Author Topic: O'Malley (c) v Miles Kasey - Roulette championship  (Read 1669 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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O'Malley (c) v Miles Kasey - Roulette championship
« on: September 14, 2020, 03:40:27 PM »
Post all roleplays for this match here.
Limits: One roleplay per week per character - 10,000 word limit.
Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline MiloKasey

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Re: O'Malley (c) v Miles Kasey - Roulette championship
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2020, 03:19:27 PM »
Roads We Must Travel

3 years ago
Just outside Manchester, UK

My old man...what a right piece of work he was. Sole breadwinner of our family...perpetually drunk and a twisted sick fuck that worked for the most twisted and evil soul to ever grace the earth. And when he finally found himself fucking with the wrong people and ended up as worm food, I was left holding the bag to support them. I wasn’t given much of an option. Myself and my twin Brianna were fresh out of school. Her whole future was in front of her. My mum, bless her, as much as she tried couldn’t find something where she could support herself and two practically adult children. I would do just about anything for with nowhere else to turn, I found myself on the same similar and eerily twisted path of my pops.

MILES! WAIT! WAIT FOR ME!” Brianna screamed from the front door of our little place. She took off after me even after I told her to stay put.

Go back home, Bri. Stick with mum.” I’ll not be deterred from my goal, I will save my family, so I don’t even turn around and just keep walking. I can hear her footfalls come faster though.

What you are about to do is stupid! Bloody hell, will you listen to me!” she finally reaches me and grabs my arms. My face is stone solid.

That’s my decision to make. To protect you and mom, da screwed us royal and now I’m left with no other choice. If we want to survive, you are going to have to settle for the fact that this is our only option unless something better comes along.” I just sigh heavily and look at my twin sister, “Bri, look, I don’t want too but seeing as what we are faced with, if I don’t then we’re not only going to be homeless but we’re going to starve as well, because he will make sure of it. I can’t do that to you two.

Da really left us with nothing?

Pretty much. We’ve scrapped by barely, but I know damn well it’s because of the situation that dad put us in. He has left us, moreso ME with no other choice. I have to do this.

Miles, there is something you’re not telling me.

You’re right, because I don’t need to worry you or mum. If all works out, we will never have to worry about another thing ever again. I’ll do what is asked of me and you will be able to live your best lives.

But at what cost?

Well, anything short of my soul is how far I’m willing to go right now and even that is up for negotiation.

Not funny!” Bri punches me hard on my arm. She always had a hell of a hook.

I’m not laughing, sis. I would do just about anything to make sure you are both safe. So please, let go of me and let me do this. Let me make sure that your futures are secure. We all know I’m just a bag of meat with a tiny little brain but if I can save this family, then I’m going to do it.

She just sighs and wraps me up in a hug, “I wish you didn’t have to

Same, but for my girls....anything.” he kisses her forehead, “I’ll call as soon as I can.” And I pull from her arms and step forward into the hell that was left for me.

Left to clean up my father’s sins....

It’s simple my boy. Find her, befriend her and report back to me. You do this...your family will never suffer again.

....what a fucking liar.

.....with a master of sin himself. I did as he said...for the most part. He almost had to kill me to find out where she was in Paris. Sweet Bella...his goal. No one understood his obsession with her. He had been since she was 13. Here it was 8 years later. I don’t even remember what he did to me to get that information out of me, but it was either tell him her location or he would do heaven’s knows what to my family. Only one that knew...

Was it worth it, mate?


Was what worth it?

You selling yourself for him to get close to Bella?

I wasn’t given a choice. He practically tortured me. Actually...he did. I have the scars to prove it but it was either that or he would have hurt Brianna and my mum. ....Levi got to her in time right?

Yea. But at what cost?

What cost indeed?

....that’s all I needed to know. Mack and I share a special bond. Both our lives were a living hell because of that psychopath. The damage was done to a woman that didn’t deserve it and I let it happen. I deserve the worst life ever for betraying her.

Not Always Paved With Good Intentions
Present Day
Las Vegas, NV

The trainers have begun working with her on physical therapy. Watching her push herself and pushing the trainers out of the way has been almost...therapeutic. Get it?

Yeah, I’m sorry.

But either way, seeing her working so hard to lose the crutches so quickly after the accident....all while I’m borrowing their time to get my own workouts in, it’s like her and I are working towards a common goal. Freedom.

Stopping to watch her for a moment...can’t help but put a small smile on my ugly mug.

I guess fuck ups like me deserve something good every now and again. I met Nessa Wilde in a series of unfortunate events, me running late for the airport to fly out and in the middle of pouring down rain and the car that I bought not even 2 weeks previous breaking down on me and leaving me stranded on the side of a New York Expressway. Through everything, being an outcast to those that under any other circumstance would be my friends, being separated from my sister and my mother because of this damn pandemic, she has been the one shining bright light among the darkness I had no other choice but to accept.

Sighing and turning so she doesn’t catch me staring....I don’t need her giving me the business today.

Nessa, short for Vanessa but don’t you dare call her that....she knows how to wield heavy machinery, so put your own life at risk if you do...but that woman is everything I asked for in life when I needed most and I didn’t even ask. She helps me forget that the only reason I’m here is because I sold my soul. While I managed to work hard through wrestling training, it was all based on a lie. I shouldn’t be here and yet I am and I almost lost her a month ago because of a drunk idiot that was flying down the road. But she’s still here. She’s healing. My focus is on her where we both know it should be somewhere else.


Growling a bit, I leave the gym area and into the locker room. I need to clear my head.

Maybe he was right. Maybe I’m not ready for this but even under the premise of the rules of a roulette match, no one is truly fully ready for the unknown. You take what is given to you and you work with it.

Take what is given to you. Make the best out of an unknown situation. Quite the interesting thought considering that’s what the Roulette Division is pretty much all about.” Laughing about it, it’s all you can really do. Situating myself on a bench in front of my bag and just reveling in the fact that it seems my whole life was leading to this.

We’re used to that, aren’t we O’Malley? Your old lady, leaving you out of the blue. Your kids not with you. I feel for ya mate and if we had met under any other circumstances, perhaps you’d find yourself with an ally, rather than an opponent.” raising my eyebrow with an honest gleam in my eye, “Maybe even a friend.

But pride, now that is a fickle, fickle fuckin’ creature ain’t it? So much so that on the same night you face me to defend your Roulette Championship, you are also in a fight for your other championship. Quite the bold one, ain’t cha, mate?

Despite your entire life falling apart, you have found yourself in this odd and rather unusual predicament. Twice in one night, you are in the battle of your life for the titles you worked so damn hard for. Championships you earned despite everything life handed you. I admire that, I admire putting yourself into your work when it’s all you have. Mostly cause I did the same damn thing. Bury yourself so you don’t feel the pain. Push yourself so maybe, on the off chance that it works, the numbness would go away.” Leaning in a bit, “....hate to break it to you, mate. doesn’t work. Eventually it catches up to you and takes you out with a baseball bat, wrapped in barbed wire and lit on fir and no one will even look at you twice to piss out the flames.

You called me young and practically inexperienced....young yes. Inexperienced?? Hardly.” stopping for a moment to just take a small drink, I smirk and hold up my hand, “Do you know why I came to SCW? I mean, really. It was because I needed to find myself. For far too long I was just a cog in the machine. I did what was expected of me and never truly pushed myself. That was until now.” glancing around, looking amused, “I didn’t expect this. I was all willing to climb the proverbial ladder, as it were. But when opportunity struck, I took it. I took every bit of it because I knew damn well I was out to prove a point; that come hell or high water, I was going to do something more than just be there. I can’t afford to be numb to my situations anymore because that’s what has been happening to me again. Dealt a shitty hand and shutting down. Nessa reminded me of that, when I met her, I was just going through the motions. It took me almost losing her to wake up and realize that I do have something to work towards. That I do have something to fight for and I have a lot to prove for once.

I don’t need to dwell in the past, I don’t need my teacher’s name to get a leg up. I’m gonna lift my head up, I’m going to take every shot you have given and will continue to give me. But one thing is for sure, win or lose, you will respect me.

I look down and reach into my bag and pull up a small box. Turning it over in my fingers ever so slightly, “Numbness, pain, anguish, total fear of those you care for being put in complete a constant battle with the possibilities of the future, letting go of what was and looking at the light. My future is in my hands, but how it goes is all up to me.

Dropping the box into the bag and holding my head in hands, “I don’t know if I’m ready for this or not....but I sure as hell have to try.

Milo?” Nessa’s voice rings through from the door. “I’m all done for the day!

....that voice, that sweet Staten Island accent.

Lifting my head and glancing towards the sign that screams EXIT in bright red letters, “Be right there, love.

Gather your shit Milo...get out the door...face your future.

Tally ho.” deep breath, bag in hand.

Off I go.

Offline O Malley

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Re: O'Malley (c) v Miles Kasey - Roulette championship
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2020, 10:09:51 PM »
June 2015
Dublin, Ireland
Fighting To Walk...But For Who?

Nearly two months have passed since O’Malley’s near fatal accident. He had been left in a coma, and before the order to remove him from life support had been fulfilled, a miracle had happened. O’Malley woke from the coma, but he wasn’t in perfect shape. He did not have full sensation from the waist down, so he was left mostly paralyzed and unable to walk.

But he refused to give up. The doctors were hopeful for his recovery, due to the fact that he had sensations come and go, but his journey to walking again was not an easy one. It required several days worth of physical therapy every week, and the willpower to not give up just when things seemed the most bleak. Days like today.

O’Malley wasn’t in this fight alone, though. Darcy was with him every second, and she had been since his accident. Though that may be due in part to the fact that Darcy felt guilt over the words she had spoken to him just seconds before he was struck by that car. She had only expressed how sorry she felt once, but he knew that even though he did not blame her, she blamed herself. Even despite everything they had been through, she was still in love with him, and she couldn’t bear to lose him.

The pair is currently at the physical therapy facility for O’Malley’s current appointment. She can tell he is having a bad day, both physically and mentally speaking, but she tries not to push the issue. And when the physical therapist orders O’Malley to take a brief break, he scowls. He wants to continue but because he is not to do anything while unattended by the physical therapist, he has no choice but to wait in his wheelchair.

Darcy: Here, have some water. You need to stay hydrated.

She holds out a bottle of water to him. He frowns and takes it out of her hand, but doesn’t open the bottle right away. He just looks down at his legs, thinking of how useless they are at the moment.

O’Malley: This shite is pissin’ me off, Darc. Feelin’ comes an’ goes. I just wish it wouldn’t go. I’m sick of bein’ in this damn chair.

She places a hand on his knee. He couldn’t feel the whole movement, but a slight sensation was there. He didn’t understand what he was doing wrong.

Darcy: I know you are. It’s only been two months. The doctors warned that this could take a while. But I think we’re seeing great progress, so we have every reason to believe you’ll defy their expectations.

She hated seeing him like this, but it was better than what had nearly happened to him. When she saw him lying in the middle of the street, she thought for sure she had lost him then. And then again when he was about to be pulled from life support. To say that time was terrifying was an understatement. The doctors were amazed he had come out of his coma, and she was, too. For a different reason.

Misty. She was well aware that wretched American whore had visited O’Malley in the hospital just a short while before his condition improved. She hated it, but she knew. But since he had woke up, he hadn’t even brought her up so she felt like he had given up on the idea of returning to America to be with her or her bastard child.

O’Malley: I know I’ll walk again, Darc. The fact that feelin’ in me legs comes and goes is proof enough. I just don’t know what more I can do to speed up the damn process.

Darcy: Don’t rush it. You might do more damage than good. You know that. Just keep up with what you’re doing and eventually it’ll all work out. And you’ve got me here every step of the way.

He finally opens the bottle of water and takes a drink, looking at her. He knew what she wanted, and why she was still supporting him during all of this, which made it that much worse for what he was about to say.

O’Malley: Ye wanted me dead, Darc. Ye said so before I got hit by that car. Ye don’t have to be here…

She’s taken back by his words, and it made her feel that more guilty all over again. But O’Malley didn’t blame her. He never could. She had every reason to hate him.

Darcy: I didn’t mean that, O’Malley. I never could. I was just upset and my emotions boiled over. And after your accident...I’ll never forgive myself. I feel like it’s my fault you’re in this wheelchair.

He shakes his head and sets the bottle of water down.

O’Malley: It ain’t yer fault, love. Maybe it’s karma gettin’ back to me fer bein’ such a shitty human bein’. God knows after everythin’ I’ve put ye through I deserve it.

Darcy: No you don’t. You’re alive. That has to count for something?

He shrugs.

O’Malley: Maybe. Maybe not. As long as I’m stuck in this damn wheelchair I’ll never see me own child or be a father to him or her. That’s why I’m so impatient.

He could tell by the look on Darcy’s face that his comment had come as a bit of a shock to her. That and her immediate silence as she didn’t know how to respond.

O’Malley: I...I gotta raise me child, Darc. I thought ye understood that?

She quickly nods her head, doing her best to seem understanding. She stands up and walks past him so he can’t see her face.

Darcy: Of course I understand. I mean, why wouldn’t I? But...doesn’t she think you’re dead? I just figured if you were planning on telling her, you would have by now…

O’Malley: I’ve thought about it every damn day, honestly. But what good would it do when I’m stuck in this chair? I can’t be there fer her or our child. I need to walk again. I need to be a better person.

She nods and fights back tears with her back still turned to him. But he didn’t need to see her face to know that he had done it again. He had broken her heart all over again.

Darcy: You don’t need to explain. Really. Let’s just focus on getting you better, alright?

He wanted to have a more serious conversation with her, but it would have to wait as his physical therapist had returned, ready to continue their work for the day. O’Malley takes in a deep breath and spins his chair around, heading off with his physical therapist as Darcy calms herself down quietly, making sure she wasn’t crying before she turned around to watch him.

The Truth Comes Out
Saxon Hotel

It has been a long few weeks where O’Malley and his strained marriage to Darcy was concerned. The two still hadn’t talked much, especially after finding out that Darcy’s actions had pushed Misty’s parents to file restraining orders against the both of them. While O’Malley was trying to process it all, and deal with his upcoming title defense against Miles Kasey at Violent Conduct, he was still staying at the Saxon Hotel by himself.

Today is a resting day for him, before he has to focus on training and preparing for whatever match stipulation the Roulette wheel should land on for his match against Miles. He was well aware that the stipulations normally on the wheel would be replaced by much more violent ones to better align with the theme of the show. But no matter how much he trained, there was simply no way to be fully prepared with no idea of what stipulation it would land on.

As he lays back in bed, his arms resting behind his head and trying not to keep his mind completely shut off at least for the night, there is a knock on the door. He keeps his eyes closed and lets out a growl.

O’Malley: Oi! I don’t need anythin’! The Do Not Disturb tag is hangin’ fer a reason!

His shouting works for a moment as he assumes housekeeping is at the door. Just as he is about to clear his mind again, the knocking comes again. This time, he opens his eyes and gets out of bed, heading towards the door. He grabs the handle and swings it open, ready to give the hotel employee a stern warning, but he’s surprised at who he sees standing outside his door.

O’Malley: Darc? What are ye doin’ here?

He stares at his wife as a slight smile grows on her face, seeing the love of her life once again. As angry as he was with her, he couldn’t deny how much he missed her, especially now coming face to face with her again.

Darcy: I know I should have called, but I didn’t think you’d answer. Can...can we talk?

He’s hesitant to let her inside, or to even give her the time she is asking for. But as he stares at her face, and how broken she really looks, he steps aside.

O’Malley: I guess. Come on in…

She smiles and walks inside. He closes the door behind them, and follows her into his room. He waits for her to say something, as he is lost for words himself. She stands with her back to him for a moment, and he can tell by the rise of her shoulders when she takes in a deep breath and turns around to face him again.

Darcy: I...I can’t stand this distance between us, O’Malley. I know you’re angry with me for lying to you like I did, and I’m sorry. I want things to go back to how they were before all of this. I want us to have the life we deserve because we’ve both been through so much over the years.

O’Malley: I just don’t understand why ye lied to me like that, love. It’s like ye were tryna trap me, and to be quite honest, that’s really fecked up. We’re already married. Ye didn’t need to—

Darcy nods, but she holds her hand up and he goes quiet. She then takes in another deep breath as she gathers her thoughts.

Darcy: Before you get upset again and really get going, let me finish. I know in order for us to try and get back on track with our marriage, I need to come clean about some things. I know you know that I’ve been keeping something from you, and I can only imagine what you think it is.

O’Malley: Look, if ye cheated on me, ye’d have had every right to. After everything I—

Darcy: It’s not that, O’Malley. Of course you would think that, but that’s not it. Not at all. I’ve never looked at any man the way I’ve looked at you so I would never cheat on you. But, there is a reason that your relationship with Misty had such an affect on me. And why I still struggle with it to this day.

O’Malley stands there quietly, waiting for her to be honest with him. This is what he had been waiting months for, but nothing would truly prepare him for exactly what she was about to tell him. But he thought he was prepared for anything.

Darcy: I always knew deep down we were meant to be together, O’Malley. From the moment we first met, I was drawn to you, much like you were drawn to Misty. I made it seem like I didn’t understand, but I did. But what hurt me the most, is what you didn’t know. What I didn’t get a chance to tell you when you chose to be with her all those years ago. It changed me forever, and it was something I never wanted to go through.

O’Malley: Just tell me, love. I can’t help ye...I can’t fix us, if I don’t know what the feck happened…

She lowers her head for a long few moments, preparing to tell him the secret she’s held for six years. He can tell she’s struggling and he steps closer to her, reassuring her that he’s here. After a few moments, she finally looks up at him.

Darcy: I was pregnant, O’Malley. The day you left me for her, I was going to tell you. But...then I couldn’t.

His heart sinks. That was not what he was expecting to hear. He didn’t know what he expected her to tell him, but that was not it.

O’Malley: Ye were..pregnant?

She nods, and he takes a couple of steps back trying to process that news. He backs up against the bed and then sinks down onto it, bringing his hand up to his head. But then another thought hits him.

O’Malley: Wait. What...happened? Ye didn’t…?

Darcy: I had a miscarriage in my second trimester. I was planning on raising her alone, but then at my twenty week appointment, there was no heartbeat.

O’Malley’s head lifts as his heart breaks.

O’Malley: Her?

Darcy nods again, just as heartbroken as he is.

Darcy: Yes. I lost our daughter. I…I wanted to tell you. I came close when you came back to Ireland and we almost got back together. But then…

O’Malley: Then I found out Misty was pregnant. That explains why ye reacted the way ye did.

Darcy: I was just so angry. A part of me still is. Everything was going so well in my pregnancy. Nothing was wrong, and then she was just...gone. And then to find out that Misty was getting what I had lost? Yes, I was jealous. But I just wanted our daughter back. I wanted the chance to hold her in my arms.

This was becoming too much for him to process. He couldn’t understand any of it. He couldn’t understand why everything in his life had happened the way it did. He thought losing Misty was bad enough, but now realizing that he would have had a daughter? It was too much.

He stands up from the bed and paces around for a moment. Darcy tries to approach him but he stops her before he grabs his keys.

O’Malley: Stay here. I...I need some time to meself to process all of this.

Darcy: I...I should have told you sooner, O’Malley. But it just hurt thinking about it.

O’Malley: I...I know. It ain’t that. I ain’t angry with ye about that. I just...I need some time. Wait fer me here.

She’s going to ask him where he’s going, but he quickly turns and bolts out of the room. Darcy takes in a deep breath and she steps over to the bed, sinking down onto it much like O’Malley had. She buries her face in her hands and sobs, wondering if their marriage could ever be as happy as they wanted it to be.

He knew where he was headed from the moment he got into his car and started the engine, but he didn’t know why. The fact that he was drawn to go to the cemetery made no sense to him, but he couldn’t stop now. His head was in a weird place from the moment Darcy had told him the truth about her miscarriage, and the fact that had the pregnancy gone to term, they would have a daughter not much older than Owen.

Was this just another consequence of his actions? Was his daughter’s life not meant to be because he was being punished for everything he had done? And while he should have stayed in that hotel room with Darcy so they could comfort each other, even six year later, he had to go visit Misty. He had to vent his frustrations away from Darcy, so when he went back, what he said wouldn’t come out the wrong way.

He hadn’t been to the cemetery in quite some time, but he could never forget where she was buried. He drove through the front entrance of the Palm Eastern Cemetery in Las Vegas. He made his way through the cemetery until he parked along the edge of the grass just by the section where she was buried. He could already see her large headstone and as he got out of the car, he slowly walked towards it. He finally stops just at her grave and drops down to his knees.

O’Malley: What else is life gonna throw at me, huh? How much more shite is gonna get added on to me plate?

He places a hand on the headstone, almost expecting her to answer. Maybe she would. She had somehow appeared to him months ago, so why not now? She couldn’t be gone for good like she had said last he had seen of her.

O’Malley: C’mon, Misty. I know yer listenin’. I know yer watchin’. Show yer face like ye did last time.

He looks around, expecting her to appear to him, but she doesn’t. What does happen, however, is the breeze picks up for a brief moment. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath and knows that her spirit is there.

O’Malley: Why, Misty? Why did Darcy have to lose our child? Why did I give up Owen, now causin’ all this shite with yer family to get him back? Am I meant to lose everythin’ in the end?

He closes his eyes again, growing angry with himself. The breeze picks up and something tells him to turn around. Just as he does, he sees a familiar car parking behind his. It’s Misty’s sister, Dixie. And in the back seat, he sees Owen. Owen’s face lights up and O’Malley makes eye contact with Dixie. He can tell she is considering driving off, but she looks into the backseat at Owen, before getting out of the vehicle. Owen stays in the car as Dixie and O’Malley walk up to one another.

O’Malley: I...I didn’t know ye’d be here, Dixie. I just needed to come by. I know I ain’t supposed to be around Owen because of that restrainin’ order, so I’ll let the two of—

Dixie: Stop.

O’Malley is about to head to his car but he stops when Dixie tells him to. He turns back around glances to Owen, before turning his attention back to Dixie.

Dixie: You look...upset.

He nods.

O’Malley: Just a bit. I’ve made a mess of a lot of shite over the last six years, and it’s clear I’m payin’ fer it all now, love. I hurt Darcy. I hurt Misty. I hurt Owen. I deserve everythin’ I’m gettin’ now.

Dixie: You really want to make things up to Owen? You’re not just doing all of this because we’re Misty’s family and that new wife of your’s hated her?

O’Malley shakes his head this time.

O’Malley: There’s a lot about Darcy ye don’t understand, Dixie. Hell I didn’t until just today, but this has nothin’ to do with her. After Misty died, it almost killed me. A couple of times actually. I couldn’t let Owen see me spiral down like that. I couldn’t be—

Dixie holds her index finger up and O’Malley goes silent. Dixie heads back over to her car and opens the back passenger seat, helping Owen out of his booster seat. As soon as his feet hit the grass, he goes running towards O’Malley.

Owen: Daddy!

O’Malley drops down and Owen runs into his arms, and the two embrace for the first time in two years. O’Malley lifts Owen up and holds him close.

O’Malley: Owen…me boy. Man I can’t tell ye how happy this makes me.

O’Malley looks back to Dixie as she walks up to them.

Dixie: This stays between us right now. I just couldn’t keep him from seeing you any longer. Regardless of everything that has happened or is going on right now, you’re his father and he’s been begging to see you.

Owen: Why can’t I see you more? Grandma and Grandpa are really mad.

O’Malley nods, and he fights back happy tears as he looks into his son's eyes.

O’Malley: They are, kiddo. But don’t ye worry about that, alright? I’m workin’ on fixin’ all this so I can see ye a lot more. So maybe ye can come back home to live with me…

Dixie: O’Malley…

Owen: You mean...I wouldn’t see Grandma and Grandpa anymore? Or Aunt Dixie or Aunt Desiree?

O’Malley shakes his head and sets Owen back down, getting eye level with him.

O’Malley: No, that ain’t what I’m sayin’ kiddo. Of course I’d let ye see them. We’ll work it all out but my main priority was at least seein’ ye. Dixie, I can’t thank ye enough.

Dixie: Owen, you can’t tell Grandma and Grandpa about this, okay?

Owen turns around and looks at his aunt, nodding slowly. He glances towards his mother’s headstone and them with sad eyes, looks back to O’Malley.

Owen: I wish Mommy were still here. I hear Grandma and Grandpa talking sometimes and they say you found me a new mommy.

O’Malley’s jaw drops, stunned. He goes speechless for several seconds before he shakes his head.

O’Malley: Absolutely not, Owen. No one will ever replace yer mother. There’s a lot that we’ll need to talk about, but that’ll come later, alright?

Owen: Okay. Do you have to leave now?

O’Malley: I don’t wanna take up yer time visiting yer Mum with Auntie Dixie. Remember what she said though. This is our secret fer now. But we’ll see each other again soon enough. I love ye, kiddo.

O’Malley and Owen share one last hug.

Owen: Love you too, Daddy. Tell Auntie Roxi I said hi.

O’Malley: I’ll be sure to send along the message, but we’ll make sure ye see her soon, too.

O’Malley turns his attention back to Dixie. Owen then runs off and over to Misty’s grave, sitting down in the grace just in front of her headstone.

O’Malley: Thank ye again, love. I really wasn’t expectin’ ye to let me see him.

Dixie: I debated it, honestly. But he misses you, and I can’t deny how much you’re fighting for him right now. Just don’t make me regret it, please. I can’t watch him go through the heartbreak again like he did after you left two years ago.

O’Malley: Trust me, I won’t. I could barely live with meself after that. I could never do it again. Anyway, I gotta get goin’. I’ve got some things to sort out, but thank ye again. I’m sure we’ll be in touch again soon.

Dixie: I’ll try and talk to my Dad and Colleen, but I can’t make any guarantees. You take care, O’Malley. And good luck at Violent Conduct.

O’Malley grins.

O’Malley: Thanks, love. I’m probably gonna need it, if I’m honest.

The two share one quick friendly smile and O’Malley waves back at Owen. Dixie heads over towards her nephew as O’Malley heads back to his car. As he sits behind the driver’s side, staring at his son for a few more moments, he is more determined now than he was before to get him back. The battle for his son is one he does not intend to lose.

Back At The Hotel

Darcy did as O’Malley had told her earlier. She has waited in the room for him to come back, refusing to leave until he does. She’s growing concerned the more time that passes and she doesn’t hear from him, but just as she is going to reach for her cell phone to call or text him, the door opens, and he walks into the room. She stands up from the bed, and looks at him.

Darcy: I was beginning to worry. Are…are you okay?

He stares at her for a few moments, thinking that question through. She stares back, waiting for an answer until he walks up to her, places a hand on either side of her face and brings his lips to hers. She is momentarily surprised, but she wraps her arms around him, and kisses him back. When he breaks the kiss, he looks into her eyes.

O’Malley: I am now, love. I can’t tell ye how sorry I am that ye went through that miscarriage alone. It shouldn’t have happened.

Darcy: It wasn’t entirely your fault, my love. I didn’t even tell you I was pregnant.’s in the past. I’m just doing my best to move forward, and part of that is trying to build a family with you. Getting back what we lost. I hope you understand that.

He nods and runs his hands through her hair. She lays her head on his chest, thankful to be in his arms again.

O’Malley: I know what ye mean, love. And I understand that. I do. We’ll build that family, I promise. But the priority right now has to be Owen. I left him two years ago, and I can’t let that mistake cause me to lose him forever. We need to fight like hell to bring him home.

Darcy: I agree. That has to happen. But…

She takes a step back and O’Malley’s arms drop. He looks at her confused, but waits for her to finish what she had to say.

Darcy: I’m not going back on the birth control. I’m not saying we have to focus on trying to have a baby now, but why can’t we just see what happens? Let life happen the way it’s meant to?

He takes in a deep breath and thinks for a moment as they stare at one another. She’s almost afraid of how he’s going to respond, until he finally does.

O’Malley: I can accept that. But, if ye do end up pregnant, we’re gonna have to discuss the situation with ye comin’ out to the ring with me.

Darcy: Deal. We’ll cross that bridge when we need to. What exactly did you do when you left the hotel, anyway?

O’Malley scratches his head. He doesn’t exactly want to say he went to Misty’s grave, but he doesn’t want to lie either. He decides on telling the truth.

O’Malley: Somethin’ told me to go to Misty’s grave, so that’s where I went. And it ended up bein’ what I needed cause Misty’s sister showed up with Owen. She let me see him, Darc. I actually got to talk to him. And to hold him and hug him. I need him back.

Darcy: That’s fanstastic. At least there’s one decent person in that family.

The two close the distance between them and wrap their arms around each other again, neither wanting to let the other go.

O’Malley: I won’t lose him, Darc. And I won’t lose ye, either. I’ve lost too much already in me life, and I’m done with it. I’m not losin’ anything else goin’ forward.

Darcy: You don’t need to worry about that. You’ll never lose me. And neither of us will ever lose another child. I promise.

He kisses the top of her head as she closes her eyes and enjoys the moment. He thinks about the words both have just spoken and how it ties into his upcoming matches at Violent Conduct. Because he has a lot to lose going into both matches.

I’ve come to a big realization recently, and it’s that I’ve lost quite a bit throughout me life. Both personally and professionally speaking. And while most of it has been in me personal life, in the grand scheme of things, it all ties into me professional life, despite wantin’ to keep the two separate. Considerin’ a big loss in me personal life was Misty, no one can deny that.

I thought she was the first major loss I’ve had to deal with, but apparently I was wrong. Without even knowin’ it, I lost something even more precious years before, and that information hurts just as bad as the day that I loss Misty. And the day I lost me son, when I chose to leave him in the care of people I thought would be better fer him than I was. And now I’m tryna get him back, and the thought of losin’ him fer good just ain’t sittin’ well with me. The thought of losin’ anything else ain’t sittin’ well with me if I’m honest.

And that...that brings everythin’ together, here. Because in just two days, I’m walkin’ into Violent Conduct with more to lose than anyone else. I mean, I am the only person holding two titles, one in each brand and I’ll be defendin’ both on the worst night ye could even think to have a double title defense. Violent Conduct. Can’t one person deny the disadvantage I’m in, but let me make something clear right here. Right now. Losing isn’t an option. In either match. Now, me match against Father Gerald is later in the night so I’m guessin’ if I were to ask Daniel Morgan the bettin’ odds on that one, they wouldn’t be in my favor because I know the Roulette Wheel ain’t gonna be pleasant.

Ain’t that right, Miles? Ye’ve got a chance to steal title number one from me first, but ye’ve also got the opportunity to screw me out of me second title, too. Why? Because dependin’ on what that Roulette wheel lands on, ye’ve got the chance to help ol’ Father Gerald gettin’ a head start in destroyin’ me. Key words ye’ve got the chance. But I’m gonna do everythin’ in me power to make sure that don’t happen, fella, because losin’ one title would be bad enough. Losin’ both would be tragic.

I know ye want this, Miles. Especially after our little run in a few weeks ago, yer more determined than ever to make me eat me words and take me Roulette title, but what ye don’t realize is that after the last few weeks I’ve had? I’m more determined to stop ye. And we both already know I can, fella. Because I gave ye a preview two weeks ago on Climax Control.

I see potential in ye, kid. Yer young. Yer talented. Yer a hell of a competitor in the ring, but despite all that, yer lackin’ alot. Ye don’t quite have what it takes, and until ye realize that, this match on Sunday is the closest ye’ll ever be to the Roulette Championship. I mean, ye lucked out even gettin’ this opportunity so what does that say? The only reason yer little effort won ye that match at Summer XXXtreme was because El Dark couldn’t win a match to save his life, and Mav couldn’t give a rat’s arse, so congratulations. Ye were spoonfed this opportunity. Because ye didn’t earn it in me eyes. Not really.

And ye honestly think I’m gonna let meself lose knowin’ that? Feck off with that. This Roulette Championship is mine. And it’s gonna stay mine, because I ain’t finished yet. I’m not gonna let some rookie ruin me chances at beatin’ not only Kris Ryans’ record, but Griffin’s also. I’ve got goals, and those goals WILL be achieved.

Here’s what I want ye to do, Miles. I want ye to change me mind about ye. I want ye to do what no one else is doin’, and prove to me that when I decide it’s time to let this Roulettw Championship go, ye’ll be the one I think will be the next to hold it. Because as much as everyone hates me bein’ the champion, I don’t exactly see anyone provin’ they can do anythin’ about it. Includin’ ye, Miles.

But that could change. If ye put in more effort. If ye try a little harder and do all the things a champion should before ye even have a title. Take a few lessons from Ben Jordan, maybe. Do somethin’, because until that happens, ye ain’t worthy. And before anyone can say anythin’, that ain’t me runnin’ from a challenge. It’s me sayin’ there ain’t a challenge to begin with.

I ain’t gonna lie, though. The Roulette Wheel has me worried, Miles. And it should have ye worried, too, because this ain’t gonna be an ordinary match. It ain’t gonna be a ladder match, or a tables match or anything predictable like that. The stipulations they’re gonna add to that wheel will be extra special. Extra violent. Extra fecked up. What will ours be? Well, that remains to be seen, and because of the added violencs to this night, it’s only gonna make it that much sweeter to walk away the winner.And winning is my only option.

I know they say ye can’t win ‘em all in this business, and I’m no stranger to that fact. I’ve lost a few fair matches, and deservedly so, but it all comes at a cost. And that cost is somethin’ I just can’t afford in me life right now. I don’t plan on bein’ Roulette Champion forever, but the day I’m not is the day I CHOOSE to give it up. And Miles...that day ain’t today. I don’t choose to give this title up to ye.

Two days, Miles. Just two more days ye have to dream of takin’ this title away from me, because after Sunday...that dream will be dead.

And that’s a promise.

See ye Sunday, fella!
