Author Topic: "I'M TODD WILLIAMS and I MEAN BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 682 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
« on: February 04, 2022, 07:18:22 PM »

Los Angeles, California
Williams Estate

It had been a long time since Todd Williams had found himself inside of a wrestling ring. The Redeemer the man who had always envisioned himself being the individual to save professional wrestling was living in a more laidback sense. He was more accustomed to being a family man and being there to raise his now almost two year old son Xavier. Life was good for the most part as Todd enjoyed being in the background for his newly married wife Hope. He loved trying to do his part to bring up to speed of being a great wrestler. If that wasn’t enough he had loved watching his Brittany trying to rise through the ranks and his son Brayden trying to walk in his shoes.

Life was good and it couldn’t get any better than that. However as amazing as things might have been there was certainly a void in his life. He tried to fill that void by resorting to his womanizing ways trying to screw anything that moved but that never filled it. He tried to obtain as much power as he could but monopolizing the drug world didn’t work either. What was missing from his life was the thrill of being in the ring. He loved the sport of wrestling and when he saw SCW offering a chance to compete in their tournament he was quick to jump at the opportunity. This was certainly a new beginning and he wasn’t going to let it go to waste.

Todd Williams found himself working out as hard as he could in his personal gym. He was picking up a heavy medicine ball and he was tossing it around. His two year old son smiled as he looked at him from a distance.

“Daddy is strong…”

Todd nodded his head with a smile as he looked at his son offering him a huge grin. He couldn’t help but pick up a jump rope and it was at that moment when he went as fast as he could to jump over the rope. The little boy just watched in astonishment as he clapped his hands at his dad.

“Faster daddy… Faster….”

Todd looked at his son with a grin as he kept his eyes on him.

“Don’t worry I plan to go fast as I can. Do you like what you see?!”

The little boy nodded his head as he looked deeply at his father.

“My daddy is the best!”

It was definitely a special moment between father and son. Todd couldn’t believe that in the eyes of his son he truly was that of a superhero. It was this feeling that he really enjoyed and he didn’t want it to ever end. He knew that getting back into the ring at this stage in his life was definitely the right decision. It would offer his son the chance to see what his father does best, and he loved every single bit of the feeling. Todd didn’t stop there as he decided to change things up. His eyes moved to that of his elliptical machine. He had planned to work every single part of his body. He had stepped onto the machine and ten minutes went by. His wife Hope made her way down into the gym and he smirked as she spoke out to him.

“Todd sweetie you have a special guest…”

Todd had sweat dripping from his forehead. He turned his attention to the machine which read that he had burned two hundred calories and he quickly switched it off. He grabbed his towel making sure to wipe all of the sweat from his eyes as he looked back at his wife.

“So what type of special guest are we talking about?! You know I am trying to get back into the wrestling ring and I want to be at my very best when I do step inside and do what I do best…”

Hope nodded her head giggling as she looked back at him. Xavier quickly ran towards his mother who didn’t hesitate to quickly yank him up off of the ground and raise him proudly through the air.


“Hey my little pumpkin… Have you been enjoying your time with daddy?! Why don’t we go upstairs and watch some baby shark or maybe Paw Patrol. I know you love them both!”

The little boy grinned widely as he took him away from the gym. Todd just stood there dumbfounded as he crossed his arms in return.

“Wait… You promised me a special guest… My son was enjoying his time down here. If you let him stay down here for longer he will learn some tricks how to be a chip off of the old block…”

It was in that moment that a voice replied back to him in return. It was a voice that he had known better than anybody else. It was from the true love of his life, his first love and the mother of his twins. That other figure was none other than Crystal Zdunich. Crystal’s normal blue hair was replaced by this natural black hair that looked completely angelic. She walked down the stairs folding her arms together as she looked right into his eyes.

“So I see you are actually doing your trying and doing everything in your power to get back into the ring…”

Todd smiled as he looked back at her.

