Author Topic: ALEXANDRA CALAWAY (c) v BOBBIE DAHL - ROULETTE TITLE  (Read 983 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: December 04, 2023, 06:55:49 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Alexandra Calaway

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« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2023, 09:09:22 PM »
Home Stuff
Dallas, Tx.

The twilight sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as Alexandra Calaway's car pulled into the driveway. The engine's hum subsided, leaving behind a quiet that mirrored the exhaustion etched into Alexandra's features. The weight of the recent loss lingered on her shoulders as she climbed out of the car. Dropping her bags inside the entryway, she made her way into the backyard.  Overhead hung fairy lights, filling the space with light. The scent of a barbecue wafted through the air, a deliberate attempt by John Strader, Alexandra's boyfriend, to lift her spirits. He stood by the grill, his silhouette outlined by the warm glow of the flames. Ashlynn, Alexandra's daughter, and Mackenzie, John's daughter, played near a set table adorned with vibrant flowers.

"Hey babe, you look beautiful." John greeted as Alexandra approached, his eyes mirroring a mixture of concern and comfort. “Welcome home.”  He pulled her into a tight hug, knowing what she had just endured.

"Hey my love, hello girls." she replied, a weary smile gracing her lips. The air was heavy with unspoken understanding. “Thank you my love.”  She buried her face against his shoulder and neck, feeling that she was failing at their legacy.

The backyard was a haven of tranquility, a deliberate escape from the chaos of the wrestling world. A cozy setup welcomed Alexandra—a wooden table adorned with flickering candles and plates filled with an array of grilled delights. Ashlynn and Mackenzie rushed towards Alexandra, their laughter a soothing melody. They enveloped her in an embrace that transcended words, a familial warmth that whispered, "You're not alone."

"Thought a little barbecue might lift your spirits," John said, gesturing towards the spread. "And the girls helped with the setup. They wanted to do something nice for you and I couldn’t resist."

The sizzle of the grill punctuated the air, a symphony of crackling flames and tantalizing aromas. John, a master of the barbecue, manned the grill with practiced ease, flipping burgers and brushing on a secret sauce. It brought a smile to her wartorn face.

"Have a seat, babe." He urged, pulling out a chair for her.

As Alexandra settled into the chair, the tableau before her was a testament to the love woven into the fabric of her life. Ashlynn and Mackenzie, their eyes filled with a youthful exuberance, chattered about life and their latest adventures, bringing a smile to Alexandra’s features. The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that danced around the backyard. The flickering candles took on a renewed significance, their glow a gentle reminder that even in the dimmest moments, light could be found. Plates laden with barbecue delights were set before Alexandra, a feast meant not just for the body but for the soul. The first bite, a burst of flavors, felt like a respite from the intense battles in the ring.

"You know," John began, taking a seat beside her, "championships come and go, but what we have here, this family, it's what truly matters."

Ashlynn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Mom, you're still a champ to us."

“Definitely.”  Mackenzie spoke up.  “I’m honored to be learning from you. The only legend other than the Straders that I even care to learn from.”

“Thank you girls. And John, you always believe in me, even when I don’t.”

A mixture of gratitude and a touch of sadness gleamed in Alexandra's eyes. She was acutely aware of the transient nature of championships, the unpredictable tides of victory and defeat. Yet, in the glow of the backyard barbecue, surrounded by those who cherished her beyond the titles, there was a solace that transcended the transient.

“I know, it doesn't make the sting of the loss any less.” She took a deep breath.  “Every match, every trial I face, isn’t just for me.  It’s cementing the legacy that came before me, that I plan to pass on to you two.”

The evening unfolded with laughter, shared stories, and the clinking of glasses. The chatter veered away from the world of wrestling, embracing the simplicity of familial bonds. The barbecue, initially intended as a distraction, evolved into a celebration—a celebration of resilience, love, and the unwavering support that defined their makeshift family.

"I might've lost a title," Alexandra mused, her eyes reflecting the dancing flames, "but I've gained something far more enduring. Humble in victory, humble in defeat."

“Damn straight babe.  You and I both know you are one of the greatest Bombshell Roulette Champions to ever hold that title. You’ve brought honor to it.” John smiled.

The night draped its comforting shroud over the backyard, and as the last embers of the barbecue faded, what remained was a warmth that emanated not just from the grill but from the hearts entwined in the tapestry of their chosen family. In that quiet moment, beneath the canvas of a starlit sky, Alexandra found solace in the arms of those who saw her not just as a champion in the ring but as the resilient woman who embraced victories and defeats with equal grace.

Good Morning Dallas
Dallas, Tx.

The interview is taking place in a well-lit studio with the iconic Dallas skyline visible through the large windows in the background. Alexandra is seated comfortably in a stylish chair, exuding confidence. The interviewer, representing NBC 5, is poised and ready to delve into the upcoming showdown.

Interviewer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest with us today, none other than the Bombshell Roulette Champion, Alexandra Calaway. Alexandra, welcome!"

Alexandra: "Thank you for having me. It's always a pleasure to speak with the great people of my home city, Dallas."

As Alexandra responds, she adjusts the Bombshell Roulette Championship belt resting on her shoulder, making it clear that she's arrived not just as an interviewee but as the reigning champion.

Interviewer: "Now, Alexandra, you're heading into a high-stakes match against Bobbie Dahl at December 2 Dismember. This rivalry has seen its fair share of twists. What's your mindset going into this one?"

The camera zooms in on Alexandra's focused expression, capturing the anticipation in the air.

Alexandra: "Oh, it's always intense when I step into the ring, especially with someone like Bobbie Dahl. We've clashed before, and each time it's been a battle. But this time, it's not just about victory; it's about proving who truly deserves to hold the Bombshell Roulette Championship."

She leans forward slightly, emphasizing the intensity of her words.

Interviewer: "Bobbie Dahl has made it clear that she wants another shot at you. How do you respond to that, and do you think this match will finally settle the score?"

The camera catches a slight smirk on Alexandra's face as she takes a moment to gather her thoughts, collecting each thought before she continues. Wanting each word she says to have an impact.

Alexandra: "Persistence is admirable, but so is knowing when to let go. Bobbie wants a shot? She's got it. But let's not forget who holds the Bombshell Roulette Championship. And Bobbie is persistent, I'll give her that. But let's not forget, I've beaten her before, and I'll do it again. She seems to have not really noticed the list of people who have fallen at my feet since she has been gone. As for settling the score, every match between us adds another chapter to our story. Whether it settles anything, well, that remains to be seen. But one thing's for sure — the Bombshell Roulette Championship stays with me."

Her confident demeanor sends a clear message — she's not just defending a title; she's defending her legacy, just as she did every single time she’s stepped into that ring.

Interviewer: "The fans are buzzing about this match. What can they expect when Alexandra Calaway and Bobbie Dahl step into the ring at December 2 Dismember?"

The studio atmosphere is charged with excitement as the interviewer poses the question.

