Author Topic: SCU presents... Underground Ep. 131 (Results)  (Read 6460 times)

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SCU presents... Underground Ep. 131 (Results)
« on: May 09, 2022, 12:42:27 AM »
Underground Ep. 132

Sin City Underground Ep 131 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Ano Liosia Olympic Sports Hall in Athens, Greece. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, May 7th, 2022.

Outside their hotel, Stewart, is sitting by the pool shirtless on each side of him are Gemma and Gail both clad in bikini’s.

Gail: You know what separates Team Canada from everyone else, we can take things seriously, and still take time to enjoy the beautiful weather here in Greece.

Gemma: Exactly, we’ve enjoyed our time here in this great country of Greece, the hospitality has been awesome.

Stewart: Yeah, but while these two get to continue to fine weather here, I’ll be stepping in the ring representing team Canada against Skag.

A waiter brings them their drinks.

Stewart: Skag, I take nothing away from you your a hell of a wrestler, one of the guys fought fought tooth and nail in the war between Sin City Underground and Grime, you tough and determined and you never give up I like that, but with that being said when the bell ring you know I’m in there to beat you, I won’t take you lightly because that would be foolish, and we’ll battle to the final bell, and see who is left standing.

Gemma: and Skag it won’t be you.

Gail, Gemma, and Stewart clank their glasses together.

Stewart: Skag, here’s to ya.

Singles Match
Skag Vs Stewart Mason

Skag and Stewart tie up in the center of the ring, but Skag stops long enough to slap the back of Stewart’s head.  This annoys Stewart, and he tries to go for a punch to the face.  Skag ducks out of it and gets behind Stewart, slaps the back of his head again.  Stewart turns around, but Skag lifts him up into a High Angle Suplex.  He hooks the leg, but only gets a one count.  Skag tries to pin him again, but Stewart puts him over onto his stomach.  He wraps his arm around Skag’s neck and lifts him up, bringing him down with a Bulldog.  He picks him back up and whips him into the corner.  He charges after with a back elbow.  He digs the elbow in, using it to choke Skag.  Skag tries to claw free, and eventually does.  Skag grips onto Stewart’s hair and then jumps on his back, punching at the back of Stewart’s head.  Stewart charges back into the corner, bucking into it multiple times until Skag lets go.  He pushes his foot into Skag’s throat, leaving it there until the break is called for.  After 4 seconds, he drops his leg, and then hits a high kick.  He drops Skag with a stunner, and gets a two count.  Skag springs up and tries to nail the Hecate's Reign (Inverted Bow and Arrow Stretch), but Stewart grabs Skag’s arms and brings him around into the The Payday ( Half-Nelson Choke a.k.a the Tazmission)  After a moment of this, Skag taps out. Stewart wins via Submission.

Sin City Underground presents… The Northern Lights Tour: Road to Supernova 5

No Nights Off… The Go-Home Tour hits several spots made famous by many of the stars in Sin City Underground. Join in on the celebration of 3 and a half years of sin, where we will see the 6th Mayhem Survival with special guest spots, and guest appearances from stars from Honor Wrestling, Northern Lights Wrestling, and Sin City Underground past. Help us make this send off tour one for the ages!

Underground 133 - 5/28 - Mary Brown’s Centre in St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

Underground 134 - 6/4 - BMO Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Underground 135 - 6/11 - Colisee Pepsi in Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Underground 137 - 6/25 - BMO Field in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Underground 139 - 7/9 - Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Supernova 5 - 7/16 - BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Singles Match
Javier Gonzalez Vs Andrey Azarov

Andrey starts the match off by ducking Javi at every turn, somersaulting and diving through all attacks.  Javi gets frustrated and this forces him to become more aggressive.  He eventually catches Andrey with a Discus Punch that floors him.  Javi goes for a Fist Drop and nails it.  As he goes to pick Andrey up, Andrey nails a cheap shot to Javi’s stomach, which distracts Javi enough for a roll up pin.  Andrey gets a two count.  Javi climbs up the ropes to stand up, and Andrey rushes at him with a Clothesline, causing both to tumble to the outside.  Andrey is up to his feet first, and Javi soon after.  They brawl back and forth until Andrey ducks a punch and grabs nachos from a fan, shoving them in Javi’s face.  He then plants Javi with a DDT.  He takes a beer from a fan and pours it down his throat and face.  He throws the cup at Javi and drags him to the ring.  Javi is able to hit a Baseball Slide on Andrey.  Andrey rebounds slowly, but climbs back inside of the ring.  Javi picks him up for a Suplex, but Andrey reverses it into a Tornado DDT.  He is able to hit the Shadow Cyclone (Javi Bux). Andrey Azarov wins via pinfall.

