Author Topic: ARIANA (c) v ZOEY LUKAS v SELEANA Z v BELLA M v ??? - Roulette Invitational  (Read 8762 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Ariana Angelos

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“Come One, Come All!”
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2023, 06:28:58 AM »
(Miles and Carter were used with the permission of their handlers)

Ariana’s last match of 2022 may have ended in defeat for the Go Sisters but as the match against Masque and Avalon Blackthorn was a ladder match in all but name, neither Krystal nor Ari were pinned! However Ari had bigger problems heading into her first full year as an SCW Bombshell as her first defence of the year had been announced and it was a big one! It was the first ever Open Invitational New Year Rumble!

Alongside Ariana several names had already been announced, former Roulette Champion Seleana Zdunich was hoping that the third time would be the charm against Ariana whilst Bella Madison continued her search for her first singles title! Rounding out the field was Bella’s Wolfslair teammate Zoey Lukas competing for a title for the first time in her SCW career and looking to avenge her sister’s defeat at Ariana’s hands! But the last slot was open invitational, literally anyone could enter and make it a free for all! Could Ariana overcome the odds and retain?

Ari’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 12th of December 2022, 17:00pm

Can’t really say that I’m surprised with last night's result.

Me and Krystal fought like lions against Masque and Avalon and (mix-up with Avalon and Amber not being sisters aside) we had managed to wrestle the match without many mistakes on our part, but Avalon and Masque proved to be too much for me and Krystal to handle and they won! Though me being trebucheted into the crowd by a Christmas tree certainly didn’t help matters.

That was some good news that came out of last week, Climax Control included, I knew what my first defence of 2023 was at long last and, well, the dominant reign (and pestering of Christian if we’re being honest) had prompted Christian to book the first ever New Year Open Invitational Rumble for Inception VI with my title on the line! The other confirmed competitors were Zoey Lukas, Bella Madison and Seleana Zdunich but notice how I said, “confirmed competitors”?

Yeah, this is where the open invitational part comes in.

The match was open to any woman in the wrestling business to enter, not just the regulars on the Bombshell Roster but competitors from outside SCW could take part if they so wished! Christian hadn’t even said anything about Bombshells who were already booked on the show taking part so for all I know Jessie and Melissa could show up looking for another shot at me!

Then again that might depend on when their rubber match takes place on the card because I doubt they would have the energy to chase after the Roulette Champion after the belt’s been claimed because the rumble was part ladder match part escape to the parking lot with the title intact whilst the others chase you.

There was no way around it, this was shaping up to be one of the most fun matches of my career! As for who else could take part, a few names were running through my head already! Former champions like Krystal, Kate Steele, Jessie, Melissa, Sam Marlowe, perpetual near do wells like Bea Barnhart and heck! Chloe Benton could show up!

If Chloe gathered up the courage to get in the same ring as Zoey Lukas off course, and that’s if Zoey didn’t yeet her into the fifth row on principle.

”So many potential challengers that could come after me.” I commented to myself as I looked at the white board I had put up following the announcement of my next defence, basically? I was trying to think of everyone who could enter the match at Inception VI. ”Zoey, Bella and Seleana are locks, so am I but as the defending champion? That goes without saying! I know Krystal has said that she wants 2023 to be the year that she gets back in the title picture, would they even let Cassie in the building? I thought her ban was still in effect?”

”Thinking about the next defence?” I glanced up at Francisco who was busy trying to get the blood and puke stains out of the carpet, that was the other bit of good news that came out of last week, the fact that we had gotten Carter out of his abusive relationship with Laz! The fact that it took Laz putting his hands on Joan was what upset me the most but it was cathartic to watch Carter beat the crap out of Laz. ”Surprised you got that white board up before fixing the end table.”

”The end table can be fixed at any time, right now? I just want to focus on this defence and every possibility that comes with it.” I responded before taking a step back to observe my work, those with matches that had been announced at last night’s show were under “maybe” like Jessie, Melissa, Kayla, Mercedes, Amber and Masque (the latter two being extreme maybes for obvious reasons) whilst everyone else was still in the realm of possibility. ”There’s still some Bombshells who didn’t get an announced match at last night’s show, Krystal, Bea, Sam, Roxi, Georgie, just to name a few! And due to the nature of the match? I need to consider everyone else on the Bombshell Roster a potential challenger!”

”And that’s not counting outside talent coming in for a one off!” Francisco pointed out and I nodded in agreement as I glanced over at the “outside talent” section of the board which basically consisted of a big fat question mark because there was not nearly enough space on the board for every active female wrestler out there! Heck I knew a few from my time in GCW! ”What are the odds of Chelsea Skye showing up?”

”Chelsea is someone I’m not sure on, she’s a Go Gym Graduate and a hell of a wrestler but I think she likes her role as a wrestling vagabond too much! There’s no denying that she’d be a fantastic addition to the Bombshell Roster but between that and her side projects? She’s a firm maybe.” I responded with a shrug as I thought back to when I last saw the Chicago native, namely when her girlfriend at the time graduated from Hero Academy and popped the question to Chelsea on the spot. ”I’ll be surprised if we see Adrienne in an SCW ring this soon, she’s gotten back on her feet but it’s hardly a secret that her mental health was in serious decline during her last SCW days, Cassie’s doing great for herself but it’s like I said, I don’t know if they’d even let her in the building.”

”So we can rule out Cassie until the bosses put out a statement on her ban, Adrienne because of what she went through in her SCW run and Chelsea because she might be too busy?” Francisco summarised and I nodded in response before putting a thoughtful finger to my chin. ”Seems to be me like you pretty much have to treat every female wrestler on the planet as a potential challenger heading into the New Year.”

”Pretty much, but even then I can’t prepare for every possibility.” I responded as I shook my head before walking over to my fiancé to see how his progress was going. ”As for my three confirmed challengers? Seleana has obviously been my most persistent challenger, the first time was when she was my first challenger, second time was when she took Jessie’s place as my challenger at High Stakes XII which would make this her third attempt, Bella and Zoey are fresh challengers but I certainly know them by reputation.”

”Yeah, Bella challenged Krystal three times and has been a persistent challenger since she stopped being a tag team competitor and Zoey’s power speaks for itself! Just look at her match against Mercedes last night!” Francisco responded with a nod as he stopped scrubbing for a second to think, he had made a good go of it but the stain wasn’t coming out. ”So professionals or those home remedies that were suggested on Twitter?” Francisco asked as he motioned to the stain and I gave it some thought.

”I can definitely afford the help of professionals, especially the extra “no questions asked” fee, but that’s money that I could be putting towards Recipe 4 Disaster or the weekly shop.” I responded before getting my phone out to check my bank balance on my banking app, luckily I had just gotten my yearly pay check from SCW and whilst it was a bit lower thanks to the fact that I had only joined in April it was still more than enough when combined with the money I made from Recipe 4 Disaster and the windfall from Jenny Tuck’s failed buyout of the Go Gym. ”I’ll start looking into it in the morning, alongside looking up how to repair the end table, but it is getting close to dinner time.”

”If you want any help with dinner I’ll be happy to lend a hand, especially with the stress of the title defence on your mind.” Francisco responded as he motioned to the white board and I nodded in agreement. ”Because let’s face it, a defence against Bella, Seleana and Zoey would be stressful enough on its own.”

”Yeah, if it was a Fatal Four Way Roulette Title Match it’d be a worthy defence since I have wanted more than one challenger for a while but the open invitational thing is one heck of a curveball.” I responded with a nod as I folded my arms before I zoomed in on one name on the board. ”Especially since a certain Aussie hasn’t had a match announced yet.”

”You think Charlotte would put her name forward?” Francisco asked once he realized who I was talking about. ”I know her title reign had a disappointing ending and she has been trying all year long to get back in the title picture, but she’s still your friend and a fellow Go Gym Graduate.”

”And I know better than anyone that the end of Charlotte’s title reign has been eating away at her since she lost the title to Keira, well, except Charlotte, Makayla and Cassie off course.” I responded as I shook my head and Francisco frowned as he realized that I had a point. ”Throw in the fact that Inception VI will be the one-year anniversary of the last successful defence of the title reign?”

”And Charlotte has so many reasons to sign up for the match that Christian may as well have included her in the initial announcement.” Francisco nodded in agreement as he folded his arms. ”One more if it ends up being her only way of getting on the card full stop.”

”Agreed! I remember how frustrated she was at being left off the Violent Conduct VIII card as clear as day.” I nodded in agreement as I thought back to the India tour that started not just my title reign but the whole Carter saga. ”Considering that was the show that I won this title.” I added as I walked over to my title and picked it up. ”It would definitely bring things full circle if I lost the title in this match, wouldn’t it?”

”I’d say god forbid but this is going to be a challenging match in general.” Francisco nodded in agreement before he motioned to the kitchen. ”Even if no one ends up answering the call, anyway, shall we prepare dinner?”

”Lets!” I nodded in agreement before leading Francisco to the kitchen giving the white board one last look as I did.

Westfield Mall, Seattle, Washington
Sunday the 18th of December 2022, 16:00pm

After how the past few months have been? I needed this.

Ever since me and Carter became best friends it had been something of an annual tradition that I’d spend Christmas with his family and the fact that I now had a fiancé didn’t slow that down one bit, same goes for our kitten Athena.

We weren’t able to get a kittensitter on such short notice so after about twenty minutes of negotiating with Athena to get her into the cat carrier we had brought her with us! To say that it wasn’t long before Carter, Joan and Joanna fell in love with the kitten is putting it mildly with grams in particular not letting anyone else touch Athena.

Francisco has ay least volunteered to be the negotiator for when we need to go home to Vegas, hopefully grams will be cooperative!

As for why we’re at this mall? Well, Carter’s mom wanted to get a picture of us with Santa, no I’m not kidding! I’ve known that Santa isn’t real since I was sixteen and Carter didn’t find out until he was eight (something he occasionally teases me about) but it didn’t matter in the end because it was still a break from the turmoil of being a champion!

Here’s hoping I can get a successful defence for Christmas!

“Just five more minutes and we’ll go to Santa’s grotto!” And that was if Carter’s mom let us out of the mall before the New Year because she was a shopaholic and she was doing some super last minute Christmas shopping, me, Carter and Francisco shared a look as we waited.

”I did warn you, didn’t I?” Carter asked with a sigh as he glanced towards the mall’s ceiling. ”On the Brightside you might be two hundred days you’re your reign by the time we get out of here.”

”Assuming Mark and Christian don’t strip me off the title and make my defence at Inception VI for the newly vacated title!” I responded with a sigh before glancing over at Francisco. ”At least I’m getting money from the relatives who live too far away to make the trip out and give me Christmas presents in person! Her Franky, I’ve got a question whilst we wait for her!”

”Fire away.” Francisco responded and I grinned in response.

”How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?” I asked Francisco after making sure that there was no kids within earshot off us and Carter gave me a cheeky grin. ”Just curious.” I added and Francisco gave it some thought.

”I didn’t so much find out as my parents decided to come clean with me but I was about seven years old.” Francisco explained and I grinned sheepishly as Carter started nudging me with his elbow. ”What about you guys?”

”I caught mom and did putting gifts under the tree on Christmas Eve because I wanted to get a drink when I was eight years old but go-ahead Ari.” Carter teased me as he nudged me with his elbow again. ”Tell your husband to be how old you were when you found out.”

”I only found out six years ago when I was sixteen.” I admitted with a sheepish grin and Francisco gave me a surprised look. ”Similar story to Carter’s but I came down to make sure that the milk and cookies I had left for Santa were still fresh!”

”I’m not sure if I should find that amusing or just sad, depends on which answer leaves me confined to the couch for the remainder of the year.” Francisco admitted and I shook my head with a slight laugh, but before I could answer Carter’s mom answered for me as she emerged from the store.

“No one is sleeping on the couch as long as your staying with me.” Carter’s mom insisted as she emerged from the store with the bags of Christmas Shopping in her hands. “Saying that, Francisco, you’re a big strong man, would you mind giving me a hand with these bags?”

”I was worried about where that sentence was going for a moment but off course!” Francisco responded as he took a couple of the heavier bags and whilst me and Carter surpressed laughs at Francisco’s comment we followed them deeper into the mall.

But as we did, I turned to Carter. ”Carter, I know this is a public place and all but this has been eating away at me all week, how have you been since the……….” I trailed off as I tried to think of the right words to say. ”Incident at my house?”

”I’ve been fine, I’ve mended fences with Cassie and we caught up on Thursday night, I’m sure she’s heard it all from you and Krystal but I’m proud of her for achieving so much in her rookie year.” Carter admitted and I had to nod in agreement in that, Cassie being a nineteen-year-old double champion was one of the most talked about topics in our circle but it was hard to not be proud of Cass for everything she’s achieved. ”Laz hasn’t been seen since I broke up with him, the loft is still in our name but I’ll worry about that in the New Year.”

”Yeah, you said that the move in was entirely Laz’s idea, look, you were there for me when I got disowned three years ago, I think it’s high time that I repaid that debt.” I responded and I could tell that Carter wanted to say that I had no debt to repay so I shook my head. ”We barely knew each other when you agreed to take me in, now that we’re besties? It’s only right that I help you, I have a spare room in my house if you need it but I will help you get your own place, I’m not asking for anything in return, I just want you to be happy.”

”What would I ever do without you?” Carter asked before giving me a warm hug which I returned. ”We should talk more about this after the holidays and just focus on spending time with family.”

”Agreed!” I responded with a grin before we broke the hug. ”Come to think of it, we never had that big celebration we always said we would after we both won our first singles title, what with everything that’s happened.”

”Another thing we’ll have to rectify in the New Year!” Carter nodded in agreement before we walked through the mall behind Francisco and Carter’s mom.

Considering the last time I was in a mall was when I defended my title against Jessie? I’ve definitely had worse trips to the mall! But it was good to catch up with Carter after everything that’s happened and we got the photo op with Santa at the end of it.

All in all? A fun time at the mall!

The McKinley Family Home, Seattle, Washington
Christmas Eve 2022, 0:00am

Twas the night before Christmas, okay not really.

As of a few seconds ago, it was midnight and Christmas Eve was upon us! And after we ended the day by watching the original Home Alone in the lounge we were all ready to call it a night.

As for the McKinley home, well, the best way I could think to describe it was as an old school, Upper Middle-Class All-American home, modest and elegant with two stories and four bedrooms (Carter’s mom’s room, Carter’s room and the two guest bedrooms being occupied by me and Francisco and Miles respectively), I had spent a couple of Christmases here since I was disowned by my parents in 2018 but this was the first time Francisco and Miles had been invited down to Seattle for the holidays.

And based on their reactions? Probably not the last time!

”Just one day left after this and we’ll be at the big day.” I sighed as I sat down on the bed and Francisco looked up. ”Well, big day meaning Christmas off course, not our wedding in June!”

”Much like Christmas crept up on us, that day will be here before we know it Ari.” Francisco responded as he sat up and scooted over to me. ”And we’ll be sure to make our wedding day special.”

”I’ll be getting married too you, I’m not sure if we can make it any more special.” I responded with a grin before I turned around and kissed my fiancé, it didn’t take long for the kissing to become heated and it got far enough that Francisco almost had my top off, so what stopped it? Off all things, my stomach rumbling. ”How am I still hungry?!” I asked myself before rolling off Francisco and pulling my top down and Francisco could only shrug. ”Carter’s family cooked enough food to feed a stable full of horses!”

”To be fair, that was several hours ago.” Francisco responded clearly just as disappointed as I was that we got interrupted by such a trivial thing. ”At least it wasn’t Grams that interrupted us!”

”Don’t jinx it! Otherwise I might not risk having sex with you until we get back to Vegas!” I responded as I shook my head before sighing and hopping off the bed. ”Screw it! I’m going to see if there’s any leftovers in the fridge, maybe make a midnight snack sandwich of them!”

”Make a spare one for me, I’m starting to feel hungry as well.” Francisco responded and I grinned before I left the room and headed downstairs, as I approached the kitchen I thought I was going to be the only one up and out of my bedroom, instead? I saw the other two male members of the house and Miles apparently had the same idea I had.

And Carter had caught him sneaking into the kitchen apparently. “Carter, relax, I’m just getting something to eat.” Miles assured my bestie as he watched on (though from this angle I couldn’t tell if Carter was watching his hands or his rear end) and I decided to just watch their convo for now. “I know your mom said that the kitchen’s off limits for me but that only applied to cooking!”

”And I’m saying that if mom was awake, she’d chase you back to the guest bedroom!” Carter responded and I stifled a giggle as I watched my male companions go back and forth. ”Heck, I’m sure Ari would do the same! She’s as sweet as cherry pie but her temper is like a volcano!”

“I’m not arguing with the fact that Ari’s a sweetheart, but if I’d go toe to toe with her to help? I’d do anything, up to picking her up and tossing her arse on the couch, which might help me burn off the calories from the meal admittedly but………..” I nearly died of laughter when Miles said that last part catching their attention, luckily Carter’s mom was a heavy sleeper and my laughter hadn’t woken her up, Francisco however had come out to investigate the noise.

And for once I wasn’t paying attention to my tall, dark and handsome fiancé! ”I’m sorry but “picking her up and tossing her arse on the couch”? You realize how dirty that sounds, right Miles?” I asked with a cheeky grin not even noticing that my hair was still dishevelled from the interrupted sex with Francisco, then again if the boys asked I’d just put it down to bed hair! Considering my hair goes down to my elbows on a good day? That would at least be plausible.

Where was I? Oh, right, Miles’s slip up. “I didn’t mean it to sound that dirty I assure you.” Miles assured me and Carter was barely containing his laughter as it stands! “And honestly? As beautiful as you are Ari? I’d sooner drop you into Francisco’s arms if you wanted that kind of action on the couch!”

”I appreciate the honesty and the compliment.” I responded with a grin as I brushed some of my messy hair over my shoulder. ”Anyway! I’m assuming you came down here for the same purpose as me? Getting a midnight snack?”

“Pretty much, then Carter came down to check on Athena’s litterbox because someone forgot to do it earlier.” Miles responded with a shrug and almost on cue me and Francisco’s kitten sauntered up to me, purring all along! I stroked the kitten once she got close enough to me before Miles continued. “Since then he’s been pointing out how his mom would march me back up to the guest bedroom!”

”Knowing her as long as I have? I’d buy that!” I responded with a grin before Francisco joined us. ”But setting aside the whole “picking me up and tossing my arse on the couch” thing? Well, how about this, if we wake up early enough tomorrow maybe we can prepare a quick breakfast Miles?”

“Sounds like a plan!” Miles nodded enthusiastically before I looked in the fridge, unfortunately there weren’t any leftovers from the meal but I made do by grabbing a coke can and opening it.

And it was at that point that Francisco derailed everything. ”I’d like to watch!” Francisco stated and Carter nearly died on the spot from laughter, I was unfortunate enough to be taking a sip of my drink at that exact moment because I nearly spilled it on the floor and Francisco quickly realized what he had said. ”Err, the cooking, not the other thing!”

That was the final nail in the proverbial coffin, even though me and Francisco probably would’ve had sex if my rumbling stomach hadn’t ruined the mood his reluctance to refer to it as sex sent Carter’s laughter into overdrive, unfortunately he laughed loud enough to wake up a few neighbourhood dogs, startle Athena and send her scurrying away and most importantly? Wake up his mom.

Before we knew it? We were all being marched back up to our rooms and wouldn’t be allowed out for the rest of the night! At least she was a good enough sport to let me take my drink up with me!

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
New Year’s Day 2022, 18:00pm

*promo time*

I had been back home from Seattle for most of the week, mostly because I wanted to keep an eye on things as far as this defence was concerned, now that the New Year had officially begun and the Inception VI card had been made official I was ready to do my promo.

”When I won the Bombshell Roulette Title last September I knew it was going to be tough, you can thank being at Krystal’s side for most of her title reign for that, but now I face possibly my toughest challenge yet, the first ever Open Invitational New Year Rumble which pits me against Bella Madison, Zoey Lukas, Seleana Zdunich………” I trailed off as I walked through the house before finally stopping at the white board and pointing to the big question mark. ”And the world! When Christian announced this match he made it clear that it was open to any women’s wrestler, roster member or not!”

This will be fun.

”Let me just set the record straight before I start talking about the match, Christian thought that I was going to be upset with him about this match?” I asked before shaking my head. ”Christian, I respect you for everything you’ve done to make SCW the success it has been alongside Mark, but don’t get it twisted! I relish this this opportunity to potentially defend my title against women who I’ve never wrestled before and may never get another opportunity to wrestle again! Besides, I knew what I was getting into when I came down from the high of winning the title at Violent Conduct and it just so happens that the first ever match for this title, the match that provided the inspiration for this match? It’s one of my favourite matches off all time! What can I say? Sometimes I just feel like watching a clusterfuck and as much as I dislike swearing, can you think of a better way to describe that match? No? Well then, shall we begin?”

Starting with the world!

”I think it’s only fair that I kick things off with the open invitational aspect because let’s face it, that’s the part of the match that’s caused the most intrigue.” I added as I paced around in front of the white board. ”So far several Bombshells have confirmed their participation, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn Warren and off course, my good friend Krystal Wolfe but that leaves a lot of women unaccounted for, aside from people who have confirmed that they won’t be participating for various reasons such as Jessie Salco, to those three women I’ve just named and those chomping at the bit to get a shot at me? Come one, come all! I said from the start that I’ll be a fighting champion and I meant it!”

And now for Zoey.

”As for those who have been confirmed? I’m starting with the relative of the woman who arguably started my journey to the Roulette Title and unlike my last match? I know for certain that Zoey Lukas is related to Alicia!” I admitted as I pointed to Zoey’s name on the board before shaking my head. ”Zoey? You’ve been so impressive since you signed with SCW that I’m kinda surprised that it’s taken you this long to get booked in a title match but I guess that how it works sometimes! Off those who have been confirmed for this match? You definitely have the advantage thanks to your strength and power!”


”But this isn’t a match where strength and power will benefit you Zoey, at least not on paper, because the Ladder Match portion suits the speed and agility that I bring to the table!” I stated as I folded my arms. ”As for the scramble that’ll occur when someone grabs the title? It’s anyone’s board game at that point and as the card said, it’ll be pure chaos from the word go! Will your power see you to your first ever title win Zoey? One way to find out!”

Next up is Bella.

”I’ll admit that when I signed that contract with SCW last April? There was a short list of women I wanted to face, and Bella’s name was right at the top of that list!” I stated honestly as I pointed to Bella’s name on the board. ”Why? Because you are one of the best wrestlers to have never held a singles title in SCW Bella and I think our wrestling styles suit each other to a t! I do regret that this isn’t a one-on-one match between us Bella? Off course, but that’s the nature of the beast isn’t it?”


”Don’t get me wrong Bella, I respect you as a competitor but don’t think I won’t go all out to retain this title in this crazy match!” I said as I held up the Bombshell Roulette Title. ”Because you know as well as I do that respect only carries you so far in the Bombshell Division, and that goes double for title matches because we’ve both been in our fair share of title matches, haven’t we? But if we do get a chance to square off? We’ll at least say that we left a few jaws on the floor and if it comes down to us in the end? May the best woman win!”

Last up is Seleana!

”Last up is a woman who I’ve faced the most since I won the title, the first time was when I defended the title for the first time, the second time was when she took the place of Jessie Salco at High Stakes XII, will the third time be the charm for Seleana?” I asked as I pointed to Seleana’s name on the board with a big grin on my face. ”Seleana we’ve faced each other in matches that left us out of our comfort zones before, the Submission Match, the Spider Web Match heck even that Battle Royal for the vacated Bombshell Internet Title during the India tour and besides that last match, we’ve managed to produce magic in the ring every time we’ve fought!!” I added as flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”But this time?”

I asked with a frown on my face.

”This match promises to be our trickiest since the Battle Royal and that’s saying a lot, let’s be honest!” I added as I folded my arms. ”But it’s like I said earlier, I’m relishing this opportunity and you, Bella and Zoey are no different in the regard! I hope you can find title success again Seleana because you are a hell of a wrestler and you’ve done a lot to distance yourself from your estranged wife who is basically a pariah at this point, but this match won’t be your chance to do that Sel!”

This will be tough.

”This match would be tough enough with just the three confirmed challengers my opposition! We have two of the best women’s wrestlers on the roster who are former champions in their own right and a young upstart Bombshell who is hungry for her first taste of gold! And trust me, I’ve been in Zoey’s shoes, I know how it feels to be in a match like this!” I added as I folded my arms. ”But then you factor in the Open Invitational aspect to the match and it becomes anyone’s ball game! Some women have even gone as far to announce their participation in advance and I thank them for that because it made keeping track that much easier.” I added as I pointed to the names on the board who I had added. ”But there’s one fact that it all boils down too!”

I let out a deep breath before I pointed to my name in the middle of the board.

”Alexa, play “In The Middle of the Night” by Within Temptation.” I called out to Francisco’s Christmas Gift to me and as soon as I heard the opening riff to my theme song I continued. ”Zoey, Sel, Bella and everyone else who wants to enter this match has one goal on their minds, taking the Bombshell Roulette Title from me and I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to walk out of the Stockton Arena as the Bombshell Roulette Champion because there are so many factors at play in this match that literally anything could happen! I almost wish that it was a regular match with Bella, Zoey and Seleana as my challengers rather than this huge match but I won’t buckle under the pressure!”

It's that simple.

”At the start of my reign, I said that I’ll be a fighting champion and I’ve proven that over the past few months! But this is going to be the toughest fight yet!” I added as I folded my arms. ”And like I said, I’d say that even with just the three women who were already confirmed to be my challengers in this match! But diamonds are made under pressure and I’ve felt a lot of pressure since I won this title in New Delhi, I guess winning this match will make my stock in SCW skyrocket, won’t it?”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”To everyone interested in taking advantage of the Open Invitational rules? Good luck, you’ll need it, and I’ll say the same to Bella, Zoey and Seleana!” I added as I rested the Bombshell Roulette Title over my shoulder. ”It’s the new year ladies and I’m sure there’s at least one Bombshell out there who wants to kick it off by taking this belt from me, but they are going to have a hell of a fight on their hands and that goes for everyone else in this match as well, me included!” I added as I held the title above my head. ”But if I can make you all bask in the glow of the Greek Angel’s light? Then the question will become, who can stop “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos? I’ll see everyone in the ring for this epic match!”

I walked off as the scene fades.

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Sorry Ari!”
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2023, 06:35:03 AM »
Krystal entered 2022 with a lot of high expectations, vowing to make her second full year as an SCW Bombshell “The Year of the Wolfe”, instead the Roulette Title reign that had catapulted her to prominence ended just shy of the three hundred day mark as Keira dethroned the Aussie under controversial circumstances and Krystal had struggled to get back in the title picture for the remainder of the year, challenging for the Bombshell Internet, Bombshell Roulette and World Bombshell Championships on three separate occasions and coming up short each time.

But now that the year was over, Krystal could now focus on getting back to the heights she once enjoyed and that was starting at Inception VI where her friend Ariana was defending the Bombshell Roulette Title in an Open Invitational New Year Rumble! So far three other Bombshells were confirmed to be Ari’s challengers, namely Bella Madison, Seleana Zdunich and Zoey Lukas but with the match being open invitational, anyone could show up and Krystal was taking full advantage of that! Can Krystal kick off the year with a title win?

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 13th of December 2022, 14:00pm

Funny how much difference a year can make, right?

This time last year I was on top of the world! My Roulette Title Reign had smashed through the records previously set by Sam Marlowe, destroyed the thoughts of those who expected me to be a one and done champion, I had the mentorship of one of the first champions of the Men’s Roulette Division and my younger cousin Cassie had only been training under Matthew since July and was proving to be a wrestling prodigy.

Then you look back at that time with the benefit of hindsight, and things aren’t so peachy.

Looking back it was clear that Matthew was trying to live vicariously through me by trying to turn me into a female, Australian version of himself, probably because his one and only reign was so short, and was using Cassie to try to control me, the threat to sabotage her potential career if I stepped out of line lingering over my head! Off course, I also know that the reign was in it’s last days as the defence at Inception V would prove to be my last successful defence.

I still kept the Christmas gifts Matthew got for me though, the Roulette Title Ring is a badass ring and I still wear it just underneath my wedding ring and the robe as been a key part of my entrance long after I kicked Matthew and Marty to the curb! And as the cherry on top? Cassie has lived up to expectations and then some having won her first two titles within days of each other and turned heads in every fed she’s joined! And then there’s me who spent the past year trying to rebuild myself after I lost the title to Keira whilst Ariana has thrived as the Bombshell Roulette Champion!

Speaking of Ari, her defence at Inception VI has caught my eye, she’s set to defend the title in an Open Invitational New Year Rumble with the confirmed names so far being Seleana Zdunich, Bella Madison and Zoey Lukas, the key is in the name off course because it was open to any woman in the wrestling business, something reaffirmed when Cynthia Warren came out of retirement to announce her participation in the match!

Granted Cynthia seems less motivated in wanting to take the title from Ari and more motivated in messing with Seleana for some reason, but it had me thinking all the same!

”Haven’t gone up against a fellow Go Gym Graduate since my match against Evie Jordan, and before that my match against Tempest.” I muttered to myself as I looked at the Open Invitational New Year Rumble, Ari was sparring no expense in terms of being prepared for any potential challenger having put up a white board in her living room so that she could keep track of any potential challengers. ”Jessie has her rubber match against Melissa so I’ll be surprised if she throws her name in the hat for another shot at Ari, but still.”

”Think of it this way Charlotte.” I glanced up and saw Makayla coming out of the kitchen with a tub of Ben & Jerries Ice Cream in one hand and a spoon in the other, pregnancy cravings, what can I say? ”They’ve already got Wolfslair clashing in this match by having Bella and Zoey be two of the already confirmed participants, what’s the harm in having the Go Gym clash as well?”

”Well, for one thing the last time the Go Gym clashed was when Tempest and Ari were in that Bombshell Internet Title Battle Royal during the India Tour, which didn’t end well for Tempest or Ari if we’re being honest.” I responded as I shook my head whilst Makayla helped herself to the ice cream. ”And if we’re looking for results that involve me? It’s a mixed bag, I beat Evie Jordan at Blaze of Glory XI and lost to Tempest in my second ever match as a member of the Bombshell Roster.”

”You know as well as I do that that’s just the luck of the draw sometimes, hell as a former Roulette Champion yourself you should know all about that Charlotte.” Makayla pointed out and I had to admit that she had a point. ”We still don’t know if the bosses will put you on maternity leave when the twins are due, for all we know? This might be one of the only chances you’ll get in 2023!”

”I’ll have a chat with Mark and Christian about that when it comes time to renew my contract for another year, hopefully any maternity leave I do get will be short enough so that I can get right back into the swing of things.” I responded as I shook my head and Makayla nodded in understanding. ”Do you really think I should take the plunge and sign myself up for Ari’s title match? Because I’m probably going to have to apologize a lot when Ari finds out!”

”Ari’s a fellow competitor and held the Pride Tag Team Titles with Carter and Alex in SCU, she’ll understand that a lot of people tend to chase after you when you’re a champion.” Makayla pointed out and I had to admit that she had a point, and it was that point that helped me make my mind up. ”So, what’s it gonna be?”

”At the moment, it doesn’t seem like the bosses have any plans for me at Inception VI, obviously that can change as the weeks progress but there’s nothing wrong with taking a little initiative, is there?” I asked rhetorically before I got my phone out and posted the tweet that confirmed my participation in the New Year Rumble. ”And Daniel just hinted that Charlotte and Mackenzie are planning to put their names down, seems like it’ll be a real clash of the Go Gym Grads!”

”Considering the stranglehold London Underground had on the Tag Division? I’d be surprised if they don’t find themselves competing for gold one way or another over the next year!” Makayla nodded in agreement and I grinned in response. ”It’s going to be a tough match with or without them off course!”

”You can say that again! For now? I think it’s high time that I popped down to the Go Gym and train, I want to get as many reps in as I can before the gym closes for the holidays.” I responded before I grabbed my jacket and, after stroking Tali and Garrus on the way out, I headed off to the Go Gym.

The new year was shaping up to be a wild one already!

Local café, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday the 16th of December 2022, 14:00pm

She’s growing up so fast.

It was a year ago that I met Cassie at the PTA Gym, back when she was a trainee under Matthew and Marty and to say that a lot has happened since then was outing it mildly! Even that early into her training, it was clear to everyone watching that Cassie was a natural in the ring having taken to the sport like a fish to water, but it’s like Ari said last week, we didn’t think she’d get so good as a wrestler that Cassie would win her first two titles within days of each other.

Off course I was proud, I was helping her with her training when she at the PTA Gym and she had often been my anchor in reality whenever my temper had gone off the deep end , seeing her success alongside Ari’s had brought more than a few tears of joy to my eyes.

Whilst also making me worried that my career already peaked with the Roulette Title reign but that’s neither here nor there!

”Remind me to check the weather the next time I pop across the pond for Modern Pro Wrestling.” Cassie groaned as we were seated opposite each other, with SCW taking the holidays off and Cassie’s first year as a wrestler winding down we were using the time to catch up. ”Because I was not expecting snow! Even if me, Becky and Zoey had a fun snowball fight before we flew black!”

”Considering you’ve been signed to Modern Pro Wrestling since before its first show aired? I’m surprised you didn’t think of that sooner!” I pointed out that fact and Cassie grinned sheepishly as the teen brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”And I’m kind of surprised that you’re not talking more about your ban from Sin City Wrestling shows being lifted!”

”Don’t get me wrong, that’s a massive weight lifted of my shoulders but the SCW ban was kinda a blessing in disguise.” Cassie admitted with a shrug before we glanced at the menus. ”Did it suck that I wasn’t able to see Keira’s final matches in person? Absolutely, am I still mad that I essentially got banned for trying to help a domestic abuse victim? Yeah, but the ban let me focus more on my wrestling career rather than attend shows with you guys!”

”I can see your point but SCW shows haven’t been as fun without you around.” I responded with a nod and Cassie grinned in response. ”Besides that? There’s still the question that prompted Christian to lift your ban in the first place, whether you’re going to throw your name in the hat for Ari’s title match! You’re not a contracted talent but Christian did say that it was open to outside talent.”

”It’s like I said Krystal, it depends on my schedule for that weekend.” Cassie admitted with a shrug before the waitress came over to take our drinks orders, once she was gone Cassie continued. ”I’d have a blast as the Roulette Champ, don’t get me wrong, but my career in the other SCW has really taken off, I’m about to debut for PWS: Apex, I’m a double champion and my rookie year is almost over! Who knows what 2023 will bring for me?”

”No one’s denying that you’ve had a hell of a rookie year Cass and I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I’m proud of you.” I responded and Cassie grinned broadly in response. ”But I do have a couple of things to say, you remember when we met up at the PTA Gym?”

”You mean when you showed up with Ariana and Jessie?” Cassie asked and I nodded in response. ”How could I forget? That day basically set us on our current path! Why do you ask?”

”Even though you were eighteen when we first met you’ve been my anchor in reality a few times, whenever my ego, my temper or both got the better of me.” I explained and Cassie nodded as the nineteen-year-old brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”But it’s time for me to play the Uno Reverse card, Cass you’ve had a fantastic rookie year considering you graduated from Hero Academy in July but I’ve already seen your ego grow on Twitter.”

”YOU? Lecturing me about my ego?!” Cass asked with a slight laugh before the waitress brought our drinks over and we ordered our food, once she went off to give our orders to the kitchen Cass continued. ”Hello Mrs. Pot, I’d like to introduce you to Ms. Kettle, she has a long and engaging conversation planned about how black you are!” Cass added and whilst her joke was funny I had to roll my eyes.

”Laugh it up Cass!” I responded as Cass took a sip from her drink. ”But I at least never used butter as lube!” I added and somehow, through some miracle, Cass managed to keep it contained within the glass as she spart out her drink.

”That only happened once! And it was a bitch to clean up afterwards!” Cass asserted and I just shook my head. ”Back to a topic that’s a hell of a lot less likely to get us kicked out of this café, what did you say when people started calling you out on your ego? That you have every right to be proud of what you’ve accomplished?” Cass asked and I shook my head.

”I still maintain that I had earned that pride ten times over when I reached the two-hundred-day mark of my reign, but that’s besides the point.” I responded as Cass gave me a significant look. ”But I had been wrestling for a few years before I joined SCW in 2020, you are still in your rookie year but your ego’s already through the roof thanks to your double title reign, remember what I said after your graduation match against Keira?”

”You’re going to have to narrow things down Krystal, never mind the fact that we’re talking about a conversation that happened five months ago.” Cass pointed out and she was right, a lot had happened since her graduation and that was easy to see, ”But I’m guessing your talking about when you said that you didn’t want me to repeat your mistakes? But that was about keeping things bottled up, wasn’t it?”

”It was, and that’s still a relevant topic. Keeping things bottled up is never a good idea, trust me on that.” I responded as I shook my head before letting out a deep breath. ”To summarize? I don’t want your ego to overshadow your wrestling talent like it did to me towards the end of my title reign, because if you keep that up? Friends you’ve made like Blaze Darling will start to distance themselves from you because your ego became too much for them to bare.” I added before Cass took a sip from her drink. ”And in less extreme cases? You’ll wrestle two high profile matches on the same night, like on the last Modern Pro Wrestling show!”

”Okay, first off? I wasn’t even aware that pulling out of the TV Title Defence was an option, when I saw it advertised as me working double duty I didn’t see the point in asking them to change it!” Cass defended herself and I gave her a significant look. ”And second? Wrestlers have pulled double duty on SCW shows before! Goth wrestled in the second ever Black Friday Brawl in the opener and then wrestled Drake Greene in the Main Event of December to Dismember III!”

”Good to see that you know your SCW History Cass, but there’s several things off about your analogy.” I responded as I shook my head and Cass motioned for my to elaborate. ”#1: Goth has always been a scientific/brawler style of wrestler, even during the prime of his career in the GWA he wrestled a slower style! You’re a highflyer, someone who relies on high octane offence to get the job done! There’s nothing wrong with either style strictly speaking but Goth’s slower style meant that he didn’t tire himself out against Wyatt, #2: like you said, Goth’s first match of the night was a Black Friday Brawl, Falls Count Anywhere Matches have never been about wrestling and more about brawling! Not saying there’s no place for a wrestling move in such a match as Ari proved during two of her defences but that still allowed him to pace himself during the opener, you on the other hand wrestled a fast-paced Triple Threat in the opener and tried to keep that pace going in the main event!”

”So, what? You think my bosses in MPW set me up to fail against Jessi when they scheduled the title match and my tourney match against her in the same night?” Cassie asked and I shook my head. ”No offence but that doesn’t seem that open to interpretation.”

”You’ve quickly emerged as one of the best teenaged wrestlers when you debuted Cass and your title wins just cemented that, I doubt the MPW higher ups wanted to sabotage the momentum of one of their first champions!” I responded as I shook my head. ”It’s like you explained when the MPW Twitter posted that title rules link, the TV Title is to be defended every week in an open challenge but was anything really stopping you from asking the bosses to change the card so that you weren’t defending the title and competing in a tournament match the same night?”

”Like I said, I didn’t know that was an option.” Cassie responded as she shook her head before sighing. ”And if anything? That just proves that the MPW comparison doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.”

”True enough but keep in mind what I said, if your ego gets too big it can and will come crashing down, just look at my record since my title reign ended.” I responded and Cassie nodded as she got the idea. ”For now? Just enjoy what you’ve earned, I can’t think of many nineteen-year-old wrestlers who have won their first title in the same year they graduated, let alone their second!”

”Trust me, I have and I will as long as both reigns continue.” Cass responded with a nod before the waitress came over with our food.

Krystal and Makayla’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Christmas Day 2022, 11:00am

If Makayla would let me sleep through Christmas Day I would,

And this year is especially bad because this year marks the tenth-year anniversary of my mom’s murder and I’ve been dreading today ever since the SCW Christmas Break started, honestly if Makayla wasn’t here today would likely be a lot less bearable!

Throw in the fact that by this time next year, she’ll have given birth to twin daughters and yeah, I’ll be making an effort to make it less awkward around Cara and Zosia even though they’ll be too young to understand it! As for this Christmas? It’s been relatively quiet considering that I have two dogs, a young stepdaughter and a pregnant wife in the house and Cassie was coming over for two reasons, to get the presents that we had brought her and to show off her present from her parents!