Alexandra: "They can expect a spectacle, a clash of titans, if you will. When Alexandra Calaway is in the ring, it's not just a match; it's an experience. Bobbie Dahl is a formidable opponent, but I've faced challenges before, and I've always emerged victorious. This time won't be any different."

She looks directly into the camera, addressing the viewers with a steely gaze.

Interviewer: "And how are you preparing for this encounter? Any special strategies or training routines?"

The interviewer shifts gears, delving into Alexandra's preparation.

Alexandra: "I'm always evolving, always adapting. Bobbie might think she knows what to expect, but I've got some surprises in store. I've been putting in the work, fine-tuning my skills, and I'm ready for whatever she brings. December 2 Dismember is going to be unforgettable, mark my words."

As Alexandra speaks, the camera captures glimpses of her training regimen — a mix of intense workouts and strategic planning.

Interviewer: "Strong words, Alexandra. We'll be eagerly watching. Thank you for joining us today."

The interview wraps up with Alexandra nodding in acknowledgment, her focus unwavering.

Alexandra: "My pleasure. Get ready, Sin City Wrestling fans, because when Alexandra Calaway steps into the ring, you know it's going to be a show."

The camera pans out, capturing the Dallas skyline in the background as the interview concludes.

The Lovers Vow
Dallas, Tx.

The soft hum of cicadas filled the air as Alexandra sat in the backyard, the glow of string lights casting a warm ambiance. John joined her, carrying a couple of beers. They settled into the patio furniture, the night stretching out before them. John hands her a beer and the other bottle for himself.

“You know, for a night so calm, you sure seem a bit on edge.”

Alexandra takes a sip of her beer and looks over at him.

“It's the upcoming match, John. Bobbie is not push over and coming off the heels of the loss at Imperial Wrestling’s Odyssey to Nick Knight and the loss of my Invictus Title, makes me realize that all it takes is one bad day.”

John leans back, putting an arm around her.

“You're Alexandra Calaway, you're my old lady. People that underestimate you do so at their own peril. But I get it; it's not about them. It's about you, your standards, your expectations.”

She takes a drink of her beer and nods.

“Yeah, it's like... I've been on this incredible journey. Picking up titles, creating a legacy. But each time I defend, it's like starting from scratch. Like proving I deserve to be at the top.”

John smiles and reaches up, tucking some hair behind her ear.

“You've got a fire in you, Alex, it’s one of the many things I love about you. A fire that's not fueled by titles or victories but by the love for what you do. You're not just defending a title; you're defending your passion, your dedication.”

Alexandra leans back against him, looking up at the stars overhead. A sigh escapes her.

“It gets lonely, you know? Everyone's got their own battles. My friend's are off doing their own things, the girls have their lives, and you're not in the ring anymore.”

John’s voice sounds, filled with a sincere warmth.

“Alex, I might not be in the ring, but I'm always in your corner. I've seen you at your highest, your lowest. I've seen the grit and determination that makes you who you are. You're not alone.”

She gives him a soft smile.

“I know, and I appreciate that more than I can express. It's just coming off the heels of facing Nick Knight, and with this match coming up against Bobbie, who has cost me a title before, I’m starting to wonder if this reign is coming to an end.”

He leans in closer to her, nuzzling against her cheek.

“You've faced tougher challenges babe. Remember that time in OCW when you took on three opponents back-to-back and still came out on top? You thrive under pressure, you do what must be done to win.”

She took some time to reflect on his words. He had a point, it was a different place.

“I miss those days sometimes. The camaraderie, the chaos, even the bruises. It felt like a family, sometimes.”

“Change is inevitable, babe. People move on, promotions shift. But your essence, that doesn't change. You're still the same Alexandra Calaway who fought tooth and nail for everything she has and you continue to do so with each challenge that comes your way. Both in the ring and in life. That’s something I love about you.”

Alexandra looked at him with a smile, kissing his lips softly and pulling back to speak.

“You always know how to calm the storm in my head.”

John grins and pulls her back in close.

“Comes with the territory of being your old man. Now, about this match…”

They both laughed. It’s hard to think that this all happened because the two of them found comfort in each other during times of turmoil.

“What's your advice, coach?”

The couple looked into each other's eyes sitting up. He reaches up, running his fingers down her jawline.

“Trust yourself. Trust in the legacy that you’ve taken the time to build. Remember what you’ve done, the things you’ve accomplished. You’ve held that title for over one hundred days, in your first reign, not everyone can say that. Also remember you're not just carrying a title; you're carrying the hopes and dreams of everyone who's ever believed in you.”

They clink their beer bottles together, the sound echoing in the quiet night. Under the starlit sky, Alexandra felt a renewed sense of purpose, supported by the unwavering belief of the man beside her. As they sat there, the night embracing them, Alexandra found solace in the shared silence and the understanding that some bonds transcended the confines of the wrestling ring.

Top Secret Filming Location

The setting is a dimly lit room, with the Bombshell Roulette Championship displayed prominently on a pedestal. Alexandra stands in front of it, her gaze fixed on the camera, her tone firm.

“You know, every time they send someone my way, they think they've got the key to unlock this puzzle, to dethrone the Fallen Angel. But here's the thing, folks, every time this title has been on the line, I've stood tall, and my reign is etched in the annals of history.”

She shook her head.

“Let’s start with the moment I won the title. Jessie Salco, tough and strong, Jessie Salco.  Listen up, Sin City Wrestling, because I've got a tale to tell. It was a night that echoed with the pounding heartbeat of competition, where I, Alexandra Calaway, stood toe-to-toe with Jessie Salco, a formidable adversary. The stage was set, and the coveted Bombshell Roulette Championship dangled like a tempting prize above the ring.”

She took a moment to think about all that had happened in that mach.

“From the moment that bell chimed, the ring became a battleground for our conflicting styles. Jessie, with her technical finesse, tried to outsmart the brawler within me. Move for move, submission for strike, it was a symphony of conflict, a dance of resilience and pure, unbridled determination. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, absorbing every bone-crushing impact and calculated maneuvers.”

The current reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion spoke softly.

“This victory wasn't just about the gold around my waist; it was a culmination of a journey, a testament to resilience in the face of adversity. I stood tall, triumphant in the ring, proving that in the world of Sin City Wrestling, when the dust settles and the bell tolls, Alexandra Calaway is the one who stands victorious. And mark my words, this is just the beginning of my reign. There's a storm brewing, and as your Bombshell Roulette Champion, I'm the tempest that will leave an indelible mark on this promotion.”

She remembered her match against Seleana Zdunich. 

“Ah, the night I defended my Bombshell Roulette Championship against Seleana Zdunich, a clash that echoed through the hallowed halls of Sin City Wrestling. Seleana, a tenacious competitor, sought to dethrone the newly crowned queen, but little did she know the storm that awaited her in the squared circle. The air was charged with anticipation as we locked eyes, a dance of gladiators poised to prove their mettle.”

Seleana was tough, she tossed everything at Alexandra that she could. But it still wasn’t enough.

