Author Topic: Mystery? Pathetic. Short And Sweet...  (Read 286 times)

Offline Kain

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Mystery? Pathetic. Short And Sweet...
« on: August 10, 2018, 10:06:07 PM »
 Kain appears from out of nowhere, dressed in his wrestling gear, adjusting the belt on his shoulder as he smirks at the camera and then lets out a short chuckle.

"Kain And Mercedes Vargas will have no idea what hit them."

Am I supposed to be taking this empty, vague threat seriously?

I found myself laughing when I hear people speak like this. I was reminded of a video game, back in the days of my youth, with three robots standing around a large, crystal orb, watching a blue robot walking and trying to plan some nefarious plot to destroy him. Of course, it fails on them. I expect the same to happen here. You can try to keep us on our eyes by throwing us either an old or new opponent, but nothing in the world can' terrify us.

I mean, this probably has to be worst attempt at psychological warfare I've ever seen! As far as the "Freebird" rule is concerned, I don't know why guys feel you have to the right to be applied to you too. Not all groups can act like this and use the rule to their advantage. It doesn't work that way. That being said, I don't care who you idiots decide to chose, because it's going to be nothing more but a pile of embarrassment for you to deal with after it's all said and done.

Let's take a moment to figure this out. You watched the end result and it should have given you a clue as to how your downfall shall be realized. Instead, it's like watching a couple of guys commenting about a football game and then saying that their team, the winning team, is going to prove themselves out of nowhere. I'm sorry? Are you trying to copy OUR success now? Kain and Mercedes Vargas, The Grand Slam Champions, made a difference because we finally nailed the magic and the two of us are now champions because we are IN SYNC with each other and we know how to handle the tough situation that's placed before us. So you can sit there and nag at us and say crap like "That's the advantage we have. They don't know us, so once we show up, it's all over for them." Bullshit. Do you know how many times my enemies from tried that stunt? Guess what, I still kicked their asses and showed them who was boss. So you can sit there and boast all you want. It's not going to get the job done. After Climax Control, I'm going to celebrate with Mercedes and show the whole world that neither of us are going to walk away from this for a long time. These titles are ours and that opportunity you keep talking about?

It's going to get squashed.

It's going to get crushed.

And with it, all of your dreams will fade away into the dust. So come on, "Metal Maniacs", come out of the shadows and fight like bold fighters or start scurrying back into your holes like the worthless rats that you are.

For I am Kain....THE KING OF KINGS!!!!!!!

And I....HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!

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