“And I see you are still as gorgeous as always, although I didn’t take you as the type of woman who would walk around with black hair. That’s really not your style. I expected more over the top with you. After all you are Crystal Hilton so things have to be larger than life…”

Crystal just shakes her head with a sigh looking back at her former husband.

“Normally I would have been like that but catching Corona Virus really didn’t treat me that well. It was one of the worst things to have happen to me in my life. As soon as the Inception was announced I felt sick. I didn’t think much of it but I am grateful for the bosses that we have in SCW. Mark and Christian both wanted to make sure that I was one hundred percent focused on recovering. So they pulled me off of the show with pay, and wanted me to get better…”

Crystal sighs as she shakes her head sighing.

“There’s not much to be done being in complete isolation especially when I forgot to stock up on blue hair. I think what hurts more than that is being away from my Seleana and Alexandra, or my little Aurora. That girl loves me so much but I couldn’t be near her. She is immune compromised so being near her would have put her in danger…”

Todd nods his head just agreeing with her.

“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine being away from Xavier for that long. I love that boy and I would do anything for him. The same goes for Brittany and Brayden, I would do anything to make both of them happy…”

Crystal sighs in return.

“Yeah… It sucks that I couldn’t compete at Inception. I know Brayden was really looking forward to teaming up with me. I really think that we could have been really special. We definitely would have won those Mixed Tag Team Championships and brought a breath of fresh air to the division. However all of that is now washed away because the company decides to bring Mikah back in my place and I have to be subjected to hearing her call me bat shit crazy over and over again…”

Todd looks at his former wife as he grins in return.

“Crystal we both know that this whole thing about the mixed tag team division is definitely about you trying to become a Grand Slam Champion… You can tell everybody otherwise but I know you better than you know yourself…”

Crystal doesn’t say anything as she replies with a dumbfound look


Todd just giggles as he replies back to her.

“On a serious note I think you and Bray would have been an amazing team. He really loves you so much. He loves you to the point he decided to take your Maiden name. Being a Hilton is important to him and he went that path because of you. Even though he would probably never say it you are who he looks up too…”

Crystal quickly shakes her head.

“Are you kidding?! He might have my name but he is YOU… Just look at who he married. I wonder why he is attracted to Hispanic women in the first place?! Maybe that has something to do with how you were attracted to me. On top of that just look at the way he wrestles and how that mouth is so reckless. That is you in a nutshell…Enough about our son though. What about our daughter?! That little girl idolizes being your princess and she has your surname. She is proud to be a Williams and…”

Todd is the one laughing at this point.

“And yet as much as she might be my princess that little girl is definitely your mini me. I mean look at her lifestyle. She found a tall blonde drink of water for a wife. She walks around with the same type of attitude that you had when you were walking out to the ring with a red carpet and a bunch of photographers. You remember being the Rose Goddess right?! That is who she is right now, she is Hollywood and she is definitely YOUR DAUGHTER!!!”

“And I could say BRAYDEN is definitely YOUR SON!!!”

They both look at one another just sighing at one another. Todd shakes his head with a grin.

“Damn… We definitely certain type of parents aren’t we?!”

Crystal giggles.

“And now we are grandparents, God help us. The apples certainly didn’t fall far from the tree. However all hope isn’t lost. We definitely can rectify this and become really good role models for our children to follow…”

Todd raises his eyes.

“Oh and how can we go about doing that?!”

Crystal just sighs in return as she offers a long deep breath.

“By doing things in the right way, as far as I go that means being stable. Not sitting there and wanting to change my mind on something if things don’t pan out. I have to stay the course, and I can’t afford to be afraid of people when they repeatedly say things that I don’t like…”


Todd takes a long glance into Crystal’s eyes.

“That means at some point you will have to confront Mikah, and I know she can say so many things that can clearly get under your skin. You can’t let it bother you Crystal. You need to overcome and showcase that you are better than her…”

She nods her head as she looks back at him.

