow understood it.

They were growing up so fast...

One night after my return from the return to Into The Void II, my cell phone began to vibrate.

I took a glance at it and saw that it was a text. It was a woman from our organization, claiming that she was outside my front door.

That was confirmed from the sound of knocking. Although I was growling, it was night time, so the kids were in bed already, eagerly awaiting a day of school. Ariel, however, was fuming. Before I could get to the door, she rushed out of the living room, wearing her robes, and opened the door.

It was Page Harris. She got up right into her face, while Page's face was ghastly white.

What do you want, woman?

Even though the door was closed, I took a look through the peephole and my amazing hearing could pick up the conversation. I stood silently before the door and listened attentively.

Page's throat, meanwhile, managed to be swallowed as she tried to gain her voice back.

Have you seen Steve Ramone's thoughts on your husband?

Ariel brushed her golden hair aside and continued to stare at Page, her eyes not blinking.

Yes, I have. We both have.

You want to know we think? Steve Ramone thinks of Kain as EASY prey just because he's has been around in the federation. Let me make myself quite clear; Kain is NOT the same man that he was last time. To dismiss Kain as an afterthought is a VERY HUGE mistake. Kain is the most gifted fighter I've EVER laid eyes on. I don't care how many mistresses Steve has or the life that he leads - it's going to backfire against the man that is MORE than capable of slaying the timid flyaway and leaving him in dust and ashes. Steve has NO RIGHT to tell me shit like that! Especially when he become an even STRONGER man than Steve Ramone will ever be! And that losing streak of his? You know whose FAULT is that, Page? Not mine, not Kain, not anyone else's fault but Steve Ramone himself! And if he thinks that he's going to use Kain to ratify that situation, he better THINK again.

There lies one of the many problems that Steve Ramone cannot control - underestimating his opponent. Even when Kain was gone from SCW, he STILL manages to watch the show. He's been seeing all the power-plays, all the old and new wrestlers, INCLUDING females as well. He's been seeing an eye on a lot of these things. For Steve Ramone to proclaim that he will simply increase his time with the Internet championship belt is easier said than done. What about all the other folks who've held the title? Have they done their best to make the Internet championship a more successful one? Does he even know what it stands for? Absolutely not! So it's time to educate his pathetic ass by telling him that people want to see something new and invigorating with the title for the man or woman that holds it. He doesn't have it! He doesn't have the charisma, the power, the intensity, or even the emotional strengths to deal with the pressure of being a champion. That's going to be a MAJOR problem - one that Kain will easily be glad to exploit! And no amount of quotes from a legendary band will save his carcass either!

And speaking of caresses, Kain is not going ANYWHERE. He certainly isn't going to retire. He's told me of his journey, one that he plans on sharing with you at a later date, Steve, but one thing is for certain, Page - the wrestling world has NEVER passed him by. He's ready to go at a moment's notice now; he's no longer the same person that we recognize him to be. When Kain steps foot in that ring, all hell is going to be breaking loose. Rage will not be safe and neither will any of the other members of the SCW crew that holds a title will even be safe! Steve Ramone is going to be destroyed within a moment's notice. I don't care if he wants a shot at Rage or not - he's going to be denied that right to face him. Kain is going to rain down HELL upon the constant idiot. Why he hasn't done a damn thing to change himself? Now you see how ANGRY I get about the whole situation? Rain doesn't show it, because he's my husband and father of our children, but in SCW? He's beyond pissed and Steve Ramone is going to see that first-hand!

You want to hear our message, Steve? Your message does NOTHING to sway my husband's convictions of the truth that you so recklessly tell. Kain is a man on a mission of vengeance and reception. Vengeance for all the losses that he suffered, redemption for all that he's gone through and wants to see achieve. Fearless Champ my ass! Steve Ramone will be delivered the final blow, the nail to his coffin, so to speak. Steve Ramone will not be a champion on Kain's watch. Instead, Steve Ramone is going to be HIS BITCH! And that, Page, is a guarantee! You may think that I don't know my husband well right now, but I am his better half! Steve Ramone is about to discover, yet again, that Kain will reign supreme! When Kain speaks, you BETTER listen, because it is the truth! Kain is a monster, Page Harris, and the whole world is about to embrace a side of him that no one thought they would ever see!

Now you get the hell out of my sight and tell that to Steve Ramone, his flunkies, hell, everyone that needs to hear it! Kain is BACK and he's BETTER THAN EVER! Now get out!!!!!!!!

Before Page could ever say another word, edge-wise, Ariel rushed back into her house and opened the door. I stepped back a few paces and glanced angrily at Page. She caught the look before Ariel slammed the door in front of her.

* * *

My name is Kain.

I am the King Of Kings.


It's been a long time since I've been around here. To be honest with you, I wasn't quite sure if I was ever coming back.

After all, who would want to go face-to-face against a guy that lost against Raab for the title, then lost to him again when trying to get it back?

It's inconceivable, right?