“Seleana brought her A-game, no doubt. But I, Alexandra Calaway, the Fallen Angel, the Mistress of Mayhem, was not about to relinquish my title so easily. Move after move, we pushed each other to the limits, the ring bearing witness to our unyielding spirit. When the dust settled and the final bell tolled, I emerged victorious, my reign as Bombshell Roulette Champion solidified. Sin City Wrestling, Seleana tested my resolve, but in the end, it was my wings that soared above the competition. And as I stand here, championship in hand, I dare anyone to step into the ring and challenge the might of the Fallen Angel. The roulette wheel may spin, but fate has already chosen its champion, and that champion is none other than Alexandra Calaway.”

She took a deep breath, she remembered her match against Laura Phoenix, a woman who even before the match, had a ton of Alexandra’s respect.

“Ah, the clash of titans, my defense against Laura Phoenix for the Bombshell Roulette Championship, an encounter that transcended the boundaries of competition. Laura, a force to be reckoned with, a phoenix rising from the ashes, challenged me in a way few ever had. There was a palpable respect in the air, a mutual understanding that only intensified as the battle raged on.”

She had a lot to thank Laura for.

“Our styles collided in a symphony of strikes, grapples, and aerial displays. Laura pushed me beyond my limits, testing the very essence of my resilience. In her eyes, I saw a reflection of my own determination—a fierce desire to prove oneself in the unforgiving realm of Sin City Wrestling. Every move became a testament to our shared passion for this sport, and every near fall echoed the heartbeat of our unwavering commitment.”

Laura Phoenix wasn’t a woman who was to be taken lightly, she was a fierce competitor in that ring.

“When the dust settled, and the bell rang its final toll, I stood there, still the Bombshell Roulette Champion, but forever changed by the crucible that was Laura Phoenix. Respect isn't just given; it's earned, and on that night, Laura earned every ounce of it. Sin City Wrestling witnessed a spectacle, a testament to the power that lies within these sacred ropes. As I held my title high, it wasn't just a victory; it was a nod to a fellow warrior, a recognition that in the crucible of competition, bonds are forged, and champions rise.”

However Alexandra had stood victorious in that bout as well.

“Ah, the dance of destiny, where Bea Barnhart and Georgie Robertson dared to challenge the Bombshell Roulette Champion. The stage was set, and the roulette wheel, an arbiter of fate, decided the rules of engagement. Bea, with her technical prowess, and Georgie, the relentless powerhouse, aimed to dethrone me. But in the chaos of the Bombshell Roulette, where unpredictability reigns supreme, I stood unyielding.”

Both of these women were commendable for their efforts, for their desire to be the champion.

“With every twist of fate, I adapted, showcasing the versatility that defines a true champion. Bea's technical finesse clashed with Georgie's brute strength, creating a tapestry of struggle and determination. As the roulette wheel dictated the terms, we waltzed through stipulations that tested our very limits. It wasn't just a match; it was a testament to the unpredictability that makes Sin City Wrestling a haven for the audacious. When the dust settled, and the echoes of battle faded, I emerged victorious, still the Bombshell Roulette Champion. Bea and Georgie brought their A-game, but in the realm of uncertainty, I thrive, and as I held the title aloft, it wasn't just a victory; it was a proclamation that the Bombshell Roulette Championship found its true Guardian.”

She thought about one of the toughest women she had faced, someone who had ended her Queen for a daydream.

“Ah, the clash with Tempest, a tumultuous symphony of chaos that found its crescendo in the heart of a bustling mall. The ring was forsaken for the chaos of consumerism, a battleground amidst holiday decorations and flashing sale signs. The Bombshell Roulette Championship hung in the balance as Tempest and I engaged in a mall brawl like no other.”

Her body still ached from that match up.

“With each crash and collision, the frenzied shoppers became unwilling spectators to a spectacle of violence and resilience. Tempest, the towering force from Honolulu, clashed with the unyielding spirit of the Bombshell Champion. Amidst the aisles, a mountain of Christmas items bore witness to our struggle, each object a testament to the ferocity of our clash. As the chaos subsided, and the once pristine mall transformed into a war zone, I stood triumphant, having buried Tempest beneath the debris of consumerist fervor. The Bombshell Roulette Championship remained securely in my possession, a trophy earned in the most unconventional of arenas, a mall turned battlefield.”

The screen flickers to life, showcasing snippets of Alexandra's past title defenses. She smiles brightly at the memories.

“There, that's where I faced every so-called "untouchable" opponent. They threw everything at me, but did they forget who I am? I'm Alexandra Calaway, the one who danced with demons and emerged unscathed. By the time we step into that ring at December to Dismember, I will have been the Bombshell Roulette Champion one-hundred and twelve days.”

The crowd erupts in cheers as they relive the spine-chilling moments of Alexandra's victories.

“They called it the Bombshell Roulette Championship for a reason. Every defense is a spin of the wheel, a roll of the dice, and guess what? The house always wins. And in this house, I'm the Queen, and no one, absolutely no one, has come close to dethroning me.”

Images of Alexandra delivering her signature moves, countering opponents, and raising the championship in triumph play on the screen.

“Some said I was a paper champion, that I couldn't handle the pressure. But each time that bell rang, I stepped into this ring not just to defend a title but to silence the doubters, to show them that the Fallen Angel is not a myth; she's a force, a reckoning.”

She takes a breath and then looks over at the Bombshell Roulette Championship where it sits on its pedestal.

“Look at this gold. It's not just a piece of metal and leather; it's a symbol. It's a testament to the nights I've spent in this ring, the blood, the sweat, the tears. And every challenger who thought they could take it away, they fell one by one.”

Her eyes are locked back on the camera.

“So this isn’t a question of who's next? Of who's brave enough to step up, to face the Fallen Angel in her domain? The wheel keeps turning, the challenges keep coming, but mark my words, Bobbie, you'll become just another chapter in the legend of Alexandra Calaway, the guardian of the Bombshell Roulette Championship.”

She paused.

“Bobbie, Bobbie, Bobbie. You just can't seem to get enough, can you? You've been buzzing around, persistent like a moth to a flame, seeking the glory that comes with facing me. Well, congratulations, you got your wish. December to Dismember, it's you and me, and the Bombshell Roulette Championship hanging in the balance.”

Alexandra smirks, a mix of confidence and a touch of amusement on her face.

“You've made it clear that you want another shot at me. Fine. But let's not rewrite history. Last time we faced off, I walked out victorious. You had your chance, and you fell short. Now, you're back, and you're convinced things will be different. Nothing will change what has happened since you left us all. But let me assure you, Bobbie, the woman you faced, has changed a lot in the time that you have been gone. In case you weren’t paying attention last week, look at what I did to Tempest. So far she has been the only person to even come close to dethroning me. And I buried her underneath a pile of Christmas goodness.”

She casually rests her hand on the championship belt, almost caressing it.

“You talk about persistence. Admirable, really. But persistence alone doesn't guarantee success. You see, I hold this title for a reason. It's not just a shiny accessory; it's a symbol of my dominance in this division. Bobbie, you're stepping into my world, a world where I dictate the rules. You're reaching for something that's just out of your grasp.”

Her eyes narrow, the intensity building.

“I don't underestimate you. I've felt your wrath, and I've dished it out. But this is different. This is about more than personal vendettas. This is about proving who is the true queen of the Bombshells. You want to take this title from me? You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.”

She steps closer to the camera, the championship glistening in the low light.

“December 2 Dismember won't just be a match. It'll be a statement. A reminder to everyone, especially you, Bobbie, that in the realm of Bombshells, there's Alexandra Calaway, and there's everyone else. You're stepping into a storm, and I suggest you bring your best because anything less won't be enough.”

The camera lingers on Alexandra's confident expression as she makes her declaration, the dim room creating an aura of anticipation for the impending clash at December 2 Dismember.

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2023, 09:58:08 PM »
Thursday December 7th
Early Morning- 2 A.M

Have you ever had one of those nights where you just lay in bed unable to sleep? Like you do everything you possibly can to fall asleep, but you just can’t? You’ll keep your eyes closed and try to shut off the thoughts in your mind long enough until you finally drift off to sleep. Tonight is one of those nights for Bobbie Dahl it seems. Artie is fast asleep next to her, having fallen asleep in just a matter of minutes (lucky bugger!), and Loki is in his designated spot on the floor on Bobbie’s side of the bed. Bobbie would gladly have Loki sleep in the bed with her and Artie, but even a king size bed wouldn’t be large enough for the three of them. So the floor on her side was the compromise.

As Artie snoozes away and Bobbie still can’t fall asleep, she quietly sneaks out of the bed and decides to go make herself a cup of tea and relax in the living room. Loki lifts his head when she steps out of bed and Bobbie looks at him with her index finger up to her mouth and signaling him to ‘Shhh…” so he doesn’t wake his daddy. He stretches and yawns then just as quietly follows behind Bobbie, needing to know exactly where she is going.

While Bobbie makes her tea in the kitchen, Loki walks over to the couch in the living room, where he sits patiently. Their Christmas Tree is already set up and fully decorated, its sparkling lights providing the only light in the living room at the moment. After a few minutes, Bobbie makes her way into the living room with her hot cup of lemon chamomile tea in hand. She takes her place at the end of the couch and sits the cup of tea down on a coaster to let it cool off for a moment. All she can do at the moment is just stare at the Christmas Tree as she gently pets her baby boy, hoping the thoughts in her mind will quiet down soon so she can go back to bed and finally get some shut eye.

Nights like tonight were becoming fewer these days as her anxiety levels began to come down. Earlier this year was a different story, though, as the anxiety (Piper!) would keep her up at night, and she was getting more and more exhausted the longer she was going sleep deprived. What thoughts, exactly? Oh, everything. Random things that just made absolutely no sense, because that is what anxiety is. Everything worrying you when it shouldn’t. Thoughts racing through your mind at random times for no reason at all other than to just annoy you.

That was Piper. One annoying bitchy ball of anxiety whose job it was to keep Bobbie anxious. But as Bobbie got Piper under control, sleepless nights were less of a thing. Tonight was different, Bobbie thought, because she knows that the match she has been looking forward to since coming back, and even before then, was fast approaching. And while Bobbie had everything to gain by winning the Bombshell Roulette Championship from Alexandra Calaway, Piper kept telling her that she also had everything to lose as well. How so, Bobbie thought? Well, because Bobbie had been in this position before. She had shots at the Roulette Championship and even the World Bombshell Championship at times previously in her career, and how did it turn out?

Failure. Cold, hard failure.

Bobbie closes her eyes and grabs her cup of tea. It’s finally cooled off just enough to take a sip and she savors the warm comforting flavor as she tries to get lost in the beauty that a lit Christmas tree at night can offer. Loki remains by her side, being the emotional support that he has been since they brought him into their family a couple of years ago. And while Artie loved Loki just as much, Loki was becoming far more attached to Bobbie these days. Probably because he knew she needed the comfort that sometimes only a beloved animal companion can provide.

Bobbie doesn’t pay attention to the time, or how fast the minutes seem to tick away as she sits on the couch and drinks her tea. She’s too caught up in the beauty of her Christmas tree that she barely even notices when Loki’s attention is turned to the end of the hallway where Artie is standing and now watching her, his eyes still sleepy. Loki prances up to him, tail wagging, and Artie quickly pets him before turning his attention back to his wife and breaking the silence. “You okay, Bobbie?”

As quietly and sleepy as his voice is, it still manages to startle Bobbie. She nearly jumps out of her skin and Loki is back sitting at her feet as Artie walks up to her. She takes in a deep breath, trying to calm her now racing heart. “Geez, Artie, you scared the crap out of me.” She says, placing her mug back on the coaster and Artie sits next to her. “I hope I didn’t wake you. I was trying to be quiet when I made my tea.”

He shakes his head and reaches down to pet Loki again. “I didn’t hear anything,” he says and Bobbie is relieved. “But I was worried when I woke up and you weren’t in the bed. So again I’m going to ask…are you okay?” His question is that of genuine concern, because he remembered all too well how sleep deprivation affected Bobbie before, and he didn’t want her to get back to that.

Bobbie takes a few moments before answering. Loki nudges his head against her and she looks back to Artie. She wasn’t about to lie to him, but she also didn’t want him to worry, either. “Piper is being a bitch tonight.” She replies, and Artie nods slowly. “I just can’t stop thinking about this match next Sunday and what it means for me, and Piper of course is the one focusing on the negative. It’s just one of those nights, sweetie.” She turns her gaze back to the Christmas tree, trying to focus on the various ornaments hanging on its branches. From Chicago Cubs ornaments, to The Nightmare Before Christmas ornaments…Bobbie’s various fandoms were displayed on the tree.

“You know you’re going to do great against Alexandra, Bobbie.” Artie says, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She nods and keeps her attention on the Christmas tree. “I don’t know what else to tell you to get your anxiety under control, because you seemed to be doing really good recently. So I’m just worried that it’s going to get out of  control again, and I don’t want that for you at all.”

Bobbie didn’t want that either. And she wasn’t about to let that happen, because she had worked too hard in a short amount of time to get Piper under control. Tonight, she thought, would just be a one off moment and after that, Piper was going to be silenced as far as she was concerned. “It won’t get out of control again, Artie. I promise.” She replies, turning to look at him once again. Loki finally gave in and laid down on the floor, slowly drifting off to sleep. “That’s why I came out here anyway. I could have just stayed in bed and let Pipe continue to make all that noise in my mind, but I decided to make myself a cup of tea and just think about Christmas.”

Artie now looks at the tree- Bobbie’s work of art, as he likes to call it. Not many people displayed a bright blue Christmas tree with built in white lights as their tree of choice, but Bobbie insisted when she found it. Blue was her favorite color, and the color of her beloved Chicago Cubs baseball team, so naturally she chose to adorn it in mostly Chicago Cubs ornaments, but also threw in a few other options, too. “Think about Christmas? I mean, I guess if it is a good distraction, but I think trying to not think about anything will help you get some sleep more than thinking about Christmas.” He replies curiously.

Bobbie smiles as she keeps her attention focused on the tree. “I just think…hope, really…that this Christmas is the best yet.” She clarifies. “It’s our first Christmas as a married couple. Your parents should hopefully make it out here as long as your dad is feeling better. And if all goes my way at December 2 Dismember, I’ll finally be a champion in SCW and have even more to celebrate.”

“I thought the idea was to not think about that right now?” Artie asks, trying not to chuckle. Bobbie shrugs, but she knows what he meant. She also knows that he is right.

“It’s hard not to think about it, though, Artie.” Bobbie admits, letting out a sigh. “And I should be thinking about it. Just not while I’m trying to sleep. That’s the real problem. I’ve just worked so dang hard and I want to finally prove that I am capable of being a champion. That I’m worthy of it. I’m not just the goofy fat girl who doesn’t seem to care about winning or losing. I want to be successful.”

Artie had seen so much personal growth in his wife in recent months, and it was hard to see her struggle with her anxiety. He scoots close to her and rubs her back, trying to comfort and reassure her as best as he could, and as much as a husband should comfort his wife. “If they didn’t think you were worthy of being a champion, do you think they would give you this shot in the first place? You’re worthy, Bobbie. And you deserve it as much as anyone else. Maybe more than anyone else.” He says, continuing to rub her back. Loki has just started snoring at their feet, and Bobbie looks down at him and quietly chuckles.

“I’d say you’re only saying that because as my husband you have to.” She says as she looks at him with a grin on her face. He frowns but she playfully nudges him. “I’m just joking. And I know everything you are saying is right, but this is what Piper does to me. The bitch needs to pipe down and go back into hiding, because I can’t let her ruin this for me. I won’t let her ruin it, actually.”

Artie raises an eyebrow as she again talks about her anxiety as if it is an actual person. “I know we’ve talked about this before, but do you really have to continue calling your anxiety Piper? It’s not a person, Bobbie. It’s a part of you that doesn’t have any physical form. I just don’t want it to turn into a bigger problem if you keep calling it Piper.”

Bobbie doesn’t laugh, though she is tempted to. She knows a lot of people don’t understand the reasoning behind naming her anxiety, but they don’t need to. All they need to understand is that it helps her keep it under control…for the most part. “Why does it bother you so much? If it’s helping me, what is the big deal with naming it Piper?” She asks, genuinely curious at his response. “And how would it turn into a bigger problem? I’m dealing with it. I’m taking my meds and still talking to my therapist, so it won’t become a problem again.”

Artie shrugs. “I don’t know,” he begins, then leans back on the couch. “I mean what if when you’re in the ring wrestling someone and you just all of a sudden shout at Piper to pipe down. I don’t want it to turn into a bigger mental health problem than just anxiety. But what do I know…I’m not a doctor or a psychiatrist or whatever. I’m just always going to worry about you.”

“You know,” Bobbie begins, cracking a smile. “Worrying is part of anxiety….just saying.” She holds back a laugh, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. Artie frowns slightly and shakes his head.

“I think everyone has a little bit of anxiety at some point.” He replies very seriously. “But there is a difference between having anxiety every once in a while, and having anxiety about everything like you do. I know you can’t always help it, though.” He makes sure to add that last part so as not to upset Bobbie in any way.

Before Bobbie can respond, she suddenly lets out an audible yawn, the tell tale sign that her body is finally ready for some sleep. Loki jumps up, and starts nudging her leg, ready to get back to bed himself. “Looks like I should finally be able to get some sleep now.” She swings her legs off the edge of the couch and scratches Loki’s neck. “Alright Loki, baby, let’s get back to bed with Daddy.”

She didn’t need to tell him twice. With a slight burst of energy he jumps up and prances his way to the hall and back down to the bedroom. Before Bobbie follows behind him, Artie stops her. “Promise me one thing, Bobbie.”

“Anything, sweetie.” She replies.

“No matter the outcome of your match next Sunday,” he begins, taking her hand and gently squeezes it. “You won’t let it drag you down. I know you can beat her and I believe you will, but just promise me that, please.”

Bobbie musters up a reassuring smile, and squeezes his hand in return. “Of course, sweetie. I know anything can happen in that ring, and if I don’t beat Alexandra and win the Roulette Championship,” she pauses and then shrugs. “Onwards and upwards. That’s all I can do.” Artie then gives her a hug, showing her once again just how much she and her happiness mean to him. And she knows. She’s always known, even before they had become an official couple and eventually got married. They had always been there for one another, and they always would be.

She wasn’t determined to win this match just for herself. She was determined to win it for Artie, too. He was motivation enough to fight through the battles with Piper and come out on the winning end. Just like she planned to do against Alexandra Calaway and finally become the Bombshell Roulette Champion.

While losing is always a possibility…she just couldn’t accept it as an option.

Welp, people, here I go again. I find myself with another opportunity to finally win my first championship in SCW, and it’s for the Bombshell Roulette Championship. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t even a little bit nervous going into this match next Sunday. I’d be lying if I said I was one hundred percent confident that I’d be walking out of this match as the new Bombshell Roulette Champion. I’m not going to sit here and lie to any of you, or myself, because that’s just not how I work anymore. And sure, I should be focused on just putting on a great match with Alexandra Calaway. But it’s so much more than that to me.

I have had an opportunity at every Bombshell championship so far- minus the Mixed Tag Team titles of course. But the singles titles? I’ve been given chances at each of them. Don’t ask me to tell you the last time I fought for any of them, but the outcome has always been the same, obviously. I lost each and every opportunity. I did well leading up to those matches, and after all was said and done, I just couldn’t get the job done. I couldn’t win the gold and prove that I’m not a choke artist, which I am sure is what everyone thought about me each and every time. Hell I am sure some people are still thinking that given my track record. Not that I blame them.

But I say to all of you, I am not the same person I was back then. I’m not the same person I was when I first stepped foot in the SCW ring all the way back in 2017. Sheesh, it’s been six years already?! Doesn’t seem that long, but time flies when you’re having fun, right?! Even when I haven’t been here on a consistent basis that entire six years, I’ve never been too far away because this is something I just can’t step away from forever, despite what I may say. I’m not your typical wrestler, sure, but I’ve got heart and soul and I know that wrestling is what I want to do, so I am going to do it as long as I possibly can!

I feel like I’m all over the place here and getting sort of off topic. Am I? Yes? No? If I am, sorrrrrry! I just can’t help it sometimes. I’m so excited. I’m nervous. I’m determined. You name it, I’m probably feeling it. I want to have fun and put on a good match, like I said earlier, but I also know that I need to be serious! I need to stay focused and on track, because if I let my guard down or I let myself get distracted in some way, it could cost me everything, and I don’t want that to happen! If I want to continue in SCW and be in this business as long as I possibly can, I want to go the distance and that means becoming a champion. I mean who else can say they’ve been with SCW as long as I have and haven’t won a single championship? I don’t think anyone can, so I’d say it’s high time I change things, don’t you all agree?