I know she’s been showing off her two titles a lot since she won them but for one thing I can’t really blame her for that! The other thing? She wasn’t really one to brag about crimbo presents normally, the PS5 and Nintendo Switch she got from me last year being the exception rather than the rule so whatever Cassie’s parents had gotten her, it had to be big!

”Any sign of our favourite teenaged egomaniac?” I asked Makayla as I walked up to her and Makayla shook her head. ”Cassie’s parents don’t live that far from here so it can’t have taken her this long to get here!”

”Maybe she felt like walking?” Makayla shrugged her shoulders whilst our dogs Tali and Garrus walked up to us with their tails wagging. ”Then again, with that bad leg of hers, I’m surprised she does as much walking as she does, let alone wrestle as well as she does.”

”From what Cassie and Keira have told me? Cassie’s leg is like any other lingering injury, it can have bad days and good days.” I responded with a shrug and whilst Makayla nodded in agreement our conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door and the dogs went racing to answer it. ”I’ll bet you ten bucks that’s Cassie.”

”We’re not expecting any other company today, hence why I’m not taking that bet.” Makayla responded as she shook her head but before I could respond the dogs started getting even more excited than usual, and considering that they were both young dogs and one of them was a Labrador? That was saying something! ”You’d better see what the commotion is! I’ve got Christmas Dinner to check on”

”Oh sure, leave the dogs to me!” I responded sarcastically before I walked over to the front door, Cassie was indeed there and it didn’t take me long to realize what she had brought to show off! Mostly because there was a six-week-old Labrador Puppy licking her face off on the other side of the door. ”Err, Makayla? You might want to come see this!” I called out to my wife and after she checked on the food Makayla walked up to me.

”Come see what?” Makayla asked before she let out a happy gasp upon seeing the puppy in Cassie’s arms. ”Oh my god! That’s so adorable!”

”Are you guys going to stand there all day or can I come in?” Cassie called out to us through a nearby open window and I shared a grin with my wife. ”Seriously! It’s freezing out here!”

”Says the girl who travelled to England during their recent snowfall twice!” I called back before shaking my head and opening the door, almost immediately Tali and Garrus raced out the front door to greet Cassie and her new puppy and Cassie set the puppy down so it could greet the two older dogs. ”So, either that’s your Christmas Present from your mom or you found an adorable stray on the way here and decided to adopt it?”

”Does this answer your question?” Cassie asked before she held up an extendable dog lead which was attached to the puppy’s collar. ”So can I come in?”[/font] Cassie asked and once we got the two older dogs back in the house we let Cassie into the house with her new puppy. ”So yeah, my mom got me a new puppy for Christmas.”

”I gathered as much.” I responded before I knelt down and stroked the puppy. ”So, what’s the puppy’s name? and if it a boy or a girl?” I asked as I stroked the puppy and Cassie grinned before she knelt down to unhook the lead from the puppy’s collar.

”Her name’s Sandie, mom literally woke me up by bringing her into my room.” Cassie explained as she unhooked the lead and the dog had a sniff around the house as we stood up. ”Might use her as a prop in my promo for the Open Invitational Match, err, not the one for Ari’s title that is! The other SCW is hosting a similar match to close out the year.”

”I was about to say, since when did you put your name forward outside of asking if the ban was still in effect?” I asked with a grin before I lead Cassie into the lounge where her presents were waiting. ”What’s at stake in the match you’ll be competing in? Title shot?”

”Not exactly, I’ll be competing for $250,0000 and a new car, meaning if I win I’ll need to start pushing towards getting that driver’s license, getting picked up at the airport by my mom whenever I return from a MPW show is starting to get old.” Cassie admitted with a shrug and I nodded as I got the idea. ”I’ve passed the exam portion at least, just need to focus on the actual driving for the New Year.”

”Me and Makayla will help you with anything you need for the practical portion.” I assured Cassie and she grinned in response before I lead her and the puppy into the lounge where her Christmas presents were waiting for her. ”I doubt we’ll be able to top your mom getting you a puppy for Christmas but we’ll see.” I added with a grin as I watched the pupper have a sniff around. ”I take it your mom gave you the usual “a dog’s for life, not just for Christmas” spiel?”

”She didn’t need to because we owned a dog back in Australia before we moved stateside.” Cassie explained before I pointed to her Christmas present pile and she sat down in front of it before letting Sandie onto the couch. ”Another Labrador called Shadow and yes, he was a black lab! Sadly he passed away just before we moved to America but he had a good life.”

”In that case, you should know what you’re doing as far as Sandie goes.” I responded with a nod before me and Makayla sat down in front of our presents. ”Like I said, nothing as epic as a dog or as extravagant as the game consoles I got you for Christmas last year but I hope you like them.” I added and Cassie grinned before she started opening her presents.

The stuff I got for Cassie this year can pretty much be summed up as practical, I got her God of War Ragnarök and Marvel’s Midnight Suns for her PS5 but the rest of her presents were all related to traveling because since she was making weekly trips to London for MPW these days, I figured she’d appreciate stuff like that and she did.

What would the New Year hold for the wolves? Who knows? There was no denying that Cassie had a bright future at this point and I was focussed on rebounding from a disappointing 2022 but a lot can happen in a year, I mean hell, this time last year Cassie was just another wrestling trainee, a prodigy and one of the best students I’ve seen at her age but still a trainee and now look at her!

And I was going to kick it off by challenging my friend for the same title that I had set new records with, funny how things work out!

Go Gym Parking Lot, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 2nd of January 2022, 16:00pm

*promo time*

The gym wasn’t going to reopen for a couple of days but that didn’t mean I couldn’t use the parking lot for my promo.

”Remember when I said that 2022 was going to be the Year of the Wolfe? Well, you should know the story of how that turned out by now!” I stated as I leaned against the wall of the gym. ”If anything? Last year was the year that I got a taste of humble pie after I had one of the best rookie years in recent Sin City Wrestling memory but it’s a New Year and it’s time for a fresh start for me! Which is why I’m finding myself on the other side of the title match I was the defending champion in this time last year! Well, me and a potential boatload of people!”

Here we go.

”That’s right, for the second year in a row I’m competing in a Bombshell Roulette Title Match only this time? I’m one of the challengers and this match has the potential to be a chaotic mess from the word go!” I added before holding up five fingers. ”On paper this is a title match between the champion Ariana Angelos and her challengers Bella Madison, Zoey Lukas and Seleana Zdunich but the bosses weren’t just satisfied with booking a barn burner of a Fatal Four Way Match for the title, oh no, they went and made this thing Open Invitational and opened the floodgates for every other Bombshell with gold in their goals for 2023 to take part! That’s where I come in!”

As expected.

”I was debating whether I should take part as Ari’s one of my closest friends in the business but I made up my mind over the Christmas break! And since this is my only way of getting on the Inception VI card otherwise? I’ll take what I can get!” I stated honestly as I folded my arms. ”But when you look at the match on paper? You realize that this match is going to be one massive clusterfuck and there’s no guarantee that Ari will still be the Bombshell Roulette Champion heading into the first cycle of the New Year, so, shall we get started?”

Starting with……..

”I’m just going to put this message out to everyone else who has their sights set on this match, you realize that your signing up for a gigantic clusterfuck, right?” I asked bluntly before shrugging my shoulders. ”But I guess that’s the nature of the beast, everyone wants a title until they realize how hard it is to defend a title and I’m no different! To my fellow challengers using Open Invitational aspect to get a title match? I wish you luck because even if I wasn’t entering the match, you’ll fucking need it! Now, let’s move on to the women who have been confirmed for the match, shall we?”

Starting with the champ!

”First up on the chopping block is the champ herself, a fellow graduate of the Go Gym and someone who has been pretty dominant since her reign started back in September, someone who also happens to be a good friend of mine.” I started before letting out a sigh. ”Ari, at this point we’re practically like sisters but this is nothing personal, just business and you should know by now that I’ve been chomping at the bit to get back in the title picture since I lost the Bombshell Roulette Title last year! With that said?”

Here we go.

”If the match boils down between me and you? The best I can say is may the best Go Gym Graduate win!”  I stated as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”You’ve made great strides as the champion Ari, no one can deny that and the fact that you’ve been so dominant that the bosses felt the need to book this match for your first title defence of the year speaks volumes but your reign will have to end at some point Ari and this match may see the end of it, if I have any say in the matter? It’ll end with the start of my second reign!”

Next up is Zoey!

”And now I go from someone who I love like a sister, to someone who is a sister to an SCW Bombshell, that’s right Zoey, you’re on the chopping block next.” I commented before looking at my nails absentmindedly. ”As far as starts to your SCW career goes, you’ve certainly made an impact since you signed with the company last year Zoey to the point that you have a hitlist of notable Bombshells who you’ve beaten, but you haven’t beaten me or Ariana yet and since beating us in this match would net you your first title, this would be a perfect opportunity, wouldn’t it?”


Krystal Wolfe’s SCW Color Code
”Off course, there’s other things to consider as we head into this match, it’s nature as a clusterfuck for one thing and the fact that your strength and power might not serve you all that well in this match and that’s just for starters.” I added as I folded my arms. ”But because you are, to date, the only competitor in this match to have never held a title in SCW you arguably have the most to prove out of you, me, Ari, Seleana and Bella and that’s before the rest of the field shows up! Either way, I look forward to duking it out with you in this match!”

Next up is Bella.

”Sticking with Wolfslair and someone else I know well, this is the second time that I’ve been in a Bombshell Roulette Title Match with Bella, and Seleana for that matter, but the first time we’ve been in the same title match where I’m not the defending champion, first time for everything, right Bella?” I asked before shaking my head. ”I’d rather not talk about our Roulette Title Match at 2021’s Violent Conduct event Bella because quite frankly that’s one of my biggest regrets of the title reign, but the fact remains that in title matches between us, I’ve always come out on top! But this a whole new ballgame!”

Adapt and thrive?

”Since then Bella we’ve found ourselves in the same situation, yet another Bombshell in search of a title reign but always coming up short! Personally? I’m out to break that curse in 2023 even if that means ending my friend’s title reign at the beginning of the year but what about you?” I asked as I paced around the parking lot. ”It’s easy enough to say that you want the same thing as me and the other challengers in this match Bella but in practice? With this match being part ladder match, part scramble it could go either way, couldn’t it? No matter what happens in the match? I look forward to going at it with you again Bella!”

Last but not least is Seleana.

”From one woman who challenged me for the Bombshell Roulette Title to another, but I think it’s safe to say that you’ve had the most chances at Ari out of all of us Seleana!” I stated before I leaned against my car. ”Her first challenger, her third challenger after Jessie decided to focus on the Chamber of Extreme Match and now this? Gotta give you credit for persistence at least because that’s been the story of your SCW journey since 2020, persistently chasing after titles only to come up short time and time again!”

So many chances.

”No one can say that you’re not dedicated to getting back in the history books as a champion rather than in Mercedes’s often inaccurate records, but when are you going to stop choking?” I asked bluntly as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”When are you finally going to break the curse and win another title? That question was asked of you throughout 2021 and 2022 but now that we’re in the New Year the question is being asked again, will 2023 be the year where you break the curse? Well, first you have to get past me, Bella, Zoey, Ari and god knows who else will turn up for the match and that’s going to be a lot easier said than done!”

Just in general.

”The bosses have certainly placed an interesting challenge in front of us, haven’t they? Four confirmed competitors and the rest being up to whoever shows up looking for a fight! The prize? The Bombshell Roulette Title and a place in the record books, something I can bet that Ari won’t give up without a fight!” I said before I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Which is why I’m going to go ahead and say this: sorry Ari! Sorry that I’m going to be the one who ends your title reign! Just remember one simple fact!”

It's that simple.

”It’s nothing personal, just business! We’re all vying for the same prize in this match Ariana and the same goes for Bella, Zoey, Seleana and whoever else decides to throw their name in the hat and compete for the title!” I stated bluntly before showing my Roulette Title ring to the camera. ”This might be a relic of the other biggest mistake of the title reign but it’s still a symbol of what I’ve achieved in the past as a champion, who knows? Maybe 2023 will be 2021 part two for me?”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”All I need to do is win this clusterfuck, right? Beat Ari, Zoey, Bella and Seleana alongside whoever else throws their name into the hat to compete in this match? If only it was as simple as that!” I said as I shook my head. ”But the truth is that it’s anyone’s ballgame when the bell rings but as I turn the page on this chaotic chapter of my SCW story? I hope to end it as a two-time Bombshell Roulette Champion! Good luck to everyone else in this match because we will definitely need it!”

I got in my car and drove off as the scene fades,

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Open invitational matches bring out the fucking worst in people, especially when it's all about the gold, it shows people for the greedy fuckers that they actually are, it shows them that they're only focused on shiny shit. It brings back all those slugs that were hiding in the dark, just for the sake of having a quick ego boost and have a pissing contest over some leather and gold. People come from far and wide from shitty promotions just because they want gold. It's pretty fucking sad if you ask me.

People can't help themselves to come from far and wide to say they walked in, kicked the shit out of an unsuspecting champion, who has to prepare for every style possible, and think they're the dogs bollocks. Great way to start a championship run, your parents must be so fucking proud.

You might sit and think the fuck she talking about cause she's clearly gonna enter it, and she's now jumped up the favourite list to close to the top, but I ain't entering to go and be a champion. I could though to be fair and lets be honest, that Roulette division needs a shake up, because the champions and challengers down there, they all fucking sound the same, they speak the same old shit, they have a million cameos that no one really gives a shit about, no one cares who those people are and in this match, you're gonna see that a lot. We've all seen Ariana promos, right? There's like a million people in those that no one cares about. Same with Seleana, who are all these fucking people? Zoey... Ok, at least I know who the fuck is in her promos and the same with Bella, but do we really need the same old shit promos from so called champions?

Fuck no! But is that my motivation? Show up, walk away with the belt?

Not really. My motivation is beyond that.

You know me, my motivation is to fight, my motivation is to kick the shit out of people. It's a release for me. Some people turn to drugs, some people turn to booze, some people parachute for the thrill but me? I like to fight. I like to kick the shit out of people, I like people to kick the shit out of me. I like number fights. I like to beat on people and know there's someone right behind me that wants to spin me around and beat on me. It keeps the instincts more then a little sharp. I love an unfair fight.

This is what this really is. I know Ariana from our trainers, they train us well, I've been around Seleana, kicked her arse a while back, I know Bella can pull of a shock or two but a chance to go against someone like Zoey, someone known for hurting people, that's what I'm all about. I ain't come across her path before, but I've seen enough of her to know she can hurt people, that's a challenge I want. There's others though, so many flapping their mouths, verbal diarrhoea teasing their entrance in to this thing and I am not Stevie Wonder here, I see there's been a lot of new names mentioned about coming in, a fair few Bombshells that are joining the company.... Like I said, these open things pull out people from all over the place and that is what I want. This is why I am stepping in that ring, that is why I'm gonna show up... Because I want that thought of not knowing who to face, I want surprises, I want to walk down that ramp not knowing whose face my fist is gonna meet. That is my joy, that is what I want.

Fuck the title, I'm just showing up to hurt people and seeing this promo air, I know more then a couple of people who just shit their pants.

Rightly so, cause you're gonna get hurt ~ MP.

New Years Day, the day after the party of the year for some people, but New Years Day isn't as glamorous. To some, it's the day after memories were made, and strangers became friends for just a few seconds as they exchanged hugs and Happy New Year wishes, ushering in the most common phrase known to man on that day - I hope next year is a better one for you. The realists in us know that is not the case and it will be the same as it was the year before but for a second, saying that, you really mean it. For other people, the New Years Day is a day of broken and blurred memories, awkward text messages from people you thought was a great idea to give your number to the night before and hangovers. Ah alcohol the problem and solution to all life's misdemeanours.

"Ah my fucking head." Mackenzie says as she wakes up from her slumber on New Years Day.

She opens her eyes slowly, her vision blurred as she tries to focus on her surroundings. It took her a minute or two to realise she was in the shared London Underground home, but not in her comfortable bed, but sprawled out on the living room's leather sofa, still dressed from the night before. She runs her hand over her face, feeling roughness over her skin before putting her hand in front of her eyes to see what was on her.

"Fucking glitter." She mumbles. "I fucking hate glitter."

"It made you look very sparkly." Charlotte says from across the room.

Mackenzie turns her eyes to where she heard Charlotte's voice, seeing Charlotte also laying on another sofa across the room.

"Keep the noise down." Charlotte tells Mackenzie. "My head is banging like a drum over here."

"Yeah, yeah." Mackenzie grumbles. "Why the fuck am I covered in glitter?"

Charlotte sits up, shaking her head slowly to knock the cobwebs off her memory and looks towards Mackenzie with squinted eyes.

"I don't know." she says leaning forward. "We opened for kids, made it kid friendly, kids like glitter or something."

The smell of alcohol hung in the air and the two were clearly feeling the effects of it.

"Could have something to do with the big old glitter bomb I had go off at midnight." Daniel's voice says.

The two look towards the door of the living room to see Daniel walking in the room, followed by Osbourne, both men dressed neatly in suits and ties.

"What time is it?" Mackenzie asks.

"8am." Daniel says as he adjusts his tie.

"And you're already dressed?" Charlotte says with a yawn.

"I'm as fresh as a daisy." He tells them. "Now you two might wanna get a move on, we're heading in to work in about twenty."

"Didn't we shut like four hours ago?" Mackenzie says, spinning her feet to the floor.

"Yeah, and now we're gonna in to check the finance, see what we made over the night, and you two are going to check the bar." Daniel tells them.

The thought of being around alcohol again causes the two girls to first off uneasy looks in each others directions. Before either of them say anything, all four of their phones buzz at the same time. Daniel looks at his.

"Advanced SCW card." He tells them.

Instantly, the other three look at their phones, scrolling down to look for their names.

"Fuck all again." Mackenzie says with a growl. "When we said we was coming back, you'd think they'll actually let us punch people in the face."

"There's an open Battle Royal for the Roulette championship." Daniel tells them.

Mackenzie and Charlotte fire each other a look across the room.

"Only one of us can enter that." Charlotte says.

"Why one?" Daniel asks.

"Cause there's no way he's doing two promos a week." Mackenzie says. "Lazy wanker."

Daniel and Os look at each other confused.

"Eh?" Daniel slowly replies.

Osbourne throws his hands in the air in confusion as he looks towards Daniel, neither man understanding what they're on about. Both women's eyes rest on Osbourne.

"Who do you think should get to enter?" Charlotte asks the big man.

"Yeah, Os. Which of us deserves it?" Mackenzie says quickly and in a more intense tone.

Osbourne puts his finger in the air pointing towards Charlotte, then toward Mackenzie. He looks towards Daniel for guidance but Daniel stares back, looking for an answer from the big man. Osbourne turns back towards the women, once again moving his hand between them, but eventually throws his hands in the air and turns and walks away.

"Pussy!" Mackenzie shouts out after him.

Osbourne returns to the room, just to look at Mackenzie and raises the middle finger towards her before walking out again.

"You know where you can stick that pal!" Mackenzie yells out.

"Oh this is gonna make driving to work so much more fun." Charlotte says with a yawn.

"Anyway, speaking of which" Daniel says in a commanding voice. "Arses in gear ladies, time to go to work."

It was an interesting half an hour drive to work, the girls constantly looking at Osbourne with glaring eyes and Osbourne trying his hardest to ignore the stares from the two. The rest of the journey was uneventful, as the streets of Las Vegas was fairly empty, party goers had finally made their way home or to their hotels. The private staff car park was also empty as Daniel had made it clear no one would be working on New Years Day, and to spend it with their families. Minutes after parking, the foursome were walking through the main casino floor.

"Alright." Daniel says as he looks around. "I'm gonna head to the office and check through the receipts, Os, count the cash and you two hung over people, bar for you, check the stock and pick up any rubbish on or around the bar."

"Since when are we cleaners?" Mackenzie says through gritted teeth.

"I'm not telling ya to get a mop and get to work." Daniel tells her. "Just pick up anything across the bar and chuck it in a black bag."

Mackenzie rolls her eyes and the four split off, Daniel and Osbourne walking in one direction, Charlotte and Mackenzie in the other, heading towards the bar. The two ladies get to the bar and Charlotte shakes her head.

"It's like a bombs hit it." She comments.

Tables and chairs seemed out of place, placed in random areas, used napkins and beer bottles still littered the tables. The bar itself was no better, half empty glasses, crumpled napkins and other various junk sat on top.

"No shit." Mackenzie replies, "What the fuck happened here?"

"It happens." Charlotte replies.

As Mackenzie moves around and starts to return chairs and tables to their original positions, Charlotte steps behind the bar, reaching for garbage bags and ripping two off. She waves one towards Mackenzie, who takes it.

"Cleaners job." Mackenzie mutters to herself but Charlotte hears her.

"Nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty once in a while." Charlotte replies as she opens her garbage bag.

Charlotte starts to sweep random items from the bar in to the bag as Mackenzie sighs.

"I'm not a fucking cleaner." Mackenzie growls. "I'm a fucking fighter. Problem is, everyone around here is just bowing down to us. People are paying their money back on time, we're rinsing so much through the Casino over the last few months without any problems. Everything we want to buy, people are willing to sell to the point we could probably buy the whole of Las fucking Vegas and no one will bat an eyelid."

Mackenzie aggressively throws a bottle in the bag and kicks a chair back in to place.

"I feel like I really need to punch someone in the face." Mackenzie says with a snarl.

"People respect us now." Charlotte says with a smile. "When we first came over here, people thought we were chancers, they now know getting in to bed with us means we demand certain things. It makes our life easier. All we have to do is count the cash. This place was busy as hell last night, we had no trouble, so we have nothing else to do but count the money."

Mackenzie stops and looks across at Charlotte.

"The money's great an' all." Mackenzie tells her. "But I miss the days when we had to fight to earn it."

"So you'd rather go back home and chase down a few people who are late on a loan, then just sit here and live the life others dream of?" Charlotte asks. "The money we have, we could live on forever, we don't have to do this."

"Sometimes it's not about the finish line, it's about the chase." Mackenzie says as she looks across at Charlotte. "And the chase was always fucking great. I mean running down little shit heads through the streets of Bethnal Green, for a bullseye was more fun then getting the fifty quid itself. I need to feel that again."

Charlotte takes a moment to think as she watches Mackenzie straighten up another table and placing the chairs back in their right place.

"You want to beat people up, right?" Charlotte says across to her.

"Well, fucking duh." Mackenzie fires back sarcastically. "That's my release. This is why I was ok with getting back in to wrestling, because I could hit someone in the fucking face."

"Then do this Battle Royal then." Charlotte encourages her. "I've seen the people announced on the way over. Ariana, Bella, Seleana and Zoey, plus anyone else can enter it. We know there's someone here who is very likely to enter."

"Yeah." Mackenzie says as she rolls her eyes. "The head of something, something here. I don't even know what she does anymore."

"There's a great chance she's been thinking about it since the segment about it on Climax Control." Charlotte says. "So there's someone else you can smack in the face. You know this brings out people from everywhere, all those people who fancy being a champ."

Mackenzie silently looks at Charlotte.

"You could be the first member of London Underground to win a singles title." Charlotte reminds her.

"Fuck that gold." Mackenzie tells her. "It's not about that gold, but you did mention a name I'd be interested in facing."

"Who?" Charlotte asks as she leans on the bar with her elbows.

"Zoey Lukas." Mackenzie replies. "No one in SCW can hit like that woman, no one at all. That war she had with Tempest was bang on. People like that are people I wanna fight, that I wanna stand toe to toe with. People shit their drawers when they have to face her, I wanna see how hard the woman hits."

"So you don't want the gold." Charlotte says slowly. "You wanna get punched in the face by someone bigger and stronger then you."

Mackenzie taps her chin, looking up in thought for just a few seconds before staring Charlotte dead in the eye.

"That's about the size of it." Mackenzie says with a wide smile.

"I would ask if you have a screw loose up there, but I already know the answer." Charlotte replies with a nod. "So are you gonna do it?"

Mackenzie takes a deep breath and turns away for a few seconds, before looking back towards Charlotte, who although knows the answer, awaits confirmation.

"Ah fuck it." Mackenzie says with a shrug of her shoulder. "I might as well. I haven't punched anyone in the face for nearly two months and there could be a lot of faces to punch in there."

"And Zoey Lukas to punch you in the face." Charlotte adds.

"I'd be very disappointed if she didn't." Mackenzie admits honestly.

"You're pretty messed up." Charlotte says shaking her head. "You know that, right?"

Mackenzie turns and winks towards Charlotte.

"People wouldn't have me any other way." Mackenzie says with a smirk on her face.

"Well, they wouldn't tell you differently to your face at least." Charlotte tells her.

Mackenzie shrugs her shoulders.

"If they did, I'd have more faces to punch." Mackenzie comments. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

Charlotte slowly shakes her head.

"I'll give Christian a call and let him know you're interested." Charlotte tells Mackenzie.

"Just tell him not to announce me." Mackenzie says with an evil grin. "I want a certain couple of people shit themselves when they see my promo air."

Charlotte laughs as she looks at Mackenzie.

"Gee, I wonder who." Charlotte replies, knowing the answer.

So a call was made to Christian, who for some reason expected one of the London Underground ladies to be in the match, hoped for both but expected one, and it didn't take him long to agree to not reveal Mackenzie's participation. The rest of New Years Day dragged through for Mackenzie... The evils of alcohol, eh?

Sometimes a relaxation moment next to a pool is what is needed and the home of London Underground, up in the Vegas hills overlooking the hustle and bustle of Las Vegas, has a private pool. Mackenzie sits with her feet in the water, on an oddly warm day for January, well, warm considering if you've been brought up in the rain of London. The camera focuses on the shorts wearing brawler as she begins to speak.

"Fucking surprise I guess." She says with a smirk. "I wasn't too sure I was going to be doing this, entering a match for a championship to kick off 2023, but here we are."

She sharply tilts her head before realigning it straight.

"People can say they're doing this for whatever reason they want to." She says. "Realistically, most of you are just doing it for the gold, don't try and bullshit otherwise, we know you're doing it because your ego is fuelled by accolades and waving championships in front of world like you're hot shit when really, you're not, you have a million support characters around you to try and make you look good with your work when realistically, most of them are so much more better then you'll ever be, it's the fucking truth. Ego driven bullshit is a great motivator when you get a shot at championships, but I'm so fucking different from that."

She waits for a few seconds for dramatic effect.

"Really different from that." She says to make a point. "You're all in it for the gold, anyone else who sees the words Bombshell Roulette championship and open invitational, and you jump at that open part, it's all about the gold. It's gonna show the world exactly what kind of snake is around, but I'm not doing it for the gold, I'm doing it to kick the living shit out of so many people, that's it. In fact I do feel very sorry for the champion in this, I do feel very sorry for you Ariana."

She rolls her shoulders back in a circle.

"Yeah, we trained in the same place, we have the same fundamentals, we have the same winning mentality, but we're not close." Mackenzie points out. "We have loyalty to The GO Gym, but I wouldn't say we're friends. I'd stop you from getting your head kicked in if need be, but we ain't friends, so I have absolutely no problem in beating you up, or taking that gold. Even though I don't care about it, I sure as fuck will no lose any sleep over taking it from you. I won't give a shit about taking something from another GO Gym superstar. It's not in my nature to even give a shit about you, but you do have my sympathy for one thing, because now you're gonna see the real snakes around you. You're gonna see the people you consider your friends actually show you that they're not you're friend when it comes down to that belt. You're gonna see that the gold means more to them then you actually do and that is why I feel sorry for you."

Mackenzie looks down the camera.

"You're not safe from anyone." She says firmly. "You're not safe from all those idiots that you showcase in your promos, they're looking at that championship and putting their greed before their friendship. It might not matter to you cause they'll still probably show up in your work anyway afterwards, but this is them saying up yours mate, that leather means more to me then you do. You'll see it more and more as they start to announce their intentions to be in that match, they're gonna do it this week, leaving you at least a week to have your head fucked with."

Mackenzie points to her head.

"You're gonna go over a week wondering how they can put themselves over your friendship." Mackenzie say with a slow shake of her head. "They're gonna show the dicks they are and mentally, that belt is already gone."

She waves sarcastically.

"I'm not your friend, I'm gonna tell you straight, I'm just coming to kick your arse." Mackenzie says with an evil smirk. "Those friends that are about to stab you in the back, they've just made it so much more easier for me and everyone else and that was before the disadvantage of knowing you'll be facing the unknown. Doesn't matter if I win or not, you've already lost. That belt is no longer yours. Lesson to be learned here Ari, don't trust anyone, because while they're sucking up to you, they're already plotting your fucking downfall. Et tu Brute."

With that reference, Mackenzie moves on.

"Someone else who has already lost this one is you Seleana." Mackenzie says with a smile. "Seeing me in this, already fucked with your head because you remember Climax Control 348? You remember that match we had? You remember I beat you to hell that night?"

A proud smile crosses her face.

"I fucking remember." She says proudly. "But do you remember what I said in the build up to that? Let me refresh your memory a bit. I asked you what ever happened to the old you that was a Bombshell World Champion, what happened to the star you used to be? You know I was hoping to step in to that match with you on Climax Control and I hoped those words would be inspiration to you, I hoped I would get that old you back."

Mackenzie shakes her head.

"I got a worse version of you then I've ever seen before." She says with a sigh. "The attempt you made against me was fucking pathetic, it was beyond pathetic. I would have had a better fight in an East End boozer on a Friday night. You offered abso-fucking-lutely nothing at all. Not a damn thing and yet here you are, getting another chance at redemption. At some point, they're gonna cut their losses with you because you're an absolute joke, a sorry excuse for a woman, fuck, you're worse then that. I haven't seen a fucking thing to make me think you've improved since then, I haven't seen a thing to say you're even committed to SCW anymore. You show up, you wrestle, you get beat up, you lose, you go home. Rinse, repeat, that's all it is. You're cannon fodder again Seleana and just making up the numbers. There's no fear from me or anyone else in this match when it comes to you, you're just there to get chucked out first and go home again, same old shit, different match for you. If it takes me trying to break your face again to motivate you, then so be it, but don't expect this one to be any different from the last time we met because believe me, I will still be outlasting you in this one. I will still be showing that I am better then you and it's that simple."

Mackenzie shrugs

"Just accept it mate and move on." She says looking down the camera.

She stops for a second just to catch her breath.

"Now little sweet Bella." Mackenzie says with a slight smirk. "Well, maybe not so sweet Bella, it's still fresh in the mind for me what you did to Christina and I know Christina works for us at the Golden Ring Casino, but mad fucking respect for that. It really showed a side of you that no one was expecting. It showed that there's a little monster in you just waiting to get out and play. I can respect that little monster. I have one of those too, I just don't hide it from the world, I show it off proudly, I show the world that I'm a right horrible bastard and I have no shame with that in the slightest. I don't need to hide behind a sweet little persona, I'm ok with who I am and who I am is not a nice person at all."

Mackenzie slowly nods.

"And because I'm this up front, I'm gonna make it very clear to you little girl, that I am not suffering the same fate as Christina." She says firmly. "I'm not gonna come to that ring and get battered to the point of disappearing. You know you smacked her so fucking hard, she couldn't come to work for us again for a month? I mean I should be pissed at that and give you a slap for that, but let's be honest, it's the quietest the staff room had been in years, I liked the peace and quiet, but there's not a chance you'll be doing that to me at all. I will be going back to work the day after I compete, I will be just fine, but I will ask you one little thing Bella. Bring that demon of yours out, bring her out to play because she seems like a lot of fucking fun to play with. Bring that dark side out, bring that evil out, bring the hate and anger and everything mean spirited inside you, to the front. That sounds like someone I want tear up with, that sounds like someone I can fight with until there's no fight left. Bring that person, give yourself half a chance because little sweet Bella, she has about as much chance as a snowman in the desert."

She smirks before she continues.

"And of course, we have Zoey Lukas in this one." Mackenzie says with a slightly evil smile. "Now I'm not smiling like this because there's heat, or bad blood or any shit like that. The woman is bigger then me, the woman is stronger then me, the woman is fucking muscle on muscle and that's the challenge I want. Look at this roster, look at it seriously, outside Zoey and Tempest, there's a bunch of weak arse bitches who have never been in a fight outside a ring in their lives. The roster is full of people who would shit themselves if they had to fight when they wasn't expecting to fight. The roster is a bunch of melts mate."

Mackenzie nods her head up and down.

"But Zoey is not one of those people and I like that." Mackenzie admits. "But I'm one of those people too and I don't give a fuck if you're the size of King Kong, I'm gonna stand up and throw punches till I can't throw a punch again. I'm gonna be that person who will smack the shit out of anyone until I have to stop and that is Zoey Lukas too. She was a big reason I wanted to do this, she was a big reason I was willing to step up and fight because at some point, I want to be standing in the middle of the ring with her, with every other fucker out and go toe to toe with her. That's something the rest of this roster wouldn't do, but I wanna do it. I wanna stand up and fight like a fucking fat kid over the last cake. This is what I wanna do, this is what I will do. I'm here to fight and Zoey is a fighter, the rest, not so much but Zoey is that ultimate challenge for anyone who thinks they're good."

Mackenzie points to herself.

"I am good." She says confidently. "And I am gonna fight and stand up to Zoey, I'm gonna chase the big bad wolf and believe me, it's not gonna be pretty."

Mackenzie smirks.

"As for everyone else who may or may not enter." She starts. "To the one's who know me, just get the fuck out cause you know you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you. Call the SCW camera crew, cancel them filming you and just fuck off, go on holiday, go wash your hair, go do anything you fucking want but don't come and step up, because you know the way it's gonna go. Just go and do literally anything else at all."

Mackenzie uses her hands in a shoo movement.

"But the one's who don't know me." she smiles, "You might think who the fuck is this bird going on and on about hurting people. You might think that I'm a walk over, an easy day in the office, you might think from whatever two bob promotion you've come from in search of gold, that I am worthless, that this is enough hot air to fill up a balloon, then you need a fucking reality check. You may think that a few titles against people who are not up to SCW level might be something special, but you're now dipping your toes in to deeper water, where the predators play. This ain't league two, this is the Premier League and everything you think you've done before worth a shit, doesn't mean fuck all here. Anything you've ever done in the past, better people have done it here. This ain't a show in front of two hundred people, this is thousands, thousands who will tell you right away if you're good enough to be here and those thousands already know I am good enough to be here, but you people blinded by the gold..."

She waves her finger.

"You're about to see if your career has meant a damn thing." Mackenzie says seriously. "In the fucking welcome wagon and I'm not big and giving friendly welcomes. When I say I'm gonna hurt people, I'm gonna hurt people, so take that as a warning, the best damn warning you are likely to get. Don't fool yourself in to thinking you're coming in to take over this place, because you're not, you're stepping in to a world where the strong survive and your silly little wins elsewhere mean fucking nothing to me, any of those people announced or anyone that might be stepping back in to an SCW ring."

Mackenzie kicks the water.

"Don't consider this a threat." She says with a serious look on her face. "Consider it a warning, and it's the only one you're gonna get. Welcome to my world, you're not gonna fucking survive."

And with that, the cameras fade to black.

Twitter: @DanielJMorganEE

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
November 21st 
Anaheim, California
Local Medical Facility

November 20th was the worst day in the 18 year wrestling career of Crystal Zdunich. She was publicly humiliated in front of the entire world. However that wasn’t the worse of everything. What hurt the most was her pride. Crystal was completely embarrassed on SCW television. She was decimated by the hands of Bella Madison, she was let go out from her SCW contract, and was put on the shelf indefinitely after suffering eleven ashes to ashes DDTs on a chair. It was definitely a lot to take in but the sad thing about all of it is that Crystal didn’t remember any of it. After being knocked out with a shot of brass knuckles to the face Crystal had blacked out. The Afro-Mexican slowly started to regain her consciousness. It had felt like her entire world was turned inside out. The first thing she noticed with the opening of her eyes was her wife Seleana at her bedside. It was apparent that Seleana’s makeup was a runny mess as she had been a crying mess for the entire night. Crystal slowly stirred as she tried her best to speak but only a whisper came out.

“…Sel….My Sel…Ana… Is that you?! Wh…What happened?!”

Seleana woke up, and she stood up with crossed arms. She looked down into her wife’s eyes as she spoke to her with tears in her eyes.

“Chickie… My Estrellita are you okay my love?!”

Crystal grimaced in pain as she tried to move about in the bed. Crystal couldn’t move that much without feeling the effects of how she was hurt and abused. She looks back into the eyes of Seleana just trying her best to force out a smile.

“I….. I am in a lot of pain… As much as I want to put on a fake smile, a façade, and try to cover everything up with the best type of acting performance that I could give. The pain is unbearable. I feel like I got hit by a freight train and it’s hard to move…”

Seleana just let’s more tears flow from her eyes as she looks deeper into her wife’s eyes. She just shakes her head as she offers a sincere response in return.

“Chickie… You have to let it go… I know you pride yourself on being an actress but you don’t need to hide who you are from me. I am your wife and I just want you to be sincere. Last night was one of the hardest days of my life. It tormented me to see you in pain and to acknowledge that I couldn’t do anything about it. The only thing that makes any of this better is the fact that Aurora didn’t see what happened. If she watched she would have been heartbroken…”

Crystal just looks away for a few moments. She slowly moves her attention to her wife. The tears in Seleana’s eyes brought tears to Crystal. The blue haired vixen was an emotional wreck as she shook her head.

“I am so sorry… When I get out of this hospital I swear on everything that I am going to make Bella pay for what she put me through. I am going to hurt her for what she put you through as it must have been painful to watch me like this… I swear on everything that I am not going to rest until…”

Seleana cries even more as she yells at her wife. Her emotions were running rampant as she looked deeply into her wife’s eyes.

“THERE ISN’T GOING TO BE A NEXT TIME! You don’t understand… As soon as you lost you were humiliated by Bella and Christian Underwood. SCW let you go from your SCW contract so there won’t be a next time nor a rematch. That is it… On top of that I had to sit here and listen to these doctors and…”

More tears flow from her eyes as Crystal slowly gazes at her wife.

“Listen to these doctors what?! What did they do Seleana, I don’t think I understand…”

Seleana can’t bring herself to look at her wife as she chokes on her arms.

“They did some tests on you and with all of the constant concussions they don’t feel like it would be wise for you to get in the ring again. You have taken too much damage to the head and there may be signs of brain damage. It could lead to dementia in the future and who knows if you might be suffering from CTE but that can only be tested on after death…I know you love wrestling… I know how much it means to you but…”

Seleana grabs Crystal’s arm as more tears leave her.

“AURORA AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU LOVE WRESTLING… We both need you! Alexandra needs you, Isabella needs her grandmother, Brayden and Brittany need their mother! You are valuable and I don’t care if everybody thinks you are the worst person on the planet. The fact is you are my star, my estrellita. I refuse to sit back and watch my world burn, and I refuse to lose you…”

Crystal’s eyes never leave off of her wife as she looks into her green eyes. She grabs her hand squeezing it tightly.

“And I don’t want to lose you either…I am sorry Seleana… I am sorry for everything. As I am forced to be in this hospital bed I realize that this is my entire fault. I am the only one to blame for being in this position. This is Karma catching up to me. My actions have put me here. I was too busy trying to do things for shock value. I just did things to be noticed or to live up to being this Hollywood diva that I lost sight of everything that I am supposed to be. It’s all my fault that I fought you in the ring or that I tried to use the World Series of Wrestling as a platform to make Alexandra look bad just to make me feel better. I didn’t want to verbally attack either of you… It’s just…”

Crystal pauses as she shares more of her heart.

“It’s just that I didn’t want people to forget me. No matter what I do it just never seems to be enough. I want to be the center of attention… I put everything into being most hated for the year and it’s not because I am this vain or vile Bitch. It’s simply because I crave attention… I need it! No matter what I do I still feel like I am the pathetic little girl from Detroit who got made fun of by her entire high school. I am still that little girl who had to drop out because she got pregnant young and craved the attention she received from a boy who thought she was his world…”

Seleana raises her voice at her wife again.

“Christina… Chickie… Here is something you NEED to understand. You are valuable… Ja?! You are always going to have somebody that doesn’t like you… There are people who look at me as the Swedish girl and they insult me by calling me Stockholm because they think I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome by being married to you… Free Seleana they said… Leave Christina they said… I pay no attention to them because they don’t make decisions in my life. Only I do that…There’s no cow on the ice. I will always love you… You make dumb decisions but that is marriage. It comes with the territory…”

Seleana looks at her wife sincerely.

“And when things are bad… I will always be there to pick you up. The one thing I want you to learn about marriage is the fact that we are a TEAM. We have always been a TEAM… We are PARTNERS but quite often it just seems like you toss me aside, you toss Alexandra aside and for what, to fuel your own ego… You are better than that. You shouldn’t be jealous of either of us. On top of that you shouldn’t try to vow that you are going to get even with everyone that hurt you like you are the Bride from Kill Bill! Ja! All that will do is get you to make a hen out of feathers, and you will end up in this hospital in a worse state.”

Crystal shakes her head with a sigh as she looks back at her wife.

“So what do you want me to do Seleana?! What are you looking from me?!”

Seleana is confident as she is brutally honest with her wife.

“NOTHING… I don’t want you to do anything. You don’t have to make any rash decisions about anything. For now let’s just relax Ja?! It’s Thanksgiving this week and we also have your Birthday next Sunday. Let’s just enjoy the time we spend together and we will talk about your future later…”

“Talk about my future?!”

Crystal snaps back.

“You don’t understand… I have a World Championship from ECWF to defend and on top of that I am chasing after the Splat Multiverse Championship. I can’t slow down. I have to find a way to persevere and go ahead. I know you care a lot about me but I have to wrestle. I don’t care if the doctors feel like this is becoming too dangerous to me. I don’t care if this might cause Dementia or it may affect me down the road. The only thing I care about is the here and now. I need my spotlight, and I need to be front and center of everybody…”

Crystal grimaces in pain as she struggles to rise up to her feet

“And I not just going to sit back and listen to what any of these fucking doctors say! They don’t tell me what to do… No… I will beat a Bitch up… I will fight because that’s the only thing that I know how to do!”

Seleana crosses her arms as she let’s tears flow down her face. She backs away from Crystal as she shakes her head.

“Estrellita… You won’t even listen to anything that I say… I… You know what I don’t want to deal with you right now. You go make your own decisions. You are very selfish. You should treat me like your wife. All I ever have done is listened to you and been there as your wife. You cheat on me and I don’t get mad I welcome another woman into our marriage to make you happy but you can’t even listen to me when I talk… You know what Christina you go make your own decisions. I am tired of trying to fight your battles for you. Perhaps you need to go fight for yourself because then you would realize how valuable I am… Bye Christina…”

Seleana leaves the hospital room as Christina talks back to Seleana as she shakes her head in disgust.

“What… Don’t I get a good bye Chickie?! Or a I love you my Estreliita?!”

Crystal is very sarcastic as she yells back at her wife who has now left the hospital room.

“Yeah I LOVE YOU TOO MY SWEDISH FISHIE… Why don’t you go tell Aurora how you just left mommy in this hospital by herself!”

Crystal grimaces in deeper pain as she tries to move about in her bed as she presses the nurse call button and becomes one of those annoying patients who believes that the hospital is a five star establishment.

“I NEED A NURSE… I know you don’t expect me to use this bed pan… Somebody better come to my room right now and unhook me from this IV so I can go to the restroom. Also I want some of that good hospital ice, and where’s the Shasta ginger ale?! HELLO?! HELLO?! Is this thing even working…”

Crystal continues to hit the call button as we go elsewhere.

Hollywood Hills, California
Zdunich Caldwell Manor
Few Days Later

Crystal was finally out of the hospital and despite everything that she had been through she wasn’t going to be one to listen to anything that Seleana had said to her. If she had her way she was going to do everything in her power to prove any of the doctors wrong. She might have been released from her SCW contract but that wasn’t going to stop her from doing everything in her power to go out there and win the Splat Multiverse Championship. She was driven, she was determined, and she knew that it was her destiny to become a World Champion for the 21st time. Crystal was in her private gym in the courtesy of her own home. She was on her elliptical machine. Sweat was dripping down her forehead and hitting the ground below. A few moments went by and it wasn’t long before her other significant other Alexandra Caldwell walked into the vicinity. Alex crossed her arms as she looked at Crystal working out as hard as she could.

“Crystal perhaps you should take it easy… You just got out of the hospital. The doctors said you should settle down and…”

Crystal turns her attention over to Alex as she stops her workout.

“You think I give a shit what the doctors say?! I can’t afford to stop now. I am trying to win another World Championship. You should know how important my wrestling career is to me. It’s the only thing on my mind. Also let me tell you about this Bitch Seleana and the type of shit she tried to pull at the hospital a few days ago…”

Alex however just shakes her head as she tries to reply back.


But Crystal isn’t really listening as she cuts her off and replies back to her.

“This Bitch had the nerve of trying to tell ME what to do! Can you believe that?! She was talking to me as if SHE was going to walk out on me and make me suffer. The way I see things Alex nobody talks to me like that! I am a star, I am a Hollywood Diva! She has some nerve but you know what we don’t need her. It has always been about you and I though. It’s about what we want. I think that we should perhaps leave Seleana in the dust and focus on the two of us. I could get a divorce and then the two of us can get that legal marriage. I know it’s what you want and…”


Is all the Compton native can say in return but Crystal isn’t even listening as she continues to speak.

“We could fight her for custody of Aurora and ruin her life. Could you imagine the amount of tears that would flow from her eyes and…”

Alexandra however isn’t trying to listen as she instead cuts Crystal off.

“NOOO!! I can’t do this anymore…”

Crystal is taken back as she opens her eyes in amazement.

“What do you mean you can’t do this anymore?! That doesn’t make any sense. This is what you wanted. You wanted me all for yourself. We could go about life and have a life that is happily after Caldwell. It’s always us against the world…”

Crystal walks towards Crystal but the taller woman just holds an arm out as she keeps Crystal at bay. She slowly shakes her head as she sighs in return.

“Look… I am not going to lie. I am deeply in love with you, and you will always be my dream come true, but lately all you have been doing is bad mouthing Seleana. She is a woman who has been with you through the thick and thin. You didn’t think twice to cheat on her to be with me. You forced her to bring me into the relationship and at first I loved it because I was getting my way. it was fun in the beginning but when I moved in I got to see how things really are. Seleana has been nothing but an angel. She accepted me but the way she has treated Aurora is beautiful. She is a strong mother and I can’t deny that.”

Alexandra just shakes her head as she shares more of her heart.

“If are you quick to bad mouth her and try to throw her to the curb how long would it be before you try to do the same thing to me?! It’s not right… All Seleana has ever done is fall deeply in love with you and I don’t see you doing the same in return. Instead I see you trying to pick fights with her in your wrestling career and you even tried to pull that shit with me with the World Series of Wrestling. I don’t know how you could verbally try to deconstruct those who are supposedly your spouses. It makes me realize that you are selfish and I don’t see you ever changing. You could stand in the middle of a ring and drop an amazing promo about how sorry you are…But realistically it is ALL full of shit when you go back and do the same old shit…”

“Alexandra listen…”


Alex says firmly as she continues to speak.

“You are the one that needs to listen… I…CAN’T…DO…THIS!!! Do you know how frustrating it is to always try to come to your aid despite the entire world telling me it’s not the right decision?! I want to believe in you but it is hard when I feel like that you can’t distinguish between being Christina the loving and caring woman, the strong wife, and mother. The person that I know is your true self at home, and then having to deal with this egotistical Bitch who hides behind a façade of Hollywood bullshit. I refuse to deal with it anymore… I deserve better….Seleana deserves better and honestly maybe love isn’t enough…”

Crystal tries to reach out to Alexandra but the woman isn’t listening as she already makes her way upstairs and out of Crystal’s voice range. Crystal just stays downstairs as tears begin to overwhelm her. She is all alone as that is the second woman in her life to have walked out on her. A few moments later footsteps could be heard going down the stairs. Crystal is quick as she wipes the tears from out of her eyes and speaks out loud.

“Alexandra… Is that you?! Listen I just want to say that I am so… so….”

A familiar voice responds in return. It is not Alexandra but in her place it’s Crystal’s twelve year old daughter Aurora. The tween girl walks over to her mother with her arms folded.

“No mommy it’s me…”

“Oh… Hey pumpkin. I wasn’t expecting you to be here. I thought you and Seleana were somewhere and…”


Is all Aurora can say in return as she replies back to her mother.

“She wanted to make sure that she was home because she was concerned about you. I didn’t really press her but everybody has been hiding the footage of you getting hurt. I shouldn’t have but I snuck and watched what happened on social media… Bella really hurt you badly. It looked very terrible and if I saw it live I would have been in tears…”

Crystal just sighs as she falls down to her knees and breaks out into tears.

“…I… Pumpkin…. Why did it have to happen to me?! I don’t understand…”

Aurora folds her arms.

“You don’t understand what?! You want to know why it happened?! It’s because you are selfish. I say that because it just seems like you become a different person depending on who you are around. At home you are the coolest mommy ever! You are a big nerd. You watch anime with me, you play video games with me and you are my hero…When I watch wrestling you are completely different. You seem like you are evil and I know that’s not you…”

She pauses as she continues to speak.

“I talked to Brittany about this and she told me that she was in a similar position about ten years ago. How her daddy Todd Williams used her to try to move about the wrestling world, and how he forced you and Auntie Jenny in the middle of it. As Brittany told me this I thought about you and deep down I know that woman isn’t you…”

Crystal looks down as she replies softly.

“You don’t think so?! I am the woman that hurt Chloe and gave her a concussion. I am the one who made a mockery of SCW and wrestled under a mask to fuel my own ego. It has always been about me, and my actions got me to be voted most hated of the year…”

Aurora walks over to Crystal’s area where her accomplishments. She holds the most hated trophy in her hand just looking it over. Without hesitation she throws it to the floor and the trophy smashes into pieces.

“You mean that trophy that doesn’t exist anymore?! No… That isn’t you mommy… It was never you. I refuse to believe that you would ever be that mean. Why do you always feel the need to be somebody else?!”


Crystal’s voice cracks as she thinks about it and just sighs in return.

“I really don’t know. In my mind I guess I want respect. I just want to be appreciated and I don’t want to be forgotten. My biggest fear is that I would be alone… So even if it means that I have to become evil and hated to be noticed I go about the extreme to do so. I just have visions of how I was bullied back in high school and instead of doing anything and everything I could in order to be better. I ended up becoming what I was against… if I could take everything back I would. I didn’t want to lose my friend Kat Jones, I didn’t want to hurt Chloe, and I certainly didn’t want to hurt Seleana and Alexandra’s feelings. I love the both of them. They are everything to me and you are my world Aurora…”

Aurora looks at her mother.

“Don’t tell me that… Go tell your women how you feel. Just be the real you and stop trying to force this Hollywood version of yourself. It’s time to stop hiding who you are. Just be the woman that you know you are…Be sincere and let everything happen naturally…”

Crystal nods her head as she smiles at her daughter. She walks up the stairs and spots Seleana and Alexandra in the living room. She looks at the both of them as she begins to share her heart.

“Look I know both of you are upset at me and for the first time in my life I can admit that I am not the easiest person to deal with. Truth be told Seleana you are my Sun and Alexandra you are my Moon. If I didn’t have either in you in my life my world would fall apart. I love you both unconditional even though it’s hard to express at times. I have said things that I wish I could take back. Deep down behind the masks of Hollywood BS I am nothing without either of you… I am tired of hiding behind a fake personality and a Hollywood persona. I just want to be myself and be there for you both… Please stay with me and don’t leave… I want to make this right… I need you both…”

Seleana and Alexandra both look at one another. They both walk over to Crystal as they embrace her into a tight passionate hug as Alex smiles at Crystal.

“That’s all we wanted to hear… Remember we are all in this together and not against one another… Let’s focus on building a solid future…”

With that the three of them hug tightly as we go elsewhere.

December 3rd
Paris, France

Zion Wrestling Company just had their huge show. Crystal manages to walk backstage with her brand spanking new Splat Multiverse Championship across one shoulder and she has her ECWF World Women’s Championship across the other shoulder. She is in an area where she is taking pictures holding both of the titles. In the middle of the photo shoot is when Aurora runs over to her mother with a grin.

“Mommy you did it!!!”

Seleana smiles as she has a phone in her hand as she is on a video call with Alexandra Caldwell. The woman on the video claps her hands as she screams into the phone.

“That…. You have become DAT GIRL… CHAMP CHAMP CRYSTAL CALDWELL!!! 4C girl!!! I am proud of you!”

Seleana is all smiles as well as she walks over to Crystal smirking.

“Ja… You do good tonight. You now conquer World Championship number 21… Estrellita is shining bright…”

Crystal looks at both championships as she wants to smirk but for some reason the smiles aren’t there. Aurora notices this as she looks back at her mother.

“What is wrong mommy?! Aren’t you happy?!”

Seleana hangs up the phone as she focuses on her wife.

“Yeah. What is going on Estrellita?!”

Crystal stood there as she held both titles high. It was supposed to be the night of her life. It wasn’t that long ago when she won her 20th World Championship but winning her 21st in the form of the Splat Championship should have been everything but it just wasn’t. Crystal looks at Seleana before glancing at her daughter.

“To be honest I just feel so empty inside. I know this is amazing. I did the unthinkable. I actually beat Damon Cross and I am finally holding the same title that my sister held, but I am at a point where I feel so empty. It’s not really about the title… I just want to really be home…”

Seleana opens her eyes up.

“Home… It’s a long flight to Los Angeles my Estrellita….”

“No maybe mommy means Detroit!”

Crystal shakes her head sighing.

“…No I want to be back in SCW… To be honest it’s the company I had the most success and I never expected to be let go of my contract. I just want to be allowed back and really do what I was meant to do there… I just want to be myself… No hiding behind anything… Just the real me…”

Crystal looks away before Aurora hugs her mother tight and Seleana joins in as well as she looks down into her eyes.

“Don’t worry we will figure this out… We will find a way for you to go back to where you belong… Home is where your heart is and we will do this together…”

Crystal can only nod as her wife holds her tightly.

On Camera

The cameras come into focus and as they do we are treated to the sight of Crystal Caldwell. There’s nothing fancy about any of this. No vanity mirror, no Hollywood chair, no weird colored wig. We can just see a brunette in a chair. Draped across her shoulders are the ECWF Women’s World Championship and the Splat Multiverse Championship. She looks deep into the cameras as she begins to speak.

“Good evening to all of you. I know that this might be a surprise because even though I know I announced it deep down in your soul you had a feeling that I wouldn’t show my face especially with how things ended for me on my last appearance on SCW Television. I might have had the off appearance here and then but the image stuck in your head is Bella Madison beating the unholy hell out of me. Dropping me with not one, not two, but 10 cradle ddts or should I say Ashes to Ashes right on top of a chair. Not to mention being blasted in a face with a brass knuckles. It was a massacre and I left the arena on a stretcher and had to spend a few days in a hospital.

It was the scariest time in my life. I suffered a bad concussion and I was told that perhaps I should walk away from wrestling for the benefit of my health. I am going to be completely honest with you. I was a wreck. I had some physical pain and Bella can be blamed for all of it but despite any battle wounds I suffered the true wounds were emotional. It may not mean much to a lot of people but wrestling is everything to me. It’s my life and the thought that it would have been taken away from me caused to cry a lot.”

Crystal nods her head as she speaks some more and shares her heart.

“I had some success since being fired from SCW. I went on to win my 20th and 21st World Championship which is why you can see the two championships draped across my shoulders. It feels good to be a two title champion, but I am not here to boast about that because that was the result of hard work. Against doctors ordered I defied them and showed I belonged. However as much success as I was having outside of SCW I realize that a there was a void in my heart. I missed being home. SCW is my livelihood. It is where my heart is and I can remember being a woman in her prime fighting through the ranks to make something of herself. Hall of Fame, Roulette, Internet, Blast From The Past, and the only five time World Champion in this company. My resume is very full and I would like to think that SCW has created a foundation for me and in return I have been a strong foundation of their bombshells division.

You can say whatever you want but nobody can ever take away from what I managed to accomplish in this company. I will be the first to admit as I look back at everything what Bella did to me was something that I deserved. I had it coming. What I did to Chloe was inexcusable. The way I treated Kat Jones who had just befriended me was wrong, and Lord knows all of the hard moments I put Seleana through. All of it was messed up. It just wasn’t me.

This time away was caused me to focus on some stuff and I finally realized something. I been part of SCW for 8 years, and it has been an inconsistent 8 years. Before you roll eyes and assume this is yet another redemption story from Crystal it’s definitely not that. I am not looking to redeem anything nor am I looking to be a Bitch.

I am just here to be upfront and honest about myself. it took me eight years and being forced out of SCW to finally get the epiphany that should have been clear as day from the beginning. The truth is I was never happy with myself. I never liked the woman that I was. There has nothing to do with being a woman who has a Mexican heritage or even a woman with an African American background. The truth is I always hated myself and I wanted to hide behind something else that wasn’t me. It all started with the very way that I entered this company as I came here under the notion of being La Paloma. I was the little Luchadora that could but it wasn’t long before I shed the mask to simply be Crystal Hilton. Since that day I been involved in three different marriages, about six different name changes, 9 different personality changes, and for what purpose?!”

Crystal sighs as she looks away as more is expressed from her heart.

“Just so I could be accepted by somebody?! It’s because I hated the woman I looked at in the mirror. I simply hated ME! I craved attention and I did everything I could to be the center of attention. Hell I even faked a multiple personality disorder. Yes I will admit that so Christian Underwood you were right. I become Mark’s personal assistant as the loveable Christina Rose to be accepted by him! Hell I cheated on Seleana with Alexandra because instead of trying to deal with my problems and perhaps talk things out as a couple should. I rather become the center of attention in someone else’s eyes. I only thought about me to make Me feel good.

I used Chloe as a way to get rid of all my frustrations and it wasn’t because I hated her. It was because I was a sore loser of dropping the ball against Masque multiple times add in the fact that I got embarrassed against my own wife and I was pissed. I didn’t want people to talk me down on how I lost to Seleana. Instead I wanted to change the native. I wanted the focus to be on how I hurt a rookie, and from there I took it a step further. I was so obsessed with attention that I did everything in my power to become most hated. Not that I liked being hated but I liked being talked about. La Rosa Ardiente and everything else it was just to be that center of attention.

If I could take it all back I wouldn’t do any of that. I am sorry for what I did and maybe one day I hope that all of you could forgive me…”

Crystal lifts her eyes up as she continues to speak.

“That is why I am going to give you a reason to find what I am saying sincere because for the first time in my time in SCW I plan to do things the right way. This isn’t about the Roulette title but this is more so about fighting for my job as the real me. Not the woman hiding behind a fake personality or some pretentious Hollywood acting bullshit, but I sit here before you as Crystal Caldwell. I am the woman that loves wrestling and strives to be the best bombshell in the company. I didn’t think SCW would ever let me compete in their ring ever again. The drunken mess who didn’t give a damn who wouldn’t bother to cut a promo or show little to no interest is not how I want a legacy to be remember.

I need to fight for what I believe in and when it was it announced that Arianna would have to defend the Roulette Championship in an invitational match where it’s open to anyone inside and outside of SCW. I knew that’s where I could gain my chance. This is my moment and I am going to prove that I belong. I know that there is tough competition in this match. Just judging by the women that are announced it’s not going to be easy but rest assured I am going to do everything in my power to walk away as champion.”

Crystal smirks as she speak some more.

“I can only talk about who has been announced so far and I guess I have to start with the champion. How is it going Ariana Angelos. I will be honest you are definitely an amazing champion. You are a woman who has quickly ascended up the ladder in SCW shortly and very quickly. It all started with you in a tag team which HB Carter in SCU but it has now developed into you standing out on your own. A woman who represents the legendary Go Gym, I know that Gabriel and Odette are proud of what you have become and I would be too seeing you as a champion. Your reign has started with a win over Georgie Robertson and it has moved beyond that with you picking up key wins over Melissa and Jessie Salco.

That alone makes you a woman that should be respected. I applaud what you have been doing and as much as you might have climbed up the ladder of rankings in this company do you now have the ability to climb up that same ladder and escape with everybody chasing after you?! This is a true test. It seems that Christian is staking the deck against you but if there is a woman that can do this. I know for a fact that it is you. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you can do anything.”

Crystal is focused as she speaks some more.

“As if that wasn’t enough you have an absolute amazon in Zoey Lukas in this match, holy shit that woman is a freaking beast. Now I have been in the ring with her sister Alicia on different occasions and I will be honest when I say when it comes to singles matches I have yet to beat Alicia. So if I can’t beat her in a singles match Lord knows what Zoey would do the moment I stand in the ring with her. She would break me in half and to be honest that really doesn’t scare me. As a woman who has been in the ring with Masque, a dangerous Amber Ryan, and slapped Tempest I am one who doesn’t make the wisest of decisions, but I am a woman full of heart.

I live to be in situations such as that and I will succeed if everything is on the line. However as destructive and as much of a monster that Zoey could be I have to question if a ladder match is really her specialty. This is a different type of match altogether and she needs to be prepared to climb, grab, and run away with the title. I doubt this really suits her style but I await to see if I am proven wrong.”

Crystal smiles as wide as she can.

“My sweet Seleana, my other third… You are everything to me and you have come a long way in this business. You been a World Champion and have been a Roulette Champion. We have been through so much and I definitely put you through a lot of shit. Just let it be known that if you climb that ladder and you grab that title I won’t try to fight you but I will help you escape the arena. I will fight the attackers off of you because at the end of the day we are a couple.

We are married and your accomplishments or my accomplishments. I believe in that and I believe in you. Hell I will even run ahead of you and start the car up to we can make it out. Throughout everything I at least know that if everybody is gunning after me there will be one woman in there that will have my back. I love you and let’s do this shall we?!”

Crystal forms an uneasy expression as she speaks more.

“Last but not least there is Bella Madison. There is the woman that ended my SCW Career…

The woman that left me broken…

The woman that could have simply won a street fight but instead had to deliver ten DDTs until I wasn’t moving anymore…

I have to really process this because as I watched back the footage you could have ended my livelihood and when I thought about coming back or trying to build myself up to be in a good place you told me to “GO AWAY”. The truth is I CAN’T GO AWAY  because I love this and you can’t keep me away from what I love to do.

I forgive what you did to me because what I put Chloe and Kat through I deserved it, but what I didn’t deserve is to see you laughing it up with Mark Ward about having to take me to the hospital. Enough was enough but you had to take it a step further. You wanted to see a focused Crystal?! You don’t have to wait that much longer because at Inception you are going to get what you wanted. This time I am going to fight back, I promise you that…”

Crystal stands up as she speaks more.

“SCW I am so excited for this. I can’t wait to compete in front of my California fans and I am going to do everything to make them proud but most of all I am going to be proud because I am simply going to be me out there. I know there’s a chance that Christian and Mark are going to stack the deck against me. For all I know every bombshell will be able to legally do whatever they want to me but it’s okay.

I welcome the challenge. I know there will probably be a bounty on my head and considering how my entire SCW career has gone I am used to that. I am going to do everything in my power to walk away with that Roulette Championship. It’s more about a championship; it’s about getting my contract back. If I have that title Mark and Christian would have to live with the fact that a woman they just fired has one of their belts. They could vacate the title at that point but the public would all acknowledge that I am the real champion. It’s all or nothing, and I am putting my heart into this.

Love me, Hate me, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day Crystal Caldwell is showing up and best believe I am going to bring it… See you at Inception.

With that the camera fades out on this image.

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Offline Seleana Zdunich

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022
NFW Wrestle War XIX Night 1
Wembley Arena
London, England
7:45 PM  local time

*Following Crystal Zdunich vs Jessi Ozborne *

We come back to find Crystal backing up towards the ring as two people in hoods are walking towards her with what looks like an army of private security behind them. Crystal steps back, a look of utter terror on her face as she goes. Jessi Ozborne, Sanada and Jordan Majors watch, visibly confused by what they are witnessing.

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]What the hell is this?![/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]I… you got me.  Whatever it is, Crystal does NOT look happy to see it and the Queens look like they’re just as confused as we are. [/font]

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Are we sure this is not them?[/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]If it was them. They’d be partying right now and they’re not. This is something else entirely. [/font]

The lead two in hoodies follow Crystal into the ring as the private security surround the ring cutting off any escape route she might try. Crystal steps back, landing on her ass as the two hooded figures flip back their hoods.

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Dr. Jimmy Warren and Nurse Cynthia Warren… [/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]What are they doing here? Diamond Steele isn’t even married to their brother anymore. They have no business here! [/font]

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Doesn’t look like that’s stopping them.[/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]And that expression on Crystal’s face just managed to go from bad to worse.[/font]

Dr. Jimmy gives Crystal a knowing smirk while Nurse Cindy simply glares hatefully.

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You were warned of the consequences if you did not behave yourself, Crystal. It is apparent after tonight that you require further… treatment…[/font]

Crystal’s eyes go as wide as dinner places and her right arm goes up and out rigid before her.

Crystal Caldwell:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]No… please… NO!!!![/font]

The sound of Crystal begging almost makes the Queens laugh as they watch on, clearly amused at her plight for the moment. Dr. Jimmy

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You will be coming with us, Crystal. You’re sick and you need more of our help. Your progress will stagnate and fall to naught if we are not quick about this. [/font]

Crystal shakes her head and Nurse Cindy steps forward, a burning rage radiating off of her.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You’re either coming the easy way or we can start treatment right here in front of the world. It’s your choice![/font]

As the last words come spitting out of Nurse Cindy’s mouth, she shows a handheld taser. Dr. Jimmy produces a second one as well. Crystal backs up into the corner, tears starting her roll down her cheeks, the fear plain as day in her eyes, her hand still out begging off.

Crystal Caldwell:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]No… please… no more… please, no more!!![/font]

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]No more?! Are they..?  Is she saying they…?[/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]My God, electroshock treatments… [/font]

Dr. Jimmy watches Crystal back herself into the corner and simply shakes his head, sighing deeply.

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Have it your way then…[/font]

As the two start to move in, two of the private security force reach in and grab her to hold her in place, causing Crystal to start screaming for help. The crowd’s murmurs start to change a negative response as they watch the security officers force her arms down by her sides. Dr. Jimmy stops and looks out at the fans, Nurse Cindy shaking her head, visibly angry at the delay in action being taken.   

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Please, this is for her own good. [/font]

Crystal continues to scream and Nurse Cindy glares daggers through her.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]That’s right, cry those crocodile tears! Nobody buys a damn thing you say anymore and they won’t save you now! You deserve this and more and everybody here knows it! [/font]

The crowd starts to boo and Nurse Cindy doesn’t move at all, her attention focused dead straight on Crystal.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You EARNED this… a thousand times over![/font]

The crowd suddenly erupts as Crystal’s wives, Diamond Caldwell and Seleana Zdunich, come running down the aisle. They rush by the Queens of Chaos and look to dive into the ring only to be grabbed and tackled just as they start to reach under the bottom rope for their wife’s hand. Dr. Jimmy and Nurse Cindy turn and start directing the security to move.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You stupid whores! [/font]

She pauses, pointing angrily at Crystal.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]You’re just as guilty as she is! You let her get away with everything she’s ever done and you do NOTHING![/font]

Dr. Jimmy nods both in agreement and in almost seemingly resigned regret.

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Sadly, it would appear the situation is even worse than was originally feared.  [/font]

Looking between Crystal and then her wives, he nods to Diamond and Seleana.

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]For your part in her crimes… you can watch her session now... [/font]

Turning back to face Crystal again, he nods knowingly.

Dr. Jimmy Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Perhaps this will be the lesson you all need. It is all for the greater good, after all. [/font]

Nurse Cindy starts to move in and Crystal starts screaming again. Diamond and Seleana struggle against the men holding them down as the Warrens move in closer, tasers at the ready, Nurse Cindy’s already clicked on and ready to go. As she gets closer, the crowd gasps.

Aurora Zdunichl:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Leave my Mommy alone![/font

As everyone watches on, the security forces tackle the twelve-year-old.

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Ok, now enough is enough.  She’s twelve![/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]I…. [/font]

Nurse Cindy turns around and glares at the little girl.

Nurse Cynthia Warren:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Maybe you’re the one who needs the lesson![/font]

Crystal starts screaming even more terrified and as Nurse Cindy starts walking across the ring with purpose towards the child.

Crystal Caldwell:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]NO!!! NOT MY BABY!!![/font]

Diamond Caldwell:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]LEAVE HER ALONE!!![/font]

Seleana Zdunich:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]DIN JÄVLA FITTA!!![/font]

As Nurse Cindy reaches the ropes, Jessi shakes her head and charges in, Sanada and Jordan right behind her. The crowd explodes as the Queens of Chaps knock the security off of Aurora, Diamond and Seleana. Fists fly as the five adult women start fighting the security forces and then dive into the ring as more try to jump in as well. Crystal fights loose and jumps in to add to the melee. Dr. Jimmy grabs Nurse Cindy by the arm and the two run from the ring and disappear as their security forces are knocked around by the Queens of Chaos and the Zdunich-Caldwell Family. 

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]The Warrens are getting out of dodge![/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]I think three people would have rioted if that woman had done what she had in mind! [/font]

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]They threatened a twelve-year-old girl![/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]And the Queens couldn’t just stand by anymore! [/font]

As the security forces leave the area, Seleana, Diamond and Crystal hug Aurora. Jessi, Sanada and Jordan motion at the security guys to come back but they leave behind their employers. Slowly the Queens nod to each other and turn around to face Crystal, Diamond, Seleana and Aurora. The crowd watches on slowly seemingly coming to a standstill as the six women and little girl.

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]What is going to happen now?[/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]I have no idea… your guess is as good as mine. [/font]

Crystal looks at the Queens of Chaos, the Queens all looking back. Diamond and Seleana stand on either side of their wife, both looking ready for anything. Aurora looks over from her mothers and stares for a second at the Queens of Chaos, her young eyes questioning just as much as her mothers’. Jessi Ozborne allows a small nod and that’s all that’s needed. Aurora runs over and hugs Jessi, the crowd exploding all over again as Jessi smiles and hugs the girl back. Diamond and Seleana step over and extend hands to Sanada and Jordan, who each accept the handshakes gratefully. Crystal steps over and all six embrace each other around the twelve-year-old, the crowd screaming its approval vociferously.     

[font color="FF0000"]Nick Hanson:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]I don’t think anyone called this happening tonight[/font]

[font color="76A5AF"]Jim Reynolds:[/font] [font color="f3f3f3"]Who could have seen this coming? [/font]


Tuesday, December 20, 2022
NFW Wrestle War XIX Night 1
Backstage Area
Wembley Arena
London, England
8:07 PM  local time

Backstage, Seleana Zdunich is tending to her twelve-year-old daughter, Aurora, after the attack that has just taken place inside the arena. Seleana gets down on one knee in front of Aurora, looking the child in her eyes.   

Seleana Zdunich: How are you? Are you…?

Aurora looks up into her mother’s eyes and nods slowly, unable to really comprehend what just happened to all of them.

Aurora Zdunich: I’m ok, Mommy.

Seleana squeezes her daughter’s shoulders, scanning the little girl from head to toe as she does so.

Seleana Zdunich: Did they hurt you?

Aurora shakes her head, still visibly shaken from the ordeal.

Aurora Zdunich: No.

Seleana hugs her and Aurora hugs back.

Aurora Zdunich: Why did that happen?

Seleana bites her lip, her lack of explanation hitting her right where it hurts. This entire night was not making her feel like a failure as a mother. Finally she leans back to look her daughter in the eye and say the only thing she could at the moment.

Seleana Zdunich: I don’t know, Älskling. I am keen to know myself.

Aurora nods and the two hug again. As they remain in their embrace, Christina “Crystal Hilton” Zdunich and Alexandra “Diamond” Caldwell walk into the room, both dressed to compete as Diamond’s match was yet to come while Crystal’s had obviously already occurred.

Crystal Hilton: Honey, are you alright?

Seleana pulls back and releases her own grip on Aurora to allow the twelve-year-old to answer her other two mothers. Aurora quickly clamps onto Christina the same way she had Seleana only moments earlier.

Aurora Zdunich: I love you, Mommy.

Christina leans over and kisses the little girl’s head.

Crystal Hilton: I love you, too, Sweetheart.

Diamond nods and hugs the little girl as well. Aurora moves her right arm to widen the embrace to include Diamond. Seleana steps back in to complete the family embrace. As they separate, Aurora goes and sits down in a chair near the wall while the three adult women remain standing together in a small circle.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: What was that about?

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: Those were the same people that took her from SCW.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: The hell were they doing here?

Christina exhales heavily.

Crystal Hilton: They’re pissed at me.

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: It is not just you, ja?

Diamond nods her agreement with Seleana.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Yeah, that didn’t sound like it was just about you. They went after all of us and they were gonna taze a twelve-year-old. That’s not just about you.

Christina crosses her arms, her frown deepening with every second.

Crystal Hilton: I don’t understand…

Seleana glances over at the little girl and then back to her wife.

Seleana Zdunich: They believe we have wronged them somehow.

Diamond shakes her head.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: I don’t care what any of us might have done, nothing justifies what she was gonna do. 

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja.

Christina exhales heavily.

Crystal Hilton: I’m sorry.

Seleana shakes her head quickly.

Seleana Zdunich: This was not your fault, Chickie. You have done some bad things, but as Alex said, nothing you have ever done can make this right.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Damn right! There is no way to justify this!

Christina nods slowly but remains quiet. Seleana nods to Diamond.

Seleana Zdunich: You must prepare. You wrestle soon.

Diamond nods.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Yeah… we’ll have to finish this after…

Seleana kisses her.

Seleana Zdunich: I love you. Kick ass, ja?

Christina steps over and kisses Diamond as well.

Crystal Hilton: I love you too. Thank you for coming to help.

Aurora comes running over and hugs Diamond.

Aurora Zdunich: I love you, Mommy. Do good!

Diamond smiles at her family.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: I love you all too.

Diamond turns and heads to the Go Position while Seleana takes Aurora's hand.

Seleana Zdunich: Come. we’ll go wait over here, ja?

Aurora nods and Christina follows as they make their way back towards a safer room to wait for Diamond’s match.

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
Rose Productions
Hollywood, California

Dawn Warren the 25 year old little sister of Teddy Warren had a smile on her face as she walked through the corridors of Rose Productions. Dawn was a blonde haired petite woman with pink highlights who wore glasses, huge backpack, and held a notebook in her hand. She was as bubbly as could be as she was taking in her surroundings and giggling like a school girl as the beautiful and adorable President of Rose Corporation and girlfriend Melissa Chavez was giving her a tour of the building. Dawn’s eyes lit up as she looked like a kid in a candy store..

“OH MY GOSHIE… You are totes the President! This is SUPER COOL! Does this mean you like get your own secret service and stuff?! You got the feds watching your back so nobody hurts you?!”

Melissa smiles warmly as she looks back at her girlfriend.

“…No I am not that type of President Dawn, that’s the President of the United States that gets that luxury! I am just a President for a corporation which I am really happy about. I used to be a regular board member but with Mrs. Hilton-Zdunich having her problems and can’t really function as a CEO right now, and considering we really didn’t have a President I was voted into the position. On top of that they loved how I handled the situation of when Kate and your brother tried to take over… I am sorry if…”

Dawn quickly shakes her head.

“NO NO NO! You don’t have to be sorry. I totes understand. They were all like BLAHHH EVIL and stuff, and you had to do what you needed to do to save your company. I am just happy that none of that affected my relationship with you. As long as we have each other that’s all that matters! Rainbows, cotton candy, balloons, and the world is a much better place. I wish I could paint everything pink!”

Dawn thinks about things some more as she looks back at Melissa.

“Speaking of being a President I really don’t know much about what you do. I mean aside from all of those dates you took me on at Zdunich Zoological Gardens and meeting your sister. I don’t know really know your work life. Like when you say President are you like the evil bad President from Final Fantasy. Is this a Shinra Electric Power Company, because if that is the case I need to protect you because who knows when a Sephiroth might show up and try to take a stab at you! I am the Pink Puppy… BA DA DA DA DAHHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S TIME FOR PUPPY POWER!!!!!! Let me at em! LET ME AT EM!!!!”

Dawn is a huge ball of energy as she paces around the corporate building but Melissa just giggles as she looks back at the pink haired beauty.

“Dawn… Not that type of President. Look I know you like to have your head in the comics, video games, or even a cartoon show but just take it easy… Let’s focus on more important things. Like did you tell your brother about us yet?!”

“Who Teddy, not really… I don’t know if I am ready to do so either. You should have seen how he was acting when I was dating my last boyfriend. He was all over me and he was the over protective brother. I really don’t want to put up with that again especially if he finds out that I am with the woman who got him voted out of a company he tried to takeover… Although I think things should be okay now considering that his daughter is best friends with Seleana’s daughter. You never know though with the way that Kate and him broke up I don’t want to bring up anything that has to do with a relationship. I rather just focus on just having a great time with you. Also I love this little date that we are on…”

Melissa nods her head as she winks at her girlfriend as she continues to lead her throughout the building. Chavez smirks as she replies back.

“Okay we will just take it easy, but you will have to tell your brother at some point. He is going to feel a certain way when you move in with me and when we eventually take our relationship further…”

Dawn nods her head.

“Yeah, but can we not focus on my brother right now… We are talking about a man who peed on himself on live television. I never really witnessed a grown man do that so let’s forget about him right now. Small talk aside why did you bring me to the corporate building?! You really never brought me to your job before…”

Melissa grins as she looks at Dawn.

“I just wanted to treat the smartest girl in the world in the way that she deserves. There’s nothing wrong with me giving you a little Scooby Snack right?! After all who else could graduate Valedictorian from their high school class?!”


“And who else could graduate from Hofstra University Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelors degree in Journalism!”


Melissa smirks as she points at her girlfriend.

“And what special lady also graduated from Princeton Summa Cum Laude with a Masters degree in Broadcasting?!”


Melissa chuckles as she hugs Dawn as she continues to walk with her.

“I know and it’s time that we apply both of those things and put them into practice. I want you to do something that you love. I know deep down you wish you could eventually become a real life superhero but I think it would be best to leave that for the professionals like Roxi Johnson…”

Dawn nods her head.

“Roxi is so cool, but I always saw myself as a Lois Lane type with a Clark Kent look. I would do anything to get a good scoop or a story. I would willing put myself into danger if it meant getting the story of a lifetime. A lot of big time comic heroes doubled working for the media. Clark Kent was a reporter and Peter Parker was a photographer. I don’t want to be a hero as much as I want to be what they are when they aren’t saving the day. Ohhh one day I could become a Vicki Vale, and you could be my batman…”

Melissa smiles as she laughs as she continues to walk until she stops at a room.

“And here we are… This is the surprise I have been waiting to show you….”

Dawn is befuddled as she looks at a door that read’s “The Rose Garden” Dawn’s eyes immediately light up as she looks back at Melissa.

“OH MY GOSHIE… This is where Crystal does her talk show. There are roses everywhere, rose decorations and it always looked like a beautiful garden. It’s crazy to think that Crystal got her big wrestling start as a backstage interviewer. Maybe one day I could have one of my own wrestling shows or maybe a podcast!”

“Dawn has anyone and just about everyone ever tell you how much of a big ball of energy you are?! Why don’t you just be quiet and open the door so you can see what exists beyond closed doors?!”

Dawn didn’t know how to take that comment but she does what she is told. She opens the door and the moment she does she is shocked when she sees that the room has been transformed to look like a dog kennel. It is complete with a dog house and there are decorations of Scrappy Doo, along with Scooby Snacks all over the place. Dawn eyes light up like a Christmas tree as Melissa smiles at her.

“Dawn on behalf of Rose Corporation and because you are a special lady I wanted to be the first person to introduce you to YOUR brand new and first ever wrestling talk show The Dog Pound! Crystal wanted you to have it. Teddy talked you up a lot and she wanted to give you something that you would like.”

“But… But… Doesn’t she film the Rose Garden here?!”

Melissa shakes her head.

“It has been a while since she really filmed one and she rather give focus to somebody that is actually going to use it. She is busy dealing with personal issues, running the gem stones and all ventures. Plus what went down the other day and…”

A television comes on and it shows Crystal trying to apologize but being jumped by her sister in law Cindy Warren. Dawn is disgusted as she watches the blonde stuff Crystal into a trunk with her brother Jimmy driving away.

“Turn that shit off Mel… TURN THAT SHIT OFF! I don’t want to see that… As far as I am concerned that’s not my brother, and I don’t know that woman. I thought Cindy was a wonderful sister in law but…I rather not talk about it…”

Dawn sighs as she looks back at Melissa.

“Has anybody heard from Crystal since she was stuffed in that trunk?! It’s pretty shitty that she did everything in her power to win the Splat Championship and the very next day she gets attacked by my sister-in law…”

Melissa shakes her head sighing.

“No.. I don’t think so….”

However another familiar voice could be heard as they quickly respond. Dawn turns around as she looks right into the eyes of the man who holds that voice. It is none other than her brother Teddy Warren.

“Actually I heard from Seleana… It is very hard to really understand what she is saying but Crystal is back home… Crystal won’t tell her what happened but knowing Jimmy and all of that shock therapy stuff he has. I am going to guess that he and Cindy did something to Crystal…”

Dawn is full of frustration as she looks back at her brother.

“LET ME AT EM… LET ME AT EM!!! I am going to hurt her… How could she beat up the woman who blessed me with this huge opportunity?! I swear on everything that I am going to do everything in my power to get into ring shape so that I could fight her…”

Teddy shakes his head as he yells at her baby sister.

“Like hell you are… NO! You aren’t going to wrestle. As long as I am your big brother I am not going to let that happen! Don’t you remember the last few attempts you tried to be a full time wrestler?! It didn’t go well. You and Bella tried to talk back to me and you went to PWS behind my back. Where did all of that lip get. All you ever did was lose match after match. You need to have better skills and I don’t want you involved in that lifestyle. Everybody isn’t made to be a superhero, some are left to be on the out looking in… Name somebody that was pathetic and ended up being beyond believable?!”

Dawn thinks about it as a huge grin escapes her lips.

“Deku from My Hero Academia… Besides like I told Melly over here I am a Lois Lane! Just because you tell me something doesn’t mean I am going to listen to what you say. I will get my scoop! On top of that I am the PINK PUPPY… IT’S TIME TO THINK PINK AND REMEMBER THAT IT PUPPY POWER!!!!!!!!! BA DA DAH DA DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH PUPPY POWER!!!!!!!!!!!”

Teddy crosses his arms as he looks at Dawn.

“NO!!! It’s still going to be a NO! I don’t want you getting involved in any of that drama. This issue is between Cindy and Crystal, and you aren’t going anywhere near this. You aren’t getting close to a ring. You are just going to do your little Dog Pound show and I am going to be your Co-Host!!!”

Dawn’s eyes open up.

“CO-HOST?! I don’t need your assistance…”

“As your older brother I am here to protect you… By the way why are you so close with HER!”

He says as he points at Melissa Chavez.

“Wasn’t she the one that cost me running this company?! Why are you hanging out with her…”

Melissa shakes her head.

“That is President of this company to you and second…I am Dawn’s…”

Dawn yells at the top of her lungs as she looks at her brother.

“SHE’S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! I am tired of you always trying to control my life! I am 25!!! I am my own woman and you need to respect that!”

Dawn storms out of the room as Teddy stands there dumbfounded. Melissa runs after Dawn as she speaks to her girlfriend.

“Wait… We need to talk!”

Dawn crosses her arms glaring daggers into Melissa.

“What do you have to say Melly?! It just seems like my brother wants to control every aspect of my life… I will wrestle and I don’t care what he has to say!”

“I know that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I have somebody that will help you get into ring shape… Someone that I know will make you their protégé and after working with them you will be where you need to be…”


Dawn said curiously as she looks in amazement.

“Don’t worry let me make a few phone calls…”

With that Dawn can only smile in return as she looks at her girlfriend. She knew her future was promising.

Few Weeks Ago
San Clemente, California
The Week Before Christmas

Christmas was right around the corner but for Dawn she knew her opportunity would exist in the New Year. She just had to push as hard as she could and one day she would be the wrestler that she was meant to be. Dawn pulled up into a home in San Clemente, California. She was nervous as she walked out of her car but she knew what she had to do. She wanted to do everything in her power to wrestle. It was good being a Lois Lane or a Vicki Vale but this would be Dawn’s chance to finally get her hands dirty. Dawn made her way to the front door of the home. As soon as she was standing face to face with the front door is the moment that it opened up in front of her. Standing in the doorway was Seleana Zdunich. The blonde wasn’t her usual cheerful self as she instead crossed her arms and looked into the eyes of the pink puppy warrior.

“So you are the one that Melly sent that wants to learn how to wrestle Ja?!”

Dawn nods her head as she looks back at Seleana.

“That’s right, and I am entering the Roulette Invitational as well. So as much as you would be training me I would also be your enemy as well. I know that’s putting you in a tough situation…”

“Ja… Not to mention you are Cindy’s sister….”

“In LAW”

Dawn snaps back.

“Look I know what Cindy did to your wife was wrong. It was a total embarrassment to my family and I know the Warrens as a family put your family through so much heartache and pain. I want to bring honor to my surname. Cindy is too chicken to step in the ring with either you or Crystal. I find it wrong that she wrote checks and can’t cash them in. I have to showcase what a Warren can do. I want to be better than my brother, and not the failure that I was known as that competed in PWS. So I want to be better. I want to improve and if you are the woman to do it so be…”

Seleana nods her head.

“Ja… One day I will break Cindy’s jaw like how I hit Christian with my right hand… And your brother… I will train you but not for this match. It make me uncomfortable since we be enemies in the ring. Plus if Christina enter like she say she do I have to watch her back. All of SCW might be after her and I won’t let that happen. So instead I am going to have my daughter in law work with you. She will toughen you up and will make sure you are ready. After this match I will train you but for now Haylie Jo is your mentor…”

Dawn’s eyes look confused as she looks at the tall Swedish woman.

“Haylie Jo… Do you mean?!”

It is at that moment that Halo walks in front of the two of them. Dawn is in shock as the fan girl just smirks and bounces about.


Halo seems confused as she shakes her head looking at Dawn.

“Did you come here to improve or did you come here to talk about being a fan girl. If this is going to be a waste a time I could train somebody else…”

Dawn quickly shakes her head.

“No!!! I want to learn how to be the best that I could possibly be. Entering into this invitational match was the easy part but I feel winning is going to be hard. There is tough competition and I don’t know if I am ready…”

Halo raises her eyes.

“You don’t know if you are ready?! You should always be ready no matter what is on the line. I suppose I need to tell you my story. I didn’t know where my life was going or what direction I was meant to go. I was this teenager who was a drug addict, a girl who did everything she could to get all of the liquor she could or score her next fix. One day I found this rich girl who was the biggest brat in the world. I will admit she was beautiful but I didn’t see her for her beauty. I saw her as my meal ticket and as a way to get my next fix. I knew that if I could get close to her I could get everything I ever wanted and I wouldn’t be homeless.”

“OH MY GOSHIE… IT’S THE STORY OF YOUNG LOVE… IT’S THE STORY OF YOU AND BRITTANY! I am sorry if I am screaming like a fan girl. Do you mind if I take out my notebook so I could get the full scoop?! I could bring you into the Dog Pound and we can have a in depth first look interview about the whole ordeal!”

Halo looks at her dumbfounded.

“Are you hear to listen, to be a fan girl, the next Cass Baumer, or actually pay attention so you can be competent at wrestling?!”

Dawn jumps around excitedly as she replies back.


Halo thinks about it for a few moments before she shrugs her shoulders.

“Remind me to introduce you to GoGo. If you meet my sister and she mentions Goldi that is who she would be talking about. Anyway here’s the problem with my story. The fact is I couldn’t get Brittany because she was dating this boy named Jordan Parker Kane. Why would a Kane and a Williams ever mix, I don’t know, but he stood in my way. B-Brat was pissed at her boyfriend. She snuck me into her home and while I was there she and I… Well… Your ears don’t need to know what happened. Just know I got what I wanted. Brittany and I both manipulated each other to getting what we wanted. I got to date the spoiled brat and she got to be with her tall drink of water…”

Halo grins as she looks at Dawn.

“I was the nail that drove Brittany away from her Ex and she chose me… The way I treated her there basically was no choice and I made sure that Brittany knew that. I did whatever I had to do for my meal ticket. Seleana could teach you I am sure and she is great at the technical stuff, but I am here to help you with the street smart stuff. I will help you survive and put you in a position where you get what you want. I know your brother can be overbearing but you need to tell him you a grown woman and show him why you should be respected…”

Halo smirks.

“I had to do the same with Brittany. I love her I made her my wife but when it was time for us to fight I beat her in an SCW ring. She never grew and was content with being stagnant but I developed. I became a World champion. I even showed the world that the small inch I was given, I ended up earning a mile and so much more. I was able to buy this home in San Clemente with my own money. I bought a big ass pickup truck and I have my own money. I earned that shit, and it’s all because I was a go getter. Are you willing to do the same?!”

Dawn nods her head as she smirks in return.

“Of course I am ready… I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it to the next step. You had to make your own strides in wrestling and I feel like I can do the same as well. Just tell me what are we going to start with?! What type of workout or training am I going to go through?! Is it jumping jacks, is it pushups, or suicides. Whatever it is I guarantee that I am ready for it.”

“Did you say you will do anything, perhaps you might be worthy of pledging. That sounds like it could be a first good step for you. We just don’t allow anybody to pledge but the fact that I asking you to do so speak volumes. My wife hasn’t even pledged yet”!

Dawn jumps around excitedly.

“Did you say pledge?! I was a top notch girl scout. I know my pledges and would you believe that I always sold the most girl scout cookies when it was time to sell them?! Do you want me to recite the pledges and…”

“I am not talking about Girl Scouts! I meant do you have a bike. Do you go riding?!”

Dawn smirks as she quickly nods her head.

“OHHH well… I have a ninja if that counts. I only take it out when I am not around my brother. You can ask Melly…I have taken her out on multiple rides before. Why do you want to know if I have a bike. What does that have to do with anything?!”

Halo smiles.

“It was just a question but don’t you worry. I am going to have a talk with Tanya and get you two talking. Pledging will get you very far Dawn. Consider this the start of something special. Now we could sit here and talk all day. Considering how your little motor mouth tends to act I bet you could just talk and talk but you didn’t make the drive here to talk. You came here to learn how to wrestle and that is what we are going to do. So I hope you brought some good training clothes because you are going to get your hands dirty today…”

Dawn jumps around excitedly as she looks at the tall blonde.

“That is super cool! I am going to show you what I am all about! Let me at em! Let me at em! It’s time to show the entire world why Scrappy Doo was indeed a bad ass but most important why it’s not important to judge the size of the dog but it’s all about the size of the fight in this dog. This puppy will show you that her bite is certainly more dangerous than her bark…”

Halo rolls her eyes.

“I hope that would be the case because Lord knows that sometimes you don’t know how to shut your trap. Anyway enough of the talking let’s go train shall we?!”

With that the two women go to do exactly that. With that being said the over excited fan girl follows the former World Champion and it’s on this image that we go elsewhere.

On Camera

Everything comes into focus and we are able to see Dawn Warren in the middle of the studio. Her blonde hair with pink hair flows down her back. She smiles as she holds a box of Scooby Snacks. She sprints to the front of the camera and is holding a microphone in her hands as she begins to speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen this is the Pink Puppy Dawn Warren and as the host of the Dog Pound it is my job to give you the breaking news. If none of you realized it am the biggest fan girl in all of SCW and it feels exciting to actually go out into the middle of a ring. An SCW ring and actually compete in it! OH EM GOSHIE!!! Do you know how COOL it is to be in a ring with SCW bombshells?! This company have had many stars come through it’s doors. It doesn’t get any better than Misty! Talk about the GOATS of all GOATS! There is also Amy Marshall she is like everything when it comes to everything PUNK! I can’t forget ODETTE… OMG GO GYM GO!!!! VIXEN?! MIKAH!!!! Which is MARK’S FAVORITE BOMBSHJELL!”

Dawn paces back and forth as she holds the microphone and speaks some more.

“Or you could go big like TEMPEST!!! Nothing goes as big as her?! Or how about Bobbie… WE MISS YOU GIRL!!!! I know I am supposed to stand here and cut the promo of all promos but it’s hard not to get all excited like the fan girl that I am. I mean I am in SCW and as a girl who has read comic after comics I can’t believe that I am going to step foot in the same company that my life long idol Roxi Johsnon has been in. That makes everything SUPER DUPER COOL! I wonder if all of these bombshells would do me a big favor and after the show they would go about and sign my NOTEBOOK… Autographs are everything and that would make this fan girl so excited!”

Dawn walks back and forth as Teddy Warren walks onto the scene. He crosses his arms and sighs in return.

“Dawn… This is why you can’t be a wrestler! This is why I don’t want you to be a wrestler! You are easily distracted! You don’t have the focus to do this on a consistent basis. Just stick to the books kid because this really isn’t your thing… Being a super fan sounds ridiculous and…”

Dawn pouts as she stomps her way towards Teddy and yells at him.

“SILLY… Coming from a man who PEED on himself in front of J2H! Not mention a man who always giggles when Fenris talks or shows up on screen. Don’t you tell me what sounds ridiculous! Anyway last time I checked this was my promo. This is my chance to showcase a wonderful first impression so stay off camera, and remember that I am a big girl and I can do things on my own! So SHH and mind your business. Stop looking at me as a baby sister that you need to protect. Know that I am my OWN WOMAN!”

Teddy tries to say something but Dawn pushes him out of sight of the camera. She smirks as she stands tall in front of the camera and begins to speak.

“Okay I guess I shouldn’t be so distracted. If you don’t know me I will introduce myself to you all. I am Dawn Warren! I am the baby sister of Teddy Warren. I am only 25 years old but I definitely have lots of spunk. Life wasn’t easy for me. I know Teddy is overprotective and he is showing off a side that all of you aren’t used too but truth is it’s because he is really the only biological family that I know. The two of us were orphans and went through the foster care system together. It was tough from home to home not knowing if we would ever find somewhere that we could honestly call home. One day Teddy was adopted and he felt happy but as a family wanted to adopt him so that he could be raised with the family’s biological son since they were similar in age. Teddy refused to be separated from me. He pleaded with them and because of my big brother that family ended up taking us both.

My brother can be a jerk at times but I am so thankful to have somebody as special as him in my life. He is everything to me and I don’t know where I would be if he wasn’t there. As much as I want to appreciate everything he has done for me this match is all about me, and this is where I can find my purpose. I am a woman who has always done thing with excellent. In High School I was top of my class. I made the jump to college and I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism at the top of my class, I was blessed with a full academic scholarship to Princeton and it is there where I also graduated top of my class in broadcasting.

As smart as I am I guess you could say that I am both a geek and a nerd. My head has always been in the cloud and this isn’t my first attempt at being in the wrestling business. I have always tried to stand out on my own but it never seemed to go in the way that I wanted it to go. I have often been locked upon as being too small or just didn’t have enough focus.

With what I studied in school my dream is to become a modern Lois Lane. I will do whatever it takes to get the story of a lifetime. I will go through leaps and bounds to get a scoop. It feels good to stand back and fan girl over all of the amazing bombshells that I see competing in front of me.

However I realize that there comes a time where I shouldn’t fan girl so much and instead I should focus on finding my own way. That reminds me of how Lois always threw herself in the middle of trouble. It didn’t even matter if Mr. Smallville the lame old Clark Kent told her to stay out of trouble. The truth is she loved what she did so much that she had to do whatever it took to get the job done, and that’s how I feel about getting involved in wrestling. It feels good to observe it from a reporting standpoint but to actually compete is even more special.”

Dawn nods her head as she continues to share her heart.

“So when I saw my sister in law Cindy stepping down, that is when I realized that I had to get right into the fray. I refuse to have the Warren name tarnished especially by a woman who doesn’t even deserve the name and only has it because she’s an in law. Whatever drama she has is honestly none of my business but when the legacy of a surname is at stake it becomes my business. I know I am not the biggest or even the strongest but what I lack in brute strength I make up in intelligence and as a woman who idolizes Scrappy Doo and thinks that he was the true badass. I am here to let this entire Roulette Invitational know that I am here for a fight. In the words of SCRAPPY DOO… LET ME AT EM!! LET ME AT EM!!! BA DA DA DA DAHHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S PUPPY POWER!!!

Soi sit back because the Pink Puppy is ready to break away from her leash and showcase how hard she can bite. The landscape is definitely tough and I see a world of opportunity in front of me, but I also know if I push hard enough I can walk away as a champion. There are a few objections in my way though. For starters the very first one is my best friend Bella Madison. I feel like I am in a weird position right now. Bella is honestly the first real friend I met in the wrestling world. Over in Apex she was my road buddy and she was always there when I needed her. Granted whenever the two of us would meet inside of the wrestling ring she would always get the better of me. She is more decorated at this than I am. We both come strong wrestling families but I feel like for her she has had a lot more pressure to live up too. After all when your mother is a top notch wrestling legend you almost want to emulate or perhaps her.

I commend Bella because she is that good. The only problem is that really hasn’t translated to SCW yet. She might have won a Mixed tag team title and trust me that is SUPER COOL in it’s own right, but when it comes to be a singles champion she hasn’t had look. It was nice to see her a different side to herself when she took out Crystal in November but I don’t know how to feel about it. Bella is someone I am close with but I am dating the woman who is president of her company. On top of that I am being trained by both her wife and daughter in law, and there’s a piece of me that feels like I need to do something about this. Whatever happens I know we will cross that bridge when we come to it. As far as things go now I am ready to see what you do in this Ladder match.

I am coming at you with everything and don’t make an assumption that I am the same old Dawn that you continuously beat in Apex. I am more than that. I am developing my skill set and I am more than a woman holding a microphone. Watch and see girl. With a bunch of Scooby Snacks in me I am going to take on an entire world!”

Dawn reaches into her box and takes a bite of a snack as she continues to speak more.

“That also reminds me I know that also means I will be in a position where I have to face Seleana considering she is one of the other names that is confirmed for this match. I know Seleana is my main trainer now. She is the woman that is overseeing my training but in a match like this it might mean nothing. in her eyes she might just see me as a woman who has the same last name as the woman she really wants to fight. The sins of Cindy might become my sins and I am fully ready for that.

Seleana is definitely in a place where she had her daughter in law start my training all because she didn’t want to deal with yet. So that in itself should tell you where her focus is at. I know I am a Warren but to be honest I am not afraid. At the end of the day if I could take down Seleana look how much my stock would rise up?! The thought of that happening is a lot to bring a huge smile to my lips.”

Dawn is nervous as she thinks about the next name and she shakes a bit thinking about it.

“Wow… OMGOSHIE… I actually get to be in the ring with a Lukas! Zoey Lukas! It’s so amazing that the two of us are like similar. Okay so maybe that’s a lie considering that you are like a monster of a woman and damn near destroyed everybody that’s been in the ring with you. I know you mentioned that you hadn’t been booked in a long time and that’s why you took out your frustration on Vargas. You are a woman who has really only one lost one match in this company. You lost to Tempest and to be honest considering that’s who you lost to it really isn’t that much of a big deal. Other than that you pretty much have been flawless.

You are a woman I can relate with because you have a sister in this business and she is a woman who has done everything. it’s like how I look at my brother and I know there will be times where people will look at you and automatically expect you to be on the same level as your sibling. You are doing a great job at making your own name. It also doesn’t help that you are a behemoth and are an amazing shape. SUPER COOL!!! Could I maybe have an autograph when this is… No must focus! You are good Zoey. Hell you are taller than me but I AM NOT SCARED. There is a reason why Scrappy Doo is a bad ass and I am showcase why! Just watch because you will be in for a huge surprise in this showdown.”

Dawn is really excited as she stands tall and shares more of her heart.

“With that out of the way that brings us to the champion Ariana Angelos. All my God can you believe I am a huge fan of the Greek Goddess?! Then again I say that about ALL of the bombshells. It comes with the territory of being a fan girl. I will say you are definitely a worthy champion and it’s bullshit on what Christian MorningWood is putting you through. He is a super duper jerk and a mean face poopie head. You shouldn’t have to be put in a situation such as this because it’s not fair. I know you do an amazing job as seeing crazy type of matches and getting to be part of them.

As a Roulette champion you have to expect the unexpected especially on what the Roulette wheel might end up on but this just seems to be a load of beeswax! Christian is purposely trying to ensure that you don’t leave with the title and you don’t even know who might show up to the arena to take you out. I feel for you and as the Pink Puppy I refuse to let this INJUSTICE exist! I am going to provide the SCOOP and using my journalist skills I have the real insight at what’s going to happen at Inception.

You are going to do everything you could but I have a feeling that the field that wasn’t announced is going to walk away with the title. Nothing against you but I think you are out of your league in a match like this. Predictions were made on my show and my brother stated that he thought Crystal was going to win and I made a prediction as well.  I made a bet on myself and I refuse to let myself down.”

Dawn looks at her brother as she speaks some more.

“I know there will be bedlam in a match like this. Everybody could show up and I need to calm down so that I don’t become a total fan girl but the truth is even though I may not be the most technically sound compared to everybody else. I may have the inexperience but I don’t have to outwrestle anybody! I don’t have to outwrestle anybody! The only thing I have to do is put all of my intelligence and figure out a way to escape with the title.

The probability of me winning this match is now through the roof because unlike a random Roulette spin I can actually strategize on what I could do to make sure that woman is me. What makes this even more fun is the fact I don’t even have to climb the ladder to be the champion. The rules clearly state I just have to leave the arena with the title. Perhaps this fan girl could be waiting in a nearby taxi and when the current champion tries to leave I can like take them out take the title and leave in the cab. Maybe I can hide in the parking lot or even in a hallway.

I may not be the best wrestler but as the smartest woman in this company I know for a fact that I can figure out a way to walk out as a champion. You can rest assure on that much. Whatever happens you can bet your bottom dollar that I am ready for what exists beyond the realms of the talk show and in the wrestling ring.

There is something that intrigues me and this is the true unknown. Who else is going to find their way into this wrestling match?! Who is going to sign up to be in this match that definitely will shake the very foundation of SCW?!

That is the one thing I can’t plan for?! Will it be Eavan who just signed up for the company, will it be this Halsey girl or maybe somebody that we haven’t seen in a long time I will be ready because its PUPPY POWER TIME!

The camera fades out.

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Chelsea LeClair

  • Guest
The Show Goes On...
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2023, 11:35:34 PM »
“If you’re really going to do this, you need to be careful…”

Those words from Andrea Hernandez through the text message that she had just sent me really had me thinking. That standing contract offer from Sin City Wrestling had been hanging over my head for months. Kevin, my husband, was walking by, and he saw that I was deep in thought. For a fun-wired Jersey girl I had become in recent years to be deep in thought was a clear signal to him that I was really basking in a tough decision. He saw the contract sitting by me and he knew what was going on.

“Mulling their offer again?” he asked me.

“It’s more tempting than ever since aside from the Festivus Shooting Star Championship that I have, I don’t have anything else going on. I mean, that’s what happens when you run into some bad luck and have two jobs shut down on you in like six months…”

I let out a sigh when I said this knowing that 2022 had its ups and downs for me.

“Does your heart want this?” Kevin asked me.

“I’ve got to have something…”

“You’re going to sidestep my question?”

“It’s something that I’ve thought about since my time in SCU, yeah.”

“What’s been stopping you this whole time?”

I glanced toward my phone which was still showing Andrea’s text message. I was definitely feeling sympathy for her at this point because I knew what she had gone through while she was there and I felt terrible for her.

“It feels like you’d be betraying Andrea, wouldn’t it?”

“I’ve felt that ever since they first presented their offer to me…”

It was time for me to reflect on the end of one journey and the delayed beginning of another…

Supernova: Last Year

That same contract was staring at me in the face all of that time ago. I remember it was a bittersweet atmosphere when the last ever Sin City Underground show was coming and going. I could hear other people tell each other “goodbye” in the background and it certainly created a somber tone. There were a handful of wrestlers that were happier than others because they knew that they were advancing to SCW itself. I had that opportunity, but just minutes prior I had spoken to Andrea and the sadness that I saw in her eyes was burned in my brain. One of their agents came up to me to check on me and see if I was going to sign.

“Is there any concerns you want to mention?” the agent asked me. “You seem to be hesitant on signing. We can talk through the financials a little more if…”

“It’s not the financials that I’m worried about…” I responded as I continued to hold onto the GRIME World Championship that I was going to be leaving the company with. “...I just don’t know if SCW is actually right for me.”

The agent looked both confused and surprised.

“How can you feel that? Chelsea, listen. I’m not trying to put you under any pressure to sign or anything. But, you were one of the best things that SCU had for a while toward the end. I really think we’d be getting a hell of a coup with you. I know that your best friend and your mentor recently left us and it was horrible to lose them…”

“Do you want me because you actually want me or do you want me just because I happen to be Andrea’s best friend and Myra’s protege? Or is it because the likes of Amy Santino and Cordelia Clark have already decided that they’re not going to join you?”

“Chelsea, I think you are legitimately a talent with plenty of untapped potential. This isn’t a ploy. We’re not pulling your leg. We want you for the right reasons. You’re a hell of a wrestler as you’ve shown. It takes a heck of a lot of talent for a non-GRIME wrestler to be the last GRIME World Champion, after all. You’re also a hell of an entertainer too. Lord knows we need that quite a bit in this division right now.”

“Thanks, but I’m not signing…” I said, causing the agent to have obvious disappointment on her face. “Right now, I just don’t feel like SCW is right for me at all. I can’t pinpoint exactly WHY, but it just doesn’t.”

“If you ever change your mind, just know that it’s the same standing offer that we’ve given ALL SCU talent and that for a full year from today, the offer can be taken up anytime, no questions asked. Good luck with your current endeavors… although you and I both know that of the ones that you’ve been involved with, you’ve had the most success in SCU. Thanks for at least hearing us out.”

The agent left me alone and hearing what I just heard really did deliver quite a bit of a gut punch. I had only just started in one venture and I was already growing miserable in the other. Still, my other two companies at the time were the last thing on my mind when Cordelia Clark walked in and we exchanged a hug. Cordelia and I had grown a bit close behind the scenes at SCU over its dying months.

“I couldn’t help but overhear…” she began. “You turned down SCW also?”

“It just didn’t feel right to me…” I said with a sigh. “They told me you turned them down. Was it for the same reason that I had?”

“I couldn’t get past the fact that some of the folks in SCW looked down on SCU as a developmental league of some sort, you know? I was talking to one of their agents and the fact that they used verbiage like “come up to SCW” just rubbed me the wrong way. It’s complex, but I felt like my work here got disrespected… especially since I just beat Andrea tonight and all…”

The mention of Andrea’s name really caused me to sigh and Cordelia’s eyes widened realizing that there was a further reason why I said “no” to SCW just moments ago.

“It’s Andrea, isn’t it?” Cordelia was quick to ask. “Look, I know that Andrea treated me like crap when she came down here to face me, but I can tell that she’s in a lot of pain, and has been.”

“Andrea was so much happier as a human being and had so much more passion for her wrestling career before she went to SCW. But after that whole episode with Evie and with her dad dying and all of that, she became a completely different person and it really hurt me to see her regress to what she turned into. You have never met the real Andrea, Cordy. At heart, she’s so much better than what you saw. I see how she struggled. Every time we talked about SCW, there was always this glimmer of pain in her eyes as if she didn’t want to be there. Even when she was undefeated and the Internet Champion and all of that, she still wasn’t happy. When she lost that title, she lost whatever give a crap she had too…”

Cordelia is the one letting out a sympathetic sigh now.

“...of course, I’m not saying that to take away from the win you got over her tonight.”

“I understand.”

“I saw how being in SCW after she lost the Bombshells World Championship slowly but surely deteriorated her mental health and considering how fragile mine has been in the past…”

“You worry that if things go wrong, you’d deal with the same feelings she did?”

I nodded my head.

“I’ve been down darker paths than Andrea has. I’ve been that former drug addict that has been hospitalized for mental health reasons. I’ve been down Relapse Avenue in the past. Thank goodness I’ve been clean for years now, but I was in such a dark place at one time in my career and I see what happened to Andrea and I see how Myra nearly left wrestling as a whole last fall and it just feels too risky right now to go there. I saw how Andrea went downhill after Evie. What if there’s someone on their roster that brings out the same feeling she had? I am a survivor… fortunate enough to have escaped the pit that drug addiction is twice. It feels like I’d be playing with fire and going down that pit a third time if I went there…”

Cordelia wrapped an arm around me, fully understanding where I was coming from.

“Andrea vented to me more than anyone of how miserable she was in SCW and how it was affecting her. I remember conversations about how they were sucking her passion for wrestling away. I’ve stood by her and I feel like the best way to do that is not to go there. I don’t want to betray her…”

“You wouldn’t…”

“But I know how much she really came to hate SCW…”

“Listen, you and I… we’re going to other endeavors. We’re going to succeed in them, okay? You’re going to kill it in BWF and you’re going to turn things around in Zion and I’m going to keep growing in 5BW. We’re both capable of this. We wouldn’t have won our matches tonight if we weren’t.”

“That’s true. Thanks for reminding me of that, Cordy.”

“You’ve done so many good things for me since you came to SCU and I’m not going to forget that. If you’re ever interested in 5BW, I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you.”

“Thanks for that, I really mean it.”

We embraced a final time before we parted ways. The SCW contract was still on my chair and I glanced at it once more. Most of the locker room was gone. After Cordelia left, it was just me… and Andrea all alone in the distance. I hadn’t seen her this sad since her father had passed away. I looked at the contract and back at her as she was staring at me. It’s like her eyes were begging me not to sign it. I picked up the contract and stuck it in my bag, not thinking much of it. I went to tend to her and we struck up a conversation. I told her I wasn’t going to SCW. I remember the sigh of relief she expressed.

The conflict regarding my best friend aside… I figured that things would move forward in a positive way with the remaining endeavors that I had.

Well, professional wrestling is funny like that sometimes…


It was my first outing as an ‘official’ member of the Holliday family as Kevin and I had only been married for nearly two weeks at that point. We were in Seattle, at his family’s home where his father, his older sister Sydney and his twin sister Casey Holliday, who herself was a hell of a wrestler in her own right, were having dinner at a table. Sydney didn’t care too much about professional wrestling despite the fact that the Holliday family was very much enveloped in it but we were still getting along well.

“So when are you and Kevin going to have kids?” she asked me, causing me to roll my eyes in jest.

“Oh my god, we’ve only been  married for two weeks…” I said with a laugh. “I know you just became a mom yourself, but gosh, give us some time to enjoy life on our own, you know?”

“Personally, I’m too career focused to even THINK about getting married, let alone having any children…” Casey added. “You and I are in that same boat, Chelsea.”

“I’m just going to say ‘someday’ on that, Sydney…” Kevin said.

“Don’t keep my twins waiting on new cousins too long… and that includes BOTH of you!”

“Can I ask you a question, Chelsea?” Kevin’s father interjected.


“What happened with Zion? You had this thing going on with Angel Kash and then suddenly, you both just disappeared.”

There I went again, having to lament something.

“Angel left that place… and as a matter of fact, I did too…”

Casey immediately scoffed at this when I mentioned that I had left Zion Wrestling.

“Why did you leave?” Casey was quick to ask.

“I’m going to excuse myself. I should check on the twins…” Sydney stated before she got up and left with a convenient excuse to not have to hear a conversation about professional wrestling.

“I was never happy there and it wasn’t a fit for me whatsoever. I didn’t like the culture. I didn’t like how everything backstage was just cutthroat. I wasn’t expecting world title opportunities or anything like that, but more often than not, I was riding the bench. I was putting too much effort into a company that wasn’t investing in me and when Angel Kash walked out the door, I had no other reason to stay. Overall? It just… it wasn’t a good experience for me. It was like my best friend leaving SCW for the same reasons I did, just on a smaller scale.”

“Look Chels, I don’t really care THAT much about why you left, but what matters is that you did because girl, you were an afterthought there. You basically became, in Zion, what you feared you would become in SCW… you know… when you shot them down.”

Casey had a hell of a point, which made me begin to wonder if I should’ve taken the contract offer after all.

“Chelsea, maybe you should take SCW up on that…” my husband added. Once again, I was remembering the sadness and the depression that Andrea was going through because of her tine there. “...what do you have to lose at this point?”

“I still have until next summer…” I reminded him.

“When an opportunity is there, you have to take it.”

“Yeah but…”

“Do you really think you’re going to fail if you go there? Is that it?”

“Kevin, it’s nothing like that. If I were to go there, then I think I can carve out a pretty solid niche for myself if all the cards fell the right way.”

“Then go!” Kevin said, trying to push me. I shook my head. At this point, I hadn’t really told Kevin how I was feeling because of Andrea and what she went through. “Chelsea, you know that you can make it there…”

“It’s a VERY cutthroat Bombshells division… I mean if my own mentor struggled with her own happiness and mental health at one point… if my best friend was completely changed by the company for the worse…”

“You need to believe in yourself a little better than that. You’re strong. I’ve seen how…”

I had heard just about enough from my husband at that point.

“We’re NOT having this conversation, okay?” I said with a raised voice, surprising Casey and my father in law. “I’m not going there. I’m not going to betray my best friend by going there. Period! End of story! Okay? Besides, I still have BWF and things are moving along slowly…”

“TOO slowly…” Casey interjected. “It’s always nice to have a backup plan, I’m just saying… whether it’s SCW or not…”

“I’m FINE…” I said, starting to vocally express more of my anger. “Can we just… I don’t know… talk about something else? Please? I’m still reeling a bit from that bad experience I had in Zion and I don’t want to think about my career right now.”

“Fine. We’ll talk about something else…” my father in law stated. “So, have either of you gotten a hold of your mother about Thanksgiving?”

“I’m excusing myself…” I said, standing up from the table and eventually finding Sydney in the backyard.


Same location, though a different vibe considering the holidays had just arrived… no pun intended. The big difference was that all three of my in laws were there, and by in laws that means Kevin’s father, his mother and his stepmother. Kevin’s parents were divorced and they clearly didn’t want to talk to each other too much. Dinner had already come and gone and I was largely minding my own business sitting on the couch watching a football game on television. Kevin came by and his mother wasn’t too far behind.

“Hey Chelsea…” his mother greeted me with a smile. “I’m so glad you could be here.”

They both took a seat and I was in between both of them on the couch at this point.

“My mother wants to talk to you about an opportunity.”


“I was thinking… you are GORGEOUS…” this caused me to roll my eyes. “You are absolutely gorgeous! You truly have the look of a superstar in the wrestling industry and I’m SO proud of my son for ending up with the right woman. Lord knows that if he ended up marrying Hayley Halsey…”

“Mom… don’t mention her…”

“Right… sorry! Anyway, I know that things in BWF are moving a bit slow for you right now, but maybe since you switched shows, things will go better for you. You know I run a talent agency that Casey is a part of and I would LOVE for you to be part of it too! I believe that with my agency, you can really take off in BWF and…”

Before she could continue, my phone rang.

“Sorry…” I said as I glanced at my phone and saw it was BWF offices. “I have to take this, hold on.”

I was quick to answer the phone. The people at BWF and I greeted each other and then before I could conjure up a thought, I heard some rather horrible news. I felt like I was punched in the gut when this news was said to me and now for the first time in years, my career was left at a crossroads. I hung up the phone and Kevin caught my sadness right away.

“...what just happened?”

“BWF has ceased operations…”

“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry to hear that…” Kevin’s mother said.

“...what am I going to do? I don’t have any other jobs. It’s the holiday season so hiring has slowed down. Ugh, aside from my Festivus Shooting Star title and the GRIME World title that I had in SCU, this has been such a craptacular year for me!”

Kevin wrapped an arm around me.

“Just know that it’s nothing YOU have done wrong…”

“SCU and BWF closed and Zion saw nothing in me!”

“That doesn’t mean that you can’t turn this around. Besides, you still have that standing contract offer fro…”

“If you even MENTION that any further, no sex until fucking Valentine’s Day, got it?”

“You’ve had a standing contract offer from somewhere else and you haven’t taken it?” my mother in law asked. “How can you afford NOT to take it now at this point? It’s better than having no job at all. Which company is it?”


“CHELSEA…” my she added. “That company is a bigger deal than the other ones you worked for… combined! You’d have all of my resources at your disposal and everything! You were MEANT to be a star… especially in a place like Vegas!”

“Mom, I think she needs a little time to process what she just heard…”

She nods and sure enough, both of them left me alone on the couch. I was heartbroken that suddenly, I didn’t have any job at all on top of what was a topsy-turvy 2022 that made me feel like I left so much on the table and would have accomplished so much more than I actually did. 

Present Day…

“You don’t think that if you were just with them from the beginning, you would’ve had a better year last year?” Kevin asked me.

“I thought I was secure with the jobs I already had, but sadly I was wrong.”

“Is it more because of Andrea that you won’t go to SCW, or is it more because you don’t feel like you’d succeed there?”

I was interrupted by the sound of my phone notifying me of a text message. It was from Andrea saying “call me immediately”.

“You and I both know that you’d make it there.”

“Kevin, Andrea is asking me to call her. And yeah, it’s because of her. I can see myself competing in SCW and I can even see myself being successful there. What’s the worst that can happen, you know? I’m strong enough to overcome anything including the rock bottom of my life like I did years ago. But, I can’t, in good conscience, go there considering what she went through. Anyway…”

I picked up the phone, found Andrea’s number and called her just like she requested. I put her on speaker, though she didn’t know that I had.

“Hey…” I said as I answered the phone.

“Chelsea… hey. Listen, I’ve been thinking… about what you’ve been telling me about SCW and how I need to really let it go and move on. You’re right. I shouldn’t be bitter anymore. I let ONE person ruin my whole experience there and I got caught up too damn much in the bright lights. I’m sorry if how I felt about SCW fractured our friendship in any way…”

“It didn’t Andrea, I’m right here with you.”

“I know you’ve had a standing job offer there and there’s this invitational for a title happening and I’ve been thinking…”

“...wait, you’re thinking of going back there and trying to secure the one singles title you’ve never had?”

“No. I’m done with them, Chelsea. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever see that six sided ring again and that’s nothing personal it’s just… you know… my mental health.”

“Of course…”

“What I was really thinking was you should take that fucking job and go get that title…”

My eyes widened in shock when I heard this.

“Are you sure? I mean…”

“Chelsea, I’ve known for months that you’ve wanted to go there. For fuck’s sake, GO! I’ll be fine! You’re not betraying me or being inconsiderate of me if you go. You’re a fucking competitor just like I am and I’m not going to let my best friend hang around in fucking free agency looking for a job and settling for a company beneath her potential that wouldn’t know what to do with a star like her. You got that? If you really want to go, and I know you do, go! It’s not fair for whatever hurt feelings I had, or may still have from there, to hold you back. Got that?”

“Yeah… I completely get you.”

“If you run into trouble or if you feel like you’re in trouble psychologically, I’m right here for you to talk you through it because nobody knows more than I do how cutthroat that place is, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks…”

“You’re welcome, Chels. Consider it my blessing. Now take the damn offer. I’m telling you, if I turn on Inception and I don’t see you on that show, I’m going to find you and I’m going to kick your ass. If THAT isn’t blessing enough, I don’t know what is. But don’t do this for me, or for my honor. Do it for you, okay?”

“Of course…”


Andrea hung up the phone and Kevin had a smile on his face.

“See? You’re out of excuses not to go there now!”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Looks like I’ve got myself a job in this business again! I’m looking this over one more time…”

“Of course…”

After about 10 minutes of looking over the offer, a single stroke of the pen followed. I felt relief, but at the same time I felt happiness. It wasn’t long after I let the offices know of my move that I had this gut feeling that after SCU’s shutdown, that perhaps SCW is where I should’ve been the entire time.