In the GM office, we see a quick shot of GM Lexa Pellegrini.

Lexa:  I do not want to take too much time out of the show tonight to make these important Into the Void XI announcements. We already know that Angel of Filth and Cordelia Clark’s feud will culminate in two weeks. Esther Azarov made a challenge to Morganna, and we’re going to allow it.  Joshua Acquin and Amy Santino defend their titles, separately, against Rory Rockefeller and Chelsea LeClair. Rory has already stated that he chooses a Bar Room Brawl.  Helluva Bottom Carter will defend against Mz Holly Wood.  We will see Omasa Tazu and Merlot Ayano get a proper match against one another for the Underground Championship in a Hell in a Cell Match.  Jerry Cann will be challenging Jake Jeckel for the Combat Championship.  And, as of now, Winter has no challenger.

Lexa clears her throat and continues.

Lexa:  I’m told that there will be an official announcement later tonight on that topic.  And that covers all of the singles titles.  As of right now, we don’t have challengers for the Pride or GRIME Tag Team titles.  Let’s fix that.  If you don’t have any viable challengers at this moment, why don’t we do title versus title?

Crowd: *POP!*

Lexa: There you have it.

The camera goes elsewhere.

Backstage at Mytilene Municipal Stadium, Marissa Henry is standing with The Three Way.

Marissa: We’ve just heard the announcement at into the void it will be The Three Way vs the Jeckels title vs title thoughts.

Sarah: This is a match that has been a long time coming, the two best tag teams in SCU battling for tag team supremacy.

Dahlia: Exactly, we are very familiar with the Jeckels, and winning both sets of titles would definitely be a hug win for both teams, but the Grime tag team title just aren’t our thing, so if we win we’ll keep the titles that we held for a long time the very titles we brought to Sin City Wrestling, the Pride Tag Team titles.

Earl: Indeed, there is one team more synonymous with the Pride tag team titles than The Three Way, so like my loving wife stated, we’ll keep and defend the Pride tag team titles.

Marissa: Okay, thank-you for your time, back to the ring.

Also backstage, Dev is with the Jeckels.

Dev: So the announcement was just made of the Jeckel vs The Three Way titles vs titles.

Raisa: The time has arrived to fight to determine who is the superior team in Sin City Wrestling, it is of course The Jeckels, there is one team that can bring violence, chaos and mayhem better than The Jeckels.

Jack: Mr. We have been at war with the Three way since our arrival in Sin City Wrestling. They have fought well, but our next meeting will result in us defeating The Three Way and proving once and for all who is the superior team.

Helena: When we defeat them, we will remain Grime tag team champions, it suits us, and while we are the champions the title will be defended between the three of us, our foes will never know which two of us they will face until the match begins.

Jack: We look forward to using that rule to our advantage.

Raisa: Mr. Dev this will make them very content, The Jeckels will reign supreme.

Jack: It is written so it shall be done.

The camera opens backstage on Halo Annis in full Shieldmaidens colors holding a microphone in what looks like an old school interview area.

Halo: My name is Halo and I’m here to talk about how, later on tonight, I will be facing Tatsu Ikeda, a woman who has proven herself time and again here in SCU. Whether she was one of the Kawaii Dragons and dominating the tag team divisions or wrestling all by herself, Tatsu has shown what kind of competitor she is!

She nods before pointing to herself.

Halo: So have I. I’ve won championships here too and I helped lead the charge against GRIME before we all found out that everyone on both sides was basically lied to in order to foster a false sense of competition just to satisfy some stupid whim.

Again, she nods, looking somewhere between annoyed and nonplussed.

Halo: Through it all, both of us were top level contenders to whatever we felt like contending for and I gotta believe we’re gonna light it up tonight! But we’re not the only ones who could possibly steal the show as my guests at this time are going to face off in tag team action, Aunt Li and Cousin Jenifer Lacroix, come on in…

Linnea and Jenifer Lacroix walk into the shot on the left.