But, I have my work cut out for me, as you all are well aware. I mean of course I do, because a champion is a champion for a reason. Because they’re that damn good. Well…usually. There have been a few instances where people could argue otherwise, but I won’t name names here. Because the only one that matters right now is the one I am facing in one week’s time…Alexandra Calaway. The woman who’s had a hell of a run so far in her time in SCW, not to mention who is making a hell of a name for herself in other companies. Something I give her mad props for, by the way.

Alexandra, let me start things out by first giving you a huge apology. Yes, I need to apologize because earlier this year when we had our short lived back and forth battle, eventually leading to our match at Summer XXXTreme. That Supershow is one of my favorites of the year because it’s on a cruise and just one of the most unique settings for a wrestling show EVER, but…I dropped the ball. I should have gone into that match and been completely focused on settling the issues we had going on, but I didn’t. As my opponent, I should have respected you more than that, despite our differences we had going on, and given you a good fight. But I was so emotionally distracted and exhausted, I honestly made it too easy for you. You didn’t face the Bobbie Dahl that you should have, and for that I am sorry.

Life gets in the way, sometimes, I am sure you know. Things happen outside the ring, that no matter how hard you try to leave behind when you step in the ring, you just can’t. And it all consumes you and brings you down. That is what happened to me this past summer. I wanted to give you my undivided attention, and answer your challenge and messages the way I should have, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do it. And if I am honest? It’s because I was scared. I was scared that I’d fight back with everything I had against you, and you’d still beat me, because I just wasn’t good enough. So…I just didn’t even try. My mind wouldn’t let me try.

Things are different now, Alexandra. My head is in the game, and even if you weren’t holding the Bombshell Roulette Championship, my goal would be to face you no matter what, because I need to make up for my downfalls this past summer. I need to have you go up against the Bobbie Dahl that maybe no one else has even faced as of yet, because I wasn’t able to let her show herself and what she is capable of to the world. But I’m ready now.

And you should be worried.

Don’t get me wrong, Alexandra. This isn’t me promising that I’m going to defeat you. This isn’t my way of saying that I am guaranteeing that I am going to be the one to end another one of your title reigns because I simply can not do that. What I am doing, though, is promising you that I am going to fight tooth and nail to make those statements a reality. I am going to give it everything I’ve got to take that title away from you, because as much as you want to retain that title and keep your reign going for as long as you possibly can, I want to start my reign so much more. I need it more. Everyone knows you are capable of being a champion, because you already are and in more than one company, no less. That takes some serious skill and dedication, so kudos to you. But while you and so many others may find it thrilling and even inspiring to be competing in more than one company, I don’t feel the same. I feel that the more you do, the more it can hinder you and put you at a slight disadvantage.

You’ve already lost one championship recently, Alexandra. You’ve gotta be thinking about the real possibility that you are about to lose another one. And the kicker? Neither one of us even knows the circumstances in which that may happen. The Roulette Wheel could throw a wrench in either one of our plans, but that is the beauty of it, isn’t it? The unknown. The fact that the stipulation could help you out…or it could help me out. We just don’t know. Which is another reason neither one of us should be walking into this guaranteeing anything. Round and round the wheel will go, where it stops only fate knows!

So whose side will fate be on next Sunday, Alexandra? I seriously hope it’s on mine, because if it isn’t? I’ve gotta wonder when it finally will be. But I’m not going to sit here start to get hard on myself and doubt myself like I might have before. I’ve never felt more ready for a title match than I am now, and we’re still a week out! I’ve been busting my behind since coming back this time around, and I plan to keep the momentum going as long as I possibly can. I hope you’re as focused and ready for this match as I am, because remember we are opening the show. We’ve got to set the bar high for the rest of the show and I think we can do it.

Before I start to wrap things up here, Alexandra, I want to add that for as much as I have been talking about how much I have changed over the last few months, I have to admit that I see a change in you, too. I can’t quite put my finger on it, and I’m not going to begin to say that I know why you’ve changed, but change is good, Alexandra. I think we’ve both grown as people…as women…in recent months, which is also why I know that we’re going to bring the house down and have everyone talking about our match for the rest of the night and for weeks to come. It’s not an easy feat to do when you have a card as stacked as December 2 Dismember is, but there is no better way to open the show than the Bombshell Roulette Championship match between two Bombshells like us, right?!

Win or lose, Alexandra, I respect you and your accomplishments. I commend you for everything you’ve done in SCW when I wasn’t able to, but I’m ready to take over the reigns, sweetie. I’m ready for the challenges that lay ahead of me. I’m ready to take the Roulette Division by storm and finally cement my name in the title books in SCW. I don’t know what it will take, or how long it will take, but I have to do it. This isn’t anything personal, sweetie. At least, nothing personal against you.

This is a personal battle for myself. A battle…and a war that I plan on winning.

One week to go, Alexandra. Get ready, because you’re about to face a whole new Bobbie Dahl.

Bring your best, Alexandra! I certainly plan to!

Offline Bobbie Dahl

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« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2023, 04:02:30 PM »
Friday December 15th
Bobbie’s Home Office
Therapy Session…and A Surprise!

For the better part of the last week, Bobbie has been doing her best to pipe down Piper, and the anxiety that is fighting to break her down. While she had been doing well for the last several months and was learning to control Piper and all the negativity that comes with it, heading into the most important match she’s had in quite a while is proving to be a bigger challenge than she thought it would be. And not only was it worrying her, but it was worrying Artie as well. And with only two days left until December 2 Dismember, she had to do everything she could to get the anxiety under control so it wouldn’t interfere and cost her everything.

So that is why she finds herself preparing to log into her therapist’s therapy portal for another virtual therapy session. Even though she preferred to have appointments every two weeks, it had been a bit longer since her last appointment, due to various reasons. Which was fine, because life happens not only for her, but for her therapist as well. But she needed it today. Horribly. She wasn’t sure if she would feel better after the session, but that also happens sometimes as well. Anxiety was just one big roller coaster that was not fun at all.

As she is sitting in her office chair, Loki naturally laying at her feet, she’s waiting patiently for her therapist to sign into the session. Her right leg is bouncing up and down, another sign of her growing anxiety and that Piper is winning this battle. Bobbie hated it. She hated Piper, and she hated when her coping techniques didn’t work. She was hoping, but also knew, that her therapist would have some more techniques she could use to help her.

Not only because he was getting agitated with Bobbie’s bouncing leg, but because he was also concerned for his Momma, Loki sat up and laid his head down on her right knee. This stopped the bouncing immediately and Bobbie started to pet and scratch his head with appreciation and love, and he would keep his head on her knee as long as she needed it. A few moments later, Bobbie sees the little moving dots signaling her therapist is signing on and not long after, her friendly face pops up onto the laptop screen. Some might think it odd to have a therapist not much older, or even younger, than you, but Bobbie happened to like her therapist a lot.

“Afternoon, Bobbie.” She says, adjusting herself in her own chair to get comfortable for their session. She can tell without even asking that Bobbie is struggling today. “How are we doing today? How has everything been?”

Bobbie gives her the best smile she can muster, trying to fight Piper. She lets out a sigh and continues slowly scratching Loki’s head for comfort. “Well, things for the most part have been pretty good. But I’ve been having a hard time over the last week, so I’m hoping I can get something out of this session to help me.”

Her therapist nods slowly. “How about you tell me about how you think everything has been going pretty good. We can start there and then transition into why you are struggling now. How was your Thanksgiving?”

“Well,” Bobbie starts, trying her best to focus her mind on going back to Thanksgiving. “It went great, actually. My parents were here, and we had a few friends join us also. Well…brothers from another mother, actually. It could have been a bit chaotic, but for me and Artie hosting it, I think it went pretty damn well.” Loki can tell the tension in Bobbie is easing up, so he moves his head from her knee and lays down at her feet again. Bobbie doesn’t seem to mind as she is focus on her therapist and talking about the goings on in her life in recent weeks.

“Why do you think it could have been chaotic?” Her therapist asks, jotting down a few notes just outside the camera view.

Bobbie chuckles before she answers, thinking about Fenris. “Let’s just say that one of my buddy Fenris has a personality that could be a bit difficult for some to be around. Not to mention, he’s vegetarian so having to step outside my comfort zone and fix some vegetarian options for him was kinda challenging.” Bobbie adjusts her posture in her chair, the tension in her body almost completely gone as just talking to her therapist is helping tremendously. “But I think I did great, and not only that but they finally found out that Artie and I got married. Granted it was my mother who let the cat out of the bag.”

Her therapist’s eyes widen just a bit, but she’s smiling. “They didn’t know you were married? Why is that?”

Bobbie shrugs. “I don’t know, honestly.” She starts and takes in a deep breath. “It’s probably because I had so much going on and when I was on leave from SCW, I didn’t really visit Fenris and Aron enough to tell them about it. They weren’t upset or anything.”

“And why would they be upset? You don’t think they would have been happy for you?” She follows up, trying to further understand why Bobbie feels the way she does.

Bobbie shakes her head with a smile. “Oh that’s not it at all.” She replies, speaking about Aron and Fenris with nothing but admiration. “It’s just that, I am sure they wanted to be there when Artie and I got married, and they weren’t. Nobody was, though, as you know. I just didn’t want to upset or offend them in any way.” Bobbie was always more concerned about everyone else’s feelings and generally not her own. She had known, months ago when they had made the decision to elope, that someone might very well be upset that they weren’t there for their joyous occasion. But she and Artie had to think of what they wanted for once, which is why they made that decision.

Her therapist continues jotting down notes. “You and Artie made the best decision for your situation.” She replies as Bobbie nods. “True friends understand that choice. If they had been upset or offended, that would have been on them. You shouldn’t let how someone else may or may not feel control you.”

“I know, I know.” Bobbie says letting out another sigh. It was a trait that she always had, so breaking it now was easier said than done, she thought. “I’m doing better about not letting that control me so much. It just does sometimes. But I don’t need to worry about that with Fenris and Aron, because they of course understood. My mom was a little upset she wasn’t there, but she kept telling me it was our decision, too.”

“Smart woman.” Her therapist replies with a chuckle. “So what about everything else? You and your family and friends had a great Thanksgiving, so why are you struggling all of a sudden? And what coping mechanisms have you been using to try and work your way through it all?”

Bobbie takes a deep breath. Now comes the hard part. Getting on the subject of Piper, and how she’s trying to bring her down leading up to what could be the biggest moment of her career thus far. “Well,” Bobbie starts, wondering exactly how to word it. In the end, she just let it all spill out. “I have a really important match coming up on Sunday in SCW. It’s a title match, and it’s my first one in…well a long time. I’ve been working so hard since I went back, and it’s all paying off. I mean, I’ve won every match I’ve had since I’ve been back, too!”

Her therapist can see the excitement in her eyes and even hear it in the tone of her voice. “That’s fantastic. See, hard work pays off. But I sense a but coming on, so what is it?”

“But…” Bobbie says, nodding as she proves her therapist’s inkling correct. “I’m so terrified of losing this title match. I’ve lost every title opportunity I’ve had, and while I know it could happen again, I don’t want it to. I’m afraid of what it will do to me. I know I can dust myself off and keep trying, but I feel like I will be looked at as the woman who is constantly given the opportunities, but never follows through and actually wins. Does that make sense?” Her excitement quickly fades as she admits her fears.

Her therapist takes note of everything she has just said as she thinks about her response for a moment. “Those are all legitimate fears you have, Bobbie. But how have you been coping with those negative thoughts and fears you have?” She asks and as she waits for Bobbie’s response, she reaches off to the side of her screen for something.

“I’ve been trying to keep telling myself…and Piper…that those are all just intrusive thoughts.” Bobbie starts. She looks down to Loki for a moment, and sees that he is still quietly snoozing at her feet. “And I’ve been trying to tell myself that even if I lose, this won’t be the last time I get a title shot unless I let it be, which I don’t want to do, either.”

“Very good point.” Her therapist responds before she continues. “If you truly want to win this, and believe that you can, you need to focus your thoughts on acting as if you already have it. It’s like the law of attraction. If you continue to think negatively and start to doubt yourself, the possibility of you losing will become greater.” Bobbie listens to every word carefully and intently. She soaks it all in and processes every word, knowing that her therapist is right.

“I can try.” Bobbie replies. “But I think I do need to think about the aftermath of if I do happen to lose. Because my opponent is no easy woman to beat, so I have my work cut out for me. And then if I do win, there is the target that will immediately–”

“I don’t mean to cut you off,” her therapist says, interrupting her. “But, let’s take this one step at a time, alright Bobbie? Because this is how your anxiety will start to spiral out of control again. You’re thinking about too much all at once. You need to take a step back, close your eyes and start to imagine a positive outcome.”

Bobbie closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths and tries to follow her therapist’s instructions. “I can try my best. But how much can this work in just two days?”

“It will work as much as you allow it to work.” Her therapist replies. “Piper might try to be louder and more obnoxious in trying to bring you down, but the harder you work and the more you fight for what you truly want, the more things will come your way. It might take time, but you have to just let it all work out how it is supposed to.”

Bobbie then opens her eyes and nods her head. She thinks about all the work she has to do in such a short amount of time, but she knows she can do it. She’s worked too hard for too long to let it all come crashing down now. Before she has a chance to respond, an alarm starts going off on her therapist’s side. This, Bobbie knows, is the signal that their session is done for the day. They seem to go by quicker and quicker, but it could just be because she doesn’t always pay attention to the clock, either.

“Alright, Bobbie, you know what you need to do as always, but I can’t do the work for you.” Her therapist reminds her that Bobbie is the one who needs to put in the effort if she wants things to change. “I would ask if you want to go ahead and schedule another appointment, but here is what I will do. Since the holidays are right around the corner, we’ll leave it open and you can reach out to me on when you want your next appointment to be. And good luck in your title match. I know you will tell me how it all goes next time we speak.”

Bobbie nods. “Oh of course I will!” She says excitedly. “Hopefully next time we talk I’ll be a champion and I can show you my shiny new belt!”

Her therapist smiles. “Yes, hopefully. You have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we’ll talk soon, okay?”

“Sounds good! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Bye!” A few moments later the laptop screen goes blank and Bobbie logs off. Just as she does and she closes her laptop, she hears the front door open and shut loudly, followed by Artie’s voice. And he is not alone.

“Bobbie?!” He shouts, getting Bobbie’s attention. Loki jumps up excitedly and runs out of the room, and Bobbie follows behind him. “There is a surprise for you! Two, actually…”

As Bobbie makes her way out of her office and towards their front door, the sound of her parents' voices gives away the surprise before she actually sees them. Once they come into view, Loki is excitedly begging them for attention, his tail and rear end just wiggling away. Wiggle but as Bobbie and Artie like to call it.

“Mom! Dad!” Bobbie rushes over to her parents, embracing them in as big a hug as she can. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be here until next weekend?!” Artie shoos Loki away to give Bobbie a few moments with her parents.

“That was the original plan,” Her mother says, just as excited as Bobbie to see each other again. “But we worked everything out with Artie to get us here sooner.”

“Yeah. We didn’t want to miss our baby girl’s big match.” Her father adds. “We’ll be there right in the front row cheering you on.”

As nervous as that thought made her, should she lose to Alexandra right in front of her parents, it also gave her the motivation she needed to overcome the struggle with Piper. She hugs her parents again and Artie isn’t able to hold Loki at bay any longer as he rushes up to them again, nearly knocking them over, but they all just laugh and show him the love and attention he constantly begs for. And just like that, Bobbie can feel Piper and her negativity start to dwindle and head back into the shadows where it belongs.

December 2 Dismember was sure to be a great night for her after all…

This is it, folks! This is the moment I have been waiting a long, long, long time for! I’m finally getting another shot at the Bombshell Roulette Championship. My hard work has paid off, and it will give me an even bigger pay off on Sunday night when I walk in with nothing, and walk out with the Bombshell Roulette Championship finally around my waist! I know so many of you are probably thinking, how is this time going to be any different than the last times you’ve fought for a title, Bobbie? Why should we believe that you’ve got what it takes to win when every other time, you’ve lost.

Well, I can’t really answer that truthfully, but what I can tell you is that this time, I have a whole new attitude. This time around, it’s a different version of Bobbie Dahl, and she’s more capable of being a champion than the last one was. And she’s damn sure more ready to finally be a champion than the last Bobbie Dahl was, so whether or not you believe me, is up to you all. It’s not going to stop me from busting my behind to beat Alexandra and finally win my first championship in SCW, so you all can think what you want.

I don’t need anyone else to believe in me. Well, no one else other than my family, but even if they didn’t, all that matters is that I believe in myself! Up until the last few months, I doubted myself for far too long, and it held me back more times than I can count. I crashed and burned so often, and I thought each time I was at rock bottom. I don’t know when my rock bottom actually was, but one thing is for certain, I am on my way back up the ladder and there is nothing or no one that will stop me or send me crashing back down to the bottom, because the bottom SUCKS.

Now don’t get me wrong here. The Bombshell Roulette Championship isn’t exactly the “top” of the SCW Bombshell Division. I mean it could be, depending on your point of view, but when it all boils down to it, the World Bombshell Championship is the true top of the mountain. And I am not quite to that level…yet. The Bombshell Roulette Championship is just the beginning. The first stepping stone to moving further up that ladder, so Alexandra, you should look at it through my eyes. Because you losing the Bombshell Roulette Championship, isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it boils down to it. It’s a symbol of your dominance? Okay, I would agree with that, but when I beat you and take that Roulette Championship from you, do what I know you can do and what you deserve…aim higher, honey. Move on from the Roulette Championship, because you’ve already shown what you are capable of.

Last week, you spent a lot of time talking about all of the Bombshells you’ve already beaten in your time as Bombshell Roulette Champion. Great work, Alexandra! I’m not denying that it’s something to be praised for, but in reality there is only one person that matters and that you should be focusing your attention and words on. And you’re looking at her.

Me, Alexandra. Don’t focus on the past and who you have already beaten. Move on and focus on who you have to beat next, and the person who is going to give you your greatest challenge yet, because I have more to prove than anyone else. I want it more than anyone else, so I am going to fight that much more than they did, so you better be ready. Yes, we have faced off in the past, but this match will be different, honey. The outcome will be different, because I’m going to right the mistakes I made in our last encounter and rewrite the ending to what should have been.

Yes, rewrite. I think last week you meant let’s not repeat the past, shall we? Because I don’t plan on history repeating itself this time around.

I am very persistent, Alexandra, because I have to be. You speak of persistence like it is a bad thing and I have to wonder why that is? Had you not won the Bombshell Roulette Championship in the first place, would you not have been persistent and kept trying until you finally won it? You would have kept at it until you go what you thought and knew you deserved no matter how long it took, so why when I am doing the same, is it something that I should not really be doing? Admirable as it may be in your words, you sure don’t make it sound like it is.

You think you make the rules, Alexandra? In the Roulette Division, you don’t, honey. The Roulette Wheel does. It’s all left up to chance, and the circumstances in which that Roulette Championship will be decided all lies in the spin of the wheel. Standard Match? Submission Match? Street Fight? Cage Match? Lingerie Pudding Match? Whatever is on that wheel, it’s not decided by you or me, honey. So better think again, because you should know better than to say something like that. Funny how you don’t seem to mention any talk about that little bit of information, huh? Seems like you may have forgotten about the Roulette Wheel, but I never ever will. It holds my future in its hands!

You’re running out of time, Alexandra. The clock is ticking on your Bombshell Roulette title reign, so enjoy it while you have it! All the doubts and fears I may have had, they’re getting smaller and smaller by the day and by the time Sunday rolls around and we step into that ring and go toe to toe? They’ll be gone. A long forgotten memory, and as I face off against you I’ll quietly wonder to myself how I ever doubted myself. How was I ever afraid of losing, when deep down, I always knew I have what it takes. Despite what you may think, Alexandra, I deserve to be the Bombshell Roulette Champion. And I’m going to beat you.

There was a time when I wasn’t better than you, I will admit that whole heartedly. But that time is in the past, and now? I KNOW I am better than you. I KNOW that title you are carrying will be mine after all is said and done on Sunday night. I KNOW that I will be ending 2023 and starting 2024 off at my very best in SCW, and 2024 will simply be my year. People will be saying my name. People will be talking about me for days and months to come. And who knows, maybe by the end of the year, I’ll add a few shiny little Year End Awards to my name, too! The possibilities are endless, Alexandra. And it all starts with you.

One more time. One more match. Right a wrong that never should have been.

Bobbie Dahl versus Alexandra Calaway for the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Only one winner.

And you’re looking at her.

See you Sunday, Alexandra!