“I know and as far as you go Todd you need to also do the same. I know you put your name into this Blast from the Past Tournament, and the moment you did I know there are people out there who just didn’t take you seriously. There are people who think you may not even show up or you are just there to take up space and for publicity. You can’t let that be the case Todd. You are better than that…”

Todd slowly nods his head in agreement.

“I know but more important than that WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT CRYSTAL! We can’t let this be the way that people view us. Our legacy needs to be looked upon in another way. This is our chance to flip the script. We have our kids that are looking up to us but more important than that we have Isabella who is our third generation. We need to establish a legacy that she can be proud of. One where people will say she is from the Hilton and Williams legacy that we won’t be mocked at…”

“Exactly so let’s be there for her and let’s change things while we have the opportunity to do so right now. I know I am ready to finally shut Mikah’s mouth off. This has been like 6 years in the making but it needs to be done, but the real question I want to ask you is are you ready to step into ring and compete in the Blast In The Past tournament?!”

Todd thinks about it as he smiles in return.

“Am I ready to compete in the Blast From The Past?! Not really… Being ready isn’t enough, but the real question is am I ready to win the whole entire thing?! To answer that question it’s simple really. Of course I am ready. I was born for this moment, I live for this moment. It has been a long time since I said this but it’s time to get back on the saddle. The world may have forgotten me but I will make them remember…”

Crystal begins to get all giddy as she nods her head smirking.

“Oh, and what exactly are you going to make them remember?! It has been a while so you might have to give me a refresher…”

Todd licks his lips passionately as he screams out at the top of his lungs.

“if they forgot it’s simple… My name is TODD WILLIAMS and I MEAN BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!”

Crystal smirks getting exactly.

“TODD’S MEANS WOO! TODD MEANS BUSINESS… DAMN MAN DAMN!!! It’s time for you to go out there and GET BIG now…”

Todd chuckles.

“Baby… I can you two kids and if we didn’t have the misfortune of those miscarriages it would have been a whole lot more…”

Crystal screams.

“NO, NO, NO! I didn’t mean that type of big… I mean in an urban dictionary type of way. you know Get Big which is defined as the act of completely dominating an opponent and drawing the attention of everyone around!”

Todd chuckles.

“Gotcha so pretty much showcase why I know how to play my position and don’t be like a Paul Millsap when his sorry ass got traded to the Nuggets. Dude is out there being Big for Nothing, and never wants to post it…”

“Todd in a nutshell go out there and DO SOMETHING just don’t LOOK like you can do something…”

“Baby cakes I plan to do just that… Now if you don’t mind I have to let you know that I WOULD LOVE TO STAY BUT I GOTS TO GO!”

“Why?! We just to talking and we really should train for your tournament…”

Todd giggles.

“Well it’s not a good idea for me to be downstairs alone with the love of my life. I feel a certain way and I really take these feelings out on my wife, and you should do the same…”

Todd glared at Crystal from head to toe, and he couldn’t help that he was turned on. However he turned around as he ran upstairs trying to get his wife. Crystal keep her eyes locked on her ex-husband. She was all grins but she quickly pulled her phone out dialing a familiar number.

“Oh Seleana… Guess what WE are going to do tonight?! I will see you soon…”

With that we fade out on this scene.

Damn man Damn!!!

From the bottom of my heart can I just say that it feels so good to be back! Oh yeah you heard that right. Yours truly is back as a full time wrestler. Now I know in the grand scheme of things SCW may not be my permanent home and honestly I am okay with that. Make no mistake though I love being a professional wrestler. I have always loved doing this and for the past few years I can say from the bottom of my heart that I truly did miss it. On paper I know when you see the name of Todd Williams you immediately think of a man who really didn’t give that much of a damn. I can admit that when I was in SCU I didn’t take things as seriously as I should have.

I should have gone on to become a huge star. I definitely had all of the makings to do so but for some reason I just felt like I was empty. I felt like I just didn’t care anymore. I really didn’t want to be here and I lingered within the realm of not giving a fuck. The worse of all things happened the moment when I was fired from my SCU contract. That let me go and honestly I can see why did they what I did. However it wasn’t just me for who was left without a job.

It was also my sister Jennifer, and it was my daughter Brittany. The Williams family had been cut to nothing and normally I would be one to run my mouth to no end. I just didn’t care. I know what all of you might be thinking though. What has changed since being fired from SCU and it’s simple. It has been both of my sons, both of whom have come into my life two years ago.

For my little Xavier who is turning two I want to show him that daddy used to be a serious fucking deal in the wrestling ring. That at the age of 35 I still have so much left in the tank and he needs to know what type of physical gifted athlete I truly can be. On top of that I have my long lost son Brayden who has been trying to bust his ass to try to gain some respect. Honestly I don’t like the way he is trying to force his way into getting respect.

I guess I can’t be all that upset because at the end of the day he is only mimicking things that I have already done. I need change the narrative and give him an image that if you work hard for something good things can happen. So with those two things pushing onward that is why you have signing up to showcase that I have what it takes not only to do well in the tournament but to win the whole entire thing.

I am in this tournament to win and I won’t rest until I do so. If you really wish to be technical Crystal Hilton won this tournament, and Brittany Williams also won this tournament. You know what those two have in common besides being my ex-wife and my daughter. What is common is that I had a hand in training them. So if they could take some of my teachings and go on to win this tournament I know for a fact that I have what it takes to win.

Hell, put some fucking respect on my way damn it…

People might have forgotten but I AM TODD WILLIAMS, AND I MEAN BUSINESS! It’s more than just a fucking catchphrase. What it means in a nutshell is when you see my name on a wrestling you should know that I will wreck shit. I will steal the fucking show and I will simply dominate whenever I can. Besides I know there are people who see my name and don’t think much.

If you happen to be one of those people you know what you can honestly do… You can go *&* yourself. You do have a right to feel that way but that’s only if you are dealing with the Todd Williams who would really go about doing his best Houdini performance.

However that’s not me… Not now and certainly not while this tournament is in effect. I will always SHOW the FUCK UP! I am here in the flesh and I am always ready to mean business whenever I see fit. Now it’s time to prove it to everybody else why that statement is nothing but the truth. On top of that I feel like it’s my job to shut this stupid Bitch Mikah up.

Week after week she tells everyone how she is Mark’s favorite but parades around how she is so in love with Kris Ryans. She talks out of her ass how the company should just give her and Mac Bane the tournament championship already. It’s so pretentious and honestly if I have to work my way through this company just to beat Mac Bane to put a muffle on her mouth by all means that’s what I am going to do.

So I will do everything in my power to get to that match but I can’t look too far ahead because I have a huge match right in front of me. It seems like I am stuck in the middle of a sitcom with how the tournament has shaped up for this first round. It’s going to be and Alanah taking on Jack and Twisted Sister.

First things first… Let me just get this out of the way because honestly it just wouldn’t be a Todd Williams promo if I didn’t say it, but WHERE DA WHITE WOMEN AT?!

Hey Alanah… How you doing girl?! I just want to say are you ready to sit down and watch Todd Williams GET BIG!!!

Oh yeah girl… You are going to watch me show off the art of GET BIG!!! It definitely a LONG RIDE… It’s a PLEASURABLE one and definitely one with an awesome type of CLIMAX!!!

A Climax that ends with a huge EXPLOSION…

Of PYROS that is when we win this entire tournament. What type of GET BIG, LONG RIDE, PLEASURE, CLIMAX AND EXPLOSION did you think I was talking about. Damn! You know what just stop what you are doing! Go to Urban Dictionary and just learn what GET BIG means and once you do I am sure you will be acquainted with what I am talking about.

Besides what type of sick individual do you take me for?! Me even hinting at talking about Alanah is COMPELTELY SICK! She’s like my daughter and my daughter in law’s age. I would never do that!

Besides everybody is making the big deal about this match about what will happen when Twisted Sister and Alanah wrestle one another. What will happen IF she manages to get to my partner?! Yeah I bet a lot of crazy shit technically could happen in this. I mean I did see that Twisted Sister chase Roxi Johnson with a chain saw or some shit like that. However that’s not the real story in all of us.

The real story is what is going to happen when Jack has to get into the ring to face me. Everybody is making it out to be a big deal that he is in this tournament and he is going to do something amazing. Let’s be honest though. I don’t really give a damn at what he represents. Dude is what 18 or 19 years old. He isn’t even old enough to small his own piss yet. I have been doing this for far too long and I know for a fact I have more championships than he has experienced birthdays on this Earth.

I am sure Jack is an amazing wrestler and he is definitely young in his career but I didn’t sign up to this tournament to be ousted by somebody that clearly isn’t on my level.

After all I am the man of so many nicknames in this business. As the Dreamer it’s my job to make my dreams become a reality.

As the Redeemer I am out here to save the state of professional wrestler.

However I guess my favorite alias could be applied to this match but you can consider me the MAIN EVENT STICK MEASURING STICK!!!! Jack you simply just don’t measure up buddy. I am way above anywhere that you will be. Even with a curve in your favor it still wouldn’t bring you anyway close to where I am at in my career.

However I will give you some respect though. I know you are spunky and honestly I like that. I love it that you think you have the ability to shake things up that you can play hero to save your wife but Twisted Sister. I needed a great laugh and if wrestling doesn’t work out for you kid perhaps you should take up standup comedy.

The real thing you need to ask yourself, and this requires you to sit down and take a long glance into the mirror. Who is going to save you from me?!

Because at the end of the day that is who is going to be the biggest threat into this entire match. It definitely is me. The moment you saw Todd Williams aired a promo is the very moment that it should sink that DAMN MAN DAMN Todd actually showed up for a match. DAMN I might not make it to the trilogy which like I would like to define as not being in RUSH HOUR 3, it’s the very moment where reality stinks in and you won’t be passing go. There won’t be any collection of $200 and certainly you won’t be advancing in this tournament.

Let’s be honest you honestly got the short end of the stick in this tournament. You can be afraid of your wife being in the ring with Twisted Sister but don’t let Christian Underwood get you anxious if the women start the match.

Don’t believe that crap. Twisted Sister is not a threat. There are people who I would rather have a partner other than Twisted Sister. I think I would rather team up with Apple Coren or even Traci Patterson. Two women who I would list as what is the politically correct term?!

Jobbe…. No….

Enhanc…. No…

You get what I am saying and I am sure that they in their career have won more than Twisted Sister has. Sure you might have had that OMG MOMENT but other than that what has she really done?! I am not out here to worry about moments that would probably make Christian Underwood get hard and blow an orgasm of OMG this is SO AMAZING…

In the same way we pretty much we have to be witnessed to Hayley Halsey being the main talk of shit said between SCW Roster members when she isn’t even on the roster.

Or Myra Rivers trying to put herself over claiming to EVENTUALLY be a World Champion in 2022 even though we saw her get that ass worked by Amber over, and over, and over again.

It’s still to put an end to all of that bullshit. It’s time to set the record and showcase why the only one who is deserving to take the most spot is the very individual that nobody expects to do so. However I expect it and at the end of the day that’s the only thing that matters.

I know as soon as my promos airs will be saying how big of a threat Todd Williams is when he actually focuses. Hell I could imagine myself at one of those award ceremonies. You know the type when people stand in front of a microphone and they claim that never expected to be standing at the podium in that moment?!

Well you won’t hear that shit from me because DAMN MAN DAMN I always knew I would be HERE. I knew I was destined for greatness and I want stop until the entire world screams what I am about from the very rooftops.

Who am I?!

It’s simple… My name is TODD WILLIAMS and don’t you ever forget that I MEAN BUSINESS!!!!

Now honestly I would love to sit here and WOO you all to death but I GOTS TO GO!!!

PIZZOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! It’s time to save professional and showcase why my dreams will become a reality. Night night, and sweet dreams…

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