But it happened. I'd like to think that I tried everything to win on honorable terms, but Lord Raab got the best of me. That last part of the statement isn't easy for me to admit, but the cameras saw it, the fans saw it, and most importantly, the locker room saw it. I was a guy that was fit to be the prime example of what it would take to be the SCW Heavyweight champion and ascend it to greater heights unlike anyone else ever before, INCLUDING Gabriel, who quite frankly did a tremendous job until it was lost.

When that happened, I snapped. I lost control and destroyed everything in my dressing room that night, unwilling to accept the reality faced in front of mine. Even Ariel was scared. Granted, she has saw me mad before, but nothing of this magnitude had ever surfaced until that dark night. And that's when the fighting between her and I began once more.

After we left that day, I was up and down the road with arguments between my wife and I and I wasn't sure if I could keep this up. The violence would escalate to something more drastic and unnecessary between Ariel and I and after two-three months since then, I decided to pack my bags and leave for awhile. My head wasn't in the game, after all, and soon after I left our home and begun to travel around the world, finding myself and asking myself questions. Questions like "What am I really doing here?" or "What am I going to accomplish?" They were swirling around my head like a tornado picking up debris off the ground and keeping it tight inside as I drifted from the rest of the world.

No one called my name. No one asked for me. No one even dared to speak my name in the wrestling magazines, the internet, and my books weren't selling well as they should be. I became cold, despondent, and for the first time in my, afraid. Would any wrestling organization want me back? It was one of those trials, Steve, and that I had to discover a way to brave the storm and come out of the other side clean. So what would it take for me to discover the answers?

I discovered the answer to that question by going to the monks of Tibet and becoming one of them. It was a ritual in order to prove both myself and the good intentions that I had within my heart and soul, but I won them over and began to meditate. Forgotten were the losses. Forgotten was the championships that I've earned in my time. Forgotten was everything SCW, as I banished those dark thoughts from my mind and concentrated on healing both the heart and the soul. Many revelations entered my mind and I couldn't help but question everything and gaining the answers like a chess match between two professional chess players. It took me awhile, but I gained the answers I sought.

After six months of isolation, I was ready to depart the monks of Tibet. They were very kind and generous towards me and I bowed to them before leaving Tibet behind and traveling around the once more. With my soul and mind cleansed of dark thoughts, my confidence was soaring from the heavens. I was back and I knew what I had to do - I had to re-engage the competition from the dark pits of the underground and take on men that were tougher and stronger than me.

And so began my experimentation.

You could guess what they thought of me, Steve. The exact same thing...they thought I didn't have it anymore. And they all laughed.

Then Judas appeared and the battiefled was no longer in their favor. To put it quite simply, Steve Ramone, I became the entity that I was once known more. Non-caring. No regrets. No apologies. I had no heart in those rings, Steve. I demolished the competition and slowly regained my reputation. The answer that I discovered during my meditation was coming to life - I was no longer Kain, the happy-loving man that fought for the fans and mainly for himself in order to stay alive. No...I was a different brute, Steve Ramone. I was evil. I was ugly. I was remorseless! And I revived in that revelation, completely drunk with power. Slowly, the fear came back. People once again hated me with the utmost intensity. I was to be feared yet again and I took my time in re-establishing my dominance over the realm of fighting.

My name was being called from the outside. People were asking about me. They were inquiring about my transformation. They wondered exactly how the hell did I become such a cruel man? To me, that was all well and good, for it served a major purpose - it was going to inspire and terrify my co-workers to be shaken from the very depths of their souls.

Now that I've returned with great impact as I knocked Rage unconsciousness and gladly showed what I wanted back. One of my first championships.

Now, I know you're going to sit there and tell me that you don't care for my long-winded explanation.

But I don't care. You, as well as everyone else in the world, had to understand my quest, how I got to the point of where I am, and why I am here again.

You are, Steve Ramone, a man of intense idiocy, the kind of man that feels that everything in the world BELONGS TO HIM. But we've fought in the ring before, haven't we? And every time I've stepped unto your path, I've always crushed you and the resistance that you futilely tried to conjure up from your body. But it hasn't turned out the way you wanted, yes? You wanted victory, Steve Ramone, but I've denied it to you many times over. I kept on thinking that maybe you would just vanish into the four winds and never come back. But you're a stubborn fool, insistent in staying, thinking that you've been able to contribute something of yourself into the mix.

I'll give you credit for that. Somehow, you've managed to improve.

But I'm done playing games. I'm done signing autographs and waving to the fans, trying to win them over. Now that I've come back, my rage will be the only voice for me to guide me to the right path. You are going to be a victim of my impending success, Steve Ramone. No matter what you've made of yourself in my absence, it no longer matters. I'm reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix. I'm a man of no sympathy. No kindness. No love. Only hurt and rage will be unleashed my side of the street, Steve. Not one will survive it. Especially you.

This is going to be my night. I don't like the idea of having to face a BUG like you, but if it's the only way to prove myself around here again, so be it. Your fate is sealed, Steve Ramone. You have no choice but to be destroyed and put aside for good. No hospital stay or recuperation from your own home will save you. I'm going to be the one, eternal thought that will drive you ceaselessly mad, twisting your version of reality into a world of insanity.

For I am Kain...THE KING OF KINGS!!!!!

And I.....HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 06:09:18 AM by Kain »

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion