Author Topic: "Return of the Storm!”  (Read 16965 times)

Offline Caleb Storms

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    • Caleb Storms
"Return of the Storm!”
« on: April 23, 2024, 10:04:38 PM »
It had been three long years since Caleb had left SCW, initially being taken off the road due to suffering an arm injury in an Internet Title Match against Brother David Shephard at 2021’s High Stakes X event Caleb’s contract quietly ran out after Adrienne Beaufort was released at her request and they moved back to Syracuse, New York later that year, it seemed like Caleb was done with SCW for good.

That is until 2024’s Blast from the Past Tournament was announced and Caleb announced his surprise return for the tournament! Caleb was debuting with another surprise to boot because he was teaming with newcomer Nakita Niles who had joined the fed to compete in the tournament, they didn’t have to wait long to learn of their first round opponents either because Caleb and Nakita were teaming up in the opening round of the Blast from the Past Tournament, their opponents? Caleb’s old foe “Bulldog” Bill Barnhart and another newcomer known only as Roux! Can Caleb and Nakita get the win.

Caleb’s home, Syracuse, New York
Thursday the 11th of April 2024, 17:00pm

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

The last time you folks saw me I was being stretched out of the ringside area following my Internet Title Match against Brother David Shepard at High Stakes X, why? Because I had dislocated my arm during that match! And if you think that’s bad? Remember, that show was being hold in my home state of New York!

Yeah, it wasn’t exactly a good hometown moment to put it lightly! And after Adrienne shot herself in the foot when wresting under my wife’s management for SCW and eventually left for mental health reasons I let my SCW contract expire and moved back to New York.

What have I been doing since then? Not a lot.

I had to give up the guitar because my arm injury meant that my playing ability was never the same as it was beforehand, I did the occasional indie show when I was healing, mostly as someone who did signings and whatnot and once my arm had completely healed I started training for my comeback.

All I’m saying is that missing months of action leaves you with more than a little ring rust, but once I got back into the groove I mostly stuck to the New York area because I didn’t think there was a place for me on the current SCW roster, then I got the idea in my head to return for Blast from the Past and basically see where I went from there and now I’m in my current predicament.

Having to tell the ladies in my life that I’ll be returning to SCW.

“Okay, Caleb usually when you have a surprise for me, it causes me a few headaches.” Katie pointed out as she sat next to Adrienne on the sofa, Adrienne’s girlfriend Freya was hanging around in the background. “I hope this isn’t one of those headache inducing moments.”

”Trust me Katie, you’re going to love this one.” I assured my wife and she took a sip from a drink right before I dropped it. ”I’ve been in contact with Sin City Wrestling over the past few months, I’m going to be returning for the Blast from the Past Tournament.”

Yep, that was all it took for Katie to nearly spit out her drink. “You’re going to WHAT?!” Katie asked with an exasperated look on her face. “Caleb, you remember how tumoltous your relationship with that tournament is, right? Never mind how many guys and girls have come and gone in the time since you left, for god’s sake Jessie’s pregnant and her cousin has been wrestling in her old spot.”

”Well, at least Amber Ryan and Masque aren’t there anymore.” Adrienne commented with a shudder as she thought back to her last match in SCW. ”But you are sure about this Caleb?”[/font]

“I mean personally? I’d pay good money to see him tear it up with the likes of Perer Vaughn or Alexander Raven!” Freya chimed in and we turned to her. “When are they announcing the teams anyway?”

”Sunday night, at this year’s Blaze of Glory show.” I explained and the three women nodded as they got the idea. ”It’s in Flagstaff, Arizona and the tournament will coincide with this year’s first international tout.”

“So like last year’s Unsolved Mysteries tour? I wonder if the locations will be as random or if the routing will be as weird as that tour was?” Katie wondered out loud as she leaned back. “Seriously, two dates in Scotland, one date in Romania and then the final date in London? And not at any of the major Scottish cities either?”

”I know right? I have trouble finding those Scottish locations on a map when they were announced.” I responded with a nod before sitting down and the topc shifted elsewhere.

Come Sunday night I would learn two important facts about my return for the Blast from the Past Tournament, one: my partner was Nakita Niles, a newcomer to SCW who had signed up for the tournament, if anything that put us on equal footing, from what I could gather Nakita was a former servicewoman in the army turned wrestler with quite a reputation outside SCW, and as for the tour?

Well fittingly, it was a Battlefields Tour, shows that would be taking place at the sites of famous battles and the first show was taking place in Hastings, England! For those who may not remember how my last trip to England went? SCW’s tour at the time was brought to a screeching halt by the pandemic.

Fast forward another week and I found out that me and Nakita were opening up this year’s tournament against my old foe Bill Barnhart and another newcomer known only as Roux! This was gonna be interesting.

Caleb’s hotel room, Hastings, England
Monday the 22nd of April 2024, 14:00pm

I’ll admit, I’ve missed being on the road with SCW.

Maybe living in New York for the past few years had something to do with it, especially since I never really ventured outside of New York in that time, hell Adrienne did he most traveling when she was going overseas for CULT.

But you’re here to talk about a failed bombshell right?

It has also been a while since my feet touched British soil and getting used to that fact has been fun, that said, I’m ready to get back into it.

“I know you’ve been training with me and Adrienne since your partnership with Nakita was announced.” Katie commented as she lay back on her bed and I glanced over at her. “But you sure you’re ready for this?”

”I’m sure, don’t worry, besides from what I’ve seen? Bill hasn’t really changed much in the three years since I left SCW.” I responded as turned to face my wife. ”He and Bea had a brief reign with the Mixed Tag Titles and he’s held the Roulette Title twice, outside of that? He’s been doing his old schtick.”

“Heh, some things never change.” Katie chuckled as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. “Where you able to find anything out about this Roux person?”

”Nope, all I know for certain is that she’s Bill’s partner, couldn’t even find a bio for her.” I responded with a shrug and Katie nodded. ”Should be interesting to see how this plays out.”

“For sure.” Katie nodded in agreement before she sat up in her bed. “So, have you decided to make your return full time yet?”

”Not yet, I want to see how the tournament plays out.” I admitted as I shook my head and Katie nodded. ”In the meantime? We may as well enjoy our time here in Hastings.”

“We’ll be here for a week, don’t know if there’s much to do in Hastings to be honest because I’m more familiar with the major UK cities like London or Miles’s hometown of Manchester.” Katie responded with a shrug before she paused. “Did you ever wrestle Miles one on one? I know you faced him in Triple Threats for Alex Jones’ Roulette Title.”

”Not that I can remember, guy’s a fantastic athlete so I’m sure we’ll have a great match if that comes to pass.” I responded as I shook my head and Katie nodded. ”And hell there’s other new guys I’d tear the house down with too, Eddie, Rodrigo, Miles’s fiancé Carter, the list goes on, but again that depends on if my return to SCW is a full time thing.”

“And if nothing else, maybe you can finally get lengthy reigns with the Roulette and Internet Titles.” Katie pointing out that idea and I had to admit, it was tempting, especially after Jessie broke her curse last year.

Either way, this was going to be great.

Walking around Hastings, England
Tuesday the 23rd of April 2024, 14:00pm

*promo time*

I’m back!

”Be honest SCW, did you miss me?” I asked as I addressed the camera with my arms crossed. ”My return for the Blast from The Past was done more on a whim more than anything else, I have been wrestling back in New York, I just never ventured outside of my home state since I moved back there following Adrienne’s release from her contract.” I added as I shook my head. ”But what matters is that I’m here and I’m ready to kick ass in the Blast from the Past Tournament with Nakita Niles! First up on the chopping block? Bill Barnhart and Roux!”

Oh boy.

”I come back to SCW after three years and my first opponent is Bill Barnhart, honestly you can’t make this stuff up folks.” I commented as I folded my arms. ”Me and Old Fart Barnhart have been at each other’s throats several times, and he was my last opponent on Climax Control to boot and to be honest? Getting that win back against Billy will be a great way to mark my return and I plan on doing just that!”

As for Roux?

”As for his partner? What can I say about Roux? No, seriously, what can I say about Roux? She doesn’t have a bio up she doesn’t have a social media account as far as I can tell and Nakita’s probably gonna run right through her if that’s any indication.” I commented as I shook my head. ”I’m hoping I’m wrong about Roux because I don’t want my return to Sin City to be anti-climactic, if anything I want it to be like Bobbie’s current run and hopefully I’ll achieve just that!”

It's that simple.

”To be honest, I don’t know if my return to Sin City will be permanent or a one off but the fact that I’ve got Bill in my first match back is hitting me with a wave of nostalgia!” I added as I shook my head. ”Haven’t really decided if it’s the good kind of nostalgia or not, the kind you get when one of your favourite metal bands from the 80s returns with a killer new album or the bad kind when said album is a total disappointment, either way? I’m back and the Return of the Storm is on!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Nakita, I don’t know a lot about you but I look forward to kicking ass with you in the tournament! And this match will be a test for us both.” I commented as I folded my arms. ”You get someone who I can’t find any info on and I get my old foe Bill “Old Fart” Barnhart and trust me when I say that there’s a storm a brewing and that Bill and Roiux had better just let the Metal Storm descend upon them courtesy of Caleb Storms! See you then!”

I walked off as the scene fades.
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