Halo: And their opponents tonight, my fellow Shieldmaidens, members of Gutter Ballet, championship level competitors all, 2BC, Chiaki “Chi Chi” Sanada and Jane “The Hammer” Harper, guys come on in as well.

Chiaki Sanada and Jane Harper walk into the shot on the right.

Halo: Aunt Li, y’all gonna have your work cut out for you tonight!

Linnea nods as Halo holds the mic over to her.

Linnéa: Well, you know somethin’, HayJo, me and Jenifer have been looking for an opportunity like this since arriving here in SCU and I can’t wait to get in there with two people I respect as much as I do Cheech and Jane!

Halo nods, moving the mic to Jenifer.

Halo: That’s pretty high praise, Cousin Jenifer!

Jenifer nods her agreement.

Jenifer: Oui! Ce sera une merveilleuse nuit! Je suis excité pour ça!

Halo nods as she turns to the other team.

Halo: Sounds like this is gonna be a good one tonight, guys!

Chi Chi nods excitedly.

Chi Chi: Chi Chi pop teefies on fakkers get in way!

Halo almost laughs.

Halo: That sounds serious, Hammer!

Jane shrugs.

Jane: Who am I to stop Cheech if she decides to teach a bitch a lesson for getting in the way tonight. We want this match so please, if you wanna get it bad, come fuck with us tonight!

Halo nods.

Halo: I thank you, Ladies, this sounds like it’s gonna be a helluva night and now, let’s get back to ringside!

Singles Match
Kandy Kaine Vs Kelli Torres

Kandy dodges Kelli’s tie up attempts for all of twenty seconds before finding a way to kick out her left knee.  She then ties up with Kelli and goes for a Belly-to-Belly Suplex, but Kelli counters it into a Bear Hug.  Kandy hits several elbows to the side of Kelli’s face, breaking the hold.  Kelli does not relent as she drops Kandy with an Atomic Drop.  Both ladies are feeling the effects, but get back to their feet quickly.  Kandy is able to first lay in a punch, ducking Kelli’s punch.  She swings behind, nailing a Crucifix Pin for a two count.  Kelli reverses it into a cover of her own, hooking the leg for a two count.  Kandy turns it into an Arm Lock, but Kelli lifts her up into a Powerbomb.  Kelli breathes heavily as she gets to her feet.  She picks Kandy up and flings her into the ropes.  She comes back to answer with a Hurricanrana cover, earning a two count.  Kelli leans up, holding onto Kandy.  With everything left in her, she is able to nail a Powerbomb, lifting up for a second Powerbomb.  Both ladies are down and the referee starts a count.  Around 6, both ladies start to stir.  Kelli is up on her feet first, but Kandy follows close behind.  They trade punches before Kandy comes off the ropes.  Kelli is able to lift her up into a Military Press Slam.  As she goes to finish off Kandy, a gloved hand reaches up from behind and grabs the back of Kelli’s leg, holding on tightly.  As she turns around to see who it is, Kandy tries to strike quickly, but Kelli ducks, putting Kandy into position for the Se Acabo (Kimura Lock)! After a few seconds, Kandy taps! Kelli Torres wins via pinfall!

Cameras go backstage as we see Winter is holding a gift bag.  Mercedes is holding a platter of mini chocolate dipped fruit Winter gave her for Mother’s Day Mercedes Vargas. Mercedes places it on a table next to them. Winter then hands Mercedes the gift bag.

Winter: Happy Mother’s Day mama!

Mercedes smiles as she removes the wrapping paper from the bag. Mercedes then pulls out a sky blue with while spotted clouds hooded bathrobe.

Mercedes: Very soft.

Mercedes puts on the robe to try it on.

Winter: Perfect fit. I look up to you like someone who looks up to the sky mama!

Mercedes:  That was very thoughtful, Winter. I appreciate that.

Winter shrugs, but it’s clear that she’s proud of herself with her smile. Mercedes takes a piece of white chocolate covered pineapple, and puts it in her mouth.

Winter:  I need to go figure out what’s going on with my Combat Championship. Lexa must be up to something.

Mercedes stops chewing, as if she knows something Winter doesn’t. She lets Winter leave, and a smile forms on her face.  She picks up a chocolate covered strawberry, and she leaves the scene.

Tag Team Match
Jenifer Lacroix & Linnea Lacroix Vs 2 Broke Chicks

Jane and Jenifer tie up in the middle of the ring as they struggle for control.  Linnea jumps up Jenifer’s back and hits a Hurricanrana on Chi Chi, taking her down to the ground.  Jane takes advantage of the distraction and brings Jenifer over with a Snap Suplex, bridging into a pin that gets a one count.  However, she grabs onto Jenifer’s arm, setting her up for Triangle Chokehold.  Jenifer kicks around, trying to find her way out of it.  Linnea hits a low dropkick to Jane’s head.  Jenifer gets out of the hold as Chi Chi charges both of the Lacroix.  Jenifer ducks and trips Chi Chi up onto the middle rope.  She signals to Linnea and does a Leapfrog over her, landing a leg guillotine to Chi Chi.  Jane comes up behind Linnea and dumps her to the outside of the ring.  Her and Jenifer tie up once more, and they take turns trying for a Vertical Suplex.  Jenifer tries and fails, but then Jane tries and fails as well.  Jenifer tries again, but Chi Chi begins kicking Jenifer, who falters a bit, and pulls Jane out of the ring as she tumbles to the outside.  Chi Chi rushes to the ring post and waits, diving as Linnea gets up.  The four begin to brawl back and forth.  Chi Chi gets her bokken ready, and Jane has Louis by her side.  Chi Chi tries to smack Linnea across the back with the bokken, but Linnea does a Matrix evasion to the wooden sword, and she sweeps Chi Chi off of her feet.  She picks up a kendo stick and goes at Chi Chi with it, but Jenifer is able to stop it before a disqualification.  Jane goes after her with the bat to protect Chi Chi, leaving Jenifer open to catch Jane with a quick roll up pin. Jenifer Lacroix and Linnea Lacroix win via pinfall.

Backstage, the lights go out.  A strobe light begins flashing ever so slowly.  However, it begins to pick up the pace as we see a luxurious feminine form standing in front of it, casting a shadow ten feet tall.  Next to the figure, another appears, smaller, but just as seductive.  We hear the clacking of heels against the pavement as the two forms approach the camera.  Camera flashes begin going off down the hallway, illuminating the forms of Delia Darling and her protege, Tatsu Ikeda.  Tatsu has taken on a slightly more serious look, perking up her assets, and honing her walk.  The two of them stop at the end of the hallway, leaning into one another, they pout their lips out and run their fingers through their hair as the cameras give one last set of flashes.  The lights slowly turn on.

Darling:  Bravissima, darling!  Oh, z’at was beyond perfection.

Tatsu:  Tatsu learn from best, mother.

Darling:  I know.

Not even attempting to show a sense of humility, Delia shrugs one shoulder and then prepares to speak once more.  However, she is cut off by a very slow clap.  Delia turns in annoyance until she spots Mercedes Vargas at the opposite end of the hallway.  She walks toward them just as slowly as she claps.

Mercedes:  You always did love an entrance.  Delia, how are you doing?

Darling:  Marvelous, as always.  Et toi?

Mercedes stops clapping and shrugs her shoulders.

Mercedes:  Life isn’t hard right now. I’m managing the current and reigning SCU Combat Champion, so… I can’t complain.

Darling:  Oh, of course not.  I mean, not yet. Tatsu has been training hard since last week, improving her already unmatched combat skills. Ready to take what is rightfully hers, no doubt.

Mercedes’s ears perk up as do her eyelids.  She blinks a couple times before continuing.

Mercedes:  Oh, you’re serious.  Delia, bless your heart.  Once upon a time, you had a real knack for spotting talent. When you brought me into the Mean Girls, I mean. What happened?

Mercedes lets her eyes float over to Tatsu for a moment before going back to Delia’s. Delia chortles and looks away from both.

Darling:  I diversified. I found raw talent, and have finally formed it into z’e image of one, moi, Delia Darling.  Like a mini statue, and just as talented.  I mean, it is not rocket science. Anyone who comes under my wing goes on to great successes.

Mercedes:  And we’re still waiting on this baby bird to step up and do something. Anything. On her own, at least.  Look, Deelz.  I will not hold it against you.

Delia looks back to Mercedes and narrows her eyes.

Darling: Hold what against moi, I do wonder…

Mercedes:  The fact that you were wrong about this one.  Look, every team has the shining star, the undeniable talent that draws parasites to them.  In the case of the Kawaii Dragons, it is Winter Elemental.

Delia scoffs.

Darling:  Excuse moi?  I s’ink you are mistaken.  But allow me to add onto z’is.  Z’e shining star of z’e Mean Girls is and always was Delia… darling if you must. And if vous are not too scared, I propose z’at you sign a contract z’at sees Winter defend her Combat Championship at Into z’e Void XI against Tatsu Ikeda.

Mercedes:  What has she even done to deserve it?  Seriously, Deelz.  This is getting sad.

Before Delia can even speak up, Tatsu growls and steps between Delia and Mercedes.

Tatsu:  Tatsu in no one’s shadow.  Tatsu stand by Winter-san side through many, many months.  With the “bitchessssss…” And the “Quasimotoooooooooo!” And yes, I fade into background. I get injury that takes time for recovery.  But never forget that inside ring, Tatsu and Winter are equals.  We are longest reigning Hardcore/GRIME Tag Team Champions way back to Honor Wrestling.  We both tough as nail.  We both draw attention from crowd.  Tatsu beat Winter every time we has singles match in past.

Mercedes goes to speak up, and Tatsu’s face begins to turn a bit more red.

Tatsu:  Tatsu not finish!  Tatsu not just some free ride wrestler.  Tatsu earn it.  Tonight, against Halo, I prove to you that I am not nothing. Beat strong, long reigning former Combat Champion. Move on to face Winter at Into the Void XI.  If you really believe in Winter-san, then you have no problem signing contract on her behalf. Simple. You only don’t sign if afraid she will lose.  If so, you are not manager Winter-san deserve. Think about this…

Tatsu is on a mission as she walks toward the curtains. “Karate” by Babymetal plays loudly from the ringside area as Tatsu looks back over her shoulder at Mercedes, and then throws open the curtains.  Mercedes slowly nods her head.

Mercedes:  Well, if nothing else, she’s got your spirit.  Let’s head over to Lexa’s office to sign these papers.

Delia smirks as she and Mercedes shake hands.

Singles Match
Halo Annis Vs Tatsu Ikeda

The two go back and forth as Tatsu plays with Halo.  Halo flips Tatsu onto the apron with relative ease. Tatsu points at the rampway with shock on her face, and Halo turns. With Halo distracted, Tatsu comes inside, trying to charge her from behind.  Halo ducks and flips Tatsu onto her back.  She hits a couple stomps before lifting Tatsu up.  She nails a few well timed chops, getting Tatsu into the corner.  She charges at Tatsu, looking for a Superkick, but Tatsu ducks and lifts Halo onto the apron.  She comes off the opposite ropes and grabs onto the turnbuckle to lift herself up for a high kick to Halo’s head, sending her to the ground.  Halo gets up just as Tatsu dives through the ropes with a Suicide Dive.  Both ladies are down and out until the referee gets to a six count.  Tatsu goes inside just to break the count, but Halo is right after her.  She drags Tatsu up by her hair and whips her head first into the corner seven times before Tatsu is able to roll outside again.  Halo steps outside and chases Tatsu around the ring.  Tatsu jumps up onto the ring steps and goes for a hard kick to the face, but Halo catches her and drops her with an Electric Chair Slam.  Halo drags Tatsu back inside of the ring by the hair.  She whips her over onto the apron. Tatsu ducks under an attempted Running Clothesline. She slides back inside, but is still winded. Halo gets inside and locks on Hung Out To Dry (Tarantula). The referee breaks it up at the four count. Tatsu breathes heavily as   Tatsu kicks her feet, trying to gain an advantage. Tatsu recovers slowly, and stalks Halo from behind.  Tatsu charges Halo and goes for a Superkick, but Halo ducks, and the referee is hit.  Tatsu gets kicked in the stomach and dropped with a DDT. Halo measures her up for the Black 13 (Claymore Kick), and nails it.  She covers Tatsu, but there’s no referee to count.  After a few seconds, another referee rushes down to ringside, sliding inside to count.  However, due to the delay, Tatsu kicks out just before three.  The fans go crazy for this, and Halo is piiiiiiiiissed.  She drags Tatsu up by the hair once more, but Tatsu nails the The Dragon Suplex on Halo. She goes for the cover, and Tatsu gets the three count! Tatsu Ikeda wins via pinfall. The show goes off the air as “Karate” by Babymetal plays over the speakers.

And tune in May 15th for Underground 132: Into The Void XI Pre-Show in Athens, Greece filmed LIVE at the Ano Liossia Olympic Sports Hall!