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Climax Control Archives / Flashback/War
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:16:37 PM »
Two weeks after My Bloody Valentine

Alex, stop!

She was visibly upset and depressed as I threw vases and glasses on the walls of the living room in Detroit, Illinois. The kids were crying, unable to make out what’s going on between Lisa and I. We were fighting these days, trying to keep it together. But it just wasn’t working. For the first time that I can remember, Ariel and I finally had enough of each other. I was enraged after I left My Bloody Valentine, having to give up for my family. But as Alex Grayson, I became selfish about my pursuit and I disliked Lisa for it.

NO! I won’t!

I punched my fist into one of the walls and then turned to face Lisa.

Why now?! Don’t you see how important that was to me? And I got Max Burke cursing me out like a dog after I left! I’m humiliated and embarrassed by all this! I had to give something very important to me for YOU!

Alex, stop and think! You’re the one that decided to commit to this whole process! Look, I didn’t want to lose you, but what choice do I have?

My eyes glowed with fury.

Not when everything was on the line! You just had to pick up and leave everything behind, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU????

I started towards her and she immediately backs away, her eyes shining with fear. I had no idea how far I can go with my anger until this point. This has been nothing but a boiling point. I stopped in my steps, breathing heavily. Then I finally realized what happened. Alex Grayson, the pitiful, poor boy that lost his parents at such a young age, finally came out of the darkness and revealed himself to his wife. Though Lisa knew what happened, she never thought that my anger would be at such an all-time high. Until tonight.

She shook her head back and forth, in shock and awe of what just transpired. She turned and walked away. My eyes were streaming down tears to my cheeks as I realized my mistake, little soldiers falling down a hill, taking their last breaths upon this Earth.

Wait, Lisa! Stop!

But she was too fast for me. Gathering our children up in her arms, she walked out of the rush as I tried to go after her. But by the time I reached for the door, she shut it behind her with brute force. I stood there, unable to continue my trek to stop her. The wheels of our beloved red Mustang flared to life and she drove off in the darkness. I got onto my knees, with my head held in my hands, and sobbed like a little girl that got her precious doll stolen from a group of young bullies.

As Kain, I was unbroken. But as Alex Grayson, I was broken. With nothing to show for it...


The SCW Heavyweight championship. This is exactly where I needed to be. The Roulette title is a belt that unfortunately eluded my grasp when I faced off against Brother Grimm, a man that got completely lucky in his quest to keep the dream alive for him. No matter. I'll deal with him once again at some point down the road and my score with him will be settled on my own terms. For now, I must continue this path and stay focused on the real prize ahead - the SCW heavyweight championship belt around my waist for the first time in my career!

Unfortunately, this is nothing more but a mere preview of things to come, as I've been booked to deal with an old nemesis that has given me trouble in the past, along with a new rival that I've heard stories about, but nothing more or less. To make matters worse, I'm stuck with a partner that's actually the SCW Heavyweight Champion right now and that alone makes me seethe with rage. I HATE tag-team matches a lot of the time, due to former partners backstabbing me or not doing their job correctly. The only one, in fact, that has been good at watching my back was Lucian Frost and he's gone now, tagging with someone else and is currently one half of the tag-team champions yet again. Good for him, but not good for me, since Simon Jones is yet ANOTHER rival of mine that has beaten me before. Whether it's out of luck or a complete fluke, I cannot say. But today is a new day for me and I intend to make the most of it, especially now that I've returned with a better grasp on the overall situation. Let's face it, when I left, things began to change around here and although I watched it all unfold from the shadows, I didn't think it would cause a lot of impact on me. Now it has, for new stables were created, new champions were made, and even new men and women have stepped into this organization and began their careers. The Divas will obviously be left alone, unless if Ariel wants a piece of the action for that Bombshell title, so it's up to me to challenge the rest of the male lockeroom for the right to be the next SCW heavyweight champion. So it is written, so shall it be. Thus, I know exactly what to do and how to handle things on a better level. Kain isn't just a stage persona to amuse or delight the fans; he's a real, living monster that is ready to kick ass and take names, no matter WHO it is!

It all begins now, my renewed assault on those who dare to step in my way of achieving that sole dream. One of those clueless, unfortunate men is Max Burke, a man who has been a thorn in my side ever since we clashed so long ago. Unfortunately for him, he has given me plenty of ammunition to reload in my gun and fire back with rapid accuracy. How is that possible, if we haven't spoken? Truth is, after I bowed out of the SCW Heavyweight championship match in My Bloody Valentine, this worthless soul decided to kick an honest man down when the opportunity presented itself. That's how he given me the power to strike back, for he was and still is a fool to open his mouth and cause trouble on his own behalf. Thanks to him, I'll be returning him the favor with what I always know to be the best weapon to rely on each and every time...

The truth.

First off, Max Burke, what I did was not what you called to be a "bullshit propaganda." I used to be just like you; I used to think that the world owes me everything and that it should have been handed to me on a silver platter. But I've changed! Can't you see that by this point? I now have a family to look after and in order to do so, I must keep on going and continue to do everything I can to WIN. Not that my latest effort ended with victory, you can ask Brother Grimm on that, but in truth, that's what motivates me to keep going here. I mean, look at you! What exactly do you have going on now? Last I saw, you are part of a stable, one that I feel is untrustworthy and unreliable. Where does that exactly accomplish anything? See, I never understood that concept; strength in numbers. Sure, the more people you have by your side, the better chances of winning, but I'd like to think it's more honorable to handle the situations thrown at you in life alone or with a few people you trust. But the way Hot Stuff International has been handling things of late, I wouldn't DARE trust anyone in that group with anything in my life. That was your first mistake and that, you worthless shit, is a bullshit propaganda that's just waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb! But hey, go ahead, ignore me now and go on your way, but don't cry to me when it backfires on you and someone within that group, say...Mark Ward (a man who I don't trust or like at all), betrays you and feeds you to the wolf. But hey, it's your problem, right? That being said, my family came first and unless you had a real family to be bothered about, you wouldn't have a CLUE on how to do things correctly! All you care about is your obsession about being the best and while that's a good thing, it will lead to your downfall. Our match will begin that process, whether you like it or not!

Second point I want to discuss with you - outclassed? What exactly are you basing this out of? Sure, you beat me for the Roulette title and then retained it the next, but those days are long gone, Max. Are you hoping that somehow you'll be able to win again based on the theory that I'm a creature of habit, that I've stayed the same? Think again! Ever since I left SCW for a few months, I've stayed in top shape and I've managed to learn new tricks in my sleeve, the kind of tricks that you would NEVER see coming a mile away. That's what scares you the most, doesn't it? See, outclassing anybody, from this point on, won't be much of a problem now, I guarantee you that. Guys like Andrew Garcia, Brother Grimm, and the rest of these cats, whether I win or lose, will make them see me in a different light. The same goes for you, Max, because for this tag match specifically, I'm going to enjoy ruining any and all chances of you EVER regaining the SCW heavyweight championship. A belt that doesn't belong to you whatsoever and I'm going to be the man that's on your mind the most now. Now that I'm back, Max, it's only going to be a matter of time before I'm the one that screws you over. And speaking of screwing you over, since I did the right thing by eliminating myself from the big picture since My Bloody Valentine, shouldn't that have increased your chances of winning the belt back then? More on that in a second...

Back to the topic of screwing people over, I didn't. What I did was for my own sanity, Max Burke. How could you, of all people, understand that? No, wait, you couldn't! You let your own selfish, significant desires get in the way of seeing the big, overall picture! How dare you tell me that I screwed over everybody and how dare you tell people that I dealt with an imaginary family situation! My FAMILY means a whole lot more to me than you could possibly fathom right now. Oh, I know what you're going to use, right? You're going to use the time when you held Ariel hostage at ringside while she was pregnant and presumably laugh at the whole situation, thinking it was some sort of joke and a way to get under my skin. See, I mentioned creature of habit earlier and I'm pretty sure you'll rely on this argument to make yourself stronger. Newsflash for you, Max, but that will NEVER happen again. Now that Ariel is no longer dealing with that stage, you will NEVER harm her or my children ever again in this lifetime. I personally guarantee it. Last time, you were successful in your efforts to gain and then keep the Roulette title. But oh how times have changed now, Max Burke, and I promise you, I'm going to be the man that screws you over of every opportunity you ever wanted out of this business by putting you out of your misery here and snow, you worthless pissant!

Which brings me back to the title now, Max Burke. You puffed that mighty chest of yours, you spoke your evil mind, and you stated clearly about the REAL professionals should handle things around here. But you didn't mean Hardin, Giani, or anyone else in the office? No, Max, it was all about you! For all your boasting, you certainly showed the world that Max Burke is everything proclaimed to be! How did that go for you, by the way? You saw your moment slipping away when you were distracted with outside matters and you tried SO HARD to slide into that ring and stopped that count. But your dream perished when Giani took that away from you. You shouldn't blame me for that pathetic failure of yours; it's all on you. No one but you is responsible for your actions, Max, so maybe, JUST MAYBE you shouldn't be telling the world that I'm the one that screwed anyone over. Why even bother? Hell, I wasn't even in the BUILDING. But I'll tell you this though; I saw what happened as I was on my way back home, to resolve my "imaginary family emergency" and laughed so hard. You are a sore loser and a disgrace. Not me. I did what was right, you did what was right. The difference between you and me is that I continue to stay one step ahead of you while you continue to maybe win a few matches, here and there, but have done nothing memorable or great since I went on my sabbatical. Now? I plan on finishing it.

I plan on finishing up our rivalry and ending this story between you and me. I plan on mocking you as I tear you to pieces, from limb to limb. I'm afraid of nobody and despite the fact that you won twice against me, it doesn't change the fact that I'm dangerous. That's what frightens you the most, doesn't it Max Burke? Don't sit there and deny, that's part of the reason why you spoke that big game before the match at My Bloody Valentine started. You've been afraid of me since day one, Max. Now that I've returned, I'm going to be your worst nightmare from this point on. After I've taken you out of the equation, I'm all you're going to think about and I look forward to seeing you getting pissed, because I'll be the one to finally turn the tables on YOU! Think of this tag match as your last chance to get another win on me, because from this moment on, it will NEVER happen again. You decide to keep coming at me with these lies, these games playing, twisting the truth to suit your own agenda and purpose, and that's fine by me. Because the more you decide to lie about everything that I am and stand for, the more it's going to cost you. For any other soul out there, this could be another day in the office. But this is the main event, the one match where I can finally prove that all of my hard work and effort in returning will be proven and that I'm granted another chance in taking on Simon Jones or whoever the current SCW heavyweight champ is, at the time, so that I may finally be the man of the hour. You can't stop me, Max Burke, no matter how hard you attempt to do so!

You're not the only one to be representing Hot Stuff International. Here I have another foe to contend, someone that's new, but dark and deadly nevertheless and that's your partner, Sean Jackson, who deems himself to be the "Mental Rapist." Is that so?

See, that’s something that I’ll never believe. At first, I thought you would appear to be dangerous. After all, perhaps you are a master of mind games in the end? But it doesn’t appear that way at all. As it turns out, you are controlled by a dominatrix that enjoys suffering and pain without her having to do all the work and to me? That’s pathetic. I hate it when people decide to take over their life and control it the way they want it to. It’s like watching a BDSM couple all over again; one dominates, the other submits without any hesitation, rhyme, or reason as to why they are doing this. You tell this woman...Vanessa, right?...that you have done everything for her, but she always expects more from you, doesn’t she? How fair is that to a man? I mean, Ariel expects much out of me, but it’s not like she has invincible fingers lifting me from the skies, controlling my each and every move. That’s not how ANYONE should be living their life! Tell me, Sean Jackson, is that the way you wish to be known forever? As a little bitch being held control by another woman? I would expect most people in the world to be smarter in their choices on their lives should be run, but this is such a pitiful sight to see. Should I really be concerned about what you bring to the table in the end?  Trust me when I tell you, I have no intention of underestimating either you or Max Burke. I know what Max is capable of and I’m sure, if you get pushed big time, you’ll probably bite back harder. But is your bite worse than your bark? That’s the one question I hope to see an answer out of you in our match at Climax Control, because so far, you haven’t done a lot of the talking, except for the puppet master herself. You’re no rapist and you certainly haven’t affected my mind in any way, shape, or form, Sean Jackson. To put it simply, you won’t ever be as good as I’ll ever be nor will anyone else for that matter....

All this talk about your past, present, and future means nothing to me. None of her plans have anything to do with what I have intended for you and for the rest of the organization in the days, months, and possibly years to come. I don’t care about the things that happened in Yemen nor am I remotely interested in wars of your own past. In fact, the only war that I care about is the one that involves me in it. Every time I go into that ring, all I think about is inflicting as much suffering and pain as possible. I’m not all for gloating and talking like a tough piece of shit like how your partner is, because let’s face it, his year in 2014 hasn’t been as amazing as he proclaimed it to be. What exactly do you want to accomplish here? I’ve heard that you were a formidable opponent in previous federations that you’ve worked for, but like everyone else, your past accomplishments mean nothing to me. What exactly are you going to do to me that’s going to make you a dangerous foe to contend with? Truth is, that’s the only piece of the puzzle that’s missing out of you and I will personally solve that dilemma when we cross paths in the ring. So I hope you understand, right here, right now; I’m not afraid of you and I’m not intimidated by you, your woman, or anything you bring to the table. I’m here for one reason only; victory. Even if it means crossing paths with a guy who brought me down with a steel chair several times and having to team up with him. It’s something I NEVER wanted to do, but I have no choice in the matter. Somehow, I did manage to obtain success in tag-team action when I teamed up with the eternal rival known as Goth and with a faithful ally like Lucian Frost. So MAYBE luck will be in my favor, Sean. Maybe things will turn out to be OK and I’ll survive the odds. I always do. If anyone is a betting woman or man, they should be placing their bets on me. I’m the only one, out of this entire group Sean Jackson, that is the real threat around here. None of you, not even Simon Jones, deserve the right to be the SCW Heavyweight Champion and I’m prepared to even out the score and unleash my wrath upon anyone who dares to stand in my way. So consider yourself an unlucky soul, because I’m the one that’s going to bury you, six feet below, when it is all said and done. So go ahead, pray to your mistress, beg for her forgiveness when I cost you the match, because I highly doubt she’ll be pleased with the end result, as in Simon Jones and I emerging victorious. Nothing you say or do will hinder me from my quest to become the very best in the business once again. I intend to see our battle through to the end and there’s not a damn thing you can do it, boy!

As for Simon Jones, I’ll say this; you’re right. We don’t meet each other eye to eye. You struck me with a chair and you beat me and three others for the title a long while back. At some point, you and I are going to dance and I’m going to whip your sorry ass for the SCW Heavyweight championship. But in the I told you on Twitter, you better do your job, because I’ll be making sure to do my job. Victory is within our grasp and I’m warning you now; if you try to screw me over at anytime, there’s not a place on Earth that you can hide from me! For now, all I care about is winning and moving on to the next stage of my career and you are the only thing that’s standing in my way of becoming the next SCW champion!

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings....and I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Explanations And The War Ahead
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:03:44 PM »
 To all my fans,

I owe you an explanation. For the past two months, I have been away from the world of wrestling due to one reason. My wife and my children.

If you recall, I returned to an empty home, after training in a secret area somewhere in California for two straight weeks. I was excited to tell my wife and my children that I am now properly equipped and ready to face anything that was thrown at me as I put everything on the line to become what could have possibly the next SCW heavyweight champion at the time. But no one was around and I was left dumbfounded. Searching the empty home, I discovered a single piece of paper that was left behind on my former home (you heard me, former home).

I opened up the letter and read the contents that were written on it. To say that I was in shock is an understatement at least! My wife told me, in no uncertain terms, that I must choose either our family or wrestling. That night, I sat on a couch and cried for hours, like a little baby. All that training and preparation! Why couldn't she understand how important the title was to me and how it could better our lives? Becoming a professional wrestler was something I wanted to be my whole life! Why now?

For the next three days, I wallowed in my own misery. I continued to stay in excellent shape, however, and did not neglect my training in the gym. However, my mental state is a completely different story. Without the love of my life and my four children, Arthur, Rose, Cecil, and Lydia by my side, life would be meaningless. At the same time, there was a championship match at stake and I had an obligation to fulfill for not just Mark Ward, Christian Underwood, and Eric Staggs, but to all the fans that paid with their hard-earned money to see me fight for the biggest prize of them all.

My heart was torn apart, that one question lingering in my mind in those three days. Should I continue on with my quest for glory and leave the best thing to ever happen to me or should I chose to surrender myself to love and kindness and take myself out of the SCW heavyweight title picture for now?

In the end, my decision was made for me.

I found out that she flew to New York City to be with family, so I took the next flight possible on the fourth day, landed sometime that afternoon, and immediately went to her home. I knocked three times and she opened the door. She saw the tears in my eyes and realized that I was completely devastated and heartbroken, but also realized that I made a tremendous sacrifice to be with her.

She hugged me tightly and we kissed harder than ever before. I told her that I would never leave her again and that my family meant everything to me. She smiled and said "I know. I cannot live my life without you either."

With that out of the way, it was only a matter of time before I spoke to Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, along with Eric Staggs. I headed up to their offices a few days before the major PPV and spoke with them in private. I told them that I needed a long leave of absence. Not because I was afraid of anybody around here and certainly not because I no longer possessed the fire to compete with anyone around here, but because I needed to be both a good father and husband to my family. Coming into this meeting, I knew that they would be disappointed and they confirmed my suspicions when they acknowledged that fact loudly. However, they understood and gave me all the time I needed.

The last thing I needed to do was speak to the fans one more time and let them know why I would not be involved with the title match that night. They too, like the bosses, would be disappointed, but gave me a standing ovation for doing the right thing in the end. Of course, Max Burke would foolishly call me a coward and a loser for walking away on it all, but I'll address him some other time. He will be dealt with in the future, I assure you!

After that night, Lisa, aka Ariel, and I, Kain, also known as Alex Grayson, decided that it was time for a change. Instead of continuing to live in Detroit, Illinois, where my home used to be, we decided to move to the west coast, in sunny California. Once we made it back safely from NYC to Detroit, our first order of business was getting all of our possessions and moving them to our new home, The Oaks, a gated community. We hired movers to take everything out, haul all of it into their trucks, and started their long journey. After that, we sold our home to a billionaire for one-hundred million dollars. It was chump change to him, but the money was worth it to have! From there, we moved to The Oaks and I've been laying low ever since.

During those two months, I trained very hard and studied from various masters so that I can stay on top of form with everything. I also played with my children and stayed home often with my wife, because that's where I needed to be at this point. It also didn't hurt to finally have my biography, The Life Of A king, published for the whole world to see. Within 72 hours of release, it sold over 200 million copies all over the world and has been translated into various languages all across the globe. From those sales, I got the good feeling that my fans were missing me greatly and were hoping for my return to happen someday.

My wife finally couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand the sight of me being home way too often when the call of the ring came to me so often. She hated the fact that I couldn't do what I love because I chose her over my profession. She decided to have a sit down conversation with near the end of my two month-absence.

One night, when I came home from a grueling training session at Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, CA, I saw my wife sitting down on the table, her elbows propped on it, looking downward as she was in deep thought. I made my footsteps louder as she heard them and faced me. She slowly stood up, took me down to a seat right next to her, and she began crying genuinely. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she wanted me to go back to the Sin City Wrestling organization. She said that she knew, all this time, that I wanted to be part of the ring, yet I made a tremendous sacrifice and chose her over my career. What woman, she asked, would do that to her man by taking away something that he was completely passionate about? Sure, she wanted the family man to be with her and her family without risking any injury or permanent death, but she knew that I could take care of herself.

I was shocked! So I took her hands in mine and asked her if this is what she really wanted. She nodded. So I told her that I would make sure to visit the kids after I'm done with my events so that I can spend them with them as much as I could. We struck a bargain and the rest, as they say, is history...

But I suppose a little more explanation is warranted for the next step of the plan. I knew that I had to speak with Mark, Chris, and Eric on how to put me into the thick of things once more. I wasn't surprised when they told me that they had an idea and once they informed me of it, I immediately accepted the offer. Then it was really just a matter of waiting until Blaze Of Glory III to reveal myself and let the cat out of the bag. Finally, all I had to do was stay focused on the job at hand and eliminate everyone involved in the match. I accomplished my goal and have safely secured myself as the #1 contender to Brother Grimm's current title, the SCW Roulette championship belt. I look forward to decimating him and bringing the title back to where it truly belongs!

No one will ever be safe again!


Kain: Days. Weeks. Months. This was the moment I've been truly waiting for, Brother Grimm.

The sun was shining as Kain was sitting down on a bench at a park somewhere in Los Angeles. There were people around him, of course, but no one really paid that much attention to him, except for the kids and parents that stood at a distance, the kids shouting out his name. He waved at them briefly before focusing his gaze on the camera.

Kain: I know that a few months ago, you and I tangled in a battle and I emerged victorious. You probably didn't like me for that at all and I could possibly care less. Since I returned, I intend to make my mark known here and now and I intend to deliver a strong message to everyone watching the main event at Climax Control that I'm back and stronger than before. You, my unfortunate, worthless peon, will be a stepping stone as I eliminate you from this powerful game and take back the SCW Roulette title. It is only fitting that a King Of Kings holds it in his hands, don't you think?

The King Of Kings looked up briefly and saw a pack of birds overhead to the east. He smiled and looked back on the camera once more.

Kain: I imagine that you want to be those birds, don't you? You don't want to really face me in the end, Grimm, all you want to do is fly away and never come back. See, that would be fine by me, because the truth is, only the strong survive and the weak are left to perish, such as yourself. You've been dreading this moment ever since I defeated you back then, aren't you? You, the man that speaks of incoherent madness and insanity, have found yourself in a place that literally has no escape. Once I enter that ring and stare at you directly in the eye, what kind of chance do you exactly believe to have? I'll tell you the answer - NONE! So you may as well give up on this foolish quest to stay on as the reigning SCW roulette champion and hand it over to me nice or easy. You don't? I'll make your night an extremely long and painful one until you are ready to tap like the little bitch you are...or just stay down on the ground, unmoving, as I get the pin...1....2....!

He gestures the numbers with one finger raised up each. He sits forwards a bit and then stands up, slowly walking into the crowd for a little bit, blending himself with the environment until he resurfaces. Standing nearby a gate that leads to a block within the city, he folds his arms and faces the camera once more.

Kain: The way I've looked at it, Brother Grimm, you and I are entangled in the main event, which means that we have to give a good show that the fans will never forget! But the truth is, I don't want to just give them a good show; I'm here to prove that my courage, determination, and power is all I need to be the best around here. You are an excellent example to showcase my new skills in the ring. That's why, at Climax Control, I'm going to enjoy every second of my time with you in the ring. I'm going to smash your bones, break your knees, bust up your face, and injure your throat to the point of where you can't talk. You don't get it, do you? I'm going to make you SUFFER in all this glorious chaos! Sure, there's Roulette rules involved, but I guarantee you, I'll gladly break all the rules to get where I need to go, Brother Grimm. After I destroy you, all other challengers will more than certainly be intimated by what I can now do. Max Burke, Andrew Garcia, Simon Jones, all of these idiots thought they had a chance in beating me again or possibly might for the first time are in for the fight of their lives! Do not doubt my word, Brother Grimm. Our last encounter proved as much, didn't it? Of course it did! Otherwise, I wouldn't be hearing the trembling of your boots all the way out here! It's only a matter of time before your clock gets cleaned from post to post! Are you afraid of that, Brother Grimm? Are you afraid of the fact that I'm going to be taking everything away from you and forcing you to either start from scratch or be permanently injured for the rest of your life? Trust me, neither outcome will please you and you don't what? I don't care!

Shaking his head back and forth, he feels his shorts being tugged and he looks down. He sees a little girl that is holding a picture of him in his glory days at AWA. He kneels down, smiles, signs the autograph and hugs the little girl. She couldn't be more excited as she rushed to her parents, who nodded at me with their thanks. I returned the nod, then stepped outside of the gate.

Kain: This is part of the reason why I am here, Brother Grimm. I'm here to steal the show each and every time for my fans. Can you not say the same for yourself? Can you not feel the rush and adrenaline that flows through you when the crowd either cheers or boos you? I know it does every time I step into the ring and it keeps me alive! It is the greatest feeling possible and I look forward to hearing it resound with greater clarity as I kick your ass from post to post! You made my job a lot easier, in fact, now that the SCW Roulette title is on the line! Understand something, I'm not going to be having kid gloves on; I'm going to throw the rulebook out of the window and make you my bitch for the entire night until I'm done with your rotting carcass! Just take a look at the clash I just had with Andrew Garcia, a sore loser that's probably going to ask me for another rematch with me, just because he couldn't stand the fact that I kicked his ass THAT EASILY! And I know the same will be for you, Brother Grimm, because you can't stand seeing me or even possibly holding the damn belt! This match is going to cost you everything and I'm so happy to oblige and do what I do best in that ring. I hold NOTHING back and I make sure that nothing stands in my way of accomplishing dreams like this! I'm going to be the next SCW Roulette champion after it's all said and done, Brother Grimm!

He turns away from the camera, then gets into his car and speeds off into the road as the camera slowly, but surely fades to black.

Supercard Archives / GIANI vs KAIN vs JEREMIAH vs BURKE
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:55:46 PM »
 January 19th, 2014

Dear Alex,

I've never done this kind of letter before to any man I've ever encountered in my life....until now.

I've been watching you since the day you received the news about you being a participant in the Fatal Fourway match for the SCW Heavyweight championship. To be honest with you, my love, it scares me completely. I don't know if you've been noticing lately, but I have been going through many changes since the birth of our children. I no longer want to fight inside a ring, Alex. I want to fight for our kids instead and to do that, I have to be home, 24/7, and protect them, love them, care for them. My motherly instincts have taken over and I have to think for the children now and do what's best for them. The only way that I can truly be happy is if you stayed home with us, Alex, if you were there for our children all the time. But I'm afraid that your newfound obsession for this match may revert you to the man that I once fell in love with. I fell in love with you now for different reasons, but I don't want you to revert back to the killer instinct that gained you notorious fame in the underground circuit. I want you to be the man that you are today and continue fighting in that ring as long as you don't abandon us. But I fear that may be too late, Alex. So I want to give you an ultimatum that I know will drive you insane in the weeks to come. Will you finally be the man that you swore at your parents' grave to be and leave wrestling behind or will you stay on the dark, lonely road in your quest to be champion? I hope, for your sake and for ours, that you make the right decision. By the time you arrive home, Cecil, Rosa, Lydia, and Arthur, and I will not be home. I moved all of our belongings and headed back to New York City, in an apartment that I bought and paid for so that you can be alone for the time being, so that you could decide our fates without any distractions...except for the one that's upon you.

Goodbye...for now,


* * *

January 28th, 2014

I arrived back home in Detroit, Illinois, thinking about my family. For one week, I shut myself away in Los Angeles, California, preparing myself for what is quite frankly the most important fight of my career. Either I die in this attempt or I live and emerge victorious, as a changed man for the better. If I win the SCW heavyweight championship, not only will I usher in a new era, not only will I be at the top of the mountain, but I'll also have made a HELL of a lot more money than I'm making now. But more importantly, it's about realizing a dream that has eluded me ever since I was forced out of Asylum Wrestling Alliance by Goth, an eternal rival of mine whom I soundly defeated awhile back and ensuring myself as the TRUE King Of Kings. Thus, I threw myself to the wolves against masters that pushed me to the very limit.

I'm not talking about training in a gym for two hours each day. No. I'm talking about being pushed to the brink. Emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. All four aspects have to join forces and become one with me if I am to achieve the biggest win in my career. That's why I sought out masters that allowed me to train with them, but I had to pass a test first by pushing myself in all limits before I was able to be given the honor of training with them and learning their secrets. For that entire week, that's all I did. I shut my phone off and did not mention a single word on my Facebook and Twitter. All I wanted to do is be left alone as I prepared to conquer my greatest fears so that I can be at my strongest once I step onto the battlefield against Giani De Luca, the current SCW Heavyweight champion, Max Burke, a rival that has defeated me twice, and this Jeremiah character whom I've never faced before. I know that these two rivals and this new challenger carry impressive resumes under their belts, but I cannot let that stop me. I cannot let anything or anyone take away the dream that has been built since childhood. For me, it isn't just about wanting to be's about needing to be champion as well.

I exited out of the airport with my suitcases and paid an airport attendant to place them inside the trunk of a limo that was awaiting for me. All around me, the cameras were flashing, multiple reporters were asking me various questions. About the fight, about how my family was doing, what my current state of mind is at in this moment. However, I kindly turned back, responded with a quick wave and entered the limo through the passenger seat, the limo driver closing it behind me, then getting around the limo and entering the driver's seat. In seconds, the engine flared to life and the limo moved away from the airport as fast as it could. I sat back, thinking about my family, the one that I loved the most and would do anything for, because they meant EVERYTHING to me. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be wrestling. I still wouldn't be fighting in the ring if it wasn't for them.

As I was glancing through the window and looking up at the clear, blue sky, with the sun shining eastward, memories of my time in Los Angeles flashed within my mind, like a thousand nails being pounded into me. It wasn't an easy journey to go through. I entered a school that only the best in the world can be accepted into and I was one of them, but the masters are not the kind you would expect to be kind and teach you how to do things in the most polite manner possible. These masters, in fact, were strict and didn't care about how you felt or what you said and did. They would teach me what they knew if I went through the training without any complaints. That's what I did. They drugged me up and made me hallucinate, making me think about the past, the failure that I suffered at the hands of my parents' death. That was for one whole night, without any sleep. The next night, they placed me in the confines of a ring, too exhausted, too tired to fight. But they made me do it, to see how far I am able to push myself into places that I've NEVER been to. It was extremely difficult and dangerous, because I was given opponents to deal that were just as smart, cunning, vicious, and ruthless as I was, so I had to rely on my own skills and instincts to survive.

Not to say that I escaped out of that brutal carnage safely. I endured multiple gashes to the face, almost had my other knee injured, ribs crushed, the whole nine yards. I could have died that night. But somehow....I survived.

Nights like that followed and although I never uttered a word of complaint, my mind and body were screaming on the inside. But I was never one to quit, so I gave myself over to the process and did everything I could to win them over by week's end. Eventually, that became the end result, as all the masters nodded to me with respect, letting me know that not only did I pass their test, but that I was able to come back next week to be given the full training. For now, they allowed me to rest for 24 hours within a bed that had some sort of healing power that would heal my broken bones and injuries quickly. After all that chaos, I gave myself over to the power of sleep for those next 24 hours. When I woke up, I was fully healed, but never again would I be the same man I was again.

The memories came and left like the wind coming and going through you and I felt better now knowing that I have been given the honor of training with some of the best masters in the world.  I couldn't wait to tell Ariel, the love of my life, of this amazing week of training.

It took about a good hour to reach my home and I quickly got out of the passenger's seat. The limo came to a slow, but solid halt, the driver leaving his seat and heading back to the trunk to gather my belongings. I paid him a hefty amount of money and he nodded his thanks and smiled, then went back into the driver's seat and sped away from my home. I turned around and saw my mansion. It was finally good to be home.

I grabbed the keys from within my pocket and opened the door. When I stepped inside however, an unsuspecting chill washed over me like cold water from a shower. Something was very wrong and I couldn't point my finger to it. Dropping my gear nearby the entrance of the mansion, I placed the keys back into my pocket and started to walk inward.

Lisa? Boys? Girls? Is anyone home?

As I checked every room, I saw no sign of them. It was like as if everything was packed up, at least their belongings, and moved away. I shook my head in confusion. What is going on here?

I went into the kitchen and propped my elbows on the tables, looking downward on it. I was so excited to give the news to Lisa about this honor, to let her know that I'm going to win the SCW heavyweight championship now that I have attained a new sense of awareness like nothing before. But what happened? Was my family kidnapped? Did they go on a road trip without informing me? My IPhone 5S briefly flashed in my mind and I immediately went back to my belongings and rummaged through it before my hand grasped it. I turned it on and waited a few minutes until it was fully functional, then checked my messages. As usual, it was messages from my attorneys, various people I know outside of the business, but I wasn't thinking about them. Sorting out through the messages, one message caught my eye. I opened it up and it was from Ariel. I read the contents out loud as the cameras that followed me could hear me clearly.

Look at the HDTV

I instantly ran over to the HDTV, with my phone in hand, and saw an envelope taped on the screen of the HDTV. Taking out the tape without rushing it, I sat down on one of the couches in the living room and ripped open the envelope and taking out what appeared to be a letter. I read it very closely and the cameras captured my face in a state of shock and confusion.

After reading the last sentence, I laid back in my chair, shocked at what just transpired.

Alone with my demons, I wept hard for the first time since speaking to my parents at their graves.

* * *

John Cena, one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time, has a saying in his line of work. “My time is now.” I’m going to use that line and say it for myself, because that’s how I feel. It’s been a long time since I’ve entered a war that is so crucial to my career that I’m willing to put everything on the line just to finally get what I want. But I keep asking myself, after all that’s happened to me recently, with my family moving away from me; at what cost will it be to me? While it’s very true that my dream to be the very best in the business, my family means the world to me. If they aren’t on my side, no matter how much stronger or tougher I became over the years, it just won’t be the same for me in the end. However, my selfishness, I admit, has taken me to a whole new level and I cannot let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass by me. I say this once again, with greater clarity; your time is up and my time is now. There is no more time for games to be played or any kind of foreplay to be had here either. My job, at this very moment, is to eliminate the competition and prove to the world why I DESERVE to be the champion that I claim myself to be after all this time. Sure, credit is given to Erik Staggs for vouching on my behalf, but he knows, just as well as I and everyone else knows, is that I don’t need to be vouched or recommended for the job. I KNOW that I am recommended for the job, because I’m perfect for it. Giani, Max, and Jeremiah all got here and they all want a piece of the SCW Heavyweight championship belt. I’m like a lion, chomping at the bit, wanting it more than they could possibly fathom! If I were you three, I suggest you put everything you can into this match, because you are about to step foot into the biggest fight of your ENTIRE LIFE!

Giani De Luca, are you kidding me? Is that the best insult that you can throw at me, literally? Did you watch the entire match that unfolded between Simon Jones and I? I didn’t slip into the picture just because of a chair shot delivered to me for all the wrong reasons. It’s because I backed my word in the ring that night, Giani. I showed that I have a MAJOR chance in overthrowing you and becoming the next SCW heavyweight champion. How dare you call me a disgrace! How dare you tell the entire world that what happened to me was an act that should have never happened. Let’s take a good look at you for a second, shall we? Sure, you apparently beat me, Nick Jones, and another challenger in our previous match, but the truth is, it was nothing BUT A STROKE OF LUCK. In fact, that’s what you have been dealing with time and time again, Giani De Luca. You are afraid of me, as clear as day. By throwing me these ridiculous insults at me, about how you are better than everyone on the roster and so forth. You know what I believe it to be? GARBAGE! Because that’s the same talk I’ve been hearing from the common folk for YEARS, pal. Anything and everything you’ve said to me, so far, has been nothing but a buzzkill for a long while now and I assure you, pal, that I’m going to throw everything at you, because I want you to know that I”m the real deal in this business, that I am worthy of being the next SCW champion! Forget Max Burke, who is clearly deluded and insane ever since he joined the Saviors. Forget about Jeremiah, who has made somewhat of an impression around here and then some. It’s between you and me, Giani De Luca, and if I were you, I suggest you stop thinking that I’m going to be easily swatted away like some fly. It’s going to take a lot more than just what you did in the past to defeat me. Fact is, Giani, I’m the biggest threat around here - NOT YOU! I don’t care if you are the current SCW heavyweight champion or not! As impressive and awesome your resume is, it doesn’t scare me one bit! That SCW heavyweight championship is MINE FOR THE TAKING! Do you understand me, pal? No matter what happens in that match, you are not walking away with the title at the end of the night. You are not going to be the man that deserves to wear that crown above your head. You are not going to be the man that you believe yourself to be, because with what I’ve learned recently is going to be a MAJOR advantage in this game! So if I were you, boy, I’d stop using minor insults to your advantage and take me seriously, because this isn’t the time to play around in this business. You are the champion for a reason...I’ll give you that, but let’s face it. Every challenger that you’ve faced after me? Nothing but luck for you. You somehow manage to walk away with one victory after another. Well, at My Bloody Valentine, that all changes. You are going to walk away as a loser and as a pitiful, pathetic son of a bitch that had his reign cut short at the hand of a master of fighting. You know NOTHING about me and that one loss I got from you? It’s NOTHING to me, because in the end, I will be the one winning the war! I will be the one to take that title belt away from you and walk away as the biggest thing to ever happen in the SCW! Mark my words, boy, because your title reign is about to end VERY SOON!

Max Burke, you broke me mentally and emotionally? I don’t think so! You clearly underestimate me at this point and that’s just sad all around. And it’s even worse to find out that you’ve joined forces with The Saviors. Exactly what will that route accomplish for you in the long run? Absolutely NOTHING! This is the reason why I don’t join groups for a long time or not even at all; it’s because they give me nothing that I want in the end. What’s the point? It’s really best to be the lone wolf and that’s what I thought you were when you stepped foot in the Sin City Wrestling Organization. As it turns out, however, you’re already just like the rest, friend; a coward with no heart and soul or even belief! Granted, you show some of that now, but your remarks were bitterly short! That’s fine by me; your actions have spoken loud in the past and I have to be more aware of your actions than your words, because you did get the best of me before. But NEVER AGAIN! Imagine that, Max Burke, for a quick second, will you? Won’t it be ironic that the fact you took away the Roulette championship from me and retained it afterwards from me will be used against you when I destroy you at My Bloody Valentine and gain a tremendous advantage over our little war? I know that you are going to hate that with great passion and that’s fine by me. I want to get under your skin, Max Burke, because I know that, just like Giani, just like Jeremiah, everything I say and do will bother you to a greater degree than you could possibly fathom! You think of me as some guy that you were able to push around and do harmful things to me, like imposing bodily harm to my wife, but that’s all in the past now. I intend to gain vengeance at My Bloody Valentine, Max Burke, if it’s the last thing I do! You cannot and will not take away my dream that I’ve brought to life since childhood, because you currently do not have the power to do so! Only I, Max Burke, am fit to take SCW into a place that no one else has ever been to and only I will make this place an even better one without the aid of you or your pathetic Saviors! With everything that has been happening to me, I know that I am fit and ready for combat. You cannot use the same tactics and mind games that you employed in the past, because they will not work on me. They will not work because I’ve learned to overcome any and all obstacles that are thrown in my way and I look forward to showing that to you at My Bloody Valentine. I’m going to enjoy crushing you, Giani, and Jeremiah into pieces and letting the entire world know, once and for all, that the King Of Kings is here to stay and that The King Of Kings IS the real deal and that The King Of Kings will be the NEXT SCW Heavyweight Champion!

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Short, but sweet
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:37:18 PM »

My wife, Ariel, handed me a folder quickly before returning her attention to our children, Arthur and Rose, who were on the swings in a playground about two miles from our home in Detroit, Illinois. Cecil and Lydia were on the strollers, sleeping peacefully. There were a ton of other kids and their parents were with them, but the cameras were solely focused on us and I had no problem with that.

After all, I am one of the biggest stars of the SCW, if not THE BIGGEST star to ever happen, so of course it has to be on me!

In any case, I opened up the folder and scanned the biography of this new kid that I'm booked to face. Unfortunately, the info that was attached to the dossier left me little to go on. An upstart kid that feels cocky? I've dealt with a bunch of kids like that in my life, from my days in the underground ring to now, so what makes him any special? And just because he's acquired a championship belt or two from a previous fed doesn't mean jackshit to me!

I handed back the dossier to her and shook my head in disgust.

Great. Another loser that I have to deal with. If that's the best Mark Ward and Christian Underwood can cook up for a future SCW heavyweight champion in the making, then that's seriously disappointing. No matter. Eric Steel will be dealt with and crushed in a moment's notice.

She nodded to me once and our children came to us, hugging us with pure delight. Besides wrestling and fighting? This is what life is all about...!

* * *

The Diary Of The King
Entry #2
January 1st, 2014

My name is Alex. I'm known as Kain, The King Of Kings, and within this diary is a chronicle of my thoughts on anything and everything that I chose to speak about.

Today, I have the need to write of a passion that cannot be overlooked. My love for fighting.

There is no doubt, within my mind, that this is the one art that I truly live for in my life. It has helped me gained a measure of self-confidence and belief beyond all measure. It has helped me become financially independent to the point of where I will NEVER have to worry about making ends money by taking out coins from a piggy bank. It has helped me to gain a further understanding of myself and my abilities as I continue to pave the way for wrestling altogether and ensuring great success as I move onward and into the stars as I attempt to realize my dreams in full. There's not a single man, woman, or child that could stop me at this point. Despite what Simon Jones did to me at the very end, I was right; his downfall lead to my victory. That's all I have to say about that piece of shit, for he did nothing but a great service for me. He easily gave me a championship opportunity and although I intensely dislike the fact that he beat down on me for NO REASON, it matters not in the end. A win is a win and I continue to become better and better at what I love; fighting. I gave guys like Simon Jones, Mark Ward, Casey Williams, Goth, all these nimrods the fight of their life, win or lose, and I walk away as the victor sometimes, other times I lose. That's how the game goes, but since I'm on a high momentum, I decided that it cannot be stopped. I cannot turn back now. This is my moment and if anyone tries to stop me, all it will get them is a severe taste of punishment!

So when I discover that it's a new guy named Eric Steel, a man that just barely started here, I can't help but wonder about the possibilities. Will he one of the few that somehow gets lucky to win? Or will he be one of the many foes that I get to easily stomp on my way to everlasting greatness? To be honest, I already know the answer; it's the latter. It's not a matter of being cocky or arrogant, unlike how someone else claims to be in his own biography. It's a matter of supreme confidence that just overflows through me, mentally, emotionally, and DEFINITELY physically. I know that you have to bring your kind of trash talk to the world just yet, but I'm pretty convinced that it will mostly be the same from you. And I hope that doesn't become a huge problem to you, because you're going to need all the help you can get to defeat someone like me. To you, you'll believe me to be an enemy. That's fine by me; no matter who I step into the ring with, I will always view them AS my enemy, Eric Steel.

Why am I even facing you at this point? Granted, you're a new challenge and I thrive on it and get even a little excited over it, but really? I was granted another step close to the big time and to challenge Giani for the SCW title and instead of being given what I earned, it's a slap to the face! I'm supposed to be the guy that's supposed to be headlining the next show or the next pay-per-view, whatever that may be, and this happens?! Ridiculous! 2014 is supposed to start off with a BANG and instead, it starts off with a DUD! There's simply no other way to explain my current frustration other than the fact that the guy that kicked Simon Jones's ass and received an inexcusable beating for it is the same guy that has to deal with a punk that carries little to no reputation around here. I'm dead serious! So in order to get to where I want to go, I have to kick your ass in Laughlin, Neveda, and walk away knowing that I got the job done. That's fine. I can do the job JUST FINE.

You want to take me on and show the world what you got? Go for it. But in the end, like a lot of the miserable cats that bit more than they could chew, they failed. They failed to destroy me. I don't care if I lose matches every now and then, Eric. Do you want to know WHY that is? It's very simple; I always get back up, because I REFUSE to let my enemies get the best of me in any way, shape, or form. That's why I have earned the amount of respect that I had to fight for, Eric Steel, and if that means forcing that respect out of you from your throat to every broken bone in your body, so be it. You're going to understand, the hard way, as to exactly what it is I am perfectly capable of, Eric, and that's setting the gold standard of fighting and, if need be, wrestling. I'm no God Of Wrestling, because I haven't earned that title yet. But I am the King Of Kings and that's a title that I have earned and I look forward to revealing exactly why I'm truly that gifted in the ring, Eric.

You've been warned....

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings!

So let it be let it be done!

Climax Control Archives / Disappointed - Journal Entry #1
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:40:16 PM »
 The Walt Disney World Resort. Orlando, Florida.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched my kids, Arthur, Rose, Cecil, and Sarah gaze in awe at their surroundings. Cameras from the SCW were allowed to capture our every move as my kids tried to take in the sights of the Magic Kingdon Park, as Ariel and I stood behind them. I'm using the week off to let my scars heal from the deadly battle that took place between Damien and I not too long ago and to spend time with my family while trying to clear my head. Families nearby either gave us a quick glance and moved away from us, but a lot of people, on the other hand, instantly recognized my name and called out my name as I responded with a smile and wave.

For today, I wanted to be left alone, but I was given no choice a few times. I didn't mind it though; taking the time to do autographs and pictures is fine for a short while. However, the fans noticed that since my family was nearby, they were kind enough to give me my space and to let me be. I'm grateful to them for that. After they departed though, while I enjoyed the company of my wife and kids, who wanted to go on every single ride, my head was somewhere else altogether. In truth, Damien Kingston was simply at the right place at the right time. It angers me that he got the best of me. I swear, however, that the result will be a different one in the end. I don't care if he becomes champion or not, because either way, his career DIES by my hand. Things won't work out the way for him last time!

My wife could see the gears in my head turn as my kids approached Mickey Mouse, the mascot, and he knelt towards them as they hugged him like a child to a teddy bear, as hard as they could. It was hard to hear outside, due to the amount of noise rising at an increasing level, but Ariel's whisper was loud enough in my ear for me to hear clearly, as the sunny skies blanketed us as the cool, breezy wind passed through our bodies like ghosts coming into and out of bodies within seconds.


I nodded to her slowly.

Who else? It bothers me that the match didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, Lisa. I just hope that I'm given another shot at him in the future, because what he and I did in the ring may have been incredible to those that witnessed it to the outside, but it just isn't enough. I'm going to win the war and beat him within an inch of his life!

I didn't say those words out loud, for only Ariel could hear them. She knew how important that rivalry meant to me and wanted to see me achieve victory in the near future. Mickey Mouse, the mascot that is, invited us over. Ending our conversation, we went over to him and I got on to one knee, hugging all three of my children. It reminds me of the main reason of why I'm currently fighting in the SCW; to provide a living for them and to make sure they live in a world that's secure and peaceful for them. Of course, that's not to say it will be a walk in the park; like me, they will face great challenges and plenty of obstacles will be in their way, but like me, they will find a way to succeed on their own terms.

Mickey Mouse waved goodbye and moved away from us as I stood up and looked at the sky briefly. I know that Simon Jones awaits me, but I don't like the fact that he had to send a messenger of sorts to convey his thoughts to me, in a sense that is. Why would anyone, in their right mind, do that? I know that Simon Jones is all about protecting his family from the recent events that Casey Williams set in motion, but I care less about it. I care more about what's in store for me AFTER Simon Jones and what it will take, out of everything that I have, to wipe the slate clean and forge on. To bigger and better things. Simon Jones, in the long run, means NOTHING to me. The championship opportunity is once again in my lap and once I take him out of the picture, I can hopefully be a shining reminder, to everyone in the locker room, that I'm not a joke to contend with.

Arthur: Daddy! Daddy!

My head turned downward and my eyes met my first son as I picked him up, as Ariel placed Arthur, Cecil, and Rose back in their seats. Together, as a family, as one, we walked off and headed into the crowd, the cameras now having a hard time in catching up and decided to fade out for a short while.

* * *

The King's Diary
Journal Entry #1
December 20th, 2013

To those that open up this book and devour its contents, my name is Alex, but in the ring, I am known as Kain, The King Of Kings, and this is my sole testament of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing BUT the truth!

This will be the first of many journal entries, in which my thoughts and philosophies will be chronicled from within. I have a feeling that this book will be of rare value to the public once I finally pass away from the Earth, so this book will not be use for private purposes. On top of that, whoever possess the book in the end will ultimately discover the deep, hidden truths, doubts, and criticisms that I hold for any enemy I either chose to deal with or am forced to take on without a choice handed to me. For example, the man that I'm about to face once again, Simon Jones, will be my guinea pig for this experiment, as I attempt to dissolve him and his arguments and show him who is the true badass around here. Certainly, it ain't the man that I'm going to be facing soon, this Simon Jones, a man whose mind has apparently been fractured and distracted by a weakling such as Casey Williams, a man who bears no significance to my career, yet will be spoken little about in this first journal entry.

To begin with, I cannot help but be at a loss of words...and disappointed.

Knowing how Simon Jones functioned previously, I was hoping to hear directly from the man himself. But that event alone has changed, for a new man, one that I've never seen before, decides to appear on the camera for the first time on Sin City Wrestling. That enrages me to the point of where my blood begins to boil. This new character, Jason O'Neil, crawls out of the shadows and sits down in what appears to be a pub, drinking some Guisness and babbling on about his own history with Simon and shortly speaking about as to WHY Simon didn't appear on camera in the first place and has, thus, been entrusted enough to the point of where had to make comments against me as Simon's representative.

That's pathetic. Cowardly, if you ask me. For every wrestling fracas I've participated in, I've always made sure to let the entire world hear my voice from my own body and soul, each and every week. It doesn't matter how pissed off I am about outside affairs that have little or no involvement with wrestling or fighting or what kind of mindset I'm in. The least that I can do, for my opponents, is appear on camera and do EVERYTHING within my power to strike them down like Zeus with a lightning bolt! Simon Jones should have done the same thing; he should have at least given a few minutes of his time to speak on his own behalf, the let the entire world know that he's going to kick my ass and he's going to earn a championship gold. What do I get instead? A different man that sounds and looks intelligent, yet should have never taken the job in the first place. After all, this isn't Jason O'Neil's battle in the first place, its Simon Jones that has to be the chosen one to take me down. All you did, Simon, was waste all of that airtime by having another man do YOUR dirty work. Do you really expect me to take everything this man said on a serious basis? I doubt it! For all the talk and boasting you've done before me in the past, you had to stick the knife into my body by tucking your tail and RUN. Then you twisted that knife even before by enabling this new visage of a man to speak on your behalf. Exactly what kind of a MAN does that? Certainly not me, pal, because I'll NEVER stoop that low to have anyone speak on my behalf.

Now, in regards to Casey Williams and your current rivalry with the man. I have some disappointing for you; I could care LESS about it.

All you were trying to accomplish, through Jason O'Neil, was trying to make me feel sympathetic to your current situation. Don't even play that game with me, Simon Jones. My wife, Ariel, gets threatened and held by guys like Goth and Max Burke and although it pains me more than anything to see it, do I let it bother me to the point of where I can't focus? No. It bothers me on a personal level, but I always make sure to keep it calm, keep it real! So in a sense, I understand, but I won't let that understanding get in the way of what I have to achieve at this week's Climax Control. Forget Casey Williams, a man who did such a dastardly deed to you and your family. He means NOTHING to me in the scheme of things, Simon Jones. He's a man, Simon, whose place I've put several times already. No matter how tough he tries to be, he always fail at the biggest fights in his fragile career. I have NO DOUBT that you'll be able to attain revenge, but this isn't the time and place for it. Do you really want to know why I'm here, Simon Jones? It's because this match has given me a shot at the top prize in the business and quite frankly, I don't care who becomes champion. Doesn't matter if it's Giani De Luca or Damien Kingston, because I'm primed and ready this time and I won't let ANYONE or ANYTHING get in the way of my quest to be the top dog in the business realized once again.

That's why you are going to fail miserably in this task against me, Simon Jones, because you'll be thinking of NOTHING but Casey Williams, the man that has targeted you and your family now. I'm not him though, Simon Jones, and I never want to be! Not in a million years, pal. Do I honestly believe I have a chance in destroying you? Oh hell yes! Imagine that, Simon Jones, that you and I crossed swords in a fatal fourway for a title shot and both of us failed in it. This time, the winds have changed and you and I will dance, but this time, there's no Nick Jones or Giana De Luca to contend with! It's going to be you and me, in a confrontation that involves every one of your best attributes that we rely on in order to achieve victory. You, unfortunately, will not be the tireless eagle that soars, because I'll be the one that gladly takes out that gun and shoot him down. Not to KILL him, mind you, but to injure the bird enough to the point of where he'll never fly again. That's what I plan on doing with you Simon Jones, you worthless piece of shit. Because in the end, I care not for your plight, because your life is not mine to contend with.

Do you understand me? I have a lot of bigger fish to fry and unfortunately, for you, you are nothing but a little fish in a big pond.

Beyond that, do me a favor next time. Tell Jason O'Neil, this man who apparently respects me, to never speak on your behalf again. Next time, Simon Jones, I expect better out of a punk-ass bitch like you, a coward with no heart or soul. Most importantly, I want you to get out of that pathetic funk you're in and get your head in the game, face me like a man, and take the worst beating of your life AS ONE! I can't be holding hands with a child, guiding him through such a nefarious, dangerous job ahead of him, to tell you the truth. I have no time in wasted affairs such as these, for there are only two things in my mind; getting revenge against Damien Kingston and to win the SCW Heavyweight Championship, to finally bring it home to where it really belongs. So it all comes down to you, Simon Jones. As I write these words, I want you to digest it all like a hot cup of tea and to fully understand where I'm coming from. I'm no longer Mr. Nice Guy anymore, Simon Jones. I'm not going to be pushed around like a small kid in a playground by a bigger bully; I'm going to fight back time and again until I get WHAT I WANT and that's a dream that will finally be achieved once again!

The rest, Simon Jones, is all on your shoulders and boy am I glad to not bear them at all!

For these are the final words of this first journal entry from Kain...THE KING OF KINGS. So let it be let it be done!


Supercard Archives / KAIN vs DAMIEN KINGSTON
« on: December 06, 2013, 11:04:12 PM »
 People will never understand, will they?

I saw the interview that took place shortly after Climax Control ended two weeks ago and I was enraged.

Why? All because this kid, this poor little bastard. believes that I and so many others get what they want and not him?

It infuriates me to no end!

A long time ago, I swore to myself that I would do things on my own terms and so far, that kind of promise has done wonders for me. The career that I've made for myself is absolutely incredible and I know that everything will turn out the way I want it to, not the way others want it to. But sometimes it takes a puissant like Damien Kingston to invade my privacy and ruin the fun for a while. What he did cannot be excused for and I swore revenge when I looked up at him from the top of that ramp at Climax Control. There's going to be hell to pay and I, for one, cannot wait to get my hands on that son of a bitch!

For the next two weeks, I infuse myself into my training back at my home, while the wounds on my body quickly heal at a rapid pace. I'm not just a master of my own fists or feet, but I'm also a master of weapons as well. A Kendo stick is grueling and punishing to feel, especially on the body. Wielding two of them in my hands, I pounded on a bodybag, using multiple strikes on them, all the while conjuring up an image of that sadist, Damien Kingston. He's going to find out exactly why it isn't a good idea to cross paths with a man like me. He needs to face the music and understand that things aren't in his favor at December 2 Dismember.

One Thursday night, I howled with rage I slapped the Kendo sticks hard through the bodybag, which created a gap as sand poured out of it. I imagined that sand dropping and turning it into Damien's blood, because his blood will pour from it. From his forehead, to his mouth, even to his neck and eyes. It matters not; he's going to be swollen from head to toe by the time I'm finished with that bastard! How dare he! How dare he strike me down at a moment of celebration and make his presence known to me and to the rest of the world! What a façade!

ARIEL: Honey?

The voice called out from above as the love of my life descended from the steps and into the gym. She watched me closely as I continued to stare down at the sand that continues to flow from the used-up bodybag. She also spotted blood coming down from the stick. I didn't realize it at the time, but I must have squeezed the one in my right hand so tightly that it caused a cut and made blood appear. She gasped, rushed down the last of the steps, grabbed a set of bandages and towels, then went to my side and made me drop the stick.

The stick was dropped to the ground with a loud clang. She moved the object to the side, then started working on my new injury, although it wasn't bothering me as much. I took my eyes off the bag and stared at her. This creature of beauty and wonder...

How was I able to get this lucky in my life?

ARIEL: Promise me one thing...

My eyes narrowed and met hers as she briefly stopped wrapping a towel around my bloody hand.

KAIN: What's that, sweetheart?

She didn't say anything at first as she looked down and finished wrapping up the towels and bandages, then stood up on her feet. She placed one fingernail under my chin and I was spellbound to her brown, beautiful eyes.

ARIEL:Promise me, my love...that you will end him.

In response, I got down to one knee and planted a kissed to the hand of my love, my queen, my everything. I looked at her eyes meaningfully.

KAIN: I promise. Damien Kingston will not live to fight another day. Ever again!

* * *


Of all the asinine acts you had to commit in your infamous career, this one takes the cake. You, of all people, had to make sure that my back was turned while I was celebrating another easy victory against Casey Williams a few weeks back. The audience told me something was going on and I was unfortunately not ready for the oncoming onslaught as you whipped out that Kendo stick of yours and beat me down for a good while.

You wanted my attention? Now you have it.

For the last few weeks, I've been fuming with extreme rage over this attack, Damien. I could not, for the life of me, completely understand WHY would you want to put yourself in a situation that will ultimately spell disaster for you. It took me a long while before I found the answer to my question. And when that long, insane response of yours finally drove home into my brain, I couldn't help but even be more disgusted. This whole thing comes down to the fact that I've been handed more title shots, more opportunities than before, and you hate this fact that you've been overlooked time and again, because guys like me have put in the time, worked VERY HARD, and earned people's respect out of it.

Tell me, Damien, what exactly have you accomplished since your time? Beating Casey Williams, who is pretty much anyone's bitch around here? Give me a  break! Even you said that it was an easy win for you to go after and thought it was no challenge. But you seem to forget something; you were scheduled to take on Nick Jones not too long ago, yet an "injury" happened, didn't it? Here's my question, exactly what injury did that turn out to be? Last I checked, NONE. The fact that you tucked your legs and ran away is mere proof that you aren't exactly who you claim yourself to be, Damien. Fact is, Damien, you're not a man. You're a complete chickenshit with no respect for anyone but for himself. You expect the entire world to just go on their knees and worship the cult of Damien Kingston without questioning the truth. That's not how real life works, Damien. Nothing in this world gets handed to you on a silver platter, BOY and after December 2 Dismember, nothing will ever for you again.

By the way, for the record, I was not completely unconsciousness after that beatdown you gave me. I looked at you, from the ring, and scowled with righteous fury as you smirked with confidence. But the way I see it now, Damien, you are nothing but an overconfident bastard. You think it's fun going around and attacking people for your own selfish reasons? It's not. And thanks to you, Damien, you handed me an easy victory. Now, I can probably feel your jaw dropping from the other side of the Earth, but you know it's true. You handed me the complete freedom to do anything I want with you. And that's on your head, Damien. That's on YOUR shoulders. Fact is, Damien, what you did wasn't exactly the greatest move in your worthless career. No, it was the worst mistake you've ever made...not just in your pitiful joke of a career, but your fragile, pathetic life as well!

I mean, look at you! Do you expect Mark Ward and Christian Underwood to drop everything at the dime of a hat and give you everything you wanted without you working for it? While I don't necessarily agree with everything Mark and Chris have done these days, I'm VERY confident they will least agree with me on that philosophy! When I came into the SCW for the very first time, sometime after Goth and his cronies treated me like shit, destroyed me, and left me for the wolves to feed on, I was ready. I was determined to succeed at any and all costs. Don't you dare think that for one second that just because I have a family of my own doesn't mean that I'm soft or I'm just going to stand there and act like a punching bag for every human wrestler that steps foot in the ring with me. If you think that's going to aid you in anyway, shape, or form, I suggest you drop the idea NOW! I don't take shit from anybody, Damien, and I give it EVERYTHING I HAVE WITHIN MYSELF TO GET THE JOB DONE. Do you understand that or do you not grasp that concept at all in that witless, idiotic brain of yours? Why do you think, Damien, that people, whether they love me or hate me, respect the hell out of me? It's because I make sure to take everything I'm given without a lot of whining and complaining to be had. Let's face it, asshole, that kind of hollering and yelling has no place around here. This is a man and woman's game, you either shut the hell up and play the deck that's been handed to you or stay silent like a witless worm and leave.

I suggest you think back to your own actions, right here, right now. What I saw was a coward that didn't want to give Pussy Willows the time of day to do a conducting, proper interview. You yelled at her, told her to fuck off, that no one has the right to have the things they get. Damien, that's pathetic. PATHETIC! I know you are dead wrong about one thing; not everyone wants everyone to win. You are a perfect example of this and I know that while it's great for one million kids, men, and women to love me and support me, the other million prefer to hate me. It comes with the territory! You, on the other hand, are downright hated by the masses and it easily shows! The way you smirk, the way you try to exude your confidence, and all that swearing must be helping in your conquest for gold eh! Tsh...please! To THINK that the way you do things would allow you the grace and dignity to be a champion, let alone the face of SCW...BITCH YOU HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO! And I absolutely stand by that statement, why? Simple, Damien; for all your talk and boasting, it does little to move your efforts for title shots, opportunities, and most importantly, respect. I'm surprised that your whore of a girl, Tristan, has the guts to stand by a shallow, egotistical, maniacal, self-deluded son of a bitch like you! Yes, you heard me - I called your girl A WHORE! Does that bother you in the slightest, you worthless son of a bitch? To know that you are around an uncreative, undeserving female that deserves every little thing in the world as you? I hope it does, Damien, because I want to see you be angered MORE AND MORE, because it will play directly right into my hands!

Do you honestly think that you will intimidate me by starting off your promo with a picture of you holding a Kendo stick with a t-shirt that says "Best Since Day One?" Are you freaking kidding me? Damien, understand something; I am not frightened by your visage, nor am I threatened or even shaking in my boots from every word you spewed towards my direction. Is this some kind of mind game you're trying to play? I'm a master of them all, Damien, and it has taken me to places you'll never go to in your fragile life! I've taken on giants and slew them all with ease! No matter what kind of situation I was placed during my time in the underground fighting circuit, whether it may be one man with a lot of weapons while I had no weapons to ten men with various weapons against me with a chosen weapon of my own, it mattered little. I decimated all of them, ONE BY ONE. You can do the training with your bitch of a wife all you want and try to top it off with a kiss to the lips to celebrate the dull occasion, but once you step into the ring, your words, your insults, your jabs will hinder my journey in destroying you, piece by piece. You gave me a Kendo stick to wield (which is once again, YOUR FAULT) and I'm a master of all forms of weapons. I know exactly what I plan on doing to you with that Kendo stick, so trust me when I tell you; your blood will be on my hands after the night is over!

I don't care what you are. I don't care what you represent because it matters little in my world, Damien. I refuse to sit by the sidelines and let you walk away with a small victory all those weeks ago. At December 2 Dismember, Damien, it's going to be you and me and nothing will be held back. You talk about using whatever you have at your disposal to get rid of me as fast as you can. That's not going to happen, you reject! You can try to dismantle and destroy me in any way you feel, but I'm going to get back up and I'm going to dish out the pain tenfold! I don't care if you are nothing I've ever faced before, because you are nothing but the same crap that I've had to take and throw into the dumpster time and again! That's HOW EASY you are making this match for me, Damien. You should have NOT pissed off the beast that was sleeping for a little while, but he's awake now and he's ready to tangle with someone that he considers to be the world's greatest thing since sliced bread. I suggest you pray to whatever god you have on your side, because even he or she will not aid you from the oncoming destruction that I have planned for you. I'm going to crush your bones in every part of your body, Damien. I'm going to hurt your throat deep enough to the point of where you'll never talk again. I'm going to break your spirits and force you to cower before me, THE TRUE KING OF KINGS, and make you worship and bow to me, calling me YOUR MASTER before I snuff the rest of your pathetic life out of you!

This isn't a game to me anymore, Damien. You may have fired the shot heard around the world, but the noise that I'm going to be making is one that will cause history to be made for the better. You hate me, Damien, because I am EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO BE. No joke. Don't worry though; every man that has stepped foot with me feels that way, because their insecurity and their arrogance gets in the way. That's how I see their true colors, Damien; I know that when they see me, even if they respect me, they don't like me as much or even hate me with the utmost intensity. And to be completely honest with you, Damien, I'm fine with that. In any case, you attacked me because you wanted yourself to have all the attention in the world, to send a message, to tell everyone that you are sick and tired of the way SCW and it's head-honchos are treating you.

I don't care. You made a decision that changed everything for you. You attacked me, Damien, and I'm on a road to revenge, which is clearly my ultimate goal for our first confrontation. There won't be any rematches, any doubts, but certainty and clarity. Certainty because of the fact that I was and always will be the better man that you could ever fathom to be. Clarity because you will now understand why a lot of wrestlers here had trouble with me in the first place. You are now handed a first-class seat to my tale of vengeance and rage and you are about to find out what exactly makes me one of the greatest, if not THE GREATEST, fighter to ever live. I'm a legend, Damien, and my future is continuing to shine brightly. You are about to see, first hand, that respect is earned, NOT GIVEN. You are about to see, first hand, that not everything turns out the way you want it to be. Most importantly, Damien, you are about to witness, for the first time, why I am the most complete fighter in the world. I care not for your pitiful tirade, your foul language, or the sordid air of madness you carry around you and that abysmal world of yours. All I care about is revenge and I will have it, one way or another.

And you were never a true king to begin with. You're merely a subject in the court that stepped out of line in my kingdom and I'm going to hang you out to dry in the sun until you perish. This isn't a warning, this isn't a threat - BUT A PROMISE, BITCH!


Climax Control Archives / Another Challenge, But An Easy Rival...
« on: November 17, 2013, 09:46:15 PM »
 Two weeks ago, I was teamed up with my most hated enemy, Goth, and we took on and defeated Nick Jones and Giani De Luca in a tag-team match.

Now I'm thrown into another battle, but with an opponent that was easy to dispose of back then and will certainly dispose of once again.

After saying goodbye to my wife and children, I flew to Hollywood, California from Detroit, Michigan, my hometown. I was already told, by someone within the offices of SCW headquarters, that the bosses booked me into a match with Casey Williams, a man that I've fought on before. He's someone that I clearly dislike and have no desire to face him in the ring. Unfortunately, at least in this line of work, one cannot chose who they wish to demolish.

Seething with anger throughout the whole flight, I actually came to a conclusion as I walked into the airport at Hollywood, California. This will most likely be an easy victory for me, so I've accepted it in the end. But I couldn't think about the match, especially since this was Monday. I already knew, in fact, what I wanted to say to the poor soul that's getting in the way of my possible title shot in the next PPV, December 2 Dismember. However, I had to put it out of my mind for the time being.

All week long, I have to train and stay focused on the task ahead. That means studying up on Casey Williams, figuring out what he is up to and what his ring work is like in the present. On top of that, I have to set aside time for my brutal training regimen and I have to make sure that I eat the right foods and drink nothing but water to keep me going. After all, I have a serious reputation to keep and I cannot let any of my fans down and I certainly cannot let any of my own family members down. I've worked so hard to get to this point in my life and I still have a lot more to accomplish before I pass away from this Earth.

Casey is about to find out, once again, that I am The King Of Kings for all the right reasons!

After exiting out of the airport, I headed into a limo and the driver immediately sped off. We were on our way to the Best Western Hollywood. The ride would take us awhile, so I pulled out my PS Vita and was about to start up a game of Street Fighter X Tekken when the window before me slid down and the limo driver looked me at in the eyes.

Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but I had almost forgotten. Someone wanted me to give this to you. The person didn't say who they were, since they were dressed in all black from head to toe. But he handed me some cash and had me keep this so that I could give this to you.

He handed to me a small envelope. Setting the PS Vita on the seat to my right, I took it from him, thanked him, and then tore apart the envelope as the window rolled up again. Taking out the contents of the envelope, I only read a small message.

Hello Kain. Could you please do me a favor and let Mark know that I am coming? You won't know who I am just yet...or anyone else, for that matter. But tell him that I'm coming.

I re-read the message, trying to decipher who it could have came from, but that's impossible to tell. The writing was created with newspaper clippings in mind, each letter looking more different than the next. Truth is, it could either be some sick fan or a real person that's interested to see Mark Ward. The only thing I could do, at this point, is to just deliver the message and forget about the whole thing. Mark wouldn't believe if I told him what happened, so I decided to keep the envelope and letter as proof that it did happen.

Putting the letter inside my pocket, I reached over to my PS Vita and started it up.

* * *

My name is Kain. I am The King Of Kings, NOT The King Of Wrestling, although at this point in time, I may be able to rectify that. Enough about me, however, I have important things to discuss with an old rival of mine.

At first, I wasn't sure why I was booked for this match. If memory serves me well, you and I clashed in a match that was two out of three falls. We fought each other, tooth and nail, engaged each other in bloody carnage. You earned the first, but I came out on top with the last two. Therefore, you honestly have no right to be involved in my world or in my business ever again. Yet here you are, Casey Williams, crawling out of the shitty hole you appear from, already eager to get your disgusting, pathetic hands on me. The whole affair in itself is bothersome if you really sit down and think about it. After all, why now? My life is headed in a place where everything will finally come into place, while your your life is headed in a place where everything will finally go wrong for you. I mean, that's what your life has been for a long time, hasn't it? You call yourself a dominating man in another federation, but around here, you're a joke, a freaking waste of time for everyone involved, whether they are your ally or your friend. So it just puzzles me as to why Mark and Christian decided this match needed to happen.

And then it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

You see, Casey, this is the only time in my career when I'll ever praise you just this once. You are like the Ryu of SCW - you bring out the best in everyone you fight. Unfortunately, that's the greatest strength you bring to the table. In the end, everything else falls apart for you. You see, I've been watching you from the shadows. In fact, I watch my competition as best as I can, so that I can stay on top of things. That's what an amazing fighter like me does, Casey; we always study our opponents and make sure we know their strengths and weaknesses so that business can be taken care when we arrive at the chosen battlefield. Anyway, I've seen how you function for years. You clearly possess this knack of talking trash, telling people that you'll break their bones, make them feel pain like nothing before, all this stuff. Problem is, Casey, you lack the intelligence to convey yourself in a manner that's tough and threatening.  You don't make our hairs in the back of our necks stand up, you don't make us sit up and take notice of your ability as a man that exudes confidence. Try as you might, Casey, you just fail to get the job in the trash-talking department. You, my unfortunate, helpless friend, have no chance in this game. After all, you've been watching closely yourself, haven't you? Have you been watching as I decimated guys like Goth, Giani De Luca, and Nick Jones? Sooner or later, you're going to have the face the music and accept this fact; I'm better than you, in every way, shape, and form.

Now that I've slashed you to ribbons on the talking side of the "monstrous" Casey Williams, let's focus on your abilities in the ring. You remind me of Goldberg. Yes, you heard me; Goldberg. You attempt to stand straight up and walk down the ramp in a tough manner, growling and act like you're the man of the hour. You step into the ring, face your opponents, and you do everything within your power to crush their bones and break their spirits. Sometimes, Casey, you actually seem to be doing the job right, but not all the time. That's what life is all about, Casey Williams; actions speak louder than your words. I don't know if you caught on to that phenomenon this late in your journey yet, Casey, but I suggest you do it now. In fact, you'll need to do a lot of things in order to destroy a man like me (which, by the way, will never happen in a million years).

You need to stop being a broken record.

You need to be more original, more creative, more intelligent in your thoughts.

You need to show people who exactly should be the one running the show around here and that's by WINNING, NOT LOSING.

Of course, you'll never achieve those three goals in your life, Casey, and that's the saddest part of it all. One glance at your career and you turn out to be nothing more but a broken shell, a man who will be remembered as a man of wasted time and little talent.

Now, when you look at the other side and see me, I'm a totally different animal to contend with, Casey. For all your minor accomplishments and boastful pride, it is nothing like what I've achieved in my career. You think of yourself as a giant that can fling humans away like toy blocks, like me. But I'm the one human of that whole bunch, Casey, that doesn't get flung aside. He just stands there after all that rumbling you cause and laugh right back at you. I don't care if you know me inside and outside, Casey, you're going to lose this contest because I have all of my powers at the ready each and every time I step into the ring. Forget the losses I've endured, forget the pain and suffering that others have inflicted on me. To me, all of that is nothing but battle scars and I carry those scars with pride. Of course, even with all those losses, Casey, I also earn victories a lot these days. Those wins, Casey, strengthen me! They empower me! When I'm on that ride of victory, glory, and nonstop fame, I know with every fiber of my being that there's not a single person in the world that can stop me!

See, you might think of all this as mere boasting on my part. The truth is, Casey, it is exactly that and it is truth because I BACK IT UP! Granted, not all the time, but I'm a man of truth and that's why people respect me for it, Casey. You see, every battle that I've participated in has made me grown stronger. You shouldn't be looking at the surface to understand what I mean, Casey, because I'm grown from the inside as well. I'm more than capable of handling any situation that's thrown in my way. Hell, you give me an army of Casey Williams to deal with, I'll knock them all away as if I was flicking away a fly. It's that simple, Casey, and you know why? Unlike you, I'm confident. Unlike you, I'm charismatic. Unlike you, I'm tough, dangerous, and one of the best, if not THE BEST in the world. You talked about opening up some sort of wrestling career with that girl of yours, right? Trust me when I tell you, nobody would believe in a fragile, harmless man like yourself. Me? If I were to open that school, people would FLOCK to it and I would be making MILLIONS. Why? Because I am simply the best when it comes to fighting and I know everything there is to it. People would believe me and every word I say like it was the fucking Bible, Casey, and no one would dare to look at your school and go "He's better than Kain, let's go to his school and learn from him." Again, that will never happen, not in a million years, boy.

I don't want to sit here and presume on the particulars of our own futures, but I will say this.

Your destiny currently lies in the hands of Simon Jones, who I'm pretty sure is going to kick your ass. He's not going to kick my ass, that's for sure, but since you're that huge of a weakling at this point in time, he'll get the job done!

My destiny, on the other hand, lies in another championship opportunity that's awaiting me. Whether I'll be a Roulette champion or Tag-Team champion again or maybe, JUST MAYBE, for the first time in my career, I'll finally be able to take on whoever holds the SCW championship belt, destroy them and then walk away as a first-time SCW heavyweight champion in the process. I have the makings of a bold and bright future that continues to shine like the stars that guides the darkness above us all.

Casey, I want you to understand something. This may be a singles match, with rules attached to it, but I will not hesitate to put you down for the billionth time in my career and in yours. You unfortunately have a lot to prove to the world and you certainly have a long way to go before you even remotely reach my God-Like status. Yes, Casey, I said GODLIKE, because that's exactly what I believe in myself to be. A God. A demon. A man that's perfectly capable of handling his own affairs anywhere, anytime. So while I am ultimately disappointed in the upcoming fracas that's about to happen, I've completely accepted it in the end. You are, without a shadow of the doubt, one of the biggest disappointments to ever happen in the Sin City Wrestling organization and all Mark and Christian ever did was hand me an easy win, one that I'll easily take as I continue my path to greatness. Does that mean this fight will be a walk in the park? No, because I've fought you in the past and know that you can as mean and evil as they come, but this week will be my night, Casey. I'm the one that will shine in the upcoming PPV, December 2 Dismember, while you will have your hands full with one Simon Jones. But first, you have to deal with me and if you are to gain any kind of momentum, you will have to defeat me and that, my unfortunate friend, is not an easy task to accomplish. The only thing you have going for you is motivation. After all, why else are you still there? But Casey, motivation isn't enough to take on a fighter like me. I'm the most complete fighter in the world, boy, and there ain't a single man on this planet that can kill me!

So go ahead, continue being repetitive, unintelligent, and a foolish man from the start. You're going to give me everything you got, bring out the best in me, but that's all you will succeed in. When Climax Control airs this week, I'm going to be David once again taking out a bigger Goliath and proving once again, to the entire world, that I am the man of the hour and you are nothing but a insignificant, little pissant that deserves to be stepped on and crushed into many pieces!

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Anger
« on: November 08, 2013, 10:00:35 AM »
 Alex! You gotta see this!

We were hanging out in the mansion on Monday evening. The kids were asleep, exhausted from the energy that they used tirelessly throughout the day. I was in the kitchen, cooking for a change. I haven't cooked in awhile, but it's a side hobby of mine and something I don't mind doing. After all, a real man does what he can for his women and children, but I was cooking something a little special for my wife and I to enjoy in the evening.

When I heard her calling my name, I set down a cooking utensil on the counter, turned off the stove, then turned around and rushed out of the kitchen. Stepping into the living room, I saw the next card being announced on SCW television. When my name appeared, along with other men, I couldn't help but flare up a bit. Why am I put back into a match with an enemy that I recently defeated? I understand two of my recent enemies being involved in the mix, but this is ridiculous!


The love of my life tried to put things into perspective for me as my eyes were still staring at the screen of my face and of the other three before it continued on with the rest of the card.

Mark and Christian see this as an opportunity for you. They know that you were beaten, but in a technical sense and want to see you redeem, so to speak.


We both looked into each other's eyes as she nodded. She was sitting on a one-seat lounge chair as I was standing next to her, my arms folded. I then looked out the window from my position, which was a dark sky hovering above our pool as she continued to speak.

Yeah, redeem. You want the SCW heavyweight championship, right? Anyone would KILL to be in Giani's position as the #1 contendership. I think you feel the same way and I think that Mark and Christian also believe in that too. They also want to see the furious Kain rise again, because they know you are one of their best stars in the business and maybe, in time, my love, the best thing that will ever happen for the business. After all, you do drive their merchandise sales a lot more than anyone else on the roster, Alex. You are the one that they look up to as a leader, as a professional wrestler that isn't afraid to get into the mix of things and I think they see it in you. Believe me, I don't trust Mark either after all you been through, but he's a smart businessman and he knows that you are one of the best things to happen for his company.

I turned away and spit onto the floor before locking eyes with her again.

Correction, sweetheart, I'm the best thing that ever happened to him and to SCW. In any case, I don't like the scenario. I'm forced to team up with my bitter rival, Goth, who I know paid respects to me recently, but will probably not be happy with the news once he finds out what's happening to him here. On the opposite side are Nick Jones and Giani De Luca, both men not to be underestimated, but with a bit of patience and a lot of luck, they can be defeated. I'm in no mood for games, though, but if this is something for me to prove, to "redeem", then I'm going to get the job done, with or without Goth's help.

How hard is that going to be?

I gently knelt down to my queen and gave her a passionate kiss before breaking it off

A lot harder than you think, my love.

* * *


That's the one emotion that's coursing through my veins right now. Despite my victory against Goth at High Stakes III, I failed to live up to expectations while I was trying to claw my way to the top, hoping to gain another shot at the SCW heavyweight championship. I failed to do that, so it's on me. It's my fault, my responsibility. Even though I had prepared myself through vigorous training and was ready for battle, when it came time to deliver, I failed. And now, two weeks later, since my short absence, I have been booked in a match. I'm forced to team up with the aforementioned man that I've defeated in order to fend off the #1 contender, Giani De Luca, and a man that's been chasing the title for his own reasons, Nick Jones.

I'm not happy about this, but there is nothing I can do. The bosses see me as a guinea pig, watching with glee as I'm forced to jump out of the fire and fall into the frying pan. I honestly don't know what kind of plans they are orchestrating for me, but I will say this much; I will NOT be one of their pawns! I refuse to be part of a game where all the moves are being made for me, as If I'm a puppet on strings that can only be moved by a "God" above. Don't you pathetic peons get it? I'm the only one that decides his outcome! I'm the master of my own fate, the captain of my soul, and I will not and shall not be used as such and to be properly disposed of as such! Mark Ward and Christian Underwood, you gentlemen mark my words; I'm not playing by your rules, I'll be playing by my rules and my own terms, thank you very fucking much!


I want to make this very clear to you from the outset. I saw your promo, the one that you recently cut in regards to our hellish conflict at High Stakes III. I want to tell you...thank you. Thank you for saying that, because even in that twisted, demented mind of yours, you have the courage to tell me and the world that I proved you wrong. I will say this; you continue to push me in every battle that is joined between the two of us and it makes me work harder and harder to find ways to ultimately defeat you. So thank you for that, you always had my respect as a competitor.

That being said, Goth, I'm not happy about this. Fact is, I was done with you! I finally put you behind me, so that I could move on to a better life and to continue pursuing my dream of becoming the next SCW champion! But Mark Ward and Christian Underwood certainly had to screw the pooch on this one, didn't they? They had to team us up, because our hatred is what keeps us apart from ever being friendly or allies. Make no mistake about it, Goth, I will NEVER be best friends with you, I will NEVER team with you in a stable or friendship! This is a deal that's unfortunately out of our hands, whether we like it or not. Mark Ward and Christain think that they would have us grasping each other's throats in order to lose and cause us to look bad on national television and I have a feeling that is a great possibility. So I'll tell you what, I'll make you a temporary deal; you watch my back, I watch yours. We get the job done as "partners", if you will, and then once we achieve victory against Giani De Luca and Nick Jones, things will be put back to normal and you and I can destroy each all we want.

I mean, that's the way things are going to be between us, aren't they? Neither one of us, no matter who trumps who in our next epic, bloody confrontation, we will never be able to settle the score. You see, even if I'm tremendously satisfied of the victory I earned over you, along with earning the right to be called the true King Of Kings in this domain and elsewhere, it just isn't enough for me. It's like Batman and the Joker, don't you think? They need each other to compliment each other's personalities, no matter how bad or good things get for each other. It's the same here, Goth; you may not like me, but you definitely need someone to continue a storied rivalry unlike anything that's ever been told in the history of professional wrestling. And to tell you the truth, I'm not going to like this whole setup; I mean, how the hell can we even co-exist, as partners, if our undying hatred flares up again? Truth is, I cannot be sure, because I don't trust you at all. I know that you are going to strike at me when the time comes, when I'm not expecting it at all. And I'm VERY SURE you are well aware of my capabilities and what I can do at this point. You know, for a FACT, that I can unleash any kind of hell on you without you being given a warning, Goth. That's how dangerous and lethal I can be in any situation. But maybe, just maybe, if you are willing to win, to achieve victory at any cost, then you have no choice but to agree to my terms, Goth.

Like I said...

You watch my back and I'll watch yours or we'll do our best as we can, Goth.

So that's something I'd like to hear from you...TEMPORARY PARTNER. How far are you will go to do this?

As far as my tag-team opposition are concerned, I have a feeling that their tag-team won't last as well as it should either. I believe, within my heart and soul, that Nick Jones and Giani De Luca will fail to cooperate with each other. It's very simple to me; it's all about the SCW championship and Nick, Goth, and I despise Giani's new position as of right now. All three of us want to tear him apart, none more so than Nick Jones, who, if I remember correctly, was the unfortunate man that got pinned like a little bitch, allowing Giani to win that honor for himself. Nick Jones, at this point? He HATES Giani! He doesn't have to be my best friend and confirm that personally to me, because I already see in his facial expressions, his emotions. Giani clearly cannot and will not trust Nick Jones to watch out for him, even if it is for their sake in winning a battle against us (which won't happen now). That's one of the many reasons why this tag-team will fail, among others.

Of course, seeing Giani here get past three men by pinning Nick Jones in a graveyard know what I call that? Nothing but a fluke, a stroke of luck. He happened to be at the right place, at the right time. Well, you see, Giani, now that I have fought you, I know your tricks and I know what kind of cowardly bastard you've turned out to be. It's easy to imagine what kind of plan you'll conceive for the battle ahead; you'll probably let Nick Jones do all the lifting in the work, having him take Goth and I out and when either of us are weak or severely drained of energy, you'll probably finish one of us off with a finisher of yours, pin us, then act like you did all the hard work and, more importantly, make it feel like it was the win of your career. If that's the kind of plan you are hoping to use against us, prepared to be disappointed, because neither Goth and I are falling for that. You may have gotten lucky last time with Nick, but let me assure you, that won't happen again. While all of us were distracted, you got the victory. This time, however, I'll be heavily focused on you and Nick in this next encounter of yours and believe me when I tell you, Giani, there's no escape. You can run, of course, but you cannot hide from either one of us, because our appetite for destruction continues to run through our veins and we won't be satisfied until the job is done.

I want you to ask yourself that, Giani. What else are you going to do in a match like this? Smile your way through it, act like everything is going to work in your favor this time? Sorry, pal, but that's complete bullshit and you know it. Hell, son, I don't believe you even understand the meaning of hard work! If you did, pal, you would have been the SCW heavyweight champion by this point. Me? It's been a long road, Giani, but I'm getting there and once I defeat you (as well as Nick Jones, of course), I'll be sure to knock on Mark and Christain's office doors and tell them "Hey, look, your piece of shit #1 contender is really a pathetic shade of his former existence and is not good enough to be that guy right now. Why not place it on ME?" Also, when Goth and I emerge victorious and believe me, we will...another question arises for you. "Who or what exactly will I blame my loss on this time?" It certainly ain't going to be you, because you're a boy, not a man to me. So you will definitely place it on the blame of others just to escape the truth. That, my unfortunate friend, will be a sad and pathetic sight to behold. So if I were you, Giani, I would really get my ass in gear and be prepared for the inevitable onslaught that's headed your way, because it is not going to be pretty.

You can fire off at me by saying that I couldn't get the job done last time, that I wasn't up to your standards. In the end, Giani, it's all bullshit. Just because you won one battle doesn't mean you have won the war. Not yet. I'm going to enjoy crushing the life out of you and showing the entire world why Giani De Luca will fail to capture the gold in the end. If you can't beat me or even the SCW heavyweight champion at the tag-team championships, then there is no hope for a man like you. None at all....

And then there's Nick Jones.

"I'm not cocky, I'm just the best."

Really Nick? You've been spouting this joke of a punchline for YEARS. Back then, maybe you had some credibility to back that up. These days? None. You are too consumed by your own obsession and letting outside distractions get in the way of your future endeavors. How is it, Nick Jones, that a man of your reputation is able to fall down rapidly from the ladder of success? Am I to believe every word that is uttered from you and to take it like the Bible or something? No, Nick, I won't and I can't. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I used to believe that you could have been great, but ever since I clashed with you for the first time, I found out that you are EXACTLY like Giani; you'll fight in the ring, take a few, dangerous bumps, dish out the pain, but somehow find a way to win, either through a lucky fluke on your own or with the help of your idiotic entourage. If it wasn't for either factor, Nick Jones, you wouldn't be standing here today with that kind of reputation on your shoulders, would you? I didn't think so! I've been dealing with my own affairs on my own terms, Nick Jones, without anyone's help (except for my wife, but her interference is very little). Do you want to know why I'm the best SCW has to offer? It's the very simple that I cannot be destroyed entirely! You can beat me down, grind me down to the pavement, laugh and mock at me all you want, but I'll get back up and I'm going to be madder than before, then I'll proceed to beat the living shit out of you until you perish. That's how I function in a world like this, Nick Jones.  

I know of your obsession. Everyone knows it! You want to get into the thick of things once more by becoming the SCW heavyweight champion. I mean, who the hell doesn't want to if they were working for a place like this? But how is it remotely possible now when you have an ignorant, cocky partner in the form of Giani, who defeated you by getting the pin. What a shame, isn't it? You allowed a degenerate weasel to expose you exactly who you are; a man that has tunnel vision and isn't smart enough to see what's going on around him, thus letting him have the win. And that's one of the biggest problems I see in you and definitely one of the main reasons why you will fail in our match; you are going to allow your hatred of Giani De Luca rise to the fore and you'll be split in either trying to destroy us or destroy HIM! All because you envy his position, you are jealous of his position and that's why I feel it's going to be somewhat easy in taking you and Giani down. And I say "somewhat easy", because I know how tough and dangerous you can be, so this won't be a simple walk in the park. But it will be easy enough to leave you both a bloodied, broken mess and walk away. Goth and I...we are not friends, but I got a feeling that we'll set our differences aside long enough to take care of business. Everyone has something to prove here, Nick. Me? I just know that my destiny doesn't lie with the both of you, but Goth himself, since he has the SCW heavyweight championship belt now. Maybe that's where your rage and hatred should be focused on for now, isn't it? Not Giani, but again, that's going to blow up in your face and you will lose, Nick Jones.

Anger. This is the driving emotion for me at this point in time. A long time ago, I made a vow in this business. That vow was to simply go back to the top and to stay there, like how I once did back in the days of the Asylum Wrestling Alliance. Starting from this point on, I'm headed towards that goal and I'm not turning back. Mark Ward and Christian Underwood will discover, once again, that it was a foolish idea to place me in a match like this and that I should have been able to challenge Giani De Luca for the #1 contendership in the first place! For me, it isn't just winning; it's about driving the point home of who and what I am in this day and age! So Nick Jones, Giani, and even Goth himself, I suggest you prepare yourselves for the greatest show to ever walk on the Earth, because Kain will once again do battle with scum like you and he's going to once again show that he is the man of the hour and only HE is worthy of the SCW heavyweight championship in the very near future!

For I am Kain....The King Of Kings...


Climax Control Archives / A Fresh Start
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:16:59 PM »
 Goth is finally behind me. I can move on to bigger and better things.

After the events of High Stakes III, I returned home and rested for a full week, my body still recuperating from the injuries that Goth gave to me. He is a monster, but I have finally destroyed him and put him in his place. The King Of Kings title, which was always mine since the beginning of my career, has now been set in place. Goth will have no choice but to crawl back to his home and announce to his own federation that he is a complete loser and a failure. Me, on the other hand? I'm a winner and I certainly earned this long-lasting victory against Goth.

My body was completely sore, but I managed to heal quickly and train rapidly, because I wasn't sure what Mark Ward or Christian Underwood had in store for me. It could be a minor fight or a big battle ahead of me, so I knew that it never hurts to be prepared and to be expect the unknown. In truth, I'm ready for just about anything.

So it was very surprising to hear, from Mark and Christian, that I would be involved in a bloody clash for a spot at the number one contender for the SCW heavyweight title.

On Monday, I was in the basement, throwing punches and kicks into an Everlast punching bag that hung from the ceiling via a solid, gray chain. There were gym machines and equipment surrounded around me. The room was big enough to move around in, so it wasn't small, enclosed space. There was also a playroom space made, so that I could watch over my children while I was working out. Arthur, Rose, Cecil, and Angela were hanging out together as my eyes darted from the bag to them, making sure they were within my eye sight.

They weren't bothered by my battle cries or the sounds I was making as I kept it up with my punches and kicks. Suddenly, Ariel ran downstairs and as I turned around, she excitedly jumped into my arms and held me tight.

Baby, what's up? It sounds like you have good news or something.

She kissed me hard on the lips before breaking off the embrace. She now stood in front of me, gripping my shoulders tightly, her stare firm and reassuring.

Alex, it's now your time. I just spoke to one of their secretaries and they have you booked in a match. A match that pits you, Giani, Nick Jones, and Simon Jones for a chance to be the #1 contender for the title.

My eyes blinked for a second

Title? Which title?

She winked at me and smiled that dazzling smile of hers.

You know which one, my love.

My only response to her was a huge grin on my face.

* * *

I'm free. Finally, I'm free.

I'm free of a rivalry that has cost me too much pain and suffering since the day it began all those years. I'm free of any and all distractions that gripped me from the past. Today is the present and I'm now free enough to reclaim my initial destiny, the mission of which I have intended to see complete since the day I entered this organization. I've won a lot of battles, lost plenty of them, and no matter how hard I come close or even try, that belt eluded my grasp time and time again. This time, I won't allow that to happen. This time, I won't allow any of my past or present enemies to derail me from my singular goal...from becoming the next and hopefully THE BEST SCW Heavyweight champion the world has ever seen.

And that's when it got me thinking. It got me thinking about the men who held on to this belt and what has been done to it. Through one way or another, the belt has changed belts, either through controversial or legit means. Since its inception, the SCW heavyweight championship belt has been claimed by both good and bad men, each wanting it for their own reasons. Me? To be honest, it doesn't matter if I am a current belt holder or not. Why? Because I'm a winner in the end. My merchandise sales, my popularity, everything that I have created and given to the world has allowed me to succeed because the fans made all that possible. Yes, you heard me. The fans.

Does that surprise you, folks? I would have not said this years ago or even when I first came in. But then, I saw the light, you could say. Thanks to all of these changes that affected me while I was not on the card or away for a short or long period of time, it has made me grown. It has made me see the world in a better view. On top of that, I continue to pursue my craft in more ways than one, becoming BETTER AND BETTER BY THE DAY! You wouldn't believe me, of course, because I know how you three fools function.

Yes, I called you three fools, because you're nothing like the rest. You may be laughing at me because I'm different, but you know what? I'm laughing at you because you are all the same. Nothing more but degenerate corpses that deserved to be crushed beneath my boots!

In any case, that's why I am here, I suppose; to achieve a dream. A dream that has haunted me since the day I turned on my television, when I was a kid, and watched wrestling for the first time. I always envisioned myself as the guy that would be standing in one of the four turnbuckles, laughing and grinning like a Cheshire cat, holding the belt high while standing tall, as the pictures would be created from millions of cameras flashing all at once. Headlines would be made around the world, letting the entire landscape know that here is the true King Of Kings, Kain, the man who is willing to do what no one else in the business could do, not even Nick Jones himself...

And that's defend the SCW heavyweight champion WEEK AFTER WEEK AFTER WEEK! It is how it should be done and that's the clean start I want to give the title to. I want to restore it with honor, dignity, and pride. I want to start over and breath an epic, but prosperous era to the SCW heavyweight championship. More importantly, it's to show that I am truly the best in the business and that I'm willing to take the SCW to a whole new level! After all, even if I am thankful for the fans, the majority of the work is done from me, the biggest badass of them all, the KING OF KINGS!

Sorry if I got a LITTLE carried away from there, but everything I spoke of? It was the truth. Since class is in session, I'm going to knock you three fools back to the ground with some cold, hard facts.

Let us begin with that upstart, Simon Jones.

Yes, I called you an upstart. You may want to rethink your thoughts on my name, because it's not silly. My name wasn't ripped off from a famous professional wrestler that works within the WWE nor was it stolen from Goth either. Do you really want to know where it came from? During my time in the underground circuit, Simon Jones. That's where I cut my teeth in this whole fighting profession, boy. Unlike you, I've fought some of the biggest, toughest badasses those gangs and rude idiots could throw at me. It didn't matter if it was either one-on-one or ten-on-one, Simon Jones. They put me in different situations and I played by their rules and you know what happened to all of them?

I kicked their asses by the end of the night. Sure, in some cases, my body was bruised and busted open in many places, but I survived, Simon. I'm a winner in this game. I made people see me in a different light back then, you know? For the first time in their pathetic lives, Simon, I made them fear something greater than themselves; ME! In time, they learned to not only fear, but to respect me. Every time I came out of my domain and walked in their presence, they backed off and literally kneeled to me and all I kept on hearing, from that point on, was The King Of Kings. It wasn't a name I labeled myself either, pal, I was GIVEN that name. That name may sound silly to you, but not to me. No one, in their right mind, has the right or authority to call themselves that. Not this Goth and certainly not this clown named Cyrus King either. In any case, that's how the name is born.

In any case, I couldn't help but laugh. Was this your famous gameplan all along? You couldn't come up with anything significant or bone-crushing to use against me, so you had to resort to THIS? What do you mean, you ask? It's simple - you are trying to intimidate me by stating a useless fact about defeating Jordan Williams for the SCW Heavyweight championship?

You're joking, right?

Am I supposed to be quaking within my boots, Simon? Am I supposed to be pissing in my pants and start to have these nightmares about not beating you, just because you beat ONE MAN? I don't care if you, Jordan, or anyone was a present or former SCW Heavyweight champion, because at the end of the day, son, they are all one thing; HUMAN. Me? I'm human on the outside, but pretty much indestructible within the ring. You can beat me in a lot of matches and win those battles, but I'll be winning the fucking war here, thank you very much! And this war of ours, Simon Jones, is going to end on MY TERMS. By that, you worthless shit, I mean that I will rise above the chaos and become the #1 contender to the SCW heavyweight championship and I will go on to face Drake Green for it. Meanwhile, a foolish, deluded dipshit, such as yourself, can only do two things about it.

The first is nothing. The second is to accept it!

Finally, I wish to tackle something else very briefly. Your threat against me, the one about how I should not be underestimating you? Meaningless! I know who you are, but I care nothing for your past accolades and present accomplishments and any future achievements will perhaps be noted in the books, but I could honestly care less. What I care about is my own present that leads to the future, Simon Jones. Heavyweight champion material or not, I'm going to crush you. I'm going to bury you six feet below. After all, that match with Goth that happened not too long ago? You should consider it to be a mere preview of the destruction I cannot wait to unleash. This is all I'm ever good at, Simon Jones. I'm here to prove that I'm the most complete fighter in the world and to be the very best that I can be. Earning money? Secondary. I'm a billionaire ten times over; I'm set for life. The offers outside of the business that comes along with it? It's fine, I'll take it as it comes, but the championship is my primary focus and you are in my way, Simon Jones. You and three other men.

You can tell the world that you won't intend it to happen, but believe me when I tell you, I won't let you realize your dream ever again!

Now...on to Giani Di Luca.

To be honest, I've watched you in bits and pieces and I honestly don't know you as well as I should. But your own deeds, like Simon, should not go unnoticed...but only for a brief time. The fact that you held a tag-team championship reign for a little while is impressive, yet that was taken away in the blink of an eye. It's too bad, really, but that's just the nature of the beast, Giani. One thing is for sure; it doesn't matter what your circumstances are or how it led up to it, but you failed. You failed to keep a firm grasp on the tag-team titles for a long time, so it really comes down to one question.

If you're able to win the SCW heavyweight championship in the end, how long would you be able to keep it? The answer is obvious; not for long.

Truth be told, championship reigns are very short and your short reign, Giani, proves that, including my own reigns as well. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how much effort you give over to the process, it won't work well. That's why I am very excited to give the new title belt a shot and to eclipse everyone else's chance at the SCW heavyweight championship. Tell me something, Giani, what makes you an excellent candidate to go after this belt, much less hold the belt for a longer period of time than any of us? Do you have some sort of uncanny talent that none of us have currently? I know how you work; you will do whatever it takes to get anything you want. I've seen it before from others in the past, Giani, so I know what to expect out of you. Granted, you're just as dangerous as Simon or Nick, but in the end, it will be all for nothing.

Look at me, Giani. Look at everything I've done up to this point and you'll know, FOR A FACT, that I am the most dangerous beast today. I've gone through major wars and ended up clean on the other side, win or lose. All I've ever wanted to do was take on the very best and show them exactly who and what I am. I want to tell people, like you, through my actions, that I'm no stranger to the ring, that I'm not a walk in the park. This four-way fatal match between you, Nick, Simon, and myself doesn't scare me at all. I'm not fazed by the odds stacked against me. I love pressure! Don't you? I know you don't, because you want things to go YOUR WAY, but what if they don't, Giani? What if you fail to win the big one, fail to move on and face Drake for the championship? You know it's going to happen and you know why?

Because you hate pressure. You don't want a lot of pressure to burden your shoulders, don't you? You want things to be on your terms, where everything in life is just fine and peachy. Bad news for you, kid, that's not how the world works and I'll be happy enough to force you to re-learn that harsh lesson. It's really simple to me, Giani; you're not walking out of the arena with a shot at the title. I AM! So either used to get that fact now and run away or stand and be ready to given some of the worst punishment that's ever been inflicted upon you. This is not a joke, Giani; this is real. And I promise you, reality is going to hit you hard at Climax Control.

Now that I'm done with you, it's time to deal with Nick Jones.

Nick Jones. You don't need to tell me. You've beaten me every time we faced.

Honestly? I don't care. That was all in the past. This is now.

I want to talk to you about the now, in fact. I know that you've been chasing after the SCW heavyweight championship for a long time now. You want to be on top and in a sense, I can respect that. I mean, who wouldn't want that at all? But I can't help but shake my head. Why? Because I've seen what you've trying to accomplish for yourself and each time you've gone after the championship in one of those battles, you lost. I want to know, Nick Jones. Why is that? Why have you failed to sit on the throne time and again? I'll tell you why.

It's all because of you.

Go ahead. Laugh all you want, but it's true deep down inside, isn't it? For a long while, you've been involved in some major drama that happened with you and your boy pals or even your girl, Diana, and those are nothing but distractions. Truth is, even if you won some of those minor fights, that got into the way of things, didn't it? Of course it did, Nick. You let those petty distractions get in the way of your insignificant conquest and it cost you the title very now and then. You are the sole reason for you constant failures, Nick Jones. You are not the man that used to be. On your own, Nick Jones, you are pathetic. But with your entourage, with your girl by your side, you can win at just about everything and that makes you a coward. You can't win without them, Nick, and even on your own two feet, you certainly won't be able to win the biggest battles in your life.

Such is the nature of things, Nick Jones, and this is going to be another one of those nights where my words will prove to be true. At this point in time, Nick Jones, I'm not the man you faced countless times in the past. I'm quite differently, set in my own ways still, but improved nevertheless. I'm hardened by steel, wrapped around in a blanket of love, encouragement, and support by my wife, my family, and my fans, and my firm belief in my body, skill, talent, and charisma sustains me to this day. You saw that, didn't you, when you had a chance to watch the battle between Goth and I? You saw how I was able to push his buttons, make Goth try to hate me more, beat me down some more, but couldn't get the job done, didn't you?

Believe me when I tell you; despite you puffing your chest and boasting otherwise, you've been afraid of this moment. You've been afraid of Kain, The King Of Kings, coming back to haunt you at the peak of his powers. I assure you, Nick Jones, I'm going to make sure that not only Simon and Giani fail in their quest for immortality, but I'm also going to make sure that your quest for the belt dies once again. This may be a fatal four-way clash, but I'll be the one coming out on top. I'll be the one who will be awarded a shot with the #1 contendership spot for the SCW heavyweight title. You, the pathetic peon that you are, will be erased from my memory forever. This one match will not only allow me to earn my revenge for all the losses you handed to me, but for me to win the war between you and me.

These recent events have not been kind to you, Nick. I assure you that Climax Control will not be a pleasant day at the office either.

Make no mistake about it, gentleman; I'm coming in for the kill. It is my sole duty and obligation to chase what's rightfully mine; the SCW heavyweight championship belt and the right to face the man who currently possess it, Drake Green himself. To finally take that step firmly, however, I must enter the ring and destroy what's left of the three of you. So be it...I will gladly put everything on the line to end your hopes and dreams and to walk away as the one man that is destined to be the SCW heavyweight champion for the first time in his career and to make sure that nothing will ever stand in his way of staying on top forever. I'm going to be the man of the hour, gentlemen, while you three are to be left behind in the dust!

For I am Kain...the King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Supercard Archives / KAIN VS GOTH
« on: October 11, 2013, 01:21:05 PM »
 My name is Lisa Grayson. The entire world knows me better as Ariel and I have something to say now.

I remember the day that I met Alex, when he was still competing in the underground fighting circuit. Back then, I was the most ruthless woman in our division and, like Alex, I pretty much took control of every territory I could get my hands on. Like Alex, the odds were stacked against me - you could get me to go against ten women and I'd still kick their ass. Life wasn't easy back then, but it was also challenging and I enjoyed proving people wrong. I enjoyed showing their bosses that I am not to be disrespected, but to be feared and respected instead. My style was roughly the same as Alex's - nothing but MMA and a mix of other elements from other martial arts that gave me enough leverage and advantage over my opponents to make me deadly enough that no one could destroy me.

That night, however, it was a day off. I watched from a crowd in Detroit, MI, where he was in a cage, fighting an opponent that tested his skills to the limit, even to the point of where that opponent injured his left knee. But it was Alex that took him out instead and won the main event, as usual. One of the perks of being part of the MMA circuit is the amount of pay you'd earn and that fight alone guaranteed Alex (who was starting to be known as Kain back then) at least 4 million, which he earned that night.

Something about him made me attracted to him. Perhaps it was his look, his chiseled six-pack abs, his muscular arms and legs. Perhaps it was his confidence, the way that he carried himself, the kind of man that knew how to take care of business. To this day, I still believe it was a combination of many things that made me feel differently about him. Before him, I dated a few losers and they were nothing but mama's boys. I didn't need men like them, but Alex, aka Kain? He was different. Different from all of them. Seeing him and the way he moved, the way he spoke, the way he never let anything get in his way, that ruthlessness, that ego, that terrifying power. He was like me...the man that would complete me. I didn't know that at the time, but it felt that way instantly.

That night, my heart changed. I realized that I was feeling something vastly different than anything I ever felt before.

I was in love. Not puppy-love, not the kind of love that you would feel during your days in high school or college. No. This was real, the kind of love that you share with only one human being, the one person that makes you feel complete and whole as a person. He was the only man I wanted from that point on and I decided to make that point across to him that night.  

After the fight, I saw him limping to his car, ready to leave. But it was my voice that made him whip his head around, to find me as I approached him. He wasn't thinking of anything else but his knee, unaware that it would be this night that would change everything for him. It would also change everything for me. He looked at me and something within his heart stirred as well. We struck up a conversation that night and we have been inseparable ever since.

For a long time, he and I engaged ourselves in brutal competition within the underground fighting circuit. In time, I realized that he was quite different. He wasn't just a man's man; he knew that his woman could take care of herself completely without the aid of a man by her side and that's something I loved about him. He knew, from day one, that I was tough, committed, and strong. I had the kind of body that most men would dream of wanting to be in bed with, the kind of face they would want to wake up too. Kain's opponents and certain men, regardless of whether they fought or not, tried MANY times to take my body and soul for their own selfish purposes.

That was a bad decision to make on their part. A lot of men forced their affections on me and it cost them almost their life and a lot of broken bones that meant a trip to the hospital.

From that point on, everyone understood that I was Alex's woman and not to be touched. Alex never had to lift a finger to protect me; he knew me well, by this point. After all, we weren't just best friends and, at the time, a boyfriend-girlfriend couple - we were also confidants, willing to spill our deepest desires and secrets to each other, knowing that it would never be revealed to anyone else but each other. That's part of the reason why our friendship blossomed into something more powerful than anything we have ever experienced together - because we were unstoppable. Together, we saw ourselves as a team that could take on anything and never cared once for what others thought of us. Everyone hated us and that was fine by us - we were determined to take everything for their own, never once caring for the consequences and basking in all the rewards and glory that we earned from everyone and everything.

That is my story and we have been together since that time, at least thirteen-fourteen years now. We have given birth to four children and to see the transformation that he has gone through and what I've done is nothing short of amazing.

But I'm afraid. Deeply afraid.

For Kain is the man of my dreams, the man who has undertaken this journey to fight legitimately in a sport that he loved as a young child. But he's also a man that may find himself to be too soft, especially in a match of this caliber, against a man whom he worked once for. And I don't want him to be at all, but with the way he views his children and his wife to be the most important things in the world, it could be a major distraction for him. It would be that distraction that would cost him one of the biggest wins of his career, especially against Goth.

Goth is a man not to be liked and certainly not to be trusted. To me, he reminds of a famous celebrity, a certain red-head that released a lot of records, few of them to be excellent due to musicianship and singing. However, the problem is the lies that he speaks and only reveals either few truths or a lot of half-truths. I don't believe in people like him; people who lie to make themselves look good for themselves and not revealing much of everything else in mind, for their actions spoke more than words. Goth is that kind of man and what I saw from his promo, last week, indicated as such.

As open as I felt he was, I knew what his dark intentions were. Kain told me that this would be one of the biggest fights of his life. I believe him. Goth isn't the type of wrestler to be given the "Finger Poke Of Doom", fall down like a tree, and to be given a free pin. He's going to do whatever it takes to destroy Kain and end his legacy once and for all.

Kain, on the other hand, is nowhere to be found. Not even in my own home.

For the last two weeks, he's been away, focused and determined. I received text messages from him, once a day. He told me of what was happening to him as he strove to prepare himself mentally, physically, and emotionally. He had to become the ruthless son of a bitch that I know him to be. He had to become the Kain of old, the kind of man that would laugh at his opponent's faces before breaking their legs or arms. He had to be the man that let NOTHING in his life faze him. He certainly couldn't be thinking of our children or even me and I understood this.

I want Kain to win. I want him to finally walk out of that long rivalry as the ultimate victor, to end a feud that's been haunting him for so long. True, their hatred for each other will never perish, but I have a feeling that it was all going to end, with one man standing, the other falling. It won't be Kain that falls, for he will stand. He will win and look down upon Goth's bloody corpse at High Stakes III. And that's what he been focusing on - that singular vision of ultimate supremacy over a foe that's been a pain in the ass to him. I seethe with hatred every time I think of him, for all the hurt, pain, and suffering that he's caused for the both of us.

So here has Kain been? He's been fighting in the underground circuit, although through legal fights now, and has been gaining more and more confidence than ever before. On top of that, he's been promoting the High Stakes III event and hyping it around the world with his TV and radio appearances. This is his job now, a trained professional that knows how to make a business look good. No one in that locker room, he felt, could touch him. Sure, he's lost a few matches, here and there, but has that ever fazed him? No. It has made more pissed off, more venomous than before and I think that part of him will be shown once again, but on a darker, more intense level against Goth, the man that ruined everything for him.

That was in the past. Today is the present. Detroit, Illinois, in our famous mansion. Two of my older children, Arthur and Rose, were playing together in the living room while my other two babies, Cecil and Lydia, were in their cradles, fast asleep. It was a lot of hard work, having to depend myself on everything here. Believe me, most of me wants Kain to be out there, to be doing what he does best, but at the same time, I can't help but have some part of me want him home, to be with us for good. Then I remind myself that I cannot be a distraction for now, that he has to stay on target and worry about the one man that needs to eliminated at High Stakes III.

My cell phone vibrated on my phone and I picked it up and saw that the message came from my husband. It only had one single line to be read from it...

I need you. More than ever.

Knowing what he meant, I wrote back with the following...

I will be there, my love. Only for you.

With the text message sent, I called on a girlfriend that can be relied on to watch over my children while I was gone. It is time that I supported my man, to be with him as he confronted Goth, the self-proclaimed King Of Kings, and to show the entire world that man, the TRUE King Of Kings!

* * *


These will be my final words to you. After that, I have nothing left to say until High Stakes III.

It's easy for anyone to sit down, crank some music in the background, stick a pen into a piece of paper, and write down your thoughts. You talk about anything and everything, from your current goals to your deepest, darkest fears. In your case, you chose to spoke about the past. You chose to tell the world, through words, about you who were, what kind of man you appeared to be back in the day, and what you wanted to accomplish.

In a sense, perhaps I can understand what you trying to showcase here. You are trying to connect with people on an emotional level. You're attempting to tell everyone that you put everything on the line, that what you speak is truth, that nothing is hidden from the world. You want to expose yourself as Gerrit van der Krift and be known as that, not just the nickname that they announce every time you step into the ring. You want everything about you to be as personal as it gets, because you want the crowd to BELIEVE in you. Absurd, I know, because that's not who you are at all today, but back then? Maybe. In any case, perhaps it's believable because of your own history. Who am I to question the long list of accomplishments that you've achieved in the past? Who am I to sit here and call you a weakling, a fool, a fragile, pathetic human being when you are much more than that?

But in the end, it's hard to believe any of it. Why? Because that you, in another lifetime. The man that was in the past irrevocably changed into a formidable monster with no heart and soul. The man that I see today? He's a liar and while some of what he speaks is true, the rest of it is lies. You have to read in-between the lines to figure out who Goth or perhaps Gerrit van der Krift REALLY is. Unfortunately, it's not hard to; even a male or female of low IQ can figure out the man behind the white-painted face.

It doesn't matter if it's in the past or in the present, Goth. You are like me - both of us are men of tremendous ego and we love to hear our own voice. We love to talk a bit too much about ourselves, boast ourselves of pride and supremacy. We use that voice enough to the point of where it can make men and women drive us crazy or love us all the more for it. The difference is, however, is that people hate you while the people love me. And I'm thinking, deep down, inside your black soul, it's something that you really wanted, isn't it? You speak of love and how only one woman in your life desires for it, but I'm sure, Goth, that you want the people to love you for your wrestling ability and for the carnage you demonstrate in your wake. The problem is that any chance of regaining their confidence and support was gone the moment you chose to become a ruthless dictator. Yes, Goth, I said RUTHLESS DICTATOR, because that's exactly who you are.

You are a man of total control. You want to be the man that everyone looks up to, aspires to be, and should be feared and respected. Hey, I want control too, but do I look like the type of guy that wants the entire universe to be centered around me? In the world of wrestling and in the world of underground fighting, definitely yes. But, you see, the moment I chose to start a family of my own, Goth, I decided that the world outside also needs my attention and I do what I can to help. Granted, I don't go around, kissing babies and shaking hands with every stranger I meet. Quite frankly, with all the distractions handed to me and the priorities I chose to do first, it's impossible. But I do what I can, Goth, and that's why I am more revered and worshipped by all creatures of this Earth.

Including you!

I know. You're going to laugh so hard when you attempt to digest that statement into that small, idiotic brain of yours. But it's true Goth. After all, that aforementioned control of yours? You tried to do the same for me. You're like Vince McMahon, aren't you? You want every wrestler, under your federation, to be held in the air like puppets on strings, Goth. You want them to follow your every command. Obey or perish by your hands. That's why, despite all your hatred and rage towards me, you can't help but admire the fact that I had the BALLS to stand up to you, to show you that I am and have always been MY OWN MAN. When you couldn't do whatever you wanted with me, when you eventually became jealous of who I am and everything I stood for since my entry into the AWA, you lost it. You found an inexcusable reason to let me go. You threw me into a dark forest and watched with glee and laughter as the wolves slaughtered me for awhile.

But I broke out, Goth. I broke out of the pack, killed those wolves that you hoped would finish the job, and came out of the other side clean. In a way, think of me as your Bret Hart or your Ultimate Warrior, the kind of man that was literally stubborn, a bit crazy, but set in his own ways. I became my own man, Goth, and rescued my identity from the brink of peril. I swore revenge and was in exile for a couple of years. In that bleak, haunted mind of yours, you HAD to wonder what became of me, didn't you, Goth? You had to sit in your chair, high up in your office, and ask "Where did that man Kain go?" In truth, however, you hoped that I was dead. Not figuratively, but literally. You wanted to see me gone. But here I am, Goth, in the flesh. I returned and, thus far, paved a career of amazing success and taken on the best SCW has to offer me so far. My journey with this place is by no means finished; I still have scores to settle, championships to win, accolades to earn, and accomplishments to add on my resume. In your case, the only thing I have left to do is destroy the man that calls himself Gerrit van der Krift, aka Goth.

That is why, Goth, you revere and worship me. You wanted to BE ME since the day I entered your pathetic life. You saw, within me, a man of potential, a man that could make decisions for himself, without being told by others. Sure, I was in a stable or two, but I still made my own choices, didn't I? Absolutely! From the day that I started in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, Goth, you saw me as a champion, a man who would go on to do great things on his own. And that pisses you off greatly, doesn't it, Goth? To know that the man who made himself to be a millionaire and a major success long before you ever came along with a man who created success on his own, through hard work, determination, courage, and his looks and talent alone. Not a single person in this world, Goth, made me who I am today. Only a few, tragic events made me shape me who I was then and who I am now and will forever be.

Your past defines you and brought you to this point, Goth. But that's exactly what it was back then, Goth. The past. Today, the present looms like a shadow that trails us every day and we must make sure that the choices we make are the best ones. Yours, however, wasn't good at all and to be honest? It was unsurprising and exactly what I would hear from you. You, Goth, are nothing but a predictable creature of habit, unwilling to let go because you think it serves you well...

But it doesn't.

In any case, you decide to speak to a couple of reporters in the present and you, as usual, decided to ramble on like an old, crazy hermit. You spoke more lies once more. You decided to go on record to tell these reporters and the entire world, for that matter, that I wanted to be like you. That I wanted to learn from the best, that I had to study under you to get to where I wanted to be back and where I am now.

Here's a question - are you THAT delusional? Do you have a case of schizophrenia that nobody knows about? Those aren't the facts, Goth, merely lies with dark, evil intentions. You are trying to tell people that I sucked up to you, that I wanted you to be my master, and to be your pawn, just so that I could be the best and be the champion. You, my unfortunate friend, have NO IDEA what you are talking about!

Long before the Asylum Wrestling Alliance ever entered my life, Goth, my dream of becoming a professional wrestler (on my own terms, of course) was starting to take shape as a kid. As a kid, when my parents were alive and healthy and I was living with them, I sat down, in front of the television. I sat there and watched, for endless hours, seeing these bulky, but strong men and, in a few instances, women put their reputations and careers on the line, trying to deliver these entertaining matches and cut these amazing promos that I never heard before. Before I came a professional wrestler, Goth, I lived vicariously through those characters, because that's exactly what I wanted to be. You NEVER showed up on my screen until I caught that glimpse of AWA long after I chose to retire from the underground scene and decided on my next course of action. However, Goth, you were one of the many wrestlers making their mark, even going so far as to becoming chairman. Therefore, while you made a strong impression out of me and what you were, you NEVER influenced my choice to be a professional wrestler. Fact is, I had NO DESIRE to ever learn from you, to study from you, and to serve you as your bitch in the hopes of ever gaining a championship.

Fact is, Goth, the only thing you ever did was handed me a contract that got my foot into the door of professional wrestling. Perhaps, you could argue that you made my success possible. But you didn't. All you did was have me sign a piece of paper. After that, I took the football from you and ran with it. It was not you, Goth, that made it all possible from me. No, Goth, it was ME! I was the one who took control of my own destiny! It was I who fought those battles, by myself or with others, and either won or lose, all the while getting my legend to grow with each and every step. You tell these reporters all this crap, Goth, just to make yourself LOOK GOOD, when in fact, everything you said to them was untrue. And that pisses you off, doesn't it? You try to convince yourself that it was Goth that handed Kain his success and made him who he was.

But that was a lie, Goth. All of it. You want to know the real truth? When you saw that I was too big for the company, when you saw how I decimated much of the competition and became the champion, you knew I was a threat. After all, Goth, whose merchandise flew off the shelves and sold MILLIONS for Asylum Wrestling Alliance? MINE! Whose face and body was on the cover of every wrestling magazine out there as reporters and TV talk-shows wanted a major exclusive out of? ME! Without me, Goth, your company means NOTHING. Mark Ward and Christain Underwood can deny it all they want, but if it wasn't for Kain, if it wasn't for The King Of Kings, SCW would not be the company that it is today.

Because of what I accomplished in Asylum Wrestling Alliance, Goth, you grew mad by the day. You hated me. You hated me because I wouldn't do all those things you wanted me to do. You didn't like the fact that I paved the way for it all to happen and decided that you had to cut me off. And that choice, Goth, became your undoing. It was a heinous crime, a crime that's one for the ages, you could say. You must've been proud of that act, aren't you? To see me suffer in pain and dignity as you stripped me of my worth, my title, and most importantly, my life...

That's why I'm no longer in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance. I refuse to be part of a club that's full of degenerates and pawns that live to serve your every need and whim. I refused to be a robot and instead made myself as a man that could think and act for himself. I refused to be a part of your pack. And that's why you destroyed me with that one act alone. By doing that, Goth, you didn't just make me dislike you - YOU MADE ME HATE YOU. After I left, Goth, I moved on, but my thoughts were of you, of vengeance and one day reclaiming everything you took from me. I traveled around the entire world, Goth, learning from true masters of various martial arts, and learned to be more dangerous and focused than I ever have been. You're going to be all of that be put into action. Two years of my work, during that time, will finally be revealed....

That being said, you wanted to go ahead and reveal another..."private"...thing about your own life. Sad, Goth. Don't you know, by this point in your career, that the moment you become a celebrity, it has all gone out the window? Your privacy, your adventures during your time off from the business, all of it? You can try to keep something hidden from the rest of the landscape to see, but everyone's going to find out about it, Goth. Everyone's going to know about who and what Goth is, because they can't help but be interested in that person (something that you no doubt crave everyday in your worthless life). But you can't accomplish that, can you? I didn't think so.

You can try to hide it all away, Goth, but in the end, your troubled secrets, your biggest joys, and everything in between is going to be found and read like a book.

Your love for Sapphira, private as you claim it to be, is known to everyone, because it's seen on camera. Your time with Fang, a dangerous man in his own right, is a chronicle of its own making, Goth, and you seem to revel in the pleasures of both. But here's the problem Goth - people, while they do know all about your adventures, don't care about it either. In fact, we are given this celebrity status for the simple exactly did we make our money to be that huge? What exactly are the secrets to becoming one of the biggest successes in our profession? Did we pull off a certain move or say a certain line that made people "Holy shit, that's awesome?" Absolutely, Goth. That's why people care to see us on television, to see how we handle business, because we did something that the rest cannot. That's the only thing that you and I have common - we are dangerous, professional fighters that did or said something in the ring that caused us to be given a second glance and, eventually, a long, impressive look.

It is solely your business to love Sapphira in the way you deem appropriate...however misguided and torturing it may be. After all, if I was a woman, I certainly wouldn't want to be around a man that spoke of insane delusions and constant rambling of things that turn him on. Sapphira is certainly a troubling woman and maybe that's why she couldn't help but enjoy the touch I gave to her, Goth; because it made her feel something different for the first time in her life. So I KNOW for a fact, Goth, that, despite what you claim to be different, does trouble you. You wanted to get your hands on me and you rushed to her rescue in a moment's notice. You can try to spin it every way you want it to be, Goth, and it makes no difference. You lied about your..."private" love, didn't you? Your face, your body language portrayed a different story.

Because of that, Goth, it goes to show who exactly you are. Human. You are a man of emotions, but you wish to hide it all way, to make yourself a man that's capable of showing no emotions. But you are like me in that sense too, Goth - you can't live without your woman, can't you? She's the only thing in the world that makes sense to you and if she's gone completely, it's understandable that you would go completely berserk, unable to function as a person without her by your side. That is why, Goth, you want my wife to be at ringside. You want her to see me suffer in pain, in humiliation, because she cannot live without me, as I cannot live without her. If I were you, Goth, I suggest you do the same - I want Sapphira to be horrified of the damage I inflict upon your fragile body. I want her to see her man suffer with excruciating pain unlike anything he's ever felt before, because he's about to understand exactly what it means not to screw with a man of my own being. Sapphira, more importantly, is going to wish that she dumped you, a loser, a nobody, a fading legend, for a man like me. But she'll never have me, because she'll stick onto you like a scab, because you, the deranged, insane lunatic, cannot live without her and vice versa. You both are pathetic fools that deserve to be with each other in the depths of an relentless hell, Goth.

High Stakes III is going to be that for you all night, Goth. Hell of my own making, Goth. A kind of hell that's been waiting for you ever since you became what you are now.

This match, Goth, is going to be the end of everything. For months, Goth, I let you slide. Sure, I acknowledge the fact that you've beaten me in a couple of situations, but still, even after all that, I'm the one that got the last laugh. If you want proof, it's in the match that you recently gotten yourself involved in, with Simon Jones (a former SCW heavyweight champion like yourself) rolling you from behind and getting the pin - WHILE YOU WERE THE CHAMPION. Isn't it ironic, Goth? That the man that you claim yourself to be, the man who claims to have the golden touch and knows how to beat all his foes with the right moves, got handed to him one of the biggest losses of his life? That wasn't just a loss, Goth, that was a major embarrassment, wasn't it? All because of me, Goth. You chose to end any hopes I had of a long, everlasting reign with the SCW Roulette championship, so it's only fitting that vengeance is guaranteed when I embarrassed you in front of the entire, wrestling landscape. How did it feel, Goth? How did it feel to lose to a man you felt was beneath you? Must have been cruel and punishing, wasn't it?

In any case, like I said before, this is going to be the end of everything. I want this match, more than ever. I already want this to be High Stakes III, because the stakes between us are raised to a whole new level. Like I said, you revere me. You worship me. Most importantly, despite everything you've tried to do against me, you can't help but respect me. I only have respect for you in the form of your prowess, your wrestling ability, and for what you have accomplished. However, everything else is out of the question, Goth. At High Stakes III, you are going to be my bitch. Yes, you heard me, MY BITCH. It is now my time to shine around here and the only way that I can move from our feud is to finally eliminate you from the picture. After this, Goth, I will have no doubts, no regrets, no apologies. My revenge for everything you've done to me, up to this point, will be realized. My feud with you will finally be over and I can finally walk away from you, for good.

You are not going to like what I'm about to do to you, Goth. And quite frankly, I don't care. I'm going to rip you in half, tear you apart, expose you as the liar and fraud that you have made yourself to be, and show the whole world that Gerrit van der Krift, aka Goth...that he is human, that perhaps he isn't the indestructible Terminator that I spoke of. In time, Goth, you are going to be completely forgotten, only to be remembered for the brief moments you've had with the SCW Heavyweight Championship. When you die and die you shall, Goth, you're going to watch over me from the depths of Hell, cursing and spitting venom towards my direction. You are going to wish that you had treated me better, you are going to wish that you had accepted me as a man of greatness, the King Of Kings, a title that I NEVER stole from you. In fact, I was given that name long before you entered the picture in my life. I'm going to move on with my life, Goth. I'm going to win the SCW Heavyweight Championship from whoever is holding it at the time and eclipse your sorry excuse of a reign.

Goth, this is it. This is my last and final words for me to say. You are nothing. You are not my best friend, my confidant, none of that positive bullshit. You are an eternal rival that I must destroy, a man who I will never form an alliance with, a man that must crawl back to the hole that he came from. You are going to acknowledge me as the King Of Kings. You are going to kneel before me and tell me and the entire world that I was and will always be the better man, the better fighter than you'll ever be. I want you to feel every ounce of my rage and hatred flow deep within you, Goth, because this is no longer business.

It's personal. This war between us has gone too far, shaking the very foundations of the Earth. You played with my heart and soul for the last time .

This time?

This time, Goth, I'm going to end you. And I'm not just talking about just your body. I'm going to end your career, your reputation, and your life. This will be the match that everyone's been wanting to see and I have no doubt that you are going to rip me apart and give me one of the hardest battles of my life. Granted, Goth, you are a formidable opponent. You pushed me to the limit in the past...I'll give you that much. But beyond that, Goth, you did nothing else for me. All you did was handed me a contract, I signed it, and became the man I wanted to be. I never served, wanted to be you, study you, any of it, just to be like you. In fact, I only studied you and listened to you because I need to be on top of my game, so that when the time is right, it will slowly transform itself into a huge advantage.

High Stakes III isn't just a day of reckoning, Goth. It's a day of vengeance and justice for the King Of Kings. It will be my sword that will deliver the final blow and it will be a happy ending that will finally conclude our long, but chronicled history. The only two questions that I have for you are this...

Are you ready to go to the limit, to finally be who you are?

If so (or not...)...are you ready for the inevitable?

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Supercard Archives / KAIN VS GOTH
« on: October 04, 2013, 08:35:58 AM »
 My name is Kevin Johnson and I have a story to tell the world.

To begin this story, I must confess to you my profession; I'm a journalist for a famous wrestling new site that brings up constant dirt sheets, inside information that no one wants to see, but finds out about it anyway. I live behind a computer desk, spending most of my hours unearthing information on the business and the wrestlers involved in it. I've been a huge fan of the world of wrestling since my youth back in the early 80s, but my love for it spans back to an earlier age and time, when I came across a single man that devoured my attention like eating the world's best soup that taste so good, I just wanted to eat it again and again. This man was everything I lived vicariously through and would dream of being, but is too lazy enough to do it. He has it all; the looks, the talent, and the drive to make him succeed. He also has the hottest girl by his side, the kind of woman that I always wanted to be with, but could never be, for she is totally out of my league.

His name is Kain and before he was a wrestler, he was an underground MMA fighter that mixed it up with some of the toughest men ever seen, men from dangerous gangs that wanted to break him or men that lived outside of that life and simply wanted to strike it rich and famous if they could beat him. But I saw every one of those fights as I was growing up, on national television, and I couldn't help but notice how selfish, arrogant, and ruthless he turned out to be. I saw his demonic smile, witnessed the power of his strength, his might, and his determination. He was the kind of dude that I NEVER wanted to meet in an alleyway, because he was THAT dangerous. His fights in that time proved it.

That's why I am here, this short man that averages about 5'5 in terms of height and weighing at 110 lbs, nothing but a skinny, lean man to show for it after all these years. I was never the type to get a group of women, let alone ONE WOMAN, by his side, nor was I popular. I was the kind of guy that you would see in any grade school being beaten up by the jocks or bullies that ruled the school. That's the kind of guy that I was back then; not extremely popular and not well-liked either. I was a man of seclusion, staying in my room and keeping myself to my world, looking for something to escape to.

Some time during that lifetime, that's how I discovered Kain, the ruthless son of a bitch that kept on winning, despite the odds that were stacked against me. I watched him laugh with glee as he hammered all of his foes to the pavement, taunting them with words of viciousness and truth. I saw him take on ten guys and slaughtered them all within a blink of an eye. Witnessing events like that made me root for him. He was the Stone Cold Steve Austin, you could say, anti-authority, never trusting anybody, kicking everyone's ass and putting them in their place when they had to be. Soon, he was so good that no one could defeat him and eventually put out a hit on him. That turned out to be a mistake for many, as they were caught and eventually sent to prison AFTER he testified to them once he was granted immunity on everything he's done.

But seeing him for who he is now...I'm not sure. He's gone a bit too soft, I felt, especially after changing his ways and becoming a family man. So when the announcement for Kain vs Goth at High Stakes III happened, it only left me with one question.

Would the Kain of old finally come out yet again? I got an answer to that question when I interviewed him recently.

The interview I got by sheer luck, for my boss, Nathan Williams (another huge wrestling fan) was the one that gave me the task of interviewing the famous man. You could imagine the excitement that rose over me when I first got the news! I was told to meet him at a local bar in Detroit, a bar called Foran's Irish Pub. I wasn't sure why he wanted to meet me there, but I didn't care. All I cared about was interviewing the man and finally getting his story from the source itself.

I meet him at night, on Tuesday, October 1st, 2013. He was sitting in a corner of the place, not wanting his presence to be revealed as much. I could understand that, given the fact that he's a major celebrity with a bank account that dwarfed any amount I had, let alone the salary I was making. He's a billionaire by this point, able to live the life that he chose. But today, he chose to wear casual clothing, but made sure to keep a hoodie around him. When I saw him in the bar, I politely made my way through the crowd, a pleasing atmosphere, to say the least.

The music was noisy, but not loud enough to the point of where I couldn't hear the whole conversation between him and I. I introduced myself and shook his hand. He nodded politely and bade me to sit across from him. From there, it was polite banter between him and I. For the next two hours, I interviewed him on everything; his reflection of his parents' death, his career back then and now, everything that I could think of. He was in a good, jovial mood and gave long answers to some questions and short answers to other questions. From there, I learned a lot, but that question was still bothering me. I decided to use that as my final question to him and when it came time to ask, I did.

I asked you think the man that I saw back in the MMA days will rise up to the fore against Goth or will I see a man that will be totally different?

That question processed into his brain and I watched his eyes gaze into me, now turning somber and serious. Before that question was asked, he was leaning back, completely relaxed. But he leaned forward now and never dropped his gaze. In my heart, I could feel it beating hard. Seeing that look on him made me want to just run from the place, but I couldn't. I was frozen with indecision and stayed in my seat, waiting for an answer.

Then he smiled.

And that smile told me the answer I was hoping for. He didn't have to speak a word that time. His eyes and his smile told the truth; he would be the cold, ruthless man that never let anything stood in his way, the kind of man that would laugh and mock his opponents after destroying them in the ring. I knew, at that moment, that things would be alright and that hopefully he could take out Goth at High Stakes III, but let's not be hasty though; Goth is a formidable opponent for Kain and even Kain acknowledged this during my interview with him. He knew that Goth would be an incredibly-difficult foe to take down, but he wasn't scared, wasn't intimated by him either. He's succeeded in winning against him, but he promised me that his feud with Goth would end at the pay-per-view and that nothing could save Goth from his permanent extinction.

Suddenly, he stood up, indicating that the interview was over. I stood up as well and shook his hand, told him that I was a huge fan of his once more and that I wished him luck against the fight. He smiled, said "You're welcome friend." and left the table. He walked through the crowd and once the people inside the bar saw who he was, they gravitated towards him. But I saw why he was that popular - that body of his is something to die for, the kind of body that I wish I had back in high school, the charisma that just oozes with charm all over, and the way he handled and carried him with a certain kind of confidence that I have, but to a point. I couldn't help but nod to myself, happy about the interview as I watched him leave.

I just hope that he was a man of his word after it's all said and done. I look forward to watching the bout between him and Goth at High Stakes III!

* * *


It is time that I speak to you, man to man. I have a lot to get off my mind and most of what I'm about to say? You're not going to like it at all. But that's OK with me, because it's nothing but the truth. Truth is the greatest weapon on my side and I intend to get a lot of things out of my system, because quite frankly, it's been boiling within me for quite sometime.

The day that you fired me from the Asylum Wrestling Alliance was a day that was quietly instilled into my brain and would never let go. You decided and eventually committed to one of the worst decisions you've ever made in your career. YOU FIRED ME! Not because of my knee being broken or that I lost the championship at all. No. You fired me because you knew that I was literally the best thing that ever happened to the Asylum Wrestling Alliance and that all the spotlight was on me, but not on anyone else...especially you! You grew jealous and enraged of every one of my success inside that ring, from regular matches to hyped-up PPVs that gained all the money and hype because of me, The King Of Kings...KAIN. For those reasons alone, Goth, you stabbed me with your sword and left me to die. That's a crime that I'll never forgive you for by any means.

So it must have shook you up to the core, Goth, when you saw me make my triumphant return to the squared circle here in the Sin City Wrestling organization, didn't it? When you saw me flip over those ropes and stand in the ring, my angry gaze piercing into your eyes, you knew that nothing would ever be the same again. Did you honestly think, Goth, that the past WOULDN'T catch up to you? Did you really believe that I would be gone in the blink of an eye, thinking that you won both the battle AND the war? No, Goth, my life would not be the same until my revenge was exacted on you and truthfully, I have made your life a living hell.

Countless times since my return, you and I have engaged each other in battle, whether it was one-on-one or in tag-team competition. Plenty of times, Goth, I turned the tide and showed you who the REAL King Of Kings turned out to be and because of that, I walked away from you. I said NOTHING to you after that because I've already proven myself to be the better man in our endless struggle. You, on the other hand, WOULD...NOT....GIVE...UP! Week after week after week, you pursued me like a man stalking the girl of his dreams twenty-four seven, driving everyone up the wall with your delusional rhetoric by speaking of wanting a match with me, conjuring up insane dreams of destroying me in a million ways, and breaking me in half. But it felt good to ignore you, Goth, because I KNEW that my actions got you under your skin and by saying silent, I watched as you dissolved into a shade of your former existence.

Sure, Goth, I'll give you this - you are extremely tough and extremely dangerous when you have to be. After all, the recent clash between you and Kevin Carter guaranteed that much. But to see you lose the biggest prize on the line, Goth, proves the point I just uttered a second ago - that you aren't the same man I met years ago. You aren't the same man that lead Asylum Wrestling Alliance into the golden age. You aren't the same man that saw me as great promise and talent. Fact is, the man that I see is a coward. The man that I see is someone that NEVER cared for ANY championship at all. All you care about is hurting others for your amusement. Pathetic, Goth. I was hoping that you would be what you promised the whole world to be - the SCW Heavyweight Champion so that I could FINALLY get a shot at that title and to take away at least something from your rotting corpse at High Stakes III.

But you blew it, didn't you? You won a lot of battles during your time here, but when it came to the biggest fight in your career here, you threw all caution to the wind and lost to a man that was simply too powerful for the likes of the "almighty" Goth. Of course, I know that you're going to use the same argument and say that I lost to Kevin and his piece of shit partner for the Tag-Team championship belts, but you know what? Losses like those don't faze me, pal, because they've made me stronger and the next time Kevin Carter and I meet, it will be a day of reckoning and vengeance when I impale my sword through his body and walk away. It's that kind of result, Goth, that will make me stronger in the end, like how our clash at High Stakes III will be. You may have lost the championship, but I can still take away everything from you in this game. I intend to settle our score and leave you lying in the dust, nothing but a fading footprint to look at in my past and say "Well, Goth was nothing but a talker and not a man of much action."

I have ample reason to hate you. Not just because of you firing me from your federation and leaving me to die a horrible death, but because you cost me my rematch with Max Burke, a man that is a coward and a weasel that only won BECAUSE OF YOU. I intend to get my revenge for that and for so many other things you did against me. You already know them all, don't you? You already know how bad you've made things for me, Goth, and I intend to make you feel my pain, my suffering, and my anger with the power of every punch, kick, throw, and submission I deliver to you at High Stakes III. But first, I want to ask.

How is your bitch doing?

You know whom I speak of, your slut, your whore, Sapphira. Tell me, Goth, how did it feel to watch the only woman in the world that you may have..."love" (although I honestly doubt this, because you're not a lovable creature by any stretch of the imagination) be touched by another man? A man of supreme greatness and power unlike anything you've ever seen in your entire, pathetic life? How did it feel when you saw me caress her face and kiss her cheek? To know that I'm the only man, in Sin City Wrestling history, to touch her body and watch your face as it grew from happiness to rage? My actions towards her is something I don't regret, Goth, and it's one that I will NEVER apologize for, because you deserved it after everything you put me through. Give your bitch my regards and tell her that I will always be a piece of her mind, her dreams, and her nightmares. She'll NEVER escape the touch that I gave to her, because SHE KNOWS that what I did to her was...exquisite, to say the least. And you want to know something? My wife, Ariel? She approved with a HUGE smile.

I guess what you did to me was payback for the Roulette championship match, but in your mind? Maybe. But that was unfair. That was dishonest with you. I was hoping, Goth, that you would have been a much smarter man. I was hoping that you would take the high road, kept your cool, and just waited until High Stakes III to finally unload everything you had against me. But you didn't, Goth. You had to be a selfish bastard, once more, and you cost me the Roulette championship. That's another sin that I'll never forgive you for either and I intend to make the best of what I'm hoping to be our last, final confrontation with each other at High Stakes III. You see, Goth, our hatred for each other will never die and I have a nagging feeling that this match may not be the last of it. But I'm going to make the best of it, Goth. This isn't just a grudge match, Goth. This is a match it's nothing but personal. We have tried to strip each other of our pride and dignity since my return to the squared circle and in most cases, I've succeeded in dethroning you and making you my bitch, my easy prey, time and time again. But you refuse to give up in your selfish, delusional, insane quest to take me out and have gotten even recently.

That all ends at High Stakes III. Every cat-and-mouse game that we've played against each other stops here and now. High Stakes III will be the biggest battle of our careers, Goth. It's going to either make us or break us and I intend to walk out of that brutal confrontation as the sole winner of it all. I'm not talking about winning just a simple match, Goth; I'm talking about winning everything and finally proving to you, once and for all, who exactly is the REAL DEAL, the REAL King Of Kings around here. Not you, not this man named Cyrus King, not ANYBODY. Fact is, Goth, this match is going to finally end it all between you and me, because I'm putting you into the ground, six feet below, man. When I am finished destroying what's left of your body, when I am done annihilating what's left of your legacy and exposing the whole world on WHO and WHAT Goth truly is, I'm going to take a shovel and bury you for good, leaving you to be nothing but a memory that will eventually be forgotten over time...unless my memoir is written in stone and only then will I bring you up just to gloat, just to brag on how Goth, the self-proclaimed King Of Kings, was once a challenge, but was and always is an easy obstacle to overcome in my career.

I want you to think about something, Goth, and I want you to answer it.

How far will you go to see your revenge completed?

Will you FINALLY be the man that I wanted you to be, since day one? The ruthless, arrogant man that gave it his all?

See, I don't want the sniveling, pathetic coward that I see in front of me. I want to face Goth, a man who was hungry for anything and willing to go far beyond his capabilities. I once saw a glimpse of him when he earned the SCW Heavyweight championship for the first time and made me go "Fuck, if he's going to be that type of guy, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, he could give me a run for my money." But no, Goth, you immediately reverted to who I always knew you ended up being yet again, a shade of your former existence yet again. Sad, Goth, because I guess I won't be seeing that man who once held great promise, that man who was smart enough to bring me into the ranks of the AWA and see me as the man that would be the flagship of your entire company. After all, Goth, I was the man that brought it all to you; I made your company FAMOUS, more famous than it ever was before, Goth. And all you did, you fucking son of a bitch, is ruined everything for me back in the day.

That was yesterday, Goth. But this is today. Today, Goth, is a Kain that's FAR MORE powerful and ruthless then he was back in the Asylum Wrestling Alliance days. You may think that I have grown weak due to me being a family man and I know that you will abuse that point to your advantage, but I'll debunk it now. No, Goth, being a family man to my wife and my four children was the best thing that ever happened to me. They inspire me to get better and better at my craft. And please, don't tell me that you made me into who I am today, because that's not true. Fact is, Goth, you've made me simply angry and I chose to take the high road and be the man that unleashed everything upon your mind, body, and soul at High Stakes III. And you know what, asshole? I'm going to let my family be the motivation and inspiration to keep me fighting and to improve my craft on a daily basis!

YOU, on the other hand? You only motivate and inspire me to rise above the chaos and inflict a staggering amount of pain to my enemies in the ring. Do you think, Goth, that every battle that I've undertaken, whether it's a win or loss under my belt, would only weaken me? Wrong, you son of a bitch. It's only made me stronger and the day I returned into your life was a moment that you have been fearing since you the day you fired me!

Let's face it, Goth, you didn't want to face me at all, DID YOU? Why is that, I wonder? Truth is, there is no mystery of the answer to that question, because it all comes to one thing; you have feared me ever since the day I met you. I know this, Goth, because I can feel it every time you walk out to the ring and speak to the people about me or rush into Mark Ward's office and demanding a rematch between you and me. You simply can't get wait to get your hands on me, but not for the reasons you think is right. No, Goth, you simply want to get your hands on me so that you can quickly eradicate me, like the government trying to hide its petty actions and act like nothing is wrong when everything is wrong with it. A politician, in other words, Goth, is what you also are right now; you want to tell the masses that everything is OK, that I am nothing, but that's not true, is it? Your face tells it all and the words that you speak can be read between the lines.

You fear me.

You fear me and my power. You have grown jealous of my success and you have grown enraged at everything I have done and will continue to do, Goth.

After High Stakes III, Goth, you will no longer have to fear me, because dead corpses cannot feel any longer. You will finally understand why I have risen above everything you've given to me. You will finally acknowledge the fact that I have and will always be The King Of Kings and you will finally accept the fact that I have ALWAYS been better than you in everything. Let's face it, Goth, I have what it takes to be a more dominating SCW Heavyweight Champion than you ever will be. I have the talent, the looks, the charisma, the marketing power, everything that a global superstar needs to thrive in a business like this. You, on the other hand, are nothing more but a fading legend that will crumble into the Earth's dust and leave a broken, bloodied man that has nothing left to live for afterwards Goth.

I know that you are going to laugh at me, going to retort with a lot of things back to me, and that's fine. I want my words to drive you under your skin once more. I want you to feel anger, to feel pain, and I want to see, in the next few weeks, if you are the Goth of old, not the Goth of today. But I have a nagging feeling, once again, in the sense of being truly disappointed in your next performance. Quite frankly, you've been wasting my time and everyone else's time with your tenacious obsession of me and quite frankly, it's sickening to me. And I, for one, can no longer ignore you. You have been a thorn by my side since day one and no matter how many times I've embarrassed and humiliated you in the ring, you come back like some sort of indestructible machine that cannot be killed, like the Terminator. This time, however, all things will change...for the better.

This has been a long saga that could be turned into a movie, Goth. This movie, which chronicles a long war between you and me, finally gets a happy ending. An ending that you won't like at all, but an ending that I'll be enjoying when it's all said and done between you and me at High Stakes III.

For I am Kain...The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Settling An Old Score
« on: September 20, 2013, 08:56:44 PM »
 My wife was mad. But not at me. At herself.

It wasn't long ago when I had to walk into a match with Max Burke to attempt to regain the SCW Roulette championship, a prize that I held on to for quite sometime. I was alone, however, and she was back at home, recuperating from her time in giving birth to our latest children. I had to put all that aside and put myself in the zone, so to speak, in a blind fold match that tested both my senses and my mind. It was a grueling, hard-fought match. Problem is, however, is that I didn't walk away as a winner at all.

I wasn't sure exactly what happened either...not until I saw the replay tape. I saw that tape, back in my dressing room, and grew increasingly furious! In a scream of rage, I destroyed my own locker room, unable to believe it. It wasn't that Max Burke did ANY hard work to win that match; it was Goth that cost me the victory and allowed Max Burke to retain the title. So when I got home, my wife immediately ran towards me and hugged me, crying fiercely into my shoulders.

I had done my best to comfort her, to tell her that it wasn't her fault, but she believed it was. Had she been there, she thought, she would have noticed Goth running down the ramp and screamed out his name to me, so that I might have heard his name and used that to my advantage, to take him out and then deal with Max until I got the Roulette championship back. But it wasn't meant to be and I came home empty-handed. But the love of my children and my wife is what continues to drive me to do what I do best and someday, I will gain back the Roulette championship from Max's hands or whoever has the title at that time.

In the meantime, I have bigger fish to fry. But Lisa, also known as Ariel in both the underground and fighting circuit, had a plan.

She told me about it as I was playing with our children and placing the new set of twins in each of my arms, sitting down on the couch of our mansion, as she was lying down a three-seat, blue sofa across from me.

For awhile, sweetheart, I won't be going with you, but with what happened last time, I'm going to place you in the hands of a female fighter that I am very close with. She's my best girlfriend, someone that I met along the way when I fought in the women's underground arena. She is VERY capable of watching your back until I recover and she's agreed to it, because she also cares a great deal for you.

I looked up at her quizzically, raising my eyebrows.

And who might that be, my love?

She took a quick look at the camera, smiled briefly, then the smile vanished and she looked right into my eyes.

You'll see. They will all see in time. Very...very...soon.

She winked and smiled that dazzling smile of hers. That woman...I would do anything for her.


* * *

Five months?

Were you supposed to impress me by coming out of the shadows and declaring to the whole world that you've been pissed off for five months?

You tried to make yourself look like the big, bad wolf that disappeared for so many years, only to come back and make his claim when things have drastically changed while you were gone. Truth be told, Rage, your lack of intelligence, which is obviously replaced by a sheer lack of stupidity and ignorance, is what brought you to your short downfall. Haven't you noticed that the world you now inhibit is no longer the same as it used to be? You're crying like a little bitch over someone like Mark Ward, who has been tirelessly trying to make sure the ship stays afloat while the empire that's Sin City Wrestling stays alive and at the #1 spot for the most-watched television and PPV shows on cable TV!

What exactly did he do to you, Rage? Was it the suspension that he imposed upon you? Listen to me, you worthless jackass, not a single man, woman, or child cares about your pathetic suspension! Hell, when was the last time you made any headlines? Since you won the SCW championship against Nick Jones, if I remember correctly! Of course, it must have sucked big time when Nick Jones fought you for the belt, tooth and nail, and kicked your sorry ass to gain it back. I wonder how that loss felt to you? The mere fact that you couldn't even hold on to the greatest championship belt here for a YEAR is staggering indeed! A bit truthful to you, don't you think? I'll be glad to piss you off even further when I destroy Goth for that title and eclipse your dismal reign.

In any case, I'm not here to talk about Goth. I'm here to talk about you! That sheer case of stupidity rose to the fore yet again, because you certainly pissed me off again (and in case if you haven't noticed, with all the things I've been through, asshole, it's not a good time to do so!)! See, you went on television recently and decided to spew your venom, your rage. You could have mentioned anyone else and have avoided your fate. Instead, you chose to do something idiotic and pretty much changed the game for you.

You chose to mention me and my match against Mark Ward. More to the point, you decided to call me a failure.

That was one of the worst decisions you've ever made in your career, Rage, and I'm looking forward to proving that statement when our next clash occurs.

A failure? Sure, I've lost that match, but you see, I gave Mark Ward a beating that he'll never forget. I'm one of the few men in this business, Rage, that pushed him to the absolute limit. He wasn't going to give in without a fight and man OH MAN did I give him a memorable experience that is forever etched in that brain of his. And you want to know the cool part? In a weird, sickening way, he and I have gained each other's respect. No, Rage, that doesn't mean that we are best friends that will sit down, clank our glasses of beers, drink it down, and reminisce about the good old days. But what it means is that he and I recognize each other as brutal fighters that take no shit from anyone at anytime.

Honestly? I doubt he feels the same way and trust me when I tell you, you don't want to fuck with Mark Ward. You do not want to get in his way, because I've seen him pissed. And that's one of the many reasons why my match against you is going to be easy to undertake; because your rage and anger is misguided. You need to focus on the big picture, son, and that's one of the two top titles or hell, Rage, even the Tag-Team titles. Forget this stupid, one-sided feud that you have with Mark Ward. Leave him alone, he has too much on his plate as it is.

Because he's not going to help you. Fact is, Rage, not a single soul in that locker room is going to help you in my match against you, because I haven't forgotten. I haven't forgotten about the last time we crossed swords in one of the worst matches of my career and the embarrassment and humiliation that followed soon after. Don't worry though; things have changed since your absence and my dominance is quite obvious these days. I am no longer the man that was distracted or had too many things going on. I'm the man that has a singular goal this week - to find you and annihilate you at all costs. I plan on doing this, Rage, because you won one battle against me. This time? This time, Rage, I intend to settle our score and make you my BITCH!

There are no stipulations, no strings attached. This is a singles match that will test our skill to the limit! I know that you are dangerous, you are tough, but those two elements combined means NOTHING to me! I've faced better men that exhibit those qualities a lot more stronger than you'll ever do in a lifetime, Rage. I'm ready to take you to the absolute limit, to push your mind, body, and soul to places that you've never been to before and by the time I'm through with you, Rage, you're going to wish that you never screwed with me in your career!

Of course, I know how you will act.

You will laugh at me.

You will disagree with me.

Those two statements are quite obvious!

But make no mistake about it, Rage. That tune is going to change VERY QUICKLY when you gaze upon a god, a demon, a perfect, physical specimen unlike anything you've ever seen before. My goal is clear - to finish you for good, to leave you in the dust while you'll more than likely continue to cry like a little bitch over spoiled milk. Face it, Rage, you have nothing in your favor to keep up at my pace. In that ring, Rage? I'll be God. And God is going to deliver a swift, painful judgment that will be filled with agony and pain unlike you've ever felt in your body before. I suggest you prepare yourself for the onslaught that I look forward to delivering on your doorstep. This will not the easiest battle for you to be in and trust me, Rage, it won't be. It's going to be one of the hardest nights of your life and I'm going to show you exactly why I am The King Of Kings.

For I am Kain....I am The King Of Kings....and I....HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Accomplishment
« on: September 06, 2013, 09:47:40 AM »
 The week after I lost the SCW Roulette championship to Max Burke at the recent PPV, Summer XXXTreme II, Ariel finally gave birth to the next set of twins in our family. A deal was made in the past where I got to name our first two children and then she would name our next set of twins. She named them Cecil Grayson and Ashley Grayson.

Like the first time around, it was one of the biggest moments of my life. I still remember visiting my parents' graves, letting them know that a major change was coming into my life, that everything would be turning around for the better. To tell you the truth, it has turn me around, made me a better person, to focus and be more hardened and determined than ever before. Seeing Cecil and Ashley for the first time reinforced those commitments upon me once again. After everything that I've been going through lately with Max Burke, I've been put under a lot of stress and have been dealing with problems that had nothing to do with the world of professional wrestling or fighting in general. In fact, it was nothing but new territory for me to discover and adapt to the best of my ability. If you had given me a sword and an opponent wielding their own blade, I would know EXACTLY what to do!

But fatherhood? Children? Being a good husband to my wife, the girl of my dreams that has never left my side? Originally, I wasn't sure how to deal with all that. After all, my life has been about not ending up my like my parents, dealing with not wanting to fail and to be able to succeed in every opportunity handed to me. That's why I took the chance to take over every territory possible in the underground fighting circuit. That's why I'm the biggest badass the world has ever seen. All of those things I've done in my life was to aid me in becoming the most successful fighter the world has ever seen. To this day, win or lose, I believed that no one was my equal, nor would anyone be able to ever surpass me. Sure, you could win ONE battle, but in the end, I win the wars, the ones that count the most. But having to deal with being part of a relationship, with children entering your life in either the first time or multiple times afterwards, is perhaps some of the most challenging obstacles I've ever had to undertake in my journey to stay on top.

Cecil and Ashley look adorable. Cecil was born first, Ashley five minutes later, looking perfectly healthy and fine. There were no complications and both the twins and my wife were in excellent condition. Arthur and Rose, now two years old, had somewhat of an understanding of what just transpired before their eyes, but I get the feeling that it's going to be a lot harder for them, mainly because they won't be the center of attention as much. But one good thing has come out of all this - Ariel's body is no longer in danger and she won't be around me anytime soon, as she must stay home and deal with the kids, while I have no choice but to pursue my work in the world of wrestling and give it everything I have within my body and soul, to stay alive, to continuing on in making a name for myself.

For that whole week, that's why I wasn't at last week's Climax Control. I was at home now, away from the hospital, taking care of Ariel and the kids. From the shadows of my own home, I watched, with intense fury and anger, the battle between Goth, my eternal enemy, and Kevin Carter, a man who was part of a team that took away the tag-team championships from Frost and I, for the SCW Heavyweight championship...with Goth emerging victorious. I watched everything else unfold from a distance and I was literally seething with rage. I knew that the PPV would come back to haunt me. I knew that my loss over Max Burke was something I could not just shrug off easily. After all, I was heavily distracted - by problems that had nothing to do with my profession at all. All the head games that Max Burke did got to me, making it easy for him to dominate the match and put me in a body bag. He unleashed my anger and used it to his advantage. For one night, Max Burke put me down and out of the count.

But that was one night. One battle. After Climax Control this week, everything changes. Even though I'm continuing to reel from the new emotions that have taken over me, that all stops as I step into the ring, the main event no less, to take on a foe that has pissed me off for the very last time. That night was his time.

But now? Now it's going to be mine and he made it all too personal. That was the greatest mistake he ever made in his pathetic life. Now, I'm going to use it against him, to cost him everything and to gain payback in the worst way possible. Nothing will ever be the same for Max Burke.


I had a plan in all this. I had a plan in making sure that everything would go my way at Climax Control. The spotlight will be on me and the man that took a few things away from me that one night. I didn't care about the hells that everyone else on the roster were going to traverse through. Hell, I didn't even give one thought to Mark Ward's announcement in regards to his "final match", which I honestly don't believe for a second. No...this was all about Kain and I'm going to reverting back to the old Kain, the one that existed in the good old days. It's like putting on an old pair of comfortable shoes and getting re-acquainted with them once again, re-discovering the joy and the reason why I was put on this earth. To conquer. To destroy. To annihilate for the sole purpose of being the best. That Kain would exist at this week's Climax Control.

It was Wednesday night, September 4th. I was wide-awake in our bed, trying to gain any kind of sleep, but found it impossible by this point. With Cecil and Ashley being born, we've had trouble getting sleep. This is what happens when new children happen. They often cry out in the middle of the night and it's up to responsible parents to try and calm them in some way, although we weren't sure why. It could be multiple reasons - they need to "let it go" or need some baby food or drink to keep them calm. Whatever the case may be, it's our job to do what's right for the children. It sucks having to be away from them all again, but Ariel...Lisa, on a personal name-basis...knew what she had gotten herself into the moment we started dating. She tried to console me that night and even then, I still wasn't convinced that having her away from me wasn't the best idea, even though I understood why she had to stay behind.

I know that it's hard, but you got to do it.

But you're part of the reason for my success here in the SCW, my love. I don't know what it would be like without you by my side.

She shook her head as she was sitting down on a chair nearby, trying to calm down Cecil and Ashley from crying. Arthur and Rose were sleeping in their own rooms for the time being, so that's two children we didn't have to worry about as much for this night.

But before you met me, you knew what to do. You knew how every fight was going to play out and fought everything on your own. You still do, my love. Even by your side, you're still the Kain of old, ruthless, indestructible. No one in the world can touch you in this game, Alex. Not Mark Ward, not Goth, not Casey Williams, nobody. They may have won a few battles, but in the end, Kain wins. Kain always wins and that's why I have strongly believed in you. You don't need me to win. All it takes is you.

I know that, but it isn't just the same. Of course, I understand why it needs to be done. It just about me, it's also about the kids. We still need to bond with them, to get to know them and believe me, we will have plenty of time to do that. And someone needs to stay home and watch them as well. I won't leave them alone with anybody else. I may not like the idea of leaving you behind at all, Lisa, but in the end, you are right. It has to be done. For us and for the children.

I watched her bring Cecil and Ashley down into the crib, as they were all quiet and sleeping peacefully again, then enter the end and snuggle up next to me. For someone like Lisa, aka Ariel, it doesn't take her long to sleep and she does so in seconds. On the other hand, I'm still wide-awake, now looking up at the ceiling, my mind wheeling towards thoughts that I wanted to directly address towards Goth at some point of the show and of course, the main event, the match where I cashed in my return clause so that I may have one more shot at getting everything back in time...

No matter the cost.

* * * *


I love that word. But along with loving that word comes attached with a major question - what are some of man (or woman, in a lot of cases)'s greatest accomplishments the world has ever seen, perhaps incredible feats that will never be original again or cannot be repeated for that matter? To name a few, Michael Phelps becoming the most decorated Olympian in Olympic history by winning 19 medals, 15 of them being gold or Michael Jordan winning six NBA championships during his time with the Chicago Bulls. Feats like those, when you think about them, are vastly incredible and speak of man's potential as a human being and the talent they are able to share with the rest of the world. It is feats like those that were originally awesome and will never be demonstrated in front of our own eyes ever again.

You, on the other hand, Max Burke, will NEVER to be a man of destined greatness. You may have gotten away with achieving something decent, but nothing great.

You see, for the longest time, I only saw you as an enemy. Someone that needed to just get out of my way so that I can continue my rise to the top, one that was insignificant and unworthy of my time and place. But you changed that, Max. You changed everything and not for the better either. You decided that it was a good idea to mess with my head. You touched my wife physically, almost causing her extreme pain when it came to the safety of my unborn children at the time. You caused me a lot of distress and brought out anger within me, anger that I should have controlled and used at a better time to even out the score last time. But you got into me, you played me for a fool and embarrassed me on a cruise ship, putting me in a body bag and walking away from the SCW Roulette championship. Because of all that, Max Burke, I don't see you as just an adversary. I see you as a man that took away some things that belonged to me on that one night and made it completely personal. I now view you as a man that needs to be totally destroyed, to forever wipe off the face of the Earth, and to reclaim what's mine...the SCW Roulette championship.

Yes, Max. You heard me. You took what was rightfully mine when I crushed Matthew Kennedy awhile back for the title and this time, you're going to pay with your life. But it isn't about the SCW Roulette championship as much in this upcoming fracas, Max. It's about revenge. It's about vengeance upon the inflicted scars you gave to me and perhaps you HAD some right in getting some payback of your own. After all, I did kick your sorry ass in the past and left you in total ruin, but this is different. This is personal. More personal that you are made to believe. You touched my wife and almost harmed her and my children. You decided to take advantage of my emotional state and left me unconsciousness in a body bag to win the SCW Roulette championship. When I got out of that body bag, I was left enraged, humiliated, embarrassed beyond all belief. You took away from me the championship and ruined my pride and reputation, the one that I have tried so hard to protect all my life. This time, Max, I'm going to be turning the tables on you. That emotional state that I was in? Those feelings vanished completely, with the exception of one emotion - rage. A rage that is cold-hearted, violent, terrifying as a ferocious tornado that sweeps across the land and destroys anything and everything in its path. It's that rage, Max Burke, that you will not find to be at all PLEASANT.

To make matters worse for you, this is once again a Roulette match. Back at Summer XXXTreme II, all the stars aligned for you. You gave yourself a new identity, a new look, and perhaps a new outlook on life. Then came the match itself, in which I promised to retain the gold. I failed. I can admit this, Max, because I'm a man of my own word. I let myself be caught up in your game plan and you maneuvered me into right where you wanted me to be; not good enough on my game to overcome you and retain the SCW Roulette championship. But that was back then, Max. This is now. You are about to take me on, whether you like it or not, but I'm now dangerous. More dangerous than you ever thought me to be. This time around, Max Burke, there are no distractions, no emotional state or luck to be helpful on your side. No, Max, you are about to take on the King Of Kings himself, the man who has risen from the ashes of the underground fighting circuit in the old days, a man who needed no one's aid to win in any of his battles. Even if Ariel was by my side, all I needed was me and Ariel reminded me of that in our private conversations yet again. Max, you simply don't get it, do you? All this time, you have been boasting, thinking that you got rid of me completely.

You are completely delusional if you continue to feel that way. Tell me something, Max. Did you honestly think that you could just drive away from the bloody carnage with me being in the rearview mirror? Did you believe, even for a moment, that I would just give up and walk away? In truth, just because you caught me off guard from one battle doesn't mean you won the overall war. In other words, you only won in a minor scuffle, but you haven't won in an epic confrontation. You haven't done anything great or incredible to make me say "Well, he truly is the better man." No, Max, I'm going to deny you that, because it would have been a lie. I would NEVER submit to any man, even if they won against me once or twice. In my life, Max, I've always been the man that held true to his beliefs and never let ANYTHING get in his way. At Summer XXXTreme II, your dream may have came true. But that dream, Max Burke, is really more of a sham, a fantasy that only lasted in short bursts. I'm going to kill you in that ring, Max. I'm going to be the one to embarrass you, to humiliate you, to put you in the greatest state of pain that you have never felt before. I'm going to turn back the tides and unleash one of the greatest performances that no man, woman, or child has ever seen out of me YET. You think that my battles from the past showcased my brutality at its fullest? You worthless piece of haven't seen NOTHING YET!

This Roulette match can be anything it wants to be, even if it's a repeat of our last encounter. But believe me when I tell you, Max, I'm going in our match with a different purpose. I'm going there to rip your heart, crush your bones, eat them all up and spit them all out, leaving not a single trace of Max Burke to be found. You won't find me as the same man you fought back at Summer XXTreme II. With Ariel not being involved this time, with their safety guaranteed back at home, I have no distractions left to worry about. Not even Goth, who I won't even waste my breath speaking about until the appropriate time is at hand. For now, you are the only thing that matters to me at this point in time. Not Mark Ward's choosing of his final opponent, not Casey Williams's supposed domination in another federation, and especially not the drama that is escalating with Nick's obsession for the SCW title. None of that matters, because it's all about you and the SCW Roulette championship. It's all about exposing every lie you've said, grabbing every word and insult you threw at me and shoving it down your throat, and then making you feel the burning acid of those words and insults all over your body. You are not going to like the agony, the pain, and the suffering that I cannot wait to unleash on you. I, on the other hand, will revel in it. I will be the one to dethrone you from division and make you nothing but a pathetic little bitch that belongs as nothing but a complete nobody on the roster...or life, for that matter.

Men like Michael Jordan and Michael Phelps? They've accomplished more than you ever dared to hope or even dream. I'm right up there with those men, Max. I'm right up there with the men and women that dared to dream, to make a better life for themselves, and to go out and earn all those accomplishments on their own. I've done that plenty of times, Max. I'm the most recognizable name in the world of fighting and professional wrestling combined. I'm taken on the best and have destroyed a lot of the opposition that have thrown my way, even taken men like Mark Ward and Goth through hell and back and, in some odd way, earned their respect. At the same time, they've come to fear me and what I am truly capable of. No matter how much talk they can spew, they are afraid of me and of my powers. Max, you are now finally going to be facing the music and you, my unfortunate friend, have no hope. All hope is lost for you. That SCW Roulette championship you currently hold? It's going to be mine. What you took away from me? I'm going to get it back. You played with my mind, my emotions, and almost killed me at the core when you touched the love of my life.

You don't do that to me. No one does that to me, Max, and for the first time in your life, the terror that you felt from me previously will be felt again, only ten times worse than before. You are not going to like what I will do to you and you know something, Max? I don't care. Kain is back and he's ready to take back what is his. After a week of staying in the shadows and licking my wounds from the physical combat between you and me, I'm fully healed. I'm ready to go. I am who I am and not a single man, on this Earth, can stop me from doing what I must do. Climax Control will be the time for all the stars to be aligned in my favor. By the time I'm done with you, there will be nothing left for you to pick up, except for your broken pride and for all your future dreams to be shattered forever. Accept your fate, Max Burke, because I'm coming for you, with guns blazing. You got nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

Like I said before, this is more than just the SCW Roulette championship. You may have been a man of small accomplishments, but I'm going to receive the biggest accomplishment out of you; taking it all away from you and giving it back to me. That will be something to brag about for the ages, won't it? What you did to me that night? Nothing but a fluke. You caught me off-guard, you used me like a puppet on strings, and got to where you wanted to be now. Bravo! But now, reality sets in and I've returned from the darkness to confront you, a small, insignificant menace that needs to be put in his place and shown where he truly belongs; nowhere. Vengeance will be mine, Max, and there's not a damn thing in the world to stop me from accomplishing my own ends!

For I am Kain. The King Of Kings. And I....HAVE SPOKEN!!!!

Supercard Archives / KAIN vs MAX BURKE
« on: August 16, 2013, 10:27:59 AM »
 I've been involved in weird venues and places all my life.

But a cruise ship? This one takes the cake for me.

However, I don't find it being a problem though. A lot of the passengers are aware of Sin City Wrestling and the dominant program that we've been showing on nationwide television. However, the minority of the passengers and even some of the crew are not aware of us and to me, that's a golden opportunity that simply cannot be passed up. It allows more people to know, understand, and like me even more, so that my creditability as a fighter is given actual proof and new people will follow me as I ascend into better heights.

Not that the same will be said for Max Burke though, my current enemy and one who I must destroy, to not only retain the SCW Roulette Championship belt, but to regain the honor that Max Burke stole from me, the moment that he made his move...and touched my wife. Let's face it; as a man that is in love with a woman, you don't want to see me in a legitimate rage. Max Burke pretty much overstepped his bounds, laid hands on MY woman. You don't do that to me and walk away unscathed.  Max is going to pay for his crimes and I won't let him get away without losing in a humiliating fashion.

Payback is going to be a bitch!

The great thing about the cruise was that there was two gyms located inside, one inside for the public use, but the other was reserved for the SCW locker room. How else are we going to train? How else are we going to continue to preserve our bodies and keep them in top shape? While Lisa (Ariel) and my two children were having a blast on the cruise, I focused on my workouts, intending on staying in the best shape possible. After all, I'm not one of those guys that sits in a basement and plays Grand Theft Auto IV all day long and becomes fat out of the process. No, I'm the type of guy that revels in destruction and injury to his opponents. Besides, I have an image to portray all the time and I don't mind the stress or pressure that comes along with it. After all, being one of the current champions in SCW DOES have its perks and I intend to keep them after eliminating Max Burke from both the ring...and my life.

It's a hot, Thursday morning. Been on the ship since I arrived on it, with Lisa and the two kids following not too long after. I saw his promo earlier, but I didn't bother responding to it. For now, I wanted to enjoy the sunshine for a little while and be with my family.

I stepped out of the gym that's reserved for the locker room and the sun once again shined brilliantly from the blue skies. My eyes were having a difficult time in adjusting to the brightness of said sun, but I solved the problem by putting on my sunglasses. Wearing a bright, brown button-up shirt with a multi-colored dragon painted over it, with blue shorts to match, along with my trademark-branded King Of Kings sandals on, I sauntered over to where my wife was, who was laying back on the lounge chair, trying to get a tan happening. I avoided the crowd, some who called after me and raised their glasses, while others gave in with a quick glance, but returned to their own business.

I sat down on a lounge chair next to her and noticed my children playing in the shallow end of the pool, still too young to tread into deep waters.

We need to talk, my love.

I glanced at her briefly before gazing at my beautiful children once more.

What's on your mind?

Like me, she had sunglasses of her own, but she took them off slowly, putting them on the table beside her. Then she lifted herself up from the position that she was in seconds before, sitting on the edge of the seat. I faced her and she took my hands in hers.

I've been thinking about your future lately. The Roulette championship is yours and you're going to do everything in your power to keep that intact. But you have your eyes still set on the prize, don't you?

Who doesn't? I'm pissed at the fact that I'm not involved in the main event. I should really be in there, fighting for the biggest prize of them all. As much as I am happy being a champion, being the top dog here in the Sin City Organization would make me ten times more happier. Isn't that what you want to do, after...

I let the thought trail off in the distance as I touched her stomach, feeling the next set of twins inside.

Yes, Alex. I still have every intention of joining SCW and becoming the biggest Bombshell they've ever seen. Mark Ward has me on contract and he fully understands that I cannot work until everything here is done. It could be any day that the twins are born. It could be today.

I glanced up with surprise and she responded with cute laughter.

Sometimes, Lisa...

She stopped laughing and the smile stayed on as she was listening to me intently.

Sometimes, I have to pinch myself. Here I am, the current SCW Roulette champion of the world, who has the most beautiful woman by his side and two children that love their father. I don't need anything else.

Before I could say more, a young man in his 20s, who looked in decent, but althetic shape, with black hair and blue eyes to match, stumbled into me. I was able to not fall completely and immediately rose up, glaring at the man. He was completely out of it, very drunk and unstable. He didn't know who I was and neither did his friends either, but they could tell, judging by the tattoos they saw on my arms, that I wasn't very friendly and very, VERY DANGEROUS!

Hey man, who is that hot chick that's next to you? She could be playing see-saw with me ANYDAY!

Lisa didn't like those words and was trying to sit up, but I blocked her off and stood in front of the man. I immediately thought of Max Burke as I stared into that man's eyes and thought of his soul. However, unlike Max Burke, I decided not to destroy this man, in front of the public, but I'd rather have a joke at his expense. I smiled casually as his friends tried to hold him back, as the crowd around me suddenly became well as the music.

I'll pretend that you didn't say that. It's obvious that you are not sober. Allow me to make you cool off.

I immediately picked up the guy, who was now struggling to get out of my hold. However, my hold on him is very tight. I walked over to the deep end of the pool and threw him in there. The crowd laughed a bit, even his friends did, as the man came back up from the water and struggled to make it to the side, catching his breath. I knelt above him and said only one thing.

You're better off not being my enemy. Otherwise, life is going to be hell for you.

I reached out and pulled him out of the pool, then pushed him towards his friends, who continued to laugh as he pulled them away, although a few of those friends couldn't help but give me nervous glances. That's how it should be - I'm taken lightly to a point, but I'm also serious. You don't sit there and make a joke out of my expense, but I'm playful enough to a point. You try to touch me with fire and you're going to get burned even more.

I wouldn't have it any other way!

* * *

Max, Max, Max...

You simply don't get it, do you?

It isn't about blood. It isn't about Nathaniel Havok. It was about making you suffer. It was nothing more but a preview of the hell that's waiting to be unleashed upon you.

Truth is a devastating weapon and I'm glad to see that your real side is finally brought out of the core. I'm not the one responsible for bringing out that rage from you - you did that all to yourself, years ago. And that rage was brought back to the forefront when things didn't go your way after the last few times we fought, did it? I thought so! So you are nothing but a little bitch that cries for spilled milk every time something doesn't happen your way. I know that's the truth, Max, because I see it in your eyes. You are nothing but a coldblooded psychopath that's hell-bent on getting what he wants without any remorse or sympathy. Like everyone else in this world, Max, you have weaknesses and I plan on using our last confrontation as a means to an end, to expose those aforementioned weaknesses and to make you turn out to be nothing more but a humiliating embarrassment for the entire company.

You tell me that you're the beast that's been awakened because of me, that you're this beast that suddenly emerged because of me? That's a lie and you know it. I didn't do anything at all to cause your self-destruction, that's all on you kid. The only thing I did was stand in your way of your hopes and dreams and I crushed them, time after time after time. For all your holier than thou speeches, Max, you certainly are a dumbass for not acknowledging the truth. In truth, all I've done is paid my own damn business and when idiots like you come into my crosshairs, my job is to eliminate the competition as fast as possible.

Tell me, you worthless son of a bitch, that's really what burns you up inside, doesn't it? The fact that I don't see you as someone who has what it really takes to become a ruthless aggressor in the scheme of things, to show the entire world that you are something far more capable than what you are showing off now, right? Fact is, I can push you to the limit, but you will always fall into the group of guys that act tough, but fall down completely hard, guys like Casey Williams and Matthew Kennedy, guys who dance to their own tune, talk the wildest trash-talk ever, then show up in the ring with a limp dick and nothing to show for it. You're exactly like one of those douchebags, Max Burke, and if that comparison burns you up to the core, I honestly don't care. That's truth, Max, and it kills you to hear it.

Of course, you used it against me and don't get me wrong, what you did was an offense to me, one that kills me from the inside. But I know better, Max Burke. I know it's better to wait off, be patient with my anger, then let it go when I step inside the ring. You should know this by now, Max. You should know it's better off to stop poking a dangerous animal while its sleeping, because sooner or later, pal, it's going to rise up and bite you in the ass harder than before.

No, Max, you failed. You can try and attempt to get into my head or my wife's head, for that matter. But we are made of sterner stuff, as an old, but classic character would say. We are people who destroyed ourselves and then built ourselves from the ground-up, similar to what drill instructors would do to their recruits as they enter military boot camp and eventually graduate. That's what my wife and I did and we are at our strongest peak. Mentally, physically, emotionally? You cannot touch us and you cannot change it as much as you want. Has your actions affected us? Only minor, but it's not like we are completely obsessed about you.

But rest assured though, on this cruise, people are going to witness an extravaganza like nothing before. Forget about the main event (although we both know that I should be the one in it). Forget about the Bombshells and their pathetic championship. Forget about everyone else but you and me and the dance that we are able to entangle ourselves in for the last time. See, you are going to get your wish, but not in the way that you want it. You are going to get my rage, you are going to see raise hell like nothing before.

But I'm going to hurt you even more with another fact of truth...

You don't want me at my best, do you? You really want me to be more or less like a punching bag that you can hit all day without any resistance, don't you? That's not happening, Max.

You're going into the ring with a vicious son of a bitch like me, Max. You hurt me. You hurt my wife. You accomplished all this in the hopes of trying to get under my skin, to get into our heads, to show that I am weak when your methods somehow worked out. I got news for you - none of it worked. The touch that you inflicted on my wife was completely forgotten after the incident, but the scar remains. The scar of what you did to my wife and to me remains on my chest and I'm going to get that scar out by completely annihilating you in the ring. I don't care for the rules or regulations, you're right about one thing - I am going to make you bleed. I am going to rip your heart out and chew on it for further spite. I'm going to make you my bitch on this cruise, you insignificant piss ant, and you are going to regret it.

You should have done yourself a major favor - you should have NEVER crossed paths with me in the first place. But you did and now? You're going to lose and more importantly, you're going to perish right before the world's own very eyes. You did this to yourself, Max, because you decided to make these stupid decisions and followed up on them. After this cruise is finished up and when our match starts, you better pray to the god I previously spoke of, because this son of a bitch is not going to be granting you any mercy.

You thought the Taipei Death Match was awesome for you? That was nothing but a walk in the park. Our match will be nothing but pure hell from me to you and the only call you'll be getting is the Devil greeting you from the depths of Hell when I'm finished with you!

For I am Kain! The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Supercard Archives / KAIN vs MAX BURKE
« on: August 10, 2013, 07:33:19 PM »
 At this point, I would have usually said that this was another day in the office for me, either as challenger or as champion.

However, I view this match as something else. I view it as a personal matter, a score that needs to be ultimately settled once and for all.

I hated having to leave my kids and prepare myself for a cruise, but that's exactly what happened on this glorious, beautiful Friday morning. Ariel, unscathed but a bit shaken up from Max Burke's disgusting touch and the actions taken towards her, concentrated on keeping our children calm. They were unfortunately crying, not wanting to see their father go off on an adventure and would rather stay home.

Detroit, Michigan will always be my home, but these days, it's been crumbling and with the economy in this place turning bankrupt, Ariel and I have been discussing of moving to a new place and calling it our hometown. We haven't decided where yet, but we were thinking either California or New York. The answer to that question hasn't been set in stone yet, but I suspect an answer will be provided within weeks and I don't have a problem with that, to be honest. As I said, it will always be home to me, but I also believe it is time for a new journey for my family and I and the good thing is that, due to Ariel and I's hard work and due diligence, we are set for life. We can be anywhere, go anywhere we want. But we just have to be careful in WHERE we go.

I can't say the same for Max Burke, however. Why? Because after the match I have with him at Summer XXXTreme II, the only new place he'll be in is six feet underground.

Thinking about him, aren't you?

I took a second to look up and nod at her before finishing up with the rest of my bags and placing them in the trunk of my red Mustang, then slamming the trunk shut.

Of all the arrogant, stupid crap that he had to pull against me, it was him holding you hostage, playing games with me like that. That's not a man, sweetheart, that's a coward. A coward who will do whatever it takes to get inside my head. He accomplished that for that one night, but I assure you, that won't ever happen again!

Aww, baby, I wouldn't worry about that at all.

Why's that, baby?

She flashed that dazzling, beautiful smile that always melted my heart in more ways than one.

Because after I'm done giving birth to our last two children and given myself time to settle down, not only am I going after the Bombshell division and their championship...I will also go after Max Burke. He took me totally by surprise and I know how much that hurt you, baby. I know that you can't stand with me being with another man, but I reassure you - no one will touch me like that again.

That was primarily the reason as to why Max Burke took advantage of her - she is currently pregnant and wasn't thinking of the possible damage that Max Burke could do to her. I nodded at her again.

I know you want revenge, but allow me to give you a slice of that when I destroy him for the SCW Roulette championship. No one hurts my queen and gets away with it. NO ONE!

As I yelled out those last words, I gripped her by the shoulders and stared into her eyes, the kind of eyes that could easily seduce you before it kills you. Thankfully, she didn't have to do that to me, because I won her over. I've seen a thousand women come and go in my lifetime, yet I've NEVER been interested in any of them. However, SHE was the one who approached me and started a conversation. Overtime, we were an item. Now? We are inseparable!

I believe you, Alex. He will be yours to eliminate in any way you desire. But sooner or later...I will have my own taste of revenge. Understood?

I nodded once more.

Excuse me, sir, but your plane departs in three hours and it takes awhile to reach the airport. Shall we be...leaving....soon?

Out of the corner of my eye, I started at the scrawny, well-dressed driver who would be driving my red Mustang and back. Seeing my glare, he was able to get out the last two words of his question before shrinking and getting himself into the driver's seat, closing the door behind. The camera captured his awesome reaction, one that spoke of terror. I am hoping that it is the same kind of terror that I can inflict upon Max Burke at Summer XXXTreme II.

I walked over to Arthur and Rose, who were looking up at me with sad, tearful eyes. I kneeled to the ground and spoke in their ears, not wanting to reveal my personal choice of words to them, except to say that I would love them, miss them and would no doubt eventually return home.

I stood up and walked away from the family. Ariel would be joining me in a week's time, but she wanted to say behind so that she could be with our children as much as she possibly could. Before getting into the right side of the passenger's back seat, I turned around and waved at my family. In response, all three of the most precious things in my life waved back and both of my children even said "Bye, Daddy!" That almost brought me to my knees, the sound of my children reaching my ears. It's the kind of moments that I wish for a man and am now living the dream...the beautiful wife, the beautiful children, with the house I thought I always wanted, but would eventually move away soon.

Would my parents be proud of me now? I wonder...

The thoughts of my parents were pushed aside as I entered the car from the passenger's side on the right and slammed the car door. The driver pulled away from the parking spot and began to face the right side of the road, then drove off. I stared back one last time and saw the tears of my family begin to flow down on their cheeks.

* * *

Max Burke.

It is time that you and I have a conversation about things, if you will.

What you did to me, what you did to my wife? That was completely disrespectful and out of control. More to the point, it was out of line. I have no tolerance for those who try to get under my skin by committing a major sin like that. To go through all that with little thought or wisdom into your actions was beyond pathetic, beyond disgusting! For that, I will grant you no mercy. What I will grant you, instead, is the beating of your life.

I suspect that you are going to play the cards of a true coward. I heard you speak, laugh at me, taunting me from the shadows. You keep on telling these people that my time is up with the SCW roulette championship, that I'll be forever erased from the books after you supposedly defeat me. No, Max Burke, I'll finish what I started, you foolish, ignorant bastard. I'm going to rip the bones out of your flesh and make you scream in horrendous, but well-received pain. I'm going to enjoy watching you cry in agony, begging for me to spare your worthless life. I'm finally going to enjoy taking the most important thing in your career, what really matters to you the most...

The SCW Roulette championship.

After all, this is what you've been seeking after all this time, isn't it? A chance to redeem yourself, a chance to put the spotlight back on you. Neither is happening, Max Burke. The SCW Roulette championship will be mine to retain after our next and last confrontation at Summer XXXTreme II concludes with a resounding bang. Trust me when I tell you, the shot heard around the world will be the one where history repeats itself and it will be I who walks away with the SCW Roulette championship belt around my waist. Let's face it, you abysmal, delusional punk, you were NEVER meant to be a champion.

I heard the comments from you when you were with Simone and Adams last week, against my match with Brother Grimm, a man who took me to the limit, yet was forced to walk away with a loss under his belt. Tell me, Max Burke, what makes you think that you are worthy of being the SCW Roulette champion?

Is it because of your looks? Absolutely not.

Is it because of your chrisma? What you possess currently isn't enough to make you popular.

Or is it because you think that you are better than me?

In truth, Max Burke, you were NEVER better than me. You are way out of my league. You simply have NO HOPE of winning the title, especially with what I have planned for you. Believe me, CHILD, I have studied our previous matches, re-watched your promos against me, listened to everything that you had to throw at me. At this point in my career, NOTHING you say or do to me will affect me. You did this to yourself, Max Burke. The moment you got involved, took my girl as a hostage briefly, and tried to get in my head was the day that you were marked for death.

You don't EVER touch my wife! You don't EVER try to harm the things in my life that matter the most! And now, Max Burke, because of your own actions, I'm going to delivering payback ten-fold! I don't care what the rules are or what is given to you and I, because I intend to put our business to rest at Summer XXXTreme II. You and I are going to dance, one more time, and we are going to be feeling each other's impending wrath. The difference is, however, is that my wrath, my anger will be stronger than yours combined. Only I, Max Burke, will dictate the flow of the match. I will be the one, you pathetic piece of shit, to be in complete control, to show you that violence begets violence. My kind of violence, however, is more stronger than yours will ever be.

You are, after all, a fly that is going up against a man with his bazooka and that man to going to whip out that bazooka, aim, and fire, hitting its target with such devastation that NOTHING of you will be left to see. You are going to be nothing more but a tragic car-wreck that no one wants to see, but everyone gets curious to see anyway. To me, you're a loser, a lifeless, stupid embarrassment of a man that has no business of being int he ring. At Summer XXXTreme II, things are about to change for you and certainly not in a good way either.

You know this, don't you? You know that life will never be the same after I am done putting the finishing touches on you, so to speak? You know that with every kick, every punch, every throw, every submission, and every bone I break is going to make you scream like a little bitch, don't you? I know you do, asshole. You are not going to like what I have in store for you, to be honest with you, but I don't care. I only care about one thing - your glorious destruction at my hands, at the hands of the current and will always be the most dominating entity the Sin City Wrestling Organization has ever seen!

Forget guys like Damien Kingston, Mark Ward, Casey Williams, Gabriel, or the rest of the male division. Why? Because in the end, I'm the only man in SCW you'll ever need and sooner or later, you are going to find that out the hard way. All of that starts at Summer XXXTreme II. At that event, young man, things are about to get EXTREMELY messy. Blood poured all over the floor, bones breaking, your screams, your cries. You thought what I did in the past was brutal?

Trust me, kid, you've seen NOTHING YET...until now.

So I want you to do me a huge favor. I want you to bow down, right now, and ask forgiveness from the God you pray to, whether it may be a He or a She. Either way, I don't care, because this god, this demon that you're about to encounter in the ring? He won't be kind and when this man delivers judgment upon a fragile, insignificant soul like you, things will have went from plain bad to extremely worse, Max Burke. At Summer XXXTreme II, you are going to get on your knees, apologize to me profusely, for hurting me, for hurting my wife, begging me to spare you and are going to absolutely NOTHING as I take away everything that's Max Burke and discard his body and soul into the four winds, to be completely forgotten....

...and forgotten you will be, Max Burke, because that's the only path in life you will take and it will both a prvilege and an honor to take you there, throw you over a cliff, and watch you scream in helplessness. After Summer XXXTreme II, you will have nothing to live for. Mark my words on that, Max...the beginning of the end is around the corner and I'm going to make sure that it all ends with a symphony of destruction that will be the main headline around the world...

...For I am Kain, The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Climax Control Archives / Games Within Games...
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:04:31 PM »
 Kain was currently incognito, the people around him unaware of who or what he is. Even if the cameras from SCW were getting a great glimpse of him, in a button-up shirt with a dragon painted all over, with white shorts covering the lower half of his body, with black Nike shoes and white socks covering his feet, he was glad for the solitude.

Awhile ago, he entered the cruise ship's bar, sat down on a stool, and asked them to turn it on to the SCW channel. Promos were flashing from various opponents and he remained uninterested...until Brother Grimm showed up. He asked for the bartender to turn it up and provide him with a glass of cold water. The bartender obliged, grabbed the remote, and turned up the TV, then went to work in providing a cold glass of water. He then sat down the glass and slid it towards Kain, who grabbed it with his right hand. His eyes glanced up to the TV and he listened intently.

The wheels in Kain's brains were running as he listened to Brother Grimm's re-telling of a story that's considered so old and perhaps legendary, along with his thoughts about him and the match up ahead. For the duration of the promo, Kain ultimately remained silent, intent on digesting everything his opponent had to say. What would he say to a man like him, a man that is wanting to remain anonymous with not just his name, but his past as well? Even if two men in his life figured out his real identity, the rest of the world has yet to know the man that is perfectly comfortable in staying within the darkness and hiding within the shadows. But Brother Grimm is not like Kain. Not by a long shot...

Kain thanked the man, finished with his cold glass of water, and paid him in kind, along with a bonus tip. He sauntered out of the bar to rejoin his wife in their room.

One hour later, Kain is now seen overlooking the ocean. He ignores the conversation around him, thinking about Brother Grimm and the oncoming destruction that awaits his foe inside the ring, even if neither man know of the rules or even what kind of match it will turn out to be.

The ship is crusing along in the San Diego harbor and Kain now looks up at the sun, trying to cover his eyes by bringing his right hand above his eyes, blocking out the ray lights that are beaming from the corners of the sun. His eyes now clear, he saw the wonderful majesty of its exquisite brilliance and how comforting it to see that there is still life in this world.

Brother Grimm.

I want you to take a good look at the sun. What do you see in it?

Kain points to the sun and the camera follows his direction, getting a nice glimpse of it, as it is shining above in the clear, blue skies, clouds rapidly form around it. Then the camera casts its gaze down and looks directly at the current SCW roulette champion.

You want to know what I see in it? Life. The landscape that enjoy being yourself in, one that you wrap around yourself with in a blanket of shadow and darkness, is not the kind of place I wish to be. Too long have I have cursed to walk alone in the shadows and yet, the only thing that kept me alive was a dream. It was a dream to see myself grow beyond my own expectations, to see myself become whatever it was I wanted to be in life, what I NEEDED to be in life.

I suppose, in your own way, you understand this, don't you? You have a dream or perhaps many, MANY dreams, and you wish to see them carried out. I suppose you have accomplished this in your own career, but I suspect you have much left to do on this planet. In my case, you wish to play games with me. You wish to torment me like a cat playing with a mouse before that kill. In truth, you cannot do so. I've played those games, either by my own design or not, and have survived them all. And that's what's going to trouble you in the end, isn't it? The game that you tried to play against me this week will eventually backfire on you. That's one promise I intend to keep...

That being said, let's talk about the game that you played against me this week, shall we? Let's talk about religion, about the whole Cain/Abel horseshit and I do call it that, because that's all I see it as - horseshit. Nothing but a story for millions of the religious flock to believe in.

The cries of seagulls and birds are heard overheard as Kain lowers down his right hand and turns to face the camera, snarling with rage at first, but somehow manages to keep his composure.

I want you to know, Brother Grimm, that I never believed in any of the religions that life has to offer. As interesting or fascinating it appears to be on the surface, I care nothing for it. In truth, life is a gift that can only be used once and the way I see it, you use the time you are given in this world to either make a name for yourself or do nothing at all and die...forgotten.  So it really comes down to a few questions...

Does God exist? Does Satan exist? Is there truly a heaven or a hell?

The only way to discover these questions is death, Brother Grimm. Once the Grim Reaper comes knocking at your door, it's over and that's when everything will be revealed to you, the truth or lies of everything you've heard, have seen, or even have been told. Only then will I know if this biblical story of the past is even remotely true. And to be honest, I wasn't sure as to why you brought up this story. Why even drudge up a tale of brother killing brother when it has nothing to do with the glorious combat that lies ahead?

And then I realized why...

Kain points a finger to the camera with a look of rage all over his face!

It's because you want to make me look like the bad guy. You want the whole world to think that deep down, I still haven't changed, even if I haven't turned that leaf yet in my life. How miserable and pathetic your effort turned out to be, Brother Grimm. You want to fabricate the people with a lie, by telling them "Hey, despite everything Kain's trying to do to please himself and the world, someone out there in the world is getting all the praise instead and he must be completely pissed about it."

No I'm not.

If I was truly angry with the way things turned out, I would have been a desperate criminal, taking the low road, killing people all over, robbing banks and doing everything I can to earn the life through shortcuts. But I haven't been doing that, have I? No. All I've been doing is fighting, whether it's illegal or not. Illegal only worked out because I NEVER GOT CAUGHT back then and it worked out well for me and once I decided to fight on a legit basis, my life simply got better and better. Meanwhile, you are the guy who you want people to go "He's the guy that gets all the love and attention from his mother, from his father, from his friends and family," when that's clearly not the case either, is it?

So in the end, the story that you tried to entice us all in was nothing but a waste of time, because it has very little to do with the combat up ahead. It has very little to do with the history that you and I are starting to work out. I hope you are proud, Brother Grimm, of wasting our time and efforts into desperately painting me as a bad guy while you are the good guy that did NOTHING WRONG. How untrue that is, isn't it, Brother Grimm? Your story, unfortunately, really has no time or place to be spoken of between us, simply because it has served no meaning or purpose to me.

With that out of the way, let's talk about the next thing on your abysmal agenda, shall we?

Turning away from the camera for a second, he walks away and maneuvers himself through the hustling crowd and finds an empty beach chair sitting in a corner. Making his way to that corner, he first sits down and then lies downs on it, raising his hands behind his head, clasping them together.

See, your "primal sensations" and "living embodiment" statements aside, you spoke a little bit about the match.

I want to correct you on a few things on that. First of all, yes, this is a game of chance, but you fail to mention one thing; the #1 contender for the Roulette championship is the one that's spinning the wheel. To you, that may look like a disadvantage to me. However, if it is spun correctly, I may end up getting the upper hand.

All of those scenarios, while dangerous and tempting, are merely fantasy that is conjured up in your head. In truth, it really comes down to one thing between you and me and that's skill. Well...more than just skill, really. It's like training in Krav Maga, considered to be the one of the most, if not THE MOST, dangerous martial art to ever exist. When you step into that territory, you never know what to expect, because all bets are off. It's the same thing a Roulette Rules match, you simply don't know what to expect. So I want to ask you, Brother Grimm...what if the tides are turned on you? What if we end up getting a result that completely satisfies me and doesn't satisfy you?

Will you be happy with its outcome? I doubt it, because in a Roulette Rules match, you need to have more than just skill to survive in a confrontation like that, Brother Grimm. You need to outsmart me in every move, for good offense makes a good defense, does it not? You need to play by the rules that those games make, not by the rules that you wish to see happen in your favor. And to be honest, if you don't like that small, but important fact, tough shit. The moment I became the SCW Roulette champion after destroying Matthew Kennedy for the title, I knew what I was going into.

So do me a favor - don't sit there and tell me that I'm supposed to be scared of the unknown. Because I've been dealing with that my whole life. Unlike you, I have attained far more experience in dealing with the unknown. Have you watched my career, whether I performed in the underground MMA circuit or even here? Every match I have been handed, every stipulation I've been forced to deal with, I make the best of it and go for the ride and you know what, son? Once I am finished taking that journey with another win under my belt, it really gets all the more sweeter for me.

You tell me about driving children to the brink of insanity or plucking them from their beds at night, hoping that they'll never sleep again after seeing your face. But I got a news flash for you, Brother Grimm.

After I'm done showing you MY "primal sensation", I won't be losing much sleep after the effort I've put into diminishing everything that's Brother Grimm and taking away everything that he's supposed to be. I'm actually honored and privileged to take you on, to show that Kain is a man not to be messed with and cannot be fazed in any way, shape, or form. You cannot destroy me emotionally, mentally, or even psychologically. In a sense, I'm like Batman - my confidence is at an all-time high that NOTHING in the world can shatter me! That's a lesson that YOU will come to grips with after I am finishing with your lifeless corpse!

And perhaps, Brother Grimm, not only will my name trigger in your brain, forcing you to remember the untimely beating I happily delivered upon you, but you will come to fear me. Speaking of which...

Kain now folds his arms and looks away, thinking about his choice of words that he wants to use against Brother Grimm. His thoughts are suddenly interrupted when a young, blond waitress walks over and asks if he would like to drink anything. He nods and replies in kind, asking for another cold glass of water, this time with lime in it. She nods, thanks him, smiles politely at him, then walks away. Kain looks back to the camera...

See, your whole "fear" speech makes me laugh. I barely even know you and you expect me to spill my secrets at the drop of a dime?

I will only answer this one for I in fear of something that's close to me? Sure and that's my family, but everything else in insignificant.

You want to see me erased, lost, or forgotten. Had I been a rookie and you would have been my first match in the history of my wrestling career, then perhaps you may have had a point. But I'm a totally different animal, Brother Grimm - I'm not your average Joe. My name is still heard all over the world and after I die? People are going to still inquire about me and my legacy. Lost? Not really. I regained my sanity and my life when I visited my parents' grave a long time ago and am in a better place now than I once was. Erased? It's not like you can take an Etch-An-Sketch and erase me, then re-draw me into something else that fits your dark, horrible imagination, Brother Grimm. I'm none of the three. I continue to thrive and survive in my career. My name is whispered, talked about, and feared all over the landscape, and I'm not a lost cause either.

But what about you? You see, that's the greatest mystery about you that I wish to hear from you. You tell me that every man has something they fear, so let's hear it, shall we? What is it exactly that you fear, Brother Grimm? Do you fear that you'll never end up in my position? Do you fear that if you take one step outside of the darkness, it will change you in ways you never want to go through? I want YOU to be least, in one way, I told you that I mainly fear, because it IS an honest answer.

But I know better, Brother Grimm. You never want to tell the world the rest of your story, so even I know what you fear - by revealing yourself, you will have exposed yourself to be something different then what you are attempting to show us now. Yes, you are currently one half of the tag-team champions, Brother Grimm, but you're like me - you were born in a family and you are human. You are clearly not immortal. You risk your story being told, thus, you try to ignite our hearts and minds with a façade that you are comfortable in surrounding yourself with.

But that's where I come in, Brother Grimm, and what I'm about to do you in the ring? You won't like it. Not one bit, because I'm a pursuer of truth and I intend to rip out the outer shell that you cover yourself so desperately and expose the world for what you really are - a coward. That's what you fear right now, isn't it? A coward that cannot fight his own battles and needs the help of a close companion like Goth to hold his hand and guide you. Not to mention alone...

That's what bothers you too...doesn't it? That you are alone, that you are not confident, and that no one in the world can help you, aren't I right? You know for a FACT that I'm right, so don't worry, Brother Grimm. I'll put you in your place and reveal nothing to you after that. With the exception of what's already been mentioned, I truly have no fears. No fear of the dark, no fear of the competition that surrounds me, nothing. That's going to bottle you up, isn't it? That I didn't reveal my darkest horrors to you and you know what? I'm glad I didn't, because it's only going to make things easier for me in our epic clash to gain the upper hand...

It will be all too easy, Brother Grimm. And you know why that is?

It's because you made it all possible for me to do so!

Kain stands up slowly as he spots the blond waitress approaching him with his second cold glass of water, with the lime inside this time. He thanks the waitress, tips her, then walks away. Manuever himself through the crowd, he steps inside the boat and proceeds towards their room, where Ariel is waiting for him. He turns halfway, but stops, his mind running constantly with a million things in his head, but mostly keeping focus on his opponent. He glances at the camera with a serious look on his face...

Since you've been living in the darkness for so long, I thought to enlighten you with a tale of my own, one that does have a point...

Do you remember September 11th, 2001? It was a day that destroyed a lot of American lives, a couple of terrorist attacks that happened by plane. This plan of attack was masterminded by a sadistic, cruel man by the name of Osama Bin Laden. He's one of the many men that you speak of, the one that supposedly came from Cain afterwards. He enjoyed it, thriving on hurting people and making a mockery of them.

Years passed and we were trying to find him. Finally, we did. His location was discovered and the President Of The United States ordered the military to wipe out Osama Bin Laden off the map. A group of Navy Seals infiltrated his base and took him out in the end.

My point? In the story or perhaps fabrication that you enjoy having an orgasm for time and again, especially with that one matter how powerful evil can be, someone better will get the best of them. In your case, you may sound tough, arrogant, confident enough to drive deep into my fears and try to strip away everything that makes me. All you did was make me angry. All you did, Brother Grimm, was make me stronger.

At Climax Control, things are about to get heated fiercely in the kitchen. I already know that I can withstand the heat in the kitchen and survive with no burns or scars inflicted upon me. So the question remains...WILL YOU SURVIVE? Will you do the job and defeat me or will you simply fail and fall from my good graces? You did your best at me, Brother Grimm, but it was all for nothing. I am the King Of Kings for a VERY GOOD reason and I intend to put you to the limit and come out as the better man. Fact is, guys like you, like Casey Williams or Matthew can throw your best at me with everything you got, but in the end?

I win both the battle AND the war. That same conclusion will happen at Climax Control, whether I know the match ahead of time or not. So say goodbye and fall back to the place you home...the darkness, for it is certainly fitting that you remain there for all eternity!

For I am Kain, the King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Kain then turns around, opens the door, walks through, and closes the door behind him. The camera pulls away and slowly fades into black.

Climax Control Archives / Unimpressed
« on: July 19, 2013, 10:46:10 PM »
 Laughlin, Neveda is the stage that's been set for this match, a battle between two men that are determined to destroy each other. It's also the place for a promo that's about to take place, here and now. The camera opens up and gives the audience a nice view of the arena that's located in Laughlin, Neveda. Then it sees something that's standing in the middle of the ring. We can't see who the figure is, because he's all cloaked in black, dressed to stay within the shadows. But those shadows quickly disappear as a shining light from above turns on and stays on him. Then, for the first time, you hear his voice.

Kain: Casey Williams...

The voice is completely recognizable now, the Roulette champion gracing us with his rare, yet incredible presence. He continues to stand motionless, his back still turned to the camera, which slowly makes his descent towards the middle of the ring and then stops, staying right behind him, giving us a clear shot of the man.

Kain: The man that I asked to face at Climax Control, in a match of my own choosing. I wouldn't necessarily call this a dream match of mine, but it was a rewarding opportunity that I simply could not pass up. I could have chosen to fight against a dozen other fighters that were meant to be better challengers. Instead, I honed in on a target that needed to finally take on greatness and to be defeated by greatness. You may have conquered me in tag-team competition, but that was a long time ago, Casey Williams. You and I are about to dance in a clash of our own and only YOU can decide your fate in this match. Not me.

His head is lowered to the ground and he emits a low chuckle that the camera's microphone was barely able to pick up. He raises his head again and remains still once again.

Kain: I would have taken you seriously from that. I would have taken you seriously from the promo that you delivered recently to me. I would have taken you seriously as a man that could have given me the battle of my career and left me dead. What I discovered, from that promo, however, was the complete opposite. That promo did NOTHING to me. It did not frighten me. It did not imitate me. More importantly, that promo cannot be taken seriously due to one thing. Actually, it isn't a thing - it's a man. A man that you keep on taunting for a long time now and in reward, you got the beating of your life by him. You know who he is, don't you? It was the man that took you on last week and made a complete embarrassment of yourself. That man....

He now removes the cowl above his head and lifts a single finger from his left hand. Mark Ward.

Kain now turns around and glares at the camera with the utmost intensity and passion that filled his eyes. He wants Casey Williams to digests those two words, to feel the rage and anger burning up within him.

Kain: In truth, you could have made me think of you as a serious, lethal threat had you done the ONE THING that no one else, not even I, could do. That would have been to defeat Mark Ward. It would have impressed the hell out of him. It would have impressed the hell out of Christian Underwood. It would have impressed everyone in the locker room. But all it has done, for you, is made you look more like a pig that's begging for attention and is now completely ignored. What Mark Ward sees in you as a competitor, I cannot possibly fathom. And it's true, I have been defeated by him, so I suppose that's one thing you and I have in common. However, what you and I DO NOT have in common is the single, solitary fact that I have EARNED his respect. I doubt you have earned ANYTHING out of him....

The Roulette champion now takes off his black robes and they slowly crumble to the floor. The camera gets an amazing look at the Roulette championship that's strapped firmly around his waist. Unlocking it from behind, Kain puts it over his right shoulder, continuing to look at the camera.

Kain: In fact, how can we take you seriously now? Should we really believe you at your word? "I need to change my attitude and take no prisoners?" Fact is, Casey, you've been handed opportunity after opportunity and while you've been able to overcome a few obstacles standing in your way, you haven't been able to emerge victorious from the major battles that mean the most in your career. Why is that? It's very simple - YOU have held yourself back for the longest time. I haven't. I continue to unleash my rage against those that dare to make a mockery out of me, whether I win or lose. My legacy continues to rise at a rapid rate. Your career, on the other hand, continues to grow boring and stale as all those songs you foolishly bring to life in every promo you've created.

Kain closes his eyes and shakes his head back and forth, then re-opens them.

Kain: Why do you think Mark Ward took advantage of you THAT EASILY? It was like attending his birthday party and you were the piñata that was hanging in the room, only he didn't need to blindfold his eyes because you were such a BIG target to hit constantly! Don't you get it? For all your strength and power, it does NOTHING to help you. You need more than that to defeat someone like Mark Ward, which leads me to my question...

The Roulette champion claps his hand in full and starts to rub them together, swinging them back and forth, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Kain: If you cannot beat Mark Ward in this game, then what makes you think you have a chance IN beat me?

Kain brings his hands up high, on both sides, and spins around momentarily, the camera panning back to capture his actions. He stops fully to adjust the Roulette championship belt on his shoulder before glancing over his shoulder, pointing at both sides of the arena.

Kain: For many years, arenas have been my home. I have fought against multiple foes in my career and in my lifetime, Casey. This is all I know, man, and I am VERY GOOD at this game. I have played this game amongst the very best and have either won or lost. But in the end, one thing remains certain - I have earned their respect. I have made men like you quiver in fear, piss in their pants, and tremble as their thoughts dwell on me. Why is that, Casey? Why is it that I continue to be such a dominating presence? It's because I forged this path for myself. It's because I NEVER held myself back from anything in my life! You can throw me a brand-new challenge, thinking that I would NEVER be able to complete it, and I'll still prove you wrong. When you sit there, sing your songs, tell me that you'll kick my ass an destroy me, that's simply your way of saying "No, Kain, I don't think you're that great, you're worse and I'll show you." It's statements like that, man, that allow me to get BETTER AND BETTER. Why do you think someone like Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, was able to succeed at what he did in his sport? It's because people criticized him, telling him it could NEVER be done.

He lifts a finger, again from his right hand.

Kain: BUT...he did. He did the impossible. It's heroes like him that will forever be remembered, Casey. He made it all possible and is a rich man for it, not just with money, but with his life. He's set. It's the same thing with me, Casey. You can drag my name down in the mud, tell me that I suck plenty of times, but in the end, all you're doing is continuing to taunt and tease until the beast within me comes and punishes you for everything you've said in my face. That's how life works, Casey. You continue to bully and pester me about how I will NEVER get the job done and all you're getting is a fucking burial, six feet below, with no one to care after you. Not even those friends that you hang out with on a daily basis!

He looks away from the camera now, his right hand lowered to his side. In fact, his hands take hold of the Roulette championship and he shows it to Casey, the camera once again zooming in on it before panning back, watching Kain's lips moving, his eyes narrowed towards the piece of machinery.

Kain: You want to know why I'm the champion? You want to know why I am the most complete fighter in the world? It's because I've allowed my actions to speak the full truth, with the words speaking the truth. Do you understand what I'm telling you? The pen may be mightier than the sword, but it's the sword that gets the last laugh, Casey. My sword, as such, will cut you down into pieces. You won't be surviving the Three Stages Of Hell I have planned for you. Your big, ugly punch, your fat, gruesome body, and your slow, abysmal speed will do little to faze me in the confrontation ahead. Mark Ward certainly showed his wicked style of brutality against you, didn't he? I watched that whole match, Casey, and it was like watching a more experienced guitarist playing circles around a novice guitarist. It was a sickening, amazing display of power from him. I don't like the man fully. In fact, he and I don't see eye to eye on many issues, but he has earned my respect. Something that you'll never get from me for you, but I will make you respect me instead. The champion rises above all things, Casey, no matter how bad things get for him and I plan on showing that to you.

He takes a look around the ring, trying to imagine what it will be like for him to wipe Casey Williams out of the planet. He puts down the Roulette championship and ascends the top rope on the northeastern side of the ring, his arms folded. The camera rushes outside and glances up at him, with the King Of Kings's blazing eyes narrowing down on it once again.

Kain: In this lifetime, Casey, you will NEVER be able to best me in combat again. In ages past, you merely got lucky. That was the past, old "friend." Today is now and I intend to correct a wrong that you inflicted upon me a long time ago. Three stages of Hell,'s going to be a tough night for you. I guarantee it!

He points to the Titantron and the camera swerves to see it in time, flaring to life. It only brings up a single image however, a picture of a family. Two young kids, one a boy, the other a girl. Above them is Kain and Ariel, aka Alex and Lisa, their children Arthur and Rose. The camera then turns back to Kain, who retrieves the Roulette championship and placing it on his shoulder once again, then turns around and views that image. You don't see them, but tears are slowly coming down his eyes, like little soldiers that roll off a cliff after getting shot in some famous war.

Kain: This is really the main reason why I fight. It's my motivation. It's my drive. This is all I need to continue to stay in this profession, Casey! I used to think that it was my sole ambition to become the best fighter that I can possibly be at this point in time. But I've found something new to fight for...had found that reason a long time ago, in fact. It's because of those three special, incredible human beings. They are the reason why I live, why I turned my attitude around, why I've been kicking ass more and more lately. I wish to be a good man to them, Casey, to live out my life as best as I can for not just myself, but for them as well...

Wiping his tears away with his left hand, he regains his composure, the emotion gone from his face, replaced by a mask of demons that haunt him to this day. Those demons are pretty nasty that perhaps not even a psychologist would care enough to examine. The King Of Kings rolls out of the ring and slowly lands on the ground. He looks at the camera with pure distain and hatred towards Casey Williams.

Kain: Tell me something, you worthless asshole. What exactly are you fighting for? Are you fighting for the glory? For victory? For fame or riches? All of them are superficial, but none have any meaning. When you finally reach a point in my life, Casey, you will fully come to understand that. For now, you are as dumb as an ox if you believe you can beat me with what resources and powers you possess now. None of it will come in handy against the fight that will end your life and your career. Believe me, Casey, I intend to atone for the sins for the past and one of those sins was losing against you a long time ago. That ends now, foolish one.

Kain laughs for a second, realizing something.

Kain: I found it surprising that you never bothered to ask an important question to me. Why exactly did I choose you for this unique opportunity? It's very simple - it isn't just to do what's right. It's to teach you a lesson in this life. It's to show you that no matter how far you've come in your journey, there will always be a better man to rape you emotionally, mentally, and physically, leaving you scarred for the rest of your life. Mark Ward brought that type of humiliation and rage out of you, that much was clear. But what he did to you? It's NOTHING compared to what I'm about to put you through at Climax Control.

Kain looks up suddenly and sees Ariel, smiling at him wickedly. Smiling back towards the beautiful figure, the goddess that he has sworn to protect all his life, he slowly walks towards her with great confidence.

Kain: It must hurt you badly, Casey, to know that a woman like that is far out of your league. That being said, I will warn you - if you EVER decide to hurt my family, you are a dead man. They mean EVERYTHING to me, Casey. Everything!

He greets his queen, the love of his life, with a passionate kiss that transcends beyond meaning for anyone to comprehend. Ariel says nothing, holding her man close, rubbing his stomach and chest, looking at him with pure love and admiration. He looks towards the camera for a final time...

Kain: I know of another man. He wrote me a letter, not too long ago, and told me how, in a previous life, you and him were once friends, but it irritated him constantly when you mentioned a statement to him over and over again. "I am your God. Bow down to me." He told me that if I ever had the chance to face you in combat, he would like for me to honor his request. Normally, I don't do such things for the fans, but I'll make this an exception. This is more than just a fan's request; this is a lesson designed fully by me, for you to understand, for you to examine and comprehend until the end of time. Three Stages Of Hell, all chosen by a wheel...none of that matters to me. What matters to me, Casey, is the hell that awaits you inside the ring at Climax Control. After this, perhaps you should consider becoming a professional karaoke singer, because that's all you truly love doing - singing songs that mean nothing to the rest of the world...except for yourself. Then again, that's a bad choice, because they'll probably boo you out of the fucking building! In any case, know this, Casey. Your punch is pathetic. Your display of emotion and fear is pathetic and laughable at best. You have proven NOTHING to me, to Mark Ward, or to anyone as of late. Hell, that match you also showed me was a weak demonstration at best. I need to see you finally turn the tide against me. I want you to take me by surprise, show me that everything you said really wasn't a lie (because let's face it, is!). But I doubt you'll even do that, will you? I'm coming back to this very arena, Casey, to kick your sorry, worthless, big ass all over Laughlin, Nevada. You're the first of the last to go, Casey, and I won't be sorry to see you dead and gone from this Earth.

For I am Kain...the King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

Ariel turns Kain's face to her and brings him into another passionate kiss as the camera swerves away and looks solely at the black cloak in the ring. Then everything fades to black and we see no more...

Climax Control Archives / Questions...
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:36:04 PM »
 Ariel sighed loudly. Here I am, sitting on the ground in my mansion, watching Rose and Arthur walk around and become noisy, only to hear her sigh. That forced me to look up.

Something the matter, Lisa?

She points at the TV screen and I looked straight ahead. Necra is the current Bombshell champion and had a few words to say about it. I listened to her words patiently, although her voice was as vile as an old witch that stirs her cauldron. After her interview ended, I merely chuckled, then looked to Ariel and shrugged my shoulders.

I don't understand people like her. Do they have some kind of powers that we don't know about? It's not like we can raise the dead or have a few slaves around us to do our bidding. I look forward to finally getting in the ring with that woman, if she's still the current Bombshell champion by the time I make my debut.

Suddenly, she felt kicking in her stomach and she groaned out in pain. I quickly stood up, rushed over to her side, gently helping her up. Then I took her and had her sit down in a brown, comfortable lounge chair. She managed to breath a huge sigh of relief, then looked at me and smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

To be honest, my love, I'm not worried about Necra. I'm not worried about any of the Divas. I'm not a woman, so I won't be striking her down at anytime. However, Mercedes will be in my corner and if she's good as she can be, then I'll let her do whatever she believes is right with Necra. Right now, I have my own battle to wage with Max.

He's one half of the Young Lions, isn't he?

I nodded at her.

Yeah, that's right. His buddy, Trevor, was and I think still is his ally. They took on both Frost and I for the tag-team championship and they didn't win the match, but a couple of new foes took out Frost and I. I intend to reform Blood Omen, at some point, and show the whole world that Frost and I are more than a match against anyone that dares to step in our way. In the meantime, here's Max Burke, a competitor who has decent strength and speed, but isn't smart on capitalizing it. I hope, for his sake, my love, that Max is ready to take me on in another fight. It's going to cost him everything once again.

I couldn't help but cover my nose big time as Arthur let out a huge fart. He basically shit in his pants, so I couldn't help but laugh as I took him up and headed into the bathroom. As I walked in, I saw Rose heading towards her mother, who took her up in her arms and they both enjoyed a mother-daughter moment.

It's one of those scenes that remind me that everything will be alright for me, whether I am the current Roulette champion or not.

* * *

In anyone's life, one of the most common aspects of it that they must deal with is questions. Some love asking questions with their friends or loved ones while others like to be alone, pondering such things. Like what, you ask? How about what is the meaning of life? What is it that I, a human being, can do to make this world better? Should I stay on the side of good and be an angel until I can finally ascend to the paradise that's supposedly Heaven or should I become a cold-blooded killer and leave a tail of destruction at my wake and be forced to live in the confines of a burning Hell? It's questions like those that are fine to ask, but really, the biggest question to ask is how in the world Kain, The King Of Kings, was able to destroy Matthew Kennedy and take away everything he wanted in one fell swoop? Now that's a question I have an answer for - I'm awesome. I'm indestructible. I'm the best thing to ever happen in the Sin City Wrestling organization and sooner or later, my eyes will be focused on the SCW Heavyweight championship in the near future. For now, my crosshairs are aimed at the current SCW Bombshell champion, Necra Octavian Kane, and an old foe that I previously clashed with awhile back, Max Burke. Like Necra, I'm not too thrilled about it, but I'll handle it. In fact, I'll more than handle the obstacle that's thrown at me. I didn't become the Roulette champion for no reason and it's times like these when you have to shut up and back it all up with action, for actions obviously speak louder than words. After all, I pretty much brutalized Matthew Kennedy and made him my bitch for the Roulette championship. That match was pretty much effortless, like stealing candy from a baby! This week, I have no doubt that I'll be facing competition, but...unfortunately for them, they are a LITTLE better compared to Matthew Kennedy. Yep, that's an insult right there, one for the ages! So I hope they are ready to throw it down and are prepared to face the King Of Kings as he prepares to teach his herd of sheep a major lesson in the art of ass-kicking!

Necra, your comments intrigued the hell out of me, I must admit. Yes, we are both champions in our own right and knowing your history, I'm sure that you've tangled with some of the best men alive and probably won them all. I don't doubt it, but you see, I'm not like any man you've ever faced. For one, I live by a code. One of the rules of that code, Necra, is that I don't hit women at all. It doesn't matter if I chose to strike first or if they strike me. But of course, that's what this....Mecedes Vargas is for, isn't she? She's there to keep an eye on you and should you try to cause any trouble, she'll be there to put YOU down. So you see, I don't have to worry about you in the end, because should I defeat you both by annihilating Max for the hundredth time and then pinning his sorry ass for the 1-2-3, I would have already proven myself to you, haven't I? Then again, I don't need to prove ANYTHING to you whatsoever, you creepy lady! I've already done everything that I wanted to in my life, Necra, so I honestly don't have to "fight like a man" to gain your respect. Oh and I'm going to provide you a LITTLE warning - if you know me well, then you should know my wife, Ariel. When she is done with her pregnancy and is ready to fight, that Bombshell title that you currently hold around your waist? Sooner or later, it's going to be HER title to wield. I want you to understand something; Ariel doesn't take shit from anybody. So, if anything, Ariel, in one way or another, will either face you or the next SCW Bombshell champion for that title and once her mission is done, that title will NEVER belong to you again. So if I were you, I would cherish every precious moment you have with that title. If I was a woman right now, all I would have to do is just snap my fingers and that title would be mine. So go on ahead, Necra, feel safe and comfortable, keep on using Max to try and take me down. But when Mercedes and I win this fight, you are most certainly going to be thinking twice before dueling with me again, foolish girl. While I respect the fact that you are a champion in your own right, don't ever assume that I won't come after you at all, because all I have to do is WIN. Once I accomplish that, that would mean that I didn't have to lift a single finger to touch you for the win. How insulting would that be? Oh and do me a favor - don't rely on Max Burke for your victory. He won't take you anywhere...

Isn't that right, Max? You and I have had some furious battles in the past for the tag-team titles, but I overcame you, with Frost as my tag-team partner. Max, this could be the most important battle of your life, because should you win (which I know for a fact you won't), it could easily give you the #1 contender ship for the Roulette title. News flash, however - that will NEVER happen. I really hope you took the time to sit down and glance at the footage of my matches with Kennedy? Did you see the hopelessness, the despair, the rage that flowed through his body when he realized that nothing would ever go his way? Did you see how I easily took him out of the picture and showed the whole world that when Kain wants something, he gets it! I want you to understand something; when I'm in the ring, you don't want me to be your opponent. You don't want me to be the guy that's facing you down, because it's that guy that's going to make it his mission to destroy you completely. I'm not some average Joe on the street, Max, I'm the most complete fighter in the world, capable of winning in any kind of match. I'm sure you'll think that I have all the pressure in the world when I'm in the ring, champion or no champion, but let me assure you - I THRIVE on pressure. It is my BUSINESS to stay cool, confident when the heat in the kitchen intensifies to a boiling level, so hot that no one can withstand it's endless punishment! But I can, Max, and I will, just for the sake for watching fools like you bleed profusely, cursing me from afar, wondering how the hell I got the best of you YET AGAIN. Oh don't get it twisted now; I know that you are a tough cookie. I know that you can handle yourself in the ring, whether your words and actions are a joke or not outside the ring. But believe me, the dances I've had with you were mediocre at best. You gave it EVERYTHING you had against me before and you lost it. Once again, we are able to clash in another dance of brutality and once again, I will be the one walking away with the victory. Only I will ensure that the legacy of Kain survives yet again. It's all thanks to people like you and Necra, of course, because you guys make it THAT simple for me to accomplish things on my own terms. So I suggest you prepare hard, because I'm coming at you with guns blazing from all directions!

I want you both to understand something...I'm not going down without a fight. It doesn't matter if you know of me or my history, Necra. It doesn't matter, Max, that we fought in the past. What matters is today and today, I'm the current SCW roulette champion. I will make sure that I stay that way for a VERY long time. I don't intend on giving up on this belt anytime soon, because I intend to make a career out of it. I'm going to be surpassing Thatcher Rex as the world's greatest Roulette champion and I'm going to continue on, striving to stay in prime perfection and improve myself mentally, spiritually, and physically. I don't care much for the rules that entail in the Roulette match, but so be it. I'll be glad to put my life, my reputation, and my career on the line to make an example out of you both, to show that I am the greatest thing to ever be a part of this unique, wonderful organization! It was Mark Ward and Christian Underwood that gave me the ball and I'm now running with the ball in hand. So I want you to ask yourselves some questions as you enter the match this week. What exactly will it take to defeat Kain and Mercedes? What must I do to ensure a victory? Should I come out and be completely unpredictable so that I can somehow take Kain and Mercedes off their game? Now, all of those questions are important, but they aren't significant to me, because I already know the answers. It will take more than what you already have to slay me. It will take a cunning, quick gameplan to take me off my feet. It will take more than simple unpredictability to win. You are about to face the greatest challenge in your life, lady and gent, and I hope you both are ready for the devastating outcome at this week's Climax Control. If I lose, I'll be pissed, no doubt, but you know what? That may have been one battle, but I WILL win the war and it all begins again on Sunday. Questions will be asked by many and I'll answer them all and silence the nagging critics once again.

For I am Kain, the King Of Kings! And I...have spoken!

Supercard Archives / PRIMETIME MATTHEW KENNEDY vs KAIN vs ?
« on: June 21, 2013, 11:56:19 PM »
 The camera slowly focused into view, blurry at first, but everything became clear afterwards. The first thing the camera saw was a close focus on my eyes, wide as dinner plates.

You bring it back a bit and you see my face, my jaw dropping to the floor. Then the camera spins around to see me sitting on my seat, listening to Matthew Kennedy spewing his insanity for the entire world to see.

When the promo was done, not caring for who saw what happened next at all, I died on the floor, laughing my ass off. Matthew Kennedy confirmed it for me just now; he’s one of the worst wrestlers to ever grace the Sin City Wrestling organization.

How in the unholy hell did the higher-ups give this insane moron a chance at the Roulette championship? More importantly, why in the hell did they have him face me, for the second time in a row, when he NEVER deserved a shot at me or at the Roulette championship in the first place? It’s mind-boggling! Here’s a kid who thinks he’s some kind of man that’s able to escape from any situation and look good in the end. That statement, my friends, is one that is false and inaccurate. Matthew Kennedy hasn’t been able to escape anything bad and make it good since the day he was born!

The waitresses and other workers on the airplane couldn’t help but stare at me. Ariel didn’t say a word, but her smile indicated that she understood. After all, she’s right next to me, watching every word come out of my opponent’s mouth. She knows that Matthew Kennedy is a man that I have dead to rights for the Roulette championship. She also knows that his weak, scrawny ass is about to get kicked all over the place at Into The Void II and that belt that he thinks is his WILL BE MINE!

Regaining my composure finally, I managed to sit back down, breathing hard from all that insane laughter. Ariel looked over at me.

Who does this kid think he is?

I don’t know about you, but this guy thinks he’s some sort of hero out of all this. Acting like Team Erik is going to fall quickly and that he has to think for himself fast.

Matthew Kennedy has never been able to get around life without doing anything for himself. What a hypocrite! To tell me that he’s all for himself now is a lie born out of desperation. He will always need someone to help him commit the crimes that he’s so proud of. He’s going to be the one guy that will stand behind what he calls a leader and will always remain a follower, obediently serving his master until they have discarded him completely. There is no honor or even a shred of integrity to be found in him, Ariel. Matthew Kennedy is a pathetic peon of the highest order and he still cannot grasp the dangerous situation that he’s gotten himself in. Team Erik is going to not like it when he makes his move and will kick his ass for it. Erik is not stupid – he needs men to lead his army into whatever kind of delusional scheme he’s plotting and Matthew Kennedy is nothing more but a pawn in his game. Matthew Kennedy will continue to follow guys like him into the depths of hell for all eternity. There is simply NO WAY a man like him can think or act on his own!

And Team SCW finds him pretty useless by this point.

Thinking about it for a second, I nodded at her statement.

You think Mark Ward and Christian would take a bastard like him being into their welcoming arms? I doubt it. Matthew Kennedy is completely useless and serves no purpose. He doesn’t have a card up his sleeve to help either side and his fighting skills are highly unimpressive. They need guys like me to help them out, but Mark Ward and Christian are no fools. They know that I am out for myself only, they can believe that I’m following their orders blindly. I’m not, Ariel. I’m a man of action and when I want something THAT BADLY, Ariel, I take it. Without a shred of remorse or pity shown in my eyes! For example, the Roulette championship that’s going to be coming home to me is something I’ve been setting my sights on since I returned. I have every intention of taking that belt honorably and making it mine for a long time. Unlike Matthew, Ariel, I’m going to show the entire world why Kain is renowned for his sprit, strength, and technical prowess in the ring. A guy like Matthew Kennedy can look at me and call me a MMA fighter all he wants, but I’m more than that. I’m the most dangerous man on the planet and not a single man, woman, or child can stop a man of greatness like myself!  

I know that you’ll give him hell, Alex. I know that you will be the champion and I know that your day, at Into The Void II, will happen our way. Matthew Kennedy won’t know what hit him once you and him step foot into the ring.

Oh I know my love He has no choice but to confront the music and to enjoy the beats that Ill be delivering my way I still have a few choice words for that poor insignificant man His time is over Thats a promise not just a threat

Quickly giving Ariel a kiss, I helped her in buckling her seatbelt, since she was having trouble inserting it on the other side, then I buckled my own seatbelt. I sat bad, fully relaxed and confident, knowing that everything I plan on doing to the helpless man and the unnamed challenger would be done for all the right reasons. One way or another, the Roulette championship would be mine for the taking!

* * * *

I guess congratulations are in order. You may be taken aback by my words and go “Why?” Very simple, Matthew Kennedy, you made it this far in the journey. Somehow, someway, a disgusting cockroach, like you, has managed to elude my grasp until now. Last week was a prelude to my wonderful evening of carnage and destruction. Into The Void II will be the conclusion that the whole world is waiting for. Forget about all the matches that are displayed for the world to see. Forget about the main event that will decide the fate of the Sin City Wrestling Organization. All eyes should be casted upon the two of us, along with the unnamed challenger (who is considered to be unimportant in the current scheme of things), as we grapple, bite, and claw our way in an effort to wrest the Roulette championship away from us. You are unfortunate, however, in this contest, because you will face me, one more time. You should have heeded my warning, simpleton. You should have finally come to terms with this fact – there is no hope. The biggest nightmare of your career is about to be unraveled, the onslaught enveloping you in its darkness like a fly being caught in a spider’s nest, the spider toying with its victim until it permanently dies. That’s the scenario you are about to find yourself in, Matthew Kennedy, as I toy with your mind, body, and soul, kill everything that makes this soulless, worthless entity that I see before my eyes, and then crush it to death. Truly, you do not deserve to be in my world, in my league, or in anyone else’s league. Your words and your actions brought out your forthcoming demise from the Sin City Wrestling Alliance and it is my pleasure to get the job done, to take away everything from you, to usurp all chances you have of winning the title and much, MUCH more. You are welcome, little one, because you are about to be taught by the greatest fighter in the world. The MOST COMPLETE FIGHTER IN THE WORLD, I should say, because that’s exactly what I am. Unlike you, my words and my actions back everything up. You cannot touch me in any way, Matthew Kennedy, and at Into The Void II, your time is over.

That being said, you are wrong on so many levels. First off, you speak like a foolish man that believes in his own delusions. Your “intelligence” had NOTHING to do with Thatcher being attacked. Last I checked, Matthew Kennedy, it was I who laid out the man himself. It was I who screamed in his face, letting him know that I wanted the belt, that it would be mine in time. Since when have you able to do anything against Thatcher in a way that speaks manhood? We all saw your cowardly actions, how you took the belt from him, right under his nose. That’s NOT how I would do business, Matthew Kennedy. Fact is, if I am the #1 contender to ANY belt, I’ll take them all head-on, in the ring and earn it rightfully. That attack on Thatcher Rex was a way of telling him that I’m a man of my word, that I would fight him on my own terms. Doesn’t matter where the battle happens, Matthew, I’m going to do whatever it takes to take out the competition and walk away clean from it. You honestly think that my fighting days are behind me when in fact they are not, foolish one. My skill as a “glorified MMA fighter” have taken me to places that you cannot possibly comprehend at this point in time. Thatcher Rex, should he ever return, will eventually challenge me for the Roulette championship. You, on the other hand, should you win, he could take that belt without a problem. In your case, it’s like taking candy from a baby. In my case, it’s not going to be a walk in the park; I’ll gladly give him the fight of his life, like how I did not too long ago, Matthew Kennedy. You DID see what I did to him after all, didn’t you? It was my intelligence, my skill, my actions that set the stage for everything to happen, thus reaching this point. You don’t get it, do you?  I made sure to make you as my current target and when my mind is solely focused on that goal, Matthew, I make sure to go above and beyond the call of duty to see it done. Tell me, you worthless shit, do you have what it takes to defeat me? Or will you run away, like the arrogant weakling that you’ve always been since the beginning of time? History will not be kind to you. Fact is, that made me laugh, my boy – you think history will repeat itself in YOUR favor? I don’t think so, for history will repeat in MY FAVOR! Didn’t you learn ANYTHING from our last clash?  Of course not! You refused to do your homework, you failed to acknowledge your weaknesses, and you most certainly continue to stick to your same train of thought, thinking that I’m going to be nothing but easy pickings at Into The Void II. Keep thinking that way, my boy, because I’m going to unleash a world of hurt and pain unlike anything you’ve ever felt before in your entire, pathetic life!

Both results, as far as I’m concerned, have proven to me exactly who you are, the man that does not deserve to be the champion at this time. Your recent words, your actions, have proven to me as much. I mean, why you? How is it that you, the “great” Matthew Kennedy, is able to somehow gain one title opportunity after another? That’s something that will always confuse me, because the truth was revealed to me, before my very eyes. That Roulette championship doesn’t belong to a cowardly bastard like you. It belongs to someone like Thatcher Rex, a man who has carried the title for a long time, only to lose all chance of holding it for a longer basis once I aimed for him. More importantly, Matthew Kennedy, it belongs to a man like me. Kain, The King Of Kings! The greatest entity to ever live on this planet, the one man that is truly destined for everlasting greatness! Into The Void II is going to be the devil’s playground and I will gladly show you why. In truth, Matthew Kennedy, you made it all possible for me. You are, quite frankly, one of the easiest challengers I’ve ever had to go through. I can already see you pulling off your stupid imitation of the Muhammad Ali foot shuffle, your weak, impudent jabs towards my face, your cocky, brash smile. That’s all you’ll ever able to pull off this time around. Oh, sure, you may surprise me with a few moves or two, but in the end, it won’t faze me. Fact is, little man, I can see through EVERYTHING you try to pull at me. I know all your moves and your speed is as slow as a turtle. You bore the hell out of me, Matthew Kennedy. I’d rather be facing Thatcher Rex than you or why not just give me Mark Ward or Nick Jones, men who are more powerful and dangerous than you’ll ever be in this lifetime. Do you really think you stand much of a chance in this game of ours, Matthew Kennedy? Do you honestly believe that the Roulette championship is easily yours for the taking? If so, you are clearly blinded and deluded to a greater extent. I have every intention, Matthew Kennedy, of seeing my dream realized. I don’t care if it’s you or the unnamed foe that requires no intense thought or concentration at this point. All I care about, Matthew Kennedy, is becoming a champion once again. Like I said before though, I’m already a champion, so it really doesn’t matter to me, little boy, because I know exactly how to get the job done. Each time I’m in the ring, whether I win, lose, or draw, I ALWAYS create controversy! I’m the guy that every spotlight is shined on, the guy that is so popular that he literally gets mobbed everywhere. My legend will be foretold for many generations after I am finished with you. You are nothing more but a stepping stone to my greatness, Matthew Kennedy. I promise you, things will not go the way you want it to be. Things will not go the way you envisioned within your mind, because I’m unpredictable. I’m powerful. I’m strong. I’m intelligent. I’m quick. I’m everything that a man desires to be and exactly what a woman wants in a man. A man that is bold, resilient, and completely confident of his abilities. I’m not just talking about my abilities as a fighter, Matthew Kennedy, for I am speaking of my emotions and my mental state of mind. You cannot harm me in any of those three areas and you are able to discover that painful truth at Into The Void II.

At this point, Matthew Kennedy, I’ve given you every chance. One week wasn’t good enough for you, now this will be the second week in a row. I will be the man of the hour, Matthew Kennedy. I will be the one to decide your fate and as far as I’m concerned, your fate is permanent. Death awaits you at Into The Void II and I’m going to be making your night extremely long and VERY painful. I suggest you do not doubt my words. In fact, you need to kneel on the ground, right here, right now, and pray to whatever God you believe me, for not even your God will save you from the hell that’s about to be unleashed upon your rotting corpse! The Roulette championship is MINE, Matthew Kennedy. I will not steal it. I will not be a coward. I will take you on, for the second and final time, and defeat you in mortal combat. I’m going to make you bleed, bruise, and broken. When I’m done with you, Matthew, there will be nothing left for the world to see. You’re going to die and your ashes will be scattered to the four corners of the Earth. Meanwhile, I’m going to be taking over as the Roulette champion. I’m going to be the one ushering in a new era of supremacy and greatness! As far as I’m concerned, little boy, your days are numbered. Remember, you made all this possible. You also made it very easy for me to defeat you, so I hope you are prepared to accept your fate and to relinquish the title over to me, because in the end, everything that you’ve done, thus far, was for nothing!

For I am Kain, the King Of Kings! And I…HAVE SPOKEN!

Supercard Archives / PRIMETIME MATTHEW KENNEDY vs KAIN vs ?
« on: June 15, 2013, 11:29:47 PM »
 Although my respect for Thatcher Rex had heightened considerably, I had to finally show him who was boss.

That belt was now mine for the taking and in order to accomplish that feat, I had to find him and take him out honorably and legally.

That's exactly what happened briefly last week, when Thatcher Rex and I tangled with each other. I had to tell him, through my actions, that even though I saw him as a man of respect, I also wanted to finally show my demonic side of me, the side that I've been unleashing every now and then when it happens. Last week happened to be such a time, when I first laid out Thatcher Rex and then took out Matthew Kennedy in what he called a "glorified MMA match."

Such pathetic bullshit. That rule was never chosen by me. It was chosen at random. It is not my fault that it happened the way it did. Matthew Kennedy truly has NO RIGHT in telling me that I never beat him in what he called "our sport". I don't care who you are, I'll annihilate you in any sport you chose to play in, whether it's in fencing, track and field, soccer, you name it, I'll be the best person to put myself in such awesome heights that not a single person in the world can stop me!

You think LeBron and Jordan would have what it takes to beat me on the basketball court? I don't think so!

Do you think Tiger Woods could defeat me in a game of golf? Not a chance in hell!

You put me in any situation and I will set my mind onto that task and make sure it is achieved, whether I win or lose, by either honorable or dishonorable means. Few already know the truth behind my method of madness and a lot more will become victims of that mindset very soon. Matthew Kennedy and this unknown challenger seek to do battle with me and I put everything aside, including my own family, out of my mind and put myself in a zone where I cannot be touched or cannot be hurt mentally, physically, or even emotionally. I will not allow for any distractions this week, for I seek the one thing that's been destined to me - any title in the Sin City Wrestling organization.

The SCW Roulette championship is what I ultimately desire and I won't let these two jackasses, this Matthew Kennedy and this unnamed foe, steal my thunder and take away my glory. This is now MY TIME and I assure you, once things get chaotic inside that ring at Into The Void II, there will be not a damn thing to stop me from becoming the NEXT and NEW SCW Roulette champion!

One thing I will say though - should Thatcher Rex ever return and challenge me for the title, I will gladly accept it and take him head-on, to finally determine who truly is the better man between us. Let's face it, even though he and I clashed evenly for a bit, I managed to gain the upper-hand and win for that short time. It may yet be possible for him to emerge victorious against me next time. I will do my best, everything in my power, to make sure that doesn't happen the next time we face each other in mortal combat.

For now, I have to conclude my business with this new upstart, Matthew Kennedy, along with the unnamed enemy, and to show them how exactly it is done within the ring.

Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I leave my wife and children behind in Detroit as I prepare myself for the inevitable. Ariel, however, will rejoin me at ringside. She is forbidden from fighting, due to her current status as a pregnant woman, so she's only able to watch as I destroy my opponents into submission and become the next champion in any division I chose to pursue and that's currently the Roulette division.

It's currently midnight as I arrived in my hotel room. I wanted to sleep, due to travel being quite exhausting, but the wheels within my mind were running. I couldn't help but lick my lips with great anticipation, thinking of the epic carnage and destruction I look forward to releasing upon these two, helpless souls. I saw myself as the victor, the referee hanging my hand, with my other hand grasping the title, the crowd either cheering or booing for me. Meanwhile, my opponents would be lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, unable to move for a long time.

I was taken out of my revere when my cell phone buzzed from within my pants pocket. Taking it out, I threw my bags to the floor and sat down at the edge of the king-sized bed, flipping it open, reading a single line from an unknown I.D.

Good luck

Even though I had an idea of who could have sent the text message, I didn't care at the moment. I closed down the phone and tossed it onto a nearby table, then stood up and walked over to the window, gazing at the sky, the pounding rain hurling downward from the heavens, as the skies of San Diego bore down thunder and lightning.

I figured, if anything, it would be a long night for my opponents at Into The Void II and that alone made me smile wickedly from ear to ear.

* * *

Last week was the game-changer in my career. In one stroke, not only did I take out Matthew Kennedy in one-on-one combat, I dueled against the ex-Roulette champion, Thatcher Rex, and put him in his place, yelling in his face that I wanted the belt. No matter how much I could respect someone like that, I had to take matters into my own hands. I confronted him like a man, face-to-face, and the brawl ensued. In the end, I overthrew the former champion from his throne and now have it securely in place once Into The Void II arrives upon us all. At this point, I honestly have no clue about the unnamed challenger that I'm about to face and in truth, I don't mind nor do I care who it is, whether it may be friend or foe. The roulette championship is now MINE for the taking and I plan on making sure that this new, unnamed enemy and Matthew Kennedy are firmly put into place. I alone am the right man to usher the Roulette division into a new era of dominance and supremacy unlike anyone before it, Thatcher Rex included. If Thatcher Rex ever steps back into the Sin City Wrestling organization, he is free to challenge me for the title at anytime. Why? Because I'm ready to accept his challenge and to show him that I am the best at what I do; kicking ass and taking names all over the goddamn place! You can tell me that I'm extremely cocky, but that's not true at all! Fact is, I'm very confident in my abilities as a fighter and at Into The Void II, not only will I emerge victorious, not only will I emerge as the new Roulette champion, but I'll be the man to once again put everyone in their place and show the whole world that I am the King Of Kings for a VERY GOOD REASON!

Matthew Kennedy! Did you honestly think that last week would be the time that your supposed "momentum" would continue to rise after facing me? Did it ever occur to you, you worthless shit, that your entire life changed from being a man that was once brash and cocky to a man that feels literally humiliated and enraged beyond all belief? I made that happen, Matthew Kennedy! Oh sure, you got a few shots in with me, you tried pulling off the Mohammed Ali shuffle, but that wasn't enough to save you. For every insult and attack you inflicted upon me, I paid you back in kind tenfold! Did you enjoy the power that you felt with each punch I nailed into your weak ribs? I watched you, with great pleasure I might add, as you tried to cover yourself up, to try and spare yourself from the embarrassment. And then, you went on to cause me a little more trouble than it's worth. I ended your fun and games with Malice, Matthew Kennedy - I destroyed your whole world in a blink of an eye. Truth is, boy, I don't have to even be in the room to feel your rage, your hatred, and your dislike of me, Kain, The King Of Kings! I know that you want to get your hands on me that badly and perhaps, in your mind, you can conjure up a million ways to annihilate me. None of those ways will happen, Matthew Kennedy, because that's only a mere fantasy inside your ugly, pitiful mind! The reality is now right in front of you, boy, because you've NEVER fought a fighter like me! You were never a smart man in the first place, were you? You were never mindful of your surroundings, Matthew Kennedy, when I took you and your friends to town and made you all my bitches that night! You were never aware of my power and indestructibility until that night and now last week. Everything changed for you now, didn't it Matthew?

The way I see it, this roulette match between you and me, along with this unnamed challenger, will be nothing but a freaking walk in the park! Tell me something, Matthew Kennedy, should anyone in the entire locker room or in the world, for that matter, should take you that seriously? I know that you'll go on and dabble on about your accomplishments here and elsewhere, but I honestly do not care about any of it. What happens in the present is what matters to me the most. After that, the past only tells us our story and the future is there to provide more for our legacy before we perish from this glorious Earth. For me, my legacy will be talked about in the days, months, and years to come, worshipped by future generations we have yet to see come pass and will never see again. For you, your legacy will be spoke off in a bad light and I don't care if you enjoy that fact or not. You are the one to be blamed for your problems and mistakes. In fact, last week, what you showed off was a poor effort in showing that you are not worthy of the Roulette championship. You are not worthy enough to be called a serious leader or even an entertainer, for that matter. Do you understand, little one, what I am trying to tell you? I'm attempting to tell you, Matthew Kennedy, that you are literally nothing but dust, a man that continues to overhype his own greatness to death until it falls flat on his face. Actions speak louder than words, basically, and your words have more bark than your literal bite! Your bite, in fact, is weak, fragile, and filled with little to no backbone! Me, on the other hand? I've worked hard my entire life to reach milestones like this and believe me when I tell you, you are going to be my bitch at Into The Void II. I'm going to crush every bone in your body, shove every word and lie right back down your throat, and I'm going to be the world's worst dentist and pull your teeth out, one by one! All in the name of blood, Matthew Kennedy, enough to the point of where you'll be begging for me to spare your pathetic life! That will NEVER happen, boy.

I want you to tell me, Matthew Kennedy. I want to hear it in that weak, fragile voice of yours. I want to know why YOU THINK you deserve to be champion, because quite frankly, last week proved to me that you do not have the stones within you to do the job. You do not have the balls to see this matter through, to see me defeated at your feet and to win the championship for your own. You will fail at everything you do from this point on, Matthew Kennedy, because you are not fit to do our job correctly. So exactly why are you here now? Are you still grasping at straws futilely, hoping to somehow create a miracle that would save your ass from total destruction? Are you hoping in vain that my game will be off, that my plan for going against you will not go the way I wanted? Trust me when I tell you, I know EXACTLY how this match will go and I have everything mapped out in my head. And why is that, Matthew? Because you are nothing but a joke, a clown that plays out the same act in front of the worldwide audiences over and over again. You should notice, by now, that people are laughing, but not WITH you, but AT you! You should also notice, boy, that no one thinks you are someone that could taken remotely serious with a championship belt around your waist. I want you to acknowledge that, Matthew Kennedy, and I want you tell me, right here, right now, that you do not want this match, that you submit and walk away from this whole fracas. If you don't, Matthew Kennedy, I'm going to be making your night painful and LONG. I'm your worst nightmare currently and the only way to overcome it is to stay the hell away from me and NEVER, EVER come back into my world again.

But I'm sure that you won't listen to the truth, will you? Idiots like you are SO predictable! You are going to continue to live in a world of denial. You are also going to conjure up another storm of lies and deceit, trying to convince people that you are all for the belt, that I haven't stopped anything from you, that you will win the Roulette championship from me and the unnamed challenger. Truth be told, I don’t care. I already know the outcome of our match, Matthew Kennedy. Far as I'm concerned, last week's match was an MMA match, which was NEVER chosen by me at all, but I indeed salivated at the prospect of being on my own home turf once again. But then again, man, I've always been on my home turf. You see, you tell me that I've never fought you in what you deem to be our sport and I suppose you have a point, but not really. In fact, I've taken on all comers in every kind of match imaginable before my time in the world of professional wrestling and long after I entered into the business. So, you see, you foolish worm, I already know the rules of the game and I know how to play the game to my advantage and to show you plenty of disadvantages. Do you understand what I'm saying, Matthew Kennedy? It doesn't matter what kind of sport you and I engage ourselves in, because the outcome will always remain the same between you and I. You will fall and I will win. It's really that simple and that's the same outcome that will be played out every time you and I dance on the battlefield, because your own efforts will not be enough to demolish a DEMON, a GOD, AN IMMORTAL LIKE MYSELF! I honestly hope that you are ready to be destroyed in every fathomable way possible, because your destruction is what I crave the most and I intend to carry out my promise to you. That you will die, your "legacy" will be over, and I will be the NEXT roulette champion!

Rest assured, I haven't forgotten about the unnamed challenger. I don't know who you are and honestly, I do not mind nor care. You are about to find out the hard truth about Kain, The King Of Kings. You and Matthew about to discover together that I am unstoppable and will not rest until victory is given to me with all the blood, sweat, and tears that I release from my mind, body, and soul. Our match is going to be a classic, with all eyes once again upon me, Kain, The King Of Kings, as I lay waste to you both ignorant, mindless ants and leave you both lying in the dust! I promise one thing, folks. I promise that I will walk into that ring, at Into The Void II, with every intention of being the NEXT roulette champion and walking out of that ring as the NEW roulette champion of SCW! I suggest you take what happened last week and think of it as nothing more but a tease, because I'm going to step up my game to unlike anything the world has ever seen! Boys, gaze upon the man that's going to be the one to bring your untimely demise to life! You will then look below and see him wearing the Roulette championship around his waist and declare himself the King Of Kings once again in a new era that only belongs to him!

For I am Kain, The King Of Kings! And I...HAVE SPOKEN!

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