Author Topic: O’Malley  (Read 6615 times)

Offline O Malley

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    • O'Malley
« on: January 07, 2020, 09:14:07 PM »

Name: O’Malley (Note: O’Malley is his last name. He has only told one other person his first name, and that was his wife- Misty. His first name may or may not be revealed going forward, but he is to ONLY be referred to by his last name, as that is how he is known.)

Age: 37

Height: 5’11

Weight: 195lbs

Hometowm: Dublin, Ireland

Pic Base: Colin O’Donoghue

Alignment: Heel

Wrestling Style: Ground based/Submission (Note: Due to injuries suffered in an accident several years ago that left him paralyzed for several months, O’Malley will NOT attempt any high risk aerial maneuvers.)

Ring Attire: Long black wrestling spandex with a green Celtic symbol down each pant leg.

Entrance Theme: Gothic Celtic Music- Shadow Wisps

Entrance: The lights in the arena die down as the opening riffs of Gothic Celtic Music Shadow Wisps starts to play. The lights stay out for several seconds before dark green and white strobe lights start shining all around, and fog fills the entrance and along the ramp. Moments later , O’Malley steps through the curtain wearing a long black leather trenchoat. He is joined by lady companion, Darcy Donohue. They stand at the entrance for several moments before O’Malley takes the first step on their way to the ring, and Darcy follows closely behind.

Announcer: Making his way to the ring being accompanied by Darcy Donohue! From Dublin, Ireland...Weighing in at one hundred ninety-five pounds...Please welcome...O’MALLEY!!

Once he makes it to the ring, he lets Darcy walk up the steps and follows behind her. He holds the ropes open for her, and she steps through, and he enters after her. They stand in the center of the ring where Darcy removed O’Malley’s coat, then leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek before making her way to the outside, as his music dies down.
(Match Writers Note: If he enters after his opponent, he’ll focus on his opponent across the ring, waiting for the bell to ring and the match to begin.)

Moveset: (Match Writer Note: Absolutely NO high risk manuevers are to be used!)

Spinning Toe Hold
Running European Uppercut
Feint Roundhouse Kick into legsweep
Fujiwara Armbar
Ankle lock
Stomp on bended arm
Pele kick to arm
Kimura Lock
Indian Deathlock
Triangle Choke
Northern Lights Suplex
Bridging Half Nelson Suplex
Bow and Arrow
Propellor Headscissor Lock
Penalty Kick
Modified Chicken Wing Crossface
Single leg Boston Crab with Necklock
Most Suplex variations (with the exception of anything high risk)

Signature Moves:

Celtic Knot- With his opponent down on their back on the canvas, O’Malley proceeds to fold in their arms and legs, essentially tying them in a knot, and then rolls them over, rendering them unable to move! He lets them sit there for several seconds before he follows it up with a swift kick, and the “knot” is broken loose.

Finisher: The Celtic Crush- Reverse Cloverleaf

Brief Bio: At 37 years of age, O’Malley is perhaps a little older than most just breaking out into the wrestling world, but his stamina and in ring ability is younger than his age. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and lived in other parts of the country. It was in Ireland that he met the woman who would become his wife, SCW Hall of Famer, Misty.

There was an immediate connection, though neither would admit it at the time. Misty was almost annoyed by O’Malley most of the time during her stays in Ireland, but it was clear after she left that there was much more between the two of them. O’Malley eventually came back into Misty’s life, and the two fell in love.

The first test to their relationship happened just before the Blast From the Past tournament three years ago when Misty was brutally attacked at an SCW show. The attack left Misty with a severe case of amnesia, but she somehow managed to compete in the tournament anyway, with partner Andrew Watts. The two eventually went on to win the tournament, and it was towards the end that Misty regained her memory, but O’Malley had already gone, following an argument between the two.

O’Malley went back to his life in Ireland, although it was anything but easy without Misty. Fate would bring the two back together again. Just a month after O’Malley returned to Ireland, Misty showed up there and broke some surprising news to him. She was pregnant with their child. It came as a shock to both, but O’Malley had promised to do right by Misty and their child. He would be there for her and the baby no matter what it took.

The next test to their relationship came just two weeks later. While crossing the street in Dublin, O’Malley was struck by a car, and the driver sped off. The accident left him in a coma, and an unknown family member had made the decision to take him off of life support. After Misty said what she thought would be her heartbreaking goodbye to the man she loved and the father of her child, she left Ireland to raise their child alone.

But O’Malley had woke up later that day, shocking his doctors and his closest friends. Despite the fact he was awake, he was left paralyzed and unable to walk and he couldn’t get himself to contact Misty and let her know he was alive.

Two years and more trials and tribulations later, O’Malley and Misty married on April 18th, 2017. Her birthday, and right when she was competing in what would be her last Blast From the Past tournament. Following her and Brother Grimm’s elimination from the tournament, O’Malley and Misty had decided to begin their happily ever after in the new home in Las Vegas. It was with Misty’s help, however, that O’Malley first started his wrestling training, believing it only to be a fun “hobby” and way to keep active with his wife.

Tragedy would strike at the end of the year, however, as on December 6th, 2017, Misty was killed in a terrible car accident. Her daughter with Spike Staggs, Eden, had been in the car with her but survived following an emergency surgery. O’Malley didn’t know how he would survive without her, but he had to find a way for their two and a half year old son, Owen. You would think losing Misty would also have turned him off to the idea to continuing any involvement in wrestling at all, but it didn’t. If anything, it made him more determined than before to finish what Misty started and make something of everything he had already learned.

And that is where former SCW World Heavyweight Champion, Gabriel, came into play. Gabriel took over his training, and several months later O’Malley had made his debut in SCW. His time in SCW was short lived, and after only a handful of matches, O’Malley disappear from SCW, and not much is known about his whereabouts since.

At December 2 Dismember, O’Malley made his return, this time setting his sites on SCU, and he hasn’t come alone. He is accompanied by a new lady love, Darcy Donohue, and their relationship and how they came to know one another is a complete mystery.

Only time will tell what O’Malley’s plans are for SCU, or what role Darcy will play in all of it.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 02:19:44 AM by Underground »