Author Topic: TEMPEST (c) v CRYSTAL ZDUNICH - INTERNET TITLE  (Read 2820 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:53:06 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2024, 10:39:42 PM »
Flagstaff Arizona
Local Training Facility

Crystal’s life hadn’t been going in the way that she had hoped for it to go. On paper she should have been happy. She was in position to receive a shot at the Internet Championship that she had been wanting for a very long time.  Not only that but she had received the most votes in a popularity vote to get that shot. Most importantly the real reason why she should have been all smiles was the simple fact that she was employed and on the SCW roster. After everything that she had put SCW through in the previous two years her spot on the active wasn’t questioned and she should have been grateful to be where she is. She didn’t see things like that though. In her eyes she had been on a downward slump. She had dropped her last four matches and didn’t feel like a contender should feel.

After losing so many matches she didn’t have the confidence to step into a Super Card and fight for something that she hadn’t earned. She didn’t even think she had what it took to even win because of losing so much. With all of that in mind she had planned to a work out done so that she would have at least made the match with Tempest competitive. Crystal had arrived to the facility in Flagstaff early so that she would have some time to herself. What she didn’t expect was that somebody else would have been there as well. That other individual was none other than her newly reunited best friend Kat Jones. As soon as Crystal walked inside she could spot the raven haired woman taking bumps inside of a wrestling ring. Crystal’s eyes opened wide as she crossed her arms and walked towards the woman.

“Here I thought I was going to be the first woman in this gym, but here you are already getting a workout in…”

Kat just nodded her head as she was focused. She was deep into her routine as she worked on some stamina as she climbed up onto the turnbuckles before climbing back down. Kat slowly turned her attention back over to Crystal before walking over to the ropes and looking into her eyes.

“They do say that the early bird gets the worm, and I want to make sure that I am at my absolute best when I step into the ring with Bea. I can’t stand her and she will get what’s coming to her soon enough…”

Crystal nodded her head as she slowly rolled herself into the ring. She kept her eyes locked on her friend as a smile escaped her lips.

“At least one of us is fired up for her match. I wish I had the same intensity that you have but I am just not feeling it. I really don’t even know if I have what it takes to beat Tempest. Things had been very rough for me and to be honest I feel like throwing in the towel…”

Kat turns her attention over to Crystal and she doesn’t even bother with trying to play nice with Crystal as she instead runs at her in full speed. She goes for a clothesline and nearly takes Crystal’s head off sending the Detroit native head over heels before she falls back on the ground. Crystal clutches at her neck as Kat looks down at her.

“What’s going on with you, I know you don’t expect me to feel sorry for you do you?! I know you constantly say that I am your best friend but no best friend of mine is going to beat themselves up as much as you have. You have gotten this far. You are in a good position so you might as well make the most of it…”

Crystal crawls towards the ropes as she pulls herself up before she turns her attention back over towards Kat.

“Even that itself seems like a lie. You are my best friend as I really don’t have any. Sure I might have some people that might say they are my friend but they are more so looking down at me. They might claim to be my acquaintance but something as true as somebody that I can say is a best friend is something I haven’t had for a very long time. I feel absolutely worthless Kat. I feel like I don’t even belong to be here. Let’s be honest nearly two years ago I was let out of a contract. I suffered from being a cocaine addict and a severe alcoholic. I even went as far as to hurt you…”

Crystal let’s some tears roll down her cheek as she takes a long deep breath as she tries to share more of her emotions.

“I hurt you Kat. I ruined our friendship all because I couldn’t handle losing to my wife. When I saw Chloe Benton in that hallway I just snapped and I had to attack her. It wasn’t because she deserved it but it’s because I felt she was an easy target. I felt that by taking my frustration out on her it would make me feel better, but in the end that just made me nothing more than a shallow little bitch. It led me to getting into a war with you; it led me to fighting your sister Kimberly, and being hated by an entire bombshell roster… I just don’t really know what I was supposed to do with myself…”

Kat turns her attention to Crystal and keeps her eyes locked on her.

“Crystal you don’t have to bring up the past. I know you had it rough. I think everything that happened in the past happens for a reason. I am not going to sit here and say that all is forgiven but you were a drug addict. You have gone through the process of recovery and I can tell that you aren’t the same woman that you were back then. A lot has happened since that day but I rather focus on where we are at now. Despite what everybody has said about you I always chose to ignore it and choose for myself if I would let you in to be one of my best friends or not…”

Crystal nods her head as Kat continues to speak.

“We settled our issues in the ring and we move on from them. You also settled them with my sister as well and at least that relationship has gotten better since Dawn has decided to be trained at Hells Gate. As far as you trying to hold onto what happened in the past why don’t you let it go! I know that you didn’t mean to do what you did to Chloe. You couldn’t handle losing. You felt that your entire world was crumbling apart. MOVE ON!”

Crystal paces around the ring before Kat grabs a hold of her and tucks her head underneath an arm. Without hesitation she drops Crystal to the mat with her cradle ddt before she looks down at her friend.

“MOVE ON… Why do you want to hold onto everything?! You have been through enough already. Instead of trying to focus on what could have been or what should have been, you could be focused on the here and now. You got a big title match and it’s something that I know you want. So why don’t you pour out everything into trying to win the title…”

Zdunich is slow as she crawls trying to bring herself back up. The DDT had rattled her brain but maybe it is what she needed to get her mind back on track. Zdunich looks back at her friend as she shrugs her shoulders.

“It’s funny that you have so much faith in me. I don’t feel the same way. I have lost so many matches in a row and I have yet to get past Bella Madison since I have been back. I feel like she got the short end of the stick by winning at the last Super Card. She goes for the Roulette title and I get to for the Internet championship. That doesn’t really seem that fair…”

Kat however just crosses her arms as a slight grin escapes her lips.

“Crystal why are you constantly trying to beat yourself up, it’s really ridiculous. As far as I am concerned things have changed. Just look at how far you have come Crys? Two years ago you were hated by everybody and were public enemy number one. You might have had reckless behavior and shouldn’t be trusted but now look at you. You are getting a title shot because you have become one of the popular stars on the roster. This is a ways away from you being hated by the entire locker room or how you put everybody through hell. The stuff that happened with you and Chloe, honestly that’s all in the past. You move on. When I look into your eyes I see redemption. A true recovery story, an image that when things get tough you don’t ever give up…”

Kat points right at Crystal’s chest.

“Most of all, I see a strong mother and a woman who won’t ever let her daughter Aurora down. You got this. So you need to believe in it…”

“You can say all of this but I still feel like there are issues going on in my household where I am not a great mother. There are things happening between Brittany and Brayden. My daughter in-law is out of control and I don’t know what I am going to do... How do I deal with them or even being a better wife for Seleana? I am the brunt of every single joke and…”

Kat just shakes her head as she keeps her eyes on her friend.

“To be honest Crys who really gives a shit, your adult children have no bearing on who you are as a mother. They are at the stage in their lives when they need to be responsible for their own answers. You have Aurora and that is what you need to be focused on. Same way it doesn’t matter if people want to constantly make fun of you for having a lot of best friends. It’s your life and you live it the way you want to live it. I know some stuff might hurt but fuck it. You do what you want to do. Who cares about everybody else…”

Crystal nods her head as she smiles in return.

“You do have a point and as much as I do want to say that everything hurts. I shouldn’t care. I just need to stay focused on the task at hand and I need to persevere…”

“Exactly you are a fighter and you should never stop fighting. I have a question I want to ask you Crystal…”

“Sure Kat go for it…”

Kat smiles as she stands toe to toe with Crystal and looks eye to eye with her.

“Are you ready to win yourself a championship, because you know it’s going to take everything that you have to be able to overcome somebody like Tempest…”

“I am ready… I wasn’t at first but after everything that we have talked about in this ring, I feel I can do anything…”

Kat smirks.

“Good because you need to show me everything that you are about, give me your very best. As long as we can bring the best out of one another in this sparring we both could get what we want come Blaze of Glory…”

Crystal let’s a chuckle escape her lips as she looks back at her friend.

“Sounds like a plan. You better give me your best Kat because this time I am actually going to hit back…”

With that both friends just grin at one another before they circle around each other in that ring. It is on this image that we fade out on.

What’s happening SCW faithful can I just say from the bottom of my heart that it feels so amazing to be competing at Blaze of Glory?! To be honest it is insane that SCW has been around for as long that it has been and I want to take the moment to personally shout out Julianna and Kayla for working so hard to get the Bombshells to be in the main event of the show. It’s a testament that the bombshells are still going strong and we are more than just equals when it comes to the males. We have the ability to showcase our own talents and to be at the focal point of the show.

Now when you take a look at this card you will see so many marquee matches and everybody is going to do everything in their power to get noticed. It sounds good on paper but there happens to be one match that hasn’t really been getting that much buzz and it is a championship match no less. That match happens to be my very own. To be brutally honest I am the reason why the match isn’t as built up as it should have been. I have had a terrible time in getting to this point. I have been losing match after match, and I am some would even claim that I am not the same old Crystal Hilton that they have remembered.

Coming into this match I have dropped a good four matches in a row. I haven’t been able to pick up any momentum and I feel like a shell of my former self. I should be feeling really down in the dumps that I can’t get over the Bella Madison hump or that everybody constantly makes fun of me every single week. Look there goes Crystal claiming another best friend, and another one, and another one.  You never know who might pop up and be on my radar of being claimed as being a close friend.

In all seriousness the reason why I have to try to force friendships is because I have this undying need to be accepted. I just want to feel like I can be around people or that people want me in their company. I would be a fool if I didn’t acknowledge that in all actuality people are just making fun of me, and they really couldn’t care if I have a friend or not. As long as I could be at the brunt of somebody’s joke that’s all that matters.

I appreciate Kat Jones so much…

She is the true epitome of what a friend is and honestly by proxy of being my only real friend she automatically goes into the position of being a best friend. A true friend tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. The truth of my situation is that I shouldn’t care about any of this. I refuse to sit around and let my past haunt me. Everybody always wants to throw my past in my face. J2H a while ago made fun of the fact that I was a coke addict. I am sure that some out there want to continuously make fun of my alcohol addiction and everybody can create their own prerogative on what they wish to do and how they go about it.

I refuse to ACCEPT what people say because I know I have bust my entire ass off through the recovery process to be a clean and sober individual that can stand up here and be proud of who she is. For the first time in my life I am truly happy with the woman that is looking back at me in the mirror and I don’t have to act superficial to get what I want.

I guess in other hands that I am happy with just being myself. I may have been dropping match after match but I feel like this is the real Crystal Hilton emerging through. One might make fun of all the name changes that I have gone through. Grabbing onto surnames because I was uncomfortable in my own skin but that’s not me anymore. I like where I am at and even if this match hasn’t had the best of a build, I am personally going to give everybody the reason why this SHOULD be a focal point on this card.

You should care because two amazing bombshells are going to be stepping into that ring and they both are going to pour everything they have into trying to walk away with the Internet Championship. On the opposite side of me in that ring is the biggest threat in all of SCW. I get to step into the ring with Tempest and I know she is not one that should be taken lightly.

Truth be told a few years ago I can admit that I took her lightly. I was in the position where I was just trying to stat pad my already established Hall of Fame Career. I had found myself an unbeatable partner in J2H and I thought that the two of us would steamroll our way over Tempest and Austin James Mercer in trying to claim the Mixed Tag Team Championships.

Little did I know that I would be the one that was the real fool because Tempest had picked me apart as if I was nothing! She showcased that she should not be taken lightly and could hold her own no matter who was in that ring with her.

Not only did but in the lead up to that match she sent me through a cake and laughed at my choice of flavor and filling. Honestly it was embarrassing to be sent through that cake and if we could go back in time I assure you that would not be on my personal highlight reel of embarrassing moments.

With that aside and considering that was a few years ago I want to talk about what I see currently see, and I want to take this moment to actually talk up Tempest. Every single match that she walks into Tempest knows in her heart that she is automatically the favorite to win. Just look at the sheer size of that woman. She could damn near break any of the bombshells on the roster in half, and not think twice about what she just did.

I want to give her a shout out because I know that somewhere in her soul she is excited that she has managed to put the Internet Championship around her waist. That title was tarnished the very moment that Courtney Pierce had won it. She had destroyed its credibility by constantly complaining about holding it as if she was the second coming of Mikah. Not only did she treat it with disrespect but she only kept retaining the title because she had her little British wife at ringside constantly interfering and making sure that it would remain around her waist.

At times it only seemed like a little trinket to rub in the face of Angelos because she took it away from her. I know that Tempest had to be smiling when she managed to win the title by pinning the former champion in a multi-person match. People can explain about a lot of things but when you beat the champion to win a title nothing can be said.

Since winning the title Tempest has already elevated it and has made it to be a priority. She is bringing back the fan votes and are letting the people decide who they want to see fight for the title. Part of me really didn’t like that to be honest because I thought it would take away from those wrestlers who actually pour their heart and soul in the ring.

Challengers would be determined by mere popularity or who the fans felt should be in a match and not on mere merit. I guess in my heart though that I really didn’t want the title to go down this path because it would mean that I would never see a title opportunity. I thought that nobody would ever vote for me because all people see is the same woman that turned her back on Despy all of those years ago.

They would see the self-centered bitch. The woman who was all about herself and would be far away from winning any type of vote, let long behold I was shocked when the fans actually turned up and they chose me.

I still don’t believe it but maybe it just shows that they truly believe that a woman can go through recovery. They believe in a feel good story and not only can I overcome drugs, and alcohol but I can actually be involved in a high profile match.

Thank you Tempest. I just want to show my gratitude for actually allowing me to see that about myself. I definitely wouldn’t have saw things that way unless it was right in front of me.

Now you and I are going to be locked up in a match to try to win this title. People can confidently stand in front of a camera and tell the entire world that they are going to win and give their all but with the slump that I have been in who honestly would believe any of that?!

I know you have the size advantage, I know you have the power advantage, and considering that you have been doing statistically better than I have in my last openings I would say that you are the hands on favorite to win this thing. Those are facts.

There’s a lot about you that I wish to admire. You are a better step mother than I am an actual mother although for some reason I don’t know why your little girl appreciates me so much. You put your mind on something you chase it down until you actually go out there and conquer what you want. I credit that to your background as a bounty hunter, and that trait shows in how you targeted that Internet Championship and finally tore Courtney up to show that it was yours.

You are just amazing at pretty much everything you do and I know you are going to be pushing as hard as you can to get through a Super Card defense. It’s one thing to walk into a Super Card as a champion and it’s another thing to leave with it, but I feel you want this Super Card to be a real success. You have everything going for you.

I sat at ringside and commentated one of your title defenses in which you drove my Seleana into oblivion. It was horrifying and I knew that it meant I would eventually be next in the however. Seeing Seleana destroyed should motivate me to beat you in her name but I don’t feel like that.

Instead I can only smile not at what you did to Seleana but more so at the way that Seleana may be on the losing side of many matches but she still finds a way to smile. She still finds a way to get back up and she keeps pushing to the very end.

Watching you beat Seleana just reminded me that I am a fighter myself and even if you do get through me and leave me broken. I will find a way to mend myself and get better. I will rise back up and I will push harder than before.

When I step into the ring with you Tempest I am going to give you the best version of myself and I am going to do everything I can to win back the title that I have never lost. Who am I?! I am the Black Mexican girl from the slums of Detroit who is trying to climb back to the top of the mountain. I am Crystal Hilton and at the end of the day I will become Internet Champion.

Best of luck Tempest you will need it. Let’s go steal the show shall we?!

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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 10:59:54 PM »
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
~ Muhammad Ali

John S. Park Elementary School

It was a day like most others for the parents of the students who attended John S. Park Elementary. The weather had grown blessedly warmer, the chilly winds of winter having given wayside to those warmer currents of spring. And while mornings and nights were still relatively chilly by comparison, the afternoons such as now had temperatures more befitting to spring, rising today to the mid-eighties with a clear blue sky and not a cloud to be seen. And here many of the hands on parents were,parked in the guest parking lot, ready to pick up their respective children while the yellow school buses lined the road in front of the school building, ready to bring the children home for parents who were unable to do as the others.

Resident SCW Bombshell and reigning Internet Champion Tempest was one of those lucky few whose schedule allowed her to personally pick up her stepdaughter Anela.Even were she unable, she would have found someone else - someone she trusted from the GO Gym, to do so for her as she preferred Anela not to ride the bus. Having gotten custody of her dear Malulani’s daughter so recently, she just wanted to handle everything herself. At least until the day arrived when Anela might tell her she wanted to ride the bus.

And even then.

Nevertheless, Tempest was waiting outside, leaning against the side of her Transverse while many other parents remained in their cars in the comforts of the air conditioning provided. Tempest’s reason for not doing the same was almost comical to anyone that knew her – or could see her. She didn’t want Anela to miss her, but considering that she stood taller than the vast majority of the rest of the adults present, even the men, the chances of that happening were slim. She scrolled idly on her phone, while stealing glances toward the school and waiting for the bell that would begin the weekend and send the children out. That was when she almost started when her phone started to vibrate.

Tempest frowned, as few ever called her save for her family in Hawaii. She checked the caller ID and as it turned out, it was none other than Gabriel Stevens on the other end. With a swipe of the thumb, she accepted the call and held it to her ear.

Tempest: Gabriel, what can I do for you?

Gabriel: Alleyne, I have a question for you, and maybe a favor if I may be so bold?

Tempest: A favor, hug? Boy you are bold! But go ahead, shoot.

Gabriel: You’re leaving for Flagstaff with us tomorrow afternoon, right?

Tempest: Yeah, last time I checked. Why?

Gabriel: Well, that’s where the favor comes in. Odette and I have to make a quick trip out of Vegas to Reno and we’ll be back first thing in the morning. Considering the kids will be with us for the flight tomorrow, we were hoping to keep them in Vegas for the night. Is there any chance you could watch Lucas and Hazel tonight?

Babysit? Her? Tempest pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it briefly to make certain that not only did she hear correctly, but she was talking to the person that she thought she was. Soon enough, she returned to the call and answered.

Tempest: Yes, of course. God knows you’ve watched Anela enough so it’s the least I can do. Synn and Despy not available I take it?

Gabriel: Well Synn and Despy are already in Flagstaff. Apparently Angel wanted to scope out the arena early to get a good spot for his and Mackenzie’s betting table.

Tempest frowned and just as she was about to ask…

Gabriel: And don’t ask. I’ve learned not to. And Aron has the flu and probably won’t be making it to Flagstaff so I didn’t want the kids staying with him and K and risk getting sick.

Tempest: Aww! And after them, you thought of me!

Gabriel: Well… you know.

Tempest: Sure, bring the kids over soon as you can. But you should know I’m going to have company tonight and I’m not sure if you want the kids around him or not.

There was a brief pause following this nugget of a revelation, until Gabriel finally broke the stiff silence while from her end, she heard the tell-tale sound of the school bell finally sound.

Gabriel: Mercer?

Tempest: Yes, Austin is bringing his kids over. Haven’t seen the big lug for awhile so thought we’d take the kids out. We can include Lucas and Hazel but if you…

But before she could finish her sentence, Gabriel had the foresight to interrupt her train of thought. Gabriel was above all else, a consummate businessman where the sport of professional wrestling was concerned. He knew most of the men and women of SCW inside and out, Austin included. While he did not understand the close bond that had formed between his student and a man that had made life a relative hell for two of his other students, but that was not for him to judge. He knew that Austin was probably Tempest’s closest friend in the business where she had so few and for that, he was more than grateful.

Gabriel: Look, I’ll be honest. I don’t like the man for everything that happened between him and Carter and Kristjan. But I also know that it’s in the past and if Carter and Kristjan can move past it, so can I. Besides, one thing I know about Mercer is he’s as full of bullshit as he is bravado. He’s a good dad and likes kids so I have no real objections.

Tempest: Alright, drop them off as soon as you can. I’m picking Anela up now.

Gabriel: Will do, and Alleyne? Thanks.

Tempest: Pleasure.

And that being said, she ended the call just as her nine year old stepdaughter approached the car, carrying her book bag with a smile on her face. The fact that it was Friday and the start of the weekend, no doubt. Tempest pushed herself away from the vehicle as Anela approached.

Tempest: Well, looks like we’re going to have two more guests this evening?

Opening the SUV door and shoving her bag into the back, Anela looked up to her ‘mom’ with a wide eyed wonder.

Anela: Who?

Tempest: That was Gabriel on the phone. Seems Lucas and Hazel will be spending the night tonight.

Anela: Really??

Her smile was bright enough to light a room were they not out of doors and standing in the Vegas sunshine. Tempest strongly suspected that Anela was sporting something of a crush on Lucas but that was neither here nor there. So she just nodded to which Anela then frowned.

Anela: Was Synn or Fenris busy?

Tempest just made a face and nudged a giggling Anela to the open door of the car as she rounded about to climb into the driver’s side. Once inside, Tempest looked to the young girl to her right and gave her a little nudge to the arm.

Tempest: Maybe you'd like to invite another friend or two to go out with us tonight?

But to that suggestion, all Anela could do was shyly shake her head in the negative.

Tempest: Are you sure?

Anela just nodded that she was, in fact, quite certain. Hanging out with Lucas and Hazel would be quite enough and add Austin’s own kids to the equation and all would be just fine for her. Tempest just turned away, somewhat deflated, and she turned the key to the ignition to begin the journey home.


Maile: Alleyne?

The face of her sister-in-law, sister to her deceased husband, filled the screen of her phone as Face-timed her.This would be a surprise to anyone that knew either woman as it was evident for years that they did not get along from the moment Malulani had brought her home. His family considered it a betrayal to his late wife who had died three years ago, as if they believed the widower should have remained alone - perhaps forever. Maile was one of Tempest’s primary antagonists even to this day in how she now cared for and raised her niece.

But right now, there was nobody else that Tempest believed she could turn to for the advice that she had sought after.

Tempest: Listen, I’m sorry for calling you. I know I’m probably the last person right now you were expecting a call from.

To which Maile just raised her brows and shrugged one shoulder in slight acknowledgement to the truth behind the assumption.

Tempest: But I wasn’t sure who else I could talk to.It’s about Anela.

Maile: Anela? Is she alright??

Tempest: Yes, she’s fine. At least, I think she is.

Maile: You think? You mean you don’t know?

Tempest: Give me a br- look. It’s not like that. I’m still new to this whole other thing, okay? It’s just… I have a question I need to ask you.

Maile: … Okay…?

Tempest took one last glance into her apartment living room and saw as the three children, her own Anela and Gabriel and Odette’s children, Lucas and Hazel, were busying themselves watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the television.The kids were thoroughly engrossed in the film so she took that opportunity to step into her bedroom and close the door behind her.Only then did she find it =within herself to ask her sister-in-law…

Tempest: You helped take care of Anela when she was living with your mom,right?

Maile: Yes, Keanu and I were living with her at the time. So?

Tempest: When she was in school there… Did Anela have many friends?

Maile: What do you mean?

Tempest: I mean, did she have a lot of friends?

Maile: She had a few I guess. Two or three kids she would visit at their house or bring them home to stay over. Why?

Tempest: It’s just … I was concerned. She has a couple friends here but hasn’t really gone to any great lengths to make any more. Her dad was always so outgoing, he could make friends anywhere so I was hoping…

Maile: That this trait would be passed down from father to daughter?

This time it was Tempest who did not answer vocally but with a slight shrug and a nod of admission.

Maile: Alleyne, listen to me. And I know you’re not going to like hearing this but all things considered, you should. Yeah it’s a fact that my brother was what you might call a social butterfly. … But Kaia wasn’t.

Kaia. Anela's mother and Malulani’s first wife. It was something of a sore subject when her name was brought up because it was normally used as a weapon against her by Malulani’s family but this time?Not so much. At the stiffening of her shoulders, Maile held up a hand.

Maile: Relax, would you? You asked me for advice, so here I am giving it to you. Anela is exactly like her mother was. An introvert. She had a couple of close friends and for her, that was enough. Just like Anela. Not every kid has this huge circle of friends surrounding them at every given moment. I didn’t.

The temptation to say something scathing and witty was overwhelming but for the betterment of their shared love for Anela, Tempest managed to resist it.

Maile: Anela may or may not ever grow out of that introverted shell. Either way, so long as she’s happy and healthy, that’s all that should matter, yes?

Tempest finally exhaled as she heard the doorbell ring from outside of the room. She nodded and found herself saying what she believed formerly to be impossible.

Tempest: Thanks … Maile.

Maile blinked and leaned back at the waist.

Maile: Could you say that again? I want to set this to record or else nobody will believe it!

Tempest: Bitch…

Maile: Do you want to be the pot or the kettle?

There was something left unspoken between the two women, but the slight smirk on Maile's face was enough to speak volumes at a possible burnt bridge being on the mend. Tempest nodded and ended the call before she turned to open the door to find Anela racing for the front door to answer it. She swiftly pulled it open without first asking who it was, a big no-no where tempest was concerned and it would be addressed later.

But that was the first time Anela was meeting Austin James Mercer and her head tilted all the way back to look up at him with wide eyes.

Anela: Wow…

Tempest smiled at her stepdaughter’s initial reaction to Austin, his mere presence on par with her own to draw such an overwhelming reaction. But that was where his intimidation factor seemed to end when in a personal setting as the 6’6” Superstar took the initiative to kneel down on one knee, bringing himself (almost) to eye level with the little girl before him.

Austin: And you must be Anela.

Indeed she reverted to being a shy little girl once more, merely nodding. Austin was intimidating but quite handsome in his own right. And more than anything else, he was a stranger to her. But he was her mom’s best friend from what she understood and that was enough to trust him and (slowly) warm up to him. Anela nodded as Austin extended a hand and wrapped his fingers around her own in a gentle greeting as Tempest arrived at their side. Austin stood up to his full height and turned at the waist to look down at the two children who had arrived alongside him. His five year old son Marcus and three year old daughter, Ellie.

Austin: You two remember Alleyne?

It might be a little more difficult for the three year old to recall when her dad took her brother and her to Hawaii to recover emotionally from their mom’s sudden and unexpected death. Tempest asked no questions when she opened her home to them and worked tirelessly to help the children and their dad recover from the loss. The two kids stepped further inside and spotting what was playing on the TV across the apartment, Marcus pointed excitedly.

Marcus: Harry Potter!

And before his dad could stop either of them, not that he would have, Marcus and Ellie raced inside to join Anela, Lucas and Hazel in watching the movie! That was when Austin saw who else was present and he cast a questioning look to his friend and she just beckoned him to follow her to the kitchen.

Austin: Those Gabriel’s kids?

He asked as they entered the kitchen and Austin turned to lean at the waist against the bar counter so he could both speak privately with Tempest whole keeping an eye on his own kids. Tempest backed against the bar at his side and nodded.

Tempest: Yeah, they’re staying with me for the night as a favor to Gabriel and Odette so they’ll be joining us.

Austin: Hunh. Five kids and two adults. I guess a regular restaurant is out. We’ll have to find some place more kid friendly.

Tempest: if you think I’m going anywhere near the inside of a Chuck E. Cheese…

Austin snorted back a laugh, knowing the very idea of this amazon being inside of any place with an animatronic rat was as foreign as mustard on French fries.

Austin: I was actually thinking more along the lines of Adventuredome.

Tempest frowned but Lucas, who must have perfect hearing to overhear the adults' conversation from across the apartment and while the movie was playing, sat upright with wide, hopeful eyes.

Lucas: Adventuredome!? We’re going to Adventuredome!?

Tempest looked back and forth between the excited Lucas who had practically ran up to them for confirmation and back to Austin.

Tempest: What exactly is Adventuredome?

Austin: Basically it’s an indoor amusement park. Has everything; rides, games … food?

Lucas: It’s the greatest thing EVER!

By now the excitement had grown contagious toward the other children even if they didn’t know exactly what they were being excited about. Austin’s son Marcus looked up at his dad.

Marcus: Can we go, dad?

Austin: Well you know, it's not up to me?

And one by one, everyones’ heads turned to Tempest.

Marcus: Can we go Auntie Tempy?

Which caused Tempest to do a comical double take at what she had just been called. And she wasn’t alone as then three year old Ellie joined in with the childlike pleas.

Ellie: Pleeease Auntie Tempy???

Before she knew what she was doing or saying, Tempest looked heavenward and exhaled sharply in an admittance of defeat.

Tempest: Fine! We’ll go to …Adventuredome!

A collective “hooray”erupted from all of the children before they turned and rushed to (hopefully) finish the movie before going on their grand adventure. Austin smirked quite brazenly as Tempest S-L-O-W-L-Y turned her head to look at him.

Tempest: Auntie Tempy? That was your doing,wasn’t it??

To which Austin only answered by raising a hand and pinching a thumb and forefinger closely together…


Marcus looked up from the film.

Marcus: What was that!?

Austin: Nothing!

He answered, rubbing the back of his head with a grimace of pain as Tempest dropped the skillet back onto the stove.

Sunset Crater Volcano -
Flagstaff, AZ

Friday was here, and with it - the weekend that the SCW Universe had been awaiting with much anticipation! Blaze of Glory XII was only two days away and with it, the Superstars and Bombshells of Sin City Wrestling would be putting on a fourteen match spectacular. Many fans had already made the trip to Flagstaff from as far away as Japan for this weekend in the Grand Canyon State. The majority of the SCW stars and staff alike had by now arrived in preparation for the coming event.Some to engage in last minute preparations, some to conduct interviews and meet n greets, while others took time to kill two birds with one stone by seeing one of the beautiful sights of this Golden State while speaking up on what was to come.

The Sunset Crater National Monument was a volcano landmark that last erupted in the year 1085. And while she was not exactly what you would calla science nerd, enough so to take much of an interest in volcanoes or when they last split the ground open to spew forth lava, Tempest was quietly an admirer of scenic beauty, and this one spot provided something that would forever be remembered.

She sat on a rock, one leg drawn up with her knee against her breast while overlooking the volcano itself, while the sky itself had slowly started its descent from day to dusk. The sky was not colored in many hues of reds, oranges,yellows and pinks while the scattered blues through the clouds overhead allowed for the twinkle of the coming stars this far from the city's lights. The calm was blissful, an apt ambience for what was to follow.

“I think we know by now how these things work. This is usually the part where the random person - in this case, myself - would speak up and talk about the match that I’m scheduled to compete in, and more importantly, the opponent. It’s the usual set up for people to put words to action and talk about all of the dreadful things you intend to do to the man or woman standing opposite of us while also usually throwing some shade and risking the ire of the censors and opposition both. You want to break down your opponent mentally with promos such as this before you set foot inside of the ring to destroy them physically. I should know.God knows I’ve done all of the above often enough but this time…”

She unwrapped her arms from around her bended leg and held up one hand, a single forefinger extended.

“Except for this time. Oh don’t get me wrong, we will eventually get to the obligatory threats and promises but in the meantime, we’re going to do something a little unusual. We are going to start this one by first and foremost, my speaking to Crystal Zdunich the woman before I address Crystal Zdunich, the wrestler - and in two days, the challenger to my Internet Championship. So…!”

Tempest clapped her palms together in readiness.

“You're going to have to look past the fact I am neither a psychiatrist nor am I the sort who wears her heart on her sleeve. I don't usually speak up in regards to feelings, whether it be someone else’s or especially my own! But here we are and I suppose there's a first time for everything. Now, I don’t know you Crystal, aside from our encounters that we’ve had in previous years. I know you by reputation and your own actions and for many, that would be enough to go by.So pardon me if what I’m about to say is too rough but girl…? You’re trying too hard.”

“At least in regards to trying to develop budding friendship with any one of the many who post randomly on social media, but lately it seems a person can’t spend a day just browsing or posting something without you jumping in, trying to either get noticed or get involved. Whichever works better in your own favor. If you’re trying to get noticed well then, congratulations! You’ve succeeded admirably! Except in this case, it might not be such a positive thing because while you might be getting noticed, that's not always a good thing .Especially for a woman with your history. The people you have been trying to get to notice you already know you from your past actions, both the good and the bad –but it’s always the bad things that we remember most. Isn’t it? So drawing attention to yourself by just randomly showing up and acting like nothing bad has happened between yourself and them might be doing you more harm than good. You’re basically painting a giant target right on your back without even realizing it.”
“If you’re doing this to try and get involved well then…”

She closed her eyes and grimaced, shaking her head.

“Girl, it’s not working. If anything, you’re alienating people more than you’re working in convincing them to let you join their little circle of friends. You have stabbed so many people in the back so many times that nobody with any wits about them is going to trust you enough to welcome you with open arms because there's the perpetual fear you have a knife in the same hand that could be embracing them!”

“Then there’s this habit of yours where you are always calling some random woman in SCW your best friend. First you do it with Kayla Richards. Then you move on and start calling Kat Jones your best friend.Now if the rumors are true, Alexandra Calaway is next on your bosom buddies radar. Now granted you can have more than one close friend and call them your best friends, but it’s pretty suspect that until you started popping up and addressing them from out of nowhere, when before you had never interacted with them. You just pop on and say ‘Hi bestie!’ and give a goofy wave and smile of excitement and more often than not, the intended target of your friendship seems just as surprised as the rest of us are. Which leaves me wondering if any of these women are or were even aware that they were your…”

Air quotes.

“Close and dear friend.”

Tempest held her arms out, hands up in wonder.

“Who the hell knows? I guess my point is what I said at the very start. You try too damn hard to get people to like you or to be your friend or even both! You worry too much about what people think of you and whether or not they even like you. WHO CARES!? Worrying about shit like that can slow down decision-making and decrease risk-taking, creativity, innovation …whatever!

“Look at what happened that time when you wheeled that cake out to celebrate yourself! Crystal, that just screamed narcissism and look how that turned out! You ended up being tossed out of the ring like a goddamn lawn dart by…”

Tempest suddenly cleared her throat and fiddled with her hair before resuming her thought process.

“Well it's not important who did it. The thing that people remember the most was not that you were sharing cake as a means of self gratification! They just remember the night you went and took a header in that cake in front of the world!If you continue on with being the ‘Pick me’ girl of SCW, the only thing you’re going to accomplish is you’re going to live your life on the terms of those people you surround yourself with rather than your own!”

“And now…”

Tempest then stretched her legs out to their full, impressive length and gripped the edges of the rock she had been perched upon.

“Now we are going to address Crystal Zdunich … the actual wrestler and challenger. And Crystal? I have to say that after everything has been said and done and you won that social media poll to overtake Alexandra Calaway and become my challenger in Flagstaff? You have done nothing – nothing – to bring this match to everyone’s attention other than wear that expression like you just stepped off a street curb and saw a bus barreling down in your path! And I guess… you are, but I guess I just expected more, you know? I don’t know what exactly. Just more. Oh sure, you sat at ringside and watched me bury your wife through the mat but anyone can sit at a relatively safe distance and watch a catastrophe taking place. You didn’t even stand on the table and try to distract me or talk trash for what I did to Seleana, really. Smart girl – just disappointing.”

“The Crystal Zdunich I remember was this vain, gold hungry shrew that would step on the back of a nun if it meant getting any closer to a title shot. Now I get it.You say you’re not that woman anymore and you’re working overtime to prove to everyone else around you that you're a changed woman and not the woman who sold her own wife out for a world title shot. So tell me…”

Tempest clasped her hands together and leaned in closely.

“How’s that working out for you? Since you were named my challenger for Blaze of Glory XII, and by the way there is no chance in hell that you will ever convince me you didn't lead some kind of campaign to get all of your fans and friends to vote for you and stuff the ballot box! Anyway...  you’ve pretty much become the punching bag for the Bombshell division. You lost to Harper Mason for god's sake! That fact alone coupled with how little enthusiasm you’ve shown for this opportunity, well let’s just say that I was surprised when the lineup was announced officially and you and I weren’t the opening act! So here is what you and I are going to do.”

“You are going to forget all about this ‘nice girl Crystal act that you’ve been shoving down everyone’s throats. Nobody is buying it anyway. You have turned back and forth between Good Crystal and Bad Crystal so many times that even Mercedes Vargas would be unable to come up with the correct number of times! If you know what’s best for you, you will not come to the ring and be the same Crystal Zdunich that has been crashing and burning for the past five weeks! No, you are going to come inside of that ring and stand opposite of me and be the woman I know damn well that you are capable of being!”

“You are going to be the Crystal Zdunich that has won literally every championship save for the Mixed Tag Team titles! You are going to be the Crystal that earned her way into the Hall of Fame! The one thing I want more than anything is a challenger that can help me improve on being a champion. The old Crystal was capable of doing just that. Because if you are anything but the absolute best that you can be… Trust me chicky.”

She stood up and glared down into the camera.

“It will not end well for you!”

That being said, she adjusted her jacket and calmly walked off-camera, having had her say. The last thing seen was the camera trailing upward and focusing on the stars above.