January 7, 2023

I’m sitting in front of a camera, which is something that I am used to. But still, talking to one as far as hyping up an SCW match? That might take some time to get the hang of. Still, there was a set that was under construction that was being built around me, both figuratively and literally. I thought about what I was getting myself into for a bit. I thought about the names that I knew for a fact were going to be involved. I wasn’t worried about what they were capable of or how hard they might be to overcome. I just had to focus on what I had to do knowing that I was going to be debuting in a big spot. A stagehand brought me the GRIME World Championship that I left SCU with and I placed it on my lap which was, for the moment, out of camera view. In my head, I thought the word “action”... insert lame bike ride analogy here….

“Hi, if you know who I am, then you are familiar with my work in Sin City Underground. I’m just going to get right to it. Chelsea LeClair. I’m an entry in the open invite match for the Roulette Championship. Now that we got the OBVIOUS out of the way, let’s talk about why I am here. Sure, it is to be the Roulette Champion. I mean, if there is another person in this match that says that this isn’t about winning that title, then they are most likely a liar because let’s be real here. Of all the people that are in this match or that have declared their entry into the match, who would be in it if a title wasn’t involved? Exactly! Now, as far as I’m concerned? This is my opportunity to be, perhaps, the last wrestler that was in SCU to make the full time jump to SCW. This is not a one off, this is the start of a new journey for me. I could’ve come here as soon as SCU came to an end.

‘But why didn’t you?’

Save yourself the breath of asking that question in your second promos, for those of you that are easily predictable. There were some smaller reasons, among them being the fact that I had other gigs going on at the time. But mainly? I was trying to be there for a friend.

“Wait, aren’t you like, Andrea Hernandez’s best friend?”

DUH! Look, I’m not going to beat the dead horse when it comes to Andrea and her SCW run. She had a hell of a run even if she herself was never happy with it for various reasons, but the obvious thing that you should know as far as my entry into the Bombshells division is concerned is that I’m not Andrea. I carry out my business differently than Andrea. I am not here representing Andrea, nor am I here to win the Roulette Championship for her. I am not here for our mutual mentor Myra Rivers. I am here for me! I am here to start my journey. With me, what you see is what you get. I don’t sugar coat things for people. I am going to be blunt with all of you and I am going to tell you that at some point or another, I am going to piss you off either because I tell it like it is because you can’t handle it, or because I’ll do a mockery skit of you of some sort, or I’ll mock you in a skit somehow. This one right here is straight talk, so no skits… this time…

But trust me… that whole president of the Internet thing that Andrea used to do is pretty much child’s play compared to what I can do with a camera. I wasn’t going to come here without her being okay with it because I KNOW that her time here really took a toll on her mental health. Still, that’s enough mentioning her for now. I’m not going to defend her although there is ONE more thing related to her that I WILL address before this camera shuts off. Anyway, let’s break down who’s involved here. Seleana Zdunich. Yeash, let’s start off with a name that I’m familiar with. When was the last time that you were a champion, Seleana? Yeah, it’s been a while hasn’t it? And as a matter of fact, the Roulette Championship was the last title that you ever held, am I right? Wasn’t that in like… 2020…


As far as the Sin City universe is concerned, even I’ve held a title more recently than you have. In FACT, let me show you, and everyone else int his thing, something….

I take a pause to reveal the GRIME World Championship that was on my lap that is now over my shoulder.

“I wasn’t some also ran in SCU the way someone like Angel of Filth or the way someone like Veronica Taylor was. I may not have been in SCU long and I may have joined right near the end, but I STILL came away with not just ANY title, but a WORLD title. I beat Amy Santino, an SCW Hall of Fame member, for this title. I’m no slouch, Seleana and that goes for everyone else here. You’ve always been more than good enough to do things on your own with out the anchor with your wife’s name on it dragging you down and yet, you just continue to meander and find yourself completely lost in the thick and thin of the Bombshells division. In fact, I bet half of the wins you’ve gotten over the last two years have been over Bea Barnhart because oh my god, I swear, you’ve beaten her more times than a bad comedy. You just don’t strike me as someone that is going to be able to rise to the occasion again in Sin City Wrestling… at least not anytime soon.

Zoey Lukas is the opposite. I can see her doing that here… that is if she actually WANTS to win the Roulette Championship. Who her sister is speaks for itself, so I’d be a fool to overlook her… especially since she’s coming off of a win against Mercedes Vargas and everything. Still, based on what I’ve studied as far as the tape i’ve seen, while she’s going to be an imposing threat, if she’s as hotheaded as her sister tends to be, then that will ultimately be her biggest downfall. Will Zoey be able to focus when she’s got so many people in this match going after her? That remains to be seen. But, she’s going to have a huge target on her back, there’s no denying that.

Now then, let’s talk about the current champion… and hell, since she has declared her entry into this match, let’s lump Krystal Wolfe into this too…. That’s right GO GYM grads, let’s have ourselves a chat. You see, you both have held this title before and you both have showed some potential along the way during your reigns. But here’s the thing: Krystal has hit a wall and even she will admit that. She hasn’t been able to reach that next level up to this point. She’s taken on some big names in various contexts over the last 12 months and she’s lost. The two Bombshells in the main event? Lost to both of them. Roxi Johnson? Lost. Keira Fisher? Lost… shoot, she even lost the Roulette title to her. Andrea Hernandez? Lost. Myra Rivers? Lost. Ariana is starting to show the same signs of being unable to beat the big names from what I’ve seen. Now, you both want to know WHY you keep running into the big names and losing? Because you don’t believe in yourselves enough, that’s why! Hell, it wasn’t a few weeks ago when you were going into a tag team match with the world champion and her protege and you were both acting like it was the end of the world and you were both about to die. You were acting like they were these impossible obstacles to overcome and that it was going to take a miracle for you to do so. Basically, you lose to these big names ALL the time because you basically beat yourselves long before the bell rings. In fact, I wouldn’t be shocked if somewhere deep down, Ariana is already giving her title reign its last rites.

All this bravado and bragging about GO GYM this and GO GYM that and it seems like when you face a big name, both of you, the only thing GO about your confidence is that it GOES AWAY! You’re both fortunate to be where you are. You basically dropped right into SCU from GO Gym and you didn’t take long to get to SCU from SCW. You didn’t have to go through the obstacles that I have and maybe that’s why when you face an obstacle like a Roxi Johnson you basically shit yourselves because you never fully mastered the idea of dealing with a level of adversity so high. If what I am saying sounds familiar to you, Krystal, it’s because it wasn’t that long ago that Andrea basically said the same thing… and you KNOW what I am talking about…

In remembering that exchange between Andrea and Krystal from a few weeks back, I started to get a bit annoyed and angry.

“You had a world title match, you lost that match, and the first thing you did was go on Twitter and be all ‘aw shucks, she kicked my ass. Good luck to the next challenger because OMG IMPOSSIBLE”. Now, I know you both had your history and that maybe she should’ve worded it in a different tone, but the way you responded to that, coming on camera, calling her reason for leaving SCW a lie, calling her a washed up Bombshell among other things? That was DISGUSTING of you Krystal, because as Andrea pointed out, a fellow Go Gym graduate left for the same reason Andrea did and for you to be completely INSENSITIVE to that irks the hell out of me because I had a front row seat to Andrea’s slow, psychological deterioration the longer she was in SCW and let me tell you, it was no damn excuse nor did she make up ANYTHING. She called you out for not believing in yourself enough and your response was childish and pathetic! Let’s face it, you and Ari have already let the ship go on this match and the sad thing is, this didn’t HAVE to be an open invitational.

Maybe if Ariana kept her mouth shut and didn’t badger Christian so damn much about what her title defense for Inception was going to look like, she wouldn’t have been in this situation. It was, basically, a self-fulfilling prophecy for you Ariana and I’m sorry to say that even if I’m not the one that walks out with the Roulette Championship, it’s definitely not going to be you. I’ve observed your behaviors going into big matches like this and yes, you have defended your title on a few occasions, but this IS going to be your toughest challenge yet and I just don’t think that you’ve got the confidence or the bravery to find a way to pull through this. You can prove me wrong, I’m sure of that. But at the end of the day, your Roulette Championship reign is about to die… cause of death: self-inflicted dumbassery!

Now as far as the remaining entries go… Bella Madison is an unfortunate case of potential that hasn’t been met yet and she’s been in SCW for how long at this point? She only has a mixed tag team title to show for it and it appears that not even her Wolfslair association is helping her. Look Bella, you’ve got all the talent in the world, but how have you not put it all together yet? Literally the one standout moment that I can say about you is when you did what you did to Crystal Zdunich a few weeks back when she got taken out of SCW and… well… even with that, it wasn’t as permanent as you were probably hoping it would be. And speaking of Crystal…

Besides the fact that Andrea’s got an encyclopedia of history with her…

Stubborn girl…

Like… I TOTALLY get not wanting to end your SCW career on that note when it came to Bella Madison, but how much longer are you going to keep doing this to yourself? It’s like the roller coaster ride that just won’t end. I mean, you really weren’t subtle about entering this match because you went on this show called the Dog Pound, announced it to the whole world and probably pissed off everyone else. Is this about winning the Roulette title? Is this really because you love SCW? Is this yet another season of the most repetitive soap opera on Sin City television of the Crystal Hilton Redemption Story? What season are we on? Like 50? Gosh, you have more seasons of that redemption story than Survivor, girl! Is this because Bella Madison happens to be int his match too and you want revenge? Like girl, I don’t get it with you. We come from similar backgrounds considering there was a time in my life I wanted to be a television star and, as much as I hate to admit it, I used to see this sport as a launching pad to Hollywood. In other words, I was a diet version of you without all the name changes! Real talk girl, you’re basically the Lindsey Lohan of the Bombshells division because holy crap, no matter how many times you get yourself into trouble, you just keep being a screwup. I’m not judging you for it. I think it’s sad. You’ve clearly got some issues happening and I hope you resolve them. Hopefully, you get your self-esteem righted and get yourself back on solid ground because I’d hate for you to become the biggest pariah in Bombshells history, you know what I mean?

Or has that already happened?

It’s already bad enough that Dawn Warren basically inserted herself into this match on her own show and then made a prediction for herself to win and considering how you’re both best friends and all of that. Look, I’m not going to be the typical opponent that is going to just trash someone like Dawn Warren because of guilt by association or anything, but UGH, the ego. It’s like you people don’t understand why so many people don’t like you. But that’s fine. Be who you want to be. Do what you need to do. I know what I need to do, alright? I’m not here just to be a fly by night like many people I’ve seen enter the Blast from the Past tournament and then never show up in SCW again. I’m here to make an impression. I’m here to start a new journey and hey, being the last GRIME World Champion when SCU shut its doors was pretty damn nice! Being a current Festivus Shooting Star Champion? Yeah, that’s cool! But you know what this shooting star straight out of South Jersey is about to become? The SCW Bombshells Roulette Champion and there’s almost no bigger way to make an impression here than to walk into this company, this division, and be a champion right out of the gate.

The show goes on for me here in Sin City Wrestling. It may be overdue. Perhaps I should’ve came here in the first place when SCU went down. But that’s then, this is now! Let’s just say that even with the odds against me, I WILL find a way…

And if you know me well enough, you know that finding away against the steepest of odds is an art that I’ve mastered more than most in this business! Inception? That’s when that mastery comes front and center!

I confidently signal for the camera to cut and when it does, I stand up and walk away to brefly observe the set being built behind me…

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“Family Problems.”
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2023, 11:49:11 AM »
The first PPV of 2023 was one week away and the Open Invitational Match for the Bombshell Roulette Title was shaping up nicely as alongside Ariana, Zoey, Bella and Seleana the following women had made it clear that they were entering the match: London Underground’s Mackenzie Page, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn Warren and newly signed former SCU Bombshell Chelsea Le Clair! Krystal was in for a tough fight if she wanted to win the title but could she do it?

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 4th of January 2023, 14:00pm

We’re barely a week into the New Year and it’s already taken a wild turn.

The past couple of days had seen an influx of new talent in both the Bombshells and Men’s divisions but obviously my main concern was the new women on the roster, namely Eaven Maloney and Cindy Hasley (no relation to Hayley thank god) and whether or not they would jump at the opportunity to try to win a title on the first night with the company! There was also the former SCU Bombshell Chelsea Le Clair making her return but I was at least familiar with her work.

As for the others in the match? So far the only one I’ve heard from is Mackenzie Page of London Underground deciding to go after Ariana’s title, she and Charlotte could be bitches at the best of times but there was no denying their talent (after all, they had both graduated from the Go Gym) which meant that Ariana’s title defence just got a lot tougher! Combine that with surprising radio silence from Bella, Seleana and Zoey and I was wondering what else was going to happen.

Oh, and I’ve got family drama on top of all that!

If you’ve been following Cassie’s career over the past few months, you’d know that she had managed to outdo my rookie year in SCW by winning two titles within days of each other and literally the only thing keeping her from having to vacate one of those titles was that she had won them in different companies, Full Force Pro and Modern Pro Wrestling to be precise! Well, that changed tonight because her first TV Title Defence of the new year had ended in her being cheated out of the gold by Rowen with help from her tag partner/manager.

Needless to say? Cassie had gone nuclear, even going as far as to promise to ruin Lola Dane’s title shot (she had earned it by winning a Battle Royal on the same night) and had shot down my attempts to reach out to her.

”Something needs to be done about Cassie’s current attitude before she burns every bridge she’s built since her graduation from Hero Academy.” I commented to myself with a sigh as I went through Cassie’s twitter feed which had basically deteriorated into her angrily snapping at anyone and everyone who dared try to reason with her, myself included. ”I get being pissed at how her reign ended but this?” Before I could lament on my cousin’s plight any further I heard my phone go off  and upon seeing that it was Cassie’s mom, I answered it. ”Hi Ruth, what’s up?”

“Krystal, this is urgent, is Cassandra at your home?” Cassie’s mom asked once I had greeted her and I nearly bolted from my seat, Cassie’s last tweet had basically said that her mom had grounded her the moment she returned home and the fact that Ruth didn’t know where her daughter was had concerned me. “I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find her, she appears to have taken Sandie with her and has taken her dog bowls and food with her.”

”Trust me, if Cassie had snuck out to come here I would’ve brought her home after reading her the riot act for how she’s been behaving on Twitter since the last MPW show.” I commented as I shook my head at which point Makayla entered the room with a hot cup of coffee in her hand. ”The only places I can think that she has gone is her girlfriends’ places.”

“I haven’t checked with Becky or Zoey’s parents but I agree, that seems to be the most logical place to start looking.” Ruth responded in a tone of voice that made it clear that she was worried sick about her daughter. “I’ve been proud of what Cassie has achieved in such a short time as a wrestler but her behaviour since she lost the Television Title had been nothing short of unacceptable! I know I raised her better than that!”

”This is her first major setback as a wrestler, and sadly wrestlers as young as her can go off the deep end depending on how it goes.” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. ”I’ll go look for Cassie, she’s been my anchor in reality before and it seems that it’s my time to return the favour! Do you have Becky and Zoey’s numbers?”

“I don’t have Zoey’s number but Becky gave me hers when Cassie was signed to that promotion based in New York, Outlaw Pro Wrestling?” Ruth asked and I nodded, mostly remembering making a brief return to the states from SCW’s India tour to watch her first ever match, which aired on an extremely late tape delay and when Cassie’s second match never aired she cut her losses and moved on. “Krystal, when you find Cassie, tell her that she isn’t in trouble.”

”Even though you just said that you raised her better than that?” I asked with a confused look on my face and Ruth sighed.

“I know you’re a young mother with twin girls on the way Krystal, but I ultimately only want what’s best for my daughter! I grounded her to try to get her to see the error of her ways but now I suspect that I only drove her further off the deep end by doing so.” Ruth explained and I nodded as I got the idea before glancing over at my pregnant wife. “I’ll send you Becky’s number via text, and I will make up for this.”

”Just do what you need to do, I’ll take it from here.” I assured Ruth and once we said our goodbyes she sent me Becky’s number almost immediately. ”And the Cassie situation just went from bad to worse.”

”I gathered as much.” Makayla sighed before she handed me the cup of coffee and I gave her a nod of appreciation before talking a sip, ”If she has her Labrador Puppy with her then Cassie couldn’t have gotten far, not exactly many dog friendly places in Vegas.”

”Yeah, which is why I’m running with the theory that she’s staying with either Becky or Zoey, I doubt it’s Zoey considering that Zoey’s landlord doesn’t allow pets.” I responded as I shook my head before trying Becky’s number on Facetime, when she answered, well, it didn’t take me long to eliminate her as a suspect. ”Hey Becky, don’t ask how I got your number but have you heard from Cassie since she returned from England?”

”She called me about a half hour ago asking if she could stay the night with Sandie.” Becky, who was clearly bunged up with a cold, responded as she blew her nose. ”I didn’t want to pass on my cold to Cassie or her cute pupper so I told her to try Zoey’s number.”

”That’s fair enough but her mother’s worried sick about Cassie.” Makayla chimed in and Becky nodded as she got the idea. ”And frankly? Krystal needs to bring her back down to earth before she nukes all her good will from orbit.”

”Yeah, I thought that was why you were calling.” Becky nodded in understanding before she started working on her phone. ”Okay Krystal, I just added you as a contact and sent you Zoey’s apartment number, it’s that new apartment complex on the other side of the strip?”

”The one opposite a Wendies? No wonder Cassie likes going there so much.” I commented as I shook my head and Becky giggled before nodding. ”Send me the post code as well, I know where it is but I’m not that familiar with that part of Vegas and I don’t want to get lost.” I added and Becky nodded before sending me the post code and after assuring Makayla that I’d be back ASAP I left as soon as the conversation ended.

Not realizing that this was just the start of this crazy saga.

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 7th of January 2023, 14:00pm

I thought she could handle it.

I’ve been hands off on Cassie’s wrestling career since her graduation, both because of my commitments to SCW and because I thought that I wouldn’t have anything to worry about in regards to her, especially after she won her titles, even after she got screwed out of the TV Title on the first MPW show off the tear I thought I had sorted the situation when I found her at Zoey’s apartment.

Instead, the now current TV Champion was continuing to goad her, something that only got worse after MPW announced a match between Cassie and Vanessa Reckless (the woman who screwed Cassie over) for the second show of the year and it was at that point that I knew I had to step in, starting with getting in contact with MPW about signing a contract with them! Needless to say, Cassie wasn’t happy about me coming over to England with her in the capacity of a babysitter.

Bear in mind, aside from my annual contract renewals with Sin City Wrestling, I haven’t signed a contract with a company since I joined the promotion during the pandemic era! And speaking of Sin City Wrestling, more names had confirmed themselves for the open invitational match, Dawn Warren and Crystal Caldwell confirmed the rumours that they were entering the match but what caught me and Ari off guard was our old SCU co-workers Chelsea Le Clair, someone who we hadn’t heard much from since SCU closed it’s doors last year, had thrown her name in the hat.

Then again, with the continued radio silence from Bella and Zoey, this match was proving to be a well-spring of surprises!

”Cass, I know that saying that that you are unhappy about this situation is putting it mildly.” I commented once Cassie had closed the door behind her and sat down on the desk in my office/streaming room, The Inferno Wolves were still the women’s tag team champions over in FFP so Cassie still had her other title and was carrying her half of the tag titles in a duffle bag. ”But maybe you should’ve thought of that before you went that far off the deep end.”

”You know as well as I do that I got screwed over!” Cassie protested as the teenaged wrestler folded her arms and I shook my head. ”What I want to know is why the fuck your taking everyone’s side but mine?!”

”I’m taking no one’s side Cass! And if anything? I’d be on your side if you had managed to keep your cool in the wake of your last TV Title Match!” I responded with an exasperated sigh and Cassie said nothing in response. ”But when you refused to budge from your position on Lola’s title match I knew I had to step in! This isn’t a permanent arrangement, I made it clear to your boss in MPW that Sin City Wrestling was always going to come first in terms of priorities since for one thing, I don’t need to fly across the pond to compete for that company nine times out of ten!”

”And do I even need to bring up your Roulette Title reign again? We both know what you did after Diamond won the title from Keira at last year’s Blaze of Glory!” Cassie countered and I shook my head, I think she knew this was a losing battle but her stubbornness was on full display for better or worse! ”How is that any different from me refusing to just sit back and stay quiet about this bullshit?!”

”One, I accepted that the bosses weren’t going to make it a Triple Threat and made my way onto the card another way by way of that match against Evie Jordan, two, I didn’t announce my intention ahead of time, to be honest I had a plan for both outcomes, I was going to congratulate Keira if she retained and attack Diamond if she won.” I responded as I listed off the reasons with my left hand and Cassie rolled her eyes. ”Third and most importantly, I didn’t go out of my way to burn every bridge with the rest of the SCW Roster, if you continue to do what you’ve done since Wednesday night you’ll have no allies left and how do you know the bosses don’t have you earmarked for their junior heavyweight division?”

”So what? So I can be the first ever champion in two different divisions?! Yeah, that’s a definite improvement over holding the TV Title!” Cassie grumbled in response with so much sarcasm that you could smell it from the other side of Vegas. ”I made my name in MPW with the TV Title, I already explained why and how during our argument on Wednesday, they can’t honestly expect me to just shut up and take this bullshit when their refs are clearly crooked!”

”I’m not even going to comment on that because I don’t have first-hand experience of MPW’s refs! But I will agree that based on the actions of SCW refs in god knows how many title matches, the ref should’ve sent Vanessa to the back on sheer principle!” I responded as I ran a hand down my face and Cassie grunted in response. ”I’m not happy about this either Cass, Makayla’s five months into her pregnancy and I’m not comfortable leaving her alone!”

”But at the same time she can’t come to England with us because of the risk to the twins, right?” Cassie summarised and I nodded in response, Makayla’s pregnancy was at the point were her bump was starting to develop though it wasn’t nearly as large as it would get as we entered the final months around April/May, any casual observer could clearly see that she was pregnant by this point. ”Do you have a plan in place for that?”

”On one hand? Makayla’s a grown woman whose only slightly younger than me, she can definitely look after herself.” I sighed as I started to think about this. ”On the other hand? There’s certain things that she won’t be able to do on her own such as cleaning and making sure that Tali and Garrus’s bowls are full, I’ve talked to Ariana, Carter, Jessie,  Jake, Shane and Harper and they are happy to come over and help out when needed, even if it is just to hang out and keep her company.”

”As if she doesn’t get enough attention from the dogs.” Cassie commented as she rolled her eyes though she did have a point, the dogs had seemed to pick up on the fact that Makayla was pregnant and had been going out of their way to be gentler with her, even Cassie’s puppy had joined in on that despite being easily the youngest of the trio! Speaking of the doggos, we heard scratching at the door and Cassie motioned towards it. ”I think our doggos want to hang out.”

”Makayla has gone to her first OBGYN appointment of the year so that checks out, but this conversation isn’t over Cass.” I nodded in response and Cassie let out an exasperated sigh, sensing that she was getting tired of the talk and that continuing it would just make the situation worse I decided to drop it. ”But we’ll continue it once we’re in London tomorrow, I think you’ll agree that the past week has been hell for you.”

”Finally, something I agree with!” Cassie grunted in annoyance before she opened the door to let the three dogs in with Tali and Sandie going right up to her and Garrus going right up to me.

It was clear that I was going to need advice on how to approach this situation from someone with a lot more experience than either me or Cassie, question was, who? Gabriel had trained me and Ari and under any other circumstances he’d be my first choice but Cassie had been trained by Team Hero, two of the best women’s wrestlers in the world, hell Keira was my last Supercard challenger this time last year!

Either way, Cassie was in the same situation I was in during the Blaze of Glory cycle last year only she was taking it worse! Maybe it was the fact that she wasn’t even twenty yet and the immaturity that came with that fact, or maybe it was just the fact that she thought that she was going to have a reign like mine.

It didn’t matter in the end because whilst Cassie was a wrestling prodigy, she did need to come back down to earth eventually.

Pizza Pilgrims, Camden, London, England
Tuesday the 10th of January  2023, 16:00pm

This wasn’t exactly a situation I thought I’d find myself in when 2022 ended, but stranger things have happened I guess.

Still, I was trying to make the most out of the new arrangement with Cassie, including treating her to a different restaurant on each England trip because prior to me steeping in she had mostly stuck to Wendy’s or the World’s End where there was plenty of cool restaurants within Camden.

Then again, considering she’s a stoner she probably just went with what was familiar.

”See? This isn’t so bad, is it?” I asked Cassie as we were seated at Pizza Pilgrims, a place I had learned about through the English YouTube Channel SortedFood and had wanted to try whenever SCW went to England but my new employment with MPW had sped up that process. ”I’m honestly surprised you’re not sick of Wendy’s yet.”

”Me? Sick of Wendy’s? Never!” Cassie insisted as she rolled her eyes and I shook my head with a chuckle. ”Besides, I’m still not thrilled about this situation but since Zoey’s focussing on her training and Becky’s about to start college, I don’t have many other options for company.”

”Knew you’d see things my way.” I responded with a grin before we looked at the menu, the pizzas on offer ranged from your fairly traditional fair like Margaritas to Double Pepperoni and Spicey Honey (yes, really) and looking at the look on Cassie’s face? She was clearly spoiled for choice. ”Anything caught your eye?”

”To be honest it’s easier to list the pizzas that haven’t caught my eye.” Cassie admitted as she shifted her weight and I nodded as I glanced at the menu. ”Fuck it, I’m trying the spicey honey one.”

”If that works out well, we’ll have to pass that recipe on to Ari! I’m going for the Nduja Pizza myself.” I responded as I made my choice and Cassie glanced down at the sides. ”You ready to talk about MPW yet?”

”Nope! Because I know you’re going to shoot down all of my ideas for tomorrow’s show!” Cassie grunted in response and I shook my head, did she really know me that well? ”You haven’t even commented on the irony of spending most of the week in the home city of one of your opponents!”

”I’m saving my comments about McKenzie for my second promo, same goes for Chelsea, Crystal and Dawn.” I responded as I shook my head. ”Besides, McKenzie may have been the second one to accept the open challenge after me but I doubt either of us knew that I was going to spend most of the week in McKenzie’s home city!”

”Could always call McKenzie and see if she has any recommendations for our second trip out here.” Cassie responded with a grin finally showing the sense of humour that had been missing since she lost the title. ”You know, if you want McKenzie to be even bitchier than usual since the UK is five hours ahead of the US and all!”

”I’d say that would take some effort but interrupting her beauty sleep would do the trick.” I responded with a laugh as I shook my head. ”And honestly? I’m just glad you’ve got your sense of humour back after the events of the last MPW Show!”

”I’m still pissed over how my reign ended, but you are right I guess.” Cassie responded with a sigh before she spotted the waitress coming over to take our orders. ”Hold that thought Krystal, we might be ordering soon.”

”I hope so! I’m starving!” I responded with a grin before the waitress took our orders.

Making sure that Cassie didn’t get past the point of no return may have been my top priority heading into the first few weeks of the year (and possibly beyond) but that wasn’t distracting me from my task on Sunday, I knew I had to focus to win the Bombshell Roulette Title in such a chaotic match especially now that the field had expanded to seven women.

As for whether more Bombshells would sign up during the week before the match? Who knows? But what I do know is that this was going to be a chaotic mess off a match! One that I was sure that the bosses would be watching with bags of popcorn in their hands!

But that was the price I had to pay if I wanted to kick off the new year by becoming a two-time Bombshell Roulette Champion.

Krystal’s hotel room, London, England
Tuesday the 10th of January 2022, 18:00pm

*promo time*

My, my, how much has this match changed?

”I thought the Roulette Invitational Match was tough enough when the confirmed competitors were just me, Ari, Bella, Zoey and Seleana but now there’s four more women in the mix!” I stated as I held up four of my fingers. ”London Underground’s McKenzie Page is bringing more Go Gym representation to the match, Crystal Caldwell managed to find a way around the whole “your fired and everyone hates you” thing to sign up! Dawn Warren from PWS: Apex is jumping over to give it a shot and just to round things out, a returning face from SCU in the form of Chelsea Le Clair! I guess that’s the nature of the beast though! A wrestling promoter promotes an open invitational match and everyone and their grandma is signing up for a shot!”

Who next?

”I’ll honestly be surprised if any other names get added to this already chaotic mix because at this point? It’s practically a Battle Royal with extra steps!” I added before brushing some hair over my shoulder. ”But I knew what I was getting into when I decided to throw my name into the hat and not even my current family problems are stopping me from focussing on this match! I won’t talk about Sel, Bella and Zoey as much this time around since I’ve already talked about those three in depth last week and considering how surprisingly quiet those three have been? I don’t have much to say about them without repeating what I said! Luckily the four additional Bombshells have given me plenty to talk about!”

Starting with McKenzie!

”You know what else? I’m doing this in the order that they made their participation known, starting with McKenzie!” I stated as I glanced out towards rain outside. ”I do remember hearing that Charlotte and McKenzie had talked about this match through Daniel but I didn’t think it was only going to be one half of the women in London Underground throwing their name into the mix! I guess Charlotte felt that she still needed to shake off the old ring rust! But that still leaves us with a third Go Gym Graduate in the match meaning that we have a clash of the Go Gym generations on our hands.”

Funny how that worked out.

”You were right on one front McKenzie, we’re not friends but I can’t deny that there is a lot of respect there for what you and Charlotte have accomplished in the ring! And considering you hold a singles win over Seleana? It appears that you haven’t missed a step in your time away from the ring, either that or you trained nonstop to make sure that you were ready to return.” I said before folding my arms. ”But you shouldn’t underestimate me or Ari, because unlike you and Charlotte? We haven’t had any time away from the ring, we’ve been on the grind since we signed our SCW contracts! And if it comes down to us in this clusterfuck? I’ll bet good money that that will play a key part!”

Speaking of Seleana, next up is Crystal.

”Because clearly this match wasn’t confusing enough, now we’ve got two women with the same name in the match! Me and Crystal Caldwell, one’s a well-respected talent who no one thought twice of when she announced her participation in the match, the other’s Crystal Caldwell!” I commented as I shook my head with a disgusted look on my face. ”Do I even need to bring up all the stunts you pulled last year Crystal? Attacking Chloe Benton after she was injured in her match against Jessie Salco, donning a mask after Christian fired your overrated ass and being the most obvious masked wrestler in the history of the sport, driving Seleana further away from you, I could go on but I won’t, because you’re not worth my time!”

Hey at least I’m being honest!

”Wjat’s that? You’re a Hall of Famer and a former World Bombshell Champion? I’m sorry but who remembers your title reigns aside from Mercedes Vargas? And I distinctly remember there being talk about booting you out of the Hall of Fame after the aforementioned stunts you pulled, is it any wonder why you tied with Masque for Most Hated of 2022 in last year’s Year End Awards?” I asked rhetorically before shaking my head. ”Don’t answer that Crystal, because I know you’ve got some bullshit explanation, especially now that you’ve not only come back but are playing nice, spoiler alert Crystal? No one’s buying your shit and if you actually show up for the match, don’t be surprised if every other Bombshell in the match gangs up on you! Especially since Bella’s in the match, someone you faced just before the holidays, and we all remember how that match ended, don’t we?”

Next up is Dawn!

”I don’t even know that much about this Dawn Warren, all I know is that she wrestles for PWS Apex and even then, I only know that because my younger cousin Cassie joined that company last month!” I added with a sigh as I ran a hand through my hair. ”But here’s what I do know, Dawn’s a member of the Warren clan, a bookworm and someone who’s bubbly personality makes Candy look like Fenris! The fact that I’m making THAT comparison should tell you everything you need to know but according to her bio on SCW’s website, she idolizes Scrappy Doo!”


”Feel free to make your own jokes about the Warren clan as it relates to that fact, I’ve already come up with a dozen in just the past few seconds!” I added before I shook my head. ”But I don’t know you well enough to know whether your bullshitting us with a bubbly persona or if your actually like that and you’re not trying to be a carbon fucking copy of Crystal Caldwell! Either way? I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into Dawn because this match promises to be a clusterfuck!”

Last up is Chelsea!

”And now we’ve come to the last Bombshell who confirmed her participation last week, someone who me and Ariana know all too well from our time in SCU! That’s right, Chelsea Le Clair is back!” I stated as I let out a deep breath. ”So, from what I’ve heard Chelsea, you’ve joined SCW because the last fed you were in, BWF, went under and that you went over the pros and cons of this decision with a certain former Bombshell who I’ve never gotten on with, but did she really prepare you for a match like this?”

Good question.

”But you did have plenty to say about me and Ari, about how we’ve failed in big matches because we didn’t believe in ourselves enough! I’m sorry but you try facing Masque twice in the same cycle and then get back to me!” But I digress! Mostly because Masque isn’t likely to enter the match so I refocussed as I folded my arms. ”That aside? If you’ve followed me and Ari’s SCW careers then you know that we’ve never let a defeat let us down! And this match won’t be any different as you’ll find out if it comes down to between me, you and Ari!”

And for the rest.

”I’ve already spoken at length about Bella, Sel and Zoey last week but that still leaves the current champion herself Ari! I’ll keep this brief Ari but I bet your already running out of room on that whiteboard you brought for this match now that the participant numbers have more than doubled in size!” I added as I paced around my hotel room. ”The week’s still young so who knows? Maybe we’ll get some last-minute participants? All I do know is that this is going to be a wild match and I can’t even say for sure if either me or Ari will be the champion but what I do know is that this will be a wild match!”

It's that simple!

”If this was just a ladder match that would be one thing, nut throw in the fact that whoever grabs the title then has to escape the building with it to win the match? That’s just added another layer to an already chaotic mess of a match!” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”And they plan for this to be an annual thing to boot? Who knows how crazy next year’s match will be but right now? My focus is on winning this year’s match and becoming a two-time Bombshell Roulette Champion, even if I have to fight off at least nine other women to do it!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Ariana Angelos, Bella Madison, Zoey Lukas, Seleana Zdunich, McKenzie Page, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn Warren and Chelsea Le Clair, at the moment those are the women who stand in my way of winning the Bombshell Roulette Title for the second time in my career!” I stated as I listed off the names with both of my hands. ”And since this is Open Invitational, who knows if that will be the final line-up by the time I return to Vegas, let alone when Inception VI rolls around?! But as I turn the page on this chaotic chapter of my SCW Journey, I know that this will be the wildest match of that journey and the toughest if “Down Under Thunder” Krystal Wolfe wants to walk out as champion! See you ladies in the ring!”

I left the room to check on Cassie as the scene fades.


  • Guest
Hushåll Zdunich (Zdunich House)
Howell, NJ
January 9th, 2023

"Want to tell us why you up and left yet again?"

Eavan Maloney expected this reaction, just not from who she got it from. Since her return from Canada, her life partners Katra and Adriana Zdunich had begun keeping tighter tabs on her for Eavan's own safety. This time it wasn't from either of them. Instead, it was from her daughter, Emileigh. Eavan, sitting on the far end of a sectional sofa, looks up from her phone with a coldness and annoyed tone in her voice. A tone that unconsciously comes out after having to repeat things in short succession.

"Nala knew, I figured she'd tell you. I didn't want to send word upstate, you know I try not to interfere when you’re out."
"Mama did tell me, I just want to know why."

Eavan sighs, her annoyance rising.

"I had to go back, it's not a particularly good place for me. Too much pain and memories out west. If I didn't go yesterday and at least face some of my demons, I wouldn't be going to Stockton on Sunday."
"Mom, I hate when you get all vague and shit."

As Eavan is about to get up and retort, Katra comes up from the basement studio and looks at the two of them worried.

"Is… ok?"
" Yeah, Emi's trying to get me to talk about California."

Katra nods before she lowers her head and slowly shakes it.

"Was not… good time."

Emileigh, all of 15 years old but wise beyond her years, reads the room and nods her understanding.

"That was only the beginning. Past loves, and where I was practically at Death's door. Last time I… we were out there, it was for the Dani Lopez show, remember?"
"Yeah. You were a bucket of nerves."

Adriana comes up from the basement as well, looking at everybody’s somber faces.

“What’s going on?”
“We were talking about California.”
“How’d that go?”

Eavan inhales deeply and exhales in a smile of all things.

“It was rough. Stopped at a few places around the state. Had to see a couple of spots with a clearer head and… it was good. A lot less scary than before, I’ll be fine to go back next week.”
“Ja. Sarabi be there too.”

Eavan chuckles, and pulls out a piece of paper and shows the three of them. The paper is a list of competitors in the Bombshell Roulette Championship Open Invitational.

“Sarabi’s my opponent. Well, one of them.”

Adriana takes the paper and looks at the list.

“Chrystalina’s in it as well?”

Eavan chuckles again.

“She can’t win this match. Can she?”
“Technically speaking, she has just as good a chance as anyone else. Will she last thirty seconds against a Warmonger?”

Eavan shrugs sarcastically, causing the three to laugh as well. Emileigh looks at Eavan with a look of concern.

“How will you bring yourself to fight Aunt Sel though? I don’t quite understand the mental separation. Like I’ve seen you go from Mom to Monster with my own eyes, but I don’t get how.”

Eavan closes her eyes and nods to herself, trying to formulate a reasonable answer.

“Being here at home, and away from work, I can be myself. I’m Mom, I’m Evvy, I’m a wife and a sister and a daughter and a friend and an aunt and all the normal stuff that comes with that. On social media, at the arenas, in the ring, I can’t be that person. That’s where the Warrior and the Warmonger come out and play. I get paid to beat people up, take the stupid bumps, get bloodied up so I can’t let familiarity be to the forefront. Most of the people in that match, I’ve only seen on TV. A few I know personally, they’re colleagues. Some of them probably want to kick my ass and think I’m the worst person on the planet. Seleana, yeah she’s family, but in this match, she’s another person in the way of my goal. If I’m to win, I have to go through her, so I can’t be the loving sister. I also can’t tell you why I can flip that switch so easily, it’s just become part of who I am when I’m in that environment.”
“I used to watch my dad wrestle, and he would be the same way. He’d always give me the biggest hug before his music played, and the second he’d go through that curtain, he became somebody else. It’s just something wrestlers do, they have to. It’s part of the show.”
“Evvy scare me in ring. Here, no… fear? Sarabi same person. I want see who win.”

Eavan walks over and hugs Katra.

“I kinda want to see who’d win as well. Ok, ok, enough wrestling talk for now. I want to hear what you guys have been working on. No workouts today, none of that, I want to be here with you guys.”
“I have a surprise for you, Mom.”
“Oh yeah?”

“Mmhmm, come downstairs.”


You know who I am, at least you think you do.

So allow me to point out the elephant in the room. Miss Toxic, the Company Cancer, the one most companies won’t touch with a ten-foot pole… is now in Sin City Wrestling. And initially, it was going to be a one-off. Help SCW get a few more seats sold in the arena. Get a few more buys, because let’s face it. People will either shell out money to see me win, or get my ass handed to me. But then, I got to thinking, and those who know… know how dangerous and unpredictable that can be. What if I invaded Inception Six, walked into Stockton Arena, and won the Bombshells Roulette Championship? What if I shocked SCW and unseated the allegedly great Ariana Angelos? Would I have to give the title back because I wasn’t a… REAL SCW Bombshell? Nah, if I’m going to war, the spoils of victory remain mine. So I went to the top, kicked in Underwood’s door, and demanded a contract. Somebody of my infamy knows how to get what she wants, so now I’m official. Some of yous embraced it, some of yous got abrasive. I personally don’t care. Long as the checks don’t bounce, I’ll be in SCW until I decide to no longer be.

Maybe that wasn’t the elephant I was supposed to talk about, and to be honest, I’m really getting sick and tired of having to lead with shit like this because it shouldn’t be the disease that defines me, I should be able to be defined by my own merits and abilities despite having a disease… but yeah, I’m a few levels of fucked up. I’ve been this way for a very long time, and I’ve had to chase my tail to keep myself as normal and balanced as I can be, and do you want to know something? I think the problem is less me and more you. Think about it. We didn’t know these disorders existed even twenty, thirty, forty, years ago. Now, if society has been saying since the Book of Leviticus that ignorance of the law is no excuse, why do we excuse people’s ignorance of science and medicine? So, I don’t, and won’t, excuse it in my life. If you want to brand me with whatever label because you refuse to learn about people like me, then fuck you. I don’t need you around me. I don’t even want to fight you because I refuse to allow you to make money off my name.

I have fought too damn hard over the last ten years to be where I am now. Yeah, I made mistakes. Yes, I even threw lit matches over my shoulders in hopes of burning places to the ground as I walked out. Again, I couldn’t allow people to make money off my name while they treated me unfairly. Whether they actually treated me unfairly can be debated, I’ve been just as wrong as I’ve been right. Saw things that weren’t real, believed things that weren’t true. I’ve also watched people in high places try to diminish my value without any sort of consultation. I’m self-aware enough that I can entertain every possibility and admit there could be truth to it. I have no reason to lie and tell you differently. Thing is, I’m done apologizing just as much as you’re tired of hearing me do it, but not for the reason you may think.

I have tried for years to be accepted in this business. I’ve tried saying the right things, doing the right things, networking with the right people and… it all felt fake. I started to see how disposable this business is. How you can be on top one week and suddenly gone and nobody bats an eye. I’ve seen locker rooms of hungry talent willing to kill whoever they considered competition so they’d have something to eat that night. People make friends simply to ride their coattails until they won’t rise anymore, and then stab them in the back if it’d help them get those extra few minutes of fame. But, get somebody like me who has no problem pointing out the bullshit that goes on, calling out the imbalances and character peyote, but because I’m mentally fucking unstable, I’M the bad guy? Every single person in every single locker room in every single company has the exact same mentality every night. And it’s simple because wrestlers can’t have complicated thoughts due to the constant head shots.

What do I have to do to get myself over?

For some, they focus on consistency. They become the workhorses, the dependable ones. They build their athleticism. And they’re all dry as toast. They’re boring. They might be great, they might look great, every woman or man’s wet dream. Except you’d be dying for water around them after five minutes because you’ll dehydrate in their presence. However, they’re consistent, no-fuss no-muss. They show up, give their all, and get the job done. Congratulations, you’re a cog to be oiled every now and then so you don’t seize.

Then you have the Chaos Creatures, you know the type. The ones who need drama, create it when it’s convenient, so they can always be the victims and get attention. They need the spotlight or they start to feel worthless. They’re a walking reality show, and they tweet all about everything going wrong with them for the likes and the comments of encouragement because they are empty fucking shells. Sounds like two extremes of the same disorders, no? And yet, they’re cheered. They’re acknowledged.

They’re accepted.

And then you get people like me. The people who pull back the curtains, strip the veneer, shine the light into the darkest corners, and cut through the bullshit. But you don’t like that, you don’t like ME. You hate having to see the raw truth be presented. You want to suspend belief, you WANT… to be ignorant. I really hope I don’t have to repeat myself here, do I? I put in the same effort, hell maybe even more so, to get a sliver of the praise that’s heaped on your so-called heroes. I didn’t choose to be the villain, you forced this on me. You couldn’t handle the fact that I would go where nobody else would dare to, and you chose to hate me because you fear me. What’s sad is that I tried so long to convince you otherwise but not a single soul was willing to admit they were wrong. No, why give me the same chances, the same opportunities, the same support you give your heroes and the attention seekers? You want to REALLY know why you can’t and won’t. It’s not fear. It’s not ignorance. It’s envy.

Hear me out, we’ve come this far.

If you gave me the same reverence you give the others, you’d have to admit that they pale in comparison to me. You’d have to admit that I entertain the masses better than the bores and the try-hards. You’d have to admit that you settled for lesser people when you could have had a Warrior to aspire to. You remember those days, don’t you? The cool red hair, the goggles. Coming to you in the stands, putting my forehead to yours and telling you that ‘You Are Warrior’.




And THAT’S why you hate me. YOU couldn’t measure up, and instead of looking at yourselves and finding ways to improve, to evolve, to be better, you blamed ME. You belittled my journey. You turned your back on me because you couldn’t admit to yourself that the blame falls at YOUR feet. You probably ran into a difficult decision and failed, and instead of getting back up, you started to believe I lied to you. You started to believe you weren’t a warrior. So you sought out other people, people lower down the pecking order, so you didn’t have to set your sights so high. Do you know how long it took me to understand that lesson? How long you convinced me that I was the problem? That I didn’t have worth? Too fucking long.

The Warrior is dead, but not by your hands. I leveled up and became. Simply. Better. I’m the fucking Warmonger. YOU… can all kiss my ass.

When I win that Bombshell Roulette Championship, I am going to force an apology and an acknowledgement out of every single one of you. You WILL respect me. I WILL force your hand.

This is MY war. Warmonger… out.

Offline Ariana Angelos

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“It’s A Long Way To The Top!”
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2023, 09:03:22 AM »
Ariana’s toughest defence to date was drawing near, she was set to defend her Bombshell Roulette Title against Bella Madison, Zoey Lukas, and Seleana Zdunich with the rest of the field being comprised of an open invitational format, a call that had been answered by fellow Go Gym Graduates Krystal Wolfe and Mackenzie Page, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn Warren and former SCU Bombshell Chelsea Le Clair! She Ariana overcome the odds again?

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 5th of January 2022, 18:00pm

The drama surrounding Jenny Tuck’s ill-fated attempt to buy the Go Gym during the lead up to High Stakes XII almost feels quaint now.

I say almost because, well, a billionaire former wrestler tried to buy the gym that trained me, Krystal, Carter, Fenris and, well, basically a who’s who of former champions in SCW by throwing money at me and thinking Carter was a girl was, well, if it didn’t end up on the “Holy Shit/WTF Moments of the Year” come High Stakes XIII I’ll be very surprised!

But compared to me potentially defending my title against an army of Bombshells? Yeah, this is ranking up there!

So far the only confirmed guest entrants in the match were Krystal and London Underground’s McKenzie Page, Krystal I at least knew about in advance because she was kind enough to confirm her participation over Twitter and unlike Cynthia Warren, she hadn’t pulled out but McKenzie? There had been rumours that one or both of the female members of London Underground were going to take part in the match mostly fuelled by Daniel Morgan tweeting about them chatting about Inception VI, hardly compelling proof but McKenzie was now in the match.

Now my thoughts were moving towards who else was going to put their names forward, SCW had seen a fair few new Bombshells over the past week with “Warmonger” Eaven Maloney being the most notable of the lot but even if she or Cindy Hasley didn’t throw their names into the hat, there was still a lot of names unaccounted for.

I had the feeling that I was going to run out of space on the white board before the week was over!

”Okay, I can officially move Krystal and McKenzie to the confirmed entrants section.” I commented to myself as I wiped Krystal and McKenzie’s names from the board and moved them to the confirmed entrants section whilst Athena sat on the arm rest off the couch and watched. ”It’s proving to be a very difficult match Athena, don’t know if momma can retain the belt.” I sighed as I glanced over at the kitten who was getting big enough to be a full-grown cat at this point, Athena meowed in response and I grinned before stroking her. ”I’m having a conversation with my kitten, maybe I am going insane?”

”Wait until you learn what the definition of insanity is and we’ll talk.” Francisco chimed in as he entered the living room having just got back from Hero Academy. ”Sorry, I was listening too WhatCulture Gaming’s thousandth video on how Vaas from Far Cry 3 was a waste of good marketing.”

”I never played that game so I’ll have to take your word for that.” I responded as I shook my head before I kissed my fiancé. ”So, how was your day at Hero Academy?”

”Started off well enough, then word reached Keira of Cassie’s meltdown.” Francisco responded as he shook his head and I frowned, I had heard about it from Krystal whilst we were at the Go Gym earlier and whilst Krystal seemed to have a plan in place for dealing with Cassie’s current mental state, I was just hoping that Cassie could get over her loss. ”General consensus is that Cassie is right to be pissed at how her reign ended, but she’s going about it the wrong way.”

”Yeah, I heard as much from Krystal when we were at the Go Gym earlier but she seems to be planning something to deal with that.” I nodded in response before I motioned to the white board. ”Personally? Cassie’s a sweet girl and I want the best for her in her wrestling career but she’s going to nuke all her good will at the rate she’s going.”

”Agreed, I’m personally putting it down to her winning the titles so young only to have one of those titles taken from her, if she had someone older with her from the start maybe she would’ve curtailed it before it got this bad.” Francisco responded with a shrug before glancing at the white board. ”I see you’ve updated it to reflect Krystal and McKenzie entering the match.”

”With Krystal it was a matter of if, not when after she announced her participation on Twitter, McKenzie on the other hand? That was just her confirming the rumours started by Daniel.” I responded with a nod as I looked at the board, and then at the newly fixed end table newly cleaned up blood and puke stains, what can I say? I’ve had a busy week. ”Still leaves a lot of names unaccounted for like Crystal Caldwell and Dawn Warren, and that’s not counting the new girls in the division like Eaven and Cindy!”

”Still a week to go, a lot can happen.” Francisco nodded before he motioned to the kitchen. ”I think it’s time we started dinner, I grabbed some meat from the local butchers on the way back.”

”Thanks, I was going to pop out and get some meat before you arrived.” I responded with a grin as Francisco held up the bag from the Butcher’s Block, a shop we had used since we moved in together, and almost on que my stomach rumbled. ”Do you have anything in there that can be cooked quickly? Training for an open invitational match can work up quite the appetite!”

”I picked up some burgers if you fancy that, pre-made but I don’t think you want to go through the hassle of grinding your own meat for the burger if your that hungry.” Francisco responded and once I nodded to confirm that we headed into the kitchen to start dinner.

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 9th of January 2022, 14:00pm

Well, no one said that this defence was going to be easy.

Over the past weekend, the number of participants had ballooned from six to over double it’s original number thanks to Dawn Warren, Crystal Caldwell (glad I’m not commentating this match) and Chelsea Le Clair announcing their participation in the Rumble joining Krystal and McKenzie as the competitors who had added themselves to the mix! When you throw in radio silence from the three women who were originally selected for the match though? Yeah, I don’t think this match is going quite the way Christian envisioned when he announced the match on the last Climax Control of 2022.

Still, the week was still young and the door was still open for other Bombshells to enter hence why I wasn’t putting the board away yet!

”Okay, cookie batter is resting in the fridge,  just gotta sit back and wait now.” I commented to myself after I closed the fridge door after putting the baking sheet on the top shelf, I wasn’t baking for the fun of it, with Krystal being over in England for her first MPW show me and Francisco were asked to keep Makayla company for the day, and since Makayla was five months pregnant I figured it would be best if I came armed with some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies using the recipe from Joshua Weissman’s cookbook. ”Are we all set Franky?” I called out to my fiancé who was getting ready to leave in the other room.

”I think we’re just waiting on your cookies.” Francisco responded as he entered the kitchen and I nodded as I motioned to the fridge. ”I know we’re going off Joshua Weissman’s recipe because Makayla was worried about one of your recipes and the twins and all but are you sure it’ll be good?”

”Joshua Weissman is a professional chef with fine dining experience and his cookbook is a New York Times Best Seller, if these cookies don’t turn out perfect and it’s not something that went wrong on my end I’m unsubscribing from his YouTube channel.” I responded simply as I held up the cookbook (An Unapologetic Guide to Cooking). ”Ideally I’d be leaving them to cool in the fridge overnight but this was a spur of the moment decision so I’ll just be cooling them for half an hour! The cook time should take about fifteen minutes according to the cookbook so we’ll be good to go! I think, in the past I’ve skipped the whole cooling the batter in the fridge step.”

”Eh it’s like you said, the guy’s professionally trained, he should know what he’s talking about.” Francisco responded with a shrug before a soft meow broke our concentration and we glanced down spotting Athena rubbing her body against Francisco’s leg. ”That’s usually a sign that she’s hungry or thirsty.”

”I don’t think Athena’s hungry, I filled up her food bowl right before I started making the cookies, yes I washed my hands afterwards.” I responded and once I saw the look Francisco was giving me I quickly added that second part. ”And I checked her litter box an hour ago and it was clean, she probably just wants some milk.”

”I’ll go get her drink bowl.” Francisco nodded before he left me alone in the kitchen with the kitten at which point I sat down on the floor and motioned for Athena to come to me.

”Come here Athena, here kitty, kitty.” I said in a sing song voice and the kitten walked up to me before nestling in my lap. ”I swear Athena, you are better company than like 50% of my co-workers!”

”You know I’m going to tell Krystal you said that, right?” Francisco called out from the other room and I rolled my eyes.

”Never said that I was counting Krystal among those co-workers! Even if she’s one of my challengers on Sunday!” I called back with a laugh before I started stroking the kitten who, in turn, started purring. ”Honestly the only ones I count among my opponents in that statement are McKenzie and Crystal with a C, Zoey can be abrasive but she’s never been outright hostile to us!”

”Fair enough.” Francisco responded with a shrug before he returned with Athena’s drink bowl and naturally Athena lost all interest in me and walked over to my fiancé. ”It appears that you were right on the money.”

”Aren’t I always? Don’t answer that.” I responded as I helped myself up before retrieving the milk from the fridge and pouring it into the bowl, once Athena was satisfied and the cookies were baked we were soon off to Krystal’s house.

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 9th of January 2023, 16:00pm

This wasn’t the first time we had looked after something for Krystal. I often babysat for Krystal during my SCU days for example.

But this was the first time I was looking after a woman who was a few years older than me and Francisco but then again, Makayla is just over halfway through her pregnancy so I can understand why Krystal wants us (plus Jessie and her family) to keep her company whilst she and Cassie are in England.

Plus Makayla was looking after Cassie’s puppy whilst the teenager was in England so it was a chance for us to meet Sandie!

”Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Krystal say that they were going to move into a bigger house?” Francisco asked as we walked up the driveway, a second later we spotted Tali at the window and we knew that the dogs knew we were here. ”You know since Makayla’s pregnant with twins and all?”

”That’s what she told me but she’s waiting to get the Roulette Invitational Match out of the way first, plus the Cassie situation may have put a damper on those plans.” I responded with a shrug as we approached the front door and I knocked at the door. ”I’m sure they’ll have a bigger house by the end of the first cycle of the year though.” I added right before the door opened and we were greeted by two adult dogs, one Labrador puppy and a visibly pregnant Greek Australian woman.

”This is the plan, depending on whether Charlotte can keep Cassie’s temper under control long enough for the storm to pass.” Makayla greeted us as the three dogs greeted us excitedly, after a few seconds Makayla called the trio back into the house so that we could enter. ”Thanks again for coming over guys, I would’ve died of boredom otherwise.”

”What are friends for right?” I asked Makayla before Francisco closed the door behind us and I got the box of cookies out. ”I baked these for you before we came out, don’t worry, I got the recipe from Joshua Weissman’s cookbook.”

”To be honest? With my cravings I probably would’ve devoured a plate of cookies that you made from your own recipe, but I appreciate the thought Ari.” Makayla responded with a thankful grin before she took a handful of the cookies, needless to say the three dogs immediately turned their attention to her when they saw the food in her hands. ”That said? Next time I’m waiting until I sit down before I take any food from you Ari.”

”That’s definitely a good idea.” Francisco responded before he grabbed Garrus by his collar and I did likewise with Tali, since Sandie was easily the youngest and smallest of the three dogs we didn’t have to worry about her jumping up onto Makayla’s belly and our quick thinking allowed us to get into the living room and sit down. ”So, err, how are the twins coming along?”

”As of my last appointment? The girls are coming along well, they should be perfectly healthy by the time I give birth to them in May.” Makayla responded as she patted her pregnant belly and me and Francisco shared a grin. ”I know you being an athlete makes this a difficult question to ask Ari, but you ever thought of having kids of your own?”

”Me and Francisco aren’t even married yet, let’s not put that much pressure on him just yet!” I responded as Francisco let out a nervous laugh. ”Besides, as much as I want kids, my career’s really taken off in the past few months thanks to my title reign and I’m worried that a pregnancy would screw up my momentum, not to mention getting back into ring shape and working off the ring rust once my body heals!”

”Yeah, that’s fair, and if nothing else you can make up for that by looking after Athena.” Makayla nodded in understanding before she tried one of my cookies. ”Wow, these are good! I’m going to have to get my own copy of that cookbook.”

”I’ll send you the Amazon link! My copy was a Christmas gift from Carter but it should be easy enough to find.” I assured her and Makayla grinned in response. ”So, I take it the dogs have adjusted to you growing two humans in your belly and all?”

”Funny way of putting it but the most part? Yeah, they’ve adjusted.” Makayla responded with a laugh before Garrus walked up to her and rested his snout on the arm rest, Makayla stroked the German Shepherd on the head and he wagged his tail. ”Being a male dog, Garrus is a lot more boisterous than Tali but he’s been a lot gentler with me since he figured out that I’m pregnant! Tali has been rather motherly with me since she figured out and I think Sandie’s too young to understand.”

”I can imagine how difficult it is with two adult dogs in the house.” Francisco chimed in as Tali and Sandie lay down at me and Francisco’s feet, respectively. ”Not to mention the exercise they need.”

”Krystal had taken on the responsibility of walking the dogs on her own after I revealed my pregnancy too her, but with the Cassie situation we have been looking into hiring a professional dog walker.” Makayla admitted as Garrus lay down at her feet. ”Luckily Garrus and Tali get on with other dogs, otherwise I wouldn’t have them in the same house as each other let alone Sandie but finding one has been a challenge.”

”We could do it.” I offered Makayla and she quickly shook her head. ”I love animals in general and Tali and Garrus know me from the previous times I’ve been here!”

”I appreciate the offer Ari but I don’t want to intrude, you have a lot of responsibilities as the Bombshell Roulette Champion including that massive title defence on Sunday.” Makayla reassured me and I frowned before nodding reluctantly. ”One I had to talk Charlotte into putting her name forward for because she was worried about how it would impact your friendship with her.”

”No wonder she was so apologetic when she aired her promo last week.” I responded as I shook my head and Makayla nodded in agreement. ”She understands that it’s just business, right?”

”If she didn’t before, she does now that McKenzie threw her name into the hat.” Makayla nodded in response as she stroked Garrus with her foot. ”But one thing is for sure, that title match is going to be wild on Sunday.”

”I had a feeling it was going to be one when the match was first announced and the line-up was just me, Bella, Zoey and Seleana.” I responded with a sigh as I glanced at the shoulder where I usually kept my title, the title was back home because I had to carry the cookies with me but we had put it under lock and key just in case. ”Do you have anything to drink? Forgot to grab something before we left.”

”Should be some soft drinks in the fridge, help yourself.” Makayla responded with a nod and after asking Francisco if he wanted anything I headed off to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Ariana’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 11th of January 2023, 18:00pm

*promo time*

Boy this has taken a turn!

”Remember when this match was just me, Zoey, Bella and Seleana?” I stated as held my hand over the new names that I had added to the board before removing the hand and showing the six new names that had been added. ”Well, it didn’t take long for THAT to go out the window! Now I’ve got Krystal Wolfe, McKenzie Page, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn Warren, Chelsea Le Clair and as of this morning Eaven Maloney with their eyes on my title! I’ve already spoken at length about the three women who were announced for the match by Christian on the last show of 2022 so this promo will be dedicated to the new faces that have entered this match, including my friend!”

But before I start with Krystal……..

”Look, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I didn’t expect this match to balloon so rapidly! I brought this white board for a reason!” I said as I motioned to the whiteboard itself. ”Because I knew that it was going to be difficult to keep track of everyone who was entering this match, we even have Crystal Caldwell crawling out from whatever rock she’s been hiding under to try to take my title and that’s saying nothing of the newcomers trying to make this mark on the company by winning a title on their first day! That said, I will be talking about the first woman who put her name forward for this match first, my friend Krystal Wolfe!”

Starting now!

”I do appreciate the fact that you were kind enough to warn me about your plans in advance Krystal and let’s face it, me and you have been through the thick of it thanks to this title, haven’t we?” I asked as I rested the title on my shoulder. ”From me being attacked by Char Kwan as a message to you right before she challenged you for the belt to me chewing you out for checking yourself out of hospital in the vain hope that you could train for a Roulette Title Match last year, we’ve seen it all! And the reasons why you’ve entered this match couldn’t be more obvious, you want to get back in the title scene!”


”Just because your my friend doesn’t mean I’m giving up this title that easily! Krystal, you know how hard it is to hold onto a title in SCW from first-hand experience, especially since you’ve been in the ring with a good chunk of the women in this match, but I didn’t get here by having easy defences and this match won’t be any different!” I stated as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”If it comes down to between us Krystal then let the best woman win but there’s another Go Gym Graduate in this match, someone who isn’t friends with us but just as lethal in the ring! That’s right, it’s your turn Mackenzie!”

Come on down.

”The last time I was in a ring with a member of London Underground was when Team Go challenged Charlotte and Os for the Mixed Tag Team Championships, off course we were only a few weeks into our careers by that point so to say that a lot has changed since that match is an understatement!” I said as polished my title off with my hand. ”For one thing Mackenzie? The shoes on the other foot. I’m the defending champion and a member of London Underground is among my many, many challengers in this match!”

Funny how that works out!

”In case it wasn’t obvious Mackenzie? I’ve grown a lot since that match, not just the fact that I’m now twenty-two years old and no longer a teenager but the fact that I’ve been a champion in my own right!”  I said as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”You were right when you said  that we weren’t friends but seeing as how we’re both Go Gym Graduates and we also have a third Graduate in Krystal to deal with I was hoping that we could at least have some healthy competition if it came down to between the two of us! But the same can’t be said for the other Crystal in this match! Because this match wasn’t confusing enough already, we’ve got Crystal Caldwell in the mix as well!”

Oy vey!

”I am a person who tries to see the best in people no matter how terrible they are! Now, that still has its limits because I’m not about to befriend a convicted serial killer for example and Crystal Caldwell is a good example of this too!” I sighed as I folded my arms. ”You came out with all these complements Caldwell, even calling my title reign amazing, but I’m not buying it! You’ve had so many personality changes over the years that I’m surprised anyone takes you seriously!”

Why does SCW keep her employed again?

”The only reason you have any credibility heading into this match is because you’re a former World Bombshell Champion and a Hall of Famer but even that is dubious! Weren’t there calls to boot you out of the Hall of Fame because of all the stunts you pulled last year?” I asked as I shook my head. ”At least with those credentials, I know you’ll give me a heck of a fight if the match came down to between the two of us Caldwell but considering how hated you are? I doubt that will happen! Now, I’ve dubbed this section the “wild card” section because it features two newcomers and an outside talent entering this match, and we’re starting with the outside talent, namely Dawn Warren!”

This will be good.

”Dawn, I was expecting Cynthia but I guess she wised up and realised that entering a match to target one competitor isn’t a good idea when this match is open invitational!” I stated as I folded my arms. ”But where does that leave you Dawn? I now you compete over at PWS: Apex but that’s about it! But you have to know that you’re throwing yourself into the lion’s den, right?”

Not literally!

”Because I can tell you from personal experience that this match already features several of SCW’s best and brightest Bombshells and they are all after the same thig, my title! And I just want to get out of this crazy match alive! Let alone with my title reign intact!” I said as I patted the Bombshell Roulette Title. ”If this match comes down to between the two of us Dawn then I know you’ll be out to prove yourself and increase your stock in the wrestling world, but I won’t make it easy for you! At least I’m familiar with the next woman in this match! After all, me and Chelsea Le Clair were in SCU together!”

A reunion of sorts!

”It was surprising enough to see you return to SCW Chelsea, let alone return as one of my challengers in this match but I guess this matchup is full of surprises, isn’t it?” I asked I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”You were right on one front Chelsea, me and Krystal have struggled in our recent SCW Matches but if you think for one second that it’s an indication of how we’ll do in this match, you’re in for a rude awakening!”

A wake-up call if you will.

”Because if you’ve been following my SCW career as closely as you claim then you should know that I’ve been kicking butt and taking names since I won this title!” I stated as I held my title high. ”Just ask Seleana, Melissa, and Jessie about how their challenges for my title went and they’ll tell you the same thing, that I wouldn’t stay down for anything and that this match won’t be any different! If this match comes down to between us Chelsea then I look forward to giving you a first-hand demonstration of why I’ve been so dominant! I was going to end this promo here but then a new challenger appeared, the other newcomer in this match, the Warmonger Eaven Maloney!”

Give peace a chance?

”And unless someone like Bea Barnhart is filming her promo for this match as we speak then I should be good to go with any luck! Eaven, I’m not familiar with your work but  I know you by reputation.” I added as I started pacing around. ”You were one of the five wrestlers who signed with the company this time last week and you are obviously looking to make a name for yourself at the expense of me and everyone else in the match, but do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

Good question!

”You’ve obviously had enough time to read up on the rules for this match before you put your name forward Eaven so on paper you should know exactly what’s in store for you, right?” I asked with a grin on my face. ”We haven’t met so let me formerly introduce myself, I’m “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos! I’m the champion heading into this match, I’m twenty-two years old and I’ve been wrestling since I was nineteen, I have never given up anything easy and this match won’t be any different! Something you’ll learn the hard way if it comes down to between the two of us!”

And the rest?

”Throw those names in with Bella, Seleana and Zoey and I’m seriously considering removing Christian from my Christmas Card list for this match! Or I would if he were on the Christmas Card list in the first place!” I stated with a slight laugh before flipping some hair over my shoulder. ”But I said that I was going to be a fighting champion from the moment this reign started and I intend to see that promise through to the end! I don’t care how many Bombshells get added to the match by Sunday because I’ll take them all on!”

It's that simple.

”We’ll see if I end up regretting those words by the time the match airs on Sunday and the dust is settled but until that happens? This will be my ultimate test as champion!” I said as held up my title. ”But can I pass it? Everyone else in the match will find out for themselves come Sunday night when defend the title against a variable army of challengers, it’s debatable whether the Go Gym helped me prepare for this match but here’s one thing that isn’t debatable!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up!

”It’s a Long Way to the Top if you want to be a champion and this match won’t be any different!” I said as I looked at my reflection in the title’s gold plate. ”Yes, I just quoted an AC/DC song but I couldn’t think of a better song to quote so here we are! To Bella, Zoey, Seleana, Krystal Wolfe, Mackenzie, Crystal Caldwell, Dawn, Chelsea, Eaven and whoever else enters this match? Good luck, you’ll need it because if all goes to plan? All of you will bask in the glow of the Greek Angel’s light! See you in the ring!”

I left the living room as the scene fades.

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
Los Angeles, California
Dave and Busters
January 9th

It was an eventful Monday for Crystal Caldwell. The blue haired had taken her twelve year old daughter to Dave and Busters for a play date with her best friend Juliet Steele-Warren. Crystal sat at a table as she smiled at the two pre-teen girls.

“Alright girls listen up. I want you two to have fun tonight. Feel free to do whatever you wish but most importantly just have fun. I am giving you each a game card worth $100. If you need me I will be sitting in at this both watching the Monday Night LFL game”

 Aurora smirks as she walks over and gives her mother a tight passionate hug.

“Thank you so much mom! This is super amazing! Julie and I are going to play so many games tonight!”

The brunette girl smirks in return as she looks at Crystal.

“Auntie C you are totes the best. We are going to rock out tonight!”

Crystal smirks as she keeps her eyes on both girls.

“Just make sure you two stay together, and when you are ready to get some food just come back to the table and I will take care of you…”

With that the two girls run away into the arcade as Crystal just sits at the table by herself. A few moments go by and a purple haired beauty walks offering to the booth and hugs Crystal. That woman is none other than Diamond Steele. The English beauty sits across from Crystal as the two women smile at each other.

“Hey Crystal… My daughter hasn’t been acting up has she?!”

“No not at all, she is actually in the arcade playing games with Aurora so that leaves us some time to relax and really catch up on life. I feel like we really haven’t communicated with one another in a very long time. How has life been and what’s going on in your life?!”

Diamond thinks about it for a few moments as she just shakes her head and looks at her surroundings.

“Mind if I get a drink first?! Lord knows I have so many things to get off of my chest…”

Diamond calls the waiter over and puts her food and drink order in. Crystal orders a non-alcoholic drink along with some food as the two look at each other. Crystal is all smiles as she never takes her eyes off of Diamond at all. The purple haired beauty shrugs her shoulders as she seems befuddled.

“What’s going on Crystal, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face or did I do something…”

“No… I just can’t take in being in the company of a good friend? Just let me admire a strong woman and have fun. Isn’t this the life?! Two hard working mothers just enjoying dinner together as their kids run off and play with one another?!”

Kate is uneasy as she keeps her eyes locked on her.

“You still haven’t answered what’s going on. I know our LFL games didn’t really go all that well yesterday. I lost my game and you threw a pick or should I say PICKKKKKKKK… Our QB rating was terrible and I know for a fact that we can do so much better than how we played…”

Crystal shrugs her shoulders.

“Maybe but at least tonight Santa Fe is playing which means we can see if my daughter can do any better. I know she is going to have a great game. She is probably the best wide receiver in the whole league…”

“Crystal I don’t know what’s up with all of this small talk but what is happening with you. You told me that you wanted Aurora and Juliet to spend time together so that the two of us could get a chance to talk. I let Juliet play with Aurora but you haven’t said anything. What did you want?! I know it’s not to talk about life and watch your daughter play football on television…”

Crystal finally grins as she looks right into Diamond’s eyes.

“You are exactly right. I just want you to know that life is too short Kate. Honestly I have been wrestling in this business for a very long time and I don’t have any true close relationships to show for it. Sure I might have Stephanie but she has always been my ride or die since we grew up in Detroit. There are so many people out there that I think tolerate me or are more of acquaintances because of the way I have conducted myself over the years. I don’t have anybody that I can honestly call a true friend and I see you as such. I know we both went through our share of problems. I hardly talk to Zelda Knite anymore…”

“Yeah…” Is all Kate can say as she sighs and replies back to her. “And I don’t really talk to Misty Whitmore anymore…Nor Skye Sparks or hell anybody that was in the original adaptation of the Pink Ladies. It’s hard to really find friends. I know I joined the Queens of Wrestling and that in itself is a huge brand and collective of individuals but nothing to really call my own if you feel me…What are you trying to get at?!”

Crystal takes a sip of her Shirley Temple as she continues to pour her heart.

“What I am trying to get it is that with so many people disappearing in my life you have been the one constant in it. You have been the one who really hasn’t said anything bad about me. You didn’t make fun of me for being in love with multiple people. You have been right there when I needed you. You have been there for Seleana and words cannot express how I feel about you as a friend. I know I wasn’t the nicest of people when I first met you while being married to Todd…”

Kate chuckles.

“That’s not even the right statement. You were the biggest witch in the world. I thought you were completely evil and I thought you were stuck up. Granted I was only Teddy’s girlfriend at the time but I thought you were one of those girls that I loathed back in high school. I didn’t want anything to do with you…”

Crystal nods her head smiling some more.

“Yeah… I dealt with a lot of confidence issues and i acted like that to throw my weight around. The truth is that was never really me. That was who I perceived to be in order for me to get some respect. I felt it was the only way I could get respect. Anyway watching you over the years has really inspired me. You are everything that I always wished I could be. You are a woman who didn’t have to hide behind a fake personality or an act. You were always yourself. You told everybody on day one that you were a chameleon and didn’t care when people called you out on it. I wish that I had that level of confidence. It has always been my downfall. I wish that I could stand tall and really like the person that I am and not have a care in the world about what everybody else thinks…”

“Crystal you are special! I didn’t just become like this overnight. I was bullied to no end by my sister Samara and overtime I guess I started to take a stand for myself. You have that in you as well. You just need to ignore on what everybody says to you and just believe in what you think, or what your inner circle thinks. They are the only ones that matter. You don’t have to have this big circle. I know it is probably hard for you to see all of these other people with huge networks of people… That’s nice and all but I rather focus on having that one solid friend who will be there through the thick and thin…”

Crystal keeps her eyes on Diamond as she nods her head at her.

“Exactly and that’s how I feel as well. That is the entire reason of us meeting here tonight. I wanted to tell you that in my eyes you are that person. You are my best friend and over these past two years we have gone super close. I was there for you when you were going through your divorce with Teddy. On top of that our daughters love bonding with each other so much. They are best friends and I can’t see why the two of us can’t be best friends as well… As a matter of fact, adopting Aurora this past year has been exceptional special for me, me becoming a Grand Mother is also special as well. I never expected to have a second chance at motherhood after how terrible of a job I did the first time with Brayden and Brittany. Yet here I am blessed with the opportunity to do such…”

“And regardless on what you think, I think you are killing it C. Don’t let anybody ever tell you any differently. “

“Thank you Kate. I am trying my best. Seleana and I love Aurora and being able to actually be mature enough to raise another human being is full of challenges. Seleana and I did some talking and we realized that Aurora doesn’t really have a Godparent. I…We… Sorry I have to get used to being less selfish and realizing that Seleana and I are in this together. We both love what you do for our little girl and it is our honor to ask if you would be her Godmother. In the event that anything happened to either of us would you stand in the gap and raise our little girl…”

Diamond lets a few tears roll down her cheek as she keeps her focus on Crystal.

“Crystal… I would be honoured to serve in that well. Your little girl is an angel and I will always be there for you. If there is anything you need you know you can count on me. That’s not even a question. I will be there and I got your back.”

Crystal has a few tears running down her cheek as she grabs a napkin to wipe them.

“Thank you Kate. You have no idea how much all of that means to me…”

Kate just keeps her eyes on her friend as a smile escapes her lips.

“Don’t mention it. We are friends to the very end. However since we are in the habit of asking questions there are some things I want to ask you as well. First and foremost my band is need of a keyboard player. I know that is one of your strengths. I want to offer you being the permanent keyboard player for the Gem Stones. It wouldn’t be that hard to come up with a Gem name for you considering you are already a Crystal. What do you say?!”

“You already know the answer to that question… Consider me a member of the Gem Stones although going to say weird that I am the only non Brit in the group but it is what it is right?! Don’t expect me to move into Gem Stone manor…”

“I wasn’t expecting you to do so. I know the girls are going to love that you are part of the group! On a more serious note there is something that has been bothering me though. Why did you decide to enter into this invitational Roulette Championship match?! Why would you step foot inside of a company that humiliated you on television?! A company that made you out to be a joke! You poured so much of yourself into SCW. You gave them everything for about eight long years and they tarnish your legacy but allowing Bella do what she did to you. They even made a joke of her driving you to the hospital, and they fired you on top of all of that…. How could you return after all of that…”

Crystal thinks about it for a moment before she replies back to Kate.

“The reason that I can return is because it’s the only thing that I can do. This isn’t about redemption… I know people probably heard that term over and over but I just want a chance to really showcase who I am as a person. I been in SCW for a long time but I don’t want the narrative to be that Crystal was super evil, Crystal was compulsive, Crystal was this or that Crystal was that. It’s crazy that it took me eight years to figure this out but in the end I just want a chance to be myself. I know some might say I am the above the Roulette Championship but I want to shove those in management that I truly want to be there. I want to be humble and there’s no better spot to showcase that then by starting at the very bottom. Working my way up the card and not expecting things to be handed to me would be a change…”

Diamond just takes it all in as she speaks some more.

“I can respect that but what about what Cindy did to you a few months ago. Hell even before that you saw how Christian tried to make you work as a vendor and he tried to humiliate you. I don’t know how you could really go back to somewhere that tried to make you do things that are beneath you…”

“Look Kate we all have to start somewhere, and I don’t want to hold onto to the glory that back in 2011 I was this and I was that. Eleven years ago I was this absolute Bitch who was only 24 years. I didn’t think my shit stunk and I held onto being the best women’s wrestler accolade for over a decade. It’s time to grow up. It’s time to showcase less talk and being more about it. If SCW doesn’t want to give me the chance to really showcase what I can do so be it but you best believe they will know who I am at Inception. They will respect me when I escape with that title and wave it proudly above my head. It’s all or nothing girl and I am going all in to come out victorious. Life isn’t about clinging onto the best or even worrying about tomorrow. It’s about the present. People only care about what’s in front of them and I have to show them that I am that rose will always blossom…”

Crystal pauses as she continues to speak.

“On top of that I have Aurora looking at me, I have Brayden and I have Brittany. Each of them are looking at their mother to see what her next move is. I have my 18 month old granddaughter who sees the entire world in me and Lord knows I will do anything for Isabella. I have established a great legacy but it’s time to really make that legacy mean something. I hate to say it but in the words of my ex-husband perhaps it’s time to go out there and MEAN BUSINESS. I AM READY FOR PRIME TIME. I AM READY TO GET BIG!”

“If that’s how you feel I can only support you but I just want you to watch your back. You never know what SCW might try to pull especially considering it’s you in that ring. I just want you to get a fair shake and I just have a feeling that even if things seem to be going well in the very end something won’t pan out for you. You will get screwed and you won’t get what you are looking for out of the matter…”

Crystal smirks as she keeps her eyes locked on Diamond.

“Kate you don’t have to worry about me because I will hold my own. You can rest assure on that much. I am going to give everything I have plus more. I just have to take things step by step. If I have faith in what I am going to do I am going to do it. It’s as simple as that. No matter how heavily the deck might be stacked against me. It’s all or nothing. There is no wishful thinking so I have no choice but to win. I know it’s tough but I have been in tougher situations and I have always found a way to persevere…”

Diamond offers a fist bump as a smile escapes her lips.

“Good…Well if this is the attitude you are going to have you might as well go out there and win the thing. It may not mean much but your best friend believes in you, and I can say that YOUR Goddaughter Juliet believes in you as well. So go do what you do best…”

“Wait a minute I am not Juliet’s Godmother…”

“You are now… When I adopted her, Teddy and I never really gave her Godparents so it looks like you are going to serve int hat role as well. Just go win baby…”

“Thank you Kate… I appreciate you for being an amazing friend…”

“Don’t mention it. You know what you need to do… Now if you don’t mind why don’t we pay attention to the television, it looks like your daughter already has three catches in this game…”

Crystal’s eyes light up as she turns her attention to the television. It is on the smiles of both of these women that we fade out on.

January 12th
Golden Ring Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada

It had been months since Crystal Caldwell had shown up to her job at the Golden Ring Casino but finally after the humiliation of what went down on SCW television among other things the Special Events Coordinator was back at the casino. She positioned herself in her office and she started scribbling some stuff on her dry erase board. She wrote down name after name and started to circle them before linking certain ones together. She continued to write even more stuff and hours had passed by as it had grown to be a full blown link chart that you would find a detective writing in a police station. She went to the adjacent wall which was also dry erase friendly and she started to write the words HEIST of the CENTURY in big bold letters. She wrote the word Roulette underneath it and started to draw arrows that trailed off into various different directions. She was really involved in what she was doing and it wasn’t long until there was a knock on her door followed by the door being pushed open. Walking into the office was Mackenzie and Charlotte of London Underground. Charlotte was friendly as she looked at Crystal was a smile.

“Long time no see Crystal. You know the staff room has been really quiet without you being here. I guess at the end of the day we all missed you being here. How are you feeling…”

Crystal however is in a trance as she continues to write more names on the board and Mackenzie walks over and glares at the board. She looks at all of the names and reads them out loud.

“Ariana, Krystal, Zoey, Seleana, Mackenzie….”

Mackenzie is befuddled is she crosses her arms together.

“What is the meaning of this board and why does my name have a question mark on it?!”

Crystal finally snaps out of her trance as she turns her attention over to the two Brits.

“Oh my bad ladies, I guess I was in my own little world. I was actually just making my little link chart to dissect what this Roulette match might look like. Sometimes I secretly like to come to my office and let Catalina Garcia take over. When I get into her mind set I can’t help but scribble a bunch of things and formulate so many different ideas.”

Mackenzie and Charlotte both look at one another as they shrug their shoulders in return. Mackenzie is the one who replies though.

“Right… Who is Catalina Garcia?!

Crystal smiles.

“Carmen Martinez code name Catalina Garcia is one of the youngest and brightest students to have graduated from Quantico... As an FBI agent her job is to go undercover as a woman posing as a strong force within the Mexican Cartel. Undercover alias is Catalina Garcia AKA Cat The Gat. She is known as Cat the Girl and was top marksmen of her Quantico class… In order words it was a character I played on that wrestling television show called the Firm…”

Mackenzie rolls her eyes.

“Bloody hell the girl has gone bonkers but I think we knew that already...Are you being bat shit crazy?!”

“Actually no…Sometimes I just like to LARP and right now it’s helping me think of ways on how I can deal with this upcoming Roulette Championship match. I have put all the subjects of interest on one board. This is where my inner Carmen is coming to play but on the other side I am embracing my inner Catalina. I am trying to come up with ideas on how to commit the heist of the century. I have to leave with the Roulette Championship and it is my goal to do so no matter the cost. I know there are risks that will be involved and looking at all of the targets you have become a huge question mark.”

Mackenzie raises her eyes in return.

“Why is that?!”

Crystal nods her head.

“It’s simple. I honestly don’t know if I can trust you or not. I came up with this huge hypothetical in my head. What if on the night of the event both Christian and Mark are so wrapped up in being disgusted over me that they place a bounty on my head for whoever takes me out?! They can even put a bigger bounty on me for making sure that I don’t leave with the title. Me leaving with the title is the worst nightmare come to life. So I need to ask you something Kenzie when push comes to shove what are you going to do when we stand face to face in the middle of that ring especially if the thought of a potential bounty may be at play. Are you going to out of your way to hurt me?!”

Mackenzie thinks about it as a smile escapes her lips.

“Do you want me to honestly answer that question because if you do let it be known that you and I are on opposing sides of the ring in that match, you do realize I am trying to win that match as well right?!”

“I know that but I also know that we are friends and we are also co-workers at the casino here. What would you do if you come face to face with that situation? I won’t get offended if you tell me the answer that I don’t want to hear. I just want to know so I can plan according. I rather not be taken off guard or stabbed in the back…”

“Look the match is every bombshell for themselves out there. At the end of the day I am looking to become champion. If management did put a bounty on you let’s just say that I might be inclined to take them up on that offer. We might be friends but business is business Crystal. Surely you do understand that however I might be able to get bought out if the price is right. Even so paying me double what they might offer won’t necessarily cause me to stop trying to win the match but I would be more inclined to worry about wrestling the match for the sake of winning and not trying to fulfill some other motive. Depending on what you offer I might even give you an answer right now…”

Crystal smiles before she walks over to the board and raises the question mark that is next to Mackenzie’s name. A smile escapes her lips as she looks deeply into the Brit’s eyes.

“It’s great to know where your motive lays Mackenzie. Thank you for being honest with me. I am not going to pay you because that is absurd. I know now that I cannot trust you in that match and I am fully okay with that. The only person I can really depend on as soon as the bell rings is myself and to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way…”

Mackenzie looks at Crystal with a grin.

“Good… No hard feelings then. It’s only business. If you are afraid that I might put you back into the same state that Bella left you in you don’t have to worry about that. I just want to win…I respect that you can at least appreciate that…”

“Oh I do respect that Mackenzie. Besides I wouldn’t want you to hold back in that ring. I cherish the friendship that I have with the both of you. You both have done things for me that I will never forget but as soon as the bell sounds I know that in those moments we aren’t friends. We are both competitors who are going to be chasing after the same thing. I know it’s going to come down who wants it the most between the both of us and I have a feeling it’s going to me…”

Mackenzie grins.

“If you say so Christina… Just keep your head on your shoulders. Promise that you will show up and give me a good fight. It’s not fun if I can’t beat you when you aren’t at your best or you are putting up a half ass effort…As long as you show up like you want to be there. I respect whatever you plan to do…”

“Don’t you worry… I will show up and I am going to leave with a lot more than I came with. I will have my pride… I will have the Roulette Championship, but most importantly I am going to leave with a job…”

Mackenzie raises her eyes in return.

“Oh and is that a fact?!”

Crystal chuckles.

“Yep, it is one huge promise and I plan to cash in on those promises. I know so many people think so many different things of me but come Sunday people will see me in a new light. They will see how much I truly have, and will be introduced to why I refuse to stop chasing my dreams. Bella couldn’t keep them down and Lord knows humiliation from the owners won’t. That’s my ring and I will show you along with the rest of the world why I can’t be forced out of something I love so much…”

Mackenzie stands face to face with Christina. They both lock eyes with one another as Mackenzie offers a handshake.

“Good… Welcome back to the casino Christina. It’s good to see you and I wish you the best…”

“Same best of luck to you, and may the best woman win…”

With that Mackenzie and Charlotte both leave as Christina focuses on her board again and we leave on that image.

So this is the moment that everybody has been waiting for. Inception in Stockton California is going to be live this Sunday and there are so many great matches on the card. I know for a fact the one match that everybody will have their eyes on is going to be the ladder match because anything will happen. The moment that the match was announced I know the entire world was thinking about all of the possibilities of what might go down. Who might show up to SCW? Will there be any big names involved? Who from outside of the company will make the jump to perhaps try the hand at one of the most stable, most efficient wrestling on the entire planet. Honestly it is crazy to think that SCW has never missed a beat. It always airs live and that is a testament to how great of a company it is.
You could have thrown any name in the entire world to enter this bombshell invitational but never in a million years would anyone have ever guessed that yours truly would show her face again after everything that I have endured. I have heard the masses talking and it all seems to be within the same realm of perspective with me entering this match.
Oh look Crystal is weaseling her way into this match!
Oh look Crystal is trying to make this all about her again!
Oh God she was fired and now she is trying to force us to endure her bullshit again!
Oh I thought we got rid of crazy!
Oh here we go with another redemption story!
No matter how you look at the situation things seem to start sounding the same and they all blend together. Truth be told nobody really knows my motives for doing so and I can tell you it has nothing to do with any of these narratives. As a matter of fact, I spent all of last year purposely trying to force myself down everybody’s throats and it wasn’t because I was this egotistical bitch. No I did so because simply because I didn’t want to be forgotten. I wanted and craved the spotlight so I wouldn’t be forgotten. I didn’t want things to pass me by. I could sit here and make all of the excuses in the world for what I did and for the way I acted but at the end of the day I am accepting full responsibility for my actions. It’s all on me and I accept it. My actions caused the aftermath of went happened and I can live with it. If I was to stand here and claim redemption I would be here trying to deny what went down, how it wasn’t me and I need to erase what you saw.
That’s not what I am trying to pull. Besides my daughter Aurora already shattered that most hated trophy and she did it for the simple fact that she told me that wasn’t me. She wants me to bring who I am behind closed doors to SCW and that is what I want to do. I just want to be authentic, vulnerable, and let the world see the woman behind the acting and the Hollywood nonsense. I just want to be me.
That’s my story and if you want to accept it or not that’s all on you but for me I am going to focus on what I need to get down and that’s walk out there to that ring and win. The Roulette Championship means a lot to me because it will be a chance for me to be humble. If I win it I could get a second chance at working my way up from the ground up so that I can fine tune my skills against the best of the best up and comers, but with how much the title is defended it would really keep me on my toes so that I would be forced to show up day after day. It’s the epitome of the first step and that’s how I want to start my second journey within SCW.
Besides I know people necessarily don’t really care about me but the truth is the SCW world NEEDS me. This Roulette match could be life changing and I know I am one of the people who truly understand that. Hell winning this match may be my ONLY way of showing management that I belong in this company and it may be my only ticket to get my job back.
I am going to be all in with this match. I am going to promote the hell out of this match because I CARE. You can say whatever you want but one thing that I have always done for the majority of my career has been a woman who has been a talked about star. I brought hype into this company, I brought over promotion to the company, I even entered tournaments outside of the company representing SCW which in turn brings an eye to SCW because I LOVE IT HERE. Yet here we are in the middle of a huge title match and you have two people on your roster that are listed to BE IN THIS MATCH and they couldn’t even be bothered to promote this match last week.
Shouldn’t that speak volumes for what I intend to bring to the table?! It wasn’t that long ago when Zoey Lukas was complaining about being forgotten after being in a heated battle with Tempest. She suffers her first singles lost and now she can really get back on track. For a woman that is an absolute monster you would think she would mention that she plans to destroy everyone. Hell even as a Lukas she wants to live up to a name with a bunch of scoffs on how she is so great hear me roar and whatever comes out of her mouth. Do we get that though? No because it just looks like she isn’t interested.
The same goes for Bella Madison this is a woman who has failed to become an Internet Champion. A woman who hasn’t won any singles championships in SCW. She gets the huge momentum boost because she beat, no she demolished me in a match to the point my career is threatened. She did all of that to me and what does she do with it?! Absolutely nothing… As a matter of fact, she could even have gone as far to say that she could finally get rid of me once and for all. She was telling me to constantly go away and to stay away.
Here I am officially entered into this match and has she said anything about this match or me being in it?! No… The only thing on her mind was seeing the new wave of signings to the bombshell roster gave her the sense of relief that perhaps she could walk away.
Are we being serious right now?! These are the people that are ACTUALLY on the roster that WORK for the company. If they have attitudes like that it just shows that the bombshell division needs some help. On paper it looks like this might be a ploy to keep Ariana on her toes but in reality it’s a desperate cry that SCW needs women that actually care and that’s what you are going to get with me.
I know this match is going to be one of the toughest things that I will have taken part of and I know the Go Gym graduate is as tough as they come. Ariana you go out there and you be that fighting champion. To be honest our paths really didn’t cross but I want you to enter that ring with the intention of doing everything you can to keep the title around your waist. Bring all of your energy and don’t get discourage by what Christian says to you. If anything you should use him trying to gain one over you as motivation for you to achieve in spite of him.
Angels always find a way to soar to new heights and you are energetic, adorkable, and vibrant enough to be a light of hope in this division. I am honored to be in the same ring with you because you are a tough champion. My dream is that one day the two of us could have a one on one match. You are the type of woman that I need to face in order to get back on track.
As if that wasn’t enough it seems Krystal Wolfe has always entered this match. Did I expect for Krystal to enter this match?! To be honest I really didn’t. I know it is going to be super confusing for the commentators to call a match with two Crystals in it. Lord could you imagine if we decided to have our own singles match? That would be crazy. The reason I am confused about Krystal being here is simply because I know that she is a woman that has already shattered all of the records of the Roulette division. She is a woman who was voted future star of the year along with other things.
I don’t know why she would want to subject herself to going back to the Roulette division after she has already claimed the top spot of being the best woman to hold that title. I would have expected her to go onto something else. Maybe chart new territories like gunning for that Internet Championship or even diving into the World Bombshell hunt. I don’t know what would make her want to pursue the Roulette title again but then again I have no room to talk. I know she is a threat, her entering this match in my eyes is just a way to make sure she gets booked in an already crowded card.
If that wasn’t enough it looks like I have some people that I am on good terms this match in the form of Mackenzie, Dawn, and Seleana. One is my friend, one works at my studio and the other is my wife. I want to be able to trust both but at the end of the day I know that we are each fighting for the single goal of being the champion. There can only be one winner and I await to see what they bring to the table. Mackenzie is especially a huge threat as she has been a Bombshell Tag Team Champion and a Mixed tag team champion. She is among one of the best to be in both of those divisions. However as great as she is working in a team how exactly will she fair on her own?! That remains to be seen but I think I have more of a veteran presence to be able to withstand whatever she throws at me.

Dawn seems to be a spitfire of energy, a super fan, I wonder what will happen when Teddy’s little sister steps into an SCW ring. She will have to learn that she just can’t be everyone’s friend.

Of course when it comes to Seleana she is always one of the best of the best. She always puts her heart into everything but lately she has been on the losing side of things.
I don’t blame her considering seeing me in a hospital bed with my entire future in jeopardy could cause a lot of trauma to her psyche. In any case I want to see her rise to the next step and now that I am healthy I hope she can be focused enough to really take that next leap in her career. If there is anybody that I want to win this match that isn’t me I definitely want it to be her.
Of course the last one on the list to talk about is Chelsea Leclair. She is the best friend of Andrea Hernandez I believe and to be honest I really don’t know much about her. I know people will scream at me and claim she was a SCU World Champion or whatever but you have to understand that I really didn’t follow that product. I am going to be honest but the moment my daughter and former husband got fired from that company I stopped paying attention. Anybody who is a former champion will definitely bring a lot to the table and I look forward to being in the ring with her. I can relate with her because I actually like Andrea. The two of us started off on the wrong foot but life after SCW has been very great in mending our relationship. Hell when I stood up to Masque I fought in her honor even though it wasn’t enough. Whatever at the end of the day I know that your championship instincts will take over. You want this match and win just as bad as I do. The only difference is you aren’t fighting or your job like I am.
That’s why it’s a must win situation for me and I doubt you understand that. You think this is about a redemption arc and you are mistaken. I am fighting for my livelihood and to continue with my career, and you are wrestling for the title. I think my need outweighs your want and that will propel me to win.
There can be other surprises. Eavan signed with the company, Halsey did and other faces. I say bring all of them. I know that the deck Is heavily against me but I will persevere. I will find a way to win.
In this outing of SCW I plan to do things differently.
I want to work my way up from the bottom. Hell I want to show I am a better wife and mother and perhaps be nominated for Couple of the year.
I simply want to be myself, and at Inception I will do exactly that.
I am Crystal Caldwell, and on Sunday you will see exactly what I am about, and that’s being the best women’s wrestler in the world. I wish everyone the best of luck but you won’t stop me. Mark and Christian won’t stop me.
I will commit the heist of the century and I will walk out as Roulette Champion and a SCW Bombshell again. Mark my words on that.
This rose will always blossom…

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Offline BellaMadison

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(For further story and for a lot of context please visit “From Then To Now” CD by Malachi )

Emotional Teeter-Totter

It had been a long holiday break for Bella. She had rather hoped that come Christmas morning that her one dream that she wanted the most had yet to come to fruition. She glared at the negative test for what felt like an hour, praying for it to change but when she realized it was pointless, she just threw it in the trash just like she had all the others.

It wasn’t an easy thing anymore. Everyone told her to keep faith and patiences that it would come but for her it wasn’t that easy. Between her sisters-in-law being extremely pregnant as well as Kallie, who Bella became close with lately as well...

Well at this point it felt like the same old song and dance that was never going to be realized for her and Mal.

And it only added to how she felt. She could eat, she could workout but there were points in the day or it’d take a whole day where her emotions would get the best of her and she would end up sick, laying in bed and crying, with Luka tucked at her side.

She’d do her best to cover it up with Mal but he could tell, especially when she broke down at Mattie’s. And that was one of her better days. Usually the happy-go lucky Bella turned into a blithering mass of tears when Mattie had pointed out she was a little bloated. It was bad enough that the medications that she was on were messing with her head but to mess with her body too?

And so close to Inception?

If life was fair that test would have been positive, she would have called Mark and Christian as well as Charlie and Ophelia at PWE to give them the news and suddenly find herself on leave. But nope, not her...never her.

Come on girlie, let me finish this for you okay?” Mattie pleaded with Bella after Mal had calmed her down, “I promise to not make anymore jokes.

Bella felt horrible. Mattie had only been one of her best friends since Alanah introduced her almost 4 years ago. In fact the three had become so close that Alanah, Mattie and Bella had been known as the ‘Unholy Trinity’.

Mal swept the hair from her face, “What do you say, mo grá?

Bella sniffed lightly, bringing herself down from this current episode as her husband and friend looked on, “I’m sorry Mattie...I don’t know what came over me.

Mattie waves it off, like it’s not a big deal, “Don’t you worry, chica. You warned us all about what the treatments may do. It may sound a little insensitive to say, but I could swear that you weren’t already pregnant.

Bella chuffs at the statement, “I wish I was so I can stop with these fertility meds and be regular crazy Bella instead of medically induced psycho bitch Bella.” she laughs a bit, “Sick of ruining everyone’s day with it.

Nothing a good cry and then some coffee can’t handle after we finish up, okay?” Mattie says with a smile helping her friend to her feet, “Let’s make you feel beautiful.

Bella smiled as Mattie hugged her tightly.

The rest of the fitting went by without much more issues though Mattie’s new assistant kept staring at her when it came Malachi’s turn. She tried to be friendly with Claire but that apparently wasn’t going to happen, must be the vibes Bella was still holding on too. Bella just shrugged it off, she’d try on another day.

Once they got home, Mal took Luka for a run, in which Bella declined. If she was going to get any workout in cardio form, it’d come from beating on the punching bag in the gym. Instead she stayed behind, to clean up a bit. She’d found herself wandering around the house after a while, moving throw pillows from one area to another, before she stopped and looked down at one in her hand and looked at a long mirror in their bedroom.

She’d walk over, open up the bottom of her shirt and stuff the pillow she held between her stomach and the shirt before smoothing it over and looking down. Cradling the bump for a moment before turning and looking in the mirror, she smiled sadly at the sight in front of her.

See? What did I say?” Bella turned quickly to see Mal standing in the doorway, looking at Bella with such soft eyes that it even floored her, “Absolutely beautiful.

It’s just a pillow,” Bella said, “I was just...I wanted to see...

She went to remove it but Mal crosses the room and stops her, “Don’t.

Bella sighs and tries to remove it again, “Mal, it’s stupid.

No it’s not.” he says, grabbing her wrist, stopping her once again, “Turn around and look.

Bella rolls her eyes, “Is this a new kink?

Jesus fuckin’ Christ....Just do it, sass master.” he grumbles at her before she smirks and turns and he stands behind her and places his hands on top of hers, “What do you call this again? Manifestation?

She leans back into him with a smile, “That and mirror therapy. Helps those usually coping with loss or depression from a situation. Which, not lying...I am loving how this looks right now.

Mal smiles and gives her a kiss on her cheek, “Same here.

But...” Bella’s eyes get sad again.

No, no buts.” Mal pulls her a little tighter to him, “It’s going to happen and before the year’s end there are going to be a million presents under the tree with our little bundle of hope and us celebrating our first holiday together as a full-fledged family.

You certainly have a way to convince me, Mr. O’Connell.” she turns around, removing the pillow from under her shirt and wraps her arms around his neck, “It’ll be nice to feel normal again too. I’m hating what I’ve felt like over the past month or so. Doesn’t even feel like I’m even remotely close to being ready for Inception.

Mal smirks, “Well now that we’re done focusing on getting your spirits up with this, let’s get you ready for that, and if at any time you need to stop, then tell me and instead we’ll just get dinner. Let me take care of you, okay?

Bella smiles at him, reaching up and playing with his hair that’s grown long, “How’d I get so damn lucky?

Mal smirks, “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m the lucky one?

Yeah, yeah...” she says, “Stupid sexy Irish.


How Many More Chances Do We Get?

Bella finds herself sitting against the wall of the Wolfslair Gym, where it was pretty obvious that she just got through a pretty intense workout. Finally looking a little more normal and not the ashen version that we saw just the day before. Her hands wrapped up with tape, a boxing wrap, she busies herself from removing it one piece at a time. Taking a deep breath in she simply states, “I know that I am on borrowed time.

It’s only a matter of time until I am back on the shelf to my own personal choices and I get to watch from the sidelines as the company continues on without me, it’s inevitable and I’m sad but not about it.” she tosses the tape off to the side of her, swiping her bangs out from her sky blue eyes and keeps working on the tape she had around her fingers, “But before we get to that point, I have a very large match ahead of me. At Inception, I have already been named to the Bombshell’s Roulette Invitational where Ari has to face a lot of unknown factors to even stand a chance of winning this match. I do not envy her in any way shape or form, as the reigning champion she faces some impossible odds when it comes to a match like this, never mind the people that had already been named...but that unknown factor that is coming in hot. Ari had named me personally when I had made my return back in August as a potential challenger and honestly at the time, I didn’t feel it was the time...but now I don’t think we’re gonna get that one on one chance so take what we can here.

She finally manages to get everything off her hands and leans back, “Look, I’m not going to lie...I feel almost like this is a curtain call for me for this particular act. And I hate to say that cause it feels like I just got back! I’m not gonna just go away though, but it’s something that I have been dreaming about. But ladies know this, just because it’s how I feel doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen. I’m gonna keep chugging along until that test turns positive. And if by some amazing miracle, I overcome everyone including Ariana then well...I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Bella stands and stretches light before nodding her head, “Ladies, it’s my honor. Whether you like me or not.

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich

Friday, January 13, 2022
Parking Lot
Autograph Signing
Barnes & Noble
Stockton, California
8:04 PM  PST

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing next to a rented black SUV.

Seleana Zdunich: A match for the Bombshells Roulette Championship that will have four announced in advance in it in Ariana Angelos, Bella Madison and Zoey Lukas we all as myself and I would have been keen for this but then they add the Open Invitation to anyone else that is keen for it and we will get others.

She pauses, smirking to herself as she nods her head.

Seleana Zdunich: In fact, my wife, my sister-in-law and several others have already either said publicly they wanted in or have been rumored.

She smiles at the mentions of her wife and Eavan Maloney.

Seleana Zdunich: I am keen to welcome Eavan to SCW if this comes to pass. The mWo has taken far too long to happen in any form. I am keen for it to happen just as I am the Hollywood Angels with Christina.

The smile slowly starts to fade.

Seleana Zdunich: There had been a thought that Cindy Warren might enter as well…

She scratches her head and then shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: And I was keen for it…

A hateful, angry glare starts to shine through her eyes.

Seleana Zdunich: But then she said that was not to be considered…

Nodding to herself, Seleana inhales sharply.

Seleana Zdunich: So you are telling us, Cindy, that you were so keen to get your hands on Christina that you traveled across the pond all the way to London to appear on a show for a company you do not work for just to get her within your clutches again…

A look of mile confusion mixes in with the latent anger in her eyes.

Seleana Zdunich: And now, when it would be legal for you to do whatever you wish to any one of us willing to get in your way as you attempt to send her to oblivion again… and there would be a championship in it for you as well…

She looks up and glares directly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You cannot be bothered to take Mark and Christian up on this gifted opportunity?

She looks down to her feet for a second before looking right back down the barrel of the camera’s lens.

Seleana Zdunich: You cowardly pathetic excuse for a human being! You wanted her, you wanted me, and now we are gift-wrapped for you. It is a ladder match with ever so few rule to worry about following and just after you attempted to administer electroshock therapy to Christina with a handheld taser in front of God, the world, both of her wives and our twelve-year-old daughter live on pay-per-view and even threatening to do the same to our child, you are now too much of a fega fitta to grace us with your presence?

Her teeth grind as her jaw clenches in rage.

Seleana Zdunich: Ariana is a great champion. Zoey and Bella are both great competitors. I am certain there will be others as well and you disgrace us all by not showing up.

Shaking her head, she steps back from the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: I am issuing an open invitation of my own, ja?

She nods ever so slightly, the rage nearly glowing in her eyes.

Seleana Zdunich: None of us are hard to find, Cindy. You now proudly possess an open invitation to both kiss my ass and come get the pain you deserve. How DARE you even look at Aurora like that, much less threaten to assault her in any way!  She is a child and she has already been through far too much in her short life, she does not need you adding more misery, so instead of making hens out of feathers, grow a backbone and accept the invitation!

She nods grimly.

Seleana Zdunich: Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum!

Stepping forward, Seleana’s glare only intensifies.

Seleana Zdunich: There is always room for one more and we will fit you in!

Chelsea LeClair

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Let The Show Begin...
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2023, 11:47:45 PM »
January 11, 2023

The Ocean City boardwalk! It was definitely the main attraction on this small, south Jersey town. I knew people were walking by as I sat isolated looking into the ocean. It wasn’t easy staying anonymous knowing that I was basically the most famous resident from here, but as I looked ahead with the moon in the distance, I began to reflect on the circumstances that brought me here a few years back.

“I remember when I came here just wanting to get away from the past…” I said to myself as more patrons on the boardwalk were disappearing the later it got. “...I was that idiotic Southern California girl that didn’t know what the hell she was doing with her career or her life. People think I just hit the scene in SCU, did some great things there, won the GRIME World title and it was so easy. People think that I haven’t dealt with adversity or that they don’t think I know how to deal with it. Believe me, I do. It’s been years since I was rock bottom… but how could I ever forget it?”

It was time to reflect on that rock bottom moment at this point…

Late summer 2019…

My Anaheim, California apartment was anything but a Disney dream. It wasn’t just the fact that it was cluttered completely, but it was what it was cluttered with: beer bottles, old marijuana joints, and yes, those bongs near my front door had some hard stuff cooking in it at one point. I was lying on the couch feeling absolutely nothing. Recently, I was fired from the promotion I was working for that year. There was a white powder bag on the coffee table and I tried reaching for it, but it fell on the floor and I was just too lazy to grab it. I heard someone knocking on the door, but I wasn’t answering. The knocks got louder and I reluctantly stood up to answer it. I stumbled my way to the door feeling completely stoned among other things when I opened it and I saw my mother.

“It’s about time you answered!” my mother said with anger before she realized that my eyes were bloodshot. “Did you even sleep?”

“I was asleep…”

“I came to talk to you about the fact that you just got fired and… I’m not surprised. When the hell are you going to grow up, Chelsea? When are you going to quit being so irresponsible? You’re not in high school anymore! The antics that you have been displaying on television are embarrassing…”

For context, the embarrassing antics my mother was referring to would remind anyone of Hayley Halsey if those antics ever reaired.

“...not today…” I said with a groan.

“Yes, TODAY! We’re going to sit down and talk about how we’re going to get your life together.”

“No… you can’t come in…”

“Are you hiding something from me?”


“It’s one in the afternoon and you literally just woke up. Something’s wrong, Chelsea. There’s something you’re not telling me.”

“You’re not coming in…”

“Like hell I’m not…”

My mother forced her way into my apartment and while I tried to hold her back, I was too tired and too weak to be able to do so. My mother’s eyes widened with shock when she saw the mess that was in my living room and I definitely didn’t want to point out the smell of weed that was going on all over the place.

“...what are you DOING?” my mother asked, the anger in her voice heightening as she held the bong in her hand. “You mean to tell me that you relapsed and you’re back on drugs?”

“Mom, it’s not what it looks like!”

“Like HELL it doesn’t! That explains why you were acting the way you were at your last job and why you got fired, isn’t it? Holy hell, what are you… OH MY GOD!!!!!!!”

My mother suddenly saw the small bag of white powder on the coffee table. She was both shocked and speechless.


“I’m a worthless flameout in both professional wrestling and television, that’s what.”

“Oh shut the fuck up and get your act together, Chelsea…”

“I’m not worth anything… my dad kept telling me that for years and now I see that he’s right…”

“Chelsea, you need to quit behaving like this! You’re going to fuck up your life? You’re going to let HIM win? You need to get help! You need to quit flushing your life down the toilet! You’re better than this!”

“If you only understood all the pain I’ve been in all these years… just the feeling of nothing ever going my way… just hating being a damn joke everywhere I go to wrestle…”

“You ACT like a joke, Chelsea…” my mother said, driving home her anger.

“So you’re going to abuse me just like my dad did now?” This question drew a sigh from my mother.

“Feeling sorry for yourself and acting like a victim isn’t going to get you anywhere. I didn’t give birth to a fuck up…”

“...oh now I’m a fuck up…”

“I can’t… I really can’t deal with this right now…”

“What else could I be? My television dream is gone! No wrestling company is going to hire me! I have absolutely nothing! I’m a wreck! I’m a joke. What do I even have to live for at this point?”

“You never grew out of high school, did you?”

“Maybe I would’ve if you didn’t leave me with my asshole of a father when you both got divorced!”

“You don’t get to blame me for your actions, Chelsea. I see what you’ve become and… as much as it hurts me to say, I’m honestly ashamed that you’re my daughter…”

Dagger? Meet heart.

“I HATE to say that, but your life is a total wreck! I can’t support you like this especially when you don’t even do anything for yourself. I have never been more ashamed and disappointed in you than I am right now. I’m done, Chelsea. You’re no daughter of mine…”

“Mom… no… don’t go…”

Tears were filling my eyes as she began to head toward the door.

“...I can change… really…”

“I’ll believe it if I ever see it…”

“Mom, you’re the only person I have left…”

“Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you relapsed on the drugs and got yourself fired from OCW…”

“Mom, please…”

“I’m walking out this door, out of your life and don’t even think about contacting me again. Not now, not ever!”

I was merely stunned in silence as my mother bolted out the door and slammed it, effectively abandoning me.


Minutes eventually became hours as I just sat on my couch feeling totally numb. I didn’t eat at all that day. My own mother gave me a harsh slap in the face. It was totally the worst feeling in the world knowing that everything around me had completely collapsed. I lied on the couch, drifting in and out of sleep for about 12 hours, feeling like I didn’t have any hope in hell of getting my life back together. A Hollywood dream? Gone. My wrestling career? Essentially, it was shattered because I had such a toxic reputation that nobody would ever want me.

But eventually, I decided that it was time for me to make a choice… one that would be completely life changing…

A couple of weeks later…

My apartment was in much better shape. However, it was completely empty. Whatever furniture I had left had just gone out the door, which was wide open at the moment. All of the boxes that I had packed were taped up. I remember feeling scared and worried. I didn’t know if the gamble that I was going to take was going to work out. But, the more I thought about it, the more I knew in my heart that I had to get the hell out of California. I was about to organize my things when I noticed my mother walked in. She had a look of guilt on her face and the empty apartment she was looking at brought shock out of her as well.

“Chelsea…” my mother said, obviously a lot more calm then when she saw me at my worst. “...what’s going on?”

“Why do you care?” I asked, with all the bitterness in my heart from before coming out.

“I’m your mother, that’s why I care…” she said back to me, which only caused me to laugh.

“No, you’re just Rhonda LeClair, the woman that birthed me into this world and felt like I was such an inconvenience that she left me with my asshole excuse of a father when I was 9 because she wanted to put her Hollywood dreams ahead of being my mother….”

She had absolutely no response to that.

“Didn’t you just say that you’re ashamed that I’m your daughter?”

“I was angry, Chelsea…”

“It’s no excuse! You said you were going to walk out of my life and that you basically wanted nothing to do with me.”

“Honey, I really didn’t mean that! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought about the consequences your words would have before you said them…”

“Clearly, you’re sober right now…” my mother said, which caused me to let out an angry sigh. “I didn’t mean it like THAT, Chelsea. I’m sorry…”

“Are you sorry for the fact that you weren’t there for me growing up too?”

Again, my mother was left to swallow her pride.

“Where are you going?” she finally asked me, dodging my question and completely infuriating me further.

“You don’t give a shit about where I’m going. If you did, you wouldn’t have dodged my question. I’m going away, RHONDA! I’m going FAR away… from here… from you! I’m done with this Hollywood crap! I’m done with Anaheim. I’m done with Beverly Hills. Hell, I’m done with fucking California altogether. I’m going across the country, I’m going to clean up my act, I’m going to take some fucking responsibility for my life and when I get my life together, I’m going to get back in the wrestling ring and I’m going to make myself somebody! I can’t stay here anymore. The more I’m around ‘HOLLYWOOD’, the more triggered I get and I’m not going to allow my failure to be a television star to trigger me into another relapse. It’s professional wrestling from here on out because literally, that’s the only thing I have that will give me a chance to make a living and make something of myself…”

My mother really didn’t know what to say to that.

“I’m going to do what makes me happy and I can’t say if wrestling is going to give me that in the long term, but it sure as hell will make me a lot happier than Hollywood ever will…”

“Wrestling isn’t what you wanted to do…” my mother reminded me. “In fact, I don’t see how any wrestling company out there would ever want to hire you. I lost count of how many times you went on camera and said that you were only using that as a launching pad for television and as a result, you nuked both things right down the drain.”

“It doesn’t mean I can’t get one of them back.”

“What if this doesn’t work out for you? What if you get so discouraged that… you fall down that dark path again?”

My mother was definitely concerned, but at this point, I just wasn’t buying it. She had been far too harsh and critical of me to ever want to open my heart to her at this point.

“You ask as if you actually care…”

“I DO care. You’re my daughter…”

“Oh NOW I’m your daughter… not like two weeks ago, you basically disowned me. You can’t stop me from moving across the country and doing what I want to do with my life and you’re not going to convince me to stay in California. It’s too toxic for me!”

“Chelsea, you go do what you need to do. Go get clean! Go get your life together. If you feel like you have to move across the country, do it! But, if there’s anything that I can do to help…”

“You can help by walking out that door and leaving me alone! You’ve become a trigger that would make me relapse again…”

My mother’s jaw dropped in shock.

“Go…” I said to her. “Rhonda LeClair has better things to do than to waste time with her FUCK UP DAUGHTER, right?”


“GO!!!!!!! Don’t contact me! You’re completely poison!”

My mother threw up her hands before she finally walked out the door. I took a few moments to calm myself down and really get my emotions back in order. I looked that the boxes that I had packed and I began to imagine what my life in Ocean City, New Jersey was going to be like. There were so many unknowns that I was dealing with emotionally, but the one thing that I knew for sure was that Ocean City was going to be a hell of a lot better than staying behind in Southern California could ever be.

It’s been more than three years since I hit rock bottom and took accountability for my life. I definitely have done an amazing job getting it back together. And yet, even with all of that?

I haven’t seen my mother since…

Back to the present…

I came out of my reflection of the past for a moment when Kevin, my husband, sat next to me on the boardwalk. He knew I was in deep thought.

“Ready for SCW?” he asked me.

“Of course…” I said with confidence. “I was just thinking about what I’ve been through. I was remembering my rock bottom when I basically cut ties with my mother and when I decided to move all the way over here. It turned out to be the best decision that I ever made in my life. I could never go back to California. There’s no way. I know that Andrea went through what she did when she was in SCW and I get that there is some concern as to whether I’d be able to handle it, but… you knew where I was in my life at one point: having nothing…”

“Yeah, I remember the stories. I would’ve liked for your mother to have been at our wedding though. I would like to meet her someday.”

“No you don’t, trust me…” I said with anger, still carrying the bitterness of my mother at this point.

“It’s possible that in the last three years, she’s changed for the better.”

I shook my head, indicating that I wanted nothing to do with the subject. Kevin put an arm around me, comforting me a bit.

“I know YOU have though…” he reminded me, which finally made me smile for a bit. “I’ve seen you grow from someone that was shy, skittish and wasn’t sure of herself for a while to an exceptionally strong woman that knows what she’s made of. When I first met you, I knew exactly who you could be and you really have become that woman.”

“Thanks…” I said with a soft sigh, suddenly feeling so much better now that I wasn’t reliving rock bottom.

“When I first met you, you wouldn’t have even signed with SCW at all, let alone taken on the challenge of this open invitational. But, seeing how strong you’ve become, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re going to overcome the odds again just like you have before. We both know that SCW is going to be a hell of an uphill battle for you especially with what happened with Myra and especially Andrea, but I’ve always seen you as the fighter you really are and time and time again, I’ve seen you rise to the occasion and overcome the odds and the uphill battles. On paper, you weren’t supposed to beat Amy Santino for the GRIME World title and you did…”

“That’s just one example…”

“You weren’t even supposed to be successful in this business at ALL, especially after the rock bottom you hit at one point, and since then, you’ve had phenomenal singles success with three world titles. The last one against Amy was nice… but my favorite will always be your first…”

“...oh gosh…” I reflected. “I wasn’t even supposed to win that one…”

Time for a little more of a deep reflection…

September 2020

More than a year removed from rock bottom. By the time this particular morning had arrived, I had already accrued my first couple of singles titles in the OCW Women’s Championship and the GCWA North American Championship. I had already established a sense of credibility as a professional wrestler without Andrea Hernandez for the first time. It was an amazing feeling that at the time, was hailed as a Cinderella story.

But on this particular day?

I was about to go for the GCWA World Championship against a challenge that many in the company had considered impossible.

“How in the world are you even going to win this tonight?” some obnoxious, TMZ wannabe interview tried to ask me when I was just trying to have breakfast with Kevin, who at the time was a friend that I was barely getting to know.

“Why not me?” I retorted back to him.

“With all due respect, Chelsea… it’s Lissie Hope. She’s never lost in GCWA. She even beat you before. You’ve gathered some ground and you’ve become the North American Champion, but there’s virtually no way you’re going to win. She’s been a dominant force that has ran roughshod through everyone, including you. You’re a year removed from being wrestling biggest punchline after you got fired from OCW and had a whole bunch of drug issues going on. She’s far more polished than you are. How in god’s name could you even THINK that you have a chance?”

“And how in god’s name could you even think she DOESN’T have a chance?” Kevin interjected.

“Didn’t Lissie defeat your twin sister a while back?” the reporter asked Kevin.

“What does that have to do with anything?” I asked with anger in my voice. “Lissie isn’t facing Casey Holliday, she’s facing ME! Let me remind you of something, sir. I was written off as a failure in this business when OCW fired me. So, based off of just that fact alone, let me ask you a few questions of my own. Going by your own logic, was I ever supposed to be hired by anyone in wrestling again?”

“Honestly no…”

“Was I supposed to win a singles championship like… ever?”


“Was I supposed to finish as the runner up in OCW’s tournament earlier this year?”

“...that was a hell of a shocker if there ever was one. But still… RUNNER UP!”

“Yeah, AND? That still proves my point. Was I ever supposed to be GCWA North American Champion?”

“Hell no…”

“And yet, despite all of these things that people like YOU writing their stupid little columns about professional wrestling acting like you know everything that there is to know about this business, want to say that I’m not supposed to do this or supposed to do that just because at one point, I had nothing going for me in my career and because I had never been successful without Andrea. Well let me tell you something, Mr. Basement Dwelling, Armchair Quarterback bastard… despite what people like you and what people like Lissie want to say to me, I AM enough! You don’t get to define what I am supposed to do or what I’m not supposed to do. You don’t get to lay out my path for me and tell me that I can’t do this or that I can’t do that. If I want to be the GCWA World Champion, then damn it, I CAN be the GCWA World Champion and I WILL be the GCWA World Champion!”

“It would be the biggest upset in GCWA history…” he attempted to remind me.

“Why? Because Lissie hasn’t LOST in GCWA? Because she has a win over me? Because oh she’s “SUPPOSED” to be in this spot and I’m not? BULLSHIT! Listen, you can place these make believe odds against me all you want to but I don’t give a fuck if people think she’s unbeatable! She’s NOT unbeatable! She’s NOT fucking invincible! What happened in our last match doesn’t mean anything! What I’ve been through and the rock bottom I was at doesn’t define who wins this match! Like it or not, I AM going to win! I WILL overcome these “STEEP ODDS” against me and I WILL become a world champion! Now get the FUCK out of my face…”

The reporter left at this point, shocked at what he just heard. Kevin was also shocked.

“You know… I’ve got a hell of a feeling about tonight…”

“Honestly? Same!”


Lo and behold…

There it was…

On my lap was the GCWA World Championship I had just won from Lissie Hope minutes prior with the North American Championship not so far away from me. I picked up the world title and held it close to me and the feeling was incredibly surreal. I was one of maybe five people that believed that I had a chance to ‘do the impossible’.

This was the moment that changed my career forever and made me realize that there was no way I could ever go back to the way things were. Whatever reputation I had of being an ‘embarrassment to wrestling’ or being a cancer to the business that nobody wanted to hire was absolutely gone. My heart was filled with joy, my eyes as well (with the tears to go along with them).

“I did it…” I thought to myself. “...all I had to do was believe that I could do it… that I could ‘overcome the unbeatable’... and that’s exactly what I did.”

I remembered my journey: how it started with being a tag team champion with Andrea, how it completely cratered after Sedona Sky broke up and we went on our own, how awful decisions that I was making early in my solo career completely tanked it straight to hell and how I owned those awful decisions, decided to change, and subsequently became the success that I would become on this particular evening and ever since. I will always remember how I took accountability for my mistakes, believed in myself in the face of adversity no matter how tough or how daunting it seemed, and how I made myself a hell of a wrestler in the business that still persists to the best of her ability today.

It was one amazing feeling knowing I was a made star and that I never had to worry about relapsing back to the hell I once put myself through ever again…

Present Day…

“If anyone is saying that you can’t win the Roulette title or that you can’t succeed in SCW… then they’re just kidding themselves at this point…” Kevin said to me. I could only smile when he said that. I knew that winning that open invitational wasn’t going to be easy but in my head and in my heart, I knew that if I was able to overcome obstacles with greater adversity or longer odds than this, then there was no reason why I couldn’t win the Roulette Championship on Sunday.

“I’ve had my bumps in the road just like everyone else…” I reminded him, and myself for that matter. “Hell, last year wasn’t even my greatest year and I didn’t even come close to relapsing again.”

“Doesn’t that say it all though?”

“It does. They don’t know the type of fighter that they’re getting out of me. But maybe when I win that title, they just might…”

My husband and I would part ways shortly after that comment. Eventually, enough patrons had left the boardwalk essentially leaving it all to myself. When I set up the camera, as well as a podium in front of it, I wasn’t feeling nervous, or shaky. I wasn’t worried about a damn thing that could go wrong on Sunday. I was going into my final words feeling nothing but confidence. With everything I’ve overcome up to this point in my life and career, why would I go into this feeling any different? I was feeling pretty damn positive as I expressed my thoughts.

“Good evening…” I said as I glanced at five trophies that were on a table near the podium. There was one trophy that had an “infinite loop” symbol, one with a literal blue colored Doritos chip taped to it, one with a Scrappy Doo logo glued to it, one with a toy skeleton attached, and one more with a fish skeleton taped to the top. “...and welcome to the first ever… and honestly… the last ever most likely, Open Invitational Awards Ceremony. I’m feeling GENEROUS giving these away to my opponents as a special reverse welcoming gift as I make my SCW debut this Sunday for the Roulette Championship. Now, before I get to the ACTUAL awards, I want to acknowledge those that were nominated but will NOT be winning one of these: Bella Madison, Zoey Lukas, Eavan Maloney and at this point anyone else that may show their face on camera between now and Sunday… thank you for playing. But sadly, ‘nominees’ are all you’re going to be tonight and on Sunday. You’re going to make an impression for sure, but I just have a feeling that it won’t be enough. Call it a hunch! Anyway, let’s move on to our first award!”

The stagehand brings up the award with the toy skeleton.

“The ‘My Career Has Been Dead For Years’ Award goes to… SELEANA ZDUNICH! Girl, I DO like you. It’s nothing personal at all. It’s just, you didn’t have anything real good to say so far and I just don’t think you WANT this match. I mean, look… girl to girl, let’s be real. You HAVE had your chances against Ariana before, which is an indictment of your abilities to even be a champion in SCW these days. But honestly, why are you even HERE anymore? What’s DEAD is your ambition to even make something of yourself. Even when Crystal was gone, you still haven’t risen up and shown that you even want to be here. What happened to that wrestler that wanted to rise up and prove people wrong? What happened to the woman that gave Andrea a challenge in the early part of her SCW career when she first came? Yeah, that woman doesn’t exist anymore… nor do whatever chance you have of winning the Roulette Championship this Sunday. Sorry Seleana, this isn’t 2020 anymore and you’re not going to hold the same title you did back then… not anytime soon, if ever again. Next award, please?

The toy skeleton award gets replaced with the ‘Blue Dorito’ award.

“The ‘Blue Chip’ Award goes to the Roulette Champion herself… ARIANA ANGELOS… because even though you’re the champion and you’ve had a hell of a reign in your own right with defenses such as Jessie Salco… you’re not satisfied enough to the point where you know how to keep your mouth shut to avoid getting yourself into trouble. Case in point? This match right here. I’ve already said that your mouth got you into this predicament and I appreciate the excitement and the vigor that you have coming into this thing, but are you absolutely SURE that you’re not biting off more than you can chew here? You’ve got this mood swinging going on… hence the color of the chip being blue by the way… where you go from confident and wanting to take on the world one week and then the next week, you’re on social media talking about a match against a main eventer acting like it’s this horrific challenge that may be too much for you to overcome and acting as if the odds are completely stacked against you and yet, you take NO ACCOUNTABILITY when you lose because you went into it expecting to lose in the first place. A lack of accountability does not make a true champion, neither does a lack of belief. Did you go out there and say “I believe that I can win”? No, not necessarily. You see, I too have faced long odds in my career before. I went through a phase in my career where I completely hit the bottom and everyone in professional wrestling was writing me off like a done deal. I have faced the challenges that I have faced where everyone thinks that I am going to lose. I’ve had my matches where everyone thinks I’m going to be overwhelmed. And yet, time after time, I’ve turned it on its head and I DON’T get overwhelmed. I DON’T act like I’m doomed. I fight the damn match believing in nothing less than a win and more often than not, I DO WIN! Hell, even when I don’t, I don’t go on Twitter going “aw shucks. Sad face. Okay let’s move on”. That’s basically you every time you lose and hell, between us girls? I think you have a chip on your shoulder because deep down, you realize you haven’t had THE challenge that defines your reign just yet. Well, here it is… and SPOILER… you will be going “aw shucks” on social media when this is all over…

Not ME! Even if I don’t win, I’m not going to carry that shallow attitude where I make excuses and say “oh this was too much for me” because to me, that’s the attitude of someone that doesn’t know how to win when it matters the most and for all of the dominance that you’ve had during your reign, your shortcomings against opponents in higher divisions PROVE that you STILL haven’t learned how to win when it counts and THAT is what is going to cost you at the very end.

I pause as the stagehand removes the Dorito award and replaces it with the “Scrappy” award.

“The next award is the SCRAPPY DOO “Nobody Asked For This” award which goes to… DAWN WARREN! Dawn, GIRRRRRLLLL… like… of all the fictional characters you could’ve compared yourself to, you picked the absolute WORST! You’re really taking pride in being a ‘scrappy’ huh? Hey Dawn, I advise you to look up “Scrappy” on a little website you might have heard of. It’s called TV Tropes. Look it up! Scrappy is a universally hated cartoon character especially by the Scooby fandom largely because the fandom feels like the addition of Scrappy was completely unnecessary. Don’t believe me, PLEASE go on Reddit and see how the fans think Scrappy is described as “annoying”, “pompous”, “arrogant”, “obnoxious” and so on. Hell, with the way you announced your entry into this match, those four words fit that action to a TEE! Those four words are generally describable to other people in the Warren clan, especially someone like Todd Warren and they are definitely used to describe people such as Diamond and Ruby Steele as well. Did anyone ASK for you to be in this match, Dawn? I can’t imagine so. You ARE a “Scrappy” as far as SCW goes, but nowhere NEAR the good way you tried to spin it. I don’t know if it’s being culturally ignorant or being stuck in fangirl hell, or what have you. But something that you DO need to do is ground yourself in reality. Don’t you realize that your family name just MIGHT be damaged beyond repair because of the actions of everyone else? I honestly don’t think the Warren name can be salvaged around these parts and I wouldn’t suggest on trying to fix that. If you’re in this match with such a heavy focus to TRY to fix the reputation of your family name, then this match isn’t going to go very well for you, I can promise you that. I’m not going to be foolish enough to count you out entirely or anything, but just the fact that you take pride in comparing yourself to a cartoon character that is universally despised on the Internet by fans of pop culture really has me questioning how smart you really are. It shows that maybe you just don’t know what you’re getting yourself into as much as you think you are. I’m no Harvard graduate myself or anything, but I do know that book smarts are WAY different than ring smarts and if success in this business was defined by book smarts, I’d probably have half the championships in my career that I’ve been able to obtain. I doubt people really wanted you to be in this match, Dawn. Sorry! I don’t mean that as a personal attack. I know it’s a given that people are finding you guilty by association because of who you’re related to. But, I’m going to make sure that Scrappy goes to the scrap heap as far as this match is concerned and I KNOW there are people out there that would appreciate that very much!”

I take a brief pause as the Scrappy award is taken and it gets replaced by the fish skeleton award.

“The next award is the “SELFISH BASS-TURD” award… HA… get it… and that will go to none other than KRYSTAL WOLFE! Yeah, I AM going to go there with you Krystal, because if you were really a friend to Ariana, you wouldn’t be in this match at all. You’re in this match for reasons such as wanting to make up for 2022 and wanting a place on the Inception card and not only is that selfish in the sense of being in this match for your own personal gain and all, even if it’s at the expense of someone that is supposed to be your friend, but it’s also selfish in the sense that you’re in this match for ego driven reasons and not because you want to be Roulette Champion again… at least in my view. I mean, let’s be HONEST with each other here. Deep down, you might even feel that going back to the Roulette Championship is like going around in circles for you. Last year was supposed to be the year you moved up the ladder and challenged for the Internet or the World Championships and it just didn’t happen! From losing that Roulette title to Keira Fisher, to submitting in last year’s Blast from the Past tournament to SAM MARLOWE of all people and everything in between… on top of the fact that your Roulette title reign was a bunch of padding facing challengers like fucking Char Kwan and Bea Barnhart anyway… you can’t stand the fact that your 2021, the big rookie year that you hype up so much, was the outlier and not the norm… so you’ve grown DESPERATE to even make yourself RELEVANT in ANY way and putting yourself in this match and going back to square one is your way of doing that. I mean for fuck’s sake, Krystal… if you REALLY wanted to win the Roulette Championship, you wouldn’t be wasting ALL of your fucking time on social media blaring out your entire fucking soap opera about Cassie all over the place putting THAT above this entire match.

Hey, I guess airing out the soap opera in front of everyone is your way of reminding people that you still exist right? Because lord knows that in 2022, you largely failed at being able to keep yourself as relevant as you were the year before and I have a damn good feeling that this year is going to be more of the same for you. Yeah, I’ll straight up say it. I don’t like you… how could I after how you treated Andrea? Dodge her name all you want, but hey, I guess you have to be sour because you could never beat her, right? No worries, I’ll give you a real reason to be sour. Hopefully you take accountability for your shit and actually do something to reach the next level.

And speaking of accountability… the last award please?”

The “infinite loop” award is brought up to the podium.

“The INFINITE LOOP OMG WE’VE SEEN THIS SHIT HOW MANY TIMES award goes to… you guessed it, Crystal Zdunich. Look, I can’t judge you for being a screw up because I was one too. I would do horrible things to other people. I even betrayed Andrea at one point a few years back. I’ve done stupid things like obsess over being better than Andrea, I’ve made myself a disgrace by stalking and chasing other people’s boyfriends, and there was even a time a few years back where I did a strip tease for said other people’s boyfriend on live television and I am definitely not proud of that. In fact, I’ve even done the ‘name thing’ considering that I started out as Chelsea Summers with my dad’s last name and ended up changing to my mom’s maiden last name of LeClair. We’re alike in some ways, Crystal… and while I do like that you have admitted your problems and taken SOME degree of accountability, I still get the sense that everything is going to be the same. I mean for fuck’s sake, you’re not THAT far removed from that whole “La Rosa Ardiente” thing. Accountability is two parts, Crystal.

Part one is admitting your mistakes and your problems and acknowledging that you’ve done wrong… which that’s what you did when you spoke out, but if I’m not mistaken, isn’t this something you’ve done before? For all of your talk of what you did wrong, and trust me I am not downplaying that, I don’t recall hearing you talk about how you are going to do things different this time. Like, I totally get the feeling of wanting to be accepted and doing stupid things to try to be accepted, but HOW are you different this time? Are you going to actually pick a name and stick with it for the long haul? Are you actually going to STOP doing what you’ve been doing that made you a co-recipient of the Most Hated award last year? You didn’t seem to say that you were. Part TWO of accountability, Crystal, is deciding what you are going to do to fix your problems and actually DOING THIS! For whatever reason, you just seem to be missing that part two. Take it from ME, for instance, a fellow ‘Hollywood girl’... or I suppose FORMER Hollywood girl.

I’ve taken that PART TWO…

I not only admitted I was a screw up, being addicted to drugs, being a disgrace to the wrestling business, acting like I was still in high school and embarrassing myself, getting myself fired from at least two different companies and the whole nine yards, I TOOK ACTION! I ditched California for southern Jersey because I had to get away from the toxic Hollywood life. I chose to embrace professional wrestling in a way I hadn’t before and by proving my worth and proving that I had changed for the better and for good, my reputation in this business improved and I’ve gained that respect in this business that you just can’t seem to get to. I am, basically, the living personification of what you aspire to be as a person and yet, just can’t seem to reach that standard.

TRUE accountability makes a champion… belief in yourself and what you’re all about makes a champion and for all the times you have been a champion in this business, you have largely lacked one or the other and there are times where you’ve even lacked both. You can love wrestling all you want, you can apologize, you can acknowledge your faults, but the way to put it all together is with ACTION and truly showing CHANGE for the better and for the long term. You’re striving to prove yourself to Mark and Christian and the roster, but who you should REALLY be wanting to prove yourself to… is YOURSELF.

I know what it’s like to have that horrible self-esteem and to self-destruct because of it and I HAD to learn to love the person in the mirror… and until you do the same in your own right, you’ll never truly be the champion you aspire to be.

You’re your own worst enemy, Crystal… but you likely knew that already. You know that if you lose this match, the “show” for you in SCW may be over for good…

But for me?

Let the show begin…

And it’s going to begin as the SCW Bombshells Roulette Champion…”

The stagehand takes the last award from me and I head back to the edge of the Ocean City boardwalk taking in the night… and taking in the reality that my debut in SCW is really drawing near…

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
December 22nd
Los Angeles, California
The holiday break hadn’t been too kind to Dawn Warren. The loveable adorkable and overachieving Pink Puppy had turned from geek to gang chick overnight. Dawn smiles as she wore a leather jacket that read Shield Maidens PROSPECT on it. She carried a helmet in her hand as she walked towards her pink Kawasaki Ninja 650 bike. She took on her bike and was about to rev up the engine when she was approached by her older brother Teddy. Teddy just shook his head and crosses his arms as he looks into the eyes of his little sister.
“Dawn is there a reason why you haven’t been contacting me since the incident at the studio?! I know we really didn’t agree on some stuff but that doesn’t give you any right to just completely ignore me…”
Dawn just sits back as she shakes her head in utter disgust.
“First of all my name is D-Dub. That’s what they call me in San Clemente and I am a prospect for a biker gang. You could at least address like Halo and the rest of the girls do…”
Teddy sighs in return as he looks back at her.
“Now you are rolling in a biker gang now, where did I go wrong Dawn. Honestly I thought I was doing an amazing job as your older brother. All I ever wanted to do was protect you. I was always there for you. Even when I was going to be adopted I made sure that the family took the both of us. I understand that we are both getting older but I didn’t want for us to grow a part from one another. You are the only blood family that I truly know. It has to be us against the world… It…”
Dawn snaps back at Teddy as she stands up and starts hitting him against the chest with hard punches.
“YOU DON’T CONTROL ME!!! You aren’t the boss of me Todd! You have never been the boss of me. I can date who I want. I can do whatever I want and last time I checked as a 25-year-old I am in a position where I can do whatever I want and when I want. When are you going to get in through in your thick skull that I don’t need you…”
Dawn unleashes a fury of punches as more fists start flying. The girl lets tears flow from her eyes as she begins to breathe heavily. Teddy on the other hand just sighs as he looks back at her.
“I just want the best for you Dawn. I always wanted the best for you. I know you are growing before my eyes and part of me wishes you didn’t grow up. I still see you as that little girl who Is twelve years younger than me. I still you as a girl that I need to protect. Perhaps I need to let up and let go on certain things but I need you in my life. I will admit it did take me for a loop to see you dating that woman that ruined my bid to own the movie studio but my frustration shouldn’t have kept us from having a relationship with one another. Don’t you understand?! It’s Christmas week and I haven’t heard from you!”
Dawn rolls her eyes as she raises her voice back at her brother.
“And why should I tell you anything about my life. You are the reason why Dillon and I broke up. He was an amazing guitarist but Lord knows that Ignorant Discord had to break up and I am pretty sure that is your fault. On top of that you were the jerk that broke up with Kate and I loved her. She was the closest thing that I ever had to a sister! If you weren’t so pushy dad wouldn’t have taken James and moved to North Carolina. It’s all your fault!”
Dawn continues to cry some more as Teddy just stands there and looks into the eyes of his sister.
“Wait is that what this is all about?! Don’t tell me you hold what happened with dad against me. It wasn’t my intention to cause any problems Dawn. As far as the band goes I don’t know why it didn’t last but I always wanted the best for the group. I thought music was fun and I really wanted things to work out but people had a hard time bonding with Kate. Why would I go about my way to make sure the band break up?! I was really having fun. That was my last gig as a drummer and I really haven’t done anything since then. I know that Kate and I didn’t work out. Deep down in my heart she will always be the one that I love. It’s just we have gone in different directions.”
Teddy let’s some of his own tears hit the ground as he continues to share his heart.
“I know I was a big jerk. Hell I even tried to take Juliet away from her. It was wrong and I wish could take it all back but I know I can’t. I know that the two of you had a healthy relationship and I trust that perhaps you could approach her so that you two could maybe continue on being sibling in laws even though we aren’t married anymore. I am not going to deny what I have done but I just want you to know that I have done nothing but want the best for you. I just want to see you achieving all of your dreams. You went to school and you have always being an over achiever. As a girl who has always been top of her class I just wanted the best for you. I want you to be the best journalist that you could possibly be. I want you to pursue your dreams and continue to be that innocent girl that I grew up protecting.”
Teddy wipes his eyes as he speaks some more.
“Our adopted father may have left mom and pulled our brother away from us but in his place I really tried to play the role of both older brother and father. If you really love Melissa, I know I have to respect that. You are no longer the little girl that I remember. You have grown into a beautiful woman and I don’t know how to tolerate it. Whatever you choose I just want to be in your life. You are my blood. You are my best friend and I can’t think of how life would be without you. I just don’t want to do something you are going to regret…”
Dawn stands there and thinks about everything for a few moments. She lets out a long deep breath as she looks right into the eyes of her brother.
“Maybe I was being too harsh to you. I know you have always looked out for my best interest. I guess part of me just hates that my entire world is falling apart. I never really recovered from Dillon breaking up with me. Seeing you and Kate divorce one another was definitely a lot to take in as well but the biggest issue is seeing what Cindy has become. She is a woman who gave me guidance as a sister in law and I don’t know why she would have acted in the way that she did. I just want things to be normal. I appreciate that my career is really starting to take off. I am happy that I got this gig as Rose Productions but part of me wants something more. I feel like I have so much built up anger and I need to let it go! I want to fight. I want to prove that Scrappy Doo was a true badass…”
Teddy quickly cuts her off.
“Dawn I know that you view Scrappy Doo as a hero but the reality is he only served as comic relief. Just a tool to get people to laugh. I rather you not be a joke and I want people to take you seriously…”
Dawn is firm as she holds her brother’s hand and looks at him in the eyes.
“They will take me seriously because I will force them to do so! You want to know something Todd?! The reality is the entire reason why I became a wrestler is because of you. I remember watching you in SVW. The entire world thought you were just a comic relief. They didn’t think anything of you. You didn’t care though. You poured your all into everything that you did and eventually you shocked the world by beating Samara Steele in a wrestling match. The world went nuts and they couldn’t believe it. You defied odds and in my mind I want to do the same thing because my big brother did so. Even in SCW you became a Roulette Champion, you became an Internet Champion, and you even went as far to be a Mixed Tag Champion. You have done it all almost and it’s a huge legacy to live up too…
I admire you. You are my hero and I hope I could at least walk in just a bit of your shadow. I have huge shoes to fill but I want you to be proud of me…”
Teddy smiles as he looks down into her eyes.
“Dawn… I am proud of you. You don’t have to go above and beyond because as your big brother I will always support you no matter what. I just want you to be happy. The only reason why I didn’t want you to be in a wrestling ring is because I didn’t want to see you hurt. I wouldn’t know what to do if you somehow got hurt. I would put all of the blame on me. I believe in you and I want nothing but the best for you. When it comes to your relationship can I ask you an honest question.”
“Sure… What’s up big bro…”
“Do you love this girl… Is she the one that makes you happy. Forget the fact that I might have had my differences with her because none of that even matters. The only thing I care about is how does she make you feel because if you aren’t completely sold on her don’t try to force a relationship in spite of me…”
Dawn thinks about it before she reaches into her leather jacket. She pulls out a big box and shows her brother a ring. She puts it back in her pocket as she shrugs her shoulders.
“She is always on my mind. I know I really haven’t told you about my relationship and my life but this past year has been nothing but fun and the best. I have enjoyed moving in with her and it has given me the opportunity to see the different sides of her. She is the person that I want to spend my entire life with. I guess I got upset these past couple of weeks because I didn’t expect Cindy and Jimmy to go off the deep end. I wanted the family to all be on one page because I am going to propose to that girl. I want to make her mine. I have carried this ring with me for the past six months. I don’t want to keep it in the house because I don’t want her to find it… I just feel scared and…”
Teddy shakes his head as he looks deeper into Dawn’s eyes.
“Sis… You don’t have to be scared of anything, and don’t even question if she will say no. You are the smartest woman I know and it’s definitely going to be a yes. Who would say no to you?! Melissa is going to be so lucky to have you in her life. She truly doesn’t know how good she is going to have it. You just need to be brave and go out there and show her how much you love her. If this is the person you love you have my blessing. Don’t worry about whatever family drama there is going on within the family. None of that is important. Just do what is best for you…”
Dawn smirks.
“I will and I want to propose in such a big way. I was thinking of maybe popping the big question on New Year’s Day. As the fireworks are going off and everybody is kissing the one they love I think I am going to get to one knee and surprise her…”
“Go for it… If that is your vision you go about and do it…”
“I will… Bro I do request something though…”
Teddy raises his eyes in return.
“What’s that…”
“You are the one I am closest too. I can’t think of anybody else but I want you to be the one to give me away at my wedding day. Will you walk me down the aisle and stand in as my father. It would mean the entire world if you did…”
Teddy grins.
“Of close I will… You don’t even have to ask. The answer is going to be a yes. Like I said I got your back sis!”
Dawn jumps around excitedly before giving her brother a huge passionate hug.
“Thank you so much… You are the best brother in the world!”
“YAYYYYYYYYY. Anyway thank you for this amazing heart to heart. I am glad that we finally reconnected and you are understanding of me. Now as much as I enjoy this brother and sister bonding I am going to take a ride down to San Clemente. I need to catch up with Halo. She is going to tell me more details of what entails in being a prospect for the Shield Maidens, and maybe set me up with getting a tattoo as well! It’s going to TOTES BE AMAZING…”
Dawn drives off into this the distance as Teddy just stands there contemplating what she just said.
“Wait a minute did you say tattoo?! DAWN ANGELICA WARREN you get back this instant… YOU COME BACK HERE!!!”
By the time he tried to reach out to her she was completely gone and we leave on that image.

December 31st
Zdunich Zoological Gardens
Los Angeles, California

Dawn Warren was completely excited as she walked side by side with her girlfriend’s sister Michelle better known to the rest to the world as Chavy. The Hispanic woman could only smile as Dawn talked her ear off with idea after idea.

“OMGoshie! This is so so TOTES amazing. I really can’t believe that tonight is going to be my huge night. I never pictured in like a trillion years that little old me was going to find love to an awesome sauce individual. Did I ever tell you how beautiful, charming, and cunning your sister Melly is?! She is like everything to me. The way she runs Rose Corporation is the President is like so awesome. Not to mention she gave me a job as a broadcaster. I don’t think it gets any better than that!”

Michelle just giggles as she looks back at Dawn.

“Everything is taken care of!  We have the huge firework display set to go off at midnight. We got the floating candles, the balloons, and this entire zoo is going to be lit up with beautiful Christmas lights. I still can’t believe that you are actually going to go through this and propose to my little sister. It is going to be awesome having somebody else that I can call a sister.”

Dawn jumps up and down as she keeps her eyes locked on Michelle.

“Exactly, another member of the family is always fun. On top of that I love that you have been so nice to me. I just know this is the right decision. I just want everything to be perfect! I have my most intimate circle going so you know that’s going to be fun…”

Chavy raises her eyes as she seems a bit confused.

“Wait who exactly is part of your inner circle?!”

Dawn skips around excitedly before she stops and looks back at her future sister in law.

“Oh it’s only two people. I invited my brother of course and I invited Kate to come here with her wife Dawn. Although I bet it could be really confusing with two Dawns being in the same location at the same time so I believe it’s best if we refer to her as Lohan…”

Michelle crosses her arms as she looks at Dawn.

“Wait a minute let me get this right… You invited both Teddy and Kate to be here, and not only that but you told Kate to bring her wife as well. Isn’t that going to cause some issues considering that the two of them got into a huge child custody battle over Juliet?! On top of that the two of them are divorced. It might feel a tad weird with former exes in the same place. Did you at least consider any of that?!”

Dawn thinks about it as she shrugs her shoulders.

“…I actually didn’t think about that. I just wanted the man who is going to walk me down the aisle and the woman who is going to be my Matron of Honor to both be here. That’s not too much to ask is it?!”

Michelle shrugs her shoulders.

“It’s your life. You can do whatever you wish. It’s just I would have thought that you thought all of that through. You know for a woman who graduated at the top of her class in every single academic situation that she has been in you really aren’t the brightest…”

“Michlle… I am book smart! That doesn’t mean I am street smart. Besides I have a great feeling that everything is going to be fine. After all if things aren’t good I could always go Scrappy Doo on somebody. I mean let me roll up my sleeves and LET ME AT THEM… LET ME AT THEM!!!”

Chavy just giggles as she can’t hold it in as the energetic beauty is just too much.

“Right… Anyway maybe things don’t have to come down to that. Perhaps it’s best that we just focus as to what is in front of us. My sister really doesn’t expect much tonight. I told her that we would be having a special New Year’s Eve celebration at the zoo. As far as she knows we might visit some animals and party a bit but she doesn’t expect anything beyond that. Can I ask you a serious question…”

“Sure Chelly…”

“Chelly?! You know they call me Chavy and…”

“Okay Chellz! Anyway I need the DEETS what is it that you wanted to ask me?!”

Chavy takes a deep breath as she looks deep into Dawn’s eyes.

“Why are you so excited to propose on New Year’s Eve, wouldn’t it have been better to maybe ask the big question on a different day. Perhaps not sharing the day with a holiday? I would think that would have been so much better right?”

Dawn laughs as she pulls Chavy in and embraces her into a tight hug.

“I know that it SOUNDS better to do it on a different day but you have to picture this. I was born on July 4th. That in itself was me being born on a holiday. I am a spitfire of energy and I came into this world to the sound of fireworks and everybody having a good time. I plan to do everything in the same way. New Year’s is no different and I think it will be the best way to break into the year. It will be me with my BAE-iancee at my side! Just appreciate how amazing all of this sounds. Then after the night is over we can go for a ride on my bike. She can ride on back and holding me tightly as we go off into the distance. Perhaps we might go to Northern California and take a stroll along the Golden Gate bridge! The thoughts of what we could do are really endless!”

Michelle just smiles as she keeps her eyes on Dawn.

“Whatever you want Miss Warren. It is your big night after all and I am going to do whatever you want to make you happy. Just keep being that little Scrappy Doo and keep showing the world that the smallest girl has the biggest heart.”

The two of them laugh at one another and it isn’t long before we can hear a tween screaming.

“OMG Auntie Dawn are you EXCITED FOR TONIGHT?!”

That scream came from her niece Juliet which meant that Kate and her wife Dawn were close behind. Kate smiles as she stands face to face with her former sister in law.

“Hi Dawn it has been a long time. I really can’t believe that you are going to have an amazing night. I remember the night that your brother proposed to me. It was magical and let’s just say the most special moment about the entire night is the BIG HAPPY ENDING at the end of the night. Like you want to talk about size it was…”

Dawn Lohan offers a fake cough as Kate snaps out of her trance and looks at her own wife.

“Oh sorry for being so rude, this is my wife Dawn Lohan. This is going to get bloody confusing really quick, but Dawn meet my former sister in law Dawn. She is quite the little smart girl and…”

Dawn Warren squeals out loud.

“OMGoshie… I know exactly who she is… This is DL… She’s like a former World Champion for Supreme Championship Wrestling, Television Champion, and is from one of the best wrestling families ever. Look at her she’s half-sister to Abigail Lindsey and related to so much more…”

“…Hi… It’s a pleasure to meet you. Did anyone ever tell you that you are quite the ball of energy…”

“All that time but there’s nothing wrong with having tons of fun! Anyway I am like a huge fan! I know it might be weird that you might run into Kate’s ex but honestly I was selfish in inviting you. I just wanted the chance to get an autograph!”

“Wait a minute did you say that Kate’s ex is going to be….”

Before she could even finish that statement we are able to see Teddy Warren walking into the scene. He walks over to Juliet and hugs his daughter as tightly as he can. He slowly walks over to where the rest of the people are.

“Hey Dawn are you ready for… Wait why is she here?!”

Kate crosses her arms.

“I feel the same way. I don’t understand why you invited this big jerk to be here. I almost lost Juliet to the state because of him. He falsely called CPS on me and…”

DL stands next to Kate as she looks at Teddy.

“Clearly you don’t have to worry about him anymore. It’s apparent that you got an upgrade with me…”

Teddy paces around as he glares daggers into Dawn.

“Nah I know this chick didn’t talk to your boy like that. Dawn you better tell them something. She don’t know me. I swear on everything that I would snap and slap the hell out of a B…”

Lohan gets in his face as she taunts.

“Go ahead, go do something then…”

There is definitely trouble in the air as Dawn Warren gets in the middle and breaks them out. She brings her hands together making a timeout motion as she looks at them both.

“WOULD EVERYBODY JUST SETTLE DOWN? Perhaps it’s time to take a timeout! I know there’s confusion about everything but the truth is I am the one who invited all of you here. the reason being is that I plan to propose to Melissa tonight. It’s going to magical! It might be weird to see exes here but the truth is BOTH of you are going to be in my wedding. Todd is going to give me away and Kate is my Maid of Honor.”

Both of them just glare at one another with daggers as they cross their arms but Dawn continues to speak.

“Another thing I love Melissa so much. She is everything to me. This past year has been nothing but fantastic and I can’t wait to see her and surprise her that I want to be with her forever. I can’t imagine a life without you. You all may not like one another but the least you can do is be on the same page for me. Do you understand that?! I don’t really ask for much. I just want things to be smooth. I want Melissa to know that she is the reason why my heart beats…”

Dawn continues pouring her heart and Michelle just smiles as she looks at Dawn.


“I know I may not be as seasoned to love as you all are but let me make my own mistakes. Let me live my life, and let me just do what I set out to do. This is my life and…”


Dawn talks back to Michelle.

“What do you want Michelle, I am in the middle of discussing how I feel!”

Melissa walks over to Dawn and places a hand on Dawn’s shoulder.

“I was standing behind you… I heard everything you had to say…”

Dawn opens her eyes in amazement as she looks at her girlfriend.

“Wait you did?! I… How long were you standing there? Look there is so many words I could use to express how I feel about you but all you need to understand is that…”

Dawn is having a hard time formulating her words as Melissa places a single finger on her lips and winks.

“You don’t have to say anything else. I heard enough and the only thing I have to say to everything you were saying is the answer yes! I feel the same way Dawn. Now we could stand here all night but I would prefer if you would get down on your knees put the ring on my finger and just kiss me already BAE-iancee!!!”


Dawn smirks as she pulls the ring out and places it on the finger of Melissa. She stands up and gazes right into her eyes and the two share in a long passionate kiss. There are cheers between all of them as Michelle is on a walkie talkie and screams into it.


The fireworks all went off one after the other. Despite of how it went down the fact is that there wasn’t a dry eye in the area. Everybody was super excited for the Pink Puppy. Dawn flicks her hair as she stands up and Melissa shows off her ring.

“Meet my future wife everybody! Not only that but it’s going to be New Year’s shortly so it’s time to celebrate!!!”

Everyone turned their attention to the time as they were in position to kiss the one that they love. Kate was with her wife. Dawn smiled into Melissa’s eyes as she couldn’t take her eyes off of their.

“God I love you so much… We need to figure out what’s next…”

“Well for starters you could try to go about winning the Roulette Championship. That would be a nice piece of gold to add to the relationship! After that maybe we could start wedding planning and that in itself is going to be amazing…”

“No it’s totes going to be SUPER BALLS, AWESOME SAUCE AND STUFF! I can’t believe I am marrying my best friend. This is really exciting… OMGOSHIE MELISSA… LOOK AT MY BROTHER AND YOUR SISTER!”

They turn their eyes over to Teddy who looks over at Michelle and he just can’t his eyes off of her. He smiles as he looks at her.

“Did anybody ever tell you that you are attractive?!”

“To be honest I haven’t given anyone a chance to do so. I don’t get out much other than working in the zoo with all of these animals…”

“Wow… So does that mean you are single?!”


She smiles warmly.

His face lights up as Dawn gives him the thumbs up as Melissa smiles at her sister. Michelle looks back at Teddy with a blush face.

“You know you are pretty attractive yourself and…”

Teddy cuts her off as he looks back at her.

“Maybe I could take you to where I live in San Diego. I know you work here in the Zoo but why don’t we check out the San Diego Zoo and Seaworld… I think that would be fun right?!”

“I actually would love that…”

Teddy can’t stop himself from smiling. Perhaps there were good things all around for everybody at that zoo. The New Year looked to be very promising and with Dawn on cloud nine what could stop her from accomplishing everything that she had set out to do.


 Hello everybody oh my gosh this is so exciting. This is Dawn Warren reporting live on the scene here at SCW. For those who do not know me I am the April O’Neil, the Vicky Vale, and the Lois lane of professional wrestling. This Sunday is going to be one of the most exciting days in my life because I make the jump from being a journalist to becoming an actual professional wrestler. I am really excited because this is a dream come true for me. Never in 1 million years could I have ever imagined that I will be stepping into a wrestling arena and being on the same roster as some of my favorites in the entire world!

OMG DON’T GEEK OUT… DON’T FAN GIRL OUT DAWN! So you better prepare because Dawn Warren is going to do what she does best and that is being a little Spitfire of energy and I will do whatever it takes to emerge as the brand spanking new Roulette Champion.

OH EM GEE, the problem with me going into that rain on Sunday is that I can’t help but be a super fan. Here I thought that I was always destined to like be the president of the Roxi Johnson fan club but no I am going to put on my ALL PINK EVERYTHING ATTIRE and splash the entire company with a dose of greatness. I know the road to becoming a champion is going to be rough because there is so many amazing wrestlers that are going to be in this match but rest assured that won’t stop me. Just because I might be like a Mary Jane REPORTER count em people! That is four REPORTER references don’t think I need a Peter Parker, a Bruce Wayne, a Super Man, or a Leonardo to come rescue me.

I am a woman who is eager to rush into the heart of danger and prove that I am quite the little bad ass. Bombshells get ready because the most bubbily Bombshell of them all is stepping foot in that ring and you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to rock em and sock em!

Okay so maybe that sounded really corn ball like but I don’t care. I know there is tough competition in front of me and I am ready for them. First and foremost Ariana Angelos. Girl I am such a huge fan! Go Gym people are really amazing. I was one day considering of trying to pledge Go Gym as well but I was referred to be trained by Seleana and her daughter in Law Halo by the Bae so I have to like listen to her. She is my future wife and what the boss says goes. You have been nothing short of amazing Ariana. You have won the title and you have turned away every challenge that has come up against you. Your rookie year in SCW has been so awesome.

I bet you are making everybody in that gym so proud of you. Now this is going to be your hardest challenger. With all of the challenges that you have been through do you have what it takes to climb a ladder and actually fight your way out of an arena. Do you have the ability to go beyond the limits of what people know about you?! Perhaps you do have that ability but you need to show not only me but show the world. Show everybody that you are champion for a reason!

OH…MY…GOD… KRYSTAL WOLFE IS ENTERING THIS MATCH! I am like a big fan… Granted I thought she was a big fat meanie when she sent my former sister in law through a piranha tank but this woman is the queen of the Roulette division. It is a travesty that she had to sign up to this match to be on this card but at least she is proving that she is always ready for a fight. How can anybody not like the LONGEST REIGNING ROULETTE CHAMPION OF ALL TIME! Seeing the way she has dominated the scene fresh from Australia has really won me over. You line up the opponents and she knocked each and every single one of them down. It doesn’t get any better than being in the ring with Wolfe and I know she is going to be a tough nut to crack.

If there is someone who can get the full scoop on the way to beat her surely that has to be me. I mean as a super fan I have studied like EVERYBODY in the bombshell division. I have made it a habit to know what they are strong at and what they bring to the table. I respect the hell out of you Krystal. You know judging you by your beautiful blue hair and my pink hair the two of us could form a bombshell tag team.

OMGoshie we could become BOMBSHELL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… and we could call ourselves Cotton Candy…

But sad face… there’s no more bombshell tag championships at all. So silly me for even suggesting it, whatever it doesn’t matter. It is going to be a real honor to be in the ring with her!

You know it makes me super sad that my best friend Bella Madison didn’t say anything last week about this match. I was expecting a phone call or for her to at least be excited that I signed a conditional contract with the company. After all we are going to be sharing the ring together and I know the daughter of Laura Madison has all of the ability in the world to win a title. I feel like we are both cut from the same cloth in having to live in the pressure of being from a wrestling family. Hell Zoey should feel the same exact way as we are both the little sibling of other wrestlers. Although in Zoey’s case could she be considered the bigger sister because have you seen the size of her?!

It doesn’t matter because all of the three of us I am the one who seems most interested in this match, and I am too eager to just drop the ball now right. Besides Teddy has prepared me to be in this moment. It would feel so cool to win a title in my first outing. I know that hasn’t been done that much in this company.

Seleana is always a tough cookie. She is one of the fastest people in this match and I know she comes across as a little tigress. She is quick to prowl and pounce on whoever her pray is. I won’t fall pray to her but I know she has the ability to turn things up when need me. This could be her chance to gain her former glory. Her last Roulette Championship reign was fantastic. She just needs that bit of motivation and seeing a title dangling above the ring might be what she was looking for to get her going.


Damn that took a very long time to say. I think I would have had an easier time saying supercalifrag ummm well you know. The line from Mary Poppins! I have to give Christina some credit. It’s crazy that she is showing back up to SCW. She was decimated in front of the world. My sister in law Cindy even added more injury but Crystal won’t back down. She is determined to get her job back and she sees this as her platform to get what she wants back. That sounds like a good plan and go ahead and try to force your way back into a company that fired you. My question is how will that make you look in the eyes of the people?!

You can claim this isn’t another redemption story but look at what you are doing. It just seems like we have seen this unfold before. You are going to put all of your work into this match but what happens afterwards. What if you do get rehired and find yourself bored?! Are we going to see you regress like you have shown in the past?! They say history repeats itself so I want to know what makes any of this different. You can claim whatever you wish but you can’t just say what you plan to do. We need to see action. Actions speak louder than words. In any case being in the ring with a five time World Champion is overwhelming but I know it’s going to bring the best out of me.

I get to step into the ring with Mackenzie from London Underground?! Holy crap talk about me having to be in the ring with a woman who takes absolutely no nonsense! That scares me a bit because I know what she brings to the table. Mackenzie knows what it takes to win a match and she pulls no punches. She goes about handling her business and that is what she will do in that ring.

I know she has won championships in this company and a woman who deals in working with all of the backstage dealings of a casino is surely a woman that knows how to make sure that the house ALWAYS wins! In Stockton she is going to do everything in her power to make sure that she once again wins but I won’t let her. I can’t let her get ahead and I won’t. I have worked too hard to drop the ball now.

Last but not least I have to face Chelsea and OMG she was quite a big deal in SCU. I know she didn’t appreciate that I predicted myself to win this match but who else am I supposed to predict?! If I don’t believe in myself that would be me already admitting defeat before the match even begins. Maybe it was foolish for me to announce that I was going to be part of the match before it even begun. That will have given people time to study me or look at the things I have done in PWS Apex which honestly wasn’t much. They could analyze every single thing I have done and will find ways to break me down.

I stand by what I did and I don’t care if that offends anybody, I am going to win this match Chelsea because I believe in myself. I believe in the power of my own beliefs and they are going to carry me to do amazing things.

I don’t care if you were the last champion of BLAH BLAH I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?! But the truth is in SCW this is a brand new journey for you as it is for me. I may be Teddy’s little sister but that isn’t what defines me. What will define me is what I plan to do in that ring. Forget the notion that you were a World Champion in SCU or even if you are like BFFL with Andrea. Don’t judge me as Teddy’s sister or Bella’s best friend.

The only thing that matters is what we both do as soon as that bell rings. The odds are not in anybody’s favor but as the true underdog and wild card in all of this I feel like I have a strong chance to emerge victorious. I am going to give my all and hope that it will be enough to take me far.

I could hate on everybody but that’s not me. Everybody is going to shine but only the Pink Puppy will be the one barking at the end. Everyone prepare because you will see that my bite is stronger than my bite. See you out there. Let’s have fun shall